When The Day Met the Night (Natsu Dragneel/Original Female Character) - Zellyjs (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Chapter Text Chapter 2 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 3 Chapter Text Chapter 4 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 5 Chapter Text Chapter 6 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 7 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8 Chapter Text Chapter 9 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 10 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 12 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 13 Chapter Text Chapter 14 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 16 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 17 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 18 Chapter Text Chapter 19 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20 Chapter Text Chapter 21 Chapter Text Chapter 22 Chapter Text Chapter 23 Chapter Text Chapter 24 Chapter Text Chapter 25 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 26 Chapter Text Chapter 27 Chapter Text Chapter 28 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 29 Chapter Text Chapter 30 Chapter Text Chapter 31 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 32 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 33 Chapter Text Chapter 34 Chapter Text Chapter 35 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 36 Chapter Text Chapter 37 Chapter Text Chapter 38 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 39: Literally not a chapter. Chapter cancelled. Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 40 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 41 Chapter Text Chapter 42 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 43 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 44 Chapter Text Chapter 45 Chapter Text Chapter 46 Chapter Text Chapter 47 Chapter Text Chapter 48 Chapter Text Chapter 49 Chapter Text Chapter 50 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 51 Chapter Text Chapter 52 Chapter Text Chapter 53 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 54 Chapter Text Chapter 55 Chapter Text Chapter 56 Chapter Text Chapter 57 Chapter Text Chapter 58 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 59 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 60 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 61 Chapter Text Chapter 62 Chapter Text Chapter 63 Chapter Text Chapter 64 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 65 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 66 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 67 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 68 Chapter Text Chapter 69 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 70 Chapter Text Chapter 71 Chapter Text Chapter 72 Chapter Text Chapter 73 Chapter Text Chapter 74 Chapter Text Chapter 75 Chapter Text Chapter 76 Chapter Text Chapter 77 Chapter Text Chapter 78 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 79 Chapter Text Chapter 80 Chapter Text Chapter 81 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 82 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 83 Chapter Text Chapter 84 Chapter Text Chapter 85 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 86 Chapter Text Chapter 87 Chapter Text Chapter 88 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 89 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 90 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 91 Chapter Text Chapter 92 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 93 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 94 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 95 Chapter Text Chapter 96 Chapter Text Chapter 97 Chapter Text Chapter 98 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 99 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 100 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 101 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 102 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 103 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 104 Chapter Text Chapter 105 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 106 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 107 Chapter Text Chapter 108 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 109 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 110 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 111 Chapter Text Chapter 112 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 113 Chapter Text Chapter 114 Chapter Text Chapter 115 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 116 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 117 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 118 Chapter Text Chapter 119 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 120 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 121 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: References

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

“Sir?” The train conductor asked, when he checked to make sure all patrons were off the train. He noticed the three people left. He asked the question to the male who was laying face down on the train floor, green in the face, moaning to himself. A blue cat with a green bag on his back, flying in place with his white wings, pulled on the white scarf that belonged to the male. “Natsu, get up!” The cat cried. The conductor looked to the female who leaned on the entrance door frame, arms crossed, a look of annoyance plastered on her face. “Ma'am, is he with you? Is he all right?”

Her eyes in a blink, looked over to the conductor. Her teal eyes looking him up and down, boredly as he also did the same except he was far from bored with her appearance.

She huffed in annoyance towards the human male species in general. “The idiot has terrible motion sickness on anything that moves,” She answered, shaking her head in embarrassment for her partner. “Does he need a doctor? I need to get this train going as soon as possible.” The man asked.

The girl “tch’ed” and rolled her eyes. She stepped off the train. “Nah he’s good. Just get the train going, if he’s still on here, just charge him double. I’m leaving.”

The train conductor decided that was a good enough reason to leave and start the train up.

The blue cat flew over to the girl’s side. “You’re really going to leave him like this?” He asked. “Well this seems like a Natsu problem. Since my name isn’t Natsu, it isn’t my problem.” She looked to the side, the expression on her face reading that she would rather be anywhere else than there. The train whistle blew as the wheels started to spin. “Alice! Please don’t leave me!” The pink haired male cried out in a weak tone.

“See you later, Natsu.” Alice waved as the train left, putting on a sweet, but very fake smile. “I better go get him or he might die!” The cat cried zooming after the train. “See you later then, Happy,” Alice said, disheartened. She was now left alone in the town of Hargeon, on a personal mission that wasn’t even hers. Alice groaned to herself, pulling her fiery red hair back behind her, although, strands getting caught around her many earrings. 8 on each side. 4 on the lobe, and 4 helix. She did in fact contemplate many times to downside the number she had because of how easily her hair got wrapped around almost each stud or hoop. But she was here for the aesthetic.

She sighed heavily to herself. “Great here I am, looking for a huge fire breathing dragon calling itself Salamander. By myself.” After she untangled her hair, she stomped off into the town from the station. “You know, only an idiot would follow such a bogus lead. I mean, the dragon’s name was Igneel. Salamander is a nickname of Natsu’s. Why would Igneel refer to himself as that? And none of the rumors have even stated that this Salamander was a dragon!” Alice continued to rant to herself under her breath.

Igneel, the Fire Dragon King, who raised Natsu from a toddler, to when he was 9 years old, also teaching Natsu Fire Dragon Slayer magic.
Igneel disappeared July 7th of the year X777. Oddly enough for Alice, her Water Dragon, Umiko also disappeared on that day.

Unlike Natsu, Alice didn’t care to follow each rumor of a dragon they heard. But as quest partners, Alice followed Natsu each time, even though after a handful of let-downs, Alice gave up hope.

Alice walked towards the town center, where she could hear many female voices.

“There she is!” Happy shouted as he carried Natsu towards her. “Yeah! Thanks for leaving me behind!” Natsu said in a sarcastic tone. As Happy let Natsu down, Happy continued to stay air-bound. Natsu scowled at Alice, getting into her face, getting ready to challenge her. “It’s not my fault you’re pathetic. What do you want me to do, huh? Ride the train again with you? I can’t lift your dumbass, let alone carry you until you get your stomach back into place,” Alice replied in a snarky tone, casting her eyes away, getting irritated by the pink hair troublemaker. She also couldn’t stand to have his face in hers. It made her cheeks go red, but she hoped her makeup covered it, not giving anything away.

“Salamander! You’re so dreamy!” A very loud squeal of a female running towards a crowd of other girls surrounding a man, caught the attention of the three. The man in the center had blue hair, and a blue wizard’s cloak on. He had a black x symbol over his right eyebrow.

Alice looked at him, and her heart started to pound fast, and her stomach somehow had butterflies. She was not attracted to this man, and his egotistical aura made Alice want to vomit.
But yet he was giving her the same feelings she felt for people she did in fact have feelings for.

While trying to find a logical reason as to why she was acting this way, Alice didn’t realize she found herself gravitating towards the crowd, eyes not moving off of this blue mysterious wizard.

Alice thought to herself that this guy must be the one who is claiming to be this Salamander. Alice did in fact think that whoever was going by this name was in fact trying to impersonate Natsu because that’s how a lot of people knew him by. A mythical salamander of fire.

“Hey, Earthland to Alice!”
Alice was pulled from her trance, by Natsu who was pulling her away from the crowd by one of her forearms. Alice recollected herself and looked at Natsu who was taking her towards this new girl Alice had never seen before.

Blonde hair, brown eyes, a very large chest. She wore a blue and white top, a blue skirt, then a pair of black boots that went up to her knees. She had a brown belt, one side holding a set of keys, the other had a black whip. From Alice’s perspective, this girl had to have been a few inches taller than her.

She had to be a small time magic user with her simple get up.She smiled at Alice and waved.

“Lucy here, is gonna buy us food, so hurry up before she changes her mind,” Natsu explained. “Oh wow, you’re Alice from Fairy Tail! The Fairy Tail Princess in the flesh!” Lucy gasped, gushing over Alice.
“People really call me that still? That's so embarrassing.” Alice blushed and looked away embarrassed. Well at least she associated her with her guild work instead of her modelling.

“You know Alice?” Happy asked Lucy. “She’s a famous wizard of Fairy Tail, how wouldn’t I know her? She was a big time model for Lolita Weekend as "Alice of Earthland", and she does spreads for Sorcerer Weekly all the time!” Lucy with heart eyes, even somehow summoned two magazines, one from Lolita Weekend with Alice in a blue and white lolita style dress, blue and white striped thigh high socks and very cutesy makeup, a couple of years younger than the present Alice. And another magazine from Sorcerer Weekly, with Alice in a blue and white bikini set on, sitting at the side of a pool, looking moderately annoyed at the camera.

Alice was an average height adolescent girl, with a slim figure and ideal proportions. She had shiny soft red hair that shimmered with orange undertones in light that flowed effortlessly to her waist. Surprisingly that wasn't the most standout feature of hers. It was in fact her turquoise angular eyes that she shared with the rest of the Dreyar lineage. She didn't have that model look, which was odd considering how much work she did for magazines and brands. Alice was beautiful, by all means, but her looks were softer and her figure wasn't as round and voluptuous than "professional" models. Her work as a model was only due to her recognition as the Fairy Tail Princess. And yes, Alice was brilliant, and in her time, she was a powerful mage, but her popularity wouldn't have been so grand if it wasn't for her family. Great-Granddaughter of the current master, daughter of the late Fire Fire Yoko and Laxus Dreyar

As Happy and Natsu gawked at the two covers, Alice, extremely flustered, snatched the two magazines and used lightning magic to burn the magazines to dust. “Enough of this nonsense!”
“Right! Let’s go get some grub! I’m starving!” Natsu excitedly shouted, pulling Alice along, who was still a bit spacey after the weird encounter with the blue haired wizard. “You just got done puking your guts out on the train ride here,” Alice responded in a grumble. “That was like 10 minutes ago! Besides all that puking has made some room for some more food!” Natsu justified.

The four went into a small time restaurant and picked a booth.

As they all ordered their food, Happy and Natsu wasted no time shoving all kinds of food into their mouths.

Alice stirred around the ice in her cup of water with her straw, thinking hard to herself why she was still entranced by the idea of this guy. “You haven’t touched any of your food,” Lucy commented. “Do you want me to eat it?” Natsu said, barely incoherent with his mouth stuffed. He reached towards Alice’s plate, and Alice slapped his hands away. “You already eat enough of my food, back off.”

“What’s with you? You’re thinking pretty hard there.” Natsu frowned at the rejection of more food. “I don’t know. That blue haired imposter... he...”

“You must be under his charm still! His rings are magical illegal objects that charms his victims!” Lucy exclaimed. Alice’s mind finally cleared. How could she have not known that’s what was causing her sudden ailments? Ring charms were powerful magic items, which were banned due to their misuse, although there were two ways to break the charm on the person: Acknowledgement of the magic, and also the voice of the person the victim has a strong soul connection which, although the latter had yet to be truly proven.

“Thanks to your friend, Natsu, I was broken from the charm!” Lucy continued on with a smile. "I don’t look like much, but I’m a wizard! I’ve been looking to be in a guild! Guilds are groups of wizards that band together for protection and do jobs. There is one guild I want to join but they probably wouldn’t take me, it’s the most popular and they’re always featured in Sorcerer Weekly! One day I’ll do a lot of jobs and have so much money!” Lucy gushed on.

“You guys probably think I’m talking gibberish.” She laughed. Alice eyed Natsu, seeing if he’d say anything. Happy paused gorging himself. “You talk a lot,” he commented. “Oh yeah. Didn’t you say you’re looking for someone?” Lucy asked, with a grumble, now bummed by Happy’s words. “Yeah. Igneel. We heard this rumor that some salamander was coming through this town so we decided to come see him.” Natsu’s words were muffled by the food in his mouth.

“Yeah, and I said there’d be no way it would be him, but no one wanted to listen to me. So here we are, on a pointless trip for nothing.” Alice butted in rudely, having to add her two cents. “Oh yeah? I don’t remember you ever saying that.” Natsu looked at her with a slight glare. “Oh yeah, I forgot you were too busy being motion sick.” Alice fired at him and then snapped her attention off him. “News about Igneel being here would be bigger news. He is a dragon after all” Alice finished with a huff.

“I bet that guy doesn’t even breathe fire like a real dragon.” Natsu crossed his arms, finally understanding the truth in Alice’s words. “Your friend looks like a dragon?” Lucy asked.
“Well yeah, because he’s a real fire breathing dragon.” Natsu shrugged, as if it was a no big deal situation. Rarely any human has ever seen a real dragon before. Some even go as far and say they don’t exist.

Not believing a word they were saying, and coming to the conclusion that Natsu and Happy were delusional, Lucy put her jewel on the table to pay the tab and got up from her booth. “Well, I’ll be going now.”

Natsu and Happy kneeled on the ground thanking her for the food. She reeled back in shock. “No, serious guys, it’s fine, chill out. You helped me, I’m just returning the favor.” Lucy walked swiftly out of the restaurant, in complete embarrassment.

Alice finally ate her food, at a way slower speed than her two friends, and waited for the two to stop eating. It was dark by the time they made their way to an inn.

“Why didn’t you say anything to her about you also being in Fairy Tail, or inviting her to join? You do that with almost everyone we encounter,” Alice wondered to Natsu, walking alongside him. Natsu stopped and looked over at her, shrugging. “I don’t know. She seemed happy rambling about it. I mean, you could’ve said something to her. She did recognize you.”

Alice looked up at him, also stopping in her tracks. She peered into his eyes, when her sea green eyes and his dark amber ones met for a moment, Alice could feel her heart tighten, and she had to break her gaze. “Yeah well, I’m not the extroverted type to just ask someone to join the guild. Besides, she knows I’m in Fairy Tail, and yet apparently she didn’t even ask or even suggest me getting her into Fairy Tail,” Alice replied, looking off into the distance, at the sea. They were a ways away from it, but were at a higher elevation.

“Besides, your guild mark is right- oh.” Alice turned back to gesture at his mark but saw and realized that Natsu had been wearing a simple cloak, covering his guild mark. Alice referred to Natsu’s dark red guild emblem on his right shoulder and Alice’s own mark on her lower torso, right side of her ribs, under her chest, also dark red in color. Natsu wore a black vest with gold trimming which showed off arms, which kept his guild mark in sight the majority of the time, and since the vest had no features on it to close it up, his entire torso was on show.

Alice, on the other hand, had on a black lace strapless bralette and a black high rise short skirt, so her entire mid riff was exposed but coincidentally too, her mark was covered by wearing a sheer grey cardigan.

It was usually windy in Hargeon, so she came prepared.

“Maybe she thinks since you pose for bikini shoots a lot that you’re retired!” Happy teased. “Yeah, you do quite a lot of modelling, and that’s how people usually recognize you,” Natsu agreed. Alice lowly growled in annoyance. “I haven’t done a shoot for at least 4 months now. But I can’t believe she knows me by my Lolita name.” She puffed out her flushed cheeks in shame. “Isn’t that better? You don’t want people to know you’re a Dreyar?” Natsu wondered. Alice turned away to lean her crossed arms on the nearby stone railing. “Yes, it’s true that I request my given name isn’t put into any of the magazine issues or any interviews but I’m not stopping anyone from using it. Even though me and that worthless Laxus share that last name, I’m not going to change it. Besides, without it, no one would know we’re related. I look nothing like him. I’ve always been told I look like Yoko.”

Yoko Akashiya and Laxus Dreyar. Alice Dreyar’s birth parents.
Yoko Akashiya, a famous Fairy Tail fire wizard, pregnant at age 18 while Laxus was 16.

Laxus, not wanting anything to do with the parent life, cast aside his apparent feelings for Yoko and left her to deal with the pregnancy and care of Alice.

With the knowledge of her growing illness, Yoko decided to make Alice a Dreyar instead of an Akashiya to hopefully give Alice a better future, even with knowing that Laxus would be furious to know that Yoko gave Alice his name.

With fire red hair and those teal eyes, Alice was born at the infirmary at Fairy Tail and was loved by all. Except, Laxus, of course, who would deny having any connection to the child. In three years time, Yoko’s sickness would catch up with her, and she’d die, leaving Alice in the protection of the love Fairy Tail... But legally, she was Laxus' responsibility now.

Laxus, now stricken with guilt, couldn’t bear to look at Alice, with each year grew to look more and more like his ex-flame, would steal her away and give her to an orphanage far east of Fiore.

Until, that is, cultists would raid the orphanage and kidnap all the children for magic experimentation and sacrifices. Alice would spend 4 years fighting to survive each day, until a stranger again, broke in, and cursed Alice with an unknown death magic she couldn’t control. Alice found herself in the care of the water dragon, Umiko, a kind soul who instead of teaching Alice Water Dragon Slayer magic, would try to teach Alice basic education, and to control her magic. Although in those two years, Umiko would disappear, like all the other dragons, July 7, X777.

Alice would then travel to Magnolia, in search of a guild she felt so drawn to.

Alice stood a few meters away from the guild door, which was open. She peered inside, watching all the people in there. She was far too shy to just walk in. She didn’t know why Fairy Tail felt familiar, but it did.
“Hey, you looking for someone in Fairy Tail?” A kid’s voice called out to her. Alice jumped and snapped her attention to the boy her size, smiling at her. “I-uh, no. I-’ll be going. Sorry.” Alice bowed her head and turned to leave. She felt too embarrassed to ask for entry or to enquire about the guild.

“Wait! Do you wanna join or something? You can, they don’t turn anyone down! It’s the Fairy Tail way!” The pink haired kid stepped towards her. Alice stopped, looking back. “Are you in it?”
“Yep!” Natsu pushed down his collar as much as he could, barely reaching down his shoulder, but revealed the dark red mark partially. Alice nodded, and then glanced down at the ground.
“My name is Natsu Dragneel. I’m a fire dragon slayer. I was taught my magic by my dad Igneel the Fire Dragon King!” Natsu introduced himself. “Dragon king? Was he a dragon?” Alice regained her focus.
“Yep! Not a lot of people believe me though.”

“I had a dragon. Her name was Umiko. She was a water dragon.” Alice shyly revealed. “Really? So you’re a dragon slayer too?!” Natsu excited, pushed for more. “Not really. I only knew her for two years. She’s gone now. She didn’t have time to teach me a lot of her magic,” Alice replied, a bit put off by Natsu’s energy.
“Igneel’s gone too. He disappeared a while ago. But then I came across here and I’m a Fairy Tail member now. You should join too!”

Alice didn’t know what to do. “By the way, I told you my name, so what’s yours?” Natsu continued. “I’m Alice. I don’t really have a magic type.”
“That’s okay, Fairy Tail will still have a place for you. Come on, I’ll introduce you to Master.” Natsu grabbed a hold of Alice’s hand and led her into the guild hall. Not at all caring about the beaten up state Alice was in.

“Natsu, you got yourself a girlfriend?” A random guy asked, teasing the fire user. “This is my friend, Alice. She’ll be joining Fairy Tail!” Natsu swerved the question, as he continued on his mission.

“Alice?” “Alice?” “Is it possible there’s more than one Alice in Fiore?” “There’s no doubt about it. That’s Alice Dreyar. She has Yoko’s hair and Laxus’s eyes.” "Man, what a coincidence Natsu was the one to find her.” “What will Laxus say?” “Is Laxus here?”

Natsu led Alice to the bar, where Master Makarov sat on the counter, pipe in one hand, a mug in the other, his staff laying in his lap.

“Now who’s this you’ve dragged in Natsu, my boy?” Master asked, before taking a look at the girl. He placed his pipe in his mouth, taking a drag off it. “This is Alice! She wants to join Fairy Tail!”

The pipe fell out of his mouth, hit the bar, and bounced to the floor. Master gaped at Alice, smoke seeping out of his mouth. “Alice? Our Alice?”

“I’m Alice Dreyar. I came to the guild to join. I’m not that good with magic, but I can use some energy magic and I know some Water Dragon Slayer magic and I can fight really good! I can read and write. I can also do math too. I don’t have a mom or dad but I don’t need one so please-”

“My dear child, there is no need to sell yourself. You’re family. It seems to be you don’t know how special you really are.” Master calmly said, a soft smile, and tears welling in his eyes.

Alice sat in the infirmary bed, hands folded nicely in her lap, as she listened to the people surrounding her tell their story, and how they knew Alice’s mother. Natsu also did Fire Dragon slayer magic to entertain Alice and show off.

Alice had sustained some minor injuries during her journey from the underwater cave she lived in with Umiko in the sea, off the south side of Fiore.

One week of healing later, the Thunder Legion arrived back to Fairy Tail. “What’s with this place? Why is everyone gawking at me?” Laxus asked in a rough tone, glaring at everyone his eyes met as he scanned the hall. Everyone had gone silent, watching Laxus.

“Laxus. I’d like to speak with you in my office.” Master announced from the door of the said room. “What for, old man?” Laxus sneered. “There are some important matters we need to discuss, and I’d rather we do it alone.”
“Yeah, what is it? I just got back from Freesia. I’d like to get some food and go home and take a long nap,” Laxus grumbled, as master shut the door. “I’d like to ask you one question and I would like you to tell me the truth.” Master started off. Laxus turned and looked down at his grandfather quizzically. “What’s this about?”

Master paced over to his desk. “Do you know where Alice is?”
“I told you six years ago, you old bag of dust. I handled it. I also said I wouldn’t discuss this with you. It has nothing to do with you. So if this is it, I’d like to go,” Laxus growled. “No, this isn’t over. It seems that where you think she is, she isn’t.” Master went on. “You know something I don’t? You better tell me what you’re going on about!”

“She is none of your concern anymore. It was my fault she’s been through hell. I watched her too close, and you, not enough. I will not be making the same mistake twice.” Master walked back to the door.

“Where is she?! Is she here?! Where are you hiding her?!” Laxus exploded, electricity dancing over his tall build. “If you lay a finger on her, it’ll be your last mistake,” Master threatened in a quiet, soft tone.
“You listen here, you old bastard! She is my accident to take care of! You have no right to keep her from me! It is my choice what happens with her!”

“It sounds like they are coming back out! Go, go, go!” Hushed voices exclaimed, guiding the two kids back towards the infirmary.
A lightning bolt struck the ground, inches from Alice’s tiny frame. The guild fell still as everyone watched Laxus storm towards the red headed daughter of his.

"You better not take her away! You’ll have to go through me!” Natsu turned and got into a fighting stance, challenging Laxus. Natsu was shoved to the side, easily, flying into a wall.

Face to face, Alice and Laxus stared each other down, or in Alice’s case, up. “So. You managed to sneak yourself back here. You think I wouldn’t notice?” Laxus asked in his dark voice. “I escaped that place almost two years ago!” Alice replied, standing her ground.

“And it took you two years to get back here? You really are pathetic. Let’s see how long it’ll take you to get back when you’re locked up in some-” Laxus had grabbed the top of Alice’s head, a handful of red hair in his hand, pulling her forward.

“You leave her alone!” Natsu shouted, fire dragon iron fist-ing Laxus in the side, although not doing much harm. “Go run off and play, you little pest. She’s not yours to do as you wish.” Laxus glared down at Natsu, who gave him the same look.

“She’s not yours either! I challenge you to a fight! If I win, you have to listen to me and do as I say!” Natsu yelled, determined.

Now, of course, Natsu lost that fight, and was sent to the infirmary to heal. But the ferocity Natsu had, gave the rest of the guild the passion to also fight for Alice’s right to stay at the guild. Laxus gave up and washed his hands of his daughter.

For years afterwards, Alice trained hard, using lightning magic to one day show up her worthless father.

“Your eyes look exactly like Laxus’,” Happy chirped. “And you have his attitude, definitely,” Natsu added. “All right, you two are going to have to find your own place to sleep, because I sure as hell won’t be paying for your inn room!” Alice threatened.

“Hey, isn’t that the yacht that Salamander guy is having his party?” Happy wondered, pointing towards a blue yacht floating out in the ocean. Natsu looked at it and immediately got sick.

Two local girls who were nearby, just happened to start talking about it as well. “I wish I went to that party with Salamander!” “Who’s Salamander?” “He’s a fire wizard from the Fairy Tail guild!”

Natsu leaned over the railing and peered off at the boat, and growled to himself. “Fairy Tail.”

“Why are you acting as if you’re not from it?” Alice asked. Happy and her shared a look and then both glanced at Natsu, who as if on cue, got nauseous again. Alice sighed and patted him on the shoulder. “You’re hopeless.”
Natsu squatted down, giving another serious look towards the boat, and also gagging.

“You better get over it. We’re gonna go check out that boat,” Alice advised. Natsu reached out for Alice’s hand on his shoulder and started to pull himself up with her help. To steady himself better, his calloused hands gripped at both of Alice’s forearms.

Alice took note of the very different body temperatures of her and him. Being a Fire magic user, Natsu naturally had a higher body heat. Alice couldn’t tell if it was Natsu’s touch that was making her body heat up, or it was the warm sea breeze.

Natsu locked his eyes with Alice’s and smirked darkly. “So, he’s in Fairy Tail, huh? I guess we should go greet the new member.” He joked in a deep gravelly voice. Alice thought her heart skipped a beat.
It wasn’t that Alice had feelings for Natsu. She did in fact have a boyfriend, which she also had to remind herself about constantly. Alice also had to keep convincing herself that the feelings Natsu gave her was just from their close friendship. Although, it didn’t help that Natsu was extremely attractive to her.

Alice wrenched herself away from Natsu, taking a few steps away from him.

“Aye, sir!” Happy cheered, grabbing at the back of Natsu’s vest, pulling him up and flying in the direction of the boat.

Alice used her energy magic to create a solid, illuminated yellow, transparent disk which she could hold herself on and levitate and fly through the air. She followed Happy.

Happy dropped Natsu and he crashed through the roof of the boat to where ‘Salamander’ was. Alice’s disk dissipated, and she landed on her feet, in the room. “Way to make an appearance,” Alice groaned at him as Natsu’s strong facade disappeared and he went nauseous.

Natsu liked to take the reins on their missions when it came to fighting. Because he was a violent guy and Alice no longer had the magic power she had before, and got weak very easy. So Alice filled in the spots where Natsu couldn’t be at and together they made a pretty good team.

“You’re so lame!” Lucy cried at Natsu. “I couldn’t agree more with you,” Alice grumbled. “I know you!” Lucy pointed at Alice and Happy. “What’s going on here?” Alice asked her, surveying the room filled with passed out girls and creepy men. “This jerk tricked me into thinking he can get me into Fairy Tail. He used Sleep Magic on all these girls!- When did Happy have wings?” Lucy got off track, noticing that Happy indeed at feathery white wings.

The whole crew aboard also looked to Happy, in surprise. “Since I’ve been born!” Happy smiled. He wrapped his tail around Lucy and flew her off the ship “After them! We can’t let them report us to the Magic Council!” Some random lacky of “Salamander” demanded, as a group of guys went after Alice, trying to apprehend her. “Times 4!” She casted, and a hand out towards her targets. Alice tried to focus on mainly lightning magic but she dabbled in other types as well. As a child, she was taught energy magic, and with Umiko, she learned some Water Dragon Slayer spells as well.

As Alice fought, outside Lucy conjured up a spirit who pushed the boat towards the harbor, and it crashed.

“Water protect.” A spell that conjures water to form a bubble around the user to protect them from attacks. Alice used it to keep herself from getting hurt from the impact, being thrown around in the ship.

“So you say you’re a member of Fairy Tail, huh?” Alice heard Natsu’s voice from outside the ship. Alice climbed over wreckage and passed out bodies to escape the wreckage and to go help Natsu.

“What’s it matter to you? Attack him!” Salamander commanded his cronies.

Alice got ready to help Natsu defeat the guys, but Natsu got to it before her. “No. They’re all mine.”

“Fine, if you wanna risk getting killed, be my guest.” Alice shrugged, climbing off the ship and onto the sandy shore, meeting with Happy and Lucy.
“Watch out!” Lucy cried to Natsu. “I should’ve mentioned this earlier, but he’s a wizard too.” Happy commented. “Seriously?” Lucy gasped.
“I’m a Fairy Tail wizard and I’ve never seen you before!” Natsu growled at the guys he was fighting. “So he’s a Fairy Tail wizard?!” Lucy asked, still shocked.
“He’s Natsu Dragneel of Fairy Tail. And she’s Alice Dreyar, S-Class mage of Fairy Tail.” Happy informed, even though Lucy already knew that much about Alice.

Natsu took off his cloak, and his emblem, seemingly shining bright, standing out on his shoulder.
“That’s Borra. He was kicked out of his guild for bad behaviour,” Happy informed. “Yeah? I can tell the rumors are true,” Alice thought aloud.

“Are you sure you’re a fire wizard? This is the grossest fire I’ve ever tasted,” Natsu commented, sucking up all of Boras’ purple fire. “Ladies and Gentlemen, I introduce to you the real Salamander.” Alice smiled, muttering to herself. “Fire doesn’t affect Natsu.” Happy added. “Is it some kind of spell?” Lucy wondered. “He has Dragon Lungs so he can breathe fire.”
“Dragon scales to help dissolve the fire.”
“And Dragon Claws to attack with fire.” Happy and Alice took turns explaining Natsu’s magic. “His magic allows his body to take on all the qualities of a dragon. In other words, he’s a Dragon Slayer. This magic was taught to him by Igneel, the fire dragon.” Alice continued on.

Alice had some qualities of her dragon. Although, it took effect in water. When she was in water, her body took on transparent scales so she could swim through water faster, as well as feel the movements in the water by sound or fish and whatnot and water lungs to breathe in the water. Although Alice didn’t have a good relationship with water, and avoided it.

Lucy, Happy and Alice watched attentively as Natsu defeated Borra.... And destroyed half the town, as he usually did every mission.

The town’s army marched their way.
“This is why we can never go anywhere nice!” Alice groaned dramatically.
“Shut it and run!” Natsu replied, running towards her, grabbing her hand.
“We have to go Lucy!” Natsu grabbed Lucy’s arm while still with his hand in Alice’s as they ran together. “Where are you taking me?!” Lucy squealed.

“You said you wanted to join Fairy Tail, so come on!”

Chapter 2


so yeah, rereading this, the first few chapters are gonna be very exposition-y and gimmicky like the series is. so fair warning for fairy tail shenanigans
Also, as someone who loves Fairy Tail, I've never been the biggest fan of the first few arcs, namely the Eisenwald arc, Galuna Island arc, because it's so jumpy and expositional and it's easy to tell in my writing that I don't like it so yeah. I swear it gets better I promise.

Chapter Text

“I bet you’ve never been to Magnolia before, have you?” Alice asked Lucy who intently looked out the window. “No,” She replied. “Well you’re in for it. It’s the best town ever!” Natsu added. “The park is beautiful,” Alice commented. “The people are super friendly!” Natsu added again. “And there's a big forest you can play hide and seek in!” Happy concluded.

“Aren’t you like extremely motion sick?” Lucy wondered to Natsu. “Yeah, I am, but Alice knows a spell that keeps me from being sick. Although it doesn’t always work.” He nudged Alice in the side, rather hard. She grumbled at him, as his action shoved Alice towards the end of the seat, towards the wall, and she bumped her head on the window.

“Just a warning, Moody here is very bipolar.” Natsu patted her head as if his comment wouldn’t upset her.

There was a story behind Alice’s magic loss and her sudden mood changes.
But because of events that happened in Alice’s life, her magic container was constantly fluctuating all the magic energy in her, which usually led to Alice’s constant mood swings. It also didn’t help that Alice had severe depression and bottled up dark thoughts and trauma within herself.

“Do you want to keep that hand?” Alice threatened, although more out of embarrassment from Natsu’s comment and which led her to be angry with him.

“Yes, ma’am!” Natsu whimpered and placed his hands in his lap. “She’s also very scary.”
“Damn straight, I am. I became an S-Class wizard at 10 years old, while flame-breath here hasn’t even been nominated once.” Alice jabbed a finger at him. “What’s an S-Class?” Lucy asked. “You’ll find out soon enough.” Alice replied, in foreshadowing.

The train ride ended and the group started towards Fairy Tail. The town of Magnolia.

Friendly people, very patient and forgiving since the members of Fairy Tail were rather rowdy and were always causing chaos.

“What’s this place like?” Lucy wondered. “It’s full of idiots. It’s never peaceful. But it has its times, there’s a couple of good people though,” Alice responded with a shrug.
“When she means good people, she’s talking about her boyfriend Loke!” Happy teased. “Do not mention that assface right now!” Alice snapped, crossing her arms, glaring down. “Aww, did you two fight again?” Natsu teased her. “None of your business,” Alice grumbled.

The relationship of Alice Dreyar and Loke.

Loke was a ring magic user, who used a magic ring to do most of his fighting. Loke was a playboy who charmed Alice when he first came to Fairy Tail, two years prior. Being Alice’s first relationship, she was swept off her feet by such an experienced, older guy. The two currently had a relationship that was constantly on the rocks due to infidelity. Loke and his constant hook ups, and Alice with a friend of hers.

Alice didn’t know how to feel about the relationship but didn’t want to deal with a break up, so she kept forgiving him. But with it, she also felt it necessary to have revenge affairs with a friend of hers, as well as being cosy with Natsu when Loke was around.

“We’re back!” Natsu announced as he kicked open the front door. Greetings erupted from most of the members. It was a full house that day. Mostly everyone was there.

Natsu shouted at the guy who gave him the false information about the “salamander” in Hargeon. A few harsh words, here and there, then came the routine full out violent fight among many people.

Alice helped Lucy maneuver herself safely through the chaos. “Yeah, it’s best to stay close to the walls, you can dodge flying objects and people easier,” Alice suggested. “Is it always like this?” Lucy shouted to Alice to be heard. “No.- Usually there’s more blood,” Alice answered casually, both joking and being honest.

“I hear Natsu is back?!” Gray Fullbuster, an ice make wizard, shouted, taking off his clothes. “That’s Gray,” Alice informed Lucy, gesturing towards the tall, muscular, male with dark blue hair, and grey eyes. He was stripped down to his underwear. He wore a cross necklace around his neck, that hung low down his chest, around the same height as his dark blue guild mark.

“Weekdays he’s a wizard, on the weekends, a male stripper.” Alice took a jab at the male. “I heard that!” Gray scolded. “I wouldn’t have to say anything if you didn’t take your clothes off all the time!” Alice fired back.

“Everyone here needs to shut up!”
Alice pointed at the brunette at the bar with a whole keg in hands who yelled.. “That’s Cana. Never play any drinking games with her.”

Alice slowly introduced key members as Lucy and her passed by them, as they tried to make their way to the bar.

“It’s so noisy in here. No place for these lovely ladies.”
“And this is Loke, my trash ex boyfriend. Don’t talk to him unless you want him to hump your leg,” Alice grumbled, pointing daggers in Loke’s direction. He sat at a table, with two non-Fairy Tail girls on each of his legs. Alice could feel her heart squeeze in hurt, but at this point she had gotten used to the feeling.

“Loke? He’s number 4 on the list of the most eligible bachelor wizards of Fiore!” Lucy gushed.

Loke had brown-ish ginger spiked hair, and dark eyes, usually covered by his blue shades, that he always wore. He also wore a green coat, no matter the weather. He was lean and tall. He had a nice face too.

“Come on, princess, lighten up. There’s no harm in having fun,” Loke cooly replied to Alice’s remark, as the two girls on his lap giggled.

“Lighten up?! I was gone for one day and you already have the prostitutes lined up!” Alice raised her voice, and balled up her fists, getting ready to join in on the group fight, bringing Loke into it as well.

“We’re not getting paid, so excuse you!” The short black haired girl stood up. “Yeah! We’re not paid!” The other one added. Alice rolled her eyes and anime kicked both girls out of the guild, flying into the sunset.

“They were just friends!” Loke cried, standing up, shrugging at Alice.
“We’ll be less than that if you can’t keep it in your pants!” Alice said through gritted teeth. “It hasn’t been out once since we’ve been together and or while you’re away!” Loke defended himself, although Alice knew that was a lie, but she didn’t argue with him since she too wasn’t faithful. A cup flew through the air and hit Loke upside the head.

“Excuse me, I’m going to go fight.” He dismissed himself, walking into the crowd of violence. Alice, going to go after him, got clobbered by another fight, so she too started to throw hits at people.

Natsu started to laugh hysterically at Gray, as he swung around Gray’s underwear in his hand. Lucy shrieked in horror as Gray asked to borrow her underwear. Alice wasn’t phased by the act of nudity. She’d seen it plenty of times.

“Hey, Alice, at least I’m not Gray with it out in front of everyone!” Loke shouted to Alice, trying to lighten the tension.

“All of you cut it out!” Cana stood up from the bar, and pulled out her magic cards. “Says you!” Gray put back on his boxers and got into a stance, ready to use his maker magic.

With that, everyone had glowing magic circles at the ready.

“ALL OF YOU NEED TO STOP ACTING LIKE CHILDREN!” Master Makarov or Alice’s great grandfather or just simply grandpa came into the guild, and used his giant magic to get everyone’s attention. And it worked, since it was hard to ignore a giant man that stood nearly as tall as the ceiling.

Natsu, who wasn’t paying attention, laughed in victory. “Hey! It looks like I won!” Master stepped on him.
Master returned to his normal size, landing on the second floor, railing.

“You all like getting the council mad at me! This is the biggest stack of complaints so far! But I say to heck with what they say.” Master lit the papers on fire and tossed it out into the air and Natsu leaped into the air, eating the fire, like he was a dog catching a treat.
“Never let anyone discourage you with rules, because with rules it puts a limitation on your magic and all of you are powerful wizards who are passionate about their magic so that’s what makes the Fairy Tail guild so great!” Master Makarov put his pointer finger and thumb out, palm facing towards himself and hand high in the sky on his right hand. It was a Fairy Tail sign.

The whole guild cheered, also doing the hand sign.

The whole commotion died down. Alice had noticed Loke found himself two new girls to flirt with. Instead of confronting him again, Alice was ready to go find someone to make Loke jealous with.

“Alice!” Natsu called out to Alice, in perfect timing. Alice jogged over to him, at the job request board. “See anything you want?” Natsu asked. Alice scanned the papers, looking for something with a nice reward. “You pick something, I did a pretty big quest Tuesday so I’m set for this month,” Alice replied, not seeing anything that caught her eye.

“Hey guys! Mirajane just gave me the official stamp!” Lucy ran over to them, smiling brightly, showing off the pink mark on the back of her right hand. “Uh Uh, that’s great. Welcome to the guild,” Natsu mumbled, uninterested.

“How’s it that you can get all close up with Natsu but I can’t with other girls?” Loke yelled from somewhere, giving Alice the reaction she wanted, although she was confused as to what he was talking about.

“What are you talking about?” Alice snapped back. “I guess he’s talking about you being on Natsu’s back,” Lucy answered for him. Alice looked down, realizing that she was on Natsu’s back, hands on his shoulders, legs straddling his sides, and his arms hooked under Alice’s legs. “How did you get up there?” Natsu asked. “I’m not sure....” Alice answered hesitantly but honestly. The two shrugged it off and went back to looking at the board.

Back when they were both younger and shorter, neither of them could see the upper half of the board, so Natsu would prop Alice up to look at the top half as he’d look at the bottom. As this went on for years, it had become a habit, even when both of them were tall enough to see all the board. And neither of them seemed to ever want to bring it up or stop it.

Master shouted at a small child. “He’s a wizard, he can take care of himself!”
Alice and Natsu looked over to see what was going on, and seeing Master talking to Romeo, a guild member’s son. Macao was gone on a mission.

Romeo who was sobbing, balled up his fists. “Now go home, have some milk and cookies and wait!” Master added in a harsh voice.
Romeo punched Makarov in the face. Natsu dropped Alice, who with quick thinking landed on her feet. Natsu stormed over to his luggage from their trip to Hargeon and stomped out the guild doors. Alice, not hesitating, ran after Natsu. Happy followed suit.

Lucy tagged along, walking by Alice.

“Why does Natsu want to go check on that wizard?” She asked. “Macao’s been gone for quite a while,” Alice answered. “Is that bad? Do you think he’s hurt? How do we know where he is? Why is Natsu just going after him?” Lucy bombarded Alice with questions. Alice didn’t like all the sudden questions.

“It’s probably because he sees himself in Romeo or something like that. Natsu was taken in by Igneel and he took over as Natsu’s father and suddenly Igneel just vanished. Leaving Natsu an orph-.” Alice answered without thinking, but once realizing Natsu could hear her, she stopped talking.
Alice had yet to test Natsu’s range, but she kept reminding herself to do it because Natsu could hear almost everything.
“Why’d you stop talking?” Lucy wondered. “Natsu is a powerful Dragon Slayer. He has dragon senses which are about 10 times better than any trained dog. His hearing, his smell, they’re extremely sensitive,” Alice replied, looking to Natsu, who was several feet ahead of them, with Happy flying by his side.

Alice, who knew Natsu was upset, skipped over to him, leaving Lucy behind.
“You didn’t have to come,” Natsu grumbled, looking straight ahead. “You think I don’t know that?” Alice smiled softly at him. Alice felt a bit guilty since she knew Natsu most definitely heard her talking with Lucy.

“I don’t need you to watch over me,” Natsu added, still in a grouchy tone. “I’m not watching you. Trust me for I all I honestly care, you can go hurt yourself over some stupid justification you think you have, but I have one reason to not let that happen. I owe you, remember?” Alice said in a sweet tone, linking one of her arms with Natsu’s, who even in a bad mood, let her do it.

Alice and Natsu had known each other for 6 years at this time, and they’d been job partners about the same time, although only becoming close friends for the last 4 years.
With Alice’s traumatic childhood, she was extremely closed off from her guild, not wanting to be friends with anyone. She was curt, she was cold, and she was extremely closed off.
Although, Natsu never let Alice’s sour words affect him, and whenever he could, he was next to her, talking her to death, smiling the whole time.

While everyone in the guild was nice and welcoming towards Alice, she didn’t really care for their affection or bond.

It really meant little to her. Especially Natsu’s.
Until someone else came along and took a part of his attention away. The Strauss siblings; Mirajane, Elfman, and Lisanna, joined Fairy Tail just some months after Alice. Lisanna was Alice’s age and took a liking to Natsu immediately, who also returned the feelings.

Alice could feel something build up inside her and something about Lisanna and Natsu’s relationship, rubbed her the wrong way.

Around the ages of 12-13, Natsu and Lisanna’s relationship became romantic. Alice was jealous of their relationship and hated how Lisanna took away Natsu from her.
Lisanna was a pretty and kind girl, so it’d be hard to truly hate her, but Alice couldn’t stand being around them together.

Sure, Natsu was still Alice’s friend, and Alice had actually warmed up to him eventually, there was still something that made Alice want more of Natsu; And with Lisanna around, Alice couldn’t ever understand what she was feeling.

Although, when Alice was 14, Lisanna had passed away while on a job with her two older siblings.
She felt conflicted about the whole situation. Lisanna was finally out of the picture, and Alice could hopefully (and successfully) get all of Natsu’s attention once more, but yet, the circ*mstances in which it happened were not ideal, but yet, Alice had no really negative emotions about Lisanna’s passing. In fact, Alice was rather apathetic about it. She never liked Lisanna much and had no real memories or connections with Lisanna. Alice avoided her as much as she could because of her jealousy unchecked could get out of control and Alice didn’t want to have to confront her feelings.

Alice panted as she hunched over trying to catch her breath, every exhale fogged in the cold rain. She looked forward, Natsu stood ahead, at Lisanna’s headstone, that Natsu had made at his hideaway that he shared with Lisanna. A straw hut that resided at a cliff at the edge of the forest, next to the lake.

Alice cautiously walked towards him, stopping just several inches away from him. She gazed at Natsu’s tense shoulders. “Natsu...?” Alice’s voice trembled as she warily reached out towards him, fingers just barely brushing against his hot skin. Natsu wheeled around, roughly grabbing Alice, wrapping his arms tightly around her middle as he shoved his face into her neck as he cried into her. Alice stood there frozen, not sure what to do,. But she tried to slowly, as smoothly as possible, returned the embrace letting Natsu get out his sad emotions.

The four of them hopped out of the carriage, Natsu, as his feet hit the frozen ground, was revived once more. Even if they were standing in a severe blizzard.
Lucy gasped, realizing her surroundings. “We’re in a frozen wasteland!”

“Hence. Mt. Meaning mountain. Meaning cold. Meaning snow,” Alice replied rather sharply. “I realize it’s a mountain, but it’s summer there shouldn’t be a blizzard!” Lucy cried. "Did you not get a proper education as a child?" Alice remarked sourly.

As they all trekked on, Lucy complained on and on about how cold she was. “That’s what you get for wearing light clothing,” Alice grouched behind her.
“Yeah,” Natsu and Happy agreed. “None of you should be talking! Now hand me that blanket!” Lucy ran over and stole the blanket from Natsu’s travel pack

Alice, who was completely under dressed for these conditions didn’t mind too much since she walked close Natsu who was a human storage heater, who also mindfully raised his temperature for his two friends who were next to him for heat.

“I have an idea!” Lucy exclaimed to herself. She took out one key, “Open! Gate of the clock, Horologium!” Lucy chanted. And with a plume of white smoke, appeared a tall grandfather clock with arms and legs. Lucy climbed inside where the weights and pendulum should’ve been, wrapped in Natsu’s blanket.

“I’m staying in here and I’m not coming out!” Horologium spoke in a thick posh accent.

Alice glanced back, remembering that Lucy was a celestial mage.

“Why’d you tag along then?” Natsu asked. “What kind of crazy job is Macao on?’ She inquires,” The clock narrated. “You should have asked that before you came. He came to slay a Vulcan,” Natsu replied curtly. “I want to go back to the guild!’ She proclaims,” Horologium added. “Go ahead and be my guest, I say back,” Natsu mocked, annoyed.

Alice was slowly falling behind Natsu, who wrenched one of Alice’s hands into his, pulling her along. Alice grumbled out a thanks, her face already noticeably red from the harsh weather. Alice took out her other arm that was wrapped around her front for warmth and she hooked it around Natsu’s arm, to warm herself and to keep anchored to him.

“How far up do you think he’d be?” Alice wondered. Natsu stopped walking and thought. “I don’t know.... MACAO!” Natsu yelled. A vulcan appeared from what seemed out of nowhere. A big humanoid creature with thick white fur and black spots all over it's large body. It stood up on two legs and towered over all of them, being nearly seven feet tall. It had thick long arms that ended with huge rough ape-ish hands.

“He’s huge!” Happy exclaimed. The vulcan saw Lucy in Horologium and grabbed the two. “I like pretty girls!” It proclaimed in it's loud, uncanny voice then leaped away.
“Don’t just stand there! Help me!’ Lucy cries,” The clock shouted.

Happy, Natsu and Alice stood there for a moment, taking in the situation. Alice, then had a realization. “Wait a moment, why didn’t he grab me too! I’m a pretty girl!”
The lack of response from the two boys, made Alice’s self esteem take a hit. “Right?!” She demanded. “I don’t know. Ask your boyfriend,” Natsu grumbled, pulling his arm from Alice, rather harshly. “Why can’t you answer?” Alice pouted. The response from Natsu made Alice feel something build inside her and she didn’t like the feeling.

“Look, we don’t have time to talk about this!” Natsu snapped, and then ran after the Vulcan, Happy following. Alice huffed and went after all of them, mentally arguing with herself. It really bothered her that Lucy could in fact be prettier than her.

Yes, Alice had a boyfriend, and yes, Alice knew she was a very attractive girl. But it always made her wonder what really made Natsu tick. Natsu could in fact have feelings for others, and for girls. So why did he never fall for Alice, but for Lisanna?
Alice never wanted to be the type of person who compared people by their looks, but with Alice refusing to ever admit she was jealous of Lisanna, had made notice that she was more attractive than Lisanna.
Alice had a modelling job for many years, she had many fans, many admirers, men constantly looking her up and down, and was constantly flirted with by many people.

But none of that ever really mattered to her, because no matter what, she could never get Natsu to look at her like that.

Alice had long, voluminous scarlet red hair, she had a nice heart shaped, slim face. She had big, sparkling teal eyes with long thick lashes. Alice had small but plump lips. She was a tad shorter than average, and her chest wasn’t as near as big as others in her guild. But Alice had a nice figure, and she was fit. But why didn’t Natsu find her attractive?

Alice didn’t know why it bothered her so much. But it did.

They made it up the summit, thanks to Natsu’s scent tracking abilities. Alice trailed Natsu, breathing hard. Alice had to admit she wasn’t as in shape as she used to be. Alice depended on her jobs for exercise and with Natsu constantly taking the lead, Alice didn’t have to work as hard anymore.

All three of them found ‘Apparently Prettier Than Alice' Lucy on the ice with Natsu’s blanket still wrapped around her. The vulcan pranced around her.

“Where’s Macao! TELL ME-” Natsu made his way towards the Vulcan, but then slipped on the ice. “That wasn’t cool. Why does he feel like he has to make an entrance all the time?” Lucy whined to herself. “Because he’s a boy,” Alice answered in a huff.
While the Vulcan was occupied with Natsu, Alice was able to help Lucy over to the other side of the cave, behind Natsu.

“Where’s my friend? You understand me right? He’s a human man. Now tell me where he is!” Natsu crossed his arms, demanding the Vulcan. The monkey-man smiled and gestured to outside through a cave opening.

“There we go!” Natsu smiled, taking the bait, propping himself out the cave, to which the Vulcan shoved him out.
“Dammit, Natsu!” Alice scowled “No!” Lucy cried. Happy flew out the window and caught Natsu, but coincidentally ran out of magic and they both started to fall out of the sky.

“No like man. Me like woman!” The Vulcan jumped up in down in celebration.“They can’t survive out there,” Lucy whined. “You’re right. You hold down the fort, I’ll go after Natsu,” Alice replied, running out the cave, falling down into the abyss where Happy and Natsu were, using energy magic to break her fall and she landed safely on her feet.

“Hey flame breath,” Alice greeted, smiling at Natsu. “Hey,” Natsu replied all fired up. “Need help up there? Or are we gonna ditch the blonde and go look for Macao?” Alice’s yellow disk flared up under her feet. “We can’t just leave her there,” Natsu rejected. Alice dramatically sighed. “Let’s go then.” Alice held out her hand to Natsu, who then took it, and then also stepped on the disk, wrapping an arm around Alice for stability. “Happy, will you be okay?” Natsu asked. “Aye sir!” Happy smiled. Happy just needed a few moments to rest.

Alice flew them back up into the cave.

Now there was another black and white creature in there. It was a humanoid cow man wearing a leotard and wielded an axe. Natsu punched that creature instead of the vulcan, putting it out cold.

“How come there are more creatures here now from when I left?” Natsu asked Lucy. “That was a friend. He’s one of my spirits!” Lucy barked. “Him?” Natsu jabbed a thumb at the Vulcan. “The bull!” Lucy icly replied.

“Wait... How were you able to survive that?” Lucy wondering about Natsu’s fall. “Happy broke my fall.” Natsu shrugged. “So you have extreme motion sickness on any modes of transportation, but when you’re flying with Alice you’re not?”
“She’s not a vehicle! What kind of stupid question is that? Alice is my friend not a mode of transportation!” Natsu demanded in an offended tone.

“I consider everyone in the guild my friend. Gramps, Mira, Erza. Even the annoying ones like Gray and Elfman. Everyone is my friend. Happy, Alice and Lucy are my friends. So I’m not leaving without Macao!” Natsu kicked the Vulcan. The vulcan recovered and knocked icicles from the ceiling and threw the pointed ice at Natsu. “Your ice attacks wouldn’t do anything to my fire!” Natsu laughed. The vulcan ran over to the bull spirit, who was still unconscious, and took his axe.

Natsu easily dodged the attacks until he slipped on the ground. Alice and Lucy tried to wake the unconscious humanoid bull to close his gate and then the axe would go with him back to the celestial world.
Natsu caught the axe with both hands on either side of the blade, raising his body temperature, actually melting the metal, the hot drippings fell into his open mouth. Alice watched in horror and disgust. Lucy was able to wake Taurus and then he left with his partially melted and eaten axe.

Natsu, with more magic power smirked. “Now I got a fire in my belly!” He kicked the vulcan in his torso and he flew back against the ice wall, now out cold.

Alice strode over to Natsu and the knocked out Vulcan. “Weren’t we supposed to get him to give us answers?”
“Oh yeah...” Natsu sheepishly replied, now remembering what he was supposed to be doing. “He won’t be talking now,” Lucy commented.

The Vulcan turned to smoke, and as it dissipated, it revealed Macao.
“Wait. So that perverted creature is your friend?” Lucy gasped in shock. “He must’ve been possessed!” Alice groaned, remembering an important detail.
“What do you mean?” Lucy wondered “Vulcans are body snatchers they take the bodies of their victims that’s how they live,” Alice explained, disappointed in herself for not knowing earlier.

“Now come on everyone, I have enough magic energy to take us back to the path!” Alice announced, standing up and dusting herself off.
“I can take Natsu and Macao!” Happy volunteered. “Yeah, you’re levitating magic is super tricky to stand on, Natsu agreed. “Aye sir!” Happy added.

Alice gritted her teeth in embarrassment turned anger. “Fine. I’ll take Lucy then,” Alice growled lowly.
“I couldn’t hold her anyways!” Happy smiled. “Watch it, cat!” Lucy threatened, offended by the weight joke.

After the awkward and slow carriage ride but to Magnolia, the group reunited Macao and Romeo.

After a job well done, Alice, Natsu, Lucy and Happy walked away into the sunset.

Actually just back to the guild.

Chapter 3

Chapter Text

Alice sat on a bar stool, next to Natsu. She trailed a pointer finger around the rim of her mug. She sighed, a bit disgruntled. She didn’t know how to bring about her question without sounding too desperate. But it really bothered her. With a pout on her lips, her eyes innocently gazed at the pink hair male who was licking his fingers, cleaning the remnants of his meal off his hands, and also his plate as he got all the flavor off his fingers, he’d swipe them back on his plate to pick up more sauce.

Alice couldn’t understand that the unmannered brute’s opinion was so important to her.
She sat up and gathered up all her determination. Natsu, noticing the movement, barely swiveling his head, looked at Alice from the corner of his eyes, curious as to what she was doing.

“Natsu, why can’t you tell me I’m pretty?”

Natsu rolled his eyes, not wanting to discuss something so pointless. “You’re really bringing that up again?”
“Yes, I am!” Alice’s voice raised slightly. “Is it that important?”

Alice swayed on her stool and looked away for a moment, flustered. “Not really, but-” “Then I shouldn’t have to say anything.” Natsu shrugged, and went back to his plate. Alice leaned towards him, “okay, but-” “You have Loke. He’s supposed to do that. It’s really more of your boyfriend’s job to boost your ego, and I’m just your friend.”

Alice was starting to feel defeated, but a petty idea came to her head. “Gray!” She called, swiveling on her stool, scanning the guild hall for the dark haired male.

The ice mage walked over to her. Alice smiled and then trained her eyes on Natsu. “What do you want?” Gray grumbled. “You’re my friend, right?” Alice asked in a sweet voice. “Yeah. Hey, what is this about? Is Natsu giving you a hard time-” Gray stood up straight, getting ready for a fight. Alice glanced at Gray for only a moment before going back to Natsu. “I’m just asking simple questions. So, next question: Are you my boyfriend?” Alice continued on.

Gray hesitated for a moment, swallowing his feelings. “Obviously not.”
“All right, so lastly; Do you think I’m pretty?” Alice got ready to gloat when she’d get the answer she was anticipating. “Are you pretty? I guess.” Gray shrugged. “So what is this even about?”

“Natsu refuses to comment on my appearance because I have a boyfriend.- Well that’s his excuse, so I was just proving a point,” Alice said, a matter-of-factly, finally tearing her gaze off of Natsu to Gray, she looked him up and down then sighed his name in disappointment. “Gray, your clothes.”

Gray jumped in surprise. “How does this even happen?!”

Natsu stood from the bar and stretched. “Well, I’m going over to Lucy’s new apartment.”
Alice finally realized Natsu wasn’t even paying attention to her. “But-but, did you- I...” Alice stuttered, finally defeated. She tried her best to calm her heart that felt like a string was just tugged on roughly.


“I bet it’ll be fun there, and then we- Hey, where are you going?” Natsu was in the middle of talking fondly, when Alice hopped off her stool and stormed off.

Alice walked up the stairs to the second floor where only S-class wizards could go for s-class missions.
She hated how much Natsu’s words hurt and she hated how she didn’t understand why it bothered her so much.

“Looking for a challenge or for money?” Mirajane asked, Alice reeled back, not realizing Mira was behind her. “I-uhm, either or. I don’t care, just something that gets me out of here.” Alice shook her head, as if she was shaking out her thoughts. “Then, this looks like the job for you! You better leave immediately.” Mira pointed out a paper on the board. Alice didn’t even read it as she ripped it from the nail and stomped down the stairs.

“You’re going on a job?” Natsu wondered, as he and Happy were about to leave the guild. Alice ignored him as she kept on walking.

“What her deal?” Natsu mumbled, catching on to Alice’s heavy and short breathing and increased heart beat. He knew she was upset but he didn’t understand the sudden shift in emotion. “Maybe she ate some bad fish.” Happy carelessly threw out there. “She’s a girl in love!” Mira chirped. Natsu furrowed his brows as he focused on Alice walking away until she was out of sight. He didn’t understand this negative emotions swirling around in his head at the thought of Alice loving someone.

Sure, she was in a long-term relationship with a fellow guild-mate. But even Natsu understood the toxicity and loveless behavior between Alice and Loke and he knew that wasn’t love. The thought of Alice in real love with someone made his mind go fuzzy. Natsu, being a simple guy, didn’t want to stress out over understanding what it all meant, threw those thoughts into the bin in his mind.

“I’ll miss you old friend,” Alice sighed dreamily at her bed. She barely had time to properly spend time there. She was off on another adventure. Alice turned to her bedside table on the right side, closing the drawer. Her body shifted enough for light to bounce off her necklace, to the mirror, catching Alice’s eye. She easily unclasped it and held it at eye level by the silver chain. The pendant dangled around.

“Oh Natsu that’s so nice. But I’m allergic to silver and dragon’s breath opal coincidentally.”
Alice’s ears perked up at the mention of his name. She didn’t look up and tuned out again, reading more of her ‘Fire and the Moon’ novel.

Alice, at the time tried to read fiction more and picked out a book that turned out to be a romantic fiction of a fire wizard falling for a girl he rescued on a quest and it follows their adventure together to take her home all the way across the world. Turns out she was a water wizard all along. Alice loved that book after reading it cover to cover many times, hiding it away, ashamed of her dirty secret love of romance books.

A few pages later into her book, “Here.” and something clinked in front of Alice, not stopping the force of whoever threw it making it slide on the table. Alice was caught up into her book but couldn’t let the object fall off the table so she closed the book, setting it on the table, caught and admired the necklace. It looked like the one Lisanna just talked about. Alice realized that it was Natsu who gave it to her. A thudding started in her chest, her cheeks burned and stomach fluttered. With a hot face, Alice’s lips curled into a smile. Natsu had walked off, shoulders slumped. “Thanks... Natsu.” Alice mumbled, admiring the dragon’s breath opal stone hugged by a silver back, hooped on a silver chain.

Alice carefully placed the necklace on her nightstand, on top a book. She was scared to put it into her requip, but didn’t want it to get damaged, so when Alice was questing, she always made sure the necklace was somewhere safe.

Even though it was never intended to be hers, she cared for it dearly.

“Leaving so soon?” A low voice cooly wondered. Alice knew she heard the front door open and close. She didn’t really expect Loke to come by. Without feeling a thing, Alice nonchalantly replied, “Yes.”

“Why so tense?” Loke asked with a soft smile and ambled into the bedroom, towards Alice. “I usually am this way when you’re around.” Alice didn’t bother to look at him. “What did I do wrong this time, princess?” Loke placed his warm hands on Alice’s shoulders. Alice wasn’t in the mood to fight with him.

She hated how little she felt around him. In the beginning, her heart was constantly fluttering, and butterflies were all over in her stomach when Loke even just was in the same room as her. Now she mostly felt annoyed around him. “What didn’t you do?” Alice monotonically replied, walking out of his touch. “If it was those girls today, then I’m sorry, okay? They didn’t mean any harm if it means anything,” Loke explained, following after Alice who strode to the other side of the room. “It’s everything, Loke.” Alice’s tone got harsher. She strutted swiftly out of her bedroom, and Loke was right behind her. “I want to be done with you,” Alice muttered.

“Can you just stop for a moment?” Loke grabbed Alice by the hand. Alice noted the weird coldness his ring had compared to his overall warmth.

Alice stood there silently. They went over this every time.

“Why are you doing this to me?” Loke pleaded. “Because every time I’m not around it always happens! You hook up with random girls doing who knows what and don’t tell me nothing happens because I know it does!” Alice snapped, finally turning to look at Loke, her eyes dark and raged.
“What about you and Gray? And how about those rumors with you and Hibiki Lates? What about you and Natsu?” Loke countered, not matching Alice’s fire. But it was the same script every time.

“There’s nothing going on with me and Natsu!” Alice wrenched away from Loke’s grasp and stormed out of the house. Loke trailed after her. “So you admit you and Gray or Hibiki having a thing? You’re admitting you’re cheating back?”

Alice stood at the stoop, waiting for Loke to leave the house so she could lock the door. “All right, yes! I’m sleeping with Gray behind your back, and with Hibiki when we’re in the same area. Does that make you feel better? I’m screwing other guys, getting back at you for all your countless affairs!”

“You know that’s not fair to Gray.” Loke had only that to say. “That’s all you have? I’m being unfair to Gray? How about you’re being unfair to me?!” Alice locked the door and walked down the stone path towards town. “I want to break up!”

“I love you, Alice-... I really do.” Loke mumbled catching up to Alice and stopping her by wrapping his arms around her middle from behind. Alice lowered her head. “I know but that doesn’t make anything better,” Alice replied solemnly. “I know. I’m sorry.”

“If you can clean up your act, I’ll clean up mine and maybe things’ll work out.” Alice compromised, not being able to finally open the wound. She didn’t have the strength to break up with him when he fought back.

But she knew it would never change. He'd never change.

“That was so humiliating. I can’t believe I went through all that for what?” Alice groaned, planting her face onto the wooden surface of the bar. “I’m sorry. But maybe some good news will cheer you up?” Mira piped up, sliding a coaster under Alice’s forehead. “Go for it.” Alice encouraged, unenthusiastically. “Natsu and Lucy went on a job together. I think he’s adding her to the team!” Mira cheered. “Oh,” Alice whispered. That was not good news to Alice. It felt like Lisanna all over again.

Alice’s mind couldn’t stop from imagining Natsu smiling and wrapping his arm around Lucy.

Alice was content with how things were going for the last two years. Would Natsu fall for Lucy? Or just completely replace Alice?

“Hey, Alice!” Natsu greeted walking up to the bar and slapped Alice’s slumped over back. Alice gritted her teeth and hissed in pain from her aching muscles. Too deflated to fight, she let her anger roll off. “Hey,” She casually replied, sitting up straight. “What’s wrong with you?” Natsu asked. Alice looked at him, and tried to clear her mind. She wanted to ask him about his job or how he was feeling towards Lucy but she didn’t have the guts to ask in fear of what his answers might be. “I went on a mission, and I can’t ever let my face be seen in that town ever again!” Alice cried, trying to add Mira back into the conversation.

“I thought you got the reward?” Mira inquired. “I did but-...” Alice didn’t know if she was willing to let Natsu know how her quest went. Alice had no choice. “I uhm-... got scammed. The guy who sent the job request was just really into bdsm so he tried to pull an elaborate scheme to get freaky with a hot wizard who dressed the part. When I found out what was going on, the damage was done. I mean, I didn’t go through with it, and I demanded the reward regardless of his satisfaction and I... That’s it,” Alice groaned out, putting her face back onto the bar. Mira put down another coaster on top of the other one before Alice’s forehead hit the wood.

Natsu burst into loud laughter. Alice growled and without moving her head, punched Natsu in the side and he fell to the floor. But he continued to keep howling in joyous laughter. “How much did you charge an hour?” He asked in between his cackles. Alice got up from the bar and glared down at Natsu, ready to jump down on top of him and bash his face in. “If that was the case, I would be far too expensive for lousy guys like him and you!” Alice snarled. Natsu sat up and started to breathe deeply to calm himself. “I bet you only got at least 400 jewel.” He wiped his eyes from his tears of happiness. Alice smirked darkly. “The original price was a million but after roughing him up, I was able to get double.”

And in that sudden moment, Natsu got on his knees and graveled at Alice’s feet. “I will do whatever you want for that kind of jewel,” He seriously stated.

Alice’s dirty mind kicked in and her face heated up at the suggestive thoughts running rampant in her head. She kicked Natsu in the shoulder, flipping him onto his back. “So what? Did your job flop?” She teased coldly. Natsu stood up and looked to the side, his expression sad and disappointed. “Yes.” He pouted.

Alice felt a bit better knowing Natsu was suffering working with Lucy. “Good luck on the next one then. At this rate, you’ll be digging through trash cans for food.” Alice sneered. “You busy or something?” Natsu co*cked his head to the side and looked at Alice confused. “No?” Alice replied. “Then why’d you wish me good luck like you’re not coming on the next one?”

“Because working with Lucy, god knows you’ll need all the luck you can get.” Alice turned to walk off. Natsu, not skipping a beat, followed her. “You’re not coming with?”

Alice could’ve sworn Natsu’s tone sounded hurt. She had to talk herself out of that way of thinking. Of course Natsu couldn’t care less if Alice went with. He had Lucy now.

“You added Lucy to the team. You obviously don’t need me anymore. I thought you would figure that out.” Alice stopped and looked back at Natsu who had his head low, and his fists at his sides, balled up. Then he relaxed them. Alice knew that Natsu did that when he was conflicted. “We’re a team,” Natsu argued lowly. “No. You, Happy and Lucy are,” Alice coldly corrected. She was getting aggravated by her own hurt feelings. She didn’t want to confront them. Natsu looked up at Alice, meeting her gaze. His dark amber eyes scowling at Alice’s emotionless blue ones. Natsu noticed Alice’s eyes darkening.

Alice’s eyes darkened or lightened by her emotions. It was the most subtle change for the most part. Barely worth mentioning, but Natsu was just that observant of her. While for a long time now, Alice’s eyes were always darker than they used to be. More lifeless than before. They used to be so bright like two aquamarine gems that had green undertones. So pretty and innocent, full of life. Now over time they were a darker teal color more than anything.

And right now they were clouded over with negative emotion. Natsu knew that Alice was in fact upset. Of course, Alice seemed to always be upset those days.

“I didn’t replace you. I just added her to our team,” Natsu corrected, lightening his tone and expression since he now understood that Alice was feeling like she was being replaced. Alice glared down. “You went on a mission without me! You’ve never left without me, let alone someone else!” Dark lightning danced around her, as her magic and emotions, left unchecked got out of control. “You left, and Lucy needed the money. So I thought it’d be okay,” Natsu defended. “Well, I don’t want to be on a team with her anyways!” Alice changed her approach.

“She’s a lousy partner. I had to save her more than anything. It’s her fault we didn’t get the reward!” Natsu argued, his voice wavering. Alice perked up at the change of his tone and immediately calmed down.

“Hey!” Lucy shouted from across the guild hall. Alice and Natsu ignored her. “That’s your fault you already knew she was a horrible partner. She can’t fight on her own and depends on her lame spirits. You saw that with Boras and when we saved Macao.” Alice lowered her voice.

“I can still hear you!” Lucy outburst once more.

“That’s why I added her to our team, she can’t defend herself alone. Even when you got weaker, I kept you on the team!” Natsu pleaded. Instinctively, Alice threw a punch at Natsu’s face, but wasn’t quick enough and Natsu caught her fist in his hand. He smiled at her, but she glared, but with a blush creeping up on her cheeks.

“Get over yourself and lets go on a job!” He cheerfully suggested. But in that moment, Natsu picked up on the conversation Lucy and Mira were having and let go of Alice’s fist and walked over to join the conversation. Alice couldn’t care less what they were going to be talking about. Though, as Alice was walking away, Natsu was already going back to her, grabbing Alice by her top, dragging her back.

“Stop talking and find us a job,” Natsu ordered Lucy. Alice slumped, with her back still turned, and Natsu still holding on to her. “From what I know, our team is disbanded!” Lucy replied harshly. “Don’t say that,” Natsu countered in a whine.

“You don’t want me on the team, you just needed me because I’m a blonde!”

“Well yeah, that’s the only purpose you serve,” Alice mumbled to herself. “And you’re nice! Now find a job!” Natsu disregarded Alice’s comment. “Why do I have to?” Lucy whined, giving in. “We picked last time!” Happy joined the conversation, although with a whole fish in his mouth.

Natsu spun Alice around and draped his arm around her shoulders. “See, Alice? Teamwork!” Alice grumbled in response.

“Lucy, I wouldn’t stay with those losers. You’ll find other teammates!” Gray shouted, adding his opinion. Natsu ran over to Gray, starting a fight. “What did you say, jerk!” “Did you just call me a jerk!”

And they were at it again. Gray and Natsu, being the cliched fire and ice, never could get along. Call it the clash of the alphas, or an ongoing dick measuring contest, they were constantly fighting.

Alice saw Loke walk over to Lucy, wrapping an arm around her. “How about you join me? I have to keep these shades on or I’ll be blinded by your dazzling beauty,” Loke shamelessly flirted. Alice was steaming mad, lightning once more zapping around her body. Her body didn’t seem to be able to process these many emotions at once.

“You fell for this, Alice?” Lucy replied, unimpressed. “Even the strongest can’t resist me, cutie,” Loke explained. “Don’t listen to a word he says. Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie.” Alice’s tone was pure venom. “Yeah?” Loke smirked.

“Or you’re just f*cking stupid. For someone who can’t stand celestial wizards, you’re flirting with one now,” Alice informed darkly. Loke looked up and down Lucy, eyes focusing on the keys. “A celestial wizard!” He cried and sped off. “Thank f*cking god. I really can’t stand him.” Alice rolled her eyes, her magic calmed down. “What’s wrong with him?” Lucy asked. “Rumor has it he had dated a celestial wizard and things didn’t end well,” Mira piped in. “Well it looks like he’s about to be scared of lightning wizards too because next time he comes crawling back to me, I’ll kill him,” Alice muttered. That’d be easier than trying to break up with him. She'd maim and destroy than confront her own feelings.

“Guys, Erza’s back!” Loke poked his head back into the guild hall, warning the members.

Dead silence. Everyone stared at the entrance in fear.

Except Lucy, Mira, and Alice. “What’s so scary about that?” Lucy wondered. “She’s the strongest female wizard in the guild,” Mira answered. Alice scoffed. “Yeah, once I get my magic all straightened out we’ll see who's really at the top.” Lucy glanced over to Alice who had her arms crossed, and cheeks puffed out in a pout. “What do you mean?”

“It’s a long story.” Alice waved off. She wasn’t in the mood to go over her tragic backstory.

“I don’t know how the child got any knowledge of it but she seems to know some really dark black magic she can’t control,” Porlyusica said flipping through pages. “Can’t you do something about it?” Makarov asked. “I can seal it far deep inside her, that she won’t be able to cast it. I can’t remove the magic, I can embed it into her second origin. But that doesn’t mean it won’t be impossible to regain. Like normal ability magic, her emotions can alter her magic. But the magic power she possesses, now it will be quite impossible for her to obtain this magic. But by doing this it’ll also take away some of her power now, she might be weaker.”

“Do what you can for her.” Makarov patted the top of a younger Alice’s head. She laid there on the bed, fever high, sweating, rolling down her face mixing with tears, with a pant. “Papa, what is she going to do to me?” Alice cried. “Keep her calm, we don’t need any casualties right now!” Porlyusica snapped.

“It’ll be fine, kid. You’ll be fine.” Makarov smoothed his palm over her clammy hair.

“This will hurt a lot,” Porlyusica warned. Natsu who stood in the corner, watching, finally spoke up. “What are you going to do?”
“What are you doing in here! Get out!” Porlyusica shouted. “He’s her friend. He wants to make sure she’s-” “I don’t care if they’re spouses or if they’re siblings! I don’t need him in here! Besides he should be resting up as is. I don’t even know how he’s alive after what she did to him!”

Porlyusica was referring to the incident that just happened before Alice, teetering between being awake and unconsciousness, was brought to her hut.
Alice, age 11, with still all access to her powers took Natsu along on an S-class mission that went wrong.

Natsu and Alice were surrounded and had no real way to win, Alice was panicking and with it came her dark uncontrollable magic that killed everyone within a 12 feet radius. Except for Natsu, although he wasn't unharmed. Alice collapsed and Natsu, also just a child still, carried her all the way back to Magnolia.

Alice, before her time with Umiko, was sent to an orphanage that got attacked by a cult that worshiped Zeref. That part wasn’t too important for this background story at the current moment, but one day Alice was at that school, another, she found herself running away from the building, after accidentally killing all her classmates and teachers.

After explaining the situation to Makarov as Natsu arrived back to the guild, Master knew what had happened. Alice was taught a very dark magic that her body wasn’t strong enough to control. It created powerful magic and it made her a living legend at 10 years old, becoming an S-class wizard. But it came at an unpredictable cost.

So they ran over to Porlyusica who closed off half of Alice’s magic container, sealing away the dark magic.

Alice couldn’t remember that night, and Natsu never wanted to speak about it except that Alice screamed the whole time.

Because of that whole incident Alice’s magic and emotions were never the same and never functioned properly, leaving her weak and with a lot of questions.

Chapter 4


ugh I hate these next few arcs that are coming up but yay I think we're getting somewhere writing wise.
See, I wrote this all originally in 1st person present tense at 16 years old, and several years later I changed my mind on 1st person and rewrote the whole series in 3rd person past tense-- While giving it more pizzazz in the process.

But what I'm say is that a lot of the ground work was made from a naive 16 year old me and now I'm my big age of 24, I can only salvage it so much and the first few chapters are a bit rough and I do not have the motivation to rewrite it /completely/ so I added parts, deleted some, but overall the way it's written is just how it's gonna be so *shrug*
but I think we're doing better after this chapter. Sure, I hate the eisenwald and Galuna island arcs with a passion but since they are the first arcs of the series, they hold so much of the world building that make this story and characters what they are.

Chapter Text

A female wizard with strong crimson hair that hung around above her waist walked into the guild hall.

Erza Scarlet.

Arguably the strongest wizard in Fairy Tail at the current moment. She had model looks with her feminine but bold features. She had a slim face with high cheekbones, a strong brow, a sharp jaw and dark round eyes. She was slender and tall but blessed with an hourglass figure that any woman would kill for.

She continued to walk into the silent, tension filled guild hall. She wore black boots, a blue skirt, and armor covering her torso. She carried a decorated horn that was several times bigger than her. She walked half way into the guild and then set down her horn with a loud thud.

“Where is Master Makarov?” She asked in her unwavering voice. “He’s at a conference right now,” Mira answered in her sweet voice, completely unintimidated by Erza. She'd be one of the brave few.

“Erza... What is that thing?” A guild member by the name of Max, bravely asked. “It’s the horn of a beast. The locals were so grateful, they decorated it and gave it to me as a souvenir. Do you have a problem with that?” Erza responded coldly. Max didn’t respond and hid away under his table.

The members stayed silent, watching Erza cautiously.

“Now listen up! I’ve heard that Fairy Tail is causing trouble! Master may not care, but I do!” Erza announced. She pointed towards Cana who sat at a table with a barrel of booze. “Cana, you need to cut back on your drinking! Vijeeter, please take the dancing outside. Wakaba, get rid of that horrible habit. Nab, I suspected I’d see you dawdling about around the request board. Just get a job. Macao, I don’t even know where to begin with you.” Erza went down the line of her complaints, ending it with a sigh. She quickly went back to her confident expression. “Are Natsu and Gray here?” She asked, looking around.

Both said wizards who were at each other's throats just moments before were hugging one another, while holding hands. “Yep. Just being good friends here!” “Aye!” The both strained out the words.

“What’s wrong with Natsu?” Lucy whispered, not used to Natsu cowering in fear. “He challenged Erza to a fight and she kind of well... maybe almost killed him,” Alice replied. “Yeah, after that she went after Gray when she caught him naked.” Macao, who stealthily walked over to the bar, joined the conversation. “And Loke too when he hit on her.”

“Oh. And one more thing!” Erza spoke up again. “Alice!” She pointed towards her. Alice stood up straight, eyes wide like a deer caught in the headlights, started to tremble. “Yes, ma’am?” She answered politely, but voice pitched. “I don’t like the way the media talks about you. I want you to start having a better attitude.”

Alice hunched over, deflated. “Yes, ma’am,” She whimpered out.

She'd never admit it, but she wasn't one of the few that could hold her gaze. She'd say it all day long that she'd win a fight and she's more scared of a rabbit than Erza... But it was a different story when in her presence.

“Gray, Alice, Natsu? I need you to do me a favor. While traveling I overheard something that has me worried. Normally I would consult with the master but seeing as he’s not here and this is urgent. The three of you are the strongest here and I could really use your help. We’ll meet at the train station tomorrow morning,” Erza instructed.

Then Erza picked up her horn and left the guild.
The atmosphere picked up and people started to talk about what Erza could’ve been talking about.

Natsu walked over to the bar where Alice and Lucy were. “You’re off the hook, Lucy. You don’t have to find us a job now.” Natsu smiled. “Yeah, well, I have to go find myself a job since we didn’t get any money from the job because of you.” Lucy slumped over.

“I can’t believe I’ll be stuck with you on this!” Gray stomped over, picking a fight with Natsu. “Oh yeah? Well, at least I don’t strip at random times!” Natsu accepted the challenge. Alice walked in between them, hands on either one’s chest, pushing the two apart the best she could. “Erza literally just left!” She snapped. Alice couldn’t stop them and was squished in between the two boys who were trying to get in each other’s face.

Alice cast a lightning spell and shocked both boys who then flew apart. Alice straightened herself up and huffed, walking away.

“Hey, look it’s raining!” Max commented, opening the door, with a cold breeze blowing through. Alice was sitting at a nearby table, and as the cold air hit her back skin, she shivered. With a growl Alice used magic to slam the door shut, although too strongly and the door cracked in the middle. “You could’ve asked me to just close it!” Max shouted.

Alice with her arms crossed on the table, shoved her face into them. “What’s the matter?” Lucy asked, worried.

“Umi!” Alice screamed out. “Umiko!”

Alice peeked her head out of the ocean, face wet with warm salty water, but then getting hit with cold rain droplets. A strong wave came about and threw Alice under. Alice, with her water dragon lungs could breathe in the water, but she wasn’t strong enough to fight the force of the strong currents, and got thrown into the side of a cliff, getting knocked out immediately.

Alice would awake hours later, laying on the shore. She sat up and looked around wildly, not sure where she was anymore. “Umi. Where’d you go?” She whimpered.

Alice had a few bad memories associated with rainy weather. This one was the worst.

“Hey, Alice.” Natsu put his hands on Alice’s shoulders, standing behind her. Alice perked up a bit, waking from the bad flashback. She hummed in response, relishing in Natsu’s warmth as he rubbed circles into her skin with his thumbs. Gray, who was sitting with Alice, glared at Natsu’s effect on Alice. “Wanna head home?” Natsu suggested softly. Alice sat up and nodded.

While Natsu and Alice at one point shared Natsu’s home, Alice now had her own house, on the other side of town. But Natsu referred to both their homes as “home”.

“Come on, Happy. We’re leaving!” Natsu shouted at Happy who was happily eating a fish at the bar. “Aye, sir!”

Alice’s home was also on the edge of town, near the forest. Her house was secluded by brush, but was easily found once one could find the stone path. It was a small house. All wooden floors, two bedrooms, one bath, kitchen, living room, and cellar. It was painted a happy yellow color, but was covered in many vines.

It was a quiet walk to her house. Alice opened the door and they walked immediately into the living room, towards Alice’s room. Alice had stopped the boys from just waltzing in there and made them go dry off.

As they’ve both tried to pass off damp as ‘dry’ and got Alice’s bed wet before.

Alice sat on her bed, after requiping into a new outfit, but left her towel draped over her head. She zoned off as she listened to the wind pick up and pelt the roof with harder rain.

Natsu! I didn’t mean it! I- Hey! Wake up!” Alice was on her knees, cradling a passed out Natsu who was jolting with electricity. A spell gone wrong. “Natsu!”

Alice’s tears were invisible with the rain dripping down her face. “Please...” She whimpered. Was he dead? Did she just kill him?

“Hey! Do you still have hot chocolate left?” Natsu peered into the room. Alice jumped back into reality. She looked over towards Natsu, mind still not completely alert. “Uhm, top cabinet right of the stove.” Alice thoughtlessly answered.

Natsu nodded and left towards the kitchen. Alice, not fully trusting of Natsu’s simple cooking abilities, followed him.

“All right, Happy. The directions say mix with boiling water...” Natsu trailed off. “So that means we have to use the kettle on the stove.” Happy nodded, sitting on the counter. Alice leaned on the door frame, towel still on her head, framing her face. She watched boredly. “Or... I can use my fire?” Natsu brainstormed. The two boys glanced at Alice for permission, who just turned and walked away.

Alice opened the door to the second bedroom, the scent of dust and old books filled her senses. A room with walls covered in shelves which were filled with hundreds of books, notebooks, or magic items.

She sat in the lounge chair, picking up the book that was on the nearby table with a lamp and an empty mug which once held tea.

Alice opened the leather bound book, the first page had fancy cursive.

‘For the daughter of Yoko. From Laxus Dreyar,’

It was on Alice’s doorstep on her 15th birthday. Alice also knew that Laxus didn’t even know about the book. And it was Freed’s writing.

It was a book about the history of lightning magic which had information about wizards, spells, and techniques riddles throughout it.

Alice had read the book many times, but always found herself reaching for it when in need of something to take her mind off of some heavy thoughts. She turned to the page where her marker was at and started to read away.

After some time, Happy called to Alice. “The cocoa is done!”

Alice simply shut the book and left it on the chair as she left the room. She entered the kitchen once more to find her counter covered in new burn marks, hot cocoa powder, and water. Natsu smiled shyly, handing her a cup of dark brown hot liquid. “I think I made them perfect, so don’t get mad at the mess,” Natsu excused. Alice brought the cup to her lips and the strong smell of chocolate entered her nose and mouth before she could take a sip.

Natsu watched her as she took a sip, closed her eyes, and nodded in agreement.

After enjoying their drinks, the sky got darker, and it was dim in the house. So they all decided to turn in.

Happy flew into Alice’s room first, plopping into the cat bed on Alice’s headboard.

Alice was going to wait until Natsu was situated into bed before turning off the lights, but then Natsu sat up and took off his vest, revealing all of his bare torso. Alice’s face heated up and so she had to turn off the lights.

Alice stood there still at the door, hand still on the light switched, she stared out the big window behind her bed, blinds covering the glass, but not keeping out the bright flash of lightning. Alice’s breath stopped as she fearfully anticipated the next thing.

Then came the thunder. Although, for the first roll of the storm, this one was surprisingly loud, and rattled the whole house. Alice whimpered and ran, and dove onto the bed. Natsu pulled Alice into his arms as he laid on his side, cradling the girl into his chest.

Natsu pulled the covers over them, and raised his body heat to comfort the trembling Alice. “It’s all right. Nothing’s gonna hurt you. Not with me around,” Natsu whispered sincerely, nuzzling the top of her head.
“N-N-Natsu...” Happy cried, crawling off the headboard and on to Natsu’s side. “You come here, too, little buddy.” Natsu welcomed, cuddling the two small people who he cared about more than anything else on the planet.

Sure, Natsu had always cared about Alice since the day he met her, but after Lisanna’s passing and Alice’s protective and patient comfort, Natsu grew strongly closer to Alice than ever before.

Natsu, since he was younger, felt something towards Alice but he never knew what for sure it was but just knew better than to pursue it. That feeling faded when he was with Lisanna, but in recent months, it had started to come back.

The three of them, all huddled up under the blankets eventually all fell asleep.

“Alice? I was told this is where you live! I can’t find Natsu or Happy so I- Oh my God!” Lucy walking right into Alice’s home, and wandering into the bedroom, shrieked in embarrassment, eyeing the situation at hand.

Alice was the first to wake up, eyes slowing opening, and finding herself against Natsu, hands holding on to his scarf, and Natsu’s chin leaning on the top of her head, and arms strongly around her. Alice could feel the breathing of Happy tightly tucked against her back.

“Nevermind, I found them.” Lucy squeaked, covering her hot face, walking away. Alice groaned, trying to move around. “Natsu, Happy. Wake up.” Nothing.

Alice was able to scoot up, her face at the same level as Natsu’s.

She gasped inaudibly due to the closeness. She studied his sleeping face. She was in awe of how peaceful he looked. Natsu was a very attractive older teen. Alice was always aware of how good looking Natsu was. He had a strong, yet soft face structure. He had a nice tanned complexion and he was impressively muscular, even when he was younger.

It was just his very loud personality, and do first, think second way of thinking that made him a lot to take in.

When he was quiet and well, unconscious, he was the easiest to deal with.

Alice stupidly, and cautiously with one hand, caressed his face.

“What are you doing?” Natsu’s voice suddenly asked, even with his eyes closed, and mouth barely moving. Alice quickly took back her hand, surprised. “Nothing,” Alice replied in a small voice, embarrassed. “Aye,” Happy cooed, still asleep.

Natsu opened his eyes and focused at Alice who was looking at his, anyways. “Were you going to kiss me?” Natsu wondered, smirking tiredly. Alice’s eyes widened and she turned bright red. “No!”

Alice really wasn’t thinking about it, she was just thinking of how smooth and relaxed Natsu's face looked while seemingly but not really sleeping. But now the thought crossed her mind. Her eyes worked against her and glanced at his lips. She thought how soft they looked and she wondered if they’d be warm against hers. She had to snap out of it. She closed her eyes because she couldn’t bare to look back into Natsu’s eyes, and she knew she’d keep staring at his mouth.

“I wouldn’t have stopped you,” Natsu said in a yawn, unraveling his arms from Alice and then sat up. Alice looked up at him, confused but warily. “What does that mean?”
Natsu shrugged, looking as to where he threw his vest to. “It just means that if you were wanting to kiss me, then more power to you, I guess.”

Alice’s heart started to beat wildly. She immediately felt wide awake. In a panic, she used teleportation magic, and she appeared standing up in the door frame.
“Stop being stupid!” Alice shakily warned. Happy finally woke up. “Good morning,” he yawned.

Alice couldn’t stand looking at Natsu anymore. She grunted and stomped off looking for Lucy.

Lucy was in the kitchen, using a damp rag to clean up the sticky mess on the counter. “So have you ever heard of knocking?” Alice asked as she entered the kitchen. Lucy was still completely red in the face. “Gray told me to go wake Natsu up and he wasn’t at home so I was told to come here. I didn’t mean to-”

Alice rolled her eyes. “Calm down, blondie. Whatever you got in your head isn’t what happened,” she interrupted her. “Well, it just looked like... I knew you and Natsu were close I just didn’t expect that close...” Lucy trailed off, ashamed. “Look, we’re just friends...” Alice looked down at the floor and pouted. “And I have a boyfriend.”

Lucy gazed at Alice and then gasped, coming to a sudden realization. “You like Nats-” Alice knew what Lucy was aiming at saying, and quickly leaned over and clamped a hand over Lucy’s mouth. “You finish that sentence and it’ll be the last thing you ever say again!”

Lucy nodded fervently, a bit spooked by Alice’s dark threat. “Good.” Alice removed her hand and wiped it on her pajama shorts, trying to rid the palm of Lucy’s pink lip gloss.

Natsu entered the kitchen and drowsily leaned over on Alice. “What’s all the yelling about?” Natsu still wasn’t wearing a top.

Alice noticed Lucy’s eyes trail from Natsu’s face, slowly down his chest and then- Alice felt something burning inside. “Go get dressed! We gotta leave soon!” Alice shoved Natsu away and out of Lucy’s view.

Alice left Lucy alone to go to the bathroom to go get ready for the day. Lucy followed. “So, how’d you get a house like this?” She asked. “I heard it was haunted so I checked it out to see if it was true, found nothing wrong with it, and noticed it was for sale and bought it. Besides, I couldn’t care less if it was haunted or not. I’d rather live with a ghost than Natsu anymore than I had to.”

After getting her face washed, teeth brushed, and makeup done, Alice went into her bedroom, where Natsu and Happy were no longer. “So, you lived with Natsu? How long? When?”

Alice rolled her eyes annoyed with Lucy’s curiosity. “When I first joined Fairy Tail. He invited me to stay at his place- and no I don’t know how he got his house, but I stayed for some months.” Alice took off her clothes. She liked to wash them after a bit instead of just putting them back into her requip.

“So only stayed as long as it took for my inheritance to kick in.” Alice shrugged, walking over to her hamper. Natsu swung in. “Hurry up. I left my pack at home,” He boredly stated, not lingering his gaze on Alice’s body, but more on her face. Lucy screamed, and stood in front of Alice, blocking Natsu’s line of sight.
She didn’t know how casual Natsu was with nudity. Especially Alice. Alice requiped into her quest outfit but then had a thought. “Natsu, can you go get my new boots? I haven’t got them into my requip yet.”

“Why should I?” He pouted. “Because you’re my best friend who loves me?” Alice bargained. Natsu didn’t budge. “A million jewel.” Alice changed her angle.

Since this is an anime, Natsu flashed out and back with boots in hand. Alice took them and smiled. “You know where it is.”

Natsu was gone.

“Can I do anything for you for money?” Lucy asked politely, but eyes shining. “Lucy! If she gives you that type of money, then she won’t have any! Do you ever think of anyone but yourself?” Happy scolded, flying by. “Shut it, cat!” Lucy snapped.

Alice unhooked her necklace and went over to the nightstand where she usually put it. Lucy caught the gleam. “Where’d you get that?”
“Natsu.” Alice shrugged. Lucy giggled teasingly.
“It’s nothing. It wasn’t even supposed to be mine.” Alice defended. “Who? Did Natsu have a crush or a girlfriend?!”

“Lisanna Strauss. She was Mirajane’s little sister. Natsu and her were really close,” Alice hesitantly answered. “What happened to her?”

“She died while on a job, 2 years ago.” The front door opened and then closed harshly.

Alice hurried after Natsu, who she knew was the one who stormed out.

“Why were you talking about her?” Natsu demanded in a whisper when Alice caught up to him. “Lucy asked about my necklace,” Alice softly responded, knowing it was a soft spot. “I gave it to you,” Natsu coldly replied. “I know.” Alice wasn’t going to go into technicalities. Especially now even though she would die if she wasn’t always right or more right,

“Hey! Wait for me!” Lucy cried.

Chapter 5

Chapter Text

Gray, Natsu, Happy, Lucy and Alice waited for Erza to arrive, which she would, on time, as everyone else left way early just in case and didn’t want to piss off Erza.While Gray, Lucy, and Happy carried one travel bag, Natsu with his whole pack, and Alice with nothing, Erza had a big wagon stacked with at least 50 suitcases.

Natsu and Gray jumped around with their arms linked. “Let’s go, good buddy!” Gray cheered, forcefully. “Aye!” Natsu chirped. “Look, one Happy is good enough!” Lucy scolded, crossing her arms. Alice just waited for Erza to turn her back because then Gray and Natsu would probably start to fight.

Erza smiled softly at the ice and fire wizards. “I really like seeing you two getting along.”

As Alice predicted, Erza turned her back on Gray and Natsu as she introduced herself to Lucy. “Come on guys! Just because she isn’t looking, doesn’t mean this is your chance to go at each other!” Alice grunted, trying to keep the two apart, only to get squished in between them.

“I can’t believe I agreed to come along with you!” Gray hissed at Natsu. “Yeah, yeah. We all can’t believe it either.” Alice huffed, stopping Natsu from countering. Erza glanced over at the three, and in that split second Gray and Natsu were hugging Alice tightly. “Get off me, both of you!” Alice cried, prying them off her, but as a result, was pushed forward and on her face. Alice pushed herself up with her arms and glanced at Erza, since Alice landed right at her feet.

What Alice didn’t see, was the impact flipped her skirt up, revealing her pantied ass in the directions of the two boys, which only Gray gazed upon like it was heavenly.

With a squeak, Alice jumped to her feet and straightened herself out, shyly looking at Erza. “Alice...” Erza shook her head. “Yes, ma’am?” Alice answered in a fearful tone. “You need to work on your manners. I mean, honestly, you are wearing a skirt. Maybe that’s why you have such a bad attitude and low self-esteem. You need to value yourself more,” Erza calmly, but disappointingly advised. Alice hung her head low, ashamed. “Yes ma’am.”

Alice turned to glare at the boys, and noticed Gray’s glazed over expression. “What’s your problem?”
“He got a full view of your ass when you fell,” Natsu giggled. Alice’s face went hot in embarrassment. But she had no words, and stomped off towards the train to get on it.

Though, Alice was over it when the train started to lurch forward and Natsu got sick and took up two spots and made Alice hop onto Gray’s lap.

“Are you okay, Natsu?” Lucy wondered from the other side, sitting with Happy and Erza. “He’ll be fine. Come here, Natsu.” Erza welcomed warmly. So Lucy and Natsu traded spots. Natsu laid in Erza’s arms, groaning up until Erza then knocked him out cold. For awhile it was silent, because everyone was scared of starting a conversation in fear of upsetting Erza in some way.

“I think you all deserve to know now why I need you. While traveling I heard about the guild Eisenwald trying to get ahold of something called Lullaby,” Erza started to explain. “Lullaby?” Gray, Lucy, and Happy asked in unison. “That thing from before?” Lucy added, sharing a knowing look between Happy and Gray who nodded. “What thing from before?” Alice asked. “While Lucy, and Natsu went on their quest, I bumped into them while Happy got kidnapped and so we got a hold of some information from the bandits who tried to eat Happy,” Gray explained, tightening his hold on Alice.

With Lucy taking Natsu’s place, it freed up Alice’s original spot, but Gray and Alice had no intention of moving from their new positions.

“It was scary!” Happy cried. “They might’ve been in hiding because they didn’t want any part of it.” Erza wondered. “So this thing is so bad it even scares dark wizards?” Gray thought aloud. “I’m only hypothesizing, but whoever took your bandits away must’ve been from Eisenwald. Obviously they don’t want their plans getting out.” Erza nodded.

The rest of the train ride, Erza went on explaining how she caught wind of the Lullaby plan, and then they all got onto another train, getting into the same seating as before.

“What magic do you practice, Erza?” Lucy started up a new conversation. “She makes her enemies bleed!” Happy answered excitedly. “I do requip magic, but I think Gray’s magic is way greater than mine,” Erza answered, in between bites of a cake slice she acquired. “I wouldn’t say that, but...” Gray, with his arms still around Alice, was able to make an ice figure of the Fairy Tail emblem. “I use Ice make magic, but if anyone is the best at magic here, I think it’s princess over here.” Gray referred to Alice, using the nickname she somewhat hated because there was only one person who didn’t call her that to make fun of her.

Alice was always portrayed in the media as a “perfect” and spoiled "princess" and she didn’t really help change her image at all when she did interviews. So she earned herself the name "Fairy Tail Princess" which had many variations. So her guild mates would tease her, calling her ‘princess’ ironically. Although, Loke called her it endearingly.

“I still can’t tell what magic you use, Alice,” Lucy said, in thought, as she never really has seen Alice use just one type of magic. “She uses all types of magic! Ability and holder magic!” Happy chirped.

To those of you who don’t know, ability magic is a type of magic that a user makes themselves while holder magic is the type you have to use a specific object, like keys.

“The holder magic is mostly a hobby.” Alice shrugged. “She mainly uses electrical magic and that makes her practically invincible! But she can use nullify magic and energy magic which she uses to drain the magic power from any wizard and use it as her own!” Happy explained further. “Well she can use energy magic, lightning magic, and water dragon slayer magic,” Gray added. Alice listened and nodded along, although confused as to why she wasn’t being allowed to answer for herself. “Don’t forget, she also uses a type of death magic,” Erza added.

Alice’s eyes went blank as she stiffened up and seemed to go into a hypnotized state.
After a moment she snapped back to consciousness. “What?” She looked at the worried faces around her.
Alice had been put under a forgetful charm which made her blank out whenever her dark magic was mentioned. It was a precaution, suggested by Porlyusica.

“You were saying what magic you use to Lucy,” Gray said, bouncing his legs, shaking Alice. “Oh, uhm-.. I use a lot of lightning magic to one day defeat my asshole father, and then I was taught energy magic, so I tend to mix these two magics together into an electrical magic. And for two years I was raised by the water dragon, Umiko, but she used that time to rather teach me normal things like reading, math, cooking, foraging, and stuff, so I don’t know too much water dragon slayer magic. I do a lot of different reading on all types of magic, but right now I’ve really been focusing on teleportation and requip magics,” Alice rambled on, while subconsciously trying to comprehend the reason she seemed to have spaced out. “Wow, that’s really impressive!” Lucy complimented. Alice nodded and turned in Gray’s lap to be able to comfortably lean against him. She felt a bit tired.

“Where’s Natsu?” Alice asked, alarmed, not seeing him at all. “He’s still on the train! I was so busy talking, I forgot! I’m so stupid! He hates all forms of transportation! Someone hit me!” Erza cried, looking at the train roll away. Alice shrugged and stepped forward to hit Erza, but Happy flew in front of her. “I wouldn’t do that if you value your life.”

Erza ran to the emergency brake and pulled it, being yelled at by a station worker. “It’s for our comrade! Also, take our luggage to the hotel.” Erza shrugged off the man. Even though that he was absolutely not a bell boy.

“Is everyone completely insane in this guild?” Lucy sighed, exasperated. Gray started to strip absentmindedly. “I’m not.”
“The fact I’m somehow attracted to him even as he does that means I’m insane.” Alice shook her head disappointed at herself for her poor life choices.

As Gray was getting shouted at by Lucy for stripping in public, Erza had rented a magic car.

The five raced down the side of the tracks, going after the train Natsu was still on. The train was stopped, but it was far away enough where they had to drive to get there. Erza drove, Lucy, Alice and Happy sat inside, and Gray laid on top of the car, holding on to it as it flew down the track side.
The train car that the group originally sat in, and where Natsu presumably would still be, had a gaping hole in it and had smoke emitting from it.

The train’s wheels started to turn. Erza kept up to speed with it. “Alice, I want you to use your levitation magic to get in there and get Natsu.” Alice nodded and as she was in the process of climbing out the window. But, just then Natsu flew out of the train from a window and landed on Gray, knocking him off the car. Erza braked hard, sending Lucy flying into the seats ahead of her, landing on Happy. “So....heavy... can’t....breathe....” Happy said muffled. Lucy got up and strangled the cat, who then started to laugh hysterically.

“You left me!” Natsu shouted at the group. “I’m truly sorry. Here,” Erza apologized, grabbing Natsu and hugged him into her armored body, banging his head hard. “I was stuck facing off with some guy from Eisenwald. Kageyama, I think,” Natsu continued his story, prying himself away from Erza. Erza then slugged him in the face, growling. “That’s who we’ve been looking for! We discussed it on the train!” She shouted, forgetting that Natsu was unconscious that whole time, because of her.

Natsu cowered and jumped behind Alice, hands holding on to either side of her, ready to use her as a human shield. “He had some flute with three eyes.”
“Don’t hide behind me!” Alice scolded, then came to a realization. “I’ve read about that!” Alice said, at the same time as Lucy.

Alice allowed Lucy to say what she knew about it. “I don’t know exactly what it is but I know its lullaby can kill anymore who hears it, but the caster. I can’t remember anything else.”

Alice took in a breath and immediately began to speak right after Lucy. “The Lullaby Flute is a magic tool created by Zeref the dark wizard. So it is initially a type of death magic. While its song can kill the listeners, the flute can turn into a demon since it’s Etherion,” Alice explained. “What’s Etherion?” Gray asked. “It’s a different form of Etherious, a race of demons out of the book of Zeref.” Alice didn’t skip a beat answering his question. “Does she just breathe books?” Lucy grumbled, outshined by Alice. “I’m sorry that you’re just not that smart Lucy,” Alice commented, smirking proudly. She never got a greater high than from being the smartest in the room.

The group got back into the car and drove back to the town, but now there was a large crowd of people surrounding the outside of the train station from the entrance.
After pulling into the station, the group found the guards completely taken out by the various dark guild members of Eisenwald.

The Fairy Tail team ran into the station. “Up ahead!” Alice pointed to the crowd of wizards inside. “It’s them!” Erza confirmed. “Lucy, hurry up!” Happy ordered Lucy who was dragging Natsu on her back. “Hey, I have to slug around sickie here!” “Sorry.” Natsu whimpered.

“Hey, Lucy. If you have enough energy to shout at us, you have enough energy to move a little faster.” Alice instigated, although getting out of breath.

She had to admit, she wasn’t in as much shape as she used to be. Instead of her partner, Natsu, who got stronger with his magic and energy as he went on stronger jobs, Alice’s magic actually waned and she got tired faster. And when she came home, she’d rather go read than go train, like Natsu did. She got winded watching him do pushups. And not just because he was shirtless and his muscles glistened with sweat.

They found themselves in the train station center, where the trains would stop.

“Welcome to our parlor, Fairy Tail flies.” Erigor, a dark wizard welcomed sinisterly. Erigor was a tall, lean-built, yet mildly muscular guy with silver hair which was styled in upward spikes, but hung low in a tuft, partially covering his face. His eyes were dark, not complimented by his long and sharp features. He had tattoos all over his body. Starting from downward pointing arrow like markings under each eye. His upper body was covered in larger, intricate blue spiral formations on his shoulders, biceps, chest and back. He wore a long, ragged black scarf around his neck, and wore no shirt, only Japanese samurai pants.
He had a scythe that had a jagged large blade which was attached to a twisted staff, curving slightly. A top the staff, was an animal skull as decoration.

Although, the scythe itself seemed to be more of an aesthetic choice than a part of Erigor’s fighting style, since he used his wind magic, and rarely used the weapon. Though the scythe matched his nickname, The Reaper . Since in his dark guild, he only took on assassination jobs.

Alice knew of him and had once faced off against him once when she was younger while on a solo S-class mission. While it was Erigor’s job to kill someone, Alice’s job was to protect that someone.Alice failed the mission and barely made it back home with her life, only escaping the fight and hiding until Erigor gave up on pursuing her.

She was younger then, she thought she was bulletproof until she had too many close calls.

She would have been terrified to be in his presence now if she wasn’t with her teammates which she had faith, together, could take him down.

Erza stepped forward. “You fiend. I take it you’re Erigor?”

“Come on! We need you! Wake up!” Lucy quietly pleaded with Natsu, who she laid on the ground and bent over to shake him. “First the train, then the car, and your shaking. It’s a motion sickness triple combo.” Happy commented. “I’m not a vehicle!” Lucy snapped.

The commotion got the attention of Kageyama, a young man with black hair tied into a high, but short ponytail. He was quite plain compared to his guild mate. “Hey, you! It’s your fault I got in trouble with Erigor! Stand up!” He challenged the sickly Natsu.
Natsu’s eyes opened. “I know that voice.” But quickly fell unconscious once more. Alice rolled her eyes.

“We’re not threatened by any of you! Tell us what you’re going to do with Lullaby!” Erza demanded.
Erigor used his wind magic to sweep himself up onto the second floor, standing on its railing. “Tell me, what do train stations do?” He flew down onto the top of a speaker hooked on a pole.

Alice knew what he was referring to, but had to mentally comment to herself that train stations didn't just blare things on speakers. If he was going to use a hint like that, he should’ve done this at a speaker store, or a theater.

“You plan to play the flute on those speakers?” Alice questioned him once no one else spoke to further the dialogue. Erigor recognized her right away. “Fairy girl! It’s been a while. What, no pleasantries? Did I offend you when I almost took your soul?!” Erigor laughed darkly as Alice only glowered up at him, unafraid of him now. “I’m not here for small talk. Tell me what you’re planning!”

“Of course, princess. Thousands of nosy onlookers are spilling out onto the streets trying to get in on the action and who knows? Maybe if I turn up the volume enough I can wipe out an entire city with one note.” Erigor explained smirking.
“What reasons do you have to commit such a heinous crime on innocent people of this town?!” Erza raged.

“It’s a cleansing of those who don’t appreciate the freedoms they hold. They will realize that they have something we don’t! That’s why the reaper has come to punish them!” Erigor smiled.

“You can not be serious. I mean I thought the Reaper thing was for anyone who couldn’t remember your pathetic name. Well, at least you have another reason besides being brain dead for getting kicked out of the Wizards' League.” Alice spat at him, glaring still. “We’ll show you that we don’t want to be approved anymore!” Kageyama challenged, using a shadow spell, forming fists, aiming the attack right at Alice. Before she could react, Natsu had somehow recovered from near death and jumped in front of Alice, blocking the attack effectively.

“You again??” Kageyama pouted. “Eisenwald dude. I knew I recognized that voice.” Natsu growled. “You’re back to normal!” Lucy rejoiced. “Looks like a party.” Natsu sarcastically said, getting fired up. “No! These are the guys that we have to fight!” Lucy corrected, not at all understanding. Natsu and Alice deadpanned at the stupidity. “Like I said, looks like a party.” Natsu repeated.

“I’ll leave them to you. Show them the real power of Eisenwald.” Erigor directed, then vanishing. “He disappeared!” Lucy gasped, in awe. “I could so do that.” Alice scoffed.

The members of Eisenwald started to get riled up and slowly advanced towards the team.

“Natsu, Gray. I’m leaving you two to Erigor!” Erza instructed. “You against him, it won’t be a challenge. Work together.” Natsu and Gray snarled at each other. “What did I say?” Erza warned, angrily. “Aye!” The boys squeaked and ran off.

A few bad guys went after them. “We’ll catch up after we’re done here.” Erza announced to the two girls. “Three girls against a whole guild?!” Lucy cried, not at all agreeing with that plan. “Actually, two powerful wizards against a whole guild and celestial wizard standing by.” Alice teased. Lucy's fighting spirit rose up to show Alice up. “Okay, I’ll show you what I can do!” Lucy smirked.

“Sure, I’ll clear them out while you look for the right key.” Alice joked, running off into battle. She had less respect for Holder-Type magic users, celestial mages were in her top three for least respected magic types. Not that she knew many celestial mages-- Since most of them were small time wizards.... or were dead.

Alice leaped into the air, and landed in a sea of Eisenwald members, and then used a lightning spell, electrocuting tens of guys at once.

“How is she so strong?!” Lucy gasped, finally seeing Alice in battle for real. To see her use spell after spell, taking out numerous wizards effortlessly.
“She was put through a lot as a kid. She was raised in a cult that painfully trained her in strong magic for their child army. Also, she's a magic prodigy, being able to learn any type of magic spell no matter the type. Even though she’s weaker than she used to be, she’s a force to be reckoned with!” Happy explained.

“Wait! That blue cat is reminding me of someone. I think I know who this chick is! She’s Fire Fairy Yoko’s daughter!” A guy said, and then was knocked unconscious, getting hit with thousands of bolts of lightning. Alice scowled. "You know, I like that better than Fairy Princess, actually."

Eventually, all but two members were down, who only survived because they ran away cowardly. “Go after them. They’re probably going after Erigor.” Erza panted. Lucy nodded and followed them, with Happy following. Alice hesitated, seeing Erza so worn out.

Erza kneeled, breathless. “Gray was right. I shouldn’t have used so much energy on that car ride.” She then noticed Alice by her side. “Why are you still here? Lucy needs your help!” Erza roughly said to Alice. “I can give you some energy.” Alice replied. “No. I’ll be fine. I just need a moment to recover. Use your magic energy to help Natsu. You two make a good team.” Erza waved her off.

Alice reluctantly listened to Erza. She jumped into the air, her disk cast,and she flew off into a hallway, hoping to catch up with Lucy, knowing damn well that Lucy was probably going to need help.

Chapter 6


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Alice could hear mumbles of voices far off but couldn’t tell where they were coming from. She passed by a window, and noticed some sort of tornado or whirlwind outside, surrounding the building. She decided to go see what it was.

She walked off to some balcony, and studied the whirlwind. It seemed to be a force of strong wind. It blew around her hair and clothes. She knew it was Erigor who made this.
There was no way to go through it. But if Erigor wanted to keep them there, then what was the point? They were just going to get in the way?
Alice gasped. The station was just a trap. But if Erigor wasn’t here and wasn’t going to use the flute here, then what was his real plan?

Alice looked up and down from her balcony, and spotted Erza a few floors down. Alice jumped off the railing and used her energy magic to break her fall.
“We are here just to be trapped! I’m such a fool!” Erza scolded herself. “You’re not a fool. None of us knew what they were really planning. We need to find the others and let them know what we do.” Alice advised. “You go find Natsu and Gray. I’ll go and interrogate some of the enemy guild members.” Erza nodded.

Erza and Alice parted ways, turning different corners. Alice bumped into someone, but as she was falling backwards from the impact, the person caught her.

“Gray.” Alice gasped, catching her breath. Gray helped Alice back to her feet. “I found out what they’re going to use Lullaby for.” Gray informed her. “Well we better get to Erza then. She’ll know what to do.” Alice said. And just like Alice was turning one way, Gray was swiveling her back another way. “This way’s quicker.”

Gray and Alice were a floor above Erza who was back on the ground floor

Gray leaned over the rail. “Erza!”
Erza was busy beating answers out of barely conscious Eisenwald members. “Where’s Natsu?” She growled at Gray. “We split up, but never mind that. Their real target is Clover, the next town over. Erigor is heading to the guild master conference as we speak. He’s planning to use Lullaby on the masters and kill them!” Gray informed her. Erza glared at the guy in her grasp. “Why didn’t you tell me?!”

“We have a problem though. The station is surrounded by a wind barrier.” Alice spoke up. “Yeah. I saw it earlier. If you try to surpass it, it’ll make mincemeat outta you.” Gray leaped off the rail down to the floor Erza was on.

Erza caressed one of her arms. “I know. I already tried.”

“Whoa. Are you okay?” Gray gasped. “That’s not important but what is, is heading down to the conference. And we need to stop... Wait! That Kage guy I heard in the bar. He knew how to break the seal on Lullaby. He’ll know how to break the wind barrier. We need to find him.” Erza shoved down the one guy back down and stood up.

Erza, Alice, and Gray followed the noises of destruction, probably caused by Natsu.

“Natsu! Don’t harm him. We need him alive!” Erza shouted as they entered a room charred. “Way to go.” Gray murmured.
Kageyama was still up, but beaten down. Erza drew her sword and pointed towards him. “You will take down the wind barrier! And you will do it now!”

“You better do it, man. She’s a real monster!” Natsu whispered to Kageyama.

“Okay, I will.” Kageyama whimpered. “We gotta get him out there then.” Gray grabbed at Kageyama. At the same time, some transparent hand came through the wall, and then right through Kageyama.

The four gasped.

Kageyama dropped to the floor, now with a hole in his chest. Erza immediately tended to him.
“Stay with me, Kageyama!” Erza held him up with her arms. But he was out, if not nearly dead.

Either way, the group headed out, meeting up with Happy and Lucy.

“Fire Dragon Iron Fist!” Natsu seized the wind barrier. “Stop it you idiot!” Alice shouted at him in warning. “Brute force isn't going to work!” Gray added.
“I got to try at least!” Natsu growled, getting ready to pounce.

“Stop it!” Lucy wrapped her arms around Natsu’s chest from behind. Alice bit the inside of her cheek at the sight of Lucy holding Natsu, especially while he was without a shirt.

Natsu turned his head to look over at Lucy who blushed. “What?”

“Your spirits! That really big spirit at the mansion! I grabbed onto her and I went into the spirit world!” Natsu brainstormed. Lucy let go of him and took a few feet back.

As Lucy went on explaining why that was a bad idea, Gray turned to Alice. “Can’t you do something?” Alice shook her head. “I know a few things, but nothing at this scale. I barely scratched the surface of dispelling magic enough to break weak seals.”

“Wait!” Happy shouted, grabbing everyone’s attention. “I know now what I was trying to tell you, Lucy!” Happy flew over to her. “When you kept calling me weird?” Lucy snapped. “Yeah! Look what I got!” Happy pulled a golden gate key out of his green pouch. “Stealing is bad you know!” Lucy scolded, grabbing him by the cheeks. “No, we got it as a reward and I was told to give it to you!” Happy defended himself. Alice wasn’t enjoying how harsh Lucy was being with Happy.

Alice never had hurt Happy even when she was in a bad mood. He was way too cute to harm to.

“Great. I get a big ugly spirit now. But I’ll have to deal with her later,” Lucy huffed. “Yeah, but I-” “Shut it cat! Why can’t you be quiet like normal cats!” Lucy barked at Happy, pinching harder.
Alice leaped forward, whisking Happy away from Lucy. “You ever lay a hand on him again and I’ll destroy your bloodline!” Alice seethed at Lucy. “I thought she’d be helpful because she could maybe drill a tunnel under the barrier.” Happy sniffled. “You’re right!” Lucy gasped. “I’m sorry for being mean now can you please give me the key?”

Alice was not even close to considering Lucy’s apology sincere, but Happy was more than willing to bargain. “Okay but fish for a month and I’ll think about forgiving you!” Happy flew up out of Alice’s arms.

Lucy took the key, “Open, gate of the maiden! Virgo!”

With the normal plume of smoke came a very beautiful female with bright blue eyes, short pink hair chopping in a rough lob, and was clothed in a traditional maid’s uniform.

“Who are you?” Lucy asked, completely confused. “Wow! You’re completely different than last time! You definitely lost some weight.” Natsu gasped, very amused.
“That’s different from losing weight!” Lucy argued. “What are you guys even talking about?” Alice asked, a bit irritated still, but now confused. “She’s just completely different.” Lucy shrugged. “Like how?” Gray added.

“I’m a very loyal spirit and change forms as I think my master finds the most appealing.” Virgo calmly answered with a hand bent over her chest, like she was about to take a bow. “I don’t know, I think I liked you better last time.” Natsu smirked. “Really?” Virgo wondered, and then transformed into a grotesque, heavily obese version of her herself.

Alice squealed in shock.

“I’m your master, and I like the other form better!” Lucy cried, and Virgo reversed back to the attractive form. “As you wish."
“I’m sorry we don’t have a lot of time, can we work out the details later?” Lucy pleaded. “Of course, Mistress." Virgo nodded. “Do you really have to call me that?” Lucy cringed. “How about Queen?”
“Princess?” “That’s better.”

Alice growled and stepped forward with a fist full of lightning ready to attack Lucy for trying to copy her. Gray had to hold her back. That was her title!

Virgo started to twirl in fast aggressive circles and the chains around her wrist started to drill a hole from under the barrier to the other side. Alice was the first to jump into the tunnel and crawl out the other side.

Her and the others were greeting by a vicious wind. Alice had a hard time trying to hold down her skirt but also keep her hair was wrapping around her head and neck.

“Here, princess, I’ll keep your panties from showing.” Virgo kneeled over, holding down either sides of Lucy’s skirt, but left her own dress skirt to fling up. Gray, the pervert he was, stared in awe at her pantied ass.

“It’s pointless. You can’t catch up to Erigor. We won." Kage grunted out. “Wait. Where’s Natsu?” Alice asked, noticing he was gone, when she realized Kageyama was with them. “Happy’s gone too.” Gray noted. “You don’t think he...?” Lucy trailed off.

Alice gasped in horror just thinking of Natsu battling Erigor on his own.

“Come on then!” Erza urged leading the others to the magic car. “No way you’re still driving!” Gray argued. “It’s fine! I can handle it!” Erza lied. Alice rolled her eyes impatient and shoved Erza back and hopped into the driver seat herself. Alice put on the magic cuff, started the car.

Alice sped down the track, forcing more magic into the car, making it go faster down the side of the tracks.

She got more and more tired and her vision started to blur and she felt herself feel faint but the thought of Natsu in danger made her keep focused.


wow six chapters down, only 110 more to go!

Wait. I just remembered that I glossed over the Oracion Seis/Nirvana arc when I rewrote the series because of how much I hated how 16 yr old me wrote it..
f*ck I'm going to have to actually do that now. Well, that's still like 24 chapters away, I think?

Chapter 7


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Hey, Alice, you okay?” Gray asked, as he noticed the car’s speed was all over the place. “Yeah, just peachy.” Alice nodded shaking her head, keeping herself up and going. “Alice! You can’t overwork yourself like this! You’ll be out of magic!” Erza shouted. “Natsu’s my priority!” Alice argued, eyes focused on the smoke in the distance.


“Does she have a thing for this kid, or?” Kageyama asked. Alice felt her face heat up in embarrassment. “I.... Have.... A... BOYFRIEND!” Alice shouted, going even faster down the road as she could see Natsu in the distance.

Alice wasted no time meeting up with Natsu, and a beat down Erigor.

“Took you long enough! You missed me beating him up!’ Natsu laughed.

Alice took off the cuff and jumped over to Natsu. “You shouldn’t have ran off!” Alice snapped, but as she stood there, lost her balance and started to sway. “How fast did you go on that thing?” Natsu mumbled, catching Alice in his arms as she almost fell over. He could sense her low magic. “As fast as I could,” Alice answered tiredly, resting her head into Natsu’s neck, putting her full body weight on him as she leaned into him.

Natsu smiled softly. “You’re a real idiot.” “You look stupid being half naked with a scarf on!” Gray shouted to Natsu. “You’re one to talk!” Natsu countered.

“Bye idiots!” Kageyama announced. He sat in the driver’s seat, waving the flute in a hand as he drove off towards Clover. “We have to follow him!” Erza shouted, taking lead, sprinting down the track. Natsu flung Alice onto his back, as he piggybacked her as he ran.

At that point Alice was passed out.

A deafening roar awoke Alice. Her head was pounding and she was not in the mood for what was going on. The magic power in the air awoke a voice within her with the black magic, possessing her, putting her mind in a fog.

A huge tree looking monster about the size of a small mountain kept up the noise. The flute’s actual form.

But more than anything Alice was wondering something else. “Why am I on the ground?!” She growled. A dark aura formed around her. Her eyes were dilated horrendously, black took over her irises.

Everything went silent. Even the wind. The guild masters gawked at her. “Natsu?” She called in rage. “Yes, ma’am?” He cowered, taking his attention off of the monster watching his best friend in horror. “I’m cold. Do you know what happens when I get cold?” Her voice darkened “You get sick?” He answered mortified.

“Why is there a tiny girl interrupting me?!” The flute roared. “I was having a conversation!” Alice snapped at it. “I don't care! I am going to eat your soul!” It threatened her.
“Not if I don’t eat yours first!” Alice hissed.

“How dare you even-”

“Disintegrate!” The ground started to shake violently, the starry night clouded over, lightning blinking around in the rolling black clouds. A dark purple circle appeared below the flute and a white light came out, surrounding it, each particle of light dissolving the monster until it was no more than barren ground where the conference hall once stood.

“Who is she?”
“Is she from Fairy Tail?”
“How did she do that?”

The smoke and dust cleared, revealing a huge gaping hole from where the conference hall once was. “She destroyed it!” Anger came from the masters. She ignored the calls of disappointment from Erza or the cries of Lucy who tries to catch the master’s soul and successfully did as the master ran up to Alice who walked off to sleep in a patch of grass.

Alice jolted up from the bed she was laying in. She was in a cold sweat.

She breathed heavy, eyes wildly scanning her surroundings. “Calm down,” Natsu said, who stood up from leaning against the wall, across the infirmary bed. Alice in a mild panic, jumped at the sudden voice, head swinging towards the sound. “It’s me. You’re in the guild infirmary,” Natsu explained, putting a hand on Alice’s head, as he sat down on the edge of the bed.

“How-.... How long has it been?” Alice croaked out. It had been so long since she woke up in a cold sweat, feeling drained of energy, her body completely numb and trembling, and an overwhelmingly, nauseously amount of dread.
“It’s been two days, but you’ve only been here about one,” Natsu answered. “I don’t understand? I’ve never passed out that long from using too much magic.” Alice shook her head confused. “You got possessed by the residual dark magic in the air when we got to Clover and the flute turned into a demon. You used your dark magic. You were terrifying. You destroyed the flute demon and the conference hall. Although, that part was kinda awesome.”

Alice’s eyes prickled with tears, she started to tremble more. “No... No! I couldn’t have! Porlyusica blocked off that part of me! I’m not dangerous anymore!” Alice’s mind flashed back to images of the people she killed accidentally. The blood. The life gone from their bodies.

“You’re safe. You’re not dangerous. Porlyusica checked you out. She said you’re fine. We just gotta be more cautious now. You can’t run yourself that low anymore.” Natsu tried to soothe her.
Alice jumped out of bed, and began to pace in a circle, tears streaming down her face. Natsu worriedly watched her. “Alice, it’s fine. You need to-” “Did I kill anyone else?” Alice stopped in her tracks. Natsu stayed silent. “Did I?!” Alice snapped.

It wasn’t that Natsu was scared to answer. He just was scared for his best friend. Alice dropped to her knees. “I’ve done it before! I can’t control myself!”

Natsu leaped forward and sat down, pulling Alice into his lap, hugging her tightly. “You didn’t hurt anyone. This time no one got hurt.”


so uh, you'll see it's a pattern in my writing, that whenever I don't want to write a scene I'll just have Alice "pass out" to skip out on whatever I don't want to write.

But also, that happens in all my works.
Or the character goes through some really triggering dark depression and isolates to avoid certain interactions I just can't bring myself to write. Usually I'm in my own depressive episode, so usually after the darkness clears a smidge, sometimes I'll comeback to a story and rewrite something so it's not so exclusive and depressing.

Man I'm just making these notes my own personal diary.

Chapter 8

Chapter Text

Another day went by and Alice was freed from the infirmary. But she had something to get done. “Come on, Natsu!” Alice cried, trailing after him. He ignored her, continuing to walk down alongside the canal, on his way to the guild.

“I don’t wanna have to do missions on my own while you fight off death in the infirmary!” Alice ran forward, stopping right in front of Natsu who looked at her of boredom and scooted Alice to the side and continued on.

While Alice was out, Natsu had challenged Erza to a fight and today was that day.

Alice huffed. “I didn’t want to do this!” She teleported herself on Natsu. Legs wrapped around his waist, arms hugging his face to her chest. “You can’t see now! You’ll never make it to the guild in time!”
Natsu stood still for a moment, before letting out a deep sigh. His strength overpowered Alice’s and he was able to unravel her from him, and he scooted her up over his shoulder.

“Miss. Princess,” Natsu said mockingly. “You can’t stop me.”
Alice's face broke out into a flustered blush. She puffed out her cheeks as she scowled. Natsu was one of the people who made fun of her for her alias. He always took it one step further and added unnecessary things to it. 'Miss. Fairy Princess.' 'Madam Princess Tail.' 'Your majesty Fairy Tail Princess.'
He always did it when he thought she was acting spoiled and was demanding him things and she needed humbled.

Alice grumbled. While her face was hot and she pouted, she wasn’t going to give up. She crossed her arms, “Why do you think you can win?” She asked. “Because I’m stronger now, obviously. And that was a bad day for me so a rematch is in order!” Natsu replied.
“You can’t win against me so why do you think you can take her?” Alice sighed. “I could totally take you!” Natsu scoffed. “Do it then!” Alice challenged, although a bit lightheaded now that blood was rushing to her head. She banged her fists on his back. “Bring it!”

Natsu chortled, amused by Alice’s defiant nature. He stopped walking and rearranged Alice and held her over the canal by the back of her shirt. “You wouldn’t!” Alice's voice cracked as she screeched, wriggling around. “Try me.” Natsu smirked.

Again with Alice’s body reacting the opposite of what she wanted, even when she was mad at him. “You win,” She admitted sorely. Natsu smiled victoriously, while still holding mischief in his smile. “Perfect!

He threw Alice back over his shoulder and continued on his way to the guild. “But I call for a proper rematch!” Alice challenged.

As they made their way to the guild, there seemed to be a crowd of guild members and towns people alike, standing outside the guild. Catcalls and whistles came from the crowd. Alice wasn’t able to see what it was all about, still hanging on Natsu, only seeing from behind.

“Natsu!” Elfman gasped. “You can’t hold her like that!”
“Well, why not?” Natsu asked. “Her panties are showing!” Elfman whispered. But Alice heard every word and her face heated up in quite the embarrassment. “You let me down, right now! I can’t believe you, you pervert! Now I’ll really let you have it!” Alice wriggled around trying to get Natsu to let her down.

“Here, Gray. Can you take her off my hands? Thanks.” Natsu tossed Alice off his shoulder and Alice landed in Gray’s arms, bridal style. While her cheeks were still red, she refused to look up at the smirking Gray. Even when they had their secret meetings, Alice still felt so uncomfortable around him. “Can you put me down?” She grumbled. “Why? It’s not like you’re heavy.” Gray shrugged.

“Bets! Place your bets now before it’s too late!” Cana announced.

Natsu and Erza stood several feet apart in the middle of the crowd, who made plenty of room for the two to move around. “I have the perfect armor for you, Natsu.” Erza smiled proudly and requiped into her Flame Empress armor, which would make Natsu’s fire attacks half effective.

“Put me down for Erza for the first round!” Happy said to Cana. Alice looked back towards Cana, waving a hand at her. “Put me down for Erza too! I’ll pay up when I get to my feet!” Alice shouted.

“Round one, begin!” The Master yelled, and Natsu and Erza both went at each other, although neither making a hit.

And it went like that for a while. “This is pretty lame,” Gray boredly commented. “I don’t know. They haven’t hit each other yet. Natsu is pretty high strung but his legacy of doing overkill can drain him of energy fast and Erza has stamina but that armor weighs her down plus they both aren’t slowing down yet. It’s a showdown within a showdown!” Loke walked up to Gray and Alice who looked at him, both shamefully blushing.

Loke and Gray were friends. Loke and Alice were still dating. Gray had a major crush on Alice. Alice and Gray were friends. Alice and Gray were going behind Loke’s back, casually doing things. They just did a thing the night before.

“I can take her off your hands,” Loke suggested. Gray was not about to argue with him and handed Alice off.

“This fight is over!” A magic council frog stopped the fight. “I am here on the behalf of the magic council! On the order of destruction of a council building, Alice Dreyar is under arrest!” The frog continued on, reading from a scroll.

Alice jumped out of Loke’s arms and walked forward. “What did I do now?” She muttered.

Natsu stomped forward as well. “What?!”

“I am a messenger. I am only here to get her, I do not have any other information,” The frog said, bowing its head. “She’s not going! Not while I have a say in it!” Natsu’s fists combusted into flames. Alice calmly walked towards the frog. “I’ll be fine. I’ve worked with you for how many years, so I know how to wriggle out of trouble.” Alice smiled at Natsu. “You’re not going!” Natsu took Alice by the hand, wrenching her back. “I have to! I did destroy a building and the ground underneath it, although I have no memory of it, but it was still me.”

“But you don’t even remember it! It wasn’t your fault!” Natsu argued, but then was transformed into a lizard. By someone?

Alice nodded to the frog. “I’m ready to go.”
The frog put cuffs on Alice’s wrists and then teleported them to the council building.

Alice silently followed the front down a hallway.

“It’s been awhile, hasn’t it, Alice?”

Alice stopped since she recognized the voice. The silhouette leaning against a pillar stepped forward into the light. “What do you want, Siegrain?” Alice darkly responded. Alice didn’t like the magic council, or any of the members. Especially Siegrain Fernandes.

Alice didn’t trust him because of his twin brother Jellal. “Be nice. I’ve stuck up for Fairy Tail over the years. I do believe I deserve a bit of respect.”

Alice rolled her eyes at his cool voice, but noticed that his body was in fact a projection just by the lines and glitches that went up and down his body. “Yes. None of us are really here. We thought it was trivial to come here from Era for some petty crime. Of course, there wouldn’t be a trial if there wasn’t so much pressure being shoved down our throats.” Siegrain grimaced. “Yeah, yeah, I destroyed a building, big deal. I also defeated a demon of Zeref; Lullaby. So you’re welcome.” Alice’s voice dripped with sarcasm.

“You’d think that you’d let the old man die. You’d be one step closer to getting the guild, wouldn’t you?” He smirked. Alice scoffed. “Yeah right. My old man would be next in line and he’d rather burn the place to the ground before giving it to me. Now be a good boy and take your seat in the court.”

Siegrain disappeared.

The frog led Alice to the courtroom, and Alice into the defendant’s box.

“This courtroom will now come to order. Before us is the defendant, Alice Dreyar. Please take the stand, Miss Dreyar!" Another frog announced.

“You stand here today facing charges stemming from the dark guild Eisenwald. This includes excessive damage to Oshibana station, collapse of the railway bridge, and the total destruction of the Clover meeting hall. There are 11 property damage charges against you according to eyewitnesses reports. The perpetrator is described as a small girl with...," The member sighed “a smoking hot body."

The door to the courtroom collapsed with great force. “It is I! The great Alice Dreyar you have been looking for!”

Natsu, in a ragged red wig, and a leopard print skin tight mini dress and heels that didn’t even fit his feet, stormed into the courtroom. Alice facepalmed and groaned. Natsu proceeded to roar at the council members. “Take them both away.”

“I can’t believe you!” Alice shoved Natsu into the stone wall of their shared cell. “It was all just a show of power!” Alice then pounded her fist into the wall, inches away from Natsu’s head, barely missing. Natsu looked amused at her. He liked seeing Alice fired up. “Hm?”

“It was just an act for the council to state that the rules still stand and if you break them, you get punished. I was probably just going to get a warning and sent home. The council has been getting pressured by people to control us unruly wizards. I guess they were going to try to make an example out of me, but now with you... it’s... never mind.” Alice sighed defeated and rested her head on Natsu’s shoulder.

“I’m sorry, all right?” Natsu’s voice softened. He wrapped his arms around Alice, pulling her closer to him. “It’s fine. As long as we’re not stuck here for too long. I didn’t remember to lock my door,” Alice mumbled, calming down. “Besides. Where did you get that dress?”
“It was from Lucy’s closet. I couldn’t fit into anything of yours.”

Alice hummed in response.

“I can’t believe that was just for show!” Lucy cried. “Yeah, seriously. That was so not something a real man would do!” Elfman puffed out his chest. “Well I’m glad that Siegrain was there to warn me. I would’ve went Natsu on them if I didn’t know." Alice nodded, looking down at everyone, from sitting up on the railing of the second floor.
“I guess that settles that then.” Gray shrugged.

Everyone in the guild started to get immediately drowsy out of nowhere. “Not now...” Gray grumbled, but then fell out of his seat onto the wooden floor. Everyone else soon fell asleep too.

Alice sat up, with a yawn. She was laying on the floor of the second floor. Alice sat up and realized she was the only one still asleep.

Mystogan. An S-class, mysterious wizard and member of Fairy Tail. Only Master Makarov has ever seen him. A man who uses a sleep charm to put anyone who’s in the hall fast asleep so he can grab a quest and get out without anyone seeing him.

“He’s a contender for Fairy Tail’s strongest wizard.” Elfman continued on a conversation Alice just joined. Alice sat back up on the railing. “Just like me!”
“Of course. But we all know what you look like.” Gray smirked up at her. “I know what he looks like,” Alice lied, crossing her arms and looking to the side.

Alice had once walked right into the guild hall as Mystogan was leaving. Alice then couldn’t recall what he looked like and her memories of the event were blurry. All she could remember is the color blue.
“No, you didn’t! Master is the only one who has!” Gray argued.

“That’s not true."

Alice squeaked and then shuddered at the sudden voice behind her, and it wasn’t a voice she liked.

“I’ve seen him before."

Alice glanced behind her, seeing someone she hated more than anything, standing right behind her. Laxus Dreyar. Alice’s father. Master Makarov’s grandson.

Laxus was one of those guild members who rarely came around the guild hall. Which Alice was thankful for. “Talk about rare.” Elfman commented. “And here’s another contender.” Gray muttered, leaning on his elbows on his table, sitting by Lucy.

Alice glanced back over to Laxus, and rolled her eyes looking back forward. “What are you doing up here? S-Class members only, moron.” Laxus then shoved Alice down off the railing.

Alice was in fact S-class. Laxus just didn’t know. When Alice was 10, she was nominated for the opportunity to be S-class, but Laxus made such a big deal out of it, Alice dropped out of the race but Master made her S-class anyways in secret. Which was very unfair, and a great show of nepotism... But it is what it is.

It was a secret so secret that literally everyone but Laxus knew.

Alice was still new to her teleportation magic and she was still recovering from her incident back in Clover so she wasn’t able to cast a spell to break her fall.

Gray leaped over onto the counter of the bar and caught Alice.
Alice mumbled a thanks to Gray.

“Mystogan is just a little shy. You should all respect his privacy,” Laxus continued on. “And what would you know about respect?” Alice spat. Laxus stared down at Gray jump down to the floor and gently let Alice to her feet. “Hey,” Laxus muttered down at Gray.
“Don’t get too friendly with my daughter if you want to live.” Laxus warned. Not in a fatherly-protective way, more of a, “I hate her so much that if you associate with her, I’ll hate you even more” kinda way.

Natsu suddenly woke up, from Erza’s attack, not Mystogan’s charm. “All right, Laxus! You and me, right now!” Natsu immediately stood and challenged. “Yeah right. If you can’t take the red head, then don’t even bother with me,” Laxus scoffed. “What does that mean?” Erza snapped standing to her feet. “Calm down, Erza,” Gray warily tried to intervene.

“That means I’m the strongest wizard in Fairy Tail!” Laxus beamed proudly. “Come down here and prove it!” Natsu shouted. “No. You come to me.” Laxus tricked.

Natsu ran and then leaped up onto the bar and jumped up to the second floor. Master, sitting on the bar used his giant magic to enlarge his hand and swat Natsu back down. “You’re not allowed on the second floor,” He scolded.

“Alice was up there!” Natsu whined, although had a mischievous look in his eye. While Natsu respected Alice enough to keep the secret, he liked to try to get someone else to spill the beans just because he thought Alice shouldn’t have to hide her power from Laxus and should just beat him up. Alice wanted that too. It was just that she knew she wasn’t nearly strong enough to defeat Laxus. She was biding her time.

“That’s just because the old man is too lenient with her. She’s not allowed up here, just like you,” Laxus answered. “At least not yet,” Master added.
“The strongest wizard here isn’t some chick or some hooded freak. If you want to know what they look like, it’s right here!” Laxus pointed to himself. “So if the strongest wizard looks like you, then it’s Alice, right?” Natsu cheekily teased. “Don’t be so co*cky. She couldn’t beat me even if she wanted to. It’s me, you idiots.”

Alice couldn’t stand sharing the same air with Laxus so she went up the quest board and grabbed the first thing to grab her attention. “One thousand jewel for a lost cat? Sure, that looks good.” She shrugged, leaving the guild hall, letting everyone fight with one another and then by the time she’d be done with her quest, hopefully Laxus would be gone.

“Alice!” Natsu shouted, jogging over to Alice who was walking down a dirt path, to find a carriage to ride in. Alice didn’t stop walking and let Natsu catch up with her. “Flame Breath,” Alice greeted. “Would you mind taking me on a dangerous S-class quest?” Natsu asked sweetly. “Yes, I would mind.” Alice nodded. “What if I just coincidentally find you while you’re on said dangerous job?” Natsu wondered. “Well considering I don’t do those types anymore, but to humor you, I’d tell you to let me do my thing and then if you wouldn’t listen I’d have to abandon the quest and then drag your ass back to safety,” Alice explained. “I’m willing to take that risk! So what S-class mission are you going on now?” Natsu grabbed the paper out of Alice’s hand. He read the paper and then frowned, and frantically flipped the paper, searching for the red stamp with an “s”.

“Where’s the red stamp?”
Alice took the paper back and thumped Natsu on the forehead. “I can’t go on one right now. Laxus is still here, remember?”

“Well how about we wait until he’s gone and then go on one?” Natsu suggested. Alice stopped walking, and Natsu did too, looking at her curiously. “No. While you’re strong enough for an S-class mission, you’re not cleared to do one on your own without an S-class escort. And I’m not strong enough to protect you if things go wrong. While I admire your determination. I can’t help you,” Alice said in a soft, sad tone. Natsu pulled Alice into his side, hugging her with one arm around her. “Alice, we were kids when that happened.” Natsu knew what Alice was thinking of.

“We’re still kids. And I don’t have nearly the power I did then, and even if I did, I still wouldn’t be able to control myself. I just proved that in Clover. If something were to happen, it’d be my responsibility to look after you and you’re more powerful than I am now. So I can’t protect you.”

Two different instances. Both devastating. 1. Accidentally using dark magic, killing 15 people. 2. Accidentally electrocuting Natsu.

Alice stopped taking Natsu on S-class missions after that.

Alice shook her head and let out a loud sigh. She strutted off, out of Natsu’s embrace, and down the path, leaving Natsu behind.

Mirajane ran over to Alice who casually strolled into the guild hall. “Alice! I’m so glad you’re back!” Mirajane cried, distressed. Alice had no idea what had Mira so worked up. “I was only gone for two days, Mira.” Alice replied. “No, it’s not that! One of the S-class posters was taken! We think it was Natsu and Lucy! You need to go get them before they get hurt!” Mira put her hands on Alice’s shoulders and shook her.

Alice didn’t know how to feel. Natsu was fully capable of handling some s-class missions but with Lucy needed protected 24/7, Alice didn’t know what the outcome would be. She was worried that Natsu would get hurt. “What was the request asking?” Alice asked, walking more inside the guild.

“It doesn’t matter. You can’t go.” Loke interjected. “I don’t believe I asked for your opinion.” Alice dismissed him. “He’s right about something. While you possess powerful magic, what this task requests, you don’t have what it takes. You don’t have the stamina or brute strength required to either complete the task, and if Natsu puts up a fight, you might not be able to win.” Master butted into the conversation as Alice reached the bar.

Alice felt her ego bruise, but she knew he was right. She didn't argue.

Gray walked up to the group and put a hand on Alice’s bare shoulder, since it was way too hot to wear her cloak. “Here’s the plan. Alice escorts me to Galuna Island and I’ll be the one to drag that pink haired bastard back.”

Alice co*cked her head in a nodding motion, thinking that that plan could work.

Loke pulled Alice in, draping his arm over her shoulders, slapping Gray’s hand off her in the process.

Alice didn’t like the battle those two were now in. She shrugged off Loke, stepping forwards towards Master. “What do you suggest, Master? Gray’s idea wasn’t bad. If Gray can get Natsu down, I’ll be able to get us there and back safely as long as Natsu didn’t anger some monster or some dark guild. I don’t even know what the quest was for.” Alice wondered. “Well, I agree. Gray’s plan was the best we have. Erza’s off on her own mission and we can’t wait for her to return. Laxus refused to do it. So it will have to be up to you two. That quest is far too difficult for you, so forget completing it. Just get those idiots back home.” Master nodded, smoking off his pipe.

It was an awkward train ride. Gray and Alice had gotten into an argument as they walked to the train station.

“Loke and you should break up.”

That statement didn’t sit well.

Gray was in love with Alice and Alice did know that. She just wasn’t emotionally attracted to Gray. So Gray lived with the fact Alice just wanted his friendship and his physical affection. She used Natsu and Loke for the rest of her needs. But that didn’t mean Gray didn’t try his best to get Alice to fall for him. But that always lead to Alice distancing herself from him for a while.

So when they arrived in Hargeon, the first words to be spoken was from Gray. “If anything, they probably went on boat.” Gray nodded while crossing his arms. “So we need to get to the harbor.” Alice agreed. “So lead the way. You and Natsu were here not too long ago.” Gray said. Alice deadpanned at Gray. "We were?"
“You seriously can’t remember! You were just here not even two weeks ago!” Gray snapped.

Alice gritted her teeth. “Well if you haven’t noticed, it’s been a very eventful several days for me!” She shot back, offended that he was getting frustrated with her, when she was the one who should be since she really felt like that mission was a couple months ago.

Gray started to walk away. “Man, you and Natsu are so alike. Maybe you should just date him instead.” Gray muttered. Alice faltered. Her heart sped up.

She stopped following him and ended up finding herself in the park, sitting on a bench, contemplating Gray’s words.

“I don’t like Natsu. I love Loke. Loke is my boyfriend. We’ve been dating for over a year and we’re happier than ever. Sure, Natsu is really attractive, he has an amazing physique. And he has a really cute smile and is laugh is really adorable. And he’s really loyal to Fairy Tail and to the other members and I really admire that. I guess that’s why we’re so compatible. He’s my best friend. He knows me better than anyone else in the world. Maybe I do like him? Wait! No! I don’t like him! Why would I-”
“Ma’am. I have no idea who you’re talking about.” The older lady who sat next to Alice piped up. “Oh. Well, I guess. I just started to talk on my own.” Alice’s shoulders slumped in embarrassment. “But if I might add something. Just let things take their own natural course. This Natsu fellow seems really nice. But if you really do love your boyfriend, Loke. Then don’t worry so much about what you may or may not feel about someone else. More than anything, talk these things out with these people you’re having problems with. Nothing gets solved talking to a stranger.”

Alice sheepishly stood up and summoned her disk and flew up into the air, to get an aerial view of Hargeon. She came along an area of buildings that were under construction. She recognized those buildings! Those are the buildings Natsu destroyed!

“The harbor must be right there!” Alice flew off.
Alice walked on the harbor, over to some shipmates. “Hey, have any of you seen my teammate, Gray? He’s about this tall, and has dark blue hair and he might’ve not been wearing clothes.” Alice asked around.

Someone recognized the description. “Yeah. He was with some guy with pink hair and his blue cat and his girlfriend.” He nodded.
Pink hair, blue cat? Natsu and Happy. But girlfriend?

“Girlfriend? Did she happen to be a busty blonde bimbo?” Alice asked on. “Yep! Some blonde girl. They kept arguing then your friend came along and pink and him started to argue too then pink K.O’d your guy then they all got on a boat to Galuna Island."

“When?” Alice inquired. “Just about 10 minutes ago but they left with Bobo the fastest boat rider we know, so they could’ve made the journey already.”

Alice kicked a nearby object, which happened to be a post. “Great.” She mumbled.
“Which direction is Galuna? Do you happen to have a map I could reference?” Alice looked back at the guy.

“It’s not on any map. It’s about south east of here. No one besides Bobo could take you. So you’d have to wait until he returns for a ride.” The dude answered.

“That’s completely fine,” Alice recasted her disk, “I’d prefer to go myself."

Alice rode the harsh seas and had to make a pit stop at some tiny tiny island for a night but headed back out when her magic returned.

She finally came across what she hoped to be Galuna Island and found a village, with it’s gates boarded up. “Yo!” She shouted.

“Who goes there!” A male voice called back. “I’m a member of Fairy Tail. I’m looking for my guild mates who took the quest!” Alice answered. “We have Fairy Tail members here already! We don’t need anymore wizards!”

“Yes, but they are not qualified for the job. They’ll probably die or destroy the village before they could help you!”

“Are you qualified?”

“Yes! I’m an S-class wizard! Do you need to see credentials or something?”

“Come in then!” A gate opened and with morning light peeking through from the horizon, the villagers were back to being human. Alice followed someone to the hut the group were staying in.

As Alice opened the door, she was met with a pillow to the face. “Creeper!” Lucy cried. Alice threw the pillow back at Lucy, times more stronger, knocking her back to the floor.
“Relax stupid. It’s me.” Alice whispered. “If you make one more sound and wake up these idiots, I’ll personally make sure you’ll get kicked out of the guild and can never get into any other one. Got it?” She warned Lucy, who was about to yell at her. Lucy kept her mouth shut, nodding along.

Alice then tied up the sleeping Natsu, Gray, and Happy with magic binds. Alice knew Lucy wasn’t stupid enough to run so she didn’t bother to tie her up.
Alice hadn’t slept in over a day, and while she could’ve used this time to doze off, the three boys snored way too loudly.

So she used that time to pester Lucy with questions.

“I’m so sorry! Natsu said we could do it and become real S-class wizards! Then Gray found us in Hargeon and Natsu knocked him out and we got taken out by the storm then we found ourselves here and Gray wants to help us now! I’m sorry! There’s a key in the reward! I want it so bad!” Lucy cried quietly.

The sun was finally up and birds were chirping. Alice took out a bottle of water and doused the three boys with it.

“Lucy! What the hell was that for?!” Natsu whined, turning onto his side, to try to keep sleeping. “I’m sure as hell that I’m not Lucy, but I’m also sure as hell you’re all going to die.” Alice warned in a dark tone. Alice crossed her arms and stood at Natsu’s head, staring down at him.

“Alice!” Natsu shrieked and wriggled around like a worm, realizing he was tied up. “Crap.” Gray muttered to himself, sitting up, ashamed. “All right, little hellions. We’re going back home where you’re all probably going to be punished severely.” Alice singsonged, using her magic to control the binds on the boys, making them all stand up.

“We can’t now! We accepted the job these poor people need our help! We can’t just go back now! It’s gonna look bad on Fairy Tail," Natsu argued.
“You should’ve thought of that before you decided to take an S-CLASS JOB!” Alice raised her voice. “You kinda sound like Erza right now," Happy commented casually. Alice deadpanned, “No I don’t! And even if I did, she’s a great role model!” Alice stubbornly pouted.

Her only weakness was being compared to others.

“No, Happy, I’m thinking she’s more like Laxus, the saying ‘Like father like daughter really is true isn’t it?” Natsu smirked, realizing that manipulating Alice was pretty easy when you knew how.
“I had high hopes for you." Gray added. “Okay! Fine! We can stay to finish the job.” Alice gave into the peer pressure and released the boys of their binds.

Natsu cheered, raising his arms into the air, jumping for joy. Gray massaged his wrists. “They want us to take out the moon.” Gray informed Alice, who was realizing her mistakes. “Yeah, so?” She grumbled. “You have to think that’s completely impossible and stupid!” Gray snapped. “Of course I do. So that’s why we’re gonna figure out a different way to break the curse.” Alice shrugged.

“Though, I suppose, that this may be more difficult. I guess I should take you home and then finish this quest on my own.” Alice thought aloud. “You can’t do that! Come on, Alice! Let us show you we can handle an S-class mission.” Natsu pleaded. “Look, I’ll let you tag along but once there’s trouble, I’m shipping you all off in a tiny box.” Alice bargained, not being able to handle Natsu’s intense puppy eyes.

“Thank you, Alice! You’re the best! We’re gonna show them all we’re strong enough to handle an S-class mission!” Natsu celebrated but then yawned. “It’s so early though.”

“I’m never up this early.” Gray commented. “I’ve had no sleep in the last two days, trying to track your asses down so I don’t want to hear a single yawn out of any of you.” Alice sternly fired back.

“We can start this quest later then.” Gray interjected. “For once I agree with jerkface. You should get some sleep then we’ll start the quest.” Natsu agreed.
“Who are you calling a jerkface, jerkface!” Gray got in Natsu’s face, starting off a new fight.

“Will you be fine with sleep?” Lucy asked Alice over the sound of insults from the boys. “Yeah. I don’t know why those idiots are overreacting.” Alice shrugged off. “Overreact? 2 months ago you came back from a quest and you didn’t sleep for 3 days! You got in a fight with Erza and almost won!” Gray commented.

Lucy gasped. “This chick is crazy strong!”
“The only reason she didn’t win is because Gramps stopped the fight because they destroyed half of Magnolia." Natsu added.

"Will you shut up! You guys want to do this quest so bad, so we're doing it now!"

Chapter 9


god I hate this arc

Chapter Text

Alice rolled her eyes, noticing Lucy summon Horologium just to make him haul her around.
“You really think we can find another way to beat the curse?” Natsu started up a conversation as they trekked through the forest. “We have to. The village people think its a curse while everyone else likes it. Destroying it might really mess things up.” Gray replied.

“You’re right! Without the moon the tides would get all crazy and at night it would be pitch black!” Natsu gasped. “Without it, salmon might go extinct. And they’re my favorite fish!” Happy whined.

“'Would you keep it down! We don’t know what’s lurking out here and we don’t want to attract attention!' She demands impatiently.” Horologium narrated as Lucy spoke.

“Here we go with the horologium narration.” Alice whispered to herself, getting irritated. “You should walk on your own.” Natsu judged Lucy. “Yeah, you just summon your spirits because you’re lazy.” Gray nodded. “That’s pretty much what a celestial wizard is like. They can’t fight and they’re too stupid to learn anything else so they make spirits from another world do their bidding with nothing in return.” Alice spat.

“She’s so mean!” “I wouldn’t want her to get too grumpy!” The boys cowered. “Listen. This curse is really freaking me out. We don’t know what we’re up against, and I’m scared. She says nervously." Horologium’s voice wavered for effect.

“That’s why you shouldn’t have done an S-class mission! Now you all might die or get the curse because I can’t babysit all of you and or do this quest myself! S-class missions are, the majority of the time, hard. You can’t go in blind or not fully into it! This is a serious deal!” Alice snapped.

Natsu placed an arm around Alice’s shoulders, and ignored the evil glare he got from her. “Are you kidding? S-class missions rule!”
“Yeah! I bet I could freeze the curse.” Gray added.

A thumping so loud and big that it shook the forest ground suddenly began, and everyone turned to see what it was. It blocked out the sun and it towered over them. A giant rat. So big, that it was nearly as big-- Or bigger than the guild hall. The rat was wearing a tightly fitted black and pink frilled blouse, a pink bow tie, and a white frilled headband, like maids wore.
Alice could say that she’s seen stranger things in her time.

“What are you waiting for? Beat it up!' She deplores.” Horologium calmly narrated. Which was funny hearing such a panicked statement come out so smooth and posh. “Oh, right, because you’re too weak to do anything yourself.” Alice said in a low voice.

“Ice make shield!” Gray created an ice barrier which wasn’t even close enough to the size of the rat. The monster opened its mouth and a horrible stench came from it. It was so dreadful that it somehow broke the ice.

Everyone tries their best to shield their noses from the smell. Something that could only be described as fermented milk in a hot dumpster in the middle of summer.

Alice took off her cloak and balled it up, putting it into her face. The ocean salt blocked out the odor enough that she could breathe.

The smell from the rat made Horologium disappear, leaving Lucy vulnerable.
The rat let out a loud, almost deafening roar and then started to charged the group. Each step, once again, making the ground quake.
Natsu and Gray were frozen. “Run!” Alice commanded, dropping her cloak to be able to drag along both boys.

They were able to get a good distance between themselves and the rat, and then Gray stopped to cast. “Ice make floor!” Which was effective, and the rat slipped on the ice and blacked out.

Natsu and Gray ran over to the rat and started to kick and punch it. “There’s a temple! We should go there while we have the chance!” Lucy shouted, pointing off to the side in a clearing. “We should beat it up while we have the chance!” The boys argued. “We’re going to the temple.” Alice monotonously ordered.

“Yes, ma’am!”

It was an ancient pyramid they found themselves upon. It was old and nature had started to claim back it’s territory.

There were red moons and circles decorated all around the inside.

“What are the symbols?” Natsu asked in awe, just like everyone else was. “They look like moons.” Alice answered absentmindedly, staring at the symbols which seemed to glow. “It makes sense. Galuna used to be the island of the moon.” Gray nodded. “A moon island with a moon curse and moon symbols. You really have to think about what it means.” Lucy said.

Natsu started to wander off. “This place is a mess. This floor doesn’t even look safe to walk on.” He commented, stomping around on the stone floor. “Don't do that then!” Lucy shouted. But Natsu didn’t listen and the floor collapsed.

Alice summoned her disk and watched as everyone but Happy fall.

“Is everyone okay?” Natsu dug himself out of a pile of rock. “It’d be better if you didn’t knock out the floor!” Lucy growled. “Yeah, next time, maybe if you think before you act, you wouldn’t cause so much destruction!” Gray yelled.

“Where’s Alice?”

“I’m up here.” Alice called, slowly floating down to them. “Also, Natsu, you’re an idiot.” She sighed, shaking her head. As her feet hit the floor, the disk was gone. They all looked up at the open hole above them where they fell from. “Can you fly us out of here, Alice?” Lucy asked in a tone that Alice was not in favor of. “Not all of you. The more weight I put on my disk, the more magic I use. I think I’d be able to get Gray and Natsu but with you, it’d be too much.” Alice said, looking away from Lucy, flipping her hair behind her, sassily. “I’m not going to take that lightly!” Lucy shouted, offended. “Good. I wasn’t expecting you to.” Alice smirked.

Lucy dismissed Alice’s bad attitude, “What about you, Happy?”

“Nuh-uh.” Happy shook his head.

“Wow! It’s a secret cave! This is so cool! Let’s check it out!” Natsu laughed, wandering off, completely forgetting the issue at hand. “Where do you think you’re going!” Alice called after him, also jogging to him to catch up. “Hey! Stop acting like a crazy person!” Gray also followed along, with Lucy and Happy trailing him.

“Natsu, you can’t just run off like that!” Alice scolded lightly, panting, but then slammed into Natsu’s back when he abruptly stopped. Since Natsu was pretty bulked up, Alice’s collision didn’t even move him at all, as she fell backwards onto her butt from the impact. But Alice was caught off guard looking at what Natsu was, so she didn’t yell at him.

A huge, monster in a block of ice. This creature was large, not as big as the giant rat, but also wasn't round like the rat was. It's skin was shiny, like metal, black with jagged edges all over. Its arms were long, spanning down past its knees. It had a demonic face, with large fangs and tusks.

Gray, Lucy and Happy caught up. “Check this out.” Natsu said.

Gray stood frozen, terrified by the sight. “That’s impossible! It’s Deliora! How can this happen?! Why is it here?! What the hell is it doing on Galuna Island?!” Gray shouted.

Deliora. A demon from the book of Zeref.

The group surrounded him, concerned. Alice noticed he was trembling and put a hand on his chest. “Gray?”
Gray lowered his head and then took a deep breath, calming down. “Deliora? You know it?” Alice asked in a soft voice. “It’s the demon of destruction.”
“Demon of CONstruction?” Natsu wondered aloud, ruining the ominous atmosphere. “DE-struction.” Happy corrected him.
“I don’t understand! Why is it here?! It doesn’t make any sense!” Gray continued to freak out.

Then Natsu with his super sensitive hearing could hear footsteps. “Someone’s coming!” He warned. “We need to hide!”
“Over here!” Gray waved over to the pile of rocks.

They all hid behind some rocks against the wall, as the footsteps got closer.

“The voices seem to come from here. Ugh, I hate being awake during the day.” a short slim young man distinguished by his extremely brushy, square black eyebrows, with bright blue hair that pretty much stated that gravity doesn’t mean crap. He groaned.

“So were you exposed to the moon drip, Toby? You got those pointy ears.” He teased his partner, Toby who was also a young man of average height but with distinctive animal features of a dog. He had a pair of canine ears on his head, a dark small nose and a lower face which resembled a dog’s muzzle. He also had shaggy brown hair. He wore no shirt but wore blue jeans and sandals.

“I already told you! They’re a fashion statement!” Toby barked (no pun intended). “I was messing with you." The blue haired guy muttered, probably annoyed by Toby’s overreaction.
“Well you don’t have to be so mean about it!” Toby cried.

Moon drip. Being exposed? Was it a draw back from their plan? So was there really a curse? Alice thought hard to herself as she watched these people. She’s never heard of a curse like this nor did she ever hear of something called “moon drip”.

A female with bright pink hair, tied into pigtails joined them. She had pale white skin that made her neon hair stand out more. She wore a black dress with what seemed to be wings on her back.
“Yuka, Toby.” She started. “What is it, Sherry?” Yuka asked. “Something terrible has happened. Angelica has been attacked and I’m sad.” Sherry cried.

“You’re moping around because somebody beat up your stupid pet rat?” Toby growled. “She’s not a rat. She’s a brave hunter prowling the jungle to protect us. She is ‘love’," Sherry sighed dreamily.

“What a bunch of weirdos." Lucy commented in a whisper. “From their scent, they’re not from the island." Natsu added in his hushed tone.
“We need to get them to leave. Maybe one of us could sneak off and create a diversion.” Alice planned. “Aye," Happy volunteered, crawling off.

“Intruders, then?” Yuka wondered, trying to get back on track. “Possibly. We must get rid of them before the cold master finds out.” Sherry advised. “Get rid of them, then?”

“Yes. Find them before the moon’s first light.” Sherry nodded at Yuka. “We can’t let them live if they’ve seen Deliora. Yes, we’ll give them eternal rest. We’ll give them... love.”

“You’re talking about death, right?” Toby asked for clarification.

The intentional noise far off somewhere in the temple set them off. And the three ran off to investigate.

Happy flew back and everyone stood up from crouching behind the rocks.

“I still say we should’ve beat them up for answers.” Natsu pouted. “We need to investigate more!” Lucy argued. .
“Still don’t know how they got Deliora.” Gray grumbled. “Was it hidden?” Lucy asked.

Alice rolled her eyes, keeping her sarcastic thoughts to herself.

“It was sealed away on the northern continent. A decade ago this demon ravaged the town Bargo. Countless people lost their lives. The woman who taught me my magic, Ur, sacrificed everything to seal it away. I don’t know if it has anything to do with the curse, but it doesn’t belong here. We need to find this ‘Cold leader’. If they tarnish my master’s legacy, they’ll regret the day they were born." Gray said seriously

“Are you sure this is the demon you master sealed away?” Natsu asked. “Well there is only one Deliora.” Alice nodded.

“Why would it be taken from the northern continent to Galuna Island?” Happy inquired. “You don’t think this is the reason behind the curse do you?” Lucy added.

“Wouldn’t be surprising. Deliora is from the Books of Zeref. There could be some dark energy seeping from it, but I’ve never seen side effects like this before, and then we gotta think about this thing these freaks are doing with the moon. Could there be side effects from it that affects the villagers? Though, I still don't understand any of this.” Alice theorized aloud.
“Yeah, Deliora is still alive even in ice." Gray added onto Alice’s first statement. “All right, let me have a go at it, I ain’t scared of some demon!” Natsu got fired up, ready to take on Deliora.

“Brute force isn’t always the way to go!” Lucy said, defeated by Natsu’s idiocy. “A little fire should do the trick.” Natsu reared up to take aim at Deliora with a fist full of fire.

Gray then socked Natsu in the face. The blow threw Natsu down onto his back.
Alice got in between the two boys to prevent a fight, even though she never was successful at being a peacekeeper.

“What’s the deal? Why’d you hit me, Gray?” Natsu sat up, rubbing his jaw. “I don’t want you or your flames near it! If the ice melts and Deliora is revived, we’d have no way to stop it." Gray explained, still in a bad mood. “Come on, do you think a huge chunk of ice is that easy to melt?” Natsu playfully asked.

“Are you okay, Gray?” Lucy tried to comfort him. “I’m the one that got hit! Watch your temper man.” Natsu pouted.

Alice helped Natsu up to his feet. “Does it really hurt that bad? There’s no swelling, nor any serious bruising, besides your ego.” She smirked up at him. “Oh yeah, let me punch you in the jaw and see how you feel.” Natsu muttered, frowning.

Alice caressed the side of Natsu’s face, her palm over the affected area of his jaw. A purple glow came from her hand as she cast a spell. Natsu jumped back, away from Alice, as a prickly, cold sensation came from Alice’s spell. “What did you do- Hey! It doesn’t hurt anymore!” Natsu said in awe as he felt better.

“Hm. I’ll take note that the spell actually worked. I’ve never done that before.” Alice looked up, mentally take notes.
“You know, I’m not some guinea pig you can do experiments on!” Natsu shouted, offended. Alice gave him a bored look. “Are you still in pain?” She asked in an uninterested tone. “No.”
“Then don’t complain.”

Alice turned her attention to Gray.

“Actually, the spell is so strong that the most powerful flames have no effect on it. Wait- If they know the ice can’t be melted, why did they bring it here?” Gray asked himself, staring at Deliora.
“Maybe they don’t know. Maybe they’re gonna try it.” Alice shrugged. “But why would they do that?!” Gray snapped at Alice who didn’t even flinch, who in fact just gave him a bored look. “Eisenwald tried to use Lullaby. Maybe we’re dealing with a dark guild. Deliora brings destruction and havoc, dark guilds love that stuff.” Alice kept strong with her defense.

“We need answers. Let’s go after those guys.” Natsu said. “Yeah," Lucy agreed. “No! We’ll wait for the moon to come out.” Gray argued. “Why do you want to wait for the moon?” Lucy asked while Natsu complained about being bored.

“I have a feeling the moon and Deliora have a connection. Besides, I heard those guys talk about collecting moonlight." Gray added. “Well then I guess we’ll have to wait until night to find out what’s going on.” Lucy sighed, bored.

Alice thought through the options, and the best one seemed to be Gray’s plan. They needed more information and nightfall would give them just that.

“I’m not waiting around!” Natsu growled, storming away. “You’re not going anywhere!” Alice used a motherly, stern tone. Natsu listened, reluctantly and sat against the wall, arms crossed, pouting.
Alice went to join him. “I don’t want to wait forever.” Natsu mumbled like a child. “It’s not forever. Just a few hours. Besides, you said you were tired a while ago. This would be the chance to take a nap.” Alice nudged him. But she instead ended up being the one to nap.
There was a few moments of silence, when Natsu jumped as Alice’s body leaned on his side. Natsu shifted around, and slid his arm around Alice, pulling her closer. Natsu just listened to what his mind was subconsciously telling him to do. His mind was constantly urging him to be close to Alice. To take the chance to pull her in close. Just some sort of physical contact. And he knew that she wouldn't mind.

Natsu didn’t bother to figure out why he was like this.
Alice leaned harder into him, seeking his heat, lulling her even deeper to sleep. Natsu wasn’t too far from that as well as he scooted against the wall to get comfortable.

But all he really needed was Alice to do that.

Chapter 10


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Why is it purple?”
“It must be moonlight."

A gigantic magic circle above them, shone a bright purple light over Deliora.

“We have to know where that light is coming from!”

Alice mentally groaned, as she followed Gray first up the temple, running.

The group found themselves up on top of the temple, and noticed people in a circle, around 4 magic circles which came all the way down from the moon. All of these people were wearing these white masks that were blank except for some odd circle symbol in the middle of their faces.

“It’s the ancient moon drip.” Alice jumped at the unfamiliar voice. Which was one of Lucy’s spirits, Lyra. “Well if you know it then tell us!” Lucy demanded in a whiny voice.
“The moon drip is an ancient spell that is used by collecting moon light." Lyra went on.
“But they can’t melt the ice! Ice shell isn’t just normal ice!” Gray argued against the magical immortal and very old and probably has seen things, celestial spirit.
“I hate to break it to you, The Ice shell is strong but it can be melted by the moon drip. Focused moonlight can break almost any spell." Lyra explained to Gray.

“I got it! The natives think it's a curse but it's just side effects from the moon drip! I know I read that somewhere!” Alice gasped, coming to her own conclusion, forgetting that they were hiding and idiotically stood up when she came to her realization. Natsu pulled Alice back down by her arm, behind the slab of stone they all were hiding behind. “Someone’s coming!”

A person in a white cloak, over a blue cloak, and bull shaped metal helmet that covered their entire face walked in their direction, followed by Sherry, Toby, and Yuka they stopped before the stone slab and faced the magic circles. “I have some sad news. I believe there were intruders but they got away.” Sherry said to the masked man.
“Has Deliora been revived?” Their master asked, in response. “Not yet but it should be later tonight or tomorrow.” Sherry answered.

“If you find those intruders again, kill them. I don’t want anyone getting in my way." The masked man said. He seemed to be the one in charge.

“The only people on the island are the villagers so it must’ve been them." Sherry suggested. “Then kill all of them," Cold Leader guy says.

“It’s a shame there has to be bloodshed.” The Leader sighed. Natsu, enraged, radiating heat, stood up and jumped up onto the stone they were hiding behind. “I’m tired of just sneaking around! We’re the intruders!” Natsu shouted, breathing out fire. Alice sighed. “It can't be helped.” She knew Natsu was bound to blow their cover eventually because he hated being sneaky. He just wanted to jump into action and fight.

The rest of the Fairy Tail group stood up.

“I know their mark! They’re Fairy Tail!” Sherry pointed at the group, looking at Natsu’s, Alice’s, and Lucy’s visible marks.

“The villagers must’ve gone to the magical guilds for help.” Yuka guessed right.
“Don’t worry about them. Go eradicate the village. Anyone either it be deliberate or not, and stands in my way, are my enemy!” The masked guy directed.

Gray and Natsu charged at him.

Gray used his magic to create iced spikes that ran from him all the way to the four enemies. The masked leader dodged the attack easily and cast the same exact spell.

“Lyon!” Gray shouted. “How could you! Do you know what you’re doing?!” Gray demanded, betrayed. “Oh, Gray. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” Lyon asked. “Why would you revive Deliora?” Gray growled.

“To think you were one of the wizards called to the island. Did you know you’d find me? Or is it coincidence? Not that it makes any difference to me.” Lyon wondered aloud.

“An acquaintance of yours, Cold Emperor?” Yuka asked. “Just do as I asked!” Lyon commanded.

Toby, Sherry, and Yuka ran off.

“Wait! Come back here!” Natsu started to charge after them. “No, Natsu! Don’t go near him!” Gray warned.

Lyon casted a spell that froze the majority of Natsu’s body, from his legs up to his shoulders, in a giant block of ice.

“Happy get Lucy out of here!” Gray demanded.

“Alice, I know you’re S-class but you need to get out of here too. Trust me!” Gray yelled at Alice who looked at him confused. “Did you just hear yourself? I’m S-class! You should be the one leaving!” Alice argued. “Just go!”

Alice trusted Gray’s decision only because she knew since Gray and Lyon had history that Gray was making the right call. Alice nodded and summoned her disk and followed after Happy carrying Lucy. “We can’t leave Natsu!” Lucy shouted. “He can handle himself. He’s a fire wizard, remember?” Alice replied. “But we can’t just rely on that! He was frozen! We need to go back!” Lucy argued.

Alice growled at Lucy’s worry. “I’m going my own way, you two go back to the village!” Alice ordered, flying her board off into the direction of the three minions of Lyon’s.

Alice noticed smoke and knew that had to be them. As she got closer she saw Sherry and her giant rat, Angelica.

Alice got in as close as possible.

“Sherry. It’s time." Yuka came out of the nearby hut with Toby. “I’m confused here, what is the plan?” Toby asked, very coincidentally at the same time Alice was there to listen in.

“Like I said earlier, we take this poisonous jelly and we pour it all over the villagers! By the time we get there, the wizards will be too and we won’t have to deal with them either!” Yuka explained in a rough tone.

Alice’s disk dimmed and flashed as Alice’s magic was fluctuating at the wrong time. Her body has a hard time doing continuous spells. Alice, who had lowered herself a few feet from the ground gasped as she then dropped to the ground.

“What is it, Angelica?” Sherry wondered at her rat who started to get antsy at the noise.

Alice had to get out of there. With as much willpower as she could, Alice summoned her disk but accidentally put too much power into it and when the disk came but, it shined brighter than before, giving away her location.

“There!” Toby pointed to the light, and all of them looked to Alice who then zoomed off towards the village

Alice flew as fast as she could as she could feel her magic start to drain fast. “Come on, come on!” She groaned.

As she was over the village, her disk went out. “Help me! I’m falling to my death because I’m out of magic!” Alice shouted, when she got closer to the ground, she could see Natsu’s pink hair and he was no longer frozen.

Natsu heard Alice’s cry and ran off to catch her at the last moment possible. Alice caught her breath, ragged and worn out. “Thanks.” Alice hopped out of Natsu’s arms. “What happened?” Natsu asked. “They have a plan to use-” Alice looked up to the sky, and stopped when she saw the ginormous bucket of green jelly. “Jelly?” Lucy wondered as a tiny drop had fallen and was coming right for her. “Lucy, get out of the way!” Alice gasped. Natsu had charged at Lucy, grabbing her and sliding to the ground as the green jelly acid hit the ground and started to immediately dissolve through the dirt.

Alice started to regret every decision she ever made which led her to this moment. She had no clue how to save everyone.

She didn’t have the magic power to make a protective shield that would hold strong against the acid and she couldn’t teleport that many people at once. She didn’t have enough time to go up and maybe do a strong attack and fight the rat.

Think, Alice, Think!

“Everyone! Get to the center of the village!” Natsu shouted, bringing Alice back out of her thoughts. “Natsu!” She gasped. “Get to the center. Keep everyone there.” Natsu sternly replied to Alice, who looked at him wildly. She knew he had a plan and maybe the willpower to make it work.

She nodded, and ran off in the opposite direction, herding villagers to the center.

As everyone was safely huddled up together, the acid started to spill from the bucket. Happy and Natsu flew up into the sky and Natsu used his fire magic to push away the acid from the center of the village where everyone stared up at him.

The village was gone, except for the center where everyone was huddled, now standing several feet from the new drop to the ground.

“We can never go on a mission that doesn’t destroy homes.” Alice groaned at the destruction. “What’s the fun in that?” Natsu joked, landing back on the ground, next to Lucy. Alice rolled her eyes, just imagining the trouble she was going to get in when she got home.

  1. Doing the mission
  2. Letting Natsu, Gray, Happy, and Lucy do the mission
  3. Destruction

“Bobo’s grave!” The chief of the village celebrated, seeing the stones intact of the small grave, that happened to be right out of range of the corrosive acid jelly.

The three enemies walked into the crater, Yuka being the villain he was, knocked over the stones.

“The Cold Emperor told us to eradicate the villagers. We were trying to make your deaths quick and easy. But I guess we’ll have to resort to bloodshed." Sherry said, putting her hands on her hips. “Are you ready guys?” Natsu asked Lucy and Alice. “Yeah!” Lucy enthusiastically shouted. “Not really.” Alice groaned. Gray, who hadn’t been in the dialogue for a while and had been knocked out cold at some point, came to. “Let me help.”

“Not going to happen. We don’t need your help.” Natsu walked over to Gray, helped him stand up and then punched him in the stomach, taking a page out of Erza’s book, apparently. Gray was back out of action.

A villager volunteered to take Gray somewhere safe.

“We’re not leaving until everyone is dead." Sherry warned. “Angelica."

The huge rat flew over the village crater. “You’re not getting away!” Lucy shouted and then for some reason grabbed onto the rat, and was getting carried away. “Oh no! I got so excited I grabbed on!” She cried.

Alice shook her head. “She’s hopeless.”

And then as Angelica was flying off, she crashed into the ground somewhere in the forest.

“Well, since Lucy’s gone, we’re back to our old team!” Alice darkly, yet in a light tone, joked. “You’re really insensitive.” Happy commented. “I was joking.” Alice pouted, hating that she got called out on her bullsh*t. “Although, it can’t be that bad with her out of the picture.”

“I wonder if she’s okay.” Natsu looked off in the distance, ignoring Alice’s pouting session. “I’ll go check.” Happy volunteered and then flew off, leaving Natsu and Alice up against Yuka and Toby.

“You up to a fight?” Natsu asked in Alice’s direction. She jumped out of her sad spell. “I’m not too sure I could take on a real challenge right now, but I’ll be able to take these losers out.” She answered as she co*ckily smirked down at the two boys in the crater.

“So since we don’t know what they’re capable of yet, I’m thinking we can go to D.S.B.” Alice suggested to Natsu.

Referring to a fight strategy Alice and Natsu came up with years ago to keep opponents on their feet. Trading off their enemies to one another before the enemy could figure out their fighting patterns. D.S.B. meant Defense Strategy B. Which was so cooler to say than Plan B.

“I’ll see how it goes. I call dibs on eyebrows.” Natsu nodded, and then leaping off towards Yuka. “I guess I get dog boy, then.” Alice said, wishing she would fight with the less weird of the two.

Alice stepped off the center and landing down into the crater, walking in Toby’s direction, with volts dancing around in her hands.

“There’s no way I’m fighting a girl!” Toby whined, backing off of Alice. Alice then shrugged and put her hands together to make a gun, and then aimed her fingers at Toby. “Pew.” Alice sounded off as a tiny bolt of lightning came from her two pointer fingers and shot out at Toby.

It was minimal damage but it was fun to Alice. The pain being very similar to being snapped by a thick rubber band. She didn’t even have to make the noise. It was just more entertaining.

And since he said he wasn't going to fight her....

“Don’t!” Toby cried as he got shocked, making that pained noise dogs would.

Alice was mildly entertained at Toby running around trying to dodge her shots. Natsu flew out, and landed on his face, feet from Alice.

“My magic can diffuse any spell!” Yuka shouted.

“Hey, Alice, wanna trade?” Natsu said, muffled by the ground. “I don’t know. Does eyebrows fight girls? Because Dog Boy refuses.” Alice said, shooting Toby again.
Toby yelped. “Quit it!”

Alice and Natsu shared the same philosophy. There’s no honor in fighting an opponent that won’t fight back. While Natsu did it because he wanted an equal, fair fight, Alice just got bored of fighting someone who wouldn’t fight back.

“Find out how to beat eyebrows, I’ll take a swing at furry freak.” Natsu stood up.

“We can hear you use nicknames on us!" Toby shouted.

Alice smirked at Natsu, and nodded in agreement.

Alice skipped over to Yuka who stood in a defensive stance. “So, Yuka, I hear you got a special magic.” Alice smiled. He frowned at her. “If you knew my name then why do you keep calling me that ridiculous name?” “Because your eyebrows are so big they deserve more recognition.” Alice shrugged coming up with a quick response which was not at all true.

Alice wasn’t sure what magic he had yet, she was too busy picking fun at Toby. She raised a finger gun at him and shot at Yuka, who then nullified the attack. “Wave magic. It’s an interesting magic type but I wouldn’t dedicate myself to just that. It’s a weak magic.” Alice walked closer to him, instantly recognizing his magic type. “How so? It can block any spell.” Yuka then cast a wave barrier, pushing Alice away when she was getting dangerously close. She flew back, scraping up her exposed skin.

Alice teleported herself right behind Yuka. “See, here’s the thing.” She pulled him by the collar, bringing him to his knees. “You’re not really fighting. You’re just blocking my attacks.”

“Wave!” Yuka flung Alice up into the air.

She requipped out a claw dagger and she landed on top of a new barrier, piercing the wave with the dagger’s tip. She noticed that she was able to beat him with strength. Something she didn’t really have.

“Wave blast!”

Alice was flying back again.

She landed on her feet, sliding on the ground. As she stopped, she noticed Toby on the ground, frozen. The thought that he was dead crossed her mind. “He’s paralyzed.” Natsu said with a shrug. Alice would have to ask more about that later, but it made her remember something she could use against Yuka.

Teleported behind him, and as Yuka turned to wave blast her again, she poked him in the head with her index finger. “Nerve shot.” A small magic circle no bigger than the space between his eyebrows appeared on his skin for a split second before appearing to seep into his skin.
“Wave blast!” Yuka shouted but nothing happened. Shock ran across his face. “Wave!”


“What did you do to me?!” Yuka screamed at Alice, afraid. “I kinda did this thing where the part of your nervous system that connects to your magic container has been given a tiny shock which has left you unable to do magic, but only for a tiny bit. Once the shock wears off in a few moments, you’ll be fine. But... until then...” Alice then kicked Yuka in the stomach and he flew back and was knocked out cold as his back his the edge of the crater.

“And he’s down for the count! Man! It’s been awhile since I’ve had such a fun fight!” Alice smiled proudly. “Cool. Can we go now? I’m bored.” Natsu said, uninterested. Alice pouted. “It’s not my fault dog boy wouldn’t fight me. And that you... you know, what did you do to him?”

Natsu shrugged. “I don’t know. He has this paralyzing jelly on his nails or whatever and so he scratched himself and whatever.”

Natsu turned at walked over to Bobo’s grave, placing the rocks back up in the tower formation from before Yuka knocked them over.

“I promise you, I’ll avenge your death somehow." He promised.
“Go find the villagers.” Natsu told Alice as he stood back up straight. “What? No way. I’m staying with you.” Alice stepped forward in protest. Natsu smiled softly and faced Alice and tousled her hair. She jumped back and fixed her hair all while glaring up at those amused dark eyes.

Natsu was amused by Alice’s temper. She was tired and was all over the place with her emotions, but mainly grumpy.
That weird voice in the back of his mind just told him to make contact and so he listened, casually doing the tiniest, innocent thing to satisfy the weird need that came about when he was around Alice.

“I’m going to go back to the temple." Natsu said, looking past Alice into the forest. “Then, I’m going with you!" Alice urged. “No, you need to go check to make sure S nowflake is fine. I’ll stay out of trouble." Natsu bargained. Alice gave him a worried look. She could not ever forgive herself if something happened to him.

“I promise." He added with a goofy smile and held out his left pinkie finger, sticking it out towards Alice, who nodded at him, linking her right pinkie with it. “Remember last time you broke a promise?” Alice raised an eyebrow at him.

“I’m not going to do this." Natsu huffed with angry eyes and a blush of embarrassment. “Yes you are. You ate my cupcake!” Alice snapped at him with her tiny arms crossed. An 11 year old Alice, glaring up at 10 year old Natsu, who, even then was taller than Alice.

Alice had just came back from her first S-Class mission and with that pay, she bought 5 gourmet cupcakes for herself. Natsu had taken the last one when Alice’s back was turned.

“You ate four! I just wanted one!” Natsu also crossed his arms. “Buy your own!” Alice simmered with anger. “Geesh, chill out.” Natsu mumbled, annoyed with Alice’s new found temper. “No, I won’t. And since you wanted something so sweet, I dressed you up in something just as sweet as that cupcake was.” Alice smiled darkly. “I see you were able to get me into the bunny costume, but I’d like to see you get me out into the hall!” Natsu thought he had her beat. “Wanna see a new trick I have?” Alice laughed lowly. She grabbed one of his hands and teleported them out of the closet and into the open guild hall.

Alice smirked and leaned back on the closet door so Natsu couldn’t hide so easily.

“Alice! Please! I’m sorry, just let me back in there and let me change!” He panicked.

Alice’s eyes dark with mischief she chuckled. “Everyone look at Natsu!”

All eyes were on the pink haired boy with a bright red face in a fluffy bunny costume, complete with bunny ears.

“Aw, Natsu! You’re so cute!” Lisanna was the first to say something besides laugh. She patted him on the head. Natsu looked down, and growled lowly to himself. Alice noticed how calm he responded to Lisanna’s touch and Alice didn’t know this new feeling that clicked inside. That would be the first time of many for years to come.

After 20 minutes of embarrassment Natsu had enough and burnt of the bunny suit, and while completely naked, stomped out of the guild hall, home.

Natsu lowered his gaze in shame at the memory.
“Except, this isn’t a cupcake, Natsu. So if you break this promise, the punishment will be more extreme.” Alice warned, while smirking darkly. Then realized what she said and squeaked in embarrassment. A statement not meant to be taken suggestively, was moments too soon.

Alice had Loke to thank for corrupting her and she had to watch what she said because she now knew innocent things had way naughtier meanings.

Natsu hadn’t noticed Alice’s expression change and he wrenched his hand down and away. “Yeah, whatever, I’m going now.” He turned away and stomped off

“Please... be safe....” Alice muttered softly. Natsu stopped and his bad attitude disappeared. There was that stupid feeling coming back. “This isn't the time.” Natsu whispered to himself, trekking on.


it has taken me over four hours to go over this chapter just because I keep getting bored and getting distracted by other things .n.

Chapter 11


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Alice came across a small setup of tents on the edge of the island, on the shore line. “Miss Dreyar!” A village girl ran up to her. Alice was taken back by the formal name and she had no idea how this girl would know her last name.

Alice discarded her disk and let the girl come up to her. “Is Lucy and Happy back? Is Gray awake?” Alice asked. “No ma’am. Gray is still asleep but his breathing is much better now. Your other friends are in another tent waiting for you.” The girl answered with a smile and pointed to the biggest tent of them all.

Without a second thought, Alice had walked forwards, towards it, thinking she’s find Lucy and Happy and maybe Natsu.

She pushed open the tent’s flap and she was greeted with a sternful, deadly gaze. With a guilty smile, Alice immediately turned 180 and tried to escape, but was caught by the hair, and pulled back into the tent. “You’re not going anywhere!” The redhead warrior shouted. Alice fell on her back and looked up at the fire in those brown eyes. “Yes ma’am!” Alice jumped to her feet. “Sit down by Lucy and then tell me why it’s taken you so long to bring them all back?”

Lucy and Happy were tied up.

“Gray and I went to Hargeon and split up and then I found out Gray went with Lucy and Natsu here and so I followed! Then I was gonna bring them back but then we got too invested in helping! There’s so much going on here that we can’t just leave!” Alice trembled as she quickly explained her story.

Alice was then also tied up as Erza had them all wait for Gray and Natsu to show up.

It was late afternoon before Gray would wake up. Natsu hadn’t shown up yet.

Alice was mentally beating herself up for listening to him. She worried about what could’ve happened to him. Why hadn’t he come back yet?

Gray, bandaged up, naively walked into the tent. As he saw Erza sitting there waiting for him, with her arms crossed, and a peeved look, Gray turned around to leave the tent silently, like he saw nothing.

But Erza was prepared for that. She reeled him back in. “You kept me waiting, Gray. Not. Smart.” Erza growled. Gray paled. “Why are they tied up?” He noticed the three victims. “Lucy and Alice have gotten me up to date on what’s happened. You and Alice had a job to do. You were sent to stop these fools. Needless to say, I’m disappointed.”

“You’ve betrayed Master, your own Great Grandfather, I’ll be surprised if he lets you stay S-class let alone go on missions.”

“Where is Natsu anyways?” Gray asked, finally noticing the pink haired annoyance was missing. “Alice had told me that he was off looking for Lucy.” Erza answered.
Alice had lied. She was hoping to prolong the quest

“But now you’re up, we’ll be going to find Natsu and then leave.” Erza advised, pulling on a rope that tied the three together and also acted as a leash. “But we can’t!” Gray bravely yelled. “If they filled you in then you know what these villagers are going through right now.”
“And what would be your point?” Erza coldly countered. “I’m only here to apprehend you fools and take you back for breaking the rules.”

“Rules? Have you seen what has happened?” Gray wondered. “I have." Erza nodded.
“And you’re just gonna turn your back on them?”
“Their request is posted on every guild hall. These villagers will be better of with wizards cleared for S-class. You’re not qualified.” Erza was not going to budge.

“How can you be so heartless?” Gray mumbled. “What did you say?” Erza requipped a sword and pointed it at Gray’s throat. “You dare betray the guild? You will face the same consequences."

Gray took the blade in between his hands and guided the point to his guild mark on his chest. “Do what you must.” Gray challenged. “For me there’s no other choice to be made. I can’t walk away from what I know is right.” Gray then took his hands off the blade and walked to the tent’s entrance.

Alice was impressed. Of course this mission was now far more personal now that Gray’s past was involved. Alice wished she had that bravery.
Alice tensed and pressed against the tight rope around her.

Erza trembled with anger and Lucy and Happy went crazy and begged for their lives. Erza seemed to repose herself. With two swift, smooth cuts, all three were cut from their binds. Alice stood up and stretched her body.

“These acts are intolerable but we will act on the immediate events right now.” Erza said with a rough sigh.

So with Lucy, Happy, Erza, Gray and Alice running through the forest, Alice panted as her body was on fire.

“What do you mean Ur’s still alive?” Erza asked, continuing the expositional conversation, which Alice was too worn out to pay attention to. “It’s been 10 years. Deliora attacked my home town. I never seen such destruction. The whole place was wiped out within a day. Ur and Lyon found me.” Gray went on his with story.

Alice contemplated stopping and laying on the ground, hoping no one would notice her. And then she could take a nap.

She was hungry, tired, stressed and more tired after that. Her vision had dots in it, she was lightheaded and she was getting more irritable than before but with Erza around, Alice knew better than to lash out at anyone. Having to mask her distress was even more exhausting on her.

The group was close enough to see the temple. “Why is the temple crooked?” Lucy was the first to ask. “10 jewel says it’s Natsu.” Alice answered. “Most likely. It’s a pretty great idea if he did it on purpose. If it’s tilted like that, then they can’t get any moonlight in there.” Gray nodded. “You mean Natsu’s destruction did good this time?: Lucy sardonically joked.

Erza shoved Lucy and Happy into a tree. “Look out!”

Flying blades sliced through the air to the group. Gray, Alice and Erza were able to dodge and block them with ease.

Cloaked figures from the moon drip ceremony. “We found you, Fairy Tail! We won’t allow you to interfere!” One of them warned.
“Are these Lyon’s minions?” Erza wondered. “They’re all around!” Lucy cried. She was right.

They were surrounded.

“Leave it to me.” Erza directed as she requiped a sword. “Are you sure?” Alice asked. She wasn’t underestimating Erza, she just was looking out for her. “Yes. I can handle it. You go on.” Erza said with a nod and look of determination. “We’ll stay with and help!” Lucy volunteered, taking her whip from her hip.

“All right, let’s go Alice.” Gray started to run off. Alice huffed and had to ignore the screaming pain her legs were in. But, out of stamina, she was running behind so to save time, Alice rode on her disk, catching up to Gray. “You’d think you would run more since you have little to no stamina.” Gray commented. Alice didn’t answer because she knew Gray was right.

As they got to the temple, Gray revealed his plan. “We find Lyon and then you leave him to me.”
“No offense but last time you went against him, he kicked your ass.” Alice argued. “I know what to do this time.” Gray countered.

A room of ice. Gray broke open a hole in it and entered. Alice followed, scanning the room. Natsu and Lyon squaring off.

Alice’s heart skipped a beat as her eyes met Lyon’s face. Love at first sight? His white spiky hair, cold black eyes, strong jaw line.
Alice was shocked to be so love stricken so immediately. He had a narrow, ovular shaped face with cool black eyes that were slanted. He was the most beautiful man Alice had ever laid eyes on.

“Gray!” Natsu acknowledged. “Leave him to me. It’s time we settle things once and for all.” Gray walked closer into the fight. “No way man! You already lost to him once.” Natsu said. “I know but this time it isn’t going to happen.” Gray reassured. Alice kept staring at Lyon with a flustered expression. “You see awfully confident.” Lyon smirked.
Alice had to fight the urge to kneel before him and ask him to do whatever he wanted to her.

“You were right Lyon. I am the reason our master is dead. But you’re no better. You threaten my comrades. You bring harm to the villagers and you sought our to destroy what Ur made. It’s time we accept our punishment; Together.” Gray then got into a stance, crossing his arms out in front of him.

“Not Iced Shell!” Lyon gasped, but stood his ground. “You wouldn’t dare.”

“If you return the villagers back to normal and leave the island, then I’ll agree to stop or this is the end.” Gray bargained, as a blue magic circle appeared under him. “Is that so? I don’t believe a word of it.” Lyon attempted to catch Gray bluffing.

As the spell started to build energy, it created a powerful wind that started to push Alice away since she was in fact standing on ice. She was the only one to move.

Alice knew Gray was being serious now. “Gray! Don’t!” She cried. “My time is up! I will stop you!” Gray threatened Lyon. Natsu seemed to have had enough of Gray’s angst, as he strode over to Gray and then punched him in the face, stopping the spell.

Alice had to lean forward to keep her balance, and as the wind died, she then fell over with a squeak. The three boys stared down at Alice. She turned bright red in embarrassment. She jumped back to her feet. “Hey, look! Natsu hit Gray!” She pointed back to the action.

“Anyways. You can’t just walk in here with some fancy talk and steal the scene. Get to the back of the line.” Natsu got back on topic and was speaking to Gray. “What line?” Gray rudely asked in a scoff. “Behind me. I was here first so it’s my fight.” Natsu dramatically explained with a pose. “When I first got here, the first words out of my mouth were ‘leave him to me’.” Gray argued childishly. “Yeah, so? I said ‘no way, man’ like a second after that.” Natsu crossed his arms.

Angry, Gray reached for Natsu’s scarf. “You want some of this?” Natsu challenged. “I don’t care who said what! I have a score to settle with him! And I’ll die if that’s what I gotta do!” Gray shouted. “Oh yeah? And how’s dying going to settle it? It sounds like you’re running away to me.” Natsu said, grabbing Gray by the wrist, of the hand that was holding Natsu by the scarf.

The building shook and leveled out. Natsu started to jump and kick around like a mad toddler. “Now the moondrip can start again.” Alice noted, staring up to the ceiling.

A small man with a tribal mask on and dark green thick hair ran in through the hole in the ice wall. “Pardon.”
“I should’ve known. You did this?” Lyon looked to the man. “The moon is out so I decided to fix things up again.”

“And I went through all that trouble to wreck it all up! Hey, so what’d you do to fix it?” Natsu grumbled and then his tone lightened with curiosity. The little man laughed and ignored Natsu. “Tell me, you jerk!” Natsu didn’t like being ignored.

“Since that’s back, I shall commence the Moon Drip.” The guy said to Lyon and then ran off. “Hey! You come back here!” Natsu went out after him. “Wait!” Gray stopped him. “I’m gonna pound that guy’s face in a million times. I’ll leave you the Ice Guy.” Natsu replied and disappeared.

Alice felt awkward in the room with Gray and the guy she so suddenly fell for. She slumped her shoulders forward and shuffled out of the room.

Alice thought to herself that it’d be a good idea to go to the top to prevent anyone from starting the ritual.

A deafening roar rung through the temple, shaking the whole thing. Alice felt a shiver go up her spine. Something dark.

Alice turned herself around and headed to the bottom of the temple to stop Deliora, if that roar was from it.

“Erza!” Her, Lucy and Happy came up from a corner. “Where are the others?” Erza asked. “Natsu went to fight this guy who’s in charge of the ceremony and Gray is fighting the leader of it all....Lyon.” Alice answered, breathy, panting hard.

“Why did you get red when you said his name?” Happy asked. Alice felt herself heat up more. “I am not- You’re seeing things!” Alice didn’t know how to excuse it.

“We don’t have time for this. We need to stop that ceremony!” Erza interrupted and lead the group towards the top.

Alice’s lungs were on fire, her legs felt like cooked noodles and barely lifted off the ground as she jogged with the group.

“Alice!” Gray shouted, reaching the team. “We need to get to Deliora!”

“You go on ahead,” Erza nodded at Alice.

Alice whined. “I’m dying!”

They found themselves at the lowest level, witnessing Deliora basing in green light. The ritual was successful.

“Okay, now we’re all dying.” Alice commented.

“Hey! What are you guys doing down here? Anyways, there’s only one thing we can do and that is to take that thing dow- Alice, why do you look tired and sweating and not breathing?” Natsu hopped up on a rock. He noticed Alice panting like a dog, bent over.

“Running. Bad.” Alice said in between breaths. “You’re going on runs with me in the mornings," Natsu ordered, receiving a cry of protest.

“No one is strong enough to defeat him but I am! I can defeat Deliora!” Lyon declared, on the ground crawling through the water.
“How’d he even get down here?” Alice wondered.

“How can you? You can’t even get up?” Natsu pointed out to Lyon still crawling. Deliora let out another roar.
It shook Alice to her core. Her eyes widened as she felt herself lose the ability to keep herself up and she felt backwards into a puddle. In a state of subconsciousness.

Gray and Natsu gasped. Alice’s eyes faded into a muddled darkness. She could feel something crawl its way into control

“Alice!” Natsu cried. “Oh no! Is it the magic?” Gray added in worry. “Yeah just like in Clover! Her eyes are huge and black!” Natsu noticed, as he squatted down, hands on Alice’s shoulders as she sat there staring off like she was seeing something that wasn’t there. Her pupils were blown, her complexion paled, she was zoned out completely.

“Alice! Stay with me. Don’t fade on us!” Natsu gently shook her. Alice could hear him, but it sounded so far away. “Natsu..." She muttered, trailing off. “Ha! Look at your guild member, she is so weak she can’t even handle the magic power of Deliora!” Lyon laughed, pressing whatever buttons he could.
“No you idiot! She’s been cursed with black magic!”

Natsu patted Alice’s head and stood up. Alice laid on her back, in the shallow puddle. Staring up at the stone ceiling. Her sight faded to darkness, she fought so hard to keep on the ground.

“And I’m back!” Alice jumped, sitting up straight, back to herself again. Still tired and her legs were numb, and she was cold, but she was no longer entranced.
“There’s no hope now.” Lyon started to cry. Alice was lost. “All I did was wake up, geesh.” Alice pouted, confused. “I will never surpass Ur!” Lyon continued.
Alice looked around and her eyes landed on Gray, who was also crying. “Okay not to seem insensitive here, but why are the ice wizards crying?” She asked no one in particular.

But she got no answer. She decided to slowly lower herself back down into the water. Maybe someone would come and fix things.


I love Lyon. I love Jerry Jewel's voice, it's more than obvious and I couldn't help but put it into the story *shrug*

Chapter 12


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The whole Fairy Tail team grouped up outside the temple, on a nearby cliff side.

“You scared me there for a moment!” Natsu laughed, slapping Alice on the back, who jolted back into reality. She was zoning off every so often, fatigued.
“What happened?” Happy asked. “Alice started to go all dark possessed Alice again,” Natsu answered with a smile. “But Deliora was dead the whole time, so how did it affect her?” Lucy questioned. “I’m guessing it’s the residual dark energy left by Deliora. It could very well also be that Alice is in a very vulnerable state right now, so it’s easier for dark energy to take possession. We should be glad all she did was pass out,” Erza answered with a nod. “Last time she was so scary!” Happy cowered, hurting Alice’s feelings. She didn't want anyone to be scared of her for no reason.

“Yeah, she totally took out Lullaby with one spell and it was dust!” Natsu said, enthused. Alice also didn’t like Natsu romanticizing this side of her. “I don’t need my forbidden magic to take you out!” Alice barked at him. Natsu wasn’t fazed. “Oh yeah?” He playfully challenged. “Yeah!” Alice took the bait. “When we get back we’ll find out who the winner is!” Natsu was fired up, even though he was at an advantage with Alice being exhausted.

“You couldn’t take on an S-class wizard even if you tried!” Alice argued. “But we totally finished the S-Class mission by ourselves!” Natsu countered. “Technically not since the mission is to return the villagers back to normal and you haven’t done that yet, have you?” Alice arrogantly shrugged.

“But we broke the curse!” Lucy cried. “It had nothing to do with a curse. The intense magic from the moon drip altered them. So Deliora’s death isn’t going to do anything," Alice lightly corrected. “Correct.” Erza nodded “Then what do we do? Lyon, do you know?” Gray asked behind him.

Alice perked up at the name. She had no idea Lyon was nearby.
She looked to where Gray was, and there he was brooding against a boulder, arms crossed, pouting.

“Alice is blushing again!” Happy teased. Alice put her hands to her face. “I am not!”

“No clue,” Lyon answered Gray. “But they said that the curse started about the time you guys got here,” Lucy said, confused. “When we arrived 3 years ago, we were aware there was a village on the island but we never needed to communicate with them so we never went to them and they never came to us,” Lyon continued on. “I don’t understand. The moon drip is so bright you can see it anywhere on the island.” Lucy looked up at the moon.

“The moon drip doesn’t affect the human body,” Lyon corrected. “You could be lying so you and your lackies get off the hook!” Natsu shouted. “Think about it. I’ve been on the island exposed to the moon drip just as long as them and I’ve never changed.” Lyon had a point.

“Well I wouldn’t trust them. They’re hiding something. But I bet this is something you guild wizards can handle.” Lyon brooded more. “We’re not done with you! You destroyed the villa-” Natsu is cut off by Erza interrupting him abruptly. “They were doing what they thought was right. Now, come on.” Erza stood up and started to walk off. The group slowly followed her.

Alice noticed Gray stay behind and she decided to stay with him. She kept her distance, listening in to Gray and Lyon’s conversation.

“I know you don’t want to hear this, but you should join a guild. You’ll make new friends, new rivals, and even find a new dream.” Gray suggested. Alice popped in, hanging off Gray’s shoulders. “You can join Fairy Tail!” She smiled. “No.” Both ice wizards rejected the idea. Alice pouted, and whined to herself, and turned to trudge off after the others.

Gray and Alice caught up with the others at the beach side, where the shelter was. But everything was gone.
“Are you sure this is the place?” Natsu wondered. “Yes. This was it. You can see the prints in the sand,” Alice said, pointing to the tracks and holes in the sand.

A villager, turned demon with green scales ran up to the group. “There you are! You better come with me.”

So there they went, across the island back to the village, where it was in pristine condition. Like it was never destroyed.

“It was completely destroyed!” Lucy gasped. “This wasn’t here! How are they doing this!” Natsu started to bang his fist against someone’s home. “You shouldn’t be doing that! We’ve done good not destroying any innocent homes!” Alice scolded, worried. She flinched with every moment Natsu made. “What? Are you saying I destroy everything I touch?” Natsu asked offended, breathing fire, in a tantrum.


“Come over here,” Erza ordered the team. They gathered around Lucy talking to the chief. “When are you guys going to destroy the moon!” He asked impatiently. “Destroying the moon in an easy task. But before I do that, I must ask your people a few questions. Would you kindly call everyone up for a meeting?” Erza kindly asked. Alice wondered to herself as to why Erza couldn’t be this nice all the time.

“So let me get this straight, you turn into monsters at night?”
“And the moon has been doing this since it's been purple for 3 years?”

“There has been a Moon drip ceremony on this island every night for the light 3 years producing a light so brilliant you couldn’t possibly miss it." Erza stepped on a pile of leaves and “EH!” She squealed, falling into a trap.

“Wow, even Lucy’s pitfall is back!” Happy said. “She screamed...like a girl...” Natsu said taken back and blushing, as was Gray. “And it was cute.”
“I’m so dead!” Lucy cried. Since it was her trap.

Erza climbed out and brushed herself off, “Did you seriously never wonder where that light came from?” She continued on without a beat.
“That is peculiar. No one ever investigated." Alice tilted her head to the side, perplexed at how mysterious this mission got with each step. “Village lore says we cannot go to the temple." The chief answered. “But people were dying! You had to have tried to do something except request help from wizards." Alice interjected.

“Tell us what’s really going on here." Erza demanded. “Well... Honestly we don’t know. We have tried to go to the temple. We get out weapons that we’ve never used before and we get to the trees and we can see the temple but if we go any further we always find ourselves at the village gates,” Chief explained.

“Could it be a memory spell?” Alice pondered.

“Natsu, come with me.” Erza waved over, as she transformed into her Giantess Armor. “I need your help to destroy the moon.” Natsu was excited for such mass destruction.
“You cannot be serious!” Lucy was astonished.

“It’s the only way to change the villagers back.” Erza simply put it. The villagers began to cheer.

“This armor increases my strength and this spear repels darkness.” She explained to the villagers. “Where should we do this? The temple is really high up.” Natsu was practically dancing with excitement. “We’ll do it here. When I tell you, I want you to use your fire power on the back of my spear to give it a boost.”

Maybe the moon drip made Erza crazy too. Alice was sure that Erza wasn’t being serious or had something else planned. So Natsu used his fire to amplify his strength and Erza threw the spear. As it flew through the air, going higher and higher, it stopped and it appeared to hit something.

The moon cracked. Or that’s what it looked like. But the crack continued and it went past the moon to more of the sky and then it shattered.

A magical membrane that covered the sky.

The moon’s purple hue was gone.

“Crystalised dark energy from the moon drip!” Alice was embarrassed that she didn’t figure it out sooner. “Yes that is correct.” Erza nodded.
Under the feet of each villager, a glowing appeared and then faded, but they all stayed demons.

“They didn’t change?” Gray said. “That’s because only their memories were altered!” Alice started to piece it all together. “What do you mean?” Lucy asked Alice. “I don’t know the whole story but it seems to be that this demon transformation they go through at night was the normal part. They just forgot about it.” Alice concentrated hard.

“Close. They think they’re humans cursed as demons, when they’re just demons that turn into humans during the day," Erza answered.

Natsu, Gray, and Lucy freaked out.

“I knew what was going on when they said they couldn’t go to the temple. It’s a sacred place that repels the dark, and being demons, that’s them." Erza shrugged with Alice. “I knew I could trust you wizards." A blue demon came out of nowhere.

“You’re the guy from the boat!” Gray gasped. “Bobo?” Chief asked. “But you disappeared when we got to the island!” Lucy cried in confusion, Bobo sprouted wings and flew into the air. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you what was really going on. I seemed to be the only one who wasn’t affected by the spell and I had to leave because everyone went nuts.” Bobo explained. The rest of the villagers spreaded their wings and flew around in the air. “Definitely demons.” Erza smiled to herself. “I don’t know. Up there, they kind of look like angels.” Natsu said.

“Lyon is like an angel.” Alice dreamily said. But she thought she had said it herself. “What?” Gray chortled.

“Alice likes Lyon! Alice loves Lyon!” Happy laughed, flying around. Alice flustered hard and looked down. "I didn't mean to say that out loud!"

“First Loke and now Lyon? You have terrible taste in men,” Natsu commented.

“You’re all so mean to me!” She covered her glowing cheeks with her hands, trying to hide.
“It’s not our fault you think out loud!” Happy teased.

“We’re going to have a demon party!” The chief announced. “I don’t know if I’m wild enough to party with demons.” Lucy laughed nervously. “Finally! Somewhere I belong!” Alice cheered. “You’re not a demon?” Gray interjected. “Last party I went to I got sent home.” Alice pouted. “That’s because you got drunk and started to strip and every male in the room got really excited and it turned into a massacre. And you started flirting with Alzack, and Bisca was drunk too so you two got in a fight and then Loke and Alzack started fighting. All the while in your panties and my shirt since you took your top off and refused to put it back on and my shirt was long enough to cover your ass," Gray explained to Alice. A night she didn’t have a memory of.

While she didn’t remember doing it, she knew of it. Erza had intervened and gave Alice a stern talking to while demanding a 10 page apology paper and how she would learn from her mistakes and then read it to the guild.

Plus Alice was no longer allowed to be served after 10 pm or more than one drink per hour.

“That was a long time ago!” Alice brushed off. “It was last month!” Gray argued. “Okay, it was Mizore’s year anniversary,” Alice excused. “It was a remembrance! And that ended hours before you got drunk!”
Alice was at a moot point. She glowered. “I learned my lesson.”
“It was really funny! Natsu took Alice home and when he came back to the guild he was all blushy and he kept covering his pe-”
“That’s quite enough, Happy,” Erza cut him off.

The night went on, and the party had slowly died down. Alice and Natsu sat at a table together. Alice was picking at a weird animal plated with potatoes and leaves. Natsu was eating fire on a stick.
“That looks gross,” Natsu commented at Alice poking the thing in the face with a spoon.
Alice nodded. “10 jewel says you won’t eat it!” Natsu challenged. “No way I’d do it for 10! You do it for 10!” Alice squealed. “Deal.” Natsu grabbed the slimy fish, rat, creature and swallowed it whole. Alice stared at him with glassy, wide eyes. “Okay. Here you go. I’ll also willingly pay for the doctor visit when you get sick off the thing.” Alice handed over the jewel. She took a big gulp of her drink. “You should slow down,” Natsu commented. “ You should slow down, ” Alice countered.

A few drinks later she was a giggly mess. “Natsu!” Alice draped herself over his shoulders. He ignored her. “You’re so cute! Why are you so cute?” Alice continued to giggle about. “Because you’re wasted.” Natsu fired back.

He was never the biggest fan of Alice’s drinking problem. It wasn’t a continuous thing. She just drank when she was offered alcohol, which was usually only at parties or celebrations. And she was an extreme light weight with no self control.
Natsu knew Alice also drank whenever something was really bothering her, and whenever Alice got buzzed, she got emotional so she drank more to make that feeling go away. Also, Alice was a stripper when she got drunk. She stripped and tried to go home with someone.

No one was stupid enough to listen to her because she had an attack dog named Natsu that would go to war with anyone who would actually try to take her up on her offer. So eventually at some point, usually before she took of her bra, Natsu would drag her home.

And so Alice would turn on him. Sure, Natsu had experience in the physical touch department and Master Makarov had given Natsu the talk about consent and when Alice is drinking, that is not consent, so when Alice would pull Natsu in for a sloppy make out and grind session, Natsu would have to pull himself away no matter how much his body screamed to keep going. To get Alice closer.

And Alice never remembered ever coming onto Natsu like that.
Natsu and her have kissed, made out a bit until Natsu could get the strength to stop. It was always Natsu who stopped every advance and never told Alice about it.

“I’m not drunk. I got this many more to go,” Alice held up two fingers. “But you’re so cute!” She continued on. Natsu took a deep breath in and out and then continued to eat his fire, diverting his eyes from Alice’s cleavage pressed up against his arm. Alice sat back down in her chair and pouted. “I’m flirting with you. You’re supposed to do it back!”

“You have a boyfriend, and you’re my best friend and....no,” Natsu sternly stated.

The buzz of chatter died down as Yuka and Sherry walked into the village.

“It’s the Cold Emperor’s minions.”

Erza stood up, and other people followed suit.
“How may I help you?” Erza strongly asked. “You Fairy Tail-ers are strong. You banged up the Cold Emperor so bad he couldn’t make it down here.” Yuka started off. “That’s why we came down to pay you a visit, in his place.” Sherry added.

Alice attempted to stand up, but lost her balance and then fell back into her chair. She was too tired to try that again.

“Lyon is cool with us. Didn’t he tell you what happened?” Lucy said. “Yes. But that doesn’t matter to us. We wanted to settle things with you ourselves.” Sherry replied. Natsu ran over, fists blazing. “All right! Show me what you got!”

“Wait. We can fight for ourselves. We’re already in your debt.” Bobo intervened.
“Normally, I would agree with you. But I’ll take this one.” Erza stepped up. “We meet again, Titanita of Fairy Tail. You gave Angelica quite the beating.” Sherry greeted as Erza walked up closer.

“She seems like a formidable opponent," Eyebrows said impressed.

“Careful with the girl! She can control inanimate objects!” Lucy warned. “And don’t even bother using your magic on Megabrows," Natsu added.
“Then I’ll just do it the old fashion way." In like two smooth moves Erza knocked them both down.

At some point Eyebrows and Sherry go into some sad story about their lives, but Alice crawled out of her chair, under the table and fell asleep.

She would stay out cold until they returned back in Magnolia.


oof some spicy Ali/tsu lore! WE'RE FINALLY GETTING SOMEWHERE

Chapter 13

Chapter Text

The team arrived back at the guild. “Is Master Makarov here?” Erza asked, as they stood at the bar.

She made it clear that all of them would not leave until they were punished. “So you’re back from your trip. Was it fun?” Mira greeted with a smile. “It was work, not a vacation. Where is he?” Erza asked once more. “He’s been out of town since yesterday for some random council meeting.” Macao answered from a few seats down.

“Yes! We can live for another day!” Natsu cheered. “I don’t want to die! I have so much more to live for!” Lucy cried. “Quiet!” Erza shouted. The group cowered. “Now listen, all of you. You’re not getting off the hook! You still broke the rules.” Erza scolded.

Alice was sat at the bar, eating a piece of cake. “You’re gonna die.” Alice mocked the three non-S-Class wizards, plus Happy.
“When did you sit down?” Erza asked. “Aren’t you scared too?” Lucy added. “I’m S-class. I didn’t break any rules. Plus, I’m the master’s Great Granddaughter. He’s never punished me! It's the only good thing to come from being Laxus' love child.” Alice proudly smiled and swiveled back and forth on the stool. She finished the cake slice and put down a few jewel.
“Well.” She hopped down. “I’m going to go home and take a nice hot shower. It was nice knowing you all.” Alice smiled mischievously. “No! Don’t leave us here to die!” Natsu latched onto Alice’s legs, kneeling. “I’m not going to get into the way.” Alice used a lightning kick to get him off her. “You’re so mean.” Natsu whimpered, laying on the floor.

Alice walked into her home and sighed happily. “I’ve missed you, home!” She smiled.

Alice stood in the shower stream, using plentiful amounts of conditioner and a comb to try to untangle her hair. From battle, to storms and salt water, to Erza’s manhandling, to lying down in muddy temple water... Alice’s hair was a rats mess. But after 10 minutes of work, Alice’s bright red hair was smooth and soft once more. She scrubbed her skin, she shaved her legs, she plucked her eyebrows, brushed her teeth, moisturized, and dried her hair.

Two hours of maintenance and she was clean and well groomed. She requiped into a corset-style cropped top, and a red hip-high skirt, along with some black ankle boots with heels. Walking to the door, she grabbed a red hood and shrugged it on.

And out the door she was once more.

Once more in the guild hall, Alice noticed the chaos. “What’s with all the commotion? Did you find out your punishment?” Alice wandered over to a table where everyone was surrounding a small girl with blue hair. Levy McGarden. Bright blue shoulder length hair, a yellow ribbon and a pink flower always in her hair. She wore an orange mid-thigh dress with white ribbon. She had big brown eyes that were adorned with Gale-Force glasses when she was reading.

And she was reading what seemed to be a job request.

“This is gonna be fun.” Loke, who was at the table, strode over to Alice, smirking. Alice gave him a bored look as he inched closer. Alice noticed his voice was a bit pitched and the tone was off. “What are you-” Alice was cut off as Loke grabbed her roughly, dipping her down into a deep kiss. Like on reflex, Alice kissed back, trying to reciprocate the intensity.
This kiss was different than all the other ones. It was filled with hastiness, intensity and warmth. And... It wasn't his style.

“What are you doing with my girl?!” Natsu, whose voice was also a bit different than normal, demanded. Alice was severely confused. A bit dazed from the kiss, but now flustered at Natsu’s new found possessiveness-- Well, at least towards Loke.

Loke dropped Alice and she fell to the floor. “Hey!” She snapped, landing on her butt hard on the dirty wood floor. Natsu rushed over and picked up Alice in his arms. “Just because things are switched up doesn’t mean you can go touching her! You do that enough in your body!” Natsu shouted at Loke.

“What?” Alice mumbled, bewildered. Was she still passed out and dreaming?

“It’s okay Princess, I won’t let him do that again.” Natsu reassured Alice in a sultry tone. And he called her "Princess". Not demeaning or mocking... Like Loke did...?

In shock Alice teleported out of his arms and to her feet. “What is going on?!”

“We’ve been cursed! Natsu decided to read this paper, Levy is trying to decipher, and now we’ve all switched bodies!” Gray explained, with an unnaturally high and feminine voice. “Uhm, what?” Alice asked again.

“Gray and Lucy switched, Loke and Natsu, and then me and Happy!” Happy said in a deep voice.

“So....” Alice turned to Gray and Lucy. Gray was sitting at the table, Lucy holding her back in pain. “Gray? Lucy?” Alice pointed to the opposite of them. They both nodded. “Happy? Erza?”

“Aye!” Erza’s body cheered. Alice couldn’t hold back a giggle. She turned to Loke and Natsu and that’s when it hit her.

Loke wasn’t the one who kissed her. Natsu, in Loke’s body did. “Loke?” She pointed to Natsu’s body. “Hey, princess.” He waved. “N-...Natsu?” Alice looked horrified at Loke’s body.

She was conflicted. Natsu in Loke’s body kissed her. Natsu kissed her. Why was she now reacting to it? Her heart was beating rapidly, and her thoughts went to war. She felt exhilarated.

Natsu (Loke) walked over to Alice. “It’s going to be all right. We’ll get this figured out.” He said, comforting Alice. He tilted Alice’s face up and he kissed her softly.

That was the kiss she knew. Soft, confident, and yet, no emotion. But this one was way too warm than it was usually. Alice didn’t respond to it. She closed her eyes but her lips moved none. Natsu (Loke) pulled away and rested his head against Alice’s. She kept her eyes closed. “I love you.” He said.

Alice wanted to run away. Scream. Anything.

This was Natsu’s body, Natsu’s voice.

Loke (Natsu) watched, also conflicted. He just kissed Alice himself. This was the kiss he was always wanting. Not the desperate, lust and alcohol filled one Alice forced on him when she was drunk.
And since Alice thought that it was really Loke. She kissed back. And now here he was, watching his body kiss a scared Alice.
In Loke’s body, Natsu no longer had his dragon senses. He could no longer hear Alice’s heart beat, he could no longer smell her familiar, comforting scent unless he was in close proximity to her.

He had no way to gauge how she was feeling.
But his heart was pounding hard in his chest. A feeling of jealousy but hope filling his mind, watching himself kiss Alice but yet, knowing it was actually Loke doing it.

Did he make a mistake kissing her? He had to focus on what was important. Which was not this.

He looked over to Macao who was keeping time. “How much time is left?” He asked. “8 minutes.”

“I can’t do this.” Alice stepped away from Natsu (Loke). “I understand.” He nodded. The affected people swarmed Levy again. “What if we’re stuck like this?” Lucy (Gray) asked, worried. “What do you mean?” Loke (Natsu) asked. “Well are we going to adjust to our new bodies and go back to work?” She clarified. “I’d guess we’d have to.” He shrugged.

“If it happens it’s totally fine with me! I just have to be quiet and everyone will be nice to me because I’m scary!” Erza (Happy) smiled. “No! I want to go back to being a cute girl!” Gray (Lucy) cried. Natsu (Loke) and Gray (Lucy) had no control of their new magic and both started to drool fire and ice, respectively.
“Are those frozen chunks of drool? That’s gross, man!” Loke (Natsu) cringed. “I know it is! I can’t help it and I’m not a man!” Gray (Lucy) cried.

Gray (Lucy) doubled over on the table. “What is it Gray- I mean, Lucy?” Happy (Erza) asked. “If we get stuck like this and we don’t know how to use each other’s magic, even if we did take a job we wouldn’t be able to finish it.” Gray (Lucy) realized. And the rest of the group let it sink in. “That means we’re the weakest team in Fairy Tail!” The victims shouted.

Alice decided to make light of the situation. “Well, I guess I’m back to going solo. No more sharing rewards!” She sat up on the table. “You’re not helping any.” Natsu (Loke) commented.

“I got it!” Levy stood up. “Well spit it out!” Loke (Natsu) demanded, hastily. “It says with this internal exchange come eternal happiness!” Levy smiled, proud of her translation.
“That’s deep." Alice nodded. “We wanted you to reverse the spell not translate it!” Lucy (Gray) shouted. “Oh, yeah. Sorry." Levy blushed in embarrassment. “It’s so okay. Just keeping trying!” Gray (Lucy) encouraged.

“I remember something about the spell!” Master Makarov said. “What?” All affected jumped over to him. “In order for you all to be changed back it must be done in pairs." He answered. “Well obviously me and Loke will go first!” Loke (Natsu) volunteered. “I don’t see why not." Natsu (Loke) agreed.
"1 minute left!” Macao announced. Loke (Natsu) kicked Macao into a table. “No one asked you!”
“I figured it out!” Levy stood up again. “I’ll quickly tell you about it-” “Just reverse it!” Loke (Natsu) shouted
Levy started to chant, what sounded like gibberish and the piece of paper started to glow, as it dimmed down: “It worked!” Lucy back to herself cheered. “I’m back!” Gray added.

“All I had to do was read it backwards. Back then they didn’t have a lot of letters so they had to be creative so saying it backwards reversed the spell!” Levy explained.

“Hey! We’re not changed back yet!” Loke and Natsu cried
“Me either!” Happy (Erza) trembled. “You mean I get to stay like this?” Erza (Happy) smiled. “Well that’s it for time." Macao said.

“There has to be something else you can do Levy!” Loke (Natsu) cired

“Maybe I didn’t pronounce it right." Levy looked down at the paper. “WHAT?!” Everyone still not changed back gasped incredulously.
“So that’s it then?!” Loke (Natsu) cried. “I can’t stay like a pink hair, fire drooling freak forever!” Natsu (Loke) shouted but then recovered for a moment. “I might be stuck like this forever, Alice. I hope we can still make it work since I’m no longer handsome." Natsu (Loke) kneeled down in front of her in apology. “Well if you don’t have your good looks anymore, then I don’t have to worry about you picking up random girls anymore." Alice sneered, looking away, still not over the switch.

“I told you they’re just friends!” He argued.

“Now, now don’t lose heart there has to be another way!" Mira said, sitting crossed legged on the bar, holding master’s staff and pipe. “Something's not right. Hey guys did I get shorter?” Master asked in a pitched tone.

“Mira switched bodies with Gramps?!” Gray gasped. “Now I have a problem.” Alice said in shock.
“Oh boy, you won’t hear me complaining about this!” Mira (Makarov) stood up and posed seductively “Grandfather!” Alice whined in trauma.

Chapter 14


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The East Forest, right by Magnolia. Right in Alice’s backyard.
A forest filled with memories. Nostalgia. Childhood wonder.

Many games played, nights camped out in the forest, staring up at the stars. So many weird animals as well.

A sunny, warm day.

Alice, Natsu, Happy, and Lucy were at a creek. Alice laid on the grass floor, wearing a black bikini top and black boy shorts, relaxing, basking in the sunlight. She had a fishing pole, stood up in a hole in the ground. Alice swore that she was watching it, but Natsu knew he was going to have to manage two poles.

Lucy sat there, bored. Natsu and Happy were happily fishing. Only thing that could ruin Alice’s relaxation was Lucy’s constant complaining.
“Why did you drag me out here?” Lucy continued on to complain. “Stop whining. You said you had writers block.” Natsu replied. “And nothing gets those creative juices flowing like a change in pace!” Happy added. “Yeah, but why does it have to be fishing?” Lucy asked in a whine. “Because fish is my most favoritest favorite food!” Happy answered with love in his eyes.

“You’re missing the point! I’m asking why I have to fish for your favorite food!” Lucy growled. “I got one!” Natsu stood up and started to reel it in. Alice, in wonder, sat up to watch. Natsu caught himself a massive fish.

Alice looked away as Natsu started to grill it with his fire magic. Alice once watched Natsu kill a fish when they were younger, and then proceeded to throw up and then pass out once watching the eyes pop from the fish’s sockets.

Alice looked back once Natsu was done. “Now this looks great!” Natsu admired his cooking. “You ruined it!” Happy screamed in horror. “What do you mean?” Natsu asked. “Fish is better raw!” Happy answered, still appalled. “Well, I like it grilled. I caught it so I eat it!” Natsu then ate the entire fish within seconds.

Happy screeched in horror. “I can’t believe you! That’s it! Our friendship is over!” Happy declared and ran off into the forest.

Alice shook her head, rolled her eyes, and laid down on her stomach, arms out and crossed to support her head. They had this fight at least once a month, to some varying degree.

Natsu sat down, like a scorned toddler. He crossed his arms and looked to the side, sulking. Alice closed her eyes and rested. “Aren’t you going to follow him?” Lucy ruined the silence. Alice’s eyes snapped open.
Natsu ‘hmph’ed and looked in the opposite direction of Lucy. “Fine. Keep up that tough guy act and you’ll never get the girls to like you.” Lucy said, which seemed out of character.

Alice heard those exact set of words before, but where?
But also, Alice was a bit ticked off by Lucy’s comment. Who was she to say anything?

Natsu stood up.

“That’s the spirit! Now go and-” Lucy was smiling and encouraging, but Natsu gave her a glare and interrupted her with spiteful words. “Why don’t you just shut your mouth for once?” He stormed off. Lucy was frozen, shocked and a bit intimidated.

Alice laid her head back down again and shut her eyes. She was going to let Natsu cool down before she’d attempt to intervene.

“What was that?” Lucy asked, voice slightly trembling. “Natsu.” Alice shrugged, eyes still shut, body still relaxing. “That was scary,” Lucy commented. Alice was hoping Lucy would leave or stop talking, but she wasn’t going to get that. “What do we do?” Lucy asked.

Alice’s face contorted into an expression of irritability. “We? I’ll deal with it. You can stay out of it,” Alice growled. “But...But I don’t know what I did wrong? Why is Natsu so mad at me now?” Lucy whimpered. Alice knew she wasn’t going to get rest. She huffed hard and sat up, and gazed over at Lucy with an annoyed glare. “You need to stop overstepping your boundaries. You know nothing about Natsu or Happy to tell them how or what to do. So butt out of things that you don’t know nothing about. Natsu’s my best friend. I know him more than anyone else does. So I’ll handle things. You go be useless somewhere else,” Alice spouted off.

“You all need to take a nap or something! I don’t need all the sass! But you got me thinking. I really don’t know much about any of you. I’ll go ask Mira, she has to know. ” Lucy scolded Alice, who couldn’t care what she had to say. Lucy walked off.

Alice, finally alone, laid on her back, arms behind her head. She looked up at the trees above her. Sky peaking through spaces of the branches and leaves. Alice’s spot, which used to be a perfect opening in the trees and had a ray of sunshine, now was shaded, as the sun moved across the blue sky.
“Great, Mira will probably take her down into the archive,” Alice muttered. She didn’t need Lucy to know about her. She also didn’t like Lucy’s curiosity about Natsu.

Why did she need to know more about him? It was none of her business. What would she even find out to develop a better bond with him?

Natsu joined Fairy Tail several months before Alice, and months after that the Strausses joined. In that time Alice and Natsu were confirmed team partners. But the moment Natsu and Lisanna met, they became friends. Lisanna had a certain bubbly personality about her. She was bright and extremely kind. She was a ray of sunshine and sparkles. Of course Natsu liked her.

Alice wasn’t like that. Alice didn’t want friends. She came to Fairy Tail because she felt drawn to it. She came to find out more about herself and making friends wasn’t necessary. The guild was for food and jobs. Even when Natsu’s incessant ploys to get Alice to open up or to be his friend didn’t work.
Her attacking him or cursing him out turned to silent acknowledgement, nodding, and eventually Alice could talk to Natsu without getting a headache and she would inevitably be drawn to him. But it was too late at that point.

Natsu found a new person to be friends with. Lisanna. Natsu and Alice were teammates, so they still bonded and hung out and truly became friends.
It took Alice a long time to trust. Not remembering her life in the guild before the cult school was a foggy dream. And Alice would be trained to fight to the death. How to end a life. There was no making friends.

Even those two years with the Water Dragon, Umiko, Alice didn’t loosen up. Umiko taught Alice about the value of life and how to contain her dark magic and also basic education.
Coming to the guild was a new world. Alice, a dark thunder cloud, surrounded by rainbows and love. The friendliness and openness of these people gave Alice anxiety. All the loud laughter and conversation would make her visibly shake.

Natsu was the one who slowly taught Alice friendship and how to not attack people when they come up to her and try to be friendly. Natsu liked Alice the moment he saw her. A new friend. Someone who also knew of dragons.

Alice’s dark and closed off personality would usually have made Natsu lose interest. But Natsu saw a piece of Alice that no one else would see for years.

Natsu woke up to the sound of someone trying to silently cry. He was lying in a bed in the infirmary. Alice kneeled on the side of the bed, using her magic to draw out the lightning that ran through Natsu’s body. Both hands out, a yellow glow and a warm feeling. But Alice was trembling as she tried to concentrate on the spell. Tears continuously streamed from her eyes, down her face. She sniffled to keep her nose from dripping and she would occasionally make a sobbing noise as she tried to stop herself from crying.

“Why are you crying?” Natsu croaked out. “You sacrificed yourself for me. You went up against Laxus to keep me from leaving.” Alice’s voice shook as she answered hesitantly. “Why would you cry about that?” Natsu asked. “Because I don’t know why you would do that. You didn’t have to get hurt for me.”

Natsu knew Alice was just a frightened kid, experiencing life for the first time. She was scared of everything and as a defensive mechanism, she came off as a cold, rough person.
It took Natsu a long time to get through to Alice. He was patient and valued their friendship but Lisanna took a lot of his attention.

There was plenty of moments Alice and Natsu could have shared together if Alice wasn’t so distant and unfeeling. And she constantly thought if she broke out of her shell earlier, she would’ve been the one Natsu fawned over.

Happy and Alice were good friends, but Alice wasn’t there for a good part of his life before Lisanna passed.

Alice walked into the guild from a 3 day long s-class mission. A time before her dark magic was sealed off. Where difficult missions were a walk in the park.
As Alice walked into the hall, her path, straight to the bar, head down, shoulders slumped inward, like she was trying to take up less space.
Other guild members saying hello to her, or asking her how her mission went. Alice would nod in acknowledgement but she dared not say a word.

She plopped down at the bar, and was served her normal ice cream shake and there she would sit and slurp it down until it was gone, she’d pay her tab and go home.
But that day was different. Natsu stormed into the guild hall. “All right! Who stole it!” He shouted, stomping around. A young and tiny Lisanna trailing him, smiling and calmly talking to people.

“We don’t want your dumb egg!” Gray shouted back. “I don’t know anything about it,” Cana also responded.
“Laxus?” Natsu interrogated. “No,” The older blond answered. Alice glowered at his voice. Natsu ran over to the request board where Erza was, scanning the board. “All right! Erza, just say you took it!” Natsu accused her. “Let’s not jump to conclusions,” Erza calmly responded. Alice could hear Natsu get closer and she thought hard to herself that if she made no sudden movements, Natsu would not notice her.
But that didn’t work. Natsu stood behind Alice and pointed to her from behind. “Alice, I know you took it!”

Alice swiveled in her seat to face the pink haired child. Natsu wore a red long sleeve shirt in those days. Alice, wore a similar red colored shirt, but hers was short sleeved and she had a blue long sleeve shirt underneath. She also wore dark jean shorts which barely peaked out from under the hem of her shirts. She was a 10 year old kid who lived on her own. Of course she didn’t know how to dress herself yet.

She also had white sneakers and black socks. Her hair had no real defined part. Where it was when she woke up was where it’d stay. It wouldn’t be until Erza intervened in Alice’s low maintenance, that Alice started to look more presentable.

Alice glared at Natsu. “I’ve been here for 5 minutes. What the f*ck are you accusing me of taking?”
“Alice! We talked about your use of bad words!” Erza warned. “Bite me, bitch.” Alice snapped harshly. Natsu, believing Alice wouldn’t know anything of his egg, and also a bit scared of getting hurt, took Alice’s word. “So it wouldn’t have been you. All right, Mira! It has to have been you, then!” Natsu turned his attention to the young Mira.

Alice turned back to her dessert but then a fight broke out and someone accidentally hit Alice, so naturally Alice had to fight too.

Natsu would start crying and Gray, Erza, Mira and Alice would stop hitting one another.
Mira laughed. “Look at you crying over your egg!”

“I’m not crying!” Natsu said, with tears in his eyes. “Quit teasing him about it. Now, will you please stop crying?” Erza scolded Mira and then turned to Natsu. “I’ll make you cry!” Natsu challenged, while still crying. Erza and Mira violently whispered to each other to give back an egg neither of them had.

“You know. Elfman was telling me how jealous he was of your egg,” Cana spoke up. “He ate it then!” Natsu jumped to conclusions. Elfman would conveniently walk into the guild hall with a big white egg with a blue flame mark.

“You stole it!” Natsu yelled at him, as Elfman said hello. “I didn’t mean to. I just thought with you tossing and turning so much in your sleep, you wouldn’t keep it warm. I’m not that good with magic so I kept it warm with my body heat.” Elfman explained, handing the egg back to Natsu, who struggled to hold it, since the egg was about the same size as him.

Then the egg started to move and cracked. A lot of guild members, including Alice, were curious and gathered to see what would hatch. And then a blue cat with white wings flew out of the egg.

While Happy would sometimes go on missions with Natsu and Alice, he would also stay home with Lisanna.
Since Lisanna prided herself on calling Natsu and Happy her family. Natsu and Lisanna the mom and dad of Happy.

Alice was jealous of their bond and would eventually get jealous in other ways too which would drive herself away from the loving couple and their blue cat son.

Four years later from Happy’s hatching, Alice warmed up. Magic sealed away, a few traumatizing missions, but four years of Natsu finally cracking through Alice’s dark shell. Alice was finally very fond of Natsu. She valued his friendship and wanted to get closer, but Lisanna’s presence stopped her.

A rage and sadness would fill Alice when Lisanna and Natsu were together, especially when they officially starting calling each other "boyfriend" and "girlfriend".

So she tried to stay away from that, but as Natsu’s friend and job partner, there were times Alice had to be around the happy couple together.

Happy and Natsu were fighting. Alice leaned against a tree as they were in South Gate Park. She rolled her eyes. “You guys are such idiots,” She’d huff.
And there appeared Lisanna with her cloud clearing smile. “What’s wrong with you three?” She’d sweetly ask. Alice turned to look the other way. “Natsu ate my fish!” Happy tattled. “It was mine! I caught it!” Natsu argued.

“You’re the daddy. You’re supposed to take care of you wife and son!” Lisanna said, bringing up a make up family Alice was now catching wind of. Her chest ached at the words. She grabbed at the necklace pendant that hung against her exposed chest. Her eyes prickled with tears.

Natsu blushed at the words. “That was like a million years ago, though,” Natsu said, embarrassed. “It’s normal for families to fight every once in a while but you always need to make up and no matter what, Happy is still our son! And Alice, you can be Happy’s aunt!” Lisanna had to involve Alice.

“Leave me out of your bullsh*t fantasies!” Alice would bark and storm on. Lisanna smiled sadly. “I wish I could get through to her, like you do, Natsu.”

Natsu felt conflicted. Angry at Alice’s harsh words towards Lisanna, but also he was already missing Alice even though she just left. “Yeah, well, she’s hard to understand,” Natsu mumbled.

Natsu felt drawn to Alice in ways he didn’t understand but the constant rejection to even try to get close to her to see if this is what his body and mind was needing, discouraged him, so Lisanna took the space that Alice refused to fill and for a while Natsu’s attention was focused solely on Lisanna, and his thoughts of Alice would quiet down.

Natsu didn’t like thinking complex things anyways. And nearly everything about Alice was complex.

Now, two years later, in the present, Alice’s puzzling feelings of Natsu just got worse. Did she like him? No way. Why would she?

Alice sat up when her heart started to flutter at the thought of maybe realizing her feelings for Natsu. An epiphany of sorts. “There’s no way I fell for that idiot!” Alice groaned and rubbed her face with her hands in aggravation.
Her face heated up at the thought of any of those moments they shared where she would get flustered.

“No. No. No.” Tears welled up in her eyes. Why was she crying? Why did the realization hurt?
Perhaps because if she realized it so much sooner, something would've come of it? She wouldn't have gotten with Loke perhaps? Maybe her and Natsu could've been the ones together.. and-..

She wiped her eyes, with a long sigh to calm herself down. "There's no point getting worked up about it now."
Alice stood up and requiped into a black simple tank top, over it a salmon pink spaghetti strap top. Still wearing the same shorts, and black sandals, Alice went to go find the guy her heart was beating so wildly about.

She found him standing in a clearing, his back to her. She knew he was still sulking, but this was about Lisanna. Those words Lucy said to Natsu. A phrase Lisanna had said years ago. Plus, this was a fight that Natsu and Happy had gotten into before, which Lisanna had helped resolve.

Even though it was a fight that happened often, it always put Natsu into this depression for a moment.

“Hey,” Alice called to Natsu as she stepped closer. Natsu turned to her. A sudden strong breeze rushed through. Alice’s hair flew into her face. Alice pulled her hair behind her ears to see Natsu.
“Hey, Alice,” Natsu replied, somberly, but in a better mood than before.

Just feet apart, Alice looked up at Natsu shyly. “As much as I would really want to make up some cute inspirational quote about love and family and what not, I’m not going to. You’ve heard something like that before,” She smiled softly at him, hopefully getting through to him. “Yeah.” He returned the smile. Another breeze.

Alice was temporarily blinded by her hair in her face once more. Natsu stepped closer and pulled Alice’s bangs behind her ear for her. Alice’s heart couldn’t take all this excitement. Alice tried to stay calm.

Inches apart.

“We got some fishing to do,” Natsu mumbled. Alice thoughtlessly nodded.

Cue a montage of fishing.

With Natsu carrying ten big fish, Alice and him found Happy pouting at the creek, fishing by himself. “Hey!” Natsu called out. “I can’t hear you!” Happy replied. “That’s a shame because I can’t eat all these by myself,” Natsu playfully responded. Happy glanced back and gasped, excited. “So are you happy now?” Natsu smiled. “Of course! Who else would I be?” Happy smiled back, joining Natsu and Alice.

They sat down at a flat area of grass. Natsu and Happy split the fish, Alice couldn’t possibly eat an entire gigantic fish, so Natsu would share what he considered a nibble of fish with her.

And then Happy and Natsu ate their fish. Alice had to dodge fish bones that went flying as both boys could almost swallow a whole fish. “I know I’m not the cleanest eater, but at least have some decency!” Alice whined, disgusted. “It’s so good though! You should have some!” Happy encouraged. “I already did.” Alice responded, realizing she was not getting anywhere with this conversation. “If it was something gross like vegetables, you’d be all over it!” Natsu interjected with a wide smile. Alice couldn’t help her lips from curling up.

She was in love with Natsu Dragneel.

She always was.


!!!!! We're getting somewhere!!!!

Sorry, I really love this story...

Chapter 15


Alice lore!

Chapter Text

Team Natsu returned to Magnolia. Another quest done.
Since Galuna Island, Team Natsu had become more than just Natsu, Alice and Happy. It had become Team Natsu with Lucy, Gray, Erza, Alice, Natsu and Happy.
Alice wasn’t too pleased with the arrangements. She missed the small team. But missions got done faster. But now there was more damage, and more chaos. And more depressingly, less coin.

Lucy yelling at Natsu and Happy, Gray and Natsu getting into fights, Alice growling at Lucy, Erza yelling at everyone for not behaving.

But they all grew closer. Erza and Alice could be in the same room without Alice losing her mind. Gray and Natsu’s fights were less destructive and happened less often. And everyone was a bit more bold around Erza, no longer that scared of her.

“Was that an awesome job or what?” Natsu laughed to himself. “Or what?” Alice snarkily replied. “The client seemed so,” Happy replied to Natsu. “Face it. You guys are just lucky I decided to come along,” Gray smugly announced. The group were walking down a sidewalk. Lucy and her suitcase, Natsu and his normal camping pack, Gray and his single bag, Alice with everything she needed in her requip, and Erza with her wagon of several tens and tens of suitcases.

“We’re lucky that you begged to come along? How you figure?” Natsu scowled at Gray. “You were as helpful as one of Erza’s suitcases.” Gray shrugged, like that answered the question fully. “You better shut it before I pack you in a suitcase!” Natsu countered. Alice glowered, being in between the budding fight. “You’re dumb that doesn’t make any sense!”

“Gray. Your clothes.” Erza butted in.
“Why does this keep happening to me?!

“Hey guys, I was planning on this to be a solo mission. So why did you have to come along?” Lucy asked. “Isn’t it obvious?” Natsu replied. “No, I don’t think so.”
“We’re Fairy Tail’s strongest team, so we gotta stick together.” Natsu smiled. “Nothing is too tough. Not for me, Happy, Alice, Erza, and ol’ droopy drawers here.” Natsu had to add in that jab at Gray.
“Don’t call me that,” Gray grumbled. “We’re all a capable bunch,” Erza agreed along. “You forgot about me!” Lucy complained. “Maybe he really didn’t.” Alice shrugged.
“I was just messing with you, Loopy," Natsu joked. “Well I don’t appreciate it and that’s not my name,” Lucy replied, exasperated. “Please forgive me. I truly didn’t mean to upset you. I let myself get carried away. You may strike me.” Erza sincerely apologized. Alice shrugged, hand raised at the ready-- Then Gray grabbed her wrist. "Please don't try that."

The team stepped into the town square where there was the most civilian population at.

Random people would stop and stare at the team. Whispers, and pitiful glances.

It wasn’t hard to notice.

“Why are they all staring?” Gray wondered what everyone else was. “And it’s not the good kind of staring,” Alice mumbled, and stepped closer to Natsu, so they brushed against each other with each step.
But the group kept on until they reached a heart breaking scene.

The guild hall. Broken windows. Cracks and holes. Parts of the stone outside broken off.

Iron rods all over, that seemed to be the cause of the destruction.

An attack.

Alice’s eyes opened wide, already tearing up at the ruins. “No!” She screamed, running towards the doors. Gray stepped forward, grabbing her at the waist, holding her back. “Let me go! I have to see!” Alice wriggled around, crying, and screamed.

A black magic energy came from Alice’s body. She grew limp.

“Alice?” Lucy asked. Alice felt something dark in her head. The want of destruction, death, to retaliate. An evil hatred.
A strong feeling of a negative emotion could awaken a part of her sealed off magic. Alice’s thoughts were jumbled whispers.

“It was Phantom Lord.” Mirajane appeared. “We couldn’t stop them.”

Alice’s head shot back up. Gray let go of Alice. “I’ll kill them,” Alice growled. Her voice was dark and gravely.

“Let’s group up with the others,” Erza advised as Mira led them to the untouched guild basem*nt. A place for storage but now it’s where Fairy Tail members mend their broken spirits.

“What’s up kids?” Master slured, obviously drunk. As if Alice wasn’t angry enough.
“We’re sorry we weren’t here sooner," Erza apologized solemnly. “Why the heck are you all just sitting around down here?!” Natsu angrily demanded.
“How’s it going Lucy? Did you finish the job like a good girl?” Master hiccuped out, ignoring Natsu’s outburst. “I guess," Lucy answered awkwardly.

“Master, do you understand the gravity of the situation?” Erza asked.

“The guild hall is completely destroyed!” Natsu snapped. “There’s no need to get so worked up. It’s not the end of the world or anything. It just shows you how cowardly those dunderheads in Phantom Lord are.They struck when no one was here. Is that something really to brag about?” Master rambled on. “So we will stay down here doing jobs until the upstairs is fixed.”

“So you’re just going to let them get away with it?” Alice spat, a growl came from her throat. “We don’t need to worry about people who can’t face us head on. Forget about those fools!”

Natsu turned a punched a crate, demolishing it and others around it. “Not going to happen! We can’t let them trash us!” Natsu raged. “I’m not talking about this any longer.-” “We need to be-” “NATSU!”
Master yelled at Natsu for interrupting him and then used his magic, stretching his arm so he could spank Lucy.

“Hands to yourself master," Mira scolded. Master laughed, jumped to his feet and skipped away out the basem*nt. “Where are you going?” Natsu grumbled. “Keep your dress on, I’m going to take a leak."

“I can’t believe him,” Alice muttered lowly “Why is he acting like this?” Natsu asked under his breath. “It's hard on him too. But it's forbidden for there to be any conflict between guilds," Mira explained.
“But they attacked us!” “They started it!” Alice and Natsu shouted at the same time.

“We just can’t go and retaliate. And besides it’s master’s decision,” Erza calmly responded.

Alice started to twitch, black magic energy in a swirl surrounded her body. “Alice?” Natsu gasped. He noticed Alice’s skin pale, and her eyes dilated dramatically. Her eyes were almost completely black. Her mind was clouded.

The only thing she could do to release this energy just a bit was to punch a support beam. It cracked down the middle, and the dust from the ceiling flew as the entire building and ground shook.

Erza kicked Alice and she flew into the pile of crates Natsu had destroyed. Alice stood up and teleported in front of Erza, ready to attack. “Alice, that’s enough! Get a hold of yourself!” Gray shouted, holding Alice back. Gray used an ice spell to hold Alice in place. “You need to stop acting so childish. You’re letting your emotions get the better of your better judgement,” Erza scolded. “I need to take initiative!” Alice spat, her voice raw and guttural. “Master is the one who says what we’ll do and we’re not going to attack!” Erza quickly replied. “Then I’ll go by myself!” Alice argued. “If you go and retaliate, what will be the difference between you and them?” Erza asked, matter of factly.

Alice sad*stically smiled. Eyes wild. “Easy. They’ll be dead and I’ll be the one to kill them.” Her voice started to shift darker, effected by her magic.
This wasn’t Alice.

“Black Alice!” Mira gasped.

Erza was taken back by this side of Alice. She backhanded Alice. A red mark immediately welted on Alice’s left face, a small skin split, millimeters long, a tiny stream of blood dripped down Alice’s cheek, rounding down her chin and her neck.

The wound would close soon.
The shock of the slap woke up Alice from her trance. She blinked wildly as her eyes lightened.

Alice used a lightning spell to break the ice that held her legs and feet to the ground. “I’m going home.” She announced, wiping the blood away with her hand, but smudging it across her face.
She strode across the basem*nt, towards the steps out.

“Phantom Lord probably knows where all of us live. It would be better if we stuck together," Mira hesitantly said. “If I see a Phantom Lord, I’ll make sure to greet them kindly." Alice huffed. “You’re not going alone.” Gray jogged over to her to meet her stride. Alice didn’t care. “I don’t know what you’re doing. I’m going home for the day.”

“I’ve never seen Alice like that before," Lucy commented. “It’s a rare occasion." Mira shrugged. “I never knew she was that passionate about the guild," Lucy added. “She is Laxus’ daughter. Master’s Great granddaughter. Her great great grandfather helped found Fairy Tail. It runs through her veins.” Natsu casually butt into the conversation. A topic that could help calm him. To distract him from Phantom Lord and Gray alone with a mentally unstable Alice. Not that he didn't trust Gray-- But, he wasn't stupid. Gray was obsessed with Alice, to the point some days he would show up to the guild hall smelling of her. Natsu wasn't sure how Gray was doing it. Did he steal some of Alice's clothes and sleeps with them in his bed? Because there was obviously no other way how Gray could get her scent on him, and Alice was in a relationship and had 0 interest in Gray.

But she wasn't in the right state at the moment, perhaps she'd have a moment of lapsed judgement and Gray wouldn't have the strength or smarts to tell her no?

“Really?” Lucy wondered.
“Not only that. Fairy Tail is her first real home and family.” Mira added on.
“I’ve never heard much about her past," Lucy expressed. “Well she was born to Yoko Akashiya-” “The one and only Fire Fairy Yoko?” Lucy gushed. “Yep. Yoko and Laxus fell in love. While Laxus was 15 and Yoko was 18, Alice was born. Hopefully the Archive room is okay, Reedus has painted some cute pictures of Alice when she was a baby. But anyways when Alice was 3, Yoko died and Laxus sent Alice away to an orphanage that eventually got taken over by a cult.” “They literally beat the education into the kids. Alice had some really bad scars before she used magic on them. She actually has a dark scar on her right thigh, she got that when she refused to let them implant a lacrima in her- you’d have to pull her skirt up to see it or to walk in on her changing to-” Natsu interrupted Mira but then she interrupted him.

“Anyways, she was there for 4 years and during that time, a man attacked the cult and gave her a dark magic that no one knows but we know it is cursed black magic. A magic that Alice couldn’t control and she killed everyone around her. That’s when she ran away and she met Umiko, a Water Dragon. Umiko took her in for 2 years then Umiko disappeared-” “-Just like Igneel."
“-For about a year she wandered around Fiore and then came here to Magnolia where she found Fairy Tail! But Laxus wasn’t pleased. In the midst Laxus seeing his daughter for the first time in years, he was determined to take Alice away again. It was actually Natsu who intervened and challenged Laxus to a fight. If Natsu won, Alice got to stay...”

“No you’re not. You’re a really powerful mage of Fairy Tail. They’ll most likely target you if they plan anything. And I bet Erza won’t let you out of her sight for very long even with me, so if we’re not back in about 40 minutes she might hunt us down," Gray argued with Alice “My house is fine.” Alice disagreed as they came across the rock path. “From what we know. So why do you need to come here?” Gray wondered, walking behind Alice, since the path was narrow.
“I want to shower and go to bed,” Alice answered. “Wait!” Gray stopped Alice from walking in first. “What? Are you scared of dust bunnies or something? Cause that’s all that’s here.” Alice shoved past him inside.

Gray looked down at the ground. Alice could sense his bad mood. “What’s your deal anyways? If you’re worried about the guild, then you should’ve stayed there.”

“It’s not just the guild. I care about you." Gray answered. “Well stop caring so much, I don’t need you to be worrying about me." Alice turned away from him, heading towards her bathroom. “Lock the door behind you. I’m gonna shower.”

“Can... I.. join?”

“So Master ended the fight, Natsu was down but Laxus wasn’t done beating him. Then all the members of Fairy Tail told him that if they want her, he’d have to go against all of them. So she was officially a member of Fairy Tail. When she was 10 she was extremely powerful and she became S-Class. Then it was revealed. Her dark secret. The black magic. Master had it blocked off in her magic container and it makes her magic weaker now and sometimes, copious amounts of dark magic awakens the magic possessing her like at Clover. Or now, if she doesn’t keep her emotions under control, her black magic can seep through."

“She’s been through a lot hasn’t she?” Lucy sighed not really knowing what to really say. “Last week when I saw that picture in the Archives, she looked really different too, did she act differently too?” Lucy wondered.

“Look Gray. Whatever’s went on between us stops now,” Alice replied to Gray’s shy request. She didn’t let him respond and she closed the bathroom down. With a sigh and a requip out of her clothes, Alice turned on the hot water, it slightly burned her skin as it touched her skin. But the sensation kept her grounded.

Gray’s advances. Loke’s distance. Natsu.


Alice was absolutely in love with Natsu and she came to terms with it. But she loved Loke. It was a familiar love. Did she see a future with Loke where he became loyal and broke ties to all his affairs? No.
If he even did and attempted to make up all the times he hurt Alice, and was on the road to redemption, would Alice fall back in love with him like the way she used to be? Most likely not.
A year and a half relationship and Alice and Loke never planned to move forward with their relationship. They both lived separately and had no plans to move in together. Loke’s never talked about a future with Alice and Alice learned to live with it. She no longer got her hopes up. She learned to appreciate whatever she had.

She loved Loke but not in the way she loved Natsu.

But she couldn’t end things with Loke for Natsu. She didn’t even know if Natsu had feelings for anyone besides Lisanna. Was he even over Lisanna? Alice and Natsu were best friends. They trusted each other with everything. They were extremely close.

There was no one in the world Alice cared more about. So with her new realization, she no longer had the need to sleep with Gray. She just wanted a normal friendship with him. Being involved with anyone felt like betrayal. Except Loke. Loke felt natural. An intrinsic action. There was no right or wrong with Loke. It was just it. There was no thought, no feeling. It was thoughtless. Each kiss, each smile, each sigh blended into the background.

It was Alice’s responsibility to be with Loke it felt like.

But Gray. Gray was different. Alice hated being alone with Gray, it made her uneasy. It made her guilty. She knew Gray had feelings for her and he took his chance when he could and Alice had to put an end to it. She was just scared of the confrontation.

Exiting the bathroom, hair still wet, but clothed, Alice avoided eye contact with Gray, as she made her way to her bedroom.

Gray got up from the couch and followed her. He stopped at the door frame. “Hey, listen,” he started off.
Alice didn’t acknowledge him. She put on her necklace and then slipped past Gray and sped off to her library.

Gray knew Alice wasn’t in the mood to talk. But he needed to mend things.

Alice would touch the binding of a book and with a sparkle, it’d disappear into Alice’s requip.
She opened a book and started to read a passage to see if it was what she was looking for.

“If this is about Loke, I understand you’re feeling guilty but-” “Gray. I’ve gotten past how I feel about Loke. I’m just done with what you and I were doing. I was using you for my own selfish reasons and to get back at Loke. But I’m done with that. I’m sorry if you’re hurt and feel betrayed. So this isn’t about you or Loke,” Alice curtly responded.

“I’m ready to leave now.” Alice had everything she needed.

Gray wouldn’t move as Alice stood in front of him, waiting for him to turn. “Do you know how I feel about you?” He asked, staring her down. “While you’ve never told me. I’ve heard from others so I think I do know and I’m sorry for exploiting your feelings for my own selfish gain. It was heartless of me,” Alice said sincerely, but yet, she had this script ready for a while now.

“Even though I knew you have been using me, I always did what I could to make you happy. I put my feelings into every touch, kiss, and even now. I care about you, Alice. I’ve felt this way about you since we were kids.”

“What do you want me to do about it? Gray, you’re a good friend and I appreciate all the times you’ve had my back but I can’t return your feelings. I’m done hooking up with you. It was nothing you did I just...”

“It’s Natsu.”

“No. I’m with Loke,” Alice excused. “But you don’t love him, obviously. I mean, if you did you wouldn’t have been sleeping with me, or that Blue Pegasus wizard.”

Alice teleported around Gray, and stomped off.

“She was very quiet. Kept to herself. She was at the guild for food and jobs only. And if she stuck around, it was for Natsu. Natsu and her have been a team since she’s been a member. Only two years ago she finally warmed up to us all. Even to Natsu. They’re best friends who are inseparable, but it took many years for Alice to trust Natsu. In fact I find them really cute together," Mira giggled.

Two years ago. A thought crosses Natsu’s mind. Two years ago she died. Two years ago Alice actually started to-

“Well I’m glad it’s not just me,” Lucy commented. “She’s not very friendly with new people, but don’t worry. She isn’t as bad as she used to be. She used to electrocute Natsu all the time when he annoyed her.” Mira giggled. Natsu smiled to himself. He had to admit. He made quite the progress with Alice.

“Look who’s back!” Mira said as she heard footsteps come down the stairs. Natsu knew Alice was on her way. He could hear her. But either way, as she walked in, his heart went crazy. Like it always did.

“It took you long enough," Erza commented. “You’re lucky I even came back,” Alice snapped. “Welcome back! So that’s what you went and got!" Mira hopped over and picked up the necklace pendant with her fingers and gave Alice and mischievous smile.

“Yeah. We had to go all the way there for that stupid thing,” Gray grumbled and roughly brushed past Alice. Alice would have gotten flustered in embarrassment, especially as her eyes met Natsu’s but Gray’s bad attitude distracted her.

“No. I wanted to go shower AND get out of here for a while.” Alice clarified. But either way, her cheeks blazed as Natsu kept staring at her. Mira stepped back and Natsu’s eyes flitted to behind Alice. “Look at my princess. She’s so adorable when she’s all flustered.” Loke surprised Alice with a hug from behind. “You want to lose those hands?” Alice snarled. Loke was the person she was least looking forward to seeing.

Alice wrenched out his hold and turned to glare at him. “Where’s all the girls? Can’t pick them up if you can’t show them your guild, huh?” Alice then flipped her hair back as she walked back away from him and sat at the table with Lucy, Natsu, and Mira. “Don’t be like that!” Loke whined, going after Alice. “Celestial mage right there.” Alice boredly gestured to Lucy and Loke then ran out of the basem*nt. “And that’s how you get him to leave." Alice sighed and put her arms on the table and her face into her arms and groaned. “Are you that annoyed with him?” Lucy asked. “I’m annoyed at everything right now, and I don’t want to deal with relationship issues right now. God, especially right now." Alice muttered, muffled. “Why? What’s going on this time?” Mira wondered, patting Alice’s head.

“Well the issues with him, he can’t decide what he wants. It’s like he’s trying to salvage what’s left of us but I can tell there’s something bothering him and he refuses to talk about it so then he’ll get distant and do his cheating bullsh*t but then hours later he comes back wallowing. Something he hasn’t done since the beginning of our relationship.”

“Have you talked to him about it?” Lucy asked, truly invested in the conversation. “I’ve been in a relationship with the dude for over a year, of course I’ve tried to. And he’s usually very open about his feelings like he’s just waiting for me to ask. But this time he’s very closed off. And so when he comes back and then we go back to his place and then he still refuses to talk but he’s very physical so we don’t talk but all we do is-” Alice felt very shy with Natsu right there. “We sleep a lot.” Alice corrected herself and peered up to the people around her. Lucy understood what Alice was meaning and was very flustered. Natsu was looking off to the side, he knew what Alice meant and he was trying to block out her voice, and stared away. Mira was 100% engrossed with Alice’s story, smiling and hands under her chin, leaning towards Alice.

“So you must be really tired then," Mira giggled. Alice grumbled and shoved her head back down. “But Alice just said they sleep a lot!” Happy butted in, confused, listening in. “Um, well you know if you oversleep, you can still be very tired.” Lucy saved Happy’s innocence, or what was left of it. He didn’t need to know more. “Alice and Natsu sleep a lot. Sometimes its all day!" Happy announced. Anyone who was listening started to laugh. Except, Alice, Natsu and Gray.

The laughter eventually died down.

Natsu, curious, finally joined the conversation. “So why don’t you break up with Loke?” Alice shot her head up, stared at him in shock. “I uhm....” She averted her gaze. Natsu was finally piecing things together.
The time of Lisanna’s passing and Alice’s eventual true friendship. He was now trying to get more pieces of the puzzle.

Natsu and Alice would have been together already if there weren't two things in the way. Lisanna and Loke. If there was no Lisanna, Natsu would have had no choice but to confront whatever he was feeling for Alice, much sooner, and without Loke, Alice would have had to do the same with Natsu. Although, there were some variables.

Without Lisanna, Alice wouldn’t have gotten so jealous and would have no reason to keep her distance from Natsu. But that jealousy is what got things in motion. And then, without Loke, Natsu wouldn’t have seen Alice in that new light. Alice was a girl with emotions.

Sure, Natsu knew this, but not at those extremes. Alice wasn’t like other girls before Loke. She was calm and rational. She didn’t fall victim to romance. But then came in Loke, waltzing up to Alice. And there Alice was smiling like a love stricken idiot.

“I mean you’re always fighting and you complain about him a lot, plus he lies and openly cheats on you." Natsu added with an innocent shrug.

And I just figured out I’m in love with you, Alice thought to herself.

But that was a thing Alice wasn’t about to say out loud.
“We don’t fight we just-..argue. And I don’t always complain about him. And I kinda....love him, I guess." Alice hesitantly excused, her voice trailing off. She finally looked at Natsu, who looked away, apparently no longer interested in the conversation.

What was Alice expecting? Was she looking for a sign? Any indication from Natsu that he might’ve had feelings for her?

Just something, maybe?

Chapter 16


wow chapter 16. Things are gonna go more smoothly now that we got out of the galuna island arc.
Only 100 more chapters to go until we get caught up to my last writing point.

Chapter Text

Alice sat against the bed, sitting like a grumpy toddler. Arms and legs crossed, pouting. “Why are we over here?” She grumbled. “Because we need to stick together,” Erza coldy replied. She was getting annoyed with Alice’s bad mood and comments. “My house is bigger than this box,” Alice snidely commented. “I already told you. You’re one of the most powerful wizards of Fairy Tail. You have a higher price on your head than Lucy does,” Gray responded.

“And I told you, Ice princess , that they’re cowards and they’ll go for the weakest of the bunch. But no, be a sh*t for brains.” Alice pointed daggers at him.

Team Natsu was spending the night at Lucy’s apartment. Without Lucy’s knowledge. And then on cue, Lucy walked in. “Why are you here?!” She screeched and then chucked her suitcase at Natsu, who was sitting near Alice, mirroring her sitting position and posture. Natsu, who got hit in the face, fell backwards.

“Since the guild has been attacked, it's safe to assume there are Phantom Lord members in town," Erza explained, sipping some tea she took the liberty to make, still without Lucy’s permission. “They’ve probably figured out where everyone in Fairy Tail lives by now, so you know, strength in numbers." Gray shrugged.

“That’s why everyone in Fairy Tail is having a slumber party tonight!” Happy added. “You’re an attractive teenage girl after all,” Erza started off, with Alice brooding even more.
“I wasn’t completely comfortable leaving you here with Natsu and Gray, I felt I would be more relaxed if I stay here as well, and Alice is grounded.”

Natsu, Alice, and Happy were going to stay at Alice’s, or Natsu’s place for the night, but then Erza caught wind of Alice grumbling to Natsu about going rogue if she had the power to, so then Erza grounded Alice and kept her in her sight at all times, so naturally, all of team Natsu was staying at Lucy’s then.

To make matters worse, for Alice, Levy used her letter magic to bind Alice and Erza together with a magic link. Alice wasn’t allowed so far away from Erza before Erza being alerted. Also, Alice’s magic was completely blocked for the moment. She wasn't to be trusted.

Natsu laid on his side, brushing against Alice as he got comfortable. “This isn’t a time for relaxing though!” Natsu snapped.

“But why are those two here? Who decided they come here?” Lucy cried.

“Wow you sure have a lot of dirty clothes!” Happy commented, digging through a basket and Lucy’s companion spirit, Plue, started to go through a box of candy.
That’s when the chaos started.

“Hey don’t go through my stuff. You two better stop right now!” She yelled. “Hey Plue did you find something to eat? Don’t go hogging it all!" Natsu hopped over. Only food brings Natsu back to himself.

“Hey Erza I found some panties that are way more lacy than Alice’s!” Happy said before going back to eating whatever.
“Hey Alice!” Natsu called with his mouth full. Alice boredly looked over at him. “I found you some candy!” He waved.

“No,” Alice said with a ‘hmph’. But, she softened a bit. She had a weakness for hard candy.

“Ooh what’s this? This looks like a lollipop!” Natsu loudly stated, “If Alice doesn’t want it, I guess I can give it to Plue."

“I want it!” Alice caved, crawling over to Natsu, leaning up against his back, reaching out for a red lollipop candy. Natsu kept it away, teasingly. “Gimmie!” Alice whined. Natsu laughed. “What’s the magic words?” He playfully asked. “Natsu is the strongest wizard in the world and could easily defeat me!” Alice shouted. “Damn right!” Natsu gave in. Alice made no hesitation taking the plastic off the candy and shoving it in her mouth, savoring the cherry artificial flavor.

Curious if there was more, she leaned further against Natsu, to see what other sweets were available.

Gray laid on Lucy’s bed in his boxers. “You guys are taking this ‘Make yourselves at home’ thing way too far," Lucy grumbled, defeated.

“We have a serious problem. You boys’ hygiene. I refuse to sleep in a room that reeks of sweat," Erza announced.

“But I don’t wanna take a bath!” Natsu whined. “But I just got into bed," Gray added. “Come on boys. Do we have to take a bath together like when we were kids?” Erza bargained softly with a smile.

Alice cringed. Even she knew the horrors of bathing with Erza. Back in the day when Alice and the two boys were hitting puberty, and didn’t understand routine hygiene, Erza took matters into her own hands.

Alice didn’t know too much about being high maintenance before then. In a cult school where bathing was done as only a luxury, and then with a dragon, where you lived in the water so you never really needed to clean up.

After Erza made the three kids take joint baths with her, Alice quickly learned her lesson.

“What kind of relationship do you guys have?!” Lucy asked, obviously very creeped out. “They’re the strongest team!” Happy answered, naively. “More like the strangest team." Lucy corrected.
Lucy and Erza went to take a bath together. “Are you sure you don’t want to join Alice?” Erza asked.

“My, Alice, you seem to be developing very well!” Young Erza said doing a once over Alice’s pubescent body as Alice sat in the farthest corner of the bath, away from the two boys, and also trying to keep her modesty.

“What do you mean by that?” Natsu asked. “It means she’s going through puberty. Have you not noticed her chest is starting to get bigger?” Erza said. “Have none of you had the talk yet? Well, I suppose it can’t be helped! When a child hits that special time of puberty their-...”

“I’m very sure, I don’t want to. I showered already today,” Alice curtly responded. “But a bath is very relaxing. It’ll help you unwind.” Erza sweetly tried to persuade. “I’ll unwind on my own, thank you very much!” “Fine, have it your way. Don’t go wandering off.”

“You look like you’ve been traumatized," Gray commented, with a smirk. Alice was sitting against a wall, knees tucked up against herself. He had gotten over that tense moment they had at Alice’s place. Alice hadn’t. “Sure, you might’ve enjoyed your baths with Erza, but I didn’t.”
“I never enjoyed those baths. It was the worst time of my life.” Gray could sense Alice’s hostility.

At least her dark magic mood was gone. “Sure, you had the hardest time learning to bathe on your own out of the three of us, and had the hardest times in general in the bath.” Alice grouched, trying to hit a nerve.

Gray left the conversation and sat over at Lucy’s desk, reading Lucy’s rough draft of her new story.

Alice had no way to requip anything so she was stuck reading some romance novel Lucy had, all the while stealing glances at Natsu who dozed off, leaning against the coffee table.

After a while, Erza and Lucy emerged from the bathroom. Lucy dressed, Erza in a bath towel. “You should’ve joined. It was very relaxing,” Erza said to Alice. “You’ve ruined baths for me,” Alice mumbled, not taking her eyes off the book. “I really don’t appreciate your attitude,” Erza sighed. “And I don’t really appreciate your overbearing need to be mother hen,” Alice countered quickly.

“Okay Natsu you’re up." Lucy announced, but Natsu didn’t stir. “Wanna take his spot, Gray?” Lucy sighed. Gray responded with a small grunt, meaning he acknowledged her talking to him, but he wasn’t actually listening.

“I suppose I should get dressed." Erza requiped into a two piece pajama set colored soft violet with pink crosses printed all over on her pants and shirt.
“You should get into pajamas too, Alice." She suggested.
“You blocked off my magic, remember? I can’t get into anything,” Alice spitefully replied. “I’m sure I have something you can borrow.” Lucy suggested. Alice grunted, annoyed and followed Lucy to her dresser of pajamas.

Alice settled on a set of footie pajamas. It was in the style of a blue cat, resembling Happy. It came with a hood that had cat ears, and from the back, at the tailbone, there was a tail. Alice was shorter and less curvy in places than Lucy, so there was much room to be filled in the body, arms and legs.

“You really like that? I suppose if you want to keep it you can. I don’t wear it. It was a gift from an old maid at home.” Lucy looked over Alice. “Well, I don’t like your tacky style, and I’m not going to wear any of those lacy negligees of yours. What I wouldn’t give to be able to wear an oversized shirt and nothing else!” Alice pouted, shuffling away. “Geesh, if you don’t want it, GIVE IT BACK!” Lucy shouted at Alice’s ungratefulness.

“So it wasn’t just me then,” Gray commented. “Hm?” Alice looked over at him. “You only wore my shirt when you spent the night and you kept that black shirt of mine from when I had to cover you during that party quite a few months ago for Mizure.”

Alice tried to ignore him. “You do have a drinking problem Alice. I guess this could be a good time for an intervention.” Erza butt in. Alice got ashamed, and her face heated up. “I don’t have a problem. I’m just a social drinker.” She lied. Natsu laughed, while in his sleep. Even he didn’t buy her excuse.

“Well if we’re going to be taking a jab at me, why don’t we all go digging through everyone else’s personal inventory,” Alice challenged.

“So, do you know why Phantom attacked us out of the blue like that?” Lucy changed the subject really fast. She sat in a chair at her coffee table.
“No clue. We’ve had our fair share of scuffles with them but not like anything of this magnitude before," Erza answered, sitting on the bed.
“If Pops wasn’t so scared we go and attack those guys," Natsu mumbled. “Since when were you awake?” Lucy asked, since Natsu was deep asleep moments ago.

“Come on Natsu you know Master isn’t afraid of them. You seem to be forgetting he’s one of the ten wizard saints," Gray said. Lucy finally realized he was reading her story. “You can’t snatch it out of my hands without telling me what happens next!” Gray complained. “Yes I can. I told Levy she can be the first one to read it!” Lucy held the papers close to her chest.

Alice and Erza held out their hands, silently requesting to read it.
“You guys aren’t reading it either! Besides what are these ten wizard saints thing?” Lucy put the group back on topic. “From the Council it's a coveted title given to ten of the most powerful wizards on the continent,” Alice recited. “And I happen to be one!” She lied, playfully. “No you’re not," Erza quickly shot her down. “Lucy will believe anything.” Alice pouted, her fun ruined.

Natsu stood up and then pounded a fist on the table. “He is too afraid! He’s scared Phantom has too many members for us to handle!”
“That’s why he’s out getting wasted!” Alice agreed with him, her fiery passion burning up.

“You two know that’s not true! It’s just like what Mira and master said before, our consequences if we go to war with Phantom is not worth the fight! The order of the magic world is at stake here!” Gray shouted. Alice grimaced.
“I don’t get why. Are they that powerful?” Lucy wondered. “Oh please, we’re the top dogs,” “they ain’t got nothin’ on us.” Natsu and Alice said one after another.

“No, if we were to engage them in battle, neither guild would survive. Their strength equals ours.”

Alice rolled her eyes, annoyed.

“Phantom’s master, Jose is also a wizard saint, meaning our master isn’t any stronger. They also have a superior group like our S-class called known as the Element Four but I feel our biggest threat is Black Steel Gajeel. I believe he’s the one behind our guild’s destruction. He’s known as an Iron Dragon Slayer.” Erza voiced.
“He’s a Dragon Slayer? I thought Natsu was the only one!” Lucy gasped. Natsu tch’ed at her statement. Alice stiffened up, getting irritated.

“We could take them in a heartbeat. I could all by myself if my magic wasn’t contained,” Alice said determined. “When did you get on the table?” Lucy jumped, seeing Alice sitting on the table, right next to Natsu. She leaned back on her arms behind her, and she crossed her legs over another at the knees. Natsu in fact, was brushing up against Alice.

Alice had mindlessly walked over to the table, sat on it, and Natsu had stood closer to her. Neither of them, thinking about their actions. Just a subconscious need to be by each other. Alice decided not to answer Lucy.

At this point, it was only Lucy who even noticed the two together like that. It was just normal to everyone else. Gray had zeroed in on Natsu placing a hand on Alice’s shoulder, and Alice tensing up and trying to conceal her excitement.

It was in fact, Natsu. The one Alice broke things off with Gray for. Because Alice no longer cared about what damage her actions did to Loke and she obviously didn’t have feelings for Gray. So it was Natsu she cut Gray off for. She didn’t feel guilty about cheating on her own boyfriend, but her feelings for her best friend.

So something had to have changed. Sure, everyone in the guild had always teased Natsu about Alice for a long time before he got with Lisanna, and after the guild had gotten over Lisanna, and it was no longer tense, everyone started to ship Natsu and Alice once more. But the two never confirmed anything, and always denied that there was something more to their friendship. But Gray always knew Alice would eventually fall for Natsu. It was a matter of time, and he hoped maybe he could change things before it’d happen. Because Gray saw the constant glances to one another, the touching, the blushing. It began to happen a year after Lisanna’s passing. And it had gotten worse with each day.

But now Alice avoiding Gray, and cutting off their FWB’s ordeal, Gray finally paid more attention to her and Natsu’s interactions. They were in love with each other.
Gray snapped his eyes off Natsu’s hand, and towards Erza who replied to Alice’s statement.

“Why? So you can lose control again? Murder innocent people because of your emotions? Just because you have a few spells that aren’t out of control that doesn’t mean you have the right to the black magic! You still have, cursed black magic!” Erza yelled and Alice lost consciousness for a moment, falling off the table. In a swift motion, Natsu had caught her.

“Sorry," Erza apologized. Alice startled back awake, staring up into Natsu’s worried eyes. Alice never blacked out like that unless her magic was starting to get out of control.

“About what?” Alice asked Erza. “Nevermind. We should go to sleep now.” Erza nodded.

Erza and Lucy took Lucy’s bed. Gray laid on the floor. Natsu and Happy snuggled together on the other side of the room, farthest away from Gray, and Alice balled herself up in the big chair. At some point, Happy would get too hot with Natsu and would lay on Alice’s side.

“Wake up everyone!”

Gray shouted, waking everyone. Alice shot up, accidentally knocking Happy on the floor. “Five more minutes, snowflake,” Natsu mumbled and turned on his side. Gray ran over to Natsu and kicked him. “No! This is urgent!” Gray shouted once more.

Everyone quickly got up and got ready to go. Alice, not caring about her modesty, got changed right there in the room.

“What is it?” Erza asked, requiping into her normal gear. “Team shadow gear were attacked in South Gate Park. We need to go there now!" Gray explained urgently.

Within minutes the team made it to South Gate Park. Alice shoved through the crowd of civilians, “move out of the f*cking way!” Erza, right behind her, apologizing. “So sorry for her behavior, we’re Fairy Tail wizards, so please excuse us.”

On the big tree, there was all there members of Shadow Gear. Jet, Droy, and Levy, pinned to a tree with iron beams. They all were heavily battered. Levy’s top was torn, and revealed her abdomen, the Phantom Lord symbol.

Alice felt sick, and her body felt like it was on fire. She was frozen, eyes brimming with tears. Again, dark emotions, Alice not controlling herself, dark magic got out.

Dark lightning danced around her. “Someone is getting killed! And I know the f*cking Dragon Slayer who is getting it first!” Alice screamed with rage. Alice turned away and started to storm off. People around her saw the expression on her face and her intensity and stepped out of her way.

“You’re not going anywhere!” Erza shouted after her. “f*cking watch me.” Alice darkly replied.
“You stay right where you are!” Master demanded, one of the only people who could tell Alice what to do at the moment in the state she was in.

Alice stood there, head down, body trembling with so much magic energy.

Master Makarov witnessed the mess ahead of him and his body radiated with light magic.

“I can tolerate our headquarters getting reduced to rubble, but I will not let any harm come to my children without taking revenge. We have no choice but to go to war!”

Alice smirked darkly. But as she walked on, the magic link that connected her to Erza, alerted her. And in result, both Alice and Erza felt burning pain all across their body. While Erza dropped to her knees, frozen with pain, Alice took deep breaths and continued on.

Chapter 17


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“FAIRY TAIL HAS COME CALLING!” Master Makarov roared out. Both Alice and Natsu, with combined attacks, obliterated the front door to the Phantom Lord guild hall, located in Oak Town.

Alice was the first to attack, a large lightning attack, hitting every single Phantom Lord wizard on the first floor. “Attack!” She lead the battalion.
With her being the first to attack, she took out a handful of wizards right off the bat, and that also made her the priority target.

But with so much dark energy in her, Alice was able to keep the upper hand. No matter the wizard, no matter the power, or how many came at her at once, she kept on top. She wasn’t in control of herself. The dark power in her took the reigns of her body. Alice was only able to control the part that didn’t kill anyone.

The black magic that took control of her desired the power it wielded. Each person hurt, fueled her.
Besides Alice on the warpath, Master was using his giant magic and was a huge giant version of his normally tiny self and he crushed Phantom Lord wizards with just his hands.


“Someone tell me where Gajeel the Iron Bitch is hiding!” Alice screamed, standing on a pile of knocked out mages. And then a huge crash came from the front lines. A shadowy figure. He stood up high on a support beam.

Alice knew it had to be him. She ran that way, finding herself upon a tall, tanned man with long, ragged black hair, red piercing eyes and piercings all over his body. The most visible studs were on his face, with three of them above each of his eyes acting as eyebrows of sorts, two on each side of his nose, and two on his chin, just below his mouth. His ears were adorned by two sets of five earrings each.
He also sported four studs on each of his forearms, with his right one being covered in scars. As a member of Phantom Lord Guild, he bore his Phantom Lord mark at the top of his right shoulder.

He wore black clothes, that Alice could only describe as "Biker gang aesthetic"

A Fairy Tail-er, Nab, went to attack him first. “You attacked Levy!”
Gajeel transformed one arm into a long iron rod and slammed Nab on the ground, taking out many Phantom Lord members with him.

Gajeel spotted Alice and leapt down, in front of her, and leaned down to her face, smirking. “You called, babe?” His voice was deep and smokey. Alice glowered, but then adorned a sad*stic expression. “Only to return your calls,” she snarled, going in to punch him, but Gajeel caught her tiny fist in the palm of his large hand. Alice, using Water Dragon Slayer Magic, collected water molecules in the air and formed it around her hand and it traveled down Gajeel's arm and then she froze the water, as Alice was about to break away from him to get distance, Gajeel transformed his free arm into a rod and he swung at her, Alice used magic to jump high up into the air. Gajeel swung again, Alice used the impact of his swing to push herself away, though as she touched him, she shocked him.
Gajeel received little damage and recovered fast. Alice started to come back down, and at the perfect height, she kicked Gajeel in the face using a spell called “Hell Raiser”. It was a powerful explosion spell, so as Alice kicked, the spell amplified her attack and Gajeel flew far back and hit a far away wall.

His own members gasped in shock

“I’ve never seen anyone get a hit on him before!”
“Who is she?”
“Wait, I know her. She has a lot of different names to go by. Lightning Strike, because lightning never strikes twice and she gets you out the first time. Some call her Fairy Princess because of her Fairy Tail blood. She’s the Thunder Legion's leader Laxus Dreyar's daughter. She’s Alice Dreyar!”

“Oh come on, is this really all Phantom Lord has to offer me?” Alice strutted confidently over to the limp body. But as she got closer, Gajeel shot out a rod and it hit Alice in the abdomen, and she flew back across the room.

Before Alice hit anything, she teleported back to Gajeel, who dug himself out of a pile of rubble. “Is that all?” Alice asked, sardonically, smiling. “I hope you’re not holding back on me.”

Gajeel dusted himself off and laughed darkly. “Nah, I was just letting you have your moment.”
Alice hardened her expression, “good. Because I’m not done with you until you beg for you life.” She threatened. “You won’t have the chance!” Gajeel said with a punch which Alice dodged. But that was what he wanted. As Alice stepped back, Gajeel whacked her up in the air with his iron rod arm. It was a hard hit so Alice flew up fast, not enough time to think about teleporting.

She hit the ceiling, knocking dust from it, and she bounced back down. The impact knocked the breath out of her. She felt her normal self take back control. Gajeel went to swing at Alice again like she was a baseball and his arm was the bat and he was going for a homerun.

“Don’t you dare touch her!” Natsu roared out. He jumped out of the fight to Gajeel. Natsu got ready to do a Fire Dragon Iron Fist, and that distracted Gajeel from Alice who was able to cast a neuro spell, which made the mind feel an imaginary pain.

Gajeel hesitated feeling the spell, but since it didn’t last long, he was back in action already. Alice teleported to Natsu’s side. Natsu punched Gajeel, who flew into the guild’s bar.

“Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Fairy Tail’s Dragon Slayer.” Natsu roughly shouted. Gajeel stood back up.

“Alice, leave him to me.” Natsu ordered her. Alice pouted. “You just want all the glory!” “I can beat him down harder, just trust me.” Natsu argued. He was trying to protect Alice from accidentally killing someone. He stared down Gajeel. He also wanted a few hits on the ass who attacked his guild hall, and his guildmates. And now his Alice.

Alice sighed and patted Natsu’s shoulder, turning away from the fight. “You better come out on top.” She started to walk off.

“Iron Dragon Iron Club!”


Alice sensed something behind her and jumped, catching Natsu blocking a rod coming Alice’s way.
Alice teleported herself a far distance away.

She was next to Erza. “you okay?” Erza asked her. “Yeah. Peachy.” Alice nodded, still trying to catch her breath from Gajeel’s hit.

“You attacked our guild. And Levy’s team!” Natsu roared as he fought Gajeel.

It was an almost equal fight. Natsu would get a beating, then dodge and then get a few hits on Gajeel and then Gajeel would do the same. Neither one better than the other.

Alice watched in awe. Natsu pissed off, fighting hard. Alice had to stop herself from completely drooling over him.

With the two dragon slayers duking it out up in the rafters, something from the next floor up was shaking the ceiling, knocking boards off it.

“This is what happens when Master Makarov gets angry." Cana commented.
“Its called the ‘Giant’s Wrath’.” Loke added
“Nobody will be able to stop him now." Nab smirked.

“He’s gonna make the guild hall collapse!”

“When the Master gets angry, he gets even manlier.” Elfman commented.

“Listen everyone! Prepare to fight! We cannot lose as long as Master Makarov is with us!” Erza shouted. Inspiring the able bodied Fairy Tail members to fight harder. But moments later...

“Something fell from the rafters!” Someone noted.

“Is he okay?”

Master Makarov laid on the floor, paralyzed and green in color. Members surrounded him. “That’s weird, I don’t sense any magic power coming from him.” Gray muttered. Which was true. Master had no magic left in him.

“Their master has been defeated!"
“They don’t stand a chance now he’s gone!"

Phantom Lord had the upper hand once more. With Fairy Tail members distracted, or beaten down, Phantom Lord fought even harder.

“Retreat!” Erza commanded.
“We can’t now!”
“I still have some fight in me!” Protests come from members.

“We have no choice! Everyone! Retreat to the Fairy Tail guild!” Erza commanded again.

Alice nodded. “Retreat! Back to the guild!” Alice shouted, carrying the message to others, running back into the fray to get her guild mates out of the fight.

Alice panted, and looked around to see if there was anyone else. Natsu.

His shout caught Alice’s attention. Phantom Members started to surround Alice, the last Fairy Tail-er left, besides Natsu who was still up in the rafters.

Alice kept her eyes on Natsu as she energy blasted people away from her. Natsu stared over at Gajeel and another Phantom Lord enemy in a long trench coat, eyes covered. They vanished. “Gajeel!” Natsu shouted again.
Why was Natsu still so tense? “Natsu!” Alice called after him. “They took Lucy!” Natsu replied, jumping down to the first floor, near Alice. A Phantom wizard ran by, but not fast enough as Natsu grabbed the guy by the collar, fists blazing. “Not the Salamander!” The guy screamed, staring into Natsu’s merciless, dark eyes. “You got it, buddy. And we need to chat.” Natsu coldly replied. Alice hadn’t seen this side of Natsu in a long while. A part of her, a dark side of her, liked it.
Natsu glared up at Alice who continued to watch him. “Leave.” He ordered. “No.” Alice simply refused. Natsu “tch”ed at her and dragged off his victim, and allowed Alice to come along.

They headed up into the mountainous area, outside of town. “What are we going to do?” Happy asked, flying next to Natsu. “We’re going to save Lucy.” Natsu replied sharply. “So why’d they take her?” Alice wondered. “I’m gonna find out. So,” Natsu stopped abruptly and turned to his hostage. “Where is she?” He demanded roughly. “How should I know? I never heard of a Lucy!” The guy cried.

Natsu pulled the guy up by his shirt and Natsu started to burn him with his ferocious flames. The dude started to scream in agony. “Start talking!” Natsu growled. “I told you! If I knew a Lucy or where she was I would’ve told you! Please!” The guy pleaded.

Natsu threw the guy back on the ground and started to drag him once more, only this time the guy was on fire.
“If you Phantom guys hurt another one of my friends, I’ll burn you to ashes." Natsu threatened.

“I don’t know where she would be! Please put out the fire!”

“You know it’s funny you say that. I was thinking about why I haven’t burned you to a crisp yet." Natsu, mused darkly. Alice trailed behind and the guy looked up at her. “Miss, please believe me. Make him stop! I don’t know anything. You look like a genuine person, you can tell I’m not lying!” He begged Alice.

“Look, you may be telling the truth here, but...-” “Alice! They have Lucy!” Natsu snapped back at her. “Yeah but...”

Natsu stopped and turned his gaze back towards Alice, giving her a warning with his vicious glare. “I knew I shouldn’t have let you come with! Black Alice would’ve been on my side!”

Those words cut Alice deep. In fact, it was enough to bring back out “black Alice”.

A term coined from Alice’s eyes that turned black when her emotions and magic went hand in hand and she seemed to get possessed by the magic sealed away inside her.
It first started years ago, during Alice’s time as a model for the “Lolita Weekend” magazine. Alice had many fans, and a few crazy ones too. And when one of those crazed obsessed fans had attacked Cana in attempts to get Alice’s attention, it brought out Black Alice for the first time. Another accidental, confirmed kill.

“Black Alice doesn’t give a f*ck about Lucy! Why do you care so much about her! She doesn’t know you like I do! I-”

“Hey, so if you don’t like Lucy, can you convince your friend here to let me go?” Phantom guy interrupted, resulting in Alice giving him hundreds of volts of electricity. “But... if you want to go save her, I’ll help.”
The guy whimpered out.
“Our headquarters are up ahead. My guess is that they’re keeping her there!” The guy finally fessed up.. “You should’ve said that in the first place!” Natsu shouted, turning up the heat. “You got your answer! Let me go! Or please stop with the fire!” The guy screamed.

“Make sure he can’t get too far away. If she’s not there, you’ll be dealing with not only me next time." Natsu dropped the guy, and the flames went out. He looked up at Alice. “She’s our friend. She’s a part of Fairy Tail. If it was anyone else, I’d still do the same.” Natsu gave Alice a look of indifference.
Natsu then sprinted off. “Yeah, go save the bitch. See if I care.” She scoffed. “Alice is jealous!” Happy teased. Alice’s head suddenly to hurt immensely. She hissed in pain, and grabbed her head with both hands on either side. With his chance to run, the Phantom guy ran off in the opposite direction of Natsu.

“Are you okay?” Happy dropped the teasing demeanor. “I’m- ah! All this dark energy.... I don’t know if I can handle it!” Alice groaned. A cloud of dark energy came from Alice’s body and then dissipated. She doubled over, in relief, and panted. “Alice?” Happy asked, cautiously. “I’m fine. I’m fine...I just...My magic container can’t handle all that magic with half of it sealed. So my body started to react violently. I have to control myself better.”

“If you’re all right, do you want to go after Natsu, or that Phantom guy?”

“I don’t care about that extra. We don’t know what’s at the tower, so we should go after Natsu.” Alice stood back up, vision hazy, sweating, but yet freezing. “I’ll fly us!” Happy volunteered, grabbing Alice from the back of her top, and took off after Natsu.

Happy and Alice made it in time to see Lucy fall from the tower, and Natsu catch her before she fell to the ground.

Lucy sat on the ground and Natsu stood there as Happy and Alice met up with them. As Happy let go of Alice, she fell to her hands and knees.

“Alice!” All three gasped. “I’m fine! I’m great...” Alice stood up to her feet weakly. “No you’re not. You just had that headache a few minutes ago. You said that your body can’t handle all the magic.” Happy argued. Natsu put his hand to Alice’s forehead. “You’re burning up. You have a fever. I guess Black Alice isn’t a good thing after all.” Alice swatted his hand away. She was a bit miffed by his comment about her right when she turned Black again.

“We better get out of here.” Happy suggested. “This is the headquarters! Let’s get them!” Natsu argued. “Erza said retreat!” Happy countered. “To hell with what she said! She’s not in charge. She can’t come kick our asses because she doesn’t know any of this right here and now!” Alice added, even though she was dizzy and weak, she still had a fighting spirit. “That doesn’t matter! You saw what happened to Master!” Happy yelled at the two. “That’s why we need to get back at them!” Natsu replied.
“Neither of you are strong enough!” The blue cat declared. “What did you say?” Natsu asked offended. “I said you can’t face them on your own!” Happy repeated. “I heard you the first time!” Natsu replied, angered.

“Everybody’s hurt!” Happy pointed out. “I’m not. He’s not." Alice gestured to herself and Natsu, but her point didn’t stand since she was pale in the face, and her eyes didn’t want to focus on anything. “Nab’s got a broken arm!” Happy argued again.
“So what I’m stronger than him anyways," Natsu scoffed.
“Macao’s beat up too."
“He got beat up by a Vulcan too.” Alice stood strong with her case.

Lucy spoke up in a whimper. “I’m sorry.” The three looked down at her puzzled but shocked. “I’m so sorry.” Lucy’s voice broke and she started to breathe raggedly. She started to cry.

Alice stood there awkwardly, not knowing how to handle what was now going on. She wasn’t good at handling other people’s emotions. She looked wildly at the boys to see if they had a clue what to do, but then glanced back down at Lucy. “All of this. Everything is my fault! But I don’t want to leave! I want to stay with you guys! Because I love being in Fairy Tail!” Lucy sincerely confessed, looking up at the three who looked down at her.

Alice was lost. She didn’t know how to comfort others. She barely knew how to comfort herself. Sure, she’s dealt with Happy’s crying episodes, but that was just how he was. And Natsu cried to Alice maybe once or twice, and she was blind on what to do then.
When Alice was bothered by something she avoided her own emotions. She wanted to be by herself and repress her emotions.

“So, what’s the matter?” Alice asked awkwardly, but unsure of herself. “Why are you crying?” Natsu mirrored Alice’s tone. “Remember: girls are delicate.” Happy advised the two.

“We better get to the guild then” Alice shrugged. “I guess. Come on Lucy," Natsu’s voice was soft. Lucy kept on crying. Alice was a bit scared. “You’re a girl, do something.” Natsu whispered roughly to Alice. “You’re a boy. Do something.” Alice snapped quietly.

“Hey, you want me to carry you on my back?” Natsu suggestd to Lucy who then cried harder. “Look what you’ve done!” Happy accused Natsu.

Alice sighed hard, and kneeled by Lucy, putting a hand on her shoulder. “Look, I get it. You’re in a difficult spot right now. I’ve been there too. You love Fairy Tail and you think you did something that’s unforgivable that makes you less deserving to be in the guild. I don’t know you’re reason but I know mine. I’ve hurt people I care about. I used to not be able to control my magic as well as I can now and that’s gotten someone hurt and even though they might forgive me, I can never forgive myself. In fact, I shouldn’t be allowed to stay in Fairy Tail. I’m a murderer. I’ve killed innocent children, and people who I never knew. I couldn’t control the darkness within me and I’m still dangerous because even though it’s sealed off, sometimes my darkness comes back out. I know you don’t think you belong because of something you think you did wrong, but no matter what you are a part of Fairy Tail. If I’m still allowed to be there, you damn well belong as well.” Alice spewed out. Natsu and Happy confused where this came from. Lucy nodded and then hugged Alice and cried more. “Thank you, Alice!”

Alice’s eyes widen, and she froze. She didn’t know she was capable of relating to someone, and she didn’t know how to respond to Lucy hugging her. So she awkwardly patted Lucy’s back. “Hey, so we should go back. So if you like, I’m sure Natsu’s still willing to carry you.” Alice offered.

And so there the group went on their way back to Fairy Tail.


fun fact: On wattpad I called this fic "Mysterious Magic" (how cliche, I know)
And in my google drive, where I write it, it has never had a working title until posting it to official channels forced my hand. It's always been named "Natsu Story (number of chapter)" then when I rewrote it, it became "Rewrite (insert chapter number here)"

So this time around, I followed the current trend I have with my other works, using song names because I hate making titles or summaries. And I have two songs that I've dedicated to my favorite ship. "Jenny" by Studio Killers and "When the Day Met the Night" by Panic! At the Disco. And I really wanted to use Jenny's lyrics but I couldn't find a line that was snappy enough and *spoiler alert* Alice and Natsu only stay "just friends" for a while longer so the song only applies to the first like 30 chapters or so..and so I used the P!ATD song even though I have despised Brendon Urie since he released his Pray for the Wicked album. but goddamn the song first them and the moment I heard it, I was like "Wow, this is exactly Natsu and Alice)

Chapter 18

Chapter Text

Alice laid on her stomach, propped up by her elbows. Natsu was leaning against the next wall, near Alice, who was up atop of wall of crates. Lucy sat on a barrel next to Natsu.

The members of Fairy Tail mended their broken spirits in the basem*nt.

Alice wore 120x Gale-Force reading glasses, trying to cram 5 books worth of information in before any retaliation from Phantom Lord. She had a fire magic spell book, an advanced Secret Lightning Magic book, a book with diagrams and instructions for hand to hand combat, a book with a specific passage about Unison Raids, and a book about increasing magic power.

She had already read up on the archives of Phantom Lord, a beginners book on Air Magic, documents on the Heartfilia Konzern, and finally another book about Goddess Magic.

It turned out that Lucy ran away from home. Her father wanted Lucy to marry some rich guy from another rich family. So Lucy ran away from home and her father wanted her back home. So he reached out to Phantom Lord and was going to pay them handsomely for bringing Lucy back home.

“Don’t worry, we’ll get them back for this.” Gray reassured Lucy. Alice tried to tune everyone out as she was on her last book. “That’s not what I’m worried about. It’s just all my fault,” Lucy replied, voice still trembling. “Being targeted by people is just a downside of being rich,” Elfman commented in sympathy. “At least you’re protected by a real man, like me.”
“I’m just surprised. Why did you hide that from us Lucy?” Happy asked. “I wasn’t hiding it. It’s hard to bring up I’m a runaway in casual conversation. I’ve been gone for a year and my father hasn’t cared. Now all of a sudden he wants to force me to come home? He’s done all those horrible things just to get me back. I hate his guts! But if I hadn't run away, none of this would’ve happened," Lucy expressed.
“It’s not your fault, it's your dad’s," Elfman said. “Dude,” Gray scolded. “I mean it's Phantom’s fault," Elfman corrected himself.

“It’s my fault they attacked us. I’m so very sorry. I’m just going to go back home and hopefully all of this will be over with.” Lucy apologized.
“I don’t know. I can’t see you playing the part of the pretty princess sitting in her mansion. Laughing in this filthy guild hall with us, going on adventures even though you freak out all the time, that’s who you really are. You said you wanted to stay here with us, why would you go back to the place you wanna stay away from? Come on, who are you trying to kid? You’re Lucy of Fairy Tail. No more running because you belong here with us.” Natsu genuinely comforted her, patting her head.

And cute the jealousy.
Alice could feel an evil feeling in the pit of her stomach, unrelated to the other dark feelings swirling in her head. “Now that was lovely, can you all be quiet? I have reading to do!” Alice snapped, scowling. The four boys looked up at Alice in shock and disappointment since Alice decided to be a bitch in a trying time, especially since they were trying to comfort, a still crying, Lucy.
Alice went back to read her book about Magic Energy, reading a chapter about how to expand one’s magic container.

“Hey, Happy, go get that book from her.” Natsu shrugged at the blue cat. “Aye sir.”

And like that, Happy flew up, grabbed the book out of Alice’s hands, and brought it back down to Natsu.

Alice gasped and then glared down at Natsu. She jumped down from the crates and stomped over to him, getting into his face as he read the part Alice was at, and also holding the book up out of Alice’s reach. “Why are you reading about Magic Containers?” He asked, ignoring Alice hopping up and down, trying to reach the book. “What?” Gray demanded and took the book. Alice then went over to him to get the book back, but now with a blush of embarrassment. “It’s nothing. Light reading.” Alice shrugged off.

“What are you trying to do?” Gray interrogated her. Holding up at his arm’s length, up away from Alice, several inches shorter. “It’s nothing!” Alice jumped up, trying to grab the book, finger tips only able to brush the binding.

“You’re trying to figure out how to access your dark magic!” He accused. Alice sputtered trying to play it off. “No. I’m just taking up a new hobby.” Alice stuttered out an excuse.

Gray gave Alice a scolding look that would rival Erza’s own expression. “What? With my magic all back, you can send me out there and tell me I was adopted- no that I wasn’t adopted, and with that overwhelming emotion, they’ll all be dead!” Alice explained, getting very irritated.

“Black Alice," Elfman commented, assuming something. “Not this time.” Gray gazed down into Alice’s angry blue eyes. “Her eyes dilate when she’s Black Alice. This is just normal Alice.” Gray theorized. “Oh wow, want a medal for being so freaking smart?” Alice growled, hating being analyzed.
“And Black Alice cusses," Happy added. “Give me back my book!" Alice menacingly ordered Gray. “Burn it, Natsu." Gray, with a flick of the wrist, tossed the book to the Pink mage.

The moment the book was in his hands, it caught fire and was ash within seconds. Alice glared at Natsu, who just smirked proudly at her.

The ground started to shake before Alice could get more upset with him. “Now what?” Alice huffed raspily.

“Look outside!” Alzack, a wizard of Fairy Tail with shooting magic, ran into the basem*nt to warn the others. In a bunch, pushing and shoving each other to get out of the basem*nt, everyone made it outside to see and witness the Phantom Lord guild hall, moving an robotic legs, across the water.

From the center tower of the building, a hole appeared and from within it, a canon. The canon started to emit a dark ominous aura around it and a dark purple circle. “EVERYONE RUN!” Erza yelled still in her bath towel. But she requipped into her Adamantine Armor and ran forward. It was a set of black bulky armor with strong magical properties, used for defense, rather offense.

“What are you doing?” Cana yelled after her. “Protecting the guild! Everyone stay back!” Erza announced.

Gray held back Natsu, who fought him to go to Erza.

The cannon fired. The blast pushed the water out away from it. A Jupiter canon. For a moment, Erza’s shield held against the blast, but eventually her shield cracked.
“Erza!” Alice cried, her feet carrying her towards her guildmate. Loke quickly ran after Alice, wrapping his arms tightly around Alice’s middle, holding her back. “Let me go!” Alice cried fighting against him
“You can’t help!” Loke grunted, using all his strength to keep a hold Alice. With sheer luck, Erza wasn’t killed. Her shield disintegrated, and the remaining blast hit Erza head on, also destroying her armor, leaving her in day clothes. Erza laid on the ground, heavily damaged.

Natsu was able to get away from Gray and ran over to Erza.

“Makarov has fallen. Now Erza can no longer stand.” A voice came from the structure from speakers. “And chance of victory has fallen through your fingers. Surrender Lucy Heartfilia immediately. You have no choice.” The voice demanded.

“As as I can fight, Lucy isn’t going anywhere!” Alice challenged, at the top of her voice. Her spirit encouraging other guild mates to protect Lucy.
Not that Alice was that attached to Lucy. But she had gotten used to her. She had started to get to know more about her against her will. Other Fairy Tailers had started to like her. Mirajane, Cana, Levy, and Natsu and Happy had saw her as a friend.

It wouldn't be right to tear their bonds apart-- Also, it wasn't the Fairy Tail way to give up on another member. Lucy had become a part of their family.

“Be that way! But I’ll fire back up the Jupiter cannon in 15 minutes if you don’t give her up!” The voice said aggravated.

Loke distracted, loosened his grip and Alice broke free and sprinted towards Gray and Natsu who were kneeling by Erza.
“Erza’s out now. She’s the only reason we’re still standing from the first shot." Gray commented.

Dark figures emerged from the Phantom Lord building, wearing purple capes, flying towards Fairy Tail. “You Fairy Tail-ers are stubborn. There’s only two ways this will play out. Either my troops will tear you apart, or you’ll be blown away by Jupiter.”

“We have to destroy that cannon before it blasts again.” Alice planned. “I’ll smash it. I only have 15 minutes to wreck it, right?” Natsu looked to Alice for confirmation. She nodded.
“All right! Come on, Happy!” Natsu ran towards the building and jumped up, Happy catching him and flying towards the structure.

“Let’s go storm the place!” Gray said, to Alice, and Elfman who appeared out of nowhere.

Inside, the three split up. All going in different directions.

Alice’s route was coincidentally the only one with dead ends, and no enemies. Alice felt left out, and useless having no one to beat up. As she got back to the starting place, the whole building started to shake.

And then the floor started to tilt. “No! No, no no!” Alice lost balance and fell face first on the ground, and started to slide. Alice screamed more and then caught herself on a door frame, as the building seemed to shift around and Alice, who was on the floor, hung vertically in the air now, and then all these things start to fall her way. Furniture, like chairs, bookshelves, tables, and light structures. Smaller items like books, utensils, and every day objects.

“Where did these all come from!” Alice said, exasperated. And then a wardrobe, from somewhere came her direction. There was no dodging this.

She gripped harder to the door frame with her left hand and let go of it with her right, and tried to do a spell to obliterate the wardrobe, but Alice overestimated her strength and could no longer hold on and there she went, flying down the hallway.

Alice looked at where she was going to keep going, and that would be right out of the structure and into the water below!

“Alice!” Happy shouted delighted to see her, as she fell right into their room. Happy flew up and caught her. “Gotcha!”

“Happy! Nats- Are you serious?” Alice was at first, relieved and joyous until she saw Natsu motion sick, wobbling about, doubled over. The cannon was destroyed, so Alice couldn’t be too disappointed.
The floor finally leveled back out and Happy placed Alice down, safe. But the structure seemed to be moving.

“What’s going on?” Natsu mumbled, trying not to open his mouth to much, in fear of throwing up. “I’ve heard rumors but there’s never been evidence of it before. But I think this is Phantom Lord’s greatest weapon, Super Mage Giant Phantom MK II,” Alice said, thoughtfully.

“Yes! Phantom Lord will be victorious! Now that your friend here is sick, I can take care of both of-” A fire wizard with lightly tanned skin, half white and half black hair, with the black side over overlaying the front and left side of his head, leaving the smaller white portion concentrated on the left-- All of it tied back into a short pony tail. This was a young man with an average build. His had three black lines going horizontal on his face across the right of his nose and both cheeks. He was dressed in a long red orange ninja robe.

His looked at Alice as she turned to face him. His face turned red and his eyes went wide, but then he calmed himself down, clearing his throat.

“When did you get here?” Alice asked, uninterested. “When did I get here?- I’ve been here!” He answered, slightly offended. “I didn’t mean to yell, I mean- Yes I did because you’re an annoying Fairy Tail-er! But... after this whole thing is over, and we kick your butts, would you like to maybe go out for-- Wait!” As he got to the end of his question, his body had been encased in a solid block of ice.

“You’re not a man! You have to get in line like the rest of us!” Elfman and Gray ran into the room, and Elfman yelled and punched the dude out a window.

“'Wait in line?' What does that mean?” Alice questioned.
“Well after Loke, Gray gets to-" “It's nothing!” Gray interrupted Elfman, who was trying to truthfully tell Alice.

“Well anyways, thanks you guys.” Natsu weakly stood up, but was still very woozy. “You guys are so cool! You showed that Phantom guy who’s boss!” Happy expressed, exhilarated. Natsu walked over to Alice and leaned on her, wrapping both arms around her, to keep himself up. But he also gave Gray a knowing look.

“What was that Natsu? That was sad!” Gray commented on his sickness, but also to get a jab in. “If you were a real man, you would make the giant motion sick of you!” Elfman preached. “But anyways, is this what’s left of the Jupiter cannon?” Gray wondered. “Aye!” Happy answered. “Then you did good."

“I guess the thing stopped moving because I’m feeling better now." Natsu said, although not moving from Alice at all. Alice wasn’t going to complain.

“I’m gonna go fly outside and see what’s going on.” Happy announced, doing as such.

Happy would fly back in moments later to describe what he saw.

“Abyss Break? That’s a forbidden spell! And if it’s as big as Happy says, it can do way worse than the Jupiter cannon and this time it can take out all of Magnolia!” Alice expressed. “We’re doomed!” Happy cried. “What are we going to do? We gotta stop them!” Natsu said getting fired up.
“I guess we gotta split up and look for this thing’s power source," Gray suggested. “Are we ever gonna get a break?” Elfman sighed.

“Come on, let's do this guys!” Natsu encouraged. “Yeah!” Elfman and Gray agreed. “Aye!” Happy added.

Natsu unraveled himself from Alice but took hold of her wrist, as he pulled her along, down the hallway. “Come on!” Natsu said, as Alice stumbled, trying to regain her footing.

“Hey guys, I just thought of something really cool!” Natsu started up. “A plan?” Alice asked. “No, I bet if we beat Jose it’ll put an end to all this crazy fighting!” Natsu suggested.
“Are you completely out of your mind?!” Happy’s flying faltered for a moment. “That guy is as strong- if not stronger than Master!” Alice tried to put some sense into Natsu’s head for once.

“Well gramps is out of commission, it’ll have to be up to someone else to beat that jerk!” Natsu huffed.
“You idiot! Now you’ve got me thinking about Master and Erza being injured and now we have no one to defeat Jose!” Alice said, voice breaking with worry. Natsu stopped, and so did the other two. “I thought this would bring out Dark Alice?” Natsu wondered. “Instead you just made Alice sad.” Happy replied.

“We can’t face him on our own. We don’t have Master, or Erza and they’re our best hope! Laxus is M.I.A., Gildarts is out on his Century Quest, and the Thunder Legion wouldn’t even help if we asked! And with those phantom minions out there attacking the rest of us outside, while we didn’t get any time to recuperate after we attacked them, no one else will be strong enough to take down Jose!” Alice cried, getting stressed out. Natsu placed a hand on top of her head. Alice perked up to look him in the eye. “Don’t worry. Together, we can handle it!” He smiled. Alice’s heart pounded, and that did comfort her a bit.

“Are you two going to kiss?” Happy teased with a giggle. “You’re such a child!” Alice snapped, looking away from Natsu as her cheeks heated up.

And so off they went again down the halls, looking for Jose.

They came across a flight of stairs. “I bet they’ll lead us to Jose!” Natsu pointed. They went up the stairs and came across a room with red carpet that led to two different staircases, that went to another door.

“Well it’s worth a shot,” Alice shrugged.

The three were suddenly lifted up into the air with magic. They floated several feet into the air for a moment before violently crashing back down to the floor.

In front of the group, a small vortex of multicolored air currents.
“How sad.” A voice came from the tornado, the swirl of air died down and from within the vortex came the Air Magic wizard, Aria, a member of the Element 4. He was a tall, bulky male wearing simple clothing under a long green robe. His most notable feature being the white cloth tied around his eyes.

“I will make your wings of fire wither and fall and all that will remain is a dragon’s corpse. While I shall take your fairy heart full of life and drain it until the brightness in your eyes vanish.” Aria threatened poetically. Alice pouted, because her threat wasn’t as beautifully tragic as Natsu’s was. Why was he a dragon, but she was just a fairy?

“Careful he’s from the Element 4," Happy warned. “I am Aria, the strongest of the Element 4. I have come in the hopes of hunting a dragon and silencing a lightning storm.” Aria announced, as his eyes started to pour tears.
“Let me guess. You’re a wind wizard. I’ve dealt with your kind.” Natsu replied, indifferently. “This is different Natsu. He’s far more powerful than Erigor.” Alice cautioned. “Doesn’t mean we can’t take him, come on Alice!” Natsu charged Aria.

Chapter 19


I had Jenny by Studio Killers playing on repeat as I reread this

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Lightning beam!”
Aria easily deflected Alice’s spell, but with it, a wind spell that blocked Alice’s lightning, also carried Alice away, and threw her against a wall, for what seemed like the millionth time.

Neither Alice or Natsu could get a hit on the guy. Alice couldn't get close to him, was she allowed a moment to focus and try more experimental magic.

“Fire dragon iron fist!” Natsu charged at him.
Slammed into a wall.

Alice stood up, warily, breathing hard. “I can’t believe either of you are still standing," Aria said. “Don’t underestimate the power of Fairy Tail!” Alice burst out, her pride still alive.

“How can you stand this? Seven.” Aria cast a spell that set off small but powerful explosions all around Alice’s body. Alice screamed in pain, as she was sent backwards.
“Alice!” Natsu shouted, running towards her, as she landed on the ground. Natsu was hit with the same attack.

Alice stood back up, but Aria wasn’t giving her a chance. “Seven!”

Alice tried to keep her cries in. Her body felt like it was on fire, and her muscles were tense and hard to move. Alice laid back down on the ground, breathless. She could barely twitch her fingers.

“Let’s see how you go against this, Fire dragon roar!” Natsu aimed the spell at Aria, who then disappeared from his spot. “Where did he go?”

“I’ll let you have a gift, I’ll let you join your master in suffering!” Aria teleported behind Natsu and before Alice could even gasp.
“Airspace: Drain!”

“Natsu!” Alice shouted, in horror, watching an airspace of yellow light envelope around Natsu. He groaned in immense pain. Alice’s eyes closed and she didn’t have the strength to open them.

“Erza!” Happy cheered. Erza came in suddenly, dispelling Aria's attack on Natsu, swinging her sword at him.

“Are you sure you’re okay to fight?” Natsu asked, but the look on Erza’s face said it all. “So you’re the one who drained our Master’s power.” Erza turned to Aria..
“The great Erza Scarlet, so unfortunate, seems that Titania with lose her head alongside her friends, Salamander and Child of the Fairies," Aria smiled. Alice groaned, annoyed that no one could agree on a name for her.

“Our master suffered greatly by your hands, I will avenge him!” Erza stated passionately. “Well since I have a worthy opponent it’s time I take things a little more seriously." Aria removed his blindfold.
“Now, step into Zero! Anyone you touch it dies." Aria’s spell made the air whip around violently.

“A spell that consumes life? Tell me, how can you take lives so easily, you scoundrel!” Erza requiped into a different set of armor.

By the time Alice was conscious enough to sit up and take in her surroundings, Erza had won against Aria-- But she was still heavily wounded.

“Alice, you’re okay too, right?” Natsu called over to Alice who groaned in response.

“Attention all Fairy Tail scum, listen carefully because I’m only gonna say this once:” Jose's voice rang throughout the guild hall, like on a magical PA system. A bloody murder scream ripped through the air. Lucy. She sounded hurt.

“We have captured your precious Lucy Heartfilia, which means our first order of business is out of the way, so that leaves us with one more thing, my favorite line: Wiping all of you pathetic brats off the face of the earth." Jose’s voice called out through the building.

“Lucy.” Alice groaned, her head splitting migraine returning. She pounded her fist to the ground to maybe work out the pain. She breathed in deep, closing her eyes and focusing on her breathing. Using a Water Dragon Slayer technique, she filtered out the water molecules in the air and taking them into her body to create energy. It wasn't much, but it was a considerable amount, as Magnolia was a river town.

But there was a very discerning reason why Alice never used this technique often: The water came from any and all surfaces. It didn't matter where it came from, or how it was formed. Her body would absorb it and it'd leave a leathery taste in the back of her mouth.

Natsu, Happy, and Alice found themselves in a room with Gajeel, and a few stray Phantom members, along with a beat up Lucy.

“Fairy Tail will get revenge. Because we’re a family and we never let anyone get away with hurting our family," Lucy said darkly to Gajeel who held her up by her hair. “So Fairy Tail will come after me? Sounds like fun!” Gajeel got ready attack her, raising a hand to her. Natsu went in for the hit, going after Gajeel, who let Lucy go.

Alice came to the rescue, at Lucy's side. But her and Lucy watched the fight between the two Dragon Slayers.

Gajeel laughed, “It ain’t hard to catch a salamander if you use the right bait!”
“Unlike you Phantom creeps, I watch out for my friends. I won’t let you lay a hand on her!” Natsu growled. “Stay back, this could get ugly," he warned his three friends.

“Gajeel!” One of the Phantom freaks cautioned to Gajeel. “Stay back, he’s mine." Gajeel smirked

And then they were fighting. They both were so fast, it was hard to pick out who was who and who had the upper hand. It was just a blur of black and red.

“Lucy, are you okay?” Happy asked. “Yes, but just watching them....I’ve never seen Natsu like this before.” Lucy said, fixated on the hot fire breather. “He’s so amazing.” Alice commented. “Alice is in love!” Happy teased. “I-I didn’t say anything like that! I have a boyfriend, I think!” Alice shouted at the blue cat, embarrassed.

But she had to admit, angry, beaten up, hot and sweaty Natsu was hot af.

Natsu and Gajeel stopped for a moment. “For Fairy Tail scum, you’re pretty co*cky." Gajeel mocked.
“You’re the scum here, for hurting Lucy I’m gonna use my fire power to melt your ugly face." Natsu lamely challenged. “I’d like to see you try," Gajeel scoffed in amusem*nt.

Lucy coughed violently and blood dripped from her mouth. Alice finally remembered what she was supposed to be doing. “Oh, right--" Alice quickly unhooked her claw dagger from under her skirt, and took the tip of it, digging it into her left palm until a steady bead of red trickled from it on to the floor. Alice closed her eyes to remember the spell incantation.

"Um- From the realms of the heavenly world, I summon the illusion of compassion.” Alice chanted, and a heavenly yellow magic circle from the trickles of blood on the floor glowed bright, and from it came a figure, next to Alice.

This figure had an ethereal glow to it's body and features. It was a young woman with flowing fiery red hair tied back into a long pony tail, with tufts of hair framing her soft face. She had open sharp eyes the shade of a dark sangria. On her glowey skin, on her left cheek, under her eye she had two star shaped rhinestones. She was about Alice's size and height, and looked around the same age.

"She looks just like you Alice! Wait, is this your m-" Happy cried in awe. "Mom..." Alice gasped, breathless at the sight before her. This spirit indeed had taken on the appearance of Alice's late mother.

Her chest thudded and her mind muddled with millions of thoughts, bringing tears to her eyes. But she knew this wasn't really her mother. The spirit was just taking on the form of a person Alice missed. Rumor had it that goddess spirits took on various forms based on the user's thoughts and emotions. Their truest desire, their family, loved ones, idols, anything that gained trust.

"What is this, Alice? Is this really your mom?" Lucy gasped.
Alice swallowed hard, unable to take her eyes of the image of her mother in the flesh. “Its Goddess magic. With a price of whatever the illusion desires, it does what it's meant to with me as its master. It takes on the appearance of whoever it needs to in order to get you to agree to its terms. They have tremendous magic power, magic humans are unable to possess on their own, which makes their deals deadly. And this spirit decided my mother was the best person to use against me."

The spirit smiled warmly at Alice, like a mother proud to see how her daughter had grown up. "Look at you, little bean. You've grown into such a beautiful woman. Tell me, what can I do to make you smile?" The false Yoko reached out to caress Alice's cheek. Wanting to melt into her warmth and finally know what her mother's touch was like, Alice felt herself wanting to ask for more than she needed.

She gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, taking in a stable breath. "I know you're not really my mother. I need you to assess this girl's injuries and heal them." She replied strained.

"Of course, Beanie. Whatever your little heart desires." The spirit's smile never faltered. She turned to Lucy, a glowey hand raised just over Lucy's head. And slowly she lowered her hand down until she reached the end of Lucy's body. "She has a few bruised ribs as well as one broken one. Quite a few of her organs in her abdomen are bleeding, along with with extreme bruising. She suffers from a concussion, a sprained wrist and a fractured spine.” The spirit assessed. "Heal her." Alice ordered.

“Only for a price, Bean. I know, I know, you're scared of what I'll ask but it'll be painless. You won't even feel it." The spirit went back to trying to coddle Alice.
"And what is it?" Alice asked. "I need ten years of your precious life, Baby Bean."

“Deal.” Alice agreed, without hesitation. Ten years? Okay. How old did people get to now a days? So many powerful wizards in their hundreds and still full of so much life. What was ten years to how long she could potentially live to? She'd never feel it, and by the time it came, she'd hardly remember ever making this deal.

"Such a smart girl, how momma is so proud of you for making such a sacrifice for your friends." The fake Yoko nodded softly.
"Yeah, okay. Just do your thing." Alice said grated.

“What?! No! No deal! Alice I can’t let you do that!” Lucy argued, panicked. "You shut up, you- Do your thing and go." Alice dismissed Lucy as the spirit disappeared.
Lucy immediately felt a change in her body. She felt energy, she felt less pain, she felt more alive. "Alice, why would you do that!"

“Because I can. So what did I miss?” Alice looked back to the two Dragon Slayers who weren’t even slowing down.

“I think you’re scared!” Gajeel swung this thing at Natsu who dodged it with every slice in the air going for him.
“I’ll give you credit for being a nimble little fairy," Gajeel teased. “You’re no slouch yourself," Natsu commented. “But we have a score to settle from the other day. No time like the present, wouldn’t you agree?” Gajeel challenged. “Let’s go, rivet face!"

“Natsu, if you lose, I’ll kick your ass!” Alice warned as encouragement. At this time Gajeel covered himself in iron dragon scales, making his skin nearly impenetrable, and his melee attacks even more damaging. “Okay, if he kills you, then don’t worry about it.” Alice added after the fact.
“Iron dragon iron fist!” Gajeel punched Natsu and Natsu went flying into a wall. “Hearing you hit that wall was music to my ears," Gajeel laughed.

Gajeel went for more hits but Natsu dodged them, Natsu went for a hit to Gajeel’s face. “I bet that hurt, didn’t it. Your hits are nothing to me." Gajeel said. Natsu rolled on the ground, in pain. “That didn’t hurt! Nope! Not at all!” He cried. He stood back to his feet but then Gajeel headbutted him into the ground. “Quit the act, you just don’t wanna cry in front of the girls do you?” Gajeel teased.

“Fire Dragon Roar!”

“Iron Dragon Roar!”

Both spells went head to head against each other, the intensity pushed Lucy, Happy, Alice, and the other Phantom freaks back. Plus the impact of both spells colliding created a hole in the wall to the outside.

Alice picked herself up off the ground, to her feet.

“Fire and iron dragons are so different, aren’t they, Salamander? You can shower me with fire until you run out of hot air, but it's not gonna crack my armor, on the other hand, my iron blade attacks can rip your body to shreds.” Gajeel explained, co*ckily. Natsu was slouched over, breathing hard.
“I can’t crack your armor huh? Don’t you feel a draft?” Natsu barely had the energy to smile.

And on cue, a small spot on of scale on Gajeel’s face cracked, and popped off. “I don’t breathe regular ol’ fire. Fire dragon roar destroys anything it touches." Natsu took off his vest and flung it elsewhere. Natsu engulfed himself in fire and both Slayers were fighting once more, back up in the sky.

They moved so fast, they looked like fireworks when they collided. Eventually they crashed back down, the impact threw dirt and debris up in the air

The dust cleared and Gajeel was eating iron scraps. “Oh really? That’s no fair!” Natsu cried. “Now I got a fire in my belly," Gajeel swallowed. “Hey! That’s my line!” Natsu cried again.

Gajeel let off immense power. Now he had the advantage. “How did he become so powerful?” Lucy gasped. “When dragon slayers eat their element they regain all their magic energy!” Happy explained. “We need to get Natsu some fire then!” Lucy exclaimed. “He can’t eat his own fire and my fire magic is really weak so he wouldn’t gain anything from it!” Alice shook her head.

Lucy pulled out a key. “I haven’t worked out a contract yet, but I don’t care! I call upon thee Sagittarius!”

Out came some man in some poorly made horse costume with a bow and a quiver of arrows. The spirit saluted to Lucy. “We can do all the important stuff later I need to know if you do fire!” Lucy said quite demanding.
“No. I do archery. Yes indeed."

“I finally feel useless!” Lucy sighed depressingly.

“Wait! Is there anything electrical around here? I can override it with my own electricity and it’ll cause an explosion, ergo fire!” Alice brainstormed, then she looked back over to the fight.

Natsu laid on the floor. “I think I’ve had my fun with you, so get lost!” Gajeel smiled to himself. Natsu didn’t move. “Natsu, get up!” Alice murmured to herself, her anxiety rising.

“Hey look, it looks like my guild is doing you guys a favor and redecorating." Gajeel said gesturing to the hole gaping hole in the wall. Those shadow creatures were still terrorizing Fairy Tail members on the ground but now there was a huge one who was completely wrecking the guild, reducing it to rubble.

Her home.


Alice stood a few meters away from the guild door, which was open. She peered inside, watching all the people in there. She was far too shy to just walk in. She didn’t know why Fairy Tail felt familiar, but it did.

“Hey, you looking for someone in Fairy Tail?” A kid’s voice called out to her. Alice jumped and snapped her attention to the boy her size, smiling at her. “I-uh, no. I-’ll be going. Sorry.” Alice bowed her head and turned to leave. She felt too embarrassed to ask for entry or to inquire about the guild. “Wait! Do you wanna join or something? You can, they don’t turn anyone down! It’s the Fairy Tail way!” The pink haired kid stepped towards her. Alice stopped, looking back. “Are you in it?”

“Yep!” Natsu pushed down his collar as much as he could, barely reaching down his shoulder, but revealed the dark red mark partially. Alice nodded, and then glanced down at the ground. “My name is Natsu Dragneel. I’m a fire dragon slayer. I was taught my magic by my dad Igneel the Fire Dragon King!” Natsu introduced himself. “Dragon king? Was he a dragon?” Alice regained her focus.
“Yep! Not a lot of people believe me though.”

“I had a dragon. Her name was Umiko. She was a water dragon.” Alice shyly revealed. “Really! So you’re a dragon slayer too?!” Natsu excited pushed for more. “Not really. I only knew her for two years. She’s gone now. She didn’t have time to teach me a lot of her magic.” Alice replied, a bit off put by Natsu’s energy.

“Igneel’s gone too. He disappeared a while ago. But then I came across here and I’m a Fairy Tail member now. You should join too!”
Alice didn’t know what to do. “By the way, I told you my name, so what’s yours?” Natsu continued. “I’m Alice. I don’t really have a magic type.”

“That’s okay, Fairy Tail will still have a place for you. Come on, I’ll introduce you to Master.” Natsu grabbed a hold of Alice’s hand and lead her into the guild hall. Not at all caring about the beaten up state Alice was in.

“Natsu, you got yourself a girlfriend?” A random guy asked, teasing the fire user. “This is my friend, Alice. She’ll be joining Fairy Tail!” Natsu swerved the question, as he continued on his mission.

“Alice?” “Alice?” “Is it possible there’s more than one Alice in Fiore?” “There’s no doubt about it. That’s Alice Dreyar. She has Yoko’s hair and Laxus’s eyes.” “Man, what the coincidence Natsu was the one to find her.”

Alice sat at a table, by herself, reading a book, while taking mindless spoonfuls of stew into her mouth periodically. A small child with such a serious aura around her. “You’re new, right?” Another small child stood in front of Alice. Black spiked hair, grey eyes, no clothes except his boxers, a cross necklace, and his dark blue guild mark on his chest.

Alice averted her gaze to him and eyed him up and down. “I don’t like to talk to people who don’t wear clothes.” Alice replied coldly. “Eh?! I don’t know why this keeps happening!” He shouted to himself and immediately put his clothes back on. He sat down in a spot across from Alice. “So, I’m Gray, you’re called Alice, right?” He continued the conversation. Nothing about his tone said he was particularly excited to meet her, but he was curious about this new girl who happened to be a Dreyar. “Yes. I’m Alice.” She nodded, going back to her book. “So, I heard about your story. I didn’t know Laxus could have a kid, especially how young he is.” Gray responded. Alice didn’t want to talk about that, so she ignored him.

“So you’re one of those too good to talk to people types, huh?” Gray scoffed. “No. I just don’t want to talk to a stripper.” Alice muttered.

Natsu skipped over. “Hey, Moody!” He greeted. “Call me that one more time, you’ll see how moody I can really be.” Alice responded in a warning tone. “Okay, whatever. Wanna go to the forest?” He smiled, not phased by Alice’s harsh words. “What’s in the forest that so important?” She asked, not interested in the least bit.

“Well there’s ton of things! There’s a river we can fish at, or swim! You’re a Water Dragon Slayer,right? So you must like water! Or there’s a lot of trees, we can have a climbing competition. Or- or there’s tons of animals to chase!” Natsu listed excitedly. “You’re an animal in your own right. Those all sounded like a waste of time. Go ask Lisanna,” Alice replied. “Lisanna went on a quest with Mirajane and Elfman. She won’t be back for a few days.” Natsu pouted, disheartened. “Hey, Fire Brain, go pester someone else.” Gray butt in. “You wanna piece of me?!” Natsu jumped on the table and got ready to fight Gray. “Wow, Fire and Ice fighting each other. How cliche.” Alice closed her book and scooted off the bench and walked off.

“Hey! Wait for me!” Natsu called, running after her.

“Hey!” Natsu greeted Alice from behind, as she sat at the bar, talking with new comer, Cana. “Natsu, I’m having a conversation. Be kind.” Alice hastily responded and then went back to talk to Cana. Natsu crossed his arms and waited there, impatiently for several minutes.

And after a while, Cana left the bar, and Natsu immediately took her stool. “So, what’d you want?” Alice boredly asked. “Let’s go on a quest together!” Natsu requested. “I haven’t been on one yet. I don’t know if I’m ready to do that.” Alice shook her head. “Aw, come on! You’ll have me! We’ll be a team!”

Alice fell to her knees, broken sounds coming from her agape mouth. Tears streamed freely down her face. Her home!

“You’re here early.” Alice commented on Natsu’s appearance at the guild hall early morning, the sun barely up. “You’re even earlier. How’d you get in?” Natsu replied, walking over to Alice who was behind the bar making herself breakfast. “I’m currently sleeping here.” Alice answered. “Why aren’t you at Fairy Hills like the rest of the girls?” Natsu asked.

“I’ve been here for a few days, I don’t have enough money to live anywhere. Master Makarov was kind enough to share his home with me, but I declined and I’m staying here.”
“Come live with me! It won’t be as lonely as this place can be when everyone’s gone.”

"It's fine. I'm used to being alone now. It's not that bad anymore." Alice declined with a shrug. Natsu scrunched up his eyebrows. "I'm sorry that you feel like that. But you shouldn't have to be alone. You have a family now, I'm your family, so if you want to live with me, you can. You can have the hammock, I'll be fine on the floor. I have a kitchen and a fireplace too. It's small, but it's okay! I'll make it work so you feel safe and not alone anymore!"

Alice cautiously walked towards him, stopping just several inches away from him. She gazed at Natsu’s tense shoulders. “Natsu...?” Alice’s voice trembled as she warily reached out towards him, fingers just barely brushing against his hot skin. Natsu wheeled around, roughly grabbing Alice, wrapping his arms tightly around her middle as he shoved his face into her neck as he cried into her. Alice, frozen, not sure what to do, tried to slowly, as smoothly as possible, return the embrace, letting Natsu work out his emotions. “It’s cold out here. You’ll get sick.” Alice softly whispered. She didn’t get a response.

“Come on, it’s nice and dry at my home. You can even take a warm bath if you want.” She lightly coaxed. “I don’t want to leave.” Natsu muttered. “I know. But, you gotta go at some point. You can always come back in the morning. It’s getting late out.” Alice bargained. Natsu nodded.

After a long shower, Natsu walked into Alice’s room. His hair was still wet, and water dripped from the tips of the pink hair. Alice walked over to Natsu, and took his towel that hung around his neck. His eyes were red, heavy, and void of any light. She took the towel and lightly rubbed it around on his head to dry the water. “Going to bed with wet hair is bad for you, you know?” Alice lightly smiled. Natsu hummed lowly in response. “If you want the bed, I’ll happily let you have it.” Alice continued to talk. “But either way, you gotta get some sleep, okay?” Alice looked sincerely into his eyes. She was truly worried for him. She had no idea that Natsu could get depressed like this.

Natsu nodded, still looking away from Alice. Alice relaxed, relieved that he was better. She had never seen him like this. Sad. Depressed. She didn't know how to fix it.

“All right, I’ll be out in the living room, if you need me.” Alice advised, taking the towel with her, heading towards the door. Natsu grabbed Alice by the arm, stopping her. “Hm?” Alice looked back at him. “Stay.” Natsu simply stated. “N-...Natsu...” Alice trailed off. Together?

In the same bed?

“Please?” Natsu asked, he finally locked his eyes with Alice’s, which took away Alice’s hesitance. “Okay.” She nodded.

So, there they lay together on the bed. Both laying on their sides, facing one another.
Alice couldn’t handle it, so she switched to her other side, now facing away from Natsu, who then grabbed Alice by the shirt and roughly pulled her to him. “Natsu!” Alice exclaimed.

Natsu put his forehead to Alice’s back. “I’m always going to protect you, Alice. You have my word that I will never let you get hurt. If you cry, I’ll do what I can to make you smile. If you fall, I’ll always pick you up, if you ever have a bad day, I’ll always be there. I promise you. I will never let you go on a quest that is too dangerous, I will never let you go out alone in the dark, because I love you, I love everyone at Fairy Tail and I won’t let anyone else die.” Natsu’s voice broke and he sobbed. Alice had to do something, so she faced him once more. Natsu took that as an invitation, wrapping his arms around Alice, tucking his forehead into Alice’s neck.

She eventually worked up the courage to stroke his hair, which with several minutes, close to a half hour, got him to calm down and fall asleep.

Alice stood at the bar by herself, waiting for Natsu to finally arrive so they could get a job.
A young, attractive male walked over to Alice and leaned over on the bar. He had light brown hair, smooth skin, and a nice face. He wore sunglasses, jeans, and a green coat.
“Hey there, pretty girl.” He confidently greeted Alice who looked at him, amused at the nerve this guy had. “So you got a name, princess?” He continued, even when Alice ignored him.
“Alice. So you’re new here, huh?” Alice shook her head at him. “Alice, that’s a very beautiful name, for a very beautiful girl. So how’d you know I was new here?”

Alice had to give it to him. He was getting her to blush and that was a big feat. He was very good looking and had the moves. “I’ve never seen you here before, plus anyone who’s been here a while knows better than to do what you’re doing.” Alice responded, smiling at this new guy. “Well, hey, what can I say? I can’t help but introduce myself to angels. The names, Loke, by the way.”

No one had ever had the nerve to hit on her, let alone do it so suavely.

“Who’s the creep with the winter coat in the middle of summer?” Natsu intimidatingly strode over to the bar, standing near Alice. He gave Loke a look over. “This is Loke. He’s a new member.” Alice introduced him. “What’s with the weird smile? Are you sick or something? Your face is red!” Happy teased. “Shut it cat!” Alice snapped at him, embarrassed. “Well I think your smile is gorgeous. Plus that blush makes you look way cuter than before.” Loke smoothly complimented, receiving a giggle from Alice. Natsu was confused by this new side of Alice. He’s never seen her giggle like a girl before. “Okay...While you two ogle at each other, I’m gonna look for a quest for just us, all right?” Natsu excused himself.

“Natsu, Alice! Look, Mirajane just gave me the official guild stamp!” Lucy smiled brightly, showing off her light pink mark on the back of her hand.

“Alice? Alice!”

Alice jumped, waking from her flashbacks. “Alice! There’s a machine thing over there!” Happy pointed across the room to some generator. Alice remembered the task on hand, and wiped her tears.

Gajeel slammed Natsu onto a wall, with his arm transformed into his sword.

Alice teleported herself over to the generator, and placed her hands on the cold metal, and closed her eyes, mustering up all the magic energy she could and with it, shot millions of volts into the generator and then it went boom. Alice’s ears rung as she opened her eyes. The explosion flew her feet away from it.

“Thanks a million, Alice!” Natsu thanked, consuming the flames. Alice turned her head and watched Natsu. “You gotta win, Natsu.” She said, but it came out in a whisper. Alice closed her eyes and fell out of consciousness.

From both major injury, hitting her head, and also depleted of magic. But Alice couldn’t just stay down, so somewhere in her subconscious she found the will to wake back up.

Alice found herself alone. Her vision was distorted, her head was filled with a loud ringing noise, and she ached all over. Barely able to stand, Alice coughed, as dust filled her lungs.
Lucy, Happy, and Natsu were gone. Even Gajeel and his other members.

Alice tasted something metallic in her mouth. Too much lightning magic made her taste metal eventually. But this very could have been from overloading the generator.
Alice had to find Natsu. Her first thought was to walk over to the hole in the wall. The sunlight burned her eyes.

Alice stumbled across a beaten down Gajeel. He looked up at her, defeated.
“You got any energy left?” Alice croaked out. “Enough to kick your ass!” Gajeel tiredly challenged, not moving at all. “Good.” Alice nodded, kneeling down to him and put a hand down on his chest. “Get-’way,” Gajeel grumbled.

“Energy drain.” A warmth filled Alice as her body took in Gajeel’s leftover magic energy. It wasn’t much, but Alice could see without spinning.

Alice walked and hopped over rubble. She finally spotted Natsu. He stood hunched over, covered in bruises, scrapes and dirt. “Natsu!” Alice was relieved. She ran to him, tripping countless times, being light headed and her balance off.

She ran to him in time, catching him as he fell over.

His weight made Alice fall to her knees, try to support his body. Alice’s arms hooked under his, his arms wrapped around her neck. Alice’s mouth was against Natsu’s jaw, under his right ear. “Well that was fun. But I think I’m gonna rest a bit.” Natsu uttered exhausted, but his tone held amusem*nt.
“That’s fine by me. You deserve a break.” Alice laughed, breathlessly, her lips brushing against his warm skin. The vibrations of her voice, the softness of her lips, the warmth of her breath, sent a shiver down Natsu’s body.

“You know something though, I think you’re strong enough to control your dark magic, since they blocked off a lot of your energy, you’re weak.” Natsu rambled off, mind racing, but also tired.
“Yeah, whatever. Can you stand at all?” Alice grunted as Natsu was putting even more weight onto Alice’s small body. “I don’t know." Natsu replied.
Alice was having a hard time keeping them both up. “Can you at least try?”
“Yeah, I guess."

As Natsu got to his feet and intense magic energy filled the air. “That energy. It’s...” Alice gasped, shocked. “Yeah, its warm like Gramps’.” Natsu nodded, arms around Alice’s shoulders as he used her as support to stay up.

The ground shook violently and the sky went dark with clouds over the Phantom Lord guild building, blue lightning constantly striking. The river below crashed against the legs.

Master Jose against Master Makarov. Two Wizard Saints head to head.

The ground Alice and Natsu were standing on gave out and the two toppled to another level below.Coincidentally, Natsu landed on his back and Alice on top of him. They both groaned. Alice sat up in Natsu’s lap, straddling one of his legs. Natsu smiled widely at the magic energy, knowing Master was kicking ass, not caring how much that fall hurt-- With the added weight of another human on him.

Alice couldn’t focus on the fight because of her compromising position. Natsu continued to lay on his back, arms outstretched.

Another bright light and more quaking. Another floor giving out. Another crashing down on each other.

Only Master Makarov’s energy remained.

Still sitting on him, Alice was calculating in her head what just happened.
Natsu sat up, face to face with Alice. Natsu was brightly smiling, Alice’s smile was soft, as she shyly gazed into Natsu’s eyes.

Being so close, her feelings for him stronger than ever, a battle won, emotions were all over the place.

They two stared at one another, eyes constantly flickering from eyes to lips. Both silently looking for a sign to move forward.

And then it happened all at once. Both moving in sync, closing the distance between their lips.

Natsu’s hands caressed Alice’s face, as Alice’s fingers tangled in his pink locks as their lips moved against one another.


also, hi, if it wasn't painfully obvious I'm not good at writing action sequences.

Chapter 20

Chapter Text

In and intense and heated kiss, neither of the two barely broke apart, only taking in tiny gasps of air when needed. Alice gripped at his hair, gently, but also in a way to pull him even more closer, if possible.
Alice’s heart pounded immensely, her body covered in a warmth like never before, her mind in a daze. She’s never felt so good before.

Alice didn’t know kissing Natsu could feel so amazing. Even though she couldn't get any closer, chests pressed together, breaths and saliva shared-- Teeth clashing, tongues overlapping-- She needed more of him. She didn’t know what she was missing out on this whole time. Her chest filled with excitement and she felt a burst of energy rush into her head. Like a hit of cocaine-- Addicting and exhilarating. She felt invincible. There was nothing she couldn't do, there was nothing in the world that could pull her down from this high.

How could she go this far in her life without getting feeling a strong sensation of love and lust with just this one passionate moment before?
Loke never felt like this. And he’d never feel like this.

Alice finally realized what was going on. Loke popped into her mind. Never mind. Guilt could do the trick and steal her from the stars and back down to the rubble that she was surrounded by.

Natsu deserved more than one secret passionate make out session with a girl already in a relationship.

Alice teleported a few feet away from Natsu, suddenly, standing to her feet. Natsu’s eyes opened, his body already missing the touch of Alice’s. He stared up at her, breathless, but smiling.

“I... I-uh, that’s not what... you-.... I have a boyfriend!” Alice stuttered out, mind fuzzy with all the new stimulation she had yet to fully process. It was hard for her mind to come up with a coherent thought. Natsu’s smug expression wasn’t helping. “I know. But either way, we kissed.” Natsu replied, full of himself. He was on cloud 9. This wasn’t a drunken kiss he kept secret to save Alice’s pride. Nor was it a kiss stolen while guised as Alice’s boyfriend.

This was Natsu and Alice, as two people in love. This is all he ever wanted and more. It was better than any other kiss. Every other time felt weighed down by the circ*mstances-- Never allowed to meet it's full potential, constantly edged to its limits. Capped and teasing-- Mocking.

But this? He could jump up and be launched up the moon with the energy he was suddenly flooded with. This only confirmed it! She liked him back! She loved him! Now, everything could fall into place! They'd be able to hold hands, and kiss all the time, and Alice would blush and tell him how cute he is-- And be sober! And actually mean it! She'd only look at him and no one else, which was the best decision really, because no one else understood her like he did. He could treat her better than Loke ever could, or that jerk Gray!

There would be no complicated junk in his head telling him why he couldn't have what he wanted. It would only be love and happiness!

“We- I mean.. me, but you too- if you want to-... ugh! If the battle is over with, I- WE should go down there and meet up with the others.” Alice was getting irritated with her own loss of words. She was a flustered mess. “Yeah, okay, help me up.” Natsu nodded, still smiling, hands out, reaching towards Alice.

Alice couldn’t risk another incident happening so instead she used a telekinesis spell, lifting Natsu to his feet, without having to touch him.

Natsu up to his feet, stood near the ledge. “Hey Gajeel! Can you hear me?” He called out, still overjoyed and high on victory.
“I can’t hear anything.” Gajeel responded in a grunt, a few levels down. “I just wanna know where you learned your dragon magic!” Natsu responded anyways. “I told you. I can’t hear you.” Gajeel grumbled back. “You’re the first person I’ve met that actually uses that magic. Come man just tell me!” Natsu whined.

Gajeel said something Alice’s ears could not pick up but it obviously wasn’t what Natsu wanted to hear. “Don’t be like that!” Natsu cried. “Metallicana," Gajeel gave in and answered. “Huh?” Natsu wondered at the strange name. “The iron dragon.”.

Natsu leaned forward in excitement and his weight was enough to make the slab of stone Alice and him stood on, break and they both fell down to Gajeel. “No way!” Natsu continued the conversation completely unfazed by the fall, while Alice on the other hand, fell on her face. She was too tired to get back up. Using that magic on Natsu to get him to his feet, too embarrassed to touch him again, was enough to wear her back out since even her stolen magic energy didn’t fill much of her container.

“Were you taught by a dragon?” Gajeel asked but Natsu just talks over him, “Where’s Metallicana now?” Natsu inquired. “I don’t know," Gajeel answered. Natsu didn’t believe him. “Tell me where he is!” Natsu demanded. “I don’t know!” Gajeel repeated, angrily.

“He disappeared. Yeah, I was taught by Metallicana but then one day he just left!"

Alice groaned in exhaustion and pain as the boys started to ramble on about the coincidence and what not of the date 7/7/X777. The same day Alice’s, Natsu’s and now Gajeel’s dragons disappeared.

Alice laid there, still on her stomach side, on her cheek. And then she was picked up, hoisted onto Natsu’s shoulder. She wanted to protest.

“Just let me know if you see Igneel, okay?” Natsu asked of Gajeel, and then walked away. Alice, facing towards Gajeel, her eyes locked with his. “Why would I?” Gajeel replied, breaking contact with Alice. “Because we’re fellow Dragon Slayers!” Natsu pointed out. “Yeah, well, screw you! Next time I get my hands on you, you’re dead meat! You’ll be begging for mercy!” Gajeel shouted in challenge.

Natsu stopped and turned to face Gajeel. “Don’t be so brutal! I was thinking about a truce but after that outburst, I don’t know!” Natsu warned.
“Brutal? You destroyed my guild hall!” Gajeel answered, harshly. “After you demolished ours! Forget it! I’m never gonna truce with you!” Natsu turned on his feet and walked off.

"My panties better not be showing!" Alice screeched in warning. “Well we just kissed, so I though we were past formalities.” Natsu played, as he skillfully jumped down rocks and other types of rubble on the way to a good exit.

"Natsu! This doesn't change anything between us! I have a boyfriend!" Alice stressed. It saddened her that was the truth of it. If she could, she’d continue on the road she could've went with Natsu, but her relationship stopped it.
Sure, break up with Loke, and then be with Natsu. But... She didn’t want to have to go through the confrontation. Loke always fought with Alice when it came to breaking up that at this point Alice just gave up. Besides. She still loved him in a way. And no way in hell would she admit that she was ending their relationship because of her feelings for Natsu. Which wasn't the only reason why they needed to break up.

And also, just because her and Natsu kissed didn’t mean Natsu liked her back. Obviously.

“All right, but you’re gonna tell Loke, right?” Natsu bargained, not in the mood at all to figure out that hurt in the back of his head, bringing his head back down to Earthland.
“I was hoping that....this could be a secret?” Alice wondered, hopeful that he'd agree.
“Well, like you said, you do have a boyfriend. It only be right if you told him.” Natsu countered, honestly.

“Fine.” Alice gave in, defeated. If Natsu was going to act this casual about it, Alice was going to, too. “But I am surprised you went that far.” Alice shyly started up the conversation. She was trying to get him flustered now. It was only right.

“Why? I’ve done that before.” Natsu replied. Alice didn’t like the sharp pang in her chest. Of course he had done that with Lisanna before. But Alice couldn’t falter. She didn't like imagining him kissing her-- His hands on her where his had touched Alice-- She remembered the one and only time she saw them kiss. She only saw Lisanna's face since Natsu's back was to her, but the damage was done. Alice couldn't even play it off as just being disgusted be the PDA, it was Lisanna's fault that she kissed him so suddenly when Natsu could hear Alice coming.

She remembered the brutal pang in her chest. She didn't understand why she was so angry-- To the point that she cried.. But it was the worst pain she had ever felt.

“Oh, please don’t tell me what you do with Happy!” Alice tried to joke, hoping Natsu would continue to keep the atmosphere merry and jestful even though Alice had already begun digging her grave.
But Natsu wasn’t willing to go through with it. “You know better than to say that.” Natsu warned, solemnly. “Right, okay.” Alice’s tone lowered in shame. “So, yeah.” Natsu ended that conversation.

Alice was afraid to talk after that. So it was a quiet travel to the entrance doors.

“Hey, so, can you not carry me like this anymore?” Alice peeped out. Natsu stopped before the doors and put Alice on her feet. She straightened out her skirt and then pulled up her top that had started to inch down. Alice finally looked up at Natsu who gave her an intense look of determination. Natsu neared her in a swift motion, and Alice reeled back, but her back hit the wall. Natsu smirked mischievously at Alice’s worried expression. A part of him knew this might be his last chance.

Natsu pinned Alice against the wall, between his arms above her shoulders. But Natsu saw Alice’s expression. She wasn’t anticipating a kiss, she averted her eyes, and slouched into herself, like she was trying to hide. Natsu couldn’t kiss her if it wasn’t what she wanted. So he went for a simple peck to the corner of her lips and then he let her go.

Alice finally took a breath in and out, relieved. She wanted to kiss him, god, did she want to. But Natsu deserved more than her and her messiness.

“You love Loke, right?” Natsu asked Alice, who perked up at his voice. “Yeah. I do.” Alice nodded but hesitantly answered. Natsu wanted to delve deeper.
“But do you-...Nevermind. Come on, we shouldn’t keep everyone waiting!” Natsu smiled, dropping the subject. “Right.” Alice agreed. Natsu picked Alice back up, but bridal style this time as he kicked open the huge door, which then fell off the hinges and landed down into the water. Natsu hopped down, landing on the door, but as it waded in the water, Natsu became sick, and dropped Alice as he collapsed on the door.

Alice couldn’t believe what just happened. She was really in love with this guy.

Alice growled, and pounded her fists on the table. “How many times do I have to repeat myself?!”

“We need to get your story straight! This is a serious matter!” The rune knight sternly replied. “What more is there to say? You want to know my story but then it’s like you don’t believe me! We were attacked by them first!” Alice argued against the knight.

For a whole week, Rune Knights were put on scene to get the story straight and figure out what really happened, since it was strictly forbidden for guilds to fight.
“Just tell me the beginning again!”
“All right! Like I’ve said 10 times now, my team came back from a job. Me, Lucy Heartfilia, Natsu Dragneel, Erza Scarlet, Happy the cat, and Gray Fullbuster. We just walked into town when we noticed that people were....”

A week had gone by since the final battle. And Fairy Tail was rebuilding. Alice was assigned lacrima installments but they were still building the foundation, so until then-- She had to help with the manual labor.

With a loud sigh, Alice made her way back to the construction site. “What’s this? Alice wearing something that actually covers her stomach? Impossible.” Gray teased, eyeing Alice’s outfit. She was wearing a white v neck t-shirt, black denim shorts, white and pink sneakers. She also had her long hair tied back, but the short hair that framed her face was too short to reach the ponytail. She really looked like her mother with her hair up.

“I’m sorry, are you complaining that I’m wearing clothes? Are you getting lonely as the only streaker around here?” Alice jabbed back, and tried to walk away. Natsu came over and stopped Alice, with just one arm over her collar and shoulders, and then started to push against Alice, making her walk back over to Gray. “I’ve finally been released from interrogations! I’m tired! I wanna take a break!” Alice whined, childishly, trying to fight against Natsu, but lost, falling backwards, landing on her butt on the ground. She decided to stay sitting.

“Yeah, I’m starving.” Gray complained. “Yeah, we need a break.” Natsu nodded. Suddenly a wave of water splashed over Alice, Happy and Natsu. And now Gray had a lunch box in his hands.

Alice stood up as to not get muddy from the dirt and water mixing. “Look at this!” Gray outburst, opening the lunch box.
The top box had rice and vegetables, one side had veggies spelling the word “love” and on the rice side had the form of Gray’s face.

Erza came over, catching the five distracted by the lunch box. “Hey, I never said any of you could take a break- Gray, is that a lunch box with food with your face?” Erza, too got distracted. She somewhere got a fork and stabbed into Gray’s face from the box.

“This is actually pretty good, I’d eat the whole thing!” Erza said with a mouthful, stabbing into Gray’s face more. Natsu took some of the octopus. “There’s even mushrooms. Alice these are definitely yours!” Gray shuttered. Alice cheered at the free food and mushrooms. Alice loved mushrooms.

“Hey guys. Can you do me a favor?” The group, with stuffed faced, turned around to the voice. Alice’s stomach turned.

“Hey, it’s Loke, Alice’s boyfriend!” Natsu smiled knowingly. Alice hadn’t told Loke about it yet, and Natsu knew that and he openly expressed to Alice how disappointed he was that Alice hadn’t told Loke yet because Natsu was a guy all about honesty and trust, even if he was the mistress in this situation. Natsu had no clue about Alice’s affairs. He thought only Loke cheated and that he was Alice’s first offense. Alice just happened to smell like Gray sometimes, and vice-versa. That was just because that obsessed jerk was constantly hanging off her. There was no other reason.

Gray obviously had never gotten to home base with Alice several times, even experimenting with the ever elusive and mythical fifth base, while Natsu only just got to first base with her when she was sober!

Alice stared over at Loke, noticing how tired and pale he looked. “When I was in town, I found Lucy’s gate keys.” His voice was even coarse.

What was wrong with him? Alice still at least cared about him, so she felt concern. “Hey, are you okay?” Alice had walked over to him, fretting about his apparently ailment of some sort. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little beat, maybe.” Loke shrugged, giving Alice a tired smile. But she wasn’t convinced.
“Hey, if you need me I can take you home or I ca-” “No, it’s fine. You can keep working. I’m heading home and I’ll go to bed.” Loke nodded, trying to calm Alice. Alice nodded hesitantly. “I’ll go check on you after I’m done, all right?” Alice asked sweetly. “Sounds good to me.” Loke said with a kiss to Alice’s forehead and then he was gone.

Something was wrong with him. Alice knew she had to tell him about Natsu, and that’d open a whole new can of worms, and Alice didn’t want to do that now. But now seeing a break-up actually in the foreseeable future, Alice was realizing how distant she and Loke were.

“I can see Alice’s bra!” Happy pointed out, shouting but it didn’t phase Alice. She was too busy dreading the inevitable.

“I’m gonna head out now, okay?” Alice announced to the group. “You’ve worked really hard today, Alice. I’m proud. Go get plenty of rest.” Erza nodded and waved Alice off. “Hey, can I talk to you real quick?” Natsu jogged over to Alice. “I suppose but I’m rather against it.” Alice warily replied. “Come on, it’ll be real quick.” Natsu pulled Alice to the side.

“What?” Alice gave in. “I can tell you’re upset.” Natsu simply stated. “Yeah, no sh*t. I’m stressed the hell out. Now let me be.” Alice shortly responded. “Hey, hey. I hate this feely stuff but I gotta say it. Alice, that kiss doesn’t have to mean anything to you if you don’t want it to. I want you to tell Loke anyways, but don't let it affect you and Loke.” Natsu tried to smooth things over. “Whaaaattt? You and Alice kissed?” Happy gasped, walking into the conversation. “Thanks.” Alice gave Natsu a sarcastic look and walked off, only pausing for a moment to turn back to him, angry and offended-- Even slightly heartbroken. “And guess what! It did mean something and it’s not affecting me and Loke! It’s just affecting me and you!” And with that Alice stomped off.

How could Natsu just say something like that? It doesn’t have to mean anything? What the hell did that mean?
Maybe Natsu didn’t like Alice back. If that was the case, why break up with Loke? Why even tell him about Natsu?
Sure, for the last few months, Loke and Alice were farther apart than usual, but that wasn’t something a loving night couldn’t fix, right? Alice had gone on more jobs, Loke was out of town more often. They just needed to adjust their schedules.

Maybe saying that she loved Natsu was an overstatement, and it was just a small crush? That had to be. Plus, it wasn’t like Natsu even had feelings for Alice.
Besides, Natsu’s kiss wasn’t anything compared to Alice’s multiple affairs with Gray and Hibiki Lates. But those didn’t mean anything. They just were friends of Alice’s who were on the same page as her. It didn’t mean anything.

Okay, maybe to Gray, it did, but he knew what he was getting himself into when Alice had first kissed him all those months ago. And Hibiki was just an occasional thing once or twice-- Maybe a third or fourth time after too many drinks. It was his job anyways to be a host. He was just doing a good job.

Alice found herself at the door of Loke’s pad. She knocked at the door. No answer.
He was probably sleeping. Alice requiped out the key to his place and as she was about to put the key in the hole Loke walked up the stairs.

“Loke? I thought you were supposed to be in there sleeping?” Alice mumbled awkwardly.
“I went for a walk, I didn’t think you’d be done so fast.” Loke responded as tensely at Alice did. “Oh, okay. Um,- So do you want me to stick around for a while?” Alice teetered on her feet. “Actually, Alice.” Alice knew this tone. It was Loke’s serious voice. But Loke wasn’t that serious of a guy so whatever it was, it was going to be bad.

“I know you’ve been thinking about this too. I’ve been acting weird lately. And our relationship is pretty screwed up so, I’ll make this quick-” “No, it’s fine. We’re fine!” Alice interrupted him hurriedly. sh*t.
“Alice. We haven’t been for awhile. I’ve been messing around with other girls. You know that. Everyone does. It bewilders everyone that you haven’t broke up with me yet. I mean, you’re messing around with other guys too.” “I’ve broken things off with both of them! Loke, please, you...” Alice found it sickly funny how the roles switched. Why was she fighting this? This is what she always wanted. She was just scared because Loke was the one to fight for them.

“I love you, Alice, but I have a dark past, I have a secret no one knows about, and it's back to get me. I just want things to end like this between us instead of what would.” Loke continued. “But, Loke..I thought you loved me?” Alice’s voice broke with heartbreak. “I do. God, I love you, Alice. You’re probably the only girl I’ll ever love but...I got things to work through. And I’ll be gone for a long time. So, while you’re surrounded by your friends, and you’re busy rebuilding the guild hall, you can forget about me, all right?”

Alice had no thought. “So... I’ll see you around, or maybe not.” Loke brushed past Alice, into his apartment, and he closed the door. Leaving Alice there wide eyed, mind running millions of miles per millisecond.

She didn’t know how to feel. Relieved? No. Sad? No clue.

But she sure as hell knew that her body felt heavy.

She just didn’t know what to do.

Chapter 21

Chapter Text

Alice mindlessly walked past to the guild hall, where everyone was still working, but wrapping things up.

“Alice. What’s up?” Gray was surprised to see Alice back. She was supposed to be done for the day. “I- uh, I’m just back.” Alice replied, emotionless. Natsu kept his distance. He knew Alice was upset with him, and he knew there was now something bothering Alice.

“How’s Loke doing?” Erza asked, still carrying a piece of lumber. “He’s fine.” Alice replied curtly. That question broke her stride. “I know you two have had your faults, but I’m so glad to see you two still thriving. It really gives me hope.” Erza smiled softly.

That hurt a lot. “Yeah.” Alice’s eyes were glossed over with tears that refused to spill. “Well, we’re going over to Lucy’s once we get cleaned up here, you gonna join?” Gray invited. Alice thought distraction would help. “Yeah, I’ll go.” She nodded.

That’s what Loke wanted, right? Because Alice was surrounded by friends. Might as well put them to use.

Alice joined up with Natsu and Happy. “So, why’re you going through the window?” She asked, as Natsu was halfway through a window, with Happy helping pull him through. Alice decided that’d be the way she’d go through too.

“Hey, Lucy! How are you doing?!” Natsu shouted once inside.
“Come on man, don’t go through the window!” Gray said emerging from the chimney. “Has anyone ever taught you boys to use a door?” Erza said, already sitting down at the tea table, with tea made and sipping from a tea cup.

“When are you Miss Manners?” Both Natsu and Gray deadpanned. “Isn’t this around the time Lucy screams at us?” Alice asked, realizing it was very Lucy quiet.

“Yeah, like, GET OUT OF HERE!” Happy shouted in example, throwing a ginormous whole ass whale at Natsu. “I wonder where she could be?” Erza wondered.

"I just want to know where Happy got a whale."
Gray checked the bath, which Natsu was in while being in the living room..... At the same time? Then Happy checked her underwear drawer. And the whole group gathered around the drawer in flustered wonder. “She wears this?” Erza blushed. “How would you even put it on?” Alice wondered aloud, even though she had plenty of risque underwear herself. “What would you wear these for?” Gray asked. “Family gathering?” Natsu guessed. “Definitely not.” Alice disproved.

Erza wandered away.

“Okay just shut the drawer!” Alice ordered Happy who was still looking in amazement. “Wait!” Gray said, but he ended up pushing Happy who knocked down a box of unopened letters. “That’s a lot," Erza commented. “No kidding. And they’re still all sealed," Gray added.

“‘ Dear Mom, today I joined the Fairy Tail guild. There I met a very beautiful wizard named Erza, she yells a lot but she’s really fun to be around. I also met Alice Dreyar and Mirajane Strauss! They’re both so gorgeous it’s unbelievable! There’s this crazy fire wizard named Natsu who is very loud. Him and Alice are best friends but I think there might be something more.' ” Natsu read out loud.

Great; even Lucy thinks that.

“I have a clue to where she is. She left us a note obviously. It says she’s going home." Erza said, observing a note on Lucy’s desk. “We gotta go then!” Natsu jumped out the window, Gray went back up the chimney, and Happy, Erza, and Alice went through the door like civilized humans/cats.

On the train, Natsu sat next to Alice, but as the train started, Natsu leaned on Alice’s shoulder, sick out of his mind. Alice was not in the mood for him at all. “Yeah, no.” She cast her balance spell and Natsu jumped up out of his seat, to his feet, revived. “Sit down.” Erza ordered casually, and he plopped back down.

“So is Loke doing better? He looked rough.” Gray started up a conversation Alice wanted nothing to do with. “He’s sleeping so who knows.” Alice replied shortly. “Well I’m glad. It was so nice of him to return Lucy’s keys. He’s a bit brash, but deep down he’s a nice guy.” Erza nodded with a smile. “Yeah, he’s prince charming.” Alice grumbled, leaning towards the window, staring out at the world in a blur.

Alice felt guilty that she wasn’t more torn up about it. Maybe it’d hit her later. Should she go home and cry and eat ice cream and watch cheesy rom/coms? Should she go get drunk? Get a haircut? Get her nipples pierced?
Why’d she come along on this trip to get Lucy? She just wanted to go home and force herself to be more sad.

Was it because that’s how bad of a relationship it really was? Loke really left no imprint of Alice’s life. He didn’t have anything left at Alice’s, and she never kept anything at his place either. It was like they existed in different timelines.

“Alice?” Natsu peered over at her. “Hm?” Alice replied. “You look off. Are you sure Loke’s okay?” Gray asked further. “He’s fine!” Alice snapped, not meaning to but it happened. It got tense.
She slumped over, giving in. “I mean, he’s fine, but it doesn’t matter anymore. We broke up.”

“I’m so sorry Alice," Erza leaned forward and patted Alice on the knee. “Yeah, no it’s fine. We were having problems for months. I guess he was the one to realize that there was nothing to try to save first.” Alice could feel herself slink away. She hated feeling emotions around others.

“It might’ve been for the best." Gray comforted. “Guys, it’s fine. I mean, sure it’ll hurt for a bit, and seeing him at the guild might be awkward, but I’m fine." Alice tried to reassure them all.

“So you told him then.” Natsu assumed, stupidly talking about it in front of Gray and Erza. “No. It doesn’t matter,” Alice curtly replied. God, she hated Natsu for even asking that around everyone. “Told him what?” Erza asked. It was too late. “Nothing-” “I think it’s about Natsu and Alice kissing!” Happy chimed in. Alice groaned, very aggravated. “God! Can no one ever shut up!” Alice snapped and pulled her knees to her chest, to sulk. They all dropped the subject.

Alice stayed back, waiting at the train station. She knew it was a mistake to come along. She wasn’t ready to be around Natsu yet.

She didn’t like feeling not right, away from home. Where she could be alone. That’s how Alice was. She isolated herself when she was bothered by something. She shut off and hid away in her mind.
She sat on a bench and zoned out, waiting for the group to return. They were just going to drag Lucy back, after all.

It was always about Lucy. Ever since she joined Fairy Tail, she was the center of attention. She always needed saved, always needed encouragement, and she became everyone’s friend right away.
Even Alice had to admit she liked Lucy, but she also hated her because of it.

Alice sat on Lucy’s bed, watching her friends talking and laughing amongst themselves. She wasn't present in any of the conversation because they all knew. So they didn’t bother her.
As the night when on, Alice finally had enough of pretending like she wasn’t about to break down. “I’m going home.” Alice excused herself, not waiting for a response, head to the door.

“All right, see you later, Alice!” Lucy waved off. “Get plenty of rest, and don’t be pressured to come into work tomorrow, take some time off!” Erza added.

Alice was out the door and the group all let out a big sigh. “She’s in rough shape.” Gray commented solemnly.
“They were together for almost two years. I’m surprised she didn’t leave earlier. She’s stronger than I give her credit for.” Erza nodded. “I’ve never seen Alice sad before. But I also never seen her and Loke interact much except when they’re fighting.” Lucy wondered. “I’m glad they broke up. Alice will be better now.” Natsu said what was on his mind. “I suppose that it might be for the best, but it’s not our place to say.” Erza replied. “Loke was a terrible boyfriend. No one saw how it affected her. Except...” Natsu stopped his outburst. “Except what, Natsu?” Gray asked roughly. “It’s not my business to say.” Natsu stood up. “Where are you going?” Lucy asked. “I’m going after Alice. She’s my friend and she shouldn’t be alone right now!” Natsu stomped over to the window. “I think it’d be best if you let her be. Girls are a delicate thing. You wouldn’t understand, Natsu. Relationships are a complicated matter.” Erza shrugged with a sip of her tea, but accidentally set Natsu off. “Did you all just forget about Lisanna?! She’s gone but you can’t just pretend she didn’t exist!”

“Dude, calm down, we didn’t forget about her, it’s just... Why are you even talking about her?” Gray tried to interrupt. “Lisanna was my girlfriend! We were together for as long as Alice and Loke were together. I do understand the situation because when I lost Lisanna, Alice helped me through it. Alice needs me.” Natsu jumped out the window.

“Okay, he’s totally in love with her. I’m not the only one sees it, right?” Gray said, while shocked at Natsu’s outburst. “I don’t know... I think Natsu just really cares about her. Like Mira said, Natsu was Alice’s first friend here in Fairy Tail. They have a really close bond I don’t think any of us can understand.” Lucy hesitantly discussed. “Yes, they have a bond none of us can comprehend and its not our place to try.” Erza nodded.

“They’re in love! Alice and Natsu kiss like a couple!” Happy ruined the mood, shouting out in a teasing tone. “What?! They’ve kissed?!” Lucy gasped, burning up. “Uh huh!”
“Man, we sound like a group of old broads gossiping.” Gray shook his head.

The night air was still.

Alice stood at the edge of the canal, staring down into the water.

“I know you’ve been thinking about this too. I’ve been acting weird lately. And our relationship is pretty screwed up so, I’ll make this quick-” “No, it’s fine. We’re fine!”
“Alice. We haven’t been for awhile. I’ve been messing around with other girls. You know that. Everyone does. It bewilders everyone that you haven’t broke up with me yet. I mean, you’re messing around with other guys too.”
“I’ve broken things off with both of them! Loke, please, you...”
“I love you, Alice, but I have a dark past, I have a secret no one knows about, and it's back to get me. I just want things to end like this between us instead of what would.”
“But, Loke..I thought you loved me?”
“I do. God, I love you, Alice. You’re probably the only girl I’ll ever love but...I got things to work through. And I’ll be gone for a long time. So, while you’re surrounded by your friends, and you’re busy rebuilding the guild hall, you can forget about me, all right?”

Where did they go wrong? When did it go wrong? The cheating was the biggest factor. All the constant lying and pretending for what? What was there to really salvage?

Loke first cheated on Alice 2 months into their relationship, a week after they finally made things official. Alice had been told by the girl who he did the deed with. She knew Loke had a girlfriend, but she didn’t care up until Loke tossed her to the side and messed around with yet again another girl.

Alice had confronted Loke and tried to end things right there, but Loke cried and told Alice he loved her and he’d never hurt her again. And Alice believed him when she should’ve stood her ground and broke up with him. But she was young, impressionable, and naive. And after every transgression, they’d go through the same cycle until Alice went crying to Gray about Loke.
And while Alice was vulnerable, Gray wasn’t going to take advantage of her because of his feelings for her, but Alice kissed him when she got tipsy that night and Gray didn’t stop her and let her continue to take her frustrations out on him over and over again.

Alice would’ve let Gray be the only one she cheated with, but then she met Hibiki Lates, a wizard from the guild Blue Pegasus. He was a very attractive guy, just a couple years older than Alice. Alice was in town and the trimen got wind of the attractive model/wizard in the area and thought to meet her themselves and Alice took to Hibiki’s charm and looks easy. So when the two were near one another, they always met up for the day.

At first Alice felt guilty but as time went on, these affairs were just routine. Loke and Alice could’ve just had an open relationship but Alice didn’t like that idea. She wanted the hook ups to stop on both sides but they never did.

Not like she needed sex, or the rush of doing something bad. She just wanted to feel... wanted. And both Gray and Hibiki made her feel like a queen. Both of them were so keen on her attention, for different reasons, but for being guys she didn't mind in that way, in the moment... She felt loved, important, needed.

For awhile now, it just seemed like Loke and Alice were strangers. As Alice grew closer to Natsu, Loke took notice. He knew Alice and Natsu were very close and he could tell there was more to their friendship from the very beginning but when Alice swore heavily against that idea, Loke rolled with it. He didn’t care. He planned on wining and dining Alice like any other girl but she was way too sweet and innocent he actually felt bad dropping her. So he took her out like a proper gentleman and waited to take her innocence after a while and then he was in too deep. He loved Alice but not enough to give up his playboy lifestyle. So it never bothered him when Alice slept with his friends, or when Alice chose to spend time with Natsu over him. Well, he did mind. But he wasn't about to stop his transgressions, so why would he expect her to?

He thought when the time came that it’d be easier on Alice when he finally ended things.

But when Alice got swept up in her infatuation with Natsu, she barely noticed Loke when he was around. Alice finally realized the signs. Loke was slowly pulling away from her as she did with him and it showed in those final weeks.

Everything became a chore. A routine. It was something that needed to be done. Alice felt a resistance in her mind when she spent time with Loke. She was less willing to pretend they were happy together. Loke was more absent than ever before even when Alice was with him.

Was she that in love with Natsu to never see it before?

Alice sighed sadly with tears in her eyes and looked up at the dark cloud covered sky.
A drop hit her face. It was cold and much larger than a tear. And then another drop. Alice looked to the ground as the rain began. “Of course it just had to rain!”

Then finally the sense of heartbreak finally weighed down on her like a ton of bricks. Alice began to cry. Here she was in the middle of town at night during a rainstorm, all while crying.

The rain drowned out Alice’s sobs as she finally broke down.

A warmth enveloped her from behind. “It’s cold out here. You’ll catch a cold.” Natsu gently spoke. Alice didn’t respond. She felt conflicted being around him, let alone being comforted by him or letting him see her so vulnerable.

“Come on, let me take you home.” Natsu coaxed. Alice nodded, sniffling hard and wiping her face although, it didn’t make a difference since she was soaked by the sudden heavy rain. Natsu let Alice climb on his back. Alice slouched over, trying her best to calm down but it wasn’t working.

Alice got down off Natsu as they arrived at her place. “So, you wanna talk about it?” Natsu asked. Alice weighed the pros and cons and letting Natsu stay or talking to him.
She ignored all her thoughts, running back over to Natsu, shoving her body into his chest, holding him tight as she started to cry hard into his chest, soaking his vest. Natsu nodded, gently holding her, trying to warm her up.

“I don’t know what went wrong.” Alice sobbed. “Did I not love him enough? Did I let my feelings for you get in the way? Why am I so terrible?” This would be the second time Alice voiced her feelings about Loke to Natsu. The first time would be a night Alice was somberly drunk, getting carried on Natsu’s back all the way home from the guild.
Loke had came into the guild with a new girl on his hip. Alice tried to ignore it, so tried to drown her sorrows away but as she got intoxicated, she became very agitated so Natsu took it upon himself to take Alice home.

“What am I doing wrong?” Alice spoke up. “What’d you mean?” Natsu asked, shifting Alice higher up to get a comfortable hold on her. “I do everything he wants. I’m trying to be a good girlfriend but he continues to punish me it seems. He tells me he loves me but... why does he continue to hurt me?” Alice whimpered out as her voice began to break. “Maybe you two aren’t meant to be.” Natsu shrugged. “But I love him. I want him and if this is the only way I can have just a part of him, I have to endure this right? He’ll shape up some day, I just gotta be patient.”

“Alice, no. That shouldn’t be the way to think. You can’t let him hurt you like this.” Natsu argued, shocked to see how submissive Alice was when it came down to her feelings.

Natsu always knew Alice was hurt by Loke and that eventually she just got used to how it felt to be in such a toxic relationship. Alice was so desperate for love and validation that she was willing to let Loke hurt her.

“You didn’t do anything wrong. You just weren’t meant to be.” Natsu replied softly.
“But I tried my best.” Alice weakly argued. “Sometimes your best isn’t enough. You can’t change a person unless they’re willing to change themselves.” Natsu explained. “Maybe I should’ve tried even harder.” Alice continued on.

Natsu pushed Alice away from him so he could look her in the eyes. “Alice. Loke wasn’t willing to stop cheating on you. He could’ve easily stopped at any time. Sure, there could’ve been somethings you did wrong but he was always in the wrong. He went into this knowing he was going to hurt you. You can’t keep letting him off the hook when he’s the reason you’re crying.”

Alice felt a pang of guilt cloud her mind. Here she was crying out Loke but yet feeling pure unadulterated love for Natsu. How she wanted to be enveloped into his warmth, to kiss him again. Because Natsu made everything okay. He felt like home.

Alice didn’t know what to do.

Chapter 22

Chapter Text

“Hiya there, Alice. How you holding up?” Mira welcomed her as Alice sluggishly sat over at the makeshift bar. “Well, I’d do better if everyone stopped acting like I’m dying or something.” Alice replied with a look over of the others around her. “Everyone just worries about you.” Mira comforted, and handed Alice a saucer with complimentary pancakes with sprinkles. “So, who let the news out?” Alice asked giving Mira a knowing look. “I did,” Lucy answered, stepping over to Alice. “Hm, great. Because I needed everyone in my business.” Alice took a forkful of pancake into her mouth while rolling her eyes.

“Hey, I just wanted you to be surrounded by all your friends. We all care about you, you know.” Lucy replied genuinely. “She also told us about you and Natsu kissing!” Mira smiled brightly, proud of her ship becoming canon. “Hmm, does everyone know that too?” Alice gave Lucy a threatening look. “We all knew you two would be an item! You guys are so cute together! I know you and Loke just broke up but now you can be with Natsu!” Mira cheered. “What about me?” Natsu asked, sitting down next to Alice. “Don’t act like you didn’t hear that,” Alice mumbled, looking away from him while her face turned red. “You’re so cute when you’re all flustered!” Mira gushed, poking at one of Alice’s red cheeks. “Mira!” Alice groaned but couldn’t be too mad with her. There was no way to ever be mad at Mirajane.

A flying barrel flew towards Alice, who ducked and then it hit Natsu in the face, knocking him to the ground

“Why don’t you tell the others how you feel?” Erza shouted. Everyone’s attention was on her yelling at Laxus. Great. Alice was already in a bad mood, she didn’t need to deal with this. Everyone gathered around the two.

“I have no problem telling them how I feel. This guild is full of nothing but losers and weaklings. Especially the two of you morons." Laxus looked over at Droy and Jet. “You were Phantom’s personal punching bag, I’m glad I never took time to learn your names."

“Which brings me to the worst of them all. The rich little princess wannabe wizard. This was your fault." He accused knowingly, giving Lucy a bored look. “Laxus! Would you shut up! The master said no one was to be held accountable for what happened. Even you, despite the fact I begged you to help and you turned your back on us!” Mira snapped at him.

Laxus refused to help. Alice had to admit, with his help the war would’ve been over faster than it lasted.

“This fight had nothing to do with me! But if I was here you wouldn’t be drowning your sorrows in this pile of rubble."

Alice’s prickled with electricity. “What?” Erza growled and then Natsu stepped forward throwing a punch at Laxus who teleported a few steps to the side out of the way. “Come on Laxus, fight me!” Natsu challenged, furious. “Fight me? How can you if you can’t even touch me? I can’t wait until I inherit this place and kick you all out to the curb."

“You won’t get it! If anything Alice will!” Natsu countered. Although that was very unlikely. As much of an asshole Laxus was, he was the heir to the guild. Alice was far too young and inexperienced to run a guild. She had quite a few decades before she’d be a candidate. “That’s the most idiotic thing I’ve ever heard out of your mouth. Your days are numbered here kids. Especially you.” Laxus pointedly glared at Alice who gave him the same dark expression. Laxus phased out.

“What a jerk. There’s no way he could get the guild!" Lucy vented. “It could very well happen. He’s the master’s grandson and Alice is still far too young.” Mira replied sadly. Alice’s magic fluctuated and with her anger, her body generated enough lightning and it set off a lightning bolt from Alice all the way up into the air. Everyone’s hair stood up from the electrical charge now in the air. Alice huffed angrily, patted down her hair, and then settled for crossing her arms. “We all need to calm down. Getting angry is just a waste of energy. I know, let’s go get a job to distract us! Gray and Lucy can come too.” Erza encouraged.

None of the team was thrilled. “We’ve been working together since Eisenwald so the five of us should be officially a team. Well six if we include Happy. I already have a job. Taking down an occult in the cascade mountains in the town of Lupinus. With me?” Erza smiled.

“Heyo, Alice, where you at?” Natsu shouted walking into Alice’s home. “Maybe she’s sleeping.” Happy shrugged. “No, I can smell that bath oil Alice uses. She must be in the bath.” Natsu replied as he shut the front door. “You better go join her!” Happy joked. “Not cool, man!” Natsu whined.

Alice whined sinking her whole body under the water, trying to stay relaxed. She was hoping to be alone.
But now her mind was gnawing at what Natsu and Happy were doing at her home so late. They were supposed to go bother Lucy.

Alice got out of the bath, drained the water, dried off and requiped into pajamas set consisting of a thin strap blue and white plaid cotton top and matching shorts.

She emerged from the bathroom and ignored the two boys who were laying on the wood flooring in the living room/dining room area. “Alice. I’m so bored! Why do you not have anything at your place?” Natsu whined, staring up at the ceiling.

It was true. Alice’s house was very minimalistic. It was a small house, sure, but she didn’t have decorations, any momentos from quests, no plants inside, not even a stuffed animal in her room.

As you walked into the house, you saw a living room with a sectional, light grey, couch that sat against the south east corner, a table to accompany it with a red rug underneath, a television lacrima with a basic wooden stand against the west wall and a coat rack next to the door.

She did have linen gray sheer curtains that covered all the windows except the one in the bathroom, that window had double lens, tempered glass.

In her bedroom, she had a plain double bed, a boring headboard, along with two basic night stands on either side of the bed. She had a full sized mirror with a stand and then a dresser. In her closet she had storage items like suitcases, clothes that no longer fit but she kept a hold for memory but didn’t keep in her requip, bed sheets and blankets.

In her dining area, she had a basic wood table and three wooden chairs on either side and one on each end. Not that she ever had that many people over at once.

The most interesting room in her house was the library/second bedroom which was much smaller than her bedroom but held many more items. She had shelves and bookcases filled with books and other magical trinkets. She had a light yellow armchair that she often sat in when reading in there, along with a big lamp and a stand on either side of the chair.

Her backyard had her garden which she attempted to keep up with. But she lived on the edge of town, practically in the forest so her house was hidden by many shrubs and trees. She was a secluded witch.

All she did in her free time was read or sleep. She didn’t spend much time at her home and all quest momentos went to Natsu’s place.

Alice didn’t have picture books for Happy or Natsu to read. She didn’t have games to play on a cold or rainy day. Her kitchen barely had food in it because she just ate at the guild or restaurants in town or on quests. She had instant noodles, canned food, and hot chocolate in her kitchen. Her fridge held a jar of pickles, cold water, and the occasional fish that’d belong to Happy.

Alice’s house was boring. She also had extreme depression from birth to present so she had no motivation to do much with her house.

“So if it’s so boring, why are you here?” Alice asked, boredly. “Because we like you.” Natsu answered, like it was such an obvious answer. “Then don’t complain. If you’re bored go somewhere else. There’s a forest right outside.” Alice folded her arms. Natsu laid on his side, facing Alice, propping his head up with a bent arm. “You know it sounds like you’re trying to get rid of us.” He smirked. “You’re correct. Leave.” Alice deadpanned. He pouted. “You’re no fun!”

“Hey! Let’s watch a movie!” Happy suggested excitedly, flying up into the air. “I have only like 4 movies and you’ve seen them all.”
“I just so happen to have this lacrima movie right now! Mira borrowed it to me! It’s a cheesy romance movie!”

“I’m definitely not watching that.” “I’d rather not.” Natsu and Alice both rejected the idea at the same time. “Come on! It’ll get all those romantic juices flowing!” Happy was already speeding over to the T.V.
Alice cringed at Happy’s wording there. But she now understood that Happy was also trying to hook Alice and Natsu up together.

Alice just got broken up with the day before. She was nowhere near wanting a new relationship. Even if it was Natsu.

The guild hall needed rebuilding, and....Alice just had her reasons. She needed time to recuperate herself. Shacking up with Natsu right out of another relationship felt unfair to everyone involved. Besides, Natsu still hadn’t confirmed if he even liked Alice back yet.

But anyways, Happy got his way. Lights off, mood set, and asleep within minutes of the movie playing.

Alice and Natsu sat far away from each other. Alice wanted it that way. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t constantly glancing over at him when that rom/com movie was getting those said romantic juices flowing. Plenty of kissing, sweet words, inspiration quotes, even two very detailed sex scenes. Luckily Natsu would also fall asleep before the end of the movie so Alice could quietly turn off the lacrima T.V. and sneak off to her room where she’d read the book that she’d kept in the headboard.

Alice hadn’t slept through the night since the night before they came home finding the guild in ruins the first time.

Her anxiety was through the roof. So she filled the time with magic study.

Natsu, barely awake, emerged from the bathroom when he woke with the sudden urge to relieve himself. He knew he fell asleep on the couch while watching the movie, so there was no confusion there.
On instinct, Natsu went to Alice’s bedroom. Alice had a light lacrima to give her enough light to read, but not bright enough to lit the room even a fraction.

But Alice was asleep, slumped over to the side, while halfway sitting up against the headboard, cushioned with a pillow. The book and light laid in her lap, a hand holding the book open.

Natsu, the good friend he was, eased Alice into a more comfortable sleeping position and put the book down on the nightstand. He would then lay down on his side, several inches away from Alice, watching her sleep until it lulled him to sleep himself.

Not even an hour later, Happy would too, wake but he’d just simply crawl into bed, and sprawl out in the space between his two friends.

Chapter 23

Chapter Text

Alice woke to the birds singing next to her window outside. She was weighed down, and uncomfortably warm. She didn’t have to open her eyes to know what it was, because Natsu was laying on her.
Natsu wrapped his arms around Alice’s waist, and his face was resting on her chest. Alice had naturally placed one around Natsu’s neck, and her other arm was taken by Happy sleeping in the bend.

For the last few months Natsu had gotten far more clingy in his sleep. He grabbed anything and everything to him. Pillows, bunches of blanket, Happy, Alice, Happy AND Alice. Though, in fact because of the common practice, when questing, they’d only have to share one bed, instead of trying to find an inn with two beds, or a room with a bed and a chair or at least a couch because Alice didn’t want to sleep next to Natsu. Alice hated cuddling. She liked her space, she liked the freedom to move at ease. But she had gotten used to being confined to his strong arms.

Alice was mostly fine with this except sometimes Natsu was way too warm for her liking, usually depending on the season. But she eventually started to like cuddling up to him when trying to fall asleep or relaxing. He made her feel safe. But once she was asleep, she'd usually want to move away.

She wanted to move but she didn’t want to wake the two because they were the most quiet when sleeping. Except sometimes Happy had very exciting dreams in which he tossed and turned, or spoke aloud. Usually about fish.

Alice tried to wiggle free in small motions. Natsu stirred, his face nuzzled into Alice’s breasts. Alice squealed in embarrassment and shoved Natsu off her and he rolled off the bed onto the floor. “Ouch! What was that for?” Natsu whined groggily sitting on the floor, pouting at Alice who also was sitting up, she crossed her arms over her chest and she averted her gaze from him as her cheeks were extremely hot. Happy sat up and groaned, “What’s going on?”

“I don’t know! She pushed me on the floor!” Natsu pointed at Alice. “You’re a pervert!” Alice argued, her voice pitched. “I don’t even know what I did!” Natsu cried. “You....You rubbed your face....intomychest.” Alice mumbled and jumped out of bed and out of her room. “Natsu’s a pervert!” Happy singsonged. “Shut up, man!” Natsu berated.

Alice pouted, sitting at the bar. “Hey, we didn’t get the reward from the last job and I need to pay rent!” Lucy explained angrily at Alice, who was complaining about going on a mission. “Not everyone is loaded like you are," Gray mumbled towards Alice. “Loaded?” Lucy whimpered, envious. “Alice inherited both her mother’s and her mother’s stepmother's life savings. And Yoko came from a rich family. Why she came to this dirty place, is beyond me,” Gray explained.

“Alice also used to go on dangerous s-class missions that paid very well before her incident,” Erza added. “Natsu would be well off too if he didn’t blow all his money on food. He went on most of those quests with Alice, getting half the jewel.” Gray rolled his eyes at the pink haired wizard, currently gorging himself. “Alice is also a model! She used to be a big model for Lolita Weekend!” Happy said in a teasing tone, knowing that Alice regretted her time as a lolita model. And also being recognized just solely on her work there.

“And she still does regular work for Sorcerer Weekly," Natsu concluded. “Natsu’s a big fan of her work!” Happy giggled. “Will you lay off that, man?” Natsu lightly scolded his friend.

“Well I don’t pay rent since I own my house, and I have my own well and my own electricity. I don’t buy expensive armor or weapons, I don’t eat so much food I get sick every time. I buy pricey clothes only every so often. If you really need money, Lucy, I need my cellar cleaned out. I’ve never been down in there since I’ve had my house and apparently there’s some antique things down there from the last owner.” Alice shrugged. “Why don’t you do it yourself?” Lucy grumbled, a bit offended by Alice. “There’s probably snakes and spiders down there, and maybe a dead animal. I don’t want to touch anything down there.” Alice cringed. “I’ll do it!” Natsu volunteered. “I already buy you enough things. You don’t need the money.”

“Because you love him!” Happy chirped in.

“Okay, that’s it, I’m not going! I don’t need this harassment." Alice crossed her arms. “Okay, be like that then," Lucy grumbled.

“She can stay here with me!” Mira smiled finally using the silence as her time to shine. “She can help me recover files from the old archive. We have every issue of Lolita Weekend that she was in!” She giggled.
“I’d rather you look at my Sorcerer Weekly spreads than those!” Alice slammed her face on the bar.

“Well we’re not leaving for a few hours, so we can look at all of them!” Erza suggested. “I was kidding,” Alice grumbled against the wood.

“You know you’re looking pretty cute in these," Gray commented, flipping through issue 27 of Lolita Weekend, it was the maid edition. He was already over Alice’s rejection and since her and Loke were over, he thought that maybe he had a chance again. Alice muttered profanities under her breath. “Yeah, I bet Alice of Wonderland wouldn’t say that," He ridiculed her. “She also wouldn’t think of bashing your face in, but here we are," Alice threatened. He didn’t say anything, he just kept looking at the magazine. “Hey, stop zoning out!” Alice scolded. “Sorry, your maid outfit, and those stockings. You don’t dress up anymore,” Gray replied.

Alice growled. “So what, me and Loke break up and you’re going for the rebound?” Alice barked at him, taking the magazine out of his hands and folding it back up and slamming it on the bar. “Are you offering something?” He arched his eyebrows, not phased by Alice’s bad attitude.

“No. Natsu apparently has that covered," Alice admitted, sourly.

“You serious?” Gray’s eyes widened and then he glanced over to Natsu and Happy playing around with the magazines trying to make a big tower. “Well he’s certainly more clingy than usual.” Alice looked over at Natsu as well. She liked him a lot, maybe even loved him but she was a bit put off by him at the moment.

Alice moped around, playing around with the peas on her plate. She was bored and lonely without her usual annoying friends. While before she complained about not having time alone, having over a week was too much time alone.

Mira slid Alice a theatre flier. Team Natsu’s job was to be fill ins for a play that all the original actors walked out on. “Nah, I think I’ll pass.” Alice denied. “Oh come on! They’re all playing a part in it!” Mira tried to persuade. “Look, Mira, I’m not a fan of plays.” Alice nicely rejected once more.

Mira teared up. “It’s been such a long time since you’ve been happy!” Alice was taken back by the sudden show of emotion. ‘Mirajane...” Alice trailed off, truly guilty of hurting Mira’s feelings. “I know you’ve been through a lot and with the guild gone, there’s not much to be excited about, but there was a while where you used to smile!” Mira bawled. Alice slumped over.
There was a time where Alice finally warmed up to the guild and her and Natsu were perfect best friends. Alice was friends with everyone. Sure, Loke was still cheating and Alice was too, but Alice had fun times with her friends.

Nowadays, Alice was depressed. Everything was mundane. She was more stressed than before.

“I know, Mira. I’m thankful you care so much but...I... I promise I’m gonna get better, all right?” Alice tried to soothe. “You’re gonna have the best birthday ever! I’ll make sure of it!” Mira declared, wiping her tears. Alice’s 17th birthday was just around the corner. September 22nd.

After calming Mirajane, Alice went home.

She tended to her garden. She grew her own vegetables which she usually donated to the orphanage, a town over. She grew tomatoes, strawberries, peppers, onions, carrots, and cabbage. Those were rather easy to keep alive.

Alice watered the plants, weeded the garden, picked a few ready fruits, lightning beamed a tomato plant for not growing, then replanted it in hopes it’d re-sprout.

After that work she took a hot shower. She sat at her dining table eating instant ramen. The silence was maddening.

And that went on repeat for countless days. Team Natsu’s performance was so bad it was good so they had full houses for weeks. Alice was going mad trying to find things to do to keep herself occupied.

“Guess who’s back!” Natsu shouted with the rest of the group behind him. “I’m gonna guess it's not Team Natsu that’s back," Alice sardonically replied, hiding her excitement with a frown. Of course she missed them but to hell with letting them know. “Welcome back, guys!” Mira greeted.

“I got to say, I missed you, Moody," Natsu patted Alice’s head. “I haven’t missed you, Fire breathing idiot," Alice muttered lowly. “Yeah, you have! Besides, I brought you a present!” He dangled a gift bag in front of Alice’s face. She snatched it away from him greedily. A box of different assortments of earrings.
"I thought since you have so many piercings, these would come in handy."

“Oh my god! How? What? Why?” Alice jumped out of her seat at the box of rock candy she absolutely loved. It was very rare. “Yeah, it’s extremely hard to come by but as we were getting on the train there was a vendor selling them, so I got whatever he had left. Now did you miss me?” Natsu smiled proudly to himself

“No." Alice sat back down, and frowned once more. He snatched the box away. “Give it back!” Alice cried, standing back up. Natsu held it up over his head. “I got these for my best friend, and if you didn’t miss me, then I’ll give these to Lucy," he challenged. “I bet it was Lucy who told you to buy me these anyways!” Alice argued. “So? Doesn’t mean I can’t give them to her." Natsu shrugged.

“I missed you! Now gimme!” Alice pressed herself up against him, jumping to try to reach. “Heh, too bad you’re too short!” Natsu laughed. Alice jumped up onto the bar to at least match Natsu’s height. He did have 8 inches on her. Alice stood up on the bar and easily grabbed Natsu’s arm and pulled him closer to grab the candy from him. Natsu pulled away, Alice lost balance, and so Natsu heroically caught Alice.

Natsu held Alice in his arms and then let her to her feet. The box of candy was on the ground, forgotten about as Natsu and Alice gazed into each other’s eyes, seeing who’d pull away first, or who’d make the next move.

Lucy walked over, picking up the box. “Hey, what’s this? I thought you were giving these to Al-” She looked back up at Natsu and Alice and stopped talking as she witnessed Natsu and Alice in a heated kiss.

Yeah, they missed each other. Natsu backed Alice up to the bar, trapping her against him, hands pressed firmly to the exposed skin under her cropped shirt, fingers digging in the soft skin. Alice had one hand lost in his mess of pink hair, the other hand was pressed against his chest in light protest, but it didn’t matter either way.

Teeth clashing together, Natsu and Alice were in a heated world of their own.

“Can you not do that at the bar?!”

“I think it’s cute!” “Mira, you’re not helping!”

Chapter 24

Chapter Text

“Well that was no fair! I was hoping for a challenge!” Natsu whined. “Seriously, I haven’t had a good fight in awhile," Alice added. “You two make quite the couple," Lucy noted. Alice blushed hard.
Sure, Natsu and Alice had their share of moments now, and sure, everyone at the guild witnessed the two passionately kiss, but they weren’t an item. Alice wasn’t in the market for a boyfriend. And Natsu had yet to even express romantic interest in Alice.

“Is that Loke over there?” Natsu looked down the road, and Alice froze. Alice hadn’t seen Loke since the break up. A month had passed and Alice was slowly coming back to herself. But seeing him could undo all her progress.
“It’s fine. Come on.” Gray put a hand to Alice’s back, gently guiding her forward, she swerved and out of Gray’s reach. “You know, I think I’m gonna stay over here.” Alice excused. “Alice-” “Gray, leave her be. It’s her decision.” Erza intervened.

“What’s up guys? “ Loke asked the group as they met. “Beating bad guys and being awesome," Natsu replied casually. Then Loke stiffened as Lucy stepped forward. “Hey, I’m so glad we ran into you-”
“Sorry! I have to go now!” Loke dashed away. “Man you must’ve done something to him," Gray commented. “He avoids you like the plague.” Natsu added. “Hey, where’s Alic- Why is she all the way back there?” Happy asked, noticing Alice several feet away, looking the other way. “Obviously she didn’t want to come near Loke.” Lucy answered. “Oh, is she still sad?”

“I don’t know, but seeing him must bother her a lot.”

“Well I guess we gotta go back now," Gray sighed before the group started into the town they may or may not of destroyed. “Wait, since we got done early, can we go to a spa?” Lucy suggested.

“Lucy,” Erza started with her stern tone, “That’s a great idea."
“Since the majority of the reward is gonna go to the repairs, I suppose I can pay,” Alice volunteered. “Don’t worry about it. And I’ll even pay for you as well as an early birthday present.” Erza patted Alice’s shoulder

“Oh. All right then.”

“I really needed this," Lucy sighed sitting in the hot water. “Yes, this is very much needed." Erza stood up in the springs, while wearing her armor. “You bathe in your armor?” Lucy asked, weirded out. “I feel comfortable in it," Erza responded. “Well I guess that’s your own thing," Lucy shrugged. “Maybe I should be completely relaxed.” Erza requiped out of her armor completely nude. “Wow you look great no matter what!” Lucy gasped. “Really? Maybe I should walk around like this in the guild.” Erza joked. “That was a joke.” Erza added to make sure that Lucy and Alice really knew it was indeed a joke. “Get in, Alice!” Lucy encouraged.

“I’m getting there. I’m not as excited as you are,” Alice replied, standing near the entrance still. “It’s a hot spring! It’s super relaxing. Or do you have one?” “No, no. I have a Natsu so I get plenty of heat constantly. I don’t even have to turn on my heat during the winter.” Alice grumbled. “Oh, come on Alice, get in. Enjoy yourself!” Erza waved over. Alice gave in, requiping naked.

“You’re gorgeous naked too!” Lucy commented, eyeing Alice up and down. “Thanks, I get plenty of offers to do nude shoots so I know I look good naked,” Alice replied, avoiding eye contact. She sat in the water, knees up to her chest. “Natsu’s a pretty lucky guy!” Lucy singsonged, teasing Alice. “We’re not dating,” Alice denied curtly.

“So, I must ask, Alice.” Erza started a new conversation. “What is the deal with you and Natsu?”

“Eh?” Alice froze. “Oh come on, we’re all girls here! Let’s have a bit of gossip!” Erza smiled excitedly. “You know, I didn’t want to ask myself, but I’m curious too,” Lucy admitted.

Alice was lucky that the heat from the springs made her face red and hot as is. “Fine. We’re...just friends.” “Just friends? I’ve seen you two make out! So from what I know, you two have kissed at least twice now in the last month!” Lucy argued, exasperated with Alice’s denial. “Look, we’re not dating. Sure, I’ll admit, I do have strong feelings for Natsu, and I actually did tell him that but he’s never returned my feelings yet. Sure, we’ve kissed twice, very passionately, but he hasn’t said anything yet, and I don’t know. I’m not sure if I want another relationship yet.” Alice shrugged, as her tone got lamentful.

“So you two have kissed. And you guys cuddle while you sleep. And you two are always with each other and usually touching but you don’t know if he has feelings for you?” Erza asked. “No. Natsu’s always been a physical guy. Since we were kids he’s always been touchy with me. I mean ever since-.... Ever since Lisanna’s been gone, Natsu’s been more physical, like the cuddling, the hand holding, the head pats, the...everything. And I mean, we’re teenagers. Platonic kissing isn’t uncommon at this age.”

“All right, all right. I get it. So what it like with Natsu?” “Erza!” “What? I’m just asking. We’re girlfriends who can talk like this!”

Alice sighed. “He’s a good guy. He’s genuine with everything he does. He’s prideful. He’s actually smarter than he leads on. And he is really in tune with my feelings somehow.-” “Okay but what’s it like kissing him?” Erza leaned towards Alice, really into the conversation. “Uhm. it’s nice? Like, so far we’ve only just kissed like really intensely so, so far, he’s kinda rough but really into it. He’s a bit out of practice with it I think or Lisanna didn’t give him any pointers and he’s had to learn on his own because he’s a bit intense and sloppy but...”

“But what?!”

“Erza, calm down.”

“I really like it. Like I don’t know, those cliche sparks happen and it’s amazing and yeah. I mean, Loke was an amazing kisser, he knew what he was doing and he is very skilled in the art apparently and that was nice but....emotionally it was mundane. My body reacted different to him than it does to Natsu. With him I want to pull him closer and it’s hard to be around him without wanting to kiss him more. I don’t know, I really crave his touch now and it makes my body feel like it’s floating. Loke was different. I liked it, and stuff but I wasn’t as excited like I am now.”

“Wow, Alice. You make me wanna fall in love with someone and feel the way you feel about Natsu!” Lucy gushed. “So when did you and Loke first do it?” “ERZA.”

“Uhm, I was still 15. And a month and a half into our relationship. Of course, I think we only dated in the first place because he wanted to sleep with me. But for some reason, we kept dating and I don’t know why. And if you’re going to ask what he was like, he was great. He felt nice and he really knew what he was doing. It’s the best I’ve had except-!.... Nothing... Nothing at all, I had nothing to say after that.” Alice felt too comfortable and walked herself into a corner.

“So it is true.” Erza nodded. “What?- What?” Lucy was now too into it. Alice huffed. “I’ve also cheated on Loke with others. I’m not proud of it! It’s just... well you guys wouldn’t understand. I’m not a cheater. Loke was an isolated case! You know, I’m relaxed enough.” Alice hopped out of the springs.

“Wait! Alice!” Lucy called after her, but knew there wasn’t anything to convince Alice to get back in.

Alice requiped into a towel and walked off.

“Let’s get this party started!” Natsu busted into the room wearing a robe and was equipped with two pillows. “Oh come on, I’m trying to sleep here!” Gray grumbled. “It’s a sleepover, Gray. You can’t go to sleep now!” Alice whined, singsongy.
“Why are you up there?” Gray asked. “Wait. Are you already drinking?” Natsu asked as well. Alice was laying on her back on a tall wardrobe and her head hung on the ledge so she could see the room. She was also wearing a robe. But hers had loosened so the top was open to leave very little to imagination. She held a bottle of wine in her hand, making sure not to tip it over. “I feel tall, and this is my first drink.” Alice slurred. “It’ll be your last too, because right now you have to bust out your pillow-fu or you’ll be K.O’d!” Natsu challenged, raising his pillows into a fighting stance.

Alice quickly chugged her bottle, fell off the wardrobe, stood up, fixed her robe and then grabbed a pillow to fight with.

“My arsenal is full of only the powerfullest pillows," Erza said carrying pillows as she walked into the room. “You’re going down!” Natsu threw a pillow at her, she dodged and it hit Gray.

Gray somehow found a convenient pile of pillows next to him, and threw one at Natsu and then at Erza. Lucy tried to join but was pelted and thrown against a sliding door and outside.

“I’m coming after you now, Alice!” Natsu said throwing a pillow at her. Alice dodged, threw her pillow back, Natsu caught it and as he got ready to attack again, Erza pelted Alice with three pillows in succession. Alice flew back and hit a wall. There was definitely going to be a repair bill sent to the guild a day after.

“That was all your fault!” Gray shouted. “It was yours. You got so worked up over a pillow fight!” Natsu shouted back. “You did! Because you 100% lost!” Gray countered. “No, I was 100% awesome! You’re just mad because you lost!” Natsu growled.

“Alice!” “Lucy!” “”Which one of us won?”” Both boys asked, one of them asking for either Alice or Lucy. “Both of you! Shut it!” Lucy and Alice snapped at the same time. Lucy wasn’t in a good mood, and Alice had a hangover and was pissed off.

Lucy had revealed to Alice that Loke was at the same resort that night. Lucy and Happy were walking alone and got into some trouble with some gang guys. Loke stepped in and rescued them. And Loke hit on her, telling her that he was dying.

So here the two girls were.

Lucy was eating angrily, as Alice sat up on the bar in her party dress and tiara. She wore a gothic lolita dress that was a black and red violet criss cross pattern. She also wore lace up heels. Alice was a tired, angry, princess. It was her birthday after all.

She got woken up at some time very early in the morning by Natsu who wanted to make sure he was the first to tell Alice Happy Birthday. And then Erza woke up and declared it was time for everyone to get up and head out.

Alice wasn’t happy, even surrounded by presents. There wasn’t much of a party since the guild had yet to be rebuilt.

There was a banner that sparkled and lit up.

Alice had gotten a two piece lace lingerie set from Mira. She had a habit of buying Alice risque things. Alice had a baby blue baby doll negligee, she had yet to wear from Christmas-- Also from Mira.

Gray had gotten Alice a cross, similar to his, but way smaller, black and it had a red stone in the center. Alice was a bit hesitant to wear it because she already had a necklace from Natsu that she never took off except for missions. So Alice put Gray’s gift in her requip. Alice never wanted to put Natsu’s necklace in her requip in case she lost access to it.

Happy gave Alice a drawing of a fish. She was going to treasure this picture like any other one she got from him. They all went on the fridge.

Erza got Alice a cheesecake. And also, Erza played a “woe is me” thing to get at least one piece of it.

Lucy got Alice a frilly romance novel, because Lucy remembered that Alice was reading one of hers while staying at her apartment.

Master Makarov promised Alice that she’d have her own piano when the new hall was finished. And he also cried because Alice was now 17 and growing up fast and he felt he was at fault for their distant and strained relationship.

Elfman gave Alice a speech about the responsibility of being a man and she should keep up her manly standards.

Cana got Alice a bottle of Wizard Whisky and a free reading. “You will have a relatively pleasant day. There’s a chance of some storm that has been brewing for some time, but overall, I think it’ll all be worthwhile.”

Macao gave Alice 50 jewel, but then Wakaba gave her 60, so Macao had to match that, giving an extra 10.

Levy gifted to Alice the next book on runes, that Alice needed for her collection. Droy and Jet gave Alice a picture of Levy asleep. Which she had no clue how they got that picture.

And then all these girls crowded the bar demanding of Mira.
“Last night he said he wanted to break up with me!”
“Me too!”
“Loke! Come back!”

“Lucy save me!” Mira cried. The girls crowded Lucy menacingly.

Alice was very upset to say the least. “Your top is cheap, your shorts are sending the wrong message, your hair is out of style and that fur is too obviously fake. And while you were all living on Loke’s cheap promises, he was going down on me. So f*ck off my guild before I remove you myself!” Alice had snapped. Three of the girls cried, two threatened Alice back, and one was smart enough to run off. So Alice had to make her promise stick and get rid of the girls.

Alice stood at the entrance and contemplated going back to the guild but her eyes filling with tears told her to go home.

“Where’s Alice going?” Natsu asked Lucy, as he just got back from a brawl with Gray. “Wait, why’s Mira crying?” He then noticed Mirajane hiding behind the bar, crouched down in a ball, bawling.
“She’s just so sad!” Mira howled.

“Apparently Loke is far more trashy than before. He pulls his stunt last night and now sends his five other girlfriends, demanding why he broke up with them.” Lucy scowled, crossing her arms. “She didn’t take her presents.” Natsu noticed all the various items. “I suppose she’ll come by later to pick them up, though I hope it doesn’t rain by then.” Lucy glanced up at the clear sky. “Rain? Where?” Natsu mirrored her actions. “Well Cana did a reading for Alice and said she has a storm coming so I don’t know what it really meant.”

Natsu knocked on the front door, well kicked at it, since his hands were full. Alice reluctantly opened the door, although, at first opening it only a sliver to see who it was. Upon seeing Natsu and Happy, Alice simply walked away from the door and let it swing open. “We brought you your stuff!” Happy announced. “Oh, thanks. I was gonna go get them myself, later.” Alice half heartedly said, gesturing for Natsu to place them all on the table.

Alice had just finished washing off her makeup before the two showed up. She was wearing a simple tank top that showed off her stomach, right above her belly button along with black and white checkered plaid cotton shorts that went mid thigh.

“You changed out of that get up,” Natsu commented, eyeing Alice up and down. Alice shrugged. “Well, yeah. My birthday party is over.” “But your birthday isn’t! It’s still daylight out!” Happy argued, going over to the window behind the couch and threw back the curtains, letting in unfiltered sunlight in. “Well, when you get as old as me, birthdays aren’t that big of a deal anymore.” Alice smiled lightly.
“Of course they are! And you’re only 17! You have a whole long life to live, and you gotta celebrate your birthday!” Happy debated. “I did celebrate. I’m just not in the party mood anymore. Loke feelings are still hanging over me and today of all days he has to-...” Alice trailed off, finding an envelope, colored green with
‘Princess’ written in slopped cursive. Her fingers brushed over it but she stopped herself from picking it up. “Where’d you get this?” She gave Natsu a wild look of worry and muddled emotion. “It was in your mailbox!” Happy answered for Natsu. “It’s from Loke. I can smell him. He was here earlier.” Natsu nodded. “He must’ve dropped this off.”

“Open it!” Happy chirped excitedly. “No. I...I’ll wait. It’s probably just an apology letter or some bullsh*t.” Alice cleared her throat and stood up straight, rolling her shoulders back to stretch her back. “So, if that’s all you were here for...”

“I’m gonna go back to the guild!” Happy waved and made his way out the door.

Natsu and Alice stood there feet apart. The door closed, echoing through the whole house. “Why did that sound so staged?” Alice asked, a smile threatened to ruin her pout. Her eyes flitted over to Natsu’s strong build. “Happy’s got an evil plan in that furry head of his. I’m not sure what it is but it can’t be good.” Natsu shook his head.

Alice nodded, picked up the cheesecake platter and walked away to her kitchen. “So, yesterday, I accidentally overheard something.” Natsu began, as he followed Alice to the kitchen. “Oh?” Alice inquired. “You know, with my dragon hearing and all, I can’t really control it,” Natsu continued. Alice knew Natsu was going to say something shocking.

So Alice hurried to put the cheesecake away in the fridge before he could speak again. “So, I may have heard your conversation with Erza and Lucy when you guys were in the hot springs.” Natsu finally opened the floodgates.

Alice’s body felt extremely warm as it seemed her entire being was on fire. She didn’t know how to react to that. “So what do you want me to say to that? You already know that I like you so what difference did that make?”

“I like you too.”
“What?” Alice turned around, taking in the view of Natsu, embarrassed.

“I’ve liked you for a while now I just didn’t understand it until recently.”

“Natsu...” “And I know you said you don’t-”

It was now or never. “I'm in love with you, Natsu. I have been for a long time.” Alice finally got the courage to express herself to Natsu. He stepped closer to Alice. “I just... I-” Alice was stressed out, so she subconsciously started to pick at her nails. Natsu grabbed her hands in his. “Why didn’t you say something?”

“Because I didn’t know what it was until more recently and besides, with you and Lisanna and then me and Loke, I didn’t want to figure my feelings out. But I’ve felt this way for years now, I guess.” Alice meekly confessed. She looked down at their hands. “But...if things didn’t get so messy with Loke, I might’ve wanted to explore more of my feelings for you but I’m not ready for that yet.” “Okay. I’ll wait.” Natsu expressed without a second of hesitance.

“No. Don’t wait. You shouldn’t have to wait for me!” Alice shot her gaze back up at him, revealing her distressed expression. Natsu lightly smiled. “You’re right. But I want to. You’re my best friend Alice and you’re the only person in the world right now that I want to do these things with.”

Alice bit her lip, conflicted with too many emotions. Natsu kept one of Alice’s hands in his, and let the other one go as he took his free hand and caressed Alice’s face. He thumbed over her cheek, his roughness lightly scratching against her smooth supple red cheek. “You know, this seems very out of character for you.” Alice commented softly. “I know. But I’m just listening to what my heart wants.” Natsu took a half step forward, bringing himself inches from Alice. “Natsu, I don’t want to lead you on, or get your hopes up, so I don’t think we should do this.” Alice spoke lightly, barely a whisper, her voice trapped in her throat. “Just one more time then.” Natsu replied, pulling Alice towards him, and leading her lips to his.

And for that one moment. Everything was fine. Natsu kissed Alice gently. This was something different than before. He wasn’t too rough or too lost in his desire.
This time they kissed, promising themselves to each other, in a silent embrace. Alice pulled away first, pursing her lips together, fighting her internal instincts to continue.

“I should put all those gifts away.” She excused herself, walking past Natsu, who ended up following anyways. “Yeah, but you know, your birthday isn’t over yet.” Natsu brought up the argument from before. “Okay, and? I’m not in the mood to go out on a special job or whatever.” Alice replied, opening the box from Mira. “Okay, how about we go play a game in the forest?” Natsu sat down beside Alice on the couch. “Maybe tomorrow.” Alice shrugged.

“So what’s that for?” Natsu eyed the negligee. “At the moment, nothing. I’ve told Mira I haven’t had the need to wear these things.” Alice added it to her requip anyway. “Did you ever wear stuff like that for Loke?” Natsu asked, making Alice choke on her own breath.

“Maybe.” She decided to be honest.

While Loke would constantly initiate things at random times, Alice rarely dressed up for him unless she felt he was distant and maybe sex would fix things temporarily.

“Wow, baby, you look so beautiful in that.”

“Oh, okay. So why does Mirajane buy you things like that?” “Because she hates me.”

Alice moved on to the card from Loke. She hesitated from opening the seal.

“So why did Droy and Jet give you a picture of Levy sleeping? And how’d they do it?” Natsu studied the tiny polaroid picture. Alice put down the green envelope, to focus on Natsu’s inquiry. “Because they’re weird. But it’s not too bad, now I have a picture of the cute little Levy to treasure for forever.” Alice smiled. Natsu put it down and reached for the book Lucy gave Alice. “So did Gray get you anything?”

“Yeah, a necklace. You interested in that book? I’ll let you have it.” Alice teased Natsu, who read the back cover. “Is there any blood or fighting?” “No. It’s a romance novel. There’s just going to be a lot of kissing and intense sex scenes.” Alice replied with a giggle. “You’re into that type of stuff?” Natsu looked at Alice with a blush. “It’s a girl thing, you wouldn’t understand.” Alice leaned over Natsu to grab the book from him. “What? Girls like reading that kinda stuff?”

“Well yeah. It’s a fantasy thing. It’s not like real life sex, it’s better. It’s all about what girls want.”

“Girls want sex? I thought it was just a guy thing.” “No, guys like to just hump us like dogs and take a nap right after. Girls like sensual kissing and soft touches, and attention to their needs.” Alice shrugged. “What needs do you girls have that guys don’t?”

Alice looked up at Natsu, but gasped silently seeing Natsu’s glazed over, dark eyes. She swallowed hard. “You’ll understand when you’re older.” Alice dropped the conversation real quick. Natsu was a typical guy after all.

Alice got up from the couch and picked up the note, picture of Levy, and the two books. “Be a dear and hang that drawing from Happy with the others.” Alice quickly ordered as she scurried off. Natsu blinked a few times and shook his head to get back to himself. Alice’s scent invaded his senses, her touch sent him into a daze, and thoughts of what Alice meant by “Girls and their needs”, and Alice just looked so more beautiful and mouth watering than before. “Dammit,” Natsu muttered to himself, adjusting his pants before standing up. His Dragon mating season was coming up. Mid fall to early winter.

Something he seemed to inherit with his Dragon Slayer magic along with the dragon like senses.

Dragons usually had one mate all their lives, but if that mate died, they could potentially get a new mate depending on their age. And male dragons found their mate with instinct. Their bodies just felt more attracted to other dragons with “good genes”.
And female dragons just smelled better during the season. They didn’t get many urges except they felt more attracted to their mates. But if they didn’t have a mate, they didn’t feel anything during the season.

Apparently Natsu’s dragon instincts told him Alice was the one. Since he was younger and even with Lisanna, Natsu felt attraction to Alice he couldn’t understand and barely control, no matter how much he willed Lisanna to be that mate-- Even though he was far too young to do the mating thing.

Sure, during his season, he felt a stronger attraction to Lisanna, just to fill that instinctive void. Because he was in love with Lisanna and that did trump his underlying feelings for Alice even during that time. But Alice drove him crazy in those times. She smelled so good, and she seemed to glow in his eyes.

It wasn’t until now Natsu realized that Alice was that one.

Someone that Igneel had talked about when Natsu was a child. Natsu’s potential mate.

“Hey, can I go take a shower, real quick?” Natsu called after Alice. “Uh, sure, I suppose. I’ve never heard you want to willingly want to bathe but I’m not gonna argue,” Alice replied. Natsu hurried to the kitchen, put a magnet on the picture on the fridge and made a beeline to the bathroom.

Alice sat still, Natsu draping himself over her as they were cuddling on the couch. Natsu insisted on cuddling with Alice as she read her new book from Lucy. After Natsu’s ice cold shower, he was tired and freezing, so he huddled up with Alice under a blanket. So, with relaxed boredom, Natsu fell asleep and Alice read her book but her mind kept trailing to that green envelope. So, as the hours went by, Alice couldn’t focus and had to keep rereading passages over and over again to comprehend the words, so gave up. So she wrenched herself out of Natsu’s stronghold and sped over to the library.

“You done reading?” Natsu drowsily asked. Alice ignored him as she ripped open the green envelope paper. She opened the cheesy, cheap birthday card and a piece of parchment fell out onto the floor.

Hey there princess,

So, here goes nothing. I’m not one for writing letters but I felt this more fitting than talking to you in person since you probably don’t want to see me especially after what I did with Lucy and then those girls at the guild looking for me. And well, if Lucy told you what happened. I told her I was dying and in a way I am. You may not believe me but I am a celestial spirit. Leo the lion, the so called leader of the Zodiac. Years ago, I had a celestial wizard I was contracted to, Karen Lilica. She was one of those wizards who saw us spirits as property and she could do as she pleased, and honestly, she could. She was the only one who could break the contract. And so she liked to abuse us spirits. She’d hit us, scream at us, throw things at us, and sometimes she wouldn’t let us go back to the spirit world and we’d get tired. And I got tired of the abuse and I put my foot down. With my own magic energy, I came into the human world, and also it put a strain on Karen’s magic too, so as long as I was out on my own, she couldn’t close my gate, but she also couldn’t summon another spirit. I demanded her to release Aries and I from our contracts with her and only then I’d go back to the celestial world and she could do as she wanted. But she refused. And so days, weeks, and even months went on, and Karen was getting tired from all the energy of hers I was using to stay in the human world, and she went on a job on her own, and died due to her inability to summon another spirit. It’s a crime in my world to kill your wizard and that’s what I did. So I was no longer allowed back into the celestial world. So for three years I’ve roamed the human world, waiting to die when my own magic energy was gone. In my time here, I’ve always been a bit of a player as you might call it. I used women for my entertainment to maybe fill a void. You do a lot of crazy things when you’re staring death in the face. And then coming to Fairy Tail, I met you. And I’ll admit, I wanted you just to use you for my own selfish gain. I wanted to sleep with you and leave you. You were a big prize. A young, smart, beautiful girl with so much untouched innocence. I couldn’t resist. But leading you on, I saw how much the people around you cared, and I saw why. So I couldn’t hurt you. At first. I planned on sleeping with you, taking your virginity our first date. But you hadn’t even had your first kiss yet. I couldn’t just take it all right then. So I played it out, and finally, a month of dating, I took your virginity and I was ready to move on to the next girl , so by the next morning when I was ready to leave you behind like the rest of the girls before you, I realized....I had feelings for you. I just wanted to screw you and have the honor of taking your firsts. You were Miss Alice Dreyar. Powerful wizard, top model, the figurative heart of Fairy Tail. I just wanted bragging rights, but you went and charmed me in your own way. You were so sweet and endearing. Something I never had from someone before. So... I couldn’t bring myself to leaving you in the dust, but seeing how things played out, I should’ve done just that. I didn’t mean for things to go this way. As much as I loved you, you couldn’t fill the hole inside me and as my death day gets closer, I didn’t want to put you through the pain of losing me like that. But I think that’s going to happen anyways. So, I just want to say sorry. Sorry that I’ve hurt you. Sorry for all the lying, the cheating. Sorry for making you cry. Sorry for making you cheat on me. Sorry for leading you on like I did. If I didn’t do what I did to you, you could have been in a long and happy relationship with Natsu because I know you love him. You had since the day I met you, you just refused to realize it. So, I’m forever sorry for stealing your time, and your happiness. I do love you, Alice and I think that’s my biggest crime of all. But, my time is up. I can feel myself fading. Today will be the day I die. I wish I picked a better day. So, by the time you see this, I’ll be gone. There was nothing you could’ve done. The only way to save me would to get me back into the celestial world which I’ve been banished from. So, goodbye princess. I wish you the best of luck.


Chapter 25


ugh we're getting into the tower of heaven arc. It's /okay/ but idk it's far too expositional and "out there" for my tastes-- But I do enjoy the ample erza time

Chapter Text

“No, she won’t come out. She’s been in the bath for hours now. I tried to get her to talk. Water Dragon Slayers, what can ya say?” Natsu shrugged. “It’s really all my fault. I should go talk to her.” Loke, now Leo, suggested. His hair spiked out, two tufts on either side spiked out in curved shapes that resembled cat ears. His hair was fuller and a bit longer than before. He still wore sunglasses, but now wore a black suit and red tie outfit. “I still say you should go get more rest. You aren’t healed up all the way,” Lucy disagreed, shaking her head. “But I gotta make things right with her. I’ve put her through so much. That letter... I shouldn’t have gave it to her.” Loke hung his head low. “But, you did what you thought was r-” “You heard the man, he’s gonna go talk to her.” Natsu interrupted Lucy, and he shoved Loke forward. “Natsu!” Lucy gasped. “It’s all right, Lucy. After this I’ll go rest like a good boy.” Loke reassured Lucy. “Go get packed. I’ll have Alice here in a bit.” Natsu called after Erza, Gray and Lucy.

“So, how has she been?” Loke asked hesitantly, feeling Natsu’s upset mood. “Well she’s locked herself in her bathroom since last night and hasn’t come out. I woke up hearing her screaming and crying and that eventually stopped about an hour ago. So she’s just peachy.” Natsu sarcastically replied. God, was Natsu pissed off. The girl he loved, in so much pain that he couldn’t fix or heal. And Loke caused it.

“So, you’re mad at me too, then?” Loke smiled weakly. “I’m not mad at you, I’m disappointed. I thought you could at least give her a break, man.” Natsu sighed out, lying partially. He didn’t want to cause a scene and beat the living sh*t out of Loke. It wouldn’t be a fair fight after all. “I know. I’m sorry for all of it and... I didn’t think it’d go this way. I didn’t-” “Yeah, I know. I read that letter. You’re a pretty cold dude.”
Loke snickered shortly, shaking his head lightly, more at himself. “Yeah, I am. I really do love her, you know. And maybe if things were different... If I were human, maybe things could’ve worked out different. But, I don’t know. I was selfish. I wanted to keep her to myself even though I didn’t want to be with her, you know?”

Natsu rolled his eyes.” Yeah, now she’s crying, thinking she’s killed you.” “But it wouldn’t be-” “It’s Alice. She blames herself for everything.”

Loke walked inside, eyes on the bathroom light that seeped through from the small sliver between the door and floor. “I’ll wait out here.” Natsu nodded, as he sat down on the stone step before the front door. Loke closed the door and then fixed his tie.

Loke strode over to the door, and put his ear to the door. He could make out the small hiccups from Alice, and the sound of water. “Alice?” Loke knocked once. Silence.

“Alice, princess, it’s me, Loke.” He tried the handle. Of course it was locked. The sound of a lot of movement in water, and then the door opened. Alice with red-puffy eyes, swollen lips, flushed cheeks, and a blocked nose. Her hair was matted and curly from being wet, tangled, and then dried as is. She may have been sitting in a bathtub for hours, but she sat up in the water for the most part. The tips of her hair dripped with water, though that was the most wet her hair was. She wore a bath towel secured in place around her body.

“Hey there,” Loke started off. “Don’t ‘hey there’ me! What the hell is your problem?!” Alice shouted in his face. “Well, I- uhm,” “What? Don’t have a thing to say because you put it all in that f*cking stupid letter?!”

Alice got in his face, eyes black with mixed, strong emotion. “I know, you’re upset with me, but Alice, you gotta hear me out!” Loke raised the tone of his voice, trying to soothe Alice. “What is there to hear out! You tell me you’re f*cking dying! That you’d be dead by the time I’d find out! What the f*ck was going through your head?! Do you not know that’s not something you do? And then the next f*cking day you show up in a f*cking new get-up!” Alice’s voice broke. Her throat was sore and raw. It took a lot of determination and strength to keep her voice up.

She’d cry if she had tears to spare. She ran dry hours ago.

“I was planning on dying! Lucy found me somehow and she somehow pulled some strings with the Celestial King and he lifted my ban! I’m back at my place in the Zodiac! Was sending you a letter the wrong way to go about things? Probably. Should I have told you in person, maybe a long time ago? Maybe. But come on, this isn’t something you just tell people!” Loke defended himself. “So you thought that you could keep this secret from me? I mean, sure, you never were serious about me in the first place, so why trust me to something like that?” Alice continued, piercing.

Loke held Alice’s wrists in his hands. “Alice. I love you. You’re the love of Loke’s life. He just had a lot of things going on. He... I .... I was trying to pass time before I died, I didn’t mean to string you along into it. I should’ve left things well enough alone the first time I saw you. I just couldn’t help myself. You were, and still are so breathtakingly beautiful. And if it means anything to you, if things were different, if I wasn’t a dying celestial spirit, you’d be the one for me. If I could, I’d never hurt you and I’d do everything in my power to make you proud and happy but I was too scared of getting too close because I knew I was supposed to die. So now that I’ve got my second chance, I want you to be happy again. Be the you before me.”

Alice’s eyes cleared of the darkness, her eyes re-dilating. “There is no me before you! I’m the way I am today because of you! You’re the reason I can’t look Gray in the eye anymore! The reason I act the way I do! The reason I can’t be with Natsu now even though I want to be! You really think I can pretend you don’t exist?!”

“Well no, because I’m now contracted to Lucy, so there’s a possibility you’ll see me again on the battlefield.” Loke interjected casually with a shrug. “You’re what?! You’re Lucy’s spirit now?”

“Well she did save my life. I have an obligation to her now.” Loke shrugged. Alice scoffed. “I can’t believe her. I-...” Alice huffed, defeated, she hung her head low, shoulders hunched, and she breathed deep. “I’m sorry, baby. I love you, but things will be different now. I’m a celestial spirit who now lives for Lucy. So, you got be Alice of Fairy Tail, beauty and power, smarts and charm, and be with Natsu. You two really deserve each other.” Loke smiled softly, one hand from Alice’s wrists and hooked a finger under her chin, guiding her to look back up at him. Alice sniffled and nodded. “Your friends are packing for a trip to Akane. It’s an all paid vacation for all of you, on me. So go get cleaned up, Natsu’s waiting outside for us to finish up.”

“There’s Alice and Natsu!” Erza waved, trying to look happy and not impatient. “They look too close for comfort,” Gray grumbled. Eyeing the two holding hands, Alice clinging hard to Natsu’s side. “Well I haven’t seen you being at her side while all of this was going on,” Lucy snapped back at him.

“All right, ready to go?” Erza asked as Alice and Natsu met them at the train station. “Yeah!”

“You should probably get some rest on the way there.” Natsu commented as they took their seats. The train lurched, getting ready to leave. Natsu slumped over, sick. Alice poked Natsu in the temple of his head and he sat back up, revived. Alice silently nestled into Natsu’s side, head on his shoulder as she closed her eyes to rest. Like instinct, Natsu wrapped an arm around Alice. “So you two a thing now?” Gray muttered lowly. “Nah. She just really likes me.” Natsu shrugged. “Sure. It’s a really low move swooping in while she’s vulnerable.” Gray crossed his arms. “Hey, look man, she made her choice. If it was you she wanted to cuddle up with, then I wouldn’t make a fuss about it.” Natsu growled softly, not to disturb Alice, although, sporting a noticeable blush. “Well, yeah you’d be too sick to say anything.” Gray rebutted. “That’s not what I meant, but sure.” “What’d you mean then, huh?” “Natsu and Alice are in love!” Happy squealed. Natsu lowered his gaze to the floor. “I think it’s cute!” Lucy chimed.

Gray scooted closer to the window and looked out the window, disgruntled.

Alice held tight, arms locked around Natsu’s neck, legs crossed around his torso as Natsu splashed around in the water, locked in a water fight with Gray. Alice giggled as she closed her eyes, keeping salt water out of her eyes. “You’re not gonna survive this next attack! I call it: Water Explosion!” Natsu shouted using his fire power to push a wave of water in Gray’s direction.

Gray resurfaced and wiped his hair back out of his face. “Oh yeah, you call that an attack? How about this? Water....uh, Water attack!” Gray couldn’t come up with a name, but the attack was much larger than Natsu’s, washing both him and Alice away with mighty waves.

Alice let go of Natsu, swimming back up the surface. Natsu wasted no time, going back to war with Gray. Alice swam back to the shore line, and sat in the shallow tide, watching Gray and Natsu splash each other with water.

Alice took a deep breath in and out, relishing in the warm, late summer sun. A vacation was what she needed.

“You look like you’re relaxing.”

Alice’s eyes shot up to the unfamiliar voice. She scowled up at the person rudely interrupting her relaxation time. “Good job, captain obvious. Go tell other people at the resort they’re relaxing. I’m sure you’ll eventually find someone who’s impressed by your observation skills.” Alice curtly replied.

A young male with dark blond hair, blue eyes, a charming smile. He was of average height, medium build. He wore blue swim trunks. He was a rather attractive young man. Not as built as Natsu, but there was definition to his arms, chest and stomach. His skin was sunkissed. He obviously been in the sun a lot this year.

Alice sat up, ready to move if needed. She was a very attractive girl. While her chest wasn’t nearly as big as her two female teammates, she still had a very sought after body type. A slim, toned stomach, rounded hips, a defined posterior, average length toned legs, glowing tanned skin, she was a model after all. Of course she was ridiculously beautiful, so with it, came unnecessary male attention she wasn’t asking for.

Alice wore a black simple bikini set. It was a magic bikini that let the sun pass through it like she was nude, so she wouldn’t get tan lines.
Her hair was wet, her eyes seemed to glow in the summer sun, her previous emotional breakdown left her lips and cheeks somewhat red and puffy but that could easily excused by the hot weather.

“A cold wall to strangers. A defense mechanism to keep people away from you.” This guy smirked down at Alice.

“No. I just don’t want to be disturbed. I’m here on vacation with my friends, so bother some other pretty girl or something.” Alice rudely waved him off.

He frowned. “Alice Dreyar. Ex Lolita model, current Fairy Tail icon. Who knew you could be such a bitch in real life. Fame got to your head much?” He squatted down to Alice’s height. Alice sneered in disbelief. “Are you a fan or something? An aspiring famous wizard?” Alice snapped. “Haru Tachibana at your service ma’am. I’m familiar with your work. So you here with a boyfriend?”

“I just told you I’m here with friends.” Alice stood up and walked out into the water. “Well you’re not with them right now.”

“Yeah, cause I want to be alone. Leave me alone!”

“I’ve waited years for your attention. I’ve sent you letters, bought every one of your spreads, any newspaper you were featured in for your wizard work. I even met you twice. I was giving you another chance to prove you’re not some stuck up celebrity.” Haru shouted after Alice.

Alice stared back at him incredulous at this random guy. Who was this dude? “I was really hoping I wouldn’t have to deal with creeps.” Alice put her arms up into a fighting position, trying to warn this guy to leave her alone. “You really don’t recognize me, do you?!” Haru asked Alice, wide eyed, crazy smile. “You’re the kid who harassed me once in Machi and again in Lily Town. Even when I told you to stop mailing me, you didn’t so I had my post master toss your letters. Of course I know who you are. But you don’t really look like that. Looks like someone paid some good money to look average.” Alice darkly, but calmly responded. Haru relaxed, a light smile. “See, Alice. I knew you were nice. But there’s something I want.” Haru snapped his fingers and Alice was naked. Alice squealed in embarrassment, trying to requip but nothing was happening.

“Dispel magic. You’re magicless around me.”

Alice squatted down, trying to cover herself, trying to hide herself. “Why?!” “Because I wanted to see what you hid under all those clothes.”

“That’s enough out of you!” Natsu fly-kicked Haru, sending him into the distance. Gray created a wall of ice around Alice. “You okay, Alice?”

Alice stayed frozen, in embarrassment. “Why is it always me?”

“Hey, what happened?” Lucy ran over with Erza and Happy. “Some creep just undressed Alice with a snap of his fingers,” Gray responded. “You put all your clothes into your requip? You don’t wear clothes outside of it?” Erza asked. “No. I-.” “I’ve dealt with dispel magic before. It cancels any clothes, armor, or objects from your requip. That’s why I wear something else from the material world. Once they cancel your magic, you’ll be dressed at least.”

“I’ll go buy you a new swimsuit. There’s gotta be a vendor somewhere in this resort!” Lucy offered. “I can be of assistance.” Virgo popped out of the ground. “How did you get here?!” Lucy screeched. “Don’t worry, I’m here with my own energy.” “That’s not my problem. Anyway, you said you can be of assistance?”

“Yes, I can get her a new swimsuit from the celestial world,” Virgo answered. “Well why didn’t you just bring one with you?!” Alice demanded, still squatting on the ground. “I wanted permission first.” “Well, just go get one then!” Lucy sighed, exasperated. “Very well, princess.”

And within seconds Virgo was back with a blue bikini set. “Would you like me to assist you?” “No, I’m fine, thanks, Virgo.” Alice stood up, grabbing the blue set from Virgo.

Alice quickly put it on. So much for no tan lines. “Though, why hasn’t my magic come back yet?” Alice wondered, breaking a hole through the ice wall, and walking out. “He might have temporarily blocked it. But since he’s been kicked into oblivion, we can’t get him to undo it.” Gray then glared over at Natsu.

Alice’s good mood was gone and she no longer wanted to play in the water. So she would lounge in a chair, tanning in the bright and warm sun, watching her friends play beach volleyball.

With her magic back, Alice requiped into a gold sequined mini dress with silver sparkly heels. She put her hair halfway up, into a bun. Her and Lucy walked over to Erza’s hotel room. Lucy was in the mood to have a girls night, even making a fuss over Alice’s makeup and doing it herself. It was more glam that she’d like, since Alice wasn’t much of a makeup guru, only ever applying eyeliner and curling her lashes and then the occasional lipstick if ever. She knew how to do it, in theory-- Watching artists do up her face for model jobs, but Alice had never done it to this extent because she hated trying to get the makeup off, and she'd always break out afterwards.

Lucy went all out. Shimmery eyeshadow, black eyeliner and mascara, a face full of contour and highlight, and a pink shimmery lipstick to top it off. Alice looked like she was about to go out on a night on the town, when in reality, she was just going to go down to the casino.

“Erza? Let’s go have fun! The boys are downstairs playing games.” Lucy knocked on the door. Alice leaned against the hallway wall. Erza waltzed out her room. “All right, how do I look?” Erza wore a deep purple long dress with a cut down the middle in the front. The hem of the dress was adorned with red and purple flower print. Lucy had worn a deep red gown with two slits on either side of the skirt thigh down. Both Erza and Lucy had their hair in bun updos.

“A little on the glitzy side.” Lucy commented. “Great, if she’s glitzy then what am I? A clown?” Alice muttered. “No! You look wonderful! I was just glamming you up to impress Natsu!” Lucy defended herself. “You look absolutely gorgeous Alice.” Erza nodded along with a faint smile. “Well thanks. But I don’t need any makeovers to impress anyone. I’m not looking for anything right now.” Alice crossed her arms, with a dark blush on her cheeks.

“Yeah, yeah, but you wanna keep him interested, don’t you?” Lucy teased. Alice didn’t respond.

“Now, let’s get going! You know, in some circles I’m known as a blackjack devil.” Erza said, taking lead down the hall. “You are?” Lucy gasped. “Well it’s been a while so I might be a bit rusty.”

The three girls made their way to a card table, with only two spots open. “Go ahead.” Alice nodded at Lucy who took the spot next to Erza. “Are you sure, Alice? We can switch after this round if another spot doesn’t open.” Lucy suggested. “No, no. It’s fine. I’m not a good gambler.” Alice shook her head, standing behind Lucy and Erza. Alice only knew some card games from people in the guild, but she never won much. She was terrible at calling bluffs, or when to fold. She liked the slot machine games. Those were easy.

Alice stood there, watching Erza on a roll. She kept winning and winning. It was scary how good she was at this game. After several rounds, Lucy winning only a few hands, Erza the majority of the rounds, the dealers change. The first guy was some run of the mill guy. Plain middle aged guy in a suit. This next dealer was way younger, dark blonde hair, very dark tanned skin, and a dangly earring in one ear. He had dark piercing green eyes. “Wow, you’re so good at this, Erza!” Lucy gasped. “Maybe I’m just lucky,” Erza said casually, although pridefully smiling. “If so, I have a special game for you folks, tonight.” The dealer smiled and dealt out five cards. They all had a big letter on them. ‘D’ ‘E’ ‘A’ ‘T’ ‘H’.

“And while we’re at it, we raise the stakes a bit higher, sister?” The guy asked Erza, who looked up at him, looking at him like he was a ghost. “Sho? Is that you?” Erza’s voice shook. “So you do remember.” Sho replied.

“You’re alive?”

“Erza. Who is this?” Alice asked sternly, concerned. The power went out all of a sudden. It was pitch black. “Hey, are you guys still here?” Lucy called out. “Yeah.” Erza and Alice sounded off.

A gunshot. The power came back on. All the other patrons were gone except Erza, Lucy, and Alice.

“What’s going?” Erza demanded. “Where’d he go?” Alice noticed Sho was gone. “I’m right here.” He popped out from behind the girls.

He scattered a deck of cards out all over the floor. Screams came from each card. Upon further inspection, the previous patrons in the casino were in the cards. One card per person. “You use magic?” Erza gasped, surprised. “You’re not the only special one, sis.” Sho replied.

Alice let out a strangulated noise as she suddenly was being hogtied and she was on the floor, her binds getting tighter every moment. Lucy as well.

A meow.

A young woman with a semi female human face, although a cat nose and mouth and cat ears a top her head matching the same color as her auburn shoulder length hair. She had red markings on both sides of her cheeks. She even had a cat tail.

“Please let them go. They’re all right. They’re friends of mine.” Erza pleaded. “We used to be friends too, remember? Close friends until you decided to betray us.” Sho said in an angry, hurt tone.

“Quit the games and take it easy.” A guy with a square body dressed in old fashioned gangster garb materialized in front of them. “You practice magic too, Wally?” Erza gasped once more, apparently knowing this guy too.

“It’s not that hard once you get the hang of it.” Yet again, another guy appeared, this time behind Erza. He was rather tall and extremely built up. He wore a black eye patch on his left eye. His massive jaw was obscured by an armored metal plate, bearing lines of studs on its upper edges and two side protrusions jutting upwards, plus a set of teeth-like ornaments, overall resembling a skeletal jaw. The top of his head was covered in a light cloth wrapped around it, tied on the back, where a pair of long wrappings were left hanging over his neck, with another one hanging on the right side of his face; such headgear bore a great resemblance to a turban.

“Simon!” Erza exclaimed.

Alice on her knees, was shoved face first into the ground. “Okay, I-,” Alice shimmed to her side, breathless. “I’m tired of not knowing what’s going on.” Alice finished her statement. “Yeah, who are these people? Why does that one call you sister?” Lucy asked. “We’re not related but we grew up together.” Erza answered. “You said you joined Fairy Tail when you were little.” Lucy argued, confused. “This was before that.” Erza turned to the four strange people. “Now, what do you want?”

“We’re gonna take you back with us.” Wally, the block guy, answered. “I’m begging you. Release Lucy and Alice.” Erza bargained.

“Why should we care about what happens with them? We just want you sister.” Sho replied. Wally materialized and gun and a laser light pointed Lucy square in the eyes. “Please don’t hurt her!” Erza pleaded.

And then the gun in midair appeared behind Erza’s back and shot her. “Erza!” Lucy and Alice cried. Alice squirmed in her binds, but it was no use. In fact, they got even tighter.

“Someone, please help!” Lucy screamed, fighting her roped binds. Alice worried about Natsu, Happy and Gray. Where were they and why weren’t they coming? Were they hurt or trapped too?

Simon picked up the unconscious Erza. “Erza! Put her down!” Alice shouted. “You’re not going to get away with this!” Lucy yelled. “Gray and Natsu will come! You’ll see!” Lucy warned. “They were nothing but talk.” Simon replied.

“You mean...?” Alice breathed out. How could they be defeated? How strong were these people? Alice couldn’t sense strong power from them but how could they take down those two?

“They’re sleeping the big sleep.” Wally finished the statement. The ropes began to tighten at a quickened rate. Alice’s mind raced with nervous thoughts. There was no way Gray and Natsu were....

“Hey, Millianna, I got you something,” Wally said with his hands out and then Happy showed up in his hands. “A kitty!” Millianna squealed with joy. Alice’s eyes widened. “You put him down! Don’t you take him!” Alice cried. “Don’t take Happy!”

They all vanished. Alice laid limp, well as limp as she could with her body being bent in ways it shouldn’t. She was losing hope.

Both Happy and Erza gone and Alice had no clue where they were being taken. Natsu would be devastated to lose Happy. But also, where was Natsu?

“Alice?” Lucy asked, as she freed Alice from her binds. Lucy had used a person with a knife in a card to help free herself and then used them again for Alice. “Alice? Come on!” Lucy shook her. Alice jumped to her feet, out of her trance. Her body free to move, it had a mind of it’s own as she dashed down the casino. The only thing on her mind was to find Natsu.

“Wait for me!” Lucy cried, running after Alice. Adrenaline pumped through Alice’s system. Her senses heightened, her stamina increased, her willpower 100%.

Alice’s right ankle bent as the heel of her shoe broke. Alice didn’t care. She requiped out of that dress and those shoes. She now wore her typical job gear. The black strapless top that covered her chest to midriff right above her guild mark. Her cropped black jacket. A red and black checkered, pleated mini skirt, and her black boots. Her hair also cascaded down her back, undone of its bun.

A destroyed bar, rubble its place. And there laid an unconscious Gray, to the unskilled eye, but really an ice double that looked exactly like him until Lucy got to her knees to shake ‘him’. The color disappeared, leaving it a blue ice sculpture.

“There’s no need to worry.” A familiar (to Alice) female voice said, although no body to it until a woman came out of nowhere, with Gray under her. This woman had blue hair that curled into circle rings. She had dark emotionless eyes. She was very pale compared to Gray’s complexion. She wore a blue dress, similar in style to Lucy’s and she wore a necklace with the Fairy Tail’s emblem as a pendant.

“Juvia.” Alice monotonously nodded. Of course Alice knew of Juvia Lockser, once a member of Phantom Lord’s s-class team, Element Four.

“Alice.” Juvia replied in the same manner. “She’s all right. She’s not our enemy.” Gray insured, getting up from under her, as she also stood up.
“Yes, I pulled my precious Gray into me to insure his safety.” Juvia explained. “Is it just me or did that sound weird?” Lucy asked.

“Are you jealous that he was in me but not you?”

“What about you Alice? Are you jealous?” Juvia egged. “Not really. While you all get to know each other, I got something more important to do.” Alice said with a wave before running off to look for her beloved, best friend.

She came across what seemed to look like a gigantic bouncy ball dispenser, although it was broken, with the glass shattered all around the floor and the many colorful balls were strewn around the machine, some still in place on top. Natsu laid unconscious on the ground in front of it. “Natsu!” Alice shouted, relieved only for a moment. She knelt to the ground, pulling his head up onto her lap. He was still breathing and almost boiling to the touch. “Natsu?” Alice asked, lightly shaking him. He seemed to look uninjured. He didn’t respond. So Alice did the next logical thing, smacking him upside the head. “Natsu!”

Natsu shot up to a sitting position, breathing fire. “Ouch!....Ouch again!” He held the top of his head where Alice smacked him. “That hurt! But this also hurt!” He pointed to his mouth. Alice scooted closer to him. She caressed his face, as she eyed his lips, assessing any damage. “I don’t see anything.” She mumbled. “But I can feel it! It hurts. My lips, my tongue! All of it!” Natsu whined. “Well there’s no redness, no swelling, no blood, nothing.” Alice argued. “Well...” Natsu trailed off, closed his eyes, leaning forward, putting his lips to Alice’s. Alice’s eyes remained open in shock until Natsu forced his tongue into her mouth. Alice responded to the kiss, but as she relaxed into it, Gray, Juvia and Lucy ran over. Natsu pulled away first.

With a prominent blush, Alice pouted. Natsu stood to his feet. “What was that for, idiot?”

“I had to make sure it still worked,” Natsu replied with a shrug as he surveyed the wreckage. “What still worked? Your ability to kiss?” Alice warily stood with him. “Well yeah. That guy shot me in the mouth.” Natsu casually answered. “And on the topic of that... That stupid blockhead! That guy shot me in the mouth! I mean someone could get really hurt like that.” Natsu scowled. “I’m pretty sure that would kill a normal person.” Lucy commented. “I’m going to get him!” Natsu shouted, charging off out of the casino.

And the group had their lead. Alice hopped down and joined the three still standing there, dumbfounded by Natsu’s extreme mood change. “What is-...Does he know where he’s going?” Lucy deadpanned. “Natsu has a sense of smell that puts wild animals to shame.” Gray said with a shake of the head.

“Can’t you do that spell?” Gray asked in direction of Alice, referring to the pathetic Natsu lying down groaning, sick to death. Or to him it was to death. Alice stared boredly off at the sea that lied ahead. Natsu’s head in her lap as she mindlessly combed her fingers through his pink locks. It seemed to soothe him a bit. “I’ve told you already. I’ve tried the spell three times. It seems the more I use it, the less likely I get it to work at all. Maybe I shouldn’t have used it early on the way to Akabane. That was really selfish of me.” Alice replied, slumping her shoulders. “I’m sorry...” Natsu whimpered out. “Just don’t throw up on me or I’ll throw you overboard.” Alice sighed.

“I think I might be sick.” Gray rolled his eyes.

“You know. We’re pathetic. We get taken out by those guys and let Erza get kidnapped.” Gray huffed, while being very irritable. “In our defense, they must’ve been pretty powerful to be able to take Erza.” Juvia said as she navigated the boat with her water magic. “No they weren’t! Stop acting like you know her.” Gray snapped at her. “Don’t take your anger out on her!” Alice scolded him.

“Yeah, she said they’re old friends of hers, so maybe we don’t know her like we thought," Lucy said. “There’s obviously something about her life before Fairy Tail that she wants hidden. We know Erza now. Don’t take it so personally that she hasn’t spilt her entire life story.” Alice sighed once more, this time leaning her head against her hand propped up on the edge of the boat. Natsu got to his feet, no longer sick. Alice watched him. “I sense something strange.” Natsu looked ahead. Alice took to her feet too, also taking in the weird scenery. Sea birds flying in the same direction the boat was heading, but as they seemed to cross a weird invisible line, the birds fell out of the sky, dead. Hundreds of bird corpses floated up in the sea.

“Those poor birds." Alice cringed. “Not the fish too.” Gray pointed to fish corpses on the surface of the water.

The boat came to a wreckage of a ship. Broken wood boards, supplies of sorts bobbing with the current. “That’s the symbol of the Fiore Navy.” Alice pointed to a partially submerged flag.

Alice reeled back. It was like a horror movie. “Check out ahead.” Natsu gestured ahead. In the distance, a tower of several hundred meters high. The style of the shape was twisted and misshapen. It looked like it came out of a horror novel. “That must be the Tower of Heaven.” Lucy guessed. Juvia used a spell to make a fog barrier around the boat. “It’ll keep us from being seen.” _______________________________

Getting to shore was the easy part. Now they had to sneak into the tower.

“They have a lot of guards.” Lucy commented as the four Fairy Tail members peeked from a distance. “Let’s charge them!” Natsu proposed. “No.” Alice curtly replied.

Juvia swam back up to the dock. “There’s an underwater passage.” Juvia informed, climbing up to the dock. “Really? Good job, Juvia.” Gray nodded. “Did you two girls hear that? He praised me! Not you!” Juvia bragged smugly to Alice and Lucy who shrugged at each other in confusion.

A moment after Juvia stopped sparkling in joy, she got back to business. “It’s about a 10 minute swim.” Juvia informed. “We can hold our breaths that long.” Gray nodded, getting undressed. “Easy.” Natsu added. “No, we can’t! That’s crazy!” Lucy disagreed. “If not, I can do this.” Juvia holds up a bubble of water. “It’s a water barrier with oxygen in it so you can breathe.” Juvia explained. “Wow! You’re so awesome! But who are you again?” Natsu cheered and then deadpanned at Juvia.

“Well let’s get going then.” Alice requiped into the bikini Virgo gave her. “You’re still gonna wear that one?” Gray asked, eyes glued to Alice’s body. The bikini top, deep blue, was padded and gave Alice’s chest a more bigger and perkier appearance. The bottoms of the same color. The ties were stung high up on her waist, and braided down into bows on either side of Alice’s hips. The front covered plenty, but the backside left less to the imagination. “Well, I just got it today, might as well get use out of it.” Alice shrugged. “So, what happened to the one that covered, you know, more of you?” Natsu shortly asked. “What do you mean?” Alice coyly responded. “Come on! We gotta get going.” Lucy interrupted the argument in pursuit. Natsu glowered at Gray’s eyes washing over every inch of exposed skin on Alice. God, that swim suit looked amazing on her. Natsu didn’t want anyone else to be able to see that much of her.

Alice dove into the water. “Hey, don’t you need one of these bubble things?” Lucy called after Alice who waded underwater, looking up at the team, waved. “She’s a water dragon slayer.” Natsu answered. “I forget about that. She doesn’t really use her water magic.” Lucy nodded. “Umiko didn’t really teach her much dragon slayer magic because they were only together for 2 years. But Alice did get water dragon lungs to breathe underwater, dragon scales so she can swim faster, feel vibrations, and live underwater. She’s pretty much a mermaid.”

“Wouldn’t that mean she needs to stay in water?” Lucy wondered. “No. Her scales disappear once she’s back on land.” Gray said, hopping into the water with a water bubble over his head.

Juvia led the way down underwater through the passage.

Chapter 26

Chapter Text

Alice wrung out her hair as the group found their way to land. “So we’re underground, then?” Gray wondered, looking around where they ended up. “I wonder where they’re keeping Happy and Erza.” Alice thought aloud.

“These things sure look silly but they work.” Lucy smiled, admiring the bubble, holding it in her hands. “I’m surprised you made it. I made yours smaller so you’d have trouble breathing.” Juvia admitted to attempting to murder Lucy.

“Intruders!” A guard riding a strange bat creature, caught the group.
His cry brought out over 20 other guards.

“Well, we have no choice, we’ll have to fight.”

Alice was surrounded by 6 guards, wielding weapons. “Wow!” “She’s fighting in a bikini!” “She’s so hot!”
Alice rolled her eyes at the comments. “Wanna see something hotter?” Alice huffed. “Lightning Fire whip!” Alice summoned a whip made of lightning and a red line twirling around the whip. And she easily took out all the guards.

“Nice work, team!” Gray praised as the five regrouped together. Natsu dragged over a guard who was half conscious. “All right, where’s blockhead?”

Before the guard could speak, a steep, stone path opened up from the ceiling to the floor. “What’s that?” Lucy asked. “I think it is their way of saying ‘come on in’.” Alice shrugged. “They must be pretty confident they’ll take us down.” Gray nodded. “Well let’s go then!” Alice said, requiping into her quest gear, walking up the slope.

“Don’t go by yourself!” Gray snapped. Alice huffed and listened. She had to wait for them to get changed out of their swimsuits and back into their clothes, except for Lucy who was stuck in her bikini.

“Everyone stay close together. They’re letting us in but that doesn’t mean they’re welcoming us warmly," Gray said, taking the lead. “Hey, I smell food!” Natsu picked up speed. “Idiot!” Gray ran after him. “I’m coming, Gray darling!” Juvia followed.

Lucy and Alice picked up their pace, following the three into a big banquet hall. A long table filled with several types of meals. Meats, breads, vegetables, dishes of all types, and even fruit.
Gray, Juvia, and Natsu sat at the table. Gray and Natsu indulging themselves.

Juvia sat there, next to Gray, just staring at him.

Alice and Lucy sat near each other, in the end, on the opposite side of the others.

“The door was opened by a magic user.” Juvia started up the previous conversation. “And they know our presence.” Virgo added, popping in out of nowhere. “Why’d they just let us in?” Lucy pondered. “Not to interrupt, Miss, but your bikini leaves little to the imagination.” Virgo commented to Lucy, who gasped. “Should I change?”

“Yes. Let me help you.” Virgo then, without permission started to undress Lucy and change her into a new outfit.

“Stop staring at her, you ice perv!” Alice snapped at Gray who focused solely on Lucy, wide eyed, mouth agape. Alice threw a grape at Gray’s face.

Virgo dressed Lucy in a green puffy dress. “How do I look boys?” Lucy posed. “You look great actually," Gray commented. “He loves her," Virgo stated plainly. Juvia, Alice, Lucy and Gray were silent, not knowing how to respond to that.

Natsu was busy eating still, not paying attention.

Alice noticed both Lucy and Juvia were wearing dresses felt left out. She requiped into a pink. knee length dress, with a black lace ribbon tied around her middle. She wore short white socks and black button up flats. To add to her cute outfit, Alice put a pink bow in her hair.

Alice had an inferiority complex and needed to be the one in the attention spotlight. “It reminds me of your lolita days. You look cute in it.” Gray commented, eyeing her up and down. Alice smiled.

“Your chest looks bigger in it.” Virgo added. “Yeah and it makes you look curvier.” Gray added, also agreeing. “Hey, back off.” Natsu warned, mouthful of food.

“You just had to steal the spotlight, didn’t you?” Lucy mumbled, defeated. “Gray, my darling, stop torturing me like this!” Juvia whined.

Guards burst into the room, but then suddenly a wild Erza appeared taking them out.

She noticed the five staring at her. She paled with shock. “What are you doing here?” She asked, dread in her tone. “Looking for you.” Lucy answered. “Go home! This place is way too dangerous!” Erza warned. “That ain’t scaring me away! I’m gonna give that blockhead a mouthful!” Natsu said, fired up. “You can’t!” Erza urged. “Natsu’s not too far off. That block guy is who took Happy. We have to get him back.” Alice firmly stated. “They got him?” Erza gasped but looked off understanding. “That must’ve been for Millianna.”

“Where can I find them?” Natsu asked. “I don’t know. " Erza replied. “This means war.” Natsu growled. “Who are you declaring war on?” Gray asked as Natsu charged off. “What an idiot.” Alice sighed. “You usually follow him, yes? Go.” Juvia urged in an attempt to separate Alice and Gray. Alice eyed Juvia suspiciously. “I will. Damn.”

“We have to go too to help him!” Lucy said. “No!” Erza put her sword out, stopping Alice from taking the lead after Natsu. “Millianna is a cat lover. She would never do anything to hurt Happy. I promise I’ll bring them back to the guild safe. But you four need to leave.” Erza strongly advised. “But we can help!” Lucy pleaded. “I don’t want your help! This is my problem; It doesn’t involve you.” Erza took a few steps away. “How can you say that? You saw Natsu. I’d say we’re plenty involved.” Gray argued.

Erza started to tremble.

“You’re freaking me out Erza. Where is the woman who’d tell us to shut up and follow no matter what?” Gray continued. “We want to stay and help you out. Master said even the strongest of wizards need back up every once in a while.”

Erza turned and faced them, tears streaming down her face. Everyone gasped in surprise. None of them had ever seen Erza cry.

“I’m sorry but you can’t help me now. The odds are stacked against me. Win or lose this battle, I’m staring death in the face.” She wiped her tears. “What do you mean by that?” Gray inquired. “There’s no point fighting the inevitable. I can’t... But what I can do is tell you my story, while I’m still here.” This place is called the Tower of Heaven, or the R-System. Over a decade ago, a cult dedicated to black magic began its construction. It would be used to cast a forbidden spell that brings the dead back to life. The spell required many human sacrifices so the cult abducted many citizens from the surrounding areas and forced them to build the tower as their slaves. The only reason I know this is because I was one of those people. Anyone who’d try to escape would always disappear. We never had any peace of mind. We lived in constant fear but we boded and made friends even though we knew we wouldn’t be together long. One of my friends in the tower was a boy named Jellal.”

There was a cool flashback they all saw, it was nice, you should’ve been there.

“So we took a stand for our freedom. We hoped to save our dear friend Jellal. He was like the leader of our group back then. He had a strong sense of justice which I truly admired. However, something happened to him. He almost became like a new person entirely. There is only one way I could describe his new persona: Pure unadulterated evil."

Oh, look! Another flashback.

“I have to find Jellal."

“The name Zeref sounds very familiar," Gray said. “Well yeah, he’s a very famous black magic wizard.” Alice replied. “He’s the one who created Lullaby, I thought I discussed this a few arcs ago.”
“Wait, I remember someone saying something about Lullaby being one of his demons," Lucy wondered.. “It was me! Also I mentioned Deliora being one of his demons too," Alice argued, facepalming.

“Well, why would Jellal want to revive Zeref?” Juvia wondered. Erza replied quickly, “I don’t understand his motives either but there was something about being sacrificed and sent to heaven then the world will be reborn and they will become its rulers."

“Wait, one thing confuses me. These old friends of yours think you betrayed them. Don’t they know Jellal is the bad guy here?” Lucy pointed out. “Its not their fault. I’m sure Jellal fed them a lot of lies about me as soon as I left," Erza defended, but then, she bowed her head in grief. “It doesn’t change the fact that I abandoned them so long ago. In the end I guess you could say I did betray them."

“You couldn’t come back! He threatened to kill them if you did!” Lucy yelled feeling Erza was being treated unfair. “None of that matters anymore. If I can defeat Jellal then it’ll all be over. Leave it to me, okay?” Erza promised.

Sho came out of the shadows. “That’s not true. Sister, why are you lying to them? Thinking you’ll be the martyr you’ll get sympathy from your friends? Tell them the truth! That’s not how it happened and you know it! You blew up the boat that we were gonna use for escape and then you left on your own. We would’ve been at the bottom of the sea if Jellal hadn’t of saved us! He warned us not to trust wizards like you, who haven’t learned to use their magic properly. He said you became drunk with magical power, and you didn’t want anything to do with the past or the people you left behind!" Sho seriously had some sissy issues.

“Has it ever crossed your mind that, I don’t know, Jellal was lying?” Alice sardonically countered. “Yeah, if you knew Erza enough you’d know she would never do that," Lucy backed her up.

Sho was taken back a moment but recovered. “You only think you know her. You weren’t there back then. You don’t know anything about us. After you left, sis, Jellal’s words were my only salvation! That's why I’ve spent all these years working on the tower for him, I did it for his sake, now are you telling me it was all a lie? You expect me to think he’s been lying to us the whole time?” Sho trembled.

“That’s right.” A dark voice said and then appeared Simon. Gray stepped forward in challenge.

“He means no harm to you, my dear, he knew he attacked your ice decoy. Since it was him casting the darkness he could see in it. I came along to find out why he didn’t wish to harm you." Juvia stopped Gray.
“I expect no less from Phantom Lord’s Element four," Simon praised.

“But why?” Sho asked feeling betrayed. “I had to make you believe I killed him, I hoped our attack would lure them here," Simon explained.

“So you were lying too...How could you do that?!” Sho cried. “I’m sorry,” Simon put his hand on Sho’s shoulder. “Jellal had you under a spell and I couldn’t convince you otherwise. So I played along until the time was right."

“So you knew the whole time?” Erza asked. “Yes. I always believed in you, Erza. And there’s nothing that could change that. I mean those words from the bottom of my heart." Erza and Simon hugged. “I ship it," Alice whispered to herself.

“So all this time, I’ve been blindly following Jellal? I doubted you, because you left me all alone. You have no idea how much that hurt!” Sho dropped to his hands and knees, crying “I don’t know what to do! I don’t know who I should believe!”

Erza kneeled down next to him. “I know this is a lot to take in, but there’s one thing you should know, for all those years, I never forgotten any of you."

“I’ve been waiting for this day. When a group of magical wizards would help," Simon said, gesturing to Alice, Gray, Lucy, and Juvia. “What do you have planned?” Alice asked. “We’re going to take down Jellal. We can do it if we work together. But first, we must keep Salamander and Wally from clashing into each other.” Simon replied. Alice smiled nervously. “Yeah, well he was headed that way and when Natsu catches a scent, you can’t call him off.” She scratched the back of her head.

Chapter 27

Chapter Text

Alice panted hard but kept up with the group, being in better shape since Galuna Island.

They all were running up many many, many stairs. “I don’t seem to be able to contact Wally or Millianna. I can’t even tell where they are now.” Simon said. “What?” Lucy wondered. “It’s telepathic communication.” Alice informed her. Gray had muttered something over to Juvia about Simon. Alice couldn’t pick up on it, but Simon did. “I don’t care either way if you fully trust me. I had faith Natsu would survive that attack and when he’s able to awaken the dragon within himself, evil will fall.” Simon replied.

Alice didn’t want to think further about that statement. But her legs were on fire and her ankles felt like jelly. “How much more running?” Alice breathed out hard. “Not much longer only until we get inside.” Simon answered. “I thought Natsu has been making you run with him in the mornings?” Gray teased Alice. “He has. But I can’t keep up with him so when he gets so far ahead he can’t see me, I take a short break.” Alice replied, ashamed.

I welcome you to the Tower of Heaven. My name is Jellal and I am the ruler of this tower. I see the players have been arranged.” This voice spoke in everyone’s head. Alice knew this voice... But where? The face that popped up in her head was Seigrain Fernandez. But that couldn’t be possible, right?

“So he knows we’re here.” Simon noted. “He could be lurking anywhere in the tower waiting for us.”

I’m delighted you came all this way to see me. Shall we play along to Heaven’s game? The rules are really quite simple, I want to use Erza as my sacrifice to resurrect Zeref. If I succeed, the gates of Heaven will open crowning my victory. However if you can find a way to stop me, you’ll be the winners of the game, to make things a little more interesting, I have enlisted these knights to play on my behalf. The only way to get to me is if you defeat them in other words, a three on nine battle royale, and there’s one more surprise, the magic council has satellite squares focused directly on this tower and it's highly likely they will attack. At this moment they’re in the midst of voting on whether to cast an etherion blast. There is no telling how much time it left. Should the etherian cannon fire, death and destruction is imminent, no players left to win; Game over." Jellal announced.

Alice pouted. No real strategy in mind except to run, get Natsu and Happy and then leave the tower immediately. “This is no fun. A game with no real rules or strategy. We don’t know who or where these three ‘players’ are and there’s an etherion blast to come at any moment without notice.” Alice muttered, nibbling on her bottom lip.

The only thing they could use to win were power and speed and maybe even some cleverness on the side. Alice was sure they could defeat these three strangers and Jellal-- but the etherion blast? It could go off any second. While they’re fighting or while they’re fleeing, or while they defeat Jellal. It was a big risk and Alice wasn’t sure what to do. The only plausible route was getting the hell out of there.

Sho snapped mentally and used his magic to trap Erza in a card. “What are you doing, sister-issues-psycho?” Alice gasped and then menacingly snapped at Sho. “Jellal is not laying a finger on her! I’ll fight him by myself if I have to!” Then Sho ran off. Simon followed.

Now they had to get Natsu, Happy AND Erza. This wasn’t looking good.

“You two, Juvia and Lucy go look for Natsu. Alice and I will go after Sho and rescue Erza.” Gray directed, leaving no time for arguing or bargaining as he ran off after Simon and Sho. Alice looked at the two girls and shrugged before sprinting after Gray.

“Hey, you good with jumping?” Gray said suddenly. “Yeah, what are you thinking?” Alice replied. “A cool entrance."

The doorway ahead looked like it just dropped off and there were many, many bird cages of all sizes hanging in no particular way all about the room. None seemed to be the same height or distance away from one another.
Alice had a moment of dejavu, going back to a time where she locked Natsu in a cage, the previous year for spooking her on the way home one dark night. But that was a story for a different time.

Gray and Alice jumped out in the air, both landing on a cage where Simon was standing.

After regaining her footing, it was then Alice noticed the half owl, half man chimera. It wore a jetpack on it’s back, and wore shorts and sandals.
And it was in the middle of SWALLOWING NATSU WHOLE. Natsu was headfirst in the mouth, only the bottom half of his torso still out.

Alice gasped, horrified, eyes wide with terror. She stepped forward. Simon put an arm out to stop her. “Don’t. He’s from Trinity Raven. He’s a professional hitman.” Simon warned. Alice took her eyes off the owl man to give Simon her look of terror.

“Like that’ll stop her. They’re soulmates or whatever.” Gray rolled his eyes. “I’ve handled hitmen before! I need to save him!” Alice argued against Simon. “He’s not going to die. You can’t just jump in headfirst!” Simon firmly, but calmly explained. Alice took a moment to listen.

And then Natsu’s body was completely inside.

“Not only is my victim tasty but I gain their magic energy as well!” The owl man announced. Alice gritted her teeth.

“Give him back!” Happy flew into the room at him, the owl used Natsu’s fire magic. “Happy!” Alice cried, as the cat, injured, fell from the air, hitting a cage top. “For the final blow!” The owl guy leaped down and did a fire attack.

Alice teleported herself over to Happy and just as the fire licked her skin, she tried to teleport once more back to Gray and Simon. But the heat burned her back and distracted her a moment. But she protected Happy, holding him tightly to her chest. “Alice!” Gray shouted. As the fire attack finished, Alice teleported back up to Gray and Simon. The back of her dress was burned away, leaving red and charred skin. Several inches of her hair also burned off, leaving the ends black and brittle. She let go of Happy as she sat on her knees, leaning forward on her hands as she panted in pain.
“It’s a pretty bad burn. There’s not much I can do about it since ice isn’t the way to cool a burn. We have to get out of here to get it treated right.” Gray kneeled down to Alice, inspecting the burnt skin. “I thought you were going after Sho and rescuing Erza?” Gray tensely asked of Simon, as he stood back up.

Alice requiped into a black spaghetti strapped top that showed a lot of back, which was good so her burn wouldn’t be irritated by the tank top. Also, her normal red and black skirt and boots. But those weren’t as important to talk about.

“I was until I ran into this thing and Salamander," Simon replied. “We don’t have time to mess around with this guy. As long as we stand around, Erza is closer to being Jellal’s sacrifice. She usually can handle herself.” Gray growled, growing irritated with the situation. “In this situation, in that card, she’s helpless.”

“I’m sorry. I thought Sho could handle the truth, I never thought he’d go berserk like that,” Simon apologized.
“Gray, save him please. He needs you.” Happy pleaded with Gray in a weak voice, paining Alice more than her injuries could ever. “I’ll help too.” Alice volunteered, back on her feet.
“No, use your water magic to cool your burn and Happy’s.- But this is the last time I’m putting my neck out for you, you hear, fire idiot!” Gray turned to the bird hoping Natsu can hear.

“The digestion process has begun!” The owl head announced. “In a mere 10 minutes, Salamander will be dissolved and his body with be within my own forever, and when I do that, I’ll use his magic to bring you to justice!”

Alice couldn’t stand the watch the fight as she used cool water mist to cool down Happy from his own burns. And within minutes the fight was over.

“He beat him!” Happy jumped out of Alice’s arms. Alice looked down at the ground far below with surprise, relief and disgust as Natsu was out cold and was covered in slimy saliva and digestion stuff. Happy flew down over to them, as did Simon and Alice.

As Alice kept her distance from Natsu since just looking at him made her want to gag, and also because he gave off heat that she knew would hurt. So she stood close to Gray.

“I can’t believe you beat him. That was incredible," Simon said bewildered. “Are you going to kiss Natsu again like last time he was almost dead?” Happy said to Alice giving her a teasing smile. Alice who wasn’t even looking at Natsu kept her gaze low. “I could’ve left you to roast, cat. Remember that.” She warned lowly.

“Now we don’t have time to waste." Gray collapsed on to Alice, who in the nick of time caught him in her arms, as she struggled to keep him and her up. “You can’t fight anymore.” Alice grunted, trying to get a firm footing. “Take him to a safe place.” Simon urged Alice.

But Alice wasn’t going to leave Natsu’s side again. “Happy take Gray. I need to help the others.” Alice ordered but Simon was quick to argue. “No you must go. Salamander and I will go while you and the cat go to safety with the ice wizard.”
“If it’ll make you feel better, you can kiss Natsu goodbye." Happy teased wrapping his tail around Gray. “Whatever, but Simon, I’m not telling you to risk your life, but-”
“I’ll make sure Salamander will be safe while in this state," Simon interrupted Alice’s request. They locked eyes as Alice searched for a sign of him not being sincere. Alice nodded, following Happy.

“Look at all those guards leaving.” Alice noticed as she looked down from the sky at the many guards of the tower.. “I guess the guards got scared of the etherion cannon that can go off any moment.” Gray commented in a weak voice. “But there’s no boats!” Happy gasped. “There’s one there.” Alice pointed to the dock they arrived at. “Wow! Who knew we’d be so lucky!” Happy cheered. “No. She just showed you the boat we got here on.” Gray muttered. “Let him have his moment.” Alice chided him.

After Happy and Gray were situated on the boat, Alice stood up to leave. “You’ll be safe here. I’m going after the others.” Alice said, although was stopped by Wally and Millianna. Wally carrying Juvia and Millianna dragging Lucy and Sho down the steps.
“That ain’t gonna happen, toots.” Wally stopped Alice.

Alice stood in a defensive stance. “Who do you think you are talking to me like that?”
“Simon told us to get to a safe location. So we have to listen, meow. We’re on the same side, meow.” Millianna tried to intervene as Wally pointed his gun at Alice.
“Screw what he said. Two of my friends are still up there and there’s an etherion blast coming in any minute. I’m not going to let them stay up there!" Alice shouted. “We don’t wanna hafta to resort to usin’ our magic, but we will if we gotta. Get in the boat.” Wally threatened Alice.

“You will not shoot her," Gray growled. “Fine, Sho’ll use his magic to trap you in a card, all right?” Wally bargained. Alice wasn’t backing down.
“Yes. Sister wants all her friends safe, and I’ll do what I have to, to keep that promise.” Sho stood up, holding a card in between his left index and middle fingers. Alice gave in willingly, sitting over by Gray.

Wally, and Millianna helped Juvia and Lucy into the boat and the two and Sho also sat down. And then the boat set off into the sea. But that’s when Gray’s anxiety increased and he started to get up, fighting the others to let him off the boat, which woke Lucy up, who also fought with him to get off. And with those two spouting off, Alice thought she might as well join in.
Happy, who sat on the bow of the rowing boat, turned around to face the others, tears going down his face. “All of you shut up!” He silenced them all. “Look, I want to go back too but the etherion is going to go off any minute and Simon told me Natsu and Erza are going to come back! He said once Natsu’s true power awakens, he’ll be unstoppable and not even Jellal will hurt him.”

Alice took a deep breath as she gave a worried look out to the Tower, lip quivering. Gray took Alice’s hand into his, squeezing it gently, trying to soothe her.

The boat had sailed some odd numbers of meters away and as time passed dusk arrived. “Why aren’t they back yet?” Alice croaked out, tired and impatient, leaning her head on Gray’s shoulder. “They’ll be fine. This is Natsu and Erza we’re talking about.” Gray replied. “Hey guys... What’s that bright light?” Lucy warily said, pointing to the sky, right above the tower. Alice’s eyes widened as she realized what was going on. She crawled over to the edge of the boat, ready to jump out. “It’s the etherion! I have to go save them!”

Gray held her back. “You know there’s nothing you can do now.” Alice didn’t fight his grip around her as she squeezed her eyes shut, tears escaping through the corners of her eyes.


And as the etherion cannon gained more magic power, the light from it grew brighter as the sea grew violent. A giant wave knocked the boat over and Juvia made a water bubble, gathering everyone up in it and it floated on the water’s surface.

And then suddenly the blast. Alice’s mouth opened, but nothing came out as her heart seemed to stop. Tears streaming down her face.

The light was gone and the sea calmed. The tower still intact, but now seemingly made of pure etherion crystal. A lacrima.

“Do you think they’re okay? That’s they made it?” Lucy wondered. “Well if this was part of the plan, then they have to be. If Erza’s the sacrifice then she has to be alive," Gray answered. “And if she made it, then you know for a fact Natsu did too," Happy added.

Alice seemed to teeter back and forth as her eyes unblinking stared up at the tower. Natsu has to be alive.

A brilliant bright fire on top of the tower. “That’s Salamander.” Juvia pointed out. A weight seemed to lift from Alice. Natsu was alive and okay. All he had to do was win the fight and come back to Alice.

But then Alice could sense something with Natsu’s magic. “I can feel his energy but... it’s so intense. Could it be Dragon Force? No, he’s never been able to enter it and... but... He’s so strong. Stronger than ever before.” Alice said aloud.

And then another bright light came from the tower. It’s so much energy, Alice felt like she couldn’t breathe. “It’s ethernano. It’s building.”

“That’s not good. Too much of it being contained is bad. It’s going to keep building," Happy trembled. “Yes, and it’ll keep building until it bursts," Juvia added. “We better start making tracks," Wally said

“Natsu and Erza! They’ll still in there!” Sho panicked. “It doesn’t matter who’ll live or not, at this rate we’ll all die." Gray shouted over the new panic.

Now there was another thing threatening their lives. Alice just couldn’t seem to catch a break. Alice’s nails grew into her dragon talons as she clawed at the edge of the bubble. “Let me out of this thing! I need to save him!” Alice screamed, her mind finally breaking down.

“Stop it! You break it and the integrity falls apart!” Juvia shouted at Alice.

“Alice! Stop!” Gray had to, once more hold Alice back. “Please! I need him! I can’t-”

“Wait, it’s explodin’!” Wally exclaimed. The waves started up again and the sea thrashed the bubble around. “No, look, it’s shooting upwards!” Gray corrected. Alice stared in horror as the tower vanished completely.

“It was just there a moment ago."

Natsu, where the hell are you now?

Chapter 28


warning: Main character syndrome!! She performs a song on a stage!!!

If you want to know what it is, it's the english translation of Ichiban No Takaramono- (yui) LiSA from angel beats!

Chapter Text

The waves pushed the bubble near shore and then Juvia let them out of the bubble. “Wait, what’s that over there?” Lucy pointed towards the shore.

Natsu standing in the water, Erza in his arms.



“Natsu!” Alice’s mind stopped as she let her body push her forward, fighting the water as she ran that direction. Alice stumbled around but always managed to stay on her feet.

Natsu fell to his knees, Erza woke up and sat up next to him. Alice noticed they seemed to have a moment but she didn’t care to let them continue.

“Natsu!” Alice shouted again, Natsu holding his arms open as Alice crashed down into the water, on her knees into his waiting embrace. Her face in his neck as she cried, hugging him tight. “You scare me like that again and I’ll kill you myself!” She sobbed out.

“I hope we all learned that lesson because of me. You never die for your friends, you live for them," Erza said in a quiet tone. Alice had no clue what prompted that but understood the message. Natsu gripped Alice tighter, with one arm around her back and then his other hand caressing the back of Alice’s head, grabbing a fistful of her wet hair. He nuzzled his head on her shoulder as he cried. Alice could feel the warmth of his tears. “You’re crying.” Alice gasped. Natsu let her pull away and see him with tears down his face. Alice wiped away his tears and cradled his face in both hands. His hand that was holding her hair let go and went to caress one of her hands, and he seemed to lean into her.

“I’m sorry for worrying you.” He mumbled out, while he smiled softly. Alice let out a breathless laugh. “No you’re not. Cause you’re just gonna keep doing it.” Alice replied, pulling him in for a harsh and chaste kiss. With Erza there and the others coming their way, it was only brief.

“And this marks the third day he’s been sleeping non-stop,” Alice commented as she sat on the edge of the bed, doing another removal spell on Natsu. She was trying to remove the ethernano that was making Natsu ill. “He’s an idiot for eating all that ethernano,” Gray commented with a shrug.

Natsu, eyes barely open, shot up in bed, spooking Alice who then jumped and fell off the bed onto the floor. “Say that again and I’ll smack you!” Natsu threatened Gray.

“You’re awake!”

And suddenly Natsu fell back down on his back, unconscious once more. Alice sat up on the floor, incredulously staring at Natsu.
“That punk woke up just to pick a fight with me!” Gray snapped, while in surprise.

“Hey, calm down. All the shouting will stress him out and it’ll take him longer to heal,” Alice muttered lowly, scolding Gray, while sitting back up on the bed. “Whatever. Do you guys wanna go to the amusem*nt park while he’s out? We can do rides without him being sick.” Gray stood up, suggesting to the group. “That’ll be fun!” Lucy chimed in, agreeing. “Yes, it’d be fun. He’ll be fine here by himself.” Erza nodded. “No, you guys go ahead. I’m sticking with him to, you know, heal him and stuff.” Alice excused. She stretched her shoulders to get relief from the stiffness of sitting up. Although, she flinched in pain from her burn, instantly regretting moving. “You’re so keen to treat him but you won’t do the same for yourself.” Gray shook his head.

“A burn goes away but this idiot ate toxic ethernano. Of course he’s a priority,” Alice mumbled.


Alice perked up at Natsu’s groggy voice. She was sitting at the chair and table nearby in the hotel room, sorting a deck of cards. Natsu slowly sat up with a groan. Alice immediately stopped what she was doing to go to him. “Hey, how’re you feeling?” Alice asked in a light voice, sitting next to him. “Tired, sore, the usual.” Natsu shrugged, and then noticed they were alone. “Where is everyone?”

“They went to check out the amusem*nt park and then I think the beach, since we’ll be leaving soon,” Alice answered as she put the back of her hand to Natsu’s forehead. “Well you’re no longer scalding hot where I can’t touch you, so I think you’re doing good,” Alice commented with a smile. “Why’d you not go with them? You were excited about the amusem*nt park.” Natsu frowned. Alice looked down with an embarrassed blush. “Because I didn’t want to leave you.”

Natsu tried to get off the bed. “How’s Erza doing?” He asked. Alice put her hands to his chest, stopping him. “You need to rest awhile longer. And don’t worry about her. She’s fine. She’s started to smile again. But you need to lay down and rest. There is still ethernano in you,” Alice explained. Natsu pouted, leaning up against the headboard and then slid down with a grumble. “I know you don’t like it and since you’ve been sleeping for three days as is, but just a while longer, you’ll be good as new, all right?” Alice coaxed in a gentle tone and a light smile. “Here, I’ll go get you something to eat but you gotta stay laying down, all right?” Alice added. As Alice went to stand up, Natsu reached out, ghosting his fingertips on Alice’s burn. “I did that, didn’t I?”

Alice tensed at his touch. Heat on a burn didn’t feel good in the slightest--- And he was a radiator of heat. “The weird owl guy from Trinity Raven used your magic to do it, not you.”

“But it was my fire. If I didn’t let him eat me this wouldn’t have happened. Where is that guy?! I want a rematch!” Natsu sat up, getting fired up. Alice laughed. “All right, calm down, flame head. Wherever he is, he’s long gone. If we ever see him again, you’ll have your chance.”

Natsu relaxed at Alice’s giggles. She was relaxed and her eyes were brightening up. She was going to be happy again.

Alice sighed content. Natsu leaned back down again, although this time he gently pulled Alice down with him. “Hey-! I thought you-” “Never mind that. I’m not hungry.”

“What’s up with you, all of a sudden?” Alice mumbled, giving in, with no way to escape. “While I’ve been out I’ve been having the same nightmare and it’s on loop. And even if I was able to do things differently in the dream it had the same ending no matter what. And I don’t wanna talk about it, but I need you here right now. I can’t lose you.” Natsu muttered lowly.

“Natsu, where is this coming from?” Alice gasped. “I don’t know. I forgot about it when I woke up but seeing you smile and laugh...it made me remember how important you are to me.” Natsu replied. Alice didn’t know what to say.

“So you know what happened with me, Erza, and Jellal on the tower right? And then what Erza said when you came over to me?-- Don’t ever sacrifice yourself for anyone all right? You’re more important alive than as some martyr.”

“I mean, I guess, okay.” Alice shrugged, not knowing at all what to say to that.

“Hey, guys, Erza needs you guys for fireworks," Lucy panted, as she burst into the boys’ hotel room where Gray, Happy, Natsu and Alice played ‘Go fish’ and Alice was winning. “Why?” Happy asked. “Something about Sho, Millianna and Wally leaving, I think? Now come on."

“We’re not done with this game. After this, we’re coming back to finish it, okay?” Gray placed his cards down. “Right." The other three nodded.

They gathered on the beach where Erza, Sho, Millianna, Wally were. Erza was wearing some sort of ceremonial samurai armor, all while wielding a flag with Fairy Tail’s emblem.

“There are three rules every member who decides to leave the Fairy Tail guild must abide by: Number one: You must never reveal sensitive information about Fairy Tail to others for as long as you live. Number two: You must never use former contacts met through your being in the guild for personal gain. And three: Though our paths may have diverged, you must continue to live out your life with all your might, you must never consider your own life to be something insignificant, and you must never forget about your friends for as long as you live. Let the Fairy Tail farewell begin now!”

Natsu, Gray, Lucy and Alice created fireworks with their respective magics.

And with that Sho, Millianna, and Wally left.

“Let’s go down to the beach one last time," Natsu said. “It’s dark out.” Alice shook her head. “That makes it cooler. The stars reflecting on the ocean, the moon, big and bright, I agree with flame breath, we should go," Gray agreed with Natsu and slung an arm around Alice resulting in Alice retracting in pain. “OW! Ow ow ow ow. Dammit! You sick son of a dick! OUCH!” Alice cursed and cried, wriggling away from Natsu and Gray. “I’m sorry! I totally forgot it was there!” Gray bowed.

“All right Gray, I’m gonna kick your ass for hurting my girl!” Natsu shouted, running after Gray with fire coming out with each word.

“I am not anyone’s girl! I am my own free spirit!” Alice shouted after him in embarrassment. Although, she had to admit to herself that at this point, she wasn’t planning on ever being anyone else’s.

Alice gasped in awe at the new guild hall. “Woah, is this really it?”

It was many more stories taller than before and the property was far bigger. There was an outside bar, a swimming pool, a garden, an outside dining area, and a merchandise shop.

Inside there was a way bigger hall than before. Several more tables, a bigger bar, a stage with a piano. There was more rooms than before including a game room and a library.

Alice gasped very audibly at the stage, seeing a piano. “You play the piano?” Lucy asked. “No.” Natsu grumbled out a response for Alice. He hated the new guild hall. He hated change.

“I’m not anywhere a pro at it, but I’ve learned a few songs. There used to be a music store a few years ago and I played the piano there when I was down there but then... the store wasn’t getting enough customers....so...they...closed down.... And I didn't have any place for a piano..” Alice replied sadly. She liked that store.

“Isn’t it nice? I’d like you to meet our newest member, Juvia, isn’t she a cutie," Master came up behind the group with Juvia next to him, shyly smiling. She had gone through an entirely new style since the two days before. She had cut her hair and no longer had the ring curls. She wore a more revealing, white and blue dress.

“And we added someone else, you might recognize him."


Gajeel hadn’t a new appearance. Except that his past Phantom Lord mark was gone and on the other shoulder he had a black Fairy Tail mark.

Alice’s anger for him had vanished for the most part. She took Fairy Tail’s teachings seriously. Sure, she didn’t fully trust him but... There was something else?
“Juvia, I don’t mind but he destroyed our guild hall," Erza argued. “What have I told you? Yesterday’s enemy can be today’s new friend," Master reminded. Which was why Alice was okay with Gajeel.

She knew he had that ‘bad boy’ act going for him and since he was on their side now, he couldn’t be too bad except that he was an asshole.

“There’s no way, I’m gonna work with him!" Natsu stormed over to the table Gajeel sat at. “Not like I wanted to be your buddy. And listen, I’m only here because I need work. I hate everyone in this guild but times are tough so I had no choice," Gajeel growled at him.

“Hey, dragon dicks.” Alice calmly started off as she walked over and stood between them. “Natsu, master says he’s in the guild, so he’s in the guild. He’s not the bad guy anymore. And Gajeel, since you’re in the guild now, be less of an asshole. Yes, you’ve made it clear you’re just here for the jobs but as a Fairy Tail member, you can’t hate us. So, both of you, no ill will. Clean slate. And no-”

“Alice! You’re back! Come play the piano!” Mirajane shouted from the stage. “Don’t kill each other.” Alice said as a goodbye as she dashed up to the stage.

“It’s so shiny and new and pretty!” Alice gasped seeing the piano up close. The keys glistened with polish. The paint on the wood was smooth and pristine. There were no marks anywhere. “I’m gonna go play a song and then you can go next, okay?” Mira said, as she got out her magic guitar. “You mean, like now? I haven’t played in years!” Alice replied, in a squeak. “Well if you wanna play it I wanna hear you sing too!” Mira smiled as she stepped out to center front, and the curtains closed, leaving Alice behind them and Mira out to the crowd.

“Next up is Alice!” Mira exited the stage, “Go get em, Tiger," She giggled, walking off to the side as the curtains parted. Alice took a quick shot of Fairy juice to help calm her nerves. She always liked to sing and play music. But she also hated being the center of attention of this degree for something she wasn't confident in. So she had to calm her stage fright.

Long ago, whenever we'd meet
We would always fight, lie and scream.
Yet, I still look back on those days so fondly.
Because of you, I am the person who is standing here so proudly (before you)
And no matter how hard it may be I can grasp a hold of happiness, I believe (on my own).
Even though my heart is aching,
And my weakened spirit, breaking,
I will find a way to keep,
all those dreams we made so long ago.
I'll return to where it began,
And I'll thank God for the times we had.
So when I wake up to morning, I won't cry, even though I'm alone.

When I try to look through the past,
I can finally start to see,
That we were so young, full of life, and naive.
And now I question if this life we hold is nothing more than fleeting dreams.
But those thoughts, they only hold me back from becoming all that I can be. I'll move on.
I'll go anywhere, just watch me.
Never stopping, always growing.
Oh, this happiness I long for,
I know one day it will be with me.
Though our distance may grow further,
And our hearts are overwhelmed at times,
We can look back on all we made. I proclaim, I will be born again.

I can feel my heart is breaking,
And although my strength is dying,
I can hear a voice inside me, telling me that I must go on.
Life will always be so painful,
With this loneliness consuming me.
Still, I know that deep in my heart, there's a light that's shining brightly.

Now is where I take my last stand.
This is all I have, my last chance.
Time to make all our dreams come true.
If I fail, I'll just keep moving on.
When I close my eyes at night,
I can hear our laughter loud and clear,
Now I know what keeps me living,
You are my most precious treasure.

“Way to go Alice!”

“I never knew she sang in the first place, it was incredible."

Alice never claimed to have a good singing voice. She felt that her voice was subpar. It wasn't bad, and she could hold a tune-- but she didn't have a wide range and she didn't know how to control her breathing, mix her head and chest voice-- And she didn't know proper techniques and often left her voice sore and worn out after attempting a power ballad.

But Natsu said she had a pretty voice, and he'd know since he had dragon hearing.

Alice sat down at the table where her friends had settled at. “Is there someone up next?” Alice asked, sitting down next to Lucy. “No clue. But Gajeel disappeared.” Lucy replied.
And then suddenly the spotlight flashed onto Gajeel sitting on a stool, crossing his legs, holding a white guitar. He slicked his hair back, wore sunglasses and had put on a white suit.

“I wrote a song called: “Best Friend”.” Gajeel said. And started to play a jazzy-blues song. “Shobee do ba!”

He had the guitar skill but had a terrible voice and wrote weird lyrics.

The majority of the crowd booed him and threw food at him. “I can’t take anymore of this bad song!” Natsu cried, Gajeel threw his guitar at him and then pounced on him, and that led onto a huge guild fight. Even Erza joined in.

“Hey there, Alice.” Levy started up a conversation, walking over to Alice who helped clean up the mess from the huge fight. Many people were passed out. “Hey, Levy.” Alice smiled as she swept the floor. “I need to ask a favor of you.” Levy started off. Alice put down the broom against the bar to give Levy all her attention. It was rare for Levy to ask anything of Alice. “Yeah?” She nodded.

“Okay, so I didn’t want to drag anyone into this, but.... Droy and Jet are gonna call Gajeel out to a fight at South Gate park. And I want you there in case anything goes wrong. You know, my boys are strong and are good at their magic but against Gajeel? I’m no future teller like Cana but I know that if something doesn’t intervene, Droy and Jet are gonna get hurt pretty bad.” Levy shyly explained. “Sure, Levy, but I gotta ask, why me? Gajeel and I aren’t exactly on good terms either.” Alice co*cked her head to the side. “Yeah, but I just saw how you two talked to each other a while ago and you seemed pretty calm. I thought you’d be the best, what would I call it? Referee?” Levy uncomfortably smiled.

“All right. I’m in. I always wanted a rematch against him and this might be the best time.” Alice smiled deviantly.

Levy and Alice showed up to the park, where Droy and Jet were already at. “Why’d you bring her here, Levy?” Droy gave Alice an annoyed look. She sneered at him. “Well just in case things go wrong.” Levy calmly replied. “We don’t need her. She’ll just stop us!” Jet argued. Alice couldn’t keep quiet. “Look idiots. Gajeel is way stronger than both of you combined. If he takes this fight seriously, you two are done for so I don’t know why you even thought challenging him was a good idea.” Alice crossed her arms and shook her head. She leaned up against the tree.

And then Gajeel arrived. Levy stood by Alice. “All right. I’m here. Why’d you want to meet me?” Gajeel grumbled at the two boys. “We have a bone to pick with you!” Jet started off, shouting. “Yeah, after what you did to us, there’s no way you’re joining the guild!” Droy added.

Alice sighed, rolling her eyes. Boys.

“Come on guys, can’t you just forgive and forget?” Gajeel sighed, getting irritated. “Yeah, he’s right. Besides now that he’s in the guild, he’s not gonna do it again," Levy pointed out, bravely, although still noticeably scared of Gajeel. “Well we gotta let him know,” “That he can’t mess with us!"

Droy and Jet started beating on him. Gajeel stood there and took it, not retaliating. . “Maybe you should stop it now." Levy trembled. “I will soon enough. While I think this is pointless, Droy and Jet do have what any person does, the need to get revenge. Plus, I think at some point they’ll realize they’re only doing damage to their egos,” Alice said with a shrug.

“You’re not being rough on the new guy are you?”

Alice stiffened up at the voice. As he walked over, Alice stared him down with a dreadful glare. “You of all people.” Alice growled. “Cool it.” Laxus waved her off, which pissed her off more.

That cold sickening voice.

“Anyways, seeing as this is the punk that wrecked our guild hall, I understand how you feel,” Laxus walked closer to Gajeel. Alarm bells went off in Alice’s head.
“I bet the only reason the old man let you join the guild is because he was scared of you wrecking the place again."

“Leave him alone." Alice warned in a dark, cold tone. Electricity danced on her skin.
“Shut it, twerp! We’ve become the laughing stock of the magic community, because of you.” Laxus aimed that at Alice before going back to Gajeel. “On my way from my last job, I stopped at a few pubs and I heard some things that really pissed me off. Everyone was talking about how weak the Fairy Tail guild has become now. No one dared to say that about us until you came along. Now you’re going to pay!”

Laxus casted a Lightning Dragon Slayer spell at Gajeel, flinging him back. “Stop it!” Alice ran over, trying to intervene. Laxus shoved Alice to the side, and she hit the ground hard.

“No! Since you’ve came along this place has sunk, and he’s taking us down even further than before! He’s gonna mess with me now!” Laxus began to kick Gajeel. “He’s not even fighting back!” Alice cast a spell at Laxus although it seemed to have no effect. “Hitting your father even though he’s doing nothing wrong? Learn some respect!” He threw a stronger attack at her, she flew back.

“You’re taking this too far Laxus, leave him alone!” Jet shouted. Alice stood back up, although doubled over trying to regain her breath.

“I’m not taking orders from idiots like you!” Laxus cast a spell in the direction of Levy. Alice didn’t have time to teleport to save her. Her teleportation magic wasn’t strong enough yet to be on pure instinct. And Alice hated admitting it, but Laxus was on a level she had yet to ever brush against. She was getting there-- Then she hit a bump in the road. And now? He could kill her so easy if he wanted to. And that spell he threw at her was anything but merciful. She needed a moment to recover.

Gajeel, on the other hand got there in the nick of time, taking the lightning attack head on.


“Are you done now? I have things to do.” Gajeel grumbled out, raggedly and then walked off. Alice was at a loss of words. Laxus had gotten bored and walked off in the other direction.

“Gajeel!” Alice called after him, jogging his way, way out of breath.

“Leave me alone," He grumbled as Alice caught up to him. “Didn’t you hear? Get lost, I have a job to do," he growled at her, noticing her at his side. “I’m not stopping you. I just wanted to let you know how impressed I am at you for how you acted. With Droy and Jet and taking that hit for Levy.” Alice sincerely said. Gajeel scoffed with a dark smirk. “Nice to know I can appease the princess.”

Alice scowled. “Can you drop the asshole persona for like five minutes?!” Alice snapped. “Persona? Drop it? What did you think that was back there? I could've beat the daylights our of those two idiots and let that shrimp fry.” Gajeel snapped back, stopping and looking down at Alice who glared up at him. “Well you didn’t and I’m thankful for that but I’m glad that that attitude is just an act then.” Alice shot back sarcastically.

Gajeel sneered and continued walking off. “Damn Fairy Tail.” He muttered under his breath but Alice heard. She trailed after him. “Yeah, and that damn Fairy Tail gave you an opportunity to make a living!” Alice rebuked. “Yeah, I know! Can you get off my ass and leave me alone!” Gajeel stopped once more, abruptly and turned to get down into Alice’s face. “You know if you keep this up you’re not gonna make any friends.” Alice crossed her arms. “I don’t need any. I got myself and that’s good enough. I didn’t let those bastards hit me because I wanted your damn acceptance. I just want all of you off my ass.” He ended the sentence with a lower tone to get the message to set in.

Alice could see past his attitude. She saw her old self. She would’ve acted the same if someone got in her face like this. She smirked. “You know that's too bad. Because I’ve decided I’m gonna be your friend.”
Gajeel rolled his eyes while scoffing. He stood up straight. “I don’t need any damn friendship from some dried up fairy.”
“Oh yeah, call me names. I could still kick your ass. Sure, I’m not as strong as I used to be. And my dark magic is contained but guess what? I’m a dried up fairy- but I’m the dried up fairy that’s gonna make you love me and we’re gonna be the best of friends!”

“Oh sure. What happened to the Alice I saw at the beginning of this whole mess? I’d f*ck around with her.” Gajeel spun around and headed off. “She’s my dark side. Whenever my emotions get out of whack it triggers my dark magic and that’s where she comes from. She’s what they call Black Alice.” Alice shyly explained.

“Well what I gotta do to bring her out? She wasn’t as annoying as you.”

Chapter 29

Chapter Text

Alice strolled into the guild hall, and noticed all the preparations going on for the Fantasia event.
And then she saw Gajeel sitting at a table by himself and thought to go annoy him. A while had gone by since he joined the guild and Alice took it upon herself to bother him as much as possible.

She skipped over to him. As he noticed her, he frowned with a loud sigh. “Hey, Gajeel!” Alice smiled. “Leave me alone.” He grumbled. Which was the normal dialogue from him. Alice innocently pouted. “You were gone for so long this time and I just wanted to say hi before you left again.”
Gajeel rolled his eyes. “Whatever. You little friends left a while ago, so go find them and stop bothering me.”
Alice then smirked and rolled her eyes at him. “There you go with your asshole attitude.”

Gajeel made a “tch” noise. “If you’re that bothered by it, then go away!” He snapped. “As much as I’d love to listen to you, I can’t. I gotta stay here since the Miss Fairy Contest will be happening soon.”

“What’s it anyways? A beauty pageant?”

“Pretty much. Fairy Tail female wizards go up on stage, one by one, looking as hot as possible, trying to win as many votes as possible and the winner gets jewel and bragging rights for the year. Mirajane has been winning it for the last few years. But I’m gonna win if it’s the last thing I do!” Alice proclaimed. “Good luck with that. Can’t imagine who’d vote for you. You’re the spitin’ image of that piece of work father of yours.”

Alice gasped, offended. Right in her pride. “Yeah, well!- You’re gonna vote for me, dammit!”
Gajeel scoffed. “Listen, sweetheart, if I’m voting for anyone, it ain’t gonna be you.”
Alice wasn’t gonna win this battle. “So, if not me, then Levy, right? She’s entering the contest too and since you saved her from Laxus’ attack, you like her then!” Alice teased, although her heart wasn’t fully in it. But she did think Levy and Gajeel were gonna be canon now.

“It sure as hell ain’t gonna be that shrimp either. Now f*ck off.”

“Oh, Gajee. You’re no fun. But I’ll forgive you for being mean to me when you vote for me!” Alice said, walking off.
She didn’t win the battle. Gajeel’s asshole personality, while fun to mess with, was taxing because he was well.... An asshole.

Alice needed a self-esteem boost because she wasn’t gonna get it from the contest.

“And coming in as entry number 5, the Princess of magic, Alice Dreyar."

No one appeared on stage. “Alice?” The announcer said.

Alice teleported right on a table right in the middle of the hall. “I’m right, here, boys.” She sat there, legs crossed. She wore a black and red bikini set alone with bright red stiletto heels. Years before she leaned on her ability to do lolita right but she assumed that the cute factor wasn’t gonna work anymore.

The spot light found her. She slid off the table slowly and alluringly, making sure to make eye contact with Alzack, as she ‘accidentally’ fell right into his lap. She had a thing for his emo/shy personality. Of course, she shipped him and Bisca together. And while they weren't together, Bisca got aggressively jealous when Alice flirted when Alzack.

The boy turned bright red. “Oops, sorry. I seem to be too smooth against this table. I took a really long, hot, steamy bath today just for this occasion. I guess I’m too smooth and soft.”
Alzack was speechless. The men around her whistled and cat-called. Something she would’ve hated if it wasn’t for this occasion.

She got off him and sashayed over to the stage, making sure to touch and brush up against as many men as possible. She also made sure not to make eye contact with Natsu. She could feel his eyes burn her body. Here she was flirting and strutting around barely clothed, trying to please numerous men that were either too old, too young, or creepy. People she would never have an interest in.

Alice made her way up the stage, making sure to blow a kiss at the crowd and then strutting back stage.

She requiped into a kimono style slip over her bikini. She was cold.

Alice noticed many of her friends frozen, and seemingly made out of stone. “Evergreen?” Alice wondered, seeing a familiar face. Evergreen was a tall, voluptuous woman with sandy brown hair that she combed up into a side ponytail... Alice always assumed Evergreen was in love with her father and was subtly trying to copy Yoko's old style.
But Evergreen wore a short and green "pixie" dress and a pair of matching dress gloves. She also had a pair of pastel purple wings on her back. She primarily used "Fairy" magic, trying to be the poster girl for Fairy Tail. But she was a stuck up bitch with a holier than thou attitude.

She was part of the Thunder Legion, therefore, one of Laxus' worshipers.

Along with Fairy magic, she had a "stone eyes" spell that made anyone who made eye-contact with her turn to stone. Seeing that all of the girls backstage were statues, it was only simple to assume Evergreen had done it. But why?

“Oh, you’re so right, Alice.” As Alice heard her voice, it was too late. Alice looked into her eyes and suddenly was frozen.

Alice unfroze, laying on the ground in the guild hall. “Was I... Evergreen!” Alice gasped, remembering her last moments before she was stone.

“You’re back to normal!” Happy cheered. Alice sat up, seeing Master, Happy, Gajeel, and the other girls. Bisca, Cana, Lucy, Levy, Mira and other unimportant characters.

“Can someone please tell me what’s going on?” Alice asked. Happy took in a big breath.
“Laxus and the Thunder Legion turned you all to stone and then made everyone fight each other. But Master, Gajeel and Natsu can’t go because of Freed’s runes. Erza was able to come back and she just defeated Evergreen and now you are all back!"

“At any rate it's over now. I only played his game because your lives were at risk, but I won’t indulge him anymore." Master crossed his arms, shaking his head. “Wait... Laxus is behind all of this?” Alice was feeling too many emotions. Confusion, anger, betrayal, fear, sadness, and that one feeling of missing something her whole life. Why would Laxus do this? Sure, he was the world's biggest asshole and he was a friend of no one.. But he was a part of Fairy Tail.

Of course, perhaps if his god-complex got too big for his britches, then maybe he finally snapped.

“We can’t let him get away with this," Bisca said, in her southern accent. “Trust me, he won’t. I’ll teach him a lesson. He should know better. You can mess with me but not my guild," Master assured.
“Hey now, I don’t know about taking hostages, but I don’t mind finding out who’s the strongest in Fairy Tail. I think we should keep the battle going," Natsu suggested. “Well it’s been a long time coming, but I assure you, I’m not giving up my title as the strongest in Fairy Tail.” Alice lightly teased although the looks she got told her that no one saw her as the strongest.

No. She couldn’t even put a scratch on Laxus.

“Well anyways I bet he was just trying to have some fun before the festival. Give him a break." Natsu defended Laxus. And there was more conflicting feelings. Alice wanted to believe Natsu.
“Now let’s go, round 2 right here!" Natsu shouted but no one took him seriously.

“Come on! let’s fight! I have all this pent up energy! Alice let’s go, right now," Natsu challenged, lightly punching Alice in the shoulder. Not enough to hurt her, but maybe enough to fire her up. “I think it's bad to fight your girlfriend," Happy commented. “I don’t care who she is! Let’s fight Alice!” Natsu shook off Happy’s comment.

Alice squealed. “I’m not his girlfriend!”
“Well you two sure kiss a lot," Happy shrugged with a devious smile. “If I’m fighting anyone, it’s gonna be you, cat!” Alice threatened.

Runes that covered the main doors flew to the center to the room and made the shape of a skull. “Can you hear me, old man?” Laxus’ voice came from it. “The rest of you better listen up too!”

“What do you want?” Natsu demanded. “Looks like one of the rules went out the window, that’s fine. I’ll just add a new one. In other words, since I would hate to end the Battle of Fairy Tail early, I decided to activate the Thunder Palace. You have an hour and ten minutes. If you think you can win, then you better get moving. Unless you’re ready to hand the guild over to me now.” The runes flew back to the barrier and went back to being transparent.

Alice was speechless. There was no excusing it now.
But even then-- Something that she hated about herself, is that she was Yoko Akashiya's daughter-- Who somehow something good in Laxus. (Apparently enough to sleep with him ((gross)) and so Alice couldn't hate the guy.

Deep down, she really yearned for that father-daughter bond that she missed out on due to the giant Rainbow Sakura tree up his ass.

“This has gone on long enough Laxus! I swea-” Master collapsed, suddenly from the distress.

“Grandpa!” Alice gasped and ran over to him. “I’ll go get his medicine.” Mira said, running off. “Laxus’ temper tantrum must’ve caused him too much stress.” Alice worried.

Mira came back with a bottle. “I got it. But you guys better go look outside.” Mira ran down the stairs, their way.

Everyone took a glance at one another before heading to the outside balcony.

“Those are lightning lacrimas. So this is Laxus’ doing.” Alice noticed the designs of them. Big yellow transparent orbs with a lightning bolt in the middle and a metal ring around the outside. There were dozens of them spaced out evenly in the air around Magnolia.

“When they go off, everything inside the circle will be shot with voltage and be burnt to a crisp."

“Well let’s shoot them down." Bisca requiped a sniper rifle and shot one and it exploded. “There we go!”

Bisca’s body was suddenly broke out in electric shocks. She screamed and then collapsed. “It’s body link magic.” Alice commented with a growl. Why was Laxus doing this?!

“We better go defeat Laxus then!” Cana suggested. “I’ll go warn the citizens," Lucy said running off first.
Then Alice, Levy, Gajeel, and Natsu were left. Alice planned on going after Laxas herself. It was a suicide mission-- But, it would be one hell of a way to go out.

Natsu smashed his forehead against the rune wall.

Alice, with no thought in her thinking she’d be stopped, climbed over the rail, ready to summon her disk. But then as she touched the rune wall, instead of going through it, being stopped, she was shocked. Alice fell over backwards with a small surprised scream. Natsu, immediately was at her side, helping her up. “What happened?”

“Look, it’s another rune. It says "No black magic shall go past. Consequence: Painful magic drain".” Levy read. “The only way to get passed it would be to be drained of all magic energy.” Levy then theorized. “But my dark magic is locked away. I have no way to even access it.” Alice lightly argued, confused.

“Just because you can’t access it doesn’t mean you don’t have it. I’ve always been able to sense the darkness in your energy," Levy clarified. “So I just gotta let this thing deplete me of magic energy? That’s fine by me.” Alice said with a shrug, about to touch it.
“Yeah, you’re not gonna do that.” Natsu slapped Alice’s wrist scornfully. “Screw your damn promise!” Alice snapped, switching quickly. Natsu then held her against himself, wrapping his arms around her from behind and taking her wrists into his hands. Alice squirmed around. “f*cking let me go!”

“Woah, that was a quick change.” Gajeel commented with a laugh. “It’s Black Alice. We believe that it’s from blocking her dark magic. Since her magic is very emotionally driven, it also acts out when she feels very strongly about negative things.” Levy shyly explained, her cheeks hot and warm with embarrassment. She refused to look into Gajeel’s intense red eyes. “Yeah, Black Alice is way much more stronger and likes using colorful language." Natsu struggled to keep Alice contained in his arms. Gajeel looked down at her, amused. Alice glared up at him as she wriggled around. “What are you looking at you Iron Dragon asshole! I’ll bash your head into the stone until you can’t smirk ever again. I swear to fu-”

“Yep this is the one I first met during the fight. I like her." Gajeel chuckled

“Let go of me Flame idiot, your stupid heat is making my burn hurt like hell, and also while we’re at it, can you get your erection off my ass!" Alice barked at Natsu, now trying to elbow him. “Gimme back normal you first!" Natsu calmly replied.
“This got boring fast.” Gajeel grumbled, walking back downstairs. “I better get working on the runes," Levy excused.

“Let me go! I need to go teach that sh*t father of mine a lesson!” Alice took as much strength from within her to slam Natsu into the stone wall.
“I don’t want you to hurt yourself just to get out. Without any magic how are you gonna do anything?” Natsu logically argued. “I’ll sap some from Mira if I have to.” Alice casually replied.
“You’re not doing that, she needs her magic too," He argued. “To hell with all of you," Alice muttered lowly.

“You don’t mean that."

“If you’re gonna rub yourself on me like that, wouldn’t you like me to face you?” Alice knew she couldn’t hurt him, but she was now turned on. Black Alice was a sexual deviant. And Natsu had a major hard on at the moment, only because Alice had her ass wriggling up against him. It wasn’t like he meant to get like this. Although since mating season was upon them, it seemed like Natsu had a constant hard on when he was around Alice.

“It’s not my fault. You-Ah!” Natsu gasped as Alice grinded skillfully against him. With that Alice broke free enough to turn around, facing him, and pinning him against the wall. Even though she was several inches shorter than him, her piercing gaze on him, made him feel small. “Come on, you’ve had to have wanted to f*ck me, right? All those things I’ve done to you when I’m wasted? All these skimpy outfits I wear? Look at what I’m wearing right now! Look at how this bikini top pushes my tit* together, they look so good, don’-” Natsu cut off Alice’s vulgar words, kissing her hard.

Alice kissed back, but roughly, trying to take the reigns. But Natsu, kept Alice at bay, holding her at a distance, not allowing her to move up against him.

He broke away, staring down at Alice’s light blue eyes. “Alice, please don’t hurt yourself, all right?”

Alice, while back to normal, was ashamed at her inappropriate language and her shameless flirting.
She was done being that girl and she now felt sick to her stomach just knowing those things came out of her mouth.

She walked away and back down into the hall. Levy had sat on the ground, surrounded by books, trying to decode the runes.

“Did you guys kiss and make up? Or you still the fun Alice?” Gajeel teased. “Don’t say another word.” Alice snapped at him. Natsu followed Alice down.

He sped over to the front entranced and pressed his forehead against the rune wall.

Alice strode over to Gajeel who sat at the table closest to the stage, and Alice sat on the stage. “I’ll give you credit. You got some good hoots.” Gajeel said.
“What does that mean?” Alice, grumpily asked. “The pageant. You got the biggest noise. Of course, a lot were mad that you didn’t do lolita. Didn’t know you used to do Lolita modeling.” Gajeel smirked over at Alice who gave him a bored look. She rolled her eyes. “Yep. "Alice of Earthland". One of Lolita Weekend’s top models. I quit them when Sorcerer Weekly offers became more regular. Lolita got angry at me for working with their competitor but like I wasn’t gonna stick with them. Lolita Weekend liked me because of my looks while Sorcerer Weekly at least recognized my wizard work too. Lolita Weekend wanted to erase that because it ruined my cute image. But I still have a fan base because of them.” Alice shrugged, slouching forward, in a bad mood, but relatively calm, talking to Gajeel.

“I wouldn’t have known. I have only known you for being the Fairy Princess. It all started when you became S-Class at 11 and then reports and people were just constantly talking about you kicking ass. And then suddenly you weren’t the big star anymore. Just Titania and Salamander. If I did catch wind of you, it was being that lizard’s pet. Even meeting you, you’re a handful. I admit, you and me can do some damage fighting. Wish it would’ve been you in that last showdown. You’d’ve been a bigger challenge. I’m not tryna build your ego here, but why are you settling for Salamander? You could own his ass.”

Gajeel was catching feelings for Alice. More in a lustful way than anything.
He was trying to flirt out of boredom but without being too forward because then he’d get Natsu on his ass. But what was he supposed to do? She was wearing a freaking bikini, for crying out loud!

Alice sat up, kinda shocked at his words. “Have you been drinking?”

Gajeel took offense to that. “Why?” He demanded. “The Gajeel I know is an ass from Hell who woke up on the wrong side of the wrong bed.” Alice said with a shrug, being honest. Him being decent was a nice change she wasn’t expecting. She didn’t like the way she liked being with him.

“I don’t know. I’m bored out of my mind so I was trying to have a nice conversation with you, damn.” Gajeel grumbled, looking to the side. Alice smiled wryly.
“What? I don’t really care what you think!” Gajeel scowled at her. “I just didn’t think you’d open up like that.” Alice innocently looked away. “I’m not opening up! And I don’t need to! If I need you to know what I’m thinking, I’ll tell ya!” Gajeel raised his voice in stubborn embarrassment.

Alice laughed. “You’re something else, Gajeel Redfox.”

Gajeel looked down, flustered. “Yeah, yeah. Now tell me, you’re a Dragon Slayer, aren’t ya?” He changed the subject. “I mean, I guess. I had Umiko the Water Dragon for like two years. I know some Slayer magic but since we didn’t have much time together, she thought basic education was more important than magic. I mean, I got water lungs and scales to breathe and live underwater but that’s not that cool. After I ran away from the cult school, I found her. She was in the forest looking for leaves for her home underwater. She has wings but she doesn’t really use them to fly, more to propel through water. She found me and she took me in, and we lived above water until I got my water lungs but not much later, she disappeared.”

“Hold up a minute, cult school? Man, Laxus is a piece of work father.”

Alice shrugged. “Yeah. After Mom died, Laxus shipped me off far away where he wouldn’t have to deal with me, and cult school was the best option apparently. I was 3 and I didn’t escape until I was 7. That’s where I got my black magic. Umiko helped me control it and my emotions. Since I can’t access my dark magic and can’t really control it and I don’t know much water dragon slayer magic, I use lightning magic. Which, no offense to you real slayers, I find this more freeing and stronger for me.”

“How so?” Gajeel asked intrigued. “Well first off I can manipulate magic energy. I can drain your magic and use it as my own. And it works extremely well with my lightning magic and so much more while a water dragon slayer doesn’t seem as cool as an Iron Dragon Slayer or even Fire Dragon Slayer. I mean your elements are so much cooler. Like "oh look at Gajeel being hardcore and eating f*cking iron", or "Natsu eating fire, woah." And..."Alice is drinking a glass of water".” Alice sarcastically joked, getting a chuckle out of Gajeel. “I can see that, yeah, but you just need water right? You’re in the forest, you can eat a damn leaf and get energy. Do you know how hard it is to just find Iron? Or fire?” Gajeel countered..

“Okay, well aren’t your piercings iron?” Alice pointed out. “Yeah, but that’s for last resort. Though, for emergencies, what are your piercings made of?”

“Uh, I don't know. Metal?” Alice shrugged. “Hm. Well that’s no help.”
“You’re not eating my earrings! Besides you got way more than I do!”

“Woah, Lucy just beat Bickslow!” Natsu shouted, reading the runes give updates on the fights. Natsu’s outburst grabbed Alice’s and Gajeel’s attention. Alice hopped down, skipping over to Natsu. “No way she could’ve done that!” Alice said in disbelief. “She’s just a cheerleader.” Gajeel commented, referring to Lucy’s performance in the pageant. She dressed in a cheerleader’s outfit and with the help of her spirits, did a cheer for her act.

Alice got closer to the rune and then slammed face first into her own rune, which was smaller than theirs, a few feet behind. She felt a zap and fell back on her butt. “I am not liking that at all! Why is mine the one that’s invisible?” Alice complained.

“Hey, cheerleaders can be tough too!” Natsu ignored Alice’s complaint to defend Lucy. Alice did not like that. She noticed that there was something off in Natsu’s eyes, but she couldn’t tell what.

What it was though was Natsu being extremely jealous of the attention Alice was giving Gajeel in recent weeks. Alice hung out at the guild longer with Gajeel. Alice always was sitting with Gajeel. Always laughing and talking with Gajeel. She smiled and blushed, her heart even pounded harder. Alice might’ve not noticed her attraction to Gajeel, but Natsu sure did. And it angered him so he avoided her more. He spent nights at Lucy’s, he kept his distance from Alice just because he associated his jealousy with her and he didn’t like feeling anything negative towards her.

He was also now miffed by Alice and Gajeel’s flirting moments ago.

So when he wasn’t fawning over Alice, he naturally, and unintentionally went to Lucy.

Alice stood up. “It was probably Leo or Aquarius. She couldn’t do anything on her own.” Alice crossed her arms, throwing Lucy under the bus. “Since when have cheerleaders been tough?” Gajeel argued with Natsu.

She felt weird being trapped behind a line, while Natsu and Gajeel were up ahead. She felt ignored. But she wasn’t going to let that get her down, although she was going to let it get to her.

“Haven’t you ever heard of the story of the tortoise and the race?” Natsu countered, inaccurately. “It was a hare," Alice corrected. “Yeah and it didn’t even win!” Gajeel added.

“That’s it!” Levy outburst. “That’s what...?” Alice looked back to Levy, confused as to if Levy was going on with the conversation or was having an epiphany about her translations and yelled at the wrong time. “I have to translate the two....” Levy mumbled, going back to her world of books. “She’s a whole different kind of smart.” Alice nodded, admiring Levy’s quirkiness. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you fell in love with her, Gajeel." She jabbed at Gajeel. He crossed his arms and grumbled, “If so maybe you’d follow my lead and fall for someone with a brain."

“You know how hard it is to find a guy with one of those? I had to go with what I could get!” Alice argued, accidentally insulting any guys she had an interest in.

“Okay I got it!” Levy jumped to her feet. “I got theirs, but I’ll start on yours next Alice, but once I get this, you two will be able to go after Laxus."

Levy walked over to Natsu and Gajeel’s rune and started to rewrite it.

“Freed has traps all over town and we don’t have time for another full out battle between you two, so split up so you don’t get caught together in a rune again.” Alice advised. “Got it.” Natsu nodded, with a mischievous smirk, fired up to run out the door once he was cleared to go.

Natsu then was caught off guard by Alice’s gaze at him. She looked like she was caught in a few different emotions and then she gazed at Gajeel who gave her a bored look. Her heart skipped a beat.

Natsu was losing Alice to Gajeel?

Natsu, with a dark, hidden eyes, strode over to Alice. “Natsu?” Alice wondered as he pulled her a few feet away from her rune. Natsu hugged Alice, and put his lips to Alice’s temple. Alice hesitated and saw Gajeel look at them, stopping her from reciprocating the embrace. “I know what you’re gonna do once I leave because you’re too impatient to let Levy work her stuff.” Natsu mumbled against Alice. “Okay and? I can’t stand around while Laxus makes a mockery of our guild.” Alice replied, embarrassed that her intentions were that predictable.

“Okay guys, go. I did it!” Levy announced. Gajeel didn’t hesitate and was gone. Natsu let go of Alice, and looked down at her watching Gajeel speed off. “I know you like him. But I’m not gonna lose to him.” Natsu said boldly, turning to leave. Alice grabbed his wrist, making him hesitate. He looked back at her heart stricken expression. She leapt the distance between them, pulling him into a tight hug. Natsu let out a relieved breath, hoping that he said something to break her out of the spell Gajeel put her under.

Alice wrapped her arms tight around his neck, as Natsu held her firmly.

"Please don't wait for me. You'll be disappointed when you realize how much you miss out on for me."

Natsu's own heart faltered, dropping down into his stomach.

“But...if things didn’t get so messy with Loke, I might’ve wanted to explore more of my feelings for you but I’m not ready for that yet.” “Okay. I’ll wait.” “No. Don’t wait. You shouldn’t have to wait for me!” Alice shot her gaze back up at him, revealing her distressed expression. Natsu lightly smiled. “You’re right. But I want to. You’re my best friend Alice and you’re the only person in the world right now that I want to do these things with.”

"Go." Alice let go of him, pushing him around back towards the entrance.
There wasn't time to discuss this, so Natsu felt there was nothing more he could do but run off into battle, hopefully going to pummel Laxus down into a bleeding pulp. Maybe that'd make the dark cloud over his head go away.

Alice pursed her lips, watching him disappear out of the guild hall. Was she falling for Gajeel?
Was she that obvious? And if so, was she hurting Natsu?

She loved Natsu with almost her entire being. So why would her heart linger off and fall for Gajeel of all people?

“Okay, now that I figured out how to decode that one, maybe yours will be the same.” Levy said with a sigh and went back to work with her books. Alice sat down next to her. “Don’t push yourself. I can open my own rune, you know.” Alice smiled softly at Levy’s determination. “What? And let you hurt yourself and deplete your energy? No way! This is what I’m good at so let me help out in the best way I can.” Levy replied.

“Okay, but like you have to give me some advice first.”

Chapter 30

Chapter Text

“-WAit! You’re saying you have a crush on Gajeel?!” Levy gasped, horrified. She looked at a bashful Alice with wide eyes. “I mean...I wanna say that I don’t but Natsu said I do.” Alice looked down, feeling wrong about herself.
“Just cause he says so doesn’t mean he’s right....right?” Levy asked her, a hand to her frail heart.

“Look, Natsu knows things about me that I don’t even know and he hasn’t been wrong yet. I mean, thinking about it, I don’t think he is wrong. I didn’t mean for it to happen. It just did. And I don’t know how to stop it.” Alice said, feeling agitated with her own mind battling itself.

“Well, Gajeel said something and you were acting like Black Alice, maybe that side of you likes him," Levy tried to reason with Alice. Which could be possible.

The conversation stopped when someone walked into the guild hall. An older woman with pink hair tied into a bun with a hair pin, red piercing eyes, and a pink cloak. “Porlyusica?” Alice wondered. “Where can I find the old fool?” Porlyusica asked firmly. “In the infirmary, come on.” Alice got up and walked her there.

“So why are you here? He can’t be that ill, right?” Alice was getting worried.

“Why are you here? Shouldn’t you be out running a muck like the other idiots?” Porlyusica avoided the question. “No, Freed put up a rune, the dark magic in me disables me from going past it unless I deplete myself of magic energy.” Alice answered, not going to fight with the old woman.

“I think it's the stress that did this.” Alice guessed, standing at the door, letting the healer look Master over. “Of course it is, he’s a fool for not retiring like I told him to. Get Laxus here.” Porlyusica ordered

“Why? Wouldn’t he make things worse?” Alice crossed her arms, stubbornly. “That’s not the point. He shouldn’t be acting like this. Makarov’s family should be here with him as he lays on his deathbed.” Porlyuisca said, giving Alice a dreadful look. “No. There’s no way!” Alice shook her head. Sure, Alice was rather distant from her Great Grandfather and only really called him Master but he was family.

“There’s no time for denial!”

Alice rushed out back into the hall. “Levy! You need to stop what you’re doing and go get Laxus!” Alice shouted as she parkoured over a rail, not wasting time. “What?!” Levy squeaked out. “Master is on his deathbed according to Porlyusica. She said Laxus should know and he needs to be here for Master. I can’t go, so you’ll have to do it!” Alice explained, reaching her. “What about your rune? Someone needs to decode it.” Levy tried to argue. “Levy. This is more important if I have to I’ll do what needs done. You’re the only one who can go. The Thunder Legion is down and Natsu and Gajeel are probably at Laxus by now, so you know they won’t let him hurt you.” Alice reasoned. Levy nodded uneasily.

Levy stood up, took off her glasses. “Take care, Alice. Don’t be too hard on yourself.” Levy then ran out.

Alice strode over to her rune and sat down, leaning up against it, letting it take all her energy.
Alice bit her lip, and squeezed her eyes shut as they watered. She took deep breaths in and out. It hurt like hell. It felt like a million little needles emptying out into her skin. And as it sunk deeper into her, she felt worn. Tired, unfocused, weak.

In that time the Thunder Palace was taken out and then Alice was out of enough energy to be depleted of dark magic.

She knew when she fell through what used to be the rune.

She couldn’t see straight and it hurt to try to focus her eyes, her head was light and dizzy. It was hard to focus on the task at hand but her body got up and ran to Kardia Cathedral where she felt all the magic energy.

Her head pounded with every step. And-- DAMMIT she forgot to requip out of her bikini before she drained herself! Now she's stuck running through Magnolia, practially naked with only a sheer kimino slip as coverage!

There was a crowd of civilians gawking at Laxus and Natsu on the roof of the cathedral, fighting. Natsu was all beat up, and hunched over. Laxus was in his ultimate form, using his Dragon Slayer Magic.

Alice made her way through the crowd, wobbling the whole way. “Alice!” Levy exclaimed, holding up a battered Gajeel. “What’s happened?” Alice asked, not tearing her gaze off the fight. “Back in the Cathedral, Laxus tried to use Fairy Law but turns out the spell was able to sense in his heart that Fairy Tail is not his enemy.” Levy informed.

Figures Alice thought to herself. Laxus would go through all this trouble to wipe out Fairy Tail and Magnolia, just to prove that he did care for them all.

Alice knew that Laxus was her father and she knew she wasn’t obligated to love him or accept him. But... as much as she hated him, was disgusted by him, and knew he acted the same to her, she had to at least acknowledge him as her only surviving parent and not to alienate him for forever and she could get over this transgression eventually.

Sound seemed to sound muffled in Alice’s ears as she was losing focus. Laxus hit Natsu with a lightning spell, and Natsu laid down twitching.

“Come on, Natsu.” Alice said, but she couldn’t tell if sound came out of her mouth.

Natsu stood back up but wasn’t doing well.
Alice realized Natsu was right; Once she got out, she’d be useless without her magic. She couldn’t do any magic, she could barely move, all she could do was watch.

But it pained her to sit there and watch Natsu get his ass kicked. It reminded her of when she first came to Fairy Tail. When Natsu challenged Laxus to a fight and if Natsu won, Alice would stay at Fairy Tail, of course Natsu didn’t win that fight but his fiery passion inspired others to stand up to Laxus and fight for her as well.

Laxus started to build more energy for another powerful spell. The lightning was blinding. “No, Laxus! That could kill him!” Freed shouted.

Alice caught notice of Gajeel hobbling away from Levy, with an arm transformed into a rod. Alice knew Gajeel’s plan and concocted one of her own.

She ran over to Gajeel. “Take me up there with you. You attract the lightning and then I’ll be able to use it to convert it to magic energy and I’ll give it to Natsu and he’ll have the upper hand.” Alice said. Gajeel was too tired to argue and in his other arm, he held up Alice as he also climbed up the cathedral outside.

Alice knew this would have consequences for her.

Laxus fired the spell, Natsu flinched getting ready for impact, too battered to dodge it. Gajeel, right on time, got on the roof, and his iron attracted the spell, hitting him and Alice with it. Alice closed her eyes and she took in all the lightning dragon slayer magic. Her normal lightning magic was no match for this and her body wasn’t compatible with it. Using her energy magic and all the focus she could manage, because if she was a hair off, she could hurt herself, Gajeel, or Natsu too.

Alice knelt on the ground, as her body vibrated with power. She shot up, her eyes dilated, her body paled and yet glowed, her hair standing up on its ends. “What’s going on?!” Laxus roared. Her body was trying to reject the Lightning Dragon Slayer magic but she refused to give in and fought harder, and at the last minute before Laxus would focus back on his fight with Natsu, Alice raised a hand in Natsu’s direction and shooting him with pure magic energy.

Alice finally blacked out, her body twitching with lightning.

“With the help of Porlyusica, the master will be fine. He’ll be back to work in no time.” Erza announced. The guild cheered. Alice clapped excitedly.

“Do you really think we should do the parade still?” Lucy asked over the commotion. “Yeah. Nothing can stop Fairy Tail," Gray replied. “I can’t wait to see what the parade is like!” Juvia smiled, sitting next to Gray. “Really?” Gray smiled softly at her.

Alice shipped it.

“You’ll be in it!” Cana walked up from behind, drunkenly leaning against Juvia. Juvia gasped and blushed. “You’re in the guild, aren’t you?” Macao asked, walking by. “Yeah, I just though since I’m a new member, I wouldn’t be in it.” Juvia got up and walked over to a nearby pillar to trace small circles on it with her finger. “You’d think she’d have more enthusiasm.” Alice hummed, leaning back on her arms, since she was sitting on the table. “Isn’t she the cutest?” Cana giggled. Alice shipped that too.

“Well we do need everyone, since those two won’t be in it." Gray shrugged over to the two Dragon Slayers who were completely covered in bandages, even Natsu’s mouth- of course Alice was convinced it was patched there just to keep him quiet. "Screw you and your festival," Gajeel grumbled. Natsu tried to speak but it was impossible to understand, since it was muffled. The table exchanged confused glances. “Maybe he’s just speaking stupid," Happy said, biting into a fish. Alice laughed at his comment.

Natsu grouched at Gajeel, “It had nothing to do with that!” Gajeel blushed. “How could he understand that?” Lucy wondered. “Maybe it’s because he speaks stupid too.” Alice shrugged, high fiving Happy. “You guys have a serious mean streak," Lucy commented. Alice laughed. But she stopped when she sensed a familiar magic energy. Laxus.

He walked shyly into the guild with the whole room's attention on him. Alice and him gave each other the same indifferent expression.

Everyone gathered around, surrounding Laxus. It was a violent atmosphere.

"What do you want?"


"Where's the old man?" Laxus asked. "We ain't telling!" Droy said and people started threatening Laxus. Alice pushed herself forward to the front. “Everyone keep your mouth shut. The master is his family and he has every right to see him.” Alice warned, quieting the room. Alice was surprised by her sudden need to protect him. Maybe she truly was a Dreyar after all.

The Fairy Tail way was her moral code.

"He's in the infirmary," Erza answered. Laxus nodded walking towards that way. Natsu hopped forward, shouting muffled noises at him. “May I ask for a translation?” Alice looked towards Gajeel. “He’s pretty much challenging him to another fight, this time one on one.” Gajeel shrugged, boredly.

"I thought you guys beat him?" Lucy asked. "Did you see what he did to us? It was more of a draw. If he was around during the Phantom Lord battle, I would be six feet under," Gajeel admitted.

Laxus turned away from Natsu to go to the infirmary. "Where do you think you're going?" Natsu asked. Alice was able to understand this because it was the same tone and length as that question he constantly asked Alice when they got in a fight and Alice would storm off, and Natsu, agitated, would go after her.

Laxus waved him off and he was out of the hall.

"Show's over. Let's get ready for the Fantasia parade!" Erza clapped her hands, getting everyone back on board with the parade.

Alice float was a cute little princess set. Pastel colors, flowers, woodland creatures, butterflies, the works. She stood there in a frilly rainbow dress, with her ears transfigured into pointy elf ears. She was embarrassed at her float and how much positive response there was.

She had to hop around, dancing, waving her fake magic wand around. She wanted to die. She hadZERO say in her float, but Mirajane was on the verge of tears, so Alice had to agree to it.

As the final float came though, came the cue to do the Fairy Tail hand gesture. Even if I can’t see you, I’ll be looking your way.

Alice looked through the crowd and actually spotted her father, crying. And then he walked away. Alice started to cry herself. She never witnessed this before. She knew this would be the last time she’d see him for a long time. If ever again.

“Don’t you think you were being harsh?!” Alice shouted at her great grandfather. “No, not at all. He put the lives of my children at risk and even the whole town! That was not excusable." Master crossed his arms. “Everyone makes mistakes, you taught me that everyone can be forgiven," Alice desperately argued. “I did, but as the master of Fairy Tail I have to follow rules and my rule is we are a family, we don’t harm one another. I’m sorry that this hurts your feelings, Alice, but it also breaks my heart too. If you feel so strongly about it, how about reaching out to him outside of the guild to build a relationship with him?“

Chapter 31



Chapter Text

“There goes my rent money!” Lucy cried. “Why? What happened?” Alice walked over to her. “The Miss Fairy Tail results are in! And I didn’t win!”
“Oh, yeah, I forgot about that.” Alice gasped, skipping over.

  1. Erza
  2. Alice
  3. Lucy
  4. Juvia
  5. Cana
  6. Bisca
  7. Levy
  8. Mirajane

“I knew I should have went Lolita! It’s always a winner!” Alice cried, defeated. “Wait...I knew how many votes it would take to win...All right! Who didn’t vote for me that I told to!” Alice shouted, turning to the rest of the guild. “You voted for me, didn’t you?” Alice pointed at Happy. “Aye!”

“How about you, Flame Dick?” Alice hopped over to Natsu. They weren’t on the best terms at the moment. They had an argument the night before, and that would result in Alice kicking him out for the night. “I only vote for my friends!” Natsu raised his voice at Alice, trying to start another argument. “So we’re not friends now? Well, it looks like Gray’s my love interest now.” Alice shrugged, walking away. “ARE YOU SURE IT’S NOT GAJEEL BECAUSE YOU SURE LIKE TO-” Natsu was shut up by Alice throwing a whole table at him.

Dragon Mating Season wasn’t being kind to anyone. Alice, Natsu and Gajeel all strung up on hormones, although it didn’t seem to actually mess with Gajeel at all from how he acted.
But Alice and Natsu were letting out pent up frustration on each other.

“Did you vote, Gray?” Alice casually asked, sitting by him. “Huh?”
“Miss Fairy Tail Contest. You voted for me, right?”
“Yeah. You didn’t win, did you?” He guessed. “I got second," Alice grumbled, hunching over, depressed. “Well I think you’re the prettiest girl I know," He complimented. “Suck up," Natsu mumbled, walking past, already done with the table business.

“So did you hear, Sorcerer Weekly is coming by today! Fairy Tail is going to be the cover!” Happy flew over. “Oh really?”

A man of average looks, height, and build ran over to Alice. He had bright yellow short hair swept to the side. He wore a plain t-shirt and jeans and he had a pencil in his hair. He jumped around Alice, taking multiple photos from multiple angles. His name was Jason and he was a big writer and editor for Sorcerer Weekly.

“Alice! You’re still so cool!”
“Thank you.” Alice sweetly smiled, trying not to move too much.
“It is rumored you and Loke broke up, is that true?”
“Yes it is. It was mutual though. We had different ideas and our schedules were just too busy," Alice calmly and professionally replied. Of course he would get brought up but Alice tried to keep an image.

“No, its because he’s a celestial spirit and fell in love with Lucy," Natsu grumbled, who was nearby. Jason somehow didn’t hear him.

“So now that you’re back on the market, what kind of guy are you looking for?”
“Well right now, I’m enjoying being single and having fun. But if I had to choose a type, I’d pick the typical cool guy. You know, calm, collected, smart with a sarcastic humor.” Alice pretended to think a moment before answering.
“That is so cool! There has been reports of you crushing on three guys, Ice mage, Gray Fullbuster, Black Steel Gajeel and Archive wizard Hibiki Lates, what are your opinions on these three guys?”
“Well Gray is my close friend, we go on missions together, we get along great, he’s the best guy friend a girl could have. Gajeel is the newest member of Fairy Tail, though everyone has had their suspicions of him, he really has a soft side. He’s a very tough guy but I can respect him. And I haven’t seen Hibiki in a long time but he’s a good guy." When in reality, Gray and Hibiki were Alice’s old hook-ups who she had 0 interest in ever pursuing romantically and Gajeel was hopefully a crush she’d get over soon. But she couldn’t let anyone know that.

“So cool! You have been best friends with Salamander/Natsu Dragneel, you two have very different personalities, how do you guys stay so close?”
“Well he was my first friend so many years ago when I came to Fairy Tail. Of course he’s explosive and has a temper, I guess I just roll with it. But I think the biggest part is that we have a close connection because we can relate to each other in different ways and we’ve been together since the beginning, we have a history, when we get into fights or he annoys me, I just remember that and I know I can’t throw away our friendship over small things." Alice replied curtly.
“That was so touching, could there be a blossoming romance between the two of you? The fans are dying to know!” That was the question Alice got asked a lot when it came to her working with a male wizard. There always had to be a romance plot hidden somewhere in there. And this time there really was. Alice hesitated. She didn’t want to deny it nor confirm something. She didn’t want to hurt Natsu nor get his hopes up.

“Well you can never say never, but you know I’m not Cana I can’t predict the future, but I can say if anything ever happens it won’t be for a long long time. But Natsu and I are best friends and I don’t want to ruin that so if a romance could potentially sever our ties, then I don’t want to chance anything."
“You are so cool! We’re hoping to have you come by and model for us again!”

“Wow, Alice, I don’t know if you’re fans really know the real you," Lucy commented as Alice slumped over on a booth spot at a table. “I’d like to keep it that way." Alice requiped back into her outfit from before, a cropped black t-shirt and a white mini skirt. She was wearing her pretend questing outfit, which was like her normal attire, but the top was much lacier and smaller, the skirt was high waisted and had decorative chains, the shoes were 4 inch black ankle boots. She also wore black fingerless gloves and a red jacket. She wanted people to think she was cool and tough. Someone with a dark past that comes to haunt them, but they have a lavish lifestyle. She wanted her image and her true self to be two different people. She was also trying to get her ‘princess’/’lolita’ image erased with a new persona.

“Salamander!” Jason finally saw Natsu. And then it all went downhill. Natsu punched Jason, Lucy changed into a bunny suit and went on stage to grab Jason’s attention because he was ignoring her, Gajeel took her light and started singing a song, Natsu got annoyed of Gajeel, they started to fight and Jason got in the middle of it trying to get pictures and in the end Jason still loved Fairy Tail.

And by lunchtime, Alice was ready to go home. “Hey Alice, wanna go on stage?” Mira asked from the stage. Alice wanted to say no but really had no choice in the matter when her guild mates got riled up, excited for her performance. “All right! Alice is about to perform a song for us again!”

Applause started up as Alice gave in and walked up to the stage.

“I haven’t done anything yet, so hold the applause.” Alice grumbled, not in the mood for any of this. “Well we know you’ll be way better than Gajeel!” Macao joked. “Hey, be nice, where would we be without his iron blues?” Alice pretended to be in a good mood.

“In a better place!”

Think of me when you're out
When you're out there
I'll beg you nice from my knees
And when the world treats you way too fairly
Well it's a shame I'm a dream

All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you

I think I'll pace my apartment a few times
And fall asleep on the couch
Wake up early to black and white reruns
That escape from my mouth, oh

All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you

I could follow you to the beginning
Just to relive the start
Maybe then we'd remember to slow down
At all of our favorite parts

All I wanted was you

All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you

Alice had a few stray tears that didn’t make it all the way down her face, which was good because then no one would know that she was crying. She didn’t know who it was that she affiliated with the words of the song. Natsu or Loke.

Think of me when you're out
When you're out there
I'll beg you nice from my knees
And when the world treats you way too fairly
Well it's a shame I'm a dream

Felt more like Loke and the chorus lines probably made more sense with him because this song sounded like it was for a person already gone.


I could follow you to the beginning
Just to relive the start
Maybe then we'd remember to slow down
At all of our favorite parts

Made her remember Natsu. To go back in time and with the same feelings and experiences she had now. Maybe she could do something more or maybe she missed the good old days where she didn’t know about her feelings for him.

Overall, she was still depressed over Loke but now she was stressed about Natsu.

Alice jumped back into reality when she heard applause and hollers of rejoice.

Alice smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes as she ducked off stage. She finally was free to go home. She made it halfway down the hall when she was stopped.

“Alice, come look at jobs with us.” Happy called. “You know, actually, you guys go without me. I’m not...- I’m going home.” Alice replied, trying to find the words without revealing her depression episode.
It didn’t help that her and Natsu fought the night before or that Natsu was spending more time with Lucy. “Are you sure? We need a job to help pay Lucy’s rent.” Happy tried once more. Alice looked to Natsu. To see if he wanted her to stay.

She was scared she might be losing him. And it was her fault. Sure, Natsu had confessed his feelings to her and he said he’d wait for her and Alice told him that he shouldn’t but she didn’t want that. She wanted him to wait for however long it took for her to be ready for love again. And that wasn’t too long ago but time had gone by. Alice was unwillingly and unknowingly going out with Gajeel.

Alice and Natsu with their petty jealousness and refusing to talk it out like mature people, just decided to ignore each other. Alice would go out with Gajeel, and Natsu and Happy spent time with Lucy and that all just made the other one even more jealous and insecure.

Alice liked Gajeel and she hated it. But she couldn’t stop herself from being with him. He was a grumpy, give no sh*ts, bad boy. What girl could resist that?

But she would forget about him when she was with Natsu but if Natsu was pushing her away, where else was she to go?

“Yeah, you go ahead. Unless you want me to go?” Alice asked, a bit hopeful. “Nah, if you wanna go, go. This is about Lucy so don’t bother.” Natsu waved off, not even looking at her.

Alice’s heart sank. As her eyes filled with tears she ran out of the guild, because she didn’t want anyone to see her heart get broken, especially not Natsu.

No. If he was going to treat her this way, he didn’t deserve to see her break down over it.

All I wanted was you

Chapter 32


warning: alcoholism, mentions of sex, depression, existentialism etc.

Chapter Text

A week had gone by. And they didn’t talk to each other at all, barely acknowledging the other’s presence.

They even sat at the other end of the guild hall away from each other, refused to talk or make eye contact. Of course it all could be fixed with a good conversation, explaining feelings and thoughts but were either one gonna do that?


“You listenin’ or not?” Gajeel grouched at the spaced out Alice who woke to reality. “Hm?”
Gajeel sighed, getting irritated. “I said, I need help tuning my guitar, you wanna help?”
“I don’t know how to play a guitar, let alone tune one.” Alice shook her head, looking up at him confused. “You can play the piano though and I can’t, so get up and help.” Gajeel apparently wasn’t taking no for an answer.

Alice got up from the table and followed him up the stage.

Not only was she still sad and angry because of her ongoing fight with Natsu, but it was also raining. She would end up in a bad mood regardless of Natsu.

“Hey, Alice.” Gray greeted, coming up as Alice was halfway up the stairs. “Gray?” She wondered. “I just wanted to ask how you are, and if you wanted to go on a quest.” Gray offered. “Uhm, no I’m okay. Thanks, though...” Alice replied rather awkwardly. “Beat it stripper. We’re busy.” Gajeel grunted, going back for Alice. Gray sneered up at him.

“I’m helping him tune his guitar so maybe later, all right?” Alice bargained, trying to alleviate a possible fight between the two males. Gray didn’t want to argue with her and nodded before walking away.

"Geesh, turning down sex really hurts a guy's ego." Gajeel shook his head, teasing Alice. "He wasn’t asking me to sleep with him. You're the one who told him to beat it!" Alice argued, temper rising. "He probably will since you won't for him." Gajeel shot a smirk at her. “Find someone else to help you.” Alice turned on her heel, but Gajeel caught her by the wrist, pulling her his direction.

Several inches away, but staring up at each other, Alice noticed she wasn’t as affected by this as she thought she would. All the late nights together, the lovely moments, the closeness, it used to make her heart pound, her cheeks warm up, but now there was barely a warmth to her face.

Alice wrenched herself away from him. “Just stop with the dramatics and help me.” Gajeel asked in a gentler tone, still rough, but not as coarse.

"Okay now maybe you can catch up with the ice stripper." Gajeel teased in his normal gravelly voice. Alice scoffed and turned away from Gajeel as they were finishing up. “I don’t want to have sex with him. I don’t want to pursue him in any and I-... I don’t have to explain myself to you.” Alice exclaimed with a tinge of anger.

“Alice!” Natsu appeared from seemingly nowhere as Alice descended the stairs. Alice was surprised to see him wanting to be anywhere near her since they hadn’t talked in a while. Alice stopped in her tracks, with no thought to what to say, just stood there, looking at Natsu. Her heart seemed to pound so hard that it hurt. It wasn’t in an excited, lovestruck way. More of an ‘anxious, waiting for the drop to happen’ way.

“How’re you feeling?” He asked in a casual tone. “I’m fine...-You?” Alice replied, barely able to get the words out. “I’m good. I just wanted to see if you wanted to...It’s raining out, you know, so if you wanted to-” “Damn, there’s more sexual tension between you two than two recovering sex addicts trapped in a sex shop together.” Gajeel scoffed, shoving past Alice, making her stumble forward and into Natsu, who put his arms around her, stabilizing himself and her.

Alice quickly recollected herself, getting off Natsu, and at a safe distance from him. Alice scowled at Gajeel’s back as he walked off. “You know, how’d you come up with that analogy?” Alice asked without expecting nor wanting a real answer. “Just telling it how it is. Anyways, if you guys are gonna do it, do it where I can’t hear ya.” He shrugged not stopping.

Usually that would’ve made Alice flustered but she felt rather disappointed because she thought her and Natsu weren’t gonna ever go down that road at this rate. She lowered her head, putting her gaze to the side.

Natsu growled. “All right, Gajeel! You and me right now!” Natsu challenged, running after him. Alice was grateful he was gone now.

She walked over to the bar as Gajeel and Natsu engaged in battle. She plopped down on a bar stool and leaned over the bar, slouching. “Hey, Mira.” She greeted as Mira came over to her with a glass of water and a coaster. “Hiya there, Alice. What’s gotcha down?” Mira smiled. “Everything honestly.” Alice sighed. “Well it is raining out. Gajeel and Natsu fighting over you should distract you!” Mira suggested. “You’d think but no. I thought even maybe helping Gajeel with his stupid guitar would do the job and then Natsu came over and ugh.” Alice ended her statement in a groan.

“I think you and Gajeel are a cute couple!” Mira chimed. Those words made Alice feel sick. Her and Gajeel? A couple? That didn’t sound right.

Alice cringed at that statement. “No. That’s not gonna happen. I mean, maybe I liked him and all but now I’m kinda over him and... I don’t know.... Although, Natsu and Lucy are getting comfy together so maybe I should go for Gajeel then but...”
“Natsu and Lucy would be cute together too.” Mira nodded absentmindedly which surprised Alice as well made her whole world come crashing down.

Mira always said Alice and Natsu were a match made in heaven so how could she say something like that? All it did was solidify Alice’s worries. “Yeah. I suppose. I mean... We haven’t made up and he’s been staying over at her place a lot and they’ve went on a lot of quests together now. I guess it was stupid of me to think he and I would...I told him not to wait for me but I didn’t think he’d listen. Oh well, maybe him and Lucy will last longer than me and Loke.” Alice was now gonna go home. She was done and she wanted to go scream into a pillow.

Alice got off the stool without taking a sip of complementary water.

“Whatever Salamander, this isn’t over! And I’m taking your girl!” Gajeel surprised Alice, coming up from behind her and picking up off the ground by her top. She flailed around. “What the hell are you doing?!” Alice screamed. “What do you think? I’m taking Salamander’s girl. Stop moving around, I’ll end up dropping ya’.” Gajeel said in a gruff.

Alice kept silent. She hated being referred to as his girl. She never was and she never was going to be now that she somehow screwed everything up.

Alice requiped into a different shirt, a black plain t-shirt, which resulting in Gajeel no longer having a grip on her, and she fell on the floor on her hands and knees. She sat up and glared up at Gajeel. He sighed, defeated. “I have a family of cats with their kittens at my place.” He said simply. Alice’s weak spot. Baby animals.

“All right. I’ll go. But only for kittens!” Alice sternly laid out the rules. Gajeel smirked over at Natsu. “See, Salamander? Your girl is going willingly!” Gajeel laughed.

Alice asked herself what this all was and she looked over at Natsu.
He balled up his fists and looked down to the side, showing a face full of emotions that Alice couldn’t figure out. Was going over to Gajeel’s a good thing or would it dig Alice into a bigger hole?

But she thought that Natsu and Lucy were already becoming a thing so there was no point trying to save something no longer there.

“Oh my gosh! They’re all wet! Can we take them inside?” Alice sadly cried. “No.” Gajeel replied firmly. “But they might get sick!” Alice whined, looking back over at him, giving him her best puppy eyes. It was a cool wet day. The rain didn’t seem to be letting up.

Gajeel turned off and left into his small home. Alice pouted, and used a water spell as a shield from the elements. Gajeel came out moments later with a towel, and a big sheet of metal.

He bent the metal into a box and set the towel at the bottom. He placed the box under a tree, where it kept out some of the rain. “Put the cats in here.” Gajeel gruffed. Alice did so, gently picking up each baby one by one in first, and then guided mama and papa into the box. “All right, Mrs and Mr. Kitty, your babies should dry up in here. Cuddle them nice and tight so they warm up.” Alice sweetly baby talked at the adult cats. Gajeel sputtered out a laugh. “What are you, 10?” He teased. Alice looked at him with an unimpressed expression. “Eleven, thank you very much.” Alice stood up and crossed her arms tightly to her body to try to warm up.

“I could believe you being eleven, but you’re like what, 15?" Gajeel muttered. “I’m Seventeen, dumbass." Alice corrected curtly. “All right, get back inside, Miss Seventeen.” Gajeel replied, turning off, going inside. “Whatever, Mr. Thirteen." Alice huffed, trailing after him.

“Ooh, you’re so original. But I’m 20, little girl," Gajeel said, closing the door after Alice was in. It wasn’t very much warmer inside and Alice thought about never being cold when she was with Natsu.

She missed his overbearing warmth.

Her chest felt heavy with many emotions. She had to bury them.

“If you wreck anything in my house, I’ll personally kick your ass," Gajeel warned, getting another towel for himself. “Get me one too!” Alice called after him. “Yours is the one the cats are on, so go get it if you want it," He replied.

“Oh well, I guess I’ll just lay on your bed, and get it all wet.” Alice had challenged wandering through the place looking for his bedroom. “Good luck finding a bed in here," Gajeel teased, coming up from behind her. Alice looked at him quizzically as he threw a towel at her face. She quickly caught it and put it on her head, trying to dry her soaked hair.

“You don’t have a bed?” “I have a couch." Gajeel walked to the living room, Alice following.

She sat on said couch, towel under her butt, to try to keep her from getting the couch wet. “What if you bring a girl home?” Alice hypothetically asked. “Once again, I have a couch.” Gajeel plopped down next to her. “You’re never gonna get a girl like that. ‘Oh hey, wanna be uncomfortable and squished on my couch? ’” Alice teased. “I got you here, didn’t I?”Gajeel countered, smirking at her. “But I came for kittens, not your couch.” Alice argued, crossing her arms. “And yet, you’re still here?” Gajeel leaned over, closer to her. Alice refused to look at him, because he was right. She just had nowhere else to go. It was still raining and she was freezing, and why go to an empty home?

“So what’s with your deal with the rain?” Gajeel struck up a new conversation. “Hm?” Alice glanced over at him. “Both Ice Freak and Salamander brought it up.”

“Oh, rain seems to happen on all my bad days. The day I lost Umiko, almost killing Natsu, the day we found out Lisanna passed, the day Loke broke up with me. It’s like the weather knows how I’m feeling.” Alice muttered lowly. “Well that sucks. Here, I got something to cheer you up.” Gajeel hopped off the couch, and went off to the kitchen. Alice could hear the clinking of glass.

Gajeel came back with two shot glasses and two big glass bottles of some dark liquid. He sat them down at the coffee table in front of them and sat back down. Alice gave him a disapproving look. “Are you trying to get me drunk?”

Alice could feel the buzz of that little voice in her head telling her this was a bad idea. But... maybe getting drunk could numb her broken heart? And maybe this time she’ll know when to stop?

“What? You don’t drink your problems away?” Gajeel shrugged, pouring both glasses full. Alice grabbed one as did Gajeel. “Cheers?” He gestured, holding his glass out. Alice clinked hers to his and quickly put the glass to her lips and poured the dark alcohol into her mouth, swallowing quickly, but not fast enough, and got a good taste.

She shivered as she held back a gag. Her throat burned and she could feel the shot make its way down into her stomach immediately.

It didn’t take long for the effects to come on and it took about the same time to finish a bottle and a half between the two.

“Okay, okay...Uhm, hottest Fairy Tail female.” Alice slurred out. “Easy, Mirajane. Hottest Fairy Tail male," Gajeel replied quickly. “Gray. Hottest female you’ve ever known?” Alice asked, taking another shot. The taste and feeling no longer affecting her.

“f*ck.... There’s two I can’t choose between. Claudia Masters. She was a storm mage and she’s was powerful. She was absolutely stunning, a rude bitch but damn, if she could’ve given me a time of day. She had a nice rack and... that ass! Too bad she decided to join some independent guild because apparently Phantom Lord was too mainstream. And then there’s another, I never met her but she was in a magazine I was looking through. It was the top 20 hottest mage with a kick, and she was a Fairy Tailer. I remember she was number 4. Fire Fairy Yoko Akashiya. Damn she was my first crush, though she was dead by the time I was 6, but from her pictures. She was so beautiful. She had those red eyes, and the red hair. She had the nicest figure I’ve ever seen to this day.” Gajeel had zeroed in on one specific spot on the floor, trying his best to remember this woman. Alice laughed.

“What? Making fun of me?” Gajeel grumbled. “No, it’s just that Yoko Akashiya is my mother.” Alice replied, with a giggle in her tone.

“No, sh*t. I mean, I knew you reminded me of her but.." Gajeel laughed to himself, shaking his head, eyes slowly trailing down Alice’s body, taking in every inch. “Well, no one can tell who I look more like; Her or my dad.” Alice shrugged. “Your eyes are Laxus’...Wait, Laxus actually scored with her then? Damn, this is gold. I would’ve never imagined he bedded her. Damn."

“Yeah, he was 15 and she just turned 18. Then when she found out she was pregnant with me, Laxus abandoned both of us. She used all her energy to raise me and work. When I was 3 she got really sick but she never bothered to get treated, so she just got weaker and weaker until she died.” Alice emotionlessly answered, eyes drooping, drowsiness taking over her. “Your life sucks. Here, take it.” Gajeel wildly grabbed the remaining bottle with less than 1/4 of liquid left in it and handed to Alice as he swayed, not being able to fully control his movements.

Alice thought none as she took the bottle top to her mouth and downed what was left of its contents.

“Okay, uhm, hottest male you’ve ever known." Gajeel put them back on topic. “Easy, Lyon Vastia. I don't know where he is now, but back on Galuna Island he was this huge leader of some moon drip ceremony to revive Deliora, we stopped him obviously but anyways he also shared the same master as Gray. But yeah, the most gorgeous man I’ve ever witnessed." Alice replied, finishing with a hiccup.

“You always go for the weird ones, don’t you? The Spirit, that cultist, the stripper, the pyro, what next? The dancer dude?” Gajeel teased. “Actually it’s the asshole sad*st with 30 piercings," Alice shamelessly flirted.

“Woah there, darling, you better be careful there. That might’ve been enough alcohol for you as well. Don’t want you to do something stupid because this is my house, I ain’t watching you." Gajeel, half-heartedly said.

“Oh please, I haven’t had enough. I haven’t started to take my clothes off yet.” Alice waved him off. “You..What?”
“When I start to drink I become the biggest flirt you’ve even seen. I start to take my clothes off when I get drunk enough. But I don’t become blackout drunk until I can no longer make coherent sentences. I mean I think. I can never remember. I’m just recalling what I’ve been told.”

Alice woke up, in a nauseated-sweaty state. Her head was spinning and her eyes couldn’t focus on anything. She sat up, taking in what she could of her surroundings. “f*ck. It happened.” She whispered to herself, disappointed in herself. She sat up, awkwardly, trying not to wake the person under her. “You better believe it happened. I mean, I don’t remember much of it.” Gajeel groggily said.

“What time is it?” Gajeel sat up with Alice on top of him. She could feel his bare member against her thigh. They were both naked.
Guilt ran through Alice’s body. She felt a scream well up in her throat and her eyes burned, watering. What the hell is wrong with her? Why does she do this?

Wait, no, she doesn’t do this. Because Natsu was always there to stop her from going this far. Natsu. Alice wanted to cry.

Any and all lingering feelings for Gajeel disappeared.

“4 something. I can’t see the other hand.” Alice said, trying to focus on the second hand, but couldn’t. “I need to go home.” Alice shook her head, voice softening, because she could feel her emotions start to unravel.
“You don’t have to. Not yet at least," Gajeel murmured, one of his hands playing with a lock of Alice’s red hair. Alarm bells went off in Alice’s head. Gajeel acting affectionate with her.

It wasn’t possible that he...?

Alice felt wrong for even thinking of the possibility that Gajeel had feelings for her. “No. No I gotta go. I didn’t buy the house to not sleep in it.” Alice had excused. Her normal excuse that Natsu was there waiting for her no longer could work. He’d been staying at Lucy’s in the recent weeks.

But she had to say at least something. She couldn’t stay here any moment longer.
Alice used three spells. One to get rid of her headache, another to requip into clothes, and then a teleportation spell outside of the house, at the front door.

She took a deep breath of cold air. The rain had stopped some time ago but the sky was still filled with dark clouds and the temperature had dropped. It was a foggy morning.
Hopefully early enough where no one would witness her walk of shame.

Alice found herself at home, the door unlocked. Natsu came to mind.
But he hadn’t been over in weeks. Why on this day would he...? He obviously came over to grab something. He couldn’t have been there still.

At the front door, under the coat rack, was Natsu’s sandals. Alice’s throat closed up but yet all the contents in her stomach were threatening to force their way up.
Alice’s eyes filled with tears. Of all nights. Of all days. Why tonight? Alice wasn’t even there to bother, why would he be there?

Alice peered into her bedroom, seeing two figures on the bed, sleeping away. And she was violently sick. She made a beeline to the bathroom, slamming the door shut and dropped to her knees as she emptied her stomach of all the alcohol that still remained.

After there was nothing left. She sat up, wiping her mouth, and leaned against the door. She turned on the shower with magic, hoping to drown out the sounds of her sobbing.
She was a wreck. Her guilt for sleeping with Gajeel, even when she shouldn’t feel bad because her and Natsu weren’t ever going to be together, and yet here he was in her home. It also terrified her that she had sex without feeling in control, nor remembering what happened. It shook her to her core. Natsu was always around to prevent that from happening.

Natsu had jolted up, awake to the sound of the bathroom door slamming shut. Alice was home. He could immediately smell Gajeel’s scent on her and he could hear the sounds of Alice throwing up.
He felt guilty. He knew what had happened. Alice reeked of sweat, Gajeel, and alcohol. Natsu wasn’t stupid. But he felt responsible. It had to have been his fault that he had distanced himself from her and that he refused to apologize to her. He let his own feelings get in the way and Alice was suffering.
Alice had feelings for Gajeel, no matter how little or much, it set Natsu into a fit of jealousy that he expressed by passive aggressively taking it out on Alice and staying over at Lucy’s. Because mating season wanted him to be far more forceful and aggressive. Take his mate by whatever means necessary. He knew he'd never get forceful with her,but the urge to get rid of this pent up, well,urge was so aggressive. It had never been so chaotic in his life. What was it? His realization and acceptance of his feelings for Alice? Another alpha male encroaching on his territory and stinking up the place with his own scent?

And here they were. Alice had went over to Gajeel’s, got drunk, slept with him and was now throwing up so violent-

Natsu heard the shower turn on, but his dragon hearing also picked up on Alice’s wailing. “What’s wrong with me? Why did I do that?”

And, a wave of worry. Natsu had always been there to watch after her when she drank because she couldn’t seem to control herself around alcohol, as much as Natsu knew that it was Alice’s own fault, he still felt responsible in some way.

“We haven’t made up and he’s been staying over at her place a lot and they’ve went on a lot of quests together now. I guess it was stupid of me to think he and I would...I told him not to wait for me but I didn’t think he’d listen. Oh well, maybe him and Lucy will last longer than me and Loke....”

Even though Natsu was busy fighting Gajeel, he still could hear Alice’s conversation. That’s why he came over that day. After Alice left to Gajeel’s, Natsu hung out with Lucy and then planned going over to Alice’s when she went home, but Alice never came home.
So she had to come back at some point, right? She wouldn’t stay the night with Gajeel, would she?

Natsu wanted to finally make up with her but considering that now was no longer the right time, Natsu sat up, waiting for Alice to come out.

Alice would eventually get into the shower, mild scalding water and harsh scrubbing, Alice would try to clean away her mistakes.
Light red skin and eyes, swollen lips and cheeks, and a slight sniffle, Alice emerged from the bathroom as quietly as possible. She tiptoed to the kitchen, taking sips of water to help her upcoming hangover.

And then she went to the library room, closing the door, and sitting in the farthest corner away from the door and huddled up against the wall. She threw her head back, the top of her crown lightly tapping the wall, as she would rest like that, closing her eyes.
She took in the noises of the light breeze and frogs nearby. She tried to keep her breathing under control.

In the coldest room in her home, sitting near the window, the heat from the hot shower was leaving her. She would once again break out in a shiver.
Never had she felt as vulnerable as she did then. Freezing, sick, heartbroken, terrified of herself, and sitting in the corner on the floor of her own home, trying to hide from the world at least for a night.

Thinking that Natsu and her would be something and then just disappointing herself. Sleeping with Gajeel because she depended on someone else to stop her from herself. But she’d soon realize that the person she’d think to save her from making stupid mistakes would move on from her. And she’d watch him grow into a person of brilliance, and passion, watching him with Lucy and people in the guild. He’d slowly forget her.

Or she was being overdramatic. But maybe she should leave Magnolia for a while? To figure herself out, distancing herself from people who reminded her of her mistakes. Maybe she’d learn independence and self control. Get her nipples pierced?

Maybe she should just disappear altogether and never come back? She’d no longer be Alice of Fairy Tail. Make a new life for herself somewhere else?

Her eyes shot open as she heard the creak of wood planks being stepped on. Happy was too tiny to do that. It’d have to be Natsu.
Maybe if she took slower breaths and stayed still he’d think she wasn’t there. He was probably getting up to pee or get some water.

But then the door opened. Alice continued to stay still and take quiet breaths. Maybe dragon slayers had dinosaur vision and could only see things that were moving.
But Alice couldn’t stop her body from shivering and she couldn’t tell if it was from being cold or it was a tremble of fear.

“Hey buddy, you’re home late, aren't you?” Natsu smiled softly, as he spoke the same way. Trying to be comforting and pretending like he didn’t know what she was out doing.
Alice could barely find her voice. “Please-. Just leave me alone.” She requested.
Natsu walked forward, coming closer to her. “You know, I tried to stay awake until you came home.”
“Why? Why are you even here?” Alice croaked out. “Because I l-...You’re my best friend. I wanted to come over and apologize for being a real ass to you.”

Well that made Alice’s hookup with Gajeel even more sickening. If Alice had come home and not drank with Gajeel and then sleep with him, then....She could’ve been without this horrible feeling and her and Natsu would’ve made up earlier.

Alice kept silent. She looked to the side, like she wasn’t going to move and indeed planned on sleeping in that corner.

“Come on, bud. You’ve had a nice shower, how about get some more water and some tylenol and we head back to bed?” Natsu stepped over to Alice and crouched down to her level.
It made Alice feel like some sort of ‘out of control alcoholic’ if Natsu knew how to help her and seemed to have made a routine out of it.

“Natsu... I-uh...Everytime before tonight, when I went out and drank, you’ve taken care of me, right?” Alice asked in a whisper, voice breaking. She refused to look at him.

Natsu put a hand on Alice’s head. “Yeah. And I’ll continue to take care of you.” The way he sounded so sincere. Alice didn’t want to cry in front of him.

“Have I ever...made a move on you, or you know, tried anything with you when I get bad?”

Natsu hesitated. Did he dare answer that truthfully? “Well that’s why I’m the one who takes you home. Because I know that I don’t fall for your tricks.” He partially lied. He dared not tell her that he slipped sometimes and let a kiss last too long or he’s seen her naked way more times wasted than sober.

Alice nodded slowly. Was she that dependent on Natsu?

She had to stop drinking. She knew that there was definitely a problem now she’s faced her consequences. She had to stop relying so much on Natsu to watch out for her.

“So come on, let’s get you ready for bed.”

Chapter 33

Chapter Text

Natsu woke up to Alice shifting around in his arms while still sleeping. The sun shone brightly through the window. Natsu’s eyes slowing adjusted. He saw Happy on the other pillow, still snoozing away peacefully. This brought a small smile to Natsu’s lips. And there was Alice, cuddling Natsu’s balled up scarf to her chest, her forehead touched his chest, her breathing gently tickling Natsu. He shifted a bit, to get a better look at her. He was worried after last night. Something in his chest ached when she left with Gajeel last night, and came back home some time early morning, smelling of him. Shutting herself into the bathroom for a couple hours, crying. Then what she was saying last night.

Sure, in the last several months, Natsu and Alice were way closer than before. A few shared moments sprinkled in there. A few stolen kisses. Natsu didn’t see a problem with it. He liked their friendship. He noticed that Alice was trying to distance herself for a while. Spending more time with Gajeel. And so he spent time with Lucy, like it was nothing.

But it was something. Alice was trying to figure herself out. Between the stress of Loke still looming over her, her low self-esteem and worsening depression, along with her magic still out of control, no matter how weak it was. And then her feelings for Gajeel which bothered Natsu.

Now with her feelings for them both straightened out, Alice still wasn’t ready to pursue anything with Natsu.

Alice let out a small groan with Natsu’s movements. Natsu smiled at her. How he loved these soft moments. When Alice would stir in her sleep and usually nuzzle in closer to his body or how relaxed she looked.

Or how natural and right it felt holding her. How safe and warm he felt.
Alice’s face scrunched up as she lightly groaned, waking up. Within seconds, where she usually took the time to let her body wake up, relaxed and get a feel for her surroundings, Alice felt her head spinning and yet pounding so hard.

It was so hot. Why was she feeling so unbearably hot? As her mind turned on, she remembered the night before, well, the early morning hours where she came home.
And then came a violent bout of nausea. Her eyes flew open and she wrestled herself out of Natsu’s grasp, and the mess of blankets, leaping and almost falling off the bed, and made her way to the bathroom where she’d only dry gag, since there was nothing in her stomach to get rid of.

“Did Alice come home?” Happy mumbled, rolling over, eyes still closed. “Yeah, and its the normal routine.” Natsu replied with a nod getting out of bed to go fetch a glass of water for Alice.

“Come on, let’s go on a job then." Natsu gave into Lucy’s whining. Those two, Happy and Alice sat at a table together. Alice had sat there with her head into her hands, as she sat there, trying to not get sick off of the smell of greasy food, booze and the strong smell of Lucy’s perfume.

She had taken a potion to lessen her hangover but she still felt a bit of it. Even her spell to cure her intoxication didn’t work. She really did over do it the night before.

“Really? You mean it? Thank you, Natsu!” Lucy cried, grateful. “I wasn't trying to be lazy or anything, I was waiting for the right moment.” Natsu shrugged, not getting why Lucy was so excited about a job.

Lucy gazed out to the front doors, wide open and jumped in fear. Alice had looked up, giving Lucy a strange look. “What’s wrong, Lucy?” Happy asked, as him and Natsu looked to where Lucy was, to see nothing there. “I don’t know. This may sound weird, but lately I’ve been feeling like someone has been watching me,” Lucy confessed, looking back to the table.

Happy grabbed a dictionary from out of nowhere and he and Natsu flipped through pages, landing on one term. “What do you think, Happy?” Natsu asked in a serious tone.
“I’d say it’s a textbook case of excessive ego.” Happy nodded. “Take me seriously! It’s not like I want to be followed!” Lucy snapped, partially embarrassed and irritated for being treated so childishly.

Alice snapped her head up. “Can we not shout?”
“It’s not our fault you got crazy drunk last.” Happy shrugged, casually not knowing the full truth of what happened last night. Alice cast her gaze to the side, and brushed her hair back behind her. “Hey, what’s that?” Happy then pointed out to several dark marks on Alice’s neck between her right ear lobe and collarbone.

Lucy, Natsu and Alice looked all different types of shocked.

Alice then realized that Gajeel had apparently left his mark on her. She hadn’t checked her appearance that day, not really caring how she looked and Natsu hadn’t noticed them until now, now her hair was out of the way.

Alice pulled her hair to the side, covering that side, hopefully hiding those marks. She knew it was a bad idea to leave the house. “It’s a rash.” Alice quickly excused. Happy seemed satisfied with that answer and left the matter alone. But Lucy and Natsu shared a looked between them and then back to Alice who stared down, ashamed of herself.
“Let’s go look for that job we’re gonna go on.” Lucy got up from the table and skipped off to the request board with Happy carelessly following.

Alice hesitantly got up. “Hey, are you-” “I’m fine.” Alice cut off Natsu’s concern and followed after Happy and Lucy. Natsu stood there, watching her for a moment before joining the group.

“There’s one I was looking at this morning while waiting for you guys to show up,” Lucy commented, as Alice and Natsu joined her. “We would’ve been here sooner but someone made me take a shower!” Natsu casually played, leaving alone the previous conversation. “Oh no! How dare you be forced to practice good hygiene.” Lucy mocked boredly and then returned her eyes to the board. “So here’s the one I was looking at. We would leave tomorrow at noon.” Lucy pointed to the paper.

Natsu ripped it off the board and skimmed the details, going for the most important part: The reward. He nodded. “Sounds good to me!”
“Aye!” Happy added.

“You gonna come with, Alice?” Lucy asked. Alice seemed to come out of a thoughtful trance. “Uhm, yeah. Sounds good.” She nodded absentmindedly.
Lucy jogged over to the table, grabbed her jacket, put it on. “I got some things to do today, so I’ll see you tomorrow at the station!” Lucy called before dashing out the guild hall.

“So what do you guys wanna do?” Natsu wondered. “I’m going shopping.” Alice answered, walking off, but not before Natsu caught her by the wrist.

Alice wanted to go buy material items to maybe make herself feel better.

“I don’t wanna do that though.” Natsu said. Alice wrenched herself away from him. “I didn’t say anything about you tagging along,” she harshly replied. “Fine, you convinced me, I’ll go with you.” Natsu went along with it. “I’m gonna go fishing!” Happy announced flying off.

Alice cringed to herself. Why couldn’t Natsu leave her alone? Alice, without a word started off out of the hall, with Natsu tailing her.

“So you wanna talk about what happened?” Natsu piped up, as he sat down in a chair, in the dressing room.

Alice, was behind the curtain, trying on a new dress. “Not particularly.” Alice curtly replied. “You know though, that you came home reeking of him.” Natsu once again said. Alice grew impatient with Natsu’s constant badgering. “So you know what happened. What is there to talk about then?” Alice curtly replied, sliding open the curtain, revealing the new top she had tried on. Natsu had studied each detail and thread of this red and black lace top. He zeroed in on the low cut v-shape. If he liked it, so would every other male on the planet. And he was selfish. No one else should be allowed to see her like that.

“I don’t like it.” He commented. “Then go get me something you’d like.” Alice crossed her arms. Natsu shrugged and hopped up to his feet, and went back to the clothes and came back quickly with a black and white gothic-lolita style dress with an assymetrical hem.

Even he liked Lolita Alice.

Alice rolled her eyes and wrenched the hanger with the article of clothing from him and closed the curtains once more.

“Did you do it because you like him?” Natsu couldn’t help but gnaw at the aching curiosity inside him. “If I tell you, will you shut up?” Alice gritted her teeth. “I just wanna know what’s going on with you.” Natsu sincerely replied.

Alice finished getting dressed up and then opened the curtain. “See, I like this. Keeps things to the imagination.” Natsu nodded, thumbing up at her. His eyes slid down her body. Her chest was covered, and the frills made her look more curvier, and the dress’ asymmetrical cut, showed off her legs nicely and made them appear longer.

“If I get this, then I need shoes to go with it.” Alice rolled her eyes, her face started to light up. “All ready on top of it! Stay right there and don’t move!” Natsu hopped off the chair and sped off.
For someone who hated the girly shopping, he surprisingly had a good eye for fashion.

Natsu was back in less than a minute with a pair of black t-strap platform/wedge lolita shoes. “Great.” Alice huffed.

After paying for the outfit, Alice was ready to go home. “Where to next?” Natsu chimed. “ I’m going home. I don’t know what you’re gonna do.” Alice curtly responded. “What’s the point of buying one thing then?”

“Oddly enough you nosing into my business put me out of the mood.” Alice didn’t know how to escape him.
“I’m sorry for butting into it but I just wanna know things.” Natsu tried to carefully plan each word out. “Like what? Like if I’m over you and into him now? That’s why you care, obviously.” Alice snapped.
“No that’s- If I’m coming off as jealous, it’s because I am but I’m also trying to help you talk things out.”

“God. You sound like Gray.” Alice scoffed, getting irritated. “Alice. You came home, threw up and then cried and then crawled up into a ball in the library room. That’s not exactly normal behavior for you.” Natsu replied knowingly.

Alice stopped in her tracks, eyes about to spill tears that seemed to fill way too fast. She closed her eyes, imagining her home. Living room to be exact.

Natsu would never shut up if he didn’t get his answers but they were still quite a way from her home.

“Give me your hand.” Alice said, eyes not opening. She didn’t want to mess this up. Natsu didn’t hesitate, fully trusting his partner.

And as his burning hot skin brushed against the palm of her hand, they were at Alice’s home, standing in the middle of the living room.

Alice let out a shaky breath, becoming woozy, never had done that big of a jump before, quickly draining her magic.

“Hey, idiot. What was that for?” Natsu took Alice’s shoulders into his hands, keeping her steady.

Alice’s eyes opened and tears fell from her eyes, streaming down her cheeks.

“Hey, what’s the matter?” Natsu cooed, not expecting the emotion change. “Ask me all you want about him. I’ll talk-. I just wanted to be out of the public eye for it.” Alice shrugged away from him, walking over to the couch.

“Are you sure? If you don’t wanna talk about-” “Yes. I’m sure. You deserve answers.” Alice nodded, cutting him off. Natsu walked over, sitting several inches away, giving her space.

This was going to be a long day.

Chapter 34

Chapter Text

In the good ole town of Hargeon, there was a little diner just in its first few days of the grand opening. "8 Island", owned by ex council member, Yajima.

And here we had our Team Natsu working a job, which was to wait tables at the restaurant.

Alice strode over to a table with an elderly couple. Alice wore a classic waitress’ uniform in the color orange and white. She tied her hair back, although leaving out a part of her bangs for a cute flair.

She was a hit with the customers, with her lovely customer service. Which was just the act she naturally put on for the press or fans.

“How’re you two doing? Enjoying your meals?” Alice inquired sweetly, showing a polite smile. “Yes we are. Thank you.” The elder man replied with a nod. “Might I suggest the desert menu? I can’t say we have anything on the menu as sweet as your wife, but I can say they’re worth the try.” Alice sweetly suggested. The elderly woman giggled, blush hidden under her antique makeup. “You know, I think we’ll do just that.”

Alice took their finished dishes off the table and walked off.

A table of young teens dressed as local gangsters snapped at Alice. “I’ll be right there.” Alice called in a sing-song tone, trying her best to let their snapping slide. She’d pass that table off to Lucy indefinitely.

Alice put the dirty dishes in the tub of water.
Natsu walked towards her with plates of food in his hands, but also mouth full of food as well. And from what it seemed to be, Natsu was eating customers’ food. “I think you’re taking this job a little too serious.” He commented, swallowing. Alice rolled up a menu and started to smack Natsu in the arm with it. “We. Don’t. Eat. The. Customer’s. Food!” She said in between hits. “Okay I get it! Stop!”

Alice didn’t stop. Natsu grabbed her by the wrist, reeling her in to him. “I’ll bite you.” He warned in a low tone.
And Alice knew better to egg him on, because he would indeed bite her.
He had the fanged canines to do some serious damage.

But times had changed. Alice didn’t see this threat as a punishment, it was more of an incentive. Alice smirked. “All right. Do it then, dragon boy.”

Natsu’s face deadpanned and his cheeks went red.

Sure, Alice and him had gotten over their hurt feelings and were on the way to an almost perfect replica of their past friendship.
Except this time they knew they had feelings for each other.

Alice was in a rather good mood. Natsu frowned and let go of her. “You know, I remember the days when my threats scared you.” Alice gave him a knowing smile. “Well, you’re no longer scary.” She walked away from him.

A few weeks had passed since Alice’s incident with Gajeel and she was slowly getting over it. She was no longer drinking at the guild when a celebration party arose, which was pretty much every time a new member joined. And she avoided Gajeel like the plague.
Of course he had tried to talk to her, but Alice made the message loud and clear. When he’d look towards her or found her by herself, Alice would go the fastest route to Natsu as possible, and nuzzle into him, and more often than not, Natsu would happily wrap an arm around her, pulling her closer into him. Sure, it was leading Natsu on in some way, but it got Gajeel off her tail.

Of course, Alice wasn’t happy at all. She had moments where things seemed fine and on the right path, but the rest of the times she pretended she was okay. Putting on a fake smile for her friends, going on jobs, the usual things.

Another quest done and over with.

Alice wanted to go home but was dragged along to the guild with the rest of her teammates.
They walked in while Reedus drew the web of dark guilds up in the air, like a hologram. “What’s up with the chart?” Alice inquired. They all gathered near the bar. Except Happy and Natsu who made themselves at home at a table chowing down on food they somehow acquired.

“There’s been a lot more activity recently. That means we need to strengthen our relationships with other guilds.” Mira answered. “So the three big ones in the center circle...?” Lucy trailed off. “It’s the Balam Alliance. The alliance between the three strongest dark guilds. Oracion Seis, Tartaros, and Grimoire Heart. The smaller guilds around them are the guilds that do all the smaller jobs that they think are too simple for them. Though, there is one guild that’s very well known as well but considers themselves an independent guild, Raven Tail. And the guild we faced, Eisenwald. It’s a part of this whole thing as well I suppose.” Alice explained.

Alice’s true grandfather, Laxus’ father, Makarov’s son. Ivan Dreyar was the master of Raven Tail.

Alice never met the guy. He was excommunicated years before Alice was even born. And Alice had no desire to ever meet him except to take down his guild.

“There was also Ghoul Spirit, but the Thunder Legion took that out a while ago," Mira added. “When Gajeel and I were apart of Phantom Lord, we took out a lot of guilds, though not Fairy Tail though," Juvia gushed. “I wouldn’t remind everyone about that,” Gray commented. “I took out a number of them in my younger years.” Alice’s eyes scanned over the small guilds, recognizing names.

“Wait, the Oracion Seis won’t take it out on us will they?” Lucy cowered. “Don’t worry, there’s only 6 members," Wakaba assured. “Yeah, just 6, that ain’t nothing." Macao waved off the matter. “I wouldn’t just underestimate them. Those 6 members make up one of the most powerful guilds," Mira reminded.

“Speaking of the Oracion Seis, word has come out that we must destroy them.” Master Makarov entered the hall, creating so much tension, Alice could barely breathe. Everyone stood there wide eyed, speechless.

“Welcome back, Master!” Mira greeted cheerfully, despite her guildmates around her, frozen.

“What do you mean?” Erza asked Master, ignoring Mira. “At my conference, Oracion Seis’ recent activity was the most heated discussion. They pose an urgent threat that can no longer be ignored, that’s why they must be dealt with immediately. We will take them down before they attack one of the many guilds we’ve sworn to protect. To fight them alone would be too dangerous, they will be the biggest challenge we will have to face, our attack would bait out the wrath of the entire Balam Alliance. That’s why Fairy Tail will join a coalition of other magical guilds," Master explained.

Alice pouted. She hated working with strangers, or not well known people. She just wanted to go home.

“Fairy Tail, Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale, and Cait Shelter. These four guilds will hand out representatives to join the allied force, together we will work together to bring down the enemy," Master announced.

Alice drooped over. Anything but Blue Pegasus.

“We don’t need help. In fact I could probably take them all down by myself.” Natsu jumped up on a table. “Don’t be a fool, master has made the right decision." Erza smacked him in the face.

“Having to consider, I have chosen the members I wish to partake in this coalition. Erza, Natsu, Gray, Lucy and Alice. I have faith you can take down this threat.” Master made his decision.

“Why am I even here? I’m not that strong and I can’t help any of you." Lucy pouted. “Yeah, I don’t know what Master was thinking adding you to the group. Talk about the weakest link," Alice grumbled with her arms crossed, facing away from Lucy, staring out the window. “Both of you need to stop," Gray groaned, annoyed with the constant complaining..

“Listen up, we’re here for one reason, because Master put his faith in us, so let’s not disappoint him," Erza reminded. “Why didn’t master send someone stronger though? Like Juvia or even the Thunder Legion?” Alice wondered in a huff. “Well he sent Juvia and Gajeel on their own quest and the Thunder Legion have been out on a quest for a few weeks now.” Happy replied, like Alice really wanted an answer.

“I don’t care. Just make it stop!" Natsu cried weakly. “There it is!” Happy announced, while steering the boar. The second house of Blue Pegasus’ Master Bob. Alice moped, hunched over, not at all ready for the adventure.

“Last person on the carriage has to help Natsu!” Lucy shouted, hopping out of the carriage, everyone but Alice was out. Alice looked at everyone confused and then looked at Natsu. She hadn’t paid attention to what Lucy said.

“You would’ve thought Alice would’ve been the first out," Happy laughed. “I wasn’t paying attention!” Alice snapped. “Have fun!” Lucy giggled leading the rest of the team to the building. Alice had no choice but to haul her friend out. And who knew when he’d recover. “Come on, Sickie," Alice huffed standing up and proceeding to pull Natsu up to at least a sitting position. He moaned out, still in a daze. “It’s not even moving!” Alice said in a grunt, trying to pull on him.

After the harsh mission of getting Natsu inside, Alice plopped him on the ground. “Just tell me when we’re there, guys.” Natsu weakly let out. “Okay, we’re there!” Happy chimed.

Yes, they’re here at last!~” A male voice poorly sang.

Not them. Alice's blood ran lukewarm. She grimaced, hoping it wasn't true. That she was just hallucinating, even though she knew it was too good to be true.
The lights dimmed, and three singular spotlights joined together to shine on three young men standing at the end of a grand staircase.

We are~,
"The Blue Pegasus’~,”
Elite crew~,”
“~The Trimens~”

“Hundred Night, Hibiki,” An averagely tall older adolescent male with sandy colored hair spoke.
Fiore’s #3 most sought-after male wizard. An extremely intelligent and charming, attractive man, just a year older than Alice. He had a quite feminine, yet handsome face. It was mostly his big dark eyes surrounded by thick, long lashes. Or how his soft hair fell artistically into his eyes. Or how he had such a small waist, and yet round posterior for a man. But it was part of his appeal. Waifish, pretty boys were very in style. Which was why all three trimen, and Loke were at the top of Fiore's most saught-after bachelors.

“Holy Night, Eve,” a smaller male with lighter hair. He had a very youthful appearance, which had to be part of his charm. But he looked like an adorable 12 year old at best.

“Still Night, Ren,” same height as Hibiki, dark skin, and dark hair. He was leaner, and he also was quite attractive, but it was very obvious that Hibiki was the most popular among them.

Alice had the pleasure of meeting them before. Although, she spent the most time with Hibiki when either one was in the area. Alice couldn’t lie, Hibiki was a very hot dude. He knew how to charm a woman. Sure, some of his antics were over the top, but once alone, he was much more subtle. And he didn't have to try as hard to bed Alice. He was more himself, which Alice preferred over his host persona. He was intelligent, easy-going, and kind. Unlike his on-personality. Loud, flirtatious, and over-the-top charming.

She used to get excited and anxious when she met him but now she was just anxious just because she hadn’t told him about her break up with Loke and that she was done messing around with other guys. Surely Hibiki heard the news about Loke and Alice splitting up, but sometimes, you couldn't trust media outlets.

She knew he'd take it well, but the risk that he'd ask why was far too much for Alice to just be casual about it.

“Oh wow, the trimens of Blue Pegasus? They’re the hottest around nowadays. Hibiki Lates has been number 3 on Sorcerer Weekly’s most eligible bachelors list!” Lucy fangirled.
The men worked their magic on Erza and Lucy. Being over the top polite and formal, while flirting so ridiculously. They even pulled out an entire host room out of thin air to better charm the girls. A plush pink sofa, a coffee table with tea cakes, co*cktails, tea, coffee and candy.
There was somehow a portable fireplace with already burning logs in it.

Alice rolled her eyes and kept by Natsu’s side, in the corner where he sulked with Gray. Apparently the two male wizards of Fairy Tail felt underwhelmed. Three attractive men from another guild successfully making Erza and Lucy flustered... Something those two could never.

Natsu was more sick than jealous. Of course his girl was there by his side and being left alone by those fancy boys.
But Natsu recognized Hibiki’s scent. Something Alice came home covered in or at least traces of it left in her hair or clothes.
And Natsu wasn’t naive. Alice had admitted to cheating on Loke and at this point Natsu knew Alice was a heavily desired attractive and powerful wizard. How could any male resist her? Natsu surely couldn’t.
His dragon mating season was coming to an end and his urges were calming down. But not without a dramatic end.
Natsu was always more grumpy and possessive during the final week of the season. But that just meant Natsu was far more clingier to Alice. In a bad mood? Lay in Alice’s lap. Feeling motion sick ? Lay on Alice’s shoulder while she strokes his hair. Some guy flirting with Alice or even just looking at her for too long? Give that low life a menacing glare and then pull Alice close to him.

Although, this didn’t work well with Alice’s goal to be home alone as much as possible to unhealthily cope with her depression. Natsu had to be at her side constantly. It was like there was a body link connection between them.

Alice wanting to take a shower or a nice bath? Natsu was sitting at the door, waiting for her to be done. She wanted to read a book? She’d have to choose between Natsu laying on her, or sitting in his lap. Did she want to tend to her garden? Natsu was there. Take a nap? Natsu was there for her to cuddle with.

Did it matter that it was a rather muggy day? Nope.

It was the least Natsu could do. His body and mind kept nudging at him. Mate with Alice. Have many, healthy and strong young with Alice. She is in the peak of fertility at the same time you are. MATE!!! Alice. Alice. Alice. His mind kept giving him thoughts. How’d Alice look underneath him as he made love to her? He constantly spaced out staring at nothing, imagining he was screwing Alice. It was a long season now that Natsu at least knew what it was like to hold Alice, to kiss her, and how she felt pressed up against him. His mind had real experiences to work with. But Natsu wasn’t getting any of it in reality.

Alice wasn’t very willing to return affection to Natsu. No kissing, no talking about feelings, and she tried her best to keep physical touch to a minimum. So there was definitely no mating going on. So Natsu couldn’t sate his desire and urges. So he had to settle with just being near her.

Alice understood mating season. That’s one thing Umiko discussed with her at least about dragons. But since Alice didn’t practice much dragon slayer magic, her dragon instincts didn’t come in strong. So mating season didn’t bother her much more than just missing Natsu when he wasn't around and not wanting to part with him. She remembered when she was thirteen, when she hit puberty and she really really wanted to see Natsu. She even hugged him and was nice to him. Not one insult or threat.

And even now, she was the same. She just wanted him around 24/7 and got irritated when he wasn't.
But she knew it effected him differently than her. Just like everything else that came with dragon slayer magic. He was a powerful slayer and so his instincts, senses, and magic was stronger. She didn't understand everything he was feeling, but she new why he was just as clingy and intense. It was awkward to ask him about it because she knew it was all about sex and making children. And she didn't want to hear his carnal desires for her. Especially with all the tension about their unsaid situationship.

But this season was the most tense one yet, she assumed it was one or two things-- Or a mix.
1. Another male dragon slayer threatening his territory, and female
2. Having realized feelings for Alice and knowing she felt the same and the only thing that stood in the way of him fufilling his instinctual needs was her inability to regulate her thoughts and feelings about him and everything else.

“Why aren’t they all over you, Alice? Did you do something wrong and scare them?” Happy asked, curiously. Alice casted a quick glare at him. Great, he brought attention to her!

“On the contrary! Alice is our honorary princess!” Hibiki spoke silkily, sliding over to Alice, the other two Trimen following, dragging Alice away from Natsu and Gray.
Hibiki draped an arm over Alice’s shoulders, smirking down at her. Alice swallowed and took in a deep breath. She could resist his charm and more. She could do it! She looked up at him with an expression mixed with indifference and focus.

Eve kneeled before her with a bright, but yet shy smile. “Oh, yes. Princess Alice is our favorite!”
Ren snaked an arm around Alice’s waist but refused to look at her. “We save the best of our attention for Princess Alice.”

“Please don't call me that. I hate being called that anymore." Alice said with a pout to her lips and glowing cheeks as she glowered at the attention.
“What would you like us to call you then, my beautiful rose?” Hibiki inquired thoughtfully. "Queen? Your Majesty? Mistress?"

Alice's eyebrows twitched. Queen? She liked the sound of that.
No longer the Fairy Tail Princess, but theQueen?
Of course, not that she was trying to compete with Erza, Titania, Queen of the Fairies.

“Now, gentlemen, give these ladies some breathing room.” Another male voice spoke, and Alice grimaced hard. Not him!

“Yes, Ichiya, sir!” The three stood at attention.

Ichiya Vandalay Kotobuki.
A very short, stout man with a distinctively big, rectangular face. He had a big, flat nose, and very prominent cheekbones and chin. He always had stubble around his mouth and chin. He had dark eyes and thick brows. He always seemed to be wearing a suit, although, no undershirt under the blazer. He had dark orange wavy hair that reminded Alice of Sherry’s pink hair. The only difference between style was Sherry’s hair was longer.

Alice could not stand this guy. So if she ever was in the same place as Hibiki it had to be away from the Blue Pegasus guild hall because Alice could not risk every being seen by Master Bob or Ichiya.
Two people with far too loud personalities that Alice couldn't stand.
Not that she didn't have respect for Master Bob, because he was a powerful man with a heart of gold.

“It’s been far too long, Ms. Scarlet," Ichiya purred, seeing her immediately. Ichiya tried to be a lady killer but seemed to have only interest in Erza.

“It's been a long time." Erza’s voice shook as she tried to be polite but she was very noticeable nervous and uncomfortable. “Don’t worry, my sweet honey, I’m here now," He replied as silky as before. Ichiya slid down the rail of the stairs, posing at the bottom.

“We didn’t know she was your girlfriend, boss!” The three boys hopped to his side.

“You know that is not true!” Erza pointed an accusing finger, in a squeal. “You idiots! We have work to do!” Ichiya scolded the boys, embarrassed to be rejected by Erza in front of his men.

The boys then ran off to clean their mess, put back the table, the dishes and couch they got out to help swoon Erza and Lucy.

“It seems that destiny has brought us together, Miss Erza, Miss Lucy, Miss Alice.” Ichiya dreamily stated to the girls and then frowned, pointing at Gray and Natsu, “You two, not so much."

Ichiya did another weird pose, “Sweet Perfume~."

“Listen you Blue Pegasus Playboy Wannabes, you’d be wise to keep your hands off these ladies, we clear?” Gray warned, obviously getting jealous and also not liking the sweetness of the atmosphere. “Clear as crystal, now take your leave," Ichiya replied rather coldly.

And that pissed of Gray.. “Look, we’re here on official business, can you pretty boys even fight?” Gray jabbed. “You wanna see?” Ren threatened. “Yeah, we’re real tough," Eve added.
Natsu seemed to be cured of his motion sickness. “A fight? Sign me up!”

And then it happened.

Ichiya took it upon himself to sniff Erza, she got creeped out and gave him a good right hook and sent him flying, right into-
“This is how you greet us? With this flying buffoon?” A man with cool white hair and dark eyes stood at the door, deflecting Ichiya’s body flying towards him.


Alice started to frantically flit over her appearance, smoothing out her hair, straightening out her outfit-- Adjusting her top to make her boobs look bigger and perkier. Making sure she looked as attractive as she could on such short notice. She had no idea Lyon was going to be here!

Her eyes never leave from Lyon’s figure as he came into the house.
“Lamia Scale deserves more respect, we insist on it."

Alice had no clue Lyon had joined Lamia Scale! She would've scrubbed her skin raw and removed her Fairy Tail mark and joined up that less legendary guild for him if she knew!
She was so enthralled she wasn't paying any attention to what was going on.

Lyon and Gray got into another fight. Ichiya tried to smell Erza, the Trimen stood there at the ready for the ‘boss’ and Natsu was trying to butt his way into some fight.

And then Sherry Blendy walked in. She seemed to have underwent a new style. Far much more makeup than before, dramatic voluminous hair, and a sultry tight dress. (That wasn't that flattering for her body type, but whatever). She walked over to pick a fight with Lucy.

Alice just stood there, going back to tuning everything else out to admire Lyon.

And then Jura walked in. The most powerful member from Lamia Scale, and the Tenth wizard saint. He was a very tall and strongly built man. He radiated a lot of magic power. “Stop this madness!” He shouted. And everyone stood still. When they all tore apart from each other, Jura calmed down.

“There’s only three guilds here, the members from Cait Shelter have yet to arrive," Jura noted. “Its funny, four from Blue Pegasus, five from Fairy Tail and only three from my guild you guys are pathetic," Sherry laughed. “Didn’t you hear, from Cait Shelter, they’re only sending one member?" Hibiki countered.

“Only one? We’re going against a crazy powerful force and they’re only sending one?” Gray shouted. “Well whoever it is must be insanely powerful.” Alice shrugged. "Although, I have to be honest, I've never heard of them before."

And walking in, behind everyone, a small girl tripped on the carpet and fell face first to the ground with a “oof”. Everyone glanced at her, curious and surprised. A tiny girl that couldn’t have been older than 12. She had royal blue, straight long hair, and big sparkling brown eyes. She wore a yellow, blue and white striped dress and sandals with wings on them.

She looked up at everyone staring at her and picked herself up off the floor.

“Hello. I’m from the Cait Shelter guild it's nice to meet all of you," She said shyly.

How in the world could this child be so powerful that she could travel here by herself, let alone be allowed on this mission?

Chapter 35


wait f*ck this was the last chapter I reformatted of this arc, now I have to rewrite five chapters.
It won't be /too/ hard since I just have to rewrite it into 3rd person past tense... And make it readable--ish.... ,-,

Chapter Text

“Wow, they must be in some serious trouble sending her alone," Sherry scoffed. And then a white cat with wings walked up beside the girl. This cat was almost like Happy. Walked on two legs, had wings and seemed to be the same species of flying cat.
This cat appeared female and it wore a pink dress.
“She isn’t alone, don’t just jump to conclusions, you gaudy trollop!" The white cat scolded Sherry in her posh voice.

Alice already liked this cat.

“Oh Carla, you followed me here?” Wendy asked the cat. “Of course I did. You’re far too young to be traveling on your own," Carla responded.

“Lucy, I’ll give you a whole fish if you go tell that pretty cat I haven’t been neutered yet," Happy whispered to Lucy. Alice was appalled to hear Happy talk like that. But now at least he found a potential mate?
“I know I’m smaller and a lot younger than most of you, but I can use a lot of support magic, so please let me join the group? I’d be so embarrassed if you sent me back!” Wendy begged.
“My, you’ll never gain their respect without any confidence, child," Carla scolded her. “I’m sorry!” Wendy apologized. “I swear, you’ll drive me to catnip," Carla shook her head. “I can’t help it!” Wendy cried.

“I’m sorry, I was caught off guard. Rest assured no offense was meant. We’re glad to have you aboard, Wendy. Erza made the first move before any of us.

Alice sensed a weird magic energy from her. Like Dragon Slayer magic, maybe?

The Trimen busted out the couch, and started ‘comforting’ her. “What did I tell you? The ladies are here on business!” Ichiya yelled at the boys. “Yes, master!” The boys cleaned up again.
Ichiya stood on a mini stage, complete with spot lights on all four corners, he started to tell the group the plan. “Now that all the involved parties are present, I think it’s about time to get the mission briefing underway.”
“Are you going to brief us through interpretive dance?” Lucy asked, annoyed, referring to Ichiya constant poses throughout his lecture.

“Our first order of business is to location the Oracion Seis,” he paused. “Right after I make a letter of the alphabet." He scurried off. “We’re rooting for you, teacher!" The Trimen clapped. “Pick a title," Lucy commented.

Alice felt little hope for success on this mission.

“Much better, now to the north lies the Worthwood sea, where the ancients once sealed a powerful force, a magic called Nirvana."
“So Nirvana...I don’t know it, how about you, Jura?” Sherry asked. “No. I’ve never heard of it before," Jura replied.

“All we know of Nirvana is the name, and it’s a powerful destruction magic. That’s why Oracion Seis wants it. So we think they’re camped out somewhere out north.” Hibiki further explained.
“So this is why we can’t let them get a hold of it.” Ichiya and the three Trimen do a group pose altogether. Sparkles danced around them in the air.
Where did they get sparkles?

“We have the advantage in numbers, but remember, they’re incredibly strong and we may be well way over our heads.” Hibiki summoned a projection into the air for presentation, using his archive magic.
He showcased various images of what information he had been able to find.
“These are pictures of our enemy- Don’t ask how we got these pictures... First up is the snake wizard, Cobra.”

Cobra was a young adult man with brown hair spiked back and up, except one tuft of hair that hung in the middle of his forehead. He had reptilian purple eyes, sharp teeth and pointed ears. His teeth and sharp eyes were oddly familiar.
Behind him in the picture was a giant purple snake, taller than him by several meters.

“Beady eyes and a mischievous smirk. He looks like trouble to me.” Natsu scoffed, disgusted.
Wait. That’s where Alice knew Cobra’s looks from. He had that dragon-ness to him.

Great, another Dragon Slayer, perhaps?

“That’s like the pot calling the kettle black.” Both Ice-Make wizards muttered towards Natsu.

“Next is a wizard, who, judging by his name, uses Speed magic. Racer.” Hibiki continued on.
The man was very slender. He had a long, narrow face with a long pointed nose. He had long spiked eyebrows. He had a tall, spiky yellow mohawk. He wore green racing goggles, and wore an outfit similar to a dirt-bike sports uniform.

“Next, we have a wizard who could wipe out an entire military unit if the price is right, Divine Eyes Hoteye.”
A ginormous man in height and stature. He had long fiery ginger hair and black beady eyes. His most prominent feature being his blocky face. Alice wondered if there was any relation between this guy and Wally, from Jellal’s cult.

“And here we have a wizard who is just as gorgeous as she is viscous. Angel.”
Angel had a very short and soft face with very hooded eyes. She was pretty, but she had short white hair with blocky bangs. And she wore a feathery dress with a deep V-cut that showed off her very busty chest. She also wore a pair of white angel wings.

“The next guy is a mystery. All we know is his name, Midnight. And finally the coordinator of the Oracion Seis, Brain. And that’s it.”
Apparently Hibiki couldn’t obtain any pictures of these two.
“We have twelve to their six, but that’s our only advantage.” Hibiki concluded his presentation.

Alice raised her hand. “Do we have any idea or estimation on magic types?”
“I’m afraid we don’t. So we will be going in blind. Like I said, our numbers are all that we have against them.” Hibiki answered.

Alice lowered her hand and frowned. Well this was going to be a mission full of a lot of getting their asses handed to them. If they knew what magic they were going against, maybe they could’ve coordinated teams and a plan.

“Can I stay back and not die?” Lucy asked pathetically.
“I don’t want to die either, so can I go home?” Wendy chimed in with her.

“You may not, child!” Carla chided.

“Curb your fear, there is more to our operation than mortal combat, with your help, maybe we can find the enemy’s stronghold," Ichiya encouraged while sparkling.
“Stronghold?” Natsu asked, curiously. “Yeah, you heard the man, we’ve looked everywhere but have had no luck.” Ren replied while crossing his arms.

“Here's the deal, they have to have a hideout around here.” Eve pointed on a map that Hibiki conjured up of the woods they’d be traveling.

“Once we locate it, we must gather up the information inside," Ichiya said.
“That’s better said than done until we know what we’re dealing with.” Alice remarked.
“That’s why we beat ‘em up and drag their butts there!” Natsu pumped his fist up into the air, getting fired up.

“What’s the next part of the plan?” Erza asked.
“And then, we’ll give them a one way ticket to an oblivion, courtesy of Christina. The pride of the Blue Pegasus guild.” Ichiya answered.
Most guilds had secret cards up their sleeves.
Fairy Tail had... Okay, Alice didn’t know what their weapon was except extremely powerful wizards in the ranks.

But Phantom Lord had a jupiter canon and a secret form, Super Mage Giant Phantom MK II.
And Blue Pegasus had a not so secret aircraft with magic canons, and they called it Christina.

“Now remember, you must never engage in solo battle with the enemy, our plan is to separate them and have at least two wizards on them.“ Jura advised all his teammates.

“All right!” Natsu took that as a personal cue to completely do the opposite. And he immediately charged out of the building. Alone.

Everyone in the room was silent for a good second or two, just taking a moment to process that he really did something so reckless and idiotic. And he did.
Alice shook her head, totally questioning her ability to make good choices. This was her partner. The person she was in love with.

And she’d continue to be.

“Sometimes I wonder about his mental state.” Lucy said with a heavy sigh.
“I swear, he never thinks about his actions.” Erza added, disappointed.
“How much do you want to bet that he didn’t even hear the plan?” Gray asked, with no amusem*nt in his voice. “I bet you five fish!” Happy excitedly bet, wanting to play a game that he didn’t realize was rhetorical. “You’re on. I say twelve for him hearing it and thinking that was stupid and decided to do his own thing anyways.” Alice added her own input.

“Well, there’s no time to lose, we need to go after him.” Erza advised, taking the lead after Natsu.

Erza was the first to catch up with Natsu. “I command you to stop now!”
Which was no use because it was far too late, and he should’ve stopped way sooner-- Because he was heading for a cliff, and by the time he suddenly halted, he was already barrelling over the edge.

Both Alice and Erza watched him scream as he fell to the lower ground beneath them.
“If he’s not dead, I’ll kill him.” Erza shook her head. Natsu was capable of so much more if he just used his head.
“By the time I’m done with him, it’ll be a mercy.” Alice mirrored Erza’s head shake.

Sherry and Lyon caught up with the two redheads at the cliff side. Alice stiffened up at Lyon’s proximity. She seemed to forget how gorgeous he really was all these months later. His fashion sense was a bit iffy, the red button up looked good, but the white fur-lined coat was a bit much. And it’d all look so much more tasteful on the floor.

Goddamn, Alice was so horny for Lyon. And she wasn’t sure if it was for anything more than just his appearance. Something about his face structure was so intricately put together in such a way that made Alice’s body tingle.
She hadn’t been so attracted to someone solely off looks since her early obsession with the boy band STB.

“I see he hasn’t changed.” Sherry commented, watching Natsu’s decline.
“To think I almost crossed fists with that fool, it’s kind of embarrassing now.” Lyon smiled fondly.

“It’s another form of.... love~! ” Sherry sighed dreamily. “Not quite.” Gray disagreed.

They caught up with Natsu, finally once more.
Gray, doing so with a hard crash into Natsu, as Natsu halted abruptly.
A large shadow loomed over them, looking directly up to the sky, Alice gasped. “Is that the Magic Bomber?”
“Yes, that’s Christina.” Erza confirmed.
It was indeed a giant airship, crafted into the style of an inflated blue pegasus.
“I want one!” Natsu cried, like it was unfair that he wasn’t just gifted a giant airship.

“All right, focus! Next we should start looking for their-” Just as Erza tried to reign everyone back in, the airship took an explosive hit to the side-- Then to the other side, the front-- Christina started to lose altitude quickly, and crashed to the ground nearby.
The ground shook violently with a loud boom as the ship made impact.
Smoke and heat from the ship whipped through the air.

Natsu and Gray both stood in front of the girls, ready for another attack by the Oracion Seis.

Six figures appeared in the smoke, as it started to thin out.
Alice could sense their intense magic energies. This had to be them. The Oracion Seis.
How did they know that a battalion had come looking for them, and where to start?

The smoke cleared, showing the six people.

“Lowly maggots, swarming together.” A tall man with deep, tan skin, slicked back white hair, and on his face, odd black line markings. He had to be Brain, since the other guy had to be Midnight from the looks of it. He sat on a magic carpet that hovered in the air. He had black shaggy hair and gothic makeup on his face. He appeared to be... sleeping?

“I’m afraid Short Stuff isn’t going to be making it to the party.” The one named Angel said with a delicate female voice. She had two small creatures floating over each shoulder. They looked like sentient sock puppets. “Neither is that big bald wizard saint,” “We took them down!” They both had tiny, squeaky voices. Like you’d expect from sentient puppet looking creatures.

Alice was breathless. They took out both Ichiya and Jura?
Jura? The wizard saint?
Were they telling the truth? Why’d they lie if it wasn’t true though?
But how could they take out Jura? There was no way these guys were that powerful. Absolutely no way!


“They’re defeated?” “Impossible!” “There’s terror in their voices, I can hear it.” The one named Cobra said, smirking sinisterly at Hibiki and Lyon, who exclaimed their disbelief.
“The quicker we get this done, the better. I’ll run you over so fast, I’ll make your head spin," Racer threatened..
“Money determines strength in this world, oh yeah. If you save a penny today, it’ll be a vast fortune in the future," Hoteye....gave them financial advice?

“I’ll admit, I didn’t expect you guys to show yourselves.” Erza said.

“You ready, Gray?” Natsu popped his knuckles, smiling wickedly.. “Oh yeah," Gray replied, in agreement..

“You want an invitation?” Cobra smirked, “You being here is enough!” Natsu and Gray charged at them together. Racer, with his speed magic, looked like he was teleporting more than running by how fast he was that no one could keep track of his movements, and only seeing him when he was in a new place.

He easily was able to evade Gray and Natsu while speeding around them so fast, they couldn't see him until he was right behind one of them and punched them.

“Gray! Natsu!” Lucy cried-- Both Lucy’s cried.. Wait, why were there two Lucys? Right next to Lucy, was an exact doppelganger of hers. She gasped, looking at this imposter next to her. This other Lucy smiled wickedly and pulled out their whip and started to whip the Real Lucy. “Surprise!”

“Sherry!” “Right!”

Lyon and Sherry charged forwards to help someone, Alice wasn’t completely sure if they were going to aid Natsu and Gray or go after another member.

“I’ve waited for this moment!” Alice turned to Lucy’s twin. “Taser shock!” Alice cast in the direction of the Fake Lucy that cackled at Lucy cowering at being whipped. But at the last second, they noticed Alice’s attack and jumped out of the way.
And then with a plume of smoke, changed appearances-- To a completely identical version of Alice.
“What the hell? Which one of them are you?” Alice asked, baffled at this turn of events. Which Oracion Seis member was this? The other ones were accounted for.

Racer was in between the Trimen, Natsu and Erza. Cobra was primarily attacking Erza. Hoteye had just dealt with Sherry and Lyon. Midnight was still sleeping, and Brain and Angel were just... standing there watching. Was it one of their magic? Could they create clones?

The Fake Alice smiled darkly. “You’re an interesting one! We’re gonna have so much fun playing with your magic!”
Alice was disturbed to see her own twin talking to her. But it was a good way to gauge herself. She had to admit, she was quite beautiful. But she could easily see her insecurities. Her chin shape, how small her eyes were, and damn, she was pale.

“Black Lightning!” This fake cast one of her own spells at her. Alice easily absorbed the spell like a sponge. Lightning magic had no effect on her.
“What is this thing? Why are there two Alices now?!” Lucy cried, so confused and defeated, laying on the ground.
“I’m not sure. But it seems whatever form it takes, it gains knowledge from it.” Alice quickly assessed.

“Revert!” Alice cast a reversal spell, just curious to see if it’d work or not. She used this spell mostly for restoration and cleaning, since it wasn’t a spell meant for magic reversal.
And unsurprisingly it did nothing. “You knew that was a longshot. You just want to know what we are. But you don’t know any magic that can reveal that.” The false Alice smiled crookedly.

“I don’t have to. I just have to-” As Alice was about to deliver an awesome line of dialogue, Racer zoomed over and kicked her hard in the middle. Alice grunted hard, landing on the ground hard. She wrapped her arms over her ribcage, feeling something definitely crack. “That was so not fair...” She groaned, laying on the ground.

Brain lifted his staff in the air. It was a metal staff with a skull with a decorative headpiece on top. The eye holes of the skull glowed a murky dark green.
“Dark Rondo!”

Dark green magic seeped from the ground all over the radius of defeated wizards.
“What is this magic, it feels dark?” Sherry asked, wearily.
“I can’t move!” Hibiki cried. “Me either!” “Me as well!” Eve and Ren chimed in weakly.

Alice, as well couldn’t lift her body much at all. Her body felt achy and weighed down by darkness.

And then suddenly the spell stopped, as Brain gaped at the sight of Wendy peering over a boulder, trembling.
“What’s the matter, Brain?” “Aren’t you going to cast the spell, or what?” Racer and Cobra asked their leader.


How did he know Wendy?

“You know her or something?” Racer asked. “No, but it’s so coincidental she’s here, Wendy Maiden of the Sky. We have quite the find,"

Maiden of the Sky?
Just what magic did Wendy possess? And why did it feel so strange, yet familiar? And apparently, how strong was it if the leader of the Oracion Seis knew about her?

Brain lowered his staff down and held it out towards the direction of Wendy. And from it came a long green misty shape of a long arm and it wrapped about Wendy’s middle.
She screamed, as the hand reeled her towards Brain.

“Wendy! Unhand her!” Carla shouted, running after her. But her stubby little legs couldn’t keep up.
“Save me!” Wendy pleaded.
“Striking while we’re down, huh? That’s not fair!” Natsu shouted.
“All’s fair in money and war. Oh yeah!” Hot Eye cast a spell that warped the ground underneath the good guys, flinging everyone which way or another.

“Grab my paw!” Carla shouted to Wendy, who reached back-- Only to somehow catch onto Happy’s instead. Happy was no use to break her free. Wendy and Happy got sucked up into the green hand and disappeared.


“No, Happy! We have to get them back!” Alice pushed herself up, trying to stand back up.

“I have no need for the rest of you worms. Dark Rondo!” Brain cast the spell once more, this time actually letting it go.

“Lucy, get down!” Hibiki grabbed her, and tried to jump out of the way.
“I’ve got you,” Lyon assured Sherry, doing the same with her.

“Alice!” Natsu got to his feet, but he knew he’d be too late to get to her in time. She was too far away and he didn’t act in time, too caught up in what just happened and Happy getting kidnapped.

Gray sprung to his feet, being closer to her and pulled her close to his chest, shielding her from the oncoming spell. “I got you.”

“Iron Rock Wall!” Jura got there in time, casting an Earth Magic spell that manipulated the earth and molded it to successfully shield his allies from the spell.

“You’re awesome!”
“Right in the nick of time!”
“Good work Jura!”
Many of them sang praise for Jura, but Natsu was just focused on getting back to the fight.

“Okay, let’s take them down now-!” He jumped up to his feet, ready to charge once more, but there was no one to fight.

“They’re long gone by now.” Gray sighed, standing up from shielding Alice. He held his hand out for her to help her stand.
“We let them get away!” Natsu cried.

“They wiped the floor with us.” Ren said, breathless.
“They’re stronger than any of us thought. We never stood a chance.” Eve added.

“According to Angel, the woman who can read minds, they know all about are mission. We’re lucky no lives were lost.” Jura informed the group.
“Well, I’m just glad you got out unscathed.” Lyon smiled weakly at Jura.
“I barely got out with my life. I hate to admit it, but if it wasn’t for the capable Ichiyia and his pain-killing perfume, I’d be in utter agony right now.” Jura admitted.

Unfortunately, Ichiya was still alive and kicking, doing his god-awful poses.
“Detestable Oración Seis. Instead of bravely facing your foes, you decided to flee. Which means we win by default!”

“That’s not how that works, you weirdo!” Gray barked at him.
“Look pal, while we may be battered, we are not defeated. Here, take a whiff of my amazing pain-killer parfum and let it take away your ailments!” Ichiya pulled out a tiny glass vial and popped off the cork.

“Wow, such a lovely scent.” Sherry sighed, relieved. “Yeah, and all my pain is just fading away!” Lucy added.

“I will be doing no such thing.” Alice was frantically waving her hand in front of her face, while walking over to Natsu, grabbing the loose end of his scarf and blocking her nose and mouth. She did not care that it was stubborn and childish of her-- And that she was letting her bias get in the way. She was not about to breathe in anything that Ichiya concocted.

“How dare those punks run off with Happy and Wendy! This sucks! I’m going after them!” Natsu pulled away from Alice and ran off. Not before Carla was flying after him and grabbed him by the scarf, pulling him back and he fell backwards.

“You can’t be so reckless. You need to calm down and think this through.”

“Just like Happy...” Alice gasped. So she really was the same species of talking and flying cat like Happy.
“What, you’ve never seen Aeria Magic before?” Carla shrugged.

“You’re just trying to copy Happy.” Natsu gritted his teeth, glaring up at her-- Not getting up yet from falling backwards. “I am not, you dimwit!” Carla snapped back.
“Hey, it’s okay. We can have two flying cats.” Lucy tried to mediate.

“Besides that, I am concerned for Wendy and the Tomcat, but this foe is not one to take lightly. We cannot face them again until we come up with an attack plan.” Carla said logically.
Alice nodded, thinking that’s what they should’ve done in the first place but since Natsu ran off by himself things just went downhill after that.

“I wholeheartedly agree, Lady Carla. The enemy is far more capable than anticipated.” Jura agreed.
“Yes, but first...” Carla nodded to the left, getting everyone to take notice of Erza trembling and shuddering in pain. She was holding her right upper arm firmly. Purple magic inflicted the area.

Alice gasped, horrified. “Erza!”
Natsu, Gray, and Lucy followed after her to get a closer look at Erza.
“Are you okay?” Natsu asked, ignorantly. “What’s the matter?” Lucy reached out to her cautiously.

“She got bitten by that snake. Do you think that’s it?” Gray pondered. Alice nodded thoughtfully. “If that’s the case, then that snake has some nasty venom. Considering who it belongs to, I’m worried what will happen to her if we don’t get this treated.”

“I got what you need, don’t you worry my sweet honey! Aroma increase!” Ichiya got out another vial of pain-killer parfum.

Erza whimpered loudly.
“It looks like it’s getting worse!” Natsu cried.
“Oh really, oh man...” Ichiya inched away, ashamed.

“You have to have some sort of healing spell that can help her, Alice!” Natsu turned to her. Alice frowned. “Healing magic is a very lost magic that very few know or can master. I don’t have anything. The most I can do is use a reversal spell that might just only reverse the venom but it’ll only spread and worsen again since I can’t get rid of it. If I had the time, resources and the snake’s venom, I’d be able to create an antivenom but until then... I don’t--- I don’t have anything.”

“Hang in there, Erza. We’ll figure something out.” Gray tried to encourage, if that’d help any.

“Well what do you need to make it?” Natsu asked Alice, as if he’d be able to gather everything she needed. “Oh, I don’t know. A sterile alchemy table, unicorn blood, a centrifuge, the snake’s venom, time, and everything we can’t get to right now!” Alice snapped at him, since this was only wasting time.

“I’m sorry, Lucy. But I need to borrow your belt!” Erza weakly said, stepping over to her and undoing Lucy’s belt from her skirt.
“Wait-! Don’t-..!” Lucy’s skirt immediately slid down her hips and down to her ankles.
The Trimen shamelessly stared at her butt.

Erza secured the belt over the wound, creating a tourniquet. “What are you doing, Erza?” Alice gasped, horrified at what she imagined what Erza was going to do.

Erza plopped down on the ground and pulled off her other glove, shoving it between her teeth. “It’s harsh, but it’s the only way I can keep fighting!” Erza then tossed one of her swords out. “Someone cut it off!”

“Fine, I’ll be the one to cut it," Lyon grabbed the sword and steadied himself.
Alice stood in front of Erza, putting herself between her and Lyon. “You won’t go anywhere near her!”
“Put it down, Lyon!” Gray shouted.
“Do it!” Erza argued.
“She’s one of the strongest wizards in the group, we need her to keep fighting," Lyon argued against them.
“I want to see you try! We’ll find another way!” Alice strictly warned Lyon to back off. Any attraction she had for him was immediately zapped away.

Being a cult leader, trying to revive one of Zeref’s demons; She could look past that, everyone had their faults. But to not even blink at the thought of trying to find something else to do before going to the extreme of cutting off Erza’s arm? Absolutely not!

“I can’t believe we got stuck with a bunch of wimpy fairies like you! You need to buck up and let Lyon do it!” Sherry spat.
Alice’s eyes snapped to her, cold and dark. Her blood boiling. “Shut your whor* mouth before I do it for you.”

“We’re not doing it! We have to find another way," Gray argued with Lyon again.
“Just do it before the venom spreads to the rest of my body!” Erza grunted.

“I’m doing it. You better get out of the way before I cut you as well!” Lyon raised the sword, fully ready to strike at Alice as well.
Gray stepped in front of them, using an ice spell to stop the sword.
“You’d rather save her arm than her life?” Lyon asked, disgusted.

“This will affect her for the rest of her life, so we can’t jump the gun! We’ll find another way," Gray shouted.
“You’re just as spineless as ever. Figures.” Lyon spat at him.
“And I really thought you changed, but you’re just as shady as ever.” Gray fired back.

Erza fainted, collapsing to the ground. Her Fairy Tail friends surrounded her.
Alice put a hand to Erza’s clammy forehead. “She’s burning up.”
“We need to find a way to stop the venom from spreading.” Eve said, as if that wasn’t obvious.

“Everyone calm down. Wendy is the only one who can save her. We need to come up with a plan to rescue Wendy and I suppose that Tom-cat too. We need to work together to save them," Carla directed, being the only rational one among them.

“Wait, you’re saying that little girl has an antivenom magic?” Eve gasped, excitedly.
“Not just anti-venom. She can cure fevers, relieve pain, and heal wounds.” Carla stuck her nose up proudly.

“Everyone knows healing spells are a lost magic, so there’s no way a kid like her could have healing magic." Sherry said. “I’d consider your combover to hide your biggass forehead a lost magic and we all know you aren’t capable of something that great.” Alice grumbled at her.

“Does her healing magic have anything to do with her being called the “Maiden of the Sky” but that Brain guy?” Lucy asked Carla.
“Yes it does, as you see, that little girl is the Sky Dragon Slayer. She’s Wendy the Sky Dragon!”

A Dragon Slayer?

Chapter 36

Chapter Text

Alice panted hard. “I know we’re on a time crunch here-- But do we need to run so fast?”

“Yes! We have to keep at this pace! Wendy’s and that Tomcat’s lives are in danger, did you forget?” Carla sternly replied back.

Alice kept her comments to herself. She was just in pain from running for so long.

“So Wendy’s a Sky Dragon Slayer, huh? So what does she eat for her element?” Natsu continued to quiz Carla.
“Air, of course.”
“I wonder what that tastes like.” Natsu wondered, as if he didn’t breathe constantly.

“Just so you know, she only took this mission just so she could meet you.” Carla revealed, seemingly annoyed by the fact. “Why me?” Natsu asked.
“Because you’re a fellow Dragon Slayer. She wanted to ask you something rather important to her.”
“Did she tell you?”
“Yes, apparently the dragon that taught her magic disappeared seven years ago. She was hoping you could tell her its whereabouts," Carla explained.
“Just like ours.” Alice noted. Hers, Natsu’s, Gajeel’s, and Wendy’s.... It was starting to sound far bigger than just a case of random disappearances. What was so significant about July 7, X777 except for it being about the number seven?

“You're a Dragon Slayer, as well?” Carla asked, not knowing about Alice’s magic. “Technically, but it’s a long story.”

“I need more info than that. What was its name?” Natsu asked Carla further. “I believe, the Sky Dragon, Grandeeney," Carla answered.

Natsu was so lost in thought that he didn’t take in the low hanging tree branch in his way, and smacked his face into it, falling backwards. The group stopped to wait for him.

“What is up with the trees?” Gray wondered.

Alice perked up at the sound of footsteps behind her.

“Word on the street is that it’s the cause of Nirvana, ain’t that right big brother Zato?” Two very large guys followed after them. The one who spoke was a massive man with slim arms and legs. His face mirrored that of a monkey, with very prominent ears. He had very long, fluffy, albeit, spiky hair. He had a small purple guild stamp on his flat, large nose. His small thin lips were decorated in several thick rings, almost reminiscent of stitches when his mouth was shut.

“Oh, yeah. Magic so powerful the planet can’t take it. Everything it touches makes it wither up and die." The other one, from what was inferred, named Zato. He always was a large man whose face resembled a monkey. He had an Afro, which bared his guild stamp, paired with similar sideburns.

Several more guys very similar in appearance surrounded the group.
And they started to attack the wizards, but being super weak, Gray, Alice, Natsu and Carla were able to defeat the group quickly. So quickly, the narrator didn't have time to write down all the boring details.

Natsu huffed. “That was more of a workout than I thought." He strutted over to Gato, wanting to interrogate him.

“A lot, you get them what they got coming." Gato said. It was mystic but Alice had to wonder if he was just concussed.

“Well well, it seems you pesky flies are still buzzing around." A familiar voice said, out of nowhere.
Up in a tree nearby, stood Erigor. Once a worrisome foe, but now just a pest.
“That’s why I’ve been sent to swat you down, once and for all."

“Hey Cool Breeze! Long time no see! How you been, man?” Natsu greeted him warmly.
“Are you really that dense?” Gray deadpanned.
“He’s the guy who tried to use Lullaby, and that you went against on the way to Cloverfield." Alice refreshed his mind.
“Oh yeah! I totally roasted that guy!"

"There you go, Flame-Brain."

“Leave him to me then."

Alice and Gray allowed Natsu to deal with Erigor again, having full faith he'd have no trouble with him.

“Fire doesn’t seem like it goes against wind," Carla commented, thinking about it reasonably.
“You wouldn’t think so, but Natsu has gone against this guy before and won, of course, Erigor stepped up his game, but so has Natsu." Alice said with a proud smile, watching Natsu fight Erigor.

“You’re on a whole 'nother level, but so am I!” Erigor cast an attack.
Alice cast her own spell to block the heavy winds that also blew her direction.

“I’ve spent all my time after our last fight to get stronger, and to be able to take you down once and for all!” Erigor declared, offended that Natsu was uninjured from his attack.

“That’s pretty pathetic. Spending all this time planning revenge, I didn’t know I was so important to you," Natsu smirked.
Erigor matched his smile. “You don’t understand a thing. This isn’t about what you did to Eisenwald, or on the behalf of the Oracion Seis. It’s not about you at all. It’s about me! I won’t be beaten!”

“Then let’s fight!” Natsu released a lot of magic energy. Erigor went for a hit with a strong spell, but Natsu was faster and stronger and used Crimson Lotus: Fire Dragon’s Fists. A spell Alice hadn't seen Natsu use before. She gasped in awe of his power.

Of course Natsu was powerful. He took out Jellal Fernandes of all people, he took out Laxus, and Gajeel.
Erigor was nothing compared to any of them. But this attack was just an ode to his power.
Erigor didn't stand a chance and laid on the ground, completely unconscious.

“What took you so long, you Pyro!” Gray shouted to Natsu, not wanting to praise him any. “Like you could do it any better!” Natsu scoffed.
"No one does it better than you, all right? Let's go." Alice didn't want to waste time and have the two fight.
"You're just saying that because you're in love with him. I could totally-" "I am, but he's still a powerful mage. So what's your point?"
Alice didn't give into Gray, knowing he was wanting her to get flustered and deny having feelings for Natsu. But she didn't have the patience to spare his feelings.

Gray's frown deepened. "Nevermind. Let's get going." He took charge, running off.

"Did you mean it?" Natsu asked Alice, grabbing her arm to stop her from leaving.
"You don't need me to stroke your ego. We need to get going." Alice didn't want to linger on it and get Natsu's hopes up.

“You all are a crazy bunch!” Carla sneered.

The four come across a small ancient village surrounded by a river.
It looked like it had been abandoned for decades, if not a century or two.

“Wendy! Happy!” Natsu shouted, using his hands to amplify his cry.
“Shut up! If they’re down there, the enemy can hear us too!” Carla whispered harshly to the idiot.
“There's a good chance they're all down there. Do you want a worse redo from earlier?" Alice snapped softly at him.

They all waited to see if there was anyone down there, and if they heard Natsu. For a moment there, the coast seemed to be clear.

Until suddenly, Racer had appeared, doing quick attacks on each one of them. Being too fast for anyone to see him as he moved from Natsu, to Gray, to Alice, and then to Carla.

Alice groaned with a high whine at the sting of her road rash on her arms, after the exposed skin was dragged against the dirt. The sting was minute compared to the new ache in her side after being kicked with extreme force. And the impact didn’t help her previous injury from Racer.

Carla laid on the ground, very hurt.

If Racer used the same amount of force that he did on the humans, Carla was going to be very injured compared to them. She was just a small thing.

“What’s this guy doing here?” Natsu growled, agitated that he got blindsided.
“Gee, I’m sure it wasn’t from all the yelling that ticked them off.” Alice snapped at him.

If there was only one, this was the perfect opportunity to slowly take their numbers down.

“You guys go and save them. I got him.” Gray urged, casting an ice spell that turned the ground to ice. As Racer came back around for another attack, he slipped on the ice. If he couldn’t get traction, and with his speed magic, he was useless.

“Are you sure, Gray? It’s okay to admit to wanting help.” Alice said roughly, as she got back to her feet.
“I’ll be fine! Now go! We can’t waste any time if Wendy’s down there. We need her to save Erza!” Gray defiantly declared.

Alice weighed her options. Gray seemed to have found Racer’s weakness, and had the advantage.

But if Racer was up here, then there had to be more down there.. And Natsu needed all the help he could get if that was the case.

And the more manpower, the better the outcome to get Wendy and Happy-- And then saving Erza.

“Here, I’ll save you some time.” Gray made a long ice slide off the cliff, down to the village below.

“Let’s go then!” Natsu didn’t waste any time, grabbing Carla gently and jumping down the slide.
Alice followed after, toppling over an incapacitated Natsu, sick to his stomach. “Dumbass, it’s not even moving, you are!”

Exploring cautiously, Natsu still haphazardly calling out for Happy and Carla, he finally got a call back.

“Natsu!” Happy’s voice shouted from a cave that was near the waterfall that fed into the stream around the village.


It was a small cave illuminated by several tiny candles.

Running into the cave, Alice gasped. “No way...” She stopped in her tracks at the man in the cave with them.

“I’m so, so sorry! I had to! I owed him!” Wendy sobbed frantically.
“You used your healing magic? You know what that does to you!” Carla scolded as Wendy collapsed from exhaustion.

Jellal Fernandes.

Last anyone had heard about him, he disappeared after the Tower of Heaven exploded due to being unable to handle all 2.7 billion units of Etherion after Natsu destroyed the integrity of the tower’s ability to hold that much magic power.

No one knew if he had died, or got captured, or went into hiding or whatever.

But apparently he was working with the Oracion Seis.

Alice was breathless. She knew nothing about Jellal’s power except from Natsu’s word, which wasn’t much.

“I don’t know how you got here, but I’m gonna take you down!” Natsu charged at him without giving it a second thought.

“Wait, Natsu-!” Alice reached out for him, but was rather hesitant about the whole thing. Jellal’s presence threw her for a loop. The fact that Brain was in there was also a big factor into whether they just grabbed Happy and Wendy and fled or tried to fight.

She knew nothing of Jellal’s magic power, his magic type (besides it being called Heavenly Body Magic), or what he was doing with the Oracion Seis.

Let alone Brain’s power, but he was the leader of the Oracion Seis, so he had to be powerful.

Natsu charged at Jellal, full force, just for Jellal to raise a hand at him, and hit Natsu with a spell that flung him backwards against the cave’s wall and Natsu hit the ground, with large chunks of the cave piling on top of him.

“Natsu!” Happy cried.

“Thankfully your condition hasn’t weakened your power.” Brain said, hopeful to Jellal.

Jellal looked at him, uninterested and performed the same spell, but forcing Brain downwards into the floor.

Jellal didn’t even acknowledge Alice’s presence, even as he walked her direction. Jellal slowly walked towards her, and Alice stood her ground watching him carefully, watching any sudden movements. Jellal wasn’t even looking at her... And then as he got closer, looking as if he was just going to go around her, he raised his hand to her.

Using the same spell as before on Natsu and Brain.

The yellow light of the spell felt light and ticklish, and for the brief second Alice was flying through the air, her breath knocked out of her chest-- It was like riding a rollercoaster, that is, until her body was flung against the exterior wall of a stone hut. Her neck whiplashed back against the wall and her head smacked against it with a loud thud.

She immediately blacked out from the collision.

Happy dug Natsu out of the rock pile, teary eyed. “Natsu!”

“Alice! Wendy!” Natsu jumped to his feet. Seeing Wendy laying on the ground still, his focus was back to Alice.

“Alice!” He shouted, seeing her nowhere in the cave. Having only his senses to lead him, he smelled her scent linger out of the cave. Looking out to the outside, he saw her limp body laying on the ground.

“Alice!” He cried again, running towards her. Immediately he could hear her heartbeat and gentle breathing. She was alive.

She was so fragile compared to him.
Seeing the cracked exterior wall of the stone house, Natsu knew she was hit hard. Of course these buildings had to be centuries old, but even then Alice wasn’t durable like Natsu.

“We need to get Wendy back to Erza. Carla, Happy, you can manage Wendy, right?” Natsu looked over his shoulder to see Carla already on it.

“I can carry you guys, too!” Happy flew over, determined. “Thanks Buddy.” Natsu carefully scooped Alice into his arms. She groaned, grimacing in pain. She slowly came to, trying to open her eyes. But the sun was so bright and it turned her migraine into something that made her want to end it all just to stop the pain. Her ears rang, she was incredibly dizzy, and her entire body ached.
“It’s okay, Alice. I got you. We’re going back to the others and getting Erza healed up, okay?” Natsu said to her, as Happy grabbed him back the back of his vest and lifted them up in the air.

“Is Wendy okay?” Alice weakly muttered. “She’s just tired. Hopefully by the time we get back, she’ll be up to healing Erza.” Natsu replied. “You just rest up. Maybe Wendy can do some healing on you too.”

Alice could barely open her eyes,and even when she did, her vision was heavily unfocused and only made her nauseous.

Only to be jostled violently and then dropping from the air.
Natsu held tightly to her, turning her over so as they crashed to the ground, he absorbed all of the impact.

“What happened?!” Alice scrambled to her feet uneasily, only to be extremely unbalanced and she fell over.
“Happy, Carla! Wendy!” Natsu shouted, running over to the three.

“Natsu, what happened?!” Alice shouted after him.
“Racer, that bastard!” Natsu slammed his fist on the ground.

“I’ll have to carry you all myself.”

Alice scrunched her eyebrows, confused. But watching Natsu grab Happy, Carla-- Then try to shift them to one side so he could also grab Wendy, and-- “You can ride on my back, okay? I got them all here so,-”

“I’ll be fine. Let me help. I can... I can carry the cats, or Wendy.. Or-”
“Alice, you just got concussed so bad that you can’t even stand. You can’t.” Natsu argued against her.

Alice requiped a canteen of water, taking several gulps and then poured the last remaining swallows over her head to help cool her down.

Her balance improved and she felt just a bit lighter. “I’m good. Let me help.”

Natsu thought for a moment. “Fine. Take Happy.”
“Natsu, I can take Carla too-” “Take Happy, and let’s go.”

They trekked through the forest in silence for the most part, Alice panting heavily the entire time.

Happy stirred awake. “Natsu?” He called for his best friend immediately.

“I’m here, buddy.” Natsu slowed his pace to match Alice’s. “Where are we, Natsu?” Happy asked.
“We’re fine. Just rest up, Buddy.”
“But Jellal is out there!”
“Yeah, I know, but don’t worry. I’m gonna make sure he doesn’t stick around long.” Natsu assured sternly.

“”What ever happened to him? I guess he made it off the Tower in time.” Alice wondered. “I don’t know. After Erza and I landed on shore, I don’t know what happened with him.”

Natsu then stopped abruptly.
“What?” Alice asked, concerned. He turned to a tree, face slack with surprise. “This tree is talking to me?”

“What?” Alice cried, horrified that Natsu had finally lost his mind after so many injuries.
Natsu only responded to the tree. “Yes, Great Tree.”

Alice and Happy shared a confused look.

“You’re a ventriloquist?” Natsu asked the tree.

“Maybe Jellal’s attack hit his head a little too hard," Happy suggested.
“All the head trauma in his life caught up to him.” Alice nodded, giving out more suggestions.

“Yeah, Wendy’s out, but Happy has already woken up."

Then Alice straightened out, relieved. Hibiki. Him and his archive magic was something else. It had to be it.

Although, Natsu finally losing his mind was never off the table.

“What is this upload stuff you’re doing? Stay out of my head-” Natsu’s face brightened up. “Follow me, Alice, I know where to go now," He started running off with no other indication of doing so.

“Let up a bit! I can’t keep up!” Alice whined after him, but felt relieved to see him more upbeat.
“Natsu, I think it’s time you get some professional help," Happy said, not on the same page yet..

“Finally!” Alice shouted, relieved to see Hibiki, Lucy and Erza.
She stopped and dramatically fell on to her back, only thing on her mind was to catch her breath and let her burning legs rest.

“Is Wendy okay?” Hibiki asked Natsu. “Yeah, she just needs to wake up," Natsu nodded.

Wendy came to, once more apologizing frantically. “I’m sorry, but I had to do it!”
“I’m willing to overlook that, but you need to save my friends. Erza was bitten by a poisonous snake, you can save her, right?” Natsu spoke gently to her. “Yeah, I’ll try. No- I will!” Wendy obliged fervently.

Alice closed her eyes and zoned off as Wendy healed Erza.

“Now please, don’t make Wendy use anymore of her sky magic. None of you can see it but I can. She’s already exhausted!” Carla said, in scolding.

“No! You got it wrong! I’m just worried," Wendy argued.
“Don’t. We’ll strike back as soon as Erza wakes up. There’s no need to worry, okay?” Hibiki tried to assure her.

“Yeah! We won’t let them take Nirvana!” Lucy added passionately.

“What’s that light...?”

A large beam of light somewhere off in the distance illuminated the forest and the sky.

Alice’s eyes snapped open. Oh, no... Something was definitely wrong.

She felt her body go numb, her cognition and empathy started to go fuzzy. Like something else was trying to turn off her control of herself... It was odd to say the least. But it was the only way she could describe it. She felt lost while knowing exactly where she was. But she was panicked like some overwhelming looming doom was right behind her.

“It's been unsealed! That’s Nirvana!”

Chapter 37

Chapter Text

"Jellal has to be there, where that light is coming from.. I'm gonna beat him up before Erza wakes up!" Natsu took off without warning, leaving the rest of the party behind.

"Natsu..." Alice called to him, although softly, like everything was muddled in her head and it was so hard to get her head to think of what to say, and then get her mouth to say it.
The thought of Natsu by himself to fend off Jellal, and all of the Oracion Seis?
Alice felt a mindless instinct try to rise up inside her. To protect Natsu at all costs. Even if it harmed him. To keep him safe.

Hibiki noticed the dark look in Alice's eyes. A rise in her magic power as she stood up, ready to run after Natsu.
Hibiki shouted something Alice didn't hear, but immediately afterwards, she felt an invisible wall pull her back. Watching her body slam against something that no one could see and she fell backwards, confused as to what just happened.

"Hibiki, why'd you say that? What did Alice do?" Happy cried, shaken by the sudden events.
Alice stood back up, turning back to Hibiki, her brows hardened in a confused scowl.
"I can't explain it yet, but you need to stay with us. With Nirvana unsealed, I need to keep my eye on you."

"What the f*ck does that mean?" Alice demanded him harshly, baring her teeth at him as she glared at him.
"With your cursed magic-"

Alice's face dropped, as she fell into a trance.
"I have to be extra precautions. It was ignorant of Natsu to run off by himself, he should've stayed with us. Alice's black magic is far too volatile now with Nirvana unsealed, we needed him here with her." Hibiki continued on.

Wendy started to sob uncontrollably again. "It's all my fault! It's all my fault! I'm so sorry! I healed him and now this is happening!"
"Erza's gone!" Carla gasped.

"We need to go after Natsu!" Happy shouted along with the chaos going on around him.

Hibiki noticed Wendy's will start to dissolve, he didn't know her magic well enough to risk her losing control as well. He used his magic to knock her unconscious. "Lucy, pull Alice along. Happy, Carla, let's go. We have to go after Natsu." Hibiki sternly directed, trying his best to keep everyone on track.

He pulled Wendy on to his back, and Lucy grabbed Alice's hand. "Let's go, Alice, okay? I'm sure Hibiki will explain anything soon."

Alice stared off, eyes clouded and unfocused. But she listened, following along.

"I'm sorry for scaring you all back there. Wendy will be fine, I just knocked her out." Hibiki briskly explained.
"Why'd you do it? And why are we suddenly in a hurry?" Lucy cried, begging for an explanation.
"We have to catch up with Natsu and Erza. Just keep running until we reach the light." Hibiki said.

"Why should we take orders from a brute like you? I realize that Wendy can be a bit of whiner, but there was no reason to strike her!" Carla questioned.
"I did it because I had to. Just like using Alice's curse against her...." Hibiki slowed to a stop.
"I haven’t been completely honest with anyone. I know a lot more about Nirvana than I originally lead on," he confessed. “Why didn’t you tell us?” Happy asked.
“I couldn’t. Because of the nature of the magic, I couldn’t say a word. Even saying it now, is risky and could put us in danger. That’s why master Bob only told me about it. Ichiya, Eve or Ren have no clue."

“So what did he tell you?” Lucy asked. “It uses a powerful magic. It alone has the ability to turn light into darkness. Of course that doesn’t happen until it’s been activated, but it's been unsealed so it shot off a black beam that searches for those who are weak. It’ll switch anyone wavering from light to dark to the opposing. So a good guy feeling a bit down, can fall to the dark side. That’s why I knocked out Wendy, and why I keep mentioning Alice’s dark magic. Wendy, I don’t know what could happen. Alice, I have a better idea. I can’t just knock her out though, we don’t have the manpower to put her out of the game, but her strong feelings for Natsu and her dark magic will do just the trick. If I can blank her mind every once in awhile maybe Nirvana can’t change her," Hibiki said, hoping that would be enough of an explanation.

"You could've let me know. I'm not that weak-willed like you think. And you know, I told you about my magic in confidence, not for you to exploit me!" Alice griped, coming back to reality.
"I'm sure you'd like to think of it like that. But the moment Natsu ran off, I saw something change in you. It's not that I don't trust your judgement, but right now, we don't know what'll happen. Nothing can be overlooked." Hibiki logically argued.

“Let’s keep going, and still just in case, Lucy keep a hold on Alice." Hibiki started running again, and Lucy tugged Alice along, even thought she could run on her own.

“You’ve got me worried now, isn’t anger a negative emotion? Isn’t Natsu at risk?” Lucy wondered. “For his sake, I don’t think so. His anger is for someone else’s benefit, so he should be fine, but yet again, I don’t know. I wouldn’t be worried about Alice because of her worry and anguish since it’s for Natsu, but I’ve heard the stories about her slip ups, when her dark magic comes out when she feels threatened.”

Alice tripped, reeling forwards. Lucy lurched back, but pulled on her again.
“Can you give me a heads up before you do that?! Even though she keeps running, she does slow down!” Lucy complained, trying to catch her breath.
“I suppose I should cut down how much I say it, we don’t want her passing out on us," Hibiki replied.

“Hibiki, I’ll be fine, you don’t have to keep incapacitating me, I can keep my cool." Alice tried to sound as level headed as possible. “I’ll lay off just as long as you promise you’ll tell me if you start feeling....-” “Evil!” Happy interrupted Hibiki.

“As long as Natsu’s safe, I’ll be fine,” Alice assured. “Wait, do you hear that?” Lucy stopped abruptly, hearing something no one else did. Then she took off in a new direction, still pulling Alice along.
“Wait, Lucy! Don’t go off on your own! Alice, come ba-” Hibiki called after them.

Lucy pulled Alice to a river, seeing Gray standing on a raft going down the stream with Natsu laying on his tummy, sick out of his mind.
Gray didn't notice the two girls, continuing on his way conjuring an ice spear and... pointing it at Natsu!

"Natsu!" Alice cried.

"Open! Gate of the archer, Sagittarius!" Lucy summoned Sagittarius, and from immediately being summoned, he pulled out his bow and an arrow, shooting at Gray's spear, shattering the ice.

Gray jumped, finally seeing the girls. He had a darkness to his eyes.

"Gray, what are you doing?!" Alice gasped at him.

“I think it’s pretty obvious, Alice!” Happy said, with a hard glare at Gray.
“It seems we foiled his foul play!” Sagittarius neighed.

But why? Gray would never try to hurt Natsu for no reason, not while he was down. It wasn't-..
Was Gray affected by Nirvana? But why? Gray wasn't questioning his morality, he was a straightforward guy!

Natsu tried to sit up. "Nice shot, Lucy..." He said in between a dry heave.
"I know you're motion-sick and all, but watching you nearly throw up after saying my name is seriously killing my self-esteem!" Lucy whined. .

“Shall I shoot him?” Sagittarius saluted Lucy.
"Don't you even think about it, Secretariat." Alice warned the horse spirit.

“What’s the matter with you Gray? You’re taking this way too far!” Happy shouted, outraged. “Unless he took your fish, then it’s completely justified!”
“Don’t give him an out!” Lucy scolded.
“Just shut it all of you. You all wait your turn, I’ll get you after I done with him,” Gray smiled wickedly.

Oh, he was definitely under the effects of Nirvana. There was no doubt about it now.

“I’m coming, buddy!” Happy attempted to fly over to Natsu, but Gray froze a block of ice around him, and Happy fell back to the ground.

“Happy may be able to fly, but he doesn’t have any combat skills, that’s all that Gray has info on the pest," Gray said thoughtfully.


Why was Gray talking in third person, like he was in a manga?

“Gray has a lot of information on Alice. Most likely the next one to proceed Makarov. Daughter of Laxus. An S- Class wizard of Fairy Tail. She’s an extremely strong fighter though she’s unable to use all her magic. Her fighting style is very volatile, and she's very sturdy and stubborn in battle. Gray is in love with Alice, body and mind. There's nothing he wouldn't do to have her in his bed again. Oh, the dirty things he's done to her and wants to do again...He's in denial about her feelings for him, thinking she's just lying. But he knows in reality, Alice is in love with Natsu Dragneel. She'd be a real challenge if Gray didn't know her weaknesses."

"Okay, what with you taking my inventory like that?" Alice crossed her arms, his glowing red cheeks.
“I’ll save you for last,” Gray smirked at her, not giving her any real answer. He looked at Lucy.
“Lucy is a newcomer to Fairy Tail, easy on the eyes, Gray likes the whole package. Has a strong mind and a heart like Erza and Alice, and- oh, she’s a celestial wizard?” Gray cast an ice spell at Lucy, while Alice was still too spacey to react fact enough.

Hibiki conjured his archive screens to block the attack. “This isn’t Gray. Imposter, drop the act!” Hibiki shouted.
"What are you talking about, Hibiki?"

“Accessing information on Hibiki Lates, member of Blue Pegasus, ladies’ man, had a purely sexual relationship with Alice Dreyar. No other information available," Gray muttered, thoughtfully.

With a glow of light, "Gray" suddenly transformed into Lucy.
An exact replica.
This had to be those odd creatures from before!
What did they do to Gray then?

“You don’t honestly think we’ll fall for this? We know you’re not the real Lucy so just show us who you really are!” Hibiki coldly shouted at the imposter.
"Oh, I'm real all right! And I can prove it!" Fake Lucy pulled up her green spaghetti strapped top, revealing her bare breasts to them all.

Hibiki and Sagittarius both hooted and hollered. "Yep, they're real!"

Alice crossed her arms tighter over her chest, feeling self conscious. Her breasts were no way as big as hers... Something she got from both sides of her family, medium-sized boobs. Big enough to impress, but was constantly out shadowed by these K cups! Cana, Erza, Mirajane, and Lucy and their huge boobs made Alice feel flat chested, as if she was Levy with her mosquito bites.

And it was only solidified by brutes like Hibiki who drooled over them. They were so big, he wouldn't be able to do anything with them! He always fawned over Alice's, saying how perfect they were for his hands and-...

"Stop staring!" Lucy cried, embarrassed that her body (even though it wasn't really her's, just a copy) was being violated and celebrated by these gross pigs.

“Okay now that you know, Sagittarius, take them out!” The fake Lucy commanded. Although, Alice just scoffed. How would that even work, that wasn't the real Lucy, there was no way-

Three arrows ripped through the air, Hibiki grabbed Alice, whisking her to the side, trying to dodge. Alice cried at the slice in her calf, blood immediately dripping down her leg, filling her boot uncomfortably, besides the fact that her leg burned and stung unbearably.
Hibiki groaned at the arrow in his side.

Alice sat up, using her energy magic to block more arrows that came their way. Hibiki also weakly brought up some screens to help protect Wendy, who was still out.

"How are you doing this?!" Lucy cried.
"I'm an exact copy of you, so whatever I say, your spirits have to follow." The imposter smiled cruelly.

"I'm sorry, Madam Alice, Sir Hibiki, Miss. Lucy, I can't control myself! My body is moving on it's own! I'm fighting with all my strength to stop!" Sagittarius trembled, trying to fight his body from pulling more arrows out and pulling back the string.

Lucy ran over, helping Alice carry Hibiki.
Hibiki used his screens, pulling up as many as possible.

"Carla, get Wendy out of here as fast as possible!"
Carla didn't hesitate, speeding out of there.

"Don't worry, Sagittarius, I'm going to close your gate and give you a break. I know it's not your fault!" Lucy pulled the key back out.
"I'm sorry, Miss. Lucy! I regret that I cannot aid you any further!" And he disappeared.

Alice sighed, setting Hibiki down. She tore off a few inches of her skirt hem and tied it over her deep wound. So much blood... She was already in poor condition, her body was sore and heavy and it took so much willpower to stay upright. Her head was spinning and she could barely keep her thoughts on track. Was it from Hibiki abusing her weakness? Or from losing blood? Or her concussion?

"I was waiting for that. Open! Gate of the Archer! Come back Sagittarius!" The fake Lucy pulled out an identical gold key. And next to her, popped out Sagittarius. "Always happy to help, Lady Lucy, I- How did you summon me?!" Sagittarius gasped, seeing who summoned him.

"Don't sweat the small details, and you'll live longer. The only thing that matters is that I summoned you, so you have to do whatever I ask!"
"I will not!"

"Let's give it a shot. I command you to shoot an arrow right in the back of that white cat up there!" Fake Lucy pointed up in the sky at Carla flying away. "I cannot!" The horse denied.

"What's that? Are you disobeying an order from your master?"

Alice's body broke out in a clammy sweat. She conjured up an energy shield, but she had to imagine it, rather than see it. And she made it as large as possible to block any arrows.
Her arms trembled, she could barely keep standing. Her vision blurred. Come on, Sagittarius! Fight it harder!

The way he stood there, fighting himself so hard, but never putting the arrow down, Alice had to keep going until he stopped!

"I close your gate!" Lucy shouted, but nothing happened.
"Did you forget? Only the wizard who summoned a spirit can close their gate." The other Lucy smiled mockingly. "Now shoot the cat down!"

"Hurry and do something, Lucy! I can't-- I can't keep holding it!" Alice cried, feeling her body want to give out.

"That's quite enough. Nirvana's been found, so the Runt is useless." Angel came out from behind a bush, revealing herself. Sagittarius lowered his bow, right as Alice collapsed.


Alice's eyes shot open at Lucy's shrill cry.
She tried to sit up, looking around. Her stomach turned as her head spun violently.

She could barely make out Hibiki's passed out form.

Where was Lucy? Alice could hear her, but she was nowhere to be found.

She stood up, shaking. She swallowed the bile that rose up her throat.
Hibiki was down, and-- Angel?
Angel was laying on her back, floating in the shallow stream. Who took her out? Was it Hibiki? Natsu?

Natsu... Where was Natsu?

"Hibiki!-- Hibiki, wake up!" Alice shouted at him, rocking him back and forth with her foot. Nothing.
She needed help.

"Natsu!" She shouted once more. "Natsu!"

Her eyes drooped, and her body felt heavy once more. No! She had...

She had to keep going!

Chapter 38


Only two more chapters!!

I hate writing, and posting it it and reformatting it to AO3, having to read it again.
And I hate having to go back to the anime to fill in gaps that I left out, and in order to make it make more sense, I have to re-add. Guys, once you go 2014 Fairy Tail, you never go back.
2009's animation is just so ugly compared to 2014!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Alice, wake up! Alice!" Happy shouted.
Alice startled awake, screaming at being woken up so abruptly, and being in the sky. "It's okay, I got you! I found you passed out in the forest, but I need you to use your magic! I can't catch Natsu if I'm still holding you!" Happy loaded all that information on a still foggy Alice.

But she knew enough to nod. Happy trusted that, dropping her and swooping down to catch a falling Natsu.

"Come on, Alice!" Natsu shouted, watching Alice just free fall.
She just kept falling and falling... Why wasn't she using her magic?

Just meters from the ground, Alice finally was able to conjure up her disk.

Happy cheered, not having to regret letting her fall to her death.

She looked around, using the clues around her to see what was going on. Nirvana was a large stone octopus looking thing. Like the entire ground of a city raised up on eight legs. It was ginormous, several miles long. The legs were huge and thick like long pipes, but solid stone.

She missed out on so much.

"Alice!" She heard Gray's voice. On one of the legs, the closest one, she could see the faint outline of Gray and Lucy.

She flew over, landing near them, unsteadily.
Gray smiled with relief. "It's good to see you up and moving. We weren't sure what happened."

Happy brought Natsu around, so everyone could reconvene.
"How's it hanging, trooper?" Natsu smiled brightly at her.
"Don't call me that.- What's with the outfit?-- Why are you and Lucy both wearing matching outfits?" Alice glanced between him and her.
Natsu wore some sort of long-sleeved pullover top. It was royal blue, a gold heart in the middle of his chest. He wore orange pants with it. He still had his scarf.
Lucy wore a matching sleeveless dress. Her hair was pulled back into two low ponytails with hairpins with dangling star charms.

Lucy's face broke out into a nervous blush. "Don't worry about that!"

"Take it all the way to the top. We'll find you after we go in!" Gray says starting up the leg of Nirvana to the door opening he was talking about.
"Aye, sir!" Happy and Natsu went over the wall of the city and away.

They entered through the open gate, going into the decrepit old city of stone and ash. Old buildings made from an ancient civilization, looking untouched for centuries. With no upkeep, most structures had collapsed and wore down. Nature overtook most of it. It was a ghost town on legs.

"Any clue on what's going on?" Gray asked when no one else made any observations.
"Besides it being an old city on the back of a monster, no." Lucy replied, having nothing important to add.
"Yeah, I thought Nirvana was supposed to be a powerful magic." Gray mumbled.
“If it’s a city then what happened to the people?” Lucy asked, quite unnecessarily.

“An excellent question. Oh yeah!" Hoteye said, coming from seemingly nowhere. “This is the mystical city of Nirvana."
And wait, why is Jura with him? Walking among him? Had Nirvana taken Jura?
No, Jura was a sure man, with a strong good heart.

“Seeing you here puts the odds in our favor.--Not too worry, Hoteye is our ally," Jura explained, greeting his Fairy Tail friends.
“All you need is love!” Hoteye declared."
Alice grimaced. Regardless of the circ*mstances, Alice didn't want to work with another idiot obsessed with an overinflated fantasy about love.

“We were in the midst of duking it out and then he had a change of heart," Jura continued further.
“Just like Sherry but she took a turn for the worst." Gray nodded, understanding. “Yeah Lady Love went psycho on us for a bit," Lucy agreed.

“What, is she okay?” Jura asks, worried for his guild mate. “Yeah she’s safe with Lyon," Gray answered..

“As I was saying Nirvana was once a place where the Nirvit lived and prospered," Hoteye continued his explanation. “I’ve never heard of the Nirvit," Lucy said, not adding anything to the conversation.

“I can’t say I’m surprised. There is no record of them. They lived 400 years ago, a time where the earth was engulfed in war. The Nirvits were neutral but the bloodshed was too much and they intervened. They created a magic that would create balance and restore the world, oh yeah. Nirvana, a spell that could switch light and darkness, so confident of their creation they named it after their homeland, a word anonymous to peace, oh yeah!"

“Such irony. They named it Nirvana and was made to make peace and now it's in the hands of someone who will use it just for destruction." Gray shook his head.

“There’s no use worrying about that, the Nirvits probably never thought their creation would be used for evil. Villains can find the dark side of even the most constructive of magic," Jura said. “In any case now that Nirvana has been activated and poses a threat to the entire world. We must do everything in our power to destroy it. Brain is up in the throne, the heart of the city controlling Nirvana. Luckily, he can't use any other magic while driving it. So now would be the right time to strike." Hoteye advised.

“Sounds like a plan.” Gray nodded. “In any case, do we know where Brain is deciding to take Nirvana first?” Jura asks. “Sadly Brain never discussed his plan with the rest of us." Hoteye shook his head.

"Not true." A male, young sound voice spoke from behind the group.
Midnight, but now awake and alert. “Father didn’t trust the rest of you enough to tell you. You only proved him right."

In the blink of an eye he was no longer there.
"You betrayed us." He reappeared behind them once more.
Was this teleportation magic?

“I didn’t think you’d have the guts." In another place once more.

"I didn’t betray anyone," Hoteye defended himself. “I’ve come to see the error of Brain’s misguided ways,"

“What was that? How about you come over here and say that, big guy?” Midnight moved again, talking about some serious whiplash.
“How’s he doing that?” Lucy wondered the obvious. “Hang on, what is this whole father thing anyways?” Gray asked, hung up at that piece of information.
“Some kind of family that slays together?” Lucy shrugged.

“I say he’s truly misguided because he thinks you can change someone’s heart with magic. But love can make even the weakest hearts strong, oh yeah!" Hoteye preached.

Not even moving a single muscle, not even blinking, Midnight cast a powerful spell-- That the group didn't see, at the same type Hoteye liquefied the ground under them into a crater, protecting them from the spell. But the ground trembled with several loud booms.

"Can someone explain what just happened?" Gray groaned from the impact, with Lucy landing on top of him. Alice raised her head to look at all the destruction. Many of the surrounding buildings had been obliterated. How did he cast such a destructive spell without moving an inch, nor saying any incantation?

"I can. Hoteye liquefied the ground beneath us, protecting us from Midnight's spell." Jura answered.

“Get to the royal throne quick. I’ll stay behind and take care of midnight but you needn’t worry about me, all members of the Oracion Seis are equal in power!" Hoteye declared.

Hoteye cast another spell, just for Midnight to nullify it.

"Be careful, Hoteye!" Jura warned, cautious. "Don't worry, I will! Also, I would prefer if you wouldn't call me that anymore, the name's Richard-- Oh yeah!" Hoteye Richard requested. Jura nodded with a gracious smile. "Thanks Richard."

Jura led the three towards the throne, clambering through piles and piles of rubble and stone debris.
Alice halted at a sudden boom somewhere nearby. She turned the direction, only seeing the orange light of flames. Her chest pounded.


She felt comfort knowing he was fighting along them, just not with them. Although, she wished she was there by his side. She knew he was capable of managing himself. He defied all logic and reason with pure will and determination-- And plainly, stupidity. But he always won. He'd get beat to a pulp, but he'd always stand back up and his fire would grow and swell, giving him the strength to succeed.

And yet, she always feared the day he couldn't do so. What if it was today? Right now, and she couldn't get to him?

“So how’s Hibiki? I know I left all of you but I was trying to help Natsu." Lucy asked, bringing Alice back to reality. She quickened her pace to catch back up.
"He was out cold when I came too. Although, while I shouldn't have, I left him alone. I hope he's okay.-- But looks like you managed just fine. Even had time to corroborate a whole outfit with Natsu while the rest of us were fighting for our lives." Alice squinted a scowl her direction. Lucy flushed bright red. "I woke up like this, okay? Natsu and I went down a waterfall and when we woke up Virgo was dressing us up! I didn't do it on purpose!"'

A tower holding a orb of orange light toppled over, paired with a loud boom-- And more fire.

"What was that?!" Lucy gasped. "Don't know, maybe we should check it out." Gray suggested. "Yes, it might be one of our allies in need of some assistance." Jura nodded.
"Bet I know who it was, too." Gray smirked. Alice felt her feet carry her with fervor. Natsu.

Moments later, coming to the crash site and seeing no one around, a roar ripped through the air. Something akin to a monster-- No... Alice wondered.... It sounded so familiar..

"What was that? Is that someone screaming? It almost sounds inhuman." Gray said. "It sounds like a monster! Please, I can take one right now!" Lucy cried.

Alice pursed her lips. "It's no monster, but I'm not sure what it is."
"I don't know either. We should investigate, nonetheless." Jura decided.

“Hey! There’s- There’s Natsu," Lucy pointed out. Alice gasped, her lungs seizing. That day had come unfortunately.

Brain stood there, dragging Natsu by the scarf. Natsu was limp, barely conscious.
Gray moved his arm out, stopping Alice just as her feet shifted. He knew before she realized it, she'd do anything to save Natsu.

"What happened to you?" Lucy asked, worried-- Talking over the Leader of the Oracion Seis. As if he wasn't their biggest threat.
"This thing.... It's moving..." Natsu whimpered.


“Hey guys....!" Happy sounded off, making his presence known-- Although, quite pitifully. He was worse for wear, laying on the ground, helplessly-- He was sniveling.
"Sir Cat is still alive!" Jura said amazed.

"You gotta help Natsu, Brain's taken him away!" Happy cried.

“It seems that the six demons have been cut down to a meager three. We’ve been chopped in half. So in order to stop the bleeding in our ranks, I will fortify them with this one." Brain said, as if it was likely. It bothered none of the Fairy Tailers, or the Wizard Saint.

Alice rolled her eyes. As if it didn't happen at least twice a year.
“We all knew this day would come. A dark guild would try to switch Natsu over to their side," Gray scoffed.
“Good luck trying to get that hard head to cooperate." Lucy crossed her arms.

Although, Alice pursed her lips, Natsu turned dark-side would be quite... appealing. She shuddered remembering his darker side during the Phantom Lord quarrel.

Her eyebrows twitched. Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea after all. She'd switch sides for him any day as long as he spoke raspy and low-- Maybe muttered a cuss word here and there. She quivered at the thought. Although, she knew that day would never come. Natsu hated being told what to do. He was far too stubborn to be someone's minion.

“With the power of Nirvana, I can darken his heart," Brain said, justifiably. Natsu shifted in his hold, chomping on his hand. "Not gonna happen." He said, muffled with a whole hand in his mouth. Brain snarled and he used brute strength to use that same hand to swing Natsu over his body-- And then slamming him on the ground. Natsu let go, getting green in the face once more.


“The spirit is strong, but stomach weak," Jura said as if quoting a old saying.

“Please help. I’m begging you. Beat this guy," Natsu mumbled weakly. Alice frowned, her heart breaking for him. He looked so battered and exhausted, now he had motion-sickness to top it off.

"Oh, we're gonna stop it all right. But not just for your sake." Gray nodded. Lucy agreed with him.
"I mean, I'll do it for you, Natsu. Stopping Nirvana and taking down the Oracion Seis is just a bonus." Alice smirked.
"Really? Do you have to flirt with him in front of my face?" Gray muttered.

"You'll stop Nirvana? Try your best. But you mustn't waste any time. We're quickly approaching our first target: The Cait Shelter guild hall."

Cait Shelter? Wasn't that Wendy and Carla's guild? Why were they the target? Some small, unheard of guild who's only capable members were a young Dragon Slayer with very little offensive magic and a flying cat?

What was the reason? Were they just the first thing in the line of fire, or was there a purpose? And why?
Alice hadn't even heard of Cait Shelter until Wendy and Carla came tripping into the room, so what beef did they have with the third most powerful dark wizard guild in Fiore?

“Why them? What is your objective? What could you possibly hope to gain from their loss?” Jura asked when everyone else were too busy wondering about it themselves than ask.

“The world on its head. In the blink of an eye, this guild of light will be soon draped in darkness. Oh the things we shall see. What splendid horrors await us," Brain replied, not giving much context still.

Gray and Lucy shouted in disapproval while Alice scratched every crevice of her brain to find any rhyme or reason as to why this guild was Oracion Seis' target. Usually a villain's first target was their most personal objective. Just who were Carla and Wendy and their mysterious guild?

Jura stepped forward, letting off immense magic power. It was very overwhelming. “You still haven’t told me what you wish to gain." He demanded in a strong voice.
Brain stood there, unbothered. He laughed. "I don't have to answer to you! I hold the reigns of light and darkness. Kneel before me and ask for one thing only: Mercy!"

Jura brushed past the three in front of him towards Brain. "What a bothersome fool."

“I told you to kneel!" Brain held out his staff, casting a spell. Jura held out his hand, summoning rocks from the ruins around him to build a wall and shield him from Brain's attack, then hurtling towards him at lightning speed, shaking the entire city of Nirvana.

Once the dust settled, it revealed Brain pushed back against a crumbling wall. His expression held surprise and shock. He was a bit shook up, but he seemed rather uninjured.

Alice had to admit; Jura was powerful.
A Wizard Saint of all things, something Makarov and he had in common. And if there was one thing Alice told seriously, it was that title. Something she set her eyes upon, but knew she was a very long ways from even starting that path. Jura was immensely powerful. He was light on his feet, and a quick strategist, never losing his cool in battle. He was wise and humble because he knew there was no reason to boast his power. He let his actions speak for himself.

And for Brain to let alone survive this spell said a lot.

“Stand up, once you explain to me why you set your gaze upon the Cait Shelter guild, I may let you rest. I know there are many guilds closer than the Cait Shelter. To go so far out of your way, it betrays a certain intention." Jura demanded of Brain.

But with the distraction, Alice finally took her chance to jog over to Natsu. "Hey buddy."
"Alice...!" Natsu exclaimed weakly. Alice bent down to him, smoothing Natsu's pink hair. His face was pale and clammy. He was cool and trembling. "This is more than just a weak stomach. What happened?"
"I took on that beady eyed dude with the snake and won. But not before he used his poison magic to make me feel nothing but this thing move and-- It's about to make me puke."

"Aw, baby. You took on Cobra by yourself? Incredible!" Alice smiled sympathetically. As much as it was a celebration of a battle won, she knew Natsu was in no real shape to keep going. "I'd cast my balance spell on you, but it wouldn't do much. Just hang on until we find Wendy, I'm sure she'll be able to undo Cobra's poison."

"Call me that again..." Natsu said.
"What?-" Alice hesitated before turning pink. "No, you perv! We're in the middle of a fight, you can't say things like that to me right now!"
Natsu's stomach gurgled and he groaned. "You started it by calling me that."

Alice smiled softly, trying her best to keep her composure. "Well... I guess if it helps any, I could say it again...But not like it means anything."

Hilariously enough, in this moment the two were too wrapped up in each other, they both blocked out the ground-breaking fight right next to them.
Just for the moment to be ruined by Wendy running in.
"What happened to Natsu? Is he poisoned too?" Wendy asked, concerned. "Yeah, but it's the least of his problems." Alice said, gesturing to the green hue in his cheeks.

“It’s moving. Make it stop," Natsu whined.

“It should, we took care of Brain, so Nirvana should stop moving any second," Lucy said thoughtfully. Alice perked up looking around, startled by this news. Jura beat Brain? When?!

“I still have some lingering concerns. But the worst is over," Jura said. “No, I don’t think so. Just please. Make it stop moving," Natsu whined once more.

“We need to get up there then." Gray suggested. “Agreed," Jura nodded, finalizing the plan.

They made their way to the highest point of the city to a large terrace that overlooked the entire city and the ground below it as it took one giant step in front of the other. There was nothing.

There was nothing to control Nirvana. No table with a button or books with an incantation. There was nothing whatsoever. No furniture or decorate either. No tables, chairs, walls or benches. It was just a flat stone floor with a high ceiling held up by large pillars. So underwhelming.

"Now I'm just confused." Gray scowled. "Me too. There's no control panel or anything, so how are we supposed to stop this thing?" Lucy added. "There has to be something." Alice said determined.

Wendy continued to heal Natsu. "I don't get it, I've cleared Natsu of the poison, but he's still sick." She pouted, dumbfounded. "Vehicles and Natsu don't have a good history together." Happy chimed in.
"How pathetic." Carla shook her head. "I don't think my stomach wants to be inside me anymore." Natsu whimpered.

“Oh, it's just that?" Wendy observed simply. "Yeah, I said that earlier." Alice crossed her arms.

“Well if it’s just that then I’ll just use my Troia to restore his sense of balance." Wendy's hands emanated a light blue glow as she then caressed either side of Natsu's head, at his temples and the glow transferred to him, then disappeared-- But his complexion returned. Natsu suddenly stood to his feet and started to jump up in down with joy. "I'm back! I feel a million times better!"

He ran over to Lucy, grabbing her by the shoulders. "Hey Lucy, summon one of those train or boat spirits of yours!"
Lucy tensed up and growled. "I don't have any of those! Listen here, this isn't the time to be messing around! We're still in big trouble!"

“Yeah, we need to do something to stop this thing and there’s obviously nothing up here to help," Gray said, reminding Natsu of their problem.

“I don’t get it. I thought this is where Hoteye, I mean Richard said Brain was controlling it. Was he lying?” Lucy wondered. “No, I believe him to be a man of his word," Jura defended him staunchly. “There is a bigger question on hand or a different way to phrase the question that is. There is no visible controls, the royal throne is empty and the one presumed to be controlling it is defeated, so perhaps instead we should ask why is it still moving like it was before?” Carla tried to get them to think of it in another way but Alice just thought she said the exact same thing they were already thinking about.

“Do you think he left it on autopilot? If that’s the case then it’s probably set to fire too," Gray realized.
"Do you think the Nirvits left a manual laying around so we can figure out how to turn this thing off?" Alice asked humorously. "That'd make our job so much easier." Gray sighed.

Wendy felt hopeless and started to sob. "My guild!"

Natsu calmed down and went over to comfort her “Don’t worry. We’ll find a way to stop it." He patted her head. “I won’t let it hurt your friends. I owe it to you, I’ll stop it. I promise."

Wendy exclaimed, perking up suddenly.
“Think of something?” Gray asked her.
“Yeah. Well maybe. I’m not quite sure. But it may be our best option so I’ll my best to find it." Wendy took off without a second to waste, Carla flying at her heels.

‘My friends, can you hear me?’

Alice felt a chill run down her spine at the loud voice blaring in her head. Hoteye?

“Um, is anyone else hearing that?” She asked, feeling violated. “Yeah, I hear it too," Natsu confirmed.

‘It is I, the wizard known as Hoteye,’

“Did you defeat Midnight, Richard?” Jura asked out loud.

‘I tried my best, but it seems in the end my magic wasn’t strong enough to trump his. Do not concern yourself with my rescue. You must all work together to bring Midnight down for good. If you succeed, if you end up defeating him, Nirvana’s source of power will be rendered dry and the city will cease its destructive path.’

“Am I supposed to know this guy?” Natsu wondered, ruining the moment with his stupidity.
“So we stop this guy, it will stop Nirvana without us having to destroy all of it?” Gray summarized.

‘He’s right below you, by the throne room, his power is not one to be underestimated. Please be cautious my friends,’

“The same to you, Richard," Jura smiled contently. “This mess just got easier!” Gray felt hope once more.

‘I wish you luck, my faithful comrades.’

"Well let's go then! I'm all fired up now!" Natsu declared, running down the stairs after Wendy. "Yeah, we can take him down easy!" Gray said bravely.

“All right, let’s go Mr. Snooze!” Natsu kicked open the doors on the final level of the throne building. As he opened the two big doors, there was an extremely bright light.
“Everyone get down!” Jura shouted before anyone had time to process or see what was going on, as it all happened so suddenly.

"Wait, no, ALICE!" Natsu screamed, but then the explosion went off.
Jura had created a large dome of stone to protect his Fairy Tail friends-- Except for one.

"Alice! Alice!" Natsu shouted, punching his way out of the dome. "Is she all right, what happened?" Lucy cried, crawling out of the tiny dome.
Jura stood weakly in front of the shield he made. And... Alice.

"I'm sorry my friends... I couldn't... get her in the dome in time... I failed her..." Jura trembled, barely being able to stand. "I protected her with my body, but I fear it wasn't enough..."

Alice laid on the ground between Jura and the stone dome. She laid there unconscious. "Alice!" Everyone cried.

"Jura, did you really take on that spell by yourself to protect us?" Lucy gasped.

Gray knelt down to try to rouse the red hair girl. "She's alive. I think she's just passed out. Jura took most of the impact."

“I'm.... relieved..The strength and courage you as a guild possess makes your guild a lucky one.... It brings me great relief to know you’re still alive." Jura couldn't hold on any longer, collapsing to the ground, as did his stone shields.


,_, I closed the tab while editing and a bit portion wasn't saved and I had to redo it!!

Chapter 39: Literally not a chapter. Chapter cancelled.


I literally didn't want to write these four last pages of this chapter and it left what was left unusable so yeah.

Chapter Text

Yeah, no this is just a filler chapter because I reread the chapter 39 I had and deemed it too cringe and I honestly have no motivated to rewrite it so... SKIP

And I don't want to mess up the chapter numbers so yeah

sorry that I went MIA. I told you that I lose motivation and stop updating for months. This time it was like what? One month? I got really invested in Hogwarts Legacy, and I played it for like two weeks straight.. Then because the Hunger Games renaissance started up, I got back into that series again... Then I lost all passion for life and spiraled. But now I'm back and I finally finished chapter 38 since for some reason my brain kept malfunctioning and I forgot that this site doesn't auto-save so I kept losing my progress and having to start over and over again. But I finally did it!!!

if you haven't noticed, we have come across another instance of author being too lazy to write dialogue and used the "Alice gets beat up and passes out" and we don't watch through anyone else's POVs so we just skip ahead. Yeah, I got too bored with this and just deleted 3/4's of it that just is filler comedic effect and the revival of Zero

Chapter 40


Finally back on track. It only took, what? Two months? Ugh, so hard. I can't anticipate what I'll have to do when we get to 116 where we get caught up to where I was writing last. Warning: Blatantly anti-Sherry Blendy. But can you blame me?

Chapter Text

“Look at this! It’s so adorable!” Lucy cried out, admiring her outfit. “Yeah, yeah. You look cute and all but you’ll never be as sexy as me.” Sherry shamelessly posed in front of the mirror.
“If you’re what’s considered ‘sexy’ I’d hate to see what they consider ‘unattractive’ because the bar is obviously really low.” Alice commented, scowling over at the bright pink-haired woman who pouted at her.

“It’s okay. I know you’re only mean because you’re jealous.” Sherry crossed her arms and tried to look proud of her burn.

“I’m one of the most sought after women in Fiore. I have three men of the ‘most eligible bachelors’ list under my belt. You don’t even have Lyon trailing after you. If anything you’re the one most likely jealous of me. I’ve been on the cover and or the centerfold of how many magazines? And you’ve been mentioned in what? None?” Alice tilted her head to the side, looking at Sherry with an innocent expression and a raised eyebrow. “We can all be friends! There’s no need to fight!” Wendy piped in nervously, able to feel the tension between the two women. She was currently adding little flowers to Alice’s braided updo, which she also wove herself.

“Tell that t-” “I’m sorry but until she admits how callous and grating her personality is, I’m not being civil with her.” Alice looked to the side, annoyed. “You’re just jealous Lyon is in a guild with me and not you!” Sherry countered. “Well I’m done with your hair, Alice. Please don’t ruin your braid by fighting!” Wendy pleaded lightly with a nervous smile, hoping Alice would listen.

“You want me to sleep with him? Because I can and will if you keep this up.” Alice warned simply. “Like you could-” “70 million jewel.” Alice challenged with a coy smile that felt so eerie with her taunting tone. “Wh-what?” Sherry sputtered. “I’m betting you 70 million jewel. Give me 3 days, and if I haven’t bounced on his dick, I’ll give you 70 million jewel. If I do screw him, while he’s willing and sober, you pay me. Wait, no, nevermind, you don’t have to because taking him will be payment enough.” Alice so cruelly bet. “You’re insane. Like you have that type of money!” Sherry, red in the face, screeched, trying so hard to call a bluff.
“Yes she does!” Lucy butt in. “Take my bet, Sherry,” Alice said with fire in her eyes and a cool smile.

Sure, Alice had yet to forgive Lyon’s transgression, but she could look past it to win this fight with Sherry.
She wasn’t ready to forgive him for almost cutting off Erza’s arm and then screaming at Alice for being a terrible guild mate to Erza for not letting him amputate her. But it could be overlooked if she could take his virginity, because come on, this nerd had been obsessed with his plan to resurrect Deliora, of course he was still a virgin. And the bonus was completely crumbling Sherry's ego and heart.

Of course she had no desire to sleep with Lyon. But to prove something to Sherry, she so would. “Can you just shut up and go?!” Lucy demanded, blushing.
Carla was holding her paws over Wendy’s ears, but it didn’t help any. The 13 year old just had her innocence ruined.

Alice walked out of the tent to meet others who were out in the open. Natsu, who was covered in bandages had his arms crossed and he was brooding about something but he relaxed in awe of Alice’s outfit.

She wore an off the shoulder black top that was cropped above her stomach and a transparent silk red and gold patterned shawl along with a floor length skirt with black, red, and gold triangles, x’s, lines and spots. She wore normal sandals with it. She had her long hair intricately braided up against her head along with tiny flowers adorned all throughout.

She also was bandaged up. A few wraps along her arms, and a small patch under her right eye. She was scraped up and bruised, but most of it was covered by her clothes.

Alice noticed Natsu’s shameless staring, and blushed and looked down, embarrassed.

She had taken in Natsu’s outfit. He wore a black normal t-shirt with the sleeve hems patterned in white with blue paw prints. He had on a yellow and red vest with white and blue triangles and then he had on green loose pants that were folded up along the legs, to his calves. He still had on his normal sandals and his infamous scarf.

“You look so ravishing, Queen Alice!” Hibiki took his chance to be the first to compliment her.. “Yes, absolutely stunning!” Eve added. “I’m not saying you’re beautiful or anything but you’re not bad to look at," Ren continued.

Alice huffed. She couldn’t stand Ren’s tsundere persona along with Hibiki’s flirting. She was still pissed off at Hibiki for not trusting herself to keep her cool while Nirvana was activated and constantly making her space off, bringing up her dark magic.

“Back off from the lady, or we’ll have a problem!” Gray intervened for no reason except for his own jealousy.

“Wow Lyon, you look so handsome in those clothes! It must be love!” Sherry gushed as she came out of the tent finally dressed up with Lucy and Erza with Wendy tailing the three shyly. Lyon did in fact look good in his outfit.

But Alice resisted but if Sherry took her bet-- Or even goaded her more, she wouldn’t. She already could picture how she'd seduce the icy boy. She did it once with Gray, this would be child's play.

“Fairy Tail, Lamia Scale, Blue Pegasus, not to mention Wendy and Carla, I commend your efforts on not only defeating the Oracion Seis, but saving our village from Nirvana’s wrath. Speaking on behalf of the regional guild league, I, Roubaul, give you my most deepest gratitude. Thank you. We are in your debt.” Roubal, head chief of the Nirvits bowed his head. The rest of his guild stood behind him.

“We were happy to help you, Master Roubaul! It was a hard won victory against a vicious opponent, but from the deepest darkest depths of despair, light shone down on us, it was the warming glow of friendship! We followed it all the way up to victory!” Ichiya said, while posing, interpretive dancing and sparkling. The Trimen applauded him.

At some point the Blue Pegasus idiots started to dance around, hoping for a party in celebration of their victory, and even then Natsu, Happy, Lucy, and Gray joined with them

They all stopped when they realized none of the villagers had joined in, or even cracked a smile.

“I’m truly sorry. I’ve neglected my duty to inform you of the Nirvit people. Please accept my sincere apology.” Roubal apologized. “That’s not gonna stop us from partying!” Happy excitedly stated. “Yeah, but we’ll listen to what you have to say,” Natsu added.

“It’s all right, you don’t have to tell us if you don’t want to, Master," Wendy said.

“It is important. I ask for all of you to listen to the tale I’m about to tell, first, let me clear the air about something, the truth is we’re not descendants of the Nirvit people. Indeed we are the Nirvits themselves and many years ago 400 to be exact, Nirvana was created, fashioned by my hands. I thought if I thought of Nirvana as a reality, I thought I could end the ghastly war, tearing the world apart. I was starting off my trying to reverse the minds of those coursed on the path of the destruction of others. We made our home there. We had great joy from coming up with something that created peace. We were once a beacon of light in the shadowed world, however despite our best intentions we could not change the fact that for every action there is a opposite and equal reaction,

“Nirvana was there to create light in the darkness but not by chasing it away but absorbing it to speak. The world demands balance and order. The light serves no purpose without the darkness and vice versa. Light is born from darkness and darkness is born from light. The two are forever intertwined. Those who were dark came into the light becoming peace loving Nirvits. It was a nightmare. It engulfed violence and hatred. We slaughtered each until none of us were left standing- That’s not quite true. For I am the only survivor. Yet again in this particular situation, the word survivor is a little misleading. My body ceased to function years ago, for what you see now is a projection of the man I once was. As punishment for my sins, I this powerless spirit stood as sentinel for my creation for 400 hundred years, keeping my eyes open for the one who could really destroy Nirvana and can sign it to the pages of history and now it has become."

“No! Why didn’t you tell me?” Wendy started to noticeably shake with anguish.

The villagers started to disappear one by one. “Don’t go!” Wendy cried, “You can’t just leave us!” Carla protested.

“I’ve deceived you Wendy. For that I am deeply sorry, all your fellow guild mates were specters. They were nothing but illusions."

Alice was impressed with such an illusion spell. She’d have to look more into this type of magic. A magic in which created such a powerful spell, creating tens and tens of unique, sentient, and intelligent “people”. This was some powerful magic-- Definitely ancient as well.

“I lived in this deserted village alone for many years, always keeping a watchful eye over Nirvana. Until one day a boy came to me with a companion needing help. His eyes burned with such intensity and sincerity, I had no choice but to take the little girl in. I had deluded myself to a solitary existence, but there she was. I filled the village with apparitions so she would never be alone."

“Why would you do something so cruel to me, Master! Everyone I cared for wasn’t real!” Wendy screamed.

“Calm down, neither you or Carla need those imaginary friends,” Roubaul pointed to the lot of people. Fairy Tail. Lamia Scale. Blue Pegasus. “You’re surrounded by real friends who care for you.” after every villager was gone, Roubaul himself started to fade, “There’s a bright future ahead of you, embrace it with open arms. For each and every one of you I owe you my gratitude, I know I can leave Wendy and Carla in your hands."

All of Cait Shelter disappeared, even erasing their mark from Wendy and Carla, leaving two little girls in tears and with broken hearts.

Alice took a deep and ragged breath, trying to keep herself from tearing up.

Erza walked over to Wendy and got down on her knees like the weeping girl was and put a hand on her shoulder. Erza was able to calm down Wendy, who then calmed Carla and the guilds had started to say their goodbyes to one another.

“Oh Alice, I don’t know if I’ll be able to part with you. You and I are just a match made in heaven!” Hibiki put his arms around Alice, and even the gentle touch gave Alice a sharp pain from her wounds all over. She couldn’t help the sound of distress that came from her tense lips.

“What part of not hurting my friends do you pervs not get!” Natsu shouted, punching Hibiki, getting him off Alice. “Calm down Natsu. It’s just Hibiki. He didn’t mean anything bad.” Alice pouted, embarrassed. That was not the "Dark" Natsu she was wanting. His weakly veiled jealousy wasn't cute at all.

“Yeah well....he hurt you. As your best friend, I have to protect you from the evils of the world that may harm you!” He said, dramatizing ‘the evils of the world’ all while glaring at Hibiki. “But you don’t have to go and punch the guy. From what I heard he was a big part of defeating Nirvana.” Alice argued. “Yeah, so? I heard you make a sound that sounded like you were in pain. I stopped whatever was hurting you.” Natsu mumbled, gingerly taking one of Alice’s hands into both of his. She sighed and gave him a small smile.

Everyone went their own ways home, Wendy and Carla coming with Fairy Tail to become official members.

Alice went home, naturally Natsu followed.

Chapter 41

Chapter Text

“How’re you feeling Alice? It’s been awhile since I’ve seen you. You look like you’ve healed some since you came back from dealing with the Oracion Seis.” Mira came around to Alice, who sat at the bar. “I’m doing better. I no longer tear up when I walk, so that’s something. My gash has closed up almost all the way and this scrape on the other leg has finally scabbed over. But my back still is sore.” Alice replied in a tired tone. “I just wanted out of the house.”

“That’s good. Just don’t over do it. Take it easy for a while. I know Natsu’s willing to help you out some.” Mira teased, giggling at her last few words about Natsu. Alice groaned and slouched over.

“Yeah! My partner needs to be at her best!” Natsu strolled over, patting Alice on the top of the head. Her heart pounded hard. In fact all this giddiness was starting to drive her insane. It was getting so hard to resist Natsu. When he wasn’t questing, he was trying his best to nurse Alice back to health and it would drive Alice to tears. She was so in love with Natsu and she thought she didn’t deserve him and how she refused herself to give in, broke her heart so much.

She just couldn’t be with him. He deserved better. Alice was scared of getting into another relationship. She just didn’t deserve to have Natsu. She beat herself up over it. She hated Natsu’s kindness, his everything. Just because she also loved it so much.

“Just working with you puts my mental health at risk.” Alice muttered. Natsu spun Alice around on her bar stool to face him. He smiled devilishly. “What does that mean?” He asked in a playful tone. Alice blushed hard, and put her eyes to the side. The way he looked at her just was enough to make her mind go wild and it made her ache more for him. “It means you drive me insane.” Alice mumbled in a barely audible voice.

“Well I haven’t been too terrible if you’re still sticking around me. I say you really enjoy me being around,” Natsu teased. “If you don’t recall I’ve been avoiding you. You’re the one following me around.” Alice accidentally snapped at him. She hopped off the stool and stomped over to the request board. She had to put distance between them.

“Don’t downplay it! I’m your best friend!” Natsu trailed after Alice. He could hear the way her heart pounded. There was something going on with her. Maybe if he stayed playful, it’d help cheer her up.

“I don’t know if I’d go that far and say that. It’s more like I was the last person left that could tolerate you.” Alice downplayed their relationship. “Whatever. You love me, don’t deny it.” Natsu played. Alice stopped walking, her eyes wide and her breathing almost stopped. Sure, she

was in love with him. But... she had never said she loved him. And she wasn’t about to say it to him. Because maybe he’d reject her, or worse, accept her feelings and reciprocate them.

“Shut it and annoy someone else." Alice brushed the matter off, continuing to the request board.

“What’s with the attitude all of a sudden?” Natsu continued after her. “I don’t have an attitude,” Alice denied. “Oh yeah? I can see the annoyance on your face," Natsu challenged, watching Alice try her best to study the board. Alice turned to the side, back to Natsu so he could no longer see her angry pout. “My face happens to always look like that,” she excused.

Natsu took Alice by the shoulder, and pinned her back to the board, trapping her in with his body. He smirked down at Alice’s flustered expression, even as she scowled to the side, not daring to look up into his eyes, cheeks on fire, radiating heat.

With his free hand, Natsu cupped the side of Alice’s jaw, guiding her to look at him. “Come on, tell me what’s up with you.” He coaxed in a soft whisper.

Don’t look at his lips. Don’t look at his lips . Alice chanted to herself in her mind.

“Hey Natsu!" Gray called coming over to the two. Alice sighed a breath of relief as Natsu separated himself from Alice, turning his attention to Gray and his weirdly serious tone.

Juvia appeared out of nowhere. “What’s wrong, my love? You seem awfully troubled," she noted. “When I was on my way here I heard something. The rumors are running around town like crazy. Apparently there’s been a dragon sighting." Gray answered, getting the attention of Wendy and Gajeel.

“Now you’ve got me intrigued. Was it Igneel?” Natsu asked monotonously. Alice, on the other hand, had given up on finding their dragons but she always went on the wild goose chases with Natsu and Happy.

“I didn’t hear any names," Gray replied. “Did you at least talk to the guy who saw the dragon?” Natsu asked again. “No. Like I said, it’s just a rumor."

And with that response, Alice lost 100% of her interest. It was gonna be nothing. Like all the other times.

“Apparently there’s a woman named Daphne who started the rumor but has more to the story. She says she didn’t just see it, she spoke to it." Gray added.

“Like in person? Is it true Gray?” Natsu asked, his voice almost pleading. “Don’t know. But it’s worth checking out, don’t you think?” Gray smiled. That smile didn’t sit right with Alice.

“How do we find her?” Happy asked. “There’s a lodge in the western wastelands," Gray answered.

“Thanks man. Let’s go Alice," Natsu nodded, walking towards the door. Alice didn’t budge. She crossed her arms and looked down, ashamed of not wanting to go. She knew refusing to go wouldn’t go over well with Natsu. Anytime she voiced her weariness about checking out all of the rumors of dragons always irked Natsu. Like if Alice didn’t have faith anymore, maybe his would waiver.

“Mind if I come along? I won’t bug you guys I promise. I just want to see if it’s Grandeeney," Wendy wondered.

“Sure more the merrier. You tagging along, Gajeel?” Natsu inquired. “Going around with you losers? Like I’d want to do that," Gajeel scoffed. Alice felt like throwing up hearing his voice. She was hesitant about continuing into the guild hall when she first arrived, and saw him at a table.

She still wasn’t comfortable around him yet. Even just his name made her squirm. Her mind would flashback to blurry bits and pieces of her one night stand with him and it’d bring a heavy wave of guilt over her. She felt nauseous.

“I know you’re as curious as we are!” Natsu argued. “Do you even listen to yourself? You hear ‘dragon’ and you’re off on a wild goose chase. Stories like this are sucker bait....- But I guess they hooked one. It’s pointless to get your hopes up. I learned that a long time ago. “ Gajeel grumbled. Alice understood that point and agreed even though she hated it.

“What if it was Metalicana. Would you still just sit here?” Natsu argued. “No, I’d go punch him in the face. I don’t know why you care so much about someone who abandoned you. You wanna waste time, be my guest!"

“Well then it's just us then.” Natsu noticed Alice wasn’t at his side. He looked at her curiously, and his eyes pleaded with her to come with. Don't do this to me again. You can't lose hope on me. We both need to believe to make this real.

“Actually. I’m gonna sit this one out.” Alice announced shyly. “Why? Just because of some stupid words that Iron-head said?” Natsu snapped at her, getting offended and angered. “No. It’s just that we’ve gone on so many wild stories about dragons before. This time I’ll sit it out. If it’s really just a rumor then when you come back I’ll have a quest ready for us.” Alice lied and yet, bargained. She just needed more time away from him.

Maybe time away would make her feelings fade. Maybe Natsu would fall for someone else.

“Fine be that way! You’re just as heartless as Gajeel! Let’s go Wendy!”

Natsu, Happy, Wendy and Carla left.

Alice stood there, trying to calm herself. Natsu sounded so hurt and it cut deep into her chest. She fought with herself, stopping herself from running after him.

“Did my words really strike something in you?” Gajeel teased, calling over to Alice. “Go f*ck yourself and never talk to me again!” Alice snapped, grabbing a random request paper off the board.

“So you’re just tired of getting your hopes up? You’ve gotten smart quick. Those dragons abandoned us, they’re not gonna just let humans see them because they think we’ll just run after them. I don’t want nothin’ to do with Metalicana," Gajeel commented.
“You know nothing about what I feel! And stop acting like you know anything about me!” Alice shouted, lightning shooting from her, up to the ceiling putting a hole through the ceiling after ceiling until it went up into the sky. Everyone went silent, watching Alice. She gave Gajeel a warning glare before tearing her gaze from his and walked towards the exit.

“Alice where are you going? I thought you were going to wait for Natsu to get back? You shouldn’t go off on your own, yet!” Mira shouted after her.

Alice groaned, sitting up from lying on the cold ground. Light came through a crack in the stone wall. She shivered.

She looked around, frantic, noticing she was chained up and heavily injured.

Even though this was the 6th time she had woken up, seemingly in a loop. She always forgot where she was.

Who she was.

She sat there, hugging herself tight. Was this her life? Had it always been this way?

Chapter 42


*chanting tone* Edolas! Edolas! Edolas! Edolas!

Chapter Text

Everything was almost back to normal. Well almost everything. Alice hadn’t came back from her mission yet.

“Listen Mirajane! Tell me where she’s at and I can go bring her back! She’s been gone for days!” Natsu slammed his fist on the bar. “She should be back soon Natsu, I wouldn’t worry," Mira tried to calm him, hands waving in front of herself. She wore a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. She didn’t want to think about the dark feelings at the back of her mind about Alice.

Wouldn’t worry? She’s been gone longer than she should be! She wasn’t even healed all the way. I’ll go find her! Even if I have to tear this country apart. Just tell me where her job was supposed to be at!" Natsu growled, arms up on the bar, like he was gonna climb over the bar and attack Mirajane. Of course he never would. The thought wouldn't even cross his mind.

“That’s the thing, the customer already sent a letter telling us about Alice’s good job. She got done with the job a few days ago at least," Mira looked down, not wanting to look at Natsu. She knew that set him off. This wasn’t like Alice. She never took this long to come back from a job. She knew better than to make everyone at home worry.

“Why didn’t you say anything?!” Natsu roared. Erza came up from behind him and smacked him upside his head. “Calm down. Knowing Alice she probably just got distracted and wanted to relax at a spa before she came back. A spa would be a perfect place to go to rest up," She said, relishing in the idea of going to a spa herself.

“Yeah. Alice has the money to do that," Gray added. “Also Rose Village has a world famous bookstore, she had to at least go through there to get to Erington where her quest was," Mira tried to convince Natsu. And maybe herself. She should’ve stopped Alice from going. She was in no shape to go on any quest of any kind. She couldn’t even walk without a limp. Mirajane should’ve went after her. But Alice was gonna come home and Mira would give her a stern talking to. Because Alice was fine. And she was going to come home.

“Fine. I’ll give her two more days to return, then I’m going after her," Natsu crossed his arms pouting, sitting at the bar.

Well two days passed. Erza urged Natsu to wait just one more after that.

Alice still didn’t return.

“I’m tired of waiting! I’m going to find her!” Natsu finally shouted. “Wait! We’ll come with you!” Lucy said, with Happy right beside her.

It was a quiet trip, even with Natsu not motion sick. He was too focused and troubled to let his motion sickness get to him. He sat and stared out the window, silent the whole way to Erington. He was gonna let Alice have it. That idiot should’ve waited for him. She knew better than to let him get worked up, worried about her.

It was an even quieter ride back to Magnolia.

“Man, I’m gonna beat up Alice for being gone for so long. Where is she? At home?” Gray asked Lucy as she came into the guild. He didn’t take in her solemn expression at first as she walked into the guild with her shoulders slumped down. Lucy glanced up at Gray with tear filled eyes. She took in his lit up eyes. She didn’t know how to break the news to him. She didn’t want to be the one to let out the news. That Alice was gone.

“What’s with that look? Lucy.... Don’t you- No. You better be telling me she’s with that idiot Natsu!" Gray stood up, running up to Lucy, putting his hands on her shoulders, shaking her body violently. Like brute force and intimidation would make her say otherwise and it’d be true.

Lucy shook her head, and started to cry. Gray didn’t know what to say. In fact no one in the guild could. The guild was tense and silent. Everyone shared blank stares. No one saw this coming. First Lisanna passed, and now Alice?

It seemed unreal.

“Where’s Natsu?” Erza was the first to speak up. “He’s at her house. He’s been trying to catch her scent. It’s like it’s gone. He couldn’t pick her scent up anywhere in Erington!" Lucy sniffled.

“There’s no way she’s gone! She’s just... she’s just somewhere! We just have to find her!” Gray shouted, like no one thought that before. Lucy finally collapsed on the ground, a crying mess.

So the whole guild went out on a search mission.

But that was 4 months ago.

The guild slowly became lively again. It was the Flower viewing celebration after all.
Team Natsu was on a job up to Mt. Hakobe to fetch some plants with special power.

And everyone else was getting prepared for the games and competitions.

“It’s still not going to be the same," Mira sighed setting flowers in a planting pot down on a pillar. “I know it’s not. But the Rainbow Sakura tree was her favorite, we have to make this year count especially," Makarov replied with the same sad tone. He lost her once years ago and he swore he wouldn’t let her go again but yet again, he broke his promise. Alice was gone and this time not even Laxus knew where she was. Not like Laxus was around to know about his only daughter’s disappearance.

Everyone was getting over it in their own way.

Though, no one could really say Natsu was.
Gray was more easily agitated. Juvia tried every day to cheer him up. But she was the one he took his hurt feelings out on the most. Lucy had tried to keep the thought of Alice being alive and well in everyone’s heart. She spoke of Alice in present tense and tried to lighten the mood of everyone. But she soon stopped after Natsu got into her face, shouting and crying. He didn’t want to hear Lucy talk like that because he could hear the lack of full faith. He could hear the hesitance in Lucy’s voice every time she spoke up some hypothetical and hilarious and totally not life threatening situation Alice was probably in and she was probably wrapping things up and coming home as Lucy spoke. He could sense that Lucy was losing faith. And if Lucy was losing faith in Alice’s well being, then that’d be another person to accept her being gone and that’d soon enough make Natsu do the same and he couldn’t do that.

Just like with Lisanna; he didn’t want to face the reality. He knew they were both gone, he just didn’t like being reminded. But Alice’s disappearance was crashing down on him hard.

He didn’t go over to Alice’s house anymore. The first week he never left her house, now he couldn’t stand going past it.

He didn’t even like going to his own house anymore either. “You know my scent and yours are probably mixed together since we’re always around each other."

Natsu didn’t really think much of that until he went home and just smelled her there too. It mocked him. It swirled around and made him go dizzy. It wouldn’t lead him to her current whereabouts. It just stayed in the houses. It was on his bed, his couch, on his clothes.

Happy would find Natsu just staring into space, usually at his hammock or his couch. In his own little world where Alice was there in front of him. Although, Alice didn’t like going over to Natsu’s much. She found it to be too cluttered. Also, Natsu’s house was like a spider magnet. There was always some sort of 8 legged creature somewhere inside. He had plenty of dusty and lonely objects that’d go untouched for years that were perfect for a spider’s new home.

But those days where Alice would spend time there... Those were good days.

All in all Natsu stayed at Lucy’s.

When Lisanna died, Alice was there to comfort him. Alice and Natsu were just friends, but after their bonding, when Alice was taking care of him while he recovered from the recent death, they became closer. Natsu actually expressed what he was feeling, making himself vulnerable to Alice in more ways than one. They trusted each other.

This time Natsu didn’t have anyone. Of course he was closer with everyone within Fairy Tail over the last few years, but no one as close as he was with Alice.

Lucy tried to comfort him, but he didn’t want that. He wanted Alice to comfort him, even though she was the reason he was depressed. He loved Alice. In more ways than one. Over 8 years together and suddenly she was gone. She had become his whole world and then the one day Natsu was angry with her and he went off on her, she vanished.

And Natsu sure did regret saying what he had to her. He should’ve been more understanding with her. It had been almost 10 years since the dragons disappeared and each rumor they heard was never close to being true.

And Alice hadn’t been herself in a long time. Her depression getting worse every day it seemed ever since the first attack Phantom Lord did on Fairy Tail. Her dark magic was unraveling her psyche. And the constant and long lasting appearances by “Dark Alice” had put an waning on Alice’s magic and mind. She was more depressed. She wanted to be home alone all the time. She never wanted to express what she felt. She was constantly tired and drained of energy and she was constantly in a bad mood.

After Alice had slept with Gajeel and Natsu made her talk about it, Alice seemed to have gotten better. But Natsu saw the signs. She always went straight home after a quest now. And only went to the guild for a new quest. She was reverting back to her old old self. The guild wasn’t a place where her friends were, it was a place for a job.

Now that Alice was more self sufficient and knew Magnolia better, she no longer went to the guild for food. She’d go to other restaurants or cafes or sometimes skipped meals.

Alice was putting on a fake smile for the team. She didn’t want anyone to get suspicious that maybe she was getting worse. She didn’t want pity.

Natsu should’ve done that though. Given her pity. Maybe she’d be there with him now.

He wouldn’t accept that she was dead. Anything but dead.

It took a few months but he started to come back around.

Now that the Flower View Party was around, things almost reverted back to the way they were.

Lucy was super excited to go to it, but then she got a cold.

Natsu tried to convince her to go no matter her condition, but she just wanted to stay in bed.

Things would be weird for Natsu. Another year without Lisanna, a day without Lucy, and his first year of the Flower View party without Alice.

How she loved this day. It was one of her favorite holidays besides Halloween.

“Oh I can’t wait! I absolutely love the music we play during it!”

“This year will be better than the last! This time I’ll win every single game!”

“Oh, the tree is going to be so pretty! Every year I forget how pretty it is until I see it!”

“Natsu, don’t be all mopey! It’s spring!”

Natsu tried his best to be okay. Even during the bingo game he tried to have a good time but things were still dark in the back of his mind. Happy tried to snap him out of it, but it really wasn’t working.

Natsu wondered about the last time he was truly happy with Alice. Of course he was always happy, but since she was gone, other moments shined brighter than the rest.

Like the victory of Fairy Tail against Phantom Lord. Alice had kissed him. Or in her kitchen where they both expressed their mutual feelings for each other. “Natsu. I’m in love with you.”

Just thinking about it made his heart thump hard. How he wished they shared more moments. He wished he had the guts to ignore Alice’s wishes and demand her to be with him. No matter how many countless times they kissed, cuddled, held hands. Natsu was never Alice’s boyfriend. There was never any actual talk of a relationship.

Natsu wasn’t in any rush because his last and first relationship ended when Lisanna died. But now he wished he was in a rush. If he expressed his love and desperation to be with Alice maybe they would’ve been in a relationship. And many more moments of affection would’ve taken place.

And maybe Alice would’ve been better and she would’ve went along with Natsu and Wendy on that bizarre encounter to Daphne and Alice wouldn’t have disappeared.

Did Natsu love Alice?

Natsu felt the pain come back. Sure, he knew he had strong feelings towards Alice but was it love? Of course it was. Why was he asking himself this? He never second guessed himself so much until now. He just did what his heart told him to, no questions asked.

“Even if you’re sad, I know you’ll always bounce back. One of your favorite things to do is to make someone smile. When you feel bad, do your best to make sure no one else is feeling down too."

Alice’s bright smile appeared in his head. When Lisanna passed and it was the first Fantasia parade where she was gone. It had been some time between her death and the festival, but Lisanna loved the Fantasia parade. She was always so excited and now she wasn’t there, a hole punched through Natsu’s chest and Alice was right there to fill that hole up.

So Natsu had to do what Alice first said to him that day. So if there was no Alice to make happy, then Lucy had to do.

Chapter 43


if not obvious, Edolas!Natsu and Edolas!Alice make an appearance

Chapter Text

Natsu woke up from his nightmare. “Lisanna!” He jolted up, and immediately reached out to the space next to him. Where Lisanna was in his dream. And then he realized his nightmare was in fact a dream and not real. So new plan.

He reached out for his other friend that comforted him when nightmares like that came around. She wasn’t there either. And then he remembered that she was gone too.

“What’s going on?” Lucy asked groggily, waking up on the ground. “Just a dream," Natsu sighed, with a frown on his face.

“You know if you’re gonna steal my bed at least look happy! I had to sleep on the cold hard ground! You know what! I’m done being nice!” Lucy cried.

“Geesh, Lucy, do you have to be so loud in the morning?” Happy yawned.

“If you two keep freeloading off of me then I can be as loud as I want!”

Gildarts Clive even came back for awhile. He told Natsu to come over to his home, he had something for him.

“It’s been awhile since I’ve been here," Natsu said looking around. “Yeah, it must’ve been forever!” Happy added.

“Nice for you to drop by. Now before business let’s talk about girls. I’ve heard you’ve been quite the ladies’ man. How have you and Lisanna been?” Gildarts asked. Natsu’s smile dropped.

“She’s been dead for 2 years," Natsu said solemnly. “You’re kiddi- No.- That would explain Mirajane....I’m sorry." Gildarts put his head in his hands. “How about Alice? Is she still around or was Fairy Tail not enough for her?” He asked more carefully. At least one of them had to be alive still.

“She went missing 4 months ago. If this is all you’re wanting to talk about then I’m leaving," Natsu started to turn away, a bad attitude coming on. The guild had started to stop talking about Alice altogether. She was slowly becoming a memory only to be remembered on cold lonely nights.

“No, Natsu. I’m sorry. Being gone for 3 years, I’m behind on everything. But I saw a dragon while I was out. Not yours but it was a dragon. It’s the reason why I failed my quest."

For the last few days Natsu hasn’t been sleeping as easy as he should and he’s been falling asleep during the afternoon at the guild. Though, everyone’s been annoyed by his obnoxious snoring and they couldn’t really leave the guild since it was storming outside.

“I know how I’ll pass the time.." Gray got out a marker and started to draw cat whiskers on Natsu....Who didn’t wake up from that. “Someone with your talent I thought you’d go a little bit beyond whiskers," Lucy commented. “If it’s fine art you want..." Gray drew Natsu into a bear.

Natsu then woke up. “All right! Who’s looking for a fight!” He jumped up. “I should’ve known. It's always food or fighting." Lucy got out a mirror and showed Natsu his new appearance. “Who was the idiot who decided to draw on me!” Natsu shouted.

“It was me you idiot!” Gray owned up to his actions and the two started to fight. And then Natsu fell asleep.

Then things happened and nothing was the same when Natsu woke up.

He woke up under something. He dug his way out and found himself in an empty area of bubbles and clouds. “Natsu!” Wendy called, happy to at least see him.

“Hey, Alice. Not right now okay?” Natsu said, using a hand to gesture Alice to stop what she was planning to do.

“Why not? You don’t enjoy it? I like doing what pleases you." Alice pouted. Natsu glanced from the road at her. “I can’t deny that it’s one of my favorite bonding activities, but we’re going into a dangerous part of Edolas. I need my attention on the road, not what your beautiful mouth would be doing."

Alice nodded and sighed, leaning her head on his shoulder, he smiled and put an arm around her. “On our way back, we’ll pull over and take a break, does that sound fair?” He compromised.

“Of course," Alice agreed. “That’s my good girl."

They drove for awhile in silence.

“Have you spoken to your father in a while?” Natsu asked. “No. But I had an eventful run in with my mother," Alice said. “Oh yeah? What did she do this time?”

“Well I saw her and I thought since I haven’t seen her in awhile, I’d be the bigger person and say hello to her." Alice shrugged. “How did she like that?” Natsu asked, interested. “The normal. Telling me how I’m a disappointment, that I’m wasting my life away being with such a riff raff like you."

“How’d you respond?” He asked again.
“I just showed her the ring."

“That’s my girl! Did she pass out?” Natsu laughed.
“No but she almost arrested me for disrespecting a guard."

“Do you ever wonder what would’ve happened if you never left your life in the Royal City?” Natsu took his arm off Alice to properly turn on the road.

“Yeah but I don’t think I would ever be truly happy like I am now. Being in Fairy Tail, I get to help people. I like helping everyone. Being a daughter of two city soldiers, I just watched them destroy so many lives instead of protecting them," she said sadly.

“Well, you left your life just because you met me. I don’t want to be the biggest regret in your life." Natsu put his arm around her again.

“You’re so sweet, Natsu. I love you." Alice kissed his cheek. “I love you too," He replied, taking his view off the road for a split second to peck her lips.

“Can’t we just pull over now?” Alice begged. “Alice, Lucy’ll kick my butt if I don’t get the supplies we need," Natsu explained, rejecting the idea. “But it’s not like she expects us back in the next hour or so. We have time," Alice’s voice trailed off in a devilish tone.

Natsu sighed, thinking it over. Alice put a hand on his chest, dragging it painfully slow down, lower and lower.

“Fine. But if Lucy kills me, you’ll be on your own when she gets you too," Natsu gave in with a groan. Alice giggled, already kissing his neck. “Calm down. Wait until we get to a stop, jeesh!"

“Okay, I remember the guild was here, wasn’t it?” Alice wondered when they got closer to the empty land. “I guess Knightwalker came to visit," Natsu guessed.

“Well we better start finding our guild then," Alice said. “Or we can have another break," Natsu suggested. “This time, I think not. The sooner we find them, the better. We have to make sure everyone is safe," Alice shook her head.

“That’s my girl using her head like that!” Natsu praised, driving off.

~“You want me to drive all the way to Sycca to pick up who?” Natsu scoffed. “It’s a long story, you two bunnies should’ve been here earlier!” Lucy snapped. Alice jumped and locked her door so Lucy couldn’t get her.

“Look, they need help, and Fairy Tail always helps those in need!” Lucy sighed. “I don’t know. I can’t say I’ll be able to make it." Natsu shrugged.

“You will or I will drag you out of that thing, and you’ll wipe that smug look off your face!"

“Okay, I’ll do it."

“Okay darling, you’ll need to hop on my lap and hang on tight!” Natsu said, kicking it into high gear, seeing the people he was after.

“Hopefully I won’t move too much in your lap." Alice giggled.

The vehicle skidded as Natsu stopped it, “Lucy said you might need a lift," He said. The 4 got in.

The look alikes were completely different from what they knew, but they’re like how Lucy told them. It was weird for Alice to be so close to Lucy without Lucy trying to kill her.

“Thanks for helping us," Lucy said. “No problem. My pleasure. My wheels are faster than their piece of junk airship. Of course, I don’t think there’s a vehicle I couldn’t leave in the dust. I’m kind of a big deal around here, they call me the Fireball," Natsu said.

Earthland Natsu was sick, but Edolas Natsu loved being behind the wheel of any vehicle.

Alice watched them all.
“I can’t believe you two are Alice and Natsu. You guys are way different than ours at home," Lucy said.

“You’re different from my Lucy. Is that pukeface me? How pathetic," Natsu scoffed. “He’s usually not like this," Wendy said.

“How’s your Alice in your world? Is she anything as great as mine?” Natsu asked. “Yours is a little more shy, it seems to be," Wendy said.

Alice buried her face in Natsu’s neck, hiding her from the other people. “She’s just a bit intimidated by new people. She’ll warm up to you soon enough, isn’t that right sweetheart?” Natsu said.

Alice nodded. “So even the Natsu and Alice here are love interests," Happy commented. “Where is your Alice anyways?” Natsu asked. “We don’t know. A few months ago she went missing," Wendy replied.

“Missing huh? Sorry about that. This one just doesn’t leave my side. I couldn’t lose her even if I wanted to." Natsu smiled.

Alice watched and listened as Natsu started to talk more about cars and how they run, she didn’t understand much of any of it.

The car came to a stop. “Listen, just like our magic, magic fuel is also limited, its nearly impossible to come across, that means I can’t take you any farther," Natsu said.

The Earthland one got out without a problem. “It’s good to be back on solid ground!"

“Get out! I only did this because my Lucy told me to. Do want you guys want, just don’t bring my guild into it," Natsu said. Alice didn’t like when he got annoyed.

The others got out. So did Alice. “Alice! You’re not going anywhere! I didn’t tell you that you could go!” Natsu scolded. Alice just stayed quiet.
The Earthland Natsu leaned on the car, looking at the other Natsu. “Listen, I want to talk to you for a second," He pulled him out of the car.

Edolas Natsu didn’t like this. He cowered on the ground. “Stop it!” Alice screamed, she didn’t know what to do. She tried to pull on Earthland Natsu. But she was too weak.

“I just want to know why you don’t get carsick!” Natsu said, ignoring Alice.

Edolas Natsu stuttered, “I don’t know. Please don’t hurt me!”
“Just take it easy with him please. He doesn’t like being out of the car," Alice asked shyly to Earthland Natsu.

All the earthlanders were confused. They all backed off of Edolas Natsu. Alice got down to comfort him.
“You’re the same me from a few minutes ago, aren't you?” Earthland Natsu wondered. “Yeah, but he’s a whole different person behind the wheel," Alice answered instead.

This was the first time Natsu really looked at Edolas Alice. She was shy, kind, and just a softy.

It had been months since he’s seen Alice. Even this other version of her, was relieving. Of course getting into the car, Earthland Natsu smelled her. She smelled just like his Alice. But he refused to pay any mind to it. It’d hurt more.

After the earthlanders left, Alice and Natsu left in the car to go back home.

Alice offered to help them into the royal city since she knew her way around, but Earthland Natsu denied the request.
Even though this was Alice, Natsu knew if he ever got back home, then he’d have to leave without her. Besides, Other Natsu already had her.

“So you guys are boyfriend and girlfriend?” Lucy wondered before they left. “Well yeah, but also, we’re engaged," Alice smiled for the first time since the earth landers showed up.
“So is the other me....Dead?” Alice asked also before they left. “We don’t know. She left on a quest before I was there to help her. We haven’t seen her since and it's been 5 months," Earthland Natsu said.

“You’d wonder if Edolas and Earthland version of people would sense if their other selves died or something," Wendy wondered.

“Is my mother the same there too? Yoko?” Alice wondered. “She died when our Alice was 3," Lucy said.

“Hm..... Actually what Wendy said might be somewhat true. When I was around 3, mom was in a weird phase for a while. She said it honestly felt like a part of her had died. It took about a year for her to be herself again. But if what Wendy said isn’t true then this won’t help either. I haven’t felt weird or anything. But it could be reassuring knowing she might not be dead," Alice said.

Before they left, Earthland Natsu took a moment to look at Alice. “I’m going to find the other you. When I do, we’re gonna come back and you two are going to meet," He smiled.

Chapter 44

Chapter Text

“Ah!” Alice screeched as the green light hit her and sucked away her regenerated magic energy. It was a painful process. She couldn’t even sit up. She laid there, saliva running out of her mouth and she cried in pain. Her eyes clamped shut. They burned but she didn’t have enough water to cry. Her nails cracked and split more as she scratched at the stone cold floor. Her shackles clinked as she tensed up into a ball. “Make it stop!” She pleaded. Her plea echoed around her.

“Someone! Please!” She didn’t know if there was a person alive who knew her torture and didn’t laugh at her pain. Was there someone out there who would make it stop? Could such a person exist?

“I don’t want this...” Her voice was soft as she felt her mind slip. And then she was unconscious once more.

As she slept in this forced and painful slumber, she felt partially at peace. “I’m always going to protect you, Alice. You have my word that I will never let you get hurt.” That male voice came back in her mind. Whenever it played, Alice felt warm all over the place and her eyes saw brilliant flames behind her closed eyelids.

She didn’t know who’s voice this was and she couldn’t place it to a face. From what she knew, the only people she knew were those who came to her dark room. And this voice did not match any of theirs.

But whoever this was....

They didn’t keep their word.

Alice awoke to the big double doors opening. She didn’t bother to get up. “Hey there. I got you something good. Today’s a special day after all.” The deep cheerfully greeted her. She recognized it. A guard who fed her and sometimes talked to her about his day.

Alice never cared to pay attention to him. It didn’t matter how nice she acted, how actively she listened, how great of advice she came up with, he wouldn’t let her go. Back when she had the patience to be good to him, she’d ask him to help her get out. To let her out of her chains. Anything. But he always smiled blankly and told her to get some rest and walked out.

So she didn’t care to be nice anymore.
This guard’s name was Laxus Lightrock. He had blond hair and blue eyes. He said he had a daughter who looked a lot like Alice.

And he had a wife named Yoko who was also a guard at the castle.

This is what Alice had picked up on, but it was hard to keep facts and reality straight.

“You have to eat. I know it doesn’t feel like it is, but it’s a privilege," Laxus said, placing a tray with meat and vegetables along with a big cup of water down on the ground, and then stepped back out of the range of Alice’s chains.

Alice didn’t reply. She didn’t even move to gesture she was listening. “You alive?” Laxus carefully stepped back towards her. He kicked her in the leg. “Okay, you’re still breathing. It’d be a shame if you died. Not because we don’t have a replacement for you. By the end of the day, we’ll have enough power to unlock the- nevermind that. Just eat. I’ll be back in 10 minutes and take away whatever’s left.” He left the room.

Alice was hungry. Her stomach constantly growled but at this point she couldn’t tell the difference between starvation and nausea. Sometimes she ate but threw it back up.

But she knew better than to let this food go to waste. She had to attempt to eat. She never always got to eat. It was this guard who was the kindest to her and made sure she ate on the days he worked. He had his days off, obviously and those days....Alice wanted to die more than usual.

“Of course, you’re not our first dragon slayers, so don’t feel so special." Hughes smirked. “What do you mean we’re not your first dragon slayers?” Wendy asked.
Natsu had a sickening feeling in his gut. Of course he smelled something familiar in their cell that seemed to go down the halls. Now things might’ve just started to make sense.

“We got one just a few months ago, we’ve been experimenting with our new toy on her. She’s been a good girl," Hughes said.

“No- They-...."

“You’re lucky I’m behind bars! Release Alice!” Natsu growled. “So that’s her name?” Hughes laughed.
“They have Alice? That’s why she went missing?” Wendy asked, scared. “You guys stole her and I’m gonna get her back! And I’ll tear this kingdom apart if I find out you’ve hurt her!” Natsu’s grip on the bars, increased, his knuckles were beyond white.

“Hurt her? I don’t know if we’ve hurt her. But I did love hearing her screams. Of course she’s stopped so might be dead."

Alice sat up, zoning out at the double doors. She imagined standing up one day and walking out those doors. She glanced down at her shackled wrists. She had many red cuts and scrapes along her wrists and arms. Some cuts were infected, some had already turned to scars. Her hands had gone numb a long time ago so she didn’t feel much pain in her wrists which was a blessing in disguise to her.

Her head shot up at the machine that whirred as it powered up. “Please no more.” Alice whimpered. And then the green light shot at her, with enough power to knock her to her back. She wheezed trying to catch her breath from the impact. It was hard enough to breathe when she was being zapped. She was able to turn on her side and get in some shallow huffs.

She felt herself slip again and she didn’t fight it. It was the only time she felt warm.

“I’m always going to protect you, Alice. You have my word that I will never let you get hurt. If you cry, I’ll do what I can to make you smile. If you fall, I’ll always pick you up, if you ever have a bad day, I’ll always be there. I promise you. I will never let you go on a quest that is too dangerous, I will never let you go out alone in the dark, because I love you, I love everyone at Fairy Tail and I won’t let anyone else die.”

Whoever this was, and whatever nonsense they spoke.... They were the world’s biggest liar.


She sluggishly opened her eyes. Who was this new voice? It wasn’t in her head. The magic zapper was done. She swore it never ended that quickly.

“Alice! I can’t believe you’re here! How long have you been here?! Are you okay?!”

Alice didn’t have the strength to attempt to sit up. She could barely keep her eyes open. With almost all her magic drained, she had barely the energy to stay conscious.

“Alice! Can you hear me! HEY!”

Her eyes shot open as she was quickly forced up into a sitting position. And she flinched at this new person so close. They had to be dangerous. Had some new guard come to torment her?

This man had dark blue spiky hair and grey eyes. They had no shirt on but pants and shoes. He had a cross necklace on and a... That mark! Alice knew that mark! She had one too but instead of on her chest and dark blue, hers was red and under her ribcage.

She had been the only person she knew with that mark. Who was this person?

“Alice, can you even hear me!?” The man shouted at her frantically making her try to get away from him. He noticed the shackles and the bruised, cut up wrists. He used ice maker magic to freeze the metal and shatter it with his hands. “These look infected bad. We need to get you back home quick.” He noted. Alice looked at him quizzically. Home?

Why was he talking to her like they knew each other and he freed her?

This voice didn’t match the one in her head so who was this person even? “Gray, is she okay?” A woman ran up from behind him.

Alice’s eyes went wide and she forced herself away from this ‘Gray’. With what little strength she had, she crawled and slid herself backwards as fast as she could, scrambling away from this woman she feared more than anything.

This tall, lean built woman with dark red, long hair and dark strong eyes was Erza Knightwalker. And she had obviously came to attack Alice for her own amusem*nt.

“Don’t hurt me!” Alice found her voice and screamed. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to get free!” Alice pleaded, sobbing without tears to cry.

Gray watched Alice tremble in fear with a heavy heart. Just what the hell happened to her? It was obviously she was put through hell. Her hair was matted and tangled to sh*t. She was grey and blue all over. Bruised, malnourished, traumatized, cut up, and numerous other things revealed in her tattered appearance. And now here she was with a broken voice, trying to shield herself from harm.

Scared witless by her friends and guild mates of many years.

“Alice, it's okay! You’re with your friends.” Gray stepped towards her, slowly, trying not to upset her anymore. “No! Leave me alone! Please!” Alice balled herself up, hiding her face as she visibly shook.

“Erza, does she even remember us?” Gray looked back at Erza who seemed terrified, herself, when her friend and comrade freaked out seeing her. She shook her head and let out a shaky breath. “It might be possible she’s suffering from amnesia. If she’s been here since her disappearance, then she’s been undergoing months and months of god knows what kind of sick torture,” Erza theorized.

“Erza Knightwalker, please... It’s a special day I hear. If you could-” “Knightwalker?” Gray interrupted Alice’s pleas. “I suppose that’s why she’s so scared of me. My doppelganger and Alice must know each other.” Erza nodded.

Gray knelt before Alice. She carefully and slowly looked up at him. “Do you know who I am?” He asked softly. “I’m sorry. I don’t.- Please don’t hurt me I’m sorry that-” “I’m not going to hurt you. We’re here to save you. You’ve been missing for almost 6 months. We’re going to take you home. My name is Gray Fullbuster. You’ve known me for years. Since we were kids.” Gray explained calmly, his voice trembling. It hurt him so much to see Alice so scared and pained. It killed him to know she had been here all this time not knowing anything.

“I don’t remember anything. I don’t know you.” Alice said weakly. “It’s okay. I’m sure once you get healed up, things’ll piece themselves back together.” Gray patted her head. “I’m not who you think I am. My name is Erza Scarlet. You’ve met Knightwalker it seems. I am not her. We may share the same face, but I am your comrade, Alice.” Erza carefully explained, hoping her words would reach Alice.

“Okay.” Alice nodded. “I’m going to pass out now.” And she was telling the truth. She fell over, Gray catching her in his arms and standing up, holding her.

“She’s out cold! Erza!” Gray panicked. “She’s just out. But we’ll have to hurry and get back home, she needs serious medical attention. We have to get out of here. We need to find the others and let them know we found her. It might give them the strength to win this battle.” Erza advised before running out of the dungeon room, Gray following after her.

They ran into a hallway with guards and Happy, Carla, and Lucy.

Gray sat Alice down for a minute to fight off the guards. “Alice?” Lucy said, seeing her, after Gray picked her back up and after he froze off the gooey cuffs Lucy had. “An alternate world is now a sound hiding spot when playing hide and seek," Happy commented, joking.

“She looks terrible," Lucy said. “Yeah, she’s also lost her memory, she just blacked out as soon as we left," Gray added. “She lost her memory?”

“Yeah, it also seems she’s had the luck to meet the Edolas Erza, seeing ours, she freaked more."

“Well ours is scary too!” Happy said.

“But where did you guys come from?” Lucy asked. “Gajeel busted us out of the Lacrima in the center of town," Gray answered.


“It makes sense since he’s a dragonslayer," Happy said. “Yeah, apparently Dragon Slayers have all types of abilities with their magic that we don’t," Gray added.

“They also have the power to turn our friends back into people!” Happy guessed. “If so, we need to find it," Lucy said. “I know where it is!” Happy raised his hand.

“Can you get us there?” Gray asked. “Not all of you, but I can get there," Happy replied. “I guess we can call off Gajeel, he’s been rampaging all over town looking for it." Gray smiled.

“Are you sure you’ll be able to guide Gajeel there?” Lucy asked. “As long as he can turn them back!” Happy countered back.

Happy left, and Carla, Lucy, and Gray went looking for Natsu and Wendy.

They found a door, and went through finding the two dragon slayers out cold. “It’s bad enough I have this one out," Gray grumbled, sitting Alice down to care for Natsu and Wendy.

Wendy wasn’t waking up and neither was Natsu. Gray went over to Natsu and violently shook him. “We have your girlfriend, so wake up already!”

“That’s a little excessive!” Lucy cried. Gray stopped, “I guess we should give them the x balls while they're out." He got a glass bottle out filled with little red balls.

“What are those?” Lucy asked. “Didn’t Mystogan give you one? They’re the only things that lets you use your magic here," Gray said.

“That’s what he popped into my mouth!" Lucy thought back to when she saw him.

Gray put a pill into Natsu’s mouth who automatically swallowed it. He started to cough and he woke up. He punched the ground, with his fire back. “We have to get back at them!” He growled.

“Calm down for a minute, guess who we found." Gray gestured towards the out Alice.

Natsu’s eyes widen when he took in her full appearance. Cuts, bruises, the undernourishment apparent in her face and her stomach. “She’s alive, right?” Natsu asked, calming down, but his worry rising.

“Of course. She’s just out. But....Her memory is wiped clean it seems. She doesn’t remember me or Erza," Gray explained.

“Just think of it, all she knows is that she’s been locked up here and she never knew why," Lucy sympathized. Natsu was outraged, and roared his mighty fire before running off. “Wait!” Lucy called after him. Natsu hadn’t fully situated what was going on. Like he didn’t believe it was true. Alice wasn’t here. Because if she’s been here and this battered up hollow shell of a human is her, Natsu could never forgive himself.

Wendy woke up.

That’s also when Alice woke up. She looked around wildly, scared of the people. She tried to stand up, but fell over, too weak.

She whimpered, trying to find her voice and bring it through her tender throat. Now there was a blonde woman and a small girl with blue hair. She was in a new room. A new torture room. Had they brought her here to hurt her more? “Alice, it’s fine. You’re safe," Lucy tried to comfort her. “You’re fine." She cooed.

“What are you going to do to me?” She croaked out. Lucy gasped at the accusation. Alice really didn’t remember her. “Gray saved you, don’t you remember? None of us are here to hurt you. You’ve been missing from home for months. I gotta admit I don’t think any of us landed here expecting you find you, but I promise we’re gonna get you home soon enough.” Lucy explained softly.

Promise? I promise you.” That voice came back in her head.

Alice’s eyes grew heavy once more and then she was back out. “She’s unconscious.” Lucy whispered, still incredulous about the whole situation.

“It’ll be fine, we just need to get her back home. Wendy was about to say something before Alice woke up," Gray said.

Wendy explain the whole plan that she heard from Byro.

Natsu came running back in. “There’s two Erzas out there! It’s going to be the end of the world!” He freaked out. “Wait, are you our Gray or Edolas Gray?!” Natsu asked.

“You don’t know?” Lucy asked. “If you come here, I’ll hit you and you’ll find out!” Gray threatened. “That should make it obvious that it’s Earthland Gray," Lucy said.

“Wait, this is our Gray?” Wendy wondered. “You didn’t know?” Carla asked her. “I didn’t realize!” Wendy cried. “It’s fine," Gray started to fade and become transparent.

“You’re here too, Lucy?” Natsu noticed her. “You were talking to us before you stormed off, did you really forget?” Lucy asked, irritated.

“Nevermind that. You guys found Alice," Natsu went over to her, and pulled her into his lap.

“She did just wake up, but she just blacked out," Lucy said.

He looked down at her, a small smile drawing to his mouth all though, he didn’t know what for. Sure, he was happy to have found her. But she was so battered up. Her hair was matted up. He couldn’t run his fingers through any part of it. Her face was hollowed and grey. Her body was much lighter than before. She was covered in dirt, grime, and blood. Her wrists her red and bloody. Her clothes, which was still the same outfit from the last time Natsu saw her, were torn and looked like they had started to wear away.

“Alice.” Natsu’s voice trembled. His call was barely audible. He couldn’t believe it. He didn’t want to believe it. Here she was for all the months she’s been missing. In a world, Natsu’s mind barely able to wrap around. She was in a place he didn’t even think existed.

Was there a way to ever get her back to herself again? Sure, a good bath, proper sleep, and balanced steady meals would eventually make her body come back to it’s full figure once more. But she’d probably keep a handful of scars.

The way her hands and wrists looked would they heal right? Would she be able to play the piano again?

Or her hair a grimy ball of tangled bunches. Would they be able to untangle it? Would they have to cut it?

Would it ever look the same again?

Would her eyes ever sparkle again?

Natsu thought back to what Gray had said. Alice had no memory of her life except what horrors she faced here. She didn’t remember anything of Fairy Tail. Would her memories come back? Would she ever act the same again?

But maybe this amnesia spell was a blessing in disguise. She wouldn’t remember all the hell she experienced. No sh*t father, cult school, losing Umiko, Mizore’s suicide, Lisanna’s passing, all that pain Loke caused, or her sleeping with Gajeel. There would be no memory of her dark magic and what chaos it caused. Would she finally be happy?

Maybe she’d forget her time spent on Edolas too and she’d be a clean slate. Natsu would take her home and they could start over.

But would this Alice even like him?

All those years spent together gone. When she consoled him? When he did the same for her? All those nights together? The laughter, the tears, the smiles, the warm hugs. All of it would be gone in her head. Without those experiences would she also lose her ability to love Natsu?

Would she even want to be in Fairy Tail anymore?

Natsu pulled her close, taking a moment to take in her vanilla scent, even hidden under all the other scents on her. “I’m gonna get you home, Alice. I promise.” He mumbled so only she could hear. He picked her up in his arms and he stood up, giving everyone a determined nod.

“Let’s go.”

“I’m gonna get you home, Alice. I promise.” This was a new statement Alice never heard before. But it was the voice. The same voice.

Another lie.

Chapter 45

Chapter Text

“I promise.” Did this person exist? Or was it a figment of Alice’s imagination? Because so far of everyone she met, no one had this voice.
And why did she feel so uncomfortably warm? This was like the same warmth she’s felt before but way more intense, but from an outside source. Like she was being caressed by the sun itself. Her skin burned and itched.

The team ran for awhile trying to find a way to the king. “With the castle’s layout, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was an amusem*nt park in here," Lucy said, thinking back to the book she read about the history of Edolas.

They ran around for a bit until they found a huge room. “There really is an amusem*nt park in here!” Natsu and Gray chorused. “I wasn’t being serious about it!” Lucy said, taking in the sight herself.

Then they found two soldiers, Hughes and Sugarboy. Natsu thought, yeah he had his magic, but he had Alice in his arms, he didn’t want to put her down.

Well if the time comes, I’ll set her down, but I’ll have to make sure these morons don’t touch her.

“Need a hand?” Leo purred to Lucy who was still stuck under Byro the octopus.
“Loke! How did you get here?” She asked surprised.

“Well someone needed to protect Alice from the damage you guys caused. It seems weird Erza has taken Natsu and Gray so you might need some help," Leo explained.

Sometime had passed and Alice woke up, jolting up but feeling held down by something. She was freezing. Her eyes scanned around and her mind went into a panic. Here she was, she had a fuzzy recollection of the blonde girl, but besides that she seemed to be around strangers.
“It seems Alice is awake. Let my gorgeous face, heal you from any ailment.” Alice froze hearing this voice and realizing it belonged to a man who was holding on to her. It was unfamiliar and it ran an ichy shiver down her spine.

But she quickly let go of that thought when she saw that they were soaring through the sky on some creature she hadn’t come to know. There was something so familiar yet so breathtaking about her scene. The sensation of flying through the sky. Seeing the outside world for the first time yet not feeling like it. It had to be a dream. That's it, just like every other time the magic machine sucked her dry and she had exhaustion-induced fuzzy dreams that made no sense. The sounds were muffled, but blaring. She dreamt of blended colors, and strange voices calling to her. Faces were warped and voices were warbled and muffled. She felt fear and nostalgia every time she came to.

But the scene laid out in front of her was clear and vivid. She could see and hear with great clarity and she felt pain. Nothing like her dreams. But yet, thi s made no sense to her either. She didn't recognize any of these faces around her, who kept smiling and calling her "Alice", telling how they missed her. They talked about a home she knew nothing about.
Home? There was no such thing.

This had to be a dream. Just a very detailed dream. Or she died. Yeah, that's it. She had to be dead and her mind was coming up with one last dream before she faded to darkness, teasing her with the idea of being saved, to have a family, have people that cared about her. Maybe to make her passing less painful.

“Take it easy on her, Loke, she lost her memory." Erza urged.
Alice felt her chest seize up. Erza sighed, seeing her horrified expression. "Calm down. I know this must be confusing, but I swear that I am not the Erza you know. My name is Erza Scarlet. I come from Earthland, just like you. I do you no harm."

Loke hugged Alice closer, making her jolt, getting her to look up at him. She seemed unfocused. Like there were way better things to take up her attention.
“I’m the leader of the Zodiac spirits, Leo, but you also can call me Loke. I’m your ex boyfriend, and we’re on the back of some dragon looking creature.” He greeted her with a statement that went in one ear and out the other. Zodiac? Dragon? Boyfriend? A man with two names. He wore a black tuxedo, and wore sunglasses. She felt uncomfortable for many reasons, but his unwarranted affection made her want to scream and cry.

“And we’re on our way to stop the lacrima from crashing into Extalia!” Lucy shouted back to Alice, as if Alice even knew what was going on in the first place.

She took another look at her surroundings. She was indeed on some large hairless creature with wings' back. Along with the blonde, Erza "Scarlet", and the naked one. Along with two new people she had never seen. A younger girl wearing some odd hat that had two long accessories that hung on either side of her head, resembling floppy dog ears. And a very muscularly built young man with spiky pink hair.

And wait, did the blonde just say something about crashing?! Whatever it was, regardless of anyone else's calm demeanors' Alice only focused on "crashing" and panicked.

She cried, thrashing around, trying to get away from Loke. “Hey, calm down, beautiful. I’m not gonna let anything hurt you.” Loke tried to calm her. “I...- I want-...Let go of me!” Alice didn’t know where to go. Home? She didn’t even know what all that meant. She obviously wasn’t about to go back to the castle. She didn’t know where she was. She just didn’t want to die! She didn’t sign up for a suicide mission. She was finally free, she couldn't let it go! Maybe this was just a vivid death hallucination, but she was going to fight it!

And suddenly volts of electricity came from her body, zapping Loke, and making him vanish back to the spirit world. Without some device zapping Alice's magic energy, her container was finally able to store magic and with her danger alarms going off in her head, her magic reacted on its own. Her electricity was even shocking the thing they were flying on. It jolted and flew erratically.

"Alice, stop!" Gray shouted, alarmed. As if raising his voice at her was going to help anything.
“This world stole our friends and turned them into a huge crystal that’s called a lacrima. They’re planning to destroy the lacrima. We need to save our friends. I know you don’t remember them but they’re your friends too, so please, Alice! You need to calm down! We’re not going to let them-" Lucy stopped her words as Natsu crawled over to Alice and hugging her to him tight. Alice froze and her magic stopped. There was that overbearing warmth again. Had it always come from him? But she had never met him before. He smelled odd of smoke and ash. It didn't disgust her.. It confused her more. Smoke... overwhelming heat, and the color pink... It had to be some strange coincidence.

“Let go of me.” Alice muffled against him, as her face was in his chest. She tried her best to fight him but she was far too weak against him. Natsu held her tight.

“I know everything is crazy right now. You’re scared. I know they say your memory is gone and you might think it is too. But you know who we are. We are Fairy Tail. You, me, Happy, Erza, Lucy and even that stupid Gray. We’re Fairy Tail’s strongest team. And we’re a family. And you are Alice Dreyar, a crazy powerful wizard. Sometimes you can’t control your magic and you have a lot of emotions that get out of hand. And it’s okay that you’re freaked out right now. But until we get you home. You gotta trust that we’re gonna protect you. I promise I won’t let anything hurt you. Not again. And I know I-”

I promise...

This was the voice! This was the person who spoke to Alice in her sleep! Alice shoved him away with a strength she never knew until now and gave him a stern scowl. He landed on his butt, and he sat up on his arms staring at her.
“You’re a liar!” She shouted at him, pointing at him. “I’ve heard you say that too many times and it’s a lie! I can!- I can hear your voice in my head-! All the time and I don’t know who you are but I know you’ve said these-...These things to me! You promise and you promise and I know you haven’t kept your word!” Alice berated him. Natsu gave her a look of shock but tears welled up in his eyes. She was right. How he’s promised her so many times that he would protect her.

If he kept his promises she’d never have went missing and she wouldn’t be so injured and traumatized.

“Alice, you know Natsu didn-” Lucy tried to intervene. “No. It’s fine, Lucy. She’s right. You’re right, Alice. I know what you’re talking about. I throw the word ‘promise’ around like it doesn’t carry any weight. But it does. So you really have a point here. You shouldn’t trust me. But trust them. Trust Gray. Trust Lucy and Happy and Carla and Wendy. Because I know that they’ll keep their word better than I can.” Natsu sincerely spoke. Each word felt like a knife carving into his chest but it was true. Alice really had no reason to trust him. To her she just met him and yet she knows he broke his word. That's all she knew of him. And yet she was right about it.

Alice deadpanned. She didn’t know what to expect. Her mouth opened but nothing came out. She stared at him in disbelief. Well now what?
“Who are you?” Alice finally found words, as confusion clouded her features and the fire in her eyes. “And why do you say these things to me?”

“I’m Natsu Dragneel. I’m a member of the guild Fairy Tail. Just like you are. I’m a Fire Dragon Slayer. Before you went missing you and I were best friends. Ever since we met you’ve been special to me. Why do I say this girly crap to you? I don’t know. Looking at you... It makes my mind come up with this stuff. I just want to make you feel safe and I want you to be happy.”

“Why?!” Alice demanded as her mind felt like it was gonna explode. Her chest tightened, and she couldn't breathe. Looking at him made her angry, but... Safe. And that terrified her. Who was he?!

“Because...” Was Natsu really going to let his pride go? He didn’t even know if these things were really hitting home, if Alice knew the meaning and sincerity of his words. Would it matter?

“I asked why-” “Because you’re the love of my life.”

Alice’s face softened at those words. “And I’m sorry but right now isn’t the time to explain all this. Just sit back and let me keep my word this time. I’m gonna get you home and you’re gonna get all fixed up and things’ll go back to the way they were months ago.” Natsu turned away, going back to the head of the creature they were flying on.

Alice sat back down. She was gonna listen to him. For now at least. She kept her gaze down as she could feel the eyes of Gray just piercing her head. He creeped her out the most. He wouldn’t keep his clothes on.

What Natsu said. It really got to her and she for some reason felt bad now. Something about his hurt expression made her feel guilty and she.... She didn’t know how to feel about it.

Chapter 46

Chapter Text

Alice sat in fear as they neared the big crystal. So close that Natsu was already pushing up against it. But he wasn’t doing much. Erza, Lucy and Gray joined in. Still nothing. Alice was feeling anxiety rush into her. Should she help? How could she? She couldn’t even stand yet. In fact sitting up was making her back sore. She could barely use her hands. Every movement of her wrists sent a weird, tingly burning sensation up her shoulders and then they’d start to shoot hot pain everywhere. She could barely keep her vision focused, if she could call floating circles in her sight like she was a kaleidoscope, focused.

Was this going to be her end? The crystal and the other land mass was getting closer and closer. Maybe she should’ve made her escape long ago. Maybe she’d have lived longer if she screamed and made a fuss when Gray and Erza busted her out. Maybe guards would’ve showed up, apprehended them and Alice would still be chained up. But she’d still be in less danger.

She didn’t even know what this place was called, or even what she rode in on was. And then these tiny fluffy creatures like the white and blue ones called Carla and Happy showed up, flying over on their big white wings. They also try to push on the crystal.

Alice didn’t know what these things were. Some notion itched at the back of her mind. But she couldn’t reach it.

And then suddenly all those efforts to keep the two land masses apart somehow work and then as the crystal floated away, Alice lost her place in stability. And she started to fall through the air.

And so Happy, who somehow was carrying Natsu too, zoomed to Alice. Natsu caught her, and held her close to him. Alice didn’t object as it was this or certain death. She gripped onto his scarf. “Hold on to me and don’t let go!” Natsu told her. “I wasn’t planning on letting go!” Alice snapped back, although her voice trembled as she looked around and down at the ground with looked like it was hundreds of meters away.

Her attention snapped to the big crystal that started to glow brilliant blue so bright that it was hard to keep looking at it. And then suddenly it vanished. Alice was losing her sanity. They went through so much trouble for something that would disappear? These guys need to get their priorities straightened out.

“Don’t worry. Sorry it took me so long, I had to create an anima vestige. Without your efforts I would’ve never made it in time. You have my gratitude." Here came a tall, lean man with royal blue hair and an odd symbol over his right eye-- He rode on his own dragon looking creature, called a "legion".

Natsu laughed, relieved. Alice looked at him like he was nuts. Was this something you laugh at? Alice couldn’t find the humor in it. “So everyone’s okay?” Happy asked. “Yes, but passing through the anima again, the lacrima will turn back to normal again in Earthland. It’s finally over." The blue haired guy announced.

“So this is good?” Alice wondered. “It’s incredible! Next we should be able to go home," Natsu confirmed with a big smile showing off his sharp canines. Alice stared at his sharp teeth. His set looked different than anyone else's. What was he? He was crazy strong, way too hot to be around for long periods of time, and was apparently in love with her. He had to mean something to her. His voice was the one that kept calling out to her. And in her deep episodes of unconsciousness, she could feel his warmth. In a dark, cold, dank cave, it was comforting. In this slightly humid weather? Not so much.

All the people and cats started to cheer but shut up as a purple beam hit the big black humanoid cat in armor and wielded a big weapon.

Erza Knightwalker. She had since cut her hair above her shoulders. She stood on a legion, along with other soldiers on their own legions too. Alice’s eyes shrunk as panic set in much more than before. She felt like she couldn’t breathe.

She started to shake violently, eyes not leaving Erza Knightwalker. “Alice, what’s wrong?” Natsu asked, worried. Alice shook her head back and forth. Her grip started to lessen. And Natsu had to quickly regrip at her. She seemed to be going into shock. “They’re gonna take me back! I don’t wanna go back!”

“I can’t keep a hold of her the way she’s moving!” Natsu shouted up to Happy. “Aye!” Happy flew them over to the legion of Coco’s. Natsu sat Alice down.

“What happened to her?” Gray demanded, coming over to her. “Don’t know. As soon as Scarier Erza came, Alice started to do this.” Natsu replied, eyes scanning over Alice’s balled up form as her mind seemed to cave in on itself.

“We don’t know what she did to Alice but there’s a reason she’s scared of our Erza," Gray guessed. “This other me is quite the cold hearted warrior. It hurts knowing that Alice will be scared of me until her memory comes back," Erza said.

As the Dorma Anim fired at Coco’s Legion, Alice fell from it.

She woke from her scared trance. “ALICE!” Natsu shouted.

Then she was gone for an instant, then back on the Legion, in her spot from before.

Alice blinked rapidly. What just happened?

“You can use magic!” Natsu laughed breathlessly from that mini heart attack. “You keep talking about magic and I still don’t know what it is.” Alice honestly replied, shoulders tense as she felt this fire inside her chest. It didn’t burn and didn’t feel like it gave off warmth but it felt like fire.

“It’s a long story. At home you gotta a library filled with the answers you need. But for right now, magic is a thing people have that can do impossible things. Like my magic and these keys together summon spirits. Gray’s magic is ice. Erza’s lets her requip weapons and armor. You have all types of magic but I guess you don’t really know that.” Lucy answered quickly to answer Alice.

Happy and Natsu flew off to fight the Dorma Anim. “It seems somewhere in your subconscious when you feel like you’re in danger, you somehow access some of your magic. Which is a relief.” Gray said.
“I’m tired. Does magic do this?” Alice’s eyes felt heavy. “Yeah. When you use more magic, it drains your magic energy and it can make you feel weak and tired.” Gray nodded.

The Dorma Anim fired again. Coco’s legion dodged.

“How are we supposed to attack it if we have to keep dodging it?” Gray shouted, putting his attention where it was needed. “It’ll be hard, but we have to come up with something," Lucy replied. “I say we use Lucy as a decoy to distract it!” Happy suggested as he came back.

The noises from the three dragon slayers attacking the Dorma Anim grabbed Alice attention, so she held on tight to the legion as she watched the fight from above. She found a pink speck and guessed it was Natsu. She witnessed his strong fire magic and was amazed. It was almost like in her dreams- The way the colors of the fire danced around. All the oranges and yellows and reds spun around each other with each attack. Alice felt like she could be entranced by his display.

The tiny girl with blue hair used magic that looked like wind. Alice had no clue what that was. And then there was a tall, very built guy with long black hair. Alice couldn’t make out was his magic was.

“Can they defeat that thing?” Alice wondered out loud, to no one in particular.

“Of course they can! They’re dragon slayers. In Earthland long ago there used to be dragons, and dragons taught those three Dragon Slayer Magic. It's a powerful magic that is said to be able to defeat the dragons. You’re a dragon slayer too, you know?” Gray explained. “Am I any good like Natsu is?” Alice asked.

“Well like Lucy said: You have many different types of magic under your belt. And you mainly like to use electrical/lightning magic and you’re crazy good at it. That magic, you’re better than Natsu is at his magic. But you don’t really use your dragon slayer magic, so he is technically a stronger dragon slayer than you, but you’re the stronger wizard.”

Alice refused to believe that. Even if she had no memories of her life before.

“We have to keep moving!”

The legion flew away from the fight. “No! Natsu! Won’t they need help?” Alice inquired sharply at Gray. “They’ll be fine. They can handle themselves. We got other things to worry about.” He shrugged, not worried.

The legion got struck by some beam and started to fall out of the sky.

Carla caught Coco and Gray. Happy got Lucy and Alice. They safely landed on ground.

Alice tried to stand on her own but obviously wasn’t strong enough to do so and she fell forward face first to the dirt ground. The impact on her chest set her into a coughing fit, blood dripping from her lips and spraying the ground below her as she tried to pick herself up.

Alice looked up wildly, trying to once again figure out this new scene. She was on dirt. It was dry and the surrounding ground had little green. There was a forest nearby. Soldiers from the kingdom ran towards her and the others.

She watched Lucy and Gray, seeing what they were going to do, because obviously she couldn’t do anything. She had no idea how to harness this magic she was told about.

Soldiers shot at Carla and Happy. Lucy pulled out a golden key. “Open! Gate of the lion! Leo!” And suddenly Loke appeared out of thin air. Was this a part of Lucy ‘summoning spirits’? This man was a spirit? Was this not slavery?
Loke charged at soldiers taking one out after another.

“Alice watch out!” Gray shouted, using his ice make magic to create a wall of ice before Alice, blocking a magic beam from hitting her, but it did shatter the ice. And pieces of ice fell all over Alice. Like she wasn’t freezing before.

Some kind of tree came out of the ground, vines and branches grew and wrapped themselves around legions the soldiers were on, taking them out..

The tree grew, and grew until it formed a medium sized dwelling. It had the words "Fairy Tail" on the front, alongside that sign Alice had on her abdomen.

Was this the Fairy Tail everyone talked about? She lived in a small tree house?

People charged out from the front doors and started to attack soldiers. She recognized a few faces. Like a second Gray and Lucy. Along with an older woman who looked like Wendy. Twins? Or was this like Erza Scarlet and Erza Knightwalker?

“Watch out!” Alice was dragged out of the way of another magic bullet. She looked up at the person who saved her. “Natsu?” She wondered. This guy looked exactly like him except he was wearing different clothes. Alice was thoroughly confused. There was no way he was here when he was out there fighting the Dorma Anim.

“Alice?” He looked her up and down and then he looked to the girl next to him. “Alice?”

Earthland and Edolas Alices glanced over at each other, taking in each one’s appearance.
“Is this the Earthland me? Wow, she looks almost just like me!” Edolas Alice gasped excitedly.
“You two are exactly the same. Except you look like you’ve been through hell. You okay?” Edolas Natsu shyly wondered to the Alice on the ground. Earthland Alice had no time to think about what they were saying. She felt herself get weaker.

“Woah! It’s both Alice’s at the same time!” Lucy squealed, getting distracted. “They look exactly the same!”

“Looks like she’s in rough shape. She needs medical treatment right away.” Edolas Alice said. “Yeah. We found her locked up in some dungeon room at the palace. They’ve been draining her magic energy for months. We need to get her home soon. I don’t know if she’ll make it through all this mess.” Lucy said, struggling to throw earthland Alice onto her back.

All the floating land masses in the sky started to fall to the ground, one by one. Then all of the Edolas people’s weapons started to emit a yellow serene glow that came out of the ground and into the sky.

The soldiers ran away in fear of the lights and their weapons no longer working.

“What’s going on, guys?” Lucy muttered lowly, cautiously watching what was going on. Alice felt her eyes get heavier, her head ached and pounded, she lost more clarity to her vision. Was the dream finally ending?

Chapter 47

Chapter Text

“We should head to the royal city," Lucy suggested as the other Fairy Tail already started that direction. “Yeah, we should.” Gray nodded. Alice could barely keep her eyes open. Her head laid limp on Lucy’s shoulder. “You want me to carry her? Though, she should be plenty light.” Gray asked Lucy. “If you could. If she was able to catch a grip on me it’d be easier but I don’t even know if she’s conscious anymore. We need to get her home fast.”

“Let’s go!”

As the group got to the city, all of them, who were from Earthland started to glow yellow. “Hey, what’s going on?” Happy asked, starting to panic. “I don’t know.” Gray replied. “The anima is pulling us out of this world!” Carla shouted. And then they all floated up into the sky. Gray let go of Alice and let her float up, while barely conscious.

“I guess the anima’s getting rid of every single magic thing here," Lucy guessed. Natsu, who was also in the air, tried his best to swim through the air, getting to Alice, wrapping his arms around her. “Can you hear me? Alice?” He whispered, looking her over, looking for a sign that she was going to be okay. She let out a big huff.

“We’re gonna get you home, I promised that much.”

“Bye, Lucy Ashley!” Lucy called, waving to the ground at her Edolas double.

As they reached to some point high in the other, they were transported into Earthland, where it was midday, and raining.

As they all crashed to the ground, Alice woke back up. Although, the weight of Lucy on her, wasn’t the best wake up call.
Lucy groaned, rolling off Alice. Alice shot up, as she felt the cold raindrops hit her skin. She looked up at the dark grey clouds in the sky.

Alice cautiously walked towards him, stopping just several inches away from him. She gazed at Natsu’s tense shoulders. “Natsu...?” Alice’s voice trembled as she warily reached out towards him, fingers just barely brushing against his hot skin. Natsu wheeled around, roughly grabbing Alice, wrapping his arms tightly around her middle as he shoved his face into her neck as he cried into her. Alice, frozen, not sure what to do, tried to slowly, as smoothly as possible, returned the embrace, letting Natsu work out his emotions. “It’s cold out here. You’ll get sick.” Alice softly whispered. She didn’t get a response

“Come on, it’s nice and dry at my home. You can even take a warm bath if you want.” She lightly coaxed. “I don’t want to leave.” Natsu muttered. “I know. But, you gotta go at some point. You can always come back in the morning. It’s getting late out.” Alice bargained. Natsu nodded.

After a long shower, Natsu walked into Alice’s room. His hair was still wet, and water dripped from the tips of the pink hair. Alice walked over to Natsu, and took his towel that hung around his neck. His eyes were red, heavy, and void of any light. She took the towel and lightly rubbed it around on his head to dry the water. “Going to bed with wet hair is bad for you, you know?” Alice lightly smiled. Natsu hummed lowly in response. “If you want the bed, I’ll happily let you have it.” Alice continued to talk. “But either way, you gotta get some sleep, okay?” Alice looked sincerely into his eyes. She was truly worried for him. She had no idea that Natsu could get depressed like this.

Natsu nodded, still looking away from Alice. Alice relaxed. “All right, I’ll be out in the living room, if you need me.” Alice advised, taking the towel with her, heading towards the door. Natsu grabbed Alice by the arm, stopping her. “Hm?” Alice looked back at him. “Stay.” Natsu simply stated. “N-...Natsu...” Alice trailed off. Together?

In the same bed?

“Please?” Natsu asked, he finally locked his eyes with Alice’s, which took away Alice’s hestitance. “Okay.” She nodded.

So, there they lay together on the bed. Both laying on their sides, facing one another.

Alice couldn’t handle it, so she switched to her other side, now facing away from Natsu, who then grabbed Alice by the shirt and roughly pulled her to him. “Natsu!” Alice exclaimed.

Natsu put his forehead to Alice’s back. “I’m always going to protect you, Alice. You have my word that I will never let you get hurt. If you cry, I’ll do what I can to make you smile. If you fall, I’ll always pick you up, if you ever have a bad day, I’ll always be there. I promise you. I will never let you go on a quest that is too dangerous, I will never let you go out alone in the dark, because I love you, I love everyone at Fairy Tail and I won’t let anyone else die.” Natsu’s voice broke and he sobbed. Alice had to do something, so she faced him once more. Natsu took that as an invitation, wrapping his arms around Alice, tucking his forehead into Alice’s neck.

“Alice?” Natsu kneeled at her frozen stare up at the sky. He put his hand to her face, the warmth waking her from her trance. She jumped with a gasp. A moment where she forgot where she was. What had happened? The heat from Natsu’s hand grounded her. She looked at him, confused.

What did she see? “What’s wrong?” Natsu mumbled. “I-...I...I just saw something. It was raining...I...There was a stone... You were standing at a stone and you were crying and I...”
“You’re starting to get your memories back.” Natsu leaned his forehead to Alice’s and he smiled softly, eyes closed. Everything was going to be all right. Even if that was a memory Natsu had wished she would never recover.

“It's so cold here, I don't mind how hot you are now." Alice whispered, even though her voice chittered, she felt somewhat at peace. She took notice of his face up close. His scent. The sun kissed freckles on his cheeks and nose. “If you want, I can wrap my arms around you and keep you warm for forever,” Natsu replied, his smile growing brighter. “Don’t we have to go home first?” Alice wondered. Natsu opened his eyes and stood up and sniffed the air. “We are home.”

Alice looked at the wet cold ground and the forest around her. A look of fear crept on her face. She lived in the forest like this? “He means we’re at our home town. Magnolia. Don’t worry. You’re not homeless.” Gray clarified, seeing Alice’s wide eyes of terror.

“So wait, what are we going to tell the guild when we get back?” Lucy asked. “Nothing, they don’t remember it," Gray replied. “But we brought back Alice. How are we going to explain that?” Lucy gestured to Alice.

“That is true, but maybe we should just let her choose what to do," Erza answered. Everyone looked down at her. “I want to get warm. I want out of this water stuff.” Alice said curtly.

“Yeah, let’s get cleaned up, get Alice settled a bit, then we’ll figure it out.” Lucy nodded.

“Guys, we have a real problem. Where’s my cat? Don’t tell me those other felines took Pantherlily.” Gajeel spoke up. His gruff voice startling Alice. Where did he come from? This tall, burly built man with long shaggy black hair, beady red eyes-- And the most jarring features, his dozens of piercings. He was terrifying.

“Are you blind, I’m right here." Pantherlily said. A big human sized cat that used be tall and buff now was round and tiny like Happy and Carla.

“So tiny. At least you look very cute now," Happy said with a teasing smile. “Well it seems that Earthland can’t handle my natural physique. But for now I want to join the guild that took care of my prince. Gajeel promised they’d let me in," Pantherlily pointed to Gajeel who then looked to Erza with what he could muster up as puppy eyes. Erza gave a nod of approval.

“Welcome! I now got my own kitty!” Gajeel hugged his new... pet? “Yes, but now on an unrelated note, I came across a suspicious person." Panther Lily had a rope in his hand, that no one noticed until then.
“What an overachiever! You’re definitely my cat, all right!” Gajeel praised.

“Now come here!” Panther Lily pulled on the rope. “Hold on! It’s not what you think! If you would just let me explain myself!” Connected to the rope was a girl with light short hair and a purple dress on, she fell on the ground. “That hurt you know!” She snapped.

“Lisanna?” Natsu mumbled, his voice shaking, he looked terrified like he was witnessing a ghost. “That looks just like.... “ Gray trailed off. Alice looked at Natsu, a feeling of worry welling up in her. Who was Lisanna and why was Natsu reacting like that?

Lisanna looked at Natsu and smiled big, her eyes shimmered with tears. She stood up to tackle Natsu onto the ground. He stared blankly. He didn’t know how to react. With Alice, he refused to believe she was dead and he was right. But.. Lisanna had been gone for two, almost three years. He had to come to terms with her apparent death.
Alice for some reason felt something tickle her mind. “Lisanna?” Alice mumbled out, thinking saying it out loud would maybe make her form together a thought that made sense about Lisanna.

Lisanna smiled at Alice. “Alice!”

“You remember her?” Gray. “No. I don’t. But...Her name...It sounds familiar. The stone... Where Natsu was crying...” Alice let details flood into her mind. She looked to the ground, eyebrows furrowing together as she concentrated as more and more tiny details came to light. Faces she didn’t recognize. Names she never heard of.

“Erza! Gray! And I see the two new guild members. You look like Wendy and you must be Lucy!” Lisanna greeted looking at the ones she didn’t know. She got off of Natsu and stood up.

“So you’re our Lisanna? I don’t get it," Gray said, floored.

She nodded. “She’s come back to life!” Natsu stood up, happy, finally taking it all in, ready to hug her. “Hold it!” Erza held him back. “You can’t be our Lisanna! She died and there was no way she could’ve been resuscitated," Erza argued, shouting at Lisanna.

“I really didn’t die that day. At that moment where we went on our job, I must’ve been pulled away by an anima. I’m not sure. But I guess there must’ve been a bunch of little ones back in those days. It was a real shock when I woke in Edolas. I was so confused when I walked into the Edolas Fairy Tail. Everyone looked so different. They welcomed me because I looked like the Edolas Lisanna. I could only assumed that she died. Everyone seemed so surprised to see me, it was as if I came back from the dead. I didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t find it in my heart to tell them the truth. So I pretended to be Edolas’ Lisanna. There was some confusion at first, I would apologize and tell them my memory was hazy. I tried my best to fit in, it got easier as I learned more about Edolas. It didn’t take long to get accustomed to it, soon enough two years passed and then Natsu and Happy showed up out of nowhere 6 days ago," She explained solemnly.

“Why? Why didn’t you bother telling us the truth then?” Natsu asked. “It wasn’t the right time," Lisanna shrugged.

“We need to get her to Elfman and Mira," Lucy suggested.

“All right. They should be at the cathedral. We’ll head there, then you to a doctor," She nodded, towards Alice. “I’ll take Alice to a doctor. You can take Lisanna,” Natsu objected to Lucy’s idea. Everyone except Lucy, Wendy, and Gajeel were somewhat shocked it seemed. Of course it was a sticky situation. Both of Natsu’s love interests back home at once.

Lisanna, his past lover before she disappeared, and Alice... the current love of Natsu’s life.

But Gray, Erza, and Happy assumed Natsu wouldn't want to leave Lisanna's side.
Was this him choosing a side?

Chapter 48

Chapter Text

“She’s resting now. After running some diagnostics on her, she’s gonna pull through fine. She's currently on an I.V. with antibiotics and vitamins to help her body replenish all its lost, as well as fight all the infection. Your friend Wendy really helped speed up the healing process. Before, I’d say that Alice would have to go through months of physical therapy before she could move like she used to. Now, I say, we'll gonna keep her here for a few days, maybe a week for routine observation in case it's far more serious than her scans have shown. As her head scans have shown there is some slight significant bruising, which she will pull through with time. Although, I do have to advise you to be wary of changes in her demeanor, as well as obvious cognitive changes and disabilites-- Although, I do doubt any serious issues prolonging. Which the massive trauma in her brain, memory loss isn't unusual, but hers is quite unique. I'll refer her a neurologist, who'll come in and do some tests on her for further diagnosis but from my professional stand point I’d say it’s a type of Retrograde Amnesia. These types of cases usually affect memories from both present and past. Until more diagnosis can be done, it is uncertain how well or long she can form or recall memories. It could take days to months for memories to come back. Sometimes years. And in some more rare cases, she may never recover them. There’s plenty of practices and treatments that can help strengthen and recover memories. For now, until she’s more healed, just be patient and calm. Keep conversations simple and try not to overwhelm her, it may cause the healing process to regress or put her into shock.”

Natsu sat down in a chair next to Alice’s bed. He grabbed one of her hands in both of his and he brought it to his lips, kissing her hand softly and slowly. He took a deep breath in and out. He couldn’t take his eyes off her resting expression. Her eyes were sunken in and she had greyish purple circles around them. She had been cleaned off, and without the dirt and blood, revealed how pale and beaten up she was.

Her lips were cracked and scabbed up. She had a big gash in her left cheek which had to be stitched up. She had a big dark bruise on her right temporal area.

She looked like she was dead. The steady beep of her monitor was the only real proof she was still alive. She wore a cannula tube in her nose to make sure she was taking in enough oxygen. She was casted and bandaged up.

Natsu had to fight the urge to break down into a fit of tears. It was all his fault. If he had known...He’d have found his own way to Edolas months ago.
He deserved any and all anger Alice had shown him previously. He didn’t deserve forgiveness. He should’ve done a better job at protecting her.

“Hey. Uh, Natsu....?” Alice muttered cautiously, poking him in the head with a finger, nudging him. He was deep asleep, while sitting in the chair, leaning against Alice.

She had woken up a while ago and let him sleep for a while but she was too impatient for him to wake up on his own and she needed answers now. “Natsu Dragneel. Please wake up.” She said louder, trying to muster up some confidence.

He groaned in his sleep, nuzzling his face down against Alice’s stomach. It was dark outside. Alice had no way to tell how long she’d been out. Natsu seemed to have cleaned up since she last saw him and was in a different outfit. He wore the same white scarf though. She’d have to ask about that.

“I am awake and I want to talk. Wake up!” She grew a bit annoyed. She was the one who faced near death. She should be the one in a deep sleep. “I’m up. I’m up. It’s like the middle of the night!” Natsu whined, slowly sitting up and yawning.

Only moonlight and the heart monitor illuminated the room, but barely. “Yeah, well. I’m awake!” Alice pouted. “Fair enough. How’re you feeling? Any pain? I’m supposed to alert a nurse if you’re in any pain so she can give you something for it.”

“Well for as long as I can remember I’m always in some pain. Sometimes I get numb to it, sometimes it’s a bit hard to ignore.” Alice shrugged, not being able to assess if she felt anything hurt. Her whole body felt heavy and sore.
“While we’re at it. Where am I?” She changed the subject.

“Magnolia General Hospital. I thought about taking you just to the guild infirmary but I thought you should get patched up first. It’d be hard to heal with all that excitement. Besides, I’m sure they all are preoccupied with Lisanna’s return.” Natsu looked to the side. Something nagged at him for missing out on Lisanna’s welcome home celebration.

It felt strange talking about her like she was back when just days ago it seemed impossible that she was alive.

“So this isn’t home?”

“No. It’s the hospital. You know, where people go to see doctors who can make them better when they’re hurt or sick?”

“My whole life has been my torture chamber I don’t know much of what you’re talking about.” Alice deadpanned at him. “It’s only been 5 months. Not your whole life.” Natsu pouted. It seemed every other word Alice said reminded him of his failure to keep her safe.

“So what’s home then?” Alice got them back on track. “Home is a lot of things. It’s where you live, where you feel safe. Your home is on the edge of town by the forest. Doc says you’ll be able to go home in a few days so I’ll take you then.”

Alice didn’t seem satisfied with that answer. She looked off to the side, while her right hand reached to grab at something on her chest. Something that wasn’t there. Something that usually hung around her neck and another thing that usually rested above the valley of her breasts.

She didn’t process that she was doing it. But Natsu realized she was reaching for her necklace. It was a thing she did quite often. It was a quirk. When she was anxious and needed some grounding. She would always grab at the pendant on the silver chain and gently hold it tightly in her palm. Like reminding herself it was there.

Natsu wondered how she seemed to remember enough to do that. But he also noticed that she didn’t take any notice that she was doing it. Had she thought it was a normal thing to do?

When her hand didn’t grab anything, she put it into her lap.

“So we decided that we’d let the guild know you’re safe and back in the morning. So get ready for a lot of people up here.”

“No.” Alice quickly rejected the idea. Natsu was surprised by her response. “...No?”

“I don’t remember any of them. I don’t want a lot of strangers here.” Alice didn’t give any thought to her answer. It was quite simple.

“I suppose that would be too much information to take it at once. All right. I’ll let you decide when to meet them. But we gotta let them at least know you’re home.”

“Stop calling it home. I’m not home. You said this isn’t my home so stop saying that I am!” Alice chided him, scowling at him. Natsu uneasily nodded.

There was a heavy tension forming in the room as several moments went by with awkward silence. “So... How about you just get some more sleep and-” “I’m not tired. I wanna go home.” Alice sounded like a child getting ready to throw a tantrum. “I’d like to take you there but I got told I have to listen to what the doctor says. At least for now.” Natsu grumbled. He had to be patient . Even if she was being a pain. He just wanted her to be better already and remember him.

“You know, why are you here? Don’t you have a home to go to? Or that guild everyone talks about? Why can’t you sleep there or something?” Alice asked harshly. Not that she minded much but it was weird sleeping with a stranger.

“I told you why.” Natsu replied, pouting, looking away, embarrassed that she was going to make him say it again. “I don’t understand what it means. How did I become the love of your life? What does that even mean?” Alice asked. “I don’t know. It just means what I said. So that means you’re everything to me. That also means I’m not letting you out of my sight for the rest of my life because I can’t let you get put into danger ever again and this time I’m going to keep my word.”

“What about Lisanna?” “What?” Natsu shot his eyes up to Alice’s naive ones. She shrugged. “I don’t know. Just from what I’ve remembered about her. And the way she hugged you. I don’t know. While recovering that memory I’ve also discovered feelings I guess from it. And a part of me says that you loved her. Like you say you do with me.”

“Alice...Here, how about this? I’ll hash out everything about me and you.”

“So, that’s a lot of information.” Alice nodded, not knowing what to say. Natsu had got her up to speed from Natsu’s childhood with Igneel, to meeting Alice to Lisanna’s passing and to the moments before Natsu, Wendy, Happy, and Carla went to go check out the dragon rumor.

“We can talk more about it in the morning. Go back to sleep.” Natsu said with a yawn. “Yeah. You too and not here.” Alice replied, settling down on her side, facing away from him. “I won’t lay on you.” Natsu bargained. “Look, I understand you care about me and all, and I suppose I love you too and all but right now I don’t remember anything about it. So please. Leave me alone.” Alice sighed.

Natsu didn’t know how he felt leaving her be. She’d be alone for the rest of the night. No one to protect her if someone came to attack her. Or what if she was thirsty or hungry? What if she was cold?

“No.” Natsu said with absolute determination. Alice pulled the blanket over her head and let him do what he wanted.

“Good morning!” Lucy greeted in a hushed tone, not to disturb Alice. But she was awake. She just was getting healed by Wendy, who couldn’t sleep so she came in really early. “Good morning!” Wendy cheerfully replied. “Good morning.” Alice mumbled not caring to be enthusiastic. “Where’s Natsu?” Lucy wondered. “He said he had to stretch his legs. So he said he was gonna go for a walk.” Wendy replied.

“Well that’s good because I thought that maybe we could give Alice a spa day! On the 7th floor they have baths and there’s so many different types of oils and scents! Plus I was gonna summon Cancer so he can give you a new hairdo!” Lucy revealed, excited. “That sounds amazing!” Wendy gasped. “A nice calming jasmine or lavender sounds great. Just what Alice needs to get up and going.” Carla agreed.

“Is that okay, Alice? Can you walk yet? They have wheelchairs available if you’re not up to standing.” Lucy walked over to Alice’s side.

“I’m almost finished with this round of healing. It looks like the swelling and bruising has gone away but I don’t know if that means you have the strength to walk.” Wendy admitted. “I feel way better than just yesterday when you guys saved me.” Alice said with a nod after taking a moment to observe how she felt.

Erza, Gray, Happy and Natsu walked into Alice’s hospital room. Lucy was helping dry her hair. “Hey, look at you! Loads better from the other day!” Gray smiled, taking in Alice’s upright sitting position, legs hanging off the bed. She wore a bathrobe and white slippers to match. “Did Cancer give you new hair?” Erza asked. “No. He used this magic hair shampoo and conditioner and was able to untangle it all and then trimmed an inch or two off to even it out.” Alice answered. “Has the doctor come by at all?” Natsu inquired, walking to sit on the edge of the bed, next to Wendy. “Yeah. He said Alice is cleared to go home if she wants. But she can stay another night if she wants.” Lucy replied. “Wendy’s healing has really sped up the process. I advise her to take it easy for a while. Alice can heal on her own now.” Carla added her opinion. “That’s marvelous news. Your work is highly appreciated, Wendy..” Erza complimented. “It wasn’t much really. I just wanted her to get back to normal life as soon as possible so everyone can be happy again.” Wendy said, flustered.

“Anyways, Natsu told us you don’t want anyone from the guild seeing you?” Gray started up, strolling over to Alice. Lucy was done drying her hair and walked to the side. “Yes. I don’t know if I’m ready for something like that.” Alice replied, looking down at her lap. “We understand you’re nervous but this might be a good way to jog your memory. And what’s better than being surrounded by friends while recovering?” Erza tried to convince otherwise.

Alice glanced up to Natsu. She didn’t know if he would defend her or not. “Let me get her home and we’ll see later about taking her to the guild. Doc said not to overwhelm her.” Natsu persuaded his guildmates. “All right. No arguing that.” Gray gave in. “Although. I got a message from Lisanna. She says she understands you got your hands full at the moment, but if you got a free minute, she’d like to catch up with you.”

Natsu nodded.

“And here’s home sweet home. Where the one and only Alice Dreyar lives, and Natsu and me stay quite often.” Happy chirped as Natsu turned on the light to the living room. “Lucy and Wendy came over the other night and dusted and cleaned up a bit since no one’s been here for months.” Natsu commented, watching Alice’s eyes flit over every detail in the house. “It’s so empty.” Alice noted. “It’s not that empty! There’s everything you need in here!” Natsu defended the Alice that Alice wasn’t. “I don’t know. I just was expecting more.” Alice shrugged, taking slow small steps across the wood floor. “Well you got a t.v. lacrima where you can watch shows and movies. And a couch to sit on. And a table to put things on. And if you look into the dining room there’s a-...A dining table and chairs for when you have company over!” Natsu explained.

“And in the fridge you have yummy fish!” Happy added. “I thought you just said no one’s been here in months. Why would there be anything in there? Wouldn’t it have gone bad?” Alice looked at the blue cat. “What I meant was there’s room for yummy fish!” Happy corrected himself.

Alice trailed off to a door to her right. “That’s the master bedroom. Where you sleep.” Natsu had noticed her being drawn to it. “Is it as boring as the rest of my home?” Alice wondered thoughtlessly. “Yep!” Happy answered.

Alice opened the door, and turned on the light. It was quite drab. A dark navy blue rectangle rug under a queen size bed with a light blue bedding. There was a dark mahogany headboard between the window and bed. There were no decorations on the walls. There was a full body mirror on a hinge. Two big dressers and one closet. She was immediately disinterested and headed to the second room, skipping over the bathroom altogether.

“I suppose this is better.” Alice noted, looking at the small room. There was a light yellow wingback chair in the center of the room. One side of it there was a light colored stand with a book on it and an empty mug. The other side had a tall lamp. Two walls had shelves, covering both entire walls. There were hundreds of different books, and trinkets. There was a closet without a door that held much larger objects and blankets. “You asked about what magic is. And well this is the best place in the world for you to start figuring it out.” Natsu placed his hand on the top of her head.

Natsu put a hand on Alice’s head. “Yeah. And I’ll continue to take care of you.” A shiver violently ran threw her body as she reeled back for a moment, getting a flashback. “You okay, buddy?”

“Yeah. I just... uhm. I wish to be alone. I shall do some studying and maybe I’ll gain some memories and I wish for no distractions.”

“I’m gonna catch some fishies to stock the fridge!” Happy decided, flying across the house, out the front door. Alice took a few steps forward into the room. “I meant you too.” She didn’t have to look to know he was still standing there. “Yeah. I know. I just don’t got much to do.” Natsu shrugged. “Lisanna wants to have a moment with you. And you have some time on your hands now. I say this would be a perfect time for you to go.” Alice looked over her shoulder.

Natsu couldn’t argue with her. He went into his pocket, pulling something out, holding it in his fist. Was now the time for this?

He took steps towards Alice.

Alice jolted at the silver chain coming from above her head and around her neck. “This is yours. Maybe an outfit change into something that’s more you, and I’d say you look like your old self.” Natsu said in a soft mumble. As he hooked the clasp, he let the chain rest around Alice’s neck, and the pendant against her chest.

Alice took the pendant into her hand and pulled it closer for inspection.

“Oh Natsu that’s so nice. But I’m allergic to silver and dragon’s breath opal coincidentally.”
Alice’s ears perked up at the mention of his name. She didn’t look up and tuned out again, reading more of her ‘Fire and the Moon’ novel.

Alice, at the time, tried to read fiction more and picked out a book that turned out to be a romantic fiction of a fire wizard falling for a girl he rescued on a quest and it follows their adventure together to take her home all the way across the world. Turns out she was a water wizard all along. Alice loved that book after reading it cover to cover many times, hiding it away, ashamed of her dirty secret love of romance books and how the fire wizard in the book, in Alice’s imagination, took on a similar appearance to someone she knew.

A few pages later into her book; “Here.” and something clinked in front of Alice, not stopping the force of whoever threw it making it slide on the table. Alice was caught up into her book but couldn’t let the object fall off the table so she closed the book, setting it on the table, caught and admired the necklace. It looked like the one Lisanna just talked about. Alice realized that it was Natsu who gave it to her. A thudding started in her chest, her cheeks burned and stomach fluttered. With a hot face, Alice’s lips curled into a smile. Natsu had walked off, shoulders slumped. “Thanks... Natsu.” Alice mumbled, admiring the dragon’s breath opal stone hugged by a silverback, hooped on a silver chain.

Alice gasped, coming back to reality. “Another memory huh? Let me guess. When I gave you that?” Natsu smiled softly. “Yeah. But it was never intended to be mine. Why did I accept it?” Alice turned to look at him. Her cheeks were dusted pink and she felt like the air around her was thicker because it was hard to take a deep breath. “I really don’t know. Yeah, I got it for her but when she declined it, you were there. I didn’t have any reason to keep it. I didn’t know it’d mean so much to you though. I can get you a new one. Something with you in mind and we can retire this useless thing.”

“No.” Alice felt a sudden attachment to the necklace as she reached for it once more and then finally realized that it was the reason she always had done that motion. There was just a missing element.

She lowered her gaze. “But I can see that you were telling the truth. I was- or maybe am in love with you.”

“You don’t gotta force it.” Natsu cautioned. “I’m not. But with every new memory, I also get a new feeling. And so far, every memory has involved you and it always leaves me breathless and my heart starts to beat hard. I don’t know if I feel anything for you as the clean slate I am. But everytime I see you, I get excited and you’re always on my mind. There’s something there but I can’t put my finger on it.” Alice meekly looked up at him, her cheeks even redder than before.

Natsu stepped forward, one hand caressing the back of Alice’s head as he placed a soft kiss to Alice’s forehead. “I’ll be back in a bit.”

He turned and left.


Chapter 49

Chapter Text

Natsu was the first to pull away. Alice’s eyes remained closed as she reveled in the feeling. “Was that enough to cause a flashback?” He smirked. Alice smiled, a blush creeping on her cheeks. Her teal eyes flitted open to meet his dark amber ones. “Nope. But if you try again, maybe it’ll do the trick?”

Natsu was happy to oblige. Pressing his lips to Alice’s once more. Although, just a quick soft peck. “If that ain’t gonna do it, it’s not gonna work at all.” He joked. Alice wasn’t satisfied. “Worth a shot though.” Alice hastily said, pulling Natsu back in by his scarf.

5 months had gone by. Alice had slowly gained some memories back, and was relearning her magic. She had already re-befriended Mirajane and so Alice was always hanging at the guild with her and Lisanna.

Alice knew about Natsu and Lisanna’s past relationship and even without prior knowledge of her own thing with Natsu, she’d have thought the two were bound to be back together.

She knew the two had a talk a while back and Natsu was slowly getting comfortable around Lisanna once more. But Natsu had made it clear; He chose Alice.

But Alice didn’t know what they actually talked about since Natsu only shrugged and said it was nothing.

Of course, it took almost 5 months for Alice to remember Natsu again. So Natsu went another way to regain his bond with her and decided if she couldn’t remember him, he’d pretend she already did and ignored her complaints about him staying over and the constant hovering. And the cuddling.

She'd never admit it, but even before she had remembered all their shared memories together, she was already falling for him all over again like it was the first time.

It took one sleepless night and hours of staring at Natsu’s sleeping face for Alice to finally remember him.

Alice laid there on her side, taking in each tiny detail of the side of Natsu’s sleeping face, as he slept on his back. She puffed out her cheeks, pouting. Everytime she looked at him, something in the back of her mind told her that she was forgetting something even though she knew that already so she would try her best to dig it up.

But what could it be? It was like walking into a room, completely forgetting what you were going to do but your mind told you it was something important. Mind blowing even. But you just couldn’t place your finger on it.

But it was everytime Alice looked at Natsu.

Natsu had already told her his story and they spent almost every moment together. He took her on easy quests to help her relearn her magic and he spent every night with her and insisted on sharing the bed.

Alice knew everything about him but nothing was connecting.

And then suddenly it all flowed in like a dam breaking open. She jumped up to a sitting position with a gasp as almost everything about Natsu came back. This startled Natsu. “What’s wrong?” He asked, alarmed, sitting up too.

Alice looked back at him, breathless. “I remember you now.”

Natsu went wide eyed and smiled. “Finally.”

Alice then crawled over to him and sat in his lap, straddling him. Her arms went around his neck as she kissed him.

Alice remembered things more and more every day. Somethings she blanked out on. Like Gajeel. No matter what, she completely couldn’t think of a single thing about him except him attacking Fairy Tail.

And Natsu refused to let Gajeel even say a word. He was not going to let Gajeel ruin things.

Alice was happy again. Sure, her magic wasn’t back to normal yet, but she was happy. She didn’t remember Loke, and she barely recalled her affairs with Gray or Hibiki, let alone Gajeel.

She remembered parts of her tortured childhood but they were fuzzy like they were just a bad dream.

Alice was bright, sarcastic, and friendly once more. She liked spending time at the guild and she loved going on adventures. And now that she remembered Natsu again without the negative bits, they were in a loving relationship.

Natsu was the one to pull away first, once more. Alice pouted. “We gotta get going. If we don’t, we won’t have time to eat until probably tonight.” Natsu reasoned. He had to be the responsible one.

Sure, they were both dressed and packed, ready to leave for their quest... But Natsu had backed Alice up against the front door for a ‘quick’ kiss. And so they were 5 minutes behind schedule. “But this will be the last time I get to kiss you for a long time. You’ll be all sicky on the train, and also we can’t make out with Happy watching.” Alice whined. Natsu’s heart fluttered. Alice openly affectionate. Alice being cute and clingy. Never before in his lifetime had he seen such beauty.

“Happy said he’d meet us at the train station so we have plenty of time before then.” Natsu bargained. He so wanted Gray and Gajeel to see him and Alice’s public displays of affection. Show them who won. “No. You’re gonna be busy shovelling food in your mouth.” Alice easy removed herself from Natsu’s grip, and straightened out her top.

Natsu nodded, opening the front door. “Ready to go, then?”

Alice did a once over her home and then nodded. “Yep.”

Alice took one step out the door and noticed it was quite dark outside and glanced up to the sky in terror. Dark storm clouds. “It’s gonna be okay, sweetheart. Remember what I told you?” Natsu patted Alice’s head.

“Alice! Alice, listen to me. It’s not going to hurt you,” Natsu had found her hiding in a closet, curled up in a ball, crying hard, trembling. He scooped her up in his arms and carried her to her bedroom, and then proceeded to sit down with her in his lap. She hid her face in his neck and her hands gripped at his scarf for dear life. She was shaking violently.

A bright blue flash of lightning and almost immediately, a crack of thunder so loud it rattled the house. Alice cried out, like she was being tortured. “It’s gonna be all right, baby. You know I’m not gonna let anything hurt you.” Natsu said, as he placed a kiss on the top of her head. “It’s just a thunderstorm. It’s not gonna last long.”

“What if it doesn’t end?” Alice’s voice trembled. “It will. You can hear how hard the wind’s blowin’. This storm’s gonna fly right by. It’s just bright light and loud booms and water. It’s not gonna harm you.”

“Yes it can. My magic can do those things too and it harms things.” Alice argued. “Nah. What you do; It’s beautiful. Your magic is powerful and it’s amazing. Just like storms are. And you’re not scared of your magic, are you?”


“Then you got nothing to worry about.”

Alice nodded and continued after Natsu.

Maybe the clouds were just passing by or maybe the storm would happen when they were gone.

If it happened while they’d be on the train, Alice would most likely pass out in fear and Natsu too nauseous to comfort her.

“Good morning, Alice!” Mirajane greeted as Alice strode over to the bar. Natsu had stopped to talk to Macao and Wakaba about the weather up north, where Natsu and Alice’s quest was. Because old people were like weather reporters. They always knew what the weather was gonna be like. Either from listening to morning radio, reading the paper, or ‘feeling it in their bones’.

“Morning, Mirajane.” Alice smiled, hopping onto a stool. “The usual for you two?” Mirajane placed a glass of orange juice on a coaster for Alice. “Yeah. ‘Course the usual for him is the whole damn kitchen.” Alice joked half heartedly. If there was one thing Alice could live without about Natsu, it was his eating habits.

“Hey there, gorgeous, you’re here early.” Gray casually strolled over, patting Alice on the head.

Ever since she came back, Gray was extra sweet and kind to Alice. To 1. Make up for taking so long to rescue her and 2. Maybe get her to fall for him since she hadn’t remembered their affairs so maybe she’d take him into account finally.

And since Alice didn’t remember he had the hots for her, she took his kindness as platonic and innocent. Which a part of it was. Unless maybe she had feelings for him too?

She didn’t, but Gray was hopeful.

Even if it was extra hard to get a moment with her alone anymore.

Natsu was far more protective of her than ever before. Her wellbeing and her memories.

So that meant certain people weren’t allowed to talk to her without him present so he could stop them from talking about something that could trigger the bad memories back.

“Yeah. Natsu, Happy, and I have a mission up in Daffodil Town up north. It’s a long trip so we gotta leave early. But Natsu wanted to get breakfast here.” Alice answered with a gentle expression.

“Oh yeah? Then where’s that blue cat?”

“I think he’s either at Wendy’s or Lucy’s. Either way, he said he wanted to sleep in longer so he’d meet us at the station.” Alice said with a nod. “Here you go, cutie pie.” Mira served Alice her normal pancakes and eggs. “That looks good. I’ll have that too, if you don’t mind, Mira.” Gray asked. “No problem!”

“So how’d your quest go?” Alice asked, referring to his week-long absence. “It was okay. Lotta bad guys out there. But you know I iced them good.” Gray proudly announced. Alice giggled. “Give some credit to Juvia too!” Alice knew it was a joint quest. Juvia and Gray quested together quite often. Gray frowned. “Don’t bring her up.”

“Come on! She’s quite fond of you and I think you should give her a chance! I think you’d really like her.” Alice encouraged. “Don’t you say another word! That so would not happen!” Gray denied. Alice burst out laughing. “You say that as you strip!”

“Dammit! Why does this always happen?”

“Maybe mentioning Juvia gets you all excited?” Alice teased. Gray buttoned up his shirt. “Or maybe it’s because I’m around you?” He coyly commented, taking in every detail of Alice’s face. To see what reaction he’d get from her.

“All right, snowflake, go be a perv somewhere else.” Natsu butt in, shoving Gray off his bar stool. “Hey, you wanna be careful shoving me around or you might... get hurt!” Gray then punched Natsu in the face, and he flew back several feet, and Gray charged after him.

Good thing Natsu and Alice came here early. A bar fight was bound to happen this morning. Although, it’d have to be cut 5 minutes short so they wouldn’t be behind schedule.

Alice ignored their fight and started to eat her breakfast. “It’s so cute watching them fight over you.” Mirajane giggled. “Yes because destruction of the guild hall really hits me in the soft spots.” Alice shook her head.

When Natsu’s first plate was ready, he ended the fight to go eat with Alice. “Looks good, Mira!” Natsu commented as he sat down. “And you do too.” Natsu smiled at Alice who blushed at the compliment. “Save it for when you’re green in the face on the train.” Alice mumbled. She got ready to take another bite of pancake. Natsu reached over and grabbed her by the wrist and directed her fork towards him and he stole her bite of food.

“You didn’t have to do that! You have food right there! And look at you! You have syrup dripping from your lips!” Alice raised her voice, agitated. No one stole her food. Well, except Natsu, but don’t think he didn’t get an earful.

“You better get it for me.” Natsu smirked, leaning in towards Alice.

Gray had walked up, ready to get in another punch because he didn’t agree that the fight was over. But he had heard Natsu’s comment and smiled to himself, preparing to hear Alice turn him down. “No. Use a napkin or something. Or better yet, get it yourself.” Alice muttered, turning to her plate, blushing. Gray felt better knowing Natsu also wasn’t getting anywhere with her... Or so it seemed.

“Oh come on, sweetheart. You complained earlier that you didn’t get enough kisses and yet here I am giving you another opportunity.”

Gray was in shock hearing Natsu speak like that. Sweetheart?

Kisses? Like Natsu and Alice had been kissing earlier?

“Yeah well, I don’t want an audience.” Alice pouted, cheeks red with embarrassment. “All right fine, but I don’t wanna hear you whine about it later then.” Natsu warned lightly, licking up the drop of syrup. Alice growled to herself, caving. “Come here, dumbass.” Alice muttered, turning in her stool, and leaned towards Natsu.

Natsu smiled, victorious, happily accepting the kiss.

Gajeel had walked into the guild hall, and smelled Alice and his eyes immediately searched for her. Did he have a thing for her? Definitely not. But he did like looking at her and wanted to have another night with her and maybe a morning, and an afternoon. Or maybe something else. But he refused to admit it.

His eyes caught Gray’s horrified look and followed his gaze to Natsu and Alice locked in a sweet kiss.

Alice hummed, pulling away and quickly turned back to her breakfast. “Now get to eating. I don’t wanna be late.”

Gajeel growled.

Gray kept his thoughts to himself. Maybe this was just like before where Alice and Natsu were kinda a thing but not really. And so maybe he still had a shot.

Gajeel stomped over to the two lovebirds. “So you won’t let me talk to her in case I bring up something you don’t want her to know about, but you’ll take advantage of her amnesia for your own gain?” He accused Natsu. “What am I not supposed to know?” Alice asked, looking at Natsu, confusion clouding her gaze. “It’s not that I don’t want you to know. I just want you to remember it on your own first.” Natsu defended himself.

“No. You just wanted to get a chance at her before she remembered how she didn’t want you!” Gajeel shouted.

Alice was shocked at this exchange. Was there something Natsu was hiding from Alice? Because from what she thought, there wasn’t anything missing. She knew that before she was hesitant to commit to him but she had no clue why. So she just didn’t waste a breath on it.

But what was Gajeel on about?

Alice needed to de-escalate this fast before another fight broke out.

“Hey! I get that there’s something about you I don’t remember but I do know that even before you attacked my friends and before I knew you, I’ve loved Natsu. And I never stopped. I’m sorry that I don’t remember you as much as you’d like but I trust Natsu’s judgement. If there’s something he thinks I should be better off finding out on my own I trust him. But don’t come over here and try to start a fight. He needs to eat breakfast or he’s gonna be grumpy all day. So if you have a problem, you’re gonna have to go through me.” Alice gave Gajeel a stern look.

“So what? You two a thing now? You finally conquered your fear of commitment?” Gajeel growled at her, getting defensive.

“Sure and maybe. Now go be an iron bitch somewhere else.” Alice swiveled back around. Gajeel stormed out of the guild. “Wow, Alice. I didn’t know you had that in you.” Natsu commented, stuffing his face. “Yeah well he pisses me off.” Alice scowled at her food. She was too annoyed to keep eating.

“So it’s true then?” Gray took a few steps towards Alice. “What?” Alice snapped at him, not in the mood for more toxic male jealousy. “You and flame breath. You’re finally a thing?” Gray felt his chest hurt. He didn’t want her to say yes.

Alice’s bad mood dissipated for a moment. She looked to Natsu for an answer. She didn’t know either. They’d only been doing the couple thing for a few days now.

“You wanna be girlfriend and boyfriend?” Natsu asked her, his mouth stuffed full with food. Alice hadn’t pictured their relationship officially happening like this but it would have to do. “Yeah. I guess.” She looked back over to Gray. “Yeah. He’s my boyfriend now.”

And another 2 months went by.

“I’m back!” Natsu called coming into the guild. This would be his third quest this week and it was only Tuesday. As it was solo quest season. When the S-Class trials neared, everyone who wasn’t S-Class went questing like crazy, hoping it’d catch Master’s eye and they’d get nominated. And Alice sat out during this time. She was already s-class. Plus Natsu needed to do these quests solo (plus Happy). It’d show independence plus Alice wasn’t tip top yet, so if she did tag along, Natsu’d have to do simpler quests to make sure it wouldn’t be too difficult for Alice. So doing these alone made sure he had a challenge and wouldn’t have Alice’s back to watch. Alice wasn’t offended. She just made it clear he couldn’t be away from home too much because she didn’t like sleeping without him.

Natsu agreed.

“I thought it was quieter in here for some reason. Now I just found out," Lucy sighed, Alice giggling at her jab at Natsu.

“Making fun of me? You want to fight me Lucy?” Natsu challenged, although not angry, just fired up. “I don’t think you have time for that.” Alice singsonged, reminding him of his goal at hand.

“You’re right! Come help me find a challenging quest!” Natsu grabbed Alice by the arm, dragging her over to the board.

“If I must. Being S-class, I think I am qualified to pick out hard quests," Alice teased, even knowing that she wasn’t really back to her old self yet and wasn’t capable of doing any s-class missions and wasn’t allowed to be a judge/obstacle this year. “Are you flaunting off your title or something?” Natsu wondered in a playful tone, but yet it had a pinch of a growl mixed in.

“No. I’m just having fun watching all you normal wizards run around. It’s relaxing. I no longer have to do that," Alice replied, still teasing. Natsu spun Alice and pinned her against the request board, leaving her breathless. Natsu smirked darkly, eyes not being able to decide between focusing on Alice’s bright eyes or her soft lips that were curled in amusem*nt. Natsu’s forehead leaned against Alice’s and his lips brushed against hers. “You’re not trying to make me jealous, now are you?” Natsu asked in a dark, alluring tone. It made Alice swallow hard and her legs twitched, almost giving out.

But this wasn’t because she was scared, nor even threatened.

Quite the opposite.

“You know I’d never do that on purpose. Maybe go on another quest and forget about me and how jealous I make you.” Alice egged on. Natsu chortled. “Sweetheart, there’s no way I could forget about you.” Natsu captured Alice’s lips with his own in a hungry way, immediately pulling her body in closer to his, with an arm around her lower back. Alice didn’t hesitate responding to his touch.

“Seriously, if you guys are gonna make out, doing it somewhere that’s not the job board," Nab interrupted, walking over to the board for the hundredth time that hour. Just to stare at it. Nothing else.

Natsu begrudgingly pulled away from Alice. His forehead still touched hers, but he tilted his head enough to give Nab a look of slight annoyance and uninterest. Yet he was also a touch amused by the audacity Nab thought he had.

Sure, Natsu and Alice chose a bad place to have a moment. But Natsu didn’t like being interrupted.

“Come on, like you ever get a quest anyways.” Natsu jabbed. “Yeah but think about us wizards who actually do get a job," Gray pulled Natsu away from Alice by the back of his scarf. “You getting in between me and my girl?” Natsu challenged, spinning around to face the ice wizard. While yes, the two lovers were in the way of the guild’s busiest spot, Gray couldn’t stand to watch the two love on each other.

“Yeah, cause you guys are getting in between me and my potential jobs” Gray replied with a shrug.

“So it’s true that you and him are finally together?” Gray’s voice caught Alice off guard. She had just left the guild hall that night. Alone. Natsu and Happy were on a quest and wouldn’t return til the next day. Alice turned towards Gray. He was leaning against the side of the building. “Yeah.” Alice nodded, her face mixed with emotions of confused and caution. She could sense Gray’s tense mood. “He’s not taking advantage of your memory loss is he? Did he tell you that you two were a thing before or something?” Gray stepped forwards. “No. I mean, sorta. But I did get my memory back. I mean, just a big part about him though. Since then we’ve been a thing. But even if I never remembered him, I think we’d still end up together. He really wouldn’t have given me another option.” Alice smiled at the end of her statement. Natsu was just so determined. “And you don’t remember me? What you and I-? No... Of course you don’t.” Gray turned his head to the side. “No. I don’t.” Alice confirmed his suspicions

“You know Lucy’s spirit, Leo? He used to be a member and we called him Loke. You remember him?” Gray started off. “Yeah. I know of him. And yeah, I know I apparently had a relationship with him. Don’t remember anything of it and Loke wouldn’t go into detail about it.” Alice shrugged. “While you two were dating... It wasn’t the best relationship. He cheated on you with many different women. And he lied all the time about it. You were so heartbroken about it but you never left him because you swore you loved him too much to do that.”

“Gray, do you have a point here?” Alice wasn’t sure what he was getting at. Why was he the one telling her this. “Because instead of fixing things with him. You decided to get back at him for his infidelity. So you turned to me. You’ve always said you never had any romantic feelings for me but for about a year or so, you and I had a physical, secret, thing. So secret not even your dragon boy knows anything about it to this day.”

“Yeah? Okay? So what? You think I might’ve had feelings for you and kept them secret? I’m sorry I don’t remember any of that and if I even believe you about that... I don’t know what you want me to do about it now. According to Loke, we broke up almost over a year ago so that means I most likely broke things off with you about the same time. So obviously I had no hidden feelings for you.”

Natsu and Gray butted heads, growling at one another. Alice took a few steps away from the board. “If you two have time to fight, you probably have time for a quest, right?”

They broke apart, grabbed random papers off the board without looking and bolted out the doors.

Everything was as it should be.

Chapter 50


Happy 50th Chapter Milestone! (here for you, not me. I hit this benchmark like.... eight years ago?)

Chapter Text

“Okay, now stand behind me and look proud about being an S-Class wizard," Master whispered towards the s-class members that stood behind him. Erza, Mirajane, Gildarts, and Alice. Of course, Alice wasn’t allowed to participate. But she was allowed to spectate on the island. The curtain on the stage opened. Revealing them all to the crowd of guild mates, excited about the announcement.

“In ordinance with Fairy Tail’s time honored tradition, I will now announce the entrance to the S-Class promotion trial," Master announced. Everyone in the crowd cheered.

“The trial this year will be held on Tenrou Island, our guild’s sacred ground. The strength that you possess inside, your character and your hearts; These are the characteristics I looked for while making my decision and I have chosen eight. Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster, Juvia Lockser, Elfman Strauss, Cana Alberona, Freed Justine, Levy Mcgarden, and Mest Gryder. The trial will begin in a week's time. Alice, tell them the rules."

“Each participant will choose a partner. This person will also be allowed to train with the participant while leading up to the event. Observe these rules when choosing a partner, they must be a member of Fairy Tail, also your choice cannot be an s-class wizard.” Alice recited, eyes scanning faces in the crowd until she came locked with Natsu's intense gaze. She felt her face heat up, and she started to lose her train of thought. She had to look away to keep her focus.

“We’ll discuss the more particular details on the island. Though, you’ll have to get through Mira first.” Master finished. Everyone in the room panicked. Quite reasonable concern.
“Quit your worrying. We have had to go through this trial before, it’s only fair." Erza reminded the crowd.

“This year it’ll be Erza, Mirajane and Gildarts, we’ll see who gets on top!” Master giggled.

“The eight participants and their chosen partners are to be at the Port of Hargeon in one week at noon.“

Natsu and Happy were already out the door by the time Alice got off stage to meet them.

“Looks like someone’s been working hard.” Alice spoke, as she walked towards Natsu. He was sitting on a rock ledge overlooking the town. It was night and it was snowing. Alice had been staying at his place in the past few days as winter came. Natsu’s house had a fire place therefore much warmer than Alice’s house. Plus Natsu didn’t have a traditional bed and used a hammock, which Alice secretly liked because there was something quite romantic about snuggling in a shared hammock.

“Yeah.” Natsu simply replied, staring out to the distance. “I know you’re a fire wizard and all but that doesn’t mean you should be sitting out in the cold.” Alice lightly advised, placing her hands on his shoulders. Alice was ice cold compared to him. “Then you shouldn’t be here either? A mini skirt really isn’t winter clothes.” He turned his head enough to eye Alice’s attire. A long sleeve orange, cropped top and a black high rise mini skirt. She wore a faux fur jacket and thigh high thick socks along with calf height black boots. She at least attempted to dress for the weather. “Then warm me up, fire wizard.” Alice encouraged. Natsu held out an arm, inviting Alice to sit in his lap. As she situated herself, Natsu raised his temperature and wrapped his arms around her middle.

“ ‘Sides, why would I need a coat when I have you?" Alice said in a hum, getting warm and toasty.

“Lisanna stopped by a while ago telling me about all the pairs. She paired up with Juvia, you know?" Natsu revealed. “Yeah? Why’d she not stop inside? Happy and I were having smores?” Alice wondered. “She’s very tense around you and I together. She might need more time.” Natsu made a guess. “Yeah, I suppose. It’s such a weird situation. We thought she was dead and then when we find out she’s not and she’s back home, you still choose me.” Alice struggled to speak. It was a tough conversation. “Baby, I’ve already had this talk. I don’t wanna repeat it.” Natsu stopped that conversation in its tracks.
“Okay, I get it. But you gotta admit it’s weird.”

“It’s something. But anyways, while she was by she also told me the other groups. Loke decided to pull another human attempt and be Gray’s partner. Cana chose Lucy. Mest and Wendy. Levy and Gajeel. Elfman and Evergreen. Freed and Bickslow and then Juvia chose Lisanna.”

“Quite the unexpected combinations. Gray, Cana, and Freed’s choices are what you’d expect. But never would I have thought Elfman and Evergreen would team up.” Alice commented. “I think Levy and Gajeel is the weirdest of them all. I thought Levy was supposed to be smart.” Natsu shook his head.

“I think her and Gajeel are cute together," Alice wondered aloud. “Really? They’re the most unlikely match," Natsu disagreed.

“Like we aren’t?” Alice argued lightly “We’re perfect together! It’s cliche! We’ve been best friends for like forever. Our love story is as fairy tale as it gets.” He countered, offended. “Yeah, the idiot and the princess, like I’ve heard that one before.” Alice toyed.

“It’s not like that! The heroic dragon slayer crosses the world to find his missing princess and even goes to a different world to find her and then when he finds her, they live happily ever after." Natsu squeezed Alice tighter and leaned his chin on her shoulder. “I used to be so mean to you when we were kids! I..-I used to electrocute you for talking to me too early in the morning!” Alice pointed out with a laugh. Natsu chuckled with her. “Yeah I know. You were so mean and cold and everyone was convinced you hated me but I paid attention and some of your actions said otherwise.” “Oh yeah? Like what? Sometimes I didn’t electrocute you?”

“Like when I fought Laxus to get you to stay. And I landed myself in the infirmary for a week. I woke up for the first time after that fight and you were there. You were trying to heal me and you were crying. I’ve never forgotten that. Or one time on a quest we got outnumbered and I was beat up pretty bad? You held me in your tiny arms, crying-” “It triggered my dark magic and I killed everything in near distance.” Alice interrupted him. “Yeah but still. No matter how much you were such a mean kid, especially towards me, those little things showed me you were capable of caring. You just didn’t know how to show it. Plus I also had a crush on you so that was a thing too.” Natsu shrugged. “You had a crush on me even back then?” Alice laughed. “Yeah? I don’t know. It makes sense. Why else was I so hellbent on you?”

“Then why’d you go for Lisanna then? Huh?” Alice tried to look up and back at him. “Because she kissed me and told me I was special to her. It took me by surprise but she showed me that she liked me and you still could barely talk to me without trying to seriously maim me. So I thought ‘Why not see where things go with Lisanna?’.“

“So if I had just showed interest in you, we could’ve been dating like 5 years ago?” “I don’t know about that but maybe. I mean, I didn’t completely understand what it was about you that kept me in. It still might’ve taken me a while to figure out I liked you. ‘Sides, you didn’t start being nice to me until we were like 13. I was already with her. And then after she was gone and I was getting over her, I started to think I might’ve liked you and then you started dating Loke. There was no point in figuring things out.”

Alice left it at that. He was right about that. She leaned back against him more. She felt warm and comfortable. She took in a deep breath and closed her eyes, relishing in the peace.

“So when did you figure out you liked me?” Natsu brought up. “Well if we’re getting technical, it was years ago. Like when I was 12 or so. There was something about you. It might’ve been jealousy, watching you and Lisanna. I just know when you two got together I really took notice of how much of your attention she took from me and I wanted it back. So I thought if I let you in, maybe we’d get closer. And that’s when I really grew... fond of you. But it was hard to be around you. Because unless we were questing you were always with her. And sure, there were a lot of times we all hung out together but... I don’t know... seeing you two being lovey dovey really hurt and I couldn’t pinpoint why so I lashed out a lot. Especially at Lisanna because that’s where my jealousy started. She’d get you to blush and stutter. You’d get so protective of her and I wanted that to be me so bad but I didn’t understand why. I think maybe the idea I liked you was there but I refused to go deeper into that because what was the point? I was too late. You were already forgetting me.”

“I wasn’t-” “No, it’s okay. Don’t try to make things better it’s fine now. But to answer your question. When I finally realized I was totally in too deep and finally had to come to terms that I did indeed have feelings for you was when I was still with Loke. It was like a week or so before Phantom Lord attacked us for the first time. I was already questioning about what I was feeling towards you. We were in the forest, fishing, you caught a fish and cooked it, and then ate it all and it broke Happy’s poor heart and he ran off crying. You got all stubborn about it and Lucy had made some comment pissing you off. So you stomped off to pout and then Lucy was aggravating me so I scared her off. I was giving you time to cool down before I went after you and get you and Happy to make up. I was feeling nostalgic and I laid there thinking about years ago. When I first joined the guild, when you hatched Happy, and stuff like that. And I stumbled upon a memory, a month or so before Lisanna disappeared. It was a random time where the four of us were together and something happened where I got very jealous and angry and I stormed off. And then present time I sat up and the thought came up, Did I really have feelings for my best friend? And telling myself ‘no’ felt like a lie, even to myself and so I just accepted it. And then days later, we were at war with Phantom Lord and we just won the battle and I kissed you.” Alice hashed out.
“I remember that day. Yeah, it was that day you started to act weird around me. You kept getting all blushy around me all the time. You could barely get close to me without your heartbeat going all crazy.” Natsu teased. Alice’s face heated up in embarrassment. “Yeah, yeah, you and your dragon senses. How about you?” Alice countered.
“What about me?”
“When did you know you liked me?”

Natsu shrugged and looked away. “I don’t know. Like I said, I always had a thing for you, I just never acted on it and refused to think about it. I can’t pinpoint the exact moment that I felt something towards you.” Natsu mumbled, thinking of all the times his mind and heart raced when Alice did certain things. Like when she’d hug him. Or when she held his hand. Or even those forbidden nights Alice didn’t remember a thing, drunk, trying to force herself on to Natsu.

“No! That’s not fair! I gave you an answer and you can’t just go from not knowing you like to me confessing that I’m the quote unquote love of your life!” Alice complained.

“Okay, damn, give me a minute then!”

And then a minute went by. “I got nothing you’re gonna like. I just never thought about my feelings for you until I was forced to. I always just acted on what my heart told me to do. Like that time Loke and I switched bodies and me as Loke, kissed you? I don’t know why I did it! I just did what I thought was a good idea. But I guess when we won against Phantom Lord and you kissed me. I guess that really opened my eyes. Everything before couldn’t compare to this. It felt like it was opening a door to new opportunities. Like all the little touches and cuddles and words before didn’t matter anymore. My heart wanted more from you now. And then like right after you and Loke broke up. It felt like it was my chance to finally do what I wanted but I knew it wasn’t right and I was just concerned about you and wanted you to be happy again. And then as time went on and as we kissed more and you told me that you were in love with me, I thought that this was the right road to go down. And then I was absolutely obsessed with you. So maybe I’ve always been in love with you, I just didn’t care to think if it was right or not.”

“You’re right. You said nothing that I liked. It was boring and romantic and stuff.” Alice pouted. But she recomposed herself. “But I guess that’s all right. That’s just how fate works, right?- Hey, you ever wonder how the Edolas us fell in love?” Alice went off on a tangent. “Yeah, Lisanna told me. Alice Lightrock. The daughter of two prominent guards at the Edolas Palace. She was being raised to be a guard herself someday and she didn’t want that life so she ran away, and in the process she found Natsu Dragion getting some black market supplies in the city. She came to him for help. Just a ride somewhere that wasn’t in the city. He refused her at first and drove off until he saw all the guards coming for her and he turned back and picked her up and took her to Fairy Tail. There she became a member and wanted to repay her savior. But he wanted nothing to do with her. But every chance she had, she chatted him up and tried to befriend him. He was cold and distant towards her but she never gave up. But turns out he fell for her immediately, he just thought she could do way better, so he pushed her away to hopefully get over her. But one day he just gave up and told her how he felt and she returned his feelings and within a year, they were engaged.” Natsu rehashed what Lisanna had told him.

“That really is kinda like us except roles reversed, huh?” Alice nodded.

“I think Edolas Alice just fell for his good looks. I do admit, I am a good looking guy.” Natsu nudged Alice. Alice giggled, and tried to reposition herself, accidentally, and without knowing so, awoke a part of Natsu.

Mating Season was here. Natsu took in a deep breath trying to keep his cool, now the dragon inside awoken. Natsu knew this was the start of his season. How out of nowhere Alice’s scent was way stronger than before and his mind wanted to focus on one thing.

“Hey! I made soup!” Happy called from the house. “Yes! Lets go in! It’s freezing out here!” Alice tried to get up. But Natsu held on tight. “But it’s just you and me out here.... and you’re gonna nag me once you see the inside," He argued with a pout..

“I know your place is a total disaster, but it’s not like I have to stay, I can always go home.” Alice had a point.

“How about I persuade Happy to stay here and you and I go over to your house," He proposed. “But you have a fireplace!” Alice whined about the idea of walking all the way across town to a home not as warm as this one. “Well I was hoping you could help me build my stamina up. I can’t have Happy around for that type of training and it’s hard to do in that hammock," Natsu murmured, pressing his lips to soft skin behind Alice’s ear lobe.

Alice groaned. “Just because we’re dating doesn’t mean we’re gonna do it!” “Hey it is mating season after all. I’ve found my mate, I’d like to claim her," Natsu tried to convince her otherwise in a purr. Alice had to admit...She wanted to as well. But her want wasn’t nearly as bad as his. She could control herself better. She just hoped she could keep them both at bay for awhile longer. “We’ve only been dating for two months and you have yet to take me on a date where you pay!” Alice tried to swing this her way. “Yeah but, we’ve been friends for like 7 years, shouldn’t that count?” Natsu tried to counter, his voice on the edge of being a whine.

Alice teleported out of his grip, standing behind him. “You’re on thin ice, buddy.”

“I was kidding!”

Alice had sat down by herself at the hut. It’s where the losers and the s-class wizards went to after the first trial.
And then people started to come by. Juvia and Lisanna didn’t make it through Erza, so they came by to chat and wait around. Then Mira, when Elfman and Evergreen made it past her.

So that meant Natsu, Gray, Elfman, Levy, and Cana made it through.

“Elfman and Evergreen are getting married?” Alice gasped. “Why did you not ever tell me? If they’re getting married, they obviously had to be dating for a long time!” Erza snapped at Mira.

“Well like I said, they probably said that to throw me off. I guess I still have more to learn," Mira laughed uncomfortably.

“What if it isn’t false? Think about their children," Erza wondered, making Mira think about it and then she started to cry.

“No matter what way you look at it, it might be cute," Lisanna suggested hoping to cheer up her sister.

“Anyways, where’s Bickslow and Freed?” Mira asked, sniffling. “They went back home with Gildarts," Erza answered with an eye roll.

“Geesh, impatient much? At least they could stay and watch the trial," Alice huffed. “It’s their decision, but also, where’s Mest and Wendy?” Erza asked.

“Maybe they forgot they have to come here," Lisanna guessed.

“I’ll go look for them," Juvia suggested. “I’ll go with," Alice volunteered. She wanted to explore the island for a bit, and maybe catch a glimpse of the nominees in action.
“I’ll also go with, I’d like to look at some scenery," Erza also volunteered.Alice frowned. Now there was no time to go off course.

And so the three girls went off.

“So, do you remember our talk back in Hosenka, Alice?” Erza inquired to Alice. “I don’t know. Remind me?” Alice shrugged, truly unknowing of what Erza was hinting at.
“You, Lucy and I were having girl talk at the spring. We talked about your relationship with Loke and your feelings for Natsu?” Erza reminded her, and Alice cringed at Erza’s teasing tone. “It sounds familiar, but no memory is popping up.” Alice replied. “Huh. Well then I suppose I can’t ask you if Natsu and you started sleeping together.” Erza moped. Alice squealed in embarrassment. “Erza!”

“So have you? You have! Haven’t you! Tell me all the details!” Erza had stopped Alice, grabbing her by the shoulders and getting in her face. “No we haven’t! Not even close!” Alice squeaked out, getting more embarrassed. Erza frowned. “I guess I just assumed you two would have... We had our first snow, so shouldn’t mating season be here by now?”
“Mating season?” Juvia piped up, making the other two girls remember she also came along. Alice looked to the side. “Yeah... Dragon Mating Season. Dragon Slayers inherit that instinct from dragons too. It happens during the cold seasons, usually around by the first freeze or by a strong enough desire. It makes the male slayers animals with only one thing on their mind. Since we have two of them, we should probably keep them apart because they might actually kill each other.”

“So it doesn’t affect you or Wendy?” Juvia wondered.
“I mean, to be honest... I remember a long while ago, back when Natsu and I were barely just friends and when I was 13, I had never craved his touch before in my life before that. To the that it nearly drove me insane. I remember going home from a quest with him, and he left with Lisanna, and I had to go home alone without him. I never cried over him before that. I just wanted him so bad. I had to self-medicate with a sleeping potion to calm down enough, because I was so close to finding him and using whatever force needed to, to have his hold me. And every winter since then, it's about the same but so far, I've had the ability to touch him and cuddle with him, and since I was dating Loke for a good part of that time, I could distract myself with him. But since Natsu and I only just started a relationship, I don't know if that changes anything or not. But regardless of my own personal experience, I'm not sure if females don't get the same urges males do, or since I don't practice too much of my dragon magic, normal dragon instincts aren’t something I really have. The more powerful of a slayer you are, the stronger your senses are. So I suppose when Wendy gets of age- Well, I don't even want to think of her and any urge she may have!" Alice felt her body break out in a nervous sweat. While being in the company of two females who she felt comfortable talking about things like this with, she still wasn't that well versed in talking about herself. She felt embarrassed and an easy target for judgement.

“So has Natsu claimed you?! ARe you mates!?” Erza asked, her voice breaking into a higher pitch with fervor.

“I don’t know! He’s always been this way with me! But he's never said if when him and Lisanna were together if it changed how he felt with her, but thinking back on it, he did want me around more often, and Lisanna used to whine about him paying more attention to me, so I don't know if it only works with slayers and dragons only. But I don't know that much about it except personal experience and what Natsu's willing to tell me. I don't even know what it means for dragons and slayers to "mate". I don’t know if it is the act of mating or it’s just a mutual strong feeling of love or some weird dance ritual, even. Natsu has yet to tell me if it's all instinctual or it's something Igneel taught him. All I know is that I’m not sure if I’m ready for his mood swings.” Alice crossed her arms.

“Mood swings? I suppose now that you mention it, he is more defensive during this time.” Erza theorized.
“Because his drive is up, all that pent up energy makes him frustrated. Or I’m guessing that’s why he’s so grumpy. It usually begins with him being far more clingy and needy. And he's so goddamn overbearing and if he can't have his way, he's so irritable.-- And it just makes his hair-trigger temper worse! He's going to be unbearable if he doesn't win this year!" Alice groaned.

Alice was partly looking forward to Natsu’s clinginess. Everything else she could probably do away with. She wanted continuous cuddles and physical touch. The night prior to the trial, Natsu was indeed much more touchy.

A scream tore through the forest, making all three girls freeze. “That sounded like Levy.” Alice commented. “We better go see what it is then.” Erza nodded, leading the run into the trees.

As the three girls found the owner of the scream, it seemed to be a little too late. Levy was battered up and was out cold, laying on the grassy floor.

Erza kneeled down by her side, rousing her. Levy woke with a groan. She saw the three girls above her and smiled in relief, but her eyes watered. “Gajeel needs help.” She said in a weak voice, and tried to stand to her feet.

They had no choice but to have Levy stand and lead them towards Gajeel.

As they neared, the sounds of a fight got louder. They came to a clearing and as Levy saw Gajeel she cried out to him.

“What is this?” Erza gasped seeing two strangers on the ground. One was a goat humanoid mix wearing samurai armor and the other guy was a chicken human hybrid.

Gajeel was too laying on the ground. Levy ran over to assess Gajeel’s injuries. The goat guy started to laugh.

“You fools don’t stand a chance. We have fighting forces right on our heels. Wizards with power that far exceed my own. They are known as the 7 Kin of Purgatory.”

Alice’s eyes widened in horror. The 7 Kin of Purgatory were members of Grimoire Heart. One of the guilds a part of the Baram Alliance. They were almost on the same level as Tartarous.

A dark guild that left no survivors.

Even if Alice’s magic was strong once more or if she had her magic container unblocked, she would not stand a chance against Grimoire Heart. Maybe one member on her own, but two, no just another member with half that power would be too much.

“We must put the trial on hold! I’m issuing a code red! We must prepare ourselves for battle!” Erza pulled out a flare gun, and shot it up into the sky, shooting up a red light. She then requiped into her normal armor.

“What do we do now?” Juvia asked. “First we need to locate Mest and Wendy. If they’re lost, they need help locating our base camp," Erza instructed.

“I’ll take Gajeel there, so I’ll meet you guys there," Levy said helping Gajeel to his feet but he leaned against her.

“Now tell me, what do the 7 Kin want?” Erza demanded the goat guy. “Like that’s gonna get me to talk,” he scoffed. Erza hit him.

“Fine. They come for him. The legendary black wizard, Zeref. He is here on this very island.”

Alice’s breath stopped. Zeref.

The maker of the demon race, Etherion. The demon flute, Lullaby. The ice demon, Deliora. And so many more. He could kill anyone with just a look.

If he was on the island, anyone who came into contact with him could very well die. And there would be nothing to stop it.

What if Natsu came into contact with him? That would just be Alice’s luck.

She knew she would stand no chance against the black wizard but she needed to be by Natsu’s side.

And so with that, Alice turned one direction and took off running, not even hesitating as Erza shouted after her.

Natsu was Alice’s top priority.

Small orange orbs fell from the sky and as they touched the ground, they turned into soldiers of Grimoire Heart. They wore white masks with the Grimoire Heart symbol on the face. They wore dark blue cloaks and they wielded magic weapons.

Alice stopped, surrounded by tens of these guys. Her magic power wasn’t like it used to be. She wasn’t near the same power as she was before she was taken to Edolas. She had to think fast. She couldn’t let these guys take up too much of her magic energy. She still had to get to Natsu. And with the 7 Kin in the foreseeable future, Alice needed her power.

Fairy Tail needed as much magic it could muster up with all the members on the island. Because not all of them would probably make it off the island. It was nearly impossible that they’d all make it with no one with a mortal wound.

This would be the battle of their lives.

Chapter 51

Chapter Text

“Wendy! Happy!” Alice shouted, happily seeing the two. As she neared them, she saw more of the scene. Pantherlily and Carla were here.

Both Natsu and Master Makarov were down for the count. Alice hurried to Natsu’s side, kneeling. His scarf was pure black and his vest was turned inside out to the white side. “What happened?”

She felt anger and worry take over her.

“Grimoire Heart is on the island.” Happy answered. “Yeah, I know. They’re making themselves known. They have some lower level guys doing groundwork. Erza and Juvia and I found Levy and Gajeel in bad shape.” Alice grumbled. She took a deep breath. “What happened to Master and Natsu?”

“We don’t know what happened to Master. We found him like this. And then Zancrow, a Fire God Slayer appeared. Natsu was able to defeat him but he ate his fire and it made him sick. And my magic won’t work on him until I cleanse the dark magic from his scarf.” Wendy explained. So one of the kin was on the island. Were they all here?

Alice knew Natsu would have no problem taking one out. And maybe with help, another one too.

“Yeah. We met some crybaby in the forest who did some dark magic and it turned Natsu’s scarf black.” Happy added grimly.

Wendy continued to cleanse Natsu’s scarf. “Why is his vest inside out?” Alice finally asked, since it was bothering her. “When his scarf turned back, he didn’t like the double black, so he turned his vest inside out to have contrast.” Happy shrugged. Natsu had an eye for fashion somehow.

“So why are you here? You said you were with Juvia and Erza.” Carla asked Alice. “I had to come find Natsu. With all this danger, I need to be by his side.” Alice grabbed one of Natsu’s limp hands into both of hers.

“Is it true that they’re here to find the dark wizard, Zeref?” Wendy asked, finishing the cleansing and was able to start healing Natsu’s ailment. “I think so, though I don’t know why he’d be here.” Alice sighed hard with a shake of her head.

After a while of healing, Natsu finally woke up, and jumped to his feet and so Wendy, Happy, Carla and Alice explained what was going on. Even Alice had time to chime in that she turned his vest right side out because she didn’t care that he had an aesthetic going on, he looked like a dork. But it didn’t matter anymore because his scarf was white again.

After all that hashing out, Natsu stepped dangerously close to Wendy getting into her face. She turned red in embarrassment. “Um, is something the matter?” She asked uneasily. Natsu then proceeded to sniff her.

“I suppose that God Slayer hit him harder than we thought?” Alice shrugged. “Get your slimy nostrils away from her, Fire Breathing perv!” Carla shouted, enraged, and ready to fight.

“I know that smell!” Natsu said, jumping away from Wendy, facing another direction. “Please tell me it’s fish!” Happy cried. “It’s gotta be him. But why would he be on the island?” Natsu wondered out loud to himself.

“Who is this ‘he’?” Patherlily finally spoke for the first time in awhile. “Wendy, can you smell it too?” Carla asked her partner. “Um, there’s so many different scents out here, I’m having trouble figuring out who’s who,” Wendy admitted, ashamed.

“It’s that guy from Galuna!” Natsu shouted, speeding off in the direction of the scent. “Dammit! Natsu you can’t run off on your-” Alice stopped herself shouting after him. It was no use. His mind was set on this.

“What happened on Galuna?” Wendy asked. “You know, some crazy stuff that ended with a magic battle," Happy answered mystically flying after Natsu. Alice was ready to go after the two but then remembered Master. She sighed. “Aren’t you going to follow them? That’s the reason you left Erza and Juvia.” Carla wondered towards Alice. “I know. Natsu has been my top priority but...Master so injured... I don’t know if I can leave him. What if some other threat comes this way? He can’t defend himself.”

“I don’t mean to come in between your relationship, but Natsu is your lover, shouldn’t you protect him?” Panther Lily argued, boldly. “Yes, Natsu’s my boyfriend and I hold him dear to my heart, but if you haven’t heard, the master is my great grandfather.” Alice nodded. Sure, her relationship with the old man wasn’t near as close as hers with Natsu, and she barely recognized him as family except in dire times when she was reminded that he was her blood.

“We’ll look after him.” Wendy assured her. “Are you sure you can handle it? There’s 6 guys as strong, or even more than this Zancrow guy. And we don’t know where they are. The rest of the kin could walk this way any time.” Alice tried to convince otherwise.

“Just go already! If we find ourself in danger, we can handle ourselves just fine! Wendy is a very capable Sky Dragon Slayer!” Carla snapped at Alice’s indecisiveness and she knew Alice just really wanted to go after Natsu.

Alice hesitantly nodded and left in the direction Natsu and Happy went.

And she wasted that time not knowing to go after them and so she was left in their dust. They were long gone and she didn’t know if they kept going straight or turned.

In other words, she was lost.

Her attention was taken by the sound of large footsteps nearby and knew they were fall bigger than anyone in the guild that was on the island. Either it was one of the monsters of the island, or it was a Kin.

And Alice stupidly followed the sound.

Finding herself some odd meters away from some tall, big, bulbous man. He wore a black pair of tight speedo like bottoms and a a long black cape on his back. He was a pale grey color and he had black curly hair. He was far bigger than Elfman and Gajeel combined. He most likely was a Kin of Purgatory.


Why was Lucy out? Who attacked her and where was Cana?

The guy tried to stomp Lucy’s head. Alice quickly teleported to Lucy, put a hand on her shoulder and teleported to a tree nearby. She didn’t have the power to go any farther, especially with another person with her.

Lucy woke up just in time. “Alice! Where’s Cana? Am I missing something here? Why’s there a wrestler here?” Lucy asked, taking a jab at the guy’s appearance. “I don’t know where Cana is. I just found you out cold on the ground by yourself when this guy showed up. I just saved your life.” Alice replied with her eyes trained on this mysterious guy. She had no idea what he was capable of. She couldn’t get a feel on his magic power.

“How’d you move so fast?” Wrestler guy asked, astonished. Alice was stumped by his kindergarten like act.

“Where’s my friend, Cana?” Lucy demanded. “The ladies room, I don’t know," The guy replied.

The guy jumped behind a tree, trembling, peeking from behind it at the two girls. “You know those glares don’t intimidate me!” His voice shook. “I’m Kain Hikaru, I’m one of the 7 Kin of Purgatory, I’m super strong and stuff," He said, trying to intimidate them.

“Being strong doesn’t mean jack squat to a member of Fairy Tail, beating you will just be another challenge!” Lucy struck back. “Okay, but just one quick question, I feel something prickly on my head, do you know what it is?” Kain asked, scratching his scalp. “You mean your hair?” Alice rose an eyebrow at him.

He gasped amazed.

“Why is it that I always get the weirdos?” Lucy complained.

“All right, you asked for it, be prepared for my witching hour curse magic! You girls should’ve run while you had the chance," Kain put his hands into his cape and felt around for something.

Alice got ready to do whatever to get out of this unscathed. She felt her magic energy wane. It was definitely from fighting those guys earlier and teleporting with Lucy didn’t help.

But she had to keep going.

She got into a fighting stance, ready to deflect anything Kain threw at them, or run if it called for it.

Due to this guy’s apparent intellect level, Alice felt confident that she could win against him but she knew that was foolish. He was a Kin of Purgatory. He had to be crazy powerful. He just had a great way of hiding it.

Kain pulled out a voodoo doll.

Voodoo dolls had been proven to not really work unless charmed with body link magic, but being in the possession of a 7 Kin of Purgatory member, it had to be more than child’s play.

“Now, one of you please give me your hair. I can’t curse you without it," Kain out reached a hand. Alice quickly put her hair up into a bun. No getting hair from her.

“Come on, I just need one flimsy hair and Mr. Cursey will allow me to control you," Kain pleaded when neither girls gave up a strand.

“That makes it even harder for you to get our hair! Besides, that’s a lousy bluff, everyone knows voodoo dolls don’t really work," Lucy shook her head.

“That’s not his name, I already said it’s Mr. Cursey!” Kain argued. “No, I meant a bluff, it’s like saying you’re just bloated when you’re just fat," Lucy sighed, clarifying what she said.

“Are you calling me a liar? Because that’s even worse, just because I’m trying to kill you doesn’t mean you have to be mean, here I’ll show you!” Kain pulled a strand of hair out of his scalp.

“Here, I’ll prove that Mr. Cursey works!” He thrusted the doll into their faces. Lucy took it hesitantly.

Both girls gathered close together to inspect the doll. Lucy squat down with it... To get a closer look? “There, don’t you feel the magic?” Kain asked, proudly.

Lucy slammed the doll on the ground. Kain, followed the same action. Alice and Lucy bursted out in laughter.

“Make it do this!”

“How about this?”

“No, this will be even better!” Lucy and Alice shared the doll, making Kain do ridiculous moves and poses.

He got mad and while the two girls had to take a break to breathe from laughing too hard, he took the doll back. “Now you made me mad! Don’t even think about asking me on a date, I won’t waste my feelings on you," He pointed at Alice, whose eyes got wide in shock and confusion. Why’d it have to be her. “Yeah, Alice.” Lucy muttered, playfully. That got Alice irritated.

“I have a boyfriend, chalky." Alice deadpanned. “You led me on! That’s so mean! Pretty girls like you are so cruel! I’m over you now," He cried.

“I’m sure I’ll move on.” Alice rolled her eyes and shrugged. “Now prepare to feel my wrath!” Kain started to charge at Lucy and Alice.

Alice thought it out. This guy was big enough where a blocking spell wouldn’t work on him. Maybe if Alice was stronger. And she needed to preserve her magic because she knew there was a chance she’d face off with any of the other 5 members Grimoire Heart. She had to prolong the time where she’d have to use magic. Maybe keeping this guy occupied would give her magic enough time to replenish.

“Run!” Alice shouted to Lucy.

Kain chased the two, each step of his shook the ground and he tackled down trees in his path.

“Why won’t you accept my feelings?” He called after them, most likely referring to Alice. “That’s right, Alice, give the guy a chance!” Lucy shouted breathlessly at her. “No, I’m good, I’ll be a good friend and hook you two up. Now would be a good time to get your first boyfriend, Luce," Alice countered.

“Not a chance, it’s time to fight big and creepy with big and creepy. Open! Gate of the golden bull, Taurus!” Lucy summoned. As the creepy bull appeared, he had already swung his axe at Kain, who caught it by the sides of the blade.

“This must be spirit magic and an axe swinging moo cow?” Kain wondered.

“Listen up, heffer, the only bovine that’s gonna plow Miss. Lucy’s pasture is the beefcake in front of you," Taurus warned.

Goddamn furries. Alice didn’t know how to react to that statement. Lucy didn’t have much of reaction herself. Alice would never ask Lucy about her fantasies.

Kain opened his eyes wider as if he’s realized something. He jumped back from Taurus, “Listen I haven’t had steak in a while so would you mind if I took a bite of you?” He asked. “You can kiss my flank while I beat you," Taurus threatened.

“Taurus, show this doll-loving sumo-reject that we don’t take any bull!” Lucy ordered.

Taurus seized Kain, but he blocked him and Taurus was out and gone.

“How did he do that?” Lucy asked unbelieving.

“Well it doesn’t matter, we need to keep running!” Alice grabbed a hold of Lucy and started to run again. “Hey, how come you’re not using your magic? I bet you can do a number on the guy," Lucy wondered. Alice didn’t want to admit how weak she was.

“That would take quite the spell and a lot of power, I can’t waste any of it on this guy, not unless I need to,” Alice excused halfheartedly.

“So I can use my energy, but you can’t?” Lucy asked appalled. “Pretty much."

“Fine, Open the gate of the golden archer, Sagittarius," Lucy summoned. “Aim for his stubby legs!” She ordered.

The horseman aimed and shot. Kain kicked the arrows with his shin and the arrows flung back at them. Alice did use a small protection spell to block the arrows going towards her and Lucy. Sagittarius vanished after getting hit.

“Now you’ve made me angry, open gate of the golden scorpion, Scorpio!"

“It’s been awhile, but I’m still wicked! I’ll make this quick, Aquarius and I are having our own island adventure!” Scorpio said.

“By all means, do what you need to, I don’t want her to have a reason to hate me more!” Lucy trembled

“All right! Sandblaster!” Scorpio casted.

The sand cleared, and Kain was still fine. But he did sneeze out sand.

“That didn’t do anything?” Lucy outburst. Kain charged the two before they could get a running start and hits them.The force throwing them up into the air. “Since my sand ain’t worth nothing, I’m gonna get back to my Bahama mama." Scorpio vanished.

“This is why you weren’t nominated for S-class. All your spirits suck." Alice crossed her arms as she fell from the air. “I don’t see you working your magic!” Lucy shouted, offended.

“How about I change what Mr. Cursey is made out of?” Kain wondered, covered in what looked to be iron. “You used being cursed by the doll as an advantage?” Alice gasped.

“Yep, well I’m done with this look, how about we change to light Mr. Cursey and light them up to the sky?” Kain said, becoming extremely bright and harmful to look at. Lights blasted them into the air again.

The extreme light burnt Alice skin, and burnt away parts of her clothes.

Alice hit the ground with a loud grunt.

“Believe me, ladies, I may not look that smart but I am one of the 7 kin," Kain pointed out.

“Well if I can’t hurt him, I can distract him. Open, gate of the little dog, Nikora!” Lucy summoned Plue. “How dare you bring Plue into this?” Alice hissed.

Plue started to dance and put Kain into a trance with his cuteness however, Kain recovered and decided to eat him, causing Lucy to scoop him up and run. Alice followed suit.

“I’m down to one spirit. Open gate of the golden ram, Aries!”

“You better have food! I’m starving," Kain said to Aries who trembled. “I’m sorry," She apologized sheepishly. “Why are you apologizing?” Kain asked. “I have no food, so I can’t satisfy you!” Aries ran away, crying in slow motion. “Don’t go!”

It all seemed like an anime drama.

“Hit him, Aries!” Lucy cried. Aries used her wool magic on Kain.

“When did you become an actress?” Lucy asked impressed. Alice let out a breath, glad that Aries was acting.

“Leo taught me," She replied. “Remind me to have a talk with him," Lucy grumbled.

“I know I can be good to you, but why did you have to hurt me like that?” Kain pleaded, busting out of the wool, hitting all three girls.

“Ow, that hurt!" Alice whined, as she fell to the ground.

“Yeah no kidding," Lucy replied with the same hurt tone. Aries was gone.

Something slammed into the ground close by. Natsu coincidently was coming by, and somehow accidently hit Kain hard.

“Alice? Lucy? What are you two doing here?! I don’t need any help!” Natsu sternly said, coming out of nowhere. Alice sat up, surprised and relieved to see him. But she took in his condition. He was in rough shape too.

“We’re not offering! Thanks for taking that guy out for us. Alice refuses to use her magic on him," Lucy got to her feet. Alice felt her face heat up in shame. She jumped to her feet. “I didn’t refuse. I just...didn’t want to?- I’m on reserve at the moment!” She tried to defend herself, crossing her arms.

“Well anyways, no problem, though I didn’t mean to. But I seen this one first, so don’t go stealing my fire and trying to beat her up." Natsu said, going back to Lucy’s thanks. He was referring to the pale skinned woman walking closer. She was tall and slim. She had dark purple/auburn long straight hair. She had brown eyes.

She had a rather voluptuous figure and wore a white skin tight bodysuit. She was a very attractive woman.

Next to her, unconscious against a tree, was some young man. Black and tan robes with gold trim, along with a large, flowing white toga draped around his torso. He had short black hair. Pale skin. He was young. Very attractive. And for some reason, Alice found him to be oddly familiar and she couldn't place her finger on it.

“I was trying to find you but I ended up finding Lucy taking a nap while chalk boy was trying to attack her," Alice said to Natsu.

“Like I said, I don’t need any help, I can take care of this one myself," Natsu looked away, cheeks red with embarrassment. “He’s just saying that because he wants to impress you Alice! Though he hasn’t gotten one hit on her and he probably won’t!” Happy revealed.

“I will! I was just biding my time, you know," Natsu excused. “So if you can’t even get a hit on her, she must be crazy strong. So she has to be another 7 Kin of Purgatory.” Alice theorized, as Natsu cried at her for taking a hit at his ego.

“So, I bet you could take on both of them by yourself?” Happy asked, taunting Natsu. “I could, but I mean, like I said, I seen this chick first, and they saw him first, so it’s only right to let them take him on. Don’t take this the wrong way we’re still rivals in the s-class trial, Lucy and I’m strong enough that I don’t need an s-class wizard’s assistance.” Natsu ended his statement, giving Alice a playful smirk. Alice felt herself smile. She rolled her eyes at him.

“Teaming up with you guys takes me back," Lucy tied a bunch of her hair on her side, into her normal hairstyle. Alice requiped into another outfit. One that wasn’t holding on by strings. She looked at Natsu throw back his bangs. Since it seemed during his fight, his bangs fell into his face, which he usually kept spiked up. She smiled, amused. She shook her head, softly giggling.

“What?” Natsu snapped lightly at her. “Nothing.” She lied, still laughing to herself. “I don’t wanna hear it from you. You changed your whole outfit.” Natsu countered.

“If you didn’t notice my top was only holding together by strings! If I moved one more time, it would’ve fallen apart! And I’d have been exposing myself!” Alice argued, getting defensive. Natsu raised an eyebrow at her, like he was going to comment on that, but decided not to.

“Just like the first time in Hargeon, even now Natsu and Alice still argue," Happy piped in. “At least they’ve stopped denying their feelings for each other," Lucy added.

Alice thought back to the day Natsu, Happy, and her picked up Lucy there, meeting her for the first time. Back when she refused to accept she had feelings for Natsu. “Like I’d ever fall for an idiot like him!”

But, man, was she wrong about that.

“Yeah, but I’m feeling fired up now. How about you, sweetheart?” Natsu patted Alice on the head. “I mean, my thing isn’t getting fired up. But sure.” Alice replied with a shrug. “Good enough for me!” Natsu accepted her answer.

“Let’s do this!” Lucy cheered, putting her hand out for high fives. Alice refused to participate. But Natsu didn’t.

“I’ll take care of the kids! I’ll fillet them and then I’ll barbecue the blue dog!” Kain announced, angered.

“Forget it, buddha belly! We’re sticking with three on two!” Natsu argued.

“Actually I wouldn’t mind taking on one at a time," Lucy confessed, Alice nodding with her. “I’m not a dog but at least someone acknowledged me," Happy chimed in.

“Fine, I’ll let you deal with them. Destroy them while I take Zeref to Master Hades so we can continue with our plan." Ultear approved of Kain’s plan.

“We can’t let them do that. They want to create some new world and kill all non wizards," Lucy revealed.

“Well I’m not letting that sack of tears leave until I get my revenge," Natsu charged Kain who put his hand out to block him, Natsu flew backwards, slamming into Alice before she could do anything.

“You just had to hit me in the process didn’t you.” Alice groaned, laying on the ground, getting squished by Natsu’s heavier body. “It’s not like I planned it!” He grouched getting off her and grabbed her by the wrist, pulling her up to her feet even when her body was against getting up.

“Kill them, we don’t have time to waste," Ultear ordered Kain.

“I’ll take on this lug.” Natsu volunteered.

“That means we’ll take on the woman, let’s go Alice!” Lucy said running after Ultear. Alice nodded, following after her. Kain came at her, and she teleported, but with low magic, she didn’t get far. But it wasn’t enough. Kain thought fast and smacked Alice in the middle as she reappeared in a new spot.

Alice flew back, and her back hit against a tree, and then her body slid down in, exposed skin scraping against the rough bark of the tree. She laid there, groaning.

Natsu stepped towards her direction. “Alice!” He shouted, worried for her wellbeing.

“Lucy, keep going!” Happy said, getting back on track after stopping, watching Alice getting attacked. “I’m trying but I can’t move!” Lucy cried, her voice showing her struggle to move.

“I managed to snag one of your hairs while we were fighting." Kain revealed Mr. Cursey with one of Lucy’s blonde hairs. “Now that you and Mr. Cursey are connected, it’s time for me to serve up your just desserts," Kain started to do the exact some poses and moves on Lucy like the girls did to him earlier. Dance moves, bunny hops, poses, the works.

“What’s going on here?” Natsu wondered. “Looks like two friends busting a move together!" Happy guessed.

Alice was able to sit up with a grunt as she winced in pain. “He has a voodoo doll that actually has the ability to control a person.” Alice explained. “That is so cool!” Natsu gushed.

“No it's not! Its death magic. Though it seems to be able to control only one person, it’s extremely dangerous," Alice advised against whatever Natsu was thinking. “That’s not cool," Natsu changed his opinion.

Kain made Lucy hop like a bunny, and Natsu was once again amused by the doll’s ability. “Make her tickle herself!” He suggested.

“Do you want to die?!" Lucy shouted at Natsu.

“That’s exactly what he should do!” Kain flung Lucy at Natsu who dodged her body, by jumping and putting a hand on Lucy, leveraging himself higher over her.

But where his hand went. Was on her butt.

Alice was in too much pain to care. “Are you coping a feel right in front of your girlfriend?” Lucy growled, feeling violated, even though she had more to worry about. Like crashing into the ground.

Kain made Lucy kick Natsu, “You deserved at least that one!” Lucy justified when Natsu didn’t block that. She roundhouse kicked him next.

“What’s your deal?” Natsu growled, hurt. “I’m sorry! It’s not me, it’s the stupid doll," Lucy whined and then punched him in the face. “That one hurt," Natsu snapped muffled by her fist.

After Lucy hit him a couple of more times, Natsu went behind Lucy, hooking his arms around hers and pinned her arms behind her head.

Alice recognized this move.

When she was released from the hospital after Edolas, Natsu proposed that he reteach her hand to hand combat. And that went on for months.

Alice thought while it was helpful, it was Natsu’s way of putting the moves on her. As instead of fighting back against her, he liked to subdue her by pinning her.

That lead to a lot of weird sexual tension and even if Alice hadn’t remembered him yet, she was starting to feel something towards him.

“Will you two stop cuddling? Learn some manners!" Kain scolded Natsu. “That’s totally not what we’re doing, you perv!” Natsu and Lucy chorused.

“They are totally cuddling, aren’t they Alice?” Happy giggled. “It’s closer than I’d like.” Alice shrugged. “Alice! That’s not fair!” Natsu cried.

“You two want to get handsy in front of me? Fine, hug your boyfriend. Put a squeeze on him." Kain made Lucy hug Natsu tight He fought her, but couldn’t get out of her arms.

“You’re just getting a taste of witching hour curse magic, now wai- Mr. Cursey? Why does everything I love run away from me?” Kain cried when Mr. Cursey was stolen from him.

Happy swiped the doll. “What should I do?” He wondered. Then his first thought was to make Lucy take Natsu by the face, and shove his face in her chest, and wrapping her arms around his neck forcing him to stay. Alice raised an eyebrow at Happy. Alice was able to stand up and was about to make her way towards Happy to make Natsu punch Lucy or something. But then Kain got there first, and he hit Happy hard and he let go of the doll.

Natsu, free from Lucy for the moment, caught the doll.

Natsu used Fire dragon talons with the doll, making for Lucy do it as well. But Kain instead went for Natsu and punched him hard. Natsu flew into a rock wall, the impact making rocks collapse onto him.

“Natsu!” Alice cried running his way.

“I can’t move! It’s no use!” Natsu struggled.

“Lucy! Move!” Natsu shouted, watching as Kain kicked her. Alice got to the rock pile. She used telekinesis to levitate a boulder into the air. She waved her hand in the direction of Kain, and the boulder flew at him. He was able to catch it and he threw it back towards Alice. The power from that throw overrode her telekinetic hold on the boulder and she lost control of it and it flew into her. She hit the rock pile, the boulder on top of her.

“You bastard!” Natsu shouted, pained to see Alice attacked like that and he couldn’t do anything. If he got out of this, he swore he was gonna kill Kain.

Alice used what little power she had and teleported out of her bind, and appeared on the ground, on her back, breathless. It hurt too much to move.

“Lucy! Run! Run and don’t look back!” Natsu shouted desperately at her as Kain held Lucy’s head in one hand, threatening to smash in her skull. “No! I refuse to leave!” Lucy cried as Kain hurt her more and more.

Natsu somehow got ahold of the doll and used Lucy to attack Kain and it worked. And finally Kain was down for the count.

“Now help me get out of here!” Natsu shouted, finally freaking out about being trapped.

Alice used all the strength she had to sit up. “Use that telephone skill you were using," Natsu suggested, completely butchering the pronunciation. “It’s called telekinesis, love.” Alice corrected him. Natsu blushed at the new term of endearment. She had never called him anything except an insult. But this wasn’t the time to think about it.

Alice had enough magic to get two big rocks off him but barely could get a third one off the pile.

Lucy pulled on Natsu’s head and Happy pulled on his arms. “Come on! It’ll work!” Natsu encouraged.

“Can’t you just use your fire to get out?” Happy suggested. “Oh yeah," Natsu muttered, remembering he’s a fire dragon slayer.

And he fire raged, and rocks went flying and he was free.

He dusted himself off and made a beeline towards Alice. She looked up at him curiously.

“What?” She wondered. “Why are you so low on magic?” He demanded. He was very worried but it came out in a harsh tone. Alice shrugged, looking down, avoiding his eyes. “I’m not.” She mumbled in a pout. “You barely had any before you came running through here! Did you forget magic energy can be sensed by others?”

Alice played naive. “News to me. But I’m not out of magic. I’m... Just waiting for the right time to use it.”

Natsu pulled her up to her feet, and forced her to look at him. “And if you are? Then you willingly put yourself and Lucy into danger? If you were this low, why’d you come looking for me?!” Natsu shouted at her, his voice breaking. Alice was surprised to see him so worked up over it. His temperature even rose.

“The moment I knew Zeref was on the island, I had to come find you. I know you’re strong Natsu, but not strong enough to fight him. I wanted to protect you. Against Grimoire Heart? There’s a slight chance we might make it through alive, but Zeref? You don’t- None of us stand a chance! Yeah, I could’ve stayed with Wendy and Master and wait for my energy to replenish but I don’t have that kind of time! I need to be with you and at least try to protect you!” Alice raised her voice, emotions washing over her.

“I don’t need you to protect me. If I get hurt, it's because I’m trying to protect you. I made you a promise to keep you safe!" He gripped her on the shoulders. “Yeah, well maybe now I’m gonna promise to do the same for you!” Alice fired back.

Natsu calmed down, and lowered his head. “I won’t ever be able to live with myself if you get hurt because of me.” “Likewise.”

Natsu smiled and pulled Alice into a tight hug.

And then suddenly, Natsu’s arms let go of her, and hish ands went to grope her chest. “No.” Alice stepped away from him, turning away. “I didn’t do it! I swear! I mean, it was me but it... It wasn’t me!” Natsu called after her, and then he proceeded to do a high kick.

Happy, with the curse doll laughed hysterically.

Chapter 52

Chapter Text

They ran into clearing where Natsu swore Zeref was. But he was gone. “They’ve been here. But she did something with her scent. I can’t tell which way they went.” Natsu tried to get a lead, but Ultear’s scent seemed to run in all directions. And none of the paths smelled any stronger or promising than any other one. She could've went anywhere.

“Don’t forget that Cana’s missing too," Lucy added, as she high kicked. “And high kicking gonna help us how?” Natsu asked, unimpressed that Lucy was that flexible and that her panties were 100% exposed.
Lucy realized what she was doing, looked to Happy who had the doll and chased him. “How did you get more of my hair!”

“I’m getting tired of this, I’m gonna take a nap," Natsu mumbled, bored. More like, he was frustrated and feeling defeated. “We don’t have time for that!” Lucy snapped at him, now in possession of the doll, making Happy bend backwards.

Natsu wandered over to a fallen tree with a coincidental boulder backrest and sat down on the rock, and leaned against the tree trunk. Alice joined him.

“From what I understand, Grimoire Heart’s plan to take over the world completely revolves around Zeref-" Lucy started off but Natsu interrupted her, “It seems that all the bad guys want to take over the world but it seems like such a pain in the neck."

“If I took over the world, I’d make sure there’d be plenty of yummy fish!” Happy chimed in.
“Let’s go find them, we have to settle the score for what they did to gramps," Natsu darkly planned. “When I get my hands on those scumbags, they’ll wish they never set foot on Fairy Tail grounds."

Alice’s breath seemed to be taken away. She took in Natsu’s serious, and deathly dark gaze. It was like she was seeing him in a new light. Like seeing him in 1000k video quality and with the power of movie magic, he was absolutely beautiful. But this was just with her normal eyes, seeing him. His skin was so soft and glowy, his eyes were so smoky and smouldering and his scent... Woah... He smelled so amazing.

His scent was overwhelming. Alice’s mouth watered, her heart beat increased in speed, and her thighs trembled as she kept her legs together as tingling feeling started to distract her.

Had her season finally started?

While Dragon Mating Season was in the winter, it usually started at different times for all dragons and slayers. Usually by the first snow or when the weather got cold, but it could also get triggered early by arousal.

And Alice was highly attracted to angry Natsu.

The Natsu that gave no f*cks. The one who was willing to set the world on fire to avenge his loved ones.
Like when Phantom Lord attacked Fairy Tail, Alice was starting to let her imagination get the best of her. There was an inner feeling inside her that seemed to possess her.

“Hold on, they had to come here on some kind of ship! That lady said she was going to take Zeref to their master, so they have to be anchored close by!” Lucy thought aloud.
That seemed to pull Alice out of her trance.. Lucy's annoying whiny voice.
“Yeah, their guild hall is the ship. That’s why they’re so hard to track down. They never stay in the same spot for very long.” Alice nodded.

“Happy, can you go fly around the island to see?” Lucy asked. “Sorry, I ran out of magic power," he apologized. “So now you’re just a talking cat," Lucy muttered, annoyed that that plan blew up. Lucy sat down next to Natsu, completely lost in thought.

With more silence, Alice’s thoughts took over once more. Natsu seemed to be radiating heat and Alice could feel it. But it wasn’t overbearing. It was a nice comforting warmth and Alice wanted to engulfed in it.

She had to calm down. Mating Season never affected her like this. Something else had to be going on.

She heard a low rhythmic beating. Like a heartbeat. But it wasn’t hers. Without thinking, she placed a hand on Natsu’s chest. And it was in fact his pulse she was hearing.

And now that she was touching him. It was like she couldn’t pull away.

Natsu looked down at her, at first curious as to what she was doing. But he then noticed her flustered expression. Her cheeks were dusted pink, her lips slightly parted and her furrowed brows as her dark, dilated eyes focused in on her hand on his bare chest. And then suddenly her heart beat matched his.

“Looks like you’re the one.” Natsu lowly spoke, getting Alice’s attention and she glanced up at him. His eyes seemed to sparkle to her. “How? I don’t understand.” She shook her head. Natsu placed his hand over hers. “We’re in sync now. Now there’s just one more thing to do.” Natsu smiled mischievously at her. “What?” Alice asked, innocently. Natsu leaned in close to her, lips brushing against her ear. “I gotta claim you now.”

His breath against her ear ran a shiver through her entire body. Alice tried to pull away from him. The feelings he made her feel were too much and she didn’t know if she could control herself. “Now’s not the time.” She excused.

“Then when we get home, you’re mine.” Natsu sat up straight and smirked down at Alice who was so close to becoming a pool of excitement. “Why is it affecting me like this? I’ve never gotten like this before.” Alice asked him, like he’d know. “I mean, when I was helping you relearn your magic, I had you focus a lot more on your Dragon Slayer magic. Maybe you’re becoming a dragon, like me.”

Alice frowned. “I don’t like it.”
Natsu rustled her hair. “I know. It’s a bitch when you can’t do anything but don’t worry. I’ll get us back home soon enough and I can fix your problem.” He stood up. “So, lets go.” He had the energy to keep going. His stamina and motivation restored. He had his girl to take care of and he had to get them home to do that.

“Where are we going?” Happy asked. “Just follow me.” Natsu said, taking off. The other three got up and went after him.

They found themselves in the clearing where Wendy, Carla, Pantherlily, and Master were. “Wendy!” Natsu called as he neared them. “You made it back! Did you find anything?” Wendy smiled.
“Has Master improved at all?” Alice asked. “I can’t say he has.” Carla answered solemnly.

"Though his wounds are serious, I can’t say his life's in danger for some reason," Panther Lily decided to add his opinion.. “I wonder if it has to do with this being sacred grounds," Carla wondered.

Someone appeared out of nowhere. Mest, using his...teleportation magic? For someone who was an S-Class nominee, Alice had no idea what magic he used.

“There’s the traitor."

“Where’d you run off to, whoever you are?” Natsu asked in a demanding tone. “He’s a spy from the magic council," Lucy answered for him.
“I will say, my name is Doranbolt," Mest said. “What are you doing here?” Wendy asked.

“Don’t be afraid, I guess you could say I’m on a rescue mission. I can use my magic to transport your guild mates somewhere safe, and as far away from this island as possible. But first I need to know where everyone is at to do that," Doranbolt proposed.

“We don’t need your help," Natsu declined. He never trusted the council. “What would make you think we’d trust someone in the midst of the magic council?” Carla pointed out.

“This is our problem, we can handle it ourselves," Panther Lily stated proudly. “Listen to me! Once the Magic Council finds out what’s going on here, they’ll do everything they can to neutralize the threat!” Doranbolt clarified, raising his voice.

“You mean another Etherion blast?” Alice guessed. “One of those was enough, okay?” Lucy whined. Carla and Happy explained to Panther Lily was etherion is.

“I’m sure the island isn’t some lacrima in disguise that can absorb the blast. So if they do go that route, I can’t guarantee what will happen but it won’t be good.” Alice theorized. As much as she disliked the Magic Council, getting everyone to safety with the help of them wasn’t a bad idea. “We’ll just have to take care of business before that happens," Natsu shrugged, like it was no big deal.

“Your master has been defeated and Grimoire Heart has powerful allies on their side. There’s no way you can beat them," Doranbolt argued. “Oh, so we should just blow up the whole island, huh?” Natsu crossed his arms.

“That can’t happen! This is sacred ground to us! Our first master is buried here!” Wendy cried.
“Tell the magic council that we can handle ourselves and that they better back off if they don’t, they’ll be sorry!” Lucy threatened. “Are you threatening the magic council? Some lowly wizards?” It seemed that Lucy hit a nerve with Doranbolt.

But what he said just set off Natsu as well. “You’ve got a lot to learn, man. Whether it’s Grimoire Heart or the Magic Council, Fairy Tail doesn’t back down. If you attack us, it’ll be your last mistake. We’ll put you deep in the ground," Natsu threatened with his dark voice.

There was a moment of silence until there was thunder and dark clouds covered the sky almost immediately.

The first crash of thunder set Alice into panic. Her head felt like it was collapsing in on itself and her lungs shriveled up into little husks. She couldn't think, all she could do was hyperventilate. She felt so scared and alone. Like the storm was going to suck her up into the sky and she'd be surrounded by darkness and loud booms that made her scream.

Then it started to rain.

Doranbolt had no choice but to stand down. There was no convincing Natsu otherwise.

“We need to get out of this weather," Carla said what everyone was wanting.

Natsu strode over to Alice, and leaned his forehead to hers, and cupped the side of her face, as she cowered. “You gotta calm down, baby. I need you to be strong right now, all right?” Natsu whispered to her. He had to carry Master, and so he wouldn’t be able to comfort her like she needed him to. Alice nodded hesitantly. But then a loud crash of thunder came rolling in. Alice jumped and threw herself into Natsu’s chest, crying. He let out a deep sigh as he let her cower just for another moment.

“What’s wrong with her?” Pantherlily asked, never seeing Alice like this. Especially since her normal self disappeared into the empty shell it was when they rescued her from Edolas. “Months of torture didn’t help. She’s always been scared of storms. But after Edolas, it got worse.” Natsu replied emotionless, as he stroked the back of Alice’s head.

“We don’t have time for this!” Carla snapped. “Then you get going. After I get her to calm down, me, her and Master will be right behind you. I can’t carry them both.” Natsu suggested. “I’ll take your master. But only this once. Get your guildmate under control.” Doranbolt coldly stated.

Natsu nodded, but he was going to get back at Doranbolt for looking at Alice in disdain like that. Referring to her in disgust, calling her "Guildmate". Which was true, yes. They were in the same guild together, that's how they met. But she was Alice Dreyar! There was no way this dude worked for the council and didn't know who she was and to not call her by name? Disrespecting her at a time of weakness?

“You hear that, baby? I’m gonna carry you, but if the storm doesn’t let off, we’re gonna have to keep going and in that time I need you to...-” Natsu sighed. There came that feeling of guilt. If he saved her... If he didn’t let her go on that quest alone...

He put his forehead to the side of her head, since her face was buried in his shoulder.

They had to get going. “How you want me to carry you? You can get on my back, or I can carry you up front?” Natsu gave her the choice. Alice didn’t speak as she separated herself from him for a moment to his back.

Half an hour went by with everyone huddled in the cave.

Natsu stood at the entrance, arms crossed, just angrily staring out into the rain.

Alice sat down, deeper inside the cave. She was shivering and staring into space. Unresponsive. Well, not really. She just reverted her childlike personality, shutting down, protecting herself. Cold, rude, and some murderous intent. And everyone decided to leave her alone until she calmed down.

“Miss. Alice, would you like a new outfit? Yours seems to be torn," Virgo offered, popping out of nowhere. Alice slowly raised her gaze up to her. Cold, black eyes staring into what seemed like her soul. But Virgo wasn’t phased.
“Here’s an outfit right here, if you’d like.” Virgo continued, now with articles of clothes in her arms. Alice silently reached out, and as her fingers touched the cloth of the white top, the clothes disappeared from Virgo’s arms and Alice was dressed in it. A white bralette, a black short flared skirt, a white belt, black thigh high tights, and brown leather ankle boots. She went back to staring into space.

But now much more fashionably.

“You look really nice, Alice.” Wendy cautiously complimented her, stepping over to her. Alice didn’t respond. “Yeah, it’s a really cute outfit, Alice.” Lucy added, hoping to lighten the mood. Still nothing. Maybe getting Natsu’s reaction would help. “What do you think, Natsu? Wouldn’t you say she looks cute?” Lucy called over to him. He took a moment to glance towards Alice before reverting back to looking back to the rain.

“I wouldn’t say it’s appropriate for this weather." He muttered. “Geesh, what’s his deal?” Lucy grumbled at his lack of enthusiasm or participation. “I think he’s worried about what’s going on out there. But... I think it’s mostly because of Alice. He blames himself for how she’s acting. He blames himself for everything that happened to her. He takes it personally.” Wendy took a guess. “I know what happened to her was horrible but Natsu can’t fault himself. We had no idea about Edolas. And Alice getting sucked up into one of their portals was at random.” Lucy defended him. “It’s just how it is.” Wendy said.

DZXCCarla came back and flew into the cave. “Where’s Lily?” Natsu asked. “He decided to stop by the base camp. Gajeel and Mira are in pretty bad shape. So Lily’s staying with them as they recover. But we found Grimoire Heart’s airship on the east coast. ” Carla reported.

“Then let’s swim over and bust heads," Natsu proposed.
“We should head to the camp. We need all the help we can get.” Alice monotonously suggested, still staring off into space.

“That’s a good idea," Lucy vouched for her. “If it’s a vote we’re doing, then I vote for Alice’s idea," Wendy nodded.

“Fine. We better get moving then. I’ll carry Master.” Natsu agreed reluctantly.

“What about me?” Doranbolt spoke up. “Keep the council from blowing us up," Natsu replied, brushing past him.

“We don’t need their help," Lucy added. “Yeah, they don’t need to cast an etherion," Wendy nodded

“You think they’ll listen?” Doranbolt made a good point. “Then buy us some time.”

“Come back! No guild has ever been able to tell the tale of defeating them! Do you even have a plan?” Doranbolt shouted.

“We’re gonna give them all we got!”

Chapter 53


tbh I don't know why I stopped posting... This is the one story that I have enough chapters to quickly read, format and post and since there's still another 63 chapters to go and I don't have to write to add anything til we get there... Idk blame it on my Umbrella Academy phase... That's now turned into a Saiki K phase....

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“I really hope Erza’s there," Wendy wished. “Same with Cana," Lucy added.

“Stop.” Alice said, sensing an unfamiliar presence. “Something’s nearby.”

The group stopped, as a figure stepped near. He had an unimaginable amount of magic power.
A tall, muscular middle-aged man with extremely long dark hair, which was gathered on the back of his head, leaving his forehead exposed, and tied in a clothed ponytail, reaching down below his waist, adorned by thin, dark strips crossing its whole length, and having his hair sprout from its end in a large tuft.

“Who are you? One of the Kin?” Natsu called out to him. “Tell me, have you learned to fly?” The guy asked randomly. No one knew how to answer him.
“No? Pity." He put his hands out, all the rain around them stopped mid air.

Alice felt dread well up inside herself. It made her nauseous.

He used a spell that brought everyone down to the ground, using gravity magic that weighed them down, crushing them with immense pressure. Alice found it hard to breathe.
And then it stopped, but she couldn’t get up.

“You know, the destruction of Fairy Tail or the plans for Zeref mean very little to me. But there is one thing I’ve been longing to do on this island, where is the grave of Mavis Vermilion? I wish to pay my respects to Fairy Tail’s first master!”
“Well you’ll be looking for a while because we don’t even know!” Lucy shouted back at the guy.

“I know what he’s after!” Happy chimed. “Prepare to have your I.Q. lowered after hearing what he has to say," Carla sighed.

“He wants to be an S-class wizard so we’ll have to accept him as a member!” Happy guessed. And then the guy increased the gravity on Happy. Alice’s fists balled up. Her mind was locked inside itself. Fighting against immense fear.

“Listen, I know nothing of a trial and I wish not to be a part of your pathetic guild, fools."

“The only fool here is you!” Lucy snapped at the guy. “Her grave is more than just a headstone its sacred ground and even if we knew, we’d never tell you!” That got Lucy slammed harder into the ground.

“What do you want? Tell me!” Natsu demanded. “I want the sparkle of fairies. Fairy Glitter. One of your guild’s grand spells. Just as powerful maybe even more than Fairy Law," The guy explained.
“If it’s glitter you want, try hitting up a craft store!" Natsu was slammed farther down. “Natsu!” Alice forced his name out of her mouth. She felt helpless. “I’m a human pancake," Even now, Natsu joked.

“I want the light of glitter," The guy repeated.

“We won’t tell you where it is!” Happy after that comment got crushed again.

“I’ve heard that the spell was sealed away in Mavis’ grave. Tell me where it is. Or one of your friends will be crushed until they pop, which one do I start with?”

“I’m Natsu Dragneel, son of Igneel and it’s gonna take more to pin me to the ground!” Natsu was able to find the strength to stand up. “I won’t be defeated so easily!” He started to run at the guy.

“If you tell me where the grave is, I’ll leave you alone," The guy proposed. Natsu jumped, attempting to ‘Fire dragon iron fist’ him.

Something blocked Natsu from the guy, like there was an invisible wall and pushed him back and Natsu shot back down to the others and created a crater in the ground. “You should listen when someone's talking to you. Now, I see you’ve already brought Makarov to me, perfect."

“All right, buddy, we’re done talking here!” Natsu sat up, but the guy increased the gravity more.... On all of them. “Are you going to be helpful, or should I squash you all flat?”

“Tell me!”

More gravity.

“Are you the one I need to squash!” Is that? The gravity lessened. That was Cana's voice! She ran foward, confident.

“I won’t let you hurt my friends!” She used a card spell and then, she leapt into the air, her forearm glowing bright.
The guy used his magic, to bring her down. “Tell me what that magic is," He ordered.

“Don’t worry guys," Cana got back up. “Lucy, I left you in the forest. I’m sorry. I betrayed your trust and our friendship, but I can start to atone with this. One shot of this spell and this guy won’t be bothering us!"

So Cana found the grave. “That means she found the grave? Oh man, that means I don’t get to be S-class this year," Natsu groaned.
“We can worry about the trial later, Natsu. Right now I need your help to beat this guy. Keep him distracted long enough to let me gather the power to send this guy packing," Cana directed.

The guy used two spells, one for Cana, one for the others, sending either side flying back.

As they hit the ground again, the gravity pinned everyone to the ground.

Alice started to go into a panic, barely able to breathe. Her mind sent her back to her time locked up. Her magic started to go on the fritz. Lightning danced around her body and she let out distressed whimpers. “Make it stop! Make it stop!”

“Alice!” Natsu shouted. He was several meters away from her and he couldn’t move.

She was lost in her own world.

Natsu used his magic to find the strength to move against the extreme pressure. Bluenote flung him back, turning off the gravity. But it also flung everyone back too.

Cana started to use Fairy Glitter. The immense power from it made the rain stop.

Bluenote used a gravity spell to make the ground shake violently and it made Cana lose her footing and Fairy Glitter stopped.

And then he started to use his gravity magic on the others once more.

“Run Cana!” Lucy shouted.

Out of nowhere, Gildarts appeared and sent the enemy backwards, cancelling all his magic for a moment.

Natsu ran over to Alice who was curled up in a ball of lightning, mumbling to herself, pleading for the pain to stop. “Alice. It’s all right.” Natsu started off saying in a soft tone. He couldn’t touch her with her lightning. It’d shock him and he really couldn’t take the damage right now.

“Alice! Come on, sweetheart. It’s okay now. You’re with me.”

Coincidentally, Alice’s magic energy ran almost completely out. Enough where she could no longer produce lightning.

Natsu kneeled down to her. He rolled Alice to face him. While Alice’s eyes were clamped shut, tears squeezed out from under her lids down her face. “Make it stop. Please... Please make it stop hurting!” Alice whimpered to herself.

Natsu wiped Alice’s tears away, his warmth waking her from her day-nightmare. She gasped, eyes opening, wildly scanning her surroundings, once getting a grip on reality she forced herself to breathe deep. “There’s my girl. Can you stand up for me?” Natsu smiled. Alice listened to him, and he helped her stand. “I want to go home.”

“I know. I know, baby. I’ll get you home soon enough, I promise.”

“You kids need to get out of here," Gildarts shouted. “What for?” Natsu protested. Both Bluenote and Gildarts released a lot of magic power. It was overwhelming to say the least.

“That's quite the intense glare Gildarts has," Happy commented.

“Now go!” Gildarts repeated, charging at Bluenote, who blocked his attack, the force from the spells colliding threw everyone back. “This is why we should’ve left.” Lucy groaned.

“We should leave or we’ll probably get killed," Wendy said. “Cana?” Lucy asked for her input. “Let's go, Gildarts can handle it.” Cana agreed.

“This is so cool!” Natsu gushed, watching the fight. “We have to leave!” Alice and Lucy shouted at Natsu, both trying to pull on him to get him to walk.

“Come on!” “This is the fight of the century!” Natsu ignored the girls, not moving an inch. Alice waved Lucy away.

Alice slowly rubbed her hands up and down Natsu’s upper, very muscular arms. “Natsu, my love, please use your brain and leave with us.” She spoke in an alluring tone. Which did the trick, Natsu snapped his gaze to Alice’s innocent, yet devilish eyes. “But... Gildarts fighting...?”

“So you’re telling me, you’d rather watch him than leave with us to the camp? You know, the faster we get this threat defeated, the faster you and I can go home?”

Natsu groaned, letting Alice have her way, even though he knew very well that she was only saying it to distract him. Once she had her way, the act dropped from her face and she let herself go back to her post-anxiety attack exhaustion.

But even though Natsu willingly left the fight, him and Happy wouldn’t stop crying over it.

“We need to keep heading to the base camp so we can regroup and figure out a plan.” Carla spoke over the two idiots. “Don’t forget, Mest- I mean Doranbolt promised to help us get off the island," Wendy reminded..

And then when things couldn’t get any worse, the Tenrou tree collapsed. Causing a commotion. All the animals and birds in that area fleeing and screaming as the tree tumbled down, taking out anything and everything in its path.

“The Tenrou Tree!” Alice gasped when they all turned to the noise. The tree that held immense and great powers. It protected all Fairy Tail wizards from danger and even kept them alive. It gifted the wizards with immense magic power as well.

Most of the Fairy Tailers were already running on reserve so with the tree down, it’s power left, taking all its properties with it, draining what power it gave the wizards.

“We need to hurry and get back to-” Natsu was the first to feel the effects of the tumbling tree, losing all his energy and could no longer stand to his feet. Everyone else would fall suit.

“It feels like I lost all my magic energy.”

“Can you move at all, Alice?” Natsu asked her. “If I could I wouldn’t be lying here on the ground," Alice grouched, extremely exhausted. “That’s fair to say. Since you’re a smarty, who did this to us?” He wondered.

“It’s not a person doing this to us. It’s the island. It’s the reason why we hold the trial here on the island. The Tenrou Island isn’t just some land mass they thought of calling sacred just because Mavis’ grave is here. Being a member of Fairy Tail, the tenrou tree gives us a protection that includes increased magic power, now that the tree has been uprooted, the magic power it gave us is draining," Alice explained weakly.

“So..." Natsu tried to understand what she said. “Tree goes down, so do we," Alice clarified in simpler terms.

“Oh.. Okay..” Natsu nodded, eyes closing, drifting off. “Sometimes, you’re such an idiot," Alice teased, closing her eyes. “Hey you’re the idiot who fell for this idiot." He countered in a barely audible mumble, one of his hands found their way to one of Alice’s. In response, she laced her fingers with his. Alice wasn’t able to reply, but she did hum out some sort of response.

Many, many, many minutes go by and everyone started to wake up. Alice’s eyes fluttered open as everyone started to slowly get up. “My magic is starting to come back!” Wendy gasped, happy.

“Let’s keep rocking and rolling!” Natsu wasted no time taking the lead towards the camp once more. Alice looked towards what she expected to be the tree back up but was disappointed and confused. The tree was still down. So how did her magic return?

But she continued to trek on.

“We have to keep going, we’re close!” Alice announced, her speed increasing as she remembered the trail they were on.

“Alice!” Levy cried, seeing her and the rest of the group coming into sight. “This is worse than I thought," Natsu commented seeing all the wounded they had. “Yeah, even Mira’s down," Lucy added.

“Natsu!” Lisanna greeted, excited. “Hey Lisanna! Its nice to see you’re okay still," Natsu smiled at her.

Alice gritted her teeth and felt anger and jealousy well up inside her. And then it confused her. She, so far, hadn’t felt this way towards Lisanna in years. Could it have been the whole mating season thing?

Did it make her more territorial?

“You’re still going strong, aren’t you Alice?” Lisanna asked, bringing Alice out of her thoughts “Yeah, you’re still holding up I see. That’s good. We need all the abled bodies we can get.” Alice replied, trying to fake a positive tone. So as Natsu had gotten Master to a cot to rest on, Alice was at his side, hoping that she could get his attention back on her. Something to mark her territory. Maybe a display of mutual affection would make Alice think Lisanna would feel as a sign that Natsu was unavailable and Alice was willing to fight her for him. Alice was close to start rubbing her body against his, like a cat would to someone’s ankle.

“I can heal them!” Wendy volunteered to help. “That would be great, but I don’t think it’ll work," Lisanna replied sadly.

“Besides, your magic has been taxed enough, you need to rest," Carla objected to Wendy’s idea.

“Tell me what exactly went down here." Natsu looked to the strange guy on the ground, passed out. “That guy attacked us then we lost our magic power. It was scary. With everyone injured as it was, Bickslow and Freed fought as hard as they could. I don’t know how we’ll beat these guys." Lisanna started tearing up.

“Don’t cry, Lisanna, we’ll figure something out," Happy comforted.

Natsu popped his knuckles, making Alice jump. She hated that noise. “They’re gonna pay. I’ll make damn sure of that," He promised darkly. “I’ll make damn sure that next time you pop your knuckles, I’ll be hitting you with mine," Alice hissed out in warning. “Don’t ruin my dialogue! Do you know how dark and dangerous that sounded? It was cool!” Natsu’s dark facade disappeared for his annoying whiny one.

“We need to come up with a plan. We need two equal teams," Panther Lily proposed. “One will be offense and one defense," Levy added.

Natsu shifted around to put an arm around Alice’s shoulders and she leaned into him, a smile creeping onto her face. Her eyes darted to Lisanna’s. She was indeed focusing on them.

Alice then turned to attempt to wrap both her arms around Natsu’s middle as she rested her head on his collar. Sure, maybe she was playing into, asserting her dominance and territory.

But she also really needed his touch and warm. As Natsu adjusted his arm around her, giving her a squeeze, she felt a bit better.

Maybe they could win and get everyone home.


I kinda want to write a Saiki K fic where OC just seems to be immune to Saiki's mind powers. Like he can't read her mind or telepathically broadcast his voice into her head. He can't use any of his mind-powers on her, hypnosis, memory altering or wiping. And he doesn't really care because she's in class 2B and she seems like normal human. But plot demands them to interact so as time goes on they become friends and maybe eventually have a thing?
But also his involvement with Teruhashi and Makoto adds tension to their relationship but he can't tell her that he's a psychic so he just has to let her go and then other things.

But like idk since the plot is very gimmicy and repetivive, it's hard to add her without it being too ex machina-y. I just like the idea of it but idk if it'll really go anywhere.
But I like the general idea of my OC. She's smart, pretty, sarcastic, but very empathetic and sympathetic and isn't mean to anyone unwarranted. Saiki really values her friendship because she respects his boundaries and wishes. They hang out together at cafe's or bookstores just to talk. Saiki likes her talking about herself, he likes to get to know her more and more.
And she's pretty, but because plot demands Teruhashi to be a goddess of beauty and perfection, she's not as pretty as Teruhashi. She doesn't really get the whole cult worship she has on everyone but because Teruhashi is nice to her, they're friends.
And OC really thinks Nendo and Kaido are harmless and are good for free entertainment but she also likes them as friends and likes to cheer them on. She kinda has a teensy tiny crush on Aren but has a very big one on Saiko because of his money and she is very honest that it's just about his money because college and post-grad schools and internships are expensive and Saiko has the money so if she can seduce him to give her anything she wants, then she gets free college.

Chapter 54

Chapter Text

“I did not get beat up by her! She got away! Besides if Gray wants to fight that crossdressing geezer then he’ll have to do it himself." Natsu crossed his arms. “Don’t be a jerk!” Lucy snapped at him. “All I’m saying is that if he does cross paths with her then he’ll want to do it by himself without other people getting in the way," Natsu clarified.

“You guys have known each other for a long time and I guess you could say you guys have a deep connection!” Happy teased. “Don’t make it dirty-” He scolded Happy and then noticed Alice was giggling at him. “And don’t laugh at that!”

“So anyways, what about a cross dressing geezer?” Lucy asked. “Remember that creepy old guy back on Galuna Island? Well he can disguise himself as a hot chick!” Natsu replied. “You think she’s hot?” Alice asked, getting jealous. Yeah, this year’s season was hitting her hard.
“I’m sure it was a woman and the old guy was a disguise," Happy argued. “No, he has a Bob like thing about him, so she’s really a he," Natsu countered, not hearing Alice. “Either way you think they’re hot," Alice mumbled.

“I hope Gray doesn’t go hitting on her then," Happy laughed. “What’s with your attitude all of a sudden?” Natsu asked Alice. He finally heard her. “Nothing. It’s just that you think Ultear is hot," Alice passive aggressively commented with a shrug. “Ulta-rear-- what?”

“That old cross dresser is really a woman. And her name is Ultear Milkovich. And you think she’s hot.” Alice griped, looking away from Natsu. Although it was hard to seem mad at him since she was sitting on his lap. He found a log to sit on, and Alice had parked herself on one of his legs. She needed to be as close to him as she could, and climbing onto him and wrapping her arms and legs around him so he couldn't get away was a bit much.

“Whatever, you’re the prettiest girl I know, so knock it off," Natsu bounced his leg a bit, making Alice lose balance, therefore she had to wrap her arms around his neck to stay on him and not fall. Alice glared at him. He smirked, proud of himself, and he leaned towards her to kiss her. Alice pulled a bit away from him to stay on the topic on hand. “So I’m pretty but she’s hot?”

Natsu gave her a look of indifference. “Like there’s a difference?”

“Yes! Pretty is like Wendy but hot is like Erza or Mira,“ Alice explained like it was obvious “This is all so confusing, I find you extremely beautiful and you’re the only girl I love, so get over yourself!” Natsu replied in an almost irritated growl.
Alice’s eyes widened in surprise and her cheeks were ablaze. “L-love? Me?” She stuttered out in seemingly disbelief. “Well yeah, you’re my girlfriend after all," He shrugged. “Well it’s just that you’ve never said it before.” Alice hid her eyes from him, embarrassed.

“I’ve called you the love of my life. I thought it was obvious that I love you.” Natsu went on, not getting how Alice didn’t know this. “And you’ve called me your love so I thought it was mutual.” He added. “It is! I just... We haven’t said the big three words yet. It’s different.” Alice mumbled, extremely bashful. “I wouldn’t be with you if I didn’t love you.” Natsu replied.

Alice bravely looked back at him. “Say it. The big three words.”

“What? I love you?” “Yes.” “I just said it though.”
“SAy it sincerely!” Alice whined, lightly scowling at him. Natsu smiled softly at her. He couldn’t believe how much in love with her he was at that moment. Maybe he'd want her to climb him like a monkey and never let go. He'd work around it, he was strong enough to live his life like normal while carrying her for the rest of his life. Was it productive or reasonable? No. But he loved her and to be away from her for a second was agonizing. Times like this, when defeat was high and victory was just a dream, he loved her even more. She was his reason to fight and keep going. (not his only one, but it was the major one)

He caressed the side of her face with one hand. “Alice Drusilla Dreyar, I love you.”

Alice could barely contain herself and her insides felt like they turned to liquid as her heart melted. A smile came to her lips. “I love you too.”

“Say my full name too!” Natsu played, pouting slightly. Alice giggled. “Natsu Dragneel, son of Igneel, I love you... too.” “Better.”

And then they kissed. And the whole world and the problems of the current present disappeared for a moment.

Where they focused solely on the touch of one another.

“Could you guys stop making out for like 5 minutes so we can formulate a plan?” Lucy snapped, seeing the two slacking off the task.

Natsu held up a finger, signally Lucy to hold on a minute and then wrapped that arm back around Alice, pulling her even closer. Not breaking away, as his tongue collided with Alice’s. He'd take her and claim her here if he could.

“Don’t tell me to wait! Once we get back home you guys can do whatever you want but until then, separate!” Lucy shouted, getting irritated.

“Do you want me to punish them?” Virgo popped up from the ground, ready to do as she suggested.

The moment slowly getting ruined by the growing number of people around them, the two lovers pull apart, but leaned their foreheads together, staring into each other’s eyes. “Once we get back home, you’re all mine.” Natsu promised in a pant. “No. You’ll be all mine. ” Alice replied.
“I’m fine with that.”

“Okay, ANYWAYS," Lucy growled, trying to get the two on the same page as her.
“Offense or defense, we gotta pick one. What’s our strategy? It’d be easier to figure this out if you’d stop fooling around Lucy," Natsu replied, giving her his attention, as Alice leaned her forehead to the side of his head, as she was still in affection mode and couldn’t bear being any farther away from him.

“Don’t you dare blame me!” Lucy snapped “Shall I punish her?” Virgo asked Natsu. “Butt out!” Lucy vociferated Virgo.

“Well we’re going to be the offense," Natsu continued on. “Us?” Lucy asked, a little fearful.

“Are you going to fight with me?” Natsu asked, tightening his grip around Alice, letting her know it was her he was talking to. “Of course. Where you go, I go.” Alice agreed “So it’s just us three?” Lucy asked for further clarification.

“We’re a team, aren’t we?” Happy tried to reassure Lucy. “Yeah, but wouldn’t Freed be a better choice than me?” Lucy argued, trying to get out of fighting head on. “Thanks, but I have to stay here and write an enchantment," Freed excused. “We’ll stay here and keep things safe," Bickslow volunteered.

“I’ve done what I can here, so I’ll go," Wendy raised her hand. “You will do no such thing!” Carla objected. “They need all the support they can," Wendy argued.

“I’ll go too. I need to give him a beating for Gajeel’s sake," Lily added himself to the front line. “I’ll stay here and help Freed with his enchantment," Levy voiced. “I wouldn’t be much help against Hades, so I’ll stay here and watch the wounded," Lisanna announced.

“It seems we have our teams," Freed observed.

“Stay safe Lu," Levy smiled.

“Let’s go!” Natsu practically jumped up to his feet, knocking Alice onto the ground and raced off. “That idiot!” Alice huffed standing up and dusting sand off herself.

“Hey Lucy come here for a minute.” Lisanna waved Lucy over. “Yeah?” Lucy wondered going over to her. “Stay by Natsu’s side for me, will you? He’s stronger when he has friends close by," Lisanna urged.

“I’ll stay close by, but I think Alice already has his side," Lucy caught Alice waiting for her so they could go together. “Yeah but she’s not as gentle as us girlies, he needs a soft touch," Lisanna giggled trying to press Alice’s buttons.

And Alice knew it. “Yeah, say what you want but once we go home, I’m taking his virginity, so either way I win here.”

“Too bad it won’t go both ways. By the way, where is yours? Since it happened many guys ago.” Lisanna jabbed at her, but kept up her sweet tone. Alice glowered, ready to attack. “Look at the time, it’s time to go Alice!” Lucy grabbed a hold of Alice’s wrist pulling her away.

“Hey, I found Erza and Gray," Natsu announced, going off course. “That’s good, we need the extra help." Carla nodded.

Both wizards in bad shape. Erza carried Gray, but it looked like it was a feat she couldn’t do for much longer.

“Good thing we found you," Lucy said, relieved. “Wanna get some revenge?” Natsu smiled at the two.

“Of course."

They reached the end of the island, where they found an airship tethered to the ground. And then, some older guy standing on a deck. He was tall and lean. He had a mustache, and a similarly long yet mildly thin and curly beard, reaching down to his lower chest. His attire consisted of a dark shirt paired with armored shoulder pads and shiny gauntlets, as well as chain-mail covering the parts of his arms remaining exposed, simple light pants with flames near the edges - held up by what looked like a light belt composed of two straps with the relative buttons, possibly part of the pants themselves, and dark, simple boots. Over this outfit he wore a large, dark cape, bearing Grimoire Heart’s symbol on the back and sporting a mantle with a high collar, lighter-colored borders and jagged lower edges.

This had to be Hades. The leader of Grimoire Heart. The biggest challenge Fairy Tail would face.

He saw the group near the ship and gave a grim expression. “So you wish the same fate as your master?” Hades threatened. “Come face your destruction, children of Makarov.” He welcomed then he turned away dramatically, letting his cape get air and then he walked into his ship.

“At least give us a way in!” Natsu shouted.

“Hey Happy, I got a mission for you." Natsu thought up an idea. “Aye!”

“I need you to find what makes this ship fly and make it stop."

“Well it’ll be hard for you to get on it if it’s moving," Happy laughed. “Well either way, I’ll cast my troia just in case," Wendy said, doing so. “We’ll go with Happy so it’ll go faster," Carla decided for her and Pantherlily.

“All right, let’s get moving then." Gray created an ice staircase up the side of the ship.
“Okay, this guy was able to defeat Master, so when we get in there, hit him hard and hit him quick," Erza advised.

“We’re gonna put him down. Ready or not, here we come!” Natsu was first into the ship, fists blazing.

They did in fact hit hard and fast.

Gray and Erza wielded weapons. Wendy used her support magic to help elevate her friends’ magic and physical abilities.

Lucy summoned Taurus. And then as a finish, they all combined their magic together for a Unison Raid.

Gray gave Natsu speed with a hammer attack, Wendy’s and Scorpio’s attacks fused together and then Natsu and Alice combined their magic for one big attack.

There was a cloud of dust where Hades flew back into.

The dust cleared. “I’ve often heard that young people call their mistakes ‘life experience’.” Hades started off as he was revealed to be not even wounded in the slightest. “But true mistakes don’t wield experience as there’s no coming back from them. Such is the case here. Your future only consists of the grave. There is no lesson here besides opposing me was a big mistake.”

They got a better look at him. Not even a scratch. Not even a wrinkle in his clothes. Not a scuff on his boots. Not a hair out of place.

His magic power started to increase.

“Well now that I’ve warmed up let’s have it then."
His power was so overwhelming the air started to vibrate. “Get ready!" Erza cautioned her team.

Hades gave out a shout and then Wendy’s body was gone. Her clothes were there but not her. “WENDY!”

“Believe me what I say that that was a mercy kill. She got off easy. From now on each of your deaths will be more gruesome than the next."

Alice wanted to throw up. There was no warning. Nothing. How could they have prevented something like that? How do they prepare for the next time?

“What did you do to her?” Gray asked, voice breaking.

“It's okay everybody, I’m fine." A posh voice came from the ceiling. “' I’m up here’ She explains with relief." Horologium narrated, while clinging to the ceiling with Wendy in his empty body.

Everyone relaxed a tiny bit, relieved Wendy was alive and well.

“My danger reactor went off just in time," Horologium explained. “Really?” Lucy didn’t believe him. “I think your danger receptor thing needs an overhaul.”

“My apologies while you’ve had some troubles in the past, your life was never at risk..... ‘Thanks Horologium,’ She sighs with great relief."

“I guess timing’s his thing," Gray shrugged. “Why are her clothes not with her?” Natsu asked. “The time was thin so I only had time to protect her physical body," Horologium explained.

“Wait so you’re telling me, in there she’s-”

“Ahhh!’ She screams in embarrassment.’ I will provide new clothing for her," Horologium said.

“We’re just glad she’s fine. Thank you for your help," Erza sincerely stated. “This will be my last time being able to do this, so please take great care. “ Horologium bid them farewell and disappeared, Wendy landed on her feet and was fully clothed. A dark jacket over a lighter colored dress shirt. A skirt matching the jacket.

“So this is Makarov’s Fairy Tail, huh? Well you’re certainly entertaining," Hades judged. “Hang on, are you saying you know gramps?” Natsu asked with a growl.

“I’m surprised he never told you about me. Have my records been expunged from the guild’s library? I should have expected as much. If Makarov is ‘gramps’ I suppose that makes me great grandfather. I’m Fairy Tail’s second master," Hades revealed.

“That's a lie!” Natsu rejected the idea altogether giving no thought to it. “I tell no lies, back in the day my name was Precht. It was I that appointed Makarov as the third guild master," Hades went on explaining.

“Do you really think we’d believe that. Gramps would never have anything to do with you!” Natsu charged at him.

Hades did a spell, that made these purple illuminating lines of magic that exploded once Natsu touched them. They moved around on their own, so it was hard dodge them.

Then he did another spell that exploded the air in front of the team. Alice put up a shield in time, her shield and the spell cancelled each other out, equal in strength.

Hades summoned magic chains that tied Erza and Lucy together and then he made something explode between them, as he whipped the chains, making the two slam into each other. It was one spell after another. Where did he keep at this stamina?

And then he did a spell similar to Alice’s shock gun. Except his magic bullets were far more powerful and far more painful. None of the team had time to react to each new attack one after another.

Alice squirmed around, being assaulted with shots. It was like being stabbed with long and big needles over and over again with no mercy, except it left a burning all over the body with each hit.

Alice couldn’t move even when he stopped and Alice couldn’t even feel when he stopped, her body was in total agony.

“Tell me, do fairies have tails? It’s an eternal mystery and an eternal adventure. I believe that’s how the name of the guild came about. However, your adventure will end under the crushing heel of my boot." Hades walked over to Natsu and stepped on him, pressing his boot into him and putting all his weight into it.

“The first master turned her will to me, and I turned my will and mantle on to Makarov. One of my greatest mistakes. Makarov changed the guild."

“What nonsense are you spouting off?” Natsu groaned. “He brought magic out of the darkness and into the light," Hades clarified, as if that was a terrible thing to do. “That’s how our Fairy Tail does things, you got a problem with it?” Natsu was able to pick himself up. “We aren’t rotten heartless people like you and your guild. We live with our lives on the line every moment. So sit still in the darkness all you want. You don’t have the courage to change a thing!” Natsu raised his voice.

“Such disrespect. You’ll pay for that." Hades starts to shoot at Natsu. “If you’re angry, you should be at Makarov."

“Stop hurting him!” Alice pleaded, not being able to bear seeing him in pain and yet not being able to do anything. It hurt more than her current injuries.

“After all it's his fault that you’re about to leave this world in utter agony."

“Please! Stop it!” Tears welled up in Alice’s eyes.
“I won’t let you get away with hurting gramps, I-” “will die. Horribly," Hades interrupted Natsu.

And Alice believed Hades.

He prepared to perform a big and dark spell. Alice thought that if Natsu got hit with it, he wouldn’t live through it.

Alice tried to move but she was in so much burning pain that her body also felt paralyzed and she couldn’t feel if she was even moving in the slightest.

Alice watched in horror and in anticipation, her life with Natsu flashing before her eyes.

And then a strike of lightning hit Hades, shocking him and interrupting the spell.

Alice recognized that lightning and another wave of nausea overcame her. Except it was for a different reason than before.

“So, this is the fossil that took out gramps? Interesting." A deep voice came from the shadows.

Chapter 55

Chapter Text

Alice was in disbelief. Was she in a state of shock and hallucinating?

Hades trembled and hesitated before even thinking of what to do. Laxus butted heads with him but it barely affected Hades.


“Isn’t that the master’s grandson?” Wendy asked. “And my bastard father.” Alice grumbled. Sure, she was thankful that he was here, but dammit, she was angry that she was thankful. He was the last person who deserved her gratitude.

“So I have two blood relatives of Makarov on my ship?” Hades wondered hearing Wendy and Alice.

“You guys are pathetic. You look like tattered rags.” Laxus shook his head at the ragtag team.

“No joke," Natsu agreed, not at all miffed by his insult. “What are you doing here, Laxus?” Erza asked. “I came to pay my respects to the first guild master. I used to be a member of Fairy Tail too, you know," Father answered. “Yeah, right during the s-class trials? Such a coincidence.” Alice huffed.

“I was just planning to visit the grave and I got a surprise. I didn’t expect to run into the second guild master. I’ve got an idea, since you’re already here, how about I make a grave for you too?” Father suggested to Hades, his lightning zapping around him.

“What a shame, that Makarov would be cursed with a pretentious grandson," Hades commented. “You think I’m pretentious, wait until you meet his great granddaughter," Laxus fired back, having to take a hit at Alice’s ego. “Don’t bring me into this you lousy excuse for a Dreyar!” Alice shouted weakly at him.

Laxus got the first hit, and the second, third, fourth and fifth. “I’m impressed by your magic power and not to mention your courage. I didn’t think Makarov had another ace of Gildarts’ caliber," Hades complimented. “That reminds me of something the old man said to me, it doesn’t matter how strong your enemy is, standing up to them is what matters, isn’t that right, Natsu?” Laxus called to Natsu.

“You bet," Natsu chimed in with a proud smile.

“Utter nonsense, that’s nothing but a weakling’s excuse. Think you’re strong enough to face me? Then let’s see what you got," Hades invited.

“If you insist.”

The fight goes on... and on....and on. Even Hades casted the amaterasu formula and Laxus dodged it and came back to kick Hades down.

But even after that, he fell to his knees. Revealing that he did in fact get hit with it. “Dammit get up, Laxus!” Alice shouted, pounding her fist onto the wooden floor.

“I don’t need some little kid telling me what to do," He scoffed. “Then get up!” Alice didn’t hesitate to respond. Not really angry with him, more worried and expressing it the wrong way.

“Such a loud bark for a dog with no bite," Hades laughed.

“You know I’ve traveled everywhere on this damn world, and I’ve never met anyone as evil as you. I guess I have a lot to learn still," Laxus sunk lower down. “What are you saying! You have to get up!” Alice’s voice cracked as she screamed at him.

“I’m so glad I was able to help you learn something, now Laxus, was it, but this is the end." Hades casted the spell that he was going to use on Natsu.

“Get out of the way!” Alice cried, her voice breaking with emotion.

“I’m not a member of Fairy Tail anymore, but this guy took out my grandpa, so I’m allowed to take revenge right?” Laxus asked anyone who would answer. “What nonsense are you talking about! Of course you can!” Natsu shouted.

Laxus shot a powerful lightning strike at Natsu, and the impact, knocked out a few floors beneath them and everyone flew back.

Laxus finally collapsed. Natsu got up and crackled with electricity. Alice noted that he used almost the same spell she had during the battle of Fairy Tail. Except this was his own power he was directing into Natsu.

“Why did you give it to me? You know I’m weaker than you," Natsu was confused. “It doesn’t matter who’s stronger. This guy wounded Fairy Tail’s master, it’s only right that someone with the guild emblem takes him down. Anyone who hurts the guild gets what’s coming to them.”

“A fire lightning dragon slayer? How powerful can he get now?”

Extremely powerful. It was Natsu and Laxus’ magic fused together. An unstoppable force. As Natsu hit Hades left and right, Hades couldn’t even get in a hit.

Natsu did a Lightning Fire Dragon roar, blasting through the ship and the whole island.

Alice guessed it was quite as powerful as a Jupiter Cannon shot.

“That’s what happens when you mess with Fairy Tail," Natsu stumbled and fell over the edge of the floor, coincidently Lucy was there to catch him by the hand.

“I can’t believe that!” Lucy smiled pulling up Natsu. “Yeah, that was extremely strong!” Wendy added.

“You have have knocked me down but I still am alive." Hades was still conscious. “Good job Makarov you raised some good children.” And Hades stood up. “I can’t remember the last time someone gave me a good brawl." He requiped into a new outfit.

They were all in disbelief all Natsu did was waste his own power. It did nothing to Hades.

“Thanks for the entertainment, but I must get back to work. I’ll be obliterating you now. Believe me, you’ll wish I’d done it sooner."

“Devil’s eye, open." Hades took off his eyepatch and opened that once covered eye and it completely red. There is no pupil, just a red sclera.

He gave even more power than before.

“I am the habiture of Fairy Tail’s last breath!"

Alice mustered up enough power to teleport to Natsu’s side in case Hades directed a spell his direction. “I can’t do anymore, Alice. I’m out of power," Natsu said, trembling. “No, you have to snap out of it!” Lucy argued with him. “If you’re out of power then I’m gonna have to stand up and do the rest.” Alice patted Natsu on the head.

Hades started to babble on about primordial magic. No one was really listening to him.

“Things are about to get way worse," Gray said. And he was right. The magic power Hades had continued to increase.

“Arcane magic: Nemesis," Hades created a mass of dark purple monsters. They roared, and had sharp teeth. It was like these creatures gave off fear. Alice trembled. These were the definition of nightmare.

They would end up wasting all their magic power of these creatures and by the time it was over, Hades wouldn’t have to fight with any of them. They’d be too drained.

“I have the abyss at my hand. I can create nightmares from the tiniest speck of dust. Devilish dancers, heaven armatures! Such is the supremacy of arcane magic!”

Natsu, still on his hands and knees, Alice slowly took her hand off him but Natsu put his hand on her arm.

“Don’t worry, we have all we need to defeat him. It’s okay to feel fear, how else would we know our own weaknesses, you need to know them to become a stronger and gentler person.” Natsu slowly stood to his feet once more. “Today we learn just how weak we are, what do we do next? I’ll tell you, we grow stronger.”

“On our own we might be too scared to stand up to him, but right now we have our friends by our side. I still have courage because you all are by my side. There’s no reason to be afraid! When we’re together, we can accomplish anything!”

Alice was in awe of Natsu’s newfound strength.

“Still holding on to the light, your future is nothing but darkness!” Hades laughed.

Alice had to stand up. She had to get up and fight.

The monsters started to roar more and out of their mouths, purple beams shot right at them. Natsu charged forward.


Alice looked around for that voice. Or was it in her head?

The fear these monsters gave Alice was triggering all the bad memories Alice purposefully refused to remember.

An image popped into Alice’s head. A younger Natsu. He couldn’t have been 11 yet. It was down pouring and Natsu was lying limp on the ground.

“I didn’t mean it!” When Alice had first became s-class and took Natsu on a s-class mission with her. Where she accidentally electrocuted him and for a moment there she thought he was dead.

A purple beam hit Alice and she fell backwards. “Alice!” Natsu shouted as he watched Alice seemingly come back from zoning out. But as he looked back at her, he tripped and stumbled, but Wendy and Lucy caught him, throwing him forward. Erza and Gray gave him a boost and Natsu attempted to hit Hades but he kept dodging.

There was an explosion.

The whole top of the ship blew off, debris falling, there was natural light coming in. Natsu finally got a hit on Hades.

Natsu’s scarf unraveled itself from his neck and started to fly off in the wind. Alice was not about to let that get away. With a hand out, like she was going to grab it herself, with a telekinesis spell, the scarf started to drift her way until it was finally in reach.

She wrapped it around her neck. There were very few times where Natsu let her wear it. He wasn’t that protective of it. He would take it all in his sleep and let Alice cuddle it in her sleep many times.

Wearing it made her feel powerful. Figuratively. There was no real power in the scarf.

“My arcane magic had no effect on you?! How could that be? My magic lies within!” Hades gasped and held a hand to his red eye and when he put his hand back down, his eye was back to normal, matching his other one. “Impossible!”

Natsu went for another punch to Hades’ face.

The monsters turned black and stared to crack like stone.

“The monsters are starting to crumble!”

“They’re disintegrating!”

They all felt hope. Finally some progress.

“Wow!” Wendy gasped amazed, looking out to the island. Alice, curious, looked to and gasped too. The Tenrou tree was back up. All their Fairy Tail emblems started to glow the color they were. Alice’s and Natsu’s glowed red. Erza’s, Wendy’s and Gray’s, blue. And Lucy’s, pink.

Alice felt a wave of power wash over her. Magic power.

“Stay back!” Hades shouted, he started to hit on Natsu. “The devil within me will never sleep!”

Then Laxus was back up for a moment to block Hades’ attack on Natsu. “Come on Fairy Tail! Attack!” He shouted before going back down.

Team Natsu charged forward.

“This might be our last chance, so let’s make it count!” Erza shouted.

“Lightning Water Dragon Secret art: Lightning Rain Storm!” Alice shouted, putting her all into that spell towards Hades.

“Alice! Unison Raid!” Natsu shouted at her. “You know how stupidly risky that is?!” Alice snapped at him in disbelief since he apparently thought unison raids were easy to perform. But she still decided to do it. Alice got into stance hands out. “Lightning Fire Vortex!”

And then Natsu used that spell to propel himself forward.

And with that.

Fairy Tail was successful.

Everything was silent. Everyone making sure it was actually a victory since Hades had been known to get back up.

Natsu sank down to his knees. “YEAH! FAIRY TAIL IS THE GREATEST!” He shouted.

Chapter 56

Chapter Text

“I’m glad that’s over," Gray sighed in relief.

Alice strode over to Natsu and sat on her knees in front of him. She smiled softly at him. “I bet you want your scarf back, huh?” She asked. “As beautiful as you look with it, I’m gonna have to say yes.” He smiled back.

Alice unwound it from herself and took the liberty of winding it around Natsu’s neck. “Thanks.”

Alice nodded. And then to ruin the moment, Natsu’s eyes trailed to Alice’s almost bare chest. Her top was ripped and burnt off in places, barely holding in place. One stretch could break what little threads were holding together. Natsu’s cheeks turned pink.

Alice requipped into a black halter top and a pair of acid washed denim shorts. “Oh come on, I was enjoying my view.” Natsu smirked mischievously. Alice raised an eyebrow at him. “You’ll get plenty of that when we get home.” And then she stood up and walked away from him.

“Natsu! Save us!” Happy ran over with Carla and Pantherlily following him.

“Now what?” Natsu whined, too exhausted to keep fighting.

A small army of Grimoire Heart soldiers charged towards them.

“I’m out of magic power," Erza announced. Everyone nodded, hinting they were too.

“Stay right where you are!” Master ran over with the others from the camp.

Levy, Gajeel, Cana, Evergreen, Elfman, Lisanna, Bickslow, Freed, and Mira!

The masked guys saw all of them together and master up and ready to fight and their master down and out for the count. “I order you to get off this island!” Master commanded.

The masked guys didn’t hesitate, and ran the other way.

Everyone started to cheer. Alice didn’t. Laxus was standing once more and Master saw him.

“How dare you come back! You’re still expelled you know!” Master yelled at Laxus.

The Thunder Legion attacked Laxus with hugs and tears.

“Let’s continue with the S-class trial!” Natsu shouted. “What?” Lucy gasped in disbelief. “The second part got interrupted by Grimoire Heart so now I think we should just scrap the second part for an all out fight!” Natsu brainstormed. Gajeel came up to him, “You must’ve been hit on the head too many times to think you could win against me!” He growled.

“Well that’ll be a cinch since I’m a lightening fl-” Natsu collapsed on the ground.

“I say we should go back to base camp," Wendy suggested. “We should rest up so we can heal properly," Carla agreed.

So everyone got going on the way back to camp while Alice stood there, staring at the unconscious Natsu. She did not have the strength to carry him. “Let me help you, Alice!” Lucy volunteered. “Thanks, but I think even with your help we’ll struggle getting him there.” Alice replied with an uneasy smile.

“Don’t worry, I’ll cheer you guys on!” Happy offered. “Let me be of assistance."

A goat man in a well tailored butler’s suit. He wore sunglasses. “I shall carry you and the fire wizard," The goat man carried Lucy bridal style with one arm and carried Natsu with the other arm, scooped up. Alice trudged after them since she didn’t get an offer to get carried.

“So you went missing for a while, huh? Shows how weak you are.” Laxus commented towards Alice. As they sat next to each other. “Says the guy that got kicked from the guild by his own grandfather.” Alice shot back at him. “At least I didn’t get myself captured and kept prisoner!” Laxus shouted. “Yeah well...At least I’m not stupid! Yeah! You shot Natsu with lightning! You used my own spell! I used it first and you didn’t even copy it right!”

“Weakling!” “Sociopath!”

“You two are more alike than you think," Evergreen smirked at the two who mirrored each other’s sitting positions and expressions.

“Alice, do you want me to heal you? You seemed to be in pain while we were fighting Hades, especially when we had no magic power," Wendy commented. “Oh no, I’m fine. That was more of a bad timing thing.” Alice put a hand to the back of her neck in embarrassment. “Bad timing?”

“I haven’t got all my memory back yet, and right then I guess something triggered a memory. A bad one.”

“Oh, well that’s good that it was just that, I was worried you got really hurt.” Wendy smiled. “Well it’s nothing that some time can’t fix, besides, it seems like you have a line forming.” Alice noted, stepping away so Levy could get healed. “Well I’ll be fine, I’m glad I can help!” Wendy waved off.

“Well let me be of some assistance," Erza walked up in a nurse’s outfit, looking as sexy as usual. “You don’t have any healing abilities!” Carla shouted out. “It doesn’t matter abilities during battle, it just depends on the heart," Erza sat down on a crate.

“Now, let me see where it hurts so I can decide to check your temperature or give you an injection," Erza said rather alluringly. All the guys moved to her line.

“If she thinks we’ll fall for the hot nurse trick, then think again." Gray crossed his arms. “You’re in her line!” Lucy pointed out.

Natsu was awake and bashfully in Erza’s line. “My offer has been taken off the table. Good luck with your hand this winter.” Alice gave him an uninteresting look. Before Natsu could even speak, Erza started to violently bandage him up.

“Everyone, come over here for a moment," Mira announced. The boys calmed down and Erza requiped back into her casual battle armor.

Everyone gathered around Master who stood on a few crates. “Now I have an announcement. Once we leave Tenrou Island, return to the guild, all female guild members are required to wear outfits! Nurse uniforms and school swimsuits!”

“Be serious! If you don’t then I will," Mira warned gravely to Master.

“Okay fine, if I go against Alice, I’ll be S-class!” Natsu shouted, charging at her with a fiery fist. Alice, with a wave of a hand put up a body link electric shield. Natsu ran into it, bounced off it, jolted with electricity and hit a tree before landing on the ground. “Oh too bad. Better luck next year, sweetheart." Alice feigned interest in his loss.

“I’m gonna be S-class this year!” He stood back up and got ready to fight her again. Alice knew Natsu was bummed out he didn’t get s-class. Well no one did. But him especially.

“Will you drop it? You don’t see me complaining about the trial being suspended.” Alice lightly joked.

“That’s because you’re already S-class! So if I can beat an S-class wizard then I should be S-class!” Natsu threw a punch in Alice’s direction. She teleported behind him. He spun around, ready for another attack but Alice was too quick. She snuck in real close, hands on Natsu’s hips.

“This isn’t the time to pull a move on me!” He grumbled. Alice placed a kiss to his neck. “This isn’t the time to try to pick a fight with your girlfriend," Alice spoke in an alluring, quiet tone. Natsu gave in as Alice continued to press soft kisses to his hot skin. He pulled her closer.

“At least you won me," Alice mumbled against his skin. “But I did that a while ago." He pouted.

Good thing they were currently secluded. Natsu’s hands snuck under Alice’s top, and trailed up her back. “But maybe you can cheer me up by letting me win something else?” He wondered in a low growl.

With the threat gone. The two Dragon Slayers could let their hormones go crazy. “Oh, you’re not the one whose gonna win something. It’s me. I’m gonna be taking something of yours.” Alice hinted, lips slowly making their way up his jaw. “Hm?” Natsu didn’t quite understand. “Your virginity, dumbass. Unless that’s another first Lisanna took.”

“No. No. That’s still intact and- Are you that excited to take it?” Natsu pulled away enough to look down at Alice. “Yes.” Alice replied like it was obvious. “Why?”

“I’m hoping to start a collection.” She shrugged, toying with him. “Better not. I’m gonna be your last first, you got it?” Natsu pulled her back in, pressing a hard kiss to her lips.

Alice’s hands went flying to Natsu’s nape, trying to pull him ever closer. Natsu’s fingers pressed hard into the delicate skin of her hips.

“Hey, Natsu come fishing with me- Or not if you’re busy.” Gildarts came around a corner, catching the two in the act. In embarrassment, Alice teleported several feet away from Natsu.

There were very few people Alice didn’t want witnessing that. And Gildarts was on that list.

Natsu’s face turned very red.

“He’s free.” Alice squeaked out before scurrying off.

“Alice, come here. Don’t stand there like a stranger," Levy encouraged. Alice had been standing against the trunk of a tree, staring off into space. Her mind was going crazy planning her first time with Natsu.

“Alice!” Levy called again when Alice didn’t react the first time. “Huh? Oh, all right.” Alice nodded, slowly walking over to the group of others. Good thing she had female anatomy so no one could tell how extremely aroused she was.

She stood with the other, surrounding a table, joining the conversation. “So we asked Mira who she thought who she thought was going to make s-class, so we wanna know who you thought would win.” Levy got her to speed. Before Alice could answer, Gray butt in. “You know she’s gonna say Natsu. Even if it ain’t gonna happen.” Gray crossed his arms. “True. About saying I think he’d win. Not the other part. He had a real chance. He's a skilled fighter, a truly powerful wizard, he’s determined and he’s got a heart of gold. Sure, this second challenge played on a weakness of his, but I’m sure he’d get it. He’s not like Levy or Lucy when it comes to book smarts, but he is very intelligent. He’s just got an unconventional way of thinking and that can play as an advantage compared to normal smarts. But I’m not surprised Cana did so well. If Natsu wouldn’t win, it’d definitely be her.” Alice hashed out, arms crossed.

Before anyone could really argue against her.

A loud low rumble rolls through the land. It seemed to silence the entire forest. Including the wind. Something was wrong. “Will someone feed Lucy already so her stomach will stop making that noise?” Gajeel grumbled. It would’ve been a good joke if everyone wasn’t filled with sudden dread.

“Oh shut up, it’s probably just one of those big creatures on the island," Evergreen said, waving it off. “No, I’ve been on this island a good couple of times, I’ve never heard that sound.” Alice wearily said.

“It probably was-” And the loudest, deepest sound came out of nowhere. It rattled the ground, took out trees, and made Alice fall to her knees. And then it stopped but Alice was trembling. Of course, everyone was at that point.

Alice had an inkling as to what that was but it was impossible.

“Is everyone all right?” Gildarts, Cana, Lucy, Natsu and Happy ran towards the group.

“I think that was a dragon roar," Wendy guessed. Because Alice was the absolute love of his life, center of his existence, Natsu made a beeline her way and helped her back to her feet. “Alice, love?” He coined the term from her. Alice could barely hear with the way her ears rang. “Something’s wrong. Something is seriously wrong. I can’t put my finger on it but...” Alice couldn’t handle the anxiety that shook her to her core. She pressed her face to his shoulder. “I just want to go home.” She whimpered out.

“My wounds are burning, there’s no doubt about it, he’s getting real close." Gildarts knelt to the ground. “Everyone look up at the sky, something’s coming this way!” Pantherlily pointed up.

Alice pulled away from Natsu to do so as everyone else did. And from the sky came a black dragon. A real life, gigantic, fear-inducing dragon. But this wasn’t a good one.

“I don’t think this one is friendly," Wendy trembled. “I knew it! They still do exist!” Natsu said, but his tone wasn’t excited.

Then it was quiet. “I’m afraid that’s Acnologia. The black dragon of the apocalypse," Master came from the forest.

Alice’s heart felt like it stopped. There were far too many dark threats in one day. First Zeref, who seemingly disappeared and now Acnologia?

“Hey, dragon, do you know where I can find, Igneel? Metalicana, Umiko and Grandeeney? Tell me!” Natsu started to shout. “Stop it! You do not want to provoke him! Do you not remember what happened to me? How I lost my arm and my leg! Hell, I’m lucky I didn’t lose my life!” Gildarts stopped Natsu.

“It’s coming down!”

The dragon landed right in front of them. Only meters away. “It’s the evilest thing."

“So are we gonna fight it?” Natsu asked. “We can’t. You don’t understand the situation. It’s not about winning or losing a fight. This is about getting away with our lives and I’m not sure all of us are going to be lucky enough to do that," Gildarts cautioned.

Acnologia started to growl.

“You’re saying this thing is gonna kill some of us?!”

“Everyone run now!” Gildarts shouted. Acnologia roared, the force of it, blowing trees, rocks, the tents and even Natsu away. “Natsu!”

The roar stopped. “He cleared the whole forest?” Natsu stood up.

The forest was 1/3 gone, trees, shrubbery, everything. It had been reduced to dry dirt. Natsu immediately ran to Alice’s side like he could actually protect her from this threat.

“Listen up, if you want to live, you can’t waste time freaking out. Pull yourself together and let’s get out of here!”

Acnologia flew up into the air. “HURRY! EVERYONE GET TO THE SHIP!”

“It’s this way through the trees!” Erza pointed out north.

Natsu grabbed Alice by the wrist, forcing her to match his speed. They all ran as fast as they could. Freed and Bickslow were already a ways away. The dragon flew right on top of them. “He blocked our escape! Why are you doing this! Answer me!” Wendy cried in a scream.

And then he started to attack. Swatting at everyone like they were bugs. And while it could’ve been a game to him, if hit, it could’ve meant death to anyone in the way.

Natsu let go of Alice to charge at Acnologia. “Natsu don’t!” Alice screamed, watching fearful.

The dragon attempted to smash him with a paw. Natsu dodged but still got blown back by the impact. Master stepped in front of everyone and took off his button up floral shirt and used his giant magic to get to the dragon’s size and wrestled him, keeping him back.

“GET TO THE SHIP!” Master’s booming voice commanded. “Master! Don’t play the hero! The guild needs you to live!” Erza pleaded.

“If master is staying, then I will too!” Freed rebelled. “Yeah, no lizard is too big for our guild!” Bickslow joined in.

Everyone refused to leave him behind.


Alice stood there in shock and Laxus came over, grabbing her by the arm, forcing her to run. “No!” Alice shouted against him, trying to fight his grip. He also grabbed Natsu, pulling him by the scarf.

Everyone else had no choice but to flee too. “No! I can’t leave him! How can you leave his side!” Alice demanded, her voice breaking by the force of her cries angry and terrified tears streaming down her face. “Just shut it and run dammit!” Laxus shouted back at her. For moment Alice shut up because she noticed he was crying. But it wasn’t enough to stop her. “No! As a Fairy Tail member I will never leave anyone behind! I will not let someone give their life for me!” Alice was able to get out of his grasp, Natsu coincidently able to as well. “Not you too, Natsu!”

The two ran together back towards Master, leading the others to go back too.

Natsu charged Acnologia, and was able to get on him. Acnologia’s tail hit master who then fell back into a cliff and reverted back to his normal size.

“Everyone move, I’m gonna hit him with 1000 volts and he’ll know not to mess with Fairy Tail!” Laxus shouted. “Wait until I move!” Natsu yelled still on the dragon. “No, do it now!” Erza yelled.

“I haven’t moved yet!” Natsu cried. “I’ll get him, don’t worry," Happy chimed, flying his way.

Alice mustered up as much voltage as she could. Even in this trying time she was definitely gonna one up her old man.

Anyone who could use long range magic also used a spell. The dragon slayers, up in the air with their exceeds, used their dragon roars.

Acnologia fell into the ocean and went under.

Everyone knew better than to think that was it.

The black dragon flew right out of the water and into the sky.

“It’s going for a breath attack!” Gajeel shouted. “Quick all defense magic users, use your magic power on spells!” Erza directed. “I don’t have enough time to write an enchantment!” Freed argued. “There’s plenty of script magic spells," Levy encouraged, determined.

“Alice, can you still use your magic?” Erza asked, looking towards her. She nodded but she knew better than to think this was gonna do anything.

They all were going to die. “Everyone, focus your magic on those three! Here, let’s hold hands!” Mira suggested.

Natsu landed near Alice and took her by the hand. “I’m sorry.” Alice whimpered out as she started to cry. “What for?” Natsu gave her a slightly panicked look. “I’m gonna have to break my promise. I can’t protect you. I can’t save any of us. None of us together can.”

“Don’t start thinking like that. We’re gonna make it through. That’s what Fairy Tail does.” Natsu tried to give her hope. Alice shook her head. “No! You don’t understand! All of our power won’t do anything! Acnologia is going to kill us!”

Alice didn’t want to spread her hysteria so she forcefully whispered giving Natsu a stern look.

“And what if he doesn’t?” "What?”

“What if he doesn’t? What if you, Levy, and Freed can deflect his attack?”

“Natsu that’s not going to-” “Tell me. What’s going to happen if we get away? All of us? And we make it home to live another day?”

Alice cried harder. “Natsu, that’s not going to happen.”

“And I’m telling you it is. So please Alice. Just have faith in me. In all of us. We're gonna make it through and we’re gonna go home, maybe take a shower or not. Kick Happy out of the house for a few days and we’re gonna have sex for the first time and then we’re not gonna stop for at least three days but maybe stop for a snack and then go for another three days.” Natsu shamelessly spoke so dirty. But he wouldn't give up. He would not admit defeat.

Alice gave in. She smiled softly.

And with one hard kiss to promise tomorrow, they stood together ready for whatever would come their way.

Chapter 57

Chapter Text

"Natsu!" Lucy exclaimed as the dragon slayer sped off in a flash. "Alice." Gray realized running after Natsu.

Natsu couldn't sense her at all. He couldn't hear her, smell her, he couldn't stop his heart from beating. He didn't know what saved them, but Alice seemed to be the only one not awake. Could it be that she didn't make it?

Natsu had to stop thinking like that. Of course she was alive!

"Alice!" Natsu's voice cracked as he screamed for her. He got no response. "Dammit!" He growled.

He scoured for her. "Alice!" He called again. He listened extremely careful. He didn't hear her, but something soft caught his attention. A small rhythmic thumping. Where did he hear this before, for it to be familiar to him?

His mind wandered to a night he had a nightmare, and couldn't sleep. He looked at Alice who laid on the other side of the bed, he focused on Alice's breathing, it was so soft and quiet. For the last few nights her nightmares had stopped but Natsu’s hadn’t. He noticed a small rhythm then he realized it was her heartbeat. He leaned closer to her and found the sound of her heart pumping blood and found it comforting. He rolled over, closer to her and laid his head on her chest, falling asleep to the sound of her living.

Natsu followed the soft beating, he thought he couldn't move faster. Through the forest, passed the dip in, where Natsu and Alice desperately tried to reach each other when Bluenote almost killed them.

Past the clearing, past the grave of Mavis Vermilion, down to the shore where the boat first arrived. Alice lain in the dirt and sand, still passed out. "Alice!" Natsu screamed and sunk to his knees when he got to her.

She was breathing, she had a heartbeat. "How did she end up out here?" Gray panted, running up to the two. "I don't know," Natsu shook his head, dusting off the dirt off her. "Alice," Natsu gently shook her. Nothing. With his anxiety rising, he shook her harder. "Wake up, Alice," He said more urgently. She breathed in and, stirred around, "Five more minutes," She murmured. Natsu and Gray breathed out, relieved.

"You've slept long enough. Alice, we're on Tenrou Island," Gray tried to persuade her awake. "We're dead then," Alice tossed over.

"No we're not. We were asleep. For seven years," Gray explained. Alice opened her eyes. She noticed the sand, and the warmth of the sun. "We're alive?" Alice sat up. She saw Natsu and Gray smiling relieved at her.

She practically jumped into Natsu arms, holding him tight. He held her close. Gray felt somewhat out of place as the two lovers reunited. "I love you, Natsu," Alice said. "I love you, Alice," Natsu smiled brightly.

"Wait, 7 years? There's no way... How is that possible?" Alice shook her head, pulling away from Natsu, remembering what Gray just told her.. "That's what we thought."

“How? I know my spell didn’t work that great," Alice was confused, Natsu helped her up.

“The ghost of the first master used our friendship as magic energy to activate Fairy Sphere and kept us alive for the last 7 years," Gray explained. Alice thought it over and shrugged, not really caring for thinking it over right now.

“Is everyon-”

“ALICE!” 5 people she didn’t recognize tried to tackle her with a hug, she stepped out of the way and they fell on the ground. “Why is there strangers trying to touch me?” She hid behind Natsu, peering over his shoulders. “Alice it's us!” Jet said. Alice looked closer and realized it.

Bisca’s hair was longer, her face more angular and matured, Alzack’s hair was short, his face just as old, Max had a weird facial hair thing going on, Jet looked the same but older and Droy changed the most and put on a lot of weight, nearly twice his past body weight.

“It is!” Alice smiled.

The 5 got back up ready to pounce again, “Doesn’t mean you can touch me. Natsu, sick them," Alice said, holding onto his shoulders.

“No, we’re good."

Alice and Natsu couldn’t stop stealing anxious glances at one another. While seven years went by, their plans for when they got home were on their minds. Sure, mating season was over and their hormones calmed down but that didn't mean the thought of what could happen wasn’t leaving an aching feeling in each other.

But they had to get caught up to speed on the last 7 years.

From the guild hall being taken by a mercenary guild, so now the guild hall was on the edge of town in an old barn.

Bisca and Alzack got married and had a 6 year old daughter named Asuka.

Romeo was now 13 years old, taller, overly built, with a pubescent voice.

Macao was guild master.

And then Kinana was-.... Alice’s eyes trailed down Natsu’s shoulders, tracing over every detail in his muscles. And he subsequently was wearing an actual shirt, so she couldn’t see his chest or abs. How she wanted to rip that shirt off him.

She wanted to slowly memorize the feel of his hot skin against her fingertips. To trace over his abs down his v line and-... Natsu caught Alice’s lust filled eyes looking him over, her thoughts taking her to fantasy land.

He smirked, and shook his head at his helpless girlfriend. Noticing the movement, Alice looked up at him. He nodded towards the group, gesturing that she pay attention.

It was a bad idea to sit so far away. Why did Alice sit over here and him so far away? Her skin burned for him. Maybe if she could just lean into his body, she could focus.

As the guild started to party, and it was the dead of night, with the two in the corner making out, they were all but taking their clothes off. Alice was leaving bruising kisses to his neck, hands grabbing at his shirt, so desperately wanting to take it off.

“We gotta take this somewhere else.” Natsu panted in a whisper, pushing Alice away enough to get her lips off him. “Okay.” Alice nodded and with a blink of an eye, they were at Alice’s home, laying on the bed.

Although, Alice’s bed had collected quite the layer of dust. So tiny particles flew up and around as they appeared there.

“It’s not fair.” Alice whined as she sat up, straddling Natsu’s legs. There was no way they could do it with all this dust. Natsu sat up with her, and started to cough.

Alice got off him and off the bed. “I didn’t think it’d collect this much.” Natsu said in a hoarse voice. “Of course it would. 7 years of all sorts of micro bugs, tiny cracks in the windows or the floors will let in dirt particles. I gotta clean this place up.” Alice left the room. “Well, we can try my place!” Natsu tried to bargain. “Your house is gonna be even worse.” Alice replied, turning on the lights. “But...But we were going to...I’m gonna go take a shower.” Natsu gave up.

Alice in that time, changed the bedding and swept the floors.

And the mood was over with.

“Wait, you two got married?!” Erza asked Bisca and Alzack.“Yep, for the last 6 years. The poor thing almost passed out when I proposed," Bisca laughed.

“Do you guys have children?” Lisanna asked the couple. “We have a daughter, Asuka."

Alice sat at the table, stirring the straw of her drink in circles in the cup. A sudden depression took over her. A feeling of missing out.

7 years just taken from her. She already missed out on 5 months when she went missing and it took almost the same amount to regain the majority of her memory. But 7 years?

With all the strong key players of Fairy Tail gone, the remaining members couldn’t keep it up. 2/3 of the guild members who didn’t go to the island left the guild for others since Fairy Tail was no longer the strongest guild.

And so they lost the guild hall and were the laughing stock of the magic community. Alice was thankful for the loyalty of those who stayed, waiting for them to come back.

The doors of the barn opened. “So the rumors seem to be true," A deep voice greeted. “Who is that?” Mira wondered. “Wait, I think I know. Jura, Sherry, Toby, Yuka and Lyon."

Lyon? Alice perked up at the name, her heart skipping a beat. The members of Lamia Scale walked into the guild hall.

Lyon looked the same, except his face got more defined. He looked more mature.

Alice was still miffed by his attempt to amputate Erza’s arm. But didn’t mean she didn’t have a bit of a crush on him.

Yes. Alice’s heart belonged to Natsu. And there was no way in hell would Alice ever betray him and she’d always pick him over anyone in the world. But...Alice still found Lyon to be hot and mysterious.

“I never believed in true love until this moment!” Lyon gasped, seeing Juvia for the first time in his life. He tried to put the moves on her.

“What? No, the love triangle has become a love maze!” Juvia cried, trying to get out of the arms of Lyon.

“Why don’t I get any of the hot wizards?” Alice pouted. “Did you forget you have a boyfriend?” Carla asked, standing on the table. “No. Trust me, there’s no forgetting that. Although maybe I should.” Alice turned to watch Natsu eat Romeo’s fire magic. Romeo had become a little copycat Natsu, except a different fire magic. He styled his hair almost the same, he was very strongly built and he wore almost the same outfit.

After Lamia Scale left, Alice sighed, now bored. Maybe attempt #2 with Natsu? Since Alice spent that whole night cleaning, Natsu had fallen asleep, bored, waiting for her. And by morning, they didn’t try anything and Natsu had went to his own home, finding out his place had gotten looted and all his savings were gone. Now with some down time, a clean house, and no new enemies, maybe she could persuade him to come home with her.

“Hey, we’re going to Acalypha with Lucy, wanna come with?” Natsu asked, draping an arm around Alice, coincidently as she was about to get up from her chair to seduce him. Alice tried her best to not look disappointed. “What? Why?” “Well you know since I’m now flat broke, I’m going with her, we’ll maybe get some money from her rich dad," He explained. “Go without me.” Alice pouted slightly. “Don’t you owe money, or need some? It seems like everyone does," Wendy joined the conversation. “I never owe anyone money ever. Plus my home is fortified with many runes and spells preventing a break in. I don’t rent and I’m crazy rich as is. I didn’t lose anything.” Alice shrugged.

“Whatever, we’re leaving, we’ll be back later," Natsu announced, walking off. “Hey!” Alice cried. He stopped and turned towards her. “When are you going to be back?”

“I don’t know. Late tonight, early morning? Why?”

“Nothing. It’s just we were facing imminent death like what felt like a day ago. I don’t want you to be gone too long.”

“We’ll be back soon!” Lucy answered back with a smile. “Yeah! I’ll be back before you can even miss me.” Natsu nodded.

But Alice already missed him and he was still there. And then all who were going, were out the door. “Could’ve at least kissed me goodbye.” Alice muttered to herself.

And with seconds Natsu was already running back in. “You forget I have dragon hearing?” He smirked, leaning over Alice’s chair. She stretched back to meet his awaiting lips. “Wouldn’t have to say anything if you thought about it yourself.” Alice replied in a low grumble as he pulled away sooner than she’d like.

Mating season was definitely over. Natsu was back to his normal, not thinking, self. “Yeah, yeah.” Natsu huffed. “I love you!” Alice shouted at him as he ran back out.

And he didn’t reply.

“He’s such the charmer," Bisca laughed coming to sit at Alice’s table. “Tell me about it.” Alice rolled her eyes. “All boys are idiots. Most of them are oblivious to things like that.” Bisca nudged Alice with her elbow. “You’re the one married. I’m the one dating the idiot," Alice sighed. She couldn’t stay angry at her pink haired idiot.

“We’re of lucky few who can tame idiots. Do you think Alzack has always been Prince Charming? I had to whip his butt into shape. Don’t give up on Natsu, he’ll get there."

“Don’t worry. I couldn’t give him up even if I wanted to. I’m just nervous? Anxious? Tense? One of those or maybe all of them.”

“Because of the time skip?”

“I suppose a bit. But not the main issue. Maybe just normal relationship anxiety.” Alice slouched over the table. “Well, hey, I’m in a happy marriage. I might have some advice for you.” Bisca offered. “I don’t know if there’s anything you could tell me that I don’t know already about what I’m going through, but I’ll give you a chance. Natsu and I haven’t had our first time yet. And I know, from our perspective, it’s only been three months since we’ve officially been together but I don’t know. It feels like I’ve been with him for years the way we’re so close and I don’t know... in love? And I know, there’s no rush to do this but I...On Tenrou, emotions were all over the place. We all were exhausted and heavily injured and I honestly thought we were gonna die. And me and Natsu had a moment or two where you know, we both kinda knew that our next moment alone was going to be it. And then last night it was it. But we didn’t do it. And then this morning, we were gonna but then Happy came over with the news their place got ransacked. And now Natsu’s back to his normal self. Like I was prepared to do it and excited but now I kinda just want to get the first time over with but three times I’ve tried and things got in the way.” Alice hashed out. “Just let things happen on their own?” Bisca tried to offer her advice.

“Good try.”

Chapter 58


Content warning: Graphic descriptions of m/f sex at end.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Let’s look at the request board, it’s been awhile.” Natsu dragged Alice over to said object. “Look at this one!” Happy pointed. “All we gotta do is capture this guy Velveno and we get 4 million jewel!” Natsu read, excitedly.

“That’s quite the reward, mind if I join?” Lucy creeped over. “Sure," Natsu shrugged. “Who’s the client?” Lucy asked. “I’m not sure. Bal-..sam..ico...?” Natsu pronounced the name.
“That’s a weird one," Lucy commented.
“Are you talking about Balsamico? Word has it Velveno is gonna crash it at the ball the family hosts," Macao gossiped, also coming into the conversation.

Alice perked up at the mention of a ball. She loved dressing up fancy and dancing to music.

“What the heck are you talking about?” Natsu asked. “The Balsamico family throws a big magical party once every 7 years. It’s very exclusive, you have to be a wizard to even get through the door. The next one is happening this Saturday," Wakaba answered from across the room. Such a convenience.

“So we just gotta crash this party, and come back 4 million jewel richer?” Happy planned. “That sounds perfect!” Natsu agreed.

“If we’re gonna go to a fancy ballroom party, we gotta work on your dancing.” Lucy advised since she was once a fancy rich girl who probably went to ballroom parties.
“Dancing? I don’t wanna!" Natsu whined. “Come on! This will be fun! Dancing’s so romantic!” Alice tugged on Natsu’s arm.

“Where are we going?” Natsu whined out. “Out back! There’s plenty space to dance!” Alice tugged him along.

“Give me your hands.” Alice instructed, holding out hers for him to take. “This is so embarrassing.” Natsu grumbled, listening to Alice. She placed one of his hands on her waist and she held the other in one hand then placed her other hand on his shoulder. “What’s embarrassing is your crying.” Alice remarked. “I shouldn’t even have to know how to dance- When am I ever going to need to know?” Natsu asked, grumpily. “The ball we’re going to. And if you ever get married, you’ll be expected to dance. And there’s also the fact that I love dancing and I want to dance with you!” Alice replied curtly.

Several classical songs went by and Natsu had a part of the waltz figured out. His rhythm just sucked. And he kept looking at his feet. “Look up at me. It’s proper to look at your partner while you dance.” Alice took her hand from his shoulder to hook a finger under his chin to guide him to look up. “How can I look at you while I have to figure how to move my feet?” Natsu asked, snapping his attention back down to his feet.. “Well you have to feel the rhythm of the music, and just move with it. Okay, look at your feet right now, and study how you move, then when you look back at me, you’ll be able to know how to move without having to look down.” Alice suggested.

He nodded, looking down for a while, then finally willingly stared up at Alice.
“There you go," Alice cheered with a smile. “Shut up," He mumbled, blushing hard. Alice attempted to pull him closer when Gray popped in out of nowhere. “What are you guys doing? Playing a game?”

“We’re not playing a game!” Alice tried to correct but then Gray’s shirt was off, “Let me play!” He pulled Alice away from Natsu. “You’re disqualified!” Natsu kicked Gray out into the distance. Before the two could continue dancing; “You know in many circles, I was known as the dancing demon," Erza also came out of nowhere.

“You were?”
“Where did you come from?!”

Erza requiped into a long blue dress. “Get ready to dance!” She pointed to Natsu. “I don’t think I’m ready," Natsu passed. “Don’t worry, all you need is spirit!” She pulled him away and twirled him so fast that he became a blur.

“I can teach him a thing or two!” Lisanna stopped Natsu spinning, only to spin him almost twice as fast. Soon enough everyone from the guild was dancing together, even Lucy had Capricorn.

Alice sat down in the dirt with a sigh. Great. Another opportunity, gone.

Natsu knocked on one of the two huge doors of the huge house which might as well be called a castle. “I didn’t realize it was so far away," Gray commented. “It’s a small price for the chance to dance!” Erza interjected with a determined face.

“You do remember we came here to catch an escaped convict?” Lucy reminded her. The big doors opened and revealed a young girl who had long, chestnut-colored hair which reached her mid-back, with short bangs in the front. She was awfully pretty. She had to be around Alice’s age.

“You’re really early," She said, thinking they were normal guests.
“Wow, what a fox!” Warren used his telepathy to go into everyone’s heads to say this.

“Warren!” Lucy snapped.

“We’re here to see the Count," Gray explained. “Oh, well I’m Aceto, and Count Balsamico is my father," Aceto introduced. “She’s too pretty to have such an ug-” “Everyone can hear you!” All of them growled at Warren.

Natsu went forward, “My name is Natsu and I’m here with other wizards of Fairy Tail."

“We’re here concerning the job request your father posted in our guild," Erza continued.
“In that case, I’ll take you right to him. Please follow me," Aceto started leading them into the house.

They went through different huge hallways, saw different rooms, went up a staircase, through another large hallway into a room with two couches and a desk where some really tiny man sat. No bigger than a toddler. Odd.

“Please sit down," Aceto instructed before going over to the desk where she picked up the small man and took him to the other couch where she placed him on her lap.

Alice had to stop herself from staring.

“Thank you for taking my request, I am Count Balsamico," The small guy said with a squeaky voice.
Natsu started to laugh. “He has a really sour name!” “And a really sour face to match!” Happy joined him. “Don’t mess this up for me!” Lucy snapped. Alice tried to sink further back into the couch. She was in between Natsu and Lucy and Lucy was ready to fight Natsu.

“Let me tell you that there’s more to it than what’s written on the flyer," The Count continued on.. “Please go on,” Erza requested. “I’m worried about the wellbeing of my precious daughter who means more than the world to me," The Count continued. “Why’d you give her such a silly name?” Natsu started laughing again.

Alice quickly ducked down as Erza reached over her to punch Natsu into a wall. “I apologize and please continue sir."

“The ball held tonight is very special because this evening her future husband will be chosen. Every 7 years our family presents a very special ring that’s been passed down the Balsamico family for generations."

“So you think this Velveno guy is going to steal it?” Lucy guessed. “I am most certain of it. Since he failed when he tried 7 years ago. But he did ruin the ceremony for my daughter last time." Balsamico nodded.

“I see but given his appearance, wouldn’t sneaking in undetected be difficult for him?” Erza inquired. “Yes but he is skilled in transformation and magic drain," Count replied.
“Magic drain? What the heck is that?” Elfman asked. Yeah he was here too. Why he and Warren had to come too was beyond Alice. “It means he can copy the magic of anyone he comes into contact with," Balsamico explained.

“I entrust the full safety of the ring on you. Work together and make sure he doesn’t get that ring! And make sure he gets put back in jail where he belongs!”

“You never fail to outshine everyone don’t you?” Lucy commented rather rudely seeing Alice come out of the dressing rooms. Alice wore a floor length nude colored chiffon gown. The bodice was jeweled. She wore silver heels with it. Her hair was curled into a beach wave style. If she had a tiara, she’d look like a princess.

“What do you mean?” Alice pouted, not expecting that type of response from Lucy. “You never fail to look the best," Lucy clarified. “There’s no way I can. Erza’s always been the prettiest in the guild.” Alice tried to stay modest. But Lucy’s comment gave Alice hope that she’d impress Natsu. “Now girls, looks are not a contest. All of us look gorgeous, now stop your arguing," Erza walked out of her room wearing the same outfit she wore to the casino at the Akane Resort before she got kidnapped.

Wendy, Alice, Lucy and Erza walked out to the ball.

A live orchestra played music.

There were maybe close to a hundred guests. The majority of them wore masquerade masks.

Magic bubbles and stars danced in the air.There were magic pedestals that levitated into the air when a pair of dancers stepped on one.

And then there was a long table filled with many different dishes.

“Maybe I should cast the troia on Natsu.” Wendy wandered, looking at the levitating disks. “To be safe, yes. Although one would think it wouldn’t trigger his motion sickness.” Alice nodded with a roll of her eyes.

“Where are the guys, anyways?” Lucy wondered. “There they are!” Wendy pointed in their direction. Elfman, Gray, and Natsu standing by the food table.

They all were wearing formal clothing
Alice’s heart went into a flutter seeing Natsu dressed so nicely. A black vest with a white long sleeve underneath and then black dress pants. He looked so nice and handsome.
And then his eyes met hers. Alice could feel her cheeks heat up. Her heart beated fast in anticipation.
Her and the other girls made their way towards the boys, as did they too.

“Looks like an angel has come to the ball!” Some very suspicious guy invited Erza to dance.

“Track them," Warren said telepathically. He was hiding with a lacrima watching all the guests.

“Such a beautiful girl in a beautiful dress, how would you like to dance with me?” Some guy of average height, dark brown hair combed back, and white masquerade mask came up to Alice, making her take her gaze off Natsu. He held a hand out for an invitation. Alice returned her gaze to Natsu but then found he had already started dancing with a mystery woman.

And so Alice accepted the dance from the strange man.

“I’ve never seen your face around here before?” The man started off. He sounded young. Alice decided to be polite “Yes. I’m not from around here.” Alice replied as they continued on dancing. She could see through the eye holes of the mask that he had brilliant green eyes. “Well it is a magic ball, so you must practice magic?”

“Like you said, it is a magic ball.” Alice curtly responded. “Oh, well may I ask what it is you practice?”
“I’m a woman of many magics. Dragon Slayer, lightning, teleportation, energy, requip and so on. It’s rather boring just using one.”
“You must be a very capable woman to have mastered all that.” The man complimented.
“Yes, I hear that quite often.”

And then Aceto came out to the floor.

“So, are you here to ask for her hand in marriage?” Alice asked. “I don’t know. She’s a very beautiful woman and marrying into her family’s wealth sounds enticing. But you’re also a very beautiful woman. So you decide for me. Am I going to fight for her hand in marriage?” He smiled devilishly down at Alice. She was able to read between the lines here.

Alice lightly smirked at him. “Well that depends on you, doesn’t it? Are you the type to be betrothed to a stranger? What if you decide you and her aren’t compatible? And if you decide not to get the ring for her, then what if she ends up being the ‘one’ and you missed out?”

“Yes, those are the questions to ask. But if I go for the ring and I lose?”
“Well then you seduce her and steal her from her betrothed. Then at least you’ve had time to get to know her and she’d be in love with you enough to ruin her marriage for you.” Alice theorized.
“Then why go for the ring in the first place?”

Alice laughed to herself. “You are full of questions aren’t you?”
“And you’re full of great answers.” He suavely replied.

Alice didn’t respond. She knew where this guy was going with this. “So, do you have your own ball coming up? For your hand in marriage?”
“No. I’m not the fancy type. But if I did, you wouldn’t win.” “Lots of competition?”
“No. Just one very determined dragon slayer. He’d win. Sure, there would be a bloodbath but he’d come out on top.”
“I can be very determined too. To spend a lifetime with you would surely be a one in a million experience.”

The clock rang at midnight. “You know what, kid? Go for that ring.” Alice stepped away from him as their pedestal returned to the ground.The precious ring was revealed. “Whoever possesses the ring shall propose to my daughter!” The count announced.

Most of the men in the room, even Elfman ran to get to the ring. And then Velvano appeared.

Velveno used a spell just like Wendy’s sky dragon roar to get the ring. Natsu tried to attack him but it seemed Velveno came into contact with him... and Erza when he requiped into her Purgatory armor. “It’s pointless I have the magic of all the Fairy Tail wizards who came here!" Velveno laughed. Everyone but Alice.

“You know, there seems to be plenty of uproar about that ring. I think I’m gonna pass on going for it.” Masked guy said to Alice. “Yes, that seems sensible. But it looks like you wasted a night here then.” Alice smiled, joking. “You know, I wanted fancy food. I happened to be in the area and saw the flyer for the party.” The guy took off his mask, revealing his face.

A young man around Alice’s age, or so she guessed. And very attractive. He had piercing green eyes that complimented his sunkissed, tan skin.

A blush crept to Alice’s face. He was actually very attractive. “Yeah, well, then why did you ask me to dance? If you’re here just for fancy food?” Alice stuttered out. “Well I was on my way to the food table when I saw you. There was no way I’d miss the chance to dance with the most beautiful girl here.”

“That’s fine with us, we’ll just have to do it the old fashion way and we’re good at that," Natsu got ready for a fight. “No, the last thing I want to do is get into a brawl with all you. I’m here cause I screwed up last time. I waited 7 long years to try it out again," Velveno held up the ring.

“Aceto, I got something big to ask you. We’ve known each other since we were just little kids and the entire time I’ve been crazy in love with ya."

“You were the child of one of my lowly servants that allowed you to play with my daughter! Have you not forgotten that!” The Count yelled at Velveno. “Every time I came to see her, you reminded me. Saying we were from two different worlds that shouldn’t mix and then you’d kicked me back out of the street again, cause trash like me doesn’t belong in your palace!” Velveno argued.

“Daddy! You never told me he tried to visit!” Aceto gasped. “You don’t need to hear about any of this now!” The Count said animatedly.

“The sad thing is I started to believe him and tried to give up on you, Aceto. Kinda gave up on myself too. I drifted around for a while and eventually turned to a life of crime. I got arrested, ended up in jail.”

“I’m not buying any of this crap-” Natsu starts to say. “Wait!” Erza stopped Natsu.

“I got locked up and I had all the time in the world to think about the thing I regretted most. How I felt about you, so I took a risk and broke out to come to the ball. I even did it twice!” Velveno walked closer to Aceto and got on one knee. “Miss Aceto, please tell me you’ll be my wife.”

“You’re wasting your time! The answer is no!” The Count jumped around. “Of course I will!” Aceto smiled.

“I’ve been waiting all my life for you to come back. There’s just one thing, turn yourself in, you still need to pay for your crimes."

“Well I gotta go. It’s my last night in town.” Mystery guy stopped their dance. “So where are you off to then?” Alice asked. “Wherever the wind takes me. I’m a drifter type. But if you had an engagement ball, I’d be more than happy to attend.” He let go of Alice and bowed. “Like I said. Don’t waste your breath. I got a Fire Dragon Slayer who won’t let anyone else try.” Alice smiled. “Not to be rude but you talk about him, but I haven’t seen him around?”

“Well he’s around.” Alice sighed, glancing towards the food table where Natsu gorged himself. “Not the romantic type then, I guess. But hey, maybe I’ll bump into you somewhere else? You know, we talked all this time and I never got your name?”

“Trust me, if you pay attention to any of those magic news outlets, you’ll hear my name around.”

“Ah, so you’re the famous type?” “Used to be. Let’s just say I’ve been laying low for the last 7 years.”
“Well, famous wizard, if I don’t go soon I’ll miss my train.”

“Good thing we didn’t get the reward, because your lack of participation would’ve gotten you nothing." Gray came over to Alice. “And like I said: I like dancing.” Alice replied, trying to walk past Gray, who then took another step in front of her. “So that’s his name then?” He smirked knowingly at her. Alice became flustered. “That’s not-! I don’t know his name... But that’s not why I didn’t..- I wanted to come and dance and he asked me to and he’s a great dancer!” Alice defended herself all while getting more embarrassed. “I can be a great dancer too, you know?” Gray preened. “Well you haven’t asked me.”

“All right. May I have this dance?” “Very well then.” Alice took his head as he led her to a pedestal.

“Finally, I’m able to dance with the prettiest girl at the ball," Gray complimented, leading the dance. “There’s way prettier girls here.” Alice waved it off. “Not to me. Since the day I met you, you’ve been the most beautiful girl I’ve seen," He confessed. “Gray... You gotta get over me. My heart belongs to someone else.” Alice smiled at him sympathetically.

“I know. That brain dead moron seems to make you happy... most of the time. Well the times that count at least. I’m not going to try to make you decide between us, I just want you to know that there’s a guy out there willing to do anything for you when you come to your senses and leave the flame brain." Gray offered. “Natsu would do anything for me.” Alice firmly argued, letting Gray know not to overstep his boundaries.

“He’s not willing to dance with you, when you obviously want to dance with him," He pointed out, slightly backing off.
Alice looked to the side. “I’m not gonna make him do something he doesn’t want to. No matter how much I want him to.”

“If he knows how important this is to you, then he should happily want to do it.” Gray replied. Alice liked what Gray said but she wasn’t going to make a big deal out of it.

“You’ve been a bit down lately. Since we-” “Since we’ve come back from Tenrou? Yeah. I just got a lot of emotions.” Alice shrugged. “Well hey, if you need a shoulder to lean on, I got two.” Gray smiled softly at her. “Thanks but I got-” “Natsu, right.” Gray rolled his eyes but then noticed Alice’s expression. “You weren’t going to say Natsu? Who else would you....?” “No one! But.. He seems to be over it all already. He’s back to being his normal oblivious self. I’d rather suffer in silence than bother him with my clinginess.”

“Got something on your mind?” Natsu asked Alice as he shut the front door. “No.” Alice replied curtly. “You sure?” Natsu pried. “Yes I’m sure...?” Alice gave him a suspicious look. “Well that’s not what I heard when you and Gray were together.” Natsu passive aggressively said with a shrug. And then Alice knew what Natsu was referring to. “Well I wasn’t wrong.” Alice crossed her arms, and she leaned on the wall between her bathroom and bedroom. “If you were looking for a whole week of passionate sex and cuddling, then I’m sorry to disappoint you. You thought we were gonna die, I thought we were gonna survive and go home right afterwards but we both were wrong. We were asleep for 7 years. My house was robbed and I’m completely out of jewel. Our guild got run into the ground if you didn’t notice too. All our friends grew up and you’re sexually frustrated? If that guy stayed any longer that night you probably would’ve went home with him.”

Alice was taken back by Natsu’s outburst. Tears welled up in her eyes and without having the words to argue back, she stormed into the bathroom, slamming the door.
Natsu felt terrible. Why’d he get angry at her like that?

Because he was jealous. He got jealous that Alice spent the entire night with another man. Dancing and flirting with a complete stranger. She didn’t even focus on the mission at all!
And she looked so amazing. And she let a stranger get up and close to see her like that.

And then she went and complained about Natsu to Gray?
If there was one thing Natsu didn’t like about Alice was that she wasn’t confrontational. If she had a problem with someone, she never told them. She would rather complain to someone else about it.

That’s how Natsu usually found out what he screwed up on. If she was in a bad mood, he’d just have to listen in to her talking to literally anyone else rather than him. Because she’d then go complain about him.

And he’d try to get her to open up but she wouldn’t. She’d lie and say things were fine. That’s how their fights usually were. Alice would refuse to solve a problem and let it keep building until she got so passive aggressive and petty that a fight would have to happen and someone would shout about their issues and when they’d make up, things maybe got resolved.

But she danced all night with some random guy that she got flustered over. She was stuttering, blushing, giggling, and her heartbeat was all over the place. Natsu knew the signs.

There was a lot going on. The impossible happened. Natsu had a lot on his plate and Alice was feeling neglected.
And so he went and took his hurt feelings out on her when he could’ve said nothing and probably made sweet love to her. Natsu sat up in bed.

Alice sure was in there for a long time. An hour and a half had gone by.
Natsu thought she’d come back out eventually. Maybe she was taking a bath? Or refusing to get out until Natsu left or went to sleep?

He couldn’t let her stay mad. He had to apologize. Mostly because like said before, Alice didn’t like confrontation. She’d ignore him for as long as it took for him to break first and apologize. Alice rarely apologized first to anyone. He got up out of the bed and walked to the bathroom door. He knocked. “Alice, baby? I’m sorry, all right? I-..I was mad and I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.” He started off.

No response. “Alice, come on, let me talk to you. I didn’t mean to say what I did. I guess I’m just a bit...frustrated.”
Still nothing. Which was weird. There was the sound of water? He couldn’t tell if she was crying.

He tried the knob. The door was unlocked? Opening the door, he saw Alice wasn’t even in there. She had to have teleported out. But how had there been the sound of moving water? Natsu walked over to investigate the bath.

In the water, there was a sound lacrima floating in the water. Alice must’ve taken a bath and recorded the sounds of the bath water and let it repeat.

The water had gone lukewarm so that meant she had been gone for awhile. Natsu ran out the front door and tried to catch her scent.

There was a slight breeze so her scent had to have been carried around in the air if she teleported somewhere in Magnolia. Which she would’ve, she hadn’t mastered teleportation enough to move farther than that.

He got a lead on her scent, which led into the forest.

Wrapped in a big blanket, sitting at a cliff edge, hugging her Natsu plush doll that Juvia gave her for her 18th birthday after she was rescued from Edolas. She was sniffling, which indicated that she was either cold or had been crying.
Natsu walked closer. Hearing footsteps Alice turned her head to see what had come towards her. Seeing Natsu, she turned back to look out at the water below.

“You know the real thing is way better than that tiny thing.” Natsu tried to lighten the mood. “The real thing is a stupid idiot who dances with Lucy instead of me.” Alice mumbled, referring to the ball where Lucy had taken Natsu and danced the last dance of the night with him. “She forced me. She’s incredibly strong for having toothpick arms. Besides, Wendy’s troia spell wore off and I almost threw up on her.” Natsu tried to play it off. Since Lucy pulled him up onto a pedestal to dance, he thought Alice wouldn’t get mad about it. “Besides, I thought you’d be mad at me for what I said. not for that?”

“I have to be mad at you for at least something. What you said was right. Except the part suggesting I was going to go hook up with a stranger.” Alice replied, defeated. “Yeah I shouldn’t have said that. I was jealous. You know how I get when you’re around other guys.”

“I don’t understand why though. I’ve already told you you’re the only one for me.” Alice commented.

“Because you’re insanely beautiful. And maybe the same reasons you get jealous when I’m around Lisanna or Lucy.” “I have logical reasons though.”

Natsu picked Alice up bridal style, all while she was still bundled up. “Oh, yeah? What are those logical reasons?” He asked, his tone light.

And then he started a way towards home.

“Did you forget what happened on Tenrou with the chalk boy’s magic doll?” “You know that wasn’t my doing! I couldn’t control my movements!” Natsu argued. “That’s just the tip of the iceberg. And don’t get my started on Lisanna- Nevermind I’m going to get started on Lisanna. For obvious reasons, she’s your ex girlfriend! She still has feelings for you and she was your first love and almost first everything!” Alice ranted on.

Natsu made his way into the house, locked the door and turned off the living room lights and then went straight to the bedroom.

“You got plenty of firsts!” “Oh, what? There’s nothing we have done that you haven't already done with her.” Alice spoke, still as stubborn as ever, seemingly not at all phased by their position on the bed.
Natsu laid Alice on her back, on the bed and straddled her, hands by her head to keep himself up just a bit. Natsu thought for a moment before speaking.

“To start off, the first time I got turned on was by you. You were my first dirty thought. First pair of boobs I’ve ever seen. First girl I’ve ever seen naked, actually. First girl I ever slept in the same bed with. First girl I ever took a bath with, although I’d like to forget those days. My first official team member on quests- Oh! First near death experience was with you!"

Alice gazed up at him in awe. He actually thought about it. That idiot. She really loved him even when she was upset with him.

"And while I loved her and I still do as a friend, you are the first and only girl I’ll ever love this much. She never made me hurt as much as you do. I’ve never gotten this jealous with her either, you know I don't think I ever got jealous while with her. And finally! You’re about to be my first time. And you’re gonna get a lot more firsts with me too, so shut up about it.” Natsu smiled and looked into her eyes. He lowered himself, inches away from her lips. “You got me, sweetheart. I’m yours and I’m gonna always be just yours. And like you told that kid in the cheap suit, I ain’t gonna let anyone have you. You’re mine. And you’re always gonna be mine. We’re gonna be together forever and then be cool ghosts like the first master.”

Alice smiled cooly at him. She couldn't let him know how gushy he made her feel inside. “You talk a lot of game for someone who has only been my boyfriend for a few months.”

“Baby, we’ve had years together. Ever since we were kids I was yours.” Natsu smirked down at her.

Alice giggled softly, hands out caressing his face also pulling his hair up since it was falling in his face. “I should piss you off more often,” Alice whispered, eyes trailing down to his lips.
“Why’s that?” Natsu asked, hushed by her cues.

“So I can get more of Soft Natsu.”

“You’re about to get Hard Natsu in a minute.”

Alice laughed, with a blush creeping to her cheeks.
And finally their lips touched. A bruising kiss that put a fire in their hearts and bodies. Natsu’s tongue tangling with Alice’s. He unwrapped Alice from the thick blanket in a hurry like she was a present. His present.

Natsu, wasting no time trying to undress Alice. His hips pinned Alice’s down against the bed. Alice’s hands roamed his hot to the touch chest and rubbed their way to pulling his vest off him. Natsu quickly shrugged it all the way off, tossing it to the floor as his lips never left hers.

With the first article of clothing off, Natsu returned the favor, pulling Alice’s shirt up and helping her out of it.

His rough, calloused hands explored her soft skin. In a sloppy wet trail of kisses, Natsu’s mouth attacked Alice’s neck. Dragon sharp teeth lightly scraping against her skin.
A soft gasp left Alice’s lips. Not satisfied with how quiet she was being, Natsu played rougher, leaving marks upon her neck.

A groan that she tried to keep in her throat forced its way out.
Blindly finding their way to the clasp of Alice’s bra, Natsu fiddled around with the hooks as Alice unwound his scarf from around his neck.

With the bra off, Natsu eagerly cupped her breasts thumbing over them. Alice breathed out shakily at his touch. The roughness of his fingers brushing over the soft mounds. These were what her breasts felt like. So soft and plush.... Firm, yet so gentle and delicate like jello. Her pink nipples were hard and raised. Alice shivered, goosebumps all over her porcelain smooth skin.
Natsu continued to squeeze and massage her breasts. In his mind, they were the perfect size, made just for him. How she filled out the palms of his hands, leaving no gaps or overflowed too much. Bigger than what his hand could hold, but he could hold each one without feeling as if he wasn't able to get enough of her into his hands.

He spent enough time staring at her bouncy tit* and continued to fondle them while kissing and nipping her neck and shoulders once more. Playing with her boobs wasn't just for his sexual pleasure, it was relaxing. Like a stress ball. Looks like he found his new bored stimuli. His hands were going to be constantly under her shirt whenever he could, just to enrich himself.

Satisfied with the bruised marks all over Alice, marking what’s his, Natsu sat up on his knees, eyeing over Alice’s bare top half. For all that was holy in this world, she was a goddess in her own right. So perfect. Flawless skin, now bruised and broken with his marks. It was his claim. This beauty was his. No one would ever forget that. She was his angel of beauty and perfection.

Her chest heaved, as she looked up at him, flustered. Alice turned away, embarrassed. Sure Natsu had plenty of times to ogle her naked and it never bothered her before. This was more than him just staring at her. It was like he was staring into her soul. His hungry, dark, dominant eyes looked at her like a hunter obsessed with the hunt. He wanted her carnally and it showed in his flushed cheeks and hooded eyes and the slightest glint in his stare.

His hands trailed down to her thighs, inching up her skirt, rubbing circles on the skin he rarely got to.

“You know, I don’t really know what I’m doing. I’ve seen and heard a few things but I- I..” Natsu confessed, making Alice remember once more that he was a virgin. So far, he had acted like a pro. Although, in hindsight, he had only gotten so far because of her. But he hadn't gotten passed this before.

“I know. But it's your first time. I want this to be about you.” Alice shrugged up at him. Why did she have this haunting thought in her head like she knew how to show him, like she had taken someone's virginity before? She hadn't, right? Loke wasn't a virgin before her, neither was Hibiki, and while she didn't remember her times with Gray or Gajeel, she had a hard time believing she was their firsts.

Right? Not that she'd remember how it went anyways.

“I want you to feel good too.” Natsu argued with her, whining. He'd be damned if he was the only one to enjoy himself.

“Just go for what you think you should or want to do and I’ll intervene if needed and give feedback.” Alice shrugged again. How hard could it be to figure this out?

Natsu nodded, not wasting anymore time, he went with what he thought was the right step. Without taking much time, he unzipped the side of her skirt and started to inch it and her panties down her thighs.
And he assisted her out of them. Now completely naked to him, Natsu tried to soak up as much of her body into his memory as he could. She was a billion jewel painting.
He ached to make her arch into him. To watch her chest heave as she panted for him.

Well, it was now or never, right?

Two fingers ran down her slit. Alice jolted at his touch. Natsu kept a watchful eye on her face to watch for her expressions, also while flicking his eyes down to her wetness. She was so pretty. Kept red hair over the small mound, a slit down the middle that glistened with wetness.
Her cl*t, her hole. His fingers kept feeling in between, trying to familiarize himself with her setup, all while teasingly her unintentionally. But either way, good.

She let out ragged whimpers every time his fingers played over the bundle of nerves. It was was so quick and thoughtlessly, no intent to get her off. Yet, because this was the first time Natsu made her feel like this, she was so sensitive to the smallest stimulus.

That was her most sensitive spot and Natsu knew that much.
After familiarizing himself with the feel in between her thighs, he entered a single finger slowly in her.
How she tensed around it and made him shiver. If she was that tight around just his finger, how would she feel with his co*ck inside?

His free hand smoothed itself over her abdomen as he felt the way her muscles tensed as he steadily rubbed the inside of her tight hole. Spreading around her arousal, it covered his finger up to the knuckle with her stickiness. To have her open, her scent flowed freely around him. He had caught it before, but not in such high concentration and he never knew what it was. It was her wetness. This was part of her makeup of scents to create her signature perfume.

It was slightly sweet and yet the smallest hint of what Natsu could only describe as what one would smell walking into a bakery. She was a mild sweet bread. Would she taste like it as well? He wanted to take his finger into his mouth to find out.

Alice whimpered in desperation for more as her arousal built.

Natsu added another finger to the mix. “Mhhm....!” Alice bucked her hips up, trying to get more friction. It wasn't nearly enough to build up to an org*sm, it was erratic and slow. But she was so needy for it. She needed him to just stuff her full of his co*ck.

She could feel it before, pressed against her when he was laying over her while kissing her. He was warm and firm. It would feel amazing inside her. She grew tired of waiting.

She closed her legs together. Natsu looked up at her, confused and slightly worried he had done something wrong.

"Pants off. Please?"


Broskis I couldn't write the whole thing, I'm sorry. I'm a puss*.

Chapter 59


Remember when I mentioned that there were some arcs that I loathe entirely that it's hard to not show it in the writing? This is one of those arcs. Jesus f*ck, I hate this arc. It really makes no sense in Fairy Tail lore and obviously shows that the writers looking for a filler arc really had nothing planned and f*cking winged it. And so did I.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“You two been questing?” Gray wondered, as the two walked into the guild for the first time in 5 days.

“Nope. We’ve been screwing like bunnies!” Natsu happily boasted to Gray, with his arm wrapped around Alice’s neck, Natsu gleamed brightly. All while Alice was scowling, rolling her eyes to the side. Gray was surprised to hear that they had yet to do it until now... But now to hear true confirmation. That damned Fire Idiot was getting some while Gray was left high and dry. Although it pissed him off to have Natsu shove it in his face. That proud jerkass was about to get a mouthful of Gray's fist.

“Are you happy now?” Alice grumbled, not at all as happy as he was.

“You knew he was gonna say that?” Gray asked her, with his hard eyebrows twitching.

“Yep! As long as I went down on her for-” “Natsu, we had an agreement.” Alice cut him off. “I said I’d brag to the sh*tty stripper in exchange but I didn’t specify for how long.” Natsu so smartly pointed out. Alice groaned. She sold her soul to the devil.

“So for some head you let him talk openly about your sex life?” Gray raised an eyebrow at Alice, trying to make it sound demeaning, although he'd probably make the same deal if he could sleep with her again and rub it in Natsu's face.

“Let him go down on you and you’ll realize that it’s hard to say no to him.” And with that, Alice swiftly walked past Gray to the bar to greet Kinana and Mirajane.

“Hiya, Alice!” Kinana smiled. “Hiya.” Alice nodded. “Alice!” Mirajane gasped, excited to see Alice. “Mira!....?” Alice was taken back by her unexpected enthusiasm. “Where’ve you been? You and Natsu didn’t take any quests?” Mirajane asked, while drying a cup with a cloth. “You know how Natsu was a virgin? Well as of 5 days ago, he’s not anymore.” Alice felt uncomfortable to say it, yet she did want Mirajane to know because that's just how they used to be.

Mirajane squealed in celebration. “Congratulations Alice! You have to tell me all the details!” She leaned over the bar. “No.” Alice said simply. She would've in the comfort and solace of anywhere but the guild hall.
“I will.” “Natsu, if you say a single syllable I will end you.” Alice threatened monotonously.
“And then I’d die a happy man.” He confidently played. “You two are just the cutest.” Mirajane sighed dreamily but then she jumped up straight.
“Wait. If that happened 5 days ago and you’re now coming to the guild you-” She gasped, face glowing red.

Alice looked away, fully ashamed. She felt that she’d combust into flames the way her face lit up. “Had to make up for lost time.” Natsu patted Alice on the head. “That’s it. I’m going to kill you on our next quest and make it look like an accident.” Alice replied. She was exhausted and sore. She would’ve stayed home if she didn’t feel the need to drop in at the guild to say hi or see if there was any news. They finally came to a resting point. Both of them had been satisfied.

After every time, after a shower or a meal break one of them was always attached, ready to go again and the tension was still so high so neither could resist. For five straight days. If they were sleeping, eating, or bathing, they were messing around. Natsu wanted to have her burned into his memory. He wanted to please her completely with his eyes closed and his mind off. He'd never leave her unsatisfied. He was now fluent and proficient in her pleasure and body. He maxed out his skill level, all there was was to learn how to do it in all positions and locations. Maybe bring in a prop or two for fun, but right now he didn't need anything more than her body. And he couldn't imagine needing to spice things up. How could he ever get bored of her? She was to die for. This was what he was meant for, this was his life's work. Sure, fighting bad guys and eating food was fun and fufilling-- But he would truly trade it all for her body on his. He was still so obsessed with her, the high not completely gone from the first time, that if she asked him to retire and leave the guild in exchange for a life of sex with her.... He'd blindly agree.

“So, hey, Mirajane. Would you happen to know who Happy’s with?” Natsu asked. He truly had no clue where that cat was at. He just wasn't allowed at the house. "We've all been taking turns keeping him. Today he said something about going over to Lucy’s to see what’s up with Michelle.” Mirajane replied.

“Michelle?” Alice and Natsu wondered at the same time. “Oh that’s right! You two weren’t here for that. Lucy has a cousin of some sort named Michelle Lobster. She’s come by to drop off an artifact left by Lucy’s father. She’s been staying with Lucy since then.”

“Should we go see what’s up?” Natsu nudged his girlfriend. “You can go. I don’t wanna.” Alice waved him off. “Come on! I need to go get Happy anyways to let him know he can come home again. Come say hi with me.” He urged. Alice groaned. She hated meeting new people.

And after that. Alice hated Michelle with a passion.

“Happy peed on my big chair!” Lucy shouted at Alice and Natsu. “It was on accident! Plue was tickling me!” Happy tried to defend himself. “And I can’t get it out all the way! No matter how much I clean that spot, once it dries it smells like cat pee! I seriously ought to demand reimbursem*nt on top of a daycare charge! I’m not doing this ever again! Next time you two want to go at it for days at a time hire a babysitter!” Lucy continued to shout. “Okay,” Alice shrugged, “how much do you want for the chair and what are your rates?”

“What?” Lucy asked dumbfounded. She didn’t think Alice would do it.

Why does everyone keep forgetting I’m rich? Now do you want the value of the chair before the incident or what it would be to buy a new one? Plus taking into account the childcare, my experience taking on babysitting and animal sitting quests that’d probably be a few hundred jewel per hour, thousands per day, and then since you probably had to feed him too, whatever the cost was to take care of him.” Alice tried to calculate in her head. “You’re really willing to pay that?” Natsu asked. “Well you should pitch in too or maybe if we need her to take care of him again.” Alice shrugged, thinking about it logically.

“You sound like he’s your child.” Lucy commented dumbfounded that she wasn't bluffing.

“And on that note, you and Lisanna should be paying Lucy. You two are the quote unquote "parents" of him while I’m the aunt.”
“You can be my evil stepmom!” Happy chimed in. “Not helping, dude!” Natsu whispered harshly at him since Alice was about to pay for it all herself and he was still broke.

And then Michelle creeped into the room and saw Alice’s brilliant red hair. She skipped forward to touch her hair, from behind. As she was about to touch her hair, Alice spun around and grabbing her wrist, stopping her and giving her a deadly look. Michelle first wasn’t phased by it.

“You have the prettiest hair I’ve ever seen! I’d love to braid it for you!” She offered. “Where I come from we ask people before we try to touch them. But I suppose you rich types don’t need manners-” Alice roughly pushed Michelle’s hand away. “Don’t touch my hair.”

And then Michelle started to bawl. “I just really like your hair!” She sobbed.

“Geesh, Alice, don’t have to be so cruel," Natsu said, a little shocked. Sure, some stranger tried to touch her-- A rookie mistake. But she was a weakling, Alice should've have some mercy.
After Lucy was able to calm Michelle down, and Alice was forced to stay to apologize, Michelle got over it real quick. “Here as a peace offering, I’ll give you this little bracelet of mine!” And without asking, grabbed Alice’s wrist and hooked it onto her right wrist.

Alice was too late wrenching away. “I don’t want your damn bracelet!” She tried to unhook it. It seemed the clasp was broken.

So she was stuck with it. Because Natsu wouldn't let her destroy it, because it "wasn't nice".

And that was two weeks ago.

Alice, without Natsu or Happy, came to the guild, (well... nearby) before hearing her name. Not being called, but being talked about.

“Alice has been pretty moody lately. Natsu, are you not giving her what she needs? Did you bore her already?” Gray teased.
Alice stood out of sight continuing to listen. “Come on, dude.- She hasn't wanted to. Hormones or something. She's all moody." Natsu replied with a deflated tone. Alice had, indeed, been in a bad mood. She was temperamental and distant.

That was why she was going to guild alone. She just got done with another solo quest. While Natsu was very against that since she got sucked into another world last time she went on a quest alone.

But snapping at him and saying some harsh words got him to back off.

“Well, she’s remembered all of her magic, and while in Edolas, her magic power increased, with only a smaller magic container, her body probably can’t handle it all, so she’s going to react badly. It can’t be helped. We just have to deal with it," Erza added.

Alice was appalled. They had to deal with it ? Like she was a burden.

So much for seeing her friends. Anger filled her. Sadness and betrayal hidden in a rage. She stormed into the guild, making a beeline to the request board, eyes forward. Not a step of hesitance. Not even when Natsu called to her surprised she was back already and wanted to have a kiss hello or even a hug.

But she ignored him. She read the board for missions. Nothing good in the normal quests. So she went up the stairs. Natsu tried to follow her. With a simple energy wall, she stopped him at the bottom stair. "S-Class Members Only"

A week long mission far away from Magnolia. Sounded good to her.
With Natsu, not so patiently waiting for her, Alice made the conscious decision to teleport some odd meters away from the guild on the path.

But Natsu was determined. He caught up to her. “Alice, sweetheart, what’s wrong? Can’t you stop for a moment? I’ve missed you!” Natsu hastily greeted and grabbed her arm, stopping her. She twisted to face him while pulling herself away from him. “Don’t pretend to care! Just go back and talk about how bad you got it dealing with me!” She snapped and tried to walk off. Natsu wasn’t having it. He pulled her back again but because he felt something off. “Baby, you’re burning up. Are you feeling okay?” He put a hand to her forehead and then took notice of her flushed cheeks trying to show up from under her makeup which she purposely put on to hide her condition.

She was tired, exhausted, and felt like she had the flu. Her body ached, she was running a fever, and she felt sick eating. But it’d go away on it’s own, right?

“I’m fine.” She murmured, pulling herself away and walking off. “When you coming home?” Natsu shouted after her. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” Alice shot back. Natsu sighed, muttering to himself, “yeah, I would actually.” And he went back to the guild to ask Mirajane about Alice’s quest.

And another week went by.

“Natsu, I found her!” Happy shouted, finding Alice in the back in the farm, feeding chickens. “Come fishing with us, Alice!” Happy invited, flying her way. “Why would I want to go fishing?” Alice mumbled, uninterested. “Because it’ll be the three of us again!” Happy replied. “Come on, it’ll be fun. It’s been awhile since we’ve hung out together," Natsu added joining in.

Alice put down the bag of feed to give the two boys her attention. She decided to give it a thought since Natsu’s comment struck a chord. It was true. Alice had been distancing herself away from everyone.

She gazed up at Natsu’s hopeful eyes. He really missed her. She was never home anymore. “All right, fine.” She nodded her head, agreeing to go. Happy cheered and flew off singing about catching fish. Natsu tried to reach over to grab Alice’s hand. She swung it away and walked off, following Happy.

Natsu wasn’t going to give up on her.

Natsu jogged to catch up with Alice, several steps ahead. “You all right?” He asked in a soft voice, full of caring. “Why?” She replied, looking forward. “It’s nothing. Just making sure my girl is okay.” Natsu responded with a smile. “You have been doing a lot of solo missions lately.”

Alice decided to confess a bit. “I’ve....I’ve been feeling under the weather, as one would say.” She shrugged trying to make it sound not serious. “Are you hurt? Are you overdoing it? Are you sick?” Natsu bombarded her with questions. “I can feel my magic get stronger but... it feels trapped. Like my magic container can’t take anymore and all that energy is pushing against the edges of the box and it doesn’t feel good. My body can’t handle all this power.”

Natsu put his arm around her shoulders. Now he was feeling sick with worry for her. “Try to take it easy for a while, okay? We’ll figure this out.” He reassured her.

“This is so boring!” Natsu whined. “Come on, it’s a matter of lunch and death! How can anyone be bored of that?” Happy encouraged. “Fine. I’ll snap out of it," Natsu groaned.

Then there was a loud boom and then out in the distance, a lightning strike.


Natsu jumped up. “I know that lightning," He said in a low tone. “What are you talking about?” Happy asked. “Laxus. He’s here. I’m positive that’s him. I was wondering when he was going to show up. I guess he picked the wrong neighborhood.”

Alice wasn’t comfortable with Natsu’s words. That sounded like fighting words.

Alice got to her feet too, in case she needed to do something.

“Master didn’t let him back into the guild, did he? I wonder what he’s doing here?” Happy wondered, standing up. “I’m gonna figure out why." Natsu sprinted off. “Natsu!” Alice shouted, going after him, hopefully to catch up with him before something bad happened.

Then Gajeel came out of nowhere, running with them. Alice had a bad feeling about this.

“Hey Metal head, going somewhere?” Natsu asked. “No, are you?” He replied. “I asked you first!” Natsu countered.
“Both of you, will you just stop!” Alice snapped but it was just ignored.

The two Dragon Slayers stopped suddenly, Alice not as fast with reflexes, running into Natsu before she could stop completely. She fell to her butt.

She sat that reveling in the mild pain. “I’m gonna beat him!” Natsu called dibs on Laxus. Gajeel butted his head into Natsu’s. “You couldn’t! Even with help!” Gajeel argued, recalling events from the Battle of Fairy Tail when Laxus pitted all of Fairy Tail against one another in a battle royale.

“I didn’t ask for your help! I didn’t need it then, and I don’t need it now! I’ll beat Laxus by myself!” Natsu roared.

“Not if I get to him first!” Gajeel challenged. “Neither of you are going to beat him!” Alice shouted sternly. Ever since Laxus popped up during the beat down of Hades, Alice had a growing soft spot for him. And she didn’t like how neither Natsu or Gajeel liked him.

Even if Laxus accepted the challenge, both dragon slayers would get seriously injured if Alice was right.

Alice stood up and tried to pry the two boys apart.

“Who’s beating who again?” Laxus walked by, giving the three a look. “Laxus," Alice gasped.

“Laxus!” Out of the forest came Evergreen, Bickslow, and Freed. Alice huffed. Today was not her day.

“It seems he’s not alone," Freed said, noticing Natsu, Gajeel and Alice. “What’s going on here?” Bickslow asked. “Nothing, right?” Laxus gestured to the three kids. “Have you been living in the woods the whole time?” Natsu asked. “I’ve been travelling around, and I’ve been here for a while," Laxus answered. “If you’re sticking around, you might as well come back to the guild," Gajeel scoffed. “Why, you missing me?” Laxus asked with an eye roll. “I couldn’t give a crap if you come back or not, but I want to fight. Let’s go!" Natsu put his flaming fist into his other hand. “You’re just baiting me. Get me all riled up for what? I’m not interested in it.” Laxus turned away. Alice sighed in relief.

“You’re running away. You’re scared," Natsu challenged, “Stop it!” Alice growled in a warning. He ignored her. “hm?” Laxus looked at Natsu, just turning his head. “You’ve never been one to turn down a fight, what’s got you scared?” Natsu smirked.

“You should be wise and watch what you say, Natsu," Freed warned, which also irked Alice.

“We won’t let you put a finger on Laxus!” Evergreen cried. “Nothing can tear apart the Thunder Legion again!” Bickslow cheered. “You mean the Laxus Fan Club. You’re just a bunch of groupies.” Alice had a bone to pick with them. She didn’t like any of the three, personality wise, on their own. But when they came together vowing to be Laxus’ underlings, praising the ground he walked on, Alice was beyond past hatred.

“No, let me teach these two some manners. Ready?” Laxus smiled darkly. Natsu stepped up to the plate, fire licking his skin. Laxus’ lightning sparked around him as well.

“No one’s fighting anyone!” Alice tried to get in between them, hands out to use force if needed, although she knew she wouldn’t stand a chance against Laxus. “Scared I’m gonna hurt your little boyfriend?” Laxus teased Alice. “There doesn’t have to be a fight. You know you’re gonna win. What’s the point?” She fired back.

“Whatever, Alice, it’ll be fine," Natsu piped up like that was going to cool her down. She growled at him. “How about whoever puts the most damage on Laxus, gets the girl?” Gajeel suggested. “I’m not an object!” Alice barked at him. “Sure," Natsu agreed confidently. At this point she was gonna let Laxus electrocute them to crisps because if he didn’t, she would.

“Stop!” Wendy ran to the scene. Everyone turned to see her and Carla. “You can’t fight unless there’s a special event!” She interjected. “I’m not following you?" Natsu was confused.

“The match will take place tomorrow!” Wendy announced. Alice nodded. It’d give her time to cool down and to maybe change Natsu’s mind. “Fine..Have it your way then. I can wait one more day! Meet me underneath the Sola tree at noon!” Natsu challenged. “Fine," Laxus agreed.

“Come on, Natsu!” Alice cried, trailing after him. He ignored her, continuing to walk down alongside the canal, on his way to the guild. Morning sex was a fail. She couldn’t even slow him down with head. He had other things on his mind.

“I don’t wanna have to do missions on my own while you fight off death in the infirmary!” Alice ran forward, stopping right in front of Natsu who looked at her boredly and scooted Alice to the side and continued on.

Alice huffed. “I didn’t want to do this!” She teleported herself on Natsu. Legs wrapped around his waist, arms hugging his face to her chest. “You can’t see now! You’ll never make it to the guild in time! Or maybe you could just carry me home and f*ck me senseless? Do whatever you want! I won’t argue?”

Natsu stood still for a moment, before letting out a deep sigh. His strength overpowered Alice’s and he was able to unravel her from him, and he scooted her up over his shoulder.

“Sweetheart, you can’t stop me.”

Alice grumbled. While her face was hot and she pouted, she wasn’t going to give up.
But she took a moment to calm herself. She crossed her arms, “Why do you think you can win?” She asked. “Because I’m stronger now, obviously. And that was a bad day for me so a rematch is in order!” Natsu replied.

“You can’t win against me so why do you think you can take him?” Alice sighed. “I could totally take you!” Natsu scoffed. “Do it then!” Alice challenged, although a bit lightheaded now that blood was rushing to her head. She banged her fists on his back. “Bring it!”

Natsu chortled, amused by Alice’s defiant nature. He stopped walking and rearranged Alice and held her over the canal. “You wouldn’t!” Alice wriggled. “Try me.” Natsu smirked.
Alice teleported out of his grip and back onto the stone pathway, in front of Natsu. She smiled victorious.

“All right. What can I do to make you okay with this? I’m gonna be late.” Natsu gave a little. “Not doing it at all!” Alice griped.

“Why can’t I have any fun," He whined. “Because, either you’ll die or the town will get destroyed and Fairy Tail will get banished from Magnolia," Alice tried to reason with him. “Let’s make a bet, if I win, you’ll be my slave for a whole week, if you win, I’ll be yours for a week," He suggested.

Great not only was she an object to win in his bet with Gajeel but now his own with her. But Alice knew he wasn’t going to win so having Natsu do everything she said was a tempting offer to take even if this was technically cheating. “Fine. After the match when Laxus owns your ass I’m getting you sized for a maid’s outfit.” Alice agreed.

“Like last time we had a conversation like this, you got arrested. Can you not do that this time?” He teased, referring to the last time he challenged someone to a fight. Erza.

And his conversation with Alice to the fight was almost the exact same. “Well there goes my afternoon," Alice lightly joked. Natsu laughed and hauled Alice onto his shoulder again.“Oh come on!”

The whole place was decked out. And Jason the Sorcerer Weekly reporter was there
The fight got started, both Natsu and Laxus gave off a lot of magic energy, and Natsu was the first to hit, but Laxus dodged and punched him in the face, and Natsu was down, total K.O.

At least it was quick and painless.

And Gajeel had disappeared.

On the way back to the guild, all Natsu did was whine. “At least you have the maid outfit to look forward to.” Alice patted him on the shoulder. She decided to wait a day or two in case Natsu was suffering from a concussion. “Maid outfit?” Max wondered. “We made a bet that if he lost to Laxus, he’d be my slave and if he won then vice versa, he lost so he’ll be my slave, so a maid outfit just seems fitting.” Alice shrugged getting them all to laugh, except Natsu. “Look, we have company," Max pointed to the guild.

Three people. A man, woman and girl.

The man was in some white jumpsuit with fringes on his forearms. Sunglasses, and blond styled hair that was in a too long of a pompadour style.

The woman, purple straight shoulder length hair, bangs on the right were white. She also wore a green full-body suit, which was sleeveless. Under the top of this suit she had a white collared shirt, through which she tied a red ribbon. Around her waist sat a brown utility belt. Her hands were covered with long gloves that end just before her elbow and her feet were covered by large brown boots.

The girl had brown hair in a long side braid, a dark teal spiked hair band. She wore a pair of dark green tights, which she had under a colorful dress. and bright red sandals. These were people Alice didn’t know but they looked somewhat familiar. Especially the woman and girl.

“Customers?” Mira wondered.



Natsu, Happy and Lucy started to go on about Edolas.

“They act like they’re chums of ours. Listen, before you go and start inviting us for tea, I want Lucy Heartfilia now," The woman announced.

“I’ve never seen a proposal before!” Happy said with his cheeks flushed.

“There’s no point hiding her from us," The girl said. “We like totes know the spoiled brat is a member of your guild," The woman added. “Why don’t you just shimmy on over here and make it easier," The guy added.

“You got some nerve showing up and disrespecting us like this," Wakaba started off. “I’m the guild master here, your request is denied. So I’d say you get out of here. We’re not known for our patience!” Macao, still the guild master because Makarov was ready to retire, used his role to order these people to leave.

“Yeah. especially when those punks are shouting orders. Rubs us the wrong way you know," Max added.

“Like we’d run from kids, old men and their cats," The woman scoffed. “All those churches that have been burnt down, its been you, hasn’t it?” Kinana gasped going off on a tangent of some sort.


If anyone wants me to post an essay with sources about how much I hate Key of the Starry Night arc, I will do it, no cap.

Chapter 60


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Makes sense to me.” Carla nodded. “Even without the evidence, the timing is perfect. They must be the culprits.” Lily agreed.

“Spicy. Seems like they’re trying to serve up some guilt.” The blond Elvis impersonator smirked. “We’re not biting.” The small girl warned. “Sure play the blame game all you want, if it helps you sleep at night. Now hand over Heartfilia before we decide to get nasty with you.” The purple woman threatened.
“Well now, I’d like to start off with this little ditty.” The guy took out a microphone on a stand, out of thin air, and started to belt out of tune notes and words that made no sense.

“He needs to be put down.” Max cringed, covering his ears.

The noise started to get louder and then out of the dude’s white jumpsuit came a bright green oozy substance that kept coming and coming, covering meters of land.

“Don’t let it touch you!” Alice directed not getting a good feeling from the green goo. Alice jumped back running some distance away from it as it gained ground. Lucy and Michelle went one way, Natsu and Alice another.
“We should fight it!” Natsu said, wanting to put some hurt on the goo. They glanced back at the sludge that kept getting bigger. It already had Wakaba, Macao, Romeo and the Strausses stuck in it. It seemed to be extremely sticky.
“It seems that if you touch it, it’ll suck you in. No way! We need to figure out something el-” Alice looked back at Natsu, who was on the ground out cold, again feeling the effects of his fight with Laxus. “I love you and all but dammit Natsu! Sometimes you really inconvenience me!” Alice squatted down to him. “Come on, I need you to wake up!” Alice shook him.


“Natsu, I need you to get up! I can’t fight this by myself and I definitely can’t carry you!” Alice slapped him in the face. But he didn’t stir.

“Natsu! Use your flames and beat these guys!” Lucy called, not seeing Natsu’s unconscious state.
“He’s a bit tied up right now!” Alice shouted callously, trying to drag him away from the goo. “Don’t tell me his fight with Laxus is finally taken a toll on him," Carla groaned. “He’s out cold!” Happy chimed in. “Tell me about it," Alice huffed.

And in good time blond guy’s slime retreated back into his suit. Must've hit his limit.

“It’s so weird. They shouldn’t be like this," Happy said. “They’re not the same Hughes, Coco, and Sugarboy from Edolas. These people have been here in earthland from the very beginning," Carla explained.

“Oh, I get it, like those people we saw in Edolas that looked like us,” Wendy gasped. “Guess we expected to run into someone sooner or later," Lucy said with a shrug.
"What in the hell are you talking about?" Alice asked with a harsh tone.

“You’re wasting too much time, Lucy. Give us what we want, or we’ll show your friends what we’re really capable of. Sugarboy would like to play another solo," Mary Hughes called out. Since they didn’t know who Lucy was.

“Don’t give into them, Lu," Levy said, not giving attention to anyone to not give up Lucy’s identity. Natsu woke up, grasping onto Alice’s arm to support himself. “They don’t know who Lucy is yet. You girls go off and find Gramps. I’ll keep them busy, just don’t keep me waiting too long," Natsu groaned.
“I’ll stay here with you and fight," Alice volunteered. “No, go with them. Keep them safe. With another girl, it’ll keep them guessing," Natsu dejected. “Then I’ll say I’m her. I’ll see what they want an-” “No. If I don’t know what they’ll pull, you’re not going anywhere with them. Just stay with the other girls," Natsu gripped her tighter. “You can barely stand! I’m not going to leave you here!” Alice argued, her voice breaking.

“Here Natsu!” Romeo called out, throwing a yellow fireball this way, Natsu caught it. “Thanks." He ate it and cringed. “Nasty!”

“Sorry," Romeo apologized. “No worries, it did the trick.” Natsu seemed to have recovered, standing on his own now, “Sweetheart, go with them.” Natsu gave Alice a determined expression. There was no use arguing with him so she nodded and left with the girls.

But as they ran towards the forest, Natsu’s attacks fired right at them. The power, knocking them back.

Then Wendy tried to do a wing attack but then she hit Natsu. He was on the ground with motion sickness, Wendy a complete mess, filled with remorse tried to do her troia to help him. Mary Hughes had a wand, that gave her control of where a magic attack would go. Nothing with magic would work against her if she could control it.

“All right fine, if you want her, I-” “I’m Lucy Heartfilia," Michelle interrupted Lucy’s confession.

“Finally," Mary Hughes sighed, impatient. “The last heir of the Heartfilia family. I thought she’d be a total ditz. Lucy is a celestial wizard of the Fairy Tail guild is that correct?” Mary Hughes asked.
“Yes. I’d be she," Michelle nodded.

“Hold on a moment! I’m Lucy!” Lucy shouted, protesting. “It’s okay, Michelle, I see you’re trying to protect me but deception won’t help us now." Michelle put a hand on Lucy’s shoulder as the true Heartfilia freaked out.

“There’s no point. They’re so perceptive, I’m sure they’d figure it out somehow and I’d hate for something to happen to you on my account!” Michelle cried.

Lucy and Michelle started to argue, and confused the three enemies, giving Alice an idea. “Fine! I can’t take it anymore, I’m Lucy!” Alice stood up, waving her hands up in surrender.

And the others caught on.

“Are you okay, Lucy?” Natsu asked, looking at Wendy. “Yep, I could fight more."

And so on, now all the girls were now claiming to be Lucy.

“Is your magic back, Lucy?” Mira asked Lisanna, “Yep, I’m better Lucy," Her sister replied.

“Can you stand Lucy?” Macao asked, helping Levy up. “Can you do more fighting Lucy?” Max looked to Laki. “Yep, my magic’s back."

“We’ll have to take them all and sort it out later," Mary Hughes sighed. “I’m Lucy!” Elfman sounded out. “All right, I’ll get these little rascals rounded up, uhuh yeah!" Sugarboy’s goo came back out.

“No way you’re doing that again!” Natsu attacked it, getting caught in it. It grabbed him around his wrist and Sugarboy proceeded to....flirt with Natsu?

Natsu was confused about the whole thing.

“I’m sorry, Sugar-creep, but he’s taken!” Alice shouted, attempting to free Natsu. She used her lightning whip cast, in hopes the electricity wouldn’t get sucked in or maybe the voltage would destroy it. But it did nothing. In fact, the intangible whip got stuck in and started to reel Alice in towards the goo, faster than she could uncast it and her right hand was sucked in. Alice tried to teleport out of it. But she didn’t move. Maybe saying it out loud would help her concentrate and make the spell work faster. “Teleport!” She shouted, her voice squeaking, feeling so disturbed and grossed out. The goo was so warm and so slimy yet she couldn't move. Her fingers could move within it but at her wrist, where the goo started, it was as if it created a powerful seal. But even the her body kept getting pulled in and as the goo touched her, she was trapped. Half of her body was enveloped into the slime.

If it touched her face, she was going to be sick.

“I bet one of those girls that took off is the girl. Coco, go fetch."

Sugarboy let go of Natsu but Mary Hughes proceeded to use Natsu to either hit others or himself. “And take her home!”

Natsu was instrumented to use one of his stronger attacks and then there was a bright light, a burning warmth and a loud explosion. Then the grip that gross goo had on Alice was gone and when the smoke cleared, there was Natsu on the ground, and Mary Hughes and Sugarboy were gone.

Natsu was laying on the ground, seemingly back down for the count.
Alice’s magic drained from the goo, she was weaker and her vision was starting to blur. She stumbled towards Natsu and she kneeled at his side.

While wiping ash and dirt off his face, she asked him, “Are you okay?”

And in an instant he was awake, jumping to his feet. “Where are they?!” Fire rose from out of his mouth. He was angry.
“They fled. After that explosion, they disappeared.” Alice explained, standing up.

“Dammit! We gotta go after them!” Natsu growled lowly.
“We don’t know where they went.” Alice placed a hand on his shoulder. “We have to go now! They might’ve gotten to Lucy!- Happy, let’s go!” Natsu shouted towards Happy who flew to his side.

“You’re injured! Let’s get you fixed up a bit and the-” “Any moment longer and they could get them!" Natsu snapped at Alice’s doting.
Natsu didn’t hesitate to walk off with Happy, even seeing Alice's dejected look.

Alice ran after them, trying not to get miffed by his outburst. She stumbled, almost tripping and falling, but regained her balance.

“We’re going now?” Happy wondered.
“We’ll go with. Come on, Carla!” Wendy volunteered.

“Yes, the more eyes we have, the better chance we have to finding them. I’ll come with. Maybe we’ll find Gajeel on the way," Pantherlily agreed with his own reasons.

“And I’m coming with.” Alice forced herself into the search party. Natsu’s eyes flicked to Alice for a moment. He could feel the heat radiate from her. She was already burning up again. He could sense she had very little magic left. Not to mention her eyes seemed unfocused and glazed over with exhaustion. She was pushing herself to the limit.

But he didn’t have time to argue with her to stay. And god knows that she’d fight tooth and nail to go with him.

Alice summoned up her light disk, the light from it flickered but with focus Alice was able to get it to light up a solid color. Natsu had to ignore it for now. But she was going to get a talking to later. And maybe a trip to Porlyusica.

“All right let’s go.” Natsu nodded, leading the team.

Wendy and Carla one way, Pantherlily another, and Natsu, Alice, and Happy the other.
But they never got a lead on Lucy. And night fall came too soon.

It was a quiet search until Alice’s disk started to flicker more, like a lightbulb about to burn out.
Alice who was sitting, legs dangling off the edge, had fallen asleep, exhausted. Before Natsu could say a word, noticing the strobing effect the disk had, Alice’s disk disappeared and she fell out of the sky, still out.

“Alice!” Natsu shouted.
Happy flew her way. And then Alice suddenly woke back up, her disk back but dim in power.
Happy stopped abruptly. The two boys gave Alice a wide eye look. She tilted her head to the side, confused.

“You fell out of the sky!” Happy cried. “No I didn’t. I’m right here.” Alice naively argued. She was too tired to have a memory of it. “No, you idiot! You fell asleep! Go home!” Natsu raised his voice at her. She blinked at him, her feelings now definitely hurt. For now she wasn't willing to process his anger, but she knew he was just stressed. But she wasn't about to admit he was right.

“But... I’m fine.” She lied. She knew she wasn’t fine, she hadn't been in a few weeks. It started so small and only a bit concerning but it was so minuscule, she didn't care to look into it until it suddenly progressed dangerously into what it was now.

“You haven’t been fine for a while now! You haven’t let yourself get a break doing all those quests. And that green slime stuff drained you good! You’re more of a burden than helpful until you get better. Go home. We’ll deal with this later.” Natsu coldly stated, not giving Alice a chance to argue.

Hours went by, Natsu barrelled through the front door. Without using a dragon sense to find Alice, he went straight to her bedroom, where he expected to find her in bed sleeping. But that wasn’t the case. She wasn’t there.

And then he finally calmed down and listened. Hearing the sound of her sniffling across the house. She was in the library.

He jogged over and opened the door, finding Alice cuddled up in a ball, staring off at a shelf of books, seemingly off in space.

“Alice?” Natsu ghosted a hand over her shoulder before she snapped her head to him. Her eyes were not at all focused, bloodshot with exhaustion. She seemed to be in a state of restlessness. Her skin was sheen with cold sweat. Her eyes were glossy. Her cheeks were pale. She was running an even higher fever than before. “Sweetheart, you have a fever. And you’re not a fire wizard. This heat will kill you if you don’t get your temperature lowered.” Natsu said, horrified with worry at the sudden change and severity.

Natsu was lightly disheartened. He came home to hopefully rouse her into an act of intimacy. He had yet another encounter with Sugarboy that left him crawling in his skin and maybe practicing heterosexuality would fix his shuddering.

But Alice in this zombied state obviously trumped his needs. Her health came first.

“It’s no use.” Alice muttered, eyes trailing to a spot on the floor. “I’m going to die.”

Natsu wasn’t going to listen to her. He ran off to the bathroom getting a cold bath ready.

For someone who always claimed to be the grown up in the relationship, Natsu sure did take care of her a lot when she stubbornly refused to accept something was wrong and she needed help.

Carrying Alice to the bathroom, sitting her on the ledge of the tub, Natsu started to undress her and then he placed her into the water.

As the cold water hit her skin, Alice jumped and tried to wrestle herself out of Natsu’s arms and out of the water, but Natsu was too strong and forced her to sit down in the water. “Let me die!” Alice screamed, fruitlessly trying to fight him. She was delusional. Damn, this fever could kill her! What was she thinking!

“You stay put or I swear to the wrath that is Erza I will personally take you to Porlyusica right now and you’ll deal with her.” Natsu sternly warned her. He sighed and kneeled over the ledge to lean his forehead to her head. Her temperature rivaled his. She was trembling. Her breath was labored and weak. Her heartbeat was erratic and unsteady.

If he couldn’t get her fever to break-- Would she make it through the night?

“I’m not going to lose you. You’ll get through this. We’ll get through this.”


this whole arc makes no sense. The writing's choppy and undescriptive, I'm sorry. But back at the tender age of 16 I hated this arc and hated spending any time on it.
And even now I'm not gonna go back to watch the arc to flesh out the story.

If you skip (or wait for it to come out) to Ch. 66. It's the tail end and transitions into the Grand Magic Games arc. Because I wouldn't blame you, but you would miss some details but I also don't wanna tell you in case you're someone who will actually read the next six chapters, and spoil it.

Chapter 61

Chapter Text

Alice sat crossed legged and cross armed, leaning back in her chair. She glared up at the other red head, and eyes occasionally darting to her stupid boyfriend who she wasn’t happy with either.

She was back in "one of her moods".

“I’m going with.” She stated, venom dripping in her tone.

“You can’t! Not in your state! You know the circ*mstances, don’t act so childish!” Erza countered, not moving her stance. “I’m fine. I won’t kill anyone and I’ll use as little magic as possible.” Alice tried to negotiate. She wasn’t going to back down.

Natsu leaned himself over the table, arms holding him up. He gave Alice a serious look. “Alice. You need to rest. Right now if you use magic you’re going to make yourself worse. I only let you come here so the master could take a look at you. But that doesn’t mean you’re going with us.”

“It was a tiny fever, who cares? I’m better now!”

“You were running a fever so hot, you felt warm to me. And that means you were probably running a 120° fever. A temperature like that would’ve killed a normal person. And I was worried it was going to do that to you if I couldn’t get you back down to normal temp.”

Alice pouted harder and looked away. “Okay and? It was bound to happen at some point. Might as well let it happen for a good cause. Of course I don’t know if dying to help Lucy is considered important enough to be a good cause. Besides, we're going to an abandoned house. What’s going to happen? The ghost of Jude Heartfilia?” Alice crudely answered back.

“What if those fiends have the same idea as us and go there? I know you won’t stand idle as we fight.” Erza knew Alice too well.
“I promise I won’t!” Alice stood up, anger too much to handle sitting down. “I know you Alice, you’ll find a reason." Natsu stepped up. “I won’t!” Alice argued, her tone sounding more childish than sincere.

“You guys could use another brilliant mind there. I can block her magic temporarily. Just promise, if any trouble comes, you’ll protect her?” Master walked into the conversation and gave Natsu a look. “Yeah. Magic or not, I’ll keep her safe." Natsu nodded, smiling, determined.

“But Master-!” Erza tried to argue. “Her fever broke and she’s able bodied. Natsu acted quick enough where she should be fine as long as she doesn’t try to use magic again.”

“But Master- I mean, papa, you can’t do that! I need my m-” “You said it yourself, you promised not to use magic, I’ll just help you with that. When you come back, I’ll take the block off and we’ll take a visit up to Porlyusica to see what she suggests we do about your problem.” Master interrupted Alice with a good point even when she tried to use her secret weapon which was calling him ‘papa’. The first time she called him when she was younger, it made him cry happy tears. Alice rarely called him that but used it when she wanted her way and it usually worked. Alice sat back down, giving in.

Master casted a spell and Alice felt no different. She was hoping it’d dull her headache at least. “Try a spell!” Natsu asked excitedly, irking Alice. He was happy she was magicless? She glowered at him. “Are you just scowling at me or are you trying to do something?” He asked, smirking at her. “I was trying to make your stupid head explode.” Alice growled at him. “Well sit idle. We need to wait for the others to join us. It’ll probably be afternoon before we head off.” Erza nodded.

Alice made a ‘tsk’ noise and got up, leaving the guild hall.

“H-hey!” Natsu called after her. Alice rolled her eyes. “Go be stupid and annoying somewhere else.” Alice huffed at him. “We have a few hours before we have to leave so I thought we’d hang together.” Natsu caught up to her, matching her strides, as to not walk faster than her.

“Why would you want to hang around a walking corpse?” Alice scoffed, although her tone sounded teasing. “Alice...What do you mean by that?” Natsu’s steps faltered. “Oh come on Natsu, either I live a magic-less joke of a person or I end up getting so sick by becoming filled with too much energy and I die. Either way I’m dead. Just a matter of time.” Alice shrugged. Her voice telling that she had no opinion on the matter.

“Don’t talk like that, princess. We’ll figure things out. Things will get better, trust me.” Natsu had to tell himself that it was just the magic overflow in her talking. She was just angry. She didn’t mean what she was saying. Alice stopped. Natsu a few steps ahead before realizing, turned to her, curious and dreading what she was going to say next.

“You know, I’ve been thinking. I’m still not able to remember every detail of my past, and for a while I’ve had the hardest time figuring out why I was so negative and dark, and now I think I finally got things figured out.” Alice started off. “And?” Natsu asked.

“At some point long ago I learned that I’m too dangerous to live and I just realized it again. That has to be it. Because it is true.” Alice’s hand reached up to grab at the pendant on her chest, her knuckles against her skin, feeling her rapidly beating heart. It seemed to get faster every day.

“No it’s not, Alice. You are going to live longer than gramps in there, and even then, you’ll become a ghost like 1st master Mavis. You’ll be around for so long, everyone will grow sick of you! You’ll outlive me, and I’ll make damn sure of that! Don’t even say that you’re going to die! I will protect you!” Natsu swore, voice getting out of control with emotion.
“Look at the reality here, Natsu! I’m going to end up killing myself because no one believes I can control myself! I’m going to die when my body keeps regenerating magic power to the point I can’t handle it or my magic will be taken away and I’ll end up dying either way! Stop your stupid daydreams, because what you said won’t happen! Don’t try to make me hopeful because that’s just twisted! Making me think there’s a bright alternative when there really isn’t! I’m going to die! I’ll either die or get put down!” Alice’s body trembled as she shouted at him.

She felt a bit better letting out a bit of anger. But then she saw the way Natsu’s face fell. His eyes watered.

And then came the guilt. How could she have said that to him?!

“I didn’t mean it.” She tried to back track. “Yeah you did." Natsu saw through her, knowing now that she hurt his feelings that she was trying to comfort him now. She still felt the same way but she was going to try to convince him otherwise. He strode off. Alice followed him. “Natsu, please, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that! I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings!” She ran in front of him and stopped, hoping to get him to stop too. Just to talk to her. But he just brushed past her.

“Please! Just bare with me here! Can’t you tell I’m scared! How would you feel knowing you might die!” Alice didn’t mean to scream at him. But the emotions were too overwhelming. It even scared her. Why was she acting like this?

But it was enough to get Natsu to stop. Alice’s eyes immediately created tears and they easily streamed down her face. She started to shake hard, a panic attack rushing over her.

“Natsu, I’m so sorry, I don’t know what’s going on. My emotions are all over and I’m scared. I’m sorry I hurt your feelings by saying those things. I didn’t m-” Natsu stopped her apology, pulling her into a tight hug.

“You don’t have to apologize. Its okay to have fear. I have it too. It lets you know your weaknesses, it lets you know you’re alive. As long as you feel fear, you can become stronger. It’ll be okay. We’ll figure something out. We will try everything there is to make you better and even stronger. You will keep living. I promise you. And I haven’t broken a promise yet, have I?” Natsu consoled her and easily calmed her down. “With all the promises, you are good at keeping your word. I’m sorry for blowing up like that, I don’t know what came over me,” Alice mumbled into his vest. “Get on my back. I’ll carry you home.” Natsu pulled away to allow Alice to ride on him.

“And the Natsu Express has made its way to its final stop for this morning. All passengers please exit and take all your belongings.” Natsu jokingly announced like a train conductor as they reached home and he shut the front door.

Alice hopped down off him.
“So we got a couple of hours to spend before we gotta head back to the guild? What’s on your mind? A calming bath? A nap? Head?” Natsu wondered. Alice chortled at the last part. “You need to take a shower. You didn’t take one this morning after your morning training.” Alice advised him. Natsu pouted. “I don’t wanna.”

“Well you’re not getting into my bed without a shower. Hell, take a bath. I don’t care.” Alice walked away from him.

“Join me and you have a deal.” Natsu called after her. She stopped to look at him over her shoulder. “I thought we’re trying to stop me from overheating?” She smirked teasingly. “I’ll keep the water cold and I’ll try to stop myself from heating up. Even though it’s hard the way you get me worked up.”

Alice didn’t have anything better to do. And a shower would make clean up easier. She walked to the bathroom, leaving the door open, and immediately undressing, throwing her clothes out into the hallway. “Come on, Dragon boy. I wanna take a nap afterwards.”

Chapter 62

Chapter Text

Upon arrival to the Heartfilia mansion, Natsu showed his true ditzy side once more. “This place looks really familiar." He commented. “It’s where Lucy grew up.” Erza responded. “Does the family still own it?” Gray asked. “Well it looks like someone has been taking really good care of it!” Happy chimed, looking at the shine of the gold statue out front. Meaning it had been polished more recently.

“I guess they want to keep it maintained until a buyer comes along,” Carla guessed. “Apparently that hasn’t been easy. People have checked it out but no one has made an offer to buy it.” Lucy spoke up. Her mind was elsewhere. “Probably because no one can afford it.” Gray joked.
"It's in the middle of nowhere, not close to any major towns. And you'd probably have to rehire the previous staff since it'd be hard to find good help out here. Like, it's quite inconvenient unless you're committed to it. Which I'd say only anyone born over the last century would enjoy the architecture style and layout. Like, I said, since it's a ways away from any major town, getting supplies and materials to renovate it will cost a fortune to ship, and let's say you also hire out the work... I wouldn't touch this place with a 20 meter pole." Alice thought about it.

"Hey, I grew up here, you know! Have a little respect, please." Lucy frowned.

"So? I grew up in a cult, ran in a dilapidated old bible-school house. Please show no mercy." Alice crossed her arms, while shrugging.
"That's way different!" Lucy cried, arguing.

"And yet, I'd rather go there than buy this old thing."

“Such good memories. Your house has always reminded me of a palace in a story book. I had so much fun here.” Michelle thought fondly. “You’ve been here before?” Lucy wondered which made Michelle collapse to her knees bawling her eyes out. “We used to play her all the time!” Michelle sobbed. “Oh, right! Of course! I remember now!” Lucy replied, acting like she truly did remember. But obviously didn’t. Michelle looked up at her, done crying but sniffling. “You remember all those clothes you made for me?”


“You two used to make clothes together?” Wendy asked. “If Lucy has been making clothes since she was young, you’d think she’d have a better sense of style.” Alice huffed. “I would’ve never imagined you were the handy type,” Carla commented ignoring Alice’s insult.

“I bet you two must have been adorable," Erza laughed.

“She used to make the cutest clothes out of colored paper and flowers," Michelle confessed, to which Lucy gasped.

“That would be interesting," Gray smiled. “How would you make clothes out of paper and flowers?” Natsu asked. “Uhh..."

Both Gray and Natsu started to think about Michelle and Lucy in paper bikinis. Alice and Lucy noticed the twos flushed expressions. Alice growled, especially since she thought Natsu was above having dirty thoughts about Lucy, of all people. “Don’t be creepy!” Both Alice and Lucy chorused kicking the boys into the heavens.

Of course, when they recovered, the group made their way inside.

“Now, can we all be serious now? Is that too much to ask?” Erza crossed her arms, showing she meant business. “No ma’am!” Gray, Natsu and Happy saluted her.

“Well, where do we start?” Wendy asked. “Yes, and when do we start?” Carla added. “Well the first matter of business is splitting into teams, each group will scour each room, we’re looking for old clocks, anything related to clocks, if something reminds you of the inscription, take note of it. If you see something in ancient Potamelian, also take note. Keep in mind, anything related to this could be in any form.”

“Me and Lucy are a team!” Michelle started off, locking arms with said person. “Me and Carla will be partners,” Wendy said. “I’ll take Alice with me and Happy," Natsu sounded off. “All right, that leaves Gray and I. Everyone, go now and be skeptical of everything," Erza nodded.

After forever of searching room after room, Team Natsu came up with nothing on the second floor. “How are we supposed to know what to look for?” Natsu grumbled as they walked into the study. Where Erza, Gray, Michelle, Wendy, Carla, and Lucy were on the floor with pieces of papers with a letter of the alphabet on each one.
“Are you guys just playing a game?” Natsu crossed his arms.

“No, we’re not.” Wendy shook her head and continued on with what she was doing. “Keep quiet,” Erza muttered. “Yeah, I’m trying to focus,” Gray added.

“We’re trying to figure out an anagram,” Michelle clarified.

“I knew that,” Natsu grumbled, not knowing what an anagram was. “It’s like a word puzzle,” Lucy explained. “That sounds way much more fun than what we were doing. Let me try-” Natsu was about to sit down but then started to sniffle, as he was about to sneeze.

And then he did it, pushing out enough air to scatter all the paper letters on the floor. Which angered Carla, made Wendy exasperated and Erza straight furious as she whipped out her sword. Alice got between Erza and Natsu, pushing against Erza, keeping her from swinging the sword. But then she saw the floor.

“Wait, check it out.” Alice pointed to the floor. In the middle of the skewed papers, there were four letters that, coincidentally and fatefully, came together to make a word.

Startling them, Crux, a crucifix looking spirit appeared. “It seems the letters spell out ‘myth’,” he read.

“I wonder what else we can spell now,” Erza said, calming down and putting her sword away.

Later, they were able to come up with ‘duo great myth’. But Alice didn’t think that actually meant anything. “Oh I know! Check it out! There’s a pair of books called the two great myths! Both were written by Will Neville. One, “Life of the Clockwork” and it also happens to be where the strange inscription came from,” Lucy happily explained.

“You have that book in your apartment, don’t you?” Michelle wondered. “Yep! Talk about a coincidence! And the other book should be right here!” Lucy ran up the stairs to the library, coming back with a picture book. “Tada! “Key of the Starry Heavens”!” Lucy held up the book. “Isn’t that just a picture book?” Natsu commented. “It’s not just a picture book! It’s an amazing work of art!” Lucy defended the picture book.

“Well, whatever it is, I bet the word ‘key’ is pretty important," Gray said.

“Well, it seems like the perfect place to be looking for a clue.” Erza shrugged. “Do you think it’s another anagram? Probably not. But maybe if we look at it in a different way...," Lucy started to wonder, then Carla seemed to get one of her visions, as she gasped, and looked terrified, and Wendy consoled her.

“I don’t know if it will have anything to do with the clock hand or not, but maybe my dad left me some kind of message in this book,” Lucy wondered.

Happy got out a book of his own, while vibrating excitedly, waiting for someone to ask him about his book. “Is there something you would like to share with the group?” Lucy grumbled. “This is one of my favorite stories! I’d say the story of the “Tortoise and the Hare” is also a great piece of art!” Happy shared, proud of himself.

“If you would so kindly hand over the book." A male voice came from nowhere, some sort of posh accent, a lighter baritone voice.
“I’m not giving this to some random stranger!” Happy cried, now holding his book possessively.

Then the door handle, the one with the lock, burst and the doors flew open. “Hm, I don’t find your jokes to be very amusing,” The voice replied.

“What’s going on?” Natsu demanded also while protectively pulling Alice behind him since she was without magic to defend herself.

“Yeah, the door handle just flew off," Gray added.

The dust cleared, and out came a light blue exceed cat, his attire consisted of a Mitre with the Zentopia Church insignia on it, glasses, a red scarf adorned by a blue-colored ornament, white "pants", and a dark-blue shirt.

“What a rudimentary understanding. What happened was the handle expanded to twice its size which in turn, broke down the door," The cat explained.

“Whoa! He’s an exceed! But I don’t remember seeing him in Extalia,” Happy commented. “He wasn’t there. He must’ve hatched from one of the eggs that were sent down here, just like us,” Carla guessed.

Natsu walked forward, “tell us who you are!” He demanded. “The brains of the Legion Platoon. The name is Samuel,” Samuel introduced as he pushed up his glasses. “Give back the clock piece you stole from us!” Natsu then, ordered.

“I’ll pass,” Samuel denied, to Natsu’s dismay.

At least he was polite.

Samuel spread his wings out. “I consider this an amazing feat. Really spectacularly played. I mean I was right when I predicted you’d come here and look for a clue. So of course, you found one. I amaze myself.” He opened his book.

“Can I turn him into a cat-sickle?” Gray wondered. “Only if I can barbecue him after you’re done,” Natsu bargained. Everyone got ready for a fight, of course, Alice not included. She pouted being lumped into the useless group with Michelle and Lucy.

“Keep back, Alice, this might get dirty,” Natsu advised her as she muttered a few profanities and turned back to where Lucy and Michelle were.

Erza, Gray and Natsu casted spells at the cat, but just as they were about hit Samuel, some guy in armor jumped in front of the cat and used a big shiny shield to deflect the attacks and they bounced all over the house.

“Don’t destroy the house! I just realized that my life goal is to buy this house!” Lucy cried.

“What happened?” Wendy wondered. “Some guy came out of nowhere and blocked our attacks!” Gray replied.

“Some guy? I’m the spearhead of the Legion Platoon. My name is Dan Straight, go on and check me out!” A guy of average height, with brown eyes and brown short, yet spiky hair said with an arrogant smile. “Another person with a personality disorder!” Happy cried.

“You saw what I did with my shield, right? It’s called Ricochet, get it? This baby takes any attack and throws it right back at ‘ya!” Dan explained.

“Not if I melt it down!” Natsu leapt at him with a wing attack, but then the fire spell just flew right back at the group

“That girl! She has the book we need!” Samuel pointed at Lucy. “Run!” Michelle shouted at her. Lucy started to go, but Dan threw his spear at Lucy and it landed right in front of her, stopping her in her tracks. As soon as Dan got close to her, he fell right in love. He went on for a good three minutes explaining Lucy’s beauty.

“I thought this would happen,” Samuel sighed.

“Lucy, Michelle and Alice, get out of here. The rest of you, follow them to ensure their safety,” Erza ordered. And with that Alice was officially a part of Team Useless.

“Let me just kick these guys’ asses!” Natsu shouted. “Your job is to protect Alice. You promised to keep her safe!” Erza rejected the idea. Natsu growled, walking towards team useless. “Sorry that I’m so useless.” Alice muttered at him, taking his bad mood as him thinking of Alice as a burden.

“Alice-” Natsu began to say then Dan started to shout: “Hey! We weren’t done talking yet!” That was obviously pointed towards Lucy.

Natsu and Gray threw attacks at Dan, who ricocheted them away. And the fire and ice spells bounced around. But it at least gave them a time to run.

“Watch it there!” Gray caught up to Alice, and pulled on one of her arms, making her go into his chest, then she realized, he saved her from a ricocheting spell. “You okay, there?” Gray asked, letting go of her. “Uh, yeah. Thanks.” Alice nodded, somewhat taken back by the quick action.

“Come on!” Natsu took Alice by the wrist pulling her another direction to run.

All of them ran down a long hallway until there’s a loud bang. “What was that?” Gray asked. “I don’t know, but I hope Erza is okay,” Wendy replied. “Me too,” Natsu added.

“We need to hurry!” Michelle cried. “Right!” Lucy nodded.

“When did he get here?” Alice pointed in front of them, being the first to notice Samuel. “Just in time, I’d say. Your moves are easy to calculate. I just needed to factor how someone of your states would be able to maneuver through this floor plan,” Samuel explained.

“Time for me to shut you up!” Natsu went to fire punch Samuel, but then at the same time, Dan came to point his spear at Natsu and Natsu glowed a green bright color and flew through the window.

“Natsu!” Alice gasped, crying out, immediately going to find him, with Lucy and Michelle following her.

They found themselves outside in the front of the house, and spotted Happy. “Did you see Natsu?” Lucy asked. Happy laughed nervously and turned around revealing an extremely small Natsu. Like, so small, he was like a little doll for Happy to play with. Alice was excited, before she was worried about what this meant now.

“I want ten of these!” Alice snatched the tiny Natsu from Happy and hugged him to her chest, giggling at the cuteness. “Alice!” She heard a tiny voice squeak. Alice held him in the palm of her hand, bringing him closer to her face. “You are so adorable!” She smiled at him,

“Don’t call me adorable! I’m not!” He shouted at her, but it was so quiet and high pitched. “Yes you are, my love!” Alice giggled.

Samuel flew through the broken window down to them. “What did you do to Natsu!” Lucy accused him. “And will he stay like this forever?” Alice asked in excited anticipation. Natsu crawled up all the way to the top of her head.

“You’re talking to the wrong person for that!” Dan came up behind them. “This is my Habaraki. A spear that can change your size,” Dan explained. “Can you make him smaller?” Alice asked. “No!” Natsu jumped up and down in disagreement. Alice didn’t feel it.

“Give us the book, and we’ll be over with these shenanigans,” Samuel bargained. “Mary has such a heavy hand when approaching these kinds of situations. I more prefer intellectual situations,” Samuel said. “Screw you, pal!” Natsu squeaked.

“Happy, take the book!” Lucy tossed the book into the air, and Happy flew up and caught it. Samuel reached up Michelle’s skirt, making her scream.

“This is the one we want.” He opened the book and with his gale glasses, just taking in the information.

“How did he know?” Lucy gasped. “I’ve calculated a plan for each scenario that could’ve happened so no matter what you do, I’ll always be several steps ahead.”

Out of nowhere came Erza, Wendy and Gray that tried to do a surprise attack but Dan got his shield out and instead of just ricocheting everything, it kind of just built up in a ball, balancing on the shield. “You can have the book back, I’m done reading it, goodbye for now,” Samuel tossed the book to Lucy.

“This isn’t good,” Alice said, scrunching up her shoulders in anticipation for something bad. And then Dan’s shield let off a big explosion from the magic. Him and Samuel escaped in the smoke.

As it cleared, they all looked around wondering what to do now. The enemies had the information they were trying to get before them to stop them.

But it really didn’t matter as Alice’s eyes started to unfocus and she became light headed. “You’re getting really warm all of a sudden, are you okay, sweetheart?” Natsu asked, hopping down to stand on her shoulder and lean against her neck. “I’m fine.” Alice swallowed hard.

“You’re looking really pale, Alice.” Gray walked over to her and then placed his hand on her forehead. “You’re running a fever too, are you feeling okay?” He wondered. “Hey! Hands off my girl!” Natsu snapped at Gray.

“I’m fine.” Alice lightly smacked his hand away.

“Can things get any worse?” Michelle cried, looking out to the sky, to where Samuel and Dan left.

And then all of a sudden Alice collapsed. Out cold.

Chapter 63

Chapter Text

“I told you, if you’re going to be here, don’t touch anything!” Porlyusica shouted at Tiny Natsu.

“You said while you were doing the thing! You’re done now!” Tiny Natsu argued.

Alice was starting to wake up, and could hear voices. But where was she?

“Why are you even here? I don’t remember you being a relative,” Porlyusica snapped back. “I’m her boyfriend!” Natsu proclaimed. “It finally happened, huh? I thought you were being more annoying than usual. Your inferior human emotions have made you more bothersome.” Porlyusica grumbled.

Alice finally opened her eyes. The light from the windows burned her eyes immediately until she adjusted to the bright lights.

“Alice! You’re awake!” Natsu jumped onto Alice’s stomach. “Get off her!” Porlyusica got her broom out and swatted Natsu to the floor. Alice sat up and Porlyusica put her hand to Alice’s forehead. “How are you feeling?” She asked in a monotonous tone which gave the vibe that she really didn’t care. But she did.


“Really tired, actually. What happened?” Alice asked, still a bit fuzzy from sleeping. She tried to get off the bed but Porlyusica forced her to lay back down. "You’re not ready to get up yet.”

Alice gave in. She felt rested but too rested. Which made her more tired. Her head hurt bad and pounded.

“The pink haired troll doll here says you passed out after getting a high temperature all of a sudden. You were brought here immediately where I gave you a little medicine to help with the fever and something to help level out your magic. I hear the old fool blocked your magic temporarily. It did much more bad than good. Your magic keeps regenerating at rates your body can’t keep up with. While you might’ve thought you were getting stronger after your time in Edolas, it seemed to have put your body into a routine of quickly reproducing magic. And now that you no longer need it, your magic hasn’t calmed down yet. It seems to replenish at random times.”

“What can we do to fix that?” Natsu asked, climbing up the bed.
“I don’t know. For right now, I’m giving you these pills, they’ll calm your magic container, but you’ll have little magic, so I don’t want you performing any magic at all until our next meeting. Just about an hour ago I gave you a potion that drained your magic altogether, so you’ll feel a bit weak for awhile. The old man thought blocking your magic would help, but it did the exact opposite. You should’ve seen me way before this fainting spell. Your troll doll told me all the circ*mstances that happened right before you passed out. Even though you were unable to use your magic, your emotions triggered your magic container when you felt like you were in danger and your magic energy increased, and since you couldn’t use magic, your body just kept building up the energy until you fainted. In a week, I want you to return and I’ll see what happens. Take one pill in the morning, and one before bed, and no magic at all. I want you do as little as possible as well. You can leave when you can walk without falling over.” Porlyusica walked to the other side of the room, messing with potions and bottles and whatnot. She placed a glass bottle filled with pastel green tablets on the edge of the counter. “These are your pills.” She left the room.

“Happy is just outside. Grump over there wouldn’t allow ‘pets’ inside. He can fly you back home, while I have to go to the guild,” Natsu sat up on her shoulder as she got herself up to a sitting position. “I want to go with you there,” Alice argued with him weakly. She could barely keep her eyes open. “Sweetheart, she just said-” “I’ll sit down and be good, when it’s time to go home, I’ll either walk home or someone can take me there,” Alice interrupted him. “Fine, I can’t argue with you when I’m this tiny,” Natsu sighed.

For a while at the guild, Lucy read the book, people laughed and joked about Natsu’s size and tried to comfort Alice, Alice felt like they were pitying her. Acting like she was going to die.

“My father seemed to follow this book,” Lucy started to say. “How so?” Erza asked. “It’s more facts than fiction. The story is about a little girl that goes out to find 6 magical keys because they’re supposed to bring happiness. The thing is, while looking for happiness, the girl unknowingly brings sorrow and misfortune to everyone around her,” Lucy summarized.

Alice thought about that. A girl looking for happiness but only brought misery. Sounded like her. “Geesh, what a terrible ending.” Happy crossed his arms.

“How does the story begin?” Alice asked. “While it starts with the first key taking a journey,” Lucy answered.

If the key is a real thing, then the Legion Platoon must be looking for it, and the first place they struck was there when they had the clock hand.

“Yeah right, keys don’t take journeys,” Natsu scoffed. “Dude, it’s a metaphor, get with the program,” Gray grouched at him. “Okay, all right then! Where did it go?!” Natsu snapped upset that he didn’t quite follow metaphors. In fact he didn’t really know if he knew what a metaphor was even.

“Well think about it. Where did the Legion Platoon first hit?” Gray tried to spell it out for Natsu. “Well when Michelle first brought it here, it took a journey. And then everything that happened afterwards was a direct result,” Lucy said.

Lucy reopened the book, flipping through pages. “The little girl goes in search of the other five keys, finding them in a variety of different places, and finally goes to a cathedral and that’s where she finds the sixth key.”

“You don't think it’s-” “No, it’s not Kardia Cathedral. In fact, it’s nowhere near Magnolia,” Lucy interrupted Erza. “How do you know?” Erza wondered. “This was my favorite story when I was a little girl. I used to read it over and over again. One time I finally realized that the places the little girl travels to are real. It makes me wonder....If my dad came to the same realization, then he must’ve hid the other keys in those spots. Did he ever mention these things to you, Michelle?” Lucy wondered.
“No. Sorry. Mr. Jude was very quiet right before he passed away,” Michelle started to tear up.

“So, if we go to the places that are mentioned in the book, we’ll find the keys! Who is with me?” Lucy stood up from her chair. “I don’t know what the Legion Platoon wants with the clock pieces, but we have to stop them! Come on guys, if this chaos thing is real then we have to do something, please!”

No one really said anything. Even if Alice really wanted to go, she couldn’t. She was on house arrest until they found a way to fix her. To be honest, this whole mission was very Lucy-centric and that made her less likely to join the ranks of Lucy's team.

“I’ll go with or without you!” Lucy started to get fired up. Natsu jumped off Alice on to the table. “All by yourself?”

“I’ll go with you,” Michelle jumped on board. “I know Thumbelina won’t be much help, but he should go with,” Happy volunteered Natsu. “Oh what the crap, dude? Just because you got bigger doesn’t mean you can just cut into me like that!” Natsu snapped at Happy. Happy patted Natsu’s head, “Correction, I didn’t get bigger, you just got smaller so you can’t blame me for cracking a few jokes,” Happy justified.

“No time for jokes. This is a race, from the sounds of it, we have a lot of ground to cover,” Gray said.

“This case seems to have too much guesswork for my taste. Because we don’t know what gathering the pieces will do. With this said we must do what we can to keep this chaos at bay,” Master Makarov said, while sitting at the bar.

“I’ll take the responsibility to create teams.” Erza took initiative.

“How long do you suppose you guys will be gone?” Alice asked, lying on her back, arms propped under her head. Natsu laid on Alice’s chest, taking this once it a lifetime opportunity to lay fully on one of her breasts. So soft, so bouncy! A bed made out of titt*es!- Alice's titt*es, no less! What more could he dream for?

Happy took advantage of Natsu’s tininess to take the pillow he usually slept on.

“I don’t know. Since we leave early in the morning, and from what I know, it’s a ways away, it might be a few days,” Natsu guessed. Alice let out a long drawn sigh. She pouted. “Must suck being out of the game for a while, huh?” Natsu tried to sympathize with his girlfriend. “Just a bit. I mean, just as I was just starting to like you, you leave.” Alice joked avoiding talking about her actual fears.

“Very funny, I hope I get back to normal soon, because if not, things might get awkward between us. And I don’t know how to make up for the size I lost.” Natsu was referring to sex. Alice agreed with a hum. Although that was the least of her worries.

“I know I’m not much comfort this size. I’m sure you could use a hug.” Natsu rolled over onto his stomach, and stretched his arms out as much as he could. Alice let out a breathy laugh at his efforts. “Thanks, and you’re right, but I’ll wait until you’re back to your normal size. I mean, as much as I think you are so cute right now, I miss being the smaller one.”

“Yeah, I miss that too, and it’s only been a few hours.”

So the groups left. Levy, Pantherlily, Jet and Droy. Cana, Wendy, Carla and Erza. Lucy, Romeo, Michelle, Happy and Natsu. Mirajane, Lisanna and Elfman. Then, Gray and Juvia.

With her incident happening the day before, Alice was exhausted and accidentally slept until late afternoon. When she woke she felt going to the guild pointless. Everyone was long gone.

It seemed like a good day to do laundry. Wash the sheets since Natsu, once he’d get to normal size would probably complain about his pillow smelling like Happy who slept right onto of it, curled up in a ball.

The sheets were washed, dried and folded. Alice put new sheets on the bed. No one was back home yet it seemed. Maybe it was time to sweep the floors.

It came to be late night and Alice was tired. She fell into an uneasy sleep all by herself in that bed way too big for just her.

By early morning she’d get a rude awakening by the sound of a clock tower. Way louder than Kardia’s clock tower.

“Did anyone else hear that?” Alice burst through the guild hall doors. “The clock? Yeah, we’re not sure where it’s coming from though,” Macao replied. “I’ve never heard it before in my life, I wonder who bought the world’s most annoying alarm clock?” Wakaba put a hand to his head.

“The Oracion Seis.” Erza somberly walked into the hall, everyone else following her. “You’re back!” Macao noted.

Everyone looked grim. So Alice was the one to ask the loaded question. “Why the long faces?”

“Let’s chow down first, all right?” Natsu said, back to his original size, patting her head, but continued on towards the bar to put in an order.

After Natsu finally got his stack of meat and chowed down everyone was ready to talk.

“Our members were responsible for their arrest and it seems that they were able to escape prison,” Erza said, talking about the Oracion Seis. “We were so heavily defenseless against them this last time,” Carla added hopelessly.

“I couldn’t do a single thing to help! I’m too weak!” Romeo cried.

“I’m sorry! It’s all my fault!” Michelle started to sob. “Hey! It’s all right! Don’t beat yourself up,” Lucy comforted her. “Do you even know how your father got involved in all the Infinity Clock thing?” Wendy asked Lucy. “No.” Lucy shook her head.

“Let’s better not worry about that now, our biggest priority right now is to locate the Oracion Seis and from there, recover the Infinity Clock,” Erza directed. “Well, then let’s get moving! All we got to do is look for them everywhere. We’re bound to find them somewhere, right?” Natsu stood up from his chair.

“Don’t be stupid. We need to come up with some plan of action,” Gray dejected Natsu.

Natsu got in Gray’s face. “Who are you calling stupid? All I said was we gotta go looking for them!” Natsu growled. “I called you stupid because only an idiot would run around without any strategy!” Gray countered and the two commenced the fist fighting.

“You go my love! I love a man who fights for what he believes in!” Juvia cheered.

"Hell, you can have mine as well, then!" Alice said with a annoyed sigh.

After getting the two to separate, things calmed down for awhile. “So how did you get back to normal?” Alice asked Natsu. “While we were on the boat going there, some old guys changed me back. But then I got small again and then Dan changed me back. Of course, he also shrunk Lucy and then made Happy a giant and then turned him back,” Natsu shrugged. “Wow, I sure did miss out on a whole lot of action.” Alice moped. “Don’t sweat it! Besides, with you here, I have something to look forward to when coming back home.” Natsu patted Alice head. Those sweet words sent Alice into a state of fluster.

She put her hands over her face to hide her red cheeks. “Don’t say something like that!” “I was just being honest, geesh,” Natsu scoffed.

“Well don’t say it somewhere so public, especially when I haven’t seen you in a while!” Alice whined.
“Why?” Natsu asked. “Because I can’t do anything to reciprocate.” Alice confessed in a soft mumble, looking away from him. He laughed, “You know that medicine is doing some good. You’re so much cuter like this,” He tousled her hair. “I’ll punch you,” Alice threatened but in her whiney voice, she wasn’t too much of a threat. “Porlyusica said to take it easy!” Natsu lightly warned and as well teased. “She also called you a pink haired troll doll,” Alice countered.

“Looks like someone could use a nap!” Happy sat on her head. “You’re right,” Alice agreed. “What? Can’t sleep without me there?” Natsu smirked. That was part of the reason but Alice would damned if she let him know that.

“No, that clock woke me up,” she half told the truth. “That was like maybe just an hour ago! When did you go to sleep?” Natsu asked. “I don’t know, maybe 6 this morning?” Alice took a wild guess. She first tried to sleep late that night but never seemed to actually fall asleep or always fell into a light sleep and wake up minutes later.


“Everyone is so on edge,” Wendy commented, catching Alice’s attention. “Can you blame them? We don’t know what to do,” Carla replied.

“We’re still missing a few key players and one of them can’t fight for a while,” Erza said with her arms crossed. “Okay, fine, I’ll hurry up getting un-messed up.” Alice also crossed her arms. “No one is blaming you for what happened. I mean, no one could predict that this would happen. It just sucks that all of this happens at once,” Gray tried to stop a fight from starting.

“Besides, you’re not the only one out of the game. Laki and Gildarts haven’t returned from their mission,” Max added.

“In times like these we need power from every single person in the guild,” Erza sighed.

The doors burst open. “Yo! We’re back!” Bickslow announced. “We came back victorious, of course, with a great team like ours, we always do!” Evergreen gloated.

Freed sensed the tension in the room. “Excuse me, is there something wrong?”

In the time it took to explain to the Thunder Legion what’s going on, Alice had went to the bar, ordering three shots at once and started to down them.

Of course Natsu watched her do it. But what could he do? This whole thing was eating Alice alive. So all he could do was maybe stop her from drinking more. He went over to her, and hugged her from behind. “You know you don’t need that.” He leaned his chin on her shoulder. “I know. But I feel useless.” Alice mumbled.

“So this thing called the Infinity Clock is counting down to the end of the world? I swear, we leave for a couple of days, and things go downhill fast!” Bickslow sighd. “My, what unfortunate timing, I bet if we were there, we would’ve dispatched the Oracion Seis easy,” Evergreen’s ego got the best of her once more.

“Actually, while on our mission, I was out at the marketplace, getting ingredients for our next meal, I heard soldiers talk about the destruction of churches in Shirotsume. Two suspects were seen fleeing the place. A hooded man carrying a large scythe and his accomplice with incredible speed,” Freed revealed.

“I know two bad guys who fit that description perfectly,” Happy said.

“Erigor and Racer,” Natsu replied, slowly guiding Alice back to the others, away from the bar. “Except it seems Erigor calls himself the Grim Reaper,” Happy corrected.

“From what I’ve gathered, it seems the destruction of churches has increased over the past few days,” Freed continued. “Why didn’t you bother to tell me or Evergreen about this?” Bickslow demanded. “I did during dinner that night, I can only assume that you were too enraptured by my cooking,” Freed answered.

“But why target churches? I don’t see any clear motive for it,” Alice asked aloud. “All I know is since the Oracion Seis got their grubby little hands on the Infinity Clock, things have just gotten worse,” Lucy sighed.

“You seem really tired,” Natsu noted when Alice leaned hard against him. “Mhm,” Alice hummed, trying to stay awake “I can take you home, but I’d have to come back here.” Natsu suggested. “No. I wanna stay with you as long as possible!” Alice argued tiredly. “Well I need to stay here until I know things are okay. It seems that things aren’t settling down for a while, so either you take my offer to take you home, or stay here.” Natsu didn’t budge on his decision. Tired Alice was needy Alice.

“I don’t want to sleep without you,” Alice whined in a small voice, turning to put her face into his chest, as she was sitting in his lap. She tried to curl into his heat. Natsu sighed, wrapping his arms around her. “If you fall asleep here, and things go down, I’m gonna have to leave you here.” He mumbled into the side of her head, as he pressed a kiss to her hair.

“Are you leaving now?” Alice croaked out, waking up groggy. She didn’t bother to open her eyes but could tell from her surroundings that she was being put into what she could only assume was her bed. “No, not until tomorrow. Cana used her fortune telling to put the able players into teams and we’re going to be going against an attack by the Oracion Seis,” Natsu whispered, laying down next to her.

Alice turned on her side and wiggled her way over to him, and snuggled into his side. In response, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Where’s Happy?” Alice asked. “He’s spending the night with Carla and Wendy. He got put in their group plus Lily so to save time he’s just gonna stay with them tonight. Plus he swears spending this quality time with Carla will make them better teammates and their mission successful.” Natsu replied, rolling his eyes about his blue friend.

Alice didn’t reply, too wrapped up in sleep.

“You better get a good night's sleep, because you’re gonna have an exciting morning,” Natsu purred. Alice groaned in annoyance. She was too tired to even think about that strenuous activity hours away.

“What? I need something for good luck,” Natsu joked holding her tighter..

Chapter 64


I still have ptsd from forcing myself to write this, 8 years ago, at 16
And I have to now force myself to read it (again) at 24.

wtf you guys.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Alice felt it was a bit agonizing to be stuck sitting at the guild with no real way to know what for sure was happening with the teams. Cana kept sneezing and that didn’t help ease Alice’s mind. Alice knew first hand that Cana’s predictions were usually pretty spot on. So Alice had no reason to fret. But she did.

And then Warren got a telepathic connection with Laki. Who was with Gildarts on a special mission. “Laki and Gildarts found the real Michelle Lobster. She was hidden away in a church in a coma for a long time by lacrima crystal.” Warren said as he got word. Alice shot up from her seat. “We have to get word to Natsu’s group!”

If this girl that Lucy had been housing and playing host with wasn’t Michelle Lobster, who was she and whoever she was, why did she lie about her identity?

“Do they have communication cards?” Alzack asked Cana. “Yeah, each group should have at least one,” Cana pulled out her card.

Warren used it to try to contact Elfman who had team Natsu’s card.

“Did anyone hear it?!” Alice demanded, anxiety through the roof. “I don’t know, no one has responded.” Warren shook his head.

Vijeeter ran into the guild. “Bad news guys, the Oracion Seis is attacking Kardia Cathedral!”

“I’ll go!” Alice volunteered herself. She needed to be in on the action. “No, I’ll go,” Alzack argued, “I’m going too, Alice, we need you here to watch Asuka,” Bisca added.

“Mommy! Daddy!” Asuka cried.

“We’ll be gone for only a little bit, sweetie.” Alzack patted Asuka on the head. Alice didn’t know how to tell the two they couldn’t go because she knew with certainty that couldn’t handle even just one of them. If they could, then Fairy Tail wouldn’t have been a barnyard.

“Be safe, you two, if it gets to be trouble, you’re best option is to-” “We’ll be fine, Alice. By the way, this should be the best time to let you know that we made you and Natsu her godparents.” Bisca smiled. Alice was about to have a heart attack. “No that is not the perfect time to say that! Why would you-” “I’m kidding Alice. Since we have this little angel, we can’t be as reckless as we used to be.” Bisca laughed. Alice scowled. Not only did she not want the two to go die, but she definitely wasn’t ready for parenthood if that were to happen.

“That wasn’t funny,” Alice muttered. “We’ll talk about it after we’re back. We have to go now, Bisca,” Alzack put his hand on his wife’s shoulder. “You’re right, well, y’all better hold down the fort for us while we’re gone, and don’t wait up for us!” Bisca waved off as they left.

“Why are you always grumpy?” Asuka asked Alice. She had crawled up onto the table to sit in Alice’s face. “Why do you ask so many questions?” Alice replied, trying to not be a bitch. But she didn’t like kids. She was good with them, and she thought they were cute. But not when they were her responsibility.

“Some of the others are back!” Warren announced looking out the window.

Erza, Max, Evergreen, Elfman came back.

“It seems Michelle’s true identity is the 6th member of the new Oracion Seis,” Erza said. “Yeah, she was just acting all cute and innocent to fool us now they have Natsu and Lucy, it’s my fault.” Elfman added.

“We have to go get them!” Alice jumped out of her chair. “Calm down, Alice, you can’t go even if you wanted to,” Erza tried to calm her. Alice looked down, troubled. “I can’t believe I’m so weak! If I could’ve been there, I could’ve done something!” She balled her fists up. “Don’t beat yourself up, Alice.” Mira put her hand on her shoulder.

“I deserve some of the blame. My cards are usually on point, but they said nothing about Brain the second showing up at Kardia and no one will argue that the teams I picked didn’t work out,” Cana huffed.

“You don’t think an outside force had something to do with it?” Erza guessed.

“I bet it was Michelle. I can’t believe I trusted her. I knew I hated her and this stupid bracelet!” Alice wiggled her right hand and the bracelet dangled around on her wrist.

She tried to once again get it off. But the clasp had broken and seemed to be stuck. And the bracelet was sized just right where she couldn’t slip it over her hand.

Then the idea popped into her head. “Papa!” She skipped over to the Master. “Is it possible that this bracelet is cursed at all? Could it be the root of my weakness?” Alice shoved her wrist into his face. “The day I first met Michelle she gave me this and then all of a sudden the clasp broke and no one has been able to get it off me. And I gotta say, that’s when my magic started going haywire.”

“If Michelle did it, it’s possible that it’s cursed or hexed. Alice was the one person who didn’t like Michelle. So suddenly one of our key players is out of the game? ” Cana said backing up Alice’s claims.

Master examined it. “I can sense a tiny bit of magic from it. It’s almost undetectable. I have no way of knowing for sure what it does. But that could be the reason behind your sudden ailment.”

“Then is there a way to take it off her? Having Alice back on the team could make this easier,” Erza asked. “I will admit, when it comes down to it, Natsu and Alice are one tough team to beat,” Max added.

“Well, I could try,” Master said using a dispel spell.

There was a bright purple light coming from his hands as he hovered them above the bracelet. The gems on it all cracked and turned to dust.

“That’s all I can do. Although there maybe some residual magic left over. So it’d be best to take it off.”

Alice tried to undo the clasp but it was no good. “Maybe the clasp really is broken.” She scoffed, amused.

“Here, let me try.” Gray, who somehow was here but not mentioned, walked over to Alice. Alice held out her wrist to him. He froze over the bracelet and then used pure sheer force to break it off.

“How do you feel now?” Erza asked. Alice rubbed her wrist, to warm it up now. “I still feel tired, but I think that’s just because I’ve been taking that stuff Porlyusica gave me, but I’ll be fine.” Alice smiled. Even if she felt like she could pass out any second she would’ve still said she was fine. She wasn’t going to sit out any longer.

“Hey! Look there! It’s actually the actually guys!” Happy pointed out to a group of old men coming their way.

“Is there something you would like to discuss?” Master asked the guys. The one old dude that doesn’t look like he would evaporate into dust any minute removed his hat in respect. “Actually, we were hoping to see Miss. Lucy Heartfilia. We are here on behalf of Fiore’s Archeology society.”

They welcomed them inside to the actual master.

“Who might you be?” The youngest old guy asked Macao. “I’m the Fairy Tail guild’s master. You’ll have to talk to me instead of Lucy,” Macao said all intimidatingly.

“Well, you see, actually,” the young old guy started off. “What we have to say is of extreme importance, so it’s imperative that we speak with her directly.” one of the really really old guys said. “Indeed! It involves the strange thing in the sky!” Another dinosaur said.

“You can’t talk to her because she was caught by the neo Oracion Seis and so was Natsu!” Happy explained.

“Can you talk to us instead? We could use all the information we could get,” Erza wondered while the look in her eyes said that she meant business.

“Well, actually, with what is going on right now, there seems to be no reason to keep it a secret anymore. I assume it’s safe to say you’re all familiar with the name Will Neville, you see, I’m actually his great grandson. My name is John Luke Neville. Once more, I also knew Lucy’s father as well,” John Luke revealed. Alice had no clue what he was talking about.

“Well, that is certainly a revelation,” Erza crossed her arms.

“Jude Heartfilia and I were good friends in all actuality,” John Luke added.

“You and Lucy’s old man were friends? Explain how that fits into all this,” Gray said, putting his hands in his pockets.

“Its a long story, but let me start off by saying that is my sworn duty to watch over the Infinity Clock for as long as I live,” John Luke replied. “Does that mean you’re a celestial wizard?” master asked.

Goddamn celestial wizards.

“No, sir, I’m not. As a Neville though, I am very familiar with the history of the clock. Actually, my long life goal is to stave off the chaos that it would bring and sound the alarm when that threat becomes reality. I remember when this started, it was several months ago, and the clock hand was discovered at a dig at an excavation site. Apparently it was buried in the ruins to contain its tremendous magic power. By the time the archaeology society had found word, it was already taken off the premises. The hand had then found itself in Jude Heartfilia’s possession. He was a collector of such things, you see. Thankfully it wasn’t hard to detect because of it’s great magic power. We were fortunate because in the wrong hands, it could be extremely dangerous. I contacted Jude immediately in the hope of preventing inevitable chaos from actually happening. To contain the magic of the hand, I carefully wrapped it in a magical cloth. And at that point, Jude and I had an agreement, Jude would take precaution with it and actually move it somewhere else entirely,” John Luke explained.

Well now they knew the hand’s back story.

“So now we know how the clock hand had found its way to Lucy. It’s starting to make sense now.” Master nodded.

“What makes the Infinity Clock so dangerous?” Alice had been wondering that for some time now and no one was really answering her questions.

“The clock has the power to bring around something quite horrific; A grand spell known as Real Nightmare .”

“And what happens when it is cast?” Alice asked again. “It can alter the humans perceive time, you see. Or you could say it has control over time itself.”

“It can be a difficult concept to explain, as it doesn’t really manipulate time, per se,” “but it alters our perception of time,” two of the old men said, as they shook tremendously with old age.

“I don’t quite follow you,” Gray said, needing more clarification.

“This is what the inscription referred to as inevitable chaos.”

“So this will bring about the end of the world? It doesn’t make any sense to me,” Gray inquired.

“Just think about it for a moment. What time is it now? What is it that you are actually doing right now? Who are you having this conversation with right now? Imagine what would happen if you forgot what now means. You would lose knowledge of all time concepts. A person’s sense of self is derived by a person’s memories and experiences. If they were suddenly thrown into disarray....-”

“We would lose our identities,” Erza concluded.

“The Infinity Clock is hovering over Zentopia right now. From what I understand, their doctrine is heavily intertwined with it,” Master said.

“The group's founders were survivors of the clock’s last chaos. They sealed away the pieces, then forbid any discussions of its existence. To this day, it is still known as a very well hidden secret only known by the church’s high echelons. It accumulates magic, which is released once every hundred years. Throughout history, evil doers has sought out to harness its powers. Therefore, I have a formal request, a job I hope the Fairy Tail guild will take on: Please stop this from happening. Stop the Infinity Clock,” John Luke requested.

“Isn’t that what we already planned to do?” Elfman wondered. “Sure is.” Gray nodded to him. “We can rescue Natsu and Lucy while we’re at it,” Happy added. “All right sir, we’ll take the job. I promise, we’ll stop the clock, or die trying,” Macao accepted. Of course, getting the nod from Master Makarov.

“Did you know the thing stopping the Infinity Clock was the antibody link spell?” John Luke asked. “Yeah, that’s why the Oracion Seis was targeting them.” Gray shrugged. “Yes, but did you know that then they are forced to sleep for one hundred years in a chrysalis like state.”

“Okay, I just realized, who’s gonna watch Asuka?” Alice nodded over to the sleeping child on the table. “You shouldn’t go,” Gray advised. “As much as I like laying about, I want back in on the action. And I’m not going to wait and hope you get to Natsu in time! I’m going, none of you can stop me! Besides I was watching myself at that age. And she’s sleeping.”

“So maybe making you her godmother isn’t a wise idea.” Bisca said walking through the door. “I wasn’t really going to leave her by herself!” Alice argued. She totally was. But it wasn't like she was alone, there were other people in the guild and none of them would let her be unsupervised.

“I’m so glad you took the job, actually. Titania, we have something for you. It’s actually something that was also found with the clock hand at the excavation site. It is said to have the ability to ward off evil, you see.” John Luke showed them what was in the box tote he made the three shriveled up dwarfs carry.

Erza picked up this huge mallet that was way much taller than her by feet. She picked it up with ease. “I’m sure you are the only person actually strong enough to wield it like it was made to,” John Luke added. “Thanks, I will try my best.” Erza nodded.

“We will try our hardest to be of as much assistance as possible, mainly on our original task to do research on how to stop Real Nightmare,” John Luke said.

“Any idea on how to stop this thing?” Elfman asked. “I say we just go in there and bust up the place!” Alice suggested, bouncing in her spot, impatient and yet excited. She was ready to be useful again. “You’re sounding like Natsu there.” Gray frowned. “He’s not here, someone has to make the stupid comments.” Alice shrugged.

“Well don’t you guys worry much!” Cana pulled out a card.

And in a short time after, in the sky, came the Magic Bomber Christina.

“Men!!!” Ichiya decided to jump off the ship, face first to the ground, landing feet ahead of them. “We’re counting on this guy?” Gray asked skeptically. “We need their ship to get to the Infinity Clock, unless you know how to fly, it’s the only way,” Cana told him. “But he’s so creepy!” Gray whined. “Stop your yammering and get on the ship!” Master punched Gray so hard, he flew, and landed on to the ship.

They got some distance into the air without disturbance until the ship slowly lost air. Mirajane and Elfman went to see what the problem was and moments later Mira had summoned her Demon Soul and was fighting Racer.

Elfman burst back into the control room. “Mira can handle him! Now lets get moving!”

“Yes, right away, but first we need to make some repairs, someone lend some help,” Ichiya said, running off to the hole.

All this time had gone by. Alice just hoped Natsu was okay.


could you tell I didn't like writing this?

Because I don't like reading it myself. And I'm the one who wrote it.

It's so choppy and gross but I can't muster the courage to go back and watch the arc to capture all the details to make it smoother and more captivating to read. I just wanted to get through it as fast as I could. And I'm still wanting to get it over with.

Chapter 65


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“No, I don’t like this at all!” Carla cried. “You’ve turned into a racoon!” Wendy gasped, now in a form of herself, years older.
This was the work of Real Nightmare. Gajeel aged to what looked to be over 90. He had gray hair and wrinkles. Gray and Alice both turned into children.
Alice gasped, and immediately grabbed at her now flat chest.

Erza with her hammer started to hit everyone on the head with it, turning them back to their normal self. Alice sighed in relief, having something fill her hands as they were still groping her chest.

“We’re getting closer,” Ichiya said, as they approached Zentopia. “If anything has happened to Natsu, someone is going to have to answer to me.” Alice growled lowly. “Couldn’t you fly up there?” Gray asked harshly. “I could, but I don’t know how great my magic is right now. I have to be wise with it.” Alice replied, taking her eyes off Zentopia long enough to give Gray a look of irritability.

The ship took a sharp turn, dodging Zentopia soldiers’ attacks and then all of a sudden a huge octopus thing jumped onto the ship, its legs wrapped around the ship and its ink started to deteriorate everything it touched, including the sails. The ship started to descend.

“Save yourselves! I’m going to take this beast down with the ship!” Ichiya said bravely, while still posing. “Abandon ship!” Erza ordered.

Happy, Pantherlily and Carla took people and Alice took Gray with her on her disk. They all gathered on a pillar watching Christina hit the ground and explode. “We have to keep going. I know Ichiya can survive any danger.” Erza got everyone back on task.

Zentopia was literally just a city up in the sky.

“I just heard Gildarts. He says the Archbishop has been control by Cardinal Lapointe,” Warren stopped abruptly.

“We have to get there quick!” Erza demanded. “I know where to go!” Warren said as if he had a map in his mind.

After tunnels and tunnels and then stairs and stairs, they were in a room with hundreds of candles on the floor and in the middle of the room was a bed.

But, Natsu, Laki, Coco, Gildarts, Cardinal Lapointe and Byro were there.

“Natsu!” Alice called, running his way. He picked up on both her voice and his name and took in her running form his direction. He caught her in his arms for a quick hug. “Are you okay?” Alice asked, worried. “Maybe. What are you doing here?” He put his hand to Alice’s forehead. She grabbed his hand and pulled it away. “I’m fine now. We’re under the suspicious that the bracelet that Michelle gave me was doing that stuff to me. Cause now it’s off, I’m better now!”

“That’s great. Let’s give these guys a good butt kicking, all right?” Natsu smirked. “All right!” Alice nodded determined.

“I’m surprised you were bold enough to come into the grand cathedral of all places,” Byro began to say. “So was Lapointe,” Gray countered.

Lapointe, who they all thought was out cold started to laugh. “Struggle all you want, you insects. The Real Nightmare has you in its web. This is the day where the world you know is over. The Infinity Clock is fueled by the power Zentopia is founded upon. And that power has not been diminished since it was imprisoned. Back then it was known to everybody as the Infinity Castle. Every one hundred years during Zentopia’s founding festival the Infinity Castle gives off the magic power it has accumulated. A century’s worth of power, unstoppable and up for the taking,” he babbled on.

“You caused all that suffering just for magic?!” Happy accused. “No, you fool, my only goal is to revert the world to chaos. There is no higher purpose to me. With Real Nightmare in my control, I can return the world back to the days of anarchy that reigns before Zentopia’s time! A true heart of man with all its greed and hatred will be allowed to flourish once again!” Byro explained.

“Neville must have realized that the clock’s magic could be manipulated like this so that’s why he created a seal that would cross generations,” Alice hypothesized.

“But what does all of this have to do with Lucy?” Wendy asked.

“All you have to do to stop the clock is to kill the girl, but I know none of you will do that! Which means Zentopia’s Armageddon chaos is inevitable!” Lapointe started to cackle, but then he started to shake in pain. “Byro! You treacherous dog! You did this to me! I’ll have you hanged!” He accused.

“He’s just a fake made from personification magic, part of the deception. I doubt he even realized he was a puppet until now,” Gildarts said.

“Nobody pulls my strings!” Lapointe strained to argue with Gildarts.

“On our mission, Gildarts and I came across a lot of puppets like you, with the same look in their eye,” Laki informed.

“You’re wrong! I am the cardinal of Zentopia!” Lapointe cried until he disappeared, in his place, a bundle of, “Gross, Master Zero’s hair,” Natsu sniffed.

“He wasn’t the only puppet. As the head of the Neo Oracion Seis, I take full responsibility, but now, I at least know what has to be done. As a warrior of Zentopia, it is my duty to save the world. If I am to stop the Infinity Clock, then Lucy Heartfilia must die.”

“You won’t touch her!” Natsu growled, going to give Byro a fiery punch, to which Byro deflected and then threw Natsu into a pillar.

“I owe this guy a beat down,” Gildarts said. “I’ll take care of him, as you go find Lucy.”

“All right, just make sure he feels it.” Natsu got up to his feet. “Alice, come on.”

Alice listened joining his side, Happy also joining.

“I know how to get to the Infinity Clock,” Coco volunteered. “Then lead the way,” Natsu replied.

Samuel the flying cat came out of nowhere in his battle form. “Sammy! What are you doing?” Pantherlily demanded. “I told you brother, I serve Lord Byro and I will not let you get to your friend.” Samuel flew up. “Wait!” Pantherlily shouted.

“I know it may seem confusing brother, but I don’t need calculations to know what’s right! When the life of a person is weighted against the end of the world, there is only one course of action!” Samuel raced out of the room. Pantherlily and Happy chased after him but Byro used his magic and took their wings away. They crashed to the floor.

“Hurry! Save Lucy!” Happy shouted to Natsu. “Right!” Natsu nodded. “This way!” Coco instructed taking off.

After a short moment of just the three, Erza, Gray, Gajeel and Elfman joined them.

“I know the quickest way there, but still, it will be a while before we get all the way there,” Coco directed. “That’s fine. Just as long as we get there before its too late.” Alice shouted after her in assurance. “You’re okay, right, Alice?” Gray asked. “Of course, I mean there’s just a bit of exhaustion but I’m fine! There’s nothing that will get in the way of me helping save Lucy and stopping the Infinity Clock!” Alice replied with a nod, although she could feel herself weaken. She should’ve stayed out of the fight and let her body rest and her magic regulate but no.

“Happy just gave us a great theory and a new plan.” Warren spoke telepathically.. “Anyone else hearing that?” Elfman asked. “Yeah, it sounds like telepathy magic from Warren, but...” Natsu hushed up to hear the plan.

“The neo Oracion Seis have a seal on the clock, just like a spell. So if we def-”

“I can’t understand what he’s saying,” Natsu said. “He’s saying that if we defeat the neo Oracion Seis, we take off the seal on the clock and stop their plan.” Alice simplified.

“End of the line kiddos!” A voice said. Deep and rough. “Up there! Snake dude!” Natsu pointed up. On one of the stairs on the ceiling, there was Cobra.

“All that anxiety, the sweet desperation of despair, I hear it all.” Cobra smirked. “Not if I char your ears off!” Natsu put a fist up, challenging a fight.

“I’m saving you for last Salamander. You’ll get a front row seat to me destroying your girl. You and the fairy accident finally shacked up, huh? Too bad I’ll have to tear you apart. But first of all, Titania and I have unfinished business, don’t we?” Cobra threw an attack at Erza who dodged it. “You heard him. I’ll keep him busy,” Erza yelled. “We can help you!” Natsu argued. “No. He’s only interested in fighting me. It’s because I heard the cry of his heart.” Erza smirked.

“Shut your mouth!” Cobra shouted at her.

“We should get going,” Gray suggested. “Sure. Erza, if you die, I’ll kill you,” Natsu threatened as they headed out.

They found themselves in an area just filled with plants. “What’s with the plants?” Elfman asked. “Strange place to plant a greenhouse,” Gray commented. “Why build a greenhouse inside a giant clock?” Gajeel grumbled.

“I’m sorry boys but this will be as far as you’ll be going.” Angel. “I recognize that chick!” Natsu realized. “Of course you do,” Alice crossed her arms. She never liked Angel. Just because apparently her only distinctive attribute was that she was beautiful. And also she was a celestial wizard. “Angel. Keep going, I can handle her.” Gray stepped forward.

Why does everyone have their own vendettas against the Oracion Seis?

Hey Reader! Alice, here! I just want to let you know that I hated this arc so much that I just blanked out the rest of it, and so I had my dear friends retell it to me and I'm telling you.

Now, This part was boring. It was stupid. In fact, the whole thing really made no sense, so I’ll just tell you what happens. Because, I’m not sure if it was real or not.

Okay so, Lucy was saved, Natsu, no doubt.

Oh, Romeo showed up out of nowhere.

Oh, Michelle, was there with Lucy for her childhood. She isn’t a family friend though, and I don’t remember her real name, but she was brought to life by magic. She was Lucy’s favorite plush doll when she was a kid. She’s a doll now. So yeah. That happened.

Oh, guess what, I fell off the clock. My magic was still off. Very off.

But the next story arc, you better believe I become powerful.



last chapter of this arc!! thank f*ck!!!

Chapter 66


did you survive the Key of the Starry Nights arc? Because I, sure as f*ck, didn't!
So yeah, I guess when I refomatted the story from 1st person to 3rd person, I just refused to rewrite that last sequence and just had that little part left still in 1st person present tense.

And I, in my current big age of 24, didn't want to rewrite it, so I just deleted that little part to let yall off with some energy left because, that sh*t was draining as f*ckkk. Yes, it says a lot about me as a writer but I do this sh*t in my free time for my own entertainment.

Chapter Text

As soon as they returned to the guild, Alice had an angry healer on her ass.

“What part of not using magic do you not understand?! You could have killed yourself! You stupid humans not doing what you’re told!” Porlyusica shouted at Alice, swinging her broom about. Alice rolled her eyes, as she kept getting swatted at with the dusty old whisk broom. “Oh, chill out. I’ll be fine!” She waved off. She was leaned up against the wall, Natsu next to her.

“Sure, be an idiot and get yourself killed. It matters nothing to me!”

“You know, Alice, maybe you should listen to the old Hag,” Natsu suggested, nudging Alice. “I’m fine, totally fine. I haven’t felt this goo-”

And then Alice went unconscious at the most hilarious time.

And then Alice was diagnosed with IMRS, also known as ‘Irregular Magic Regeneration Syndrome’. Which meant her magic kept replenishing and deplenishing at erratic, random times. Which in theory was caused by her magic being partially sealed away all those years ago. While the bracelet Michelle gave her didn’t actually cause the disorder, it didn’t help it at all. It more or less just woke it up. It would’ve been triggered at some point anyways.

And so therefore Alice was put on a strict regimen. No magic. No adrenaline inducing actions. Just chilling out. And she was forced to actually take those magic pills of Porlyusica’s.

And the next day after the whole clock deal, the Legion Platoon came by to apologize for attacking Fairy Tail and attempting to kill Lucy.

And therefore, a party was in order. Alice didn’t drink. It wasn’t a good idea with her magic out of whack. Plus she was no longer that type of person. She didn’t need alcohol to have a good time, and you know what? Being sober let her see what everyone else was like not.

But she wasn’t herself. Well, she wasn’t back to strength. She was tired and weak. And Natsu was willing to go home at any time or to sit in the corner with her. But she felt like a bother doing that so she put on her best ‘fine’ smile and told him to go have fun picking fights with the unknowing victims of his soon badgering.

Alice’s head was spinning so she couldn’t go dance with the girls. She wasn’t strong enough to join a fight either. And everyone was focused on other things than her sitting there pretending she was having fun too.

Days went by and Alice felt a routine starting. No quests. No magic. And she didn’t have the energy to go at it with her boyfriend.
Life was plain.

“So who is Sabertooth again?” Natsu asked Romeo. “They’re a major super powerful guild. They surpassed Blue Pegasus and Lamia Scale awhile back. So now they’re the strongest wizard guild around,” Romeo replied, using his fire magic to form the Sabertooth guild’s crest. Which was sorta triangular, like a tooth. Inside the tooth shape, there was an eye, and the side of the shape, it jagged out to form a fang. Like a sabertooth within a tooth.

“Well, I’ve never heard of them before,” Alice said, trying to take a hit at the so called ‘strongest guild in Fiore’. A title only for Fairy Tail. “That’s because 7 years ago, no one had heard of them,” Alzack fired back. Alice was defeated.

“Then what? They started growing like crazy or something?” Gray wondered.

“It started once they got a new master, five strong wizards joined up and that was all she wrote,” Max answered.

Alice pouted and took a sip of her water. Sabertooth, huh? Fairy Tail could so take them.
Sure, with Fairy Tail’s big members gone for 7 years and only the loyal members stayed. Then they lost the big guild hall. The jewel. The fanbase. The reputation and the quests that came with it.

7 years gone by and Fairy Tail, which was the big thing in the day was now one of the weak guilds. Was Sabertooth the new ‘Fairy Tail’? Alice wouldn't let that live much longer. Fairy Tail deserved better than that.

“Five new members made them that much more popular?”“They sound like a new challenge,” Natsu smirked in amusem*nt.
“So if they’re number one, does that mean Fairy Tail is now number two?” Wendy inquired, just across the room, with a bright smile.

“Are you serious?” Happy laughed. “Wendy, child, would you look around us?” Carla sighed.
“We’re dead last,” Romeo commented. “They call us Wimpy Fail,” Alzack moaned.

“We’re dead last? Oh this will be great!” Natsu jumped up from the bar stool next to his mopey girlfriend. “For who?” Gray huffed. “We get to claw our way back up to the top again! I can’t wait!” Natsu shouted, ecstatic. Seeing him fired up and with such a bright, determined expression. Alice felt a smile creep up on her.
But then... She wouldn’t be able to be exactly at his side as he did make Fairy Tail big again. She’d have to watch from the audience. It made her ache. Wasn't the point of being in Fairy Tail, for her, was to be part of the action? Do the quests, make the name, and all that? Who was she if she wasn't part of the fun? How could she even call herself a Dreyer?

“Yeah, now I’ll be the new hot barmaid, since Mira has full control of her magic again.” Alice muttered to herself. “I’m fine with that! As long as you’re the hottest!” Natsu hopped over to her. Of course he heard her. Her voice was his favorite sound. Anytime her voice was in his hearing range, it got his immediate attention.

He noticed her smile faltering. “Though, I’m not sure how much I can get off watching you clean a bar. But I suppose I can get used to it.” He sat back down and pulled her from her stool to his lap, wrapping his arms tight around her middle.

“What do you mean by that?” Alice pouted even when Natsu bounced her on his lap, trying to lighten her mood. “I’m just saying, I like a girl who can kick ass.”
“I can still kick your ass! And you’ll hit the damn moon!” Alice wrenched herself out of his arms and stood up to face him, glaring up at his smug smile. “Oh yeah, what is your special attack huh? Sweeping?”
“Even if it was, I’d sweep you under the table!”

“I’d like to see you-” “Can you two just get a room before you do it on the bar?!” Gray shouted.

Natsu glanced over to the bar counter, imagining it. “I’m down for it. If you’re a barmaid, we just wait til everyone goes home and I-”

“Way to go, Gray. You gave him an idea,” Lucy snapped at Gray before Natsu could finish his idea.

“There’s no way I’m going to let you destroy the bar just to get off,” Alice glowered. “So you’re really going to take Mira’s old job?” Gray changed the topic. “I don’t have much of a choice now that I’m a magicless person. Unless we can expand my magic container without unleashing my dark magic, there’s no real cure for this. With children, they usually grow out of it, but adults, it’s a waiting game.” Alice looked to the ground.

“Hey, I’m sure you’ll get over this. You just gotta get stronger again!” Natsu said, upbeat.

“Yeah, we all were sleeping for 7 years, I’m sure you just need time to get strong,” Lucy cheered on. “In fact, we all need to. You saw how Max almost schooled Natsu, they all had time to train and get better. We need some way to get stronger.” Gray crossed his arms.

“You already got broomed by Porlyusica, what other way are you going to do that without actually training?” Carla added, scolding them for trying to get Alice to train.

“The master wants us all to gather up, and listen,” Wakaba announced, with Macao next to him.

Everyone congregated just up in the hall, as Master stood on a stool, “I’ve done all I can for this guild, and it’s been on honor, let me introduce your next guild master. Without further adieu, the fifth guild master, Gildarts Clive!” He gestured near Mirajane who waved nervously.

He jumped down, “where the hell is Gildarts!”

“I don’t know, but he left us a note!” Mira walked over to master to hand it over.

“To Makarov, and to all my Fairy Tail family,

I’m sorry, being master of the guild just ain’t my style, but since I have the rare occurrence to be in charge for a bit, I have two things I wanna get done. First, I hereby reinstate Laxus as a member of Fairy Tail.”

“He’s got some nerve!” Master growled, angry.

“And second, I hereby appoint Makarov Dreyar as the 6th guild master of Fairy Tail.”

“But I just retired!”

“I guess that’s pretty tall order from Gildarts. Make Fairy Tail number one again?” Max groaned. “I’m sure it won’t be too hard.” Erza smiled. “Things have changed, Blue Pegasus and Lamia Scale have gotten way much stronger too, seven years went by, remember?” Vijeeter added. “Well, I suppose, we have a long way of hard training.” Erza shrugged.

“No! I waited for you guys to come back and I’m not waiting anymore!” “Romeo!” “There’s a way to get back to the top, and you all know it!” Romeo stood on a table, impatient.

“No! Didn’t I tell you we wouldn’t take part in that thing again!”

Again? Thing?

“And what might this thing be, fourth master?” Master asked, a bit tipsy. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t call me that, sixth master,” Macao grumbled.

Romeo and Macao started to argue.

“All in favor of not doing it again say aye”

“What is this thing you’re talking about?” Natsu asked. “After you all disappeared, there was a tournament created to see which guild was the best,” Romeo smiled, knowing he’d get Natsu on his side. “That sounds good to me!” Natsu growled in approval.

“Guilds all over the country come together to face off in magic events. They call it: The Grand Magic Games!”

“Wow how original.”

Chapter 67



(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“I knew you weren’t giving up that easily!” Natsu laughed to himself, laying on his back on the bed. Alice was sitting crisscrossed with a book, doing some studying.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She replied not taking her eyes off what she was doing. “You wanna participate in the games, right? That’s why you’re coming with us to the beach, right?” He egged her on, smirking knowingly.
“While playing in the games sounds delightful, I know better than to do something so careless. Besides, it’s a beach with a spa. Why wouldn’t I go with? I said nothing about training. I was told to rest. And that’s what people do when they go to a beach resort.” Alice answered emotionless trying not to hint at her plan. “I don’t believe it.” Natsu squinted at her.
She raised an eyebrow at him, giving him a look. “You’re not even packed. So that means you’re gonna have to use magic!” Natsu tried to win the argument. Alice snapped her fingers. From the closet came three suitcases.They unzipped themselves and opened and various items from around the house flew into the room, clothes from the dresser or closet folding themselves compactly, toiletries going into a second compartment, shoes going n last. And then the suitcases zipped themselves up, stood up and wheeled to the front door and stacked neatly together. “Hah! I knew it!”

“Little magic. That’s my limit for the day. So if you’re done going on about stupid things like me trying to go against what Porlyusica said, then I’m going to bed.” Alice closed the book she had in her lap, placed it on the side table on her side, then she laid on her side, under the covers. “The lights are still on.” Natsu gave her a disbelieving, slightly defeated look. “Well I’m now exhausted and can’t get up. Looks like you gotta do it.” Alice took the covers and pulled them over her head. Natsu groaned and got out of bed to go ready the house for night time. Doors locked, lights off, and window blinds pulled together.

He dove back onto the bed. He wasn’t done with this conversation. “So you’re really gonna be a Mirajane in the making? An assistant to Kinana?”

“Got no choice.” Alice rolled to the other side, facing away from Natsu. “I suppose more power to you, sweetheart. I want a discount on food though.”

“All right! The beach! Swimming Contests! Eating Contests! Sand Castle contests! Tanning Contests!” Gray and Natsu chanted.
And so the day goes on with training.

Levy and Wendy reading magic books and notes. Erza working with her sword training, Gray worked mostly on his ice magic and so did Juvia with her water magic.
Lucy worked on her magic container strength.

Natsu worked on his fire magic which already, in itself was crazy powerful. In fact, as he swam down to the bottom of the ocean, not going too far away from the beach, and used his fire dragon roar, and how it just went through the pressure of the ocean water and up out into the sky, the power behind it, felt even by Alice who read a book on shore.

And with that she fell even more in love with him. Alice had a thing for power. Magic, strength, stamina, intellect. People who excelled in those areas held her interest. That was partially why she was so attracted to Natsu.

And probably why she had that side thing with Gajeel.

“Wait, how am I helping you? Thi- Ah!” “I told you, this is a form of stamina training, right? Just do what you do best and drive me crazy.”

He grazed her neck with his teeth, with a growl.
“I knew you weren’t giving up on your magic. I can feel the magic power radiating from you, and I knew better than to remind you to bring the pills when I saw them on the kitchen counter when we left. If you want to be a barmaid for the rest of your life, I won’t stop you, but your crazy magic ability just gets me going, you know?”

“I want to find a way to become strong, you know? As easy it is to give up on it, I can’t.”

“Yes, keep talking like that.”

“If you two are going to screw, do it outside! Some of us want some sleep!” Gray shouted from the room next to them. “Beach? Haven’t done that yet,” Natsu shrugged. “We’ll get caught,” Alice lightly rejected the idea. “You should really be talking me out of it, getting caught is half the fun!”

“I already feel more powerful now.” Natsu flexed his arms, muscles being more defined. Alice swallowed hard.

“Yeah, at first I thought, 3 months? That’s not enough time, but now we’ve started, 3 months will be easy!” Lucy sand on the sand, and then, “Hello princess~” Virgo popped out of nowhere, not making an appearance for an arc and a half. She popped out of the sand, head underneath Lucy’s butt.

“Nice to know you’re here, I have a question for you, what did you guys do during those 7 years Lucy was gone?” Gray asked, casually. “I totally forgot about that, I didn’t even think of that when I summoned all you guys during Key of the Starry nights. I’m so sorry!” Lucy apologized hastily.
“Don’t worry, princess, we weren’t terribly bored,” Virgo replied, as Lucy got up and Virgo emerged from the sand.

“So, is everything okay, why are you here, Virgo?” Lucy asked. “The celestial world is in total chaos and I ask Fairy Tail to save us.” Virgo bowed. “I was asked by the Celestial king himself to bring you there to him.”

“Lead the way, if our friends need saving, we’re on the case!” Natsu said fired up.

“Wait, I thought humans couldn’t go into the celestial spirit world?” Lucy wondered. “There is one instant that they can. You’ll just have to wear celestial garments. Here we go.”

And just as fast as it happened, they were in a new world.

It was like a new galaxy, sparkling stars, bubbles, different colors. Alice was enchanted by it all. Except the clothing.
Lucy and Natsu were in the matching couple outfit from the clash with Oracion Seis back in the day.
Alice was wearing a light orchid colored sweater dress. The sleeves went passed her fingers and she felt like a child in it.

Then, just like that, a huge humanoid figure appeared, almost bigger than Acnologia. His face was slightly human, but his blueish complexion, fish-like red eyes and large mouth said anything but human. He wore a green helmet with large white horns. He wore some sort of green armor that went over a light blue armor underneath that was lined like webbing. He was as large as the biggest tower in the world, and his arms were slightly longer than a humans, almost like an ape.

“We welcome Lucy and friends. It’s a great honor to have you here, we are here to celebrate the return of Lucy from her 7 year sleep on that island,” The booming voice said. His voice was very deep and loud, as if he was a speaker at the end of an echoing tunnel.

The wizards were confused. The startling news of war in the Celestial world came out of nowhere, but they didn't hesitate to help. But now it wasn't even true? It was... just a party?

“Wait, Virgo! You said you world was under attack!” Lucy screamed to the pink haired maid. “I lied,” Virgo shrugged.
Then all of Lucy’s spirits showed up.

Now, there was a huge party. All kinds of spirits came to join in the celebration. There were many types of drinks and food, music, shows-- it was lit.

Alice didn’t remember much of it. She accidentally got drunk. The small army of plue's that surrounded Alice kept offering her drink after drink and she could barely understand them, she just hoped for the best.

Natsu and Loke got in a fight. Well, Loke wasn’t trying to fight him. But Natsu wasn't paying as much attention to Alice as she liked, and being drunk.... When Loke came to comfort her, she decided he was the love of her life once more.

Now, you’d think this woman who has the love of her life and a happy life, would not go for other men. Which she wouldn't but Loke was in a suit.

Tuxedos are every girl’s weakness, right? Mind you, she was severely intoxicated.

Alice had a feeling it was a fun party. She didn’t have much to go off of. Except she now had a celestial key to a Nikora. According to Gray, not only did Natsu have to ward off Loke, he also had to keep other spirits off her, but there was one plue, who got past him and now Alice had a gate key.

She could’ve just given it to Lucy, but... decided to keep it for her own collection of keys.

She had a lot of keys. None of them magic, but she liked her keys.

A key to Natsu’s place. A key to the old and new guild hall, the barn hall too. Along with her key to her home and the cellar. She also had a key to Lucy’s place as well as Gray’s, Wendy’s, Erza’s, Loke’s old apartment, and the Strauss home. Then an odd collection of keys to various lock boxes. But this would be her first magic key.

But that aside, the whole Fairy Tail team was at a loss and severely devastated.
Celestial time was far faster than human time. A day in the spirit world allotted for 3 months in the real world.

So there was only 5 days left to train.

Now let’s just say, Natsu, Gray and Erza, they might as well have been dead emotionally.

“No! We won’t stand around! Five days of hell is what it will be! Prepare yourselves, some of you will not survive!” Erza growled, glowing in a powerful aura of power.

“I agree! Give me your worst, Erza! I’m ready to feel the burn!” Natsu stood up, empowered. “All right. Let’s start with some running-” Erza paused as a pigeon landed on her head. “Check it out, it has a note!” Alice, now left with a slight buzz, coming off of being drunk, happily sprung up to take the note.

Happy took it and read, “Hey Fairy Tail. You better come to the broken suspension bridge at dusk!”

“I’m not taking any orders from a note!” Natsu snapped.

“Yeah, I don’t care for their tone,” Gray added. “What should we do?” Wendy wondered trying to come to a consensus. “I say we ignore it,” Carla answered.

“I’m going!” Alice took a big step in a random direction.. “Yes, Alice has the right idea,” Erza said with a nod. “Wait!” Levy ran over and grabbed Alice by the hand, stopping her from going on her own. “This has trap written all over it.”

“I say we take the risk, it sounds like a challenge!” Erza charged on. “Let’s not waste time!” Natsu sped off. “We don’t even know where it is!” Lucy shouted, but gave up, defeated by her friends.

The bridge was off in the forest, and there was a ravine, and there was a broken bridge. “All right, so now what?” Gray wondered. “Well, it seems those cowards ran off!” Natsu muttered, in flames. “Why are you always looking for a fight?” Wendy sighed.

And then the broken bridge moved on its own and was repaired. Like it was taken back in time. The rope unfrayed, the wood’s color restored to one that hadn’t been worn and torn by weather. A rich wood color.

"Well, we cross then!” Alice’s first step was on the first wood step. “I still say this is a trap,” Levy added. Lucy stopped Alice before she put any weight on that step and pulled her several feet away from the bridge. “Come on, let’s go!” Natsu excitedly smiled. “Is he volunteering?” Gray asked the others who shrugged. Then he shoved Natsu onto the bridge and Natsu stumbled, as the bridge wobbled. Then he got sick.

“Are you serious?”

“You get on here and see for yourself! But I’m not letting this wooden bridge get the best of me!” Natsu trudged on to the other side, safe.
“Well at least it didn’t break,” Lucy shrugged. “Did we just use Natsu to make sure it was safe?” Wendy asked. “Yeah,” Gray laughed.

“You used me as a lab rat!?” Natsu roared. “Wouldn’t be the first time, dear!” Alice shouted from across the bridge. She tried plenty of spells and potions on him in her time.

They walked further into the forest and found no one. Alice cried about being bored of walking and so Gray gruffed about her alcoholism and carried her on his back.
And there was an even further way to go.

Then, there was a separation of trees, like it was a path. There were three people up ahead, wearing cloaks.

“I recognize that smell,” Natsu claimed.

The three people stepped towards them. Alice got off Gray.

Alice was only able to recognize one of the three. Jellal?

He’d have to be what? 26 years old or so? Alice had to avert her eyes. He was too gorgeous to look at without getting ideas about him.

Him and the other two people removed their hoods. It was a girl with a ginormous chest, and bright pink hair and bright green eyes. Then there was a woman with dark violet hair and bright violet eyes, with a white hairband in... Ultear?

“So you did come. Hello, Erza. You haven’t changed at all. I assume word of my prison break reached you some time ago?” Jellal’s deep voice said monotonously.

“Yes,” Erza responded darkly.

“Just know I didn’t mean for the escape.”

“Meredy and I didn’t give him much of a choice,” The older woman spoke with a smug expression. “That was all you, Ultear, don’t pull me into your criminal behavior!” Meredy smiled.

Natsu and Lucy got ready for a fight.

“Chill out guys, they’ve switched sides,” Gray gave Ultear and Meredy a cautious look, “isn’t that right?”

Ultear, with a hand on her hip shifted her gaze in their direction. “Yes. I committed many sins as a part of Grimoire Heart. So many, I doubt I could atone for any of them. So I dedicated my life to bring some sort of peace to the people I hurt. ‘Til the day I die.”

“You risked so many breaking him from prison,-” “Because Jellal is one of them,” Ultear interrupted Wendy’s thought.

“You don’t owe me anything, Ultear. We both were possessed by darkness. It’s in the past now,” Jellal replied, still coldly.

“Jellal, have your memories returned?”

“Every last one. Including my sins. For 6 whole years, I’ve been living with the guilt of what I’ve done. Erza, I’m sorry, but words can’t erase your pain.”

“I was the one controlling Jellal during the Tower of Heaven incident. The sin is mine, so don’t punish him. Besides, I think he’s been through enough as it is.” Ultear took the fall. “I could either spend my life in prison, or lose my life and be done with it. Whatever happened, at least my penance would be paid.” Jellal looked towards the ground.

“But now you’re free, you can find a positive purpose for your life,” Wendy said. “Wendy, I don't know how to say this without pain, but the Jellal you know, is someone else entirely,” Jellal explained. “Don’t worry. We cleared that up a while back,” Wendy replied.

“I found a purpose, but I don’t know if it’s positive.” Jellal looked to the side, still, at the ground.

“The three of us have created a guild. It’s an independent guild. Neither officially recognized or aligned with anyone. It’s name,: “Crime Sorciere”, or “Witches’ Crime”,” Ultear said.

“Crime Sorciere? I’ve heard of you. You’ve taken over quite a few dark guilds over the years,” Jet said. Oh yeah. Levy, Jet, and Droy were also on this trip.

“Yes, but our true goal eludes us. Zeref. Dark guilds or any dark force in the world that seeks to destroy the lives of innocents. We’ll purge all so he won’t possess anyone else again.”

“That’s a seriously righteous goal!” Lucy smiled. “With all the good you’re doing, I don’t see how the Magic Council won’t accept you,” Gray added.

“I’m a convict.”

“And Ultear and I used to be in Grimoire Heart.”

“And it’s best if we stay as we are. If we become official, we can no longer go after dark guilds due to the Interguild Dispute Interdiction Treaty,” Jellal added.

“We’d love to continue to chit chat, but that’s not what we’ve come for. We need to ask you a question. You’ve decided to join the Grand Magic Games?” Ultear flipped her hair over her shoulder.

“Yeah, why?” Natsu replied, in his challenging tone.

“We can’t get near the coliseum without trouble. If you all are willing, we’d like for you to do something while you’re there,-” “Oh, I get it. You want us to get you someone’s autograph,” Natsu dumbly assumed.

“I’ll pretend you didn’t say that,” Ultear hissed. “Every year, during the games, we sense an overwhelming source of magical power. We want you to find what’s behind it,” Jellal cut to the chase. “Serious? The games will hold many guilds, who are full of magic, how could we pinpoint it such little time?” Alice was sobering up, therefore able to participate in the conversation. “Aren’t you guys being a bit paranoid?” Levy, the most logical and questioning of them all added in.

“We wouldn’t ask you if we weren’t absolutely sure of it. And it’s a dark magic, reminiscent of Zeref. Our previous involvement with him has given us the ability to trace his magic.”

“We’ll do it,” Erza agreed. “Are you sure?” Gray inquired. “Yes. We have no choice either way. Numerous guilds will be circling in there. We have to do it for their sake and maybe our own,” Erza nodded.

“Did we mention, we’ll be paying up front?”

Lucy, Natsu and Happy chirped, “Food money!”

“Oh no, nothing so material.” Ultear smiled, reaching out her time crystal ball. “I’ve had years to sharpen up my arc of time magic. I can use it to enhance your abilities. A power up. Well, that’s one way of putting it. Though, it’s not entirely accurate. Wizards have a container of power which holds how much power of wizard can have. With every spell, it’s depleted. Your body collected magic, the earth’s ethernano all on its own, and continues to do so until the container is full again. But new research has found with that container there’s another lying beneath it that goes unused. A reservoir of untouched power. They call it, the Second Origin. Not only can my arc of time grow your power, I can force it to open that Second Origin. Not only can you use powerful magic, you can use it for a longer amount of time.”

Alice perked up. This could be her cure. She had read theories on the second container called ‘Second Origin’ but back in her time, it wasn’t much of a tangible reality.

So with that, they all went to the beach shore, and the sun began to set. Alice knew she wouldn’t have a chance if Erza was around when she started the process or even tried to talk Ultear into it. Luckily Erza and Jellal walked off to have a moment.

“This will be excruciating pain that could be too much for you, but it will unlock your second origin.”

“I want to be first!” Alice pushed herself to the front. “Are you serious, Alice?” “Yeah, I thought you weren’t supposed to use you-” “Nah, it’ll be fine!” Alice quickly shut Lucy and Carla up.

“No, if it’s going to bring on terrible pain, I’ll do it first, just to make sure it’s worth it.” Natsu stepped up. He tore off his shirt and threw it at Gray.

As Ultear casted it, a red glowing transmutation wrapped around his body and he collapsed onto the beach floor. Groaning, and cursing. He trembled and shook, crying out in pain.

It was painful to even watch.

Wendy burst out crying, holding onto Levy. Jet and Droy ditched the group.

Although, he was the only one to do it first, it seemed to take a long while so, they all went through the terrible pain. Alice sat up, cross legged, arms crossed, eyes closed as she silently took in on. She didn’t want to show pain. Everyone else writhed around crying and screaming. Well except Erza who didn’t show any hesitance. She was smiling, laughing, talking and walking like she wasn’t going through it.

But was it all worth it?



Chapter 68

Chapter Text

“I read a whole horror novel!” Nab said, as if gloating. “Really? That was it? You can have at least read a book on dieting!” Nakaba scolded.

“I perfected my sand storm! I could even take on Natsu this time!” Max said.

“Oh yeah?” Natsu stood up, from his tired state. Alice was bubbling with magic power. No more exhaustion. No more dizzy spells. But this time far more powerful.

“Try to take on me!” Alice teleported, standing in front of Natsu, challenging Max herself. “What? You’re on a strict no magic regime!” Macao said, shocked. “Not anymore! That training really did me good!” Alice smiled brightly giving off a terrifying amount of magic power.

“Good work, everyone! I am proud of everyone’s hard work over those three months. Now, I’d live everyone to join me inside,” Master announced.

“How can you be so upbeat?” Natsu groaned, catching up to Alice’s short strides to the barnhall. “How can you not? I am feeling so great!” Alice replied, upbeat. “Well first off, you know how late you kept me up? I could barely keep up with you!” “We’ve done more than that before. I’d like to beat our 5 day record!” Alice turned to walk backwards to face him. “I want a nap first.” Natsu said exasperated at the thought of non stop sex. So he had to be tired then. Usually the thought of days on end of just pleasure sounded like paradise. Except when he had already come home sore and tired and then Alice keeping him up until early morning/late at night. Alice only stopped because after the 4th round, Natsu was out cold. “Well maybe I’ll just take your spot in the games.” Alice smiled impishly. “Oh that’s right. You’ll probably not be on the team since no one really expected your improvement.” Natsu realized. “That sucks because we could probably use you.”

“Now it’s time to announce the five who will be representing us in the games: Natsu, Erza, Lucy, Gray and Wendy.”

That wasn’t unexpected in the least. Though Alice would’ve replaced Wendy and Lucy with Laxus, Mirajane, Juvia or Gajeel. But Laxus and Gajeel hadn’t made an appearance in a while. Well since the supposed fight that happened a few weeks before. After Laxus knocked Natsu out with one punch, Gajeel had been M.I.A.

“Can Alice take my spot? I’m not a fighter! Please!” Wendy pleaded with the master. “I know you’ll do fine in the games, besides, it’s not the best choice to put her out there without knowing if she’s truly in her best health. We can make her a reserve member, though.”

“Yes! If I just make Lucy disappear under mysterious circ*mstances, I’ll be in and we’ll win for sure!” “I can hear you, you know!” Lucy grumbled at Alice’s scheme, which wouldn’t happen either way. “I still need to practice my spells, Natsu, come with!” Alice was fired up. She tugged on his arm but he wouldn’t budge. He threw that arm around her shoulders, pulling her down, forcing her to sit.. “Alice, I’m still sore from that second origin thing, come on, let’s rest,” Natsu hushed her. “But I have so much energy!” Alice pouted. “I’m sure you’ll find someone to fight you.”

And in that moment, the whole guild hall was abandoned. “Oh come on! She can’t be that strong! She hasn’t practiced real magic in like 7 years!” Natsu groaned, scolding anyone still in earshot. But felt impressed. Excited to see her in action if she had people fearing for their safety. Thee Alice Dreyar of Fairy Tail. The Fairy Princess, the Fairy Prodigy, was back in action! The force of nature she once was, the fearless goddess of magic... It felt like the golden days once more.

“Wow! It’s been forever since I’ve been here! It’s grown so much!” Alice gasped in awe at the city of Crocus, the flower city.

The largest city in all of Fiore, being the kingdom city, housing the royal family.

It was where everything big happened. And where gossip spread fast.

So as Fairy Tail walked through the city, people kept giving them stares and whispered about them.

Was it because the big dogs were back or was it because of their poor reputation?

Either way alice didn’t like it. Fairy Tail deserved respect.

“Let’s go exploring!” Natsu shouted the idea, running off with Happy with him. “Don’t leave without me!” Alice trailed after him. With Lucy as well.

There were so many different shops and so many flower vendors. And with all the people in the capital, there were a lot of different things out just special for this. Like a dance festival.

“Natsu! Dance with me!” Alice tried to pull him in the direction of the dance circle. “Why? I don’t want to.” He shrugged her off. “Crocus is the city of love in Fiore, so dance with me!” She begged.

“We have plenty of time to come back here!” Natsu cried as Alice jumped up onto his shoulders in protest. “But now is the only time we ca-” “Hey, everyone! A fight!” A man shouted out from somewhere not far off. “Finally! I knew there’d be a fight around here!” Natsu, not so thoughtfully, tore Alice off him and ran off to the sound of the tussle.

So, Happy, Lucy and Alice had to follow. There was going to be trouble if Natsu got in a fight.

There was a huge crowd surrounding something. Alice sensed Dragon Slayer magic. And it wasn’t from her own slayers.

Natsu had already made somewhat of a path through the people, so it was much easier for Alice to get through. “Natsu, you can’-”

“Natsu Dragneel.”

There were about 12 guys on the ground, unconscious and two men standing over them. Where the magic power was coming from.

They were both slim, yet muscular, toned young men of average height. One with spiky blond hair, which was jutting outwards in every direction. The blond’s left ear was adorned with an earring which, in itself, was attached to by a prominent metal pendant that was crystalline in shape. His white Sabertooth mark was located on his left shoulder. Then the other guy with black hair, which almost reached down to his shoulders, along with some strands pointing upwards on top of his head and a prominent tuft obscuring most of his forehead.

“And look, Alice Dreyar.”

Alice stepped over to Natsu in a slow, cautious manner, staring down these two strangers.

These two boys, were without a doubt, very attractive. They were definitely dragon slayers. Alice’s only weakness: attractive and dragon slayer.

“Yeah, but who are you?” Natsu asked the two.

“Seriously? He doesn’t know Sting and Rouge the twin dragon slayers of Sabertooth?” Some idiot in the crowd so conveniently announced.

“So you two think you’re hot stuff, huh?” Natsu wondered.
The blond laughed. “So it is true. You did enter the Grand Magic Games,” His voice was light and yet gruff.

“Yeah, but how do you know us?” Natsu inquired. “Everybody knows you. You’re the dragon slayer who couldn’t even slay a dragon.” The blond got in Natsu’s face. This wasn’t going to end well at all. “Doesn’t sound like much of a dragon slayer to me.” he stepped back.

“The sad part of it is, I used to look up to you, and my friend used to be a big fan of Gajeel’s.”

The raven male spoke in his boring low voice, “it was more of a curiosity since he too was a fellow dragon slayer.”

“You gotta be kidding me. You both are dragon slayers?” Natsu was in disbelief. Though, it had already been proven dragon slayers all look different even if they had those serpent eyes and those prominent sharp teeth. And those two had those features. “We’d prefer it if you called us true dragon slayers, because unlike you, we could have easily slain Acnologia.” Blond guy smirked.

“Well, say that after you go against the Black Dragon King yourself!” Alice spoke sharply.
That was one thing that no one was going to joke about.

“Yeah! You weren’t there!” Happy backed her up. “This puss* cat is dumber than he looks!” Apparently, all real dragon slayers have cats that can talk. Because there are two. A dark burgundy one, and a green one in a pink frog onesie.

“Yeah, you’re way smarter, Lector,” the frog one said.

Alice’s hands sparked with electricity. But she had to stop herself from electrocuting cats.

“It matters not if we were there.” Raven guy argued. “Yeah, what matters here is that we’re far more superior,” Blondie added.

Lector, the cat walked up. “Lemme put it straight to ya, those dragon slayers from Fairy Tail, even that Alice are 1st generation dragon slayers, getting their powers directly from dragons, your buddy Laxus and that guy Cobra are second generation getting lacrimas implanted into them, getting their powers. Rogue and my boy Sting here are far more superior cause not only do they have dragon lacrimas, they were raised by dragons who gave them their powers, so their third generation hybrids. So in other words, they are the ultimate dragon slayers.”

“So in other words they sucked as 1st generations and had to go get extra power to get to our level?” Alice fired back.

“So you think you’re better than everyone else?” Natsu challenged.

“They don’t just think that; there's skill difference between third and first generation. You wish you were half as strong as they are.” That cat was way more annoying than Fairy Tail’s three put together.

“So tell me. Did your dragons also disappear in the year X777?” Natsu asked. “Yeah, you could say that,” Sting said, co*ckily. “More to the point, they died,” Rouge added, still with no emotion. He locked eyes with Alice’s. His eyes were red, like Gajeel’s.

“The dragons who gave us their powers, we eliminated them. With our own hands, so we could earn the name as true dragon slayers.”

Alice felt her heart stop. A shiver ran through her violently, making her shudder. Her stomach churned. How could they.... No, there was no way they killed their parents...

Her memories of Umiko were fuzzy and if she was honest, she barely recognized her as her mother, because they weren't together for long. But she knew how the others felt about their dragons, the high regard Natsu held Igneel, there was no doubt to anyone that Igneel was his father. And same with Gajeel and Metalicana, or Wendy and Grandeeney.

“THEY WERE YOUR PARENTS!” Natsu shouted, blood boiling. Which was expected.

The town clock rang, indicating it was 11:45, to remind contenders to get home. If they weren’t in their inns, they were disqualified. Alice had to get her thoughts in order. They had to leave.
“We have to go now,- Natsu.” She said in a stern voice.

“Yeah, better listen to your little girlfriend there. She was better as a model than a wizard. At least she knew what she was doing then. Now she has to baby yo-”

“When Fairy Tail knocks you children back down, you’ll know better to treat us with respect. Of course, either way, you watch yourselves. I don’t take too kindly to immature brats like you kids.” Alice gave them both a side eye as she guided Natsu away from the crowd. No one was sure if they imagined it, but she gave them such a dark look, it almost looked as if she was giving off black energy, making the light around her vanish. It was only for a second, but it was noticed.

“Wow, Alice, I haven’t seen a side of you like that since Phantom Lord!” Lucy gasped in awe still, as they made their way to their inn.

The Honey Bone Inn. “Brats like that get on my nerves. Besides, I couldn’t stand by as they disrespected Natsu like that in front of me, it’s one thing to be a jerk but to go as far and say...Look, we’ll take them off their pedestal soon enough.” Alice crossed her arms.

“I wouldn’t want to get on your bad side, Alice!” Happy chimed in. “What did she do now?” Gray’s voice interrupted the conversation, as they were at the door of the inn. “Showed up some jerks!” Lucy said proudly. “Oh yeah, wouldn’t want to mess with her.” Gray smiled. The clock chimed, it was midnight.

“We better hurry upstairs. Even Erza’s good side is riveting.” Alice held open the front door.

And there they were, kneeling at Erza’s feet as she tore into them all.

“You all were late!” she scolded. “I was having an unenjoyable meal,” Gray answered.
“We ran into some other contestants,” Lucy answered for the other three

“Do any of you know where Wendy ran off to?” Erza asked.

“I’m not officially a contestant, so I can go out and look for her.” Alice stood to her feet. “Yes, that’d be wise, be careful though,” Erza nodded.
“I’ll take you to the door.” Natsu followed her out the door.

On their way, they met Lisanna and Elfman running up to their room with supplies. Then downstairs was the bar, which was filled with a few of their fellow members.

“I’ll probably be asleep by the time you come back. I know you’ve got your own bed in another room but you’re welcome to joining me. Your scent helps me sleep better.” Natsu hooked a smooth bunch of Alice’s hair under a finger as he kissed the lock.

“Yeah, was planning on it, but... are you okay?” Alice took in his unreadable expression. “Those damn twin dragons from Sabertooth, how can you not be bothered by what they said?” Natsu said with gritted teeth.

“About them killing their parents? I’m trying not to think on it, but I can’t really believe them, I mean, dragons were an unstoppable force, how could two kids, who were like 5 when the dragons disappeared, kill dragons? Even if Acnologia is an unbeatable force, normal dragons still have to be hard to take down. I personally think our entire guild couldn’t do that. Not that we would.” Alice felt a chill run down her spine as her mind went over their words again. “They think they’re stronger than you, which is a joke. And you’re the strongest dragon slayer I’ve ever seen. Sometimes your power is overwhelming because of the force, and you still have a lot of training left. And those two dragon slayers from Sabertooth think they can bring you down. They don’t know what they’re talking about. They didn’t kill their dragons. I won’t believe it.”

“Thanks for that, but... *sigh* those bastards,- hey, you should get going, Wendy is a little kid still, you know.” Natsu went off to the matter at hand.

“Yeah, okay. I’ll go find her and bring her back, you better be asleep by the time I’m back.” Alice nodded with a gentle smile

“Yeah, maybe, if I can sleep,” he huffed, rolling his eyes.
“Well try. I’m putting all my faith in you to bring us back to the top. To show them all what us fairies can do.”

Natsu let out a sigh. “Go before I say something stupid.”

Alice took a step out of the inn. “Like what? That you love me?”

“Something like that and a little more.”

Alice pouted as she walked around the city at night. A surprise start to the games. Wendy gone, Alice was supposed to take her place but now she was out of it too. So who was going to take that 5th spot?

But also, Alice still couldn’t find Wendy or Carla.

Carla would’ve kept Wendy from being late. She would’ve kept track of time.

Alice stared up at the hologram in the sky of some small humanoid creature with a large pumpkin as a head talk with a squeaky little voice. Something about the preliminary round of 113 guilds would be going through some sort of maze in the sky-- At the top of each inn, where every guild was staying at... wooden magical stairs appeared, leading up to some large amalgamation of steps and magical portals, a mess of mazes within mazes.

And the first eight guilds to cross the finish line would complete in the real game. A 7.5% chance of reaching the finish line in time before anyone else. It was a gamble, and for their first time competeing, Alice had no confidence except her faith in her guild. They'd win just because they deserved it more than anyone else.

Chapter 69


Chapter 69? Nice.

Chapter Text

At some point, the rest of the guild had come looking for Wendy as well, but it was just the same. No one had seen her or found her.

And the prelims...people were dropping like flies. Every so often the labyrinth turned all around, and hundreds of people fell, though there was a magic safety net, but the people were disqualified.

“Attention everyone! There has been 8 teams that have been determined. The Grand Magic Games Preliminary Round, Sky Labyrinth is over! Oh, so you want to know who is participating in the main events? Well, you’ll just have to wait until the opening ceremony tomorrow to find out!” The pumpkin guy announced, and then disappeared.

But then, Lisanna found them. Both Wendy and Carla at the palace courtyard, unconscious.

Though, when Wendy woke up, she couldn’t remember what happened to her.

The team was out to see Wendy in the coliseum infirmary, with Porlyusica caring for Wendy and Carla. Happy told them all he could.

It terrified Alice what happened to them. There wasn’t a struggle, they both were dragged off and they were drained of their magic power. Was this a personal attack against Fairy Tail?

Alice didn’t go into the infirmary. She was scared of Porlyusica shouting at her.

She let Elfman have the spot on the team. So Alice hoped Lucy would be taken out of the mix soon so she could have a spot.

“You know, I expected you to congratulate me, you know, for passing the preliminaries,” Gray surprised Alice, walking out towards her. She was standing against the stone wall, plucking petals from a flower she had acquired. He stood in front of her, hands in his pocket, light smile on his face. “Oh, yeah, congrats,” Alice said unenthusiastically and then went back to looking down at the light violet carnation. “Bummed you couldn’t participate?” he guessed.

“I have been, but it’s more of an eerie feeling I have.” Alice replied, taking a flower petal between her thumb and index finger and rolling them back and forth against it..

“Yeah. Jellal was right about something going on. But let up, Wendy and Carla will be better. Hey, let me treat you to something to eat?” Gray offered. Alice glanced back up at him. Was this a way of him trying to pick her up?

“If you’re paying, I’m in!” Natsu, who appeared, running down the hall, waving, made his appearance. “No way! I offered for her only!”

“Oh come on! Lighten up dude! If you can pay for her, you can for me too!” Natsu replied in a whine. “Besides, I’m proving a point, I can pay for a date, and you can’t!” Gray crossed his arms, as he made a good point. Natsu and Happy’s savings were stolen while they were at Tenrou for seven years, and since then earning jewel hadn’t been an option. And also whatever jewel Natsu did earn went right to food.

“I could totally pay for a date! I just.. Can’t right now,” Natsu pouted, bluffing. “Not cool man, can’t even pay for a meal for your girlfriend,” Gray shook his head.

“Both of you two can’t take me out because you have to get ready for the first tournament,” Alice correct them and stopped their petty arguing. “Oh!” “Right!”

“See you after we win, Alice!” “Yeah, you better be cheering extra loud for us!”

Fairy Tail had a box seat for the games. So all of the guild besides the team were in the box cheering them on. Alice, a reserve player was made to sit in the box. Apparently a reserve member was to be kept a secret.

“We’re just moments away from the start of the Grand Magic Games, folks. I’m lead commentator, Chapati Lola, and I’ll be handling the play by plays, while former council member, Yajima provides commentary. Mr. Yajima, glad to have you with us!” “Glad to be here,” “and let’s not forget our special guest, a member of Blue Pegasus, and current holder of the title Miss. Fiore, a ravishing Jenny Realight!”

“Blue Pegasus is bringing home the gold medal this year!”

Alice groaned to herself. Jenny Realight. Alice was always the petty jealous type. She considered Jenny a wannabe Mirajane.

A model and a user of Takeover and Transformation magics.

Plus when Alice messed around with Hibiki, he was also seeing Jenny. They weren't exclusive in the slightest, just seeing each other when in the same town... But Jenny? It made Alice want to break up with Loke earlier just to proposition Hibiki into a relationship, so she could prove a point. But she didn't like Hibiki enough to be with him. He was a playboy who slept with any pretty girl that let him.

And Alice didn't like that about him. She wasn't made for casual hookups because she needed to be the best and the only one. She had to have all the attention all the time.

And Jenny was one of the few repeat hookups of Hibiki's and it pissed Alice off. But she couldn't say anything but try to win him over in bed, letting him do anything he wanted, doing things she didn't particularly enjoy, but if it made her a better lay than Jenny? Anything Hibiki wanted, he got.

Not that it changed anything because they'd go their separate ways and Hibiki was a free man who could do what he wanted. He often talked about marriage and begged Alice to join Blue Pegasus to be with him. But it was just the post-sex high. He didn't have feelings for her, he just knew she liked the attention and adoration. Once morning came, they left and Hibiki went after the next pretty girl, saying the same things.

The point was: Alice hated Jenny Realight. And especially more now that she was Miss Fiore. Mira used be Miss Fiore. Who was this wannabe going around acting like she was hot sh*t? She wasn't. Mirajane, Erza, Lucy, and Alice all disappeared for seven years. The usual contenders for Miss Fiore, which always went to Mirajane anyways. Jenny only got the position because all of her real competition was gone.

“Now the time has come to meet our competitors. First up, in 8th place, an old school bunch of wild wizards from Magnolia, they had luck in the prelims but are striving to take back the 1st place by force, it’s Fairy Tail!”

As they emerged down on to the ground, the crowd was just booing.
In fact, it was just the Fairies who were cheering, although, there were taken back.
It was enough to make Alice want to cry. Bisca, Alzack, Wakaba, Max, Macao, Romeo, Vijeeter, Nab, Jet, Laki, Reedus, Warren, and even Kinana all had to bare witness to all this hate. They never deserved that.

They spent so much time staying and being loyal to the guild that they deserve to be cheered and loved by all.

“Making the prelims was no small feat for them. Will Fairy Tail make a sensational return back to becoming Fiore’s greatest guild?”

“We’ll win! Don’t lose heart!” Alice shouted, her voice breaking. She had to keep the faith up. “Fairy Tail has always been number one! Show the world!”

And the rest of the commentating guild joined her. “Cheer until you bust a lung! Ready? Hurray! Hurray!”

And out of nowhere the ghost of the First Master, Mavis Vermillion appeared. Long, curly, blonde hair, green eyes, a light pink petticoat dress, no shoes. She looked about 12 years old.

“Master Mavis, what in the world are you doing here?” Master asked, as he and the of the guild were shocked to see someone who had been dead for a good century or two.

“I came to cheer you on, silly!” She spoke in her feminine, childish voice.

“Yes, I can see that, but aren’t you, you know, dead?” Master tried not to hurt her feelings in case being dead was a soft spot

“There’s no way I was going to miss this! But no need to worry, only those who bear the guild’s emblem can see me,” she replied in her soft, cute voice.

“Yes, well, that’s really not what I was concerned about.”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t help myself. It got lonesome stuck on Tenrou Island.”

“Now the team that came in 7th, the wild rough housing guild, Quatro Cerberus!”

They all looked, well, wild. None of them looked special, they just looked like some loser biker guild.

“Here comes the team coming in at 6th place, built to the brim of the fairest sex, Mermaid Heel!”

All the members were girls, all of them beautiful and- Was that Milliana?

“At 5th place, the glimmering, Blue Pegasus!”

Ichiya, Hibiki, Eve, Ren and some person in a big dark blue bunny suit.
Ichiya and the Trimen was expected, but Alice expected someone or something, not some guy dressed in a furry suit.

“And in fourth place, Lamia Scale!”

Jura, Eyebrows, Toby, Lyon and some young girl with bright pink hair, not Sherry, but.. Similar. She looked so familiar and the pink hair was a dead giveaway. She had to be related to Sherry, right? But why wasn't Sherry there?

“Now to introduce our 3rd place winner, what a shocker, coming from a midnight fairy, and making their debut in the games, give it up for, Raven Tail!”

Raven Tail. Known as the anti-Fairy Tail. Made by Master Makarov’s son, Ivan.
Laxus’s father and Alice’s grandfather. He got excommunicated long before Alice was born, due to being, well... Evil. So he went and started his own dark guild in hopes to someday take over Fairy Tail, which, shocking, never happened. Although, how did he get Raven Tail qualified for the games? They were a recognized illegal guild!

So Ivan was somewhere in the arena. It terrified Alice to somehow bump into him, while there for the games.

The team of players all were very eerie. Alice recognized Flare Corona, she had jumped around dark guilds for years... So she finally landed in Raven Tail.. Huh.

“Hold on, we still have the last two teams to announce. Our first runner up team is- Oh wow! This year’s competition just got a whole bunch more interesting, folks! Coming in second place is Fairy Tail team B!”


Mira, Gajeel, Juvia, Laxus, and Mystogan. But Mystogan AKA Jellal from Edolas, was in, well Edolas. So who was this Jellal? Could it have been the real Jellal Fernandes? What happened to them not being able to join the games? Mystogan had been gone for a loonng time, wouldn't people get suspicious of his sudden comeback?!

Master was enjoying himself too much.

That’s why there were so many guilds in the prelims. Because every guild could have two teams.

Alice couldn’t hear it, but she watched Natsu shout at team B.

“And last but not least, the guild that came first, Sabertooth!”

The crowd went wild. That’s how it used to be for Fairy Tail. Well, not that the Magic Games were around back their day, but if they were, it'd be like this for them. Every top member was a celebrity, every media outlet was watching their every move. Always wanting an interview, a spread, anything.

It was hilarious to Alice how everyone was surprised how rich she was. She had that inheritance, sure, but that was only 10 million jewel. It helped pay for her house, but that was about it. The rest of her money came from fame. She took those high-end quests and got paid handsomely and got renown for it. She was a model for Lolita Weekend and Socerer's Weekly! That sh*t paid hella good money!

No one talked about Mirajane's small fortune, but she was quite well off as well.

Erza... Well, she wasn't broke. She lived in Fairy Hill's which had quite expensive rent and she spent quite a bit on her armor. Being a top female wizard in Fairy Tail paid more than just quests. Brand deals, sponsorships, magazine spreads, free gifts, everything.

Now, there was nothing. But it would change after the games, Alice was sure of it. Everyone would remember who they were, and they'd never forget!

Sabertooth's team consisted of those two dragonslayers, Sting and Rogue. Then a pretty girl around their age. She wore a white mini-dress with some big extravagant cape over it.
A tall, muscular man with sea green long hair. He wasn’t wearing a shirt.
And a slim tall man who looked liked he was cosplaying as a musketeer.

Alice sensed a lot of magic coming from their group. But it wasn't nothing Fairy Tail couldn't win against.

The official schedule was placed, and the rules were said. Everyday, there was a secret event, and a battle. Each battle had been placed already by ranking members to see which would be the biggest challenge.

Now the first game was called Hidden. “Each team is to select one member to compete. Once you select the teammate, the rules will be explained entirely.”

Now, from Mermaid Heel, they sent out the small ginger girl in overalls, named Beth. Lamia Scale sent Lyon. Cerberus sent out Jäger. Pegasus sent Eve. Raven Tail sent the purple thing, named Nalpudding. Sabertooth sent the long hair masquerade guy, Rufus. And the Fairy Tails teams sent out Gray and Juvia.

Now what happens next? You might ask.

Manifestation magic. They created a whole small village in the center of the colosseum. And it separated the competitors.

You play hide and seek while hiding and seeking. You find an opposing team member, you attack them, awarding you one point, and they lose a point. And here’s the kicker, complete copies of all the players littered all around the fake city.

But anyways, Juvia surrounded by fake Grays? She was in heaven. But, if you attack a fake, you lose a point. Now, hugging and kissing is included in attacks here, so Juvia was screwed.

Nalpudding kept on hitting Gray.

It almost seemed like Raven Tail was purposely going for Fairy Tail. He kept going after Gray, and on the rare times, Juvia.

Eve did good for awhile. Gaining 3 points all at once.

Rufus stood on the very tallest tower, watching. He had memory make magic, which Alice never heard of. He took out all of the players, at once.

Getting 7 points. He was able to use his magic to memorize the real opponents and attack them all at once. And won the game.

Fairy Tail won 0, while team B won at least 1.

And the crowd got the teasing up once they saw the points.

Then there was the battle. Lucy against Flare.

A guild made to rival Fairy Tail. Nalpudding kept targeting Gray and Juvia.

Alice didn’t trust Flare to be a good sport.

Chapter 70

Chapter Text

Flare Corona of Raven Tail against Lucy.

Nalpudding really set in that Raven Tail was out for blood. Fairy blood. So Flare against Lucy? It had Alice on edge.
Flare had hair magic, which was pretty much hair on fire that she could manipulate to her own will. Make it move, make it grow, make it grab things, burn anything.

She wouldn’t be in Raven Tail if she wasn’t a strong opponent.
Alice tried to strategize. What spirits were strong enough to go against Flare? Aquarius indefinitely but there was no water for her to be summoned. Maybe Loke if he didn’t get hit.

Lucy would definitely have a hold if she had the power to summon two spirits at once.

Alice was anxious for Lucy. If she didn’t win, she was going to be in the infirmary unless the games had a strict rule on not "playing with one’s food" and stopped the fight when Flare was the obvious winner.

“Natsu. Can you hear me?” Alice used telepathy magic, and stared in his direction. Natsu jumped at hearing her voice in his head. “God?”
“You’re lucky you’re gorgeous because you’re a dumbass. It’s Alice. I need you to be on alert during this battle. I don’t feel good about it.” “What? Lucy will do fine!” Natsu brushed it off.

“I know she’ll do her best, but you saw how that purple guy kept targeting Gray and Juvia. Flare is most likely to do the same with Lucy, Raven Tail members are vile, Flare’s not going to hold back, and who knows, she might pull some sneaky things, just pay close attention, all right? I don’t care about how the audience looks at us or if it’s against the rules. If Flare gets too ruthless with Lucy we need to stop the fight. If Flare is stronger than Lucy, she’s not going to stop until someone stops her.”

You really think so? But Lucy can hold her own, can’t she? This Flare chick can’t be too strong.”

“Maybe using her Urano Metria spell, Lucy might get an advantage. Flare uses both hair and fire magic. If Lucy could summon Aquarius, I have no doubt Lucy would win. Lucy is only as strong as her spirits are one at a time. But I get the feeling Raven Tail only joined the games because they heard we were back and entering. They’re here to get an edge on us. Remember, their master is Ivan Dreyar. My grandfather. Master Makarov’s son. Ivan’s set on taking us down for good. After the Hide and Seek game, they made it clear they're after us.”

Lucy started off with Taurus and Scorpio. That surprised Alice. Lucy had never been able to pull that off unless Loke came out of the gate with his own magic.
Scorpio did a sand attack, but Flare blocked it with her fire hair magic.
Taurus jumped out to use the sand from Scorpio to combine his strength with it, covering the whole stadium in sand.

Flare did get hit by it, but it seemed to just make her angry instead of doing any damage.
With her hair magic, she created a huge wolf of fire, but Lucy countered it with Cancer, cutting it. Okay, yes! Use Cancer to cut her hair, and with another spirit have them attack Flare!

Flare’s locks dove underground, beneath Lucy, holding on to her ankles, swinging her around the stadium ground. Lucy used her celestial whip, holding on to Flare’s wrist, but Flare’s hair around Lucy fired up, and burned Lucy’s boots.

Lucy’s boots were the only thing hurt though, so she took them off, but that made her more exposed without shoes.

Flare’s hair went under the earth once more but didn’t come back out. Lucy shouted out something, but Flare tackled that moment, wrapping hair around Lucy’s head and slamming her into the ground. Lucy could have easily dodged that. Something had to be up.

Flare still had hair down under, somewhere.
Flare’s hair magic whipped Lucy, rapidly and hard, but Lucy just took it.
Maybe she wasn’t able to summon two at once. Did she really waste all that magic energy at once in the beginning like an idiot? But Lucy still had magic. Alice could sense it.

It was a hard battle to watch. Lucy was getting tortured out there. What could be the reason why she was submitting?

Flare had Lucy tied from her hands and feet, bound, and had her hair shaped to the Raven Tail’s emblem, blazing. She was going to brand Lucy!
Alice wasn’t about to let that happen and was about to do something stupid like jump out into the fight and stop it. This was beyond what should’ve been allowed!

“She was protecting Asuka!” Natsu’s harsh voice, shocked Alice. She was not expecting him. Natsu gripped Flare’s lock of hair that was targeted at Asuka and then he burnt it to a crisp. Lucy was submitting just because Flare was threatening Asuka’s life?

Was Flare really going to harm Asuka for game? An innocent child?

“You’re in the clear, Lucy!” Natsu shouts back out.

Not knowing how to express herself, overwhelmed with terror and anger, Alice’s eyes leaked tears. She faced forward, balling herself up, watching the game, while she cried angry horrified tears.
“Want me to stay until the round’s over?” Natsu asked Alice as he watched the game from behind her. She sat up on a stone ledge. “You need to stay ready for another trick.” Alice sniffled, nodding.

“I can do that and stay here.” Natsu wrapped his arms around Alice, leaning against her. "It's so unfair!" Alice frowned.

Lucy summoned Geminie to free her, and then Gemini transformed into Lucy. Of course, a Lucy in just a bath towel. “All right!” Natsu excitedly shouted. “I hope you’re getting all fired up for the right reasons here,” Alice mumbled with a pout.

Lucy and Lucy kneeled together and held hands chanting the spell for Urano Metria.

Raining from the sky came all sort of comets and planets, that Lucy summoned. There was a lot of power behind this attack.

But then it’s just gone. All of it. Vanished.

Gemini was even gone.

“Someone nullified the spell!” Alice shouted in shock. “No way, is that even allowed?” Natsu growled. “It has to be from Raven Tail to protect Flare, but now Lucy’s out of magic power. Flare isn’t going to go easy on her now, but maybe that’s the end of the battle then. Lucy can’t fight anymore, it wouldn’t be fair to let it go on!”

Without a word Natsu let Alice go and ran off.

Lucy fell to the ground. “And she’s down for the count! You know what that means! Raven Tail’s Flare is the winner!”

The crowd went on about Lucy’s failed attack, belittling her. Alice cried harder. Overwhelming emotion coming out in the only way it could.

Natsu went to the field and carried Lucy off.

“So is Lucy okay?” Erza asked. “Yeah, she said she wanted to take a shower, I can go check again if you like,” Natsu suggested. “No way you can’t do that!” Elfman freaked, blushing. “Well why not?” Then Natsu thought for a moment, before trying to run back to see a naked Lucy. “There’ll be plenty of time for that, right now the second event is about to start,” Erza said, with a firm grasp on Natsu’s scarf and threw him forward to watch.

Alice was going to keep that act in mind.

Every since Tenrou, Natsu and Lucy were closer. They trusted each other more. More passionate about the other.
Better friends than before. And Natsu got excited by her. Which wasn’t something he usually did.
He wasn’t the type of guy to drool over every hot girl. It had only been Alice. He had no interest or sexual desire for anyone else.

So why did he act otherwise for Lucy?

Alice stood at the ledge, watching the field. She was now in the game. Until Wendy or Lucy got better.
She liked her games outfit. An a-line purple top with a sweetheart neckline and long angel white sleeves, cold shoulder white straps along with a black and gold short layered skirt. She had black knee length boots. She had a black and purple lace tassel choker. She was also made to wear white cat ears with the outfit. Which made no sense, but Mirajane designed it and was so excited to see Alice wear it.

The second battle was Ren from the Trimen of Blue Pegasus against Araña Webb from Mermaid Tail.

And like that, it was revealed that Ren and Sherry were engaged. Alice looked back at when the two first met when they were on the Oracion Seis mission. How the f*ck? Okay, well... No, that still didn't make any sense.

But anyways, Ren easily defeated Araña, and got his 10 points.

“Wow, he’s definitely improved over the 7 years,” Erza commented. “You don’t think he’s stronger than Ichiya, do you?” Natsu wondered. “Natsu, don’t be ridiculous. Ichiya is an extraordinary man, he may be a little strange, but he is without a doubt the stronger member of Blue Pegasus.” Erza shook her head.

“I had no idea! Ichiya is that strong? Now all I can think about is squaring off with him!” Natsu’s spirit revitalized.
“Though, I can’t help but be suspicious of whoever is in that rabbit suit,” Erza said, what had been on everyone’s mind.

“Huh? So you think that’s weird too, that’s good to know. I didn’t want to be rude, but ever since I first saw him, I kept cracking up.” Gray revealed.

And then the third battle of the day. Quatro Cerberus’ Warcry against Sabertooth’s Orga Nanagear. You know, the guy with bulging muscles and long wavy sea green hair.
Now as the fight begun, Warcry started to hardcore, bawl.

“This is Warcry’s signature Tear magic!”
Orga used an electrical attack, and just like that the fight was over.

As Orga walked away, he came back, gesturing to the Pumpkin mascot who gave him his microphone. And Ogra started to sing.

The crowd went wild.

The final battle of the day was Jura of Lamia Scale against..."Mystogan”. Jellal’s Heavenly Body magic was powerful and no doubt could probably win the battle or at least give Fairy Tail some credibility. But Mystogan used Magic Staves. Of course that magic itself was just as powerful. But Jella and ‘Mystogan’ were two different people. And even then, Jellal Fernandes of Earthland was different from Jellal of Edolas who was "Mystogan".

And this Jellal didn’t use Magic Staves. He should've just used his Heavenly Body Magic, because Mystogan had been gone for a good ten years at this point, he could've definitely changed his magic style.

Two wizard saints going against each other. Jura’s rock magic and Jellal pulling off convincing staff magic.

The magic power that came from each spell kept the arena constantly shaking.

Jellal then started to use multi circle Heavenly Body magic, which was powerful enough to probably off a small country was in the final stages. It blew dust and dirt around and sent everyone into a shiver from the sheer power.

But the dust and dirt cleared and Jura was unharmed.

Jellal performed another spell, definitely his signature magic, that was even more magic fueled than the last. What was he trying to do? Jura could probably survive, but... Anyone else in range? Maybe not.

The sky turned a dark purple, and the ground started to tremor.
But then the spell was cancelled. Jellal started to shake. He covered his mouth and kneeled. Then he was rolling on the ground, screaming in laughter.

And then he was unconscious.

“Jura gets the last laugh, earning his team another ten points! And folks that wraps up today’s events! Let’s look at the scoreboard, it’s no surprise that Sabertooth is in the lead and both Fairy Tail teams are dead last!”

“No surprise we’re dead last? That’s it! The next event I’m doing it! I’m gonna show all these stupid guilds and those brain dead people watching what we’re capable of! I’m gonna make them remember who is-” Alice was on a rant of determination when Lucy walked back in. “I’m not giving my spot up on the team!” Alice pointed at her, challenging her.

“Hey! I’m the one on the team, besides, you’re the reserved member anyway!”
“I shouldn’t be though!” Alice was enraged. None of this was fair! The circ*mstances, the people, the other guilds, this new game, nothing was fair!

“That’s not my fault!”
“It should be! You’re the weakest link!” Alice should've held back but she didn't have the sympathy to spare.

“At least my magic is under control!” Lucy wasn't trying to be mean, but she had just come back from her battle with Flare, Alice didn't have to be so mean! It wasn't her fault!

“You call that magic? You’re a slave owner! You make beings from another world do your bidding and they can barely do anything against any of the enemies we’ve ever faced!” Alice jumped down from the ledge to get into Lucy’s face. "You're nothing."

“She’s just fired up, Lucy. Don’t listen to her.” Gray tried to comfort. Alice was upset and it was understandable. But she was being cruel. But how could anyone talk her down?

“Well dammit! So far all of the events we’ve done we’ve been dead last! Has no one ever paid attention? Lucy isn’t a fighter! Everyone’s constantly having to save her sorry ass when her spirits can’t take the punch! And when they’re out of the game, she’s useless!” Alice shouted. And then Loke appeared out of nowhere and smacked Alice across the face. “That’s quite enough out of you.” He coldly warned.

“You didn’t have to hit her!” Gray gasped. “Can everyone calm down?” Erza tried to intervene. And Natsu was on fire. He stomped his way over to Loke.

Was Alice out of line? Yes. But no one was going to touch her. Especially Loke. But he was too late. Loke paled, looking at Alice's dark glare. Wait.. Her eyes were.... Red? No, only for a second... But it definitely looked like they flashed a red color. "Who are you?" Loke gasped. This looked like Alice, it talked like Alice, her magic felt... It was Alice, but it was.. It was changing.

"Better than you." Alice said in a low tone and without a single move, a bolt of lightning stuck down Loke. He widened his eyes, just miliseconds before the lightning struck. He saw an imposter standing where Alice was. But then he disappeared. He didn't stand a chance against her.

“We can’t afford to lose anymore. I’m not going to let Fairy Tail be the laughing stock of the magic world. We were once praised for our chaos and recklessness. Now we’re nothing! Seven years they suffered through it! I’m not going to let the ones who stayed in Fairy Tail all this time go through this embarrassment anymore. I’m not going to apologize. So don’t try to get me to.” Alice walked off, while everyone stood there in silence.

“So she’s not better yet?” Gray asked. “She attacked Loke...” Lucy gasped. “If she didn’t I would’ve. Next time I see him, I’m gonna kill him. Thinking he could lay a hand on her like that?” Natsu scoffed, pissed off.
“Alice needs to get herself under control. With her second origin opened up, in theory her dark magic is also out too. If she can’t get her anger under control I’m going to master and have her off the team altogether. We all know what her black magic is capable of and she doesn’t even know how to control it. I understand her frustrations but getting upset with Lucy or attacking Loke isn’t the way to do it. If she keeps going down this way she’s going to kill someone again.”

“Again?” Lucy gasped, horrified. “It was a long time ago. It won’t happen again!” Natsu sternly promised Erza.

Chapter 71

Chapter Text

“Why are we shouting! I have a terrible headache!” Alice shouted, sitting up, eyes still closed.

“Maybe if you slept in your own bed, you’-” “Don’t get started with me, I’m sleeping, be quiet!” Alice slammed her body but down onto the bed, and put the blanket over her head. Natsu had already been up for the day.

“The second day will begin in a bit, go take a shower, you smell like a winery.” Lucy rudely insulted, still hurt from Alice’s outburst at her the day before.
“I take that as a compliment. I gotta drink to forget your pathetic perfor-” “Let’s go shower, babe.” Natsu interrupted Alice’s fighting words.

“Going for more? After last night?” Gray grumbled.

It was hard to find a place to have a moment alone, so they did it in a closet nearby. Sure they were keeping their mouths shut, but Natsu’s fast, rough movements couldn’t be silenced. “Shut up, ice stripper. Don’t say things like that just because you can’t get a girlfriend,” Natsu mocked, pulling the blanket off Alice’s balled up form. She was wearing Natsu’s black and gold shirt. Natsu pulled on one of her ankles, sliding her down the bed. She groaned in protest. And then he slung her over his shoulders.

“Hey man. If I wanted a girlfriend, I would get one!” Gray fired back.

“That’s why Alice keeps rejecting you? Because it’s your choice?” Natsu gave him a look and then took the grumpy Alice to the showers.

“Hello there folks! Joining me today is Mr. Yajima and our new special guest, Jason of Sorcerer Weekly!” “So cool!”

“Let’s get back into action as our wizards take on the chariots! The point of this game is to reach the final goal without falling off. Simple right? Wrong. The chariots are constantly moving and though its at a snail’s pace, a false move could cost you! Which team will survive this sightseeing tour through Crocus?”

And Fairy Tail A let Natsu take this challenge for some reason. Alice gripped the stone ledge, irritated and embarrassed. Why would this dumbass take this game?
On the Lacrima it showed his sad, motion sickness induced state. Moving slow, blue in the face, wobbling. “He’s gonna die in this event.”

But it wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been. Sting of Sabertooth was also doing the event and was also sick. And Gajeel from team B in the same boat.

His disappearance from the Laxus fight months ago must’ve done him good because he now was motion sick when that never used to be a problem for him.

Bacchus of Quatro Cerberus won.

Then second, Raven Tail, then Mermaid Heel, Lamia Scale, Blue Pegasus.

Though, Gajeel and Natsu put in a lot of determination.
Natsu finally came in 6th place, giving Fairy Tail A 2 points.
Gajeel came in 7th and Sting forfeited, which either way, gave Sabertooth 0 points for the round.

But apparently, Natsu’s moxy gave Fairy Tail some fans again.
But he landed himself in the infirmary to gain back his stomach. Alice stayed glued to her spot in the team’s box. Now back in the games, taking Natsu’s spot. But probably not going to be in a battle for the day.

The first battle of the day was Raven Tail’s Black Snake against Lamia Scale’s Toby. Now Toby at least tried to attack, as his nails went blazing towards Black Snake, who had mimic magic. And Black Snake easily somehow got the upper hand.

“I wish I had a cool name like Black Snake!”

“It’s only my wizard name.”

“You lied to me! Tell me your name! If I win, you have to tell me!”

“What if I win?”

“I’ll tell you my super secret secret!”

And just like that, they set a standard for battles. Wagering.
Anyway, Toby lost.

“So tell me this secret,” Black Snake hissed. “Okay, it’s my sock. It’s been missing for so long now. I feel like it’s right under my nose, but I can’t find it. I’ve been keeping it to myself for months now!”

He was referring to the sock around his neck.
Black Snake tapped on his own neck signifying to Toby where his sock was, to which Toby cried harder, hugging his sock.

“What a good boy! I’m so happy for him!” Erza teared up.
Black Snake held his hand out for Toby, who thought it was a friendly gesture. Nope. Black Snake took the sock and ripped it up.

Gray had to hold Erza back.

Then there was the second battle of the day. Elfman versus Bacchus.

“How about we make this more interesting. How about a gamble?” Bacchus, who laid on his side, on the ground, casually struck up. “Yeah?” Elfman wondered. “Listen, your sisters are serious some smoking numbers. If I win, they keep me some company tonight. At the same time.”

“So how about you?” “I’m a man, and a man doesn’t tolerate that type of disrespect. So get ready to get schooled,” Elfman growled. “So that means you accept this little wager, do you? I’m so excited, I got the shakes.”

As the fight went on, Elfman had yet to transform. And he was losing big time. Talk about a one sided match.

Finally, Elfman did a leopard takeover, which made him faster, but it wasn’t enough.

Not even close to enough. Bacchus gave enough damage to make Elfman’s takeover vanish, and he was laying face down on the ground. It took a few moments for Elfman to get back up and for a second there it was like it was the end.
Elfman finally got back up. “I never told you my end of the bargain.”

“All right. It’ll be the only time. What do you want?” Bacchus co*ckily smirked. “I want you and the rest of your guild to go by the name Cuatro Puppy!”
“All right, deal is a deal,” Bacchus finally took his first drink from his gourd shaped bottle. He was serious now.

Elfman transformed into a lizard man, and Bacchus moved so fast, 7 strikes in a blink of an eye.

Bacchus’ arm armor shattered.

“I can’t hit you, but you can hit me all you like!” Elfman announced. He made his own defensive strategy.
And that’s what Bacchus did. One hit after another.

But at the end of it all, both men were doubled over heaving in and out, trying to get breath.
“That it! I won!” Bacchus rose to his feet.

But wait! Bacchus fell over, unconscious.

“And Elfman is the winner! Gaining 10 points, Fairy Tail A is now in the double digits at 12 points!”
Elfman was taken into the Infirmary and Wendy was back to her normal health, able to take part in the games. Natsu was better now too.

Mirajane was up next against Jenny Realight. So everyone possible, went to watch.
Of course.

But apparently, they were not going to actually fight?

Alice was confused.
All she knew was that she looked away for a moment and both Mirajane and Jenny were in bikinis, provocatively posing. Every person attracted to females went insane.

“Not so fast! You don’t expect these bimbos to get all the attention, do you?!”
Three girls of Mermaid Heel joined together on the battleground. Because you know. Jealously. Inadequacy.

So then every hot girl from the participating guilds were on the field joining the pose off. Alice wasn’t going to do it at first until she noticed Natsu actually drooling over girls in tiny bikinis. So she joined the pose off. And if she was successful she’d get his attention, turn him on, and then leave him hanging. And then probably cry about it later.

She would’ve had to have joined eventually because the 1st master wanted Fairy Tail to join it.

There were three different bikini changes. And Alice was ready. The blue one that pushed her boobs up, the black one that made her butt look great and then the pink striped one which she never wore before.

“Outfit change! School swimsuits!”
Alice had a dark blue one piece swimsuit. Because of course she did.

“Now! Bikinis and thigh highs!”
The dark purple set with the dark grey tights.

“Who likes girls in glasses!”
A pair of black framed glasses with no power in them. How did she have this?

“Cat ears!”
Natsu had a weird thing about cats. So of course Alice had many sets of cat ears and tails.

“Bondage gear!”
Alice didn’t even know she had anything for it. But it somehow appeared in her requip. She was going to have to answer some questions after this. A black latex cropped-- Very fitted top, with a match black pencil miniskirt. Shiny black thigh high heeled boots. She even had a flogger in hand. Where did this come from?!

Alice, of course held his attention. Every costume change, his eyes were glued to her body. But then his attention went elsewhere, like he had his fill of her body. It set her off.

“How about a blushing bride challenge!”

Alice wore a long sleeved white dress. The bodice was detailed with swirls and flowers, and the material was sheer. The skirt of the dress flowed out. She had a small tiara atop her head, along with a veil over her face. She held a bouquet of an array of different colored lilies. Now she knew something was afoot. She never owned or looked at a wedding dress before. She felt out of place wearing this.

A wedding dress? For a wedding?

She stared at the ground and stood there shyly. Tears threatening to spill over. Seeing Natsu on the field in a nice tux. Lucy stood at his side. Lisanna initially ran to him, but then Lucy flew out of nowhere, knocking Natsu over but then they got back up and were talking.

Alice stared down. “Oh no. This picture is all wrong.” She perked up at Gray’s voice, as he strode over to her. “The most beautiful bride here and she’s standing here all alone.” He smiled cooly at her.
She laughed breathlessly at his remark. “Thanks, Gray.”
She appreciated him trying to cheer her up. “You know that Natsu jerk isn’t worth your time.”

Gray held out a hand for Alice to take.

“Probably not. But that’s my problem. He could start to act just like Loke used to and I’m pretty sure I’d let him. Call me hopeless.” Alice smiled but her tears fell down her cheeks. “I can’t let a pretty girl like you cry over a stupid ass like him. Let me be your groom for this challenge.”

Alice wiped her tears. “Be careful, Gray. If you do too well of a job I’ll have to be your bride in real life too.”

Gray lifted her veil. “Sounds like a dream come true.”

“If she’s going to be anyone’s bride, she’s gonna be mine!” Natsu punched Gray and he flew off. Alice puffed out her cheeks and looked away from him. “Come on, baby. You look beautiful! Don’t be angry at me.” Natsu placed his hands on either sides of her waist.

“The state of my appearance has nothing to do with you being a jerk!” Alice spat at him. He looked at her confused. “I’ve been trying my best here and no matter what I’m not good enough for you to drool over like the others! Especially Lucy!” Alice snapped at him.

“I was looking at you! I can’t help if my eyes wonder!” Natsu’s voice raised in embarrassment.

“Maybe Gray would be a better wedding partner than you!” Alice tried to walk away from him, but he wasn’t having any of it. He scooped her up in his arms, bridal style. “You’re my bride! I’m not going to let anyone else have you! So tell me how to make it up to you and stop being mad at me.” Natsu frowned.
“I get jealous very easy.” Alice mumbled. “Don’t I know that?” Natsu scoffed.
“Well I’m not going to get over it so you’re gonna have to make sure I don’t get jealous! So stop being a jerk and don’t let anyone else have your attention!”

Natsu laughed at Alice’s pout. “All right. But you gotta be my bride in real life!”
Alice’s expression changed to one of flustered shock. Her face went bright red.

“Don’t say things like that so suddenly!” “Why? I thought you’d want to marry me?” “Even if I do, don’t say something like that so casually!” Alice squealed trying to hide her face in her hands.

“Be my wife someday!” Natsu bounced her in his arms. “That’s not how you’re supposed to propose!” Alice wriggled around so she could hide her face in his shoulder. “You want me to do it like they do in those girly movies? A ring and everything?”

“It’s too late now since you pretty much just proposed anyways.” Alice whined, her words muffled by her face against him. “So you’re going to be my wife? Sweet! But don’t make me wear another suit or make me dance!” “Stop talking like we’re getting married soon!”

“Now that the wedding is over, let’s get back to another swimsuit round!” The announcer shouted.

“Stop! This is an outrage! I can’t take anymore of this!” The Lamia Scale guild master was on the top of one of the statues, way way up high.
“You foolish young people! Let me teach you a lesson! So pay close attention! Let me teach you what it means to be a real woman!” She jumped down onto the battle ground floor, in her own bathing suit, swinging her hips.

Every person’s boner in the crowd, had vanished. “Now with that crash course of reality, we have been brought back to earthland. The party's over folks."

The opposing teams on the field began to clear out.

So everyone besides Mirajane and Jenny left back to the stands. Leaving Mirajane and Jenny at a tie of 30 points. “Now lets get down to the final battle folks!”

“All right, Natsu! Time to fight! After you punched me I had to partner up with Juvia!” Gray jumped to Natsu’s face. “Well I wasn’t going to let you be with Alice. She’s my bride!”
“Don’t say things like that!” Alice hastily tried to shut him up. “But you just said we’re gonna get married?” Natsu wondered naively.

“That’s not the point!”

Chapter 72

Chapter Text

“Why don't we make things more interesting and have our own bet? After all, everybody else is doing it,” Jenny proposed. “I’m game. What do you have in mind?” Mira agreed. “The loser will pose for Sorcerer Weekly in nothing but her birthday suit!” Jenny challenged. “You’re on!” Mira agreed sweetly.

“Now the final challenge will be combat gear.”

Alice had no doubt Mirajane was going to win.

“How about we continue this and have a battle of strength? Everyone else did? I agreed to your terms, so it’s only fair if you agree to mine.” Mira transformed into one of her she devil forms. So in one fatal attack, Mira won.

Leaving Jenny crying in shame. “If it makes you feel any better, I’ll make sure to buy an issue when it comes out,” Mira smiled turning back into her sweet self.

“The next battle will be Mermaid Heel’s very own Kagura Mikazuchi against Sabertooth’s Yukino Aguria.”
“Watch carefully, Sabertooth is the guild to beat,” Erza advised as both girls go onto the field.

“Kagura is known to be Mermaid Heel’s strongest member, and she has been named the strongest female wizard by Sorcerer Weekly,” The announcer guy said, “On the other hand, not much is known about Yukino, however the simple fact that she has been chosen to represent Sabertooth means she is a force to be reckoned with.”

And so it was revealed Yukino was a celestial wizard as she summoned Pisces. Two large eel fish. Each as big as a small train. One was black, the other white. They swam through the air like it was water.

They made unsettling, loud, ear ringing noises. Like trains rushing by, screaming.

They went for Kagura, but missed as she dodged.
“If all you’re going to do is run, then I suppose I’ll have to stop you in your tracks,” Yukino held out another key. She could summon two spirits like it was nothing.

Apparently more skilled than Lucy.

“Now open. The gate of the balance. Libra!”

Libra looked like a human. Though, she looked western. Dark tanned skin, dark long hair tied back in a tight bun. She wore strange clothes. But she was very attractive. Like a mysterious alluring type of attractive.

Libra, spirit of balance.
Libra had gravity manipulation powers. She was able to weigh Kagura down.

It was just like Bluenote Stinger’s power.

It sent a cold shiver down Alice’s spine. That whole island was filled with bad memories.

As Kagura was stuck, and Pisces went for the kill, but Kagura fought the heavy weight of gravity and jumped out of the way.
She jumped onto one of the Pisces fish. “Libra counter the target’s balance of gravity sideways!” Yukino shouted.

And Libra’s gravity magic pushed Kagura into one of the big statues, holding her there. As Pisces went to attack, they just stopped and fell to the ground.
Kagura also used gravity magic.

Pisces and Libra were weighed down.

Kagura returned back to the playing field. Yukino dismissed her two spirits.

“I’m sorry but you leave me with no choice. I must open the 13th gate,” Yukino said .

13th? There was a 13th zodiac spirit?

As Yukino chanted her summoning spell, the light around the stadium grew dim. “Open, the gate of the snake charmer, Ophiuchus!”

Kagura charged Yukino.
A huge, huge, huge, snake like her Pisces times two and put together, huge. It was black and had purple glowing eyes.

People in the crowded trembled at the greatness of it.

But Kagura somehow cut it in half without unsheathing her sword!

And she was at Yukio’s neck, while not really, just really close in proximity. The snake disappeared and the sky was clear once more.

“Your bet was ill considerate.”

Yukio must have used too much power and collapsed.

“I guess that's it, folks. Kagura is the winner.”
“And that concludes today’s games!”

Raven Tail, first. Sabertooth and Lamia Scale tied for second. Mermaid Heel fourth Blue Pegasus fifth. Cuatro Puppy, and both Fairy Tail teams tied for 6th..

Cuatro Puppy joined Fairy Tail for drinking that night and Bacchus had drank all his opponents under the table. Alice for one, didn’t drink.

“We still have three more days to go. We’re just getting started,” Natsu said. Plue made some sort of noise that apparently, Lucy could understand. “You’re right. All we need to worry about is winning.”
“Hey, you guys got some visitors. I guess you guys can go in,” That one guy from Cuatro Puppy announced. And that pink haired girl that was Sherry’s cousin, Chelia, and then there was Lyon.

But Chelia kept hitting on Lyon while he hit on Juvia, who hit on Gray.

Anyway, Natsu ate himself to almost death, Lucy got angry for some reason. Alice picking a fight with Lucy for getting angry with Natsu. It was a normal thing.

“I’m getting tired, Carla, let’s go back to the inn,” “Child, we shouldn’t leave on our own,” Carla replied. “Hey, I’m getting cold, I’ll tag along, Natsu, Happy, we should head back!” Alice said volunteering to go with . “Yeah, okay. Hey, Lucy, you wanna come too?” Natsu put down his plate, after licking it clean.

“Okay. It’s getting a bit crowded in here. Hey, Levy, you wanna tag along?” Lucy called over.

“Nah, I’ll stay with my two boys.”

And they were off.

“I don’t think I’ve ever been this stuffed before,” Natsu patted his stomach. “Someday you’ll eat yourself to death,” Carla scolded. “Yeah, that’ll be sooner than later at this rate,” Alice added in, though, more light heartedly. “What do you mean by that?” Natsu asked putting an arm, roughly around her shoulders, pulling her over to him. “It’s okay, I’ll be right there when it happens!” Happy said.

“The inn should be somewhere around here, right?” Wendy wondered. “Yep, it won’t be long now,” Lucy answered. Since Wendy hadn’t been to the inn yet.

Natsu, Alice, Happy and Carla walked side by side, while Lucy and Wendy were ahead of them. “I shouldn’t get my hopes us, but do we have separate rooms?” Wendy asked. “No way. We can afford one, barely. Though, what I wouldn’t give for one free night of Natsu’s crazy snoring, though, I suppose Erza and Gray aren’t any better.”

“Oh, don’t act like you don’t snore up a storm either, Lucy.” Alice put the spotlight back on her.

“Talking about Gray and Erza, I wonder where they are,” Happy inquired. “I can’t speak for Erza, but I know Gray was in some trouble when we left,” Carla shrugged, with a weak smile.

Dealing with both Juvia and Lyon. Gray was having a nightmare of a night.

“So, where is Erza?” Alice asked. “Don’t ask me.” Lucy shrugged. “I know where she is. Her and Jellal are making kissies!” Happy teased.

“Oh that’d be the best if they really get together! Although Jellal did tell her he had a fianceé.” Alice gushed. “Yeah, she’s probably getting in a solo workout before tomorrow’s games,” Lucy guessed, brushing off Happy and Alice’s claims. “She’s not alone but she’s definitely getting a workout,” Happy laughed. “Since when did you start getting so lewd?” Carla shook her head.

“Who’s that girl with the white hair at the front of the inn?” Wendy asked, pointing out that direction.

As they got closer they were able to recognize the girl. Yukino Aguria.

They invited her into the inn. She had a suitcase in her hand. It was a silent moment. Though Happy graciously offered her a fish.

Alice had an inkling of what happened. Yukino was in plain clothes and was carrying a suitcase. That usually wasn’t good news.

“You see, the truth is, I came to see Lucy Heartfilia.” Yukino finally spoke in her soft voice. “To see me? What about?” Lucy wondered. “My guild. I just left there, and I have something to discuss with you.”

Natsu didn’t seem so forgiving of an innocent girl from a monster guild. “Your guild send you here to mess with her or something?” Natsu interrogated in a harsh, accusing tone, but yet was keeping his cool. His arms were crossed and he leaned against the wall, behind Lucy’s chair. “Let’s hear her out first,” Wendy said in reply to Natsu’s harshness.

“I realize this is out of the blue but I-...please take these.” Yukino placed her two gold zodiac keys on the table. “The key of the two fish and the key of the balance. You should take them. They should belong to someone who can use them properly.”

Everyone was shocked. Golden keys were rare.

“No way. I couldn’t! Please think this through!” Lucy pleaded. “I already have, after watching you fight. I was going to give them to you after the tournament was over, anyway,” Yukino replied in her light, calm voice, still.

“So why not just wait till then?” Natsu brought up a valid point. “The games were over for me the moment I lost. Minerva will take my place. You’ll be up against Sabertooth’s strongest. The five who formed the guild into the powerhouse it is today.”

“Wait, you mean...” “We thought you were one of the five,” Carla interrupted Happy’s thought.

Yukino hung her head down low. “Usually a newcomer like me wouldn’t compete, but Lady Minerva was on a job and couldn’t make it, so I stepped in for her,” she explained.

“Why are you doing this though? I thought spirits were precious to celestial wizards?” Wendy asked. “They are. That’s precisely why I decided to hand them over to Lucy. It’s clear she’s a superior celestial wizard. They would be much happier in Lucy’s possession.”

“I’m flattered by the compliment, but I’m sorry the answer is still no.”

“Please. You already managed to gather 10 out of the 12. All you have to do is say yes. Put these in your possession, and you’ll have them all, then the door of world’s change will open. It’s just an old legend. But to tell you the truth, I don’t understand what it means either. But there is one thing I’m sure of: over the past few years, the number of Celestial wizards has plummeted. Give the hit in our numbers after the Zentopia incident, its possible that you and I are the only ones left. I also know that the spirits love you and you love them in return. If anyone should have them, it’s someone who is connected with them.”

“Thanks. But I can’t take them. Celestial magic is about the bonds we make with our spirits. It’s not as easy to give up ownership of them as you think.” Lucy smiled.

“I know. Trust me. This isn’t easy for me.” Yukino stood up and smiled, gently. “Forget about it. I know that’d be your answer from the start. But for better or for worse, I’m sure all twelve keys will find their way together someday.”

And with that she left.

Lucy, Wendy and Carla went to the bathroom to get ready for bed. “Something fishy is up with that,” Natsu grumbled. “Yeah, and not the good type of fishy,” Happy agreed. “She loses a battle, and is immediately replaced then decides to give her two gold keys up. She had a suitcase with her, you know,” Alice added. “Plus, she doesn’t seem so bad, I had her placed wrong, her guild just sucks.” Natsu shrugged.

“Hey, guys, I forgot. I needed to tell Yukino something about Sabertooth. We’ll be back in a bit,” Natsu shouted.

“Okay!” Lucy replied.

Natsu and Alice ran after the scent of Yukino, while Happy flew along. It was maybe a block and a half that they found her.

“Hey! Wait!” Natsu called after Yukino. She stopped, turning to them, actually waiting. “Wow, you actually stopped. See, I knew you weren’t bad!” Natsu smiled. “Hey, you can’t assume someone for their guild. I thought you were better than that!” Happy scolded. “Duh! That’s why I came to apologize,” Natsu scowled at Happy.

“Apologize?” Yukino tilted her head in confusion. “Yeah, my bad.” Natsu looked back to her. “This idiot sucks, we know.” Alice smiled invitingly.
“Yeah, please ignore him. Believe it or not, he can be mature... when he wants to be,” Happy added. “What’s with you two bagging on me! You know, I can really feel the love!” Natsu cried in offense. “That’s why you’re marrying Alice! Because of the love!” Happy teased. “I told you two to shut up about that!” Alice whined.

“You followed me all the way out here to apologize to me?” Yukino’s head was down, as she frowned. “Well yeah. It’s the least I can do when you look so down in the dumps, though, I guess following you out here, might have seemed a little creepy.”

“That’s why I came with. No one would stop if they see you running after them.” Alice nudged him. “And what is that supposed to mean?” Natsu frowned at me. “It means you look creepy. Fangs and pink spiked hair would freak out anyone!” Alice replied in a playful, but spiteful way.
“Yeah, the only reason anyone talks to you is because you have an adorable cat with you!” Happy added. “Geesh, you guys are going to get it once we get back home!” Natsu frowned.

“Don’t punish me like you’ll punish Alice because that’s just really weird man!” Happy teased, making it weird.

“Thank you for being so nice to me,” Yukino spoke up. “No problem. Now that’s settled. I thought things would get awkward.” Natsu scratched the back of his head. Yukino burst into tears, dropping to her knees. “Dammit Natsu, look what you did!” Alice scolded him because she did not want to comfort a crying girl. “Me? What did I do wrong now?- Please stop crying!” Natsu freaked out. “Whatever Natsu did, I’ll fix it!” Happy chipped in.

“I just can’t take it! No one has ever been this kind. Or even shown such concern for me. I looked up to them once. The members of Sabertooth were my idols. I finally joined them but now I’ll never be able to step foot in the guild hall again! I was forced to leave because of one defeat! I was humiliated in front of everyone! They made me erase my own guild mark!”

The black cropped jacket Alice was wearing, a jacket she wore a lot, was shrugged off. Alice kneeled in front of Yukino and placed the jacket over her shoulders. It was a cold night after all. Alice felt terrible for Yukino. How could they be so terrible? Guilds are supposed to be family.

“I’m going to them, Natsu, sniff out Sting or Rogue, or something.” Alice darkly instructed him. “Other guilds aren’t my problem,” Natsu said, in a growl. Which confused Alice.

“Natsu!” Happy snapped. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I know it isn’t your business.”

“You’re right it isn’t. But that was your home! I can’t ignore a wizard being mistreated. A guild that neglects a friend shouldn’t be allowed to call itself a guild! It’s not my problem, but it makes me pissed!”

“You stay outside. No matter what. You hear?” Natsu growled out the instruction. “You know, I want to get in some revenge for Yukino. She’s one of us now!” Alice stomped her foot childishly.

“I’m taking on Fiore’s number one guild by myself. If I get hurt, you’ll take my place in the tournament. So stay here!” Natsu angrily shouted at Alice.

So Alice and Happy waited outside. The sounds of destruction going on in the inn. Glass shattering. Explosions. Sounds of people shouting.
Normal Natsu things.

“He’s really tearing it up in there,” Alice commented. “Yeah, he’s really mad, I hope he doesn’t get hurt.” Happy nodded.

“Oh, please you know better than that. He could take all of them.” Alice waved it off.

“Are you sure of that?” A female’s voice took Alice back back. Suddenly a slim yet voluptuous woman. Dark long hair, two loops tied on either side of the top of her head. She had dark makeup on.

She wore a blue long dress with a side slit.

“Who are you?” Alice sternly asked, trying to be intimidating. “I’m not certain you’re in a position to ask that.” The Mysterious woman held out her arms and conjured an ethereal looking orb. Inside the orb came Happy tied up. “Best be wise to keep your distance. Make a wrong move and the kitty goes.” She threatened and then vanished. Alice couldn’t sense her magic power anymore.

“Natsu!” Alice shouted, running into the inn. It was a very spacious and lavish inn. But there were many holes and burn marks on walls. There were a few unconscious bodies sprawled around.

And then there was the hall. People all over, a few out, the four Sabertooth members from the games. This huge, muscular old guy, taller than Elfman. “Natsu-” Alice stopped in her tracks, seeing that mysterious woman with Happy in her arms. “You! You-” “Alice. We gotta stand down.” Natsu stopped Alice.

The woman let Happy go and he ran over to Natsu, tears in his eyes. “I’m so sorry! She caught us by surprise!” Happy cried.

“It’s okay. I should apologize for making you wait outside,”

Natsu was beat up, just a bit. He knelt to pick up Happy. “Let’s go.”

“Fools. Thinking they can come into our territory!” The tall man’s voice boomed. “We’ll settle this in the arena, where we’ll have no mercy,” the woman said.

Natsu turned to leave, and Alice joined him by his side. “That’s fine. But you’ll never beat us. We’re on a whole other level. A real guild treats its members like family. That’s why I came here tonight.”

So Natsu actually changed into pajamas after getting cleaned up. Dark green shirt and white shorts. He explained to Lucy, Gray, Erza, Wendy, and Carla what went on.

“I stopped before I got a chance to beat him up. He’s lucky that I’m such a reasonable guy.”

“No, it’s my fault! I let that woman take me by surprise!” Happy bawled. “It’s actually my fault. I didn’t sense her at all. She just came out of nowhere and took him! If something actually happened to Happy, I don’t know what I’d do!” Alice laid her head low.

“Don’t be ridiculous, it’s far better that it ended that way,” Carla said. “Seriously. If Natsu actually hurt somebody on their team, our entire guild could have been kicked out of the games, or worse,” Wendy added.

“That old geezer’s daughter, Minerva said something just like that,” Natsu shrugged. “Do you seriously have no brain? How could you be so brain dead,” Gray commented.

“You can beat some sense into him,” Lucy ‘hmp’ed, which could get her into some trouble with Alice. Natsu stood up, ready for something stupid Gray might do. “It's not fair you got to have all the fun! I would have loved to beat them up!” Gray growled.

“I get why you are mad, but keep that for the games,” Erza said calmly, yet sternly. “I wasn’t going to hurt anybody. I just wanted to get up in that pretty boy’s face and tell him I ain’t gonna lose to him again. Maybe just scare him a bit.” Gray let go of Natsu. “Anyway, they’re going to pay for what they did. Being in a guild with somebody means you never ever turn your back on them no matter what,” Natsu said.

“There’s a big difference between being strict and cruel. I say they crossed the line with the way they treated that girl this evening. Completely uncalled for,” Carla crossed her arms. “Even after they humiliated her like that, she still wanted to give me her gold keys just as an act of kindness,” Lucy sighed. “I wonder if she has nowhere else to go. I’m worried about her,” Wendy lowered her head. “Well she can’t go back to her guild, that’s for sure,” Happy obviously stated.

“Those bastards! Treating her that way! That’s it! I’m going back!” Natsu got fired up. “All right! This time I want to get in on the action!” Alice jumped on board. “Count me in!” Gray called. “Are you all out of your minds!” Lucy barked. “You need to follow Erza’s words and settle the score in the games!” Wendy calmly tried to stop them.

“Besides, after what you did, I’m sure every member of Sabertooth has a personal vendetta against us!” Carla made a good point.

Somehow, they got into a pillow fight, and just as Erza walked back in from the balcony, Lucy missed Gray’s head and hit Erza in the face. “All right! The next person to throw a pillow is dead!” She threatened. “Please just hurt Lucy! She did it!” Alice abandoned all ties to Lucy in that moment. “You’ve been throwing pillows too!” Lucy shouted back to her.

“All of you shut up! And go to sleep!”

“Yes, Ma’am!”

Chapter 73

Chapter Text

“Welcome to day three of the Grand Magic Games!” “How are we ever going to top yesterday’s events?” “Well I’m going to be on my best behavior today as our special guest is from the Magic Council, Captain Lahar!”

“Let’s start off with our game today called: Pandemonium.”

“Pandemonium? That means chaos, or like demons. Could be fun...” Alice hummed, perking up at the idea.

“Yes, that sounds intriguing.”

“As usual, we need one player from each team competing. Please choose wisely.”

“I’m doing it!” Alice raised her hand, jumping up and down.
“You’re a reserve member, you shouldn’t do it,” Erza denied her request. “Then I’ll do it! I want to get back at those guys still,” Natsu said.
And with that, Alice kicked Natsu in the stomach and he went to his knees, crying. “Oh no! Natsu’s injured and he can’t play! I’ll have to take his place!” Alice feigned worry. And with that devious move, Alice made her way to the field.

“Are my eyes deceiving me? Reserve member for Fairy Tail team A, Alice Dreyar is participating in this event?” “Back in her day, she had some serious magic power. Though, from what I heard, she’d had some issues with her magic, and had to sit out for a while. I guess now would be a good time for her to show what she’s made of.”

“Yes, I’ve seen her magic. It is incredible for a young girl like herself.”

“And let’s not forget that she’s still incredibly hot! She had been Miss. Fiore and on the list of strong female wizards just before age 16! Just at the age of 14, she became the star of Lolita Weekend, although, quitting once she became a model for Sorcerer Weekly. She’s the daughter of the late Fire Fairy Yoko Akashiya and Laxus Dreyar, then also Granddaughter of Raven Tail’s guild master, Ivan. She comes from a long list of powerful wizards. She is a known Water Dragon Slayer, although, she reportedly doesn’t practice her dragon slayer magic, and her signature magic is electrical and lightning types.”

“While that may be the case, she has a lot of magic skills under her belt. At age 10 she became an S-class wizard.”

Millianna from Mermaid Heel.
Alice double took at her, recognizing her. Millianna from the Tower of Heaven. She knew that she saw her earlier!

There was Hibiki from Blue Pegasus. “Hey there, sorry, that I’ll have to beat you in this game, but after the games, how about you and I go somewhere?” Hibiki suavely suggested. Alice smirked at him and crossed her arms. “You haven’t seen my in seven years and the first thing you do is hit on me?” Although Alice had to admit, now he was 7 years older, he was much more attractive. She only hoped his flirting style matured as well.
“Your beauty is still as lovely as ever. Of course I couldn’t help myself to you.”

“Well sure, I’ll take you up on your offer. But my boyfriend might have a problem with it. You know, the Fire Dragon Slayer, Natsu?” Alice reminded him. Hibiki kneeled and took one of Alice’s hands and kissed the top of it. “Yes, I heard you’re engaged, congratulations.”

Alice wrenched her hand away from him. “Where does everyone keep getting this information?!” Alice squeaked in embarrassment. It wasn't a real proposal! Sure, she admitted that she expected to marry him someday! Agreeing to get marriedone day isn't engagement! She was going to have a talk with that dragonslayer....

“Alice! You remember me right!” Millianna came over to her and hugged her tightly. Alice too awkward to return the embrace, just stood there waiting for it to be over with. “Yes. I do remember you. You’re one of Erza’s friends.” Alice nodded.

“We have Obra from Raven Tail! Ogra from Sabertooth! Hibiki from Blue Pegasus! Jura from Lamia Scale! Millianna from Mermaid Heel! From Cuatro Puppy, Novali! From Fairy Tail A, Alice, and from Fairy Tail B, Cana! Let’s give them a big round of applause folks!”

The sky darkened, as a very huge magic circle appeared, and out of it came like a medieval castle of the villain in a story tale. Dark, stone, and ominous.

“I’ll see what my archive brings up.” Hibiki started using his magic archive right away.

“All right folks, listen here. This castle right here is filled with vicious monsters! It’s Pandemonium!” Mato, the pumpkin guy shouted excitedly as he skipped over to them.

“I take it that we are to do battle with them?” Jura asked. “Yes! You are correct, sir! 100 terrifying monsters are lurking within those halls, but don’t panic, there’s no chance of them escaping and chasing the crowd, they’re magical projections we created solely for this game!” Mato brought up a projection, or animation of the rules and whatnot. “They are classified by their levels of difficulty. We have five classes! D, C, B, A, and S! The distribution breakdown is shown here.”

50 of the D’s, 30 C’s, 15 B’s, 4 A’s and one S.

“For example. Let me show you how strong a D class monster is. They’re the weakest, remember?” On the projection, there was footage of a metal monster, it was like a mix between a demon, a stone cat, and a dinosaur. It was huge, and it made a god awful sound.

“These and many more are filled to the brim within the castle! The strong and powerful beasts await you! Monsters of a higher class are two times stronger than the ones beneath them, so if you think that D class guy looked nasty, you’ll lose your mind when the S class rears its ugly head! I’m not even sure a Wizard Saint could beat one of those. You all will take turns choosing how many monsters you wanna take down in each round. We call this the ‘competitor’s right to challenge’!”

“So then it is our choice how many we face,” Alice wondered aloud.
“That is correct. Say you wanna fight three, then low and behold, there will be three waiting inside for you. You will go in alone, of course. If you successfully vanquish all three monsters, you then will be awarded three points! Then the next competitor will choose out of the ninety-seven left to challenge, and then the process repeats! The game will end when all the monsters have been cleared or at the point where everyone runs out of magic power. Whichever comes first,” Mato replied, explaining more in detail.

“So there’s some math involved, huh?” Millianna asked. “Yes, to a degree. After the first round, choosing your numbers will be a bit more important. But you do want to remember that not all these monsters are created equal. Either you choose five monsters or one, they will be chosen at random. Although, the high ranked creatures are more difficult, points are determined solely by the monsters you defeat. Once you enter the castle, you are not allowed to leave until you have successfully completed your challenge.”

“So what if you don’t beat them and are knocked out inside?” Cana brought up a valid point. “You’ll keep all the points you accumulated in the previous rounds, but you’ll also be out of the game. No points will be awarded if you beat less than what you challenged. Now to determine who goes first, please draw straws.” Mato conjured a box with straws.They all seemed to be the same height, width, and color, so there was no way of seeing what was 1st or last.

“No way. I’m going first,” Alice smiled mischievously. “Wow, lucky you,” Cana congratulated, seeing Alice’s number. “While I also believe, you’ll get the most amount of turns. Lousy me, I am last.” Cana showed her number, 8.

“I suppose my number in line is more than that.” Alice stepped forward, closer to the drawbridge. Mato was still handing out straws. He went on and on about the other factors involved.

Alice would get the most rounds, and her first turn will be the most random, and yet can set an example for how this game will go.

And whoever got the most points wins. What if Alice didn’t allow anyone from getting points besides her? Sure, if Alice couldn’t face all 100 beasts in her one turn, she wouldn’t get any points.

She didn’t know how powerful she truly was yet. It was risky doing what she planned but she knew better than to back down from the challenge.

Now with a power stolen from her 7 years ago, Alice could feel all the magic in her ready to come out.

Even the dark magic she didn’t know if she could grab control from. Do it! Do it! Do it! Show them who you are! Show them who Fairy Tail is! Show them the power you wield, teach them all a lesson why you don't take your magic away ever again. It was her own voice talking inside her head, which wasn't abnormal... Except it wasn't a thought. It sounded as if it was being projected into her head using telepathy. Yet she recognized her own voice, it made her question who it was.

But it was very compelling.

Alice turned back towards the other players, and out to the crowd, in the direction of her team. She smiled big and bright. “Out of the 100 in the castle, I choose to challenge.... them all,” she announced simply.

Alice was very sure that Erza was being held back by both Natsu and Gray because she was going to kill Alice for being so stupid. The guild was probably shouting at her to change her mind They probably thought she finally lost it and was being fueled by her ego alone. And that seemed very plausible. Because it was probably true, but she didn't want to psychoanalyze herself at the moment.

“You don’t mean to challenge all those monsters at once, do you? We created this game to be played by multiple wizards!” Mato cried. “I don’t care...? I said all 100. Let’s see how it goes! I’m selfish, I have a big ego, and I want to win!” Alice so stupidly announced.

And with that, Alice strolled up the drawstring bridge and through the big doors that shut as she was inside.

The inside of the castle was poorly lit and oddly victorian. And just like the outside design, the inside was also upside down. Alice was standing on the ceiling.

“Give me all 100!” She shouted, her palms zapping with electricity.

And just like that 15 beasts ran at her at once. With both palms out, she did a lightning spell that shocked all 15. And then they were out.

She laughed with power. This was the power she missed. To be a god, in her own right. To be invincible.

Next she summoned what she called ‘fireblade’ which was a slicer move. Another wave of monsters came her way. The spell only took out the D’s but did do significant damage on the C’s.

Then she casted “Hell’s Wield”. A fire spell that was more powerful than the fire blade.

There went the 3 C classes.

B classes were made of a stronger metal. One locked it’s sights on her. It used a water attack!

She teleported out of the way of the water attack.

“Water blast!”

Literally, just a gush of running water from a magic circle. As the monster opened its mouth to land another attack, Alice used the spell to force copious amounts of water into it, until it was too full and it blew open.

The next B used electric magic. Now this was just getting too easy.

Natsu and team watched in awe. "She's incredible! How is she so strong?!" Lucy cried in surprise. She heard the stories but by the time she met Alice, her magic was sealed away. She was tame, weaker, she took more damage. She had the ego but not the magic to back it up. She was powerful, sure. But she couldn't touch Erza, or Natsu even.

And now... Lucy was unsure who would win that fight. She was frightened now. Alice attacked Loke without a second thought, she punched Natsu to enter into this round.

And Erza talked about Alice's black magic being unsealed now, that she could kill... Lucy was scared to see that ever happening.

Alice was incredible though. Watching her make her battle with a hundred monsters look like a dance. Her magic aura was overwhelming. She was a monster in her own right, smiling viciously as she destroyed each monster.

Lucy looked over to Natsu who gripped the side of the stone balcony, but his eyes sparkled and he cheered maniacally like the crowd.

Alice was getting her way. The crowd was eating her up. No way anyone would ever look down on her or her guild ever again.

"Yeah, Alice!! Get them!" Natsu cheered as Alice took on an A class monster with ease. She didn't look like she was ever going to slow down.

But the end, not even a hair out of place. She looked at ease. Like of course she was going to win. The crowd went wild.

“That. Was. Unbelievable! Alice Dreyar has single handedly defeated all 100 monsters! There is a safe bet saying she is out of retirement! Fairy Tail team A has swept the contest with an undisputed victory! Let it be known, we just witnessed history! The Fairy Tail from seven years ago has returned to its name!”

The rest of the team ran onto the field. All but Erza were praising Alice. “You realize how reckless that was! You didn’t even know if you could wield such power! You let your ego get in the way of what's important! You almost lost a win for us!”

“You mean, she secured 1st place for us! That was the biggest plot twist of the century!” Gray argued against her, excited. “Plot twist? I used to be this powerful when I was 10! It’s no surprise I could do this!” Alice crossed her arms at him. “It was so inspiring that I cried!” Lucy praised. “I’m still crying,” Wendy bawled.

“Though, it’s been like, years since I’ve wielded such power, I think I need to rest for a bit.” Alice yawned and stretched her arms up in the air. “Of course. I’ll take you to the infirmary,” Gray volunteered. “No, she doesn’t need to go there! I’ll take care of her!” Natsu scooped Alice up into his arms and started to run off the field.

“And off the field, there goes Fairy Tail’s Fire Dragon Slayer, Natsu Dragneel carrying Alice away at incredible speed!”

“I don’t think you could name a more powerful couple in Fiore.”

“Yes, I’d agree. You don’t want to get in between them.”

“Their children will be the next power team in the whole country, just you wait!”

“That’s what we’re in process of!” Natsu laughed, listening to the commentators. “Natsu!” Alice scolded him hoping the lacrima cameras didn’t pick up on that.

“Guys, whatever you’re doing, you should finish up, Laxus is up to battle against Raven Tail today!” Wendy shouted down the hallway, hoping she didn’t have to get any closer, already picking up on their actions.

“I don’t know if I can stop,” Natsu panted to Alice, still thrusting into her until he slowed his pace until he stopped altogether. “But I suppose that's a fight I can’t miss, also Wendy’s voice almost takes me out of the mood.” Natsu pulled out and let Alice get to her feet. “Almost?” Alice raised an eyebrow at him as she requiped into another outfit which pulled her hair into a ponytail because she didn’t have time to brush her hair.

The purple team outfit of hers that was on the ground vanished back into her requip. “I’ve had to power through Happy’s snores before. It takes a lot to get me out of the mood now.” Natsu shrugged buckling his belt. Alice opened the closet door, looking both ways to see if anyone was coming. “Coast is clear, come on! I don’t wanna miss this fight!” Alice said, pulling Natsu along by his hand.

“After Laxus wins, we’re finishing this.” Natsu said, not giving Alice any room to say otherwise.

“So what happened after we left?” Alice asked as they made their way back to the balcony with rest of team A.

“Cana got second place with Fairy Glitter that Mavis lended her. Then Millianna went against some big guy from Cuatro Puppy, and she won. Then Rufus from Sabertooth went up against Eve from Blue Pegasus, and Rufus won. And- why do you look in worse shape than when you left?” Lucy took a look at Natsu’s tousled hair then the bruises on Alice’s neck. “You said you weren’t going to make a mark!” Alice hissed at her proudly smirking boyfriend. She conjured up a jacket that hid her neck. “I told you, I’d take care of her,” Natsu brightly smiled, taking his spot on the edge of the stone railing to get a good seat. “So who in Raven Tail is getting their tail kicked?”

“Some guy named Alexei, I think it’s the freaky person in the armor and mask,” Lucy replied with a bright blush.

“To bring on the lightning it’s Fairy Tail B’s Laxus Dreyar! Going up against this mysterious guy behind the metal mask, Raven Tail’s Alexei. Let the match.. Begin!”

And from the very beginning, this masked guy had the upper hand. He was tearing it up out there! Laxus couldn’t even get a hit in!

“Dammit Laxus! How can you let me show you up by being the better wizard! Get in the game!” Alice shouted, getting annoyed at the pathetic act.

The tables turned and Laxus seemed to win but then one small false move and Alexei had taken over again! And it kept going on and on the sudden change of events over and over! It was an even match it seemed.

But then another Laxus came out of nowhere.

No, then the masked guy was hit and was against the stone wall, and his mask was off. The two from before disappear! That fight was just an illusion. The crowd went wild with confusion.

Then there was the rest of the Raven Tail guild. And there was Alice’s true, biological grandfather. Dark skin, to prove how evil he was. Black hair, a beard, crazy eyes. This would be Alice’s first time... truly seeing him in the flesh.

And it was under these pretenses. He pretended to be the member Alexei and put on an illusion of the fight and him and the rest of his guild put up against Laxus.

And with that Laxus won, and the Raven Tail guild was disqualified for the next 3 years!

“How about we move on from that and go onto our next and final battle? Fairy Tail A’s very own Wendy Marvell against Lamia Scale’s Chelia Blendy!”

So turned out Chelia was a Sky God Slayer. While Alice never got to witness the power of the Fire God Slayer, Zancrow that went against Natsu on Tenrou Island, Alice knew that Chelia was a force to be reckoned with.

During their training, Wendy had learned more spells but she wasn’t a fighter. She used more support magic and enchantments than anything. But a Sky God Slayer sounded more powerful than a dragon slayer.

They seemed to be at a draw here. Wendy even used a secret art dragon slayer spell, Sky Drill, but Chelia, also in bad shape, got back up.

But... Chelia healed herself?

“This can’t be good! Wendy can’t do healing like that!” Alice gasped.

Was Wendy going to lose?

Chapter 74

Chapter Text

“A big cheer to our four winners out there! Cana! Laxus! Wendy! And Alice!”

“Cana didn’t win, she got second place, and Wendy was at a tie.” Droy corrected.

“No one asked you, Droy!”

“Barrel surfing Alice!” “All right! I’ll show you all what a true surfing master is like!”

“You’re going to break this bar!” “Alice’s skirt is up! Look while you can!”

“Will you all stop the ruckus? This is how you barrel surf!” “You’re going to break your neck!”

“Uh oh, everyone look out! Alice is tipsy and ready to bare all!” “I suppose that’s my cue to take her back to the inn.” “Oh, come on, Natsu, you get to see her like that all the time, let us have some fun.”

“I’m allowed to see her naked, none of you pervs are! Now excuse me! I’m going to take my drunk girlfriend back where none of you can see her take off her shirt!”

“At this point, I think he’s just bragging.”

“I’m tired!” Alice whined, nuzzling her face into her boyfriend’s shoulder. “You can fall asleep now if you want,” Natsu replied. “But I don’t want to. We have to finish what we started earlier,” Alice slurred. “And that’d be...?” Natsu wondered but then fully understood. “Oh. Well that’ll have to wait, now won’t it? You decided to get wasted, and you know, I won’t take advantage of you.”

He heard Alice mewl in disappointment. “But why not?”

Natsu opened the front door to the inn. “That’s because I’m a good boyfriend.”

As Alice was a drinker when the occasion called for it, she was a lightweight, so it was still pretty early in the night for any other of their guildmates to be there, especially of the other 6 inhabitants of the shared team room.

“You want me to get you a bath going? I don’t think you can stand very well on your own, so sit here.” Natsu carefully placed the not sober girl on a random bed. She had her eyes glazed over, but staring up in wonder at the person who outshined all the rest of the suitors in her life. The one she knew was the only one for her. Though, that precious moment stayed in her mind just for a second, as her drunken lust taken over. “Would you take a bath with me?” She smiled mischievously.

“Not tonight.” Natsu rejected with more ease than she liked. She pouted but wasn’t ready to give up as she requiped into absolutely nothing, Natsu couldn’t deny himself to look her over but then took in a deep breath. “You’ll catch a cold like that. Here, I’m going to get you a bath going, stay here, all right?”

Though, by the time he came back to retrieve the naked girl she had lain on her bed, asleep. Natsu knew better than to think she’d stay awake long enough to even enjoy a bath, but either way, he had kept himself under control, which was a big enough achievement for him.

“Today’s event will be kicked off with a game called Naval Battle!”

In the area, there was a huge orb of water, just floating in the air. “That’s right folks, an exciting scrimmage in the sea! You get pushed out, you are out of the game! Last person left is declared the winner! However when only two opponents are left on the battlefield, a special rule will come into play. We call it the five minute rule. In this instance, if one of the remaining challengers leaves the battlefield within the last five minutes of the showdown, they will get last place.”

“Alice is a water dragon slayer, she’ll dominate in there!” Gray volunteered Alice out. “No, in her event yesterday, it left her drained, she should take as much time off as possible. Who knows if she’ll be selected for a battle.” Erza declined for Alice.

“Oh come on! I’m still good!” Alice tried to stand up from her place on the stone ledge but fell on her butt. “That’s not from the lack of magic! That’s from my hangover!” Alice clarified as if that’d count. “I’ll do it.” Lucy said, already walking down the tunnel towards the battle field. “Are you going to get up?” Gray asked Alice that continued to sit on the ground. “Don’t have to.” Alice teleported back to her spot.

So the competitors for this game were Chelia from Lamia Scale, Jenny from Blue Pegasus, Risley from Mermaid Heel, Juvia from Team B, that bitch from Sabertooth or her name Minerva, Rocker from Quatro Puppy, then Lucy from team A.

Knowing that Minerva chick, she isn’t going to play fair. At least Raven Tail was gone. But considering Natsu and Alice’s attack on Sabertooth the other night, it was expected that Sabertooth wouldn’t play fair.

Lucy started off with her obvious spirit, Aquarius, whose attack was countered by Juvia’s water cyclone, and both ladies were evenly matched. With this Jenny took out Rocker.

And then Aquarius bounced out to go on a date with Scorpio. Which was stupid because now, Lucy didn’t stand a chance.

Juvia then went for Lucy who was defenseless, but Aries came to her aid by blocking the attack and Virgo who moved Lucy out of the way. Both spirits were in bikinis and the crowd was eating it up.

Juvia used a newer spell, which had a lot of kick behind it and booted out Risley, Jenny and Chelia.

“Yeah, Juvia! Show them who's boss!” Alice cheered. “Lucy is on our team, not Juvia!” Gray shouted. “But I like Juvia more than Lucy and Juvia is queen of the water, come on Gray, you know you want to cheer her on too!” Alice teased.

Juvia looked to Gray for support, but Gray was out for the count, in disbelief or something, and so Minerva took advantage of this, kicking Juvia out.

So it was just Lucy and Minerva in there now. At least they’d get second place if Lucy could hold on in there for 5 minutes.

Minerva used some sort of magic to heat up the water around Lucy, putting her in pain. “That wretched witch! Just shove Lucy out and win, don’t mull over it!” Alice growled.

But with that, somehow, Minerva had gotten ahold of Lucy’s keys!

“Minerva’s just playing with her!”

With just a minute left, Minerva stopped her attacks on Lucy, until the timer was up. “Get out, Lucy!” Alice shouted. She had no chance against Minerva. Second place would be okay with Alice.

But then as the timer went off, Minerva went on a barrage of attacks, one after the other, not even allowing Lucy to leave the water.

Alice glanced over to Sabertooth’s seating, hatred in her eyes to see Sting just smirking violently at her. He was enjoying this pain Lucy was enduring! Alice was terrified. How could these people be an official guild yet be so evil?

The bell tolled. “The referee has stopped the match! It doesn’t look like Lucy is responding, somebody please get paramedics out on the field!”

Minerva held Lucy by her hair, just letting her dangle outside the water barrier.

Team A left the balcony to the field.

Alice teleported as Minerva let go of Lucy. As Alice caught Lucy, they both collapsed to the ground.

Lucy was completely still. Alice laid her on her back. Tears welled up in her eyes. The others surrounded Lucy. “Lucy! Come on, say something! Please!” Alice pleaded. Sure she claimed to hate Lucy but in reality she did at least care for her.

“She needs my help!” Wendy cried, hurrying to her side. “Let me help!” Chelia said combining her power with Wendy’s.

Lucy trembled. That’s just a bit of relief.

Minerva came out of the water and stood by watching. They all stared her down. “What’s with that glare? I stayed within the means of the rules. In fact, you should be thanking me. Without me, Lucy wouldn’t have gotten second place,” Minerva was talking to Erza with a smirk.

Alice couldn’t control her anger. She tried but she was already in Minerva’s face. To which the rest of the Sabertooth guild joined Minerva’s side.

Gray, and Natsu went to Alice’s side. There would be an all out war if no one stopped them. No one moved at first, waiting for the other side to make a move first.

Sting took a half step closer, in a battle stance. Alice knew that no matter who threw the first punch Sting and Natsu would be at each other’s throat.

Erza put out a hand stopping Natsu’s advances as he moved in response to Sting’s step. “Let this be a warning. Even though you may be considered the strongest guild, making an enemy of Fairy Tail will be a decision you will regret.” Alice darkly threatened Minerva who smirked amused at her.

Natsu and Gray stepped down. Sabertooth walked away. But Alice still stayed tense in a fighting stance. Eyes dark with anger.

But with Alice’s black magic now free, Black Alice was integrated with Alice’s being. There was no more phasing in and out. They were one.

“Come on, Alice. You know better than to do what I think you’re planning,” Erza advised her in a cautious tone. She could sense the immense dark energy Alice was putting out.

Alice thought about stepping down. But it was hard to calm down to get out of this mindset. How her mind already made up a battle strategy. How to take down each team member of Sabertooth. How she’d end Minerva’s life.

Natsu stepped forward, hand on Alice’s shoulder. “Come on. We’ll get revenge soon enough.”

It brought Alice back to her senses and she stepped off.

Alice skipped out on the group in the infirmary. She stayed outside the door. Staring out to space trying to concentrate on her emotions. She felt herself come unhinged during the standoff. She barely kept herself in check.

Her dark magic was no longer caged up.

Sure she had gotten better at holding holding her own with the correlation between her emotions and magic.

But she knew it wasn’t enough. She needed more practice. More control. More time.

And then the news came out that Fairy Tail teams A and B had to merge into one team of 5.

“Well I’m taking revenge for Lucy!” Natsu shouted. Alice walked inside, standing in the threshold of the entrance of the infirmary. “You’ll be counting me out for sure.” Alice announced shyly. “What? Come on, we saw you in Pandemonium. You’re a shoe in! With you we could win!” Cana encouraged. “That’s just it. I thought I was in control of my magic better than I actually am. During that almost war with Sabertooth I could feel my dark magic try to take the reigns. I’m not in control of myself yet. I need more time to get a handle on myself before I go against anyone from Sabertooth because I might end up hurting someone if I can’t keep my cool.” Alice answered hugging her arms to her abdomen.

“That’s fair, so that’s one more person we don’t need to keep in the decision,” Erza nodded.

So with the battles on their way. The new team had been formed. Obviously the normal three, Erza, Gray, Natsu, then there was Gajeel and Laxus. This truly was the strongest five of Fairy Tail.

Chapter 75

Chapter Text

“There’s the two way battles. Coincidentally enough, Sabertooth and Fairy Tail have been put together for an all out brawl. It’s no surprise that they’ll put dragonslayers against dragonslayers. On the chariots, they got to see how you, Gajeel and Sting play together, so for a show, I’m betting you and Gajeel will be up against Rogue and Sting.” Alice theorized. She stood against the stone wall.

“That will be quite the show. I’ll make sure to make it entertaining for you,” Natsu growled with a smirk.

“You better not try to show off. I don’t need any competition.” Alice smiled coyly over to him..

“You don’t want me attracting the world’s hottest, most sexy woman in the world? Too bad, already did, she’s right here!” Natsu leapt forward, putting needy kisses on Alice’s neck. “You still owe me, you know.” Alice said, trying to muster up enough strength to not come undone right there.

“How? And for what?” He pulled away to look her in the eyes, while holding a very confused expression. “My celebration for winning my contest? Apparently, "Mister Too Good for His Drunk Girlfriend" wouldn’t allow me to continue the other night.” Alice said with a overplayed pout.

“You know that I can’t take advantage of you. I want to make sure you’re okay with what I’m doing. And when you’re drunk you can’t really think right.”

“Natsu, my defender of justice, how valiant of you! Go out there and beat those two twin dragon slayer bastards, and make Fairy Tail number one once more, and maybe I’ll think of an award just for you.” She lightly shoved him away. She wasn’t on the team anymore. Not even a reserve member. So they had to part ways.

“Better be worth my time.” Natsu joked. “Or I can always go and comfort Sting for losing. It’s up to you.” Alice shrugged.

He growled threateningly. “Don’t even joke about that. First off, you’re mine, only mine. And second of all, if you have to cheat on me, let it be with some loser, like Gray.”

“All right fine. Win, then I won’t sleep with Sting. Just Gray.” Alice giggled.

In a swift motion, he dipped back down to Alice’s neck, and then Alice felt a sharp pain. Natsu was biting and sucking hard on her neck. Trying to leave the most prominent mark he could.

As he came back up, he looked proud of himself, and was impressed with his work.

“What was that for you pompous jackass?” Alice shouted at him, covering the mark with her hand, hoping it’d make the pain go away. “Marking what’s mine. You better be a good girl before you get a worse punishment.” Natsu spoke alluringly and giving Alice his heartstopping smirk.

“Didn’t think you could be kinky.” Alice commented, her voice getting stuck in her throat. The anger from his bite was gone and now was a painful yearning for him.

“Yo, 50 Shades of Fire, can you just get your butt over here? We gotta enter in a few minutes!” Gray shouted down the hallways. “You’re just jealous I have a girlfriend,” Natsu childishly threw back. “You’re the one that allowed said girlfriend to sleep with me!”

Blue Pegasus’ Ichiya and that weird person in the dark blue bunny suit vs Quatro Puppy’s Bacchus and Rocker.

It hadn’t been revealed exactly who would fight in the next rounds, except the guilds. So Mermaid Heel would be up against Lamia Scale.

And then, you guessed it Sabertooth against Fairy Tail.

But anyways, it was revealed who was in the bunny suit. While Alice’s memories of Edolas had faded away for some reason, she did remember the cats, called Exceeds that were brought here to Earthland with Fairy Tail. And all Edolas people and all Earthland people have a twin together.

Now apparently Ichiya’s double was an exceed. Orange fur, a bit shorter than the real thing, whiskers, a tail, fur, everything of the features and voice of Ichiya. But also the Edolas and Earthland doubles were supposed to be polar opposites, which wasn’t the case here.

Alice thought the whole thing was far more sickening than watching Hibiki and Jenny make out.

So Bacchus hit the cat and he was out of commission, leaving Ichiya to fend for himself.

Now in an emotional turn of events, Ichiya used some kind of potion that doubled his size and muscle mass and put down Rocker and Bacchus, winning the fight.

So then next was Lyon and Eyebrows vs. Kagura and Millianna.

As much of a celebrity crush Alice had on Lyon, she knew he wasn’t going to win this fight. “Lyon’s so hot!” Alice bounced in her seat with excitement to see him in action. “Please take him! He keeps getting in the way of me and my love, Gray!” Juvia cried with Alice, who was crying over Lyon’s hotness. “But he’s in love with you! You of all people know you can’t change one’s heart once they’re in love!” Alice argued.

“I suppose I can’t help my beauty! If only Gray could see that, we’d be happily married now!” “I fully support you, Juvia!”

“So, has Lyon confessed his undying love yet?” Cana slid over to the two blubbering messes, talking to Juvia. “Yes, you can tell us, it’s just us girls!” Mira came along too. “Yes... I suppose he has.. Though... I’m not sure,” Juvia said shyly. “I want him to confess his undying love for me!” Alice cried harder. “Aren’t you and Natsu engaged or something?” Cana wondered.

Alice stopped sobbing, wiped her tears and cleared her throat. “No.” Alice answered with a hard blush.

“Oh come on, if you ask the guy to marry you, he’ll say yes. He already assumes you two are going to marry and have a bajillion kids! He’s been thinking that the day you first kissed him!” Cana teased.

Alice thought more about it. Natsu was a straightforward person. He knows what he’s feeling and he’ll tell you. If he likes you, he truly knows it. And if he loves you he already knows in his heart that he’s gonna marry you and grow old together. Alice thought it was a sweet attribute of his. She knew that meant that Natsu was truly in love with her and had already pictured a forever with her.

And it wasn’t that Alice didn’t believe it for herself or want it... She just hadn’t put too much thought into it and didn’t want to get her hopes up too early. She was with him and she knew that he was going into this relationship with all those commitment filled thoughts.

And Alice wanted that too. Marriage, kids, an eternity together.

But Alice once thought that with Loke. In fact on one night when she was on her year anniversary with Loke, they had went to Akane resort together when she was 16... And while there Loke took interest in another girl. In fact their waitress from their dinner that night and when he said he was going down to go get some extra towels and was taking too long, she knew what was going on.

In a jealous rage, Alice came up with a last resort plan to keep him forever and maybe make him fully commit to her finally.

Akane Resort had a wedding venue there. For eloping purposes. And of age, Alice thought about confronting Loke that night and when he’d beg for forgiveness, Alice would make him marry her that trip. She even called the venue to see if there were openings and picked out a dress. She thought that Loke was going to be her happy ending.

Obviously that didn’t happen. As Loke came back, Alice was about to put the plan in action but the words wouldn’t come out. And so she never brought it up.

And she refused to ever tell anyone that.

So a part of Alice was scared of committing fully. To believe in a forever with Natsu. She was already insecure and jealous constantly in their relationship because of Lucy. She always had a dread in the back of her head. That her and Natsu weren’t going to be together forever.

In fact, Natsu probably thought he was going to marry Lisanna when they were together.

“I’m a terrible person! Thinking about my guildmates being hurt so I can be closer to my Gray! Although, I would do anything for him! But I could never hurt any of you!” Juvia burst out in tears but it distracted Alice from her thoughts.

So anyways. Kagura stood back, letting Millianna take on Lyon and Yuka by herself, and she was full of energy. Though, Lyon and Yuka dodged her attacks very easy.

Lyon tried to attack Kagura, but Millianna deflected it with her kitty tubes. “I’m your opponent! Not her!” Millianna shouted. Eyebrows tried to start using magic on Millianna but she held her own against him well.

She used a fake out spell to distract Yuka and then she jumped on his shoulders, crotch practically in his face as she punched him, shouting over and over again: “Kitty fight! Kitty fight! Kitty fight!”

Then as things got more heated, she threw out more kitty tubes, and at some point, restraining both Yuka and Lyon.

Lyon all tied up but his hands and legs.

Natsu riled Alice up before they parted. So she was already excited. Now seeing Lyon restrained like that made her hot and bothered. It hurt how much she was now lusting over him.

“You may be faster, but I’m more smart! Ice make! Mouse!”

Lyon conjured up an ice mouse, getting Millianna to cancel her spell and chase the mouse around.

“That was a dirty trick!” Millianna hissed, realizing she’d been tricked. Then Lyon smirked, and made a blizzard, and somehow a kotatsu was on the field, and so Millianna, freezing climbed underneath the table to snuggle with the heater, then she realized that’s a trick too.

“Wow! Lyon is so smart!” Alice sighed, almost moaning it out.

“Were you impressed, Juvia!” Lyon looked in Alice and Juvia’s direction. And it almost looked like he was looking at her instead of Juvia. Juvia was repulsed by his act of love. “Spare her your love, and cast it upon me, instead!” Alice cried like a zealous fangirl.

Lyon conjured an ice tiger that chased after Millianna who didn’t even know which way she was going and ran into a wall, knocking herself out.

So that meant Kagura would have to fight now.

And eyebrows started the fight with her, and in moments, she had him down, not even using magic.

Then Lyon started attacking using all types of ice make spells, creating a tiger, a gorilla and even a dragon. Kagura used her gravity changing magic, and Lyon and his creatures went into the sky, then Kagura took out the ice animals and just as she was about to do the final blow, the bell dinged. Putting them at a draw.

“Good work, Lyon! I knew you wouldn’t get defeated!” Alice cheered at him.

“Since you’re not Juvia, your words matter very little to me,” Lyon looked up at her with his cold expression. “So. Harsh!” Alice whimpered sitting back down, deflated.

“Hey! You better have a better attitude towards her! She’s not in your guild but she’s rooting for you!” Juvia snapped. She was willing to lay the smack down since she was trying to get him off her back. “Oh, my love, Miss. Juvia! Your words are like a poem, a love song, ringing in my ears!” Lyon swooned.

“Now, at long last, here comes the battle, everyone has been waiting for. One guild considered the strongest in Fiore, 7 years ago, and the other currently holds the title! This is going to be a great match. This is Fairy Tail’s Natsu and Gajeel, against Sabertooth’s Sting and Rogue. We’re about to witness a showdown of epic proportions. They’re not just wizards. They are Dragon Slayers!”

“Don’t hold back, Natsu! Give them all you got! Teach them what it means to be a real Dragon Slayer! And Gajeel...uhm, you too!” Alice jumped out of her seat to the ledge to cheer them on, already over her rejection from Lyon. Natsu was the love of her life after all.

As the bell sounded off, Natsu and Gajeel were out getting hits in, after another, in fact, it was Sting and Rogue who had to resort to magic first but still! They couldn’t land a hit on them!

They stopped just for a moment, as Natsu spoke. Then both Rogue and Sting glowed in an ominous color. They call them... drives?

Was this like an off brand Dragon Force? All jokes aside, this drive gave them more power. They increased strength and power.

“Natsu! Don’t let him hit you!” Alice shouted, as Sting got the upperhand punching Natsu, hit after hit.

It was enough to get Alice emotional and crying.

Sting and Rogue’s attack were coordinated with teamwork, while Natsu and Gajeel couldn’t even get one hit in.

Sting attacked Natsu driving his fist into his stomach. What was that on Natsu’s perfectly sculpted abs that are too hard, not penetrable by any force because of their perfection? It was a magic circle!

Natsu wasn’t moving!

“Natsu!” Alice cried out, voice breaking.

“What’d you do to me?” Natsu growled. “Anything with that brand becomes instantly paralyzed, you just became my personal punching bag,” Sting proudly stated.

“That’s pretty low! He’s too hard to hit if he’s moving, right! You are afraid you’re going to lose to him! Natsu can’t be beat that easy, you lousy lizard!” Alice insulted Sting in hopes her voice reached him.

Natsu smirked as Sting went for a hit, and then just like that, Natsu went for it, socking Sting right in the face. “That’s how we do it!” Alice was turning into one of those soccer moms that got way into their children’s soccer matches.

Natsu burned off the magic circle!

Now Gajeel’s opponent, Rogue was doing good for a while, keeping in the shadows, but Gajeel adapted quickly and grabbed him, and now both Sabertooth dragons were at the wall!

Rogue and Sting composed themselves and Sting’s magic power increased, in fact, the power alone made him too bright to look at. He was putting all his magic power into one attack!

The ground shook, dust flew up, wind so strong it threw Alice down and by the time Alice was up, the dust settled and Natsu deflected the attack with just his hand.

Sting put so much power into the failed attack that he was running low on magic and Gajeel’s damage was putting Rogue in his place.

Both Sting and Rogue on the ground, fighting to stand to their feet.

“That’s how we do it in Fairy Tail!”

But the two got up.

Then with that, both of them bring up another secret skill or something. Their power was crazy increased!

Dragon Force.

Chapter 76

Chapter Text

Sting and Rogue could activate their dragon force just by the sheer will of it. Is this what it meant to be a 3rd generation Dragon Slayer?

“Don’t let it get to you, you’ve faced stronger opponents 10 times this! Don’t go down!”

Their power was intense, and they had dragon scales up on their shoulders and faces.

Sting made Rogue stand by, believing he could take on Gajeel and Natsu by himself!

Sting went for a punch, Natsu flew across the arena to a stone wall, but used his fire to launch him off it to Sting. Gajeel and Natsu, at a speed no one could really keep up with. Going at Sting who was able to take them on his own. A light spell to Gajeel and then another at Natsu.

Sting flew up, and used a dragon roar, breaking the very ground beneath all of them! And all four slayers fell under ground, several levels under the surface. If they weren’t careful they could’ve taken out the whole stadium too!

No one was too slow at getting the lacrima screens out. But it was no longer as fun as seeing it with one’s own eyes.

But as they got farther to the bottom, Gajeel and Natsu got into two hits, as Sting hit the ground, but once again got the upper hand. An attack Alice couldn’t even explain, a kick sending Natsu several meters away.

And again! Another strong light attack and Gajeel and Natsu couldn’t keep up.

And they were actually down. Not getting up.

“Come on Natsu! Get up! Please!”

And it was quiet for a moment.

Alice balled her fists up hearing the disagreement among fans. "Maybe Fairy Tail isn't as good as they used to be..." "Well I guess that settles it then, Sabertooth is the new Fairy Tail."
How could the audience see this and think it was over? It would never be over because Natsu and Gajeel would never get beaten so easily! They'd never let their guild down!

Their faith and loyalty would be enough to win! Alice was sure of it! Natsu would never give up victory! It wouldn't be over until his heart stopped!

In fact, the twin dragons believed they won and called off their dragon force.

Then just like that! Gajeel and Natsu were back up.

Natsu went on about knowing Sting’s fight patterns, saying when Sting went to hit, it was at 10 o’clock, but Gajeel said it was 11, so then they both started to fight... each other.

And somehow, Natsu pushed Gajeel into a conveniently placed mine cart, and sending him down the track.

Natsu challenged both dragons at the same time!

“Way to go!” Alice cheered fervently, jumping up and down. Natsu was getting serious!

Both Rogue and Sting went back into Dragon Force. And Sting went in for the first hit, Natsu blocked it easily.

And right and left, both Rogue and Sting full force, attack Natsu, who dodged, and reciprocated with more intense fire magic.

He held his own, with a breath attack head on, and deflected it with his own.

With the twin dragons, breathing heavily, they put all their magic power into a unison raid. This wasn’t an attack to think of lightly.

This could do some serious harm.

And this idiot, Natsu, stood in the way believing he could endure it.

Just in a blink of an eye, Natsu used a secret art spell, countering the two boys’ unison raid. Then the lacrima screens went out.

“Leave it to Natsu to do so much damage.”

The crowd shouted in anger! What was going on?! They needed to watch the fight!

The stadium continued to tremble until it stopped completely. Moments went by where no one knew what to think.

As the lacrimas were back and working, there was just the aftermath as Sting and Rogue fell to the ground!

“Ladies and Gentlemen, this round’s winner, is Natsu Dragneel!”

All of Fairy Tail went crazy celebrating. Alice was clapping so hard her hands were red and hurt. She cried, and screamed so hard her voice broke. This was a big victory! Natsu defeated Sting and Rogue at the same time! He fought against their dragonforce and unison raid without missing a beat and beat them bloody and unconscious! ON HIS OWN!

This fight was personal. It wasn't for himself, it was for all of Fairy Tail.

And Fairy Tail moved into first place.

There was some time before Natsu climbed out of the rubble and Alice wasted no time running out to the field to him, Happy, Erza and Gray already there.

“Natsu!” Alice shouted as she ran to him and attacked him with a hug, jumping, wrapping her legs around his waist. “Did you enjoy the show?” Natsu put his arms around Alice’s frame to keep her up. “My dragonslayer hero!" Alice cried burying her face into his shoulder, hugging him so tight.

"Did I make you proud?"

"Of course, more than that even!" Alice sat up looking at him, lovestruck. "It's more than all of that-- Look at them, look at how happy you made them." She turned her head back to the Fairies still up in the box.

They all smiled brightly, dancing and jumping around, screaming at the top of their lungs. The crowd still went wild, Fairy Tail flags waving high and proud.

The next was a day of rest before the last day, where all teams would battle it out in one battle royale.

“Master! Aren’t you going to say something!” Lucy cried to the drunken master. “Yes, I suppose it’s time for a stern talking to. Natsu! Show the same spirit you did in your match!” Grandfather jumped up in anger.

Erza, came up from her seat and grabbed Gray and Natsu by the hair, slamming them together. “We worked hard to get to the first spot in the games. Every guild will be gunning for us now. But what does that excuse for you ruining my cake? Prepare to die with dignity!” She requipped a sword.

“Show them who’s boss!” Alice giggled, drunk and high on cloud nine. She was woozy in a good, light airy way while her body ached. But she loved the way her hips and legs throbbed in exhaustion. How her throat felt scratchy and worn from screaming. She smiled like a lovedrunk idiot at her pinkhaired soulmate. She was tired but it was worth it. The love they made in celebration of his victory...
No one knew her body better than him and even when she was rewarding him, he still kept giving and giving. And that glow continued into the night, Alice getting drink after drink... Only on her third, yet she was a laughing drunk fool. But she recognized her limit and took a break with a nice cold glass of fizzy pop.

Which was an improvement.

She was getting better at controlling her drinking. It was nice to just get a nice buzz instead of black out wasted.

But drinking sometimes reminded her of a person she wanted to forget. Someone who she forced herself to never think about until drinking forced her to remember.


Alice rarely mentioned her and Mizore wasn’t in the guild long enough for anyone to have any memories of her. Alice was the only one who was really friends with her. If that.

Mizore, a girl a few years older than Alice, was the one who introduced Alice to drinking. Something she had no interest in before.

Mizore, a girl who Alice only saw at the guild. But when they were together they had so much fun. They picked on people in the guild together, they hit on cute guys together, they shared war stories and gossip and laughed together so much.

She was a pretty girl. She was taller than most girls, and had an athletic body. She usually wore a purple hoodie and light purple capri leggings and black running shoes. She had shoulder length purple hair and red violet eyes. She had a bright smile and she was a kind soul that held so much pain that Alice didn’t know about until Mizore took her own life.

It was Alice’s first experience with death like that. And it burned into her heart.

Anytime she smelled alcohol the color purple flooded her mind. And a bubbly laugh rang in her ears.

You’d think that would be Alice’s excuse to never drink again but it just made her drink more and more until Mizore’s face blurred into the background.

And here came that urge to buy a bottle of tequila and downing it until she forgot her own name.

Gajeel slammed open the bar front door, walking inside. It was a nice distraction from her memories. Alice smiled and pushed her dark thoughts back into the cage in her head.

“Welcome back!” Alice greeted brightly, waving excitedly. “If I ever see another mine car, it’ll be too soon,” he grumbled.
“Where have you been? You missed all the cake,” Happy greeted. “Yeah, jerk. Why’d you take off in the middle of our match?” Natsu scolded.

“Natsu’s gonna die!” Alice cackled, rolling around on the ground.

“Really? I spent half the day digging myself out of a dirt cave because some lava brain tool put me down there!” Gajeel got up in Natsu’s face.

“Just forget it,” he groaned, getting over it once more. “Now anyway, I got something to show the three of you. Fire breath, Wendy and Alice, we’re going.”

“We’re going on a field trip! That’s amazing!” Alice cheered, crawling from underneath a table that she was laying under. But she miscalculated her moves and hit her head. “Ow.”

“Or maybe we just keep her here,” Gajeel rolled his eyes at her. “I’m going to get serious here!” Alice stood up and gave Gajeel a serious look before bursting into laughter. “Your face looks so funny!”

“Nevermind, leave her here,” Gajeel had already turned to leave. “Come on, cutie, let’s go exploring.” Natsu swung Alice onto his back for a piggyback ride. “Yay. I like adventures,” Alice sighed dreamily..

“It’s so dark and creepy. I thought we’d do something fun,” Alice whined. “Pipe down,” Gajeel grumbled. “He’s not in a good mood,” Alice whispered, before giggling. “You gotta admit, she’s more fun, drunk,” Happy chipped in.
“I don’t find it at all amusing. A wizard of her caliber should keep composed and not be in such a stupor!” Carla scolded. “I think we need to appreciate that she’s not as bad as she could be,” Wendy replied. “I suppose that’s true. At least she was invited, not like the gawkers here,” Pantherlily added.

“So we’re gawkers now?” Gray said. Alice forgot they tagged along.

“Sorry for being curious,” Lucy answered. Alice wished she could continue to forget about Lucy. “But being an inferior wizard, anything this could be does not help you in the slightest,” Alice mumbled in a tired voice and leaned her head against Natsu’s shoulder but then got distracted by his scent and started to nibble at the exposed skin. “Okay, I now agree that we should have left her at the bar,” Lucy snapped. “She was asked to come along, gawker,” Natsu defended his girlfriend. “Stop calling me that!” Lucy hissed.

Gajeel stopped walking. “This is it.”

Alice raised her head to look ahead. It was a giant graveyard. Bones, larger than the guild. And.. the skulls, these were... Alice, in disbelief, got off Natsu to stand on her own and get a closer look, mouth agape.

“Those are some giant bones!” Lucy obviously stated. “It’s more than that, these are dragons,” Natsu said in a low voice.

Alice ended up leading the trail down into the long forgotten land of the dead. It was safe to say none of their dragons could be there. With all the dust and webs, and the lack of the smell of decay, these had been there for a much longer time than Umiko’s time.

“Why are they all down here?” “Something bad must have happened.”

“Maybe we’ll find Igneel down here,” Happy thought out loud. “No. He ain’t down here,” Natsu disproved. “Yeah, our dragons have only been gone for 14 years. These have been down here longer than that,” Gajeel added.

“This might work...I have a spell, Milkyway, one of the secret arts that Grandeeney passed down to me. When I first read it, I assumed it was an attack, but I just had a thought. What if it’s something else entirely? It’s possible that it’s a spell that can allow us to hear the voices of dragons that passed on. If it works, we could find out what happened here.”

Wendy drew a huge magic circle in the dirt. “I wrote this differently since I always thought it was a defensive spell, so maybe this time it will work. I need everyone to step outside of the circle.”

“Oh wandering spirit of dragon’s past, reveal yourself and share your wisdom with me! Milkyway!” The circle glowed a bright green. Then green brilliant stars floated around in a beautiful display. But the bones of the dragons started to move. “Talk to us Wendy!” Gray demanded, stupidly knowing that breaking her out of her concentration could cancel the spell.

“The residual energy is weak and ancient. I’m trying to find a spirit, but its fading..Wait! I found one!”

Up on the top of the cave came a brilliant jade green light, and a transparent dragon claw came from it, until there was a whole spirit of a dragon right in front of them!

An actual dragon! The dragon’s booming voice echoed as it cackled.

“Even in death it’s hilarious to scare the pants off of humans,” Well.. at least it had spirit. Ha. Pun.

“My name is Zirconis. They called me the Jade Dragon back in my day. I’m impressed that you were able to conjure my spirit. Seems like the handiwork of the sky dragon, Grandeeney. Which one of you was it? Oh, adorable. So it was this tiny dragon slayer who woke me, eh?”

“Back off! Don’t even think about touching her!” Natsu jumped up to defend Wendy. “Then I’ll just eat her!” “I won’t let you!”

“Geez, lighten up, dummy. Did you honestly believe I would? I can’t even touch any of you, to begin with.” The dragon poked Natsu and his whole toe just went through Natsu.

“Ha! Natsu got schooled by a dead dragon,” Alice laughed.

“Out of all these bones, we get the crazy person!” Lucy snapped.

“It’s a dragon, not a person,” Gray responded. “I have another thing I can call it,” Gajeel grumbled.

“My name is Zirconis. They called me the Jade Dragon back in my day,” Zirconis repeated.

“We were wondering what happened to you,” Carla spoke up. “We want to know why there’s so many of you down here,” Happy added. “We wanted to know your fate so we summoned you,” Pantherlily concluded.

“I have no interest talking with you humans” The dragon said.

Happy raised his hands. “Okay, what about cats?”

“I’d say it was over 400 years ago. Dragon-kind once ruled over every corner of the globe. We soared through the skies, raced over the land, and swam the great oceans. Everything in the world belonged to dragon-kind. Including humans. Your race was plentiful and had an excellent source of protein. But there was one dragon who felt our reign was unjust. What a fool. It zealously spread the idea that we could live in a world where we coexisted with humans. So with any fanatic idea, there were some who fully agreed and some who opposed it out right. It wasn’t long until war broke out. I, myself, fought against the fanatics,” Zirconis told his story.

“So that means, you’re against humans?” Lucy stupidly asked. “No, he’s just been hinting at it the whole time,” Alice muttered under her breath, sarcastically.

“Sure, I’m not fond of your kind, unless you’ve been cooked well. Medium rare, of course,” Zirconis said. “Did you parents tell you not to talk to your food?” Natsu couldn’t help his humor.

“Hey! Have some respect for the dead!”

“Okay, you were telling us about your civil war?” Carla got them back on track. “Well both sides were evenly matched, the fighting was so brutal that entire continents were barren and scarred. Until finally, the dragons that supported the coexistence started a plan that doomed us all. They granted humans with what they would call Dragon Slaying Magic. And with this new power in hand, mankind joined the war.”

“So the first ever were some kind of warriors?” Happy asked.
“Mhm. The power of the magic turned the tables of the war. We were so overwhelmed that victory seemed certain for the dragons on the other side but no one could predict the travesty that would happen next. The dragon slayers became so powerful they eventually turned on the very dragons that gave them their strength. It was a massacre. There was one man whose power was so terrible that he bathed the battle ground with the blood of my kin. The very mention of his name still scares me. This man slain countless dragons and soaked in their blood. He used his power so often that his skin turned to scales, his teeth sharpened to fangs, and he stopped being human altogether.”

“So you’re saying constant use of Dragon Slayer magic turns them into dragons?” Alice asked for clarification.

“Exactly. The fate befalls all who practice the magic. All the bones down here belong to all the victims of that monster. Despite his human origins, he became the king of all dragon kind.”

Dragon king? You don’t mean.... Alice thought to herself.

“And the war he gave rise to became known as the Dragon King Festival. His name was Acnologia. Once a human being. Now a dragon, cloaked in wings of darkness.”

After that shocking reveal, Alice had to sit on the ground exasperated.

“Thanks to him, my kind now rots in the ground. All of this happened in the distant past. But yo-” He dissipated suddenly, and vanished completely.

“I’m sorry but that was all the energy he had. But I’m sure now, he’ll get a long rest,” Wendy said, now done with the spell.

“Looks like we have another problem on our hands,” Gray muttered. “Let’s pretend we never heard that!” Lucy cried.

“My only problem is. So are we gonna turn into dragons?!” Natsu roared in confusion. “How the hell should I know?!” Gajeel replied in the same matter. “But I don’t wanna!” Wendy cried.

“Ha! I’m the only one safe here! I don't use my Dragon magic!” Alice giggled, inappropriately.

“That’s not very likely,” A deep man’s voice came from nowhere, and there was the click of armor. “Who’s there?” Wendy cried. “I took the liberty of eavesdropping. It seems to be the historical facts lie within our project after all.” This man, wearing armor of the Cherry Blossom Holy Knight Squadron. Black curly hair, a very square and long nose. He was much older. Late 40’s it looked like?

He was standing above on higher ground. “Tell me. Have you heard of the demons of the book of Zeref?”/

“I have!” Alice raised her hand. Wait, Yukino was with this dude.

“Acnologia is similar to them. For it was Zeref who turned him into that creature of death. That means, if you wish to conquer the black dragon, you must first find a way to take down the black wizard,” the man added.

“Okay, then how do we take down Zeref?”

Carla gasped. She was having another premonition.

Chapter 77

Chapter Text

Arcadios and Yukino stood in front of the group.

“I am Colonel Arcadios, leader of the Sacred Cherry Blossom Knights. The Crocus Garrison Ford of the Fiore Army.” Arcadios introduced himself. “And I am Yukino Aguria, acting as Sergeant of the Cherry Blossoms.” Yukino bowed her head. “Did you forget we already know you?” Alice tilted her head to the side, confused. They did just have that interaction a night or two ago.

“Did you join the army right after Sabertooth kicked you out?” Happy asked mercilessly. “Yes, in a manner of speaking.” Yukino nodded.

“Allow me to explain; For the last several years, I have been working on a highly classified project, but it can only be used provided by the power only a celestial wizard can have. Luckily enough, Sergeant Yukino is willing to provide assistance,” Arcadios explained.

“Excuse me, so you need a specific type of power to do what though?” Wendy politely asked. “Just tell us what you’re doing! I’m getting real tired of all this polite stuff!” Natsu shouted, getting irritated. He never liked not knowing things.

“The one and only Natsu Dragneel. It’s an honor to make your acquaintance. I applaud your victory in battle.” Arcadios smiled. Natsu stepped into his personal space. “I said quit the formal crap. Now while you’re at it, tell me why you’re trying to get your hands on a celestial wizard. Now when I ask a question, I expect an answer!” Natsu darkly demanded.

And with it, Alice got excited. “Natsu’s so cute when he gets serious!” Alice whined, trying to keep it quiet. “Is this really the time for that?” Lucy called Alice out. “It’s always the time when Natsu acts really hot.” Alice shrugged like it was an obvious, out of her control, thing.

“Follow me, please.” Arcadios turned away, and walked off. “You too Lucy. You should come along. If our plan works out, we’ll take out both Zeref and Acnologia,” Yukino advised. And so they were off.

“You know, it’s probably too late for me to say this, but aren’t you too intoxicated to keep going?” Pantherlily watched Alice walk in a zig zag, on purpose.

Maybe she had more than just a buzz going on.

“Probably! But I’ll be on my best behavior!” Alice spun around to face him, walking backwards. And then she tripped and landed on her butt.

And just like a toddler getting ready to cry, Alice sucked in a big breath and then started to cry.

“There’s no way she’s the same person who took down the whole Pandemonium by herself!” Pantherlily outburst in surprise at Alice’s mood swings. Happy flew over and wrapped his tail around Alice’s middle and carried her the rest of the way. “The one and only Alice!”

Arcadios and Yukino led them to the castle. The Flower Light Palace: Mercurius. Where the king and his daughter, the princess lived.

“Are you sure that it’s okay for us to go inside?” Happy asked. “Yes, though, I’d like to give Miss. Lucy, my most sincere apology. My misguided actions put her in harm’s way,” Arcadios apologized for something Alice didn’t even know happened.

“What are you talking about those goons that kidnapped Wendy and I?!” Carla snapped. “My intention was to not put anyone in real danger. Though, I was far too aggressive with my orders. I so falsely believed you were the only celestial wizard we needed. It was a lapse in judgment. In truth, the magic games are a ruse, or rather a mechanism for siphoning magic power from participants.”

“At least you’re having fun.” Alice casually mumbled, starting to fall asleep. She had very rowdy sex that lasted many rounds, which zapped her energy hours ago, was now slightly drunk, and being carried in the air. It was the perfect recipe for a deep sleep.

But then Happy made her walk once more when they were in the castle.

“So you’ve been stealing magic power for years?” Gray growled. “There’s no point to the games?” Happy also asked. “That’s deplorable!” “That’s messed up!” “You can say that again.”

“You’re certainly free to have your opinion about the matter, but I firmly believe that the end justifies the means in this case.” Arcadios stood up for himself.

By this time with all the talking, he led them into a dark cold brick room, sorta like a dungeon, but there was a huge door. It was in an arch shape, and was covered in the design and colors of the kingdom’s colors.

“The door that will change the world. Without the massive amount of magic power, it would never be complete.”

“A door? To where?” Natsu asked. “Can it be to Edolas? Last time I was there, I didn’t have a lot of fun.” Alice, who was barely awake, said absentmindedly. “Or I think. I can’t remember much of it anymore.” She concluded with a yawn.

“When the sun and moon cross, we will then use the celestial zodiac keys to open this door. With that power, it will allow us to go 400 years in the past and slay Zeref before he gained his magical strength. His destruction is our only goal.”

“You realize just because you have two celestial mages, doesn’t mean you have all the zodiac keys in fact, what if Lucy didn’t even have one? It would be pointless. You don’t even know if you have all the keys,” Alice pointed out, as she casually looked around for a soft spot of dirt to maybe lay down on. Since she was considered a lost cause at this point, no one was paying attention to what she was saying.

“Tell me, doesn’t time flow different in the celestial world?” Yukino asked Lucy. “Yeah, it does actually,” Lucy answered. “We’d like to use the unique dimensional properties their world possesses. Therefore, to open up this door, we need celestial magic,” Yukino explained.

Alice thought this whole plan was stupid.

“Since celestial wizards are scarce these days, we thought we’d have to use a substitute source of power, but now that we’ve located the two of you and all twelve zodiac keys, the plan can proceed as intended. The time of action is almost upon us. When the sun and moon intersect, this will occur three days from now, on July 7th, we ask for your help Miss Lucy.”

“Well since this all is too coincidental, and Lucy is stupid, she’ll most likely agree to help.” Alice muttered to herself.

And just like that, from all sides, kingdom soldiers flooded into the room, surrounding the group, spears out and ready to poke.

“Maybe I should’ve stayed at the bar.” Alice finally admitted as she got into a defensive stance.

“It’d be wise if you surrender, Colonel Arcadios,” A small man appeared, from the guards.

“What is the meaning of this?!” Arcadios demanded. “It should be you answering that. Why are you here? You know that revealing state secrets to outsiders is treason.”

“You’re making a mistake, these people are not outsiders, they are an essential component to the eclipse project!” Arcadios argued. “You do not have the jurisdiction to make such reckless decisions on your own, Colonel!”

“I will not allow you to jeopardize this mission! Call off your men and end this ridiculous farce immediately!” Arcadios fired back.
“You are way out of line here! This plan of yours will alter history! Don’t you realize that you’re putting our entire civilization at risk? Now stand down!” The small man had a good point.

“Colonel Arcadios you are under arrest for treason against Fiore! Take the celestial wizards into custody as well, they are an accessory!”

“Hey! You’ll have to go through me to get them!” Natsu’s fists were ablazing. “Wait! You can’t use magic here!” Arcadios shouted.

A wispy, ethereal light came from the center of the door, and it seemed to connect to Natsu, who started to struggle. His flames went out. “What is it doing to him?!” Alice screeched in useless horror.

“Oh, did the Colonel not inform you? The games are just a way to feed the eclipse. It is an extremely effective tool. In fact if a wizard is to activate a spell this close to the gate, the Eclipse will completely drain them of magic power, and a wizard without his magic is no threat to the royal guards,” dwarf explained in a co*cky tone. Natsu fell to his knees.

“Natsu!” Alice sobered slightly and ran over to him, kneeling at his side. She sensed no magic coming from him. He laid, unconscious on the ground.

“Get your hands off of me!” “If you’re soldiers, you serve under Colonel Arcadios’ command, right?”

“Lucy! You can’t take Lucy! She’s done nothing wrong!”

“Take the others outside. Do not allow them back in!”

“Don’t touch me! I can walk myself!”

With that, with force, they were escorted from the castle. Yukino, Lucy, and Arcadios arrested.

“Please, you must understand that my intention was not to harm anyone, but there is simply too much at stake. Although, I can offer you somewhat of an olive branch for your troubles. I’ll have you know that his majesty is extremely fond of the Fairy Tail guild. If you can manage to claim victory in the games, I shall grant you a private audience with him. The king is a rather kindhearted man, so who knows; He may pardon your comrade?”

So with the return back to the guild, Natsu tied up, and the explanation of the whole scenario, Alice curled into a ball, under the same table she was under just a few hours ago.

It was only until Natsu woke up and made some big commotion Alice stirred awake. “Can we all just “shhh,” I’m sleeping.”

“I wanna go.” Alice declared.

“You’re not.” Natsu shook his head.

“I’m gonna go.” Alice decided.

“No you’re not.” Natsu rejected.

“Well, I’m already going.” Alice took one big step to the door.

“No.” Natsu shook his head again.

“I’m already halfway there.” She took two more steps.

“You just took three steps, and you’re not going.” Natsu argued.

“But I want to!” She pouted childishly.

“You’re still not going.” Natsu refused her.

“Yeah. I’m going.” She tried to convince him otherwise.

“You’re not.” He didn't budge.

“I’ll give you a million jewel.” She bargained.

“That’s a fair argument, all ri-” “Natsu, no!” Erza declined for Natsu.

“Erza said no.”

“Two million jewel.” “Natsu!”

“No.” Natsu doubled down.

“I. Want. To. Go.” Alice felt defeat, childishly whining and planting her face into his chest, leaning all her weight into him.

“You. Can’t.” Natsu patted her shoulder.

“But we go everywhere together. It’ll be a fun adventure!” Alice whined more.

“We can’t let them know we’re going, so you have to stay, you’ll make it less suspicious.” Natsu explained to her once more.

“But I want to go too!” Alice didn't care what his excuse was.

“I know. You gotta stay and support the team.” Natsu knew how hard this was on her. He'd put up one hell of a fight too if he was in her place. In fact, he'd have to be tied up once more to stop him from going with her.

“But, you’re...I...” Alice relaxed, but was dejected.

“Just wait until we get back. We’ll get Lucy back, we’ll become Fiore’s number guild again, we’ll go home, and do quests, just like we used to. Besides, you’re my secret weapon. If I need you, I’ll be sure to call on you, and you can come running to my side.”

That was the morning of the big day. Alice stood with her guild hours later, in the stands, watching the beginning of the last day of the games.

Now, here was the current standing:

6th: Quatro Puppy

5th: Blue Pegasus

4th: Mermaid Heel

3rd: Lamia Scale

2nd: Sabertooth

1st: Fairy Tail

Alice felt conflicted. She was obviously proud of her guild for getting this far. Ecstatic really. But she wasn’t fired up. She couldn’t focus.

Something felt off. Something didn’t feel right in the air and she seemed to be the only one to notice.

Natsu’s place on the team had been replaced with Juvia, and as long as she kept focused, she would be an okay replacement for his spot. But it was wrong for him to be gone.

No. It felt wrong that he was gone and Alice wasn’t with him.

She needed to be at his side.

“Well, it sure has been an exciting week but we are at the last day of the games! This is it! The last round of the Grand Magic Games will feature a full team survival game!” “The whole battle ground is the city of Crocus!”

“The teams have been spread out around the playing field and are standing by.”

“All members of all the teams will be battling it out with any opposing component that they see. And putting an opposite member incapacitated will win the team one point!” “First, each team must put one member as its leader, but there is a catch,” “None of the opposing teams will know who which leader is!” “Defeating a leader earns a team five points. That means each team could theoretically earn 45 points! Every guild has the shot of winning the title,” “Should the teams work together or should they split up to take the gold?” “Strategy will be a key factor this round.”

As the round began, the Fairy Tail guild watching was already on the edge of their seats.

Team Fairy Tail, on the field, the clock already going, other teams running about and the team stood there. Doing nothing.

Allowing other teams to get points.

Master Makarov kept shouting, risking busting a lung. He was beyond angry. Alice was upset as well, but as her confusion sat for a while she realized they had to have had a good plan. They wouldn't risk such a win for something stupid. This was calculated, but why? Why let the other guilds rack up points and get behind? Unless they were waiting for the other teams to weaken themselves before going into action? Smart but risky, who was to say Sabertooth didn't jump them then and there?

Lamia Scale earned the first point of the match, with Toby and Eyebrows going after one of the nameless members of Quatro Puppy. Yuka, blocking the enemy’s magic and Toby with the winning strike.

In fact, all of Lamia Scale just targeted Quatro Puppy until they were all out. Well, all but Bacchus, who ran into Yuka and Toby. But then out of nowhere came Sting pummelling down Bacchus, giving Sabertooth five points, giving them the boost to 1st place.

Team Fairy Tail still stood there, unmoving.

Then, there was Kagura taking out Toby and Eyebrows, but with that distraction, Sting was gone.

Was Sabertooth just targeting the leaders?

Why was Team Fairy Tail just standing there?

And how was Team Natsu doing?

A team of Natsu, Wendy, Happy, Carla, Pantherlily and Mirajane going to storm the castle and rescue Lucy.

But they went while the games went so they could hopefully get Lucy without any distractions or obstacles.

And Alice wanted to be at Natsu’s side. But she had to be at the games in attendance to not make the Minister of Defense, Darton suspicious.

So if Alice was at the games, that means Natsu had to be near because they were a packaged deal. One not far away from the other.

So if Alice was at the games, Natsu obviously wasn’t going to the castle to rescue Lucy.

Alice hated being too far away from Natsu.

Natsu was too careless to keep track of a communication card and was too far away for Alice’s budding telepathy magic to reach him.

She just hoped he was okay.

Chapter 78


guys this chapter was the last chapter I wrote before taking like a three year hiatus from Fairy Tail and since I didn't want to keep writing new stuff (like with everything I do) I procrastinated by editing it into 3rd person and then once I got to this chapter, blank without anything to add I stopped again for like a year or two before coming back, editing again adding more character depth and detail (which considering how much it still lacks lets you know how sh*tty this fic used to be. It still is, but I like it) and THEN I finally started writing again and it's taken a looongg time and in that time Fairy Tail's anime finally finished and I watched it through and came up with how it'll end in this story and I got to chapter 116 which is only the very start of the final arc (right as they rebuild the guild again) so you know there's so many more chapters to go after that (if I get the motivation to write it because the only reason I'm uploading this to ao3 is because I'm bored and don't want to write any of my other series of fics. OHSHC, Saiki K, Umbrella Academy, Fruits Basket, Assassination Classroom, Fma:b, ATLAB, Anohana, supernatural... and more because I'm a multifaceted character..)

Idk where I was going with this but I'm super passionate about this project and Fairy Tail. And this is where this fic started to come to life. I left it at chapter 77, 78 being a blank document for years and the day I finally continued and that blank document had words, it just kept going... I've been writing this fic for eight years. Which isn't saying anything, my OHSHC fic has been in the works for 11 years now and I'm now reformatting it into 3rd person to distract myself from the fact I have to write more of it but it's harder because the plot has now caught up to the manga and I have to refer to actual paper now ugghh

Anyways, Fairy Tail forever! The fanservice is cringe and NaLu feels forced (only because Natsu shows 0 romantic interest in her but when he does, it's out of nowhere and out of character?? Like Lucy's feelings I get, but Natsu's? Bro is busy being stupid. Which is way he's a bit ooc here but at least it's an ongoing arc instead of when it's convenient to the ship) everyone's boobs are far too big like Z cups with a twig figure? Girl your back can't work anymore, you have to have some serious spine issues! And the power of friendship working every time? Redundant until Natsu does it then it's inspiring because you go girl you spout your family friendship bullsh*t, go wild bby I support you fully.

Chapter Text

With Sting supposedly facing against, Yuka and Toby, after taking out Bacchus like it was nothing, Kagura also swooped in, easily taking out the two Lamia Scale team members. And then Sting vanished.

Millianna took out the last Quatro Puppy member.

Lamia Scale and Mermaid Heel were reeling in points fast.

All the while Team Fairy Tail was still in their stone position. And their guildmates in the stands were becoming more and more agitated.

Alice was angered, sure, but knowing them, she knew they surely had some plan of action going on.

She just wished she knew what it was.

Two different strategies, two different teams and Alice was out of the loop with both.

Team Natsu storming the castle to save Lucy. Alice knew that wasn’t going to be easy. Castle guards weren’t going to be an issue but with the Eclipse gate close by, wouldn’t it be hard to use magic and not have it suck more energy out of a person?

Alice knew what it was like to fight with low magic energy. She should’ve went with.

Their story that Natsu was still recovering from the Eclipse Gate magic suck would’ve still worked if Alice wasn’t at the games because she would obviously be at Natsu’s side taking care of him while he recovered.

She just hated being left out. Sitting in the stands watching team Fairy Tail just sit there and then not knowing the status of team Natsu.

“Have they gone mad? Or did they forget Lucy’s freedom is at stake?” Master grouched. “They didn’t forget. In fact it’s the very reason why it’s important to stay calm.” First Master Mavis said. “What?”

“Over the course of the tournament, I’ve watched our opponents closely. I saw their strengths, spells and behavioral patterns and I’ve committed them to memory with these factors in mind, I ran through millions of calculations to find our strategy. And so far all of my predictions concerning the enemy’s strategies and casualties played out exactly as I thought. I, then gave our battle plan to our team. Leading my comrades to guaranteed victory. That’s how a tactician wages war.” She further explained.

“Wage war, you say?”

“Operation Fairy Star begin!”

And with that the Fairy Tail team ran off into battle.

“Finally! The team from Fairy Tail has sprung into action!”

“Everyone split up and proceed to your designated coordinates!” Mavis shouted.

“Fairy Tail has hit the streets of Crocus!” “What crazy play are these kids trying to pull?” “I don’t know but it’ll be hard to rack up points this late in the game. They’ll have to step it up!”

“Phase one: There’s a 97% chance that Rufus will take action at this time.” Mavis predicted. And thus Rufus, standing on a roof top used the same spell he used the first day during Hide and Seek. “You have a two second window to make a move. Evade them when their light is overhead!” Mavis continued on.

Gray, Juvia, and Erza all easily jumped out of the way of the electric shots.
“Laxus on the other hand can dodge it since they share the same element.”

And Laxus held out his forearm, taking the shot head on without damage.

“He’ll become agitated and won’t be able to think straight. In this state of confusion, there’s a 68% chance he’ll close in and engage with one of our members and 32% he’ll standby at his current position. Obviously the latter outcome with impose little threat to our overall strategy. As she turns west, Erza will encounter an opposing wizard when she rounds a corner. She’ll eliminate her.”

Erza rounded a corner, running into Jenny Realight of Blue Pegasus, who at the sight of Erza hightailed it the other direction, of course Erza cut her off and struck her down immediately.

“Gajeel will take out an opponent to the south.” Gajeel took out Hibiki Lates of Blue Pegasus and had Ren and Eve to take on. Ren tried to take Gajeel on by himself as Hibiki got up and ran, now still in the game.

Gajeel took out Ren with ease and Gray popped out taking on the running Hibiki.

“Once Gray defeats the opponent who retreats towards the fountain square, his next destination be point B-4. Juvia will provide cover from the rear. Laxus should continue on toward F-8, Erza will go to S-5. There should be plenty of targets to choose from.”

“Wow, so the rumors are true. She’s incredible. Her deep understanding of psychology and strategy in battle earned her countless victories. That’s why she was known as the Fairy Tactician!” Makarov gasped.

“The wizard saint strikes again!” The announcer announced. Jura took out Ichiya with one hit, not even using magic.

Chelia took out Lislie of Mermaid Heel.

“From this point I expect the conflict to be even more intense.” Mavis nodded. “I got a question for you. Jura. You have a plan for taking out that walking fort?” Cana asked Mavis. “Honestly, I was wondering the same thing.” Lisanna added. “I’m sure we all are. Jura is a Wizard Saint after all.” Alice shrugged. “I’ve put much thought into it, but the solution still evades me. That’s how powerful this Jura fellow is. He’s quite extraordinary.” Mavis replied.

Gray found himself to be in a library. Where Rufus was expected to be.

And as they started to fight, it was apparent that Gray was at a major disadvantage.

Rufus’ memory make magic had Gray on the ropes.

Gray could only use one spell once because Rufus would have it committed to memory and could then use it against Gray and even make Gray forget the spell.

And as Gray laid on the ground, catching his breath, Rufus picked up 5 books on different magics and had them all memorized instantly, giving him hundreds of more spells to work with and then combining it with what ice make magic he learned from Gray. And Gray was taken back down again.

“This appears to be a one sided fight! If Gray has a strategy, I am not seeing it!” The announcer shouted.

“He has infinite combinations and he can memories, erase, and attack after one time!” Levy said. “I hate to say it but I don’t think we’ll be winning this round.” Elfman commented uneasily.

At some point, Gray took off his shirt and got down to business. Throwing every spell at Rufus in fast succession, it overwhelmed Rufus’ ability to memorize it, finding his weakness and Gray took him out.

“Now folks, let’s take a look at the scoreboard. In first place we have Fairy Tail with 50 points. Five members remain, one leader and four normal members! Sabertooth is in second place with 49 points! Fairy Tail only got one point for defeating Rufus so that means the leader must be one of the remaining three members! Interestingly enough, Lamia Scale is also in second place. They have their leader and two regular members left on the field. And then we have Mermaid Heel in fourth place with 43 points. Only their leader and one member remain. It’s a close game, but Fairy Tail is really dominating out there! They’re the only team with all its members. Sure, Fairy Tail has the advantage, but can they utilize it?”

“I’m starting to get worried about Natsu and the others.” Master said. “Yes. They seemed to be taking a while, don’t they? Unfortunately, I think it’s safe to assume something has gone wrong.” Mavis nodded. Alice’s heart faltered in rhythm. “I can go after them, right? See what’s up? Maybe help them?” Alice asked.
“No. I don’t think that is necessary. Whatever trouble they’re in, they can surely get themselves out.” Mavis denied her request, making Alice’s frown deepen. “Remember, child. We have two different plans. If there’s doesn’t work, we have the victory of the games to use!” Master Makarov tried to comfort. But it wasn’t helping Alice feel any better.

After a while of the games going on, Master groaned. “What’s wrong, Master?” Romeo asked. “Nothing. It’s just the flood of apology letters I’ve had to write has come down on me. We’ve caused so much trouble, so much destruction, so many regrettable decisions.” He grumbled on.

Alice also had a feeling of anger. She was now angry with Natsu for some reason.

“Well there’s no denying it. But let’s focus on the positives right now, okay?” Bisca smiled uneasily. “What’s he talking about, mama?” Asuka asked. “It’s nothing you need to worry about just yet.” Alzack replied. “I wonder what’s going on with Natsu’s team, they’ve been in there for quite a long time. We should’ve heard something by now.” Romeo said, making Alice more anxious. “We have to keep our faith in them and never give up hope.” Master said lowly.
“We also have to have a plan of action for when they do come back. If we win, there’s the chance we can meet with the king and explain the situation to him. But many more letters of apologies are inevitable.” Mavis predicted. “I know, I know. I just hope one nice letter will be all it takes.” Master grumbled on. “To be honest with you, I lost count of all the times I had to beg for forgiveness. Sometimes the letters would stack up so high, it would fill the guild’s storehouse floor to the ceiling. And there were all the invoices for all the damages, the bills for reimbursem*nt, cost estimates for repairs...” Mavis trailed off. “I’m glad I’m not alone in this, first master.”

“It’s a big part of the guild master’s job.”

“Wow! You know a lot of stuff, Master Mavis! I think you’re cool!” Asuka praised. Mavis perked up. “Ah, that’s sweet! But grownups like me know a lot of stuff!”

“You’re shrimpy for a grownup, but you’re still cool!”

And then Asuka and Mavis argued about Mavis’s appearance. To which Mavis went on and on about her age and what she was.

All the while the games seemed to be at a stand still. All the players spread out, not running into one another.

“I sense something. Something deep beneath the city of Crocus. It’s faint, but I sense tremors and the clashing of magic power.” Mavis said after a while. “Do you think it’s the rescue team?” Master replied.
“Most likely. And they seemed to be fighting separately.”

Alice slouched over, ‘ just great.’

“The underdogs from Fairy Tail have made a thrilling rally now are leading the pack with an impressive 50 points!” “And all five members of their team are still in play!” “But nipping at their heels are Sabertooth and Lamia Scale who each have 49 points.” “With 43 points, Mermaid Heel needs to kick it into high gear if they want to catch up.”

And when Juvia hit her mark, Chelia appeared, like Mavis had predicted.

And Erza hit her point, to where she was supposed to meet Minerva, but instead was met with Kagura.

And as Erza and Kagura fought, seemingly at equal power, out of nowhere, Minerva did show afterall.

At a standoff, exchanging some fighting words, they all let off immense magic power that surged throughout the arena.

“They have strength but you have spirit!” Fairy Tail cheered loud.

Chapter 79

Chapter Text

Minerva, Erza, and Kagura in a three way battle.

Sting and Rouge still roaming the streets.

Gajeel and Gray going to their next points.

Juvia and Chelia fighting it out, Lyon on his way there.

It seemed the climax was coming.

And Fairy Tail’s powerhouse Laxus seemingly strolling about while Sabertooth’s, Orga, and Lamia Scale’s, Jura, all seemed to be getting closer to one another.

It was going to be a showdown of a lifetime.

Erza’s fight with Kagura and Minerva seemed to be multidimensional, no one stronger than the other. Until Minvera used her magic, causing a light explosion so big it was felt by everyone in the arena, and slightly blinded everyone from the bright light.

After the dust settled, it showed that the building top, they were on, and the building underneath had been destroyed.

And Erza and Kagura were still standing.

Minerva revealed that she had taken Millianna into her space magic container, taking her hostage. Kagura charged at her, swinging her sheathed sword at her, and then Minerva switched spots with Erza, so Kagura now was aiming at Erza.

Erza, with fast reflexes, blocked the attack.

And then Minerva decided that she would only fight the victor between Erza and Kagura, and then disappeared with Millianna.

And somewhere else, Laxus and Orga came face to face, and across the city somewhere, Gajeel and Rogue met.

Kagura and Erza began to fight, Erza requiping into her Heaven’s Wheel armor. She did an attack, Kagura dodging and responding with her own attack, that did hit Erza.

Erza requipped into the Adamantine Armor, using her shield to block the next attack. Which then shattered the shield.

Which not even the Jupiter Cannon from Phantom Lord’s attack could break that shield. Crack it, sure. But shatter it immediately? Absolutely not. Kagura looked like she was still holding back, so even with that in mind she was more powerful than a Jupiter Cannon.

But the attack made them fall down off the building’s destroyed roof. As they fell, Erza transformed into her flight armor. Using her sonic attack, Erza charged at Kagura, who blocked the attack with one of her spells, one also doing damage to Erza, doing enough to force her out of her requip, back in her robe dress.

Erza was on her hands and knees trying to catch her breath, saying something to piss of Kagura, who walked over and kicked her in the stomach, forcing her to fly back into a stone pillar.

Kagura revealed that she was Simon’s younger sister and that she had roamed Fiore searching for him since he had been taken away to the Tower of Heaven. It was when she met Millianna she found out that Simon had been killed.

Erza took the blame. Her selfishness to block Jellal’s attack, which in turn Simon took the hit instead.

In a blind rage, Kagura unsheathed her sword that she had vowed to only do so to murder her brother’s killer.

Kagura swung her blade at Erza, who deflected it with her own. The power behind the attack, taking out a big part of the city.

Erza requiped into her Japanese Cloth armor.

And with another attack, Erza somehow got a hit on Kagura. No one could see it. More of the archway they were under crumbled, a big stone coming Kagura’s way. Erza, being the heroic warrior, she was, jumped and pushed her out of the way, but her legs getting trapped underneath it, but saving Kagura.

Erza revealed that she too grew up in Rosemary Village, the time the cultists stormed the village taking children. And that she was the one who saved Kagura from being taken too.

Kagura, crying more, helped Erza out from under the stones. “I need some time to process all of this but for now, I hand this victory over to you-” Kagura was stabbed by her own sword. Minerva, who came out of nowhere.

“Sabertooth scores five points for striking down a team leader! That puts them ahead of Fairy Tail by 4 points. And with Erza hurt badly on the battlefield, Fairy Tail may lose one of its best!”

Kagura laid on the ground bleeding out of her abdomen.

Minerva released Millianna, who was heavily injured and drained of her magic. Gaining Minerva, yet another point.

On another note, Orga, a Lightning God Slayer and Laxus, a lightning dragon slayer, started to fight.

And then Jura showed up.

And also, while Juvia and Chelia cat fought, Lyon and Gray showed up.

Minerva and Erza started to fight.

Juvia and Gray were running low on magic against Lyon and Chelia.

Jura took out Orga, and was going head to head with Laxus.

Rogue possessed a shadow magic that had Gajeel on his toes but it consumed him and he lost control, letting Gajeel take the win.

Alice knew Fairy Tail was going to win. Her head just wasn’t into it.

Juvia and Gray beat Chelia and Lyon with a powerful Unison Raid and Laxus took out Jura.

Fairy Tail had 58 points, and were back in first place. They just had to worry about Rogue, Minerva and wherever Sting was.

The day was coming to evening.

Erza requipped into her Nakagami armor. Which was enough to defeat Minerva and Mermaid Heel was able to grab Millianna and Kagura and get them medical attention.

All there was left was Sting.

It was night time. Sting set off a firework, letting the Fairy Tail team know his location. If he was able to defeat all of them, Sabertooth would win by one point.

And it seemed plausible. Everyone was barely with enough magic energy to stand. And Sting had been hiding the whole game, saving up his power.

It was silent in the arena and everyone watched in anticipation.

All five members surrounded Sting. Who was determined to fight them all at once.

Alice, Lisanna, Cana, and Levy were huddled together, watching. With a Romeo stuck in the middle of the tight hug.

And then Sting surrendered. Weird but Alice wasn’t about to question it because it meant Fairy Tail won!

“It’s over! The winner of the Grand Magic Games is Fairy Tail!”

Fireworks went off around the arena. The stadium erupted into cheers. And Fairy Tail, hugging one another, crying, happy for their long awaited victory.

Alice looked up to the clear, star filled night sky. Maybe Natsu was looking up at the same sky. Maybe Fairy Tail’s love reached him right then too?

Chapter 80

Chapter Text

All the girls were jumping up and down, screaming and crying with happiness and excitement.

The whole stadium was in a roar.

“Fairy Tail started with a last place up start to a first place ending! And don’t forget the upstart guild was originally separated and competing as two different teams!” “Even without the participation of Natsu Dragneel, or Alice Dreyar, an amazing sense of solidarity allowed Fairy Tail to triumph in the end.”

“Due to an emergency, the kingdom has ordered a mandatory evacuation of the city immediately. All guild wizards if you would please make your way to the center of Crocus to the crystal. The king would like to speak with you all.”

“What’s going on?!” “What’s the emergency?” “Does it have to do with Natsu’s team?” “I haven’t seen their flare at all!”

Fairy Tail made a hasty trip to the center garden in the middle of Crocus. Lee-Een Crystal Plaza. Alice, a nervous wreck. What could possibly be happening? Did it involve Natsu’s team? Was an evil guild trying to attack the city during its busiest day of the year? Was it having to do with the Eclipse Gate?

So many questions and Alice probably wasn’t going to get the answer she wanted.

All the wizards stood together in a crowd, and the king and his soldiers stood up on to the crystal.

“Thank you all for coming. I hate to spoil the mood after an amazing display of wizardry we saw today, but I’m afraid Fiore’s heart may soon be in the claws of a dragon horde.”

A dragon horde? Alice hoped that was the name of a guild and not what it actually sounded like. A horde of dragons? How?

“I thought Acnologia was the only one?” Master gasped.

“Last time we fought one of them we lost seven years of our lives.” Cana voiced her worry. “That was a special case, but still.” Lisanna added. “We can’t take on an entire horde!”

“As we speak, a large-scale counter-offensive is underway at the castle. The Eclipse Cannon! We will use it to wipe out the attacking dragons. All ten thousand at once!”

So that’s what the Eclipse Gate was for?

“All at once? I wonder how the hell they expect to pull that off.” Cana wondered. “Did we just skip over the part where he said ten thousand? That’s not a horde that’s a deathwish! From what we knew at the castle, the Eclipse Gate was going to be used to go back in time. If the gate can also shoot a cannon, then I don’t think it’s gonna do anything. Seven years of built up magic isn’t going to do the trick.” Alice theorized.

“I can sense your concern. Regrettably, given the sheer number of the dragons’ forces, we expect that at most, a few hundred will survive the attack. So I implore you guild wizards, please lend Fiore your assistance in dealing with this crisis. You are the best hope we have to slaying any dragons the Eclipse cannot!” The king bowed to the crowd. “I beg of you. Do not let this kingdom fall to ruin.”

Silence and then agreement. All the guilds cheered in acceptance. “Well we kinda have to. A few hundred dragons will surely bring destruction to more than just Fiore.” Alice shrugged.

“The royal army has captured some of our comrades but we’re going to need their help.” Erza requested of the castle soldiers.

“They’re safe. I’ve been recently informed that they’ve joined the Princess at the gate.” A soldier answered. And that’s all Alice needed to hear.

“Don’t think you’re running off. We need you here.” Gray put his hand on Alice’s shoulder, at the first blink of an eye. He knew that Natsu was her first priority.

“He might need me!” Alice snapped at him. “He’s a dragon slayer. I’m sure he can handle slaying a couple dragons!”

“All right! Time for some more rampaging!” Gajeel cheered.

All the wizards around Alice were pumped up, ready to fight a few hundred dragons. Alice felt sick to her stomach. She knew that this was a fight they weren’t going to win without losing a few thousand people, minimum.

The king was still bowing but crying. “Thank you. Thank you, punkins!”

Everyone paled. “I know the parfum of that voice!” Ichiya accused.

The king stood up straight and cleared his throat. “Our kingdom is in your hands, wizards!”

And then an intense magic power wafted into the air. It vibrated off Alice’s skin. Something wasn’t right.

And then the bells started to toll and everyone went silent.

“I hope those bells ain’t tolling for us.” Gajeel grumbled. It was midnight. July 7th. The anniversary of Dragon Slayers’ dragons. 14 years to the day.

“Hold on, didn’t the dragons vanish on the 7th?” Levy asked, looking to Gajeel.

This was all too coincidental for Alice’s liking.

“And then 10,000 of them show up on the same day.” Gajeel muttered lowly.

“All right, kids. Fairy Tail will be guarding the center plaza.” Master informed as he talked with other masters. “But what about the other guilds?” Warren demanded. “They’re all gonna be on standby in other parts of the city.” Max answered.

“I’m not sure if that moon is a good omen.” Freed commented, looking up towards the full red moon. “The Eclipse. Fitting name.”

“This is not good. 10,000 dragons on the anniversary of our dragons’ disappearance during an eclipse at exactly midnight of 7/7?” Alice’s voice trembled as her anxiety intensified. “We’ll make it through, don’t forget what guild you’re from, Alice.” Gray patted her head. She slapped his hand away. “And sometimes I’d like to forget that. You’re all too damn optimistic. We’re not going to be defeating any dragons. There is no Eclipse Cannon. It’s just a gateway that connects to the past. Think about it. It was made for one purpose. To open a gateway through time, how could it also be a cannon? We’re not going to be dealing with just a few hundred. We’re going to be dealing with all 10,000.” Alice growled as her mind went into overdrive.
“How would you know that, Alice?” Erza asked. “Feel that energy. That’s not pure magic you’re sensing. That is something else. This power that the gate is putting into the air. That has the same properties as my dark magic and dragon magic. That thing is not a cannon. That’s why its called a gate! I didn’t think about it before because so much was going on when we were down there.”

And then the ground started to shake in repetitive thuds. Like footsteps.

And then the deathly roar of a dragon rattled through the air.

It was beginning.

A blast shot through from the castle, destroying parts of the city already. “Where did that blast come from?” “Does that mean they’re here?”

“It means we’re facing a horde of dragons and we’ll be lucky if any of us survives because my Fairy Tail optimistic hope isn’t convincing me otherwise.” Alice spoke harshly. She felt her mind want to unravel. She wanted to shut down. Her PTSD wanted it all to stop.

She wanted Natsu right there to hold her as she shut her eyes and pretended this wasn’t happening.

Footsteps and eardrum shattering roars kept getting closer and closer, and there seemed to be more of them.

Sounds of buildings crumbling, the air filled with intense magic power from both the gates and the dragons that came through. It made Alice nauseous. It didn’t help that she hadn’t eaten that day, already sick to her stomach worried about Natsu’s team and their mission, along with Team Fairy Tail in the games. While both teams were both victorious in their quests, it didn’t stop what was to come.

Dragons were coming to present time and if they were from the Jade Dragon, Zirconis’ time, these dragons weren’t the “teaching children how to read type”. These were the ‘hungry for human flesh’ type. The dragons that wanted to rule the world and have Earthland’s human population as an all you can eat buffet.

Dragons made their way past the plaza. Five in succession. Not as big as Acnologia, but definitely overwhelmingly impressive in size. They all had different scales, colors, horns, talons, wings, tails and whatnot.

It’d be hard to find out what magic type each one wielded and what their weaknesses were. Seven dragon slayers in Crocus, and four of them couldn’t take on one dragon altogether.

And two slayers that swore they slain their dragons as children but all the while couldn’t defeat Natsu in battle, even in Dragon Force. And Natsu couldn’t even put a scuff on Acnologia’s scales.

“You gotta be kidding me! We’re expecting thousands of those bastards?!” Gray shouted. “We’re totally screwed!” Elfman added. “Finally. We’re on the same page now.” Alice huffed. “Is this really the time for your witty comments?”

Alice shrugged. “Well, I gotta get in now before the dragons eat me.”

She had given up on hoping for a good story ending. Yes, she was going to fight till the bloody end, but she knew it was a lost cause. A hill she was going to die on.

Two dragons combined their vicious roars and the sound alone was enough to make surrounded buildings collapse.

“Everyone, spread out! If we stay clumped together, we risk being taken out in one fell swoop!” Master devised.

A handful of the dragons on the ground took to the skies, the air behind their wings, taking out more of the city, because that’s what dragons do.

And then the fire dragon, the dragon that seemed to be made purely of fire landed in the plaza.

Where was Natsu at a time like this?

“Just follow my lead and aim for its feet!” Master shouted, taking charge of the fleet of Fairy Tail.

“I am the dragon, Atlas Flame! Prepare to taste my hellfire, you lowly humans!” The Dragon introduced himself so nicely as the Fairy Tailers charged at him.

With a breath attack, a red beam zipped across in a line in front of the team, and then a wall of fire blasted from the ground, sending everyone back.

And eventually the gate would close, but seven dragons altogether caused havoc throughout the city, guild wizards doing their best to even stop one dragon paw in its tracks.

But alas, no matter what or how powerful of a spell, nothing did any damage. Gray and Juvia’s Ice Cannon and Water Nebula unison raid, Master’s giant magic, or any of Alice’s mastered Dragon Slayer magic spells.

Master’s giant magic wore off and he reverted back to his original size.

Atlas Flame, still as strong and unscathed as ever.

“If not even the master can stop it, we don’t stand a chance!” Juvia whimpered. “Vile creature! There must be another way!” Freed grunted. “Master Mavis! You’re a wiz with strategy, aren’t ya? So what do you think we should do?” Gray called back to the first master who stood by, protecting little Asuka.

“There are seven dragons. The plan of action should be obvious at this point!”

And at that point, the biggest dragon in the sky started to fall out of the sky.

“Can you hear me?!” Natsu’s voice came from the back of it. That was enough to put a fire back into Alice’s heart. He was okay and sounded like he was still fighting. “Let’s quit playing around and use our Dragon Slayer Magic! There are seven dragons and we got eight dragon slayers! We can do this! It’s what we were born for! Our whole lives led to this day! Let’s use our powers and slay some freaking dragons! Who’s with me?! ‘Cause I’m going dragon hunting!” And with that, Natsu laid some serious fire on the dragon he was on.

“Yeah, Natsu, sweetheart, I get what you’re saying but we both know I’m not much of a dragon slayer. It’s more of a fancy title for me. I’m a novice, just beginning intermediate at best.” Alice scratched the back of her head, looking to the side, ashamed at herself. It was cute he was adding her in. But she didn’t count herself as a slayer.

“I can’t even use my dragon senses out of water yet.” She knew he could hear her but it was more of a one sided conversation at this point.

“So you’re the extra then. Pick a slayer to team up with and go from there.” Gajeel shouted towards her. “I’ll go with you. I know your attack pattern more than the rest of them. I can easily work my attacks with yours.” Alice nodded towards him. He smirked. “Let’s get to hunting then!”

And then the big dragon in the sky was up and flying once more and then dropped dozens and dozens of dragon eggs down into the city, and they immediately hatched, revealing tiny robotic dragons.

Laxus and the Thunder Legion volunteered to take on Atlas Flame while the non-dragon slayers were to take on the tiny robotic dragons. Gajeel and Alice went on to find another big dragon to face.

“Gajeel! Let me come with! I can support you!” Levy volunteered to run after the two. “Nah. You got your hands full already. We got this. Find any stragglers and get them to safety and keep clear of those ankle biters.” Gajeel waved back to Levy.

Alice smirked knowingly. Her ship was sailing smoothly. Ever since she saw Gajeel take that lightning attack straight on for Levy right when he joined the guild, Alice knew there was something blooming between the two.

Of course, sleeping with Gajeel didn’t help any.

As they fought their new dragon, it still didn’t seem to be enough. Alice had to support Gajeel’s attacks, she also had to keep robo dragons at bay too.

Alice stopped for a second. Her wrists, that never healed right from her time in chains while in Edolas, started to seize up and become sore.

That only happened when Natsu was making her angry. “Why do I suddenly have the feeling that Natsu is out there being a dumbass and I’m gonna have to get in a fight with him?” Alice groaned, rubbing at her wrists.

“If you have a second, give me a boost here!” Gajeel shouted. “I’m doing everything I can! These babies just keep coming out of nowhere!” Alice harshly called back. “Give me a breath attack! I can combine it with mine!”

Alice used a lighting attack to throw back the baby dragons that were surrounding her. It wasn’t enough to put them down but it gave her time to do as Gajeel told her. She took a deep breath in. “Water Dragon Roar!”

Alice then turned back to the mess of robots that were her first priority. They got closer than she thought they would. Coming together for a breath attack, Alice barely had enough time to make an energy shield to block the attack coming at her. Five breath attacks combining together.

The hits broke through the shield, but the shield did take some of the damage so Alice’s new wounds weren’t as deadly as well--.. Death.

Chapter 81


warning: mentions of gore, death, and blood.

Chapter Text

“You still living over there?” Gajeel shouted towards Alice. “I’m fine! Though I suppose, as long as our attacks really don’t doing anything, we’re just wasting magic power here.” Alice panted.
“Well maybe this’ll cheer you up. Your fire toy has befriended Atlas Flame and they’re attacking that mother dragon up there!”

“If that helps us win, then sure. Lighting bolt: Brilliant Shower!” Alice waved her hand out, and lightning sparks rained upon the robot dragons. “I think that’s it for those things. We gotta get that mother dragon taken down. I’m about to start running on fumes.”

“Same here. So start thinkin’ of a way to take this thing down!” Gajeel grunted, throwing his iron rod arm at the dragon, still doing no damage.

Alice turned her attention back to the big dragon.
The entire city was in ruins. It seemed that only the castle was the only structure still intact. Of course, for some reason, no dragon went near it.

No none of the dragon slayers had been able to even scuff a scale of a dragon. Natsu took over Atlas Flame, and Laxus and The Thunder Legion went to help Wendy with the dragon Zirconis at the Eclipse Gate.

Natsu and Atlas Flame fought against the Mother Dragon along with future Rogue controlling it and the rest of the dragons.

Every so often, Mother kept dropping more eggs. And guild wizards fought hard.

Alice was covered in bruises, scrapes and scratches but nothing too bad. Besides exhaustion setting in and her body sore, she could keep going. She’d have too. Even as her magic power was low and she had a hard time seeing straight.

Her and Gajeel fought against their black dragon, doing no damage whatsoever. A unison raid was out of the question. They had no connection or much trust to work with. They were in the same guild and were taught Dragon Slayer magic.

There was nothing more to it.

Alice took a look around her. Fires and smoke all over the city. It was hard to make out what buildings or structures were where. All that there was left were piles of rubble and partial stone buildings. Broken glass, broken metal support beams, stone and pebbles, citizen’s charred belongings, and many smashed and dead flowers.

The capital of Fiore. Crocus the city of flowers. In ruin. All the light and color was replaced with death and ruin.

Seven dragon slayers, and hundreds of people fighting against the threat. Normal citizens evacuated.

And seven dragons that would not stop their reign of terror.

It was 1:30 in the morning. They had been fighting the dragon threat for an hour and a half.

“Iron Dragon Sword!” Gajeel’s arm transformed into an iron sword, and flying in the air, Gajeel came at the dragon with the blade.
But it had no effect on the dragon. Gajeel got his shadow iron form ready.

The dragon flew up into the air and then swooped back down at Gajeel. T hen pierced him with a talon and then hit him back against a stone wall. “Gajeel!” Alice screamed in horro, her blood ran cold.

She ran his way as he slid down the wall, and to the ground. “Gajeel!” She cried, as got to his side. A gaping hole through his chest, more blood than Alice had ever seen in her life. His internal organs spilling out of him, smashed and torn... And so much blood. His face started to pale, his eyes unfocused and glossed over. Blood trickled from his mouth.

The dragon stepped towards the two.

His eyes held no light. “No!- No! Gajeel! Get up! Come on! You gotta get up!” Alice pleaded, tears already streaming down her face. “Wendy! No, Chelia! One of them can fix this! I’ll get you to them! You just can’t die yet!”

But she knew the worst had happened.

Sure she hated his guts, looking at his stupid smirk made her sick to her stomach and every time he spoke, it made her head pound. But she wouldn’t ever wish death upon him.
It was her fault that their relationship crumbled like it did. She should’ve never let herself fall weak to temptation. It was just a tiny crush. If she was stronger, then that night wouldn’t have happened and they’d still be friends.

The dragon roared at Alice.

But even their friendship couldn’t save him. “You gotta get up, Gajeel. I can’t fight him on my own! You know I’m not as strong as you are! I-”
Alice was flung up into the air, and in a split second, before she even had an inkling of a thought to teleport, nonetheless look where she was going. It was too late.

She stopped but a strange feeling filled her abdomen. A feeling she never felt before. At first it was sharp and sudden and then it was like a dull pain. A punch to the stomach but she felt light.
She realized she was suspended up in the air still but she wasn’t moving anymore. A sudden urge to cough. Blood spewed from her mouth and dripped down her chin, dripping down. And then she looked down in horror. She had been impaled. Kabobed by a metal beam. She saw the blood just pouring from her body, her internal organs just laying on the ground, but her intestines strung from her body. Like she was a doll whose string broke and no longer winded back up anymore.

She wasn’t breathing. She never was in the first place. And within that instant, her body finally went limp.

“It stopped? I can’t hear her anymore! Alice!” Natsu lost focus in battle.
And with the success of Ultear’s spell, although only reversing time by minutes, countless lives were saved. Given a second chance.

Alice jolted to reality. She must’ve zoned out for a second while they fought the dragon.

“You still living over there?” Gajeel shouted towards Alice. “I’m fine! Though I suppose, as long as our attacks really don’t doing anything, we’re just wasting magic power here.” Alice panted.
“Well maybe this’ll cheer you up. Your fire toy has befriended Atlas Flame and they’re attacking that mother dragon up there!”

Wait. They had this conversation before. It was like the world’s most crystal clear deja vu.

“If that helps us win, then sure.” Alice said hesitantly. Why did those words sound so familiar? And what was that vision she just had? She swore she watched Gajeel die and that she....

Countless roars came from behind Alice. Oh, yeah. The robotic dragons she was fighting. “Lighting bolt: Brilliant Shower!” She waved her hand out, and lightning sparks rained upon the robot dragons. “Hey, I know this isn’t the time to ask, but doesn’t feel like we just did this?” Alice called out to Gajeel.

“You too, huh?” Gajeel grunted, throwing his iron rod arm at the dragon, still doing no damage. Gajeel flew back from the block the dragon did against his iron. He stood near Alice. “I feel like this already happened, and I know what’s gonna happen next before I di-” “Yeah. I know. Somehow we got a second chance.” Alice nodded.

The dragon flew into the air, and then swooped down at Gajeel, who knew which side it was going to attack with and was able to dodge.
Now saving his own life from going the same way before, and ultimately saving Alice’s as well.

“Whatever that was, don’t think we’ll be gettin’ another. So get your head in the game!” Gajeel gruffed.

And then from the sky, a brilliant ball of fire, which looked like a big meteor falling from the sky, flew towards Crocus and landed near the castle. The dragons, and the dragon babies started to glow and sparkle a gold light until they suddenly vanished as if they never existed but the damage the caused still remained very real.

Did Natsu destroy the eclipse gate?

“Did we beat it?” Gajeel asked. “I-” “Yeah, I can’t believe we pulled it off!” Levy ran over, smiling bright, interrupting Alice.
Which left Alice to walk away. “Where you off to?” Gajeel gruffed after her. “She’s probably going to Natsu.” Levy replied.

Which was correct. Alice was walking towards the place where the crash happened. But those slow, limped strides soon turned to a fast run.
She ran through the city, hopping over piles of rubble, ignoring the cheers and calls from the other wizards, even ones from her own guild.

And she made it. The castle yard, the destroyed gate. The three exceeds, Laxus, Wendy, Mirajane, the Thunder Legion, Princess Hisui, Arcadios, and Yukino. And then Lucy hugging Natsu from behind.

Alice stopped suddenly. The tugging at her heart. The sudden feeling of just running away. But she was also so excited and relieved to see Natsu.
He was injured some. But he was still up and walking. His hair had deflated and his bangs fell in his face. He had what looked to be Ultear’s coat tied around his waist along with dried blood on it, on his left hip.

And there was some blood trailing down his leg but it looked dried.

Natsu noticed Alice standing some ways away, shyly looking down now that his gaze met hers.
He took in her appearance. Tears in her clothes, some scrapes here and there, a couple of bruises and her hair looked like it was very tangled. But overall she looked fine. Which was a relief when he swore he had the feeling earlier that she’d eventually die. While he was up in the sky fighting Future Rogue. And which was the moment when Natsu would get the jump on him. He’d hear Alice’s cries, screaming at Gajeel to get up, begging for him to still be alive. And then he’d hear her stop breathing, and her heart would falter, beat all over the place until half beats until nothing.

But it obviously didn’t happen. She was here in front of him. Heart beat excitedly beating for him.

Natsu pulled Lucy’s arms from around him away, as he ran towards Alice. She looked up at him, seeing his bright smile. It made her fears go away for a second. She couldn’t help but smile too, her eyes filling up with tears. Was it from happiness? She didn’t know. Was it relief to see him alive and well? Didn't know. She just knew she loved him and needed to feel his touch to confirm that her fears weren't real anymore.

She made her way towards him to meet him in the middle. Her feet carried her so fast his way, she tripped a couple times before she met his touch. Her arms hooked around his neck, his around her middle, as Natsu lifted her off the ground, swinging her away in a complete circle before letting her back to her feet, but not loosening his grip around her.

“You told me you’d call on me if you needed my help.” Alice mumbled against him. “I know. I have a lot of explaining to do. But believe me, if I could’ve had you at my side, I would’ve had you there.” Natsu replied in the same soft tone.

Alice’s eyes clamped tighter as she took in a deep breath, taking in the warmth of Natsu’s body. Her home, her life, her everything. Natsu was her everything, her security, her heart, her safe place... She loved him irrevocably and insanely.

They both pulled away from each other. Natsu stared down at her chest, and placed a hand over her heart. A soft smile took place on his face. Alice then slid a hand over his and gave him a soft look but yet was mildly confused. “For a moment there I had a feeling like it... Nevermind. It obviously didn’t happen.” Natsu stopped himself from going into detail. Alice’s eyes went wide as she gasped. So it obviously wasn’t just her and Gajeel then.

“You felt it too? Like you had a feeling you knew what was going to happen a minute into the future?”

“Yeah. A minute where you...” “I died. Yeah. It was a freaky experience to say the least. I can still feel it and remember it like it did happen but... I guess it really was just a weird feeling.” Alice shook her head.
Natsu nodded. “And you know, I did hear you earlier. When I shouted for all the dragon slayers to find a dragon to fight?” “I figured you would.” “I wouldn’t have included you in the count if I didn’t think you were ready to take a dragon on.”
“Well turns out you were wrong. Although, it’s safe to say that you were wrong about all of us. None of us could take a dragon on.”

“But you survived it. You stopped the dragons from causing more death and destruction beyond the city. I say that’s dragon slayer material to me. In fact, I think I see some fangs growing in.” Natsu joked playfully at the end. Alice sighed out, partially content and then taking a half step forward, and placing her head back on his shoulder. “Are you okay?” Natsu asked, holding her tightly. “It’s just been the longest day of my life.” Alice replied solemnly.

“Hold on just a little longer. We gotta get to the other guild members.”

Chapter 82



Chapter Text

Several days went by. To let the wizards heal up, and to rebuild the city.
All the participating guilds from the battle to party for one night.

Alice wore a red ball gown. The skirt was made of tulle ruffles, which gave the gown its round bounciness and volume. It was floor length.
The skirt was a rich red color while the corset top had a white base color, and had red jewels placed in a design. The neckline was sweetheart shaped, showing off Alice’s shoulders, collar, and a cheeky peek of cleavage. It also came with a tulle, semi-transparent short sleeved jacket.

Along with her normal necklace, she also wore a longer gold necklace, the big jeweled pendant, laid right under the dragon’s breath pendant. She wore gold dangle earrings to compliment the necklace.

Her nails were painted a sparkly silver. She wore light colored makeup. A natural peach pink blush, her eyelids dusted lightly with reds, white and pink in a smokey soft glam style. Along with a thin line of black eyeliner on her lower and upper lids. Her eyelashes were curled and a light coat of mascara was applied to keep the shape. And she wore a light maroon red matte lipstick, which she made sure would stay in place for hours. Waterproof and kiss-proof. Her makeup had subtle contour, not too dramatic, but not too unnoticeable.

Her hair was styled up into half-do. The top half of her hair was braided and put into a high bun, and the lower half was straightened and left down. She had jeweled pins and flowers in her hair.
She wore a sapphire ring on her right hand ring finger and wore two silver bracelets, one on each wrist.

And finally, she wore silver round toe pumps with four inch heels.
She truly looked like a princess.

“Way to outshine everyone, like usual!” Lucy commented on Alice’s appearance. “Wow, you look like a princess!” Wendy gasped. “I hope the real princess doesn’t get jealous!” Mirajane giggled. “And if she does, who cares. She’s to blame for this whole mess.” Alice crossed her arms, and looked to the side, angrily pouting.
If there was an election for who the royal family should be, Alice would be there next voting season to boot Hisui out.

“Oh come on, Alice lighten up, everyone makes mistakes.” Lucy waved off. “How can you make a mistake so big you destroy an entire city and almost kill thousands of innocent people?” Alice insinuated. “Can we not get into this again?” Lisanna groaned, since she had gotten an earful earlier. Alice was not Princess Hisui’s fan in the slightest. Princess or not, Alice held her to a higher standard than most people. She should’ve known better.

Within the span of the several days that had gone by, Natsu and his team explained what all happened from the moment they left the inn that morning of the last day of the games, to the moment Alice and Natsu were reunited.

From the Palace of Perdition, Hungry Wolf Knights, Future Lucy and her timeline, the magic squad, Hungry Wolf Knights 2nd round, Future Rogue and then the death of Future Lucy.

Then the ‘apparent second use’ of the Eclipse gate, making it into a cannon. Which Alice thought that would’ve been a red flag. And that Future Rogue was the one who devised this whole plan to become the ruler of dragons and defeat Acnologia and take the title of Dragon King.

And then the one detail Natsu only let Alice know. Future Rogue welcomed darkness into his heart when Frosch is eventually murdered. One year into the future from the dragon attack, Gray would kill Frosch.

“How could that be possible? Gray could never-” “I know. I’m having a hard time believing it myself, but that Future Rogue sounded sincere. We just gotta watch out for it. Even if it sounds impossible.”

The girls huddled together with other guild mates. Gajeel, Gray, Erza, and Cana.
Gray wore no shirt, because of course he didn't.

“Let us all get along. We have to be nice with one another and our past competitors as well.” Erza smiled, taking a glass of sparkling champagne. “Yeah, well, tell that to Natsu when he gets here.” Gray grumbled. “Wonder if he decided to skip this thing?” Gajeel wondered. “He won’t. I mean, he better not. I had to haul his ass on a train to another town and get him fitted for a tux.” Alice crossed her arms, getting a bit suspicious as to why Natsu wasn’t there yet.

The men were already stuffing their faces with food. And the ballroom was filled with tables. Countless delectable dishes. Deserts, drinks, meat, bread, meals, and strange fancy food Alice had never seen before.

Cana had already gotten herself drunk and was seeing double.
Lucy, Lisanna, and Alice huddled together trying different foods they never saw before.

Until that is, the princess showed up.

And so Lisanna had to persuade Alice to another table because Alice made it a goal to scold the princess herself.

“Should we go find him?” Lisanna suggested as she and Alice found themselves talking with their guildmates. “Maybe he’s having a hard time getting dressed?” Jet wondered. “It was a pretty simple get up. If anything he’d have trouble with his tie but Happy’s always helped him figure it out.” Alice wondered, in thought. “I don’t know if I’ve ever seen Natsu wearing a tie or a bow.” Levy laughed at the thought. “Well if he does wear one it never stays on too long. Since he always tears off his tie or jacket to go fight someone.” Lisanna sighed. “It’s a miracle you can even get him to wear one in the first place.” Alice added. “You know, it’s sweet seeing you two get along like that. Especially since you two always fight over Natsu.” Evergreen smiled. Alice and Lisanna gave each other bewildered looks.

“Yeah, the current girlfriend and the ex girlfriend.” Bickslow nodded. “You mean, fianceé.” Freed corrected Bickslow. “Fianceé?” Laxus joined the conversation. Alice looked to the side with a pout, her makeup hiding her growing blush. “We’re not engaged! Why does everyone keep saying we are?”

“So I don’t have to beat the brat up just yet, then?” Laxus smirked down at his daughter. “Since when is it like you to start acting like a father?” Alice sneered at him. “I’m just saying. Marriage at your young age? People will think it’s a shotgun wedding and I’d have to kill the bastard.”

Alice scoffed and turned away.

“Hey there.” Sting waved nervously at Alice. She gave him a shocked expression. Sting had two champagne glasses in one hand, and a bottle of liquor in another.
She had witnessed that Sting’s behavior had changed. He was a nice kid after all. It was just the poor following of his past guild master that clouded him. But even then...

“Hiya there!” Lector added, sitting on Sting’s shoulder. “Hi...?” Alice replied hesitantly. “I want to share a drink with Natsu, but Gajeel says he hasn’t seen him around. So I was thinking you’d be the next person to know where he was.” Sting said cheerily.

“No one has seen him. I truly haven’t an idea where he is. Although, if he doesn’t show soon, I’m afraid we’ll have to go looking.” Alice frowned, pondering what trouble Natsu could be in. “Well I suppose I can’t let this stuff get warm, come over with me and Gajeel. I’ll share a drink with both of you!” Sting invited. “It’s topshelf!” Lector added.

And then as they poured their drinks together, and Rogue explained himself promising he’d never become the Rogue that devised such an evil plan... And then Yukino joined the party with Mirajane and Lucy.
As she spotted her old guild, she tried to run off but Sting stopped her. Promising her a better place in the guild and telling her they’ve changed.

And then Kagura joined the conversation, drunk. “Did everyone just forget that her life is in my hands? So since I’m the one making the rules here, I say she’s gotta join Mermaid Heel!” Kagura declared.

Sting stomped over to get into Kagura’s face. “You’re completely wasted!”
“It doesn’t matter! She belongs with us and you can’t stop it!”
They growled at each other.

“Stop right there!” Erza walked into it. And Fairy Tail stood together, determined. “We won’t stand by as you determine her fate!”

“We’re manly!” Elfman shouted. “That’s right! So if she chooses to join any guild it’d better be ours!” Lucy challenged.
“Personally, I think there’s way too many girls in the guild to fight for Gray’s attention,” Juvia gloomed. “Yeah, and she’s too much like me!” Lisanna added, disagreeing with Yukino joining Fairy Tail.

“Yeah, you’re both the little sister types with the exact same hair!” Romeo commented.

“I never thought of joining Fairy Tail.” Yukino gasped, embarrassed. “No way. A girl as beautiful as you are...” “Deserves nothing more than the most beautiful guild.” “So join us.” The Trimen recruited.

“If she wants to be in the best guild then there’s no question that she should join Lamia Scale!” Lyon added his opinion. “Let’s not get involved with this.” Jura muttered.

“We’ve always been totally macho but I think we could use a womanly touch! I know that we lost the Grand Magic Games, but there ain’t no way in Hell we’re gonna lose this battle!” Bacchus added his guild to the toss up.

Yukino pleaded with all the guilds to stop fighting over her. And then the masters of the guilds got involved too. “This shall be yet another battle Fairy Tail will win!” Master Makarov challenged.

Thus a full out war began. Tables and chairs destroyed, food and various liquids on the floor. Soldiers not being able to calm anyone down.

And from an above balcony, Arcadios appeared. “Everybody stop! This instant!” He slammed his sheathed sword on the ground. He was able to make everyone stop.
Alice was currently balanced on Sherry’s shoulders, trying to take her down. She had to pick a target and go for it. And Sherry was the only person there not from her own guild that she did not like.

“In honor of your performances during the games and for your bravery facing the greatest danger this kingdom has ever known. His Majesty would like to personally deliver this message to you. Pay head!”
The big doors opened and trumpets sounded, for the arrival and appearance of the king, everyone calmed down and stood patiently to respectfully listen to the king.

And then it happened. Natsu appeared.
Wearing the king’s formal clothing, including the crown.

Both the defense minister and the Games’ mascot, Mato were behind him, trying to stop him.

Natsu looked hot as a royal. “Loyal subjects, shut up and listen! All Hail king Natsu! New ruler of Fiore! And my queen, Alice!” Natsu started to laugh maniacally. Alice liked where he was going with this. She smirked devilishly willing to go through with his plan, as everyone else in the ballroom paled in shock and terror. Natsu was probably going to be arrested for treason and whatnot.

Mato jumped around, reaching for the crown. “Enough messing around, okay?”
“Oh come on! We won your little games! Now for the rest of the day, everyone listen to me and do what I say! Alice get up here and be my queen!”
Alice took a step forward to do so, but was held back by a wild Mirajane. “Please don’t.”

Eventually Natsu gave up and got off the balcony and gave back the crown and the royal attire and got dressed in his own clothes. The ballroom got cleaned up and everything went back to normal.

“I thought I told you to wear the bow with it?” Alice pouted, scolding Natsu as he ate. “I couldn’t get it and it pissed me off so I burnt it and ate it.” Natsu shrugged. He wore a black jacket with a pale pink undershirt and black pants, and dress shoes. Although, the collar wasn’t folded down or tucked under the shirt collar. Alice tried to get him to go fancier but he refused to be ‘restrained like a dressed up monkey’.

Alice shook her head and sighed. “Well I suppose getting you to wear even this is a victory.”
“Well yeah, you made me take off the pumpkin head.” Natsu nodded. “You looked ridiculous.” Alice crossed her arms and walked away. “Hey, where you going?” Natsu called after her. “Looking for someone to dance with me. Because you won’t.” Alice huffed. “You can’t still be mad at me! You don’t even know why you’re mad in the first place!”

“I’ll find a reason, don’t worry.”

Remember when Alice and Gajeel were still fighting the dragon and Alice had that sudden pain in her wrists? Which only happened now when Natsu was making her angry or jealous?
Well that pain happened and so Alice knew somewhere out there, at that time he was doing something stupid she’d get mad at him for.

This is what they were referring to.

Natsu ran after her and stopped her in her tracks. She gave him an impatient look. “I’ll dance with you.” Natsu mumbled, looking away embarrassed. Alice smiled knowingly. “Haven’t you heard? I only dance with people who formally ask me and who actually want to dance with me.”
Natsu growled, annoyed. He held out a hand. “May I...have this dance?”
Alice giggled, thrilled that she got her way once more. “Of course.” She placed her hand in his, as she guided him further to the dance floor.

Smiling blissfully, Alice placed her other hand on his shoulder, as his other free hand found itself on her waist.

“I gotta stop letting you have your way. You’ll become a spoiled brat.” Natsu muttered lowly. “But it’s your job to give me what I want. You’re supposed to make me happy. Even sacrificing your own sanity.” Alice lightly joked. Natsu groaned, and then pulled Alice closer to him as they danced. He leaned his forehead against the upper side of her head, lips brushing against the tip of her ear. “If you want me to do that, you gotta make me happy too, you know?” He muttered in a soft tone. “Am I not doing that?” Alice wondered quietly. “You are. But... I have one request.”

“Stop telling people we’re not engaged!” He whined like a child.

“I told you that I want to be proposed to in the formal way. You can’t just demand it. ‘Sides. We haven’t been dating that long. It’s only been 5 months.” Alice excused, all the while becoming very flustered.
“You say that like I haven’t loved you all my life.”

That statement alone had Alice a stuttering mess, making her breath hitch. “Well you know,.. Uh, when you propose, it’s usually for asking for marriage in the foreseeable future. Like however long it takes to plan a wedding from that moment on.”

“So... You want me to get down on one knee and profess my undying love for you with a ring in hopes you’ll marry me in the coming months?”

“I told you I don’t need an engagement ring. But I’d like a ring for the wedding..” Alice replied in a whisper. She was hoping that conversation was over then. Natsu obviously wasn’t ready to marry her just yet, so Alice wouldn’t have to hear this conversation for another year or so. “Okay.” Natsu pulled away from Alice and got down on one knee, all the while holding one of her hands in both of his.

Obviously everyone stopped to watch it.
It was the normal engagement pose.

Alice’s face heated up and her eyes went wide. Everyone’s eyes were on them. “Natsu, what are you doing? Stand up!” She whispered hastily at him.
He ignored her.

“Alice Drusilla Dreyar, I love you. I love you more than I love a lot of things. Like food, fighting, money, and even more than I love Fairy Tail. I’ve loved you since like forever. And I’m gonna continue to love you for the rest of both of our lives. I think you’re the most beautiful, most smartest, and powerful woman in the entire world and you make me so happy. I don’t really care about this whole traditional marriage stuff but if it’s important to you, then I’m willing to do all of it. And I wanna be able to call you my wife. Because I’ve had a girlfriend before, so I wanna be able to call you my wife because you’ll be the first and only one of those of mine and you’ll be the only person in the entire world I’ll be able to call my wife. So will you marry me?”

Alice felt everyone’s eyes on them. It burnt into her body.
Natsu’s sincere gaze up at her made her look away, not being able to hold the contact.

Sure she already agreed to marry him and she already expected that she would eventually anyway. But this felt more serious. More sincere and more binding.
And when she told him that engagements were usually for the hopes of marrying soon, she’d think that’d scare him away a bit enough to never hear him say it for a while longer. But it didn’t work as he was already ready to do that?

Sure, they were technically adults since the legal age was 15. Alice was now 18 and would be 19 in a month and Natsu just turned 18. But she still felt so young. She didn’t feel like she was old enough to marry.

That was an adult thing. And she still felt like a child.

And after marriage came children.

Looking at Bisca and Alzack, Asuka was born shortly after they got married.
Alice wasn’t ready to be a mother yet. But she was on birth control and wouldn’t have to get the replacement lacrima for another 5 years. Would 5 years be enough time to grow up and have kids? By 23?

But what mattered was did she love Natsu enough to completely promise her life to him for the rest of her life? Marriage meant that she couldn’t just walk away and never talk to him again if things actually got that bad or if she stopped loving him. Divorce was painful and lengthy.

Oh but the idea of her life without him everyday ached and she felt like crying at the idea. To tell him she didn't love him anymore? That sounded impossible! Oh, and see him cry, begging her to change her mind? A lump formed in Alice's throat and her eyes watered.

Well that made up her mind, right? That made the answer clear and obvious.

She was taking too long to decide. She shouldn’t have hesitated. She didn’t realize the orchestra even stopped playing. It was dead silent except for the low murmur of the few people still talking or anyone whispering about what was going on.
“Uh-uh, yeah, sure.” She hastily nodded.

And with that everyone, well almost everyone started to applaud and cheer for them. Natsu got back to his feet and pulled Alice into a hug. Alice hid her face in his shoulder. “Happy now?” Natsu chortled. “No. You weren’t supposed to do it now! Or in front of so many people!” Alice whined. “But the faster I do it, the faster I can have you forever.”

In response Alice groaned, still reeling in embarrassment. “But that means you wanna get married soon.” Alice finally found words to say.

“Yeah? That’s why I did it.”
“I just didn’t think you were ready for that so soon. We’re just kids still, right?”

Everyone stopped clapping and the music resumed and everyone went back to what they were doing.

Natsu pulled away to look Alice in the eyes. “Are you saying you don’t want to get married yet?”

Alice shyly avoided his gaze. “Not that I don't... It’s just... well I thought I’d be more grown up than this. And like I know I’m as grown up as I can get. My body is full grown and developed, I do all things adults do. I pay bills, I make my own decisions and I own my own home and stuff but I still feel like a kid too. Getting married is a big far away thing that not even a year ago I would’ve thought I’d do in the next five years even. And to think that I can be someone’s wife in the coming months sounds unreal. When I think of myself as married, I think of a more mature, wise, way more powerful woman and I’m not that yet.”

“If you put it that way, yeah, marriage sounds like a much more grown up thing. But we can legally do it so just as long as you and I are ready to make that decision, then we’re ready, right? We go home and start planning for that overrated, big white wedding that you want so bad and then we get married. It’s not that big of a thing, is it?”

“But what happens after that?”
"Filing our taxes together?"
"-...Yes. But... Look at Bisca and Alzack, they had Asuka pretty much immediately. You're not ready for that yet, right?" Alice's face was hot in the face and she was sweating uncomfortably.

“That’s what got you so bugged.” Natsu finally got it all figured out. “It’s my biggest worry.” Alice nodded.

“We don’t have to have kids right away. We’re still young. Not even in our twenties yet. We still have many more adventures to go on still. Kids are something we do when we’re ready to stop almost dying on quests.” Natsu reassured her, his hands rubbing up and down on her upper arms. Alice took a deep breath, nodding.
“We can worry about all those other things later. So for now until we get married, you can only refer to me as your fiancé. No more ‘boyfriend’ stuff. I have been promoted to fiance and will refuse to respond to anything else.” Natsu proclaimed. “That’s gonna get old fast.” Alice sighed with a smile forcing itself to rise to her lips.

“Well better hurry up and marry me so you can call me your husband instead!” Natsu smiled brightly. Which made Alice do so too even made her giggle softly. Natsu hooked two fingers under Alice’s chin guiding her into a soft kiss.

And for a moment there the whole world stopped.

“So you two weren’t engaged yet? I thought you were?” Cana was the first to come up to the two, making them pull apart but stood at each other’s side, still touching. “That’s what I said too but she refused until I asked her the way she wanted me to.” Natsu rolled his eyes.
“That was so cute! I can’t stop crying!” Wendy ran up to them with a few others, as more and more people crowded them with congratulations and wishing them luck.

“You know, it’s traditional to ask the father for his daughter’s hand before you propose.” Laxus strode over, with his normal stone cold facial expression but his lips held some amusem*nt. “Like I said before, when is it like you to start acting like a father?” Alice retorted before Natsu could say a thing. “Well I’m not out looking for any ‘dad of the year’ coffee mugs, but I’m still your father. And I’m pretty sure a while ago you said you two weren’t getting married?”

“I said we weren’t engaged yet. But now we are. And you have no say in it.” Alice once again countered sternly. “At least let me have a chat with the brat.” Laxus bargained. “No.” Alice replied. “Come on, let me have a go at him!” Natsu put up his fists, ready for a fight. “I’m not here for a fight just yet. But as the father of the soon to be bride and it looking like you’re gonna be my son-in-law, I think it’s time we have a talk. And don’t worry, Fairy Princess, since we’re in the royal palace, I’ll behave and not start a fight with him.”

“Don’t be so defensive. I can totally take him now.” Natsu patted Alice on the head as he followed Laxus out of the ballroom. “You’re not going to fight!” Alice shouted after him.

Laxus led Natsu to an outdoor balcony, looking out at the royal garden. He leaned on the rail. “You know, that day, years ago when you stood up to me, willing to fight for her, I knew you were always gonna be a pain in my ass.” Laxus started off.
Natsu stood at the door, crossing his arms. He wondered what this was going to be about. It was unlike Laxus to give a damn about Alice. It would be a nice chance if he started-- But he never had before. Natsu had to constantly reminded himself that Laxus was Alice's dad. He had known him before Alice and he would've never guessed he had a kid. And finding out that the blond bastard had a daughter?

And for that daughter to end up becoming the most important person in Natsu's life? He knew everything about Alice, and Laxus being a part of her life was not it. Once he gave up and accepted that Alice was in the guild, he ignored her, only throwing a fit when he saw her achieving at something because god forbid she was allowed to show him up.

It was only in the last handful of years did they acknowledge each other, only hateful, spewing venom at each other. Any time they made eye-contact it was a toss up if they were going to be at each other's throats.

So Laxus standing here, acting like a father? Like a real one concerned for his kid? Did he get concussed while fighting a dragon?

“Now here we are, you’re just a bigger pain than you were then. And she reminds me so much of her mother at that age- An even bigger pain in my ass.” Laxus sighed.

“Alice is like Yoko?” Natsu asked. He was intrigued to know more about Alice's mother. Because it was another part of Alice he'd get to learn about. The infamous Yoko Akashiya, or more commonly known as the Fire Fairy. When Natsu joined the guild, showing off his fire magic everyone compared him to this Yoko he never heard of. It took years for him to outlive her shadow. And for her to be Alice's mother? Everything always led to Alice.

“They don’t have the same outward personality. But definitely the same attributes and features. If it weren’t for those Dreyar eyes of Alice’s, she’d be the spitting image of Yoko. Got her fighting spirit to say the least. Just as smart and witty too. It’s been almost 16 years since I’ve heard her voice, but I think Alice sounds just like her too.”

“You loved her, didn’t you?” Natsu was catching onto what Laxus was saying.
“Maybe. I think so. If I didn’t, then I do now. Fire Fairy Yoko Akashiya, the rising star of Fairy Tail. Miss Fiore for 3 years in a row, and Miss Fairy Tail for 4. She made her presence known when she walked into a room. Everyone fighting to be the first to greet her. It was so annoying. And she was so damn loud.” Laxus shook his head.

“So how’d you two start to... you know?”

“I don’t know honestly. To this day, I’m still bewildered how she did it. She was always so excited to see me. Whenever she saw me in the guild hall or around town, she had to run up to me and chat my ear off. And it was weird. Some older chick, so famous around Fiore and she was so interested in some kid like me. If you thought I’m an asshole now...” Laxus chuckled. “Next thing I know, she’s taking me out to restaurants she likes, or dragging me along on some easy quests she didn’t need help on, or pulling me along to go stargazing with her and just like that it’s our 3 month anniversary and I didn’t even know we were dating in the first place. I shouted at her for being so stupid and wasting my time on things like dates and romance but then continued to let her pull me along on her adventures. Two years later, I got her pregnant. The way she pulled me to the side, I knew something was wrong. She was excited to be a mom, but she knew that I wasn’t going to be a dad even if I was the one who knocked her up. Looking back now, it must’ve killed her to tell me the news. It broke her heart knowing the moment I knew she was carrying my child, I was throwing her to the curb. I couldn’t be a father and be the strongest wizard in Fairy Tail. Even if I loved her, I chose power over her and Alice. I expected her to quit the guild after that and it would’ve been a relief if she did but she didn’t. She stayed at the guild and told everyone that the father was some one night stand and the reason we broke up was because she cheated on me. Can you believe it? I was the asshole here and she still took the fall. But after Alice was born and opened her blue eyes, there was no denying she was mine.”

“You could’ve been the strong wizard you are today and still been a father to Alice.” Natsu commented with a sneer. Even if Laxus was opening up to him, Natsu wasn't going to let him make an excuse.

“Yeah. I know. I mean, I know now. Could you blame me? I was only 15. I was just barely able to start to drink and I was supposed to be a dad when I barely knew my own?”

“So why’d you bring me out here? I know it wasn’t just to get my pity.” Natsu said. “I may not be a great father, hell don’t even call me a father. And I may be too late to try but let me try to do something right for her. I want her to have a good life. I want her to be happy and not live a life of regret.”

“Are you saying you don’t think we should get married?” Natsu wondered, getting ready to fight the guy.

“I’m saying that you should really make sure this is what you two really want. Even then, think harder about it because you two are still kids and you want to be grown up and stuck with one another for the rest of your miserable lives.”

“Alice had to grow up years ago. Because of you. She never got to be a kid because you didn’t want to be her father. Because of you, she’s lived a life of torment, and to this day, she can’t get control of her life. But if there’s one thing she’s been able to control, it's her love for me and I love her!”

“Yeah, yeah, I know. Worst father of the year, right after my own deadbeat old man. But don’t go hurting her all right? If you don’t think you can make her happy for the rest of her life, then don’t do this. You’re still young, at least wait a few more years.”

“I know I can make her happy. Because I’ve been doing it since the day I met her. Sure, I’ve messed up a lot and made her cry a few times but I always make sure to make it up to her and won’t make the same mistake twice. I’ve taken care of her better than anyone else has and I’ll make sure I’ll be doing that for the rest of my life. I love Alice more than anything else in this world and she loves me too!”

“Don’t you think you’re moving a little too fast?!” Laxus turned around to snap at him.

“Maybe but I know we’re not making any mistakes. We’ve only been dating for a few months and have gone past so many milestones but I know it’s only because that’s how strongly we feel for each other. She’s my mate and she’s going to be my wife. And if she’s not ready for that or decides that I’m not the one for her, than I’m not going to stop her from walking away from what all we have together. But I know that’s not going to happen because she loves me. I’ve been her best friend for years and I’ve been there for her more than anyone else has. When she came to Fairy Tail with nothing to her name, hell she didn’t even know her name yet, I was there! I was the one who welcomed her in the guild hall. When she didn’t have a place to stay, I invited her to live with me until she could be on her own. I helped her when she needed help. I gave her a bed when she needed one! I taught her how to trust people, how to let them in! I taught her that a guild is family! When she needed a shoulder to cry on, I was there! When she cried over her first boyfriend for breaking her heart, I was there! When she couldn’t control her drinking, I was there! When her friend took her own life, I was there. When she was taken to Edolas and tortured and she couldn’t remember her own name anymore, I was there! I cleaned her wounds, I helped her remember things, and I held her when she cried from her nightmares! And to this day, I am still there at her side! And that’s never going to stop.”

“Has she been there for you though?”


“You say all these things about how you’ve done all this for her, but in all honesty, what has she done for you?”

“You bastard! What are you trying to say?” Natsu got into his face.

“Well if I do recall, when you were kids, when you were ‘showing her how to trust people or let them in’ that was when she would constantly beat the sh*t out of you, or that time she nearly killed you? And she didn’t start treating you decently until she got jealous of you and mini Mirajane and only actually let you in when she was believed to be dead. But still then, she expects you to do so much for her and she just is nice to you in return?”

Natsu then punched Laxus in the face. “She acted so cold to me because after you left her to rot in that orphanage a cult kidnapped her and tried to beat her into a demon for Zeref! Where she had to learn how to survive by being strong and not letting anyone in! She didn’t know any better! She might’ve been jealous of Lisanna but only because she was scared to trust anyone like that! When we lost Lisanna, Alice was there for me! I don’t care if there was some ulterior motive behind it because she never took advantage of my sad feelings and she let me be vulnerable around her until I could stand on my own again! She’s always helped me out when I had no money! She always tries to protect me just like I protect her! She even stood her own against you now for me! She cares for me more than anyone else! She’s always paid for my meals or my hotel fees when I needed her to, she washes my clothes, makes me food, makes me take care of myself! Without her I’d be a feral animal! And even if she didn’t return all the favors I’ve done for her, that’s okay because her just being with me is enough!”

Laxus chuckled and held his face where Natsu hit him.

“I’m not asking to be in the wedding or to walk her down the aisle and I’m not asking that you let the children see me that often, but just make sure that they at least know who I am. And if that old geezer is still around, you let him dote on those kids as much as he wants. He blames himself for the distance between himself and Alice when it’s my fault she barely considers him family. Don’t let Alice make him suffer with the next generation of Dreyars.” Laxus said, surrendering completely.

“What are you even saying?” Natsu demanded, confused by Laxus' 180 change.

“I’m saying, I know I’m a sh*t father and I know that I’ll never be a decent one. I never expect Alice to ever forgive me and it’s not like I’m saying I want her to start calling me ‘dad’. And I’m not going to start trying to be much of a father now either. But she is my daughter. No matter how many years I told myself she wasn’t mine. She always has been. And every time I look at her, it reminds me of the pain I caused her mother. Whenever I see Alice keep several feet away from the old man and only refer to him as master, I’m reminded that he loves her and she will never know the tears the guy shed when I took her away. And that no matter how many times she is called a Dreyar, that because of me, she’ll never feel like a real part of the family. Every time I see her battle with the control of her magic, it's my fault she’s scared she might lose control.” Laxus paused for a moment to take a deep breath in and face back the way to the garden.
“The day Yoko died, a caretaker from the hospital walked into the guild, holding Alice by the hand. Her stubby little legs... She waddled when she walked... And this little child I never looked in the eyes before was now trying to play with my hair as this lady explained to me that Yoko specifically left Alice in my care. That was when I found out Yoko didn’t give Alice her last name, but mine. How she gave Alice that name in hopes it would carry her into a life full of success and happiness. And I just shouted at a toddler to stop trying to touch me that I was not her father and how she was not mine. She cried, and she screamed. My first interaction with my own daughter and she was terrified of me and I took her to a run down orphanage on the edge of Fiore, far away from Fairy Tail, and I left her there without as much as her own name!” At this point Laxus was raising his voice and crying.

“And 6 years later, there she was. I looked her in the eye and she still held that same fear that she had years before. But now I could see the lack of light that reached her eyes. And then before she could barely put up a fight, your dumbass stood there in her defense. Since then you’ve always been at her side. Years went by, and I’d see her at the guild, each time she was always a bit more grown up than before. After a quest and I’d stop by the guild, there she would be, hair longer than the last time, taller than before, magic power greater than the last, but no matter how she grew, how her magic changed, how she carried herself, you were always there with her. Every year she grew up looking more and more like Yoko, some days I’d have to pay close attention because if I didn’t see her eyes, I’d have thought it was really Yoko there instead. The only difference was Yoko was always excited to see me and smiled every time she caught a glimpse of me, and Alice pretends I’m not there or if she sees me, her eyes are filled with rage and disdain. But what I’m saying is... Marry her all you want, I’m not gonna stop you. Make her happy and never let her down. If there’s one thing in this world I’m truly grateful for, it’s that she has someone like you.”

Laxus turned and left Natsu standing there by himself.

Chapter 83

Chapter Text

Gray strode over to the anxious Alice that stood near the door that Natsu and Laxus left down. He finally got over his hurt feelings to confront her.

“You’ve been standing here waiting for a while now. So maybe you should dance with me.” Gray invited her to a dance. Alice looked to him and then back to the hallway, then back to him and nodded. “Yeah. Pass the time by dancing with a good friend.” Alice smiled softly, although her mind was elsewhere, worried about her newly found fiancé.

They walked out to the dance floor and started to sway to the music. “So it’s official, huh?” Gray struck up the conversation.

“Yeah. Although, everyone already thought it was because of the wedding thing during the games.” Alice shrugged.

“So I guess that means I didn’t do a good job then.” Gray lightly joked, although Alice didn’t get it. “Before Natsu came to his senses, you told me if I did a good enough job, you’d be my bride. Since Natsu’s the one you’re gonna walk down the aisle for, that means I didn’t do well being your pretend groom.” Gray refreshed her memory.

Alice’s eyes lit up, remembering. A lot of events had happened in the span of just a few days. Which made the dress up challenge from Mirajane and Jenny’s one on one battle seem like years ago. “Oh!” She smiled ashamedly. “Yeah. You did a good job though! I have no doubt you’ll make one hell of a groom for some lucky girl out there someday!” Alice quickly tried to cheer him up.

“Maybe you, if you and flame brain don’t work out!” Gray teased.

Alice didn’t bite, she just sighed, while trying to keep a hopeful smile. “Gray...” Alice trailed off.
“I know. I know. But I love you, Alice.” Gray hid his eyes from her as he said those words.

“And I love you too, Gray. You know, in a friendly way of course. And I know I’m gonna forever apologize for this, but all those months together when I was still with Loke? I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have strung you along. And maybe if I kept my distance better since then...” “Don’t apologize. Those were the best times of my life.” Gray cut her off.

“And I’m sorry for that. I don’t care that you tell me not to say sorry but I am. And if you think that I don’t need to apologize, that makes me feel even worse. Gray...I’m in love with Natsu. And I always will. We’re gonna be together for many more years to come and I’ll love you as my good friend and as my Fairy Tail family but never in the way you want and you have to get over it, all right? I didn’t want to be harsh about it, but apparently there’s something I’m doing that’s stringing you along and I’m trying to not do that.” Alice sternly replied.

“For you, I’ll do my best. I’ll get over my feelings for you. I can see it hurts you and I don’t ever want you to be sad because of me.” Gray swore, but he knew it was a lie. But he didn't like making her upset. Anything to make her smile.

“Thanks.” And then Natsu came back to the ballroom, but Laxus was not there.

Alice pulled away from Gray, and hurriedly walked over to Natsu, who greeted her with a loose side hug and a kiss to her temple. “What’d he say? What’d he do? Did he try to fight you? What happened?” Alice barraged him with questions. “I’m starving, let me get some grub.” Natsu let her go, walking to the food table. “Hey! Don’t walk away from me and don’t ignore my questions either! And you also still owe me a dance because you didn’t dance with me very long when you pulled that stunt back there!” Alice shouted, walking after him.

“Hurts, doesn’t it?” Lisanna strolled over to Gray’s side as he watched Alice and Natsu.

Alice gave into Natsu’s stomach and decided to eat too. But she was more about just trying all the foods she didn’t understand or know. She’d take a bite of something new, and depending on her reaction Natsu would ask to taste it too, and she’d spoon feed him to try. If his reaction was strong enough she’d either gasp in awe too or laugh if he didn’t like it.

“What can I say? You’d think someone of her intelligence would go for someone with at least a brain or...” Gray took his eyes off the couple to glance down and at Lisanna. Her eyes were red and her cheeks were flushed. “Were you crying?”

“Just a bit.” Lisanna nodded casually. “So you haven’t gotten over flame brain yet?” Gray leaned back against the pillar. “Not as much as I thought I would. But it’s my fault I haven’t gotten over it yet. I mean, I thought I did.” Lisanna explained. “Do they know?” Gray referred to Alice and Natsu.

“When I came back from Edolas, we did talk. I knew I should’ve only confronted him like that if I was going to be able to hear him choose her but...I don’t know. Edolas them were happily in love and Edolas Natsu had no interest in me even as a friend. One year in, of barely talking to him, he found Edolas Alice and even though it took a bit, they fell in love immediately and for a whole year I watched their passionate relationship grow until they got engaged and the hurt went away. But I suppose coming back to Earthland, I still expected my Natsu to still be in love with me even though I knew better than to think that when he spent every moment with Alice when they came back. And I asked him if he still loved me and he stupidly said yes and followed that with he loved everyone in Fairy Tail so I had to clarify and when he hesitated... I knew he moved on. I mean, I don’t blame him, everyone thought I was dead and two years went by. So I thought maybe that meant I could get him to fall for me again and we could start all over but then I asked him how he felt about Alice because when we were younger I always thought he’d eventually fall for her and seeing how she pushed him away I saw my chance but the way everyone talked about the two together, I knew things were different now. But that night he told me how sorry he was for how things went but he was in love with Alice and....I cried. And Mira told him for my sake after that to keep my feelings in mind and don’t hang around Alice so shamelessly when around me.” Lisanna let out a shaky breath. “But since then, I saw how things were and I tried my best and eventually I thought I was over it until...now.”

“Hey, Natsu must be one hell of a guy if he has the ability to make pretty girls like you and Alice cry. I don’t see it though.” Gray shook his head with a sigh.

“You know, I actually thought you were the one Alice would end up with. When we were kids she seemed to tolerate you more than Natsu and you made her smile a lot. I gotta wonder though, did she ever have feelings for you?” Lisanna tried to comfort him, like giving him a participation sticker.

“Nah. She’s always just seen me as a good friend. It was me who got sucked in and now I promised her I’d finally get over her. But once you’ve been in this deep for so many years, it doesn’t seem possible to ever get out.” Gray replied.

“Yeah, it seems tough but it’s possible I think. Although looking how happy they make each other...”

“Yeah, I know.” Gray huffed in agreement as Alice booped Natsu’s nose with frosting on her finger and now it was on his nose. Natsu tried to use his tongue to reach for it but it didn’t work, making Alice laugh hard.

So he used a finger to wipe it off and then he wiped it on Alice’s cheek. Alice squealed and looked for a napkin to get it off, but Natsu pulled her in and licked Alice’s face, in an alluring manner, getting the icing off. “You’re so gross!” Alice giggled, although couldn't deny it was a hot move. “Think of all the places I’ll lick icing off of you.” Natsu teased darkly. “Don’t say something like that in public right now!” Alice squirmed to get out of his hold. Natsu chuckled lowly and placed a kiss on Alice's forehead, calming her down just a bit.

“That idiot really makes her happy, in ways I’ve never been able to.” Gray sighed, and threw his fingers through his hair, combing through it and pushing his bangs back.

A song that Alice recognized and loved started to play. While it was an older song that resurfaced itself into modern day genres due to constantly being covered by many artists, Alice loved the meaning no matter who sang it or if, like now, was being played as an orchestra instrumental.

Alice gasped and excitedly pulled Natsu along to the dance floor but he stood his ground.

“Please, please dance to this song with me! You know it’s one of my favorites!” Alice begged him, sounding like she might’ve started to tear up. “I danced with you already.” Natsu groaned. “For barely a minute besides you owe me after embarrassing me like that asking me in front of everyone!” Alice hastily argued. She didn’t want to miss more of the song. “Embarrassing you like that? Asking for your hand in marriage is embarrassing to you?” Natsu gave her a look.

“Natsu, baby, please dance with me! I won’t bother you for the rest of the night! I promise!”

Natsu sighed dramatically as he let Alice pull him back out to the dance floor.

Alice found them a spot, seemingly right in the middle of all the dancing couples and placed her hands in position, as Natsu begrudgingly did the same. Happy to get her way, Alice then placed her head to Natsu’s shoulder, face in his neck as they swayed together. Natsu leaned his head on hers as he held her in a lovingly tight embrace.

“Shall I stay? Would it be a sin? If I can’t help falling in love with you. Like a river flows surely to the sea, darling so it goes, some things are meant to be.

Take my hand, take my whole life too, for I can’t help falling in love with you.” Alice sang the words softly, as a smile was permanently stuck to her face.

“You know, I think I like this song too.” Natsu hummed, feeling himself fall somehow even more in love with Alice than before. “Especially when you sing it.”

“I sing it a lot. It’s one of those songs that I think perfectly captures my feelings for you.” Alice replied in a soft murmur.

“Yeah? You sang it before we were together though?” Natsu wondered, knowing he recognized it from somewhere.
“Well, yeah, but before then, it was just a song that I loved from that one movie that I love. But when I listened to it for the first time after we started dating, it finally gave form to at least a bit of how much I love you.” Alice revealed.

Natsu closed his eyes, relishing in the warmth of being loved so dearly.

And they danced in silence for the rest of the song, well except for Alice mumble singing the rest of it.

As the dance ended, Alice kept to her promise. She stopped the dance, pulling away slowly, although keeping in his arms, and keeping their two hands laced together. She gave him a soft smile, silently appreciating him doing the favor for her.

“This place is getting boring! Those instruments are going to put me to sleep! I think it’s time to PAARRTTAAYY” Cana suddenly shouted, throwing multiple cards into the air. One to make multicolored party strobe lights, another to mimic a disco ball, and another with modern pop music, loud enough to drown out the orchestra.

Arcadios, and various old people shouted at Cana to stop it at once, but since at this point, the majority of people had some alcohol in them, various girls, including Alice rushed to Cana’s side and started to dance and sing along to the song.

So the party was just beginning.
More drinks were passed out and girls with big dresses were getting hot so they changed into outfits they would wear out to go clubbing.
And there was a mob on the dance floor jumping around shouting the lyrics to the songs, and girls grinding on each other.

Many men stayed at the sidelines.

But at least the Trimen and Ichiya and Nichiya were out there busting moves.

For songs that had dances for them, anyone who knew the dances were in the center dancing like they were drunk professional break dancers.

“Here’s a drink to the newly engaged Alice! We’re losing a good girl here, going to the married committed boring life! Here’s to the soon to be Mrs. Alice Dragneel!” Cana took a drink after she shouted it. And various people also took a drink to it. “Here’s a drink to Fairy Tail for winning the games! We kicked ass out there and showed those loser guilds we’re the top dogs!” Cana shouted again. “And here’s to all of us badass wizards who showed those big lizards that we’re not to be messed with! No one’s gonna take our kingdom!”

Everyone shouted to the last one in celebration.

And plenty more hours went by.

It was truly a day to remember. A night to forever be held at the top of the list of the best days of their lives.

Girls would drag out to the floor various male guild mates who refused to dance, but the girls dancing would cheer and holler and crowd said male, forcing him to dance with them to the upbeat songs.

Even Alice and Lucy were able to get Natsu on the dance floor. But he would just stand there arms crossed as various girls danced around him or sang a pop song about empowering girls to do better than the trash men in their lives or about sex.

“Man, I’m beat tired. How do we take the girls home?” Gray wondered to Natsu who fought his way out of the crowd to the safe sidelines. “I don’t know. I guess we gotta let them tire themselves out.” Natsu shrugged, as he watched Alice hop around, singing, laughing and having the time of her life partying. She actually only had a buzz this time. Her energy and fun nature was brought by her Fairy Tail party animal.

Her, Lucy, Yukino, Lisanna, Cana, Mirajane, Millianna, Beth, a couple of the members of Cuartro Puppy, the Trimen, and Sherry were the center of the whole dance circle singing a song. The exceeds were being crowd surfed, except for Lily who was on the floor, pretty tipsy, dancing along in his fighting form.

“So you actually popped the question, huh?” Gray asked Natsu, catching him smiling at Alice’s true silly nature. Natsu peeled his eyes away from her to give Gray an indifferent expression. “Yeah. It’s how she wanted it.” He nodded with a shrug.

“You sure you ready for that?” Gray asked. Natsu rolled his eyes. He got asked that a lot that night by guys that naturally were scared of commitment. “Yes. I’m ready. We both are.”

“Good. As long as you both are sure, I’m happy for you.” Gray smiled, giving an approving nod. “Really?” Natsu was partially surprised to hear that from him.
“She loves you like crazy for some reason. And I’ve been trying to talk some sense into her since we were kids but nothing’s worked. And I can tell you’re serious about her, so as long as you make her happy then I’m happy.” Gray added.
“Thanks. And yeah, I’m pretty serious about her. So serious that I’m actually planning out a future with her. I just knew that I wanted to spend forever at her side, but now she has me excited to see her in a real wedding dress, naming our children, and being together surrounded by our big happy family of Dragneels for hundreds of years to come.”

“That serious huh?”

Eventually early morning came, and everyone finally cleared out. But a few went to the bar to continue to keep partying. Alice wasn’t one of those.

Natsu obviously had to carry Alice to the partially rebuilt inn. Alice was so tired she could no longer stand, barely walk, and she couldn’t keep her eyes open anymore but she was still awake as the cool morning breeze chilled her exposed skin.

“I just took a DNA test, turns out I'm 100% that bitch

Even when I'm crying crazy

Yeah, I got boy problems, that's the human in me

Bling bling, then I solve 'em, that's the goddess in me” Alice mumble sang.

Natsu scoffed out a laugh. “You really like that song, huh?”

“You coulda had a bad bitch, non-committal

Help you with your career just a little

You're 'posed to hold me down, but you're holding me back

And that's the sound of me not calling you back” Alice sang in reply and then went on to just hum the rest of it.

“I thought that banquet was gonna be boring and I was gonna pass out an hour into it, but you guild girls are wild animals when you’re all together.” Natsu shook his head amused, remembering the night’s events.

“I love you. Forever. To Edolas and back and more than that.” Alice muttered in a tired voice. “I love you too, sweetie. With all that other stuff too and even more than that too.” Natsu replied.

“Mrs. Alice Dragneel. I like the sound of that, you know?” Alice wondered aloud, remembering Cana called her the soon to be one.

“I like it too. Alice Dragneel, wife of Natsu Dragneel. My wife.-- You’re making me say all this girly stuff with all this excitement in the air. Go to sleep.” Natsu realized how frilly and in love he was sounding and was getting embarrassed.

Chapter 84

Chapter Text

Alice refused to get out of bed. “Overdo it last night?” Gray chuckled. Alice growled in response, nestling ever so further into the bed.

“Come on!” Natsu lightly, but firmly, smacked Alice’s butt, making an audible pop.

“I will end you.” Alice mumbled from under the thick blanket.

“I let you sleep this long. And I’m pretty sure the moment I step foot on that carriage I’m done for so you’re gonna have to walk yourself in there. You can sleep on the way home.” Natsu bargained as he started to pull the blanket off Alice but she quickly wrapped herself tightly in it, so as he pulled, she went with it and then the blanket and Alice were on the floor. “I can’t walk. My legs are still recovering from the party!” Alice whined. “It won’t be that long. Come on, brush your teeth and get dressed.” Erza lightly ordered. “Yeah, you’re the last one who isn’t ready to go.” Lucy added. “Carry me!” Alice revealed one arm out that wildly swung around in the direction she thought Natsu was. “To the carriage or to the bathroom to brush your teeth?” Natsu wondered, holding her hand to stop her flailing it around.

“Both...?” “No.”

They all made their way to the carriage, the ones in which the Hungry Wolf Knights paid for, for some odd reason. While everyone but two, were impressed, said two were Alice and Natsu.

Alice, while covering herself entirely with Natsu’s travel blanket, dove into the carriage to take her spot first for maximum space and comfort, while Natsu stood out of it, begging not to have to ride on it because Wendy was still drained of power from the dragon battle. And Alice was already back to sleep and Natsu was not about to wake her up. Also the moment he even stepped inside, his stomach would turn, even if it wasn’t moving yet.

Alice wouldn’t wake until they got to Magnolia. She wouldn’t budge for any of the noises from her idiot companions until then.

But even when Magnolia went all out welcoming the guild wizards home, with a homecoming parade, and even giving the old guild hall back, Alice stayed wrapped up in the blanket, dragging her feet to each place in hopes that each step would eventually find herself a bed to pass out on.

She needed to sleep at least 48 hours before she was willing to be awake.

As they walked through the town, Alice heard shouts of praise for her victory in Pandemonium and people wishing her luck with her magic power now restored ten fold.

But Alice wasn’t going to indulge anyone by acknowledging the praise.

One hand held the blanket ends together around her, and another hand was interlocked with Natsu’s all the while he was smiling brightly waving at all the proud and excited townspeople. “Shouldn’t this wake you up a little bit?” Natsu asked Alice. “I wish for death. For that shall be the ultimate slumber.” Alice replied in a croak.

“I’ll take that as a no.”

And with the excitement calming down and everyone getting back into the swing of things. Alice and Natsu had a decision to come to.

“I saw all those magazines Mira dropped on you. She’s pretty excited about this thing, huh?” Natsu tried to strike up a conversation with Alice who was coming to bed after a relaxing bath. He didn’t know that that question would strike up more than a simple answer.

“Yeah. She’s taking things far more seriously than I was but I’m glad at least. I have no idea what the first step in wedding planning is. And after I hinted that I’d like her to probably be my maid of honor, she’s taken things to the max. She’s already wanting to go dress shopping already.” Alice whined, requiping into a simple nightie. She was still tired from the party, days ago. Although, her magic energy was finally coming back after that dragon fight.

“It sounds more complicated than I thought. But if you’re having fun, more power to you.” Natsu held his arm out to Alice as she crawled into position, cuddling into his side, head on his shoulder.

“I’m not having fun yet. After that whole thing she was going on about, this thing is gonna cost us a lot. So we have to get questing to save up.”

“Us? Saving up?” Natsu wondered.

“It’s our wedding. I don’t care if you’re not a big fan of this kind of event, you’re a part of it, and I’m not gonna spend all of my money on it.” Alice sternly explained. “Right. Yeah....So how far away is this thing?” Natsu nervously asked. “Not for a long time. Months and months away. Maybe a year. I don’t know. Depends how lavish Mirajane gets.” Alice shrugged.

“I know I said I’d go through all this stuff for you, but that’s a long time from now. Why can’t we just get married without all that big stuff?” Natsu sighed.

We can. But in theory this is gonna be my one and only marriage, therefore, I wanna go big and extravagant. This is supposed to be the best day of a girl’s life, as arbitrary as it sounds, it’s kinda true. I’ve always thought about my wedding day, even when I was younger. To whoever I married or when, I always dreamt about a big white pretty dress and the most vibrant flowers and everyone just having a day to party and celebrate.”

“I’m not saying I don’t wanna go with your dream day, or anything, but let’s back up to the part where we can get married without the wedding part? That’s possible?”

Alice rolled over to elevate her body to look at him in the eyes. “Yeah. I mean, even with the whole wedding thing, we gotta do that part anyways. A marriage certificate. Our signatures, two witnesses’ signatures, then we take it to the courthouse and get it notarized, maybe pay a fee, and boom, marriage. That’s all it takes, but us girls like to make a big deal out of it and spend millions and millions of jewel on one day that only she will ever remember. Although, I have heard of people doing it the boring way, but then having the ceremony and reception when they got the time.”

“Let’s do it that way then. Since if you’re making me help pay for the wedding part and you’ve been making it sound like I gotta get the rings too, it might be taking me awhile to get that much jewel. I’m flat broke. I got robbed, remember?”

Alice huffed, partially disappointed. “I suppose that can work. But...give me some time to pout about it...” Alice gave in.

“Don’t worry, we can talk about it more tomorrow.” Natsu relaxed once more. But Alice pouted at him, not laying back down, and actually then climbing on top of him, sitting up on him, straddling his lower body.

“You in the mood or something?” Natsu opened only one eye at her for a brief moment, patting on her bare thighs, as her nightie rode up.

“Our entire future together is gonna start soon, how do you expect me to sleep now I got all this stuff running in my head now?”

“What is there to think about right now?” Natsu asked, burrowing his eyebrows together, now getting impatient with her. He was tired and ready to sleep. The only thing he was willing to stay up for was sex and that wasn’t gonna happen tonight telling by Alice’s attitude.

“Like everything. Marriage is more than just being together forever and calling each wife or husband. It’s literally the conjoining of our lives. Like, the first thing. Do we live together? Like officially? And where is that? Here or there?”

“Can’t we just say both?”

“No. I mean we’re only at your place during the winter and until you get the floor and roof fixed and the tree out of there, that’s not gonna happen. So why don’t you just move in here permanently?”

“Okay. But what about my quest momentos? The ones you refused me to ever let me keep a single one here? I’m not getting rid of them.”

“Well if this is the forever home, your name needs to be added to the deed, all the while then, we have to renovate and expand. With or without the stupid trinkets we need a couple more rooms then. And now a fireplace for winter.”

“You’re really thinking hard about this stuff.” Natsu said with a yawn.

“It’s the rest of our lives. Of course I’m thinking hard about it. We’re gonna be more than just boyfriend and girlfriend. Husband and wife are more than just a fancy title. It’s the kingdom now viewing us both as one now. All yours and my own assets or liabilities are now shared. Although, that’ll be better for quests cause then we wouldn’t have to split it up anymore cause it’d go to the same place and we’d share it together, but then I’m gonna have to teach you how to manage your spending better because the amount of times you go broke just eating is terrifying!” Alice mildly panicked. Natsu grabbed her by the fabric of her nightie, pulling her down to lay against his chest, and wrapped his arms around her tightly to keep her down. “Worry about all that stuff later. Sleep now. Like you said. Rest of our lives. We got all that time to worry about that stuff.”

“You’re what?!” Mirajane squealed. “I mean, it’s probably going to be that way. Natsu made a good point. So you don’t gotta-” “You’re not going to take this opportunity away from me! Further away the wedding is, the more time I can plan! This is going to be the wedding of a lifetime!” Mirajane determinedly announced.

“So, yeah. Natsu and I are gonna go on a quest and-” “No you’re not! You’re going dress shopping!” Mirajane stopped Alice from walking away. “What?” Alice froze. “You heard me. Now that we have months and months of time, that gives us all the time in the world to find the perfect dress for you and the other wedding party’s lineup.” Mirajane nodded.

“But I wanna go questing!” Alice whined.

Natsu patted her on the head. “Don’t worry your pretty head, Lucy said it's a pretty simple quest. Once you’re done, we’ll go on a big adventure!” Natsu encouraged, since the look in Mirajane’s eyes said she was not going to budge on this.

And thus, Mirajane and Alice went on a mission of their own, first visiting the dress shops in Magnolia.

And having no luck.

Some time had gone by and Alice was allowed a break.

So she agreed to go on a trip with Lucy, Yukino, Natsu and Happy.

They were to go to a place in the fields, called Star Hill.

Which was a big hill.

It was a nice breezy day, few clouds in the sky, and it was a comfortable temperature outside.

“It’s so nice out!” Lucy stretched. “It sure is, but why is it called Star Hill?” Yukino asked. “You’ll see when the sun goes down.” Lucy nodded with a smile.

“You see that? It looks like we’re here!” Natsu exclaimed as he climbed the hill.

“Finally!” Happy collapsed to the ground. “My aching paws! I thought it’d be a good idea to walk here and try to lose some weight.” Happy groaned. “That’s weird. When did you start worrying about your figure?” Natsu asked, confused. “Well the other day Carla pointed out that my tummy is getting bigger and rounder, so I figured I should do something about it.”

“Speaking of which, why am I carrying you? I thought Mirajane told you to lose a few pounds?” Natsu asked the
monkey on his back.

Mirajane wanted Alice to lose at least 15 pounds by the end of the month to ‘give them a wider range of dresses to try’. It wasn’t like Alice needed to lose weight. She still had a firm, fit body. Mirajane just was in bridezilla mode for Alice since Alice was more chilled about the whole idea.

Alice pouted. “I have been trying! But my legs are sore! Walking up the hill would be too much! You know how much I exercised yesterday!” She cried as she tightened her arms around him. “Don’t let your hard work go to waste, and walk for yourself.” Natsu tried to unravel her from around him. “Don’t make me get down!” Alice begged childishly. “You’re an adult, I don’t need to carry you all the time!” Natsu countered. “Are you saying I’m too heavy?” Alice was miffed.

“That’s not what I said at all! Are you even listening to me?”

“Stop bickering you two, geesh, it’s like you are an old married couple.” Lucy shook her head as Yukino giggled to herself. “We’re not there yet, but we’ll get there soon enough.” Alice mumbled, giving in and getting off her boyfriend and stood on her own feet.

“Let’s get things started then! Open gate of the ram! Aries!”

And then with a plume of pink cotton, Aries appeared, bashfully apologizing. “Is there something you need help with? I’m sorry, I just don’t feel prepared enough right now.”

“Don't worry about it! Today’s about giving back! Me helping you! How’s that sound?” Lucy propositioned. “I’m sorry but I just don’t understand! You’re helping me?” Aries cowered. “It’s a reward. All you celestial spirits worked so hard with the gate.” Yukino explained graciously.

“You’re welcome but I was just doing my job.” Aries went on with her coy tone. “We appreciate you and to show it, we wanna do something nice for you guys for a change! And that’s the reason why we brought you out here today!” Lucy exclaimed. “Okay, that’s very considerate of you but-” “So tell me, what’s one thing you always wanted to do but haven’t?” Lucy cut Aries off. “Today we want to make your dreams a reality!” Yukino nodded along.

“I want to get a tan! I really do!” Aries confessed passionately but then took in the surprised faces of the humans around her. “I’m sorry it sounds ridiculous!”

“You want a tan?”

“I’ve always been so fluffy, so wooly and pale! But sometimes I wish I was golden brown.” Aries continued on shyly.

“I got this one! One tan coming right up!” Natsu jumped to the occasion to use his fire. He Fire Dragon Roar-ed her. And with it, her skin was a golden tan complexion. “Yes! This is just perfect! I absolutely love it! Thanks so much!” And then Aries was gone.

Lucy hesitated to call on the next spirit. “I have a feeling things are going to get creepy.” She muttered. “I think I know who’s up next!” Happy chimed.

“Now open! Gate of the Golden Bull, Taurus!”

And then came out the beefcake himself. “Are you feeling a bit lonely today, miss Lucy? Don’t see how that could ever be true. Not with an amazing body like that.” Taurus greeted. “Not quite like that. We were wondering if there was anything nice we could do.” Lucy hesitantly asked. “Moo!” Taurus celebrated. “I can’t believe my eyes! I can’t believe there’s two udderly hot female forms together! It really got me mooooving!” Taurus ogled at Yukino. “Its the gift that keeps on giving!”

“Go home!” Lucy shouted as he disappeared. “Why doesn’t he get like that over you, Alice?” Happy asked. “I think that’s a mystery I’d rather not solve. I’m just glad for once someone doesn’t think I’m hotter than Lucy.” Alice let out a huff of relief. “And we’re just beginning.” Lucy whined. “Don’t worry, Lucy. We have only 10 more golden keys to go.” Yukino encouraged, although that number seemed rather overwhelming considering the freaks in Lucy’s possession.

“Hey, I have a request.” Happy said, grabbing all attention for himself. “Since this is your thing, Alice, Natsu and me are just hanging out. So can we go home now?” Happy then asked. “Good idea, I’m starving.” Natsu groaned, hunching over. “Yeah, and I don’t know how much of this standing I can do. I’m sore all over.” Alice adding, raising her hand.

“But you guys promised to give me a hand!” Lucy pouted. “But that was before we knew how boring this was.” Happy argued. And then the ground gave out underneath Happy.

“What gives? Did you find a secret shortcut?” Natsu wondered.

And the hole from which Happy came glowed a bright golden light. And emerged Virgo, Happy on her head.

“Good to see you, Virgo, but we haven’t called for you yet,” Lucy greeted and smiled uneasily. Virgo held a book in her hand. “ The Punishment”.

“Do you remember that punishment diary I was telling you about? Well, I’ve been looking to add to it, so as soon as I heard you were gathering spirits, I rushed over as fast as I could. Can you add to it? Princess?” Virgo asked.

“So they’re already talking about it in the spirit world?” Lucy gasped, amazed. “What is it that you want us to do?” Yukino inquired.

“What I want is punishment. I’ve been bad and I truly deserve your worst! So please!” Virgo’s face flushed as she anticipated it.

Alice felt weird about this.

But also now wanted to skim through Virgo’s diary.

“This couldn’t possibly be more wrong.” Lucy muttered. “Hey, you’ll probably need your whip.” Happy suggested.

“Would you stop encouraging her?!”

Virgo’s eyes, for the first time in what seemed to be Alice’s life, had light and color to them “I’m really looking forward to this. Let’s get to it!” Virgo smiled excitedly. Lucy grumbled, walking over to Virgo and then flicked her in the forehead.

Natsu and Happy shouted. “That’s so weak!”

“When she said she deserved you worst, that’s not what she meant!” Happy continued on. “I don’t wanna know what types of punishments you two are thinking about.” Alice cringed to herself. “You should know all about what Natsu thinks!” Happy teased Alice. “I knew you’ve been eavesdropping! That’s why we tell you to spend the night somewhere else!” Alice berated him, all the while her face was a deep red color in embarrassment.

“I guess I’ll handle this one too.” Natsu popped his knuckles. “Will you stop?” Lucy then turned to Virgo. “I’m sorry. Is there something else you’d want me to do?”

Virgo started to tremble and started to blush hard and whimper. “Very impressive. One flick of your finger is all I need. The pain is intense! I feel it from my head and to the tips of my toes!” Virgo’s voice wavered. “What? I didn’t mean to really hurt you!” Lucy cried. “It was pure bliss! I’ll never forget this feeling. So call if you ever need me to dig a hole for you. I can put them all over Magnolia if you like.” Virgo promised. “I don’t think that’ll be necessary.”

“Well, I’ll be on my way now. Goodbye.”

And then they moved on to Cancer. “So whatever you want, ask.” Lucy asked. “Very nice, baby. My pinchers are twitching!”

And he proceeded to give Happy an afro. Yukino offered her a compact mirror for him to look.
“This is horrible! I look like a furry freak snow cone!”

“Well at least Cancer’s happy.”

And then on to Capricorn. “You thoughtfulness is quite inspiring Lady Lucy. It’s truly a beautiful act of kindness. I have but a simple wish. So, if you will indulge me,” Capricorn said and then took out a notebook labeled “Poems.”

“O, glorious light.

You shine from the land, illuminating the heavens,

the heavens return your gaze bathing you in divine radiance.

Brightly, you shimmer”

“So what’s your wish?” Lucy wondered. “To show my poet’s heart. For years I’d care not to mention I’ve longed to share the gift of verse with you my lady. Will you allow it?” Capricorn smiled. “Yeah, of course.”

As Capricorn spouted off more, Happy and Natsu went to sleep.

Well first, Natsu gently pushed Alice to sit on the ground, sitting on her knees, and he then laid his head on her lap, as did Happy, and then they fell asleep.

And they’d stay asleep well after Scorpio’s turn as well.

Then came along Sagittarius who wished to shoot an apple off Lucy's head.

At that point, the three woke up. Lucy grabbed Happy and placed the apple on his head and held him in front of her. “I’m too cute to die!” Happy screeched. “Come on, we said we’d help!” Natsu smiled on. He was sitting up now, and Alice took the chance to sit up close to his side, nuzzling into him.

“You’re just sitting there watching!” Happy shouted. And then Sagittarius took the shot. He didn’t hit the apple, but he took a big bit of Happy’s afro and even buzzing off hair of the scalp. “I look like a snow cone with a bite taken out!” Happy lifelessly cried, looking in Yukino’s mirror again.

And then Gemini’s turn was up and they just wanted to transform into Lucy from the shower and dance around.

And so then Yukino summoned her spirits. Libra wanted to use her gravity magic on them, and Pisces wanted to eat Happy.

By then Happy was fed up.

Then Loke appeared. “Hey, how's it going?” Natsu asked, walking over to greet him, all the while casually grabbing Alice by the hand, not giving her a chance to escape even if she wanted to.

“Things are good. Nice work with the dragons by the way. That was really something else.” Loke replied. “Oh that? It wasn’t a majorly big deal or anything.” Natsu brushed it off smugly.

“I heard a rumor that you two beauties were doing sweet things for us spirits. So I have something nice for you.” Loke pulled out a rose and walked over to Yukino, presenting it to her. “You were born to be a celestial wizard. I can tell just by looking at you. The way your eyes sparkle more brilliant than the brightest star.” He caressed his hand under her chin. “Thanks you’re so kind.” Yukino replied, quietly.

Alice groaned and hid her face in Natsu’s neck, wrapping her arms around him. He lazily wrapped an arm around her lower back.

Sure, Alice was over him, and sure, she was 100% in love with Natsu. But.... there was still a lot of emotions and Alice didn't want to confront them... Or apologize to Loke for beating his ass with one tiny little lightning spell.

“Gazing into them is like looking at the heavens themselves. No, it’s a far more sensual experience. So tonight, just us, alone together and show me how you really sparkle.”

Lucy interrupted. “Please try to behave!”

“Yo man, why haven’t you been by the new guild hall?” Natsu asked. As that’d get Loke’s attention towards them, Alice stepped away from Natsu to go pretend to be busy staring at literally anything else, keeping her back turned.

“I’m the leader of the Zodiac. That tends to keep me busy.” Loke answered. “You’re still a member of Fairy Tail, come on.” Natsu sighed.

“Regulus Impact!” Loke used a spell on Natsu, sending him flying, so he could continue to flirt with Yukino. Natsu ran back, tripped on a rock, and Loke threw the spell at him again.

“All right you crossed the line, bub! Back to the spirit world!” Lucy shouted. “All right. You can still call me anytime.” Loke shrugged. “You still come out whenever you want!” Lucy went off once more.

“Hey, Alice. Still looking as beautiful as ever.” Loke cooly smiled over at Alice. With a huff and cross of the arms, Alice pouted over at him. “Bite me.”

“You know I will!”

“Go away!” Lucy closed the gate and Loke was gone. “Hey! Where’s Loke? I owe him a beating!” Natsu weakly gruffed, stomping over. “Too late. Lucy kicked him to the curb.” Happy shrugged. “That lousy jerk! He’ll be sorry for punking me like that!” Natsu swore.

And so then Lucy summoned Aquarius. They had to walk down to the waterfall nearby for that. As she appeared, water rained down on the others.

“So what the hell do you want this time?” Aquarius barked, with her arms crossed, glaring down at Lucy. “You’d better have a good reason calling me all the way out here like this.”

Lucy stood up, smiling. “I’m sorry but this shouldn’t take too long. We’re- uh- just trying to be nice.”

“Get to the point then! I’m in a particularly bad mood today and I’ve got other things to do!” Aquarius shouted. “Oh no, are you and Scorpio having problems again?” Lucy asked sympathetically. “I wouldn’t say anything, Lucy.” Happy advised. “You’re right!” She cowered.

“What’d you say? Speak up? Cause it sounded like you said Scorpio is sneaking behind my back again! That he’s hanging around with a bunch of floozies! That’s what you said, isn’t it?!” Aquarius got down in Lucy’s face.

“Actually it was the fish lady that said it.” Natsu naively corrected. “Shhh!” Happy tried to shush his idiot friend.

“Let’s move on! Like I said, I’m in a rotten mood today, so you’d better make this worth my while! You got that?” Aquarius warned. “Yes, ma’am! What do you want?” Lucy asked. “Make me laugh.”

“I really don’t know how-” “Just do a funny skit or something!”

And it’d take the rest of the day to do that. It’d be night until they’d be done, but even then, they all fell asleep out under the stars.

Chapter 85


This is also the chapter I stopped at for a long time because I wasn't sure where to take it and eventually I figured it out but it gets kinda dark btw so from this point on: Warning: Mentions of sexual assault, death, dark depression, demonic depictions, Alice starts going off the deep end.
IT does get better eventually... but yet i guess I thought it makes sense for her character because of other things you'll find out about.

Oh also, this chapter starts a few months after they came home from Crocus

Chapter Text

“And....done!” Alice said, as she put the mop and bucket into the closet. “All done?” Natsu asked.
“Yep. I just got done doing the final mopping of the floors, and so we’re done. Everything’s been set, and moved in. Now we just gotta find more stuff to fill those empty rooms.” Alice nodded.

Natsu, not minding how Alice smelled of lemon floor cleaner, pulled her in close. “I say plenty of kids will do the trick. All we gotta do is make them.” He swooped in, nibbling at Alice’s neck, reveling in the salt on her skin.

Alice giggled, trying to get out of his reach. “Stop. You’re way too excited.”

“I wanna have a family with you. And I love how that happens. I’m good at the creating part.” Natsu mumbled against her skin. “I’m not having a single child for a while. I’d say...5 years?” Alice guessed. “5 years? That’s forever away.” He whined. As if he couldn't practice with her for all of those five years.

“Well even if I was ready, I can’t have kids until my birth control lacrima is removed, which I won’t get that done until it’s out of power. Because that thing cost a fortune.”

Natsu finally released his fianceé. “Huh?” He wondered, confused.

“Birth control. Something that prevents pregnancy. I have a birth control lacrima implanted in my arm. It has completely stopped my period and with that, prevents me from creating life. It lasts for 10 years.” Alice curtly explained.

“10 years? So if you have another five years, then you got it 5 years ago... Why would you need to worry about getting knocked up at 14? You didn’t meet Loke until you were 15?”

“I didn’t get it for that. I got it because a side effect of the lacrima is the halting of my period. And that’s what I wanted."
“It’s that bad?”
“Don’t talk to me like you even know what any of this means.” Alice rolled her eyes and turned back to the kitchen sink to wash her hands.

“Hey just because I don’t- Wait! How are babies made?”
Alice turned slowly to Natsu, as she dried her hands on a towel. She gave him a wild look. “You mean all this time you haven’t know how any of this works? We’ve been having sex for months!”

“Yeah, just because I know how to stick my peen in you doesn’t mean I know how this whole thing works.”

“And you want kids.” Alice shook her head.

“Yeah, so how do we do it? I mean I thought sex was how it happens, but this birth control thing has me confused now.” Natsu revealed, thinking hard.

“How? Sex between man and woman can make life, birth control stops that from happening. What is there to be confused about?”

“I thought you can only have a baby when the two doing it want a baby and it just....happens.”
“So you’re saying you think babies are made only when it’s intentional? If that was true, I wouldn’t exist.”

Alice walked through the kitchen, to the stairs up to the newly made upstairs. Natsu followed her. “Well I didn’t know!” He defended himself.

“God, why am I the one stuck having the talk with you?” Alice sighed to herself.

“Igneel didn’t give me many details past the mating season and I barely knew what sex even was until I met Loke.”
That made sense. Because of course Loke gave Natsu an informal sex talk. Probably just letting Natsu look through some echi magazines or some XXX movie lacrimas.

“So, what?” Alice wondered, walking up to a room. “So sex can make a baby no matter if I want one now or not?”
“What if I don’t cum?” “Then chances are very low.”
“So it only happens if I cum?” “Inside, yes.”
“As long as it’s in you?” “My...god I hate having to explain this. My vagin*. You know what? I'm going to go on a week long quest. I-- I can't give you the talk, nope." Alice requiped into her questing outfit and hopped down the stairs to the front door. “Wait-” “No. I’m going alone. I need time to regain my sanity after that.” Alice stopped Natsu from arguing with her.

“We f*ck all the time, so why is talking about it weird to you?” Natsu stopped her at the door. “Because I don’t like saying things like that out loud. I thought we established this months ago? Bye.” Alice teleported away. And then she wouldn’t return for at least a month.

Natsu was extremely pissed off at her for that. Alice wasn’t allowed to go on long missions alone anymore. For obvious reasons.

Sure, she was mostly healed up from all that time ago with the dragons so there was no risk that she was still too exhausted and wounded to fight but what if she came across a really big bad guy?
Like Acnologia strong?

She had been questing a lot and then refused to help put the celestial world back in order because ‘it sounded like a Lucy problem’ and also the first time she saw Loke’s dark side, she turned into a puddle of excitement and couldn’t focus.

And now her and Natsu finally had their new home and officially lived together.

In an empty wall space downstairs, between the living room and the kitchen, they had a fireplace installed. Then the ground floor had been expanded to move the bathroom in between the kitchen and the library room, and was bigger. The space where the bathroom used to be was made to have a story of stairs, leading up to the new second story which had a second bathroom, although smaller and had a smaller bathtub. There were also four new rooms. One was Natsu’s quest tokens room which connected to another room which was now a room for Happy. So he didn’t have to sleep in Alice’s room anymore and thus stopped Alice and Natsu from doing things. Of course, Happy wasn’t sold on it and didn’t want to sleep in a separate room than Natsu.

Then there were three other rooms which were just storage rooms and partially unfinished since the rooms were at the moment unneeded and were planned for children if any were made.

Also Alice’s, well now Natsu’s too, bedroom was expanded a few more square feet to hold Natsu’s clothes.

Natsu wanted her home to just spend time with her since they hadn’t in awhile and Alice was more focused on building and was too sore to ever ‘do it’. Plus now that he lived with her now, his old home was mostly empty now. And Alice got jealous when Natsu would go spend nights over at Lucy’s when she was away.

His excuse was that he didn’t like being alone in such a big house now.

But Alice didn’t care. Because she continued to stay off questing.

Another week went by and Alice came home. It had been a full month since the last time she came home-- Right around the time the Eclipse arc ended. A total of four months since the Grand Magic Games. Four months of engagement and Alice had barely seen Natsu.

But coincidently Gray and Natsu were out on a quest together.

So, at the Fairy Tail bathhouse, Alice joined the other female guildmates on a spa day. Lucy, Cana, Levy, Mirajane, Lisanna, and Juvia, all together enjoying some hot relaxing water together. Well Juvia was hiding back in the dressing room, refusing to get in the bath for some reason.

“This is the life!” Lucy sighed, dreamily. “Now that Fairy Tail has its own bathhouse, I might never take another job again!” Cana joked.

“Well with all the job requests the guild has gotten since the Grand Magic Games, you may not have a choice,” Lisanna smiled as she scrubbed at her skin with a sponge. While her sister was next to her, washing her long white hair.

“True. This is the busiest that Fairy Tail’s been in years.” Mirajane agreed.

“Which is why it’s so important to relax! Don’t wanna overwork ourselves. Like a certain someone!” Levy giggled, smiling impishly at Alice, who looked down uneasy. “Ah, so is that why you aren’t out with Jet and Droy today?” Lucy asked Levy.
“It wasn’t my idea. When the boys insisted that they could do a job on their own, well, I didn’t think I should argue.” Levy replied.
“Speaking of team-ups, Gray and Natsu went on a random quest without us.” Lucy frowned slightly. “Just the two of them? Sounds risky.” Lisanna commented, slightly worried. "They were requested. We've been getting a lot of quests asking for specific wizards. Besides, as crazy as it sounds, Gray and Natsu have been getting along better lately. Guess this two-man job will put that to the test. Besides what else was he supposed to do in that big house by himself?” Mirajane added.

Alice frowned.

She had to keep up the act. She couldn’t let them know.
“He was getting on my nerves, so I needed time away. Besides, I wanted nothing to do with that ditzy Celestial mess caused by that stupid princess we got in the palace.” Alice defended herself in a low tone, not letting them know something was up with her.
“Yeah, thanks for that.” Lucy grumbled but got back to the topic on hand. “Happy is with them too, so maybe he can keep the peace.”

“So a little birdy told me Natsu’s on a mission to knock you up with his little dragon babies, Alice!” Cana brought up, making Alice’s already hot face, from the humidity, even hotter and redder. But thinking about it made her nauseous.

“Did that birdy happen to be blue and look like a cat?” Alice muttered.

“Doesn’t matter, is it true? Or is that why Natsu proposed? Because you’re already knocked up?” Cana pried.

“I’m not pregnant and I made it clear to that Fire Brain moron that I’m not gonna be having no one’s kids for at least another five years when my lacrima’s magic is drained. You know, apparently Natsu didn’t know exactly how babies are made in the first place. He thought the only reason I haven’t been pregnant yet is because the power of his mind has stopped it. He didn’t know much of the whole sex talk except from the p*rnos Loke’s showed him years ago.” Alice slinked into the water, so only her head was above the surface. The girls all laughed together at Alice’s fiance. They were distracted. Good.

“You can’t be serious!”

“I wish I wasn’t. After having to answer some of his sex questions, I got so embarrassed I had to go solo on a few quests.” Alice slipped further into the water, where her eyes were just out of the water. She activated her dragon lungs so she could breathe.

“Hey, so you never explained what all went on those five days you were mysteriously gone for sometime before the whole clock thing happened.” Cana strode over to Alice who went wide eyed, embarrassed, getting even more queasy.

“Come on, you can tell me! Rumor has it that you two were being kinky freaks for five days straight! What crazy stuff did ya do?!” Cana was obviously very tipsy. She had a cup holder floaty that held her bottle of booze. Alice sat up in the water. “None of your business. If you didn’t catch wind of Natsu jabbering on about it when it happened, you don’t deserve to know!” Feeling sick and other things she was trying to ignore, Alice hopped out of the bath and went to get dressed.

“Hey, why’re you still hanging around?” Mirajane asked, going behind the bar, now dressed and dried from her bath. “I suppose I’m waiting for Natsu and Gray to come back. I haven’t seen Natsu in some time now, I suppose it’s time we make up.” Alice replied, sipping her mug of ginger pop, trying to wash the taste and burn of sick out of her mouth and down her throat.

She couldn’t calm down after Cana brought up the topic of sex and went into a panic, throwing up. Good thing the other girls were distracted by Flare showing up when Alice ran off to a toilet.

“Well we just got word from Wendy that her, Carla and Erza came back from their job and went over to Lucy’s. They all decided to go find Gray and Natsu.” Mirajane picked up a damp rag and started to wipe down the bar. Alice huffed. “They could’ve let me in on this plan. I’m engaged to one of the idiots missing.”

“Well, you didn’t seem too worried about it, so why would you care?” Lisanna hopped onto a stool, one away from Alice.
“I’m not worried. If those two idiots are behind on schedule it’s probably because they’re in some fight and are both too battered by each other to move. They’ll be fine. And if the girls are that worried, they could’ve included me. I’m a part of Team Natsu too. I’m one of the founding members, in fact.” Alice didn’t care too much to get riled over Lisanna’s comments.
“Well it’s hard to be a member of a team if you’re not there when they need you in the first place. Like during the Celestial thing that happened? You refused to help,” Lisanna countered.

“Cause it wasn’t my problem.” “You know, you sound a lot like Laxus.”

“Hey! Here’s a complimentary shake on the house for both of you!” Mirajane quickly set down a shake glass in front of each girl, to alleviate a fight.

Some time would go by and the remaining members of Team Natsu arrived. Including Gray, Natsu and Happy. Gray and Natsu were battered up and both in a bad mood it looked like and plopped down at a table together, on opposite sides, refusing to look at each other.

“You’re back!” Mirajane chimed to Lucy and Wendy with Carla who walked over to the bar. “Yeah, those two morons have been fighting each other for three days straight only stopped for snack breaks and sleep. Erza tried to break them up and they accidentally hit her and she almost killed them and dragged them home.” Lucy explained with a frown. “Told you they were fine.” Alice mumbled. She took a quick glance to Natsu, who seemed healed up from this said fight.

Emotion started to well up inside her and she suddenly had the urge to run over to him and cry into his chest until her tear reservoir dried up. But she knew she couldn’t. He wasn’t in a good mood anyways. This wasn’t the time to tell him anything.

A mailman came to the doors and Mirajane went to collect letters.

Alice had gotten up to go catch up with Erza, to laugh about Natsu and Gray getting their asses handed to them. But as she strode past her pissed off boyfriend, not even sparing him a look, he had reached out to her, grabbing her by the wrist, pulling her down to sit on the bench with him. “Hey! I don’t want anything to do with you and Gray’s fight!” Alice tried to fight him off. Natsu just grumbled, wrapping his arms around her and resting his chin on her shoulder, his chest against her back, as she sat away from him. That uneasy feeling came back.

“Don’t do that! Let me go!”

Push it back down. Don’t think about it. Whatever happened, Alice couldn’t let it come between her and Natsu. She couldn’t let Natsu know something was wrong. Not yet, at least.

“You’re such a toddler, you know that?” Alice muttered as Natsu continued to scowl away from Gray.

Mirajane went over to Master with the emergency job request. “Hey, you two, Natsu and Gray, you two have another job request together!” Master waved the several pages long, emergency request. “No way!” Both idiots shouted, angrily. “Try to cooperate this time!” Erza growled a warning to both boys who glowered more.

“If not for yourselves, but for your guild!” Erza added. Natsu growled and bit Alice on the shoulder. Alice jumped, not in pain but shock. “Don’t bite me out of anger towards Gray!” Natsu didn’t stop. Either Natsu was just that pissed at Gray, or he was still miffed by Alice’s long absence.

“Stop it! Please! Stop!”

“Stop it!” Alice teleported herself away from him, quite some distance away. She crossed her arms and tried to breathe without anyone getting suspicious. Her eyes began to water.
She had to pull herself together.

She was in a physical and intimate relationship with Natsu. He was a very physical guy. He loved to touch and hold Alice.

Alice had to get her sh*t together.

“It says- My word!” Master exclaimed, reading the details of the quest. Natsu and Gray shot up. “Is something the matter, Gramps?” Natsu asked, still in a harsh tone.
“I ain’t working with him. Tell them I said no.” Gray declined the quest. “Tell them I said it first!” Natsu shouted over Gray. “Copycat.”

“You’ll go and while you’re there, you’ll behave. To the best of you feeble minds are able.” Master overruled their refusal. “What’s up?” Laxus asked, leaning against the bar.
“The client who requested you is Warrod Sequen. He’s the fourth highest-ranked of the Ten Wizard Saints, this makes him one of the Four Emperors of Ishgar.”

“If he’s a Wizard Saint, why would he need our help?” Lucy wondered. “No one was asking for your help.” Alice commented sharply.
“This job must be super dangerous!” Wendy cowered.

“I should go with you,” Erza suggested in a low tone. Both boys were speechless.

And so, for some reason the whole team went together.

A train ride and a nice walk.

“It’s been a nice walk so far.” Wendy commented, holding the map. Lucy stretched with a yawn. “Yeah and this weather is amazing!” “Especially with this breeze,” Erza added. “Kinda feel like we’re all goin’ out on a family picnic doesn’t it?” Happy smiled. “Perhaps it would, if it weren’t for those two.” Carla was referring to Gray and Natsu walking in the back, still fighting with each other.

“Simmer down you two. Master asked that you behave yourselves for this client.” Erza recalled. “We all tagged along to do that, but I don’t think any of us are helping at all.” Alice slumped her shoulders forward and frowned.

She looked down at the blue gem ring on her left ring finger. Not an engagement ring. But when her and Natsu were moving his trinkets over to the house, they had found an old quest reward from years ago.

A simple quest both had went on together and got both a cash reward and this ring. At the time it wouldn’t fit Alice, and also she was still in her rebel phase so didn’t want anything to do with it anyways. Now, years older and grown up, the ring fit her perfectly.

So Natsu let her wear it instead of letting it collect dust up in the trinket room like it did back at his house. Besides, it made things feel more official.

She sighed, watching it sparkle in the sunlight.

Natsu was acting like an absolute child. And Alice wanted to marry him. Not that she was regretting it. She just felt like maybe she was going insane because even him being such a brat at that moment still had her wanting to be with him.
Like how she wanted to hold his hand even as he was in Gray’s face.

But yet she was annoyed. Partially at herself but she wasn’t going to admit that.

If she hadn’t got so embarrassed talking to Natsu about normal adult things, she wouldn’t have gone and left for like a whole month. Now reunited and Natsu was too busy fighting with Gray.

Sure, there was that tiny moment at the hall where he wrapped his arms around her but then he bit her. There was still a noticeable red mark with teeth indents in her shoulder. It didn’t hurt but it was embarrassing.
And now she didn’t know how long this quest would take and or if during said quest she’d get a moment to just be with Natsu and him not being a total jerk. But even then... It wasn't the time to talk. He'd figure out there was something bothering her. The time wasn't right.

“So I know that wizard saints are chosen by the Magic Council but what about these Emperors of Ishgar thing? Are they also picked the same way?” Lucy asked Erza. “Yes. Master Makarov is a wizard saint, as was Master Jose before he was stripped of the title and was Jellal- I mean Siegran before he stepped down. But Emperors of Ishgar are not equal. The four strongest of the saints are known as Emperors of Ishgar,” Erza explained. “Maybe I should just go back to the guild hall!” Lucy shuddered, terrified of who she was about to meet.

“What’s Ishgar?” Wendy asked. “It’s another name for this continent,” Erza answered.

“Wait so one of the four strongest wizards needs help from these two dorks?” Lucy looked back to the three walking behind. Mostly just Gray and Natsu still spewing insults at each other.

“I hope Erza bites your freaking head off!” Natsu shouted at Gray. “Well I hope she rubs yours in dragon crap!” Gray fired back. “Why do I feel like I’m the one being insulted here?” Erza wondered as their words mainly involved Erza being a monster who should be feared.

Some time went by, a few words exchanged here and there, but it was still mainly Gray and Natsu fighting.

“Hey, I think it’s that house over there! See it on that hill?” Wendy pointed, taking a pause in her strides. There was just one house in all the land.
“How do you know it’s the right one?” Happy asked. “Because we looked at a map!” Carla replied.

“Phew, we finally made it! So this is the home of Warrod Sequen, the fourth strongest wizard saint.” Lucy panted.

“This guy lives in a hovel!” Natsu commented on the worn down nature of the stone brick house that had trees growing out the sides. “I was about to say it looked like your place. Well your old place.” Lucy countered. “I think it’s kinda cute,” Alice pouted, seemingly the only one with her opinion. “You got angry about a tree growing out of my place!” Natsu whined.

Their first real conversation.
“Yours wasn’t cute, it was scary!”

They all walked inside the house, uninvited and without even knocking. “Hello? Is anyone home?” Wendy called seeing no one on the first floor.
There was a big tree trunk growing in the center of the house that had grown in a way to actually made perfectly good stairs up to the next story.

“We’re from Fairy Tail. About the job request?” Erza shouted next. A figure of a man moved near a table. At first he looked like a tree.

Warrod Sequen.

Chapter 86

Chapter Text

A tall, sturdily built man in a dark brown and green cloak with the Wizard Saints emblem on the back, facing away from the door at a table with many plants.
His head looked like the bush of a tree.

“Excuse me, sir?” Lucy called to him cautiously. “Shh.” He shushed her. “Ah, I’m sorry!” Lucy apologized. “Hush! Be silent, will you?” He silenced them all.
They all were weirded out and confused. “Plants prefer peace and quiet so if you would, shut your wretched mouths!” He spoke clearly and seriously.

He continued to water the plants.
“Just kidding!” He lightened up, and the windows opened, letting light into the dank room. Flowers all over the house began to bloom in brilliant colors, wowing everyone.
Alice admired the flowers in awe. She always wanted to take up planting as a hobby but sucked at keeping a simple vegetable garden alive.

Warrod turned around, revealing his appearance. A humanoid figure but his skin was the bark of a tree. And his head truly resembled the trunk and top of a tree.
He had a normal looking face, although bark in complexion. “It was just a joke, lighten up! It’s my belief that plants and flowers enjoy the sound of the human voice!” He smiled.

Everyone took in his odd appearance.

“A tree?” Lucy gasped. “He’s not as funny as he looks,” Natsu grumbled darkly. “And this guy is a wizard saint?” Gray mumbled. “I bid you welcome, wizards of Fairy Tail. I thank you for traveling all this way. Now tell me, of among you, who are called Natsu and Gray?”

Both male wizards stepped forward as Warrod picked up Carla and Happy. “My, you’re much more feline than I imagined. Got you again! You’re all so gullible!” Warrod joked. Alice laughed along with him as the rest of the team stood there in awkward silence.

Alice sincerely thought as kooky as this guy was, he was a kind soul and quite funny in a weird way.

“Are you seriously cracking up to this?” Lucy looked to Alice, who was busy catching her breath, and didn't answer. “Is this guy still laughing at his joke?” Gray grumbled. “So can we make fun of him?” Natsu wondered. “Of course not, he’s like royalty,” Wendy disproved. “My, all this laughing has me thirsty!” Warrod tipped his head back, pouring water from the watering can into his mouth.

Alice cracked up again, more so at Wendy’s shocked expression than anything.

“Pardon me, we seek an audience with the Wizard Saint Warrod Sequen and need to know if we need to know if we found him.” Erza stepped forward trying to progress along.

Warrod put down the watering can and gave them all a serious look. “Yes, you now stand before Warrod Sequen, in the bark.- Nah I’m just kidding.- Nope, kidding again, it is me!”

Alice bent over, cackling with laughter as her guild mates were very unamused.

“This old man is a piece of work.” Gray grumbled. “You can say that again,” Natsu agreed. “I think he’s charming.” Alice panted

They had all settled at a picnic table in the yard.
Natsu slouched over, bored, as did Gray. While the girls respectfully sat up straight.

“I’m retired now. And since retiring, I’ve spent my days living in the deserts of this land,” Warrod explained. “Retired, you say? So can I take that as you were in a guild once?” Erza asked.
Alice perked up. How did Erza not know who Warrod was? But she decided to bite her tongue keeping it to herself for now.

Warrod chuckled. “Yes, and a great guild it was! But that was a long time ago.” Warrod held out a hand, palm up, and with magic grew a pretty little red tulip.
“These days my allegiance is to nature. Every retired man needs a hobby. Mine is turning deserts into forests. As you can imagine I’ve come across many peculiar things traveling about the deserts of this land. Most recently I’ve came across a village hidden in the mountains. As it turns out, I have read about this place before. Known as the village of the Sun, its people worship an ever-burning flame as their guardian deity.”

Natsu sat up at the word ‘flame’. “They’ve got a fire that never goes out?” He asked, interested. “They do, but when I got there, the whole place had frozen over.” Warrod nodded. Gray grunted at the word ‘frozen’. So of course Warrod chose Gray and Natsu for this mission. It was right up their alleys.

“Be it by nature, or the folly of man. Every person, plant, or creature. All the buildings too. The river was solid ice. Even the sacred flame of the village was frozen though it burns on, even now.”

“Oh that poor village.” “It’s possible to freeze a flame?”
“I have no idea what happened to the people there. Although there is one thing that is clear to me is that they’re still alive.” Warrod said. “I thought you said they were frozen?” Happy wondered. “None of it makes sense!” Carla added.

“The people of the village are in dire need of help. They must be restored. That is why I called on you. Break the curse of ice. That is your task.” Warrod informed. Natsu stood up on the wooden bench and then put a foot on the table. “That’s easy! Those people will be nice and toasty real soon!” He was fired up. “If that’s all you need, why do you need both of us?” Gray asked. “Because, this ice is far from ordinary. It will take far more than fire to melt it.” Warrod answered. “Needless to say, we’ll do as you ask- but..” Erza started off. Warrod turned to look at her. “You’re one of the strongest wizards alive. Surely if we can handle this, so could you.” Erza finished.

“I believe you’re under a certain misconception of my rank. Despite the heady title, we Wizard Saints are far from omnipotent. We’re just ten ordinary people the council chose to put on top of a list. There are many people in this country who surpass me and there are many wizards beyond this continent who surpass even them. And when you look at it like that, I’m really no one special. As a matter of fact, I have no aggressive spells to speak of. In a battle of might against youngsters like you, I wouldn’t stand a chance.”

“Even so-” “Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. This is what inspires wizards to forge alliances. And then form guilds. Would you agree, my dear?”
Alice really liked Warrod. He was like a wise and kind grandfather.

They all agreed to the quest.

“So this Village of the Sun, where is it?” Wendy asked. “About 1200 miles south, as the crow flies.” Warrod replied. “Too bad we’re not crows.” Carla countered. “No worries, the least I can do is help you reach the village. Now all of you stand over there and make sure you’re not leaving anything behind.” Warrod pointed his walking stick to a random place on the ground. “What is he gonna do?” Happy wondered as they all listened, gathering together in place. Except Natsu. “Appreciate it, but I’m gonna walk.” Natsu declined, thinking whatever this favor Warrod was going to do was gonna make him motion sick. “Suck it up and do as he says.” Erza shoved Natsu.

“Everyone ready?” Warrod asked. “Wait, so it isn’t a vehicle?” Natsu wondered. “Pivot right!” Warrod shouted, everyone swiveling to the right.
“Always so gullible.” Warrod teased. “Hey!” All but Alice cried, who was giggling.

“I leave this task in your hands, youngsters of Fairy Tail. Should you face yourselves in this journey, I ask you to look closely. Do this and you shall overcome any obstacles that may fall before your path.”

With that a giant sakura tree sprouted from the ground, picking up the team, and seemed to grow and grow, until it started to move through the air, mimicking a dragon, flying.
Alice giggled in enjoyment with her team as they traveled to the Village of the Sun. Natsu didn’t even get sick on it.

Within minutes, they showed up in a forest near a village.

“I guess we’re here.” Gray solemnly said. “Yes, it took no time at all due to Sir Warrod’s magic.” Erza smiled. “It beats walking, that’s for sure.” Wendy agreed. “A Wizard Saint’s magic is nothing to scoff at.” Carla commented.

And suddenly Natsu gagged, bending over, pale in the face. “Seriously?” Both Alice and Lucy chorused, looking down at him in both confusion and exasperation. “You’re not even on the tree anymore.”
“Boulders! Look!” Carla pointed forward to a place where the normal ground stopped and mauve purple ice started. Covering every inch of ground, rock and tree of the frozen over trench.

“It’s all frozen, just like the old man told us.” Gray nodded, examining it. “The Village of the Sun must be on the other side of this trench.” Erza wondered.
“All right, chow time. I hope the village has more than cold dishes to serve.” Natsu recovered from his sudden nausea. “It’s all frozen, flame brain.” Alice fired at him.

“I don’t think you understand the situation,” Lucy said, giving him a hopeless look.

As they reached the village, what Warrod had said became even more true. The entire village was ice. The ground, the buildings, the bell tower, even every plant and leaf. “I don’t understand how someone could freeze an entire village and everything around it so perfectly.” Lucy commented. “Yeah, and oddly enough, we’re surrounded by ice yet it doesn’t feel that cold.” Alice nodded.

They came across an enormous giant. Which was also covered by ice.

Natsu and Happy jumped at the sight. “Giant! Giant!” Natsu pointed to Lucy’s breasts. “Giant!” Then to Wendy’s, “tiny.”

Then went to point at another giant. “Giant!”

“For some reason I feel like I was the butt of some joke.” Wendy frowned. Alice grimaced. “And for some reason I feel the sudden urge to kick some Fire wizard’s ass.”

She then wondered, what size did he consider her chest? Sure enough, Alice’s chest wasn’t as nearly giant as Lucy’s, or Erza’s. But she was far bigger than Wendy or Levy. Maybe Cana’s size or a slight bit smaller?

But she was by no means small. Also, what was his sudden interest in big boobs?

“That old tree didn’t say anything about giants!” Natsu shouted. “I’m sure there’s a reason why he’d leave that piece of information out. Or maybe he has dry rot.” Carla hypothesized. “These are quite impressive. I never knew people like this existed.” Erza studied a giant. “Hey, I think I found his dog!” Wendy ran over to a giant dog, many times bigger than her.

“I want one!” Alice gasped excitedly. “Talk about nightmare fuel,” Carla added.

Natsu got fired up. “All right, it’s time to give these oversized popsicles a wake up call!” Natsu laughed. Natsu started at the foot of a giant, putting a major blaze to it. “You can do it, Natsu!” Happy cheered. And then minutes went by.

And nothing happened. “This is some serious ice, I’m pooped.” Natsu sighed, sitting down, against the foot. Happy sat alongside him. “Me too.”

“Remember what Warrod said? We ain’t dealing with no garden-variety ice here.” Gray put his hand against the side of a building. “This ice is strange. I’ve never seen anything like it. It even has a bizarre magic energy.” Gray started to do ice magic to understand what was going on. “So we can’t melt it or crack it from the inside.” Erza noted. “Well we already knew this wasn’t going to be easy.” Lucy nodded with a sigh.

“No way, I think I recognize the source of this ice-” Gray started to say, but some footsteps from above got the attention of the group.

Three strange men stood atop a nearby building.

“Well, well, well. Looks like we have some uninvited guests.” One said.

One guy had white long hair and had some sort of gun slung on his back. Another had two spikes of black hair on either side of his head and he had a big sword. And the other guy just had a really big head compared to the rest of his body and had some sort of boxing glove on his back that was bigger than his body.
“Every job has its shockers.” The white haired guy said, smiling. Alice had to admit, he wasn’t bad looking.
The spiked hair guy crossed his arms. “I didn’t expect it to be some kids and their pets, though.”

“Get lost, ya dig?” The other one threatened.

“Who are you?” Erza asked sternly.

“A treasure hunting trio, baby.” “The Sylph Labyrinth guild.” “Ya dig?”

“Very well then,” Erza said. “Why are you all so calm, aren’t you surprised another guild is here?” Happy asked his team. “Nah, this happens all the time.” Natsu replied. “Pretty much.” Alice shrugged. “Yeah.” Gray nodded.

“I never heard of a treasure hunter guild before.” Wendy confessed. “Yeah, there aren't many of them, and they’re usually non-threatening, but they’re super annoying if you get in their way.” Alice crossed her arms.

“Sorry kids, but we’ve had dibs on the treasure here for a while now. Why don’t you go find your own?” White hair guy suggested. “Not interested.” “Yeah, I think we’re gonna stay here.” Gray and Natsu said in intimidating tones. “Oh, you think so? I think you better leave unless you wanna be target practice!” White hair guy threatened. “Not looking for treasure? There’s gotta be something that got you to come all the way out here.” Spikey guy accused. “Spill it!” Big head shouted.

“We’re gonna free the villagers by melting this crazy ice!” Happy happily stated.

The three looked at each other and nodded. “Then you’re totally here to get in our way!” “Ya dig?!” They shouted.
“And this is when they get super annoying.” Alice groaned.

“I’m sure you’ve heard about the Eternal Flame that’s burned in this village for centuries.” “Even a novice treasure hunter knows that the Eternal Flame is an S-class treasure. It’s totally legendary!” “Ya dig?”
“However, thanks to the giants that guard the Village of the Sun, no one’s ever been able to get near it. But the big guys were frozen solid and good hunters know opportunity when it knocks, ya dig?”

“And so now we’re taking the Eternal Flame and getting out while the gettings are good.”

“You can’t! It’s the most sacred part of their village! If you take it away, it could destroy them!” Wendy cried. “Not only are hunters annoying, their selfish pricks!” Alice barked. “Sounds like you’re not treasure hunters, just common thieves!” Lucy insulted them.

The three once again huddled up to look at each other and nod before shouting. “We’re totally treasure hunters and we’re gonna leave here with our treasure! Finders keepers is the law of the land and we live by it whether you like it or not!” “Ya dig? Now scram!” “We don’t have time to play around, so lets just swipe the treasure and get out of here before these wizards decide to butt in?” White Hair guy suggested to his mates. “Totally.” “Yeah!”

“Hate to break it to ya, but that flame you’re after is frozen solid just like everything else in this village!” Gray shouted to them as they turned to leave. White hair guy turned and smirked at him.

“Underestimating a treasure hunter while on a mission is never a good idea.” “Yeah!” “The ice won’t be any trouble. We can melt it all on our own with our own secret treasure.”

“You gonna make us guess? What is it?” Natsu growled. The spike guy pulled out a bottle with a blue liquid inside. “Liquid moon drip.”

“Just that much?” Alice shifted to the side unimpressed. Both Gray and Natsu screamed. “That’s a blast from the past!” Happy commented.

It sure was. When Alice first laid eyes on Lyon.

The S-Class mission Natsu and Lucy went on in secret to try to force Master to make Natsu an S-Class wizard. Like right after Alice had gotten arrested for destroying the conference hall and Lullaby in a possessed state. “And it’s just what we need! Lyon used it to free Deliora!” Lucy gasped.

“It’s been fun!” “See ya, losers!” “Ya dig?” The three ran off.

“I never knew it could be a liquid.” Erza noted. “Catch them! If we get that bottle we can melt the whole village and be done with this job!” Natsu shouted, getting everyone fired up. “Let’s move it! They’ll use all of the moon drip!” Erza shouted. “Not if I can help it!” Gray sprinted off with everyone following him.

But Erza and Alice stayed back. “I’ll stay back and try to find out about the village as much as possible.” Erza suggested. “Yeah, I’ll do that as well so we can cover more ground.” Alice volunteered. She especially didn’t want to run.

The two split up. Erza wanted to find the flame and Alice went to go find a library of sorts.

But during the madness, some sort of magic happened, and Alice was reverted into her child body.

Luckily, Alice was wearing a cardigan. And in this form, it covered her, as her shorts and panties, and top all slid off her, now too big. Her shoes didn’t fit anymore and made her stumble around so she had to abandon them and walk around barefoot.

What sort of magic was this?

Chapter 87

Chapter Text

Alice was in complete shock. She was in her child body.
Her top was too big to cover her chest and body, and her shorts and underwear slipped right down her legs and her shoes were too big and kept tripping her up.

She requipped into a big black t-shirt, Gray’s black shirt to be exact.
It fit her like a big, oversized dress but it worked better than the sheer cardigan.

She felt dizzy, feeling her magic almost completely diminish from that simple magic spell.

So not only had she shrunk into her body from 10 years ago or so, her magic was far weaker than it should’ve been for that age. She was a powerful mage at 9 or so years ago, so why couldn’t she do a simple requip spell without draining herself?

In just socks and an oversized shirt, Alice continued on to her journey. Maybe the spell had to do with something with the village. And she wanted to grow up again before anyone found her.
So she was determined to keep trekking on as fast as possible even as her feet burnt with the chill of the ice she swore wasn’t cold in the first place.

Until her tractionless feet finally slipped on the ice. Her feet felt frozen and no longer had any moisture or warmth to them, making them obsolete on ice.
And apparently the village was on a slope, because as Alice slipped and fell on her butt, she started to continue to slide.

With a baby scream and flailing arms, Alice had no magic to help her as she went feet first down the ice, towards a sea of trees. She eventually stopped, but only when she slammed into a tree.

Her body felt so weak and hitting that tree hurt way worse than it should’ve.

She laid there, on her back, staring up at the sky, as figurative blue cats flew around her head. She groaned. “Why does the weird stuff always happen to me?” She closed her eyes.

“Hey, you’re little too! Why are you on the ground? Did you get attacked by a thief too?”
Alice’s eyes flew open, hearing a voice she hadn’t heard in years. And a voice which should've been impossible to hear again.

A tiny Natsu, with clothes draping and clinging to his shoulders. He had to keep a grip on his pants, for they’d fall down if he let go. Alice’s heart fluttered. He was so tiny and cute!

His tiny face, and big eyes. His features were softer and rounder. And obviously, he wasn’t as jacked as grown up him. Sure, even as a child Natsu’s always been muscular to an extent. Like this child Natsu’s stomach did in fact have the outline of budding abs, and his arms were firm and muscles were forming.

His body was tiny but still taller than Alice. Not by much, but it was enough to make Alice angry.
She’s always been tiny. Of course, around age 14, she grew more, and was no longer tiny and frail looking like Levy. Alice eventually shot up a few more inches and filled out, to her relief.

But no matter what, as Alice grew, Natsu seemed to grow even faster and so she never got a glimmer of hope she’d ever be on an equal field with him. And she was still kinda short compared to the average woman her age.

“Natsu! You’re a child too! So I’m not the only one!” Alice gasped, sitting up. “Yeah, there’s some big guy who does this Art of Regression. It makes you tiny and your magic suck. I can’t do any fire.” Natsu explained in his tiny child voice. That would explain why Alice was so tiny. It had to be a ranged spell that affected anyone in range of the spell’s reach.

“There’s a fourth guy? But the other three weren’t wizards?” Alice wondered, standing up slowly, arms out to steady herself. “He says he’s in a guild called Succubus Eye, but I don’t trust any treasure hunting freak!” Natsu proclaimed.

“So there’s a third party here at the Village? Hey, so where’d that guy go? If we can take him down, we can grow up.” Alice theorized. “It’s impossible. Like I said, I can’t do any fire and I’m definitely not as strong as grown up me. That guy was gonna kill me if I didn’t get away in time. Did you find an answer on how to get the fire working again? And you didn’t answer me, why were you laying on this tree?”

“I was on my way to search for clues when this happened. None of my clothes fit anymore and were too big to cover me so I used whatever magic I could to requip into this. I don’t have any shoes, so I slipped on the ice and wound up here.” Alice pouted. “Why are you out here? I thought you were supposed to get that bottle from those other three?” She then asked.

“Happy broke the bottle open and it didn’t matter anyways. It only melted like a circle this big.” Natsu used his hands to gesture a circle about 8 inches in diameter. “Then I heard a voice calling- Dammit! Everyone needs to stop distracting me! I need to find where that voice is coming from!” Natsu then sped off, leaving baby Alice by herself. “Wait! I wanna come with!” She called, penguin waddling after him, in an attempt to not slip again.

“I recognize that voice from somewhere, c’mon, stupid brain, think!” Natsu shouted to himself. A moment went by just panting and the slap of feet hitting the ice as the two ran. “I don’t got a frigging clue!” He yelled with frustration. “Was it from a quest?” Alice asked, trying to help him get something to click. “No!- I don’t know!” Natsu grunted.

“Someone from your childhood?”
“I don’t know!”
“An enemy?”

“Babe! I don’t know! Stop asking, you’re ruining my train of thought!” Natsu, getting frustrated, shouted to Alice, not exactly annoyed, but getting there, trying to be nice though. Alice cringed at him using a pet name in his child voice. “Okay, but please only refer to me by name until your voice drops.” Alice agreed to be quiet.

“Where was that voice?! I know I heard it around here but it’s too quiet to narrow it down!” Natsu was back to shouting his thinking out loud. And then, one of his long pant legs folded under a foot, and Natsu tripped, landing on his face. Alice stopped and tried to hold in a laugh, pursing her lips together.

“It’s like I completely forgot how to run!” Natsu sat up, trying to fold his pants up to keep from further incidents. “How long until this spell where’s off? What if it doesn’t until I beat the guy? This is such a hassle!” Natsu complained. Alice stepped forward, holding a hand out to him, still holding back from showing amusem*nt. But it wasn’t working. “What’s so funny, huh? You think this is cute or something?” He scoffed and rolled his eyes, grabbing her hand, pulling up as she leaned back, also trying to pull him up.
“No, nothing. Just keep ranting, it’s okay.” Alice looked to the side innocently.

Natsu bit the inside of his cheek. He was irritated.
Irritated at his smallness, his inability to fight, not being able to pinpoint where and who that voice is, and he was still a bit angry at Alice for leaving.

But dammit, Alice was so freaking adorable.A child Alice that wasn’t attempting to maim him for looking at her for too long or talking too loud. This was a friendly Alice.
And now that Alice was 19 years old, she looked older and older than this child version, every day and Natsu couldn’t help how his entire body tensed in response to Alice’s cuteness.

Her tiny nose, her flushed cheeks, her big sparkling eyes bright teal once more, filled with curiosity and innocence, her bright candy apple red hair that flowed to her mid thighs, and her high voice, Natsu was in awe. Of course, that feeling was being overtaken by embarrassment and frustration.

But dammit, Alice was so tiny and adorable and wearing an oversized shirt. It was the cutest thing on earth, completely surpassing Kemokemo.

Maybe if they ever had a daughter, she’d come out a tiny Alice? Have a million little Alices....

Not the time to think about that.

“Stop distracting me! I need to find that voice!” Natsu took off again. “Stop running without warning!” Alice cried and sped after him.

And she kept on his tail as he continued to constantly shout and scream at the voice and being angry about being tiny. While Natsu was awkward and clumsy, Alice was still agile and balanced. Sure, she had little to no traction on the ice, but her grown up body wasn’t too different from her tiny body.

She never had muscle, and she was proportionally the same without the curves. The only difference was that she was without the annoying mounds on her chest that bounced and ached when she ran. She was faster and more spry in this tiny undeveloped form.

Unlike Natsu who now was without 85% of his muscle, and his limbs, hands, and feet were much smaller in comparison to his adult form.

They found themselves on the mountain in the center of the village.
Natsu was sure that’s where the voice was coming from.
And then they both stumbled to the ground.

And their bodies were grown once more, suddenly.

“Man, I’m big again! I was just starting to get the hang of being a kid again!” Natsu groaned. “I would think you’d be happy.” Alice grumbled, requiping a pair of thick tights and boots on, along with a coat.
“I just better stay grown up now cause I can finally get some time in!” Natsu was running off again. Alice huffed, following along, now also requiping a bra on, because something needed to keep the girls in place as she ran.

And then moments later, Alice and Natsu regressed into children once more. “I’m getting tired of this!” Natsu shouted. “I just put clothes on!” Alice cried, as her tights slowly started to inch down her hips and her bra just started to slide right down. Alice took a moment to requip off the bra, tights and shoes.

She’d have to deal with the shirt and now the oversized coat.Of course, she wasn’t a fan of the cold breeze between her legs. But she had no choice.

But then the two decided to just walk because every time they changed back, the force would make them fall on their faces.
And then again, they grew back up. Alice didn’t even attempt to put pants on.

“Maybe we should’ve went after tusk face, cause I’m getting real tired of changing back.” Natsu snapped as they walked. “I don’t know if that would’ve even worked. I got tired just putting pants on.” Alice replied in a sour tone.

“Natsu!” Lucy’s stern voice surprised the two. Alice and Natsu had run into Wendy, Lucy, and... Flare?
Flare hid behind Lucy, who had her hands on her hips as she glared at Natsu.

“I’m so glad! We thought we lost you!” Wendy smiled. “We wouldn’t have if he just stayed with the rest of us. So what? You two ran off to go kiss or something?” Lucy continued to talk down to Natsu.
“Long time, no see.” Flare peeked out. Natsu gasped, pointing at Flare. “It’s you!”

Lucy put an arm out, stopping Natsu from doing anything. “Cool it, she’s not the enemy. Flare is from this village and she wants to help us out.”
“So what you’re telling me is that she’s a giant?” Natsu asked curtly. “No silly. She was just raised by giants.” Wendy corrected. Natsu groaned, staring at Flare for a moment and she wasn’t having it.

“Stop staring!”

“I’m sorry about your friends and your home. This must be hard on you. I swear on our guild’s name, we’ll bring back this village, and everyone in it.” Natsu said sincerely. Alice puffed out her cheeks, looking the other way. She was having a hard time trusting Flare especially since she was and or still was, a member of Raven Tail. A dark guild dedicated to Fairy Tail’s demise.

“We think if we fix the Eternal Flame, it’ll melt everything.” Wendy filled the two in. “Yeah. Flare was showing us the way before you two showed up.” Lucy added. “I see,” Natsu turned to the giant mountain. “I’m still chasing the voice from before. I thought I heard it from this mountain.”

Flare stepped forward, also looking up at the mountain. “This isn’t a mountain. It’s the village’s deity. Our great protector. This is the Eternal Flame.” Flare revealed. “What?!”

“Warrod did say the flame was frozen, but he didn’t say it was huge!” Lucy deducted. “If I didn’t see it, I wouldn’t believe it.” Wendy frowned. “Yeah, I’ve never seen a frozen flame before, so I didn’t know what I was expecting. It doesn’t look too fiery.” Alice placed a hand to her chin as she studied the formation of frozen flame.

“If this bad boy has the power to restore the village, we should focus all our efforts on thawing it out. Now we just gotta figure out how to do that.” Lucy pondered.

A low rumbling got all their attention to the forest. “I think something’s coming this way.” Natsu said. And then suddenly into view came a frantic Gray, Carla, and Happy all running the other way.

And behind them was some beast almost as big as the giants. It was some bird thing with sharp teeth and one giant eye and a reptilian tail. And it was chasing after Gray and the two cats. “What is that thing!” Lucy screamed.
“I don’t know but it’s hungry and we’re the next thing on the menu!” Happy shouted. “Someone throw a spell at it already!” Carla squealed impatient as her tiny legs carried her. “Turn around and ice it,” Natsu directed to Gray. “I can’t afford to waste any magic energy right now!” Gray shouted back.

“Because I think I found a way to melt the village and turn things back to normal!” Gray then noticed Flare. “Raven Tail? What is she doing here?!”
“Don’t worry about her! Do you really think you can melt this ice?” Natsu turned Gray’s attention to the task on hand. “I’m not 100% certain, but I’m sure as hell gonna try to!”

Natsu charged forwards to the owl reptile cyclops thing. “All right! I’ll take care of ugly bird while you melt that mountain! Do that and we might have a chance!” Natsu made a deal.


“That thing is the Eternal Flame! Do you think you can do it?”

“Watch me!”

The two high fived as they met each other, and ran past one another. “I’m counting on you! Go!”

“Natsu, be careful!” Wendy shouted. “If he eats me, I’ll just cook him from the inside!” Natsu confidently shouted. “How about we try to defeat it before that can happen?!” Alice tried to deviate Natsu’s course of action.

Natsu leaped into the air and fire kicked the beast in the eye, sending it back hundreds of meters. But it soon recovered fast and flew back towards Natsu. And with a wing attack, Natsu was pinned to the ground by a talon and thrown up into the air.

“Natsu!” Both Alice and Lucy shouted. “Don’t worry about me! Focus on getting that fire to burn! It’ll save the village!” Natsu shouted, getting back to getting a hit in on the bird. “Yeah, worry about your own boyfriend.” Alice gave Lucy a dark look. “He was talking to both of us!” Lucy snapped back. “Yeah, yeah, get your ass in gear already.” Alice waved her off, turning to follow after Gray.

“I haven’t been able to do much with the ice, it’s immune to my maker magic and I sure as hell can’t melt it. The only thing I can do is channel it through my body. I think that means that this ice and my ice have something in common.” Gray explained, getting to the mountain of frozen flame.
“What’ll let you do?” Wendy asked.
“What it did before! Once it’s inside me I may be able to diffuse it.” Gray put his hands on the ice and some crazy light and energy sparked from the contact as he went to work.
“Amazing! But do you think you can do it?” Flare gasped. “Won’t know for sure until I try! That’s why I’m not using it on the giants yet! Step one is trying to suck the ice off this mountain! I’m gonna give that giant flame some room to breathe! I’m not sure how this’ll play out, so get back!” Gray advised.

The flame started to glow. And ice started to sublimate but the light got too intense to see what was going on for sure. And then as the steam and light faded, it was revealed the the entire flame structure was gone.

“Was there nothing left of it?”
“I thought we had this? What do we do now?”

Flare dropped to her knees and cried.

“Maybe it’s not your fault, Gray. Maybe it went out as it froze!” Carla tried to comfort. “No. I screwed up. Why didn’t I try that out on a house first? Was I too co*cky or too scared to get shown up? I’m useless.” Gray trembled.

Alice tried to think up something. Maybe Natsu could do a breath attack on the place where the flame used to be and it’d revive the Sacred Flame? Or just replace it entirely?
“It hasn’t gone out!” Wendy cried, shocking everyone. “I’m sensing residual thought energy! Like I did with Zirconis, but stronger!” Wendy explained, trying to focus. “What does that flame have to do with that dragon?” Carla asked.

The steam was slowly fanning off, and the pit where the fire was, was slowly more visible. “Look over there!” Lucy pointed. And there was a tiny flame moving around in the pit.

“It’s lost a lot of weight, but at least its still there.” Happy said. “For now at least, but it doesn’t look very healthy.” Carla whimpered. “That’s where Natsu comes in.” Alice crossed her arms, nodding. “That’s why Warrod needed Natsu! He can give some of his flame to it!”

Everyone turned to see Natsu’s progress with the winged freak. “We could use your fire over here, hurry up!” Alice cupped her hands around her mouth as she shouted. “Yeah, yeah! I’m finishing things up!” Natsu replied.

But it didn’t look like that. Natsu wasn’t able to do much damage on the bird it seemed.
The eye of the bird glowed and from it came a blue beam which showered on Natsu, and he tensed up, grunting in pain. And then the bird turned, focusing the beam down at the group below.

They all ran out, to get away, as the beam destroyed everything in its path. And then the beam started to head towards a giant.

Natsu did a breath attack, distracting the bird, getting it to miss the giant. And then Natsu went all out, actually getting the bird on the ground, right in the fire pit and one strong attack after another, Natsu caused the ground to quake, and knocked everyone to their knees, with one final attack, the flame was stronger than ever and the bird was dead.

“The Eternal Flame, our deity...You brought it back!” Flare cried.

“Nothing like a dead monster carcass to get a fire deity up and running.” Alice murmured at the macabre of it all. “Happy, I wanna get on top of this thing.” Natsu said, landing to the ground. “Do I have to? It’s kinda scary!” Happy cried but listened. “This is where the voice came from.” Natsu said as they flew up to the top of the flame. “The voice and the thought energy are one in the same!” Wendy noted. “That settles it.” Wendy cast Milkyway.

And from the flame came a dark face of some sorts. “Hey, Uncle, how you been?” Natsu greeted. “Atlas Flame?” Alice gasped, breathless. A dragon from the Eclipse Gate. Natsu had mentioned the dragon knew Igneel and when it found out Natsu was Igneel adopted child, Atlas joined allegiance with Natsu to defeat Dark Rogue and the mother dragon.

“Well met, Son of Igneel. Aside from being imprisoned in ice? I’ve been good.” Atlas’s deep and booming voice said.
“Oh, yeah from the Eclipse Gate. He helped us fight Rogue.” Lucy remembered. “But the Eclipse Gate was destroyed, sending them back to their time!” Carla argued in disbelief. “That is correct. It sent us back 400 years in your past. And all that time I burned on.” Atlas explained. “Didn’t know you were still alive! You must be ancient!” Natsu hadn’t realized Wendy was casting Milkyway. “You look very youthful!” Happy cried, nervous. “Ancient, yes. But alive? Far from it.”

“Atlas Flame has been dead for centuries. I’ve used my Milkyway spell to give form to what remained of him.” Wendy explained, strained. “What?” Carla gasped. “I thought as much. I don’t recall dying, but I do remember life. And this isn’t what it felt like.” Atlas said. “So are you not all there, or what?” Gray asked hesitantly. “I’m not at the perspective to say. But my memories are clouded, muddled. Who am I? What place is this?”

“I’d be forgetful are your age too, relax!” Natsu tried to help. “You’d be dirt at my age, Son of Igneel.”

“Something seems to be wrong here. Zirconis was brought back the same way and his memories were just fine.” Carla observed. Wendy ended her spell. “It might have to do with the ice.” Wendy hypothesized. “What about it?” Carla asked.
“A being does have to have incredible willpower to leave residual thought power in its wake. But the actual magic power is weak. Considering the strong ice magic and the length of time Atlas Flame was frozen, it kinda makes sense his memories would be damaged.” Wendy guessed. “Yes, ice. All around me. I didn’t know what cold was until then.” Atlas went on. “About that. Could you tell us about how things got like this?” Natsu asked.

“Please, sir. I really need to know. You see, I used to live here.” Flare pleaded. Atlas growled, thinking about it. “His intentions were not evil, but he mistook me for something I’m not. A single human being transformed all this land into a tundra.” Atlas revealed. “You’re saying all this was done by a single ice wizard?!” Gray shouted. “I would understand if it was a guild or a monster, but not a lone wizard!” Lucy argued. “Come on, it’s easy believable. We’ve seen some crazy powerful wizards that could probably do this type of damage.” Alice rolled her eyes.

“So what did he think you were?” Flare asked. “He mistook me for a demon. Not the first time that mistake was made. But this man froze the entire village just to get at me. He was a demon slayer, and a ruthless one at that.”

“Demon Slayer magic? I’ve never even heard about it.” Wendy said. “It hasn’t shown up in anything I’ve read.” Carla added. “It has to be a lost magic then. Something only few people can master. Much more powerful than God Slayer Magic.” Alice wondered to herself.

“Everything’s fading. I can’t remember. Who am I?” Atlas started to lose track. “Our deity! You’re the guardian of this village! Atlas Flame of the Titans!” Flare cried, desperately and then bowed to the ground. “Hear my plea, I beg you! Warm this village with your fire! Banish the ice! Be the guardian you always were!” She started to sob. “I have no right to ask this. Please save my family!”

Guardian , you said? Yes. I was a dragon once, but I died and became the Flame of the Titans. I created this village. It pains me to see it suffer so. If I had a single drop of moisture in me, it’d leak from my eyes. With what strength of spirit I have left, and the fire I received from the Son of Igneel, I will burn this ice away! For I am more than just the Atlas Flame the Fire Dragon, I am Atlas Flame of the Titans!”

And the temperature got intense. Sweat immediately dripped down Alice’s body.

“I can feel his spirit fade away!” Wendy called.

“Igneel. The Dragon King Festival. Acnologia and Zeref. I remember now. I remember everything! 400 years ago, your father fought the strongest, most vile demon in the Book of Zeref. That monster’s name is E.N.D. . And not even Igneel had the strength to slay it.”

And with that, the ice evaporated away. The ground was dirt again. The trees were green. Everything was thawing, and the air was warm.

Even the Giants.

“Where’s my Uncle?” Natsu gasped when Atlas’ spirit faded. “There’s no trace left of Atlas Flame. He gave everything to save the village.” Wendy revealed.

And then the giants started to notice the humans in the village. And after explaining what Fairy Tail did, the giants were thankful and friendly.

Natsu and Happy sat on the head of one giant.

“We owe you little people big time!” One giant said. “We’re just happy we could help out.” Gray replied, shouting to be heard.
“Excuse me, but what exactly happened to you?” Erza asked in a serious tone, and the laughter died out. “Honestly, I can’t remember much of anything.” One giant revealed.

Alice quietly snuck off. On the search for something she lost.

A ring that slipped off during her first regression. She completely forgot about it until that moment, and needed to find it.

Since she hadn’t put it in her requip. It was a good excuse to leave as Flare’s reunion and the party started up. She retraced her steps, back to the place where her troubles began.

And she couldn’t be bothered to party. Too many bad things were happening all at once.

Tartaros was planning something.

She found the ring, slipped it into her requip finally, but didn’t wear it.

And she decided to camp out near the spot where they first landed in the village.

Something else was bothering her but she refused to even think about it. She didn’t want to think about it.

If she just gave herself time, she’d eventually forget it all.

Chapter 88


warning: previous warnings from last chapter apply
Also Lucy hate only gets worse from here.

Chapter Text

The team took a break atop a steep rock formation. Lucy took a big gulp from her canteen.

“Getting to the village was a total breeze. Going home is a different story.” Happy sighed. “Warrod’s magic was much better than walking. I didn’t think anything could move that quickly.” Wendy added. “Consider this training. Besides, we get to enjoy the scenery.” Erza smiled. “We should hurry, though. I can’t wait to see Warrod’s face when he hears we saved the village.” Lucy beamed.

“Uhuh, and the thought of a huge reward just slipped your mind?” Gray sardonically asked.

“Something funny over there?” Natsu scowled at Lucy who was smiling to herself. “I think she finally lost her mind.” Happy joked.

Alice stood up from sitting, and was the first to get going down the rock. “Yes, that was enough rest. Let’s keep moving!” Erza said, watching Alice get on her light disk, lowering herself to the ground.

“You know, I heard Natsu was staying over at Lucy’s while Alice was off questing.”

She wanted to stop fighting with Natsu and wanted to finally make up with him or talk to him to see if he was over their little quarrel, or whatever you'd call it. But it was hard when she couldn’t even look at him without getting miffed.

Lucy this and Lucy that.

It was really starting to get to her. But she knew it was far too crazy and controlling to ask Natsu to set some boundaries and stop being so friendly with Lucy. But...
They were always together. Or Lucy always had to follow him or join when Natsu was going somewhere. And Natsu was noticing her back.

And-...No..don’t think of it.

“Hold on, something’s fishy here.” Happy said, minutes into the walk. “What? You smell something?” Natsu asked for clarification. “I just can’t remember what we’re getting paid for this job.” Happy answered. Natsu thought for a moment. “Huh, neither can I.”

“Don’t worry. Warrod’s a Wizard Saint, he must be rolling in jewel and I’d be happy to lighten the load.” Gray smirked. Erza smiled to herself. “I don’t care about the money. The sense of pride in our accomplishment is reward enough for me.”

“Someone’s feeling self righteous.”

They arrived at Warrod’s and told them the job was completed and extra details. Warrod laughed. “There wasn’t a doubt in my bark that you kids would be up to the task. Well done, everyone. Well done, indeed.” Warrod praised. “We hardly broke a sweat.” Natsu smiled. “It was our privilege to help the villagers and to serve you, Sir Warrod. You honor all of us.” Erza replied graciously.

“Oh yeah, what happened to the treasure hunting creeps?” Gray suddenly remembered and looked to Lucy. “I sent them off in grand style!” She said proudly. “We also found out Tartaros may have frozen the village.” Wendy told Warrod.

He turned, walking back to his plants. “Is that so? Well, we can let the Council worry about investigating that sorry lot. For now, there are more important matters. Like your reward.”
“We are getting paid!” Happy cheered. “Well, we completed the task, why wouldn’t we?” Carla smiled, crossing her arms. Warrod turned back and offered one large potato.

Alice cracked a smile. She didn’t care if Warrod was joking or not. It’d be funny if it was really the reward so then the rest of the group would bitch about it all the way home.
And silence. “Thank you....” Lucy awkwardly said. “Remember, small potatoes are better than none!” Warrod laughed. “I wouldn’t do that to you.” He lowered the potato in his hand. Natsu and Gray chuckled hesitantly. “I hope not.”

“Before I forget. The potato set me back a few jewel so I took it out of your pay.”
Alice let out a breathy laugh.

The boys had enough. “You think your funny old man?” “I got a joke for ya!” And Warrod then revealed there was a hot spring nearby. So the girls, except for Alice, went for a soak. While the boys helped Warrod set up a bonfire and started to roast meats of all sorts and pigged out.

Alice sat at the table, just minding her own self.

Natsu and her still weren’t talking and she was scared to be the first one to say anything. But she also knew that now that they lived together, they’d have to go home together and eventually talk. But that also meant, he’d figure something was off about her. Maybe she'd take a look at the request board before going home...

When in her life had she ever been scared to be alone with Natsu?

Never! But the thought of him asking her what was wrong made her chest seize and her hands tremble. She didn't want to think about it, say it out loud, admit to her sins...
One moment caught off guard and she was practically torn apart. Everything was different. She was different. She felt it in her mind, in her magic, in her sleep... Something changed. She could admit that, but it still didn't change the fact that she would have to talk to Natsu eventually about it.

Was it too late to disappear? They weren't married, nor anywhere close to making any arrangements. Nothing was set in stone. It wasn't too late to "go on a solo quest" and then never return. Let him think she died.

Oh the thought alone made her heart squeeze and her eyes moisten. She couldn't do that to him, could she? Just for something so small as communicating with him? Like they were supposed to?

Maybe she wasn't ready for such a big commitment after all.

She was ruined, not like Natsu deserved to be stuck with her for the rest of his life. He deserved better even the idea led Alice to thinking of far worse things than faking her death.
All she could hope for was time would make things easier, the pain and torment in her mind would lessen and one day she wouldn't remember it..

The girls arrived back from the spring and Warrod handed out drinks. A special tea he had made. And the taste was apparently awful. Alice didn’t think so, but she also left hers practically untouched.
Natsu and Gray fought with each other to try to get the other to take their tea, and then Erza scolded them.

Warrod laughed. “Bonding with guildmates can be such a wonderful experience. I must admit, I’m feeling nostalgic.”
“Uh thanks, but since when are we guildmates?” Lucy asked, kinda rudely. Alice rolled her eyes and quite audibly groaned. “God, you’re such an airhead.”

“So sorry about that. I was so sure Makarov already told you. I was part of Fairy Tail from the very beginning.” Warrod pulled up his left arm sleeve, revealing a black Fairy Tail emblem on his forearm. “Right alongside Mavis and the other founding members. You can even say I’m your senior’s senior.”

And the pieces started to connect.

“As soon as you walked through the door, I could feel that we were companions. That was a joke. Meeting a new generation of fairies has been inspiring. You truly embody the spirit of harmony. The kind of harmony Mavis talked about. She dreamed of a wizard guild bound, not by blood, but by the souls of its members. That is Fairy Tail. The foundation she laid for our guild is so strong, her spirit lives on in your hearts. I’m not saying this because you completed the job, I could feel it the moment you walked into my home. Mavis told me something once. A comrade is much more than just a word. A comrade lives in your heart! Someone you can trust unconditionally.

“Wait, let me get something straight, you’re more gramps than gramps, aren’t ya?” Natsu got in Warrod’s face and Erza went to reel him back. “Could you be polite for more than two seconds?” Erza scolded, Natsu shook her off. “Look, I’m not trying to be rude here, I was just thinking since you’re really old, you might know something about this demon. It’s called E.N.D. “

Alice perked up. She didn’t like Natsu’s curiosity in a demon known as Zeref’s most powerful demon of all.

Warrod got serious. “E.N.D.? Tell me more.” He intrigued further.

“He’s from the book of Zeref. Apparently, my old man, Igneel tried to take him down way back when.” Natsu continued on. “Zeref, you say? I haven’t heard that name in a tree’s age.” Warrod walked forward. “I’ve been trying to find Igneel ever since he disappeared. I thought if I found out more about E.N.D., it might lead me to him.” Natsu added more. “Atlas Flame told us there was history between Igneel and the demon.” Wendy elaborated.
“Hm, sorry, but I don’t know anything. However, there might be a connection between this E.N.D character and Tartaros. They’re an eerie group of wizards shrouded in secrecy. No one knows how many members they have, or where their guild is located. But I’ve heard stories from people claiming to have stumbled upon their gatherings. And all of them came to the exact same conclusion; The Tartaros rituals are for worshiping demons. Now we don’t know for certain, but the four Emperors of Ishgar have a grim suspicion: We believe Tartaros may be in possession of a demon of the Book of Zeref.”

“That sucks! I’m gonna hunt one of them down and beat them up until they tell me everything I need to know!” Natsu started to swing his fists around, so angry that he didn’t realize he had started to pummel Erza and so obviously Erza had to get revenge tenfold.

Now, out of commission, Natsu went to go join Alice at the table. Laying down on his back on the bench, and forcing Alice to lean back so he could place his head on her lap.
She didn’t acknowledge him but allowed him to do as he pleased. Maybe allowing him something like this would stop him from getting suspicious.

“We haven’t had a moment to catch up, Miss Dreyar.” Warrod walked over to the table, placing down a wooden stein with tea as he stood nearby, not sitting down. “You two have met?!” Lucy squealed, shocked.

“That’s how you knew who he was.” Wendy nodded with a smile. “Well I suppose. But he’s also a founder of our guild. Why wouldn’t I know?” Alice uneasily responded, sounding self-righteous and higher than them, since she didn’t think it was a profound fact. For people who claimed to love this guild and do anything for it, they didn't know the founders? Mavis Vermillion, Yuri Dreyar, Warrod Sequen, and Precht Gaebolg- Who was the second guild master of Fairy Tail and left to master Grimoire Heart.

It was quite offensive actually. The founders of their very livelihoods and they didn't know the basics.

“Her great-great grandfather was a dear friend of mine. It’s hard to believe old Yuri’s name would live on for so long. Four generations. But I suppose it may end with you, Miss Alice.” Warrod nodded at peace with it. “What does that mean?” Wendy wondered. “It means when Alice marries, her last name will no longer be Dreyar and her children will also not be Dreyars either.” Carla explained. “Oh yeah, Alice is gonna be a Dragneel since she and Natsu are engaged so they’ll be getting married soon.” Wendy remembered.

Alice’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment. “Is that so? I would love an invitation. I am quite the party animal. Just kidding.” Warrod smiled. “Yeah, well, we-uhm, we haven’t set a date or anything and there’s no rush, so it might not be for a while.” Alice hid her eyes, looked down at the table, hair falling over her face. Her eyes prickled with tears but she refused them to do more than that.

“Don’t wait too long. I’m not as spry as I used to be. I might be long gone by then. Just kidding-..Not really. Yes I was.”

“Can this guy ever be serious?” Gray muttered.

So by the next day the group had gotten back to Magnolia.
Natsu, Alice, Happy, Lucy, Wendy, Gajeel, Pantherlily and Carla were all huddled around Levy who was reading through a tome. Natsu had inquired her for information.

“You wouldn’t know anything about E.N.D., would ya? I know you’re all smart about demons and stuff.” Natsu had asked Alice on their walk back home to Magnolia. “E.N.D., not so much. But I do know that its Zeref’s most powerful demon. But E.N.D. is so ancient, there’s not much about it. No sightings, no massacres, so maybe it really got defeated hundreds of years ago.” Alice shrugged.

“I found something! It says here, E.N.D. is some sort of super-demon. Compared to Deliora and Lullaby, he’s on a whole different level altogether.” Levy summarized. “So it really is Zeref’s most powerful demon.” Lucy pouted. “So how do we beat it?” Wendy looked around, looking for answers.

“I have no clue. I’m not even sure who Zeref is or his book.” Pantherlily turned to Gajeel who shrugged.
“Zeref the Black Wizard is an immortal mage with dark magic, who has killed millions of people and has created demons who also killed millions. Each demon has their own book and together they make the Book of Zeref. Each book has information on how to summon and control the demon the book was made.” Alice answered.

“So if someone got their hands on a book, they could summon a demon?” Happy asked, scared. Alice nodded.

“So there’s a chance Tartaros has a book. I bet it’s the one for summoning E.N.D.. Also there’s the fact that Igneel tried to take the creep out before. Yeah, I figured it out. We gotta take the fight to Tartaros!” Natsu somehow got to that conclusion, smiling deviously. “Count me in!” Gajeel joined in.

“You’re both brain dead.” Lucy gaped.

Alice shrugged. “If they wanna go on a suicide mission, let them.”

“Besides, we don’t know anything about them. We don’t even know where they are. Like all the demons they might throw at us. How do you plan on taking it to them ?” Lucy tried to get Natsu to think it out.

“I don’t know. Still, it might get us closer to finding Igneel.” Natsu crossed his arms. “And Grandeeney.” Wendy added. “And maybe Metalicana had something to do with this too.” Gajeel gruffed. Alice didn’t add Umiko’s name to the pot. Because at this point, she didn’t care to find her anymore. So much time had passed and not a single clue. Alice felt abandoned by her and therefore, didn’t want to actively look for her.

“We got bad news!” Jet and Droy stormed into the guild hall.

But besides that, Alice wanted nothing to do with Tartaros. And she wanted Natsu nowhere near them.

Natsu couldn’t take down a single dragon. And a single dragon couldn’t take down a demon, the most powerful demon of Zeref.
Therefore, E.N.D. was going to be a challenge Natsu would die trying to tackle. There wouldn’t be a fight.

A chill ran down Alice’s spine.

“The Magic Council has been attacked. All 9 council members have been killed.”

Chapter 89


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“What happened to them?! Whatever happened you can fix it, can’t you?!” Master shouted to Porlyusica.

All of the Thunder Legion and Laxus were attacked by a demon of Tartaros in Hargeon when working at Yajima’s restaurant. Laxus took down the demon but then the demon released bane particles into the air. To save everyone, Laxus breathed in all he could of the particles. But it wasn’t enough. Hundreds of people died.

But it was too late, they all were inflicted with Bane Sickness which caused Magic Deficiency Disorder and then eventually death. And Laxus was in the worst condition of it all.

They all laid in the infirmary at Fairy Tail as Porlyusica looked them over. The rest of the guild huddled into the room.

“They’ve been exposed to bane particles. I’ll do what I can. Far lesser exposure has been proven lethal. Recovery is possible but not guaranteed. Or even likely. Laxus’ case is even worse than the rest. It’s a miracle he’s lasted this long.”

Alice stared expressionless. But something dark was lurking in her.

Natsu quickly pulled Alice into his side. Although tighter than she’d like. He was in distress as well, and was holding her tightly enough where it hurt. But it didn’t even come close to the pain in her chest.

Freed woke up. “Master,” his weak voice croaked. Master walked over to his bedside. “I’m here.”

“Be proud sir. Laxus saved the whole town. Mist-...Mist everyone Would’ve killed us all if he hadn’t-”

Natsu let go of Alice to hold her hand as he led her to walk to Master’s side. Lucy for some reason had to come with.

“You’ll tell me later. You did well getting them all back home. Now get some rest.” Master encouraged in a soft voice.

“He breathed in all in. So it wouldn’t reach the town. The people, they’re safe, right? He saved them?” Freed asked. “Yeah.” Master lied.

He couldn’t bear to tell him the truth.

Laxus’ death would be in vain. Alice’s hair, slowly but apparently darkened in color, as did her eyes. Her teal eyes so dark, they looked dark navy to black. Her candy apple red hair now almost or was blood red. Too many bad things happening at once. Something was changing within her.

“Then it was worth it.”

Natsu let go of Alice’s hand, as he was gripping her so tight it would’ve hurt if she was paying attention.

He turned and stepped away. “So gramps. Doesn’t this mean war?!” Natsu growled in a low, but terrifying voice.

But then as time went on, Natsu had demolished a few tables in a fight. Max, Warren, Nab, and Jet all had Natsu pinned to the ground.

He wanted to rampage across the whole world to find Tartaros and kill every single member.

“I’d like to do that, Natsu. But we don’t have nearly enough information yet.” Master replied in a low voice. “They’re called Tartaros but their objective, their location, all of it’s a mystery.” Erza had her arms crossed as she talked in a stern voice.

“Listen to Erza! How are we supposed to attack them if we don’t know where their base is?!” Warren tried to get Natsu to calm down.

Alice sat on a nearby, not destroyed, table. One of her legs was bobbing up and down, and she was currently biting at her nails. Something she never used to do. But after Acnologia, it was a slowly but surely forming habit. Her thumb nails were always the worst of them all.

Short and rough edges and the area around her nails were bloodied and scabbed.

But like said, it didn’t happen often. Usually in stressed situations, which have been....The last two months straight.

Alice was in a weird state of numbness. She wanted to let it all go. Release all her anguish.

But she also had to focus to keep from letting Black Alice go on a ramage. But also at the same time, "Black Alice" didn't exist anymore because she was no longer a contained personality. She had finally been released and combined into Alice. Black and "normal" Alice were one in the same now. There was no switch. It was a constant that Alice had to recognize and stop before she got too carried away.

She watched the scene unfold with a blank expression. No opinion or reaction.

“I’ll beat down some dark guilds and they’ll tell us!” Natsu shouted. “Okay, so where are these other dark guilds?” Nab grunted. “How the hell would I know?!” Natsu snapped. “Exactly! So calm down and help us make a plan!” Jet tried to reason.

“We do know one thing: They’re targeting Council members. And not just current ones. Anyone who's ever been on the Council.” Lucy started with a decent lead.
“So all we gotta do is hang around some old Council members and Tartaros will come to us.” Gray theorized.

“Good plan, but the problem is all addresses of former members are kept secret.” Macao pitched.

“How come?” Happy wondered.

“The Council’s imprisoned quite a few people. Most of whom would like revenge.” Carla answered. “Looks like another dead end.” Cana groaned. “Actually, no. It’s not.” Loke, who had come from the spirit world to be with his old guild for support, had stepped up.
“And why’s that?” Cana asked. “Well I don’t know where all of them are. But I can point you to a few.”

“How do you know that?” Wendy wondered. Loke went over and started to whisper to her, and her face went bright red.

Alice let out a deep breath.

“So thanks to Loke’s tramping around, we have four addressed of former Council members. We need to send a team to each location. Our main objective is to protect these people from Tartaros. But our second objective is to find out everything these people know about the nature of Tartaros, the whereabouts of other former council members, and why they might’ve been targeted. Should you find the thing that poisoned Laxus, know that we need a sample of its blood. I won’t be able to make an antidote without it. This is no time to be rash, so avoid exposure at all costs.” Porlyusica made it very clear what they were up against.

Alice hopped off the table, requiping into her questing gear.

Max and Co. let go of Natsu since he was now calm enough.

“You stay behind. Be there for Laxus.”

“No. I’m going with you. I won’t leave your side.” Alice argued, but her tone sounded more pleading, yet her gaze looked far away.

Natsu could sense and see Black Alice and real Alice were fighting to get control. No, there was no more fighting for control. They were one now. One wrong word or situation and things would get dark and there was no off button.

“You’re in no position to fight. You’re head’s not in it. You’re tired and distracted. You have been for awhile.”

“I’m not arguing with you. I’m going with.”

“Alice, you're-” “Please?” She finally looked at him, eyes batting up at him begging. How could he say no to that?

“Okay. Fine. I was hoping you’d listen. You’d be safe here, and I wouldn’t have to worry about you.” “There’s a surviving Council member here. If Tartaros finds that out, they’ll send someone here. I’m not safe here either. But I’m not arguing with you. I’m going with and you’re going to have to deal with it.”

“Okay. But when this is over, you gotta tell me what’s going on with you, all right?”

Alice didn’t give him an answer. She stepped forward, closing the distance between them, both hands gripping to his scarf as she reached up for a kiss that Natsu eagerly leaned in for. A moment of ease.

Just a chaste kiss that said many things. Yet created more questions.

They pulled away from each other. Natsu let out a tense breath, seeing Alice’s eyes sparkle for the first time since they’ve been reunited the day before.. Her eyes... They were black... Not dark blue, they were black... Natsu always knew her eyes changed light and darkness due to her emotions, but they never went completely black... They lacked color all together.

“Today we go to war! Our enemy is a pillar of the Baram Alliance! As strong as Grimoire Heart and Oracion Seis! But they should’ve learned from their allies’ mistakes! For by the time our work is done, the bloodied remnants of their guild will look back on this day and rue it! For this is the day they made an enemy of Fairy Tail! They’ve attacked our brethren, the pain they’ve caused is mine and yours. The blood they’ve split is our blood. Now it’s time for the blood not shed to boil. For our pain to feed our burning rage! Let us fight not for justice, but for the thunder is our souls! I make this oath upon the honor of our guild! Fairy Tail will destroy this foe!”

Michello. A former Council member. Not a big fan of Fairy Tail.

He was small like Yajima.

His dark orange hair curled up into what looked like cat ears, and his mustache fanned out like cat ears. And then he had a tail, which was just a tail.

He used a wooden cane to walk.

Then he had a granddaughter who was Alice’s age. Maybe older. She shared the same hair color as her grandfather but she had no cat-like resemblances. She had dark eyes and was pretty and plain. Her hair was tied into a long braid. She wore a simple shirt and sweater with a long skirt.

She was the reason they knew the location of him. Because of Loke.

Right off the bat, Alice didn’t like her and hoped they wouldn’t be around long so she wouldn’t have to interact with this woman. God, she wasn't even close to as hot as Alice, so Loke was just a ten-timing jerk just for the hell of it.

Wendy, Lucy, Carla, Happy, Alice and Natsu huddled in the threshold as Lucy explained why they were there.

“So if we may, we’d like to stay around for a little while to protect you.”

“We’ll keep ya safe, so you should feed us well.” Natsu added with his arms crossed.

“I appreciate the sentiment, but you’d just be a nuisance. How’d you find out where I live, anyway?” Michello stepped forward. He had a grumbling voice like Master Makarov did.

“If you have a problem, I’m sure we can work it cat-to-cat?” Happy tried to alleviate worry. “Who you calling a cat?” Michello snapped. “I know all about your troublesome guild and I would like nothing to do with it. Good luck. I hope your plan succeeds. But you’ll have to use someone else as bait.” Michello added.

Carla crossed her arms. “Tartaros would come regardless if we showed up or not. So I wouldn’t call you bait. Oh, and by the way, you’re welcome.”

“You think I’m stupid? Well I’m not stupid enough to stick around here after what you just told me! I’m gonna hit the bricks and don’t follow me!” Michello grouched. “Hey, they came a long way for you, grandpa! Don’t be rude!” Michelia came into the living room with a tray of tea. “You’re not my boss.” Michello dismissed her.

Wendy’s face went bright red, since she knew what Michelia had done with Loke. Alice crossed her arms and scowled, looking to the side.

“We should do what we can to help. The entire Council was wiped out. You used to be a part of that Council! You can’t just ignore what happened!” Michelia continued to scold him.

“Also, would you know why this guild is targeting Council members?” Lucy asked.
“Could be a number of reasons. Council’s ticked off a lot of wizards. More’n this old mind can keep track of.” Michello replied.

“But this isn’t some revenge plot. They’re trying to achieve something. Is there something any of the Council members have that could be used for something dangerous? Like a key or a code? Or a spell?” Alice spoke up. “I’m sorry but I have no idea what that might be. No, wait! There is something! Some awful thing! Called Face!” Michello started to get antsy.

“Get down!” Natsu suddenly shouted, frantic, pushing down Wendy, Lucy, Happy and Carla, then jumped over to Michello and Michelia. “Get ready!” Natsu warned in a serious tone, running over to Alice, shoving her to the floor and kept standing up, over Alice.

And then with that an extreme explosive went off right over their heads, destroying the top half of the house.

Debris fell and dust and smoke filled the air. “I think we’re under attack!” Wendy yelled. “Yeah, no sh*t! Cover your head!” Alice shouted back.

Things settled and the air started to clear.

Alice’s ears were ringing. That was so loud... Her ears rang so loud everything else was muffled.

Everyone groaned, slowly sitting up. “That explosion was massive, how are we still alive?” Michelia asked. Natsu patted his engorged stomach as it flattened back down. He groaned. “Haven’t eaten that fast since Tuesday.”

Someone stood above them on a wooden beam that hadn’t been destroyed.

“And here I was, thinkin’ you’d be too blown up to tell apart!”

A seemingly young adult male with an average height muscular body. He had dark blond hair that reached his shoulders. One feline yellow eye covered by bangs. His hair also formed two cat ears on top of his head. Although, these looked like actual ears. He had dark spots around his eyes and he had very sharp looking teeth. His nose was shaped somewhat feline as well. He wore a green sleeveless green shirt with a brown scarf with yellow dots around his neck.

His fingers were black and pointed. The black color traveled up his forearms and stopped halfway, with diamond shape spots going up to his elbow. He wore white baggy pants and had a light green jacket of some sort wrapped around his waist. He had a long, thick cat-like tail that moved. He didn’t look altogether human.

He would seem hot to Alice if she wasn’t completely terrified of his power. The explosion. The coincidental timing. This was Jackal who attacked the Magic Council in Era. He was the one who killed all the current members and other people and frogs in the building.

He killed Lahar.

While Alice didn't personally know Lahar, she had met him and it made the destruction and murders more personal and real feeling.

This was a member of Tartaros. Someone from his guild attacked the Thunder Legion and was the reason Laxus was on the brink of death.

Alice shook, tears prickling her eyes. But she had to keep her composure. She had to stay focused. She had to get revenge for her father. Her guild. Her country.

“Who are you?!” Lucy shouted.

He ignored her. “Cause that’s what it was like at the Magic Council,” he chuckled, confirming that it was indeed him who attacked the Magic Council.

“Tell me, are you from Tartaros?” Natsu demanded.

“Yeah, who’s askin?”

Natsu turned to face him. “Natsu of Fairy Tail. Brace yourself. I’m gonna hurt ya.”

“Hey, don’t you have any respect for your elders?!” Michello shouted, shaking a fist at Jackal. “I don’t think he does.” Michelia answered uneasily. “Why would he? He’s the one who murdered your colleagues at the Magic Council.” Carla replied.

“We won’t let him hurt you. It’s time to run!” Lucy directed Michello and Michelia.

“You don’t have to tell me that!” Michello got up to his feet and started to waddle away. Since he was old as hell, he couldn’t move too fast.

“Don’t worry, Natsu can handle this guy!” Wendy reassured.

“Let’s go!” Natsu challenged Jackal. With a wave of his arms, the demon guy brought about a big gush of wind, seemingly making the air circle around about a fourth of the town.

And just like that big explosions went off all around town.

Alice’s stomach dropped. How many people just died?

She could hear the sound of screaming and crying as people scrambled to run.

That pissed Natsu off and was what got him going. He leapt towards Jackal, who threw a big explosion at him but Natsu easily ate it and quickly, with his anger, beat Jackal down.

Even getting Jackal on the ground, Natsu sat on top of him and punched him in the face over and over again.

“Natsu, you can stop!” Wendy cried, kinda scared of Natsu. “You’re the master of overkill, you know that? Did you forget we need him conscious in order to question him?” Lucy grumbled.

“Hey, don’t stop him I-” “Oh yeah, that’s right!”

Alice felt something that told her that Natsu shouldn’t stop because this guy was going to keep going, but apparently no one wanted to listen to her.

“We need to know where their hideout is and what they’re trying to accomplish!” Carla reminded. Alice bit her lip and slouched into herself, uneasily. This didn’t feel right.

Natsu got off Jackal and stood up, walking over to Alice’s side.

“It looks like you’ve got this handled, so I’ll be leaving!” Michello shouted, and hobbled off. “Grandpa, wait!” Michelia cried. “You too, let’s go, Michelia. I’m gonna go...uh, check if the other members are okay!”

“I don’t think you should be leaving us,” Wendy tried to halt him. “If you’re hiding something this is the time to share it!” Lucy shouted. “Maybe not in front of the bad guy?” Alice tried to suggest. But apparently her input wasn’t taken into account. “I don’t know anything! Nothing at all, now leave me alone!” Michello shouted. “I’m not buyin’. You better start spilling if you know what’s good for you, old man!” Natsu warned. “I don’t-”

“Man, if you had some juicy info to share, I might’ve let you leave with your body intact.” The bad guy sat up.

“He doesn’t look injured at all!” Lucy gasped. “And this is why we should listen to the smart one in the group, but I guess I’m just a pretty face.” Alice muttered aloud, frustrated that no one ever wanted to listen to her, as if she wasn't always right.

She knew this wasn’t supposed to be an easy win.

“I told you I don’t know nothing! Leave me alone and ask someone else!” Michello stuck to his story. “That’s too bad. Guess I’ll stick to my first plan!” Jackal smirked.

“Hey, don’t stand around like a bunch of idiots, get him while he’s still down!” Michello ordered the Fairies.

Jackal stood up. “You got skill, I’ll give you that. But you should learn to listen when someone’s talkin’.” He pointed to Natsu.

Natsu’s feet and hands started to glow a bright yellow.

“My curses can change anyone stupid enough to touch me into a living bomb. I wonder, how many times did you touch me?” Jackal smiled darkly.

Alice’s heart stopped. Could Natsu eat these explosions? Could he survive the explosions if not?

“Natsu?” Happy flew towards him. “Get away! That goes for all of you! Run!” Natsu shouted. “We can’t-” Lucy and Wendy started to protest but they both listened.

The light got even brighter. “Alice! Go!” Natsu’s voice cracked as he warned her but she stood her ground. She knew she could easily deflect the blast for herself and she wasn’t going anywhere.

And then the blast went off. With a quick energy protection spell, Alice was able to block the damage.

The smoke cleared, and Natsu laid on the ground, seemingly unconscious. “NATSU!” Alice shouted, not even caring that the bad guy was right there. She ran to him, kneeling at his side, taking one hand into both of hers. “NAtsu!”

“Natsu! Please wake up!” Happy cried, flying over. “He’s out cold!” Carla gasped.

Natsu’s clothes were torn and singed in places. He was covered in soot.

He was alive. But Alice didn’t know how alive. Or how long. “Natsu, my love. Please wake up.” Alice’s voice came out in a squeak, and barely audible. Her eyes filled to the brim with tears. She wasn't going to lose him! She wasn't going to lose anyone else!

“You were supposed to protect me! What kind of protector are you?!” Michello shouted, angrily. “Grandpa!”

“He’s still intact, I don’t believe it. But looks like your knight in shining armor is out of commission.” Jackal cackled.

Alice phased out all other noise around her. It was all over.

When Lucy and Wendy battled against Jackal and were obviously no match, when Happy and Carla begged Alice to help.


With a sniffle, Alice sat up a bit and requipped out a simple dagger and gripped the blade with her hand, squeezing hard until blood started to trickle from her enclosed fist.. “From the realms of the heavenly world, upon thou cannot reach, I summon thee, the illusion of compassion.”

A spell Alice hadn’t used in years. Because she was forbidden to use it. During Alice’s recovery from Edolas, and was going through her magic, she came across this magic once more. And that’s when she remembered using it for Lucy.

Alice gasped coming back to reality. “Another memory, huh? Something special about....Heavenly Goddess magic?” Natsu smiled down at Alice, sitting on the ground, reading her book. “I used this magic once. You were fighting Gajeel for some reason. Lucy was heavily injured and...I summoned an angel spirit to heal Lucy and in exchange I lost 10 years of my life.” Alice recounted. “Alice don’t tell me you-...” Natsu was at a loss of words realizing the trade Alice made. Of course, the Alice before him was still kinda blank. So she looked at him confused by his sudden change in expression.

“I saved her life.”

“Don’t you ever use that magic ever again! You made a promise to me once to never sacrifice yourself for anyone! No matter what! All right? Promise me you won’t use this magic again!” Natsu borderline shouted at her. “Yeah, okay.” She shrugged.

And just like all that time ago, the spirit arrived as a person loved and desired to see.
She had short straight hair that brushed above her shoulders. Darker violet hair that faded to a lighter vibrant purple gradient at the ends. She had a tuft of hair pulled up into a side tail on the right side. Her side parted bangs teased over her vibrant fuchsia eyes. Her flawless tanned skin glowed heavenly, nearly hiding her sun-kissed freckles on her cheeks. She wore a worn purple cropped hoodie and white capris with some worn to sh*t red sneakers. She kneeled parallel to Alice, all while smiling brightly.

"Well hello stranger! Long time no see, Ali'Dru'!" Her voice was cheery and loud, overcompensated for a deep sorrow within.
Alice didn't bat her eyes. Why did it pick Mizore?
Tears dripped down Alice's eyes as she refused to look at the imposter. She at least prepared herself to see her mother. But this? This wound was still too fresh, yet to heal.

It had been years since she heard that nickname. Only specially reserved for Mizore. She always said it made Alice sound like some teenage detective.

The image of Mizore's dead body still burned to the inside of Alice's eyelids. A dark room with a limp body hanging from the rafters.
Mizore used "Happiness Magic", or so she called it. She could use the memories of someone's most happiest moments and give them a sense of false euphoria until they were crying happy tears. She loved seeing what every individual person thought of as their most joyful live events. Marriage, birth, a birthday party, a vacation, their first kiss, their first house... Sometimes something so little as a recent joke said or a moment of pride.

And seeing someone so cheery and full of laughter, no matter what struggle... Mizore was struggling and Alice didn't see it and by the time she found out, it was far too late.

"Fix him." Alice said through gritted teeth, her whole body shuddering.
“He’ll live, you know? Of course, he’s really injured, but it’ll heal on its own an-” Even the spirit could see Alice's broken facade. It made them forget what they were made for.
“Fix him! I want him fixed now!” Alice’s voice broke into a scream. The fake Mizore scowled, concerned. "...Very well." They placed a hand over Natsu’s abdomen, and a light emitted from the hand for a brief second. Fake Mizore looked back up at Alice, seething with unresolved issues. “All right. He’s healed, but you know he’ll still feel the pain and it’ll take a bit for him to wake up.”

“I know.” Alice was finally able to breathe. Not much more, but better.

"While I can't fix what's wrong with you, I can numb you from it. It'd be better than living through it."

Another tear rolled down Alice's cheek. "It's what got you killed. Instead of facing up to it, you numbed yourself with sex and alcohol, fooling everyone. Even me. And I won't let this kill me. I have to feel it."

"You know, Ali' Dru'... You can't blame yourself for what happened. I never reached out, there was never a cry for help. I kept it all inside until it was too late to ask for help. It wasn't your fault." The imposter hoped to give her some solace.
Alice shuddered out a breath. "Take your payment and go."

The spirit nodded. "It'll be another ten y-..." It paused before looking distressed at Alice. "You don't have that many left... Very well, I'll just take what I can. 6 months." And then the spirit disappeared.

Natsu, still unconscious, took in a deep breath. Alice flinched and gasped, like she was waking up from a deep sleep. She took in her surroundings.

All right.... Natsu was still unconscious and Alice was still kneeling on the ground at his side. So why did it feel like she just dissociated?

And where did everyone go?

She brushed off the feeling to focus on Natsu, who seemed to be breathing easier now.

Why.... Why was she crying? Her chest panged agonizingly. Was it Natsu? He seemed to be fine, just unconscious... So why would she get so worked up? Did something happen? Did she get hurt and knocked out for a while? She brushed it off, looking down at Natsu. He was the most important thing to worry about.

Alice took the hand of his, that’s been tightly in both of hers, and brought it to her lips, kissing his knuckles. “I’m sorry I ran off when we had that talk. And I’m sorry I’ve been distant. I just...You know I’m not good at dealing with my emotions. But when we get home... I’ll tell you anything you want to know. I promise.”

Happy, Carla, and Wendy ran over.

“Alice! You’re- What is this energy coming from you?” Wendy gasped, reeling back. “What’s wrong, Wendy?” Happy asked.

Alice gave her a confused look. Wendy trembled. “Alice is giving off extremely strong dark magic. It’s something I can’t explain! It’s nothing I’ve felt before! I mean, I’ve felt it from her sometimes but it was never like this!”

“It must be dark Alice! She said something about when her second origin opened, her and Black Alice combined.” Carla wondered.

“You mean they’re the same person now? That’s what Erza was talking about! Alice is extremely volatile and unpredictable because her magic is extremely emotion based!” Wendy nodded, agreeing.

“It seems Laxus’ condition and now Natsu injured has triggered it. Alice, you gotta listen it’ll be all right. Laxus will pull through and you just said Natsu’s fine so it shou-” “What are you talking about? I mean, sure I’m not in a good mood but I’m not Black Alice...?” Alice interrupted their conversation, discombobulated. Before anyone else could speak Natsu’s eyes shot open and he sat up, wrenching his hand away from Alice to jump up. “I’m all fired up! Where is that freak anyways?” He seemed to be fine.

“Lucy’s off fighting him right now! You gotta hurry!” Happy cried. “Wait, shouldn’t you take it easy? You look like you-” “I feel fine! A little sore, but I’m all fired up!” And with that Natsu ran off.

A sudden weight lifted off Alice. That was a relief that the blast didn’t injure him too much. Of course, Alice didn’t remember that she was the one who healed him.

Carla and Wendy sped off with him. Happy stayed back with Alice, who slowly got up to her feet. “Are you Black Alice right now?” Happy cautiously asked, voice soft with worry.

“No?” Alice turned to him, a bit shocked that he seemed scared of her. “Okay.” He nodded, before flying off, hesitantly.


so if it wasn't obvious, I thought I wrote enough about it through the chapters that it was apparent, but Alice's dark magic does sh*t to her.
As Natsu had said many times now, Alice used to be so bright and beautiful with bright candy apple colored hair and her eyes were a light turquoise, teal color and as years went by her complexion paled and her hair and eyes darkened, unnoticed by many unless looking at younger pictures of her. It's a stupid thing but without explaining more, it makes sense later. blah, blah, blah, it's physical representation of the darkness within her and all that sh*t.

Chapter 90


previous warnings apply.

Chapter Text

Alice arrived at the scene as Natsu was pelting Michello on the head with his fist. And he fell flat on his face. “Take a nap old man. I don’t wanna deal with you.”

And he strode off after Jackal. And the rest of the group followed after him. Jackal was in the river, and was in the middle of standing up as Natsu neared.
“You just really don’t wanna learn, do ya? Anything that touches me turns into a bomb, remember?”

“Stay away from him, Natsu!” Happy advised. “He uses something stronger than magic! They’re called curses!” Wendy shouted. “We’re not entirely sure yet, but we’ve seen what they can do!” Carla concurred.

“‘That so?” Natsu growled. He was beyond pissed.

“What do you know? The fools can learn! But it won’t help you now! He’s about to put on another firework display!”

Natsu’s hands started to glow once more. “I’ve already gotten the hang of it.” Natsu rasped. Jackal’s smile dropped. “What?” Natsu curled up into himself and then as the explosion went off, ate it. Once the smoke dissipated he started to laugh.

“It shouldn’t be possible! You shouldn’t be standing! What did you do?!” The demon guy shouted, incredulous. Natsu was still chuckling, but now softer. “You got me all fired up.” He said in a low tone, smirking. “I don’t get it! Who are you?!” Jackal demanded.

Natsu ran forward, smiling and while punching Jackal in the face, shouted, “I’m Natsu!” “You idiot! You touched me again! You know what that means! Time for you to go nova!”

Natsu put his fist in his mouth as it started to glow and as it exploded, ate the impact. “The first time was pretty nasty. But now I know what to expect.” Natsu strode forward in the water.

Jackal started to groan and his body started to contort. Slowly his body transformed. His form got bigger and more built and his skin was replaced with yellow fur. He grew taller and his face transformed into one of a canine... Wolfish.

“Careful we don’t know what he could do in this form!” Wendy cried. “I guess we know where he got his name.” Natsu muttered, shocked.
Jackal roared, and punched Natsu. He pushed Natsu out of the water and set off an explosion. Alice, Lucy, Wendy, Happy, and Carla were forced back from the impact.

Natsu landed on the ground, back to a building. “Natsu!” Alice gasped. Jackal ran forward, punching the building Natsu was laying at and set off another explosion.
Natsu shot up. “Punching walls, are we? Leave the town out of it, your fight is with me!” He charged Jackal who threw a fist down at him. Natsu put his arms out, blocking the fist, but was pushed down, breaking the upper layer of ground below him.

“I’m a demon! The most perfect and powerful creature there is!” Jackal said. His voice low and deep, rattling off every surface in echo. “Humans are like co*ckroaches to my kind. Easy to kill!”

So Tartaros had demons. How many was the mystery.

“You’re a demon? Are you the only one or is your guild full of them?” Natsu questioned.
“I’m done talking! I came to spill blood!” Jackal let up for a moment but only just to get an explosion ready. “If that’s what you’re fighting for, then you never stood a chance!” Natsu shouted, breaking loose and threw a fire uppercut to Jackal’s chin, then did a fire kick to his jaw.

“Cause we’re fighting for our friends. The ones yours failed and tried to kill!” Natsu punched Jackal into the side of a building, flipped him over and then...

“This is for Laxus and the Thunder Legion!” He casted a fire and lightning dragon slayer spell which made Jackal fly across the town and put a big dent in the dam, and then fell to the ground.

He stayed down and went back to his human form. “Half the town destroyed and the demon guy down. I’d say that’s a job well done!” Lucy smiled.

And then Natsu blew up and fell down, barely conscious. “Natsu!” Alice shrieked, running to his side.
“What happened?” Happy asked, as him and Carla flew over.

Natsu could barely keep his eyes open. “Natsu, sweetheart?” Alice’s voice trembled. “I’m fine. Just a bit banged up.” He managed to squeak out. “Are you sure I-” “I’m fine. No more using forbidden magic on me.”

“I didn’t....?” Alice gave him a look mixed with shock and hurt. Why would he accuse her of doing something like that? She would've remembered something like that.. but yet, there was something in her head telling her that he was right but she didn't know why.

“Just cause I was out, doesn’t mean I couldn’t hear.” Natsu doubled down.

Alice's face shown hurt and horror as she rose to her feet and stepped backwards away from him.

Jackal laughed, still face down. “Well I’ll be damned if I saw this coming.” Beams of yellow light came from around his body through the ground. “I haven’t taken a beating like that since I was a pup. Guess it had to happen sometime. Kyoka, forgive me. You’re gonna have a tough time bringing me back. But this is the only way to take the humans with me!”

And the beams were all around the town. “He must be planning to demolish the whole town!” Carla cried. “Stop, please!” Lucy begged. “Even if I wanted to, it's too late. I’m not the kinda bomb you can defuse. This body is rigged to blow even if it dies.”

Happy swooped in and grabbed Jackal by the scarf. “Not if I can help it!” He flew up into the air.

“Happy, no!” Alice screamed as so did the rest of her group.

And then the blast went off up in the sky. The town, untouched.

Silence. Carla burst out crying and Natsu kept muttering to himself how this couldn’t be real. Alice once again zoned out. She turned and walked over to a piece of a now demolished building, sitting against it, staring down at the ground.

And then Happy finally appeared, flying back down. His fur was singed in places and the hair atop his head floofed up.

“I could really use a fish.”

“We’re glad. We need to get the lacrima to get word to the guild. You still have it right, Alice?” Lucy asked. Alice stared at the ground, seemingly not paying attention but slowly raised her hand and with magic, summoned the communication lacrima. “Thanks. Hey, are you all right? I know things don’t look-” “I’m leaving now.” Alice’s low monotonous voice interrupted Lucy as Lucy grabbed the communication lacrima. Alice stood up and started off in another direction.

And slowly Alice meandered off. “Hey! You shouldn’t go off on you-” “You should leave her alone. Something’s wrong with her and there’s something dark going on inside her.” Wendy advised Lucy. “What do you mean?” Lucy gasped in terror. She’s seen Black Alice in person.

“Something happened to her on her quest. I could feel this darkness in her growing since we came back, before we went on Warrod’s quest. But Laxus’ condition made it worse.”

Alice walked off, finding solace in her loneliness. Her skin crawled. Her nausea came back although her stomach was empty.

“Hey, Alice?” Lucy hesitantly walked over. Alice didn’t answer.

“Natsu and Happy left. They’re after the former Chairman since he should know the names of the three Council members to unlock Face and maybe the location of it. We’re planning on heading that way ourselves. You wanna come with?” Lucy asked with a gentle voice. She could sense Alice’s dark magic.

It was overwhelming, Lucy shivered and felt every bad memory resurface. This magic had her feeling despair and ruin. But Lucy trekked on, Alice needed help. If provoked, Alice could lose control and do something bad.

Alice didn’t respond, barely acknowledged Lucy altogether.

“Alice? Can you hear me?” Lucy called in a softer tone, wary about Alice’s state. “Alice!”

Alice blinked and suddenly flashes of the event passed through her mind. A dark fog started to seep from her body, surrounding her.

“You’re all alone and no one can save you!” A voice that made Alice want to scream rang in her ears. The feeling of someone slipping down Alice’s shorts. Something foreign and hot slipping between her thighs. Her body was frozen. She couldn't move! So helpless and-...

“I can’t!”
Alice dropped to her knees. “I can’t!” She sobbed. “I can’t...”

His dead body limp against Alice’s. Alice sobbed, trying to wriggle around to get him off her naked body.
He rolled off her, off the bed, and hit the wooden floor with a loud thud. Still panicking, Alice’s whimpers echoed off the thin walls. Many minutes, maybe even an hour passed before her magic was returning and with it, she did a lightning spell to burn the ropes off her hands.
She sat up, stretching down to untie each bind on her ankle to two bedposts, to keep her legs spread open.
She got off the bed and looked down at his lifeless form, shirt still pushed up and naked waist down. His soulless eyes stared up at the ceiling.

“Get it together Alice. We have work to do.” Alice sniffled hard and nodded as she spoke those words. Words spoken to not only herself, but her darkness that triggered the death spell.

Taking a long hot shower, skin red with irritation, layers removed. New clothes on and a transfiguration spell. Checking out of the cheap hotel room as Haru using the illusion spell.

Then stuffing the real Haru’s body into a bag, and traveling across the country to the ocean.

Using her Water Dragon Slayer Magic, Alice swam, with the bag far and deep into the ocean, where only deadly creatures presided, opening the bag, spilling blood to attract predators and watching to make sure every piece was devoured.

Going to a nearby town to stay the night to process and get her emotions in check before going back home. Going home, greeted by an empty house, going to the guild and trying to act like everything was fine.

But it wasn’t.

She swore to never tell anyone what happened. She thought she could keep it pushed down. To hide the fact that someone violated her and she accidentally murdered said person and instead of reporting it to authorities, hid the evidence.

Killing someone and getting rid of the body was pretty easy for Alice to process. But the part when they were still alive and took away her magic, paralyzing her body and carrying her off to a motel room to have their way with Alice... That part was harder to keep down.

Because the memory was still fresh in her mind. She could barely take her clothes off without getting sick to her stomach. She could barely let Natsu touch her.

Lucy hesitantly stepped forward.

“Lucy, no!” Wendy cried as Carla flew by, carrying Lucy away from Alice.

“Hey, what are you doing?” Lucy gasped.
“Be careful, Lucy! She’s giving off a lot of dark energy! That dark cloud could be dangerous!” Wendy advised in a scream.

“She’s not dangerous! She’s scared! We can’t treat her like an enemy!” Lucy flailed around, getting Carla to drop her. “Lucy, don’t!”

Lucy rolled on the ground and quickly got to her feet, running to Alice, still on the ground, trembling, her dark energy still spreading. Lucy dropped to her knees, and hugged Alice tight. The dark cloud burned like acid on Lucy's skin. But she didn't care. Alice was in pain and that mattered more.

“I don’t know what happened and you don’t have to tell me! But you’re my friend! I don’t care if you don’t trust me- I don’t care if you hate me! I love you and I care about you! You were a wizard I looked up to before I met you and I always wanted to be a Fairy Tail wizard and be just as cool you and I was so happy to meet you and have you and as one of my first friends there! You saved me from Phantom Lord and you’ve always protected me! So however you feel now, I’m gonna be there for you. So just know that no matter how alone you feel or how scared you are, I’ll always be at your side ready to fight anything with you because we’re teammates, and that’s what teammates do for each other!” Lucy cried, holding Alice tight.

Alice screamed out a wailing sob.

Chapter 91

Chapter Text

“It’s not good news. We went after Natsu to the former chairman’s house.” Carla announced. “When we got there, they were all gone. Natsu, Happy, Erza, and Mira. On top of that, the house was completely destroyed.” Lucy added. “I tried to track them down, but my sense of smell just isn’t strong enough.” Wendy lowered her head.

“You don’t think they got caught, do you?” Gray guessed. “They could be on the run, but they haven’t reported in.” Juvia added hesitantly.

“I wish we could hit Tartaros back, but we don’t know where they are.” Levy frowned. Pantherlily, who was standing near Levy crossed his arms and nodded towards Gajeel. “Should we go back to the old Chairman’s place? Maybe you can sniff out where the group was taken.”

“Nah. If this kid couldn’t hack it, neither could I.” Gajeel patted Wendy on the head. “Plus, it’s been awhile. Natsu smells, but he don’t smell that much.”

The others started to talk. “How come you and Fire Breath got split up?” Gray asked Alice, not caring about Alice’s dark cloud.

“He’s mad at me.” Alice replied in an almost childlike tone. At some point from the town to the Chairman’s house to the guild Alice woke up from another episode, where she didn’t remember what had happened. But she felt heavy and tired, and an overwhelming gloom.

“The secret base! Me and Natsu found it!” Happy flew in, very exhausted. Alice perked up.

Sure, she was very nervous about Natsu’s whereabouts being unknown, but maybe it wasn’t all bad that he wasn’t around? He was mad at Alice, accusing her of breaking a promise.

“I know where it is! We gotta go back!” Happy’s wings disappeared and he flopped on a table. He groaned but jumped up to his tiny feet. “Mira and Erza got captured because that former Chairman guy is a traitor! And me and Natsu! We busted in and followed their trail! But Natsu- he-he!” He started to cry uncontrollably.

Carla came over and pinched his face with her paw hands to get him to stop. “You need to calm down!”


And so everyone gathered in close and Happy explained everything he knew.

“Inconceivable! The Former Chairman of the Magic Council has joined Tartaros?”

“There’s one more thing-..” Happy looked towards Gray and hesitated. “Nevermind. But they got Natsu. I watched him get caught. He was right in front of me... I know I should’ve tried to save him but...I ran...” Happy started to cry. “You did the right thing. Now dry your tears and tell us where he is.” Patherlily used a gentle voice. “The base is on some weird blocky island. And it floats around in the sky.”

Levy got to work calculating the position of the base while everyone started to get psyched up to go fight.

“Natsu needed me and I ran away...” Happy continued to cry and waddled over to sit on Alice’s lap, putting his face into her stomach.

Instincts told her to swat him away. She didn’t want to be touched. Especially on her lap or stomach. But she gritted her teeth, staying silent as Lucy came over to comfort Happy, patting him on the head.

Then Elfman stumbled into the guild hall. Without Lisanna, who he went on the mission with.

He had a dark aura about him. He slowly stomped further in.

“Hey, you two get split up?” Gray asked. “You had us worried there.” Juvia nodded.

“Lisanna’s gone. Captured by Tartaros.” Elfman solemnly said.

Everyone gasped. “They got to Master Yuri first. They were waiting for us. I failed. I don’t know what else I could’ve done.” Elfman grumbled.

“Quite the man you are. I wouldn’t let my sister get taken by them.” Cana abruptly stated in a harsh tone which took everyone by surprise. “Cana, there’s nothing he could’ve done.” Gray snapped at her. “Oh yeah, sure. He’s just a weak crybaby. What kind of man lets something like that happen?”

“That’s enough!” “This is not the time to start turning on each other!”

“Stop shouting!” Alice screamed. She didn’t like the shouting with her own mind screaming at her. The nausea, the migraine, the anxiety.... And Cana being a bitch. It was becoming too much for her to stand.

Elfman retreated to the basem*nt. “You’re one to say anything. You’re barely a member of Fairy Tail anymore. The only person you care about is yourself.” Cana shrugged Alice off. Lucy quickly snatched Happy off Alice.

Alice’s jaw clenched. “Like you don’t. All you do is drink and demean everyone. And remember that one time you left Lucy passed out in the middle of Tenrou while Grimoire Heart and Zefer were roaming? If it wasn’t for me, Lucy would be dead. Her skull would be smashed to pieces with her brain splattered all over. Because you put her to sleep, abandoning her with a dark guild on the island. And while we all were fighting for our lives, you so selfishly just continued on with the trial.” Alice fired back. Cana glared towards Alice. “Well remember when you all were getting your asses handed to you by that blue haired freak? You would’ve suffocated if it wasn’t for me!”

“Only because you only cared about the trial! You were only useful because of Mavis’ Fairy Glitter spell! Which you only got because you abandoned your partner! You’re one of the most selfish people in the guild.”

“Girls, please do not fight! We have to save our energies for fighting the enemy! We need to be united!” Carla pleaded.

“Look at her, she’s becoming one of our enemies! Her dark magic has corrupted her and she’ll probably kill someone.” Cana laughed crudely.

Alice’s glare dropped as did her stomach. She’d throw up if she had anything in her stomach to do it with.

But stomach acid went up her esophagus, and she swallowed it back down, but it left a burning at the back of her throat. “That’s enough, Cana!” Lucy cried.

“Whatever. I’m done dealing with this bullsh*t.” Cana jumped off the table, and went to follow after Elfman.

Lucy, with Happy cradled in her arms, smothered against her unnecessarily large chest. “She didn’t mean it, you know?” Lucy pouted towards Alice.

Alice stood up. She needed to drink some water.

“I’ve pinpointed where they are.” Levy stood up from her table with maps. “Awesome, Levy!” Lucy smiled. “So where are they?” Master asked. “Above us.” Levy pointed up towards the sky. “Are you certain?”

“What are you talking about, kid?” Gajeel didn’t believe her. “I know how it sounds, but from what Happy said, from the eastern border, heading west. Unless they changed directions, they should be right over Magnolia now.” Levy explained. “Guess they thought they’d bring the fight to us.” Gajeel smirked. “We’ll have Natsu back in no time!” Lucy reassured Happy. “Aye!”

“Get ready!” Master shouted.

Then suddenly a bright light came from nowhere from the floor. It grew brighter and brighter within a second until it was so blinding that Alice couldn’t see anything but white.

But then...

“What’s going on?!”

Cana had run up from the basem*nt, using card magic to trap every single member in the hall in a card. “I’m sorry, but there’s a few of you who aren’t fast enough.” Cana said in a serious tone.

And then Alice was out of a card, landing on her feet somewhere else?

She quickly took in her surroundings. She was on some barren ground surrounded by water.

And then she noticed... She was looking at Magnolia upside down!

“Fairy Tail attack!” Cana shouted, getting her attention.

Soldiers in dark armor were charging at them. Without a second though, Alice joined her guild members, charging forward at a ground of soldiers.

She couldn’t hold back if these men were in between her and Natsu.

Hundreds of men down it seemed, but they just kept coming.

“What do we do?” Lucy shouted in a pant. “We’re wasting our energy while Erza and the others are still up there!” Pantherlily shouted oh-so-obviously.

An explosion from inside the ground, breaking open through the ground, came Erza fighting with some lady with chicken feet.

“It’s Erza!”

If Erza was up and fighting, was Natsu as well?

“Well we did need a shortcut. Might as well take the chance.” Alice said, standing at the edge of the tunnel down into the darker.

Erza landed back to the ground. “There’s gravity? And you’re all here? Why are we upside down?” She asked. “There’s no time to play catch up. I say we storm that shortcut and wreck shop!” Gray shouted, getting shouts of approval from his guild mates.

“Natsu and Lisanna are okay. We just have to worry about Mira and Elfman.” Erza announced. “You can take me off that list.” Elfman replied.

“All right, lets go!” Gray shouted. Him, Juvia, Gajeel and others ran towards the hole. Alice took that chance to be the first one down it.

Once out the hole, they found themselves in a hallway made of stone. And then more soldiers coming from four different halls.

“I don’t have time for you!” Alice threw a spell down one hallway, taking out the men. She didn't care if they died. They were on the wrong side anyways.

“Get out the way!” Gray threw a spell down the other side of the hall. Master looked down a hall. “I’ll take care of them. Go!”

Wendy, Lucy, Alice, Carla, and Happy all went down one hall, finding themselves in a big room with multiple screens, like archive magic screens.

“Well this room looks important.” Lucy commented. “Look at all the writing.” Happy gasped.

“Archive magic. Now we really know the Chairman is on their side. This is his magic.” Alice’s jaw tensed.

“Look at that sphere in the middle. It looks like a globe, doesn’t it?” Wendy pointed to said blue sphere. It had equally divided squares all around it. “This must be some kind of command center.” Carla guessed.

They all walked up to the control panels. “Hey, do you see that?” Lucy pointed to one screen up in the air. “I had hoped Erza was wrong but it looks like the Face has been unsealed.”

“How do we stop it?” Wendy asked nervously. “Could we use this magic circle?” Happy read a panel in ancient script. “Perhaps, but there’s no way to operate it.” Carla joined him. Alice tried her best to translate it.

“If I’m reading this right, Face can only be activated by its on-site controls. So we maybe in luck here- Wait, its already started?!” Lucy read a screen.

Suddenly numbers popped up in the air in an orange color. It seemed to be a timer, starting at 42:00 and started counting down. “I don’t want to jump to conclusions, but this looks like a countdown!” Happy cried.

“Then all magic on the continent will be purged from existence.” Carla anxiously stated. “Yeah, and these demon guys will be able to reign over us since curses apparently aren’t the same.” Alice crossed her arms, puzzled on what to do.

Happy started to scream nonsense, panicking. Carla scolded him.

“Should we wreck the place?” Lucy suggested. “What good would that do?” Alice grumbled at her. “Yeah, it seems like the only way to stop it is by going to it.” Wendy added.

“We don’t have time to warn the others. It’s in our paws now.” Carla put her paws on her hips. “Well, I mean, not necessarily. There’s five of us, I’m sure one of us could go tell the others.” Alice disagreed. No one argued with her as the sound of a stick being hit on the stone along with the jingling of metal echoed in the room, gathering the five’s attention, turning to see who was making the noise.

Some tall being shrouded in a purple fog. Whoever this was, they had a skeleton appearance. They were all bone, and their face looked somewhat like a humanoid skull. This thing wore a black cloak that had a checkered pattern on the shoulders. They wore a golden headpiece on their head that covered all but the face of the figure.

“The prayers of these woeful maidens resonate like the bitter toll of hell’s bells. The Demon Light shall shine with the radiance of a morning star, and breathe new life into the land.” The figure spoke with a masculine, elder sounding voice.

But the mouth didn’t move.

It walked until it stopped a meter or so away from the group then stopped. “Oh, fairy maidens who have fallen into the netherworld, may you wander purgatory as corpses.”

The girls started to tremble. Along with Happy. Alice, on the other hand, wasn't too bothered by it. Sure the macabre look was a bit unsettling but the poetic shtick was really making this guy look lame.

“Another villain who wants to sound cool by talking all mystic and poetic. You realize what you said doesn’t make you look cooler. And also, there is one boy here, could you be a bit more respectful?” Alice rolled her eyes. “Alice, I don’t think you should be talking to him like that...We don’t want to make him angry...” Wendy whispered.

Lucy glanced back at the timer. “We don’t have time for this. We need to get out of this place fast.” Lucy muttered softly. “Right.” Wendy nodded. “All that matters is that we stop Face!” Happy said determined. “If we don’t, there will be chaos!” Carla added.

A green alien creature popped out from behind the skeleton. It was a puke green color, about the same height as Skeletor. He was round in shape, like a sphere with scrawny arms and legs. On it’s back shoulders, parts of its body formed spikes.

It had no neck to connect its head to the body, and the face seemed humanoid. It was cycloptic with one eye. The sclera was black and the pupil was a dirty gold color. It had no nose and its mouth took up half of its face. The lips were pink and big. The scariest part to Alice was that this thing had human teeth.

“Hate to burst your bubble but it’s too late! Sorry ladies!” The thing said with a nasally male voice.

“Don’t worry I got this!” Lucy said, pulling out two keys. “Yeah, let the weakest link try to attack the demons.” Alice rolled her eyes. “Open! Gate of the Golden Bull and Lamb! Taurus and Aries!”

“Rip these demonic things a new one!” Lucy demanded as Aries and Taurus appeared.

Aries conjured a sea of pink fluffy wool and Taurus spun around in a fast circle to make the wool circle around the two demons. “This is our chance to make a break for it!” Lucy shouted. “Yeah, let’s go!”

Carla picked up Wendy, and Happy with Lucy. Alice hopped on her magic disk. “Do you know where we’re going?” Wendy shouted to Carla. “To Poison Jelly Valley! There’s a face in a cave there!”

“Aries! Taurus! Cover us while we go for it!” Lucy shouted. “All right! We’ll hold them off!” Aries replied.

All five flew off out of the room and into a hall. “Let’s hurry!”

Rounding a corner, up ahead, appeared Skeletor. “No way!” “How?!”

“We’ll have to get through him!” Alice shouted. “Right!”

Skeletor tapped his stick on the ground. “Behold the wave of misfortune-” “Can it!” Gray appeared behind him, punching at him, but then stumbling forward, as it seems this dude had no physical form. So Gray went right through him.

But as he did, Skeletor’s form was cut off into purple dust, reforming itself. “Thanks for the save!” Lucy called. “Wait! Where are you going?!” Gray shouted. “No time to explain!”

They zoomed past them.

“If we keep heading straight, there should be a hole in the wall that we can get through unnoticed!” Happy shouted.

But as they neared, Aries wool filled the hallway, and Alice and Happy with Lucy got caught in the wall of wool as Carla was able to dodge it. “We’ll save you!” Carla shouted. “There’s no time! Go without us!” Lucy sacrificed them.

Alice was able to make a hole in the wool above her to see through but she was too far in to move through it effectively.

But she was able to see the green alien dude from before. Except his complexion was now pure white and his head, arms and legs were of the pink wool that Aries made. Did this guy absorb Aries?

“Natsu!” Happy called. “Back off, eyeball, you’re dealing with me!” Alice heard Natsu shout. But she couldn’t see him from where she was.

But then the wool slowly disappeared. And Alice, Happy, and Lucy were free.

“Well it’s always been your thing to show up in the nick of time!” Lucy smiled. Alice swallowed hard.

As she stood up, Lucy and Happy ran to Natsu’s side. “They sped off fast, where are they going?” Natsu commented on Wendy and Carla’s escape.

Alice eyed him up and down. He seemed to be only a bit scratched up. And he was wearing some new outfit. Black, loose fitting pants with yellow skull designs on the sides of the thigh of either side of the legs. He had black calf high boots that he stuffed the pants into. He wore a brown belt. Then he had a matching jacket to the pants, on. Except there were skulls on the shoulders of the jacket. He let it stay open to show off his chest.

His bangs hung over his forehead.

Alice was relieved he seemed okay. But then she remembered that the last time they saw each other he had accused her of something she didn’t do. Sure, Alice shouldn’t let it get in the way of battle, but she felt shy to go up to him. Because he was mad at her. Or he was and...

“I’m glad you’re okay!” Happy cried. “What are you guys doing all the way up here?” Natsu asked. “Face is already counting down and we can only stop it on site!” Lucy explained in a very loud voice that bounced around the stone walls and made Alice’s head pound. Natsu gasped. “Not good, we still need to save Mirajane too!”

“No choice then, we’ll have to leave stopping Face to Wendy and Carla.” Lucy decided. Alien guy shouted and started to glow a bright golden light.

Alice skipped forward with the three to get ready for anything.

Alien guy started to transform. His whole form grew taller and muscular and he turned the same color scheme as Taurus. He even had two horns on his head and he had a bell around his neck. “Time to face the revolution kids!” He shouted, as his voice even sounded similar to Taurus’. “Why does he look like cow man?” Happy gasped. “It looks like he can absorb things. Aries and Taurus. Keep clear of him, we don’t know how it works and if he can do it to us!” Alice cautioned.

“Thanks for summoning such yummy souls for me to eat! They allowed me to perform a rather potent revolution! There’s a hefty fee for letting me lose those little rats and I’ll make sure you pay it with interest!” Alien threatened.

“Wow, you’re dumb. Wendy is a human, not a rat.” Natsu corrected. Alice let out a soft chuckle as it was unexpected.

“Yeah, I know that! Just because I only have one eye doesn’t mean I can't see you clear as day! I called her a rat cause she sneaks around like one! It’s not really a hard concept to grasp!” Alien explained, annoyed.

“While, she’s a human, not a rat, so really she sneaks around like a human.” Alice decided to throw it in. “And also, just so we’re clear, Carla is a cat.” Natsu nodded.

“Now you’re just trying to be annoying!”

Lucy took a step forward. “You will release Aries and Taurus!” “In your dreams, pig tails! They’re a part of my collection now and I have no intention of giving them up!” Alien denied. Natsu got fired up. “Fine by me. I’ll have no problem ripping them out of you! Rat bastard!” Natsu shouted, charging at him.

At the last moment, Alien transformed his face into Aries. “Natsu!” Aries cried. Natsu stopped and Alien hit him. “I can’t hit him!” Natsu said. “Well I have no problem doing it!” Alice shouted, running forward, using a lightning kick. He transformed into Aries again. “Nice try! I’ve always wanted to kick those lame spirits’ asses!” Alice smirked, landing a hit that only made the guy slide back a few steps.

Alice lept back.

“Fine, I guess I’ll just have to take you too!”

“She’s not for sale!” Natsu quipped, charging at Alien dude again. “Don’t roast my loins!” Taurus’ face came out. “I have no problem hitting him!” Natsu went for a punch and the Alien guy flew back a bit.

“So what? You go for the cow and I go for Aries?” Alice gave a side glance to Natsu. “If he keeps playing us like that, sure.” Natsu nodded.

“How evil!” Lucy whimpered. “I understand where Natsu’s coming from but Alice is pure evil...” Happy commented. Alice faltered at his words.

What option did they have here? Why would Happy say that?

Alice grimaced feeling a pressure in her head. “You okay?” Natsu asked.

“I’m fine.”

“You brats! I’ll kill you!” The alien guy shouted, getting back up. “Well if those small fries ain’t gonna cut it, I guess I’ll have to pull out my most powerful soul!” He started to glow gold and transform again.

Revealing his form, the four gasped in horror. How....?

Chapter 92


guys I'm uploading some of these on my phone during my break at work and I'm worried that the spacing is wonky. I'm sorry.

yeah sh*t gets dark. not sorry. maybe somewhere in the deep recesses of my mind this is how I cope with my own sh*t but whatever.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Once the smoke cleared, Franmalth revealed the soul he took on.


Alice gasped in horror.
The master before Makarov. And the past master of Grimoire Heart. The guild that attacked Fairy Tail on Tenrou Island during the S-Class trial. After defeating all the other members, they had to go up against Hades. Erza, Gray, Wendy, Lucy, Alice, and Natsu. It was a battle that Alice had ranked as the most challenging battle of all the ones she’s won.And this was no easy feat. It took so many tries and so much power to take Hades out. Even Laxus’ surprise appearance didn’t work. It took his power, and all the other six’s magic to eventually win.A battle Alice was sure they wouldn’t win. She never saw Natsu so terrified and beaten down before.
It was a day Alice tried to purge from her memory. Because after they beat Hades, Acnologia showed up. And well, you know how that went.

Alice’s body trembled. She knew they could take down Hades eventually but... Just the three of them? Lucy was practically useless. Her spirits were weak in the first place, and Franmalth had proved to be able to easily absorb them and sure, Alice said she wanted to kick all their asses, but just the thought of Loke’s face popping up and begging for mercy... Alice didn’t think she could do it. So it was up to Alice and Natsu to take this fake Hades down. And Alice wasn’t sure they could do it.

And once they proved to be able to defeat him a second time, wouldn’t Franmalth just get out another soul? Sure Hades was his most powerful soul apparently, but his second or third after that would still prove to be powerful and would Alice or Natsu have the magic power to win?
It didn’t help that the face of Hades just threw Alice’s mind back onto Tenrou and she felt the fear of Acnologia all over.

She didn’t know why he attacked them in the first place but all the pieces from the last attack were here. Hades (technically), Fairy Tail, and the presence of Zeref.

Natsu landed near Alice and took her by the hand. “I’m sorry.” Alice whimpered out as she started to cry. “What for?” Natsu gave her a slightly panicked look. “I’m gonna have to break my promise. I can’t protect you. I can’t save any of us. None of us together can.”

The only reason they made it out alive was because of the magic on Tenrou and the presence of the first master.

“It’s Master Hades!” Lucy whimpered. “Bullcrap! It’s totally off! You don’t even have the body right!” Natsu scoffed.

And he was right. The body shape wasn’t even close. It was like Franmalth skinned Hades and wore his body and clothes over his body.
“I don’t like it!” Lucy whined. No one liked it. But the power of Hades was there. “The nuances of my body aren’t important. Don’t you get it? I’ve become the dark wizard, Hades!” Franmalth explained.
“I can see that’s what you’re going for.” Natsu commented casually. “Can you? Because if you did, you’d be cowering in fear right now! Obviously you don’t know how scary of a man he was.” Franmalth plays it up.

Natsu, on the other hand, wasn’t intimidated. “Yeah, no. I remember him pretty well.” He nodded. “We had a run in with him some time ago.” Alice said. “He caused us a lot of trouble,” Lucy added. “And judging by your costume, we knew him better than you.” Happy bagged on his appearance.
“That’s enough! Shut your wretched traps! And I will tell you what you may have not known about him. You may have heard about the dark guild, Grimoire Heart... Well this man led the darn thing! He was one of the darkest geniuses the world had ever seen since Zeref! Now feel free to grovel at my feet!”

“Yeah, we know.” Alice nodded. “You need to work on your listening skills.” Happy said. “Seven years ago, I was searching for Lord Zeref,” Franmalth took on the voice of Hades. “When I stumbled upon this hunk of carrion. This man was human in name alone because from his taste of books to his better eye radiated power! Demonic power!”

“So you never heard how Hades got beat, now did you?” Happy asked, amused. Franmalth blinked blankly. “Can’t say I have, but why does that matter to me?”

Natsu smirked, lunging forwards. “Oh, it matters! Cause it was me who kicked his wrinkled butt!” He punched him in the face, and Franmalth flew and hit a wall, breaking through it. “I already won this fight 7 years ago! That’s how my flames got their spark!”
“Yeah, Natsu already gave that Hades man the business!” Happy smiled. “Yes, but did you fight him alone?!” Franmalth jumped back, hitting Natsu, who went through several walls. Lucy called after him.

Alice charged at him, once again kicked at him, but he deflected her. She dodged, landing back near Lucy.

“This body might not look like much, but once its revved up, it does not quit!”

Natsu came running back.

“Such power can only come from those who’ve seen the abyss of sorcery!” Franmalth used that one spell of Hades that connects a chain to a victim. Natsu dodged but then Franmalth extended his arms, grabbing one of Natsu’s arms, and one leg, pulling him in. “Connection! I finally get to add you to the soul bank!”
“I don’t think so!” Natsu broke free. “Lightning Flame Dragon Mode! Lightning Fire Dragon Roar!” Natsu did a long range attack.

“Lightning Rod!” Alice conjured a shower of lightning strikes that hit Franmalth as Natsu’s attack hit him.

“It’s like getting cooked in a storm cloud!” Franmalth shouted. The impact of the spell sent Happy and Lucy flying back.
Franmalth laughed. “I’ve never tasted such electric souls! Spicy and a zing of flavor! Let me absorb it!”
And the spells flew into his open hands until this disappeared. Oh, and he was unscathed. “What?” Alice gasped breathless. “You mean he can absorb the souls of Natsu and Alice’s spells? I didn’t know spells had souls” Happy cried.

“I knew spells could take on life of their own if out of control but I’ve never heard of it having souls!” Alice shouted.

Franmalth’s body combusted into flames, with lightning dancing around him while laughing maniacally.

“Sure didn’t see that one coming.” Natsu muttered, watching it, floored.

“I can taste the range of your strength from the snack you gave me. You fire wizard, you likely were the one who took down Jackal but that doesn’t speak for your odds against the rest of us. Cause we’re all demons from the books of Zeref! Each of us a unique and living weapon from a better time! Expertly crafted from the cruelest of hands! You’d do yourselves a favor by keeping sight of the fact that each of us has the strength of an army! And a lust for human pain. I’m not a gambler, but against demonic curses, human magic has less odds than a three legged goat in a lion’s den! Oh, and in countdown update, if you’re going to win with those odds, you’d better do it in less than ten minutes or else you’ll have no magic to fight with! I’ll have to ask you how it feels! Once the magic’s been torn away from you, tell me what’s left!” Franmalth teased them viciously.

“Something tells me that you don’t really give a crap about our feelings, do you?” Happy glared at him.

“I wish we knew how much time is really left.” Lucy pouted. “You have exactly 9 minutes and 43 seconds left!” Horologium popped out of nowhere.

“Hit me with your best shot! I can promise you ahead of time it won’t be good enough! Every spell has a soul, and every soul can be devoured.” Franmalth explained, confidently. “If that’s right, then I’ll just have to blast you with more than you can stomach!” Natsu planned.

Although, who knew how much magic that’d take. “Quite the theory! Come and test it! You’ll be the river man and I’ll be the reaper!- But-But I’m still Hades as well!” Franmalth laughed and then clarified.

“Man, what are these metaphors?” Alice scoffed.

The hallway in which they stood, started to quake violently. Happy and Lucy stumbled around while Alice and Natsu still stood still, seemingly unaffected. “What’s going on?” Natsu growled.

“That’s the cube’s way of saying you’re beaten. Our work has paid off! We’re about to bring the age of magic to an end! The cube is reacting to Face’s rising power. If you still want to attack me, you’d better do it soon! This continent will be free of magic in three minutes!”

“Three minutes?!” “You guys gotta beat him soon!” Lucy and Happy exclaimed.

“How much is a wizard worth without his magic? I’d say nothing!” And then the shaking stopped. “Face has been unleashed!” Franmalth laughed.

Alice flexed her hands, confused. She still felt the same. She had run herself low on magic, maybe even completely, plenty of times and this didn’t feel like it.
She noticed Natsu, right beside her, still flamed up. If his magic was gone, he wouldn’t be able to produce a plume of smoke let alone this fist of fire. He noticed too. But Franmalth apparently didn’t, still laughing victoriously.

“Oh yeah? I still got my magic.” Natsu challenged. That got Franmalth to stop to look at them all worriedly. “I do too!” Lucy gasped, checking her keys. “See? What’d I tell you? I knew Carla could do it!” Happy cheered.

“What?! How could this have happened?!” Franmalth shouted, then fell over, crying. “It’s simple! Your little plan didn’t work!” Natsu shouted, confident.
“It’s horrible! We failed! I shudder to think how this blunder has set us back! It pains me!” Franmalth cried to himself. “Now let our friends go!” Natsu shouted. “It’s mind boggling, this failure. What is the cost? What is the cost?” Franmalth seemingly ignored Natsu, continuing to talk to himself. He jumped up to his feet, then lept towards Alice and Natsu standing together. They both dodged, going opposite directions. “One thousand of your souls!” Franmalth announced, missing both wizards, hitting his fists to the ground.

He got back up, turning to Natsu, and started to laugh maniacally all while trying to get a connection to Natsu, who was skillfully dodging either hand. “I’ll start by collecting your souls and those of all your stupid friends, and I won’t stop until every living thing in Earthland has been made into an empty shell!”

“We need to do something quick!” Lucy shouted, like that wasn’t obvious. “Yeah, but what can we do? He’s absorbed everything we’ve thrown at him. He even absorbed your spirits!” Happy replied.

“Don’t forget that I have all of Hades’ spells at my disposal.” Franmalth then conjured a magic circle. Three purple circles, one small one, a medium one around it, and one bigger one around those two.

The markings were in an ancient language. “Your fate has been sealed! Amaterasu Formula 28!”

A big explosion went off.
As the smoke cleared, the four were on the ground, wounded and out of breath from the spell. Franmalth laughed victoriously.

Natsu groaned, attempting to sit up. “I can’t give up!”

Franmalth did the one spell of Hades’ where he shoots a shot of purple magic from his pointer finger, forming that hand into a gun shape. “Bang!” The shot hit Natsu in the chest as he slowly got up. He hissed in pain.
“Bang! Does this pain bring back old memories?” Franmalth cackled. Alice moaned in pain, sitting up.

“Hey, don’t get up. I got this!” Natsu ordered, although, by his weak tone, Alice didn’t have much confidence in that.

Franmalth was right, it was bringing back old memories. The fear and pain Alice felt, watching Natsu in agony, while she wasn’t able to stop it. But the pain in her chest made her physical pain all over her body feel miniscule.

“Oh I can’t wait to discover just how much wasting all your strength will cost you! And your friends! Bang!” That last shot knocked Natsu back down to his back. “Natsu!” Lucy screamed.

That was enough to get Alice back to her feet. God, Lucy's shrill screams were so annoying.

“Hades had a lot of spells and now, so do I!” Franmalth conjured up the chain once more, flinging it at Lucy, catching her by a wrist and throwing her up in the air, just to whip her back to the ground. And Alice watched it, rather emotionlessly. Her face dropped completely to true neutrality. Bored even.

“Let her go!” Natsu growled, standing up.


“Alice?” Natsu gasped, noticing black smoke seeping from Alice’s skin. From each pore smoke emitted from her, thick and dark. The smoke got so thick, Alice could've disappeared and no one would have known. Not even light could travel through the fog, Alice's entire body was hidden in this cloud of black.

And then the fog dissipated. Revealing a disturbing sight. Alice’s skin had paled to a sickly pale, her skin translucent and her veins dark. The white of her eyes were completely black, her pupils a blood red. Her face was pale and sunken in. Her eyes were sunken and dark. Her lips were cracked and bloody. Her hair was longer, thinner and matted-- Soaking with, what the hell was it? It was thick as blood, but it was muddied with grainy black. It dripped down her shoulders, leaving brownish, auburn streaks down to her clawed hands.

The three behind her were breathless. Natsu was frozen in fear, both at this monster before him and then the immense dark energy that it emitted. It left him feeling empty and hopeless. Everything was hopeless. This being before him was going to kill them all and it already consumed Alice.

“What’s this? A power up? Do you not understand? All spells have soul! I will absorb anything you throw at me!” Franmalth cackled in Alice’s direction, not at all phased by the demonic sight before him.

“I just want the stupid blonde to shut her big mouth.” Alice groaned, with a scowl. Her voice seemed to reverberate, all types of tones echoing after each one. As if a thousand voices were speaking with her. Dark and low, yet shrill and screaming.

She turned to look at Lucy, moaning in pain on the ground.

“Seriously. You have such a big f*cking mouth and yet you don’t do anything useful with it. All you do is cry and whine and complain. Could at least f*ck Natsu with it, you whor* yourself out to him enough to do it.” Alice rolled her eyes, glaring towards Lucy. As she spoke, it was revealed her canines were longer and sharper looking, and all her molars were pointy, not much bigger than before, but now they had a point to them. Her gums were bleeding. Blood sat between her teeth and pooled in the corners of her mouth. These teeth grew out of nowhere, causing trauma to her.

Lucy trembled, with tears pouring from her eyes. Her blood ran cold. Was this the "dark Alice" they closed off?!
No way! This was a creature of hell! What demon possessed Alice?!

She snorted silently, turning back to Franmalth.

She held out her hands his way, and flexed her fingers out, like she was ready to grip something.

“Do you think you scare me? You- Ah! What are- What are you doing?!” Franmalth started to glow and a light seemed to come from his mouth as Alice motioned with one hand, like she was the one telekinetically pulling souls from him. And out went Taurus and Aries, seemingly okay. “Close their stupid f*cking gates.” Alice grunted, referring to Lucy.

“R-R-Right! I close your gate, Taurus! And I close your gate, Aries!” Lucy's voice shook, still so haunted by the new creature before her, and Aries and Taurus disappeared.

“What are you doing?!” Franmalth demanded, shouting.

Alice’s right hand closed into a tight fist. “Your voice is almost as annoying as hers. I couldn’t keep listening anymore so I had to come out and shut you up and maybe that’d get blondie to stop whining for at least five f*cking minutes. Even little princess couldn't stand you, that's how I got my opening out." She frowned, grimly.
Franmalth started to tremble and his Hades form disappeared to show his green alien-like body once more. His one eye clamped shut as his mouth went agape.

Alice’s eyes focused on him, hands relaxing for a moment, her left arm lowering to rest at her side, as her right hand went open, palm out to Franmalth and then black lightning suddenly came from Franmalth’s body and he shrieked in pain. “Why can’t I absorb it?!”

She smiled wickedly. “Because it’s not magic.”

He continued to scream in pain, body contorting in agony until Alice stopped her attack, letting her hand down. Franmalth stopped screaming, and his body fell back, limp.

"Now I can sleep again... Finally, it's quiet for a while longer..." Alice sighed, sleepily. And with one more smoke cloud, the Alice that she once was stumbled out of the cloud. All that remained as proof of the horror before them, the dirty bloody stains drying down along her arms, and the blood starting to dry in the corners of her mouth, and an achy pain in her mouth.
Alice’s eyes opened and she took in a sharp inhale, eyes a midnight black. Color returned to her skin, but not much, keeping her looking very pale.

She looked at her surroundings. Franmalth dead, and then her three guildmates staring up at her in slight horror and disbelief...! What the hell just happened? Mid battle she fell asleep? Was it some sort of spell that Franmalth had? She was definitely asleep and dreaming some odd dream that made no sense and she couldn't remember it at all but remembered the icky feeling it left on her skin--

WHAT WAS ON HER SKIN! She gasped at the thick and sticky drying down stains on her arms. Her breathing quickened and she snapped her attention back to Natsu. Maybe he had an answer- Why was he looking at her, terror-stricken eyes wide on her? “Did...I do something?” She asked in a small voice. Normal voice. Nothing close to the demonic one from before.

“You don’t remember?” Lucy spoke up in a breathy tone, still reeling from the sight she saw.

“No, I’m just asking for the hell of it- What do you mean remember?” Alice’s face contorted into annoyance, eyes flickering to Lucy.
Lucy retracted into herself, choking in a gasp. Oh, no! Was it going to come back?!

Natsu stood up, bravely. He blinked a few times before gathering his jumbled thoughts. He couldn't even think straight. He'd need time to process what horror he just witnessed. He was confused about his feelings for Alice all of a sudden. He was scared of her, yet he wasn't because that thing wasn't her but it came from her and. He loved Alice, and there would be nothing to change that but that.. that thing..

“You-....You just...” He stepped forward towards Alice. One hand gripping her shoulder, fingers mercilessly digging into her skin, keeping a tight hold on her, regardless of Alice's sound of pain. The other hand going up to her face, using his fingers, he pried Alice’s lips open to examine her teeth. Her canines were only slightly longer than the original size, nothing like they just were, and her other teeth were back to the normal size and shape. Nothing demonic like. But her gums were red and angry with pain. Her tongue was covered in raised cuts. It was real. What just happened was definitely real..

Alice reeled back, shoving him off in fear and shock. “You're hurting me!” Alice snapped, offended by his abrasive behavior towards her.

“You don’t remember what you just did?!” He demanded. He already knew she didn't. But he had to be certain because he had no idea what the hell just happened. It had him shaken, Lucy trembling, crying.. Happy was a mess of tears and, probably some piddle, so scared.

Natsu had to find out what just happened.

Of course, it made sense now. Well no it didn’t but now he knew why Alice seemingly feigned innocence back in Michello’s town. When she used her Goddess magic to heal him. How she seemed hurt and didn’t seem to know what he was talking about when he brought it up.

“You turned really scary! Your hair turned black and you had scary red eyes and fangs! You had a really monster-y voice! You- You talked like Black Alice! You just defeated him with one spell and now you’re not like that anymore!” Happy said through sobs, his voice shaking horribly. Alice felt tears prickle her eyes. She was barely processing what he was saying, but seeing him look so scared of her.. It broke her heart. What was going on with her?

“Yeah, and you were putting off some serious energy. Like you did when you had that breakdown before we went to the Councilman’s house. Except you didn’t transform or anything. On the way to the Councilman’s house you seemed to wake from a trance and didn’t remember anything about it.” Lucy stood to her feet, slowly stepping her way. Still hesitant. As much as she gave Alice the benefit of doubt, she now understood Wendy's caution.

“Breakdown?” Natsu snapped his head to Lucy before going back to look at Alice. She gave him a look of surprise, speechless.

“I don’t know what was really happening! After you and Happy went after the Councilman, I went and found Alice crouched over crying and muttering about not wanting to do something. She started to put out this dark aura like she just did. Wendy seems really spooked by it. But on our way to the Councilman's, Alice didn’t remember any of that happening.” Lucy explained. Alice scrunched up her face, confused and hurt by it. She had no recollection of that. Was Lucy lying?

Natsu’s face softened, sensing Alice’s fear. “What’s going on with you? Something happened on that quest, didn’t it?” Natsu took a step forward her way. Alice’s breath hitched at his words, flinching away from him, eyes fearfully looking at his hands, outreached to touch her.

Once she realized how suspicious that looked she awkwardly looked around. She didn’t answer him. She swallowed hard, letting out a shaky breath then biting her lip feeling the prickly taste of blood. "I...I'm not talking about it."
Natsu growled. "Not talking about it?! Look at what's happening! You can't-" “Maybe right now isn’t the time to talk about it. How about after we win and get all our friends home?” Lucy suggested in a light tone because she knew time was limited.
Natsu didn't want to let it go, he wanted to know what happened. He was scared, mostly for her. As much as he was scared of the monster in her, he was mostly concerned at what it was doing with her. Was it going to kill her?

“Hey, look at him! What’s going on?” Happy pointed to Franmalth’s body that glowed blue. Tiny little orbs of blue light floated out of his body into the sky.“Those must be the souls he’s absorbed.” Natsu guessed.
“You’re not done yet.” Hades’ voice came from behind them. All of them turned to see the ghostly appearance of Hades.

Not the crazy version Franmalth had. The real Hades. It was transparent and flat. This was his soul. The true soul of Precht Gaebolg.
He smiled softly at the group. “Using Face isn’t Tartaros’ ultimate goal. Makarov must release the light. Now before it’s too late.” And then his form disappeared.

“I think it was Master Hades’ ghost!” Lucy whined, scared once more. This fear was small and would go away soon enough compared to the scene she saw before. She'd take a thousand ghost over that.
“Unleash the light?” Natsu spoke over her. “What does it have to do with master?” Happy wondered. Alice racked her brain. “Master will know. We need to get to him,” she said with a nod.

“Well the good news is that Wendy and Carla stopped Face. But we still don’t know where Mira is.” Lucy tried to organize the mess of a situation.
“All I know is that I have a job to still do! Kicking demon butts!” Natsu growled. “I think Alice does a better job at it than you do.” Happy tried to make light of what happened but then realized how tense it still was. He conjured up his wings. “Anyways, I’ll go find Master and tell him.” He flew up into the air and started to zoom down the hallway. “Be careful!” Lucy called after him.

“We should go find Mira.” Lucy advised. “Knowing her, she’s probably kicking some demon ass about now. Or at least that stupid Lisanna found her and they escaped.” Alice looked to the side, with a pout.
“Right. I’ll sniff around to see if we can find anyone else in need of some help.” Natsu added. “All right, let’s head west.”

“Sniff anything out?” Lucy asked, catching up to Alice and Natsu as they stopped for a moment. Natsu kept a firm hold of her hand, he was going to keep his eyes on her at all times.
“No. This place is built like a fricken maze.” Natsu shook his head. “Yeah, no kidding. Let’s keep heading west for now.” Lucy nodded.

They continued on for sometime. At some point Lucy’s top ripped in half, so she started to try to tie the two ends back together. “Hold on. I think Gray’s fighting someone back there.” Lucy stopped, hands just barely covering over her nipples.

“I’m pretty sure I can smell Mirajane nearby.” Natsu stopped to look back down the hallway, not at all interested in Lucy's nearly bare chest. Alice hated that this was finally the one time he wasn't taking the opportunity to creep on Lucy, like every other male. Can't give him credit because it was the bare minimum.

And then suddenly Warren’s voice was invading their heads.

“Hey guys. Can you hear me?”

“I think I can hear God talking to me...” Natsu said, looking up towards the ceiling. “It’s Warren. How do you not know his voice?” Alice shook her head, of all the times people had communicated with him using telepathy... “Yeah, I can hear you.” Alice replied to Warren. “Yeah.” Lucy also replied to him.

“We found Mira. She’s safe and sound. Elfman and Lisanna are with us now too.” Warren reported. “That’s awesome. Hey, Warren? Can you make it so everyone can hear me too?” Lucy asked. “Yeah, sure, just hold on a second- Okay.”

“Your voice is annoying enough outside my head. I don’t need it in there too.” Alice grumbled.

“Wendy and Carla pulled it off. I’m not sure how they did it but they stopped Face! There’s something else I need to tell you about.” Lucy announced. “Sure, Happy. I’ll put you through.”

“We talked to the soul of Master Hades.” Happy’s voice invaded Alice’s head. “He said even though we stopped Face, it’s not over. He gave us a message for master. I don’t understand what it all means but he told us that master needs to ‘unleash the light’.

Warren started to groan and cut out as the sound of loud static started to sound off in all their minds. Alice covered her ears in reflex, as if it would block out the sharp static in her head that hurt her head, as it echoed around.

Please pardon the interruption. I wish to speak to the wizard guild, Fairy Tail.” A cold male voice interrupted.

“Someone’s hacked into Warren’s telepathy magic!” Alice gasped as chills ran through her body at the foreign voice.

“The Underworld King, Mard Geer. But knowing who I am won’t save you. For none of you shall live to see tomorrow.”

The entire building seemed to shake violently.

Natsu grabbed onto Alice to hold her steady.

“What’s going on?!” Lucy’s voice broke as she tried to stay on her feet.

And then a red-ish pink veiny flesh-like substance appeared all over the walls and floors. The walls and floor started to move around and formed into a tunnel shape. The three started to fly up into the air, as if magnetically attracted to the substance.
Alice and Natsu going in one way, Lucy the other.
“Natsu, I’m being pulled in!” Lucy cried.

Natsu let go of Alice to reach for Lucy. “Grab my hand!” Natsu shouted, holding on to the floor to stay in place.

"Na-" Alice stopped herself. Even in that split second she knew the betrayal. He let go of her. For Lucy. He risked Alice. For Lucy.
Not that holding either one would change the odds, because Natsu was also being pulled into the goo. But it showed his true intentions.

The hall was blocked off by the red substance, completely filling every crevice. Alice had nothing to do but go into it. Her body started to sink into it. She struggled to get out but it stuck to her and she wouldn’t budge as only her face and one arm were still free.

Eventually Natsu followed after her. “What is this?! I can’- I can’t move! Alice! Alice, can you move?! Alice!” Natsu squirmed around, panic apparent in his tone.

Alice looked almost serene. At peace with the fact this was going to kill her. She accepted it.
Something danger was inside of her. She didn't know much about it but it was going to hurt someone. This was a mercy kill. Kill her before she lost control. A painful lump formed in her throat. A single tear fell from her cheek. And yet her biggest worry was losing NAtsu to Lucy.

He didn't love her. Honestly, that hurt far worse than the fact Alice was losing control of her darkness and going to transform into the monster she was always scared of being.
Her heart hurt so bad that she couldn't describe it. It ached and panged and her whole chest tightened and throbbed. It hurt so bad! Her mind was filled with so much anguish.

Natsu didn't love her! She was going to die and it wouldn't be with his love! he was going to die just as unloved and alone, just the same as the small child she was with her first memories being formed inside a cult. With the subconscious notion that she had no one who loved her. She was unwanted.

"This might be our last moments." Alice forced the words out of her mouth. "No, Alice, don't think that way! We'll-" Natsu protested. "Don't interrupt me. You want to know what happened on my quest? I was raped. And I lost control and I came back out of it f*cked up. I killed the f*cker and I wasn't the one who was in control when it happened. And it's only growing stronger."


bro my laptop died while I was going through this and was adding some stuff and I almost died because that was soo much sh*t I added.

Anyways I cried the entire time reading and writing this, the first time I wrote it three years ago, and every time since then rereading it and now putting it on here and adding more because I need the pain to hurt worse. Not sorry.
Maybe it only hurts me because of my deep connection to this character and her story. Also Idk if any actually reads this far. Maybe it's just still me talking to myself. wish ao3 showed what chapter kudos was left and one could leave one for each chapter if wanted

Chapter 93


Previous chapter warnings apply. idk do I have to keep adding the warning? Like these things are now a deep intrinsic part of Alice, it's gonna show up here and there.
Anyways I refer to Keyes as Skeletor because I forgot his name for a while when originally writing this, and I don't use his real name until I heard it again while watching the anime-- But I did change it then, nor will I now because it's funnier this way. Also because Alice is our main focus for narration, so her nicknames stick when she's the one we're focusing on. Like we call Yuka from Lamia Scale, Eyebrows.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Alice gasped, taking in a deep breath as her eyes opened. She assessed her situation. Right, being sucked into a red substance. She grunted as she moved, and then suddenly she was falling forward to the ground. She caught herself on her hands and knees. She panted trying to get her bearings.

He let me go to save her.

And I told him the truth.

That glaring fact. Why did it feel like it happened years ago? How long was she in that goo?
She sat up on her knees, looking behind her where Natsu would be. The red covering his face started to dissolve. He took in a breath, opening his eyes, and worming around until he broke free, also stumbling down to his hands and knees.

Alice stood up looking around. Some time had passed. It was evening, nearing nightfall. And the cube apparently crashed down to the earth as it laid in pieces on the ground.
They had to still be in Magnolia. No.... Just south of it. Alice grimaced.

Her house better be okay. She spent a lot of money on it. She didn't know if she'd ever return to it after everything she just said, but still...

“You okay?” Natsu asked in a hoarse voice. Alice nodded. She felt nauseous. She didn’t want to speak.
Natsu groaned as he stood to his feet. “So your black magic is getting stronger. Like you said it might after getting your second origin opened.” Natsu suddenly said, putting it as lightly but sticking to the basic facts.

“It’s not getting stronger. I’m just not fighting it anymore like I used to. I got stronger and it uses my magic power.” Alice curtly responded. Was it true? She had never thought about it or had an answer, but as the words came out, it felt like the truth.

“You don’t fight it anymore? Is it because of what Har- What he did?” Natsu turned to fully face Alice, who kept her gaze on the nearly set sun. His fists were so tightly balled up that his fingers throbbed in pain. It made him sick to his stomach. Out of all the guesses he had in mind of what happened to her like... Touching some cursed artifact, pissing off some evil witch, eating after midnight... Someone forced themselves on her. No, he had to use the word. Someone raped Alice. Someone took away her choice. He hated to think of it. How Alice must've felt so helpless, how she must've screamed and beg, fought so hard.. How he wasn't there to protect her once again. He was glad the bastard was dead. Only because Alice was the one who did it and she was justified in every right. If she didn't do it, Natsu would've tracked the f*cker down and beat him within an inch of his life, begging for mercy, begging for Natsu to get it over with and kill him. A part of him wanted to bring the bastard back to life to get his own anger out on him.

But that didn't change the fact it already happened. Alice had been violated and getting his own revenge didn't change that. How did he even being to help her? What could he do for her? He felt selfish to think that there wasn't time to dwell on it because everything else was going on. Nothing was more important but, the damage was done. Alice was suffering and she'd continue to for who knew how long.

“I’m not going to discuss it. He forced himself on me and I let go of control and my black magic killed him. And at the moment I want nothing to do with you. End of discussion. Let’s go find the others.” Alice declared justly and walked off, leaving him reeling.

Leave it to Alice to say something so cold when he couldn't say anything. She always picked the worst times to add little things when she knew there wasn't time to argue.

Natsu leapt after her to catch up. “It’s not end of discussion. But not right now.” Natsu simply grunted.

Dammit, she caught his off guard. It pissed him off that there was never time to focus on it when it was brought to his attention. Why did Alice always wait to the worst time? No, he couldn't blame her. She didn't have to tell him at all. He was glad that she trusted him to say it now. But right now?

Although, when was there ever going to be a right time?

“This way! I can hear Gajeel and others!” Natsu shouted, taking off in a sprint. Alice followed, trying to match his speed but he was always faster than her.
Lucy, in some new outfit and hairstyle, laying on the ground.

Gajeel, Gray, Juvia, and then four demons.

Skeletor, (The skeleton guy who spoke in poems), a human in some serious armor who had a very similar face to Gray’s, and another seemingly human with dark skin, dirt yellow hair and fancy clothes. Then some tall humanoid creature with an unfamiliar rock looking substance type of skin that was rigid.

The man with dark yellow hair did some sort of fire curse, that’s when Natsu stepped in, eating it. “Man, I don’t know how you did it, Lucy, but you saved the day.” Natsu smiled a devious smile.

Alice knew it was an inappropriate time but her heart ached severely and her eyes welled up with tears.

Here she was faced with demons, and Lucy did save their lives and destroyed the cube. But it didn’t make heartbreak any less agonizing.

“You’re one strong lady.” Gajeel complimented. “You surely are,” Juvia agreed. “You deserve to take a break.” Gray stood along Natsu, as the other three joined. “Thanks.” Lucy squeaked.
“You could at least pass out so I don’t have to hear your annoying voice.” Alice muttered. She wished she dissociated and skipped past all this and dealt with the consequences later. Anything to get a break from the anguish she felt physically and emotionally.

“All right! Looks like we got our work cut out for us! These guys look serious.” Natsu smiled mischievously ahead. He stood up straight, hands on his hips, puffing his chest out. “Our friends stopped your little plan and your little city crashed and burned. Looks like its time for you boys to surrender.”

“I know you. No- It’s not possible that you’re him.” Gray started off but lost confidence, talking to the older guy who looked almost just like him. “What? That guy? He’s the jerk that froze the giants’ village! Oh yeah, and on top of that he froze me!” Natsu whined. “Pathetic.” Gajeel huffed. Alice snorted. “Can it!” Natsu snapped at Gajeel.
“I gotta say, that guy smells like you.” Gajeel sniffed, referring to the older guy who did look like an older version of Gray . Juvia gasped. “He has the same parfum as my darling Gray?!”

Alice had to agree. It was far too coincidental. Ice magic? An identical face?
Gray always said his parents both died in the Deliora attack, so it was impossible this was his father... but... Did he have an uncle? Or an unknown older brother?
Or was it a cliche plot twist and his father actually didn't die that day?

The older guy smirked and chuckled and then charged forward using his ice curse to launch himself forward to grab Gray and then blast off to who knows where.

“Where’d they go?” “It’s hard tellin’.”

“The nerve of that man! I liked Gray way before him!” Juvia shouted jealously.

“You’ve turned your backs. How arrogant considering the calamity against you.” Skeletor stated. Tempester stepped forward. “Fwoosh.” Three giant vortexes appeared sweeping up the Fairy Tail group into the air.

Except Gajeel who turned his body to steel, keeping him grounded as he stomped forward. “Ain’t blowing me away. Iron Dragon Club!” He extended an arm of iron at Tempester.
Torafuzar stepped forward and blocked the attack. Natsu leapt up on Torafuzar to attack Keyes (skeletor). But his fire attack went right through.
Like Juvia’s body, except instead of water, Keyes’ body was of some purple dust.

“Water Slicer!” Juvia conjured blades of water that also went through Keyes. “How are we supposed to fight that?!” Gajeel outburst.
Alice leaped into the air to see if she could do something. She held her hands, palms out to Keyes, as a black fog released from her palms. As she built the fog up, she didn’t see Tempester throwing a fire curse attack at her.

“Alice!” Natsu shouted, not getting there in time. Alice fell to the ground, not injured by the fire in the slightest but landing hard on the ground. Keyes held out his staff, as dark magic flew out, throwing Juvia back as Torafuzar hit Gajeel, sending him back.

“Keep your guard up!” Natsu shouted to the three who got back up. Tempester attacked Natsu with a lightning attack. Alice teleported forwards throwing a powerful lightning spell back at him.

“Fwoosh.” He used a wind vortex to block it.
“Man, this is getting old. Do you have to make those weird noises when you use your magic?” Natsu grumbled. “It’s not magic. It’s curses. Glug, glug, glug.” Tempester cast.

The ground beneath Natsu became liquid, and he started to sink into it. As he was stuck, Tempester kicked him in the face. “Fire Dragon Brilliant Flame!” Natsu used the attack to both free himself from the ground and to attack Tempester. “Drip Drop.” Tempester conjured water in the form of drops, which then turned into steam as it put out Natsu’s fire. “Will you stop with that!” Natsu exclaimed, very annoyed.

“Obscura Caelo!” Alice shouted, hoping that saying the incantation for her attack would make it more powerful. Tempester jumped out of the way, and then “fwoosh”
“I’m getting pretty damn tired of this!” Alice growled, catching herself as she hit the ground. “You both should give up.” Tempester blankly said. “I’m not giving up until I wipe that look off your face!” Natsu declared. “Fire Dragon Wing Attack! Take this, windbag!” He shouted, throwing fireballs at him.


Natsu flew back, crashing into Gajeel. And the two started to bicker. Juvia butt in, scolding them as Alice decided to see if hand to hand would do better. She jumped and kicked him from behind, hoping to get him off guard but with inhuman-like speed, he turned around, catching Alice by her ankle, spinning and throwing her far into the air. She flew out and hit a partial wall.

She slid down to the ground. She took a moment to catch her breath. "Black Alice" really took it out of her earlier. She was capable of stronger magic but it took a lot of magic energy.
“Take a breather! I got this!” Natsu shouted to Alice as he ran towards Tempester, who grabbed him with both hands on the wrist, wringing him around. “Ka-bam.”

Natsu flew back and hit a partial wall.

Gajeel was thrown around by Torafuzar, flung down on a rock. Juvia couldn’t even land a hit on Skeletor.
“I just caught a scent of something real familiar.” Gajeel stood up, smirking. “Me too!” Natsu replied, sharing the same expression. “It’s real familiar. Smells like backup.”
“Who?” Alice grunted, struggling to stand up. “Sting and Rogue!” Natsu answered, smiling.

Alice fell back down, light headed. She realized a warmth dripping down her neck. She felt up the back of her head and felt wetness saturating her hair. She pulled back her hand, examining the dark red covering her fingers. She hit that brick wall hard, and landed in crumbled stone and brick. Did the impact or the landing on the ground do it?
Her body must’ve been in shock, numbing her from feeling the open wound.

“Alice! You’re bleeding bad!” Lucy cried, still laying on the ground, but looking her way. “Shut it Bimbo,” Alice griped. “Stay down, Alice! I can handle this!” Natsu ordered her, all while still fighting.

“f*ck off,” Alice muttered lowly. Oh how she hated hearing them speak in agreement.
She tried her best to stand up again but her head felt like it was filled with lead. She could barely keep her eyes open. Slowly her head started to feel like it was on fire. It burned.

Stay alive. We can’t die just yet, Alice. We have so much left to do.

There it was again, her own voice, but yet not her.. She kept her eyes trained on Natsu, who still couldn’t get the beat down on Tempester.

Gajeel wasn’t making any progress on Torafuzar, except he was getting on his nerves. And Juvia was getting nowhere with Skeletor, AKA Keyes.At some point Keyes conjured tiny skeletons to torment Lucy. “Lucy!” Natsu shouted, and he turned to run her way.

"I’d rather die than watch those two." Alice whimpered to herself.

Let me take control. Stop fighting it. What reason is there to do so?

I know what you’d do. You’d kill him. Alice thought to herself in response.

Don’t forget that I’m you. I can’t hurt him either. But if you let me have control, you wouldn’t have to feel the hurt.

You haven’t had to ask permission before. You’ve always forced yourself into control. There’s no stopping you when you do that.

It seemed to quite the creature inside for a moment.

Tempester slammed Natsu into a wall when he was distracted.

“I’m coming, Lucy!” Gajeel shouted, running her way before Torafuzar jumped in the way. “Get outta my way!”
“You’re not leaving our battle!”

The skeletons started to pick Lucy up off the ground. “Get your boney hands off me!” She sternly shouted. “Where did those skeletons come from anyways?” Gajeel asked his opponent. “This place is a necropolis. And for Keyes, it’s like an eternal arsenal.” Torafuzar answered.

“Soon enough he’ll take your friend there too. She doesn’t look like she’s going to last much longer. Tempester must have hit her harder than she can take.” Torafuzar jabbed, glancing to Alice.

“Hang in there, brat. Ya hear me?!” Gajeel gruffed to Alice, glancing at her only for a moment. She could barely keep her eyes open.

At the same time Keyes had Juvia restrained using black tentacle-like appendages. He floated off the ground and it seemed like he was trying to pull Juvia into his body of purple magical dust. “Juvia!” Alice managed to shout, getting Natsu and Gajeel’s attention to what was happening.The tentacles then wrapped around Juvia in a tight ball.

Then the ball exploded, Juvia’s body vanished, only leaving behind her hat.

Alice felt the control she had slipping away. They were all going to die.

“Another human’s tale has reached its conclusion. However, I’m sure it will be nothing more than a footnote in my glorious saga.” Keyes stated in his cryptic voice. The body under his cloak started to move and bulge like it was full of water and was about to burst. “What’s happening?!”
Juvia had turned her body into steam and slipped inside his body. Well lack of body.

“You can’t toy with human lives! They’re not yours to play with! My Darling Gray will not lose his true father! You can’t break their bond!” Juvia’s voice came from his cloak, sounding like she was underwater. Keyes’ body continued to expand as he shouted in pain. His body finally burst as Juvia appeared. “He’ll live forever in his heart! You will never erase him from that sacred place! No one can because true love will always outlast death, no matter what!” Juvia landed on her feet.

What ever was left of Keyes’ body started to turn to purple dust, flying away in the wind. Lucy’s skeleton problem disappeared and she collapsed back on her hands and knees.
Juvia, while victorious, started to sob uncontrollably.

Alice’s eyes shut as she didn’t have the strength to keep them open anymore.

You’re not dying! Not while I’m still here!

I...don't.. think we have... a choice..


did you know "lept" isn't a word? The only correct spelling is "leapt", as in the past tense of leap? Why did I think there was an alternative way to spell it and why did google docs let me?

Chapter 94


you know the drill, previous warnings apply
Also, constantly jabs at the lack of action in this episode. Like why doesn't anyone move?!

Also, now that I wrote it.... derogatory use of the word slu*t... I don't condone slu*t-shaming of any kind but Alice is mad and wants to use the word in hopes of hurting feelings.

Chapter Text

Lucy gently placed Juvia down on the ground as she crawled over to Alice’s unconscious body. “Alice? Hang in ther-Ah!” As Lucy touched Alice’s leg, she was shocked severely with black lightning. Her skin sizzled and burned from the touch alone. “What happened?” Natsu asked, as he continued to fight Tempester.
“I don’t know... I tried to touch her and she shocked me with lightning magic...” Lucy replied in a trembling whisper.
“Just don’t touch her, okay? If she still has the magic to do that, she’ll be okay!” Natsu advised.
“I want to help her, though! She’s bleeding out really bad!” Lucy argued.
“Don’t be stupid, Lucy! Alice’s stronger than you think! She might kill you if you keep bothering her!” Natsu growled. Lucy gasped. How could Natsu even suggest that?

Alice... killing?

Of course, Natsu knew better. Haru had died at the hand of Alice’s dark magic and that was just days ago. And since then Alice has had dissociative episodes where she seemed to use dark spells and she didn’t like Lucy in the slightest. And it seemed even the dark evil inside of her didn't like Lucy, and her bothering loosened Alice's control and she let the evil out. Natsu hated to think that Alice could kill Lucy.
But nothing was certain anymore when that horror resided inside his love's body.

And Lucy was stupid enough to try to bear black lightning as she tried to tend to Alice’s injuries.

“How’s Juvia?” Natsu tried to gravitate the attention to Juvia.
“She’s unconscious but alive.” Lucy replied. “Good. Get her out of here. As far as possible, you hear?” Natsu directed. “Got it. But what about Alice? I don’t think I can carry them both.” Lucy stood up to her feet, wobbling. “Don’t worry about her. I’ll handle it once I get done with these ugly mugs!”

“But-” “Go!” Both Gajeel and Natsu shouted at Lucy. “All right. Please be careful.” Lucy never moved. Not one attempt to stand up.

“We know!”
Lucy still never left, just watching the fight. Even though she said she was going to.

Eventually Tempester and Torafuzar transformed into their etherious forms which were way bigger than the forms they were just in.

Natsu shifted into his lightning fire dragon slayer mode as Gajeel got into his Iron Shadow Dragon Slayer mode.

They started to argue about who was stronger, vowing to beat their demon faster than the other.

“What’s the point if there’s nothing at stake?!” Natsu shouted, irritated.
“Fine, when I win, I get the girl
and then you have to write and sing a song about how much cooler I am than you!” Gajeel bet.
“What about if I win?!”

“Well that’s not gonna happen so don’t worry about it!”

They started to fight their demons. Natsu, getting the beat down on Tempester, finally, as Gajeel was doing the same to Torafuzar.

One final hit and they’d win.... And they accidentally punch each other, taking each other out of their modes.

“Why’d you hit me?! You want to cheat, don’t ya?!” Gajeel gripped.

“I was gonna win fair and square I just tripped and accidentally punched you!” Natsu got in his face.

“That’s why it felt like nothin’!”

“I didn’t feel it either! It felt like getting sucker punched by a kindergartner!”

Lucy, who was still there for no reason, sighed. “This isn’t the time to fight against ourselves, right now, guys...”

“Gray’s my man. Back off, Lucy....” Juvia grumbled in her unconscious state. “Keep your paranoid sleep talk out of this!” Lucy snapped.
“Next time you touch Natsu, I’ll kick your ass...” Alice muttered, even shocking Lucy from where she was, also still unconscious.

“Not you either!”

“Back off you, skan*...” Juvia continued. “Seriously, what do I gotta do to convince you I don’t want him?!” Lucy was fighting a losing battle trying to argue with two unconscious girls.

“Stay away from my man, you bimbo...” Alice added.

“I don’t want him either!”

Gajeel and Natsu continued to fight amongst themselves.

Torafuzar got back to his feet. “No, you’ll both lose. You’ll meet your demise in the depths of the underworld. Dark Deluge!”

A dark green-ish blue water like liquid came out of nowhere in a massive wave, crashing down on the Fairy Tail-ers, washing them away.

It kept gushing out, filling the grounds in an ocean of poisonous water.

Gajeel, Natsu, and Lucy, who were still up and going swam in place, holding their breaths. Lucy hoped Juvia could breathe the water even unconscious. Natsu glanced to Alice, seeing the blood diffuse from her wound and hair into the water around her. Alice could breathe in water, no matter if she was conscious or not as her lungs were water dragon lungs, so Natsu didn’t have to worry about her drowning.

Torafuzar swan by, attacking Natsu and Gajeel, knocking some air from their lungs. Natsu escaped his grasp, trying to use his fire, but not a spark.

The water seemed the drain their life. Slowly, Lucy blacked out.

“Salamander! You can’t fight in this stuff! Take the girls and find a way out!” Gajeel shouted, then saw Natsu, floating in the water, unconscious.


“Alice, wake up!” “Is she okay?!” “Why isn’t she waking up?!”


Alice’s eyes shot open. She was laying on her back. She ached all over, felt dizzy and nauseous, then she was soaked in what she hoped was water, and then she was freezing, well except at her head where she felt so much pressure at.

She tried to sit up. “Hey, don’t strain yourself. You need to take it easy, you lost a lot of blood.” Natsu’s voice, and the warmth of his touch. She wanted to be blanketed by his fire. She was so cold!

Natsu, Lucy, Juvia, Levy and Gajeel were sitting around her.
“What happened?” She groaned. Natsu assisted her with sitting up.
“Well first off you split your head open and bled a lot and passed out. Then that big shark guy flooded the place with poison water then Gajeel took him out and the water drained off then the weird guy who made all the noise got up and Laxus showed up and totally kicked his butt.” Natsu answered.

“Laxus?” Alice turned to look for him, seeing him actually laying on the ground next to her. He was badly injured. Far worse than she saw him in the infirmary.

“Yeah, the idiot got up and kicked ass. Because of him, we have blood to cure him and the others.” Gajeel replied.

Alice shivered. “I’m freezing.” She didn’t want to think about Laxus’ dumb decisions.

“I’m kinda chilly too.” Lucy nodded.
“If you stopped dressing like a slu*t, you wouldn’t be.” Alice muttered.

Juvia scooted and placed Laxus’ head on her lap. “He’s fading. He was bad before..” She noted solemnly. Alice bit the inside of her cheek. This had to be the worst day of her life.

She didn’t have the mental energy to feel sad about him dying. She didn’t want to waste energy on him. “You crazy idiot! You pushed yourself too hard!” Natsu scolded, angrily.

“True enough but because of him we got this to cure everyone.” Gajeel held up Laxus’ jacket that was drenched in Tempester’s blood.

“Take this to Porlyusica, Levy. See what she can do with it.” Gajeel handed over the jacket to Levy.

“I ’m on it. I’ll get back here as soon as I can. Hopefully she’s with the others.” Levy took it, wearing a determined face. And she continued to sit there, unmoving.

“Um, have you seen Gray?” Juvia shyly spoke up. “Yeah, but I hardly recognized him.” Gajeel nodded. “What do you mean by that?” Natsu asked, still scowling. “He’s powered up somehow. A lot. You’d have to see it. He’s got that frozen aura around him that chilled me to the bone.” Gajeel shivered. “I wonder what happened to him...” Lucy pouted.
“Beats me. He didn’t stick around long enough to say.”

Natsu stood up, fists balled up. “He’s hunting.” He turned his back to the group, took a few steps forward and then sat back down with a grunt.

“So do you think we should go after him?” Lucy asked hesitantly.

“Leave me out of it. If he has a frozen aura I might die of hypothermia.” Alice grumbled.

Natsu gasped.
“Are you all right?” Lucy asked. “He’s probably pouting cause the next time him and Gray fight, Gray’s gonna hand him a new one.” Gajeel brushed it off.

Natsu started to pant and tremble. Alice’s breath hitched, and she was at his side in an instant. Her hands ghosted over his arm to touch him.

“Gajeel?” Natsu’s voice came out strangled. “You can hear it too, can’t you?”

Natsu turned to look to Gajeel. His eyes were wide with fear. “That growling...”

Gajeel took a moment to listen and he wore the same expression.

Growling? “No...” Alice gasped. Her lungs seized up and she felt like she couldn’t get any air in. Her theory was true. Seeing Hades again was an omen, and she was right to worry!

Natsu landed near Alice and took her by the hand. “I’m sorry.” Alice whimpered out as she started to cry. “What for?” Natsu gave her a slightly panicked look. “I’m gonna have to break my promise. I can’t protect you. I can’t save any of us. None of us together can.

Tears suddenly filled in her eyes. She stared at Natsu, who had his eyes glued to Gajeel. Levy, Juvia, and Lucy got tense from the dragon slayers’ reaction.

While Alice couldn’t hear it she just knew it. No other growling would get Natsu that scared.

“What’s up?” Lucy asked in a mumble, fearing the answer. What could possibly scare these three?

The ground started to shake and a faint thundering growl echoed through the area. Alice’s heart stopped as she whimpered, unthinking. She started to slowly shake her head, finally breathing again but it was fast and short. As if refusing to believe it would make it true.

“That sound! There’s no mistaking it!” Natsu outburst.

The rumbling got closer and louder and then an eerie roar.

Alice heaved forward, feeling her stomach try to force
anything out. But she hadn’t eaten in days. Last time she ate was when she first arrived at the guild after her incident. But anxiety from her ptsd made her nauseous and she threw up all of the food she forced herself to down in the first place. She hadn’t eaten since then.

“It’s Acnologia!”

East of town there was a bright blue light then loud explosions where the blue light hit and the ground shook even more violently. A breath attack. Was he toying with them?!

Alice wiped the drool from her mouth, trying to swallow down the burning acid from the back of her throat.

Gajeel and Natsu both seized up, faces contorting in pain. Alice shot up to Natsu as he tried to breathe, grunting in pain. “Natsu? What’s wrong?” She asked in a panicked voice.

They were already going to die, why was he acting like this? Why were both boys doing this?

Natsu put his hands on his chest over his heart. “What’s wrong?” Alice pleaded, terrified.

“Natsu? Are you okay? What’s wrong?” Lucy crawled over, putting a hand on his shoulder, but quickly retracting it as her skin sizzled.

He was burning up.

“Stay away from him!” Alice roared, snapping to Lucy. Her voice had an edge that sounded familiar from earlier in the day.

Lucy recoiled, listening to Alice.

“It’s cause their dragon slayers. Their bodies are reacting to Acnologia...” Juvia muttered in theory. Alice didn’t understand. She was a dragon slayer too, why wasn’t she doing this? Was it because she wasn’t proficient in the magics like Natsu and Gajeel were?

“Natsu! Natsu please! Say something! Anything!” Alice begged, pained to see him like this and not knowing why or how to help.

Finally Acnologia was in sight. He was almost on top of them. Alice didn’t even give a thought to fight to live through his might. She knew this time they’d die. There wasn’t a second thought to it.

He kept swooping down around the area, causing havoc from the force of the air whipping around from his wings and tail.

Natsu finally stopped, but he looked wildly around. “Igneel?”

“Igneel?” Alice wondered. How would that even be possible?

“Igneel! How can I hear your voice?” Natsu asked incredulously. Alice thought he was going crazy. Like how when people near death hallucinate their dead ones.

A bright fire orange came from Natsu’s abdomen. He looked down, confused and scared what was going on. He started to scream in pain. Natsu arched back and the ground around him started to emit the bright orange light up into the sky. The power created a fierce wind that blew the others back. Except Alice as she used what little magic she had to stay in place.

The wind was extremely hot and burned her skin.

The light disappeared and the wind died down. And from the light came a dragon. Not exactly the same size as Acnologia, just a bit smaller. His scaly skin was a brick red and his underside was a dark pastel yellow. His body shape wasn’t like Acnologia’s. He looked like a stereotypical dragon.

Alice was in disbelief. Igneel.

Igneel .

Natsu’s foster father. The father he dragged Alice to find on those crazy goose chases. The father, whose name was uttered by Natsu in his sleep.

The dragon that disappeared July 7, X777. Just like Umiko.

And here Igneel was after all these years. He looked down upon Natsu, like he was talking to him somehow. Then he flew up into the sky after Acnologia. He headbutted him and they started to fight in the sky.

They all stared up at the sky in total disbelief.

Natsu started to make quiet sobbing noises. Alice tore her attention away from the fight in the sky to see Natsu’s tear cascade down his face. “You’re back...” Natsu cried. It broke Alice’s heart in some way.

Seeing Natsu in any pain, even a sad happy pain made her feel like she felt the same agony he did. Her face was already damp from her tears of fear so the new tears were confused and sad ones she shed for her love. She didn’t know what to do.

Was there any comforting him? Or celebrating? Alice didn’t know the feel of seeing a loved one after years of searching. She didn’t know what exactly he was feeling so she didn’t know how to react. So much was going on and she thought her brain was going to explode with all the emotions.

  1. Haru

  2. Jealous and heartbreak

  3. Feeling of isolation

  4. Fear of turning into a monster

  5. Actually turning into a monster
  6. Laxus of the brink of death

  7. The looming emotion of fighting Tartaros and maybe dying

  8. The fear of Acnologia coming back

  9. Natsu let go of her to try to save Lucy

  10. Breaking up with Natsu even though Natsu put it on pause

  11. Almost dying

  12. Acnologia actually showing up

  13. Igneel appearing out of nowhere and fighting Acnologia

  14. Natsu crying

Alice wished that this whole week was a dream and she’d wake up any moment, in her bed at home, wrapped in Natsu’s warm and strong arms

But she knew that wasn’t the case. That this was her reality.

Chapter 95

Chapter Text

Igneel and Acnologia seemed to be equal in strength as they kept crashing into each other, but neither one seemed to have an advantage or disadvantage.
Alice didn’t know much of Igneel’s stats.
Natsu never really gave much helpful information since Alice didn’t know what the average strength of a dragon was.

Acnologia was the Dragon King. He killed hundreds of dragons. Igneel was the Fire Dragon King. Did that mean he was only the strongest of fire dragons? Was the type of dragon a significant factor in how powerful they were?

Alice knew of Acnologia’s power from personal experience and Gildarts’ word. She knew the strength of the dragons in Crocus that came from the Eclipse gate. And from Zirconis’ word even he was scared of Acnologia. So Acnologia was far more powerful than your typical run of the mill dragon, so where did Igneel stand in terms of strength and power?
He had to be somewhat powerful since he was going toe to toe with Acnologia. And he taught Natsu his Fire Dragon Slayer magic and that was fairly powerful magic. Natsu was an example of Igneel’s power. But Natsu was nothing compared to Acnologia.

Alice hated not knowing the outcome. There was nothing to base this fight off of. She kept darting her attention between the two dragons in the sky back to Natsu to see how he reacted.

She was his best friend. His other half. One may even say soulmate. She knew him better than she knew herself. She’d been at his side for most of his difficult times. They’ve been together for countless fights, facing impossible to beat foes and yet came out on top. Yet right now she didn’t know how to help him.

And Natsu’s been at Alice’s aid far much more than he should’ve. Alice owed everything to him. In this moment she regretted the words she muttered.

Sure she was done fighting for his attention and was 100% certain he was in love with Lucy. And letting Alice go to attempt to save Lucy was a very big betrayal. But being faced with life and death made Alice realize how much she loved him and how much she cared for him. And she let that transgression go.

Natsu was right. It wasn’t the end of the discussion.

Alice had now thought she was going to die three times in the span of only hours. And two of those times she gave Natsu up to Lucy when it wasn’t appropriate to think of their relationship at the time. And only one time had she thought she was going to die and scared of being without the love of her life.

She was glad Natsu argued with her. How even in her most manic times he was patient and fought to keep at her side. If he was submissive, they would’ve broken up months ago (not counting the seven year gap). Hell, Natsu wouldn’t have defended her against Laxus years ago when she first came to the guild.
How incredibly lucky Alice was to have him. And right now she needed to be there for him. No matter how much her heart ached. How jealous she was.

Because she knew damn sure that Natsu’s feelings for Lucy was just a speck in his mind, never being paid any attention to. He didn’t know of it. All he knew was that he loved Alice.
Alice had to get over what happened to her. Because Natsu is going to need Alice and she couldn’t flinch at his touch.

She needed to be twice as strong as he was for her. That’s what relationships were about. It wasn’t always easy, happy, lust filled days with no clouds or thunder. They were about fighting for each other. To forgive and forget. To be patient and compassionate.

How idiotic Alice had been.

“We’re gonna be okay, aren’t we?” Alice heard Levy’s voice from somewhere behind her. She guessed she was asking Gajeel. “
I’m not sure. Salamander! What’s going on?” Gajeel called to Natsu. Alice took one more look up at the sky and then looked back to Natsu.

“I mean, is that really Igneel? What was all that stuff about being inside you?”

Natsu tensed up, frustrated with confusion and many other emotions. He looked down to the ground. “I have no idea.” His fists balled up. “He left.” He said in a quieter tone. “I looked for him for so long!” He straightened up and wiped his eyes with the back of one balled up fist. “I’m sorry...” Lucy tried to comfort. Alice let out a sharp exhale. God, she was at a loss of both words and actions. What could she do to alleviate this pain? At least some of it.

Natsu grunted and his feet flamed up. Alice stepped back to keep from getting burned and then Natsu launched himself up into the air.

“Dad! We gotta talk! Now!” Natsu shouted.

What was he thinking?! Sure, how long Igneel would be around wasn’t known, so maybe this was the only time Natsu had, but to get up close to TWO dragons fighting?
Alice watched with fearful eyes. Now she wouldn’t even be able to hear him.

Natsu landed on Igneel and held on to his right wing. Alice had no idea what Natsu would be saying. Was he demanding an explanation? Acnologia hit Igneel and Natsu was knocked off Igneel and Acnologia went after him. Igneel caught Natsu in his big hand? Paw?

“Quit distracting him!” Gajeel yelled at Natsu. To protect Natsu and end the fight sooner, hopefully, Igneel did a fire breath attack. The hot air reached the ground and pushed against the people on the ground.

The air was so hot. It burned.
It was excilerating to see Fire Dragon magic in real life! Natsu's magic was a close impression, but to see a flawless breath attack that was so powerful? Natsu could create a breath attack that intense, but he'd have to put his all into it.

Acnologia was pushed back and hit a nearby rock fixture. His fall shook the ground.
Alice knew better than to think it was over with. Even if she didn’t know the intensity of Igneel’s fire power, she knew better than to think this fight would be easy.

Alice couldn’t see Acnologia on the ground from her stand point but when she heard his mighty roar, she knew he was still up and running. This fight wouldn’t be over any time soon.

“Please don’t hit my house-Please don't hit my house! Natsu tell him to avoid my-our house!" Alice pleaded in hopes that Natsu would hear her and then tell Igneel so Igneel could then lead Acnologia away from Magnolia. Because hey, it was Natsu’s fianceé who asked. And Natsu now lived in that house too. While his name wasn’t on the deed yet, if Alice and him lived to see tomorrow, they’d have a nice long talk, get things straightened out, forgive one another and then get married and then Natsu’s name would be on the deed.

Wait.... Alice thought. If Igneel is back for good and defeats Acnologia, would she have to meet him formally? Like how couples are supposed to introduce their significant other to each other’s parents?
Like Natsu had met Alice’s father and had his approval. Alice has also taken him to her mother’s grave and apparently Natsu’s went there by himself so hopefully Alice’s mother liked him and would approve of him.

But would Igneel approve of Alice? And if he’s been inside Natsu all this time, had he seen or at least heard everything? Everything?
Igneel would have to hate Alice after all the trouble she’s put Natsu through. Maybe he’d see the good in her and if she made Natsu happy, he was happy?

Worry about that later.

Alice kept a watch on the fight. Natsu had seemed to relax in Igneel’s grip, as he had propped his head up by his elbow on Igneel’s hand? Paw? At least Natsu felt safe and trusted Igneel would keep him safe.

Acnologia launched himself back up into the sky. Igneel and Natsu seemed to be talking as Igneel then turned Natsu to look at something on the ground. And then Igneel threw Natsu, and Natsu was launched down to where Igneel pointed him.

Should Alice go to him? Would he need her help? Of course he would!

“Hey! Stay put. You’re not in any shape to go after him and fight.” Gajeel noticed Alice’s feet start to shift. Alice was surprised his attention would be anywhere near the surface of the earth. She turned to look at him, she feigned a look of innocence and naivety.

“I know you’re thinking of going after Salamander. Just as he wants to protect you, you want to do the same. But you’re in no shape to go. I don’t even think you’d survive the trip there. So stay put and watch your father in law kick some dragon ass!” Gajeel scowled at Alice.

If I marry Natsu, Igneel would be my father in law. My future father in law is a dragon fighting another dragon in the sky. Alice never thought Igneel was still alive or that Natsu would actually ever see him again so Alice never thought about these things because she’d never meet Igneel. And yet here he was.

Alice knew Gajeel was right, so Alice pouted and turned back to the dragon fight.

Another breath attack. Acnologia deflected it with his own breath attack. The impact was detrimental to the humans on the ground. The winds were extreme and broke down and pushed stone up into the paths of people. Just standing there in the open left them open to injury.

“Do you know where Natsu went?” Lucy asked Alice. “No. Not a clue. Whatever it is, it’s something Igneel told him to do.” Alice replied with a shake of her head. “Well then we know Natsu will be fine.” Lucy smiled with a nod. “Whatever it is, we need to be focusing on getting him a cure.” Gajeel brought their attention to Laxus, who’s state was worsening. Alice felt bad that she forgot about him in all this mess.

At some point during the fight Igneel and Acnologia crashed to the ground. “There’s something moving underneath us.” Gajeel stated. “It’s not the dragons?” Levy wondered. “It is. They must’ve taken the fight under the ground. Things are about to get real unstable.” Gajeel looked to the ground as it shook violently.

After a few intense quakes they reemerged, throwing one breath attack at each other after another.

And then eventually Juvia collapsed again. The bane particles she ingested after taking down Keyes was finally taking their toll once more.

“She needs serious medical attention and Laxus isn’t looking too hot either.” Levy pointed out the obvious. “Right. It’s a good thing we have the demon blood that Polyusica needs to make the antidote. We need to get that demon blood up to her and quickly. Gajeel?” Lucy looked up to him. “Yeah?”

“We need you to take that blood and get Laxus and Juvia out of here immediately.” Lucy directed.

Alice rolled her eyes. This was the third time they’ve said the same thing over and over again. Gajeel had told Levy to take the coat. That was when Igneel hadn’t shown up yet. Then Gajeel told them they needed to get Laxus medical attention and nothing was done then. Now again.

“No way. I’m a dragon slayer and it’s my job to protect you guys. So that’s what I’m gonna do!” Gajeel argued. “I’m a dragon slayer too, so I can protect them while you go.” Alice bravely volunteered, even though she knew she wouldn’t come close to Gajeel’s skill. “Is that supposed to be a joke?” Gajeel even knew.

“These two need you more. Besides, I think Natsu and the others can take care of Acnologia until you get back.” Lucy tried to reason with him. “I can do it! I can carry Laxus and then you can carry Juvia, Lu.” Levy stood up and threw Laxus over her back. “Are you sure?” Lucy watched Levy struggle to stand with Laxus’ limp body putting weight on her stick figure body.

“Oh yeah! I can do this all day!” Levy struggled to say as she tried to take a step, and then reeled back, losing balance but she recovered. “You’re going to hurt yourself!” Lucy cried.
“I’m good! He isn’t heavy at all, I swear!” Then she started to lose balance again. Gajeel walked over and helped her stabilize.
“Okay, you made your point.” Gajeel easily slung Laxus on his back. “I got him, now you just worry about Juvia. Now we’ve gotta hurry if we’re gonna get them to Porlyusica so she can make that antidote. Lucy, Alice... Give Salamander a message for me.” Gajeel turned his attention to Lucy who hummed in response.
“Tell him to get started on that song for me. And don’t worry about the other bit of it. He’ll know what I mean.” Gajeel said.

Alice didn’t understand what so ever. “You got it!” Lucy nodded, smiling.

Of course Lucy would.

“You ready to go, Alice?” Lucy asked, standing up. “Well if we’re serious about going this time . Then yeah.” Alice grumbled. How’d she always get stuck with Lucy?

“Are you up to going with her? You’re really in no shape to fight if it comes to it.” Levy intervened. “No I’m not. Going with her, or being able to fight. But if anyone’s gonna be at Natsu’s side it’s me.” Alice crossed her arms. “I’ll be there too...” Lucy mumbled shyly, intimidated by Alice’s sudden cruelty towards her. “That’s what I don’t like. Stop trying to act like his girlfriend. And let me do my job. This is your last warning to step the f*ck off. If you’re going, then get going.” Alice left with those words, hobbling off.

Chapter 96

Chapter Text

Alice with Lucy in toe came across what looked to be the center of the cube. Elfman, Lisanna, Droy, Jet, and Warren were there, all battered up.

Some girl on the ground, along with clones of herself all unconscious. She was short and tiny. She had short black hair, and bunny ears atop her head. She wore a white lab coat.

There were close to fifty clones of her littered all over. “What happened here?” Lucy asked as they stopped to catch up with the group. “You’re all safe! I’m glad you’re okay!” Lucy skipped over closer and Alice slowly strode that way, not in any hurry to catch up.

“Hey Lucy!” Lisanna greeted happily, purposefully ignoring Alice. “Is it just you two?” Elfman asked. “It’s a long story but yeah, right now it’s just Alice and me.” Lucy nodded. “How is everyone else?” Elfman asked.
Alice, with her arms crossed, stopped behind Lucy. “Gajeel and Levy are battered but still going. They’re taking Juvia and Laxus to Porlyusica. They have the blood of that demon that gave everyone Bane Sickness. Natsu is off somewhere. We’re on the way to find him.” Alice informed.

“Have you seen Gray?” Elfman followed up. “We saw him when we got out of the goo, but a demon, who happened to be the reanimated corpse of his father, took him off somewhere. When Juvia beat Keyes, Silver finally passed on so Gray’s fine now I guess. But Gajeel’s the last one to see him. He said Gray’s got this scary aura about him.”

“Do you know who that other dragon is?” Lisanna interrupted. “My future father in law.” Alice held up a peace sign, smirking slightly at Lisanna. “Wait, is it really?” Lisanna gasped, looking up at the two dragons still going at it. “Igneel. Who Natsu never gave up looking for.” Lucy answered. “Wait, so if that’s Natsu’s dad, he has to be on our side, right?” Droy asked, hopeful. “Guess that makes sense if he’s taking on Acnologia!” Jet smiled. “Guess our luck might be turning around!”

“We still have the faces to worry about.”

They all averted their attention to the three who appeared behind Alice and Lucy.

Doranbolt, Wendy and Carla.
The two girls were patched up, but still looked like they were in some rough shape. Also Wendy’s usually thigh length hair was now neck length in an uneven chop.

“Wendy!” “Carla! And that one council guy!”

“Woah! What happened to your hair?!” Droy, Jet, and Warren cried.
“Nevermind that. What we need to worry about is the rest of all the faces!” Carla scolded.

“What faces?!”

“Unfortunately thousands of Faces have been activated. Unless we find a way to stop them, magic will be erased from our planet forever.” Doranbolt solemnly explained. “Without magic, Tartaros’ curse magic will become the ruling force on this planet.” Carla added in the same sad tone.

“I’ve got a plan. It’s a long shot, but it might work. We’ll get Warren to use his telepathy power to tell everyone we can to try to take down the Faces.” Elfman planned. Warren crossed his arms and hunched over, uneasy. “I wish I could, but it won’t work. I’m sorry guys but my telepathy can only go about five kilometers. There’s no way I can reach everyone on the planet. It’s just not possible.” Warren shook his head. “Oh no! What are we gonna do?” Lisanna cried. “Well whatever we do, we gotta think of it fast.” Doranbolt said as if it wasn’t obvious enough. “What do you think we’re trying to do?!” Elfman snapped at him. “Stupid! Stupid!” Warren punched himself in the head. “Why aren’t my pathetic powers enough?!” He cried.

“Enough.” Master’s voice shocked everyone. His voice was in their heads. “Now’s not the time to give up. We still got one last trick up our sleeves. We can use Fairy Tail’s most ultimate weapon: The Lumen Histoire.”

“The Lumen Histoire?” Lucy repeated, unfamiliar with it. “I’ve never heard of it.” Wendy added.

Alice sighed, racking her brain for any information she could have about the Lumen Histoire but she, too, never heard of it. She knew every guild master, before they gave the role to the next master had a secret to tell them to pass on to the next master after them. But Alice was sure there were plenty of secrets about Fairy Tail only masters would know. But this had to be one of them because she knew EVERYTHING that was to be known about Fairy Tail and their masters and histories.

“There isn’t time to explain everything. All of you should meet me at the guild hall right now.”

“But there are some who are still fighting. Can’t we help them?” Lucy argued.
“What guild? I mean there’s nothing left of it.” Droy looked down, depressed. Elfman tensed up.

Alice bit the inside of her cheek. Jet nudged Droy. “Don’t mention it!”

“I’m underneath the guild. Get a move on it!”

“He sounds serious.” Lucy filled the silence. “Then we should get a move on it.” Lisanna nodded. “I won’t be coming.” Elfman muttered. “Why not?” Lisanna cried, confused. “Master said all of us!” Lucy argued.

“Argue all you want. I’m not gonna waste time fussing about your emotions.” Alice crudely stated, stomping off.

“You could be just a little bit considerate!” Lisanna shouted after her.

“I’ll give you my consideration when our lives and magic aren’t on the line. Focus on feeling sorry for yourselves after we get Face destroyed and Acnologia defeated.” Alice called back, not stopping.

“I don’t blame you for the guild’s destruction.” Master tried to comfort Elfman. Since Alice left the group, she couldn’t hear the others’ conversation.
“I do. If Cana didn’t think fast enough our blood would be on your hands for one insignificant life. If I was Lisanna, I’d be ashamed to be your sister.” But she added her two cents.
Alice shut off her mind’s path to the others. She only needed to hear the Master’s words.

“Wait for us!” Lucy shouted after Alice, running after her.

The others caught up with Alice, walking mostly in silence. They all kept watching the sky, seeing which dragon would win.

Lucy tripped, falling on her face. “Are you okay?” Lisanna stopped to check on her. “Yeah, I’m fine I just got weak all of a sudden.” Lucy groaned. “Yeah, don’t you guys feel that? It’s like somethings missing.” Jet stopped as did Droy and Warren.

Alice, who was several steps ahead, finally stopped, with a growl.

“I can’t use my telepathy magic!” Warren cried.

Alice put her hands out, to look at them. She tried to conjure lightning. Nothing.
“Oh no! My animal soul!” Lisanna cried. Her cat ears, paws, and clothes disappeared, leaving her naked.

Face had been activated.

Alice felt even more woozy than before. She already felt heavy with exhaustion and her body screamed for her to stop. And it became all too much and she fell to her butt with a grunt. With no magic power, she finally lost all the energy to move.

“Why is this happening? I can’t move!” Lucy strained to get off her face. Doranbolt shrugged off his coat, throwing it to Lisanna. “The air is currently being drained and ether-nano. That’s how the Faces do their work.”

Acnologia fell out of the sky and hit the ground with a loud thud. He didn’t move.

Was he...?
Igneel stood on Acnologia’s unmoving body. Did Igneel win?

“Humans! Do not despair! We have not lost yet!” Igneel’s rough and ragged voice rang out. “My kindred are back.”
Kindred? Other dragons? Friendly dragons?

And then just as fast as it happened, their magic was back.


They looked out west, where Face pillars were brightly lit and some big figure swooped past them and the Faces were destroyed. “Dragons?!” “We did it! E.N.D’s revival has been stopped! Victory is ours!” Igneel announced. Then when it all was too good to be true, Acnologia got up and flew up into the sky, Igneel chasing after him.
One attack after another, no one seemed to be winning, that is until Acnologia was the one, this time, to knock Igneel out of the sky.

For what seemed like hours, the dragons were back into the sky. Until....Acnologia bit Igneel and tore one of his arms off. But Igneel also took one of Acnologia’s.

Alice watched up in the sky in horror. Wait... As Igneel turned, Alice saw that half of his gigantic torso had been blown off.


Acnologia won.

“Alice, where are you going?!” Lucy cried, as Alice took off in a new direction.

Igneel was falling out of the sky. Acnologia did another breath attack, this time Igneel couldn’t block it nor dodge it.
Alice ran as fast as she could in the direction Igneel fell because she knew no matter where Natsu was, he’d go that way.
Tears streamed down Alice’s face. Of course, this whole day, she seemed to be crying. It was a surprise that she still had the water in her to produce tears.

“My name is Natsu Dragneel. I’m a fire dragon slayer. I was taught my magic by my dad Igneel the Fire Dragon King!” Natsu introduced himself. “Dragon king? Was he a dragon?” Alice regained her focus.
“Yep! Not a lot of people believe me though.”

“I had a dragon. Her name was Umiko. She was a water dragon.” Alice shyly revealed. “Really! So you’re a dragon slayer too?!” Natsu excitedly pushed for more. “Not really. I only knew her for two years. She’s gone now. She didn’t have time to teach me a lot of her magic.” Alice replied, a bit put off by Natsu’s energy.
“Igneel’s gone too. He disappeared a while ago. But then I came across here and I’m a Fairy Tail member now. You should join too!”
Alice didn’t know what to do.

“By the way, I told you my name, so what’s yours?” Natsu continued. “I’m Alice. I don’t really have a magic type.”
“That’s okay, Fairy Tail will still have a place for you. Come on, I’ll introduce you to Master.” Natsu grabbed a hold of Alice’s hand and led her into the guild hall. Not at all caring about the beaten up state Alice was in.

“Natsu, you got yourself a girlfriend?” A random guy asked, teasing the fire user. “This is my friend, Alice. She’ll be joining Fairy Tail!” Natsu swerved the question, as he continued on his mission.

Igneel was the most important thing in Natsu’s life. In fact Igneel was one of the first things Natsu said the first time he met Alice.

“When I see him again I’m gonna kick him in his stupid big face!”

“Hey, I heard some guys in the pub chatting about seeing a dragon in the forest southwest of Yukia Village, so I got us train tickets there!” Natsu announced, walking into the inn room. Alice was sitting on the single queen sized bed. Legs stretched out, back resting against the headboard as she read a spell book. One hand held the book open, the other hand free to try to conjure a ball of blue light in the palm of her hand. The ball disappeared as Alice’s focus was torn away from it to focus on the pink haired idiot barging in. “What were you doing in the pub?” Alice ignored his claims.

“Did you get any fish?” Happy perked up. He was sitting at the tiny table in the corner, coloring in a coloring book about fish. Natsu closed the door, kicking off his sandals to walk into the room. “I was hungry. But anyways I-” “Hey, last time you were unsupervised in a pub you got in a fight and the damages not only cost you all of your half of the reward, but forced me to use mine too! I told you you’re not allowed to go by yourself!” Alice snapped the book shut, placing it on the side of the bed, on the nightstand.
Natsu shrugged. “Come on, I’m 15 years old. I’m practically an adult now. I don’t need you to baby sit me like I’m some kid.”

“When you stop acting like a kid, I might believe that. Go and get a refund on those tickets. We’re going home in the morning. Magnolia is in the opposite direction of Yukia Village.” Alice wasn’t having any of his bullsh*t. “No. We have to check it out! What if it is really a dragon? What if it’s Igneel or Umiko? Or another dragon that can tell us where they are?” Natsu stood his ground. Alice sat up, legs crossed, giving him a stern look. “And what if there is no dragon? Like the hundred other claims we followed up on?”

Natsu clenched his jaw. “And what if this time it is really one? We can’t waste-” “Natsu! I’m tired of chasing after every wild rumor! I don’t know what Igneel is like but I know Umiko. She left me. It’s been 7 years. She hasn’t come back for me because she’s either dead or she doesn’t want to be found. Either way she abandoned me. The only reason I even go on these stupid chases with you is to make sure you don’t do something stupid like getting killed.” Alice spoke quite casually. There wasn’t any anger in her voice. She spoke like it was common knowledge.

“How do you know she left you? Maybe she just got lost! How can you give up just like that?” Natsu raised his voice. Alice sighed, closing her eyes for a moment before opening them, eyes on his.
She looked off to the side as staring into his eyes made her heart beat so hard it hurt. She frowned. “I’ve been abandoned quite a few times in my life. I’ve gotten used to it. For years I kept hoping for my mom to just walk through the door, or my father finally accepting me. Or anytime I see the ocean, I always hope that I’ll see Umiko’s horns peering out of the surface of the water. After some time I just got used to disappointment. Once you stop caring and stop looking, it starts to hurt less. I suggest you do it too.” Alice then crawled up to the top of the bed to slip under the covers. She laid on her side, facing away from Natsu’s side.

“I know it hurts missing your mom and Umiko. I miss Igneel everyday. But I’m not giving up looking for him. Because one day I know I’ll see him again. The pain of missing him is what keeps me going. If you hurt so much you don’t have the will to search, I’ll stay strong enough for the both of us. So get some sleep. We gotta get up early for the train. It’s a 7 hour trip.”

Alice panted and cried out in pain. Her body screamed. It burned and her legs felt numb.
But she couldn’t stop. She knew the moment she stopped running she’d fall over and wouldn’t get up.

The sun started to come up. A new day. What a saddening irony.

Finally she made her way out of the wreckage of the cube. The smoke cloud from Igneel’s smoking body was getting bigger and bigger. Finally Natsu’s form appeared as Alice neared. He was on his hands and knees, body trembling.

Alice ran even faster. She was so close. She had to be there for him!

Finally... She stopped, standing there, panting. Now that she was there she didn’t know what to do. Natsu was crying loudly, sobbing his heart out. Of course he was. His father died in front of him. Just when he thought he had him back, he was gone. Alice didn’t speak. She knew that he felt her presence. Maybe he didn’t want her there. So Alice kept her distance.

Alice hesitantly walked over to his side, still without a word. Not even glancing at him. She didn’t even dare to focus on Igneel’s dead body.

Acnologia was long gone. He fled after he knew Igneel wasn’t getting back up ever again.

And then Alice plopped down, sitting criss crossed. A foot or two away from Natsu. His heat radiated to her. It burned so bad she could scream but she kept it down. Sh e sat there, silently crying to herself, just waiting patiently. When Natsu was ready to leave or to say anything Alice would be there.

The sun rose and its warmth and light illuminated the destruction of the war in a strange new light. It was surreal to see hell on earth bathed in a late summer morning sun.

“I’m sorry dad. You gave me a job and I failed. So I can’t hold it against you that you left. But I had so many questions. Stay! I searched for you for so long! I want you to see what I become! I’ve learned to write. And I can cook my own food. I met the girl I’m gonna spend the rest of my life with. I’ve made the best friends and I joined the best guild there is. Igneel.... Dad. I have so much more to say to you! So don’t go!”

Igneel’s body started to glow a magic red light and started to turn into tiny red specks of light that rose up into the sky. “You can’t be gone...”

“Cut it out with the damn waterworks, will ya? Come on, Natsu. I taught you what to do when you feel like this. Have you forgotten?” Igneel’s voice seemed to surround them, not having a direction it came from. His body continued to disappear into the specks of light that went further and further into the sky.

“I remember.” Natsu replied in a stronger voice.
“Then prove it! Get on your feet.”

Natsu slowly rose to his feet. “ ‘Kay.”
“I have been with you every step of the way and nothing has made me more proud than seeing what you’ve done. Keep growing and know I’ll always be in your heart. Show me the fire that burns within you.”

The light was all the way in the sky now, getting smaller and hard to see.
“I will! I’m gonna work even harder! I’m gonna get even stronger! And when I do, I’m gonna take down Acnologia!” Natsu declared, shouting up into the sky.

Alice could no longer hear Igneel’s voice but Natsu seemed to be able to.

They stayed there in silence for a while longer.

“Ready to go home?” Natsu finally spoke, actually spooking Alice at how sudden it was. Alice, who was still sitting, looked up at him, cautious and speechless. Was it really up to her to leave? What was the right answer?

“Can you move? Need me to carry you?” Natsu wiped his face, tears finally stopped for now. “No. I can move.” Alice found her voice. She looked to the horizon. “I’m going to get stronger. In my own way. I don’t know how or in what way but I’ll figure it out. For too long you’ve been doing all the heavy lifting. You’ve been strong for the both of us for too long. It’s time I get my act together so I can support you the way you’ve supported me.” Alice blankly said as the words fell out of her mouth.

She shyly looked up at him, to see him gazing down at her. He was still extremely sad. It’d be something that’d take a long time to move on from but Alice was determined to help in any way she could.

“If that’s what you want to do then I’ll cheer you on. Although, I don’t have complaints about our relationship. As long as I’m with you, I’ll carry us both happily.” Natsu nodded, he tried to smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes.
Alice, with a lot of effort and focus, stood to her feet. “But you should have some complaints. Let’s admit it, I haven’t exactly been the best girlfriend. More recently especially.” Alice forced a smile, standing face to face with the love of her life.

“We don’t have to talk about it now.” Natsu shook his head slightly.
“I know. It’s not the right time to get into it. But let me just say one thing: I’m sorry for everything. I’ve been selfish. Getting angry at you for my own jealousy and insecurities. For not trusting you completely. And especially trying to break up with you at the worst time possible, only because I was angry at you. I’ll get better. I’ll get past my traumas, I’ll get my dark magic under control... And I’ll love you to the best of my abilities. And I’m going to be here at your side, being on my best behavior.” Alice sincerely declared. Natsu smiled genuinely, softly, staring into Alice’s dark eyes. In fact, calling them blue would be false. They truly were jet black in color. He couldn’t differentiate between her irises and her pupils.

Maybe she was paler in color. She lost a lot of blood. But Natsu couldn’t tell if she was really that pale in complexion or her onyx eyes just made it seem like it.
The candy apple red shade her hair was darkened to a deep red wine color. Maybe some of her hair was still a brighter red and it was just the dirt and dried blood covering its brilliance.

Of course, Natsu still thought Alice was the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen. Even with that horrific demonic image burned into his memory, he knew it wasn't her. His love would persevere anything, even a monster that tried to consume Alice.

“You know that kind of sounds like wedding vows.”

Alice’s eyes widened in embarrassment. She had to once break their eye contact. “I didn’t mean it to! But while you’ve brought that up...now that I’m thinking of it, it’d only be in everyone’s best interest if any plans or thoughts of marriage should be put on the back burner. We’ll get to it when we get to it.”

“Sounds good to me. Let’s hope the house is still standing. That’d be even more money to spend that I don’t have.”
Alice genuinely laughed, although it was a very exhausted laugh. “Yeah, the protection enchantment should’ve kept it from most damage, but I can’t bet anything on it to withstand everything that happened.”

Natsu pulled Alice into an unexpected hug, his face buried in her shoulder. Alice put her arms around his neck as he had his arms tightly around her middle.

Alice wasn’t going to let him go. She was going to do everything in her power to keep him at her side.

Chapter 97

Chapter Text

A week had gone by. The town was slowly putting itself back together. The place where Fairy Tail’s guild once stood was nothing more than a crater in the ground.
The guild stood together in silence taking it in. Alice stood in the front, near Mirajane and Master.

“Well, what now? Time to start rebuilding again?” Mirajane asked with a sigh. “I suppose.” Master replied in a tired tone.

“It’s gonna be tough. The townspeople fixed it up for us last time.” Jet spoke up. “Yeah, something tells me we’ll have to do it ourselves.” Droy sighed, all the while eating a mutton chop.
“I shouldn’t be here. I don’t have the right.” Elfman stood facing away from the crater. “This wasn’t your fault, Elfman!” Lisanna cried. “It was no one’s fault. Perhaps it’s a signal. One to mark the end of an era.” Master said more to himself than anyone.

Alice stood in the doorway of the tiny house that once housed Natsu and Happy, and at one point her as well. “I’m worried about him.” Alice huffed, crossing her arms, leaning on the door frame.


is old. I’m sure he’s lining up a new guild master again. Gildarts is a no, and Laxus isn’t up to it just yet. Maybe he’s gonna finally hand the guild over to you.” Natsu replied, crouching on the ground, packing stuff up in his rucksack.

Alice scoffed amused. “Yeah right. This past month I’ve done nothing but prove how I’m the worst choice for the position.” She shook her head, huffing. “If he does give the guild to someone it’d be Laxus for sure. Maybe even Mirajane. I’d turn the offer down anyway. I’m not guild master material. Let alone Fairy Tail master material. I might even go off on my own like you are.” Alice pushed herself up off the door frame, slowly striding into the house. Each step creaked since the wood was old and warped with time.

“Wish you’d come with. Natsu’s gonna blow all our money on stupid stuff and we’re gonna have to forage for berries and then I’m gonna die of starvation!” Happy whined. “Yeah I can see that happening. Maybe you should hold on to the jewel pouch.” Alice suggested.

“Oh yeah, just keep insulting me. Maybe I’ll extend the training another year so you’ll have to wait two years instead of one!” Natsu grumbled playfully. Alice walked to right behind him, lightly kicking him in the butt with her right foot. “Hey. Like I said. If I don’t see your face next year, to the day, I’m gonna come hunt you down. You’re lucky I’m letting you go in the first place. I’m gonna go crazy missing my two boys.” She pouted.

“I bet 5 fishes that Natsu bawls like a baby after the first week missing you, Alice!” Happy teased. Alice giggled. “Yeah? Does he do that normally when we’re apart for that long?”
“Well no, but he gets super grumpy! I think he hasn’t cried yet because he’s always known he’ll see you again. But we’ll be gone for a whole year! I don’t think he’ll be able to take it!”

“You’ll probably cry the first night missing Carla.” Natsu tried to fire back. He stood up, closing one trunk. “I’m gonna cry the moment you leave.” Alice smiled sadly. “Hey, stop trying to make me feel bad so I stay.” Natsu pouted down at her. “I’m not trying to. Although, is it working?” Alice coyly joked. Natsu leaned over, pressing a chaste kiss to Alice’s lips. It was brief. “A little bit.”

“Do you need me to leave for a bit?” Happy blushed as he laughed. Alice’s cheeks turned red. She still didn’t like him acknowledging her and Natsu’s sex life. He was just a baby.
But then again, the thought of something so intimate felt wrong.

“Will you get your head out of the gutter? Seriously dude.” Natsu grumbled.

Happy mumbled to himself, continuing to count the saved away jewel. “So what’s the update?” Natsu asked, referring to the guild meeting he didn’t go to.

“We’ll start rebuilding soon enough but like I said. Master seemed kinda reluctant. And he said it may be a signal to mark the end of an era. That really made it sound like something’s up.” Alice answered, frowning.
“He wouldn’t disband Fairy Tail. He’d have a riot on his hands. Has Laxus woken up yet?” Natsu followed up.
“Yeah. The Thunder Legion won’t leave his side so I didn’t see him. Porlyusica said it’s a miracle he pulled through but he looks to be on the road of a successful recovery.”

“That’s really good. That idiot had us all worried. Is Juvia better?” “I think so. Her and Gray didn’t show up for the meeting. Everyone seems to be healing pretty good. Gajeel, Levy, Wendy and Lucy along with Carla and Panterlily at the park. Lucy said something about summoning Cancer to give them all fun haircuts...- She asked about you.”

“I need to get something off my chest.”

Natsu had just gotten home from a walk in the forest to clear his head for the 10th time that day. Alice confronted him as he came through the door. “Yeah?”
“Well come inside.” Alice stepped back to allow him to get fully inside and close the front door. “Where’s Happy?” Natsu asked, as he kicked off his shoes. Alice led him to the couch. “He’s upstairs grooming. Finally.” She sat down, as did Natsu.

Alice took a pause before taking in a deep breath. “I think you have feelings for Lucy.”

Natsu opened his mouth to object. Alice put her hand up to stop him. “And I think you don’t realize it. Look, I know you keep reassuring me but... I’ve watched you fall in love with Lisanna and then me. I know the signs and I know it takes a lot for you to realize these things. Like you said, you were in love with me years before you actually thought about and realized it. And I know I said I was going to get better and act better but it’s hard to not be jealous when it’s not just my own insecurity making things up. I know you love me but that doesn’t mean you can’t gain attraction for her.” Alice explained herself.

Natsu listened and thought about it. “Can you tell me why you think this?” If she was so headstrong about it, there had to be something worthwhile in mind.

“Well I know it’s a stretch and it might sound narcissistic but I’m the only girl you’ve really looked at well... you know acted like a typical guy around. Checking me out, flirting and teasing, and even...Back when we went to the Heartfillia manor to get clues about the infinity clock, there was a moment when Michelle and Lucy reminisced about their childhood and Lucy would make them clothes out of paper. Both Gray and you drooled over the thought of Lucy in a perverted way and then during the Magic games, after Lucy was beaten pretty bad by Flare, you checked up on her before the next round and you said she was taking a shower but you could go check on her again if it mattered and then Elfman said "no you can’t do that right now" and you asked "why not?" but then you realized it was because she was taking a shower therefore naked and wet and you went to go run and burst in on her naked. Then during the match between Jenny Realight and Mirajane, there was a contest pretty much between all the hot girls in the participating guilds to dress up and see who was the hottest and generally every costume change you’d look at me but then it was like you got bored with me and you’d stare at her. And...” Alice took a breath because she was getting worked up, tears pooled in her eyes and she fought so far to not let them fall. “Mard Geer did that one curse that sent us flying and into that red stuff that we were meant to die in? Well you let go of me to try to reach her. You let go of me and so I went flying to my supposed death because you wanted to save her instead!”

Natsu was floored. That was a lot of evidence.

“And also while I was on my quest before this whole Tartaros thing started, you were staying over at her place! So if you’re in love with her, I’d rather you just tell me and we’ll go from there. I’m not going to force you to be with me!"

Natsu took a moment to collect his thoughts before exhaling and trying to respond the best way without upsetting her further. “I’m going to say no, I’m not in love with her but you’re really smart and you pick up things about me that I didn’t so maybe you’re seeing something I’m not. But if there was ever a moment where I was faced to choose, there’d be no hesitating that I’d pick you. I know I love you and I want to be with you. I always thought you were just being a typical girl getting jealous over nothing but I can tell it really does bother you and now that you pointed all that out...”

“What if I acted like you do with Lucy but with Gray? Or Gajeel? And I mean all of it. Being overly protective of them, much more than I ever was with you. Was caught in so many inappropriate situations in which one of us are naked alone or they end up groping me “Innocently”? But it happens constantly. Slept over at their place when I wasn’t with you? Over chose to save them over you?” Alice fired again.

“Okay, okay I get it. I’d be super pissed. I’d probably kill one of them.... Oh . That’s why you hate Lucy.”

“Well partially-- She truly is really annoying and constantly under dressed but another thing is while I’ll believe you if you say you only love me, I know that she has some sort of feelings for you but either she’s playing stupid or she doesn’t know it yet. I mean, she hovers constantly and she nags you like she has a right to, constantly having to have an opinion about everything you do and she cries over everything you do.- ...Okay so what I wanted to get across is I’m okay with you being close friends with her but if you care how I feel, tone it down please? I didn’t want this to sound like I’m controlling who you’re friends with but... yeah. So that’s all I wanted to say. I’ll stop being paranoid and crazy now.”

Natsu grabbed her hand slowly and softly, as if giving her ample time to see what he was doing and reject his touch if she wanted to. "No, you have every right to feel the way you do. I'm sorry I wasn't taking you seriously."

“What’d you say?” Natsu asked after a pause. “I said you were sleeping off your injuries and whatnot. She insisted that she’d come check on you two. I told her to come by tomorrow. So she’s gonna swing by tomorrow--- of course or not when she realizes you skipped town.” “Or she’ll come over tonight when she reads the note. You know, seeing if you’re still here and if so, if you’ll tell her where we went.”

“Me and Happy are gonna go off on our own for at least a year. I need to get stronger. To protect you and all our family. Like Igneel said. I gotta stand up and get even stronger. So that’s what I have to do.”
“And I can’t go?”
“I’d prefer it if you didn’t. It’s something I gotta do without you. That’s not me saying I don’t want you to come with us but I can’t have you be there with us.”
“Is there really no arguing with you and changing your mind?” “I don’t want to find out.”
“When are you going?” “In three days. Hopefully Tuesday. I thought you’d appreciate me telling you rather than disappearing in the middle of the night.”
“What are you going to be doing?” “Training. Getting stronger. We’ll be all over the country, might even go up north to Seven but I don’t think we’ll be going that far.”

“How much jewel do you have? If you need it, I’ll give you some.” Alice offered, showing her worry. “We have 130,000 even.” Happy answered. Natsu deadpanned. “So pretty poor.”

“Aye. We’d be fricken loaded if someone hadn’t broke into our stash! We had enough to last us ten years of fish!” Happy said. “Yeah...We’ll make it work somehow.” Natsu smiled. “I can-” “We’ll be fine.” He quelled her worries. But Alice didn’t stop pouting.

“If we get desperate enough, we can sell those magazines of you Natsu’s packed up!” Happy announced impishly.

Natsu’s face went red, being found out.
Happy feigned innocence. “Oops. Was I not supposed to tell her?”

“Light reading material?” Alice tried to suppress a laugh. “Their the ones of you in those tiny bikin-” “That’s enough out of you. Get your stuff together.” Natsu shut Happy up. “Aye! I have to run over to the other house! I’m not leaving without my blanket!” Happy hurried to get his pack together.

“I’ll meet you by the forest behind it then.” Natsu nodded. They waited until Happy left.

“So you’ll be missing me, huh?” Alice used a teasing tone. Natsu wrapped his arms around Alice’s middle. Alice placed her hands on his chest as she smirked up at him. “Well you know, I don’t want to forget what you look like, and you know, I don’t have any real photos to take.” Natsu excused, but the truth was on his face as his expression matched hers.

“You know, I have spreads fully clothed.”

“I have some of those packed up.” Natsu shrugged. “You know I’ll know which ones you took. And I want those back so don’t get anything sticky on them.” Alice joked. Natsu blushed harder. “I’m not gonna get anything on them. I have to keep them intact for a whole year til I can see the real deal again.” He leaned in close, not trying to get a kiss, but just to get closer.

This was it.

Alice tried to stay strong and not cry but...

“Hey, hey, don’t cry. Please?” Natsu cooed as Alice’s eyes filled up with tears and fell down her cheeks within a second. Alice took her right hand and covered her mouth to stop herself from sobbing. Natsu planted a firm, longing kiss to her forehead before he switched up his arm position, one arm snaking up, to rest his right hand against the back of Alice’s head, and persuading her to put her face to his shoulder. Alice finally let go of the dam that was her emotions, crying hard, body trembling, hands balled up grabbing onto his scarf.

Natsu tried his best not to get wrapped up in the sad atmosphere. He spent too much damn time crying this last week. It was pathetic.

“I know, I know. It’s gonna be hard for me too. You don’t know how much I want to take you with or stay here.” Natsu’s voice shook as he was barely holding it together. After Alice’s disappearance over a year ago, Natsu swore to never be apart from her for long periods of time. He had to savor every waking moment he could with her for the rest of his life because he didn’t know when they’d have to part forever eventually at the ends of their living lives until they could reunite in the afterlife and be cool ghosts. And her last tragic quest only proved it further. It was plain idiotic of him to leave but he had to. He had to. But at the smallest hint that she was in trouble, or if she found him and begged him to come home, he'd have to.

“I can’t do this. I thought I could but... I can’t.” Alice sobbed loudly. “I can’t be without you for so long. I can’t.... I can’t. I can’t!”
It scared Alice. To not know where in the world he was. If he was going to be okay. What if at the end of the year she doesn’t see him? And she’d find that he was dead, and he had been for months.

“Come on, baby. We can be strong. I have to go and you need to be here to represent my Fairy Tail spirit too. This year will go by so fast and I’ll come find you no matter where you are in the world. And after this year, we’ll come back together, both stronger for each other than ever before.” Natsu tried to encourage. Alice shook her head. “I’m sorry. I thought I could hold it together but I need you.”

Natsu turned his head to put his face to her hair, taking in her scent. There was no way to get enough of it to keep satisfied but he tried. He didn’t know if he could survive staying away for a whole year if he’d forget her scent. His favorite smell in the world. Her sweet vanilla fragrance.

“I’m gonna get strong enough to take down Zeref and Acnologia. And once we're safe, I’m going to marry you. I have to leave in order to do that.”

“I know I said I wouldn’t try to fight it but now knowing I won’t see you for so long....”

“It’s okay, baby. I’ll be back in no time. Lock up for me, okay?” Natsu forced him and her to break apart.

Alice’s red watery eyes, puffy tear stained cheeks, swollen lips. It pained Natsu to part from her if this is the last face he’d see. Alice was so torn over him leaving.

“Take a deep breath. I can’t kiss you goodbye if you don’t calm down.”

Alice pulled her shirt collar up to wipe her eyes and dry her face. She sniffled hard trying to clear her nasal passages so she could breathe through her nose. She took in even breaths.
Both eyes leaked two stray tears. “f*ck.” She breathed out, wiping her eyes with her hands. She locked eyes with his soft grey-ish honey colored draconian eyes.

She let out a breathy chuckle. “I’m not going to be able to stop completely.”

“I knew that. It’s okay. Cause I’m not leaving without a kiss, crying or not.”

Natsu pulled her back in, putting a soft kiss to her lips. Alice savored the feel of his lips pressed to hers before reciprocating, much harsher, trying to put enough love into it to last a year full of kisses.

Her eyes filled back up with tears behind her eyelids. Natsu took in a sharp breath as he tried to match her intensity, tongue clashing with hers. Alice threw her hands into his hand, pulling him closer if even possible, as Natsu’s hands roamed the skin under her shirt, trying to completely remember the feel and curve of her body.

Natsu had to pull away, feeling a certain instinct try to take control. It was Autumn, but today’s forecast had a chance of light snow.
Even though Winter was the official season for it, enough emotion and cold weather could trigger it and start early. And Natsu knew if his season started right now there’d be no way he’d be able to leave. Happy would have to fight to the death to weaken Natsu down and then chain him down until the instinct left.

That was right. Hed be gone during the winter. That’s another mating season where he couldn't participate with his mate. Oh, even when it hit him eventually... He felt sorry for the completely jerk he was gonna be to Happy or anyone else around him. He was going to be the world's most insufferable ass.

This would be the second season they’d be together where they couldn’t be together during the mating season. The first winter, they were on Tenrou and slept for seven years and then woke up during the summer. And now Natsu was leaving and they’d be apart for a year.

“Maybe I’ll cut my trip short a bit.” Natsu whispered. Alice opened her eyes and the tears were once again down her cheeks. “That’d be nice.” She nodded.
Another deep breath, another kiss to the top of her head.

“I love you.” “I love you more.” “That’s debatable.” “Okay fine, I’ll miss you more.” “Impossible.”

Chapter 98


6 months after the last chapter
Also "songs" referenced in these next few chapters are *shocking* not my own creation! I've totally ripped them off from real songs!
I write fanfiction in my free time, of course I can't make anything original.
So anyways, songs referenced: Panic Room- Au/Ra, Alice- Avril Lavigne, All I Wanted- Paramore, Death- Melanie Martinez, Line Without a Hook- Ricky Montgomery

Chapter Text

“Hey, hey, hey Rowdy Rangers! It’s me Rocking Rowdy Ruger and you’re listening or watching OR listening and watching the Party With Ruger Show here on 66.9 E.M. or Generation X7 network on a t.v. lacrima or you one of the hip and cool kids with the new Mini Convo Lacrimas watching or listening or watching and listening to our show on the e.m. and t.v. features on the MCL’S! If you can see us, you know who I’m here with or if you’re a faithful fan you’ve heard me hype this guest’s appearance on the show for WEEKS! For the peeps who can’t see you, tell us who you are! Fiore is dying to know!”

Alice sat in a this medium sized room. There was a big table in the center, where an e.m. machine sat in the middle with a sound board where her interviewer sat, multiple microphone lacrimas coming from it, evenly spaced around the table. Of course only two were in use.

There was a t.v. lacrima on the wall behind Alice and the interviewer, Rocking Rowdy Ruger, or for short, Ruger.

The walls were painted a different color each. One lime green, another bright electric pink, orange-orange, and electric blue. One wall, behind the camera, had a glass window where the tech geeks sat to make sure the show was running right and taking calls and what not.

Ruger was a popular radio host on the most popular radio station "Pop and Lock 66.9". A radio show that played the hottest, newest songs at the moment.

He had shoulder length bright purple hair, straightened as such that his hair hung tightly against his scalp showing just how small of a skull he had. He wore bright yellow wide framed glasses, which Alice wasn’t sure he really needed. He was a short, skinny man. He was like a hot nerd that went too hipster. But he had a quirky and unique voice along with an equally matched personality.

Once a week he had a guest, generally music artists.

Alice leaned forward, sitting up straight, she also looked into the camera, smiling and she waved. “Hey there, I’m Alice Dreyar.” She introduced using the brightest version of her voice.

“If you don’t recognize that name, maybe you know her from her wizard years!”

A clip from the magic games the year before played on the tv with no sound. It was from Alice’s fight in the Pandemonium. After the clip was over, the slideshow started. There were various pictures of Alice. A new picture every ten seconds. Magazine spreads, paparazzi pictures, fan pictures, official album covers, promo shoots.

“Alice Dreyar, the princess of Fairy Tail! Great Granddaughter of the 3rd, 5th, and 7th guild master, Makarov Dreyar. Daughter of the fierce Laxus Dreyar and the late Fire Fairy Yoko Akashiya! Fairy Tail, the ‘it’ guild of our time. There was a seven year absence of Fairy Tail’s top members, and Fairy Tail took a popularity and power drop! They made a comeback when the top members suddenly came back and kicked wizard butt at Crocus’ famous Grand Magic Games last year, placing 1st against the five time winners, Sabertooth. Fairy Tail had such mighty wizards of the likes of Titania, Erza Scarlet! Sorcerer Weekly’s favorite woman, Mirajane Strauss! Everyone’s favorite ice wizard Gray Fullbuster! The rough and tough Black Steel Gajeel Redfox! The truest of blondes, Lucy Heartfilia and the hottest and I mean it literally, the hottest, ferocious Natsu Dragneel! If Fairy Tail still isn’t ringing a bell, get out from under that rock! But Alice isn’t here as a wizard; she's here as Fiore’s favorite, fastest rising models and singers! She’s been on covers of magazines of the likes of Sorcerer Weekly, Lolita Weekend, Fiore Monthly, Chic Mage, and Fiorbes! She’s been dressed in designers of the gods! She’s walked the runways of Crocus’s Fashion Week. She’s also a rising pop punk singer songwriter! Her debut single was Panic Room from her E.P. "Settled In". Her latest single "Death", A fitting song title really, off her new album that comes out this friday, Alice. Now tell me, Alice, how the heck are you?”

Alice almost zoned out since the guy talked so much and she’d rather not be there. “I’m doing good, a bit tired since I've been doing promos all week.”
“Yeah, yeah, that can get a bit hectic, can’t it? Just yesterday, the song, All I Wanted, made its way on the charts, at spot 13. It’s from your E.P. isn’t it?”
“Yeah, it is. I don’t know how it’s found its way on the radio again but it did. It’s almost about to do better than my new single.”

“It’s a truly touching song, isn’t it? I want to talk about your songwriting process. You and your partner, Silas write and produce your music. What goes through your head when you write these songs?”

“Well, the thing is with All I Wanted, is that I wrote that song when I was 17 years old. It was a piano ballad and when I saw what Silas was capable of, I introduced the song to him and he re-vamped it with the guitar and percussion. Because he knows how to do that stuff. I only know how to play the piano. But a common theme in my music is true emotion. None of my songs were bought from another artist or were written just to get a pop hit on the charts. Each and every song I’ve written or accepted from Silas all have meaning to me. Music is an outlet for me. Singing these heartfelt words to people is like talking with a therapist. I’m venting and expressing things I kept to myself. So our process really is generally when something is on my chest I put out all the emotion on paper and then Silas and I make something of it. None of our songs really follow a genre. There's some pop songs, there’s some acoustic ballads, or piano slow songs, or even some heavier rock songs. Each and every song I’ve put out there is a piece of who I am.”
“Yeah, I can really see and feel that. So All I Wanted was about someone?”

“When I first wrote it years ago, it was emotions scrambled between two relationships. One that was failing and one I was trying to mend. I had just gotten out of a year or so long relationship at the same time I had realized I had fallen for someone else. I thought a big part of the song was the first relationship. Because he had actually broken up with me then left the guild without a trace so it was a testament that even how terrible things were between us that he’d remember me in the good parts of our relationship and wouldn’t forget me. But as I realized, the song actually morphed into a song about a friendship that was being tarnished because we had gotten feelings for each other but then feelings got hurt and I wanted to go back to how things used to be. When he wasn’t hating me, because I had hurt him. When we were the closest of friends, without a care in the world. Because I cared so much about him I’d throw out my feelings for him if that meant he was happy going back to being my best friend. Because I saw a distance growing between us. The song doesn’t have such a profound meaning to me as it did when I wrote it. But it is important because it was a part of a previous version of myself.”

“You’ve teased a song when announcing your new album, we’ve only heard a bit of a verse and the chorus.” “Yes! "Hook Without a Line".” “Is that about someone?” “Yes.” Alice giggled as her cheeks rose in temperature. “It’s about someone very special to me.”

“Speaking of someone special to you, I wanted to talk a bit about your relationship status, or address relationship rumors.” “Okay..”

“After the Eclipse dragon attack, there was a banquet in honor of all the guilds that took part in helping Crocus resolve the problem. Fighting the dragons, closing the gate, evacuating citizens, and rebuilding the city. During the banquet, Natsu Dragneel had publicly proposed and you said yes.”

“Yes. That did happen.” “Okay, okay, so are you two still together? There are no pictures or mention of him anywhere in your life here in Crocus.” “Uh, he’s currently off in the mountains probably fighting bears or something.” “So are you two still engaged? Was there a secret wedding?”

“You know, I’m actually not that inclined to answer. Not that I want to keep things secret but one of my favorite things about this limelight is the tabloid rumors and gossip. I get such a kick out of the things these outlets come up with. So I will not confirm or deny any rumor about literally anyone.”

Alice pulled out her MCL, calling her roommate.

“Silas, I got done with the interview, I’m on my way home, and I’m hungry.”
Okay and you had to call me for that?”
“You’re still at the studio, aren’t you?”
“Buy me food on your way home.”
The Hell? No! Be a real girl and cook your own food!

“Is that Alice Dreyar?!” Shrill screams. And a teleport.

Alice really wanted to have a nice walk home. Something about leaving a guild and focusing on your fame made people go feral.
“Well I’m already home, so you have to do it now.” Alice continued to talk on the phone as she kicked her boots off at the door.
It’ll be late. I’m getting our tracks burned so we can use them tomorrow at the charity event.
“I’ll take a nap then so time goes by faster.”
“You know how much more useful you’d be if you learned how to cook?”
"You're telling the looks and voice of your paycheck to be more useful? How about you bring home a hookup that'll cook? Or perhaps let them stay long enough to do it. What was that one's name? Callie?"
"The one who got up way early to make strawberry crepes? Come on, you have to remember her? She had this really pretty ginger blonde hair and these cute little freckles?"
"Sounds like you liked her way more than I did..."

"I did."
"What was the point of this talk again?"
"Bring me food!"
"Okay, whatever. Fine."
"Thank you!"

Alice sighed, ending the call and shoving the phone back into her purse.
A big empty apartment... It was too open and light. Too... Someone she wasn't. Reminding her of what she really was. How the light burned her eyes and gave her a migraine, how it was too warm on her pale skin..

A four bedroom, three bath apartment, with an open layout with two terraces. Right at the entry was the door for the master bedroom and bath, where Alice resided. Oddly enough, there wasn't a closet for coats or shoes or anything at the entry. Which was fine considering how spacious it was and Alice and Silas' rooms didn't share a single wall. So he could screw the brains of every person he brought in and she could only sorta hear it.

There was this nice two story apartment Alice liked, but Silas would only agree if he could have the room that would be right over Alice's because on the second floor it was the biggest of the two up there-- A hard pass. And Alice was the one shilling out the money and the credit that would get them in the door-- She she had the final say.

But anyways, the master bedroom was spacious with a private bathroom with a large Jacuzzi tub.
Across the hall was the kitchen with an island counter with stools included. The living room was a bit small but there were four rooms and two terraces. Directly next to Alice's room, connected by a wall was the second bedroom which was the smallest of all the rooms. Then was the third bedroom which was equal in space to the fourth bedroom that was across the living room. Alice and Silas were far apart.

And what was even better, the fourth bedroom also had a private bath. No jacuzzi tub, he had a terrace. In fact, since he also took over the third room as a home studio, and it also had the terrace, he had two rooms with terraces. Alice just had the biggest room and bath. But she was perfectly fine with that. She was perfectly happy with the arrangements. A totally temporary apartment that she wouldn't have to get attached to. And it was a reason to spend her money, since the rent was 1,550,000 jewel a month. Which was barely a dent in her account.

And as her popularity rose, finding ways to spend all this money was actually a growing problem. What was she going to spend it on? She didn't want a house, that was too permanent. A car? No. She had no use for one. A vacation? Maybe one day. But there wasn't time right now. She had to stay in one place. Which made her tour compromising. It started right before the one year mark. He promised to come back early. So he had to come back soon.

She didn't mean for her occupying hobby to become so grand, but her new partner was so excited for it. Silas.

Silas was Alice’s mystery guy from the Balsamico ball.

“Such a beautiful girl in a beautiful dress, how would you like to dance with me?” Some guy of average height, dark brown hair combed back, and white masquerade mask came up to Alice, making her take her gaze off Natsu. He held a hand out for an invitation. Alice returned her gaze to Natsu but then found he had already started dancing with a mystery woman.

And so Alice accepted the dance from the strange man.

“I’ve never seen your face around here before?” The man started off. He sounded young. Alice decided to be polite “Yes. I’m not from around here.” Alice replied as they continued on dancing. She could see through the eye holes of the mask that he had brilliant green eyes. “Well it is a magic ball, so you must practice magic?”

“Like you said, it is a magic ball.” Alice curtly responded. “Oh, well may I ask what it is you practice?”
“I’m a woman of many magics. Dragon Slayer, lightning, teleportation, energy, requip and so on. It’s rather boring just using one.”
“You must be a very capable woman to have mastered all that.” The man complimented. “Yes, I hear that quite often.”

And then Aceto came out to the floor.

“So, are you here to ask for her hand in marriage?” Alice asked. “I don’t know. She’s a very beautiful woman and marrying into her family’s wealth sounds enticing. But you’re also a very beautiful woman. So you decide for me. Am I going to fight for her hand in marriage?” He smiled devilishly down at Alice. She was able to read between the lines here.
Alice lightly smirked at him. “Well that depends on you, doesn’t it? Are you the type to be betrothed to a stranger? What if you decide you and her aren’t compatible? And if you decide not to get the ring for her, then what if she ends up being the ‘one’ and you missed out?”
“Yes, those are the questions to ask. But if I go for the ring and I lose?”
“Well then you seduce her and steal her from her betrothed. Then at least you’ve had time to get to know her and she’d be in love with you enough to ruin her marriage for you.” Alice theorized. “Then why go for the ring in the first place?”

Alice laughed to herself. “You are full of questions aren’t you?”
“And you’re full of great answers.” He suavely replied.

Alice didn’t respond. She knew where this guy was going with this. “So, do you have your own ball coming up? For your hand in marriage?”
“No. I’m not the fancy type. But if I did, you wouldn’t win.” “Lots of competition?”
“No. Just one very determined dragon slayer. He’d win. Sure, there would be a bloodbath but he’d come out on top.”
“I can be very determined too. To spend a lifetime with you would surely be a one in a million experience.”

The clock rang at midnight. “You know what, kid? Go for that ring.” Alice stepped away from him as their pedestal returned to the ground.

The precious ring was revealed. “Whoever possesses the ring shall propose to my daughter!” The count announced.

“You know, there seems to be plenty of uproar about that ring. I think I’m gonna pass on going for it.” Masked guy said to Alice. “Yes, that seems sensible. But it looks like you wasted a night here then.” Alice smiled, joking. “You know, I wanted fancy food. I happened to be in the area and saw the flyer for the party.” The guy took off his mask, revealing his face.
A young man around Alice’s age. And very attractive. He had piercing green eyes that complimented his sunkissed, tan skin.

A blush crept to Alice’s face. He was actually very attractive. “Yeah, well, then why did you ask me to dance? If you’re here just for fancy food?” Alice stuttered out. “Well I was on my way to the food table when I saw you. I just had to get a dance with you.”

“Well I gotta go. It’s my last night in town.” Mystery guy stopped their dance. “So where are you off to then?” Alice asked. “Wherever the wind takes me. I’m a drifter type. But if you had an engagement ball, I’d be more than happy to attend.” He let go of Alice and bowed. “Like I said. Don’t waste your breath. I got a Fire Dragon Slayer who won’t let anyone else try.” Alice smiled. “Not to be rude but you talk about him, but I haven’t seen him around?”

“Well he’s around.” Alice sighed, glancing towards the food table where Natsu gorged himself. “Not the romantic type then, I guess. But hey, maybe I’ll bump into you somewhere else? You know, we talked all this time and I never got your name?”

“Trust me, if you pay attention to any of those magic news outlets, you’ll hear my name around.”
“Ah, so you’re the famous type?” “Used to be. Let’s just say I’ve been laying low for the last 7 years.”
“Well, famous wizard, if I don’t go soon I’ll miss my train.”

And they ran into each other in Crocus right after she started getting back into modelling.

“So, Alice Dreyar, the princess of Fairy Tail.”

Alice turned around at the voice. A familiar face she couldn’t put her finger on. A young man, with a slightly fit build. He was wearing a thick black long sleeve button up under a denim jacket. He wore black pants and leather boots. He had dark brown, luscious fluffy hair that was mid neck length. He had it brushed back to get it a more voluminous look. And he had bright green eyes.

“Surprised to see me again?” He smiled cooly. Alice chuckled awkwardly. “I’m sorry but-” “Come on, don’t say you forgot me. The magic ball?”

Alice’s eyes lit up. “You!” She gasped.
“There we go, the cogwheels are turning.” He joked.
“I’m sorry, I’ve had an eventful year. That ball feels like it happened years ago.” Alice shook her head thinking of all the events since then.

Even that night, Alice and Natsu made love for the first time, and then didn’t leave the house for five days until Natsu had Alice’s body memorized and knew every secret to know about how she ticked.
Then the Infinity Clock fiasco happened. Where Alice’s magic finally glitched out and nearly killed her. And a month or so later the Grand Magic Games where Fairy Tail won and then dragons attacked the city. Then Alice and Natsu were officially engaged. Two months after that Alice’s incident happened and Tartaros started their plan and Fairy Tail went to war with them.

That was an event that lasted about a day and a half that felt like weeks. There was a week of peace afterwards. That’s when Natsu and Happy left on their training trip. Fairy Tail officially disbanded that same night.

Eventually everyone left, leaving Alice to be the last remaining fairy in Magnolia.

She took a trip to Crocus when Sorcerer Weekly wanted to do a spread. That’s when she got the offer to model for them on the regular and that turned into an actual job, and modeling for many different magazines and events. Back then it was 8 months left.

Then she met Silas and they were inseparable. He was a good distraction, which is why she attached herself to him immediately. The days went by faster.
As Alice counted down the days, Silas filled her life with music, dance, and art.

4 months left.

Alice didn’t run into her previous guild mates often. Nor did she keep in contact with any she ran into. She knew where some went but didn’t care to really track them down.

Gray and Juvia left to somewhere together. Erza just was gone one day. Laxus and his thunder legion joined Blue Pegasus. Wendy and Carla joined Lamia Scale. And Alice saw a member here and there. Some retired to normal day life, some joined some low and unknown guilds. Some even worked for the Council.

Four months left. Maybe less if he showed up.

Chapter 99


once again, I don't have a single ounce of originality
All I Wanted- Paramore
Anything Like Me- Poppy
Lilith- Halsey ft. Suga of BTS
Jenny- Studio Killers
My Immortal (Synthesis)- Evanescene (I was raised on Evanescence, so it's an integral part of me, okay? I know this song's kind of a meme, shut up.)
DEATH- Melanie Martinez
Hysteria- Poppy

Songs not mentioned but I had in mind or just didn't include because I felt we had enough song breaks
Look What You Made Me Do- Taylor Swift
bury a friend- Billie Eilish
Happy Ending- Mike Shinoda, iann dior, UPSAHL

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The screams in the crowd didn't have much affect on Alice anymore. The glitter and glam of accepting her fame had already dulled. Music was a hobby, not a career. She didn't want to be known for how she sang, she wanted to be known for her valor and greatness. But without Fairy Tail, the passion to join a guild and take quests was gone. Modelling was fun but being told how pretty you are gets boring when you already know.

She wanted to be called pretty by only one person.

Four months.

This was all just a distraction. But it no longer held her attention. She was over it. She was just ready to go home. She wanted to go back to her nondescript little home in the tiny town of Magnolia. She was tired of the overstimulating world of fame in Crocus. Every thing she did was being glamorized. She was pitted against people she didn't know. She was shipped with people she had no interest in. She was constantly asked on her opinion of every minuscule thing because some teen girl was obsessed with what she thought.

If she was seen doing anything it was promotion or endorsem*nt. If she ate at a restaurant, if she wore a brand, if she used anything with a name. She was offered brand deals and free gifts for the publicity when she was just trying to live her life. Being a famous guild wizard was simpler.

She missed being known for her skill in battle and saving lives. What was this? She was being idolized for being pretty and having a nice enough voice to listen to. Her magic and renown for being in Fairy Tail was in the past now. No one talked about it in the present, it was all history now.

“Alice! Alice! Alice! Alice!” The chanting started as the drummer set a beat.

"Break a leg out there, Fairy Girl!" Silas patted her on the back, joining her right before she went out onto stage.
She adjusted one of her earpieces. She hated having things in her ears. "Hope I do. So I can go home."

"Hey, lighten up. It's a charity show, it's for a good cause. 10% of the ticket proceeds go to the organization."
"Why not 100%. It'd be much more kind." Alice rolled her eyes.
"The company needs to make a profit."

"Of course it does." Alice left it at that, walking out onto the stage putting on her best winning smile.
She waved out to the faceless sea of people. The screams were obnoxious.

This wasn’t even how it was supposed to go. They were never supposed to get this popular-- Especially so fast.

Adoring fans wearing merch, wielding signs declaring their undying devotion to her. A few for Silas, who was mainly production but featured in a few songs. He'd come out during their song "The More That You Give Away, The More That You Have, The More That They Take" Or TMTYGA,TMTYH,TMTTT, or Give, Have, Take for short.

Sometimes he came out to play guitar. He didn't want to be the face of the music. He wanted to make it. But he was too pretty for fans not to take interest.

Fans waved around their teal light sticks. For Alice's eyes. The one thing she wasn't allowed to change.
The company already didn't like that her "signature look" was changing out of her control and she didn't want to hide it.
As time went on, her hair darkened to black and her eyes turned red. She also grew fanged canines. Her skin thinned and paled. She had dark circles under her eyes. Her nails were sharp and they grew inhumanely fast.

She had a predator instinct that she had to keep in check.
She sought out treatment for her depression to see if getting her emotions in check would help. While she was in a better mood than ever before, the transformation kept happening.

Her colors were teal and red. She wore blue contacts and had red extensions under her black hair. The red hair was on either side of her nape, several inches longer than her black hair that was at her shoulders. For that Jellyfish hairstyle that was so in right now. She had to have red incorporated into her style.

But every day seeing her image everywhere, it reminded her of the good days that she would never get back. The pictures from her glory days, or early promotional shots photoshopped to bring out her "trademark" red hair and bright blue eyes.

She took a deep breath in and stepped up to the microphone. One hand around it to keep it steady. Silence.
Then the guitar started the melody. Once fans recognized the song, they erupted in excited screams.

Think of me when you're out, when you're out there
I'll beg you nice from my knees
When the world treats you way too fairly
Well it's a shame I'm a dream

All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you

Alice stepped away from the microphone to head bang to the guitar and drums, "dancing" around to have that "stage presence". Once her next string of lyrics came up, she took the microphone off the stand and walked around the stage to sing with it, looking around and waving to fans.

I think I'll pace my apartment a few times
And fall asleep on the couch
Wake up early to black and white reruns
That escape from my mouth

All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you

I could follow you to the beginning
Just to relive the start
Maybe then we'd remember to slow down
At all of our favorite parts

Here came the big vocal belt as the song quieted for it. Even the audience shut up for a second.

All I wanted was you!

As she hit that higher note, the crowd went wild once more as if they didn't know if she could actually do it... As if she hadn't preformed that song live quite a few times now.

All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you

All I wanted was you

The song ended and fans screamed. The ones closer to the front, Alice could see clearly. Red faces from being out of breath. Some even crying. She caught her breath, taking a moment to remember what she wanted to say.

"How're we doing tonight Fairberry?" She called out the crowd. More screams. It was all a one sided conversation. She wasn't looking for an answer, she wasn't going to single any out to talk to them.
She waited a moment for them to quiet a tiny bit before talking again. "I want to thank all of you for coming out here. This is a good cause we're all coming together for. Fiore will be healed before you know it, and it'll be thanks to you!"
Another pause.

"We made a good setlist for night. I think you'll really appreciate it. Tonight I want to have fun, and rock out, okay? And I want you all to scream as loud as you can! This one's called "Anything Like Me"."

More screams.

I feel her heart beating in me
Get her out of me

Silence just for dramatic effect, a few screams and whistles waiting for the beat to drop.

Sorry for what I've become
Because I'm becoming someone
Your hand on my neck, you call up the press
Die for the attention

You pray for a reaction
I'll stop when it's no more fun
If this is the start, then let's see how far
You're gonna take this one

You shouldn't be anything like me
You shouldn't be anything like me
You shouldn't be anything like me
You shouldn't be anything like me
You shouldn't be anything like me
You shouldn't be anything like me
You'll never be anything like me
You shouldn't be anything like me

This isn't a fight to be won

Go on and give up the gun
If this is a test, with all due respect
You're not gonna fool no one

I'm everything she never was
Now everyone's out for my blood
Stop, you're making a scene
You're coming at me with blood in your teeth

You shouldn't be anything like me

You shouldn't be anything like me
You shouldn't be anything like me
You shouldn't be anything like me
You shouldn't be anything like me
You shouldn't be anything like me
You'll never be anything like me
You shouldn't be anything like me

I feel her heart beating in me

Get her out of me
Love is never-ending in me
Take it out of me

You shouldn't be anything like me

You shouldn't be anything like me
You shouldn't be anything like me
You'll never be anything like me

"Thank you guys so much! None of this would happen if it wasn't for you!" Alice felt sick. This fake happiness. She was tired of this. It was too drawn out. Where was he? Wasn't a year too long? What if something happened while he was gone?

"I'm glad you guys liked that song! It's one of my favorites... But here's the next one, that's slowly growing on me."

Well, I'm perfection when it comes to indiscretion
Might f*ck around and just succumb to my aggression
I taste blood and it's turned to an obsession
Baby, I'm confessing, yeah
You got me thinking that I was too mean
Well, everything that I say, I believe
Tuck a knife with my heart up my sleeve
And change like a season, reason for nothing

I'm disruptive, I've been corrupted
And by now I don't need a f*cking introduction
I've been gone cause I've been on this road too long

You know I get too caught up in a moment
I can't call it love if I show it
I just f*ck things up if you noticed
Have you noticed? Tell me, have you noticed?
I get too caught up in a moment
I can't fall in love if I show it
I just f*ck things up if you noticed
Have you noticed? Tell me, have you noticed?

I got a problem doing things I'm not supposed to
But you did anything I told you
'Cause you'd let anybody with a body control you
And you know it, too
You got me feeling like I been too mean
And everything that I say, I believe
Tuck a knife with my heart up my sleeve
And f*ck like a demon, do it like nothing
I am disgusting, I've been corrupted
And by now, I don't need no help to be destructive
I've been gone, yeah, I been on this road too long

The screaming got louder once again. Alice didn't have to look to know it's because Silas took the stage for his verse. She could barely look at him. He had to go and make things awkward.
The months of numerous hook ups. Hundreds of mornings Alice would wake up to see a stranger in her kitchen wearing one of Silas’ shirts. It was established. Alice was in a relationship. She wasn't available. And she thought he knew that, and his hookups were the proof. There was nothing romantic going on.

Did she rely on him too much? Trusted him too much and made him think there was something there wasn't?

"I...I can't go out with you.." Alice shyly declined Silas' invitation to go out with him and their friends.
"Why not?"
"I have a hard time controlling myself. If I get too drunk I turn into some sex fiend, trying to latch onto anyone attractive." Alice felt her face heat up uncomfortably. The idea of getting wasted and trying to cheat was revolting to say the least. But if she let herself get that drunk, her morals went out the window.

"Hey, that's fine! I'll just keep an eye on you. I won't let you go home with some random guy." Silas smiled, promising her. "Yeah, but... I may even turn on you. I don't know, I never remember when it happens, but every one tells me. It's whoever is available. If you pull me off someone, I might try to hit on you." Alice couldn't even look at him.
"Hey, I'm a decent guy. If you're obviously intoxicated, then I won't get turned on by it. I don't drink too much and handle myself well so I'll be coherent enough to watch you. I just don't want to be left out on your time here in Crocus if you're scared you're gonna get too drunk. I'll make sure nothing happens to you."

After that, their friendship was only stronger. She could rely on him. Not that she let herself get that drunk, but he was always a gentleman. He never hit on her, or flirt with her unwarranted.

So why....Why did he write a love song about her?
He didn't say it was about her, but he heavily implied it. Alice just had to act subjective about it. "Who's Addy?"
"No one. It's.. It didn't feel right without a name. And so I just kinda made up a nickname for you. A.D.D.? Addy. It's just a placeholder, you know? It's not done or anything."

Alice just bobbed her head along, mouthing his words, just waiting for her cue to sing again.

I know you get too caught up in a moment
You can't call it love if you show it

We just f*ck things up, yeah, I noticed
Yeah, I noticed, hear me? Yeah, I noticed
Step out of the moment
That's been trapping you in all this negativity of hatred and insanity
Don't dwell on the past, it's time to make a change
Look around, believe in what you see, I have returned to Hell

You know I get too caught up in a moment
I can't call it love if I show it
I just f*ck things up if you noticed
Have you noticed? Tell me, have you noticed?
I get too caught up in a moment
I can't fall in love 'cause I'm focused
I just f*ck things up if you noticed
Have you noticed? Tell me, have you noticed?

The more that you give away
The more that you have
More that you give away
More that you have
The more that you give away
The more that you have, the more that they take

She barely looked at him before he was waving and exiting the stage again. She swallowed. "Give it up for the star of this act, Silas!"
More loud commotion from the crowd. "He's the magic behind this whole thing you know? This would be just a dream if it wasn't for his talent. Let's give him another cheer!"

Alice never told Silas about her relationship status. He asked if the Dragon Slayer was still in the picture and Alice just responded with: “You’re not required to know that information.”
Sure they played around, teasing and flirting but Alice made it clear it was for fun. It wasn’t serious to her. And he said he knew.

"This next song is quite emotional for me. Quickly make a betting pool on whether I cry or not."

I'm so tired of being here
Suppressed by all my childish fears
And if you have to leave, I wish that you would just leave
Cause your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
And there's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wiped away all of your tears
When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hands through all of these years
But you still have all of me

You used to captivate me by your resonating light
Now I'm bound by the life you left behind
Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away all the sanity in me

When you cried I'd wiped away all of your tears
When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hands through all of these years
But you still have all of me

I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
But though you're still with me
I've been alone all along

When you cried I'd wiped away all of your tears
When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hands through all of these years
But you still have all of me
All of me
All of me

The screams were more melancholy now, it was a bit more quiet now. It was quite a depressing song, it didn't chart like the rest of the songs on the E.P.
Alice anticipated this, so immediately after the song was over, the next started, giving no breaks, doing a remix intro so it didn't continue to be so dreary.
"This one's called "Death"! Here we go!"

It also helped cheer herself up. That song was so meaningful for her. It explained a lot of her negative thoughts.

They played a few more songs, and a new one that would be released at midnight.

I can't say I'm in control of my moods
You light me up like a short fuse
Little girl with something to prove
Must be what I like about you

La-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la, ah-ah
La-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la, ah-ah

Can't contain my emotions
There's no box big enough to hold them
I try my best at rationalization
But there's no title for classification

I didn't mean to scare ya
It's just my hysteria

I didn't mean to do you no harm
Didn't mean to hit you so hard

It's like a wave when it comes over me
The chemicals rage in my body
I bite my cheeks 'cause I don't want to talk
It's hard enough just to live with my thoughts

La-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la, ah-ah
La-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la, ah-ah

Can't contain my emotions

There's no box big enough to hold them
I try my best at rationalization
But therе's no title for classification

I didn't mean to scare ya
It's just my hystеria

Didn't mean to do you no harm

Didn't mean to hit you so hard, so hard

Ah, hysteria

Ah, hysteria
Ah, hysteria
Ah, hysteria



Hysteria, hysteria, hysteria

Four months. More more months of this torture.

She liked music. Alice actually loved music. Loved writing it, singing it, playing it, listening to it. But all the time? Have her own songs? Having to preform it?
Oh the thought of tour terrified her. Singing the same songs over and over again?

Four months.


can you tell I used lyrics to take up space to make up for the lack of plot?

Chapter 100


bro that means there's only 16 left until I actually have to write more wtf that's f*cked up

Chapter Text

2 months left until he came back.
Alice sighed, waking up cold. It was hard to complain about the air conditioner in the apartment being too cold, especially during the peak of summer.

Summer .

The world’s entire supply of blankets couldn’t replicate his warmth. And she missed it so much more when her body broke into a shiver when she was cold. When he was around it was impossible to ever be cold. She could stand naked at the top of Mount. Hakabe during it’s cold winter, during a blizzard and if he was there with her she wouldn’t even feel a single snowflake.

How dare she take his overbearing warmth for granted. 10 months and every morning was unbearably lonely. Some mornings were worse than others. She didn’t sleep much anymore. It felt like a waste if she wasn’t sleeping to wake up with him beside her.

Not that she could sleep anyways. She never slept for sh*t anymore. But she had to get up and face the day. She was the final day guest host of the Grand Magic Games. Today was the final day during the battle royale.

She didn’t want anything to do with the games. Silas watched it on the T.V. and Alice would blockade herself in her room, blasting music.
Events of the last games played back in her mind. A smile came to her lips. But then tears pricked her eyes. She groaned. “All right, get up. None of that bullsh*t.” Alice sat up in bed and crawled out. With a snap of her fingers her bed made itself. She trudged out her room, greeted by the smell of sugary fruit.

“Morning, Ally-Bear! Want some pancakes? I’ve prepared some strawberries, let them soak in sugar and I’ve sliced them. Strawberry pancakes, sound good?” Silas offered in a chipper mood. “I gotta get going soon enough anyways. I have to be there before the crowd does.” Alice muttered in a tired tone.

“Come on, sweet cheeks, you gotta eat something! You have a long day ahead of you! I know how long the final day is! Like last year? It went until like midnight!” Silas tried to reason as Alice grabbed a pancake and turned back to her room to shower. “The guilds participating in this year's games are totally pathetic. The battle royale will be over quicker than you last in bed and that’s saying something.”

“Hey, love making has an average time span of an hour! Tell me that’s not good!” Silas made his case, pointing a spatula to Alice. “Sure if you consider average good.” Alice fired back, opening the bathroom door. “Oh yeah? What was that dragon slayer’s time?”
“On average 1 to 4 hours. Although we have a record of 5 days straight.” With that Alice shut the door. “That’s a total lie!”

She shed her clothes and entered the shower and shut herself in, turning on the water. She ran her hands through her hair, frowning. It felt longer than she remembered. Great. Was it going to grow fast now too?
She barely looked like her trademark self anymore. So she didn’t deserve the long hair. The black was ugly and cooled her complexion. She hated it. The less of it, the better. After her shower, she walked back to her room in just a towel. She sat on her bed, using the towel to dry herself off. When dry, she took the towel to her hair and rubbed it around until her hair was damp.
She brushed through her hair and then put in some leave-in-conditioner. She brushed her teeth, flossed, and rinsed with mouthwash. She smiled wide at her reflection, tonguing over her canines. They stopped growing, it seemed.

She sighed, looking into her eyes. An overnight change.
A bad night, hysteric, fighting to hold onto control-- Blacking out and then she woke up with these new eyes and the black started to creep down her red hair every day until it consumed it completely. The demon was growing stronger. And there was nothing to stop it.

She put her contacts in, taking a few moments of letting her eyes adjust and stop watering. Sparkling sea green eyes. Something she'd never have again. And she never even took them for granted, so why was it necessary thing to take away from her?

Was "Black Alice" her twin that she absorbed in the womb or something? Maybe inheriting, someone from mom's side, eye color? Or maybe it came from Ivan. The black hair would explain it if that was the truth. She had yet to find out what this possession was from. Black Alice never changed her appearance until the last year. So why now?

She looked over her look once more. It was all a lie.
Would he even recognize her when he came back? He would hate her.
She wasn’t a red hair, blue eye, sun kissed beauty anymore. She was cold and pale, she looked like she just woke from a 10 year long coma.
She tried hard to get her emotions under control. Seeking mental help to find a way to cope with her past trauma. She thought it was working.
But there were the rare moments where she broke down, screaming into her pillow, feeling despaired, hearing the demon talk to her, trying to ease her way into control.

She felt like she looked how she felt on the inside and hated it. She walked into the bedroom, standing at the mirror. She slowly requiped into articles of clothing until she was satisfied with her look. A deep plum off the shoulder blouse with flowy long sleeves. A simple black mini pencil skirt. Black transparent tights and some black ankle boots. She put a rose flower headband on her head. Then she reached over to the dresser, and then put on the most important piece of jewelry around her neck.

And the outfit was complete. One more spritz of perfume over her clothes and she was ready to go. Out the bedroom, on a path to the kitchen. On the kitchen island counter, laid her orange and black clutch purse, she grabbed it and put it over her shoulder.

“Leaving now? What a waste of breakfast....” Silas whined. "I thought you'd be impressed with my ambition to cook."
“Get over it. I told you I wasn’t going to eat."

“All right I’m going.” Alice headed to the door. “I’ll be there in a bit! I’ll wave really big so you can find me in the crowd!” Silas shouted to her.

And Alice was out the door.

She sat at the table in the commentator box with Chapati Lola and Yajima.

“Ladies and Gentleman! It’s going to be a thrilling day for the X792 Grand Magic Games! Greetings! Howdy folks, it’s Chapati Lola again joining me here is former member of the Magic Council and Fiore’s current favorite celebrity chef, that man is Mr. Yajima!”
“Good to be here!” Yajima nodded, speaking into his microphone lacrima.

“And right here is Fiore’s hottest model and music star, former Fairy Tail S-Class member, Alice Dreyar! As you all remember, Fairy Tail had an outstanding victory last year! “Excited to be here!” Alice enthused, waving to the lacrima camera focused on her.

“Here it is folks, the day of reckoning! Who will take home the coveted title of Fiore’s mightiest guild? Let’s find out! I’ve got my predictions. And how about you sir?” Chapati asked Yamjima. “I can’t quite say...” Yajima replied. “How about you, Alice?”

“Well all I got to say is you can’t count anyone out. As we saw from last year's games, this really can be anyone’s game if they put their hearts into it!” Alice said what she should say. She really wanted to say she could care less. None of these guilds matter in the slightest.
“Perhaps our beloved mascot, Mato could share some insight!”

“I’ll try! Pumpkin!”

Alice thought the charm was gone now that she knew Mato was really the king.

“Well anyone who has been watching couldn’t see this one coming!...”

Alice tried her best to zone out.

And the round went on and Scarmiglione won. “What an upset! I’m speechless! Overcoming incredible 100 to 1 odds, Scarmiglione takes first place and wins the Grand Magic Games! That’s right folks! The only guild that will be titled Fiore’s mightiest guild is Scarmiglione!”

Alice perked up on a sudden overwhelming magic power entering the arena. It was a different energy than a normal wizard. This was a slayer. Finally some excitement.
And then a cloaked figure walked onto the playing field. The crowd quieted down as the stranger walked in.

“Hold on a minute! Somebody’s entering the arena! Who is it?”
Whoever it was felt familiar. They wore a ragged black cloak that covered all but their sandaled feet.

Sandals. Alice shot up from her chair, eyes wide. It couldn’t be.... There were two more months left to go....

“Ladies and gentleman, a mysterious figure has walked onto the battlefield!”

The auburn male of Scarmiglione put his hands on his hips scowling at this stranger. “Just who in the hell are you?” Then the stranger radiated immense heat, felt all over the arena. It burned.

It was him! There was no doubting it!

“So you clowns think you’re Fiore’s toughest guild, huh?”

It was his voice.
Alice’s body trembled in nervous energy.

“All right man, who are you?” The Auburn dude demanded again. “Who, me?” Natsu got into a fighting stance, flaming up his left fist. “I’m a challenger!” The fire attack hit the players.

Then he set off a fire attack so hot everything started to melt. The stone of the arena, metal, plastic, even clothes.

Alice put up an energy shield. She was surprised how much effort and energy she had to put into this shield. His fire power was far more extreme than 10 months before. Everyone in the area’s clothes melted completely away leaving them naked. Of course, except Natsu and Alice.
Alice teleported herself to the end of the stone rail before the field.

And then finally, Natsu flipped back his hood, showing his face and pink hair. His hair was several inches longer. It reached his shoulders. He obviously tried his best to style it like it was still short.
Alice laughed, relieved to see him again. He was just as beautiful as before. Her mind raced, she didn’t know what to think, or what to do.



“Hey, it’s been awhile, how you doing?” Happy flew to right behind Alice. It spooked her but hearing his voice made her smile brightly. She turned around. “Happy!” She exclaimed. “Let’s go over to Lucy!” Happy suggested. He wore a striped white and orange vest. “Where is she?” Alice asked, too happy to let Lucy’s presence bother her. “Over there! Let’s all reunite together!”

Alice canceled her shield holding her hand out to Happy who put a front paw in her palm and she teleported them over to Lucy.

“Alice! Happy!” Lucy exclaimed. “Hiya Lucy!” Happy greeted. Alice turned her attention back over to Natsu on the field. “Happy, you’re back!” Lucy shouted, shocked. “Well Natsu insisted on challenging whoever won, so here we are! We didn’t know you both would be here!” Happy explained. “I’m covering the games for Sorcerer Weekly.” Lucy replied.

“I agreed to co-commentate the final day.” Alice answered.

“Whoever wants some, come and get it!” Natsu shouted and wizards from the other guilds leaped onto the field but Natsu easily put them down with his superior magic power. It barely looked like he put any effort into it.

And Alice knew these guilds were nothing compared to the challengers from the year prior. All of the A+ guilds were far too exhausted to play anymore. If there was no Fairy Tail to compete with, what was the point?

A few stragglers ran off before even putting up a fight, knowing they had no chance against Natsu.
Natsu eased off his fire and the place started to cool down. He gasped, seeing Alice and Lucy like he didn’t know they were there.

“Hey there, how have you been?” He asked both of them.

“You really think you can leave for ten months and then come back looking like a mountain man and ask how I’ve been?” Alice leaped down into the arena. “I came back earlier than expected! I thought you’d be happy!” Natsu asked her, suddenly feeling guilty if she was mad at him.

Alice smiled. “Of course I am!” She ran towards him and they embraced, Natsu lifting her and spinning her in a complete circle.

“I missed you every day I was gone.” Natsu said after taking in a moment to breathe in her scent. He wasn’t going to say anything, but he barely recognized her, her scent wasn’t even the same. It was tart and citrusy. It didn’t compliment her in the slightest but he was just glad to see her again. She looked human...ish.

She was happy to see him! That was something!

“There he is! Get him!”

A fleet of castle soldiers charged onto the field, wielding weapons. Alice hopped behind Natsu, to stay out of the way. The soldiers stood there pointing their lances at Natsu. “You’re under arrest! Come peacefully! You must answer for your crimes!”

“What’d you do?” Alice cried. He just got there, how was he already in trouble? “I just let them know the news!” Natsu answered innocently with a bright smile.

Alice hoped this wasn’t a dream. That Natsu was really back. She was scared that she’d suddenly wake up, cold and alone in her bed.

Chapter 101


Warning: Lucy hate (well deserved imo)
Can you believe ao3 went down for over a whole day?
It forced me to write a new chapter and a half and were up to 117 of those f*ckers now..
I wasn't gonna upload today cause I'm so f*cking tired and will fall asleep soon... but I was so distraught, refreshing ao3 every five minutes in hopes of it coming back because I really didn't want to write new stuff...

Chapter Text

“So how have you been?” Lucy struck up a conversation as they both waited outside the castle doors.
Natsu was currently in court for his crimes of destruction.

Lucy had gone to her apartment, there in Crocus to get changed into a new outfit since she was practically naked when her clothes melted at the arena. She met Alice at Mercurius.

Alice shifted to look her in the eye. “It’s been good... uhh....” “Don’t pretend that you forgot my name!” Lucy snapped at Alice’s feigned amnesia.
“Hey, what can I say, you aren’t that memorable.” Alice shrugged, indifferent to Lucy’s annoyance.
“Hey, we need to have a serious talk. Ever since the Grand Magic Games last year, you’ve taken a serious dislike to me.” Lucy frowned, sadly. “Well yeah, I really don’t like you.” Alice replied like it was obvious and not cruel.

“I can tell. What did I do wrong? You owe that to me!”
Alice pretended to think for a moment. “You’re far too loud, annoying, naive, selfish, narcissistic, arrogant, pushy, nosy, and you’re far too close with my fiancé. Want more details?” Alice listed in quick succession like it was easy to think up.

“Take a look at yourself! You’re just as selfish and arrogant then! And I’ve told you I don’t want h-”“Then stop being so obsessed with him. Stop nagging him on everything he does, stop following him everywhere, stop crying every time he gets even a papercut. I get it, he’s saved you in literally almost every fight you’ve been in since we’ve known you. But you need to get some boundaries.” Alice crossed her arms not holding back.

Lucy balled up her fists. “You have no right to tell me what I can and can’t do! Natsu and Happy are my family! You can’t-” “Sure they’re your “family” but what you consider family time is called incest. And you’re right, I can’t tell you what to do. But I can tell Natsu what to do. I’m not going to because he and I respect each other. If I really wanted to, I could make him treat you like he treats.... Let’s say Juvia. He’ll fight for her and he cares about her, but they don’t really interact and I bet he can barely remember her name half the time. Natsu and I have already talked about it and he understands how I feel and he sees what I’m talking about. He’s agreed to do his part, now do yours. Respect his and mine relationship before I do something that both you and I regret.”

Alice bit the inside of her cheek now realizing the murderous intent buzzing around in her head. She’d never say something like that out loud! She’d never even try to tell Natsu who he could and couldn’t be friends with. She couldn’t even imagine it, so why was she saying it?

“He won’t let you walk all over him like that! Natsu would never-” “Oh, you just don’t understand how tightly wrapped around my finger he is. I’ve been nice and haven’t taken advantage of that. Sure, he’d hate having to cut most ties to you but if it came down to you or me, I think you know who he’d pick. I’ve told him I won’t control him like that but he knows he’ll lose me if he doesn’t respect my feelings. You two are still good friends, but you won’t be having such a close relationship as before.” Alice felt like a spectator in her own mind as something else spoke freely.

Something dark.

The castle doors opened and Alice’s attention was placed elsewhere. She smiled brightly at her beloved and Happy. Like it was a switch of her emotions. Lucy looked at Alice in horror at just how manipulative and cruel she was.

“Imprisonment for life?” Alice asked. “Nope! They’re letting me go! The king respects how cool I am!” Natsu smiled proudly. “How come Fairy Tail didn’t compete in the games?” Happy asked.
Alice’s breath hitched. They didn’t know. As Alice opened her mouth to say something, the sound of running feet interrupted her. The members of Scarmiglione.

They got on their knees, sitting in an honorable position at Natsu’s feet. “Hey man, we want you to be our big brother!” The auburn hair guy exclaimed sincerely.
“That’s not possible.” Happy declined. The girl with green hair spoke, “We made a whole buncha money this year, but with your guidance....” “We could rack in all the money in Fiore!” The auburn guy finished her statement.

“Have you guys forgotten your public beatdown?” Lucy scolded. “You know there’s something about you guys.... That makes me real mad.” Natsu growled, death glaring at them.
“Sorry to bother you!” They all ran away. Happy and Natsu collapsed to the ground immediately. It was almost comedic.

“So... hungry...” Natsu started to wither away. “That poor, huh?” Alice wondered. “Yeah...” Happy whined in a deathly tone. “Come on, I’ll pay. You too... uh, whatever your name is.” Alice spoke behind her, not giving much thought to Lucy. “You know my name!”

“You’re so merciful! Goddess!” Natsu got on his knees and started to bow at Alice’s feet. “We’re not worthy!” Happy cried following Natsu’s actions. “It’s nothing. I’ve made it big time. I just don’t know what to do with all this jewel I have.” Alice bragged.

“Natsu, if you marry her, you’ll get half of her jewel! We could have more fish than we could eat in a lifetime!” Happy planned selfishly. Alice crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow. “So that’s the only reason you want to marry me? I guess I’ll have to get my attorney to make up a prenuptial agreement.” “What’s that?”
“A contract. I can make it say whatever, but a prenup is generally for rich people who marry below the poverty line. It’s an agreement you sign before marriage agreeing that no matter how rich your spouse is, you’re not going after their money if you divorce... You didn’t understand any of that did you?” Alice noticed they had fallen to the ground again. “Too hungry to... understand....words...”

“I’m not carrying you so get up.”

Fifty meals later, Natsu and Happy were still plowing food into their mouths. Lucy had ordered a sandwich with a side of soup and Alice got chicken tenders and fries.Alice and Lucy had to unwillingly share a booth. Alice pretended to barely acknowledge her, while Lucy kept her distance.

“Time to fill our bellies until they pop!” Natsu declared with food stuffed in his mouth. “So... What did you guys do this whole year?” Lucy started up a conversation. “Trained hard.” Natsu replied. “We traveled all over the kingdom! But first we went to Tenrou Island to visit first master’s grave!” Happy added. “Then what?”
“Oh get a load of this! You probably won’t believe the horrible thing Natsu did after that!” Happy glared at Natsu.

Natsu swallowed the food in his mouth to glare back at the cat. “Happy! What are you talking about?”
“He talked me into going along on this year long trip but he had nothing planned!”

Alice giggled while Lucy deadpanned. “Trust me, I believe it.” Alice said. “I had a plan!” Natsu argued. “No, you didn’t! We just walked around randomly and it was totally brutal!” Happy fired back. “Well a hardcore training mission is supposed to be brutal!” Natsu smiled. “See? That’s what I’ve been dealing with.” Happy continued to glare, pointing up at Natsu. Alice smiled happily. Even if it was mindless arguing, she missed them.

“And then! Things went waaayyy downhill from there!” Happy continued to complain. “Yeah, how so?” Natsu took another bite of his meat leg in his hand. “It was absolutely terrible!” Happy went on to talk about a scenario where Natsu had gotten a bad high eating some poisonous mushrooms and Happy got his fishes stolen by some wizards. So, all the while tripping, Natsu went overboard beating up a guild of four for one lousy fish. Then he continued to beat on them when they started to fight among each other rather than him. And he ended up burning the fish to a crisp and then passed out.

Happy held up a photo of his singed afro after Natsu’s assault. “See! It’s things like this! All of that fighting and commotion and we still ended up with no fish and starving!”

“How’d you get a picture of that?”
“Sounds like Natsu! Captain Overkill!” Lucy commented, happy as a lark. “So you guys were the ones who melted Mt. Altana? They thought it was a natural disaster.”
“You melted Mt. Altana?” Alice outburst. Of course, she hadn’t kept up on the news in forever, being so busy. “I guess so. But I don’t remember any of it. Hey, I gotta take a bathroom break.” Natsu didn't linger on it, not at all interested in what nature altering things he might've done under the influence.

Happy flew up above Natsu so he could scoot out of the booth. “We’re in the middle of lunch!” Lucy scolded.
“I gotta make room for more!” Natsu said so casually walking off. Alice sighed. “You’re disgusting.” And she was even more disgusted with herself for loving him regardless.

Happy chatted about his time poor and starving and Lucy and Alice listened.

“Sorry to interrupt your meal but... Well, my daughter is a big fan of you. So I was wondering if I could get a picture for her? And maybe an autograph?” Some middle aged woman approached their table, talking to Alice. Right, she was still in her idol makeup. She was recognizable.

Alice wanted to say no, to publicly shame this woman for having the audacity to think she was important enough to disrupt Alice's meal. Laugh in her face as she saw the light die from her eyes. But it was going to be over soon enough. Just grin and bear it for a while longer. She assumed they'd be out of town by tomorrow. Just get through today and it would be over.

“Uhm, sure.” She nodded, hesitantly. She teleported out of the booth to stand next to the lady. “Can you take the picture, miss?” The lady handed her hand held camera to Lucy. “Sure...”
Alice stood next to the lady, bumping against her arm. She smiled and held up a peace sign. “Say cheese!” Lucy focused the camera. “Cheese!” The lady and Alice complied.

“Thank you so very much. I suppose none of you have a pen on you?” The lady took the camera back before glancing between Lucy and Happy. “Actually I-” “I always carry one on me.” Alice requiped an ink pen in her hand. The lady handed a clean napkin to Alice.

Alice bent over the table to sign on something hard and smooth. “What’s your daughter’s name?” Alice asked. “Sheeta.”

To Sheeta from Alice! Hope you have a lovely day! Make life wonderful and be kind to others! <3

“There you go!” Alice smiled, handing the napkin back, and saw Natsu back already. She felt extreme embarrassment. She already knew the rest of the guild was going to give her flack for becoming a popstar. Everyone else either joined new guilds or got empowering careers... Alice just went back the one the thing she was good at. Being famous. No enriching skills or fascinating new life. She just got even more famous than she was before...

“Thank you so much! You’re such a sweetheart! Even though you look quite intimidating you’re just the sweetest celebrity! Oh Sheeta is going to be so happy she could cry! Thank you so much!” The lady gushed. The whole restaurant stared at Alice. Some patrons mumbled about wondering if this was indeed someone famous.

She hoped that this wouldn’t start a domino effect and more and more people would want a picture and or an autograph.

Alice quickly raised her hand up and a magic circle appeared over all the heads of everyone in the restaurant and then as the circles disappeared, no one paid any mind to Alice. “A simple displacement charm should do the trick for now.”

“What’s that all about?” Natsu asked as the lady went to sit down at her table. “Yeah, are you super famous or something?” Happy chipped in.
“Have you guys been that seriously disconnected from the modern world?” Lucy gasped exasperated. Natsu scratched the back of his head as he wore a nervous expression. “Well we did see a show you put on but-” “Are you a super famous pop star?!” Happy came to his own conclusion.

“Alice has become the fastest rising hit idol Fiore’s ever seen! She’s on the cover of basically every magazine and gossip tabloids always have something to say about her! Did you guys not see any of that?” Lucy went on. “Like I was trying to say, we were in Freesia about two months ago when we saw Alice put on some show. We thought something was going on since it was a super big crowd and there were a lot of girls crying. I think we’ve come across magazine stands and Alice has been on a lot of covers...” “Natsu kept pouting about not being able to afford the naughty magazines Alice has been on!” Happy had to include it for some reason. Natsu’s cheeks dusted with pink. “Not just those ones! All the magazines she’s been on! I wanted to support my girl!” Natsu glared at Happy. “I only saw you get worked up over the adult ones!” “Because she’s wearing practically nothing! The whole world shouldn’t see that!” “You’re just jealous you’re not the only one to see it!”

“That’s not true!” “Uhuh!”
“Are you guys done eating yet? If not, shut up and hurry it up!” Alice snapped, voice raised a few pitches in embarrassment.

Alice and Natsu walked hand in hand, Happy flying next to them, Lucy taking the lead as they walked down the center plaza of Crocus.

“Ask them!” Happy whispered harshly to Natsu. Alice perked up at it. “Yeah okay.” Natsu whispered back to the cat.

Then he stopped walking. Alice, connected by their interlocked hands, stopped with him. “Hey, I gotta ask something.” Natsu started off in a loud enough tone for Lucy to hear and know this involved her too. She stopped, turning back to the three.

“Something happened, didn’t it?” Natsu asked in an accusatory tone. Like he knew they were holding back information.

“Come on. Why else would you guys be here in Crocus and the guild isn’t?” Natsu pointed out. “Yeah, and earlier when I asked why the guild wasn’t at the games you both had these weird looks.” Happy added. He glanced between Alice and Lucy. “Just like right now!”

Alice laughed dryly. She let go of Natsu’s hand. “As smart as you two are, you still are pretty dense, you know?”
“Right after you two left...the guild broke up.” Lucy finally let the ball drop.

Natsu and Happy were in shock. They sat down on a stone bench, muttering to themselves.
“I just can’t believe it. How could that happen?” Natsu muttered. “I would’ve told you but Alice wouldn’t tell me where you were!” Lucy said. “I didn’t refuse to tell you, I didn’t know where they went either!” Alice snapped at Lucy, scowling.

“You said you wouldn’t tell me!” Lucy fired back, referring to the night Natsu and Happy left. They had dropped off a letter to Lucy telling her they were leaving so that night when Lucy arrived at her apartment, she read the letter and made a beeline to Alice and Natsu’s shared home, banging on the door.

“You’re still here... So they must-... “ “No. They left.” “Well where did they go?! Why would they leave without me?!” “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

Alice chose not to argue back. “I told you the old man was acting strange. But I didn’t think he’d make such a decision so soon.” Alice crossed her arms pouting slightly, shifting blame elsewhere.
“This has to be some kind of joke, right?” Natsu’s voice wavered.

Lucy sighed and sat down on another artsy stone bench across from the two. Alice continued to stand. “I wish it was but it’s real.” Lucy wistfully replied.
“Do you know where Gramps is? Because I’d like to kick his butt!” Natsu got fired up. “And after that I’d like to rip out what’s left of his hair!” “You gotta at least leave his mustache!” Happy cried.

“No one does, I think. After the announcement he left us all to contemplate what just happened. After it all set in, Laxus and Erza went after him to get him to reconsider but he was gone.” Alice answered in a soft tone.

“Do you know where Erza went? Or Gray? Where is everyone?” Natsu demanded. Alice didn’t have an exact answer. She knew where some of them went. Laxus and the Thunder Legion went to join Blue Pegasus. Wendy and Carla went to Lamia Scale. Erza, Gajeel, Pantherlily and Levy joined the Magic Council's police force. Mirajane, Lisana, and Elfman went up north. Gray and Juvia went north as well. But she didn't make an effort to keep up contact.

“Everyone went their separate ways. I haven’t seen them.” Lucy replied. Alice shook her head to say she hadn’t either.

“No one? You haven’t kept in touch?! Fairy Tail split up and no one gives a crap about it?!” Natsu went off. “That’s not true...” Lucy muttered. “It sure seems like it! Why did no one try to stop it?! If that old geezer wanted to quit, he could have made Laxus the new master!” Natsu stood up, getting overwhelmed with anger. “I don’t think you have any room to talk, Natsu. You weren’t there.” Lucy said in a quiet but angry tone. Alice got defensive but she bit her tongue for a moment. Seeing if Lucy would continue to speak rashly. “Did you really think of the guild when you left? You just took off! You didn’t even talk to any of us about it!” Lucy shouted.

Alice felt that anger and despair come back. Something she hadn’t felt for months. That darkness. She thought she had it under control but here was Lucy bringing it out. Why was she so selfish? So self-centered to think this was about her?

“It wasn’t like that..” Natsu sat back down. Lucy smiled uneasily. “I’m not trying to tell you how to live your lives. I know you had your reasons for leaving. And yeah, Master and everyone else had their reasons for leaving too.” Lucy sighed.

It didn’t rub Alice the right way. “Well I’m going home.” Alice abruptly said, while frowning.
“Magnolia?” Happy wondered. “No? Where I live now.” Alice replied rather crudely.
“Wow, since you’re so famous you must have a mansion!” Happy then said with an excited face. “It's just an upper level four bedroom apartment.” She killed his dreams.
“What? That doesn’t sound any bigger than what your house used to be.” Happy pouted.

“Don’t you have a roommate? That Silas guy?” Lucy asked with a glint in her eyes as she smiled righteously.
“Silas? Roommate? I’ve never heard about this guy.” Natsu spoke up with a deepened frown.
Alice looked to the side, puffing out her cheeks. “He’s my partner and producer. He helps write and produce my music.”

“How’d you meet him?”
"I don't see how that makes it necessary for you two to be living together."

That was the question she hoped didn’t get asked. Alice stood anxiously, swaying to the side. “He uh...I met him at the...Balsamico magic ball....”
“That guy?!” Natsu stood up in alarm. Because of course he’d remember that. Alice flinched as his anger. “What guy?” Happy asked.
“He’s the jerkwad Alice spent the whole quest dancing with!” Natsu yelled.

“To be fair, I did make my intentions clear that I was going to the ball for the dancing, not the quest.” Alice started to walk backwards, slowly. “You live with him?” Natsu asked, annoyed. “Yes...?” Alice replied hesitantly. She knew she was in trouble with him. He’d have some questions as well.

There was a moment of silence. “Well, bye.” Alice swung to the direction she needed to go and started to walk off. “Hey, Happy, come on!” Natsu said, walking after Alice. “Aye!”

“You’re just gonna leave?” Lucy called, upset. “We’ll find you, don’t worry!” Natsu waved off. “Aye!”

“Wait up, Alice!”

“What do you think you’re doing?” Alice asked as the two boys caught up with her. Natsu laced his fingers with her, rather forcefully. Not in any ill-mannered way.
“Well, we do need a place to crash for a bit...” Natsu trailed off with a sly smile. “Aye! Even if it’s a tiny place, I’m sure you have plenty of room for us!” Happy added.

“Yeah, plus you always cut my hair the way I like it!” Natsu kept up with the cheery attitude. Alice smiled, squeezing his hand tighter. “Of course I do.”

Chapter 102


i like how google docs and my internet browser's dictionary live by two very different rules. They argue about the grammar and spelling of everything.
According to my browser, I'm english and wrong for it.

Chapter Text

Natsu groaned, nauseous as Alice and Happy dragged him out of the elevator. “So... far....”
Alice lived on the 10th floor, and by the 4th floor, Natsu collapsed, sick to his stomach. Alice grunted. “I can’t believe your weak stomach! It’s not moving anymore... Ugh! So stand up!”

It was only until he was fully out of the shaft and on the wooden floor of the hall, Natsu felt his strength return. Then the elevator doors closed and dinged. Natsu gagged. “You’re not even on it!” Alice nagged.

Happy couldn’t keep it up and let go and left Alice to carry Natsu. Alice, not prepared for that, fell forward, on top of Natsu. She groaned, crawling off him and sitting up on the ground. “All right, let’s take a five minute break.” She panted. “Next time, let him take the stairs.” Happy sighed weakly.
“I can’t believe that you’ve never been on an elevator before.” Alice kicked Natsu in the side with her foot. Although, just mostly nudging at him with it. “Just give me a minute to breathe.” Natsu replied pathetically.

“Wow, this is so fancy!” Happy commented, looking into the apartment from the entrance. The open floor plan, all the updated "modern" decor and tech. The floor-to-ceiling windows on the farthest wall, with a scenic view of the city.
“Not a mansion but it's fancy-shmancy." Natsu added, his amazement damped by the smell of another male.
“Shoes off!” Alice barked as Natsu started to trek in with his sandals. Alice led by example, requiping off her shoes.

“The rent's pretty high, a house would've been more reasonable. But this place spoke to me.” Alice said, looking over it feeling sentimental. She was going to leave it behind. She didn't think she'd miss it. The rainstorms with large windows, being so high up in the sky was right out of her nightmares.

“I get that, but why settle for an apartment? You could afford a house.” Natsu asked, truly curious.

“I wasn’t looking for anything permanent. I’ve only had this place for 7 or so months.” Alice crossed her arms, shrugging.
“So you were just looking for a place to stay until we came back?” Natsu asked. “Pretty much. I mean, also, I wasn’t sure what I was gonna do all this time. But since most of my work is here in town, I thought an apartment was a better investment than just staying at a hotel or constantly traveling from Magnolia to here every time I had stuff to do.... So, that room is Silas’.” Alice dropped it and started the tour, pointing at the small hall all the way across the apartment. “He’s not here right now it seems.”

"Over there's his producer room, the other one's kinda unused, mostly storage. Then this one here is mine. Oh, if you have any dirty clothes, I’d like to get them started now.” Alice thought about it once her eyes flitted over the units.

Natsu reached around to grab a bag off his travel pack. “They’re all dirty. This is too, so do you want this washed too?” Natsu referred to the clothes he was wearing. “I mean, I have no problem walking around naked.”
“I actually have some of your clothes here. Since you weren’t around to wear them, I brought them here with me when I wanna lounge in them. You know, a few shirts and sweatpants.” Alice realized. “You’re amazing!” Natsu smiled fondly all while praising her. She wore his clothes. Natsu had normal t-shirts but only a few since he only wore them if his everyday outfit wasn’t clean. He wanted to see her in his clothes. How cute she’d look swimming around in shirts that were way too big and were his.

Alice took his bag of clothes and put them on the floor next to the washer and dryer. “I know. I’ll get it started when you get washed up so I have all the dirty clothes.”

She continued on the tour, still standing at the entrance, pointing in general directions while everything was pretty well obvious. “Here’s the kitchen. There’s the dining room area and the living room. There's a bathroom in Silas' room, one here, and if we go through my room there's the master bathroom." Alice opened her room door to let them in.

“Wow, you’re room is just as boring as it is at home.” Happy commented, bored with the room’s decor. Lilac colored bed sheets, a blue comforter, and Alice’s Natsu plushie. She had one rug on the floor that was rainbow patterned right at the door to the bathroom.
One big mirror on a hinge. A long white painted dresser with jewelry and accessories on top. Along with many different types of perfumes.

Her closet was filled to the brim, nicely, with an assortment of items. A folded up piano keyboard, plastic bins with magazines and rolled up posters. Blankets, boards from promos, and other things with no theme.

“What’d you expect?” Alice muttered, slightly offended. Natsu wandered in, placing his travel pack on the floor in front of the dresser then he meandered to the bathroom. “Wow, it’s huge!”
“Yeah. The only reason this is my room and bathroom is because Silas didn’t have any use for the tub. And I like a relaxing soak every so often.” Alice explained.

“Do you have any fishies?” Happy asked like clockwork. “No, Happy, I do not.” “Ahhh....” Happy huffed, sadly.
“Tulip Market Square has a fish market stand. Whole salmons, tunas, cods, you name it.” Alice shrugged. “Rub it in my face, why don’t ya! Natsu spent all our money!” Happy started to tear up. Alice, who still had her clutch on, unzipped it and dug out the jewel. “Go ham.” She offered it to him.

“Tell me I’m dreaming! Wait- No, don’t! I don’t wanna wake up! You mean, it?” Happy flew up in the air in a loop-de-loop in joy, smiling wide.
“Yep. Wait, Natsu, do you have a tooth brush?”

Natsu, who was in the bathroom, studying all the different makeup products and tools Alice had acquired. How could one person have all this? What did it do? “Technically?” He shouted back.

“Go buy Natsu a toothbrush, and if you need one, or any essentials buy them. Whatever money’s left over, buy any and all the fish you can carry.”

“You just want some alone time~!” Happy smiled impishly while taking the jewel. “Oh yeah, I’m just drooling over a man who probably hasn’t bathed in months. Just hold me back, Happy.” Alice deadpanned. “I’ve bathed!” Natsu defended. “In running, clean water? With soap? Or just a river and just rinsing off?” Alice interrogated. “In a river...” Natsu quietly responded.

“All right, I’ll be back!” Happy zoomed off.

Alice strolled over to the bathroom. “What are you doing?”
“What’s all this stuff?” Natsu responded, holding up a bottle of moisturizer. “Well that’s a moisturizer for night time.” Alice strode closer to him.
“Why d’you have all this girly stuff? You never used to.” Natsu frowned. She changed so much in such little time.

“Well I wear more makeup than I used to, and so I need primer, makeup remover, toner, moisturizer in order to not break out or wrinkle. Then in order to do the makeup, I need foundation, concealer, powder, bronzer, blush, contour, highlight, eyeshadow, mascara, eyebrow gel, more powder, lipstick, lip gloss, eyeliner, and setting spray. And depending on my look, mood, or the occasion I need different types of all that stuff. Different colors, different formulas, different lasting times. And then the other stuff is face masks, hair spray or treatments and maybe other things. Really the only reason I have so much of this stuff is because when you’re in the public eye constantly, companies give you free stuff to use because then fans see me use a certain product, they buy it like crazy. At some point, I’ve tried all this stuff. But I'll probably only use half of it.”

“How much makeup are you wearing right now?” Natsu wondered, studying her carefully. He could see the product on her skin. The foundation and powder laying over her pores, the clumping of her pretty lashes, the unnatural contour of her face. Not that he hadn't seen her wear makeup before. She was good at it but Natsu didn't understand it. She was so beautiful as is, she didn't have to change. The makeup did make her look prettier in a dressed up way, but it took away her youth and originality. It's just... If it was already perfect, why mess with an already good thing? She hid the subtle freckles on her cheeks, and was constantly touching up her makeup. If she left her face alone, she didn't have to constantly reapply powder or whatever. She complained about it enough. So why do more than she used to?

He didn't want to say it, but he also wanted to see what she was hiding. She was skinnier than before-- Was she just not eating? Or was it something else?
And he really didn't want to let her know how obvious it was that she was wearing contacts. It made no sense for her eyes to brighten back up while her hair turned midnight black. The shade of blue was also not right. It hid the natural green and brown little flecks in her iris' that made her unique. Also-- When she moved her eyes too fast, the contacts lagged to keep up, getting caught on her eyelids. Sure, to everyone else who didn't spend their entire life staring at her wouldn't notice. But he did.

“The makeup I just listed. Well, no lipgloss. There’s a breeze and lipgloss is sticky.” She didn't even have to think about it. Natsu frowned. “Take it all off.”

“That’s quite bold of you.” Alice laughed dryly, raising her eyebrows. “I mean the makeup stuff. Although, if you wanna get naked, I’m not gonna complain.” Natsu smirked, eyes trailing down Alice’s body.
A slight wave of anxiety washed over her. “In your dreams, flame breath. Now move.” Alice brushed him off to move. Alice pulled out a makeup wipe, wiping away at her makeup. When she got as much off as possible, she turned on the faucet and washed her face.

She patted her face dry with a hand towel. Then she applied a toner, and then moisturizer.

Then she brushed out her hair. She didn’t put in hairspray as it tended to irritate her scalp and she didn’t think her hair would deflate. Of course, it would when Natsu used his magic in the arena. She hesitated, realizing she was still hiding the glaring issue. This wasn’t the real her anymore. She requiped out of her clothes, except the bra and panties she had put on physically. Natsu, who stood at the doorway, watching her, walked backwards back into the bedroom, as Alice waved at him to move so she could go that way. He sat on the bed, eyes following Alice as she took off her bra and tossed it on the dresser.

She rummaged through the dresser finding a pair of grey cotton running shorts and a lavender cami top. She slipped them on and then turned to face Natsu. She held her arms out, posing sarcastically. “Ta-da! A whole different person!”

“No, you’re still my Alice.”

Alice frowned, while blushing furiously.

"Take the contacts out." Natsu said when she had yet to do it. Alice jumped out of her skin, in shock that he noticed.
"How-" "You can't lie to me."

Alice puffed out her cheeks. "You asked for it," she warned stomping back to the bathroom and took the blue pieces of plastic off her eyes. She blinked a few times to reapply moisture to her red eyes. She looked over herself, feeling Natsu's eyes on her the entire time. She sighed deeply, allowing the transfiguration magic to fade away to reveal her pale skin.

"Remember you asked for it." She said once more, returned back to him. " I’ve tried to get better and I feel that I have but-... But it wouldn’t go away and it’s gotten worse...” She looked to the ground, feeling her eyes well up with terrified tears. She hugged her arms to herself as she felt her breathing get shallow, scared to what he'd say. How disappointed and disgusted he'd be with her.

“What’s gotten worse, Alice?” Natsu asked, refusing to point anything out on her. His poor Alice. She looked scared, beaten and worn down.

“The... darkness in me...It's always been trying to infect me but this last year... It's taken it's toll on me. And everything that happened around the attack... It’s gotten worse... I can barely recognize myself.” Alice’s voice trembled. Natsu got to his feet, wanting to comfort her in some way. But he saw how she recoiled as he reached for her. He respected that and stood there, worried.

"I don’t care what you look like. You’ll always be my Alice.” Natsu encouraged her, it was the least of his worries. She was still beautiful. Even with those piercing eyes, and cold complexion. Because his Alice that he knew and loved was still in there.
Tears ran down Alice’s cheeks. “You left to get stronger and you did! But I...couldn’t even keep this contained!”

“You tried your best. It’s obviously something more powerful than just your willpower. We’ll figure it out.” Natsu couldn't let her know how it terrified him. How much closer she got to that horrifying demon he saw that day.

"But doesn't this bother you?" Alice asked for the rejection. Because it had to be coming.
But it never came.

Natsu offered his hands for her to take. “You’re still my Alice.”
Alice blushed at his words. As much as she missed his affection and words of validation, she wasn’t prepared for it. A voice in the back of her head asked if they were still together. She dismissed it. Of course they were still together. Natsu wouldn’t have held her hand, followed her home, or said that.
But she felt like there was awkwardness. Was it acceptable to just start acting like a couple again? Did she remember how to kiss? How to cuddle? How to have sex?

Sex. Something that terrified her.

She had slowly gotten over her fear of physical touch. Well, she was hesitant to let men that she wasn’t very familiar with touch her in anyway. She didn’t like them too close or behind her. It made her skin crawl and she felt like she would break down.

But so far she hadn’t had a problem with Natsu. Maybe it was because she trusted him. He’d never do anything she wasn’t comfortable with or without consent.
She could be giving him the world’s best blow j*b and he’d be a millisecond away from the best org*sm of his life and if Alice wanted to stop, she knew 100% that Natsu would stop. He might pout for a moment, maybe even try to bargain, but when he knew that she didn’t want to, he’d get over himself and clean up and not bring it up or try anything for the rest of the day.

She trusted him with her life, mind, body and soul. But there was a moment there right after it happened that even his touch made her panic. When Igneel died, Alice had swallowed her issues to comfort him because he didn’t need to stress over that. S he wasn’t completely comfortable with it but she pretended for him. Of course, by the end of the week, as Natsu was about to leave, Alice had trusted him enough again to hug and kiss him. But sex was absolutely out of the question.

Was Alice ready to sleep with him again? Of course, while they were in the apartment, it wasn’t going to happen. But Alice didn’t know what the future held. What was Natsu planning on doing now that Fairy Tail disbanded?

Alice knew Natsu wouldn’t accept Fairy Tail’s disbandment. But she didn’t know what he’d do. Track down the members? Make Alice start up the guild again as Master? Was she ready to go back to the wizard life? Well even if she wasn’t ready, nor willing, she’d still go back to it for Natsu.

She had to shake out of this worry. But it was hard. He was gone for months. So many things had happened. So many experiences, emotions, wants, needs and he wasn’t there for her to share them with him. Just like when they came back from Tenrou, finding out that they had slept for seven years, Alice felt a rush. Like there wasn’t enough time in the world to experience life with Natsu.

It felt like she was constantly running out of time even if that wasn’t true. But wasn’t it? Who knew how long she’d have before he’d run off again to “get stronger”?

She had so much she wanted from him but it felt like there wasn’t enough time in the whole universe to do so.
Alice shyly took his hands. His warmth made her shiver.

How she missed him. It almost didn’t feel real that he was here with her now. Accepting her as he always did.

But how long would he be there?

Would he leave again?
She blinked a few times, trying to get in the right headspace. “So what do you want? A haircut? A shower?” She pulled her hands away from him, backing up a bit to give herself some space.

Natsu tilted his head back thinking. “Seeing how big your bath is and all that scents and salts you got, I really want to take a bath. Nice and relaxing.”
“You want to sit in a tub of your filth?” Alice crossed her arms.

“I’ll wash up first then have a bath.” “So you’re keeping the long hair for now?” “Oh, no. Cut my hair then, first.”
Alice rolled her eyes. How easily things slipped out of his mind.

“Great, where you wanna do this at?” Natsu smiled, pleased. “In a bathroom, preferably.” Alice nodded, trying to walk away to get ready for this new task.
"Hey, if I get clean to your standards, will you take a bath with me?” Natsu proposed, pulling her back into him.
Alice grimaced. “Look whatever you think is gonna happen, isn’t.”
“What do you think I’m thinking about?” Natsu coyly smirked. Alice’s cheeks flushed. “You know.”

“I just want to take a relaxing bath with my fianceé.” Natsu played with her hands with his own.
Alice moved her gaze to the side. “I don’t know if I want to do...
that yet.” She confessed.

“I’m actually thinking of a bath here, if we’re not on the same page. Happy could be back at any moment, and I don’t know when your guy is supposed to show up, so I wasn’t expecting sex today.” Natsu said, deciding to stop toying with her.

Alice blushed harder. “Well, I wasn’t thinking that!” She lied, voice raising as she got embarrassed.

“So, will you join me?” “Ask me after you take a shower.”

“All right, let's cut my hair” Natsu hopped off the bed, marching past her to the bathroom, taking off his cloak and his shirt. Alice sucked in her cheeks, biting down on the insides as she avoiding looking at him, while she went off to get all of her supplies needed. She walked to the supply closet grabbing a stool for him to sit on cause there was no way Alice could reach his hair and cut it evenly.

Walking back into the bathroom, Alice took notice of his body. Sure enough, he was still hot. His muscles looked about the same, maybe a bit more prominent, but she didn’t know if that was even possible. She took notice of the scar on his left hip, in the shape of an x. When she last saw it wasn’t fully healed yet. It was a very noticeable scar. But it was also kinda hot.

Then she took notice of the bandage wrap starting at his wrist, going up to below his guild mark. “What’s that for?” She asked. Natsu moved the arm to gesture. “My secret weapon to win.” He smiled devilishly. Alice continued to give him a mildly concerned look.

“It’s the last of Igneel’s power. It’s my secret weapon. Once I use it, it goes away. So I have to keep it covered until the time is right. Keep it hush-hush, okay?” “Is it really that powerful?” “Of course it is. It’s what I’m gonna use against Zeref and E.N.D.”

Alice accepted his answer. She didn’t want to get into that whole can of worms right away. “Okay. Sit down.” She nudged the stool with a foot. She waved the cutting scissors in her right hand. She had a comb and brush in the other. Natsu nodded, listening to her. Now sitting down, his head was at her chest height. She placed the scissors and comb down on a shelf on the tile wall. She used the brush to untangle his hair.

“Speaking of hair, what’s up with yours?” Natsu inquired about Alice’s shoulder length hair. “What do you mean what’s up with it?” Alice hummed, stopping brushing to go over to the sink to grab the spray bottle of water she filled up mixed with some conditioner to help detangle his unruly locks. She went back to him, spraying the water and brushing to get his hair wet enough to lay flat, therefore, level.
She brushed through it once more so she could run a comb through it without it getting stuck. Spray bottle placed on back on the shelf. This was manageble. Some mindless chatter while she stayed focused. Easy enough. Nothing worth thinking too much about.

“I mean, it’s a different color. I know it darkened when the Thunder Legion got that bane sickness and it never lightened ever after Laxus was healed. And now half of it is black. Did it do that itself?” Natsu clarified. Alice exchanged the brush for the comb in her left hand, and the scissors in the right.

“It just kinda happened. One day my roots just appeared to grow in black and over the course of a week or so it consumed all the red. And it keeps growing this color. I mean, I suppose I could dye my hair red or use transformation magic, but once this black showed up, I just let it happen I guess.” Alice casually explained. “What about it being short?” “I cut it short awhile back, and it has this curly texture to it now, so I've kept the length. Do you like it?”

Natsu shrugged. “It’s cute. It’s a big change I wasn’t expecting. Your hair has never been short. But it’s really cute especially when it’s all wavy and stuff.” Natsu complimented. Alice blushed. She focused on cutting his hair. There was a moment of only the crisp snip of the scissors cutting off locks of pink.

“So what’s the plan for tonight?” Alice asked after awhile when it was too quiet for too long.
“Happy and I will stay here if you let us. But it’s late afternoon, we’ll probably meet up with Lucy to get a plan going. See where we go first.” Natsu answered. Alice hummed again in response. “What’s that mean?” Natsu turned his head up to stare up at Alice. “Don’t move, you’ll mess me up.” She forced him to look back forward. “Well you’re at least coming with us, right?” Natsu said with a pout.

“To where? Meet up with Lucy or what?” “Lucy’s for now. We’ll probably get moving tomorrow.” Natsu muttered.
“So you’re expecting me to drop everything to go with you?” Alice challenged as if she wasn't going to without being asked as is.
“You’d still be in Magnolia if the guild didn’t disband.” Natsu argued while scowling at her defiance.

“Wrong-o. Like I said, I’d probably end up leaving.” Alice explained.

“You’re a Dreyar. Fairy Tail is in your blood. Why would you abandon it?”

“Well I never really fit in. I mean, I really am a psycho monster. Half the guild was scared of me, the other half was sick of my sh*t. I brought it on myself, honestly.-- Besides, I still got my guild mark, so it’s not like I completely left yet.” Alice didn’t give a hint of sadness. But she easily confessed her thoughts. There was something so disarming and intimate about cutting his hair.

“They love you. Yeah, you have some moments but besides that, you’re Alice of Fairy Tail. I mean, Laxus is an asshole but everyone was angry when Pops excommunicated him and then were excited that Gildarts brought him back.” Natsu shrugged, trying to alleviate her assumptions. He knew for a while she was feeling left out. He didn't see it, and if he was honest, he thought she was imagining it and was exiling herself subconsciously and everyone just found her unapproachable again.

“You know, I’m really hated when even he still has people who love him. He abandoned my mother and verbally attacked her after she got knocked up and then dropped me off at an orphanage when she died. And then he constantly hurt people in the guild. He refused to help against Phantom Lord and we got over it. But I refuse to help Princess Hisui fix her mess with the spirits and I’m “barely a member of Fairy Tail and I should just leave”. He tries to take the guild out from under Master, and then attempted to actually murder a whole town to get his way and people cried when he got booted out. I kill people accidentally because of a dark magic that I got cursed with, which would’ve never happened if Laxus didn’t abandon me, and I’m a monster and should be stripped of my magic. I mean, the fact he’s done all this sh*t and the Thunder Legion worships him...It’s sickening. Sure, he’s slowly becoming a better person, but that doesn’t mean he should be rewarded like he’s a hero for being a decent human being. I mean, I’d like to believe I’m a better person than him but I suppose not. Not even Mira likes me anymore.” Alice started to frown, depressingly as she spoke. As if Natsu's hair was talking sh*t about her and she was about to square up with it.

“That’s not true. You’re way better than him. And you’re just seeing things from a dark perspective. When you got taken to Edolas, everyone was heartbroken. And they were excited to see you again when we brought you home. They all cheered you on during the games, and were proud of you. And it kinda sucks that since Lisanna doesn’t like you, Mirajane distances herself from you for her, but they’re sisters, you really can’t do much about it. You’ll see when we get the guild back together, how everyone will excitedly greet you.”

Alice sighed, a smile attempting to creep up to her face. She really was willing to follow him anywhere. Even when she didn't believe him.
She stepped around to face him as she cut another portion to length.

“I missed you.” Natsu said, his breath fanning onto the showing skin of Alice’s chest. “Did you?” Alice replied in a low mumble.
“Of course I did. Did you miss me?”
“Maybe. Forgot your name a couple of times.” Alice played.

“Like you did Lucy’s?” Natsu recalled the events in which Alice and Lucy waited for him at the castle. “Yep.” Alice said sharply with a scowl, not wanting to talk more about it.

“You know, you should be a bit nicer to her.” “I don’t think so.”
“Come on, sweetheart. I’m sure she got the message. I’m doing my part, so you can ease up.”

Alice huffed, getting irritated talking about her.
“How can I? She’s so insufferable. I mean she takes you leaving, and Fairy Tail’s disbandment and everyone moving on with their lives as a personal offense. You saw how she got upset earlier. It’s like she thinks you left just to hurt her. And I get it, she takes family seriously. I’m upset too about you leaving. I’m hurt about Fairy Tail disbanding and everyone leaving. I don’t know where a big portion of them went and it kinda bothers me that there’s a chance I could never see them again. Looking back at my glory days of Fairy Tail, it really does hold a special place in my heart but I’m not offended by it. I’m not going to hold it against anyone for leaving.” Alice spieled.

“She has her own way of handling her emotions. You know, you take everything she does as an attack on you. As much as you might not like her, you two are similar. A lot of things you get angry at her for are things you do.” Natsu tried to mediate.

Alice stopped cutting his hair and gave him a look while pointing the tip of the scissors at him. “You want me to kick you out? Cause I will.”
“Just take it easy, okay? She’s my friend. She’s a part of our family. So do me a favor and stop lashing out at her for everything.”

Alice growled. “That’s asking quite a lot.”
“Please? I’m not asking you to be her best friend, but don’t threaten her like you did earlier. Just keep your mouth shut. If you need her to back off, just let me know. I’ll diffuse things.”

Alice inhaled and exhaled slowly. “Fine.” She continued to cut his hair.

He let his curiosity get the best of him and he reached out, right hand pulling up her cami up to her ribs. “What are you doing?!” Alice shrieked, trying to recoil away from him. “You erased your mark?” His voice got serious. “No! I just told you I still have it! I’ve just hidden it.” Alice growled. She rearranged her hands to free one up to touch the place her mark used to be, under her right boob, a bit lower down on her ribs. And the dark red emblem appeared. “Now put my shirt down, you perv. And stop moving. I’m almost done.”

“I was about to have to punish you.” Natsu listened and pulled her shirt down.

“I’m back!” Happy called flying into the apartment.

Happy flew into the kitchen putting his fishies on the counter. “You guys aren’t doing what I think you’re doing, are you?” He neared the bedroom door. “We’re in the bath!” Natsu called. Happy, not caring about their privacy, entered the room. The bath door and the bathroom door were open.

Happy flew into the bathroom, eyeing Alice and Natsu sitting together in the bath.
Alice rested her back on Natsu's chest. She leaned down far enough where her breasts were under the water.

“Did you buy what I told you to?” Alice asked in her motherly tone. “Yep! A toothbrush for Natsu and for me cause I needed a new one. I bought some cool socks and this really cool vest that fits me like a dream! Then I got three whole salmon!” Happy revealed.

“I suppose that works.” Alice sat up. “Bath time is over, go brush your teeth.”

Natsu wrapped his arms around Alice’s torso, holding her down. “I just got comfy. Get in, Happy, the water is nice and hot!”

Chapter 103


Happy Endings (ft. iann dior and UPSAHL)- Mike Shinoda

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The front door opened and closed. “Alice?”

“Silas is home.” Alice glanced at Natsu. She was currently doing his nails.
Sitting in the living room, facing each other. Alice had noticed how gross and neglected his nails had gotten. She trimmed them, filed them, pushed back his cuticles and applied jojoba oil to his nails. She had just gotten done with his right hand, about to get to his left as him and Happy talked about their trip.
Happy sat on the dining table, gnawing on a fish. The sun had set some time ago. It was nearing night. She supposed Silas had gone out drinking or something.

“Oh...You’ve brought home the guy that attacked the arena... And his cat...” Silas hesitantly walked in, tossing his keys on the kitchen counter.

Alice stood up off the couch, as if getting caught doing something wrong.“Hey, welcome home, yeah.” Alice skipped over to him as he stood in the kitchen. “They are from my guild. This is Happy. He’s an exceed, but that just means glorified talking cat with opposable thumbs and wings.” Alice gestured to Happy. “Hi! Alice is my evil stepmother!” Happy greeted with a wave, fish in his mouth. Alice hesitated, frowning. That damned cat. That’s not how she wanted to be referred to. “And then- Then this is Natsu Dragneel.” Alice then gestured to Natsu after she stared at Happy long enough to let him now he was in trouble with her.

Natsu stood up. “Hey.” He nodded.
“Hey...” Silas replied with that one nod all guys do when they meet.

“So, yeah. They’re gonna stay here for a bit.” Alice clapped, revealing the news to Silas. “Oh, okay, cool.” Silas nodded, obviously uncomfortable. “Yeah...” Alice awkwardly replied. “Right... I’m gonna take a shower.” Silas briefly walked through the living room to his room.

Alice sighed loudly, shuffling back over to the couch and plopped back down.

“For a moment, I thought I needed to be worried about him but if you two are always like this, I have nothing to worry about.” Natsu joked, sitting back down with Alice. Alice turned to face him, grabbing at his left hand to continue grooming his nails. “No, he’s just...I’m pretty sure he knows who you are.” Alice huffed.

“Like my name or what?”

" 'My dragon slayer', what he only refers to you as.” Alice focused on what she was doing.

“You talk about me?” Natsu wasn't sure if he felt proud or nervous about that.
“Sometimes. Not really though-... He doesn’t like you.”

“Oh, yeah? What doesn’t he like?” Okay, that settled it. He was going to be defensive about it.
Alice shrugged. “That I like you- And I don’t know... I guess your personality isn’t his style. I think it’s mostly jealousy. He brings you up more than I do to try to show off how much better he thinks he is than you. We do get along very well. He’s just competitive when it comes to girls.”

“Oh, so the usual jerk type. You definitely attract a lot of those.” Natsu nodded.
“How so?” Alice scowled at him.

“Come on, Loke, Gray, Gajeel, that one pretty boy from Blue Pegasus, and now this guy. They’re all...I don’t know. I just think they’re all the same.”
“Right, great argument. I agree with Loke, Hibiki and Silas all having similar personalities. Charming, pretty boys, who strive to sleep with every pretty girl in Fiore. I felt for it twice, but I won’t again. I’ve grown up.” Alice determinedly stated.

“I’d have to hurt him if you did fall for it.”

Alice looked up at Natsu, shocked at his darker tone all of a sudden and she rolled her eyes. “Oh, whatever. Something could’ve happened months ago and you would never know cause you were out fighting bears and melting mountains. Nothing did happen but if it did you wouldn’t know.” Alice muttered.
“I’d know. My protective boyfriend senses would go off and then I’d run all the way here and knock his lights out if he tried anything.” “Then you might wanna get those senses checked.” Alice snorted at him.

Natsu pulled his hand away from Alice. “He has?”
Alice sensed the jealousy bubbling up in Natsu. She shrugged. “Well, yeah. But you know, just some flirting, and attempts to bed me, but of course I always shot him down but he’s always been in good spirits about it.”

Natsu growled, not too keen on it. Oh this guy was gonna get it. He was gonna rearrange all this plans to make a statement. Perhaps he'd convince Happy to go stay the the night with Lucy and NAtsu would make the headboard pound against the wall, the frame squeaking in rhythm..

“Hey, chill out. I don’t have any interest in him. Nothing’s happened. Not even a single cuddle or sleeping in the same bed or anything like that. This has been the single most platonic friendship I’ve ever had with anyone!” Alice said, still scowling at him.

Natsu glanced over to Happy, who was slowly falling asleep, tummy full of fish, but continuing to eat. He swayed, barely staying sitting up.“Right. So you’ve stayed my girl this whole time?” Natsu looked back to Alice.
“I don’t like the possessiveness there, I am my own person. But, if you mean, I’ve considered us together this whole time and have had no interest in anyone else but you, then sure.” Alice’s cheeks puffed out as she became embarrassed.

Natsu reached out, his right hand cupping the side of Alice’s face. He looked deeply into her ruby eyes. Only now he could see the dark magic in them. There was a gradient of a cloudy black in them that moved around like a storm trying to roll in. It was a change he wasn’t very happy about, but he knew it was mostly this dark magic in her. But at this point, he didn’t think it was just dark magic.

“Alice?” Natsu gasped, noticing black smoke seeping from Alice’s skin. From each pore smoke emitted from her, thick and dark. The smoke got so thick, Alice could've disappeared and no one would have known. Not even light could travel through the fog, Alice's entire body was hidden in this cloud of black.

And then the fog dissipated. Revealing a disturbing sight. Alice’s skin had paled to a sickly pale, her skin translucent and her veins dark. The white of her eyes were completely black, her pupils a blood red. Her face was pale and sunken in. Her eyes were sunken and dark. Her lips were cracked and bloody. Her hair was longer, thinner and matted-- Soaking with, what the hell was it? It was thick as blood, but it was muddied with grainy black. It dripped down her shoulders, leaving brownish, auburn streaks down to her clawed hands.

The three behind her were breathless. Natsu was frozen in fear, both at this monster before him and then the immense dark energy that it emitted. It left him feeling empty and hopeless. Everything was hopeless. This being before him was going to kill them all and it already consumed Alice.

“What’s this? A power up? Do you not understand? All spells have soul! I will absorb anything you throw at me!” Franmalth cackled in Alice’s direction, not at all phased by the demonic sight before him.

“I just want the stupid blonde to shut her big mouth.” Alice groaned, with a scowl. Her voice seemed to reverberate, all types of tones echoing after each one. As if a thousand voices were speaking with her. Dark and low, yet shrill and screaming.

She turned to look at Lucy, moaning in pain on the ground.

“Seriously. You have such a big f*cking mouth and yet you don’t do anything useful with it. All you do is cry and whine and complain. Could at least f*ck Natsu with it, you whor* yourself out to him enough to do it.” Alice rolled her eyes, glaring towards Lucy. As she spoke, it was revealed her canines were longer and sharper looking, and all her molars were pointy, not much bigger than before, but now they had a point to them. Her gums were bleeding. Blood sat between her teeth and pooled in the corners of her mouth. These teeth grew out of nowhere, causing trauma to her.

Lucy trembled, with tears pouring from her eyes. Her blood ran cold. Was this the "dark Alice" they closed off?!
No way! This was a creature of hell! What demon possessed Alice?!

She snorted silently, turning back to Franmalth.

She held out her hands his way, and flexed her fingers out, like she was ready to grip something.

“Do you think you scare me? You- Ah! What are- What are you doing?!” Franmalth started to glow and a light seemed to come from his mouth as Alice motioned with one hand, like she was the one telekinetically pulling souls from him. And out went Taurus and Aries, seemingly okay. “Close their stupid f*cking gates.” Alice grunted, referring to Lucy.

“R-R-Right! I close your gate, Taurus! And I close your gate, Aries!” Lucy's voice shook, still so haunted by the new creature before her, and Aries and Taurus disappeared.

“What are you doing?!” Franmalth demanded, shouting.

Alice’s right hand closed into a tight fist. “Your voice is almost as annoying as hers. I couldn’t keep listening anymore so I had to come out and shut you up and maybe that’d get blondie to stop whining for at least five f*cking minutes. Even little princess couldn't stand you, that's how I got my opening out." She frowned, grimly.
Franmalth started to tremble and his Hades form disappeared to show his green alien-like body once more. His one eye clamped shut as his mouth went agape.

Alice’s eyes focused on him, hands relaxing for a moment, her left arm lowering to rest at her side, as her right hand went open, palm out to Franmalth and then black lightning suddenly came from Franmalth’s body and he shrieked in pain. “Why can’t I absorb it?!”

She smiled wickedly. “Because it’s not magic.”

He continued to scream in pain, body contorting in agony until Alice stopped her attack, letting her hand down. Franmalth stopped screaming, and his body fell back, limp.

"Now I can sleep again... Finally, it's quiet for a while longer..." Alice sighed, sleepily. And with one more smoke cloud, the Alice that she once was stumbled out of the cloud. All that remained as proof of the horror before them, the dirty bloody stains drying down along her arms, and the blood starting to dry in the corners of her mouth, and an achy pain in her mouth.
Alice’s eyes opened and she took in a sharp inhale, eyes a midnight black. Color returned to her skin, but not much, keeping her looking very pale.

She looked at her surroundings. Franmalth dead, and then her three guildmates staring up at her in slight horror and disbelief...! What the hell just happened? Mid battle she fell asleep? Was it some sort of spell that Franmalth had? She was definitely asleep and dreaming some odd dream that made no sense and she couldn't remember it at all but remembered the icky feeling it left on her skin--

WHAT WAS ON HER SKIN! She gasped at the thick and sticky drying down stains on her arms. Her breathing quickened and she snapped her attention back to Natsu. Maybe he had an answer- Why was he looking at her, terror-stricken eyes wide on her? “Did...I do something?” She asked in a small voice. Normal voice. Nothing close to the demonic one from before.

“You don’t remember?” Lucy spoke up in a breathy tone, still reeling from the sight she saw.

“No, I’m just asking for the hell of it- What do you mean remember?” Alice’s face contorted into annoyance, eyes flickering to Lucy.
Lucy retracted into herself, choking in a gasp. Oh, no! Was it going to come back?! Natsu stood up, bravely. He blinked a few times before gathering his jumbled thoughts. He couldn't even think straight. He'd need time to process what horror he just witnessed. He was confused about his feelings for Alice all of a sudden. He was scared of her, yet he wasn't because that thing wasn't her but it came from her and. He loved Alice, and there would be nothing to change that but that.. that thing..

“You-....You just...” He stepped forward towards Alice. One hand gripping her shoulder, fingers mercilessly digging into her skin, keeping a tight hold on her, regardless of Alice's sound of pain. The other hand going up to her face, using his fingers, he pried Alice’s lips open to examine her teeth. Her canines were only slightly longer than the original size, nothing like they just were, and her other teeth were back to the normal size and shape. Nothing demonic like. But her gums were red and angry with pain. Her tongue was covered in raised cuts. It was real. What just happened was definitely real..

Alice reeled back, shoving him off in fear and shock. “You're hurting me!” Alice snapped, offended by his abrasive behavior towards her.

“You don’t remember what you just did?!” He demanded. He already knew she didn't. But he had to be certain because he had no idea what the hell just happened. It had him shaken, Lucy trembling, crying.. Happy was a mess of tears and, probably some piddle, so scared.

Natsu had to find out what just happened.

Of course, it made sense now. Well no it didn’t but now he knew why Alice seemingly feigned innocence back in Michello’s town. When she used her Goddess magic to heal him. How she seemed hurt and didn’t seem to know what he was talking about when he brought it up.

“You turned really scary! Your hair turned black and you had scary red eyes and fangs! You had a really monster-y voice! You- You talked like Black Alice! You just defeated him with one spell and now you’re not like that anymore!” Happy said through sobs, his voice shaking horribly. Alice felt tears prickle her eyes. She was barely processing what he was saying, but seeing him look so scared of her.. It broke her heart. What was going on with her?

“Yeah, and you were putting off some serious energy. Like you did when you had that breakdown before we went to the Councilman’s house. Except you didn’t transform or anything. On the way to the Councilman’s house you seemed to wake from a trance and didn’t remember anything about it.” Lucy stood to her feet, slowly stepping her way. Still hesitant. As much as she gave Alice the benefit of doubt, she now understood Wendy's caution.

“Breakdown?” Natsu snapped his head to Lucy before going back to look at Alice. She gave him a look of surprise, speechless.

That moment, just a sliver of that entire event, stood out in Natsu’s mind. It constantly replayed in his mind, as he tried to piece things together.Black Alice wasn’t just a split personality. She was her own separate entity it seemed. She seemed to grow even stronger if now that she seemed to take over completely where Alice couldn’t remember it, coming back. It wasn't just black magic trying to take control. It was its own being. Now was it Alice's way to cope with it, or something else entirely?

Alice started off with bright sea-green eyes that darkened slightly with time, but they were still considerably blue-ish green. It wasn’t until that one incident happened and Alice’s eyes permanently were black. And after 10 months, they’ve turned ruby red? Not only that, her skin was paler than before, if that was even possible, and her teeth had turned sharp and fang like.

If vampires were real, Natsu would think Alice was turning into one.
Her under eyes were dark, like she hadn’t slept in days.

“Are you okay?” Natsu asked, deeply concerned. “What do you mean?” Alice scrunched up her face in confusion. “Last time you changed was when Laxus got poisoned and was sure to die. So now in these last months, you’ve changed more, so....”

“Oh, well, I’m still as depressed as before but I suppose I deal with it better. I mean, I don’t sleep very well, and I seem to have a constant headache that never goes away but does lessen if I take something for it.... But...I don’t know this is my new normal, so I’m not sure what is wrong because this is just how things are.” Alice shrugged. She averted her eyes as much as she could since she could tell the color bothered Natsu.

“Well, in the morning we’ll meet up with Lucy and we’ll go get our guild back together. Things’ll go back to normal soon enough.” Natsu assured Alice. Alice pulled away from him. “I suppose I should get laundry going then.” She hopped off the couch to the washer. Natsu wondered if he said something wrong if she flinched away and suddenly got up and dropped the subject altogther.

Only the noises from the tv, Happy's light snores, and the sounds of Silas doing things in his room filled the apartment. Alice didn't talk and Natsu was enthralled with the tv.

Alice was folding clothes that were in the dryer already from that previous day. “Natsu, could you take Happy into my room? I need the table.” Alice quietly asked. “Yeah.” Natsu put down the t.v. lacrima remote and stood up from the couch.

He was flipping through channels since Magnolia didn’t have satellite t.v. He stopped on a channel with a gossip show on. A group of journalists were sitting at a table talking about the latest media drama and news.

Natsu gently picked up the cat, cradling him in his arms and walked him to Alice’s bedroom. Alice then cleaned off the table, putting away Happy’s leftover fish. She put Silas’ clothes on the table. Some articles could be folded, some needed to be hung up in his closet.

She put her clothes on the kitchen island. Natsu, back from tucking in Happy came over to Alice, putting his hands on Alice’s hips, holding her from behind. “We should go to bed soon.” He placed a kiss on the top of her head. “Well I can’t do your laundry and sleep. If you’re tired, go to bed.” Alice replied, not reacting to his touch. “Plus I need to talk to Silas. If we’re....” Alice paused, turning around to face Natsu.
She whispered as to not let Silas here. “If we’re leaving, he needs to know. It’s not right that I don’t tell him and just disappear. And then I have to get things packed.”

“Let me help. Tell me what to do.” Natsu volunteered. Alice sighed. Months of getting used to her new normal, and she finally was getting the hang of it, now things were changing again. “I have suitcases in the closet. For now, can you start putting my clothes in them? Nicely?” She requested with a polite smile. “Yeah,” Natsu nodded.


Natsu leaned down, taking Alice by surprise, kissing her. Though, she shouldn’t have been surprised. All the time they’ve been together, she knew his signals.
And she shouldn’t have been so taken back by it.

Silas’ door opened, and the two broke apart. “I’m on it.” Natsu left for Alice's bedroom, closing the door. Silas appeared and he and Alice made eye contact. He was dressed and his damp hair was fluffed up on his head. The smell of this products hung strongly in the air.

“Hey.” Alice greeted, quite tense. “Hey,” he nodded at her. Alice continued folding clothes.
He got into the fridge, looking for something to eat. “You bought fish?” He asked. “Uh, yeah... But- That’s for Happy.” “Oh...all right.”
“I’m gonna fry up this pork, will you eat some?” Silas asked, getting out a package of raw meat. “Oh, no. I ate already.” Alice replied.

It was awkward indeed. “So, how long will they be here?” Silas asked. “Oh, uhm-... Just a day or so. Not long.” Alice quickly answered. She couldn’t let him know.
Alice got to putting Natsu’s clothes in the wash. She grimaced at the food crumbs, dirt and grass in the bag, tangled up in all the mess.

A tiny box fell into the washer with all the clothes. Alice quickly dug it out. It was a velvet black box. Like a traditional jewelry box. Alice argued back and forth in her mind. Should she open it? Should she not? Should she ask Natsu about it? Should she open it? What was in it?

She decided to put it back in the bag. But curiosity was killing her.

“So, I was talking to Eijiro today, and he thinks next Monday, we should have a meeting, to set expectations and goals for the tour. You know, getting set lists together, and maybe call Elissa to get outfits planned.” Silas said. Alice swallowed. With all the excitement going on, she nearly forgot that they had a tour coming up.

Alice swallowed the lump in her throat. "Uh, yeah. Definitely. Sounds good." She nodded fervently to sell her "excitement".

1am rolled around and Alice thought that was an acceptable time to excuse herself to her room. This was probably the last time she’d ever see Silas. Because he’d get so angry and betrayed that he’d probably refuse to talk to her ever again. She cowered out and couldn’t tell him face to face.

“Things all good?” Natsu asked. Alice gasped seeing him sitting up on the bed, in the dark. He was wearing headphones, listening to Alice’s music lacrima. “You know, these are good songs.” He commented, not waiting for Alice to respond. “What are you still doing up?” Alice asked.
“I found this and saw a playlist of songs you’ve made.” Natsu unplugged the headphones from the device and music quietly poured from it.

Hey, at least in my mind I'm feeling like I'm the hero that saves me
There I hold my head high, get everything right
Delusional maybe
If I'm pretending, why not write happy endings?
Where I'm better than we both know I could be
Still, at least in my mind I'm feeling like I'm the hero that saves me

“Yeah that was a good collab song." Alice nodded, agreed. She had very little input in the song, singing the intro, chorus and hook. Maybe an adlib or two, but besides that, she had very little involvement.

“So, I got what you wanted packed.” Natsu said after not understanding what she said. Collab song?
“Thanks. I got a few things to pack up, but some of it will have to wait till Silas goes to bed.” Alice strode off to the bathroom, getting her toiletries and makeup in order. Things she’d take with, things she could live without.

“So how are you going to tell him?” Natsu asked, never hearing her bring it up with the guy in all the time she was out there.
“I’ll end up leaving a note. I know I said I’d tell him but... he’ll get emotional. There’s so many things coming up that’ll get messed up or canceled because of me skipping town. He didn't even want to do the whole music thing anyways.” Alice sighed loudly, getting frustrated. She hated doing it to Silas. But it had to happen. She knew it was always going to go this way. Natsu would come back and he’d want to get back to normal. His normal. And Alice couldn’t say no.

“All right. We should get some sleep then. We’ll probably roll out around 5-ish.”


Am I in the minority here, who hates severe storms?
Like, don't get me wrong. I love me some good rain and a few decent flashes of lightning and thunder rolls. But you know what comes with storms, especially here in the midwest? Tornadoes, hail, heavy winds.
And you know who just bought a new car and doesn't have a garage to shelter it? me. Like, yeah, I have full coverage (because it's required with the loan) but don't make me use it, the f*ck?
Also heavy winds, hail, and tornadoes can do so much damage you know? Damage roofs, break windows, snap branches, topple over trees, even tear apart houses, everything you love broken or ruined with water damage? sh*t like that happens in these storms, they're not just some pretty event for you to take pictures for your aesthetic blog.
Is it just an autistic thing to overlook things and look at the risks over anything else? I'd continue to live in a drought than have to buy a new laptop, losing a majority of my files, losing so many irreplaceable things? Jewelry, books, pictures, movies from the early 2000's? my hamster? My vinyls? My cheap turntable that I got on sale for $24 at Hobby Lobby? My stuffed animals? My $200 headphones? My odd collection of used candle wax?
anyways, I've been constantly checking my weather app relieved to see the storm cell lose power with each time I update it? How we lose the tornado watch? f*ck yall, I don't got a storm shelter, or a basem*nt.

Chapter 104

Chapter Text

Alice tiptoed to Silas’ bathroom to grab the few items of hers in there. And then she quietly grabbed Natsu’s clothes from the dryer, stuffed them in the bag, and then she headed to the bedroom again.
Natsu was putting on his shirt as Alice emerged. “Why are we even getting up this early?” Alice yawned. She slept maybe 2 hours.

“Because I gotta get a message to the kingdom.” Natsu replied. Alice yawned again.

She went over to her dresser, grabbing a notebook and pen.


I’m sorry but I’m leaving. I know, it’s sh*tty of me to give you no notice, especially since the tour’s coming up. There's nothing I can say to make things better, but you and I knew this day would come soon enough. I go where Natsu goes, and he says it's time to go home. So that's where we're going. I'm leaving you enough jewel to cover rent until the lease is up and then some for all the chaos that will ensue when you have to tell our company that the tour's cancelled last minute.


“Are we ready to go?” Alice asked, placing the note on the bed Happy yawned loudly. “Can we get some breakfast?” “We will later.” Natsu answered him. “I’m ready to head out.”

“All right, let’s get going.” Alice said, zipping up one suitcase, after using spacial magic to increase the space inside the suitcase, while never changing its outer size. She was able to put her other bags inside of it, so she could carry it all in one bag.

“Aye!” Happy summoned his wings and flew up into the air. “Now, be extremely quiet. I don’t want to have a confrontation.” Alice whispered as she walked over to the door and opened it very slowly.

They all tiptoed over to the front door, putting on shoes and then leaving.

“By the way, we’re taking the stairs. I’m not hauling your ass again.” Alice commented, grimacing. “Fine by me!” Natsu smiled.

They found their way to Lucy’s apartment. Natsu had to sniff out her very strong floral perfume, and they went in circles a few times before they found the apartment. Quietly picking the lock and tip toeing in, they looked at the spacious apartment.

“Lucy is just an apprentice, you’re a pop star, so how come her apartment is like the same size as yours?” Happy whispered. “Because her rent is probably below it's value because of all the crime outside her window, living on the east side of town. You couldn't pay me enough to live over here." Alice said as she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

Lucy’s apartment was about the same as it was in Magnolia, a spacious studio apartment, except the living room/bedroom was much bigger. Lucy was fast asleep still in her double bed, draped in pink bedding.

Natsu walked over to Lucy’s sleeping body and he pulled out a marker. Alice rolled her eyes.

She cautiously walked around, eyeing Lucy’s place. Hardwood flooring, big windows, and very carefully placed rugs. She had a desk with a chair in a corner. It was neatly organized.
Then she had a sitting area, with a coffee table and a purple couch. On the backside of that couch, a dresser, and then another couch.

Two dressers, probably filled with clothes, a table vanity with assortments of lip glosses and blushes.

Then on the wall, a corkscrew bulletin board with all types of paper and string pinned on it. Alice took a better look at it. Newspaper clips with pictures and articles. They were all about Fairy Tail members. Articles about their good-doings or gossip with pictures.

Lucy had a big map of Fiore with scribbles on it, string pinned on it. Each pushpin had an article or note Lucy wrote. There was an article from the newspaper with a picture of a melted mountain top. “Natsu’s doing?? ” Was scribbled next to it on the map where Mt. Altana was.

And then other places where others were. Like Erza around the North-East, The Strausess in the northern part of Fiore. Juvia and Gray in Rain Village. Wendy, a member of Lamia Scale, teaming up with Chelia Blendy.

Then she even saw a picture of herself. “ Moved to Crocus December 18, X791”
“Wow, she needs a hobby.” She muttered. “What’s this?” Happy wondered flying over.

Natsu started laughing to himself, “guys, you gotta check this out! I put a monocle on her-” Natsu paused, seeing Alice and Happy focusing on something else. “What’s that?”

Natsu crept over, eyeing the board. Something seemed to be going on in his brain with how serious his expression changed. “That’s it.” He growled, storming off to the front door. “Where are you going?!” Alice whisper shouted after him. “I’m sending a message! Happy, come on!” Natsu replied. “Aye!”

“Hey-What’s going o-” “Stay here. Tell Lucy what’s up if she wakes up.”

Alice crossed her arms and huffed. Great, what was she supposed to do now?

She crept into the kitchen, and made herself some tea. But even then...The sun only started to come up.

Natsu and Happy finally showed back up.

“We’re back!” Happy announced. That promptly woke Lucy up. “What’s going on?! Did you guys break into my apartment?!” She jumped out of bed in a thin spaghetti strap pajama top and matching short shorts. “Well, to be honest, your apartment isn’t fortified that well. A simple unlocking spell and your door opened right up. Pretty risky, to be honest. You're just begging to be robbed.” Alice replied, arms crossed. “That’s not what I- Just because my door isn’t magic proof doesn’t mean you can just break in!” Lucy shouted.

“Can you hurry up? I’m hungry.” Happy grumbled, getting fatigued with hunger. “Don’t you dare tell me to hurry up! You’re the ones who broke into my home! And why can’t you guys make your own breakfast?!” Lucy hurried over to her closet to get dressed for the day.

“Because we were in a hurry! Get ready, lazybones! We’re on a time crunch!” Natsu replied, smiling, determined. Lucy stomped to her bathroom, slamming the door shut, obviously not happy about the rude awakening.

“So what’d you guys do?” Alice asked Natsu and Happy. “I’m sure you’ll find out soon enough. Though, it’s taken them a while to find out...” Natsu looked out the big window above Lucy’s bed. “Who? What?” Alice was getting exasperated at his mystic answer.

Natsu walked over to the bulletin board again, seemingly studying it. 10 minutes later, Lucy emerged from the bathroom, dressed.

She wore an outfit reminiscent of the outfit she wore back in Hargeon, years ago. She had her hair up in a side ponytail, even. She walked over to her vanity to put on her makeup, but then the sound of hundreds of footsteps stopped her. She looked out the window, to the street.

Hundreds of city soldiers marched to Lucy’s apartment. “What did you guys do?!” Lucy demanded. “Wow, they found us already?” Natsu wondered. “Aye sir..” Happy replied.

Natsu walked over to his bag of stuff.

“They came looking for you?! For what?!” Lucy shouted. Natsu grabbed his bag. “Well... LET’S GO, GUYS?!” Natsu hightailed it, going to the window, jumping through it. “What kind of trouble are you guys in?!” Lucy scrambled to get some things together. “Nothing we can’t outrun!” Natsu bellowed, running down the city street. The guards went after him.

“Come on Lucy!” Happy shouted, getting antsy at Lucy’s lack of preparation. “You guys can’t just break into my house and get the army out here and expect me to be able to go! I have to pack up!” Lucy cried, panicking.

Alice groaned. She snapped her fingers, and items started to fly about. From under Lucy's bed rolled out a suitcase. Various items flew into the bag, not possibly fitting, but do. “All right, let’s go!” Alice summoned her light disk “Go? Go where?!” Lucy shouted, getting very very agitated by the lack of knowledge she had. “Getting Fairy Tail back together, of course!” Happy smiled.

Lucy grabbed her now packed suitcase and Happy grabbed her and together, all three raced out into the sky, to catch up to Natsu.

Happy dropped Lucy and she stumbled to her feet, but was able to get her bearings and ran alongside Natsu. “What did you guys do?!” She demanded.
Natsu giggled. “I just left a message about Fairy Tail! Telling everyone we’re coming back!”

Alice got off her disk and ran with them.

“That type of fire goes out pretty quick, so everything will be just fine!” Happy assured Lucy. “That’s not the problem here! How can you just announce we’re coming back?” Lucy asked. “Because we all still believe in it! And we’re gonna get everyone together! And the guild will be better than ever!”

They outran the guards, and the Hungry Wolf Knights, as they all stopped chasing them when the four got outside city limits.

“I wonder how far we can get today!” Lucy wondered, walking along the others, smiling. “We’re gonna get just as far as we can!” Natsu stomped along, determined. “I’m gonna take a wild guess here and say we’ll get as far as that city on the other side of that mountain!” Happy hoped. “Are we gonna walk the whole way? Can we take a train or something?” Alice slouched over, just thinking of how sore her legs would get climbing mountains. “What? Are you crazy?! Just thinking about it makes me wanna hurl!” Natsu gagged, getting weak in the stomach.

“Seriously?” Lucy and Alice groaned together at his motion-sickness.

Chapter 105


There is no excuse as to why I stopped posting for months. I just stopped?
Blame Baldur's Gate 3 I guess. But idk. I just stopped posting?
It's not like I have to write anything more yet. Though, last night I did add a few more things to 117, so we're even closer to new content but im sorry. Once we get to 117, the chapters are going to come even slower. And that time it'll be dependent on me actually writing it, not just copying and pasting it to a03.
I reread the entire thing last night, really love ao3's "show whole work" thing that lets you scroll and scroll like an e-book. But I got to 104 and it ended and I was like??? Where's the rest of it??

Chapter Text

“Ugh! My belly is so sad and empty!” Natsu groaned. Happy sighed. “I guess I can give you my fish if you need it...” Happy unwillingly offered. “Nah, unless it’s been cooked..” Natsu trailed off.

“Are you crazy?! Fish is at its yummiest when it’s raw and slimy!” Happy cried, offended. “I admit, raw fish for sushi is good, but you saying “slimy” makes it sound less appetizing now...” Alice grimaced.

“I feel like you have this argument constantly. It’s been a whole year since we’ve all been together, but you’re making it seem like time hasn’t passed at all. Well now that I mention it, Alice, you do look older. But it might be because of your.... Hair and eyes and stuff.” Lucy mentioned. Alice growled, taking a turn to get in Lucy’s face. Natsu, not even paying any mind, grabbed Alice by the upper arm, forcing her to keep walking forward. “You know, speaking of time, are we there yet, Lucy?” Natsu asked.

“I think it’s just a little bit farther....”

And suddenly a giant furry boar jumped out of nowhere in front of the four. They stopped. This monster was as big as a dragon, but held no ferocity. It was furry all over the place with brown fur and had a pig snout. It was quite adorable. “Wow! A monster!” Lucy cried. “What is it?” Alice wondered. “Yeah, and why is it kind of cute?” Lucy stopped screaming to take a better look at the massive creature.

“Hey, I think I’ve heard of it before. It lures prey in with its fluffy fur and then it gobbles them up in a single bite!” Happy foretold. Alice wasn’t sure if he was just trying to scare them.

But it worked on Lucy, she gave out a loud scream.
And then the pig jumped up on it’s back legs and roared viciously at them, charging at them. Lucy cowered crying.
“Time to roast this pig, Natsu!” Happy yelled. Natsu, unwavering, sighed. “Nah, I’m not feeling it...”

“Come on, I heard these pigs are super tasty!” Happy baited. “Oh yeah? Well then, bring it on!” Natsu’s fighting spirit came back to him. With one fell swoop, Natsu knocked out the pig with one punch. “This pig is going in my belly, pronto!” Natsu claimed, victoriously.

“How do you like your pork? Raw or cooked?” Happy asked the two girls. “I am not eating that!” Alice proclaimed. “Well fine, starve.”

And then evening came around. They found a clearing in the woods, making camp for the night. Natsu dragged the big boar off to process it while Happy, Lucy, and Alice got camp all ready. Lucy cleared off places for them to sleep, and Happy gathered firewood as Alice started setting up their water. She had gone off to the river to gather water, and filtered it. As she stated, she was not going to eat that boar. So she just so happened to have packed two instant ramen bowls.

And she boiled some water for it as Natsu came back to camp with big cuts of boar, as thick as a tome, as wide as a street sewer cover. And there were several pieces.

Alice and Lucy went off to find long enough branches to make a rotisserie system for the pork. It was a silent foraging.

As it cooked, Alice dug into her suitcase to get the other suitcase that had her toiletries in it and fished out her facial cleanser wipes to clean off the sweat and dirt of the day. As she put it away, she found her contacts. She paused, focusing in on them. She didn’t know why she brought them with her. She had no need for them.

“You do look older. But it might be because of your hair and eyes.”

Alice put the contacts away, reaching for a compact mirror, focusing on her face. She did look older. Her pale skin really highlighted the dark circles under her eyes. She frowned.

“Nothing better than cooking food yourself!” Natsu smiled, biting into his pork. “I gotta admit, this tastes way better than it looks.” Lucy said, rather surprised, with a mouth full of roasted pork.
Happy was gnawing on a fish. “You guys can keep it. I’m a 100% raw fish kind of cat.” Happy smiled contently with fish in his mouth.

“You really not gonna eat any?” Natsu asked Alice. She quickly shut the mirror, and shoved it in her bag. She tried to force a smile. “Oh, no. I suppose I’ve gotten used to high-end food.” Alice excused.

“High end?” Happy asked. “She means really expensive food in 5-star restaurants.” Lucy explained, she looked over to Alice’s ramen bowl. “I was about to say, anyways, that instant ramen is only eaten by the rich! I could buy 20 meals at that diner we were just at and spend the same amount of jewel. You know, is that ramen even worth it?” Lucy went off. “If you want it, have it. My appetite is gone.” Alice offhandedly offered. “You haven’t eaten since yesterday, are you sure you’re not hungry?” Natsu asked. “Yeah, I’m sure. It’s up for grabs if anyone wants it. I’m gonna go take a walk.” Alice stood up from her spot on the floor and walked off. “Hey-....” Natsu paused, calling after her. He decided to let her be.

Alice wandered off back to the river. It was a calm night. The sky was clear and the moon shone down on the earth, brightly. The only sounds Alice heard around her was the constant stream of water flowing, crickets chirping and frogs singing.

She sat down, hugging her knees up to her chest as she stared down at the stars’ reflection in the river water. With the wave of her hand, water levitated up into the air, forming a thin oval. It stilled so it mimicked a mirror. Alice studied her appearance. She never felt so insecure before.

Using magic, she used transfiguration magic to make her hair bright red once more, lengthening it to its usual lower back length. Her eyes turned bright sea-green once more. Warmth returned to her paper white skin.

“Something about this summer sun feels magical.” Alice sighed, basking in the sun. Natsu, Happy and her took a break on the sea side after a quest. “You’ve gotten tan this summer, Alice. You know they say the more sunlight you get, the more wrinkles you’ll get!” Happy teased her. “Do you have a death wish!” Alice griped. “What do you know about that?” Natsu asked his cat friend. “I saw it in one of those girl magazines Alice got on the train. She was really focusing on the article about how to look young and vibrant!” Happy giggled. “Alice is worried about getting old!”
“I am not! I was just reading it! It just baffles me how someone can be so obsessed with their looks.” Alice cast her gaze to the side, blushing. “Like you don’t!” Natsu tried to suppress his laughter. “I don’t!” Alice glared at him. “So do! You’re always so obsessed with being the prettiest girl in Fairy Tail!” Natsu argued back, smiling, amused at his friend’s so blatant lie. “I’m not obsessed with it! I just don’t like it when other girls think they’re prettier than me, when they’re so not! They’re the ones obsessed, I’m not!”

“Yeah, whatever. I don’t get why you’re so frantic about your looks. You’re obviously really pretty.” Natsu shook his head. Alice’s eyes widened with surprise and her cheeks felt like they were on fire with how hot they got at his comment. “Really? You think so?” Alice then reeled back her excitement. Why did she care how he thought about her?
Natsu looked away, scowling. “ I’m not saying it, but it’s obvious when you get all those modeling gigs...- And you’ve come in 2nd for Miss Fairy Tail and 4th for Miss Fiore! So people obviously think you’re pretty.”

“For a moment there I thought you were a normal guy.” Alice muttered, defeated. “Yeah, and what do you mean by that?” Natsu challenged. “I mean, you don’t think any girl is pretty, or at least you don’t show it! That’s not normal behavior for a boy your age! I mean, you can never compliment a girl on how she looks, you always have to say its what everyone else thinks! What about how you think?” Alice ranted. It wasn’t that she cared if he didn’t stare at pretty girls, but that he couldn’t say how pretty he thought Alice was. It didn’t matter if he didn’t have a thought about other girls. Just her.

“I think you look just like your mom. And she was Miss Fairy Tail and Miss Fiore. Everyone says she was the prettiest girl in Fiore.” Natsu replied. Alice growled. “That’s not what I meant.” “Well what do you mean? I think your hair is a cool color.” Natsu was confused why Alice was getting angry with him.

Alice abruptly stood up. “Nevermind!”

Vibrant red hair that caught everyone’s attention. How it glowed into the sun. Sparkling blue eyes that stood out against her sun-kissed skin.
Now she was....Well, this monster.

Then a figure appeared behind her in her reflection. It was right behind her. The face slowly moved from behind Alice revealing itself to be her.

But it was different.

It had the black hair, pale skin and red eyes... but her skin was so pale and under her eyes her skin was dried and cracked, dried blood dripped down her face. From her chest to around her jaw she had black veiny lines all over.

Her hair was tangled and matted all over.

Alice watched in horror. She turned around to see nothing behind her. She looked back to the mirror and gasped in fear as this demonic version of herself took up the mirror. As if that was her new appearance.

She was so startled, her focus was broken and the mirror turned back into water and fell into the stream and the transfiguration magic dissipated.

Tears immediately pooled in her eyes. What was that? Did it have a meaning? Was it a warning? Foreshadowing?
That scared her even more. It stood to prove what fears she felt going back to Fairy Tail.

She still remembered those haunting words from Cana just moments before the guild hall exploded.

“You’re one to say anything. You’re barely a member of Fairy Tail anymore. The only person you care about is yourself.” Cana shrugged Alice off. Lucy quickly snatched Happy off Alice.

Alice’s jaw clenched. “Like you don’t. All you do is drink and demean everyone. And remember that one time you left Lucy passed out in the middle of Tenrou while Grimoire Heart and Zefer were roaming? If it wasn’t for me, Lucy would be dead. Her skull would be smashed to pieces with her brain splattered all over. Because you put her to sleep, abandoning her with a dark guild on the island. And while we all were fighting for our lives, you so selfishly just continued on with the trial.” Alice fired back. Cana glared towards Alice. “Well remember when you all were getting your asses handed to you by that blue haired freak? You would’ve suffocated if it wasn’t for me!”

“Only because you only cared about the trial! You were only useful because of Mavis’ Fairy Glitter spell! Which you only got because you abandoned your partner! You’re one of the most selfish people in the guild.”

“Girls, please do not fight! We have to save our energies for fighting the enemy! We need to be united!” Carla pleaded. “Look at her, she’s becoming one of our enemies! Her dark magic has corrupted her and she’ll probably kill someone.”

Alice’s glare dropped as did her stomach. She’d throw up if she had anything in her stomach to do it with.

But stomach acid went up her esophagus, and she swallowed it back down, but it left a burning at the back of her throat. “That’s enough, Cana!” Lucy cried.

She didn’t want to ever admit to that. That she was right.

That Alice was a monster. She had killed someone. Not that it mattered because of who it was, but the matter of the fact was that she didn’t feel anything.

Alice hugged her knees tight to her chest as she cried. She didn’t want to go back and face the memories. Of what she used to be. What she’s expected to be. But yet wasn’t.

Sure, maybe now she was avoiding it. Pretending it wasn’t real. But at least it was more manageable that way. She could at least breathe.

“I thought I was smelling you from this direction. Can’t miss that sweet scent of yours.” Natsu said, strolling through the dark trees to the mystically lit river.

Alice was there, huddled in a ball, watching the ripples in the water by the tiny bugs and fish zipping through it.

It had been close to an hour since she had walked off.

“Supper is still plenty warm if you’re hungry. I accidentally scorched Happy’s fish so I thought I’d come keep you company while I fished him up some dinner.” Natsu said in that same casually happy tone. But there was that tinge of calm in it that said he knew he had to tread lightly.

“I’m not hungry.” Alice mumbled after a moment. “Okay. Just promise you’ll eat a good breakfast, all right? And none of that fancy shmancy ramen.” Natsu didn’t want to push her too much.

Alice nodded silently in agreement. Natsu sighed as he sat a couple feet from Alice, lounging back on his hands, admiring the moon.

“Did one of us say something to upset you?” He finally asked when enough seconds of silence went by, letting him know she wasn’t going to spill on her own.
Alice decided not to tell all of the truth. “Tell me the truth: Do you wish I looked like my old self? The one you fell in love with?”

“I love every look of yours. If there’s a way to fix whatever’s going on inside of ‘ya and you go back to your old self, then it’d be your choice to make. Or if this is what you look like now and you don’t wanna change it, then it doesn’t matter to me. I loved you then, and I love you now. Red eyes and all.” Natsu didn’t skip a beat. Alice blinked at him with a mix of awe and understanding.

“But if I could look like I did, you’d like that, wouldn’t you? I’d be your normal Alice.”
You are my Alice. The only thing that bothers me is the cause of your change. It’s the dark magic in you, trying to take control. If this was just some new goth phase, I couldn’t care less. If you never changed a bit, red hair and blue eyes but your magic was still out of control, it’d be no difference to me. I just want you to be safe. It doesn’t matter how you look.” Natsu shrugged, no hesitation as he spoke.

It didn’t lift the frown from Alice’s face, but it did lighten the heavy burden on her shoulders just a gram.

“Lucy’s comment really got to you, didn’t it? Sure, your darker look makes you look older, but not in a bad way. Like a hot, sexy, mature type of way, you know? Not that it really matters.-- When did you let Lucy get to you like that?” Natsu sat up and glanced over at Alice. She hid her eyes, looking to the side. “Not that it was what she really said that got to me but, you know, everyone says it. It just keeps shoving it in my face. It just keeps reminding me how things have changed. And it’s not even for the best. It’s isolating, and dark and cold... And so lonely.”

“You think they’re gonna think you’re some monster.” Natsu pieced together. “Baby, no one who really knows you would ever think that. And if they did, they aren’t right in the head. And if they say something, point them in my direction. I’ll get them thinking right again. No one’s gonna say anything bad about my girl. Not while I’m around.”

“You look a bit pale. You can always come cuddle up with your personal heater over here. Nice and toasty.” Natsu welcomed her with a wave when Alice didn’t really seem to change after what he said.
“I thought you have to catch Happy a fish?” Alice replied. Natsu shrugged. “I’ll get him one eventually. He’s not starving or anything. There’s plenty of dead pig for him. He’s just getting finicky on me.”

Alice thought about it for a second, like if she was wondering if it was a bad idea or not to accept his invitation. But hesitantly, she unraveled herself and crawled over.
“There’s my girl.” Natsu sighed happily, wrapping his arms around his girlfriend. Alice breathed his scent in. Smokey, woodsy, and some natural Natsu smells. Just like it always was.

It felt like home. A home she wasn’t scared of going back to.

But a home she was scared that would be swept from underneath her suddenly. Never to be recaptured again.

“Everything’s gonna turn out fine. It always does. And if it doesn’t, we’ll get through it. We always do. It’s the Fairy Tail way.” Natsu held Alice tight.

“I know.”

Chapter 106


but with re-reading the chapters on here, all the stuff I added with posting it here, none of that has been beta-read, which is obvious by the typos and grammatical errors. Sorry, but I'm not fixing them. But though, what sucks is that when I add new stuff, it's when I'm reading it over as I space it out and format it for ao3, so when I do that, I write it here instead of it getting saved in my google doc. Though maybe I should do that instead so I have to read it AGAIN and caught all those errors.

But you know what? I don' care. Though there's a chapter in the edolas arc that really needs fixed cause wow that's a mess. Like, I did want it to be aligned right to symbolize that it was Natsu and Alice but the opposite because it was edolas them. but I guess I didn't check how it posted because it's a mess ouch. Sorry about that.

Chapter Text

“Where are we now?” Happy asked.
“Tuly-” “Tuly Village.” Alice and Lucy answered at the same time.

Lucy had a map to confirm, while Alice just knew because she had been before. They had arrived in town by mid-day after an early start that morning, trekking all the way there by foot.

Even though they had made it to their destination-- Alice was mostly just tired. Which was better than how she felt earlier. Which was usually anxiety. She knew they were going to find Wendy and Carla when they got to Tuly Village because the next town over was Marguerite, where Lamia Scale’s guild hall was at.

She knew that’s where they moved to after the split.

And she was anxious to see them. To let them see her. Or let anyone she knew see her.
But Wendy and Carla especially. They had the worst reactions to Alice’s dark magic slip.

Carla warning Wendy to stay away, Wendy terrified and trembling at Alice’s dark energy. What would they say seeing her now? It was more than obvious she had gotten worse than better.
Maybe it’d be enough to convince them to stay where they were. At least in Lamia Scale, there weren't any members there who could accidentally kill them with their dark demonic powers.

Alice scowled at Lucy for cutting her off but didn’t do more than that.

“What do you guys think about getting a room here for the night?” Lucy wondered. Since they arrived to town so late, it’d be past nightfall by the time they’d even come close to another town by foot-- And that was if they left now instead of staying to find Wendy and Carla.

“Aye-aye!” Happy nodded. “Might as well.” Alice sighed in agreement. “With your star money, you should book the honeymoon suite!” Happy teased. Alice just rolled her eyes at the cat.
Natsu didn’t respond, too lost in thought, staring at the big clock tower in the town square. It had obviously been damaged and then repaired. The top half, a completely different color than the rest of it.

“What’s up?” Happy asked when Natsu didn’t reply. “Isn’t that the clock tower I destroyed?” Natsu wondered. “It sure is! Looks like they fixed it since then. Doesn’t really match, though.” Happy stared up at the tower.

“Meh, should I trash it again?” Natsu muttered, boredly. “Of course not, you flame brain!” Lucy went to smack Natsu in the head with her, now rolled up, map.

Alice snapped quickly, grabbing Lucy by the wrist. A glare more terrifying than Zeref himself shadowed Alice’s face as she stared up at the blonde who was quite a few inches taller than her-- naturally and with heels on. A sudden tension filled their space. Which brought Natsu out of his own trance.

How could he divert this situation?

He screamed in irritation. “This sucks! A whole year training my ass off and nothing to show for it! I fought the winners of the Magic Games but they all sucked and Alice won’t fight me! I had a plan to come back and put Gray in his place! And then it was gonna be onto Erza and Laxus, the big ‘ol Lightning Dolt!” He punched the air.

It definitely did the trick. Both girls forgetting about their incoming battle to stare at him wildly.

“Yeah, well, Gray’s one thing, but fighting Erza and Laxus would be pretty crazy.” Happy didn’t think Natsu had what it took to take the two on.
“I have an idea, Lucy, let’s fight.” Natsu suggested it casually. “I’d live to see that.” Alice scoffed.

“No way!-- Or at least, that’s what you’d think I’d say, right? Well turns out I’ve been doing my own super secret training. I mean, there’s no way I could beat you in a serious fight, but I’d be down to spar sometime.” Lucy smiled proudly, patting her key pouch.

“Why not with me?” Alice asked in a grumble, not in the slightest thinking Lucy was actually something to take seriously. “Because I think you’d try to kill me and I’m so not ready for a fight to the death!” Lucy snapped at her.

Natsu raised his right arm out as he tensed up, staring to the east. “Hold that thought.” He then took a deep breath in and breathed out a long stream of brilliant red hot fire. It zipped out and around and through Lucy’s legs as she screeched and jumped. It flew out east, far out of town.

And then Natsu smiled pridefully. “All right. Let’s go!”
“What was that all about! Are you trying to kill me?” Lucy gasped.

Alice gaped at Natsu’s obvious newly equipped skill. She wasn’t sure what exactly he did, but there was a very small-- Minuscule magic energy out east-- Something that wasn’t worth worrying about since that type of low level of magic was common to sense. But seconds after Natsu's fire breath, that magic dissipated.... Whatever- Whoever it was had gotten taken out remotely by Natsu.

“Just doing my job, Lucy.”

“Well, just so you know, I have gotten really strong!” Lucy called after him, when Alice and Happy trailed after a proudly marching Natsu. “Sure, sure,” Alice shrugged her off. “Cool, whatever, but I’m not really fired up to find out if you’re bluffing or not.” Natsu said. “Seemed like it to me!” Lucy argued.

She was ignored.

They booked a two bed hotel room since it was a small village and all and all the other rooms were booked except the two beds and a single suite. They got settled and Lucy pulled out all her notes. And even when her big map at home in Crocus seemed impressive, apparently it meant f*ck all because she didn’t know where anyone was.
“What?!” Happy gasped. “You said you’ve been searching for everyone all year, so what gives!” Natsu was equally shocked.

“I gathered as much intel as I could. But Fiore’s big and there’s a lot of members to track down.” Lucy excused.

“So nobody?” Happy whined.

Alice sighed and plopped down on the bed she claimed for her and her boyfriend and his cat. She stared up at the ceiling. “Wendy and Carla joined Lamia Scale, that’s the next town over in Marguerite. Laxus and his fanclub joined Blue Pegasus. Mirajane, Elfman, and Lisanna are in Daffodil Village. Erza, Gajeel, and Levy joined the Magic Council's guard or whatever it is. Everyone else went off on their own. Last I knew Juvia and Gray went off together to train more but last I knew they went north. Macao and Romeo went to Clover, Wakaba, the next town over, East.” She listed off from memory.

“If you knew, then why didn’t you say anything?” Natsu asked her, slightly irked by her only now saying something. “I thought Airhead would have something considering her stalker map.” Alice shrugged, still looking up at the ceiling.

“..How did you know where they all went?” Lucy asked quietly.
“I just did. It’s not hard to keep track of some of them.”

“I knew you cared!” Lucy cried, standing up, tears in her eyes as she smiled fondly towards Alice.

Alice lifted her head to give Lucy a look. “It’s not that... Look, being a Sorcerer Weekly partner, it’s not hard to hear if some Fairy Tail member joins a new guild or something. And Mirajane keeps sending me letters telling me about everyone and giving me updates like I care, or whatever...” Alice’s cheeks turned dark red in embarrassment.

“You can’t fool me, Alice! You care about Fairy Tail! I know you care about everyone and you want us all back together!” Lucy sprung towards Alice, arms out.

Alice’s eyes opened in warning and she teleported off the bed and behind Natsu. She wrapped her arms around his middle, and over his arms that were out holding Happy. She peered over his shoulder glaring at Lucy, challenging her to try that again.

“Well, then, let’s start heading towards Marguerite then, I’m sure we’ll turn up more leads once we find Wendy and Carla in Lamia Scale.” Lucy sat down on the bed, giving up on trying with Alice.

“Where Lyon and Jura are? I smell a challenge! Finally, a chance to show off my skills!” Natsu gleamed. “And don’t forget that doggy man!” Happy added. “All right! Let’s get something to eat and then hit the hay! We have an early start tomorrow morning!” Natsu fist pumped the air.

There was only one room available at the 3rd inn they went to in Marguerite, since Lamia Scale was having their Thanksgiving Festival and apparently it was a big hit around these parts.

And they made it to the show right as it was beginning, so they were at the back of the crowd. Alice had convinced Natsu to let her sit up on his shoulders so she could see through all the tall people.

“Hey, it’s Eyebrows!” Alice pointed up at the stage, seeing Yuka walk out to the center.

“First and guaranteed to give you thrills and chills, is Lyon, a member of Lamia Scale, who always keeps his cool!” Yuka went backstage as Lyon entered, looking like the last time Alice had seen him. He had his arms out as he welcomed the cheers of the audience.

“Lyon!!!” Alice screamed, waving her arms out. “Hey! I didn’t let you up there so you can drool over him!” Natsu slapped her lightly on the thigh. Alice squeezed her legs to keep a better hold on him. “I didn’t know he was going to be doing a show!”
From Lyon’s hands came ice doves that flew around above the audience then the birds exploded into ice fireworks that rained down in shimmery snowflakes. Then as the flakes hit the ground they turned into bunnies.

That was the end of his performance and Alice screamed for an encore but that didn’t get anywhere.

“Next up we have Toby with some impersonations!”

“Awoo! So, I’m gonna start off with me when I’m crying.” Toby flung himself to the ground, crying.

Lyon got back up on stage to drag him off. “Our apologies...”

“Next, we have our master, Ohba, with a very special dance.”

“If it’s anything like her stunt at the Magic Games last year, I’m gonna throw up.” Alice groaned. “She wouldn’t try to do that again!” Lucy cried.

The old, small woman came out in a green robe and two fold up fans and started to do a dance with them, without any music. The crowd was very silent.

“More skin??” She shouted out to the audience, lowering her robe to reveal her shoulders, down to her very saggy cleavage. Lyon hopped back up on stage, apologizing once more. The old lady screamed and thrashed, threatening to spin him.

“Moving right along, the moment you’ve all been waiting for! Make some noise for our guild’s little angels! The Sky Sisters! Chelia and Wendy!”

Natsu paled. “What?!”

Wendy wore a white, high-neckline halter dress that had a big red bow on the collar and matching red lace of the hem. The dress ruffled at her knees. She wore match white, thigh high socks, along with knee high white boots. She had her hair up in her signature twin tails.

Chelia wore a royal blue sleeveless dress with a white bow in between in her cleavage. She wore blue long gloves that were a washed color of her dress. Her hair was also up in its normal tails.

Both girls wore big fluffy white angel wings.

Music that sounded like it came straight out of a magic girl anime started to play. Alice had to grab a hold of Natsu’s hair to keep on because him and Happy started to have emotional breakdowns over Wendy’s pop idol era.

“I mean, I get the appeal, but their voices aren’t that great.” Alice commented. “They can hold pitch, and have a good harmony but neither voices have any musicality to them. Their high notes are very weak.”

Grown ass men were singing along to the music, waving around lightsticks.
“I don’t understand why she’s doing this!” Natsu cried. “They have the entire crowd eating out of their hands!” Happy added.

“I don’t know why you guys are surprised that she joined another guild after Fairy Tail. She’s gotta earn a living after all.” Lucy said with a fond smile. “No, I mean, Wendy’s not a dragon singer, she’s a dragon slayer !” Natsu shouted. “Oh, sweetie, your poor dragon hearing!” Alice soothed, realizing that Natsu had to hear this pathetic performance with precision hearing, even better than a trained dog.

“You guys are mean! This is supposed to be fun! It’s for their Thanksgiving Festival! You know, like Magnolia has their Harvest Festival and Fairy Tail puts on their Fantasia parade? It’s a way to bring the guild and the townsfolk together and build a sense of unity.” Lucy explained as if it’d make it any better.

“I’d rather see Lyon up there singing and dancing like a girl idol than this!” Alice said with a squeal as she wrapped her legs around Natsu’s neck as he doubled over. “That’s it! It’s now my personal goal to get Wendy back on the right path!”
“How is she on the wrong path, Natsu?” Lucy huffed.
“Hold on, if Wendy’s here, then where’s Carla?” Happy asked, yearning for his beloved.

“I thought I might see some familiar faces in the crowd.” Carla’s voice came from behind them. “If it isn’t Lucy Heartfilia, the two lovers and their tomcat.”

The voice came from a small girl. Her hair was white with a pearlescent pink in the sun’s reflection. It was long and wavy and went down to her mid-back. Ontop of her head was two furry white cat ears. She had a round, sweet face with big brown eyes. She had a young feminine appearance. She wore a dark blue suit jacket, with a matching skirt and tie with a pea green button up shirt. She had blue tights on and wore brown dress shoes. She looked like she was on her way to some finishing school.

Then coming from behind her, and raising above her head was a white long cat tail with a burnt orange bow tied around the end of it.

“Oh my apologies, hello there, Happy.”

“Say wha--”


Chapter 107

Chapter Text

“I thought I saw some Fairies out there!” Lyon greeted with a smile as the four entered the guild hall. “Hey, man, how’ve you been?” Natsu greeted like the total guy he was. “Natsu Dragneel. It’s been awhile.” Lyon nodded back. “Miss Lucy, how have you been?” Lyon waved to Lucy. “I’ve been great. Your performance was amazing, Lyon!” Lucy smiled brightly.

“So, is it Mrs. Dragneel now? Lyon turned his attention to Alice, tightly at Natsu’s side. She had gotten too anxious to let them see her without her “stage appearance” so before they stepped into the hall she had transformed into her past beautiful self.

“Not yet. Still a Dreyar for now, Lyon. Although, if you have anything to confess, I can be Mrs. Vastia if you’d like.” She batted her eyes up at him. Lyon’s cheeks lit up as he blinked furiously at her.

“Anyways--” Natsu’s arm went around Alice’s shoulders securely as he spoke. “Tell Wendy she has some visitors.”

“Of course. Follow me.” Lyon said after clearing his throat.

“Are you trying to get me riled up?” Natsu harshly whispered to Alice as they fell behind Lucy and Happy as they followed after Lyon.
“Hm? Oh, come on you know it’s all in good fun! I haven’t seen him since the games last year, I couldn’t help it!” Alice smiled innocently up at him as they walked.

“I’m keeping an eye on the bastard. Once we get Wendy packed up, we’re leaving town.” Natsu scowled forward at the back of Lyon’s head. “Natsu, he’s not interested in me! He’s only ever had eyes for Juvia, he’s not a threat! And you know I’ve had this superficial crush on him since we met on Galuna Island and not once has he ever given me the time of day!” Alice scolded, with a pout.

“You don’t have my senses, so you don’t know the effect you have on guys.” Natsu left it at that. "I have an effect on him?-- Natsu, answer me!" Alice cried, following after him. But Natsu refused to say anything more.

Lyon led them to a back room at the very end of the guild hall. “You have some visitors, Wendy!” “Yo!” “Long time, no see!” “Hey, Wendy! You remember us?” “What’s up, Mighty Mouse?”

Wendy shot up to her feet, beaming. “Oh wow! I can’t believe it! I missed you guys so much!” She ran forward and Natsu patted her on the head. “Have you gotten any taller yet?”
“I’m sorry, I guess I’m still a shrimp!” Wendy sniffled.

She still only came up to Natsu’s mid-chest. “Glad to here it!”

Natsu then suddenly hauled her up over his shoulder. “All right, we’re going home!”

Wendy flailed and kicked her legs. “Natsu! Wait!”

“HEY!” Lyon, Toby, Yuka, and Chelia all shouted after him.

After getting Natsu to set her down, they settled down and got some tea out.

“You’re traveling around, trying to track everyone down everybody and then you’re going to rebuild Fairy Tail?” Wendy summarized.
“Well, we rebuilt it quite a few times so that’s nothing new.” Alice shrugged. “But, yeah. That’s the idea. But since the guild disbanded, no one has heard from Master at all.” Lucy said.

“Not even you, Alice?” Wendy asked. Alice shook her head. “No, after he made the announcement, none of us could find him. And I haven’t heard anything since then.”
“Even the council’s getting concerned. They’ve been trying to pinpoint Makarov’s whereabouts to no avail.” Lyon said.

“The council?” Natsu scoffed, crossing his arms. “Like those jerks care!” “I didn’t know there was even a council anymore.” Happy said.
“Since you two have gone up in the mountains, there’s probably a lot that you don't know about.” Lucy commented.

“The magic guilds can’t really function without a council so the Ten Wizard Saints came together and decided to form a new one together.” Yuka explained to Natsu. “And dumb Jura left us in the dust to join them!!” Toby howled, bawling.

“Quit your crying.” Yuka sighed.

“Well if it’s made up of those types, then it must be awesome!” Natsu beamed.
“Wait, so if it’s made up of the Ten Wizard Saints, then that means Master is a member, then, right?” Happy asked.

“That’s why they’ve been trying to track him down. But no, he’s been MIA since disbanding the guild. He has a spot waiting for him in the council if he ever shows up.” Alice shook her head.

“Well, it sounds like a boring gig. I’d disappear too! Anyway, we’ll get to him later. Alice here, can be master until he shows up. But anyways, Wendy, get your stuff together and we’ll be off!” Natsu regarded carelessly.

Wendy lowered her gaze. “Uh, Natsu, I’m a member of the Lamia Scale guild now. I can’t just walk away.”

“What? You’re kidding!” “But why?!” Lucy and Natsu gasped. Alice wasn’t as shocked since she figured there would be some hesitation from some people. But Wendy, she wasn’t expecting that from. Carla, maybe. But..

“I’m sorry, guys!” Wendy smiled apologetically. “You don’t have to stay for our sake, Wendy. We knew that this day would come eventually.” Lyon nodded.
“And that’s why we’re all ready to say goodbye without causing a scene!” Toby sobbed.

“But why can’t you come with us?!” Natsu stood up from the table, demanding Wendy. “She’s clearly made up her mind, so don’t berate her.” Carla said, leaning on the archway entrance.

“And how are you human?!” Natsu finally asked. “Oh, this? I’ve mastered my transformation ability. This form expands my magic power and increases my clairvoyance.” She strutted over to the table. “So what do you think, Happy?”

“I’ve trained for a whole year too, you know? And I’ve come a long way! Now I’m able to wait a while before I eat my fishes.” Happy trembled nervously. “Wow, a whole while?” Alice gasped.

“How is that considered training?” Carla asked before poofing back into her normal exceed form and standing on the table. Happy smiled foolishly, staring at her. “Your cat form is just the cutest!”

“This is a big decision so think carefully!” Carla pointed to Wendy. “I’ve made up my mind. I’m staying.” Wendy nodded.

“I can’t believe it! She’s coming with us even if I have to kidnap her!” Natsu continued to rant as they set up for bed. There were only single bed hotel rooms left. So they rented two because Alice wasn’t about to sleep on the floor and if she could be separate from Lucy. She would.

Alice brushed her hair out as it shifted back to black as she transformed back to her real form. “She obviously has some reservations about coming back. But I think she’s going to eventually regret saying no. She’ll come around soon enough.” Alice said encouragingly..
“But why would she say no in the first place? Just come back with us and stop making it so difficult! Lyon and them said they’re fine with her coming back to Fairy Tail, so what’s stopping her?” Natsu growled.

“Maybe Wendy and Carla have a debt to repay them and that’s why they can’t leave. Maybe they ate more fishes than they could afford and have to pay it back by being in the guild!” Happy guessed. “Really? Alice, pay their debt so they can come home with us!” Natsu gasped, totally believing Happy.
“That’s not it! I think it might be that she’s finally moved on from Fairy Tail and just adjusted to her new life with Lamia Scale and she’s hesitant about starting all over again. Or she’s scared that we might not get everyone back together and it won’t work and she’ll just get her hopes up. That’s more her style than anything.” Alice shrugged.

“But we are going to get everyone back together! This is just a bump in the road. After we get her back on track, everyone else will come back easily because why wouldn’t they? It’s Fairy Tail!” Natsu huffed, impatiently.

Then suddenly a barrage of explosions and crashes emitted from outside their room. “What was that?!” Happy cried. Natsu jumped over to the window to look outside. “It looks like the town’s being attacked!”

At the same time Lucy started to bang on the door. “Do you guys hear that out there?! What’s going on?!”

“Come on, we gotta go check it out!” Natsu ran to the door with his two roommates following after him.

All four of them ran out towards the guild hall, seeing Lyon.

“Natsu! Alice!” Lyon shouted, waving them down as they neared. “What’s going on, Lyon?” Natsu asked.

Smoke filled the sky as fires spread across many homes and buildings. Screams were heard from all directions.

Then suddenly a huge giant, half the size of a dragon came barrelling out through a building towards Lyon. It looked like an ogre that was hit with an Enlarging Enchantment. Lucy screamed, horrified.

Without blinking, Lyon raised a hand and the big ogre was encased in a big ice block. “The city’s under attack! All of a sudden a horde of monsters just appeared out of nowhere!”

“Like a bunch of them?”

Chelia, Wendy and Carla came sprinting their way from their apartment. Wendy’s hair was down, and she was in an old dress that Alice hadn’t seen her in for nearly two years.

“I bet it’s the Orochi Fin guild! They’ve been trying to take us down for as long as I can remember!” Chelia theorized.

“Really? That’s crazy!” Lucy exclaimed.

“They’re so obsessed with attacking our guild, they don’t care if innocent people get hurt from it!” “And since Jura’s not here, we’re missing our strongest member.” Wendy added. It was strange hearing her talk about her new guild mates so casually.
“The festival gave them the perfect opportunity to catch us off guard!” Carla guessed.

“Lyon, it’s only the first wave!” “Yeah, there’s like a thousand of monsters coming from the East!” Yuka and Toby reported.
“That many?” Lucy gasped.

“They must have a monster summoner or some sort in their ranks!” Alice hypothesized. “From what I heard they recently recruited a new member that could tame monsters but I didn’t think he could be of this caliber! All of this for revenge!” Ohba shrieked, furious.

“If we can get to the member who created this horde, we could take them down!” Lyon planned. “But we have to get through all these monsters to get to him!” Yuka argued.

“Or go over them!” “Yeah, we can just go over their heads!” “Aye, sir!” Alice, Natsu and Happy thought up. “You’d be willing to help us?” Lyon gasped.

“Of course, it’s the Fairy Tail way after all!” “I’m all fired up now! Let’s go, Happy!” “Aye Si-”

Chelia jumped up, grabbing ahold of Happy and then for good measure, kicked Natsu in the face. “I’m sorry, Natsu!” She called after using Happy to follow after Carla and Wendy already up in the air.

“What the hell!” Natsu fell on his butt and laid there for a moment, flabbergasted. “That little girl just cat-napped Happy....”

“The swarm just broke through! They're in the town!” “Well, it’s up to us to hold them off. It might be a death sentence, but we can do it!” Lyon got ready as the second wave charged their direction.

Natsu suddenly shot up. “How dare she steal Happy!!”
“Say what?” Lucy gasped.

Alice sighed, and put her hands to her temples. “Oh, boy.”
Natsu flamed up and charged at the horde of monsters. “I’m coming for you, buddy!”

“Natsu, wait!” Lucy screamed after him. Alice just shook her head.

“Is he insane?” Lyon gaped. “Just a bit.” Alice confirmed.

Natsu screamed at the monsters to get out of his way, and took each one out with ease, not even using magic.

“But I think that’s a part of his appeal.”
“That’s crazy!” “He’s more of a monster than the monsters!”

“That’s my man!”

Chapter 108


warning: p/v sex

Chapter Text

Toby jumped up and down, howling in joy. “It seems all the monsters were turned away.” Yuka observed, watching the horde of monsters go back where they came from.

Natsu was sitting on the ground, pouting.

“I still can’t believe Orochi Fin hired Bluenote Stinger!” Lucy recapped expositionally. “I still wanna smash more stuff!” Natsu grumbled.
“I’m sure you’ll get to smash more things, we’re just getting started!” Happy comforted. “Loke’s still here, so go at it.” Alice scowled to the side. “Come on, princess, you still can’t be mad at me!” Loke cried, but didn’t leave Lucy’s side.

“Wait, Bluenote-- That gravity guy?” Natsu had an epiphany. “You really couldn’t remember him?” Happy asked.
“Well, can you blame him? Something even more powerful attacked us right after.” Lucy chimed in, bringing down the mood.

Alice took in a sharp breath and clenched her fists.
“Now it’s my turn to not remember something, who are you talking about?” Happy asked, clueless.
“She means Acnologia.” Natsu’s voice was deep and terrifying. “Oh so you can remember his name.” Lucy rolled her eyes.

Alice’s eyes burned holes through Lucy, or they should’ve with the intense glare she pointed towards her for her insensitivity.

“There’s a good reason why I can’t forget him.” Natsu’s dark tone made Alice gulp. But she swallowed her fear (no pun intended) and she squatted down and caressed the side of Natsu’s face as Lucy turned away to ask where Wendy and Chelia went.

Natsu stared up at her red eyes, still finding them so foreign. And even with the darkness around her eyes, it was still her eye shape. It was still Alice. And even these demon eyes could hold love in them.

“We better go see if our inn was destroyed or not.”

“Yes, everyone should go get some rest. We have a lot of rebuilding to do tomorrow.” Lyon agreed, for some reason, overhearing their conversation.

Their inn had been attacked, but half of it still stood intact and ironically enough Lucy’s and Alice, Natsu and Happy’s room were right in the middle and Lucy’s room was destroyed while the other room was mostly intact, except for most of the roof gone and debris all over.

Lucy and Happy slept peacefully on the bed.

“Is this okay?” Natsu asked in a soft whisper, his hand brushing over Alice’s clothed breasts. Alice swallowed as her eyes flickered over his. His other hand caressed her face, his thumb smoothing over her bruised lips. Alice closed her eyes and she sighed out in ecstasy as she adjusted her hips and the friction of Natsu’s clothed groin rubbed against her heat. “It’s more than okay.”

Natsu groaned, nodding. “I just want to make sure you’re okay with this. It’s been so long since we-... ah~..!” Alice was rougher with her grinding. “I know. I don’t know how much I can handle but right now I don’t want to stop! Nnn-- Ah... Don’t stop! Ahhh! I need you right now!”

Natsu didn’t hesitate as he started to pull up his vest-top thing and pull down his pants and Alice hopped off him to take off her shorts and underwear.
Too both desperate to take their time or take off all their clothes. They wanted time to themselves so within all the rubble they found a secluded space where they could be alone and it took no time at all to get in this position.

Alice climbed back on top of him and Natsu guided his length as Alice sank down on it. Both of them gasping and moaning.

“It’s been so long... I’ve missed this..”
Alice closed her eyes hard, feeling the ache of being split open without any preparation. It felt good yet it made her feel too full.

“You’re so tight, baby. Look at you take me so well after so long- Wait-!” Natsu tensed up, listening for something.
Alice stilled, waiting for Natsu to tell her what was up. She assumed someone was getting far too close for Natsu’s comfort.

He sniffed the air. “It’s Carla...?” His face scrunched up, wondering what she was doing coming this way. Alice hopped off him, getting dressed. “Well that ruins the mood.”
Natsu stood up, pulling up his pants and buckling his belt. “Well whatever she needs, it must be important.”

Natsu took the lead towards the front of what was left of their inn. Carla, in her human form, was flying up above, heading their way.

Alice smoothed out her hair, as if that’d help any.

“I assume you smelled me coming, dragon slayer.” Carla greeted as she landed and her wings disappeared. “Is something wrong?” Natsu asked.
“I have some concerns that I felt needed addressed before Wendy makes her mind up.” Carla said as she petted over her skirt to make sure she was covered properly.

Alice crossed her arms. “And that would be?”

“It has to do with you, demon.” Carla gave her a cold look. Alice always knew Carla wasn’t too fond of her so it didn’t shock her that much, more so it just angered her. She stepped forward, “I’m sorry, what?”

“Yo, Carla, what’s the deal?” Natsu put an arm out over Alice, stopping her from getting into Carla’s face.

“I had my concerns months before it became apparent that I was right. I always knew it wasn’t wise to let you access your second container, after finding out what you had locked up inside you. It was only a matter of time before it broke free, now look at you. It’s only a matter of time before you lose control and kill us all.” Carla freely spoke.

Alice’s mouth went agape.

“Now, dear Wendy has given you the benefit of the doubt. She truly hoped this time of healing would be beneficial for all of us, even you. But sadly she was wrong. It’s evermore apparent that you’re more demon than you are human. And before too long you won’t be human at all. Lucy relayed to us what happened during the demon attack on the cube that housed the demons of Tartaros, where you revealed what lies within you. How you’re just like the demons we fought against. And considering before all of that, I had saved Lucy from you when you lost control while your dearly betrothed had gotten taken prisoner by Tartaros.”

“Is there a point here or are you just taking my inventory?” Alice seethed.
“Carla, she’s handling it. We’re handling it. She’s currently got it under control even though it doesn’t look like it but you got to believe her. You don’t understand what happened to her, she lost control there for a minute but she’s doing better.” Natsu tried to explain as calmly as possible.

He refused to believe that Carla could have any validity to believe that. Because Alice was going to be fine.

“Look at the reality here, Natsu! I’m going to end up killing myself because no one believes I can control myself! I’m going to die when my body keeps regenerating magic power to the point I can’t handle it or my magic will be taken away and I’ll end up dying either way! Stop your stupid daydreams, because what you said won’t happen! Don’t try to make me hopeful because that’s just twisted! Making me think there’s a bright alternative when there really isn’t! I’m going to die! I’ll either die or get put down!”

He hated thinking about it. That tiny voice deep inside his subconscious that was scared that she was going to lose her fight and the demon would take over and she’d be considered dangerous.
He struggled trying to keep the intrusive thoughts at bay.

What would happen if she completely lost control and became a threat? If there was no way to bring Alice back out of it? Someone would have to kill the demon-- Essentially Alice-- No, he couldn’t think like that.

That would never happen.

“I fail to see the evidence of that. That look of murderous intent on her face while you hold her back is not working in your favor. Alice is a threat to all of humanity waiting to happen. And I won’t stand by and let it come to fruition." Carla didn’t budge.
“What are you going to do? Rally all the guilds together to put me down? Convince the magic council to lock me up?” Alice asked, venom in her words. And it wasn’t because she was offended.

It was because Carla could be right. And she let her fear go unchecked and it turned to anger.

“If it gets that far. But I’m going to keep an eye on you. And the moment I get a vision that you will hurt Wendy, or anyone for that matter, I’ll have to take action. I know there’s plenty of past Fairy Tail members that’d agree with me. It wouldn’t take much to get it done. I believe Wendy is going to choose to go with you to rebuild Fairy Tail and I’ll be at her side. And I will keep her safe from any threat. Acnologia, Tartaros, The Black Wizard Zeref, you.” Carla said, determined, keeping eye contact with Alice. Whose eyes almost seemed to glow inhumanely in the moonlight.

“And it won’t get that far. Alice would never hurt our guild, or anyone that doesn’t deserve it. You can keep as close of a watch as you want, but you’ll see that you’re wrong. Alice can keep control long enough for us to find a way to break her curse.” Natsu replied before Alice could find the words to say.

Alice’s shoulders heaved as she took in deep breaths.

“We shall see. Goodnight, Natsu. And to you too, Alice.

Chapter 109


I played "She's In the Rain"- The Rose the entire time for this and the next chapter.

Chapter Text

Wendy sobbed as she said goodbye to her guildmates.

And she continued to cry.

And cry..

And they were very much outside of city limits, and she was still crying.

“So where are we off to next?” Happy asked after a while of walking. Lucy pulled out her map. “Well, if we keep heading east, we’ll come across a small village called Rain Bringer Village. And while I have no clue about why Alice thinks Gray and Juvia are up there, it’s the best lead we have.” She said after a moment.

Alice scowled at Lucy for a moment before letting it go. “I met up with Gajeel awhile back and he told me that’s where they are! And Gajeel had no reason to lie to me so that’s where they are! Unless they left since then!”

“Gajeel? What were you doing with him?” Natsu asked in a grumble. “Having a threesome with him and Levy-- We happened to run into each other while I was doing a gig in Erington. We went to get a few drinks and catch up and he went on about what he’s been up to and since he and Juvia are friends they’ve kept in touch and she told him that Gray and her were in Rain Village. Satisfactory enough for you, Blondie?” Alice leaned forward as they walked so she could make eye contact with her over Natsu and Happy.

Lucy paled and pursed her lips. “Well if you said that earlier I wouldn’t have questioned it!”

“I didn’t think Levy would be up to something like that. I guess Loke was right, brainy girls are closet freaks.” Natsu said, genuinely wondering about it. “I didn’t f*ck Levy and or Gajeel, I was being sarcastic, genius.” Alice nudged him with her elbow.

“My word!” Carla gasped, putting her paws over Wendy’s burning hot ears.

“Oh come on, Wendy’s what now? 14? 15? I knew far worse at her age.” Alice scoffed. “Well excuse me, trollop, some of us girls have dignity! And Wendy is a young woman with manners! You will never catch her saying such filthy things!” Carla barked up at Alice.

“Join the 21st Century with the rest of us slu*ts who enjoy our lives how we want!” Alice went to turn around and instigate but Happy wrapped his tail around her and lifted her up and kept flying forward stopping her.

And many hours later, they found a wild pig and Natsu had beat it into submission and Carla and Happy rode on its back.
Then they came across the tiny village of Rain Bringer.

“Wow, look at that! It’s like the rain is concentrated just over the village!” Lucy gasped. And indeed, there were dark heavy clouds just over the village and they could see where the rain started and began.

“Watch this!” Happy hopped over to the border. “I’m wet!-- I’m dry! Totally soaked!-- And dry as a bone!” He laughed.

“Well, I see things a little differently. Why not have the best of both worlds and stand in the middle?” Natsu leaped over and stood right at the center. Only one half of him getting wet. “I like your style!” Happy mirrored him and they both laughed away.

“They’re so easily entertained...” Carla sighed.

“Well, let’s just go for it and none of us brought umbrellas. Unless Miss Wizard Prodigy has some spell that’ll keep us dry.” Lucy giggled to herself.

Alice waved her hand and from thin air as if there was an invisible hose, water started to spray Lucy in the back. She screamed in shock.
“A little water doesn’t bother me. Let’s get going. I’m actually excited to see Gray and Juvia again.” Alice took the lead, walking right into the rain.

They were half way into town, not seeing any life. No chimneys lit, no curtains open or lights on in any house. No animals even.

“It looks deserted. Are we sure anyone even lives here?” Lucy asked. “I smelled Juvia right as we got here. She’s right over there.” Natsu pointed over to a quaint little house and sure enough there was Juvia. She was still, void of life, just sitting there on a bench on the porch. Her entire outfit weighed down with rain. It looked as if she was a statue.

She was as dreary and cold as the town around her, so it was only when Natsu pointed it out, did anyone see her.

“Juvia!” Natsu shouted as he ran towards her.

Juvia’s head lifted and she perked up. She gasped and raised her hands over her mouth. “My beloved! My icy hunk, how can you be so cool and hot at the same time!” She leaped to her feet and went to embrace Natsu.

Natsu stretched out an arm and stopped Juvia’s hug by putting his large hand over her face. “Simmer down, I’m not Gray. But I am glad to see you fired up.” Natsu then smiled as Juvia’s delusion wore off.

She stared, startled by who was actually here.
“I gotta admit, that was a pretty energetic welcome!” Lucy smiled brightly. “It’s great to see you again, Juvia!” Wendy added.
“Something must be wrong if you’re confusing Natsu and Gray. Or desperate.” Alice commented, crossing her arms. They were two very different people.

First off, Gray was taller than Natsu-- And leaner. And the obvious features, Gray had pale skin, dark blue (nearly black) hair, dark blue eyes and a cool, deep voice.

And Natsu was the opposite. He had tanned skin, bright pink hair, amber-grey draconian eyes, and a brassy medium voice.

Of course Juvia would know this, so she had to be in some mind fog where she could somehow mask Natsu’s face and voice with Gray’s.

“Natsu? Wendy? Lucy? Alice?” Juvia only now seemed to gain cognition. “Don't forget Happy and Carla!” Happy beamed.

“So are you the only one who lives in the village?” Lucy asked when Juvia kept staring at them all, dazed. And then as if that question triggered it, Juvia’s eyes tears up and her face went flush as she fell over, faint. Natsu caught her before she could hit the ground. “What’s the matter with you?” He asked as if she’d answer as her eyes rolled back, then closed and her body went completely limp in his hold.

“She fainted!” Lucy gasped.

Alice pressed the back of her hair to Juvia’s cheek. “Even in this rain, she’s awfully warm.”
“Poor thing must’ve caught a cold sitting out here in the rain!” Lucy cried.

“Let’s get her inside and out of this weather.” Alice said, taking the lead into the house.

Happy and Natsu stayed outside until the girls were able to dress down Juvia into her nightgown and get her into bed.

The house was quite tiny. A one bedroom cottage, which if Gray lived with her-- Where did he sleep?

Or did he sleep on the couch?

Wendy assessed Juvia’s status, sitting on a stool at the side of the bed. “She’s burning up.” She noted, worried.
“Well of course. I feel as though it is common knowledge not to spend too much time out in the rain! She’d be lucky if she didn’t catch pneumonia!” Carla said in her normal, always constant, demeaning tone.

“I wonder if this is even Juvia’s home.” Lucy said, looking around, still drying off with a towel.
“I’m picking up a faint whiff of Gray, too.” Natsu said gruffly. His arms were crossed and he scowled out the window.

Of course the Fire Dragon Slayer would dislike cold and wet weather.

Juvia’s eyes opened, as she looked up at the ceiling weakly. “No.-- You asked if I lived here alone. In truth, Gray and I shared it.”

Wendy and Lucy blushed furiously as if it was that scandalous.

Alice gasped, excitedly. Had Gray finally accepted Juvia’s feelings?

Then Juvia smugly smiled at Lucy. “And just us!”

“Yes! Finally!” Alice shouted, excitedly and clapped her hands together and then pumped a fist into the air.
“After the guild disbanded, we came across this deserted village and decided to stay in one of the houses. We took our meals together, trained together, worked together, we slept in--”
“STOP! We get it okay!” Lucy looked out of breath and Wendy was covering her face in embarrassment.

“In separate beds, of course. His idea.” Juvia finished her sentence. “The prude!” Alice said, outraged. These two needed to be together in every way possible!

Gray needed to find a sexual relationship with someone else and move on properly! And Juvia was the perfect girl for him! Although, in all honesty, Juvia could do better. She didn’t deserve to wait so long on someone who had been so rude to her for so long.

But all things considered, Alice was just glad they finally shacked up.

“It was pure bliss. Until one day, I found him with a strange rash on his body. He told me not to worry about it and went about it like it was really nothing. But then on, he insisted on leaving the village alone. And half a year ago, he never came back.” Juvia concluded.

“I’m so sorry.” Wendy bowed her head.

“That jerk! If I ever see him again I’m gonna beat some sense into him! How could he leave, knowing there was a loving, and beautiful woman waiting for him!” Alice feverently proclaimed.
“Yeah, what kind of jerk just up and leaves like that?” Natsu nodded.

“I can think of one.” Lucy grumbled. Alice chose to ignore it. “I, at least, left a will.” Natsu side-eyed the blonde. “I thought we agreed that that’s not what that was.” Alice stared at him, bewildered. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure what you left was just a note.” Happy added.

“But still, you left without as much as a warning!” Lucy scolded him. Alice couldn’t keep quiet. She turned towards her sharply. “For you!”
“Yeah, well, how do you think that affected me? Honestly, it made me feel...” Lucy started to blush furiously.

Alice clenched her jaw and her fists. Her chest tightened as she felt a wave of fury start to wash over her.

“Do you have to flirt with him in front of us?” Juvia commented.
“I’m not flirting with him! I’m just saying, that he didn’t take into account how I felt and-” “How you felt? Who the hell do you think you are?! I’m his girlfriend, I’m the one he decided to spend his life with and just as we got everything settled, when I needed him the most, he decided to leave! I’m the one that was affected the most! And you have the audacity to try to make it about you? Just because you’re in love with him doesn’t mean you’re entitled to him!” Alice’s voice was raspy as she raised her voice at Lucy. There was a crack of loud lightning and the sound violently shook the entire house and made the electricity flicker. Lucy cowarded back.
Natsu kept silent, even though he should’ve intervened. But he had never heard Alice speak with such vulnerability. This wasn’t just anger or jealousy. She was airing how she felt about him.

And he had no idea she felt like that.

When I needed him the most, he decided to leave!

“I don’t have feelings for him! You need to get over your jealousy! You know just because I’m not marrying him doesn’t mean that I didn’t feel betrayed when he left!” Lucy fired back, but her voice wasn’t confident in the slightest.

“I needed him! I did! But I bucked up and let him go because he finally deserved to do something for himself for once! And not once have I tried to make it about me! I needed him and look what happened when he left! All you did was get your feelings hurt! And yet you’re acting like he did it personally just to spite you when you don’t realize he was trying to protect his family! Even you! And you’re acting like a spoiled brat!” Alice felt an image of her lashing out and physically attacking Lucy flash in the back of her head. Like she saw it in her subconscious. Like something else was seriously considering it.

But yet Alice wasn’t appalled by it.

The house was completely silent. Everyone watching Alice, shocked.

“I didn’t even want to see Gray anyways.” Alice’s voice wavered as she ducked out and was out the door back into the rain.


Immediately her pink haired companion followed after her.

Lucy teared up. “You know, what’s the point of her coming back when it’s obvious she doesn’t want anything to do with anyone else but Natsu? He’s allowed to have other people care about him!”

“It’s not that.” Happy said after a moment of silence.
“What else is it, then?”

“Natsu’s been with her since the beginning. He was the first person she met when she came to the guild and he encouraged her to go in when she was too scared to. And even when she was mean and kinda scary, he always stuck by her. They’re each other’s first family after losing their dragons.”

“Yeah, well, since then his family has expanded but she hasn’t even accepted that. She just wants to keep him to herself!”

“You know, they have known each other since they were kids. There’s probably so much history between them that I don’t think anyone could compete with.” Wendy cautiously said.

“How long have they known each other? Since their dragons disappeared?” Happy asked as if he didn’t just say how long they knew each other.

“Well the year was X777, and we’re the same age, so Alice was 9? It’s been over 10 years if you don’t count the seven years we were asleep.” Juvia thought out loud.

“And how long have you known Natsu, Lucy?” Happy asked. “Well it’s been... two years, three if you count the year you guys left... But we’ve been through so much together as well!”

“I think you just have to admit that as unfair as it may feel to you, that they have a connection that you can’t just force. I get that Alice can be a bit... aggressive but they’re in love and as much as Natsu has told me about them, there’s just a bond that you can’t recreate because they’ve been through so much together and for each other.” Wendy said.

“Who’s side are you on??” Lucy gasped. “It’s not a matter of who wins or loses, or who I support or not. It’s just how it is. Natsu really loves her and she loves him a lot. They put each other over almost everyone, well except Happy. I think they love him like their child. And if you’re Natsu’s friend, then you’ll respect that even if you don’t agree.”

Chapter 110


I'm sorry by "She's In the Rain"- The Rose is a banger. Listen to it pls.

Yes, I'm a kpop fan. I am, too, devastated by that.

Chapter Text

Alice hugged her arms to her chest as she shuddered in the cold rain. Her entire body trembled.

But she didn’t cry.

She couldn’t.


“Just.. Just ignore what you heard.” Her voice was low and jittery with chills.
“How can I? You never said that before. I didn’t know.. How much it hurt. If I made you this way, then you shouldn’t have let me leave. Or maybe I don’t know....”

“What was I supposed to do?” Alice turned around to look at him through the build up of raindrops in her heavy eyelashes. Her voice was raw and shaky. “You just lost your dad, right when you found him again. You get this mission put in your head that you have to destroy Zeref and his most powerful demon and Acnologia, when none of Fairy Tail’s strongest combined efforts could even put a scuff in his scales. And I tell you what happened, along with telling you I don’t like your relationship with Lucy. What else was I supposed to burden you with? Making you stay just to make me feel better? You believed that you had to leave to get stronger, and you did. You did get stronger so it obviously was worth it. Why would I stop you from doing that? I was always a heavy enough weight on you.”

“I don’t know!-- But you sounded so angry with me. Like I abandoned you and maybe I did. I admit, it was the worst timing. Everyday I worried about you. I kept wanting to go home and make sure you were safe and okay. But if I knew that you needed me and if it would’ve stopped this from getting worse, I couldn’t have left!” Natsu’s voice was loud, he sounded upset.

“That’s why I couldn’t say anything! When no matter how much I cried and pleaded for you to stay and you still wanted to go, I knew how bad you needed to go. That’s why I let you go even though I didn’t want you to. Because if you thought this was the best for you, then who would I be to stop you?” Alice’s body heaved like she was crying. But the tears never came.

The rain felt like it was getting heavier.

Her chest ached, her head felt heavy, she was exhausted. Maybe like the rain clouds, she just got too full and had to release it all.

“Are you angry that I left?” Natsu said after a heavy moment of silence.

Alice swallowed. “It felt selfish to get angry with you over it. And it still does because I know you didn’t go to hurt me. You wanted to get stronger to defeat the threats that are still hanging over us. You wanted to protect your family. And you did get stronger. So how can I be angry? But apparently Lucy is the opposite of me and doesn’t care and will be selfish and act like it was a personal offense and try to guilt you, I did get angry because if anyone should be upset, if someone should be getting emotional over your leaving it should be me. Because, yes, I did need you.”
Maybe she was crying but the rain soaked her to the core. Because her body was acting like she was being emotional. She was sniffling and she felt the thick mucus in her throat. Her lips got red and swollen and her throat burned. She swallowed hard and gasped as she tried to breathe in.
“In the beginning it was so hard. In that first month or so it really hit me that this was my new reality for however long it took you to come home. That I was alone and if I didn’t have you or the guild, what did I have? I felt scared and alone more than ever. And even when I kept it all hidden and secret, when I didn't even want you to know what I was fighting, I just knew I could get through it if you were there because you are my purpose. I don’t know what I am without you. So when you left I was lost. I felt so empty, without a will to live. Sometimes I was so terrified of being alone with my darkness. I screamed and I screamed but there was no one to come check on me-- There was no guild for me to go to to at least feel like I had a home. There was no you, no Mirajane, no Gray even. And I just wished that you would’ve waited a day before you left because I knew you would’ve changed your mind and stayed or at least would’ve had the right words to say to keep everyone together. But you were gone and it felt like you took the heart of Fairy Tail with you and the spirit died. And so did the part of me that wanted to keep fighting. So I gave into the hopelessness, the anger, all the negative emotions that fed the monster in me and by the time I was able to pick myself up it was too late. No matter the therapy, no matter the hobbies, the friends, the new will to live. I fed the darkness to the point it got strong enough to feed itself and it doesn’t matter what I do.” And she felt the relief of getting it out of her system. Her shoulders no longer were sore with the extra weight.

Natsu kept quiet, just letting her get it off her chest because it seemed as if that’s what she really needed. Because that’s what she always did. She never could express herself fully and it would build and build until she had to explode.

It was messy and destructive and it took more effort to pick up the pieces than just being normal and not bottling it all up. But watching her do it over and over again for several years, there was no changing it.

She sighed and she felt like her lungs could expand the way they should. “But I picked myself up. I’m not happy but I’m way less sad even though the thing inside me is an ever present thought in my head and I’m not going to be able to repress it for too long without getting devoured completely and something else will be in control and whatever happens after won’t be good and I’m sure I won’t survive it but now I’m not scared about “if” but “when” and all I need to do now is just accept it. But I got this far on my own. It’s not something I’d choose if I was still in a guild but I found a new hobby. And the busy schedule kept me far too occupied to think about the bad stuff and it was only when I was laying alone in bed did I start to get sad but then the next day would come and it was over and over again until you showed up again.” She shrugged with a pathetic smile, allowing herself to finally express all her thoughts. It was cathartic.

“And then what? Now that I’m back, what do you want? Are you still lost?” Natsu asked. Alice smiled weakly but her eyes stayed blank. Like the sentiment wasn’t real, or she was just trying to force it to be and maybe she’d believe it herself.

“I don’t know. We’re going on an adventure like the old times except we’re just trying to find all our old friends and try to get the guild back together. And I don’t know how many are going to come back or how many have moved on and don’t want to go back. And I’m sure of all the ones that come back, they’re all going to have the same thoughts as Carla and maybe the more bold ones like Cana and Lisanna will actually say it to my face. And we’ll get the guild back together, it might be small like it was in that farm house but it’ll be back. And I’ll have to reclean that big house and then.. And then, I don’t know.”

She didn’t want to say the part where Acnologia or E.N.D. come to collect and they’ll have an even more devastating battle and she feared many would die.

“But is that what you want?”

Alice bit the inside of her cheek.

“What do you want?” Natsu asked again when she didn't answer him.

She blinked over and over. What did she want?

The flashes of a big white wedding lit up in her head but it felt more like a faraway dream. It no longer felt like a possibility. Just a big unrealistic daydream. To actually hope for it was like wishing for a pet unicorn.
The smiles and the loud hum of talk and laughter in a hall of familiar strangers and friends no longer felt possible. She was far too isolated from them.

The thought of it made her feel like she was 9 years old again, coming back to a home she didn’t remember.
It was familiar but also foreign.

Her old box of hopes and dreams felt like revisiting a childhood diary. Fanciful, silly, and full of nonsense.

She smiled fondly on the days of her teenage years. Where nothing was impossible. If she wanted it, it was hers. Now she had accepted that her life wasn’t hers to control or at least, not for much longer. She felt it ridiculous to want to wish for anything anymore.

“I don’t know anymore.” She met his unreadable gaze through the hard, unforgiving rain.

“Do you still want me?” “I’ll always want you.” She didn’t have to think twice about it. If there was one constant in her life, it was her love for him. The day she stopped would be the day she stopped breathing.

“Do you want to come back to Fairy Tail?”

That was a bit harder to decide but rather than say that she shrugged. “I want to go where you do.”

Natsu’s brow hardened. He knew already that she felt that she no longer belonged in Fairy Tail. But maybe-- No, when he defeated Acnologia and E.N.D. and when they found a way to save Alice, she’d no longer question it. Or even when she saw everyone again and they got the guild back up and running she’d remember what it felt like and she’d feel like her old self again.

Natsu put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a black box.
Alice’s eyes flickered to it. She knew this box. It was the one in his travel bag. The one where she didn’t know what was in it.

“While on my journey, we met an old guy who owned a jewelry store that had gotten robbed by some bandits. So naturally I tracked them down and returned everything they stole. He had no money to give me, and I wasn’t going to ask for any. But I saw a ring and immediately I thought of you. So he gave me it and the set it belonged to. And this box is what got me through this year. Because once I got strong enough, I would return to you and one day we’d get to wear these together. And while I didn’t make any money, and even more dirt-poor than before I left, it’ll take longer to get enough jewel to give you the pretty wedding you want, but I got the rings like I said I would.”

Alice’s eyes softened in awe.

Natsu closed the distance between them and handed the box over to Alice. She gave him another look before taking it and opening it. One set was a dainty gold ring with a large oval sunset pink opal surrounded by an array of small diamonds, shaping a rhombus shape around the opal. Along the gold band, small little diamonds laid in the band. And it came with a matching second band-- The wedding band.

Then there was another ring, much thicker in length and width. A golden band with that matching sunset pink opal in the middle of it. A male's wedding ring.

“They’re... it’s perfect... I.... I can’t believe after all this time you’re still thinking about getting married.” Alice’s mind raced. Warmth enveloped her and her heart beat with passion and true life once more.

“Of course I have. I know you’re excited to do it and I want to do anything that makes you happy. But I had to get stronger so I could protect you but this was just the sign I needed to keep going so I could return to you one day.”

“Natsu!” Alice leapt forward, hugging him tight. Natsu laughed, holding her dearly. “Does it make you that happy?”
“Of course it does! For a while it felt so far away, maybe impossible but hearing you say you’re still looking forward to it makes it feel even more real....” Alice closed her eyes and just enjoyed the moment. She completely forgot that it was downpouring.

“It’s gonna happen. If you wanted to just get married without all the big wedding thing, we’d go and do it but you want the whole shebang so it’s gonna take a while but it’s gonna happen. We’ll need the guildhall rebuilt and everyone back together.” Natsu breathed in Alice’s scent in the cold rain. Her sour citrus perfume had washed away and she started smelling like her old self. Feeling her heart pound against him, her body relaxing against his hot skin, it almost made him like the rain.

“I wish we had already done it. But then everything got complicated. All the big bads started to attack all at once and that’s when everything changed. I don’t even remember how it used to feel. The only thing that feels the same is you. It makes me want everything to go back to normal again.” Alice confessed in a soft murmur, placing her sopping wet head on his shoulder.

“It will one day. For now we just need to focus on getting the guild back together. That’s the biggest thing but once we get that done, nearly everything will settle back into place. We’ll go back to kicking bad guy butt like the good old days. Maybe we’ll even get to go fishing in the forest again when it warms up again.” Natsu rubbed his hands over Alice’s back.

Alice hummed. “If the forest is still there. Tartaros did a number on the surrounding area of Magnolia.”
“Then you can learn some magic and make the forest like it used to be.”

After a moment of silence, Alice stood back. “I guess I better go in there and make some sort of apology.”
Natsu shook his head. “No, you don’t have to. You were entitled to say that even if they don’t think so. At least, I thought you deserved to speak your mind honestly. You don’t do that too often, you know.”

Alice’s face softened and she looked back at the house. “Well either way, I gotta go back there. We have to find Gray.”

“You don’t know where he went?” Natsu asked. Alice shook her head, “no. Last I heard was that Juvia and him came here. After that, I haven’t heard anything. Of course I haven’t spoken to Gajeel or anyone since then. You can’t sniff him out at all?”

“His smell lingers mostly in the house after that the rain dampens it. But it won’t be too hard to track him down.” Natsu’s face went serious again. So maybe it wasn’t the rain that had him upset.
“Do you remember what I told you about Future!Rogue? What made him go darkside? It’s coming up a year.”

Alice jolted at the memory. “He said that Frosch was murdered by Gray. But, I still can’t wrap my head around him ever doing something like that!” Alice refused to believe it.

The door opened, and the others came out. Wendy hopped up on a barrel under the awning and Lucy put her hands behind her back as she pretended to be looking at something past Alice and Natsu.

Happy and Carla stood together under the awning as well. Carla crossed her arms, a look full of judgment on her feline face.

“Well it’s not a rain storm without a little lightning. And look at that, it’s starting to lighten up a bit.” Natsu started towards the other.

“It won’t stop as long as Juvia’s like that.” Happy said. “I hope some rest will help her feel better.” Wendy said, forlorn. “Finding Gray would be far more effective.” Carla nodded.

“I tried my best, but I couldn’t keep tabs on him.” Lucy frowned.

“And I don’t know where he went after this.” Alice added.

“Well I know where we’re gonna start. We’re gonna pay Sabertooth a little visit.”

Chapter 111

Chapter Text

“Hey, what makes you so sure Sabertooth is gonna have any info on Gray anyway?” Lucy shouted over the sound of the big pig’s galloping hooves.

“I can’t talk about it.” Natsu replied simply. “Yeah, it’s a secret!” Alice shouted back towards the blonde in the back. Natsu was steering the boar, and Alice and Lucy rode on behind him.

“But why would that be a secret?” Lucy whined. “Alice, take the reins!” Natsu yelled, grabbing her hands that were sternly holding onto the front of his jacket and made her grab the reins while her arms were still around Natsu. Then Natsu turned around to face both girls while Alice tried to look over his shoulder.

“Turn back around!” Lucy screamed.

“Listen real close: I trust Gray, okay? But the only way we’re gonna find anything useful is to stop trusting him.” Natsu instructed carefully.

“At least trade me spots if you’re gonna do this!” Alice barked, trying to bob her vision around Natsu’s broad shoulders.

“I don’t get it, but turn around and steer!” Lucy tried to reach over Alice and manhandle Natsu to turn back around.

He ignored both girls. “I gotta stop trusting him for now. That’s what I mean. I’m gonna bring Gray back, I promise. But I can’t say anything else until that happens.”


“Are you seriously getting all dolled up to go into Sabertooth?” Natsu grumbled, watching Alice open a compact mirror and do transformation magic, since she didn’t bring her contacts. Blue eyes, makeup, tanned skin, sun kissed freckles.

“Wait, it’s for Sting, isn’t it? You talked about thinking he was hot in that one Sorcerer Weekly interview I interned on!” Lucy gasped. “Seriously?” Natsu frowned.

Alice’s complexion warmed up and evened out. Her eyes no longer looked dead and she turned them blue.

“He’s the guild master now, so we need to make a good impression.” She combed out her black hair with her fingers.
“Sure! Alice has a crush on Sting!” Happy sing-songed.

“If this is gonna happen at every guild we go to, you’re not gonna come along on the trip. You’re going straight to Magnolia and waiting until I get there with everyone.” Natsu grabbed the mirror from Alice. “Come on! I’m just trying to look decent! What would they think if they saw me looking like a decrepit demon?” Alice scowled up at him.
“They’ll think “wow, Natsu’s so awesome for seducing and taming a totally hot demon ”. Come on, let’s go.”

The guild hall was expectantly huge, like a mansion. It was a light gray stone color with blue accents.

And the inside was just as impressive with at least 70 members currently inside. Alice could feel familiar magic energy, like the likes of Yukino and the other members from the magic games.

“Lucy!” Yukino was the first to say anything as the four Fairy Tail members wandered inside. She looked just the same as before with her icy pixie cut, sparkling blue eyes. “Hey, Yukino! Long time, no see! How have you guys been?” Lucy waved.

Alice looked around seeing the faces that belonged to the magic power. Like Orga and Rufus sitting together at a table.

“It’s been great!” Yukino smiled.
“Yeah, business has been great since we no longer have to compete with Fairy Tail.” Orga said with a smile towards Natsu, mainly.
“I can’t remember a time when the guild’s been this profitable.” Rufus added with a tip of his hat.

“Sorry, Lucy, that's not what I meant.” Yukino apologized for her guildmates. “No, it’s fine. Besides, Fairy Tail’s about to make a great comeback!”
Yukino started to cry happy tears and Lucy tried to console her.

Alice picked up the Dragon Slayer magic energy nearing and looked towards it and her eyes bulged out.

“There’s some faces we haven’t seen in a while!” Sting said. His entire build was large and rotund. He had several chins, his vest no longer fit and his entire stomach hung out.

“Yeah, it’s been a long time!” Lector added, at his side. He was the same as always.

“Hey there, strangers! Thanks for stopping by!” Sting waved. Lucy was confused as to who it was, but Natsu knew right away who it was, still smiling, even though he was put off by the sudden change. “Hey there, Sting!”

“What’s up, man? You haven’t changed one bit!” “You either!” Natsu lied.

Sting then smiled dashingly towards Alice. “You’re still as beautiful as before.” He winked at her. Alice pursed her lips into a tight smile. Of all times to try to flirt with her, it was at his worst. “Back at you...”

Yukino stood next to him, proudly.
“So, what brings you all the way to our guild?” Sting asked.

“If you came to hang out, be our guests!” Orga invited. “Or if you instead came to work with us, be our partners.” Rufus added.

“That’s sweet, but we’re a little busy at the moment!” Lucy declined.

“Did Carla not come with you?” Lector asked Happy. “No. Is Frosch around?” Happy replied.

“No, he went on a job with Rogue and M’lady and I don’t know when they’ll be back.”

Natsu lunged forward and grabbed Lector by the face. “Where’d they go?!” He demanded.
“Hey man, let go of Lector!” Sting advocated for his buddy.

“I don’t know! But they just left so they’re probably just at the city gates by now!” Lector answered.

“Thanks a lot, little buddy!” Natsu waved as he ran towards the doors. “What’s his problem?” Sting asked, now back to his chiseled self.

Alice whined. “Why did you go back to being hot when I have to leave?!”

“What’s his deal?” Lucy huffed, following behind Happy and Alice, trying to catch up with Natsu. “I’m sure you’ll find out soon enough! Right now we just have to listen to Natsu and trust that he knows what he’s doing!” Alice shouted back to her.

“You’re saying that as if you know!”
“I do! He told me about it right after he found out!”

“Aye!” Happy nodded.

They turned a corner in time to see Rogue, Minerva, and Frosch walking down the street and Natsu catching up with them and then putting Rogue in a chokehold and dragging him away.

“Why are they here?” Minerva asked.

She looked completely different than Alice remembered. She had heard murmurs after the fight with Tartaros that Minerva had been taken into Tartaros as a demon and Erza had fought her but eventually when Sting and Rogue got there, they were able to talk Minevra down and now she was no longer an evil bitch or a demon.

Alice hadn’t seen her since the Magic Games, a year prior and only heard of this from the guild. But Minerva’s appearance said it was true. Her eye makeup was light and natural and she looked like a young woman. No longer some evil witch.

Frosch hopped around excitedly as Alice, Lucy, and Happy met up with them. “If you wanna talk, I’d be happy to!”
“Sorry, this is a private conversation only!” Natsu called back, disappearing with Rogue.

Frosch and Happy skipped around together in reunion and Alice eyed Minerva up and down, who was innocently looking at Lucy.

“It’s been a while.”

Lucy smiled nervously. “Yeah, it has... I’m glad to see you’re back in Sabertooth!”
“Oh, did you drop by the guildhall?” “Yeah, we just dropped by for a sec.”
But then Lucy started to ask about Sting and so Minerva and her ended up having a pleasant conversation.

Alice decided to walk several feet away, pretending to admire the workmanship of a nearby building. She didn’t have anything to say to either girl.

Several minutes later, Natsu came barreling through, grabbing both Lucy and Alice by the arm and dragging them along. “We gotta start making some tracks, I know where we’re going.”

Rogue was shouting after him but Natsu ignored him. “Minerva, keep an eye on both of them-- And make sure they don’t leave town!”

And he only slowed down until they were outside of town in the forest. Alice was doubled over panting, and Lucy was trying to fan herself down. Natsu was unimpressed by either of them and sat down on a tree stump, waiting for the girls to catch their breaths.

Happy took the job request from Natsu and read it. “What is this ‘Avatar’ thing that Rogue is supposed to destroy?”
“Beats me.” Natsu grumbled, chewing on a piece of wheat grass that he found.

Alice slumped down against a tree and sat down. “Avatar’s a new dark guild that worships Zeref. You know, like most dark guilds do these days. Though I've had my share of Zeref cults, I don’t really get the hype.”

“When Tartaros fell, Avatar rose to take their place.” Lucy added. “They’re viciously devoted to Zeref.”
“Another one of those? I wonder if he’s involved with it.” Natsu spit out the wheat grass in his mouth.

“Not that I’m aware. But if a dark guild makes enough noise, from what I hear, he’ll take a visit and depending on how they’re running things, he’ll judge them how he sees fit.” Alice said.
“Yeah, I haven’t heard anything about him being involved with them either. I guess they haven’t gotten his attention yet.” Lucy spoke coldly.

Natsu scoffed. “So they’re just a bunch of cult flunkies then? This is gonna be fun!”

Lucy scowled at him. “I still don’t know why you think Gray has anything to do with them.”

“I think you told me once, but I’m not exactly sure if I remember or not. But either way, I’m with Lucy on this. Gray would never join a dark guild!” Happy sided with Lucy.

“I mean, I wouldn’t put it past him. Even though he’s never jumped the gun on it, he’s always had a fascination with dark magic and demons.” Alice shrugged.
“Maybe that’s why he chose Juvia over you.” Lucy joked. “He was fascinated by you but never fully committed.”

Alice’s mouth went agape. “That’s- Look here, blondie I could’ve had Gray 24/7, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year, anyway I wanted him! But I chose Natsu over him and eventually he had to move on and I’m glad he finally accepted Juvia’s feelings!”

Lucy smirked. “Sure, sure. Keep telling yourself that.”

Alice growled and hopped to her feet. “You know what? When I said he had a fascination with dark magic and demons, I didn’t mean me! And either way, he did go for it and I’ve had him in ways you could only read about! I bet I could just shout out that I was single and hot and ready, and he'd run from wherever he was and come here to get some!”

Natsu stood up and walked over to Alice and pinned her against the tree, towering over her. He was fed up with her spouting off about beingsointerested in all these guys. Lyon, Sting, and now Gray again.She squealed as he glowered down at her. “You know I don’t like it when you talk about him like that around me.”
“I was just trying to-” “Sit down.” “Yes, sir.” Alice slid down the tree and sat with flush cheeks and quivering thighs.

“Should we be watching this? What happened to telling us why you think Gray would be involved with a dark guild like Avatar?” Lucy’s face was flush and red.

“It’s all because of what Future!Rogue said to me one year ago today.” Natsu said still in his deep, demanding tone. He stared down at Alice again, who squirmed under his hot gaze.

One year from now, Rogue will lose Frosch and then finally the darkness will consume him.

Like darkness consumed Alice.

“It won’t happen!” “It most certainly will!” “I won’t let it!”

“Well, are you gonna keep us in suspense or are you gonna tell us what Rogue said to you?” Lucy asked after Natsu kept silent. Natsu turned around and walked back over to his tree stump. “One year ago, today, Gray’s supposed to become our enemy. So I thought if we’d go where Frosch and Rogue were supposed to, we’d run into Gray.”

“But didn’t we change the course of the future that day? I thought that wasn’t supposed to happen anymore..” Lucy lowered her head.

“No, what it did was change the future that hasn’t happened yet. Time is a continuous loop. The events that will cause that future to happen where our Rogue will go back in time to one year ago will happen all over again unless we disrupt it. We have to find Gray and put a stop to what he’s supposed to do. Only then will that stop those events from happening.”

“Woah you just made my head go dizzy!” Happy slurred, trying to understand.

“It’s why Time Magic is so complicated to master, I gotta give props to Ultear for getting as far as she has. There are a multitude of timelines and possibilities. When Future!Rogue and Future!Lucy went back to our time, it made the timeline split into several different endings. Now that we know what will happen, it created even more different routes and making too many can cause time to get out of order. -- All in all, we need to stop Gray from doing whatever he’s gonna do that will create a domino effect and lead to our past selves going through the Magic Games the exact same way and it’s just gonna cause an infinite loop over and over again for all of time.” Alice tried to explain but she saw no new lights going off in the cat’s head.

“So we’re gonna go in a loop and go through that over and over again? I don’t want to fight dragons for the end of time!” Happy cried. “No, that’s not what I meant! See, this is why no one studies time magic because of how complicated it is!” Alice crossed her arms.

“All I know is that I can’t imagine Gray being our enemy.” Lucy’s eyes glossed over with tears. “Well, remember what Juvia said? He had these black marks all over him. He had the same thing happen when we fought Mard Geer. So whatever way he got his Demon Slayer Magic, may have involved him getting taken over by a demon.” Natsu replied.

“Sounds familiar.”

Chapter 112


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

An old desolate church, consumed by thick vines from the surrounding swamp. It was dark and humid and cold. The sky was barely viewable through the thick, tall trees but even then there were heavy gray clouds hanging over them.

The building looked like it could collapse any moment. Any sign of life was absent but there was magic energy coming from it.

It was dirty and it had the appearance of being abandoned a century ago.

“It’s creepy. It’s like it was swallowed by the forest!” Lucy gasped. “That’s one way of describing it.” Alice rolled her eyes. “How would you describe it?!” Lucy barked at her. “I don’t know, an old church that’s been abandoned and reclaimed by nature? What’s with your weird metaphors?” Alice scowled her direction but didn’t turn to look at her.

“Okay what now?” Happy asked over the girls’ feud. “Trusty ol’ Plan T of course!” Natsu smiled. “That’s not encouraging.” Alice replied, wary.

“Are you sure Gray’s in there?” Happy asked once more. “Positive. I’ll bet my scarf over it!” Natsu affirmed. “We need to get Gray back to Juvia, so lets not waste any time!” Lucy tightened her ponytail.
“This place is totally creepy, so I’m with you on that.” Natsu nodded. “I don’t know, with some spring cleaning and maybe thinning out the trees around it, get some natural sunlight, I think it’d be kinda endearing.” Alice envisioned a renovation.

“Only you would find a creepy church endearing. Maybe you and Gray and more compatible than I thought.” Lucy sneered at Alice.

“All right! Let’s charge right in!” Natsu shouted. “Aye!” Happy followed after him. Lucy grabbed on the back of Natsu’s scarf, and Happy’s tail, stopping both of them. But their momentum also pulled Lucy forward. So as the two boys fell backwards, she fell forwards.

“That’s gonna leave a mark...” Happy groaned, rubbing the back of his head as he sat up. “Good thing my head broke the fall.” Natsu added. “That’s... not a good thing...” Alice grimaced.

“We can’t just go barging in there! We don’t know what we’re up against!” Lucy scolded Natsu.
“Was ‘Plan T’ just charging in there?” Alice crossed her arms.

Natsu scoffed. “Well, all I know is that Gray’s in there, and I need to get him out of there!”
“I’m kinda with blondie on this. There’s some odd dark energy coming from there. And that’s not considering the possibility that Gray doesn’t come willingly.”

“All right, fine. We’ll do it your way!” Natsu frowned. “Awesome! I was thinking of calling on good ol’ Virgo and have her tunnel us underneath.” Lucy pulled out one of her golden keys.

“Good idea!” Natsu cheered. Alice ‘hmph’ed, since that wouldn’t be her idea because instead of bursting in through the front, they were going right into the middle of it and if things went downhill, they’d have to fight their way through it all. It was no different than charging in.

But whatever, maybe they’d pick up on a thing or two while doing it this way.

“Open, gate of the Maiden! Virgo!”

And out popped Virgo, laying on her side, tied up hogtie style. She looked rather unbothered by the position.

Lucy, Happy and Natsu started to panic.

Alice had knowledge of bondage. Never done it, but being the closet freak that she was, she understood bdsm when she saw it.

“What happened? Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
“Who do I kick the crap out of for this?!”

“Oh... don’t mind me..” Virgo looked away, boredly. Then she smiled coyly as she somehow hopped up to stand, while still tied up. “I was bored, so I thought I would punish myself.”

The ropes unraveled and fell to the ground, then disappeared into the Celestial world.

“There’s a lot I don’t understand about Celestial spirits. And I’m not sure I want to know.” Natsu stood there, awkwardly looking to the side. Since the mood had shifted to a more comedic atmosphere, Alice thought she’d take advantage of it. She skipped over to Natsu’s side and wrapped an arm around his waist. “You don’t have to know anything about celestial spirits to understand punishment.” She whispered up at him with a soft giggle. Natsu stood up straighter and swallowed. “I always love to learn. Maybe you can teach me how to punish you for your stunt earlier.”

Alice beamed as her cheeks lit up. She giggled again, leaning against him as she stared into his devilish eyes. “Yes, sir.

“Back to work then!”

“All right, Star Dress Form: Virgo!” Lucy’s outfit glowed and then transformed into a slu*tty maid costume.

“This form helps increase her magical ability and sex appeal.” Virgo smirked. “Well anyone’s sex appeal would increase if they wore a sexy maid costume.” Alice argued.

“I wonder what Carla would look like in a maid outfit...” Happy giggled to himself.

Alice looked at Natsu, concerned. “What all were you guys doing up in the mountains?!” “Don’t blame me for his pervertedness!”

Anyways, with Virgo doing all the work-- Making Alice wonder what was the point of Lucy’s outfit change, they tunneled all the way through to the basem*nt of the establishment. “Looks like a scary dungeon to me. I wonder what kind of work these guys do.” Happy put his paws on his hips as he looked around.

The dusty basem*nt had a prison, along with many torture devices and cuffs on the walls, and laying around. It gave Alice a chill down her spine. It’s been a long while since she had been imprisoned and she didn’t want to do that again.

“Probably nothing more than a lot of farting around.” Natsu discredited.

“Let’s see if we can find anything on Gray before anyone finds us.” Lucy nodded, already going to investigate.

Natsu sniffed the air for a moment before shouting at the top of his lungs. “GRAY! COME OUT, COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE!!”
Lucy leaped over and clamped her hands over his mouth. “The whole idea was to go in undetected, not announce to everyone that we broke in!” She cried at him.

“I believe this calls for punishment, m’lady. Shall I suggest you use this on me?” Virgo ran over to a wooden horse torture instrument. “Not now!” Lucy scolded her spirit.

“Oh, yeah, he’s definitely here.” Natsu said, taking a moment to smell Gray. “I know his scent and this place reeks of him.”
“Well we can always trust your nose.” Lucy nodded.

Heyy~ Wanna tell me why you guys are in our hideout?” A small child-like voice came from the big archway. And on the top of the window over it, sat a small humanoid figure that had the same proportions as a small child. Its head was much larger though and it had some yellow and black striped head wrap on. Its surrounding surface was painted black, while the face was white and its eyes had eye diamonds painted over them. It wore a blue sweater, black pants and mustard yellow pointed shoes. And in its small child-like hands, it played with a white curse doll. “I hope you came to play, ‘cause that’s my favorite thing to do!”

“Is that what we’re up against?” Lucy gasped. “Mr. Cursey!” Happy screeched. “Oh, no! It’s all coming back to me now!” Lucy could almost faint.
“I thought you kept the doll?” Alice accused Happy. “I must’ve lost it while we were sleeping on the island!” Happy feigned innocence.

“So you’ve already had a chance to play with Mr. Cursey, huh?” The small kid jumped down to the floor. “He’s one of the best presents I’ve ever got! From one of the heavyweights of Grimoire Heart! This little guy’s power is so awesome it’s scary!”

“Princess, be careful. He may be small, but he is a powerful wizard!” Virgo was able to detect the kid’s magic power. But then Natsu walked over and fire-punched the kid and they collapsed to the floor.

“Sorry, squirt. Bring me Gray, or get out of my face.”

Then came a large bald man in blue traditional robes and sandals. He had long bushy black eyebrows and a matching long beard. He held a hand-woven wicker basket. “Abel!” He gasped, coming down to the dungeon and then dropped his basket.

He had the word “Tea” tattooed on his forehead in traditional script.

“You interlopers have gotten my blood boiling with rage!” He had a raspy old man voice. He raised his hands up, and in his dominant hand he had black prayer beads. “You won’t leave here because in this room I keep my instruments of cruel- tea! ” He threw his beads to the side and using magic, he levitated various torture instruments up into the air. “Prepare to face brew -tal torture to the likes of which you’ve never seen!”

The devices flew towards Natsu, since apparently he took out Abel, he was this new guy’s main threat. As the torture items flew around, the big guy kept chanting “tea!”
Virgo stood at the side in absolute awe of all the torture equipment. “Don’t get any crazy ideas!” Lucy scolded.

Natsu easily dodged everything that flew towards him.

“Triangle Dragon Device!” The guy screamed as the wooden horse-- Dragon rolled over to Natsu. He was able to push it away with just his foot.

“Calling this thing a dragon is an insult!”
“I thought it resembled more of a reindeer!” Alice decided to comment because this guy didn’t seem to be a threat at all and Natsu could handle him.

“Really, then how about this Iron Maiden Attack!” The giant iron maiden swooped over Natsu and shut close.
“Natsu!” Alice and Lucy screamed at the same time.

Alice was more in shock, she would never think that something as simple as a metal torture device could stop Natsu.

And as such, the iron maiden melted down and Natsu jumped out and landed a fire-dragon punch to the big guy and knocked him out. “And that’s two!”

THEN some big figure in some black robotic-esque costume jumped out. But before the guy could do anything Natsu turned around and fire kicked him. “And that’s three!”

“You have been training!” Alice beamed. “He’s so powerful!” Virgo gasped.

“No, it’s impossible. I’m having a hard time swallowing this. We’re supposed to be the top-tier wizards of Avatar!” The Tea Guy was able to force out in his ragged state.

“You were obviously way over your head, Gomon.” Gray’s voice come from the top of the stairs.

He wore a dark blue jacket that was open to reveal his chest, and black pants and boots. His hair had been slicked up. His Fairy Tail mark was gone. And just like both Juvia and Natsu said, half of Gray’s body was marked with black. Like someone had thrown paint at him from his left and it had stained his skin.

“Gray!” Alice couldn’t help but gasp. She felt emotional seeing him again. Afterall, they did have a lot of history. And even though their past “relationship” had put a wide wedge between them, she still considered him a dear friend. They left things so awkward after the battle, barely saying much when Alice went to check on Juvia and then the guild disbanded. This would be the first time Alice would see him since then.

Nearly an entire year. But damn, this "dark-guild" get up was kinda attractive.

“Leave him to me.” Gray said, while glaring coldly at Natsu.

Natsu smirked, excited at the challenge. “Hey, long time no see, man!” Gray’s expression changed none. Then suddenly they were both lunging at each other and punched each other in the face.
They took turns taking shots at each other. Natsu was smiling the entire time.

Alice thought this was a normal interaction between the two and saw no reason to step in. This was between them.

She also had never fought against Gray. Which was saying something. But she didn’t know if she could do it. Sure, she had plenty of pent up anger but..

“Stop it! Stop wasting time fighting!” Lucy cried.

“You made a stupid mistake coming here.” Gray said, then attacked Natsu with ice magic. Natsu deflected with his fire magic, obviously. “That’s funny. Cause I was about to say the exact same thing to you!”
“I can do whatever the hell I want!”

“You’re wrong! Juvia’s waiting for you! As a matter of fact, we all are! We’re gonna get Fairy Tail back together! And we can’t do it without you!” Natsu declared during their fight. Gray’s face never changed, then he landed a solid hit on Natsu. “You’re such an idiot. Don’t you realize Fairy Tail is gone?” Gray put up a thick ice wall.

Natsu’s heat had it immediately turning to steam. “No, it’s not! All the memories we share! The friendships we made! They haven’t gone anywhere! Fairy Tail is still here. It lives on in our hearts. Always has, always will!” Natsu declared again.

“Sure, if that works for you. But it seems that should be enough, so leave me out of it. Let me follow my own path from now on.” Gray said coldly. “Gray...” Happy whimpered. Even Alice’s heart seemed to ache.

“Fairy Tail is in my past, and that’s where it’s gonna stay. We used to be friends, but everything has changed. I can’t pretend that it hasn’t.”
Lucy’s bottom lip trembled as she stonely walked over to Gray and slapped him.

“Well, damn.” Alice said, shocked.

“No one is pretending. We’re your friends, Gray! And we always will be! Whatever you’re going though, we’re here to help. Hearing you say that, it’s breaking my heart and--” Lucy seized up. “I don’t... feel so good..”

“What’s happening?!” Natsu demanded. Even Gray looked startled, so it wasn’t him.

Lucy doubled over, hugging her stomach. “My stomach is hurting really badly, I can’t-....” She grimaced, and then fell to her knees.

A young teen girl walked into the room. She had straight pink, shoulder length hair. She wore black cat ears on her head. She wore a short black dress with white detailing on it and black, thick tights. She smiled sweetly.

Then Gray straightened up and put a hand on his hip. “It must be you, Mary.”

“Oh, am I interrupting something, Gray?” She had a sweet, light voice. “Looks like your catching up with some old friends. Probably from that guild that went belly up, aren’t they?”

“What the hell are you doing to Lucy?!” Natsu went to charge at Mary when Gomon got up and was able to use his magic to wrap chains around Virgo and Natsu.

“These must be made out of sealstone!” Virgo gasped.

Sealstone, a type of magical element that blocks magic power. That’s why neither Natsu or Virgo could break free, or why Virgo couldn’t escape to her world.
“Natsu!” Happy and Alice both cried. Happy flopped over. Abel had somehow managed to get one of his hairs.

Now it was only Alice. She didn’t know who to go after first. Abel would be easy to take care of since he only had Happy’s hair, and his only magic seemed to be the doll. Gomon, also would be easy since his hands were holding the chains imprisoning Natsu and Virgo. And then Alice could get Natsu free.

Then there was Mary, who didn’t seem like she could be that big of a threat since she was focusing only on Lucy.

But the biggest issue was Gray. Once again, Alice had to think of if she could bring herself to fight him. She didn’t have a physical rivalry with him like Natsu did.

“Use your demon powers, Alice!” Happy shouted. “I can’t...! I won’t!” Alice flat out denied. That would only allow it to get stronger and maybe this time it would be stronger than Alice. And what if she couldn’t control it?

But she hesitated for too long.

Some tall, young blond male dressed in a white soldier’s armor brandished a purple katana blade to Lucy’s throat. “Don’t make a move.” He warned Alice.

Lucy kept cowering in pain on the ground. Natsu couldn’t break free of his chains. Happy was currently being bashed against the floor repeatedly by Abel.

“This is what happens when you don’t mind your business, Natsu.” Gray said, as if he was mocking him. “This isn’t you! It’s obvious there’s some demon taking over you!” Natsu argued.

“No there isn’t. There’s no demonic energy coming from him.” Alice noted something she had picked up when he walked into the dungeon.

“She’s right, you know. I’m the only one controlling me.” He took off his jacket, revealing his chest fully. “See, my guild mark’s gone. I made the choice to get rid of it.” On the other side was the silver Avatar emblem.

Alice gritted her teeth. She raised her hand towards Gray. “What are you gonna do, princess?” Gray challenged.

“I said, don’t move!” The blond guy warned again. “Alice, don’t!” Natsu said. Alice lowered her hands in surrender.

“That’s what I thought.” Gray said, putting ice chains around Alice’s wrists.


literally five chapters until it's caught up to what I currently have, wtf.

Chapter 113

Chapter Text

“Ah!” Alice screeched as the green light hit her and sucked away her regenerated magic energy. It was a painful process. She couldn’t even sit up. She laid there, saliva running out of her mouth and she cried in pain. Her eyes clamped shut. They burned but she didn’t have enough water to cry. Her nails cracked and split more as she scratched at the stone cold floor. Her shackles clinked as she tensed up into a ball. “Make it stop!” She pleaded. Her plea echoed around her.

“Someone! Please!” She didn’t know if there was a person alive who knew her torture and didn’t laugh at her pain. Was there someone out there who would make it stop? Could such a person exist?

“I don’t want this...” Her voice was soft as she felt her mind slip. And then she was unconscious once more.

Alice stared off, unseeingly at the ground. Her hands up to her mouth, her teeth grazing viciously at her nails. It had been so long since then. Nearly three years ago and yet she could still feel how cold her body was. The skin on her wrists burned with a phantom pain.

She could only imagine that the pain Lucy had just went through was only on the edge of the pain Alice felt getting her magic forcefully drained from her.

She couldn’t remember how long she was locked up. Each day melded into each other. Her heart beat painfully fast, her breath was shallow. She felt her eyes prickle continuously.

She remembered being so angry with Natsu and leaving on a solo quest then waking up in a cold, empty stone chamber. Her chains were only a couple feet long. The insides were coarse and every time they moved against her skin, it scraped and scraped until it broke skin. Eventually her infected wounds started to mold to the cuffs and whenever she moved, it would rip her open.

The pain of hunger. Her stomach acid having nothing to dissolve, starting to burn her esophagus, making her increasingly nauseous. The red-hot headaches that left her dizzy.

The sharp, electric shock of the magic several times a day felt like it was using a pulse that was ripping her magic container from her abdomen. Each edge slowly snapping away from the sensitive muscle walls.
It had been so long since she thought of this pain. She had done so well to block it. She thought she had forgotten it.

But something about being imprisoned without magic in a stone dungeon for the first time since then brought it all back up.

Happy had just woken up from a nap. Lucy was sitting there, no longer in pain, but still feeling weak. Virgo had eventually disappeared. Natsu was sitting there, pouting about Gray being such a jerk.

Alice felt drained of stamina. She was tired and her head pounded behind her eyes.

“You know, as crazy as it sounds, I think he is being controlled by something, or being manipulated.” Lucy scowled. “Bet you’re right. The Gray we know would never do something like this.” Happy agreed.
“No, that's Gray. Maybe he has some ulterior motive, but it’s all of his own freewill.” Alice said in a dead tone.

Without her magic, her transformation magic disappeared. And she sounded as she looked. Like a corpse.

Gomon walked down to the dungeon and bowed to nothing in front of him.
Natsu stood up and bashed his body against the cell wall. “Where’s Gray?” He demanded.

“Gray and the other mighty ones had to leaf to begin the mission we’ve been brewing up.” Gomon said.

“And what’s that?” Natsu asked.
“Our purification plan for the unclean masses. Our exalted leader has asked that I stay behind to snuff out who sent you here. Under strain of brew- tal torture.”

“What’s this purification plan?” Happy asked. “The purification of souls. Only one thing will beckon the return of our dark lord Zeref. The death of countless innocents.” Gomon replied.

“There’s no way Gray would be involved with something like that!” Lucy argued.

“It won’t work. Lord Zeref is too busy to answer your call. Slaughter thousands, millions. He won’t show.” Alice’s voice croaked as she continued to stare off.

“Alice...” Lucy gasped. “Are you feeling okay?” Happy asked.

“That’s not true! You don’t know Dark Lord Zeref like we do! Look, I’m even cosplaying as him! I’m such a big fan, I’ve been worshiping him for years! I even got a tattoo for him! It’s in some foreign language, but I was told it says “Zeref Rules!””

“It actually says “powdered tea”.” Lucy told him the truth. “You bergamot be telling the truth!” Gomon pointed at Lucy, and her sealstone cuffs glowed gold and they pulled her up into the air.

“Let her go, round boy!” Natsu shouted. “Shut up, you should realize I have all the power here. And it’s time I got started.”

Happy’s cuffs made him fly up to the wall and pinned him there. Then Natsu. But for some reason Gomon ignored Alice completely. She stayed sitting in the corner, completely void of any attention to what was going on.

Or maybe it was because she was emitting a dark magic that subconsciously made Gomon avoid her.

Gomon moved over to the table with a cloth over it and revealed all the torture tools on it. “Let’s see, what shall I start with? Whips, candles, foot-licking?”

“It all sounds perverted.” Lucy grumbled. “I’d go with foot-licking, it doesn’t sound bad at all.” Natsu said.

“It seems as though you don’t understand the severity of that type of torture.” Gomon picked up the bottle of salt water.

“Wait, what does salt water have to do with it?” Lucy asked. “I’ll tell you. First, I slather your feet in salt water, then I bring in a goat. The goat licks your feet to get to the salt. The thirsty goat’s tongue gets scratchier and scratchier as it licks, eventually peeling off your skin and flesh beneath it. The beast, never satisfied, will keep on licking for all eterni tea .”

“You mean that goat has to lick her nasty feet forever?!” Happy was more worried for the goat.

Gomon got Lucy set up and gagged, then brought in the goat.

“You better get to chatting kid, or she’s gonna be walking on stumps.” Gomon threatened Natsu.

“You bastard! I told you everything already! So listen! The only reason we came to this creepy dump was to get our friend Gray!” Natsu shouted.
“I can’t believe such falsi teas! Gray is one of our most prestigious members!” Gomon refused to believe him.

Lucy screamed, but her noises were muffed with her gag.

“He is our friend! No matter what he says! We’ll never stop believing in him!” Natsu declared again.

Gomon used his magic to string Lucy up by her feet as well and she hung up in the air horizontally and then he got out a large battle axe. “Apparently the only way I’ll get you to talk is by cutting her in half!”

Natsu fought with his chains, Happy cried, Lucy screamed and Alice still was unconsciously staring.

Then Gomon froze solid, covered in ice.

Gray’s doing. He froze their sealstone cuffs until they shattered. “So typical!” He grunted as he went to fluff his hair back down to its normal style. “How can you guys always ruin everything?”

Then he pulled out a MCL and put it to his ear. “Listen up, it’s a code blue. I just hit a snag here. -- No, no, not that kind. Mhm. Hell if I know, you should probably ask him yourself. Yeah, he’s right here.” As he spoke, the black stuff on him disappeared and revealed his Fairy Tail mark.

Alice didn’t move. She was terrified of the darkness that consumed her. She couldn’t remember anything after being locked up until now. How long had it been? Hours? Days?

And it was only when she heard Gray’s voice, did she start to wake up.

Gray tossed the MCL to Natsu. “Put it to your ear, man.”

“What’s it supposed to do?” Natsu asked just as Erza’s voice came from the device.

“What’re you trying to say, Erza?” Natsu asked.

“I’m a spy. Give me some credit, man. You really think I’d join some creepy Zeref cult?” Gray responded instead. “Now, we gotta get moving now. Everything will be explained on the way.”

“We’ll call you back after we get moving, Erza.” Gray took the MCL back, then hung up.

Lucy and Happy both had a million questions, collectively.

“You okay, sweetheart?” Natsu walked over to Alice, holding a hand out to her. Alice thought on the question and decided not to answer as truthfully as she should’ve. “Just got reminded of some bad memories. I’m okay.”

“I’m real sorry about that, Alice. I’m only now remembering your time locked up in Edolas. It’s been so long, I didn’t realize it’d still be messing you up bad.” Gray apologized light-heartedly.

“You got really scary again!” Happy jumped up.

“I’m sorry about that. I didn’t hurt anyone, did I?” Alice felt an ache in her chest. She prepared for the worst. “No, but you did say something really creepy. Don’t you remember?” Lucy asked. Alice took Natsu’s hand and stood up. “-- Of course... I mean... I was just really up in my head so I guess I wasn’t really paying attention.” Alice lied.

Natsu knew that but he didn’t push it any.

“When Gomon told us their purification plan, you said it wouldn’t get Zeref’s attention and he wouldn’t come. You said it like you knew the guy.” Gray said.

“Yeah, you said Lord Zeref is too busy. Like you know.” Lucy added.

Alice didn’t know why she’d say that. She didn’t know Zeref. She had never officially met him, only seeing him that one time on Tenrou for a brief moment years ago. Sure, she had known plenty about him but she never met him, she didn’t worship him, or anything.

Now it made her wonder if her dark magic was connected to him. After all, she got cursed with it at the cult that worshiped him.

“Well, I don’t know anything about that. So I’m not sure why I’d say that. But I mean, I don’t think Zeref will turn up for a random up and coming dark guild.” Alice shrugged after thinking about it for a minute.
“If they kill enough people, I’m sure he will.” Gray’s voice lowered again. “Just to kill them himself. He’s done it before. They’re not anything special to him.” Alice replied.

“There you go again, acting like you would know personally.” Lucy said. Alice glowered, “I happen to have first hand experience with Zeref cults!-- Now that I’m thinking about it, it might’ve been Zeref that killed them all. I was so young I guess I didn’t remember his face but seeing him on Tenrou, I knew he looked familiar!” Alice had an epiphany.

The dark shadow over the man’s face in her dreams finally was filled in. Or maybe she was just using him as a placeholder because he was the closest guess to who it was.

He had such an innocent face. It was soft and filled with compassion. It didn’t match the Zeref that Alice had read of for so many years. The dark wizard that killed master Mavis, the one that created all those foul demons that killed millions over many centuries.

“It’d make sense then if it was, since you’re a demon and all now.” Happy said so innocently. “No, she’s not. He’s created demons, powerful ones we have all gone up against, Alice isn’t like them!” Natsu argued, raising his voice just enough to make it echo in the dark dungeon.

“Okay, whatever then. We need to get going.” Gray pushed past Natsu, taking the way up the stairs.

“Jellal asked me to do a favor for Crime Sorcière. I was to investigate Avatar, discover their connection to Zeref. The trail grew cold but I just happened to reconnect with Gray. It ended up being a lucky break.” Erza’s voice spoke on the loudspeaker of Gray’s Portable Communication Lacrima, the bigger, newer version of Alice’s MCL.

Gray stole the wild feline mounts that belonged to Avatar and he, Natsu, and Lucy got their own-- Alice hitched a ride with Natsu because of course she did.

It was comforting to hear the scarlet-haired woman’s voice again after so long. It, along with the rhythmic motion of the ride lulled Alice into a sense of ease. She felt a bit sentimental hearing Erza’s voice again. She didn’t realize she’d miss it, even over the speaker of a PCL. But hearing her talk made her hope that she’d get to see her again.

“After our last fight, this pattern broke out all over me, so I went to Porlyusica to see if she could help me. As you saw, I can now make it appear and disappear whenever I want.” Gray added to Erza’s recantation.

“Simple transformation magic,” Alice shook her head. “So after we had discussed our current situations, it was obvious we needed to come up with a plan to work together.”

“It was fate. Of course I’d do anything for Erza. Not only that, I wanted to get my hands on the Book of E.N.D. My dad’s last wish was to destroy it.” Gray said. “Yeah, okay, but why didn’t you tell Juvia any of this? She’s literally worried sick about you!” Natsu accused Gray.

“I know. It’s because I asked him to keep it a secret. A covert operation like this needs to be kept confidential. The more people that are aware of it, the more likely it is to fail. Also, mere knowledge of the plan could put a person in danger.” Erza explained.

“Oh, so you kept it a secret to protect her, huh?” Happy gave Gray the benefit of the doubt. “Still a crappy thing to do. I’ve never kept a secret from Alice.” Natsu still didn’t agree.

“I feel terrible about what Juvia’s been through. And unfortunately for all of us, the mission has lasted much longer than I’d first anticipated. The situation has changed dramatically. It started out as a routine investigation, but then, we learned of their diabolical “Purification Plan”.”

“Avatar’s gonna try to wipe out an entire city because they think it’ll summon Zeref. They actually believe the site of concentrated death like that will attract him. We have to stop them from doing it.” Erza and Gray continued on.

“Why didn’t you guys just wipe them out to begin with? Something like that is nothing to you and Erza.” Natsu argued.

“You’d think. But you’d be wrong. After a little digging, we found out Avatar is a way bigger organization than we’d thought. I was able to infiltrate to some degree, but only inside a single branch. Each one is kept separate and has limited contact with the main headquarters.” Gray countered with logical evidence.

“That explains why news of them is all over Fiore but yet information is limited regardless of them being all over the country.” Alice pieced together.

“And it left no room for error. But we still couldn’t let their plan come to fruition. Our only hope of stopping it was to wait until today.”

“That’s right. Today’s the day all the branches will be gathered in one place. Before they kill anyone, we’ll destroy them.”

Then Gray slowed to match speed with Lucy. “And I’m sorry for all that stuff I said. I knew they were watching and I couldn’t blow my cover.”

Lucy blushed. “That’s okay, I guess I went a little overboard slapping you.” Lucy accepted his apology.

“It wasn’t so bad with the maid outfit with it.” Gray smiled coyly. “I’m not sure I needed to know that part.” Lucy looked away.

Alice’s hands twitched.

“You okay, princess?” Natsu checked up on her again. She swallowed the jealousy back down. It was coincidental that Natsu called her that right then. Because it humbled her, making her realize how self-absorbed she was. Where she didn’t want to share anyone’s attention with anyone, especially Lucy.

And especially Gray. Maybe it was because she hadn’t seen him for so long and they hadn’t really had a decent conversation for even longer that she was taken back to see him and not acknowledge her much. Maybe he had really gotten over his feelings for her.

But she didn’t like it. She liked the validation and as much as she needed it right now, it made her throat burn. She really yearned for the good old days. And that included Gray.

“I’m fine.” She said after clearing her throat. “I’m just tired.”
“Tell me something. And I want you to be honest with me.” Natsu asked after a moment of thinking about it. “Do you think whatever’s happening with you has to do with Zeref?”

“I don’t know. I’m not even sure if he’s who was there but he fits the description. But it doesn’t make any sense, he can make powerful demons with immense power but they don’t have defects, they don’t have a mortal body, they don’t have humanity. They just are, there was no progressing into what they are. They just were. That’s not what’s happening to me.” Alice leaned her head against one of his shoulder blades as she held onto him tighter. “I don’t know what is happening. But I guess he’s my only lead at this point.”

Chapter 114

Chapter Text

“That’s a lot of hooded freaks.” Lucy said, looking at the far away sea of black and white hooded figures as they started to get closer. “We can take ‘em! I’m all fired up now!” Natsu stood ready. “So, have you gotten stronger this past year, too?” He smirked towards Gray.

“Just watch and see, ol’ buddy. You’ll see it’s pretty obvious.” Gray smiled pompously.

“Oh, yeah well watch this guys! Open gate of the bull! Taurus! Plus, star dress!” Lucy summoned her more stupid of spirits. And her outfit transformed to a straight skirt with a high split up her right thigh, and bikini top. Both items matched Taurus’ white and black hair. She also had brown cowboy-style boots, a brown belt around her hips, and a cowbell collar around her neck..

Her hair went up into two ball-shaped buns and she requipted a bullwhip into her right hand.

“I still don’t get the outfit change.” Alice shook her head. “I don’t either, but it’s super hot, so I’m not gonna complain.” Gray, once again, made Lucy blush furiously.

Alice bit the inside of her cheek then requipted into a new outfit herself. A cropped black mesh top over a black strapless bra, black high-waisted short-shorts that had straps that wrapped around her mid-thigh. She had black high heels, strap up boots and fishnet stockings on as well. Her hair went up into small double buns. Her hair was too short for all of it to gather up so half of it stayed down.

Either bun was adorned with black cherry petal hair pins. With it, she used transformation magic to even out her complexion and doll up a bit to get completely on Lucy's level.

“You just can’t be outshined!” Lucy snapped at her. “Miss. Lucy, you’re the only cow-babe that rings my bell!” Taurus mooed at her.

“I don’t have to outshine you with an outfit change. I do it with magic!” Alice did a flying jump spin and landed on one knee as her right hand flicked sideways like she had an invisible whip of her own. And the first line of avatar goons flew back, screaming with electricity coursing through all of their bodies.

It had to be at least 20 in that one attack taken out. “That’s what I’m talking about!” Natsu howled, excited. The next wave came and he conjured a wall of fire that then moved like a tsunami wave.

That was around 50 out in just seconds. “We’ve always made a good team, huh?” Alice smiled back at him.

“There’s someone attacking us from behind!”

“That has to be Erza!” Lucy gasped, excitedly. “Aw, yeah! It’s been a while since we’ve had quite a party!” Natsu beamed. “We’re gonna have to do it up right!” Gray added.

And within several minutes it was over.

Erza took the back wave, while Natsu, Alice, Gray and Lucy divided up the rest.

Gray and Natsu both used their magic to the best of their abilities to show off to each other.

Lucy actually managed her own quite well and Alice had nothing to complain about. She could handle herself on her own relatively well. Sure she wasn’t up there with Natsu or Erza, but the fact she was no longer useless and the damsel in distress, well that was quite the accomplishment.

Mary came to take out Lucy but at the same time Wendy, Carla and Juvia arrived. Wendy was able to block Mary’s virus magic so Lucy was able to just punch her in the stomach and she was down.

Briar, a member of Avatar that didn’t show themselves in the dungeon had come to take revenge on Gray. She had deep tanned skin and silvery long hair. She wore white lipstick which was very unflattering but she was very voluptuous so it wasn’t too overpowering.

She had a magic called “Split.” It split herself into four clones, which each represented a different emotion.

Anger, joy, sorrow, and love. “You know, while you were with us I started to fall a teensy bit in love with you! And it makes me so mad!” Angry Briar screamed.

That’s when Juvia appeared. “I knew I was sensing another woman trying to steal my man!” She used a water slice attack that threw Briar off guard and Gray used that to freeze all of her clones into ice blocks.

“I missed you so much, my love!” Juvia embraced Gray. Alice had to stop fighting to watch Gray not push her away.
“How’d you know where I was?” He asked. “Wendy sniffed you out with her Dragon Slayer senses! I had to come find you, because I knew you’d be in trouble and I was right!” Juvia explained, very well better than ever to see him again.

Gray finally pulled away from her, but his hands stayed soft on her shoulders. “I’m sorry I left but right now-” “I understand, we have bad guys to defeat!” Juvia understood. They mirrored each other, throwing off their jackets and using a combined attack together.

Alice smiled fondly. It was like watching your child grow up and make a family of their own. She felt proud to see Gray accepting Juvia. And she was the only woman Alice could approve of. Her unconditional love for him made Alice confident that she’d always love him to the best of her abilities.

And apparently Wendy could channel Dragon Force at will which was a part of how they won so quickly.

Well over 2,000 were defeated and Natsu was the first to go after the leader of Avatar. His most defining feature was his steel mask that was intricately molded into some demon looking face. He had long silver-lavender hair and the rest of him was cloaked into the same white and black robe as everyone else. He had a staff entirely composed of metal, and exceeds the priest’s height even when the latter is wearing his miter. The tool’s top end bears a large, eye-like ornament, sporting three spike-like protrusions on both its upper and lower edges (the ones located on top, in particular, are notably long, making the staff resemble a trident to a degree), linked to the shaft by a semicircular section shaped like a bat’s wing. Sitting right under this ornament are two symmetrical, angular protrusions, each attached to the staff in two places and ending in a small, hanging ring, in a similar fashion to a khakkhara.

“They’ve come to finish us off!” One of the small-time soldiers shook and fell over. While the last few stood in terror of Natsu’s power.

“You’ve never stood a chance against Fairy Tail!” Natsu declared.

“This is all within the realm of expectations. And when Ikusatsunagi begins to tremble the ground beneath us, the purification will begin.” Arlok divulged.
“Oh yeah? How about I make you tremble instead?” Natsu didn’t care in the slightest.

“Your eminence, we may need to postpone the purification plan, they’re about to take out every single branch!”

“He’s right, so you should stop now!” Natsu said.

Arlok laughed. “The optimistic ignorance of youth! I myself remember those days. But that optimism dies with age. Worn down by one’s journey through the sorrows of life. That voyage always ends in suffering.” Warlock raised his staff towards Natsu and the tip of it started to glow. Purple magic beams shot from it and Natsu deflected them with ease.

“Impressive, what about this?” Arlok pointed the staff to the ground and several meters away ice, semi-transparent blocks grew from the ground and created a wall. Natsu ran straight in the middle and slammed into it. “Why can’t I break through it?!”

Arlok again fired magic beams at Natsu and they went through the barrier towards Natsu. “Of course your attacks go through! That’s cheating!” He dodged them and then charged at the barrier again, still unable to break through but he persevered and kept pushing against it until the middle block shattered.

“What? How is that possible?! There’s not a wizard alive that could get through Master Arlok’s magic barriers!” One of the wizard soldiers gasped and Natsu’s brute strength.

In a panic Arlock erected several in a row, like dominos. “Sorry pal, but these aren’t gonna stop me!” Natsu sprinted forward and burst through each one with ease now that he realized how much power it took to break through them.

“Fire Dragon Iron Fist!” And with one fiery punch, Natsu took out Arlok. The power behind the attack impacted the surrounding Avatar members and they flew away.

Lucy, Gray, Juvia, Wendy, Carla, and Erza all stopped to stare up at the crater Natsu created with his power, all in awe at how much stronger he got.

“It gets harder and harder to stay mad at him for leaving when he proves that he really did go and get stronger.” Alice said, adjusting her top as it tried to ride up her chest.

Arlok started to laugh weakly. “What?” Natsu growled at him.
The old man started to get up, his whole body visually shaking. “I burned away the flesh from my face for this day. It was worth every last morsel of pain. If it was possible, I’d do it all again.”

“What’s with all the crazy talk?” Natsu thought out loud, watching this senile old man.

Arlok stood up straight on his knees and raised his arms in a praying stance. “O terrifying god of battle, remember our covenant. I made the requisite sacrifice, now unleash your fury! Ikusatsunagi, I summon thee!” Arlok chanted. And from his body came a beam of light that shot up into the sky.

“That doesn’t sound good.” Alice said, still-- Watching in caution. Then from the distance, barrelling in, came thick dark-purple clouds that shrouded the Earth in darkness. And as the entire sky was engulfed in these clouds, the middle of the sky, the clouds started to swirl in a spiral. And from it came immense dark magic energy.

All the Avatar members started to cheer in victory.

Then the very ground beneath them started to crumble in a diamond shape. The cries of victory stopped when the realized they were caught in the crossfire along with all the innocents they wanted to sacrifice.

And from the sky came a monstrous foot. It was twice as large as the Magic Games arena in length. It was sheen and black and had red talons. It landed near them, crushing the many unconscious avatar members-- Definitely killing them.

Alice was frozen in fear of this immeasurable beast. What creature of this magnitude was this?! One of Zeref’s demons? Something from another world entirely?
Her brain raced so fast it stop processing any of the thoughts. Her knees locked and she felt her blood run cold.

The second foot came down and revealed the monster. A humanoid monster taller than the atmosphere even, his upper half clouded by-- well, clouds.

Natsu grabbed Arlok, shaking him all about demanding him to call the monster off but Arlok laughed maniacally. “This is all part of the purification plan! The sacrifices are every last member of the devoted Avatar guild! The townspeople are just an added bonus! They’ve given their life for their precious master. They will give their lives and very souls! The gift will entice our dark lord and he will guide us into a grand new age!”

Natsu burned with rage.

“The god of war Ikusatsunagi will not be stopped until he takes every life that dares remain here!”

“The god of war Ikusatsunagi? He’s not supposed to be real!” Alice quacked.

“What? What is that thing?” “Where did it come from?”

“It’s one of the 18 battle gods of Yakuma!”

The clouds departed enough to see his red glowing eyes. He pulled out a large black sword nearly bigger than the city next to him. He raised his sword and swung it down, breaking the sound barrier with an ear splitting clap. The ground underneath it collapsed and it kept going for miles. The members of Avatar began to flee realizing that this wasn’t supposed to be the plan. Arlok had lied to them.

It was then Alice lost sight of Natsu. “Where’s Natsu?! Did anyone see where he went?!” Alice scanned over her field of vision over and over again.

“Hang on, what’s that? Do you see what I see?” Happy gasped. “Yeah, someone’s running up the sword! Wait is that?!” Lucy went breathless.

“Yep. There he is.” Gray smiled fondly.

Alice exhaled shakily.

Erza nodded and smiled softly as well. Maybe it was the delusions of their near death but they had faith in Natsu. If anyone would be crazy enough to take on a God, and it actually work-- It’d be Natsu Dragneel.

And up he ran up the sword-- The arm and Ikusatsunagi tried to swat at Natsu like a pesky fly. Natsu dodged and leapt up to the top of its head and gave it one hell of a Fire Dragon Iron Fist right to the forehead.

Alice anxiously chewed off her fingernails.

“Fire Dragon King Destruction Fist!”

The fire was white hot, the heat felt immensely from nearly a half mile away. It itself created a sonic boom. Ikusatsunagi shattered into stone and his body fell to the ground in millions of pieces. Only the first foot remained, ankle up.

Happy and Lucy started to laugh, cheering.

Alice landed flat on her butt, dizzy. “He defeated a god.... Natsu defeated a god. Natsu killed a god. ” She started to babble to herself. She couldn’t fathom his power. She had severely underestimated him. He could rival a dragon if he could defeat a god.

He was a god!

The sky immediately cleared up and the sun came back out, illuminating everything it touched in a warm light.

The remaining Avatar members that were still there fled from Natsu.

“You fools! We’ll just have to do the purification plan ourselves!” Abel shouted at his guild members than ran past him.

Suddenly an iron club slammed into him and hit the ground with a loud grunt.

“Abel!” D-6 shouted.

“Gajeel!” Alice gasped. Gajeel, in his Magical Custody Enforcement uniform. But still looking as rough and ragged as he always did with his wild hair and rebellious piercings. He had a crew of soldiers behind him. Gajeel held Mr. Cursey the doll in his other hand. “You know this is forbidden magic. So I’m gonna confiscate it.”

“How dare you!” D-6 growled at him. Pantherlily, in his big form, sliced at him with his sword. He, too, wore the uniform and looked Alice had remembered. “You left yourself completely open.”

“Arrest all these scumbags, don’t leave anyone open!” Gajeel smiled as he directed his men.

Among his sea of men that charged forward, there was Levy in a similar garb but it was a dress and the only change was that her hair was quite a few inches longer and her checkered yellow ribbon around her hair was now solid yellow.

“Levy!” Lucy called out to her. Levy gasped and blushed. “Hey, Lu. It’s been a while..”

Lucy held no hesitation running over to her. “So the rumors are true, you do work for the magic council now! I’ve missed you so much!”

They held hands smiling.

Alice shoved her hands into her shorts pockets as she bit the inside of her cheek. No one was excited to see her again. Natsu came over, slinging his arm around Alice’s shoulders as he waved over to Gajeel, Pantherlily and Levy. “Good to see you guys!”

“Hey guys! Looking cute as always!” Levy waved back smiling. “It’s been awhile.” Pantherlily waved towards them.

Gajeel smirked. “Good to see you, Salamander. Great to see you again, popstar.”

“Hey, you look a lot like my good friend, Gajeel!” Natsu said, already getting under his skin. “Are you trying to get under my skin already?” Gajeel stomped over. “Nah, man. I just thought you were too rebellious to work for the council.” Natsu waved him off.

“Money doesn’t grow on trees, you know. I mean, that old tree did offer me the job though.” Gajeel replied.
“You mean ol’ Warrod hooked you up?” Happy asked.

“But it also means any ol’ guild wizard has to do what I say. So I’m gonna be puttin’ you under arrest, Salamander, for making that stupid, ugly face!” Gajeel said, so full of himself. Then he pointed to Alice. “And you’re going down for being his accomplice!” “What?!”

Then to Lucy. “And you’re going to jail for public indecency!” “Hey!”

Then Juvia, “And you.. Uh... You’re too clammy!” “...I am?”

“And Happy you’re eating too much fish!” “Yumminess isn’t a crime, you know!”

“And Wendy Marvell, you’re under arrest because... Because reasons!” “What? But I didn’t even do anything!” Wendy started to tear up.

Gajeel crossed his arms and glanced over to Gray, with a whole different expression. “So that just leaves you. I shouldn’t have to explain what you did, Gray.” But then he smiled.

Erza came up from behind Gajeel and smacked him upside the head.

“Oh, no! She’s angry!” Natsu and Happy yelped and hid behind Alice. “I’m so scared, Natsu!”

“Don’t hide behind me!”

Erza put her hands on her hips. “Look, just because you look like Gajeel, doesn’t mean you get to act like him.”
“What do you mean look like him ? I am Gajeel!” He screamed at Erza, who didn’t believe him for a second. “No way. The Gajeel I know would never work for the council.”

“This man is in fact the real Gajeel,” Pantherlily vouched for him.

“You’re serious?!” Erza and Natsu deadpanned.

“Wait, you weren’t joking?” Levy laughed.
“Well, I’m glad that’s cleared up.” Erza had nothing else to say about it. “But as you can see their purification plan has been halted. But I can’t take the credit for it.”

“I know who to thank. It was all there at their hideout.” Gajeel nodded. “Yes, without Gray’s heads up, we would’ve never found out the location.” Pantherlily added.
“And the city’s safe. Not thanks to us at all. Although, for a moment there, you had us fooled.” Levy scratched the back of her head. “Yeah, next time you should work on your disguise.” Gray looked pointedly at her.

“You knew it was me?!”

“I’m so lost!” Wendy cried. “Yeah, and when did Erza get here?” Carla asked. “We’ll explain later.”

“Look at you, pipsqueak. It looks like you finally grew some!” Gray greeted Wendy. “No, sadly I’m still the same.” She said, dimly.

“It almost feels like we’re at the old guild again!” Happy cheered. “I have to admit I feel the same.” Carla smiled at him.

And suddenly Frosch was there and Gray was the first to notice him. Natsu started to scream. “That jerk broke his promise to me!”
Alice wondered if they mitigated Future!Rogue’s future. Although, she could never believe that Gray would kill Frosch, even in his Avatar disguise. He’d have to break character at some point like he did with Natsu and them.

Gray seized Frosch and Natsu took a worried half-step towards him. But Gray started to snuggle Frosch instead of murder him. “Get over here! You’re so widdle it’s adorable!”
“Frosch thinks so, too!” Frosch squeaked.

Alice stood at Natsu’s side and grabbed his hand. “I think the threat is over with.”

“Hey guys!” “Frosch, I’m coming!” “What’s up everyone?” Sting, Rogue, and Lector came running over. Apparently they had gotten curious about all the fuss Natsu created.
“Give Frosch back right this minute!” Rogue demanded, on the edge of tears. “Hey, man here you go. No need to get upset about it.” Gray handed back the frog exceed.

“Frosch thinks so too!”

“Hey, Gajeel, you’re working for the council now? No way?” Sting started to laugh.

“I bet you’re not laughing at it all the way to jail!”

Natsu smiled. “Yeah, it is.”

Chapter 115


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Wow, it barely looks the same.” Alice hummed, looking around the town as they walked down the street. “It looks totally the same!” Natsu argued. “Well, I mean it looks like it’s supposed to. When I left so much of it was still in disrepair. I’m glad they came together to rebuild after we abandoned the town.” Alice said, staring at the crater at the edge of town.

“I guess they decided to leave it as is in memory of Fairy Tail.”

“Well it definitely brings me back. It feels like I never left.” Lucy said. “Does this bring back memories, or what?” Natsu stretched his arms, taking in the townspeople around him living their lives. “Or what.” Alice said in a low mumble. “Oh come on. Remember this bridge? When I totally kicked Gray’s butt?” Natsu pointed as they went past said bridge. “What? When you were 10?” Alice scoffed.

“Was it that long ago? No, I’ve totally kicked his butt since then!” Natsu raised his voice. Alice laughed. “I remember when I kicked yours there.” She gestured to the small spaghetti shop that was still running today. Of course they had both been banned from it.

“That wasn’t a fair fight, you caught me off guard!” “You ate their pet hogcat!” “I didn’t know it was a pet! It was taller than me, how was that thing a pet?” “Everything was taller than you back then!” “You weren’t.” “I will be when I put you 6 feet under!”

“It’s good to see everything back to normal.” Wendy smiled fondly.

“Hey, remember that place?” Natsu smirked, pointing towards an alley with an old Lacrima Communication Booth. Alice’s face heated up. “Of course I do. You melted the bottom of it! There was a whole newspaper article about it!” “We didn’t get caught doing it.” “But we got caught leaving it. Everyone knows what happened there!”

“I wouldn’t mind if you left for another solo trip again.”
“You’d totally miss me!”

“Would I?”

They were nearly there when Lucy just stopped. “Honestly, I’m kinda scared of getting closer.”

“Seriously? The only person who played victim about the whole thing and you’re cowering out?” Alice rolled her eyes into a hardened gaze. “Is it because the building’s gone? That’s the least of our worries, all that matters is what's inside.” Natsu patted his chest, over his heart.

“We feel that way, but does everyone else? I admit, it was pretty exciting when you showed up out of nowhere and talked about reviving the guild. It got me all fired up too and I sent out letters to everyone I could find. No word from me for an entire year and suddenly I ask them to drop everything and come to Magnolia and rebuild Fairy Tail. Maybe they’ve done exactly what master said and started making their own way through life. Maybe they moved on. Am I the only one who feels this way? What if they put it in the past? What if they forgot about it?” Lucy sounded like she was about to start crying.

Regardless of seeing so many familiar faces behind Lucy, Alice couldn’t help herself.

“Not everything is about you, for f*cks sake. If anyone shows up its not because you asked them to come back. If anyone comes back its because of their love of Fairy Tail. So many of us have lived here since we were children, and, or had family who have been here for generations. Fairy Tail is our family, it’s our blood. No one is just going to forget Fairy Tail, and if they did, they never were really one of us anyways. You’re not the only person who is passionate about Fairy Tail, it’s about time you finally figure that out. f*cking hell.” Alice griped.

“Language, you crass jezebel!” Carla furiously reprimanded Alice who didn’t regret her words in the slightest.

A familiar brunette drunkard slung her arm around Lucy. “I know my memory’s not that great, but what she said in simpler terms. It’s only been a year, Lu.”
“Cana?” Natsu apparently didn’t smell her out. Alice looked to the side with a tense jaw. Rivals in battle? Forgivable. Personal jabs? Eternal grudge.

“That’s enough!” “This is not the time to start turning on each other!”

“Stop shouting!” Alice screamed. She didn’t like the shouting with her own mind screaming at her. The nausea, the migraine, the anxiety.... And Cana being a bitch. It was becoming too much for her to stand.

Elfman retreated to the basem*nt. “You’re one to say anything. You’re barely a member of Fairy Tail anymore. The only person you care about is yourself.” Cana shrugged Alice off. Lucy quickly snatched Happy off Alice.

Alice’s jaw clenched. “Like you don’t. All you do is drink and demean everyone. And remember that one time you left Lucy passed out in the middle of Tenrou while Grimoire Heart and Zefer were roaming? If it wasn’t for me, Lucy would be dead. Her skull would be smashed to pieces with her brain splattered all over. Because you put her to sleep, abandoning her with a dark guild on the island. And while we all were fighting for our lives, you so selfishly just continued on with the trial.” Alice fired back. Cana glared towards Alice. “Well remember when you all were getting your asses handed to you by that blue haired freak? You would’ve suffocated if it wasn’t for me!”

“Only because you only cared about the trial! You were only useful because of Mavis’ Fairy Glitter spell! Which you only got because you abandoned your partner! You’re one of the most selfish people in the guild.”

“Girls, please do not fight! We have to save our energies for fighting the enemy! We need to be united!” Carla pleaded. “Look at her, she’s becoming one of our enemies! Her dark magic has corrupted her and she’ll probably kill someone.”

Alice’s glare dropped as did her stomach. She’d throw up if she had anything in her stomach to do it with. But stomach acid went up her esophagus, and she swallowed it back down, but it left a burning at the back of her throat. “That’s enough, Cana!” Lucy cried.

“Whatever. I’m done dealing with this bullsh*t.” Cana jumped off the table, and went to follow after Elfman.

“Not gonna lie, after everything’s that happened, this has been an eye opening year for me. I decided I’d try to track down my old man, so I was gonna take a trip. Can hardly believe I got your letter, what a lucky break! I imagine everyone else feels the same. The guild’s family, I’ve been a member since I was a little kid. So when Makarov decided to break it up all of a sudden, I was pretty lost. I didn’t know how I was going to make a living, or who to turn to. In a way, it put things into perspective.”

“None of that involved getting sober, I see.” Alice muttered under her breath as Cana pulled a bottle of spirits from her purse and started to down it.

“The whole situation was a shock to all of us. It seemed like no one had the stones to reach out. Or should I say everyone but you, Lucy. Good call. So come on, everyone’s waiting!” Cana grabbed Lucy by the wrist and dragged her along.

“And everyone keeps trying to tell me she’s smart.” Alice glanced up at Natsu, who was smiling like a proud father or something. “Come on, let’s go!” He grabbed Alice’s hand and followed after Cana and Lucy.

And it wasn’t that Alice didn’t have her own fears. No, she wasn’t scared no one would show up, only a blonde bimbo would think that. But what if no one accepted her? What if things didn’t go back to normal and she’d stay the social outcast everyone was scared of?

But she had no choice but to face that fear.

And standing in that big crater were so many familiar faces. Max, Nab, Warren, Macao, Romeo, Wakaba, Reedus, Droy and Jet, Bisca, Alzack and Asuka, Kinana, Laki, Vijeeter, Gajeel, Levy, Pantherlily, Erza, Juvia, Gray, Lisanna, Mirajane, Elfman and so many more.

“Hey there Alice, I’m liking the dark style you have going on!” “Alice, I’ve bought all the Sorcerer Weekly magazines you were featured in!” “I love your music!” “Any babies yet?” “Long time no see!”

“Hey there, Alice! I see you and Natsu are still as cute as ever! You two better not have gotten married yet! I still have so many ideas and a year’s worth of new dresses for you to try on!” Mirajane shocked Alice. She didn’t think she’d still want anything to do with her, or a wedding that had yet to come to fruition.

“Mira!” Alice’s eyes filled with tears. She didn’t think she’d get so emotional but seeing Mirajane after so long, after coming to terms with the fact she could never see her again, never regain their friendship-- “I’ve missed you so much!” And she was letting go of Natsu’s hand to run up to Mira and hugging her.

“I missed you too. Why are you crying, Alice?” Mirajane hugged her gently. “Because after the guild disbanded we didn’t talk much!. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever see you again! I missed having a big sister!” Alice bawled.
“Now you’re making me cry! I love you! After the guild disbanded, right after the battle, we were all in shock and then I heard Natsu left. I knew you were in a low place and I wanted to give you space! I never for a moment thought we weren’t still family! You’ll always be a little sister to me! A year a part can’t undo all the years we’ve had! And now that Natsu’s back, I still have a wedding to plan!”

Lucy was crying, Wendy was crying, Happy was crying, Mirajane, and Erza as well.

“Guess what I found, a little ragged but still does the job!” Natsu stood atop of a pile of rubble and dug out the dingy but still brilliant red Fairy Tail flag that had always flown over the guild hall.

The girls started to cry harder. “Fairy Tail is back in action! Fairy Tail still rules!”

After agreeing on getting to work once everyone got settled back in Magnolia.

“Look at this place! I forgot how big it was!” Happy exclaimed once Alice was able to get the door open. “It’s so dusty!”

“Imagine that. No one’s been in here in months.” Alice said, looking around. It was the same from when she left. Everything left in its place. The couch, the tv, the dining set-- Even the bedroom door being closed when she couldn’t bear to look in there when she decided to leave.

“Check it out! I can make a dust angel!” Happy laid on the floor of the living room and started to wave his arms and legs around. “If you’re gonna do that, might as well do it all over to get all the dust.” Alice said, she glanced back over to Natsu who was busy standing in the pathway, in the front yard, staring at the crater off in the distance towards the west.

Alice wasn’t going to say anything as she went further inside, not taking off her shoes. “Well, I got a long night ahead of me.” She placed her luggage on the dusty couch. A plume of dust shot up in the air as she plopped her suitcase on it.

“Just like when we came back from Tenrou?” Happy asked, rolling around on the floor. Alice looked down, remembering the night they returned back to the house after seven years of it waiting stagnant. The smell of layers and layers of dust, dirt, and micro bugs still stuck in her head. She could almost smell it again.

“Don’t you have magic that can clean this up?” Natsu asked, finally joining them in the house. He covered his mouth and nose with his scarf. “I mean, I have magic that can “Mickey Mouse Fantasia” this place and help make this go faster.” Alice said, slowly opening the bedroom and seeing the glittery mess of shattered glass on the floor. Her standing mirror, laying on its side.

The night she had her biggest emotional storm and the transformation really took place. Staring back at her was the black demon that was starting to take ahold of her. In fear and refusal to accept that she was turning into a monster, she threw a punch at the glass.

And in a blur of blinding rage and despair, she couldn’t remember what happened afterwards but she woke up in the bathtub. Her clothes were soaked with blood, and a drying stream of it trailed down the drain. She had no wounds. The fact she was able to swallow those emotions back down enough to get on with her life and be where she was now-- It was a feat she was proud of.

She did it all on her own.

“Well I’m starving.” Natsu patted his stomach. Alice shut the bedroom door, turning back to Natsu, deadpan. “When aren’t you starving?”
“I don’t know, but there’s plenty of daylight left. I’m sure there’s a shop here we haven’t been banned from that we can eat at.”

Alice sighed and decided to leave it be. She took her wallet out of her pocket and tossed it at Natsu. “Just promise to bring me back something . Eat to your stomach’s content and then some for all I care. I need to get this place somewhat livable.”

Natsu nosily dug into the purse and gaped at the thousand jewel bills inside. “We could buy a whole restaurant with all of this!”

“If it makes you happy.”
I’m Happy!” The cat hopped up excitedly.
“Ever better.”

“You heard the lady, Natsu! Let’s get some grub!” Happy zoomed to the door and Natsu was on his tail. Happy was out the door and then Natsu hesitated, turning back to Alice, who was looking around wondering where to start.-- But there was a far away look in her gaze.

“Are you okay?” He knew today was an emotional day for everyone. But he didn’t think Alice of all people would cry.

Alice swallowed. “It felt selfish to get angry with you over it. And it still does because I know you didn’t go to hurt me. You wanted to get stronger to defeat the threats that are still hanging over us. You wanted to protect your family. And you did get stronger. So how can I be angry? But apparently Lucy is the opposite of me and doesn’t care and will be selfish and act like it was a personal offense and try to guilt you, I did get angry because if anyone should be upset, if someone should be getting emotional over your leaving it should be me. Because, yes, I did need you.” Maybe she was crying but the rain soaked her to the core. Because her body was acting like she was being emotional. She was sniffling and she felt the thick mucus in her throat. Her lips got red and swollen and her throat burned. She swallowed hard and gasped as she tried to breathe in.

“In the beginning it was so hard. In that first month or so it really hit me that this was my new reality for however long it took you to come home. That I was alone and if I didn’t have you or the guild, what did I have? I felt scared and alone more than ever. And even when I kept it all hidden and secret, when I didn't even want you to know what I was fighting, I just knew I could get through it if you were there because you are my purpose. I don’t know what I am without you. So when you left I was lost. I felt so empty, without a will to live. Sometimes I was so terrified of being alone with my darkness. I screamed and I screamed but there was no one to come check on me-- There was no guild for me to go to to at least feel like I had a home. There was no you, no Mirajane, no Gray even. And I just wished that you would’ve waited a day before you left because I knew you would’ve changed your mind and stayed or at least would’ve had the right words to say to keep everyone together. But you were gone and it felt like you took the heart of Fairy Tail with you and the spirit died. And so did the part of me that wanted to keep fighting. So I gave into the hopelessness, the anger, all the negative emotions that fed the monster in me and by the time I was able to pick myself up it was too late. No matter the therapy, no matter the hobby, the friends, the new will to live. I fed the darkness to the point it got strong enough to feed itself and it doesn’t matter what I do.”

The smell of stale blood stuck to the dust, like a parasite. It had been a while since the blood was spilt, but it was there. And it reeked of Alice.

“Sometimes I was so terrified of being alone with my darkness. I screamed and I screamed but there was no one to come check on me----”

But you were gone and it felt like you took the heart of Fairy Tail with you and the spirit died. And so did the part of me that wanted to keep fighting. So I gave into the hopelessness, the anger, all the negative emotions that fed the monster in me and by the time I was able to pick myself up it was too late. No matter the therapy, no matter the hobby, the friends, the new will to live. I fed the darkness to the point it got strong enough to feed itself and it doesn’t matter what I do.”

Alice took in a sharp inhale, hugging her arms to herself. Her eyes snapped to Natsu, like she was coming out of a daydream. She blinked a few times before answering. “Just a lot of memories coming back. I knew I’d come back one day, but when I left, it felt like I was leaving it behind and now here I am walking back into it.”

She pursed her lips together and swallowed hard. “Just go. I’m fine-- Really.”

“I know before we left, all that was left was bad memories. But buried under the rubble, just like the Fairy Tail flag, there’s still hope. There’s still good here. Just like wiping away all the dust and making it all shine again. That’s what rebuilding will do. It’ll bring out the good.” Natsu smiled hopeful with a reassuring nod.

Alice smiled dimly. “I can only hope so.”



Chapter 116


you know when I said I wrote a whole chapter and we were up to 117?
Well, when I wrote a whole chapter, it was 116 that finally got completed. I'm still in the process of writing 117....
Once this gets published, I'm gonna start working on 117 but there are no promises.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Not the job I was hoping for!” Lucy griped, lugging a piece of lumber around. “Quit your crying! We need to rebuild!” Natsu said, easily holding five pieces of wood under one arm.

“It’s a good test of teamwork to rebuild. I’d like Master Makarov to notice that when he returns.” Erza said.
“Yeah, but is he really coming back?” Laki wasn’t too hopeful. “I’d bet my last jewel on it.” Alzack smiled at her. “Yeah, and if need be Al and I can go track him down.” Bisca added.

“Did you hear that Juvia and Gray have been shacking up this entire year?” “I heard they actually tied the knot!” “Before Alice and Natsu?” Droy and Jet talked amongst themselves. “I heard that their union bore fruit!” Laki added. “What I find shocking is that Lucy is his mistress!” Macao said. “You find that shocking? What about his fling with Erza?” Wakaba argued.

“Who told you that!” Gray shouted, apparently hearing any of these rumors for the first time. “Alice,” They all said.

“Alice, I said I was sorry about the whole dungeon thing! Also we weren’t “shacking up”! It was more like a haunting!”

Lisanna started handing out drinks to everyone and recalled her time working in a restaurant with Mirajane.

“Please tell me Elfman was working there too!” Happy giggled. “No, he went on a personal training mission. Didn’t say anything more than that.” Lisanna shook her head. “Really? I might have to test him on that!” Natsu was up for the challenge. Elfman appeared behind him and they started to brawl.

“What should I put down for this last part?” Levy asked, tapping her pen on the table she was sitting at. “That is a hard one, isn’t it?” Mirajane smiled, joining the conversation. “What is it?” Wendy asked. “Who should our 7th guild master be!”
“I have the experience!” Macao put out there. “Maybe we should let Ol’ Gildarts take another shot at it?” Wakaba suggested. “We need a real master, not some deadbeat dad who comes and goes whenever he wants!” Cana dejected.

“Just temporarily until the 6th master comes back, so anyone should suffice.” Carla tried to make it easier.

“Why not Alice? She is his blood and Laxus isn’t here.” Pantherlily suggested. “Well we need someone to keep those knuckleheads in line and she’s over there encouraging them.” Cana pointed out to the crowd Natsu and Elfman’s duel amassed.

And Alice was standing on a stack of 4x4’s, cheering Natsu on. “Knock him out!”

“Definitely not her.” Carla shook her head, agreeing with Cana.

“I think that’s the fighting spirit we need in a master!” Happy cheered.

Elfman punched Natsu, and he went flying several meters. “Come on, Natsu! Don’t let him show you up like that!” Alice pumped her fist in the air. “Show him how much stronger you are!”

Natsu charged back at him and Elfman was now the one going flying and he landed on Gray, so naturally he got thrown into the fight as well.

Droy and Jet ran towards the rumble, and that got Cana and Laki into it as well. And Loke sensed the fight and traveled from the Celestial world to get in on the fight.

So naturally Alice decided it was time to give him a good kick because she needed to fight someone .

But of course it was all over when Erza got into it and ordered everyone back to work.

“Well that makes things easier! Our seventh master is Erza Scarlet!” Levy laughed, writing down her name.

“Wait, no, I-- Slow down, please--- Me? Guild master-- No, I -”

“You’re the most suited for the task.” Some unknown, but familiar guy showed up. He had short spiky black hair, piercing ocean eyes, and a distinctive scar that Alice knew. He wore silver rings in both ears. He wore a red muscle shirt and on his right shoulder, a bright red Fairy Tail emblem. “I’ve been waiting for this day, but I wasn’t sure when it’d come. Master Makarov is in trouble and you’re the only ones who can save him. At least I hope so.” He declared so seriously.

Alice was blanking on a name. He looked so familiar, and she could remember his face sorta from around the guild but she couldn’t place a time or place-- Or a name.

“Follow me, Erza Scarlet.”

..”...Mest is my real identity. Your memory is likely still hazy. That would be my fault.” Mest answered Erza. “Why didn’t you let anyone else come with us? It definitely ruffled Natsu’s feathers.” Erza asked again.

“I don’t have feathers!” Natsu grumbled. “Shut up!” Alice shushed at him. “Be quiet!” Lucy whisper-yelled at the two.

“This is a sacred and restricted place we’ve come to. In fact, only guild masters are allowed to know about it.” Mest led Erza to a big blue and white stone double door. “These are strange times, that’s why I’m here.” He opened the doors and inside it was pitch black. There was a long narrow path lit by purple pillars of dim light leading the way to the end where there was a giant purple crystal coming out of the ground.

And inside of it, there was the figure of a small girl inside.

It was the first master Mavis!

“What’s that?” Erza gaped at it. “It’s Fairy Tail’s most absolute secret weapon. The Lumen Histoire.”

“That’s Master Mavis!” Alice gasped. “Where? I can’t see!” Gray asked, pushing up against everyone in his way. “Don’t push me!” Lucy griped. “Hey, no touching!” Alice shoved against Lucy when she was shoved against her by Gray. And it was a big domino effect that led them all to fall onto the ground, giving away their hiding spot.

“Seriously?” Mest sighed. “I literally said “Only Guild Masters Allowed”. It’s very important that we maintain its sanctity.”

“No one told me the title was up for grabs before Erza took it, I totally would’ve accepted! Also, the guild runs in my blood, so I think I’m entitled to know!” Alice said as she crawled herself out of the dogpile.
“Yeah, we’re part of the guild!” Natsu backed her up.

“Is that our first master in there?” Wendy asked, ignoring everything else. “She’s totally butt-naked!” Natsu shouted. “Yeah, so stop looking and give her some privacy!” Lucy covered Natsu’s eyes.

“Why is she in that giant crystal?” Happy asked.

“What’s going on here, Mest? Explain.” Erza demanded him.

“I can’t claim to understand either, for full disclosure. All I can say is that its something incredibly important.” Mest started off.

“Forget about her! Where’s gramps?” Natsu shouted.

Suddenly everyone but Mest was seized with visions. “You’re seeing my memories. Beginning 10 years ago...”

A vision of Master Makarov asking Mest to infiltrate the magic council. He wanted the council’s intel on the western continent. Then Mest suggested erasing his own memories of being in the guild and created a new identity as Doranbolt and within a month of working at the council, Master was checking in on him and refreshing Mest’s memories of being in the guild to catch him back up the speed. So far he hadn’t had any information. Then he’d erase his memory of it and continue living as Doranbolt and for several years on Master kept checking in on him for information, and giving his memory back over and over and over again. Then “Doranbolt” got the brilliant idea to infiltrate Fairy Tail because Master Makarov kept visiting him and he had no idea why so obviously something was going on. So “Doranbolt” took on the false identity of Mest Gryder and took part of the S-Class trial in the year X784. Then he ditched them to face Acnologia and go into a seven year sleep. Then he skipped over the seven years to the Magic Games, and got his memory back again and cried seeing Master again. By then, he hadn’t gotten any information that was useful so Master asked him to end the mission and come back to Fairy Tail but Mest said he was getting close to something. Then when Tartaros attacked and Master disbanded Fairy Tail and gave Mest his memories and his guild emblem back one last time. The information that Mest gave Master, and what Makarov had obtained on his own, Master had decided that this was the best way for Fairy Tail to survive. To protect his children. His Fairy Tail children. The Alvarez Empire in the western continent was up to something dangerous that somehow made Master think that it’d be a threat to Fiore, and effectively his Fairy Tail children. Although, Mest didn’t agree. The only thing the Alvarez Empire had done was plan a failed invasion of Ishgar 10 years prior. Which seemed minor, but Master knew they were trying to go after the Lumen Histoire. They somehow knew about it. But when the council flexed their weapon, the Etherion Cannon, they abandoned the mission. The council had too many powerful weapons.

But after Tartaros killed all those previous members, effectively destroying the Etherion Cannon and FACE, the two known weapons that posed a risk far too great-- It was a perfect opening for the Alvarez Empire to strike again and there was nothing to stop them. They had over 730 guilds over in the Western continent that the Alvarez Empire was able to amass together into one united front. Fairy Tail, or Ishgar for that matter, could take them on.

So Master left to the Alvarez Empire to negotiate or buy time, threatening to unleash the Lumen Histoire. And if Master was unsuccessful, then clearly his guild would be the next target. So he disbanded. There was no Fairy Tail to go after.

“So gramps went over to deal with this Empire or something and he never came back?” Natsu asked. “He wanted to protect us and disbanding was the only way he could.” Erza shuddered.

It had been a year since then. “And not a word from him this entire time?” Gray asked. “Nothing.” Mest shook his head.
“Do you think he’s okay?” Lucy asked Wendy for some reason. “I’m not sure what to think.”

“Hopefully he’s still in negotiation. But they could’ve imprisoned him, or worse.” Mest thought reasonably.

Alice didn’t know what to think. She was still reeling from someone getting into her head. Makarov, her great-grandfather... He was too old to be doing things like this! It was terrifying to think of that old man getting into trouble like Gray or Natsu. Watching how little stamina he had, and how many close calls he had.. It was doubtful he’d be much of a fighter. But she refused to think he’d be dead.

“Well, my heart tells me he’s alive. So what’d you do? I started following Makarov’s plan. And I got to work reforming the magic council. With some help from Warrod, I assembled a new council. This one including the Wizard Saints as its core members.” Mest said.

“We talked about this back at Lamia Scale. They said the council’s been looking for him, but Lyon just said they were concerned.” Lucy replied, with a pout.

Alice just assumed the old man just didn’t want to be on the council board. He always talked about how boring they were and it was a buzzkill always following the rules. He made for a perfect Fairy Tail master.

“Warrod does know how grave the situation is. But I’m not so sure about the others. Regardless, the entire council agrees that Alvarez poses a threat to all of us. They were able to establish of line of defense, and it seems to have deterred any invasion or attack so far.” Mest explained as stone-faced as he had been.

“That just tells me that Gramps bought some time just like he said! You know? So why the hell isn’t he back yet?” Gray frowned.

“I can’t say for sure. Word travels slowly. He may not know the new council exists. Or perhaps, they’re keeping him there.” Mest shook his head, glancing back at the crystal chamber Mavis was kept in.

“You do realize that means we gotta go save him, don’t ya?” Natsu crossed his arms. Alice nodded in agreement. It was time to find him if he had been gone without updates for so long there was no saying what he had been up to. Or what trouble he was in.

“I know. I did as he said up until now, and got the council back up and running. But I’m a member of Fairy Tail. So it’s time I start breaking the rules a little.” Mest nodded, in on whatever Natsu had in mind.

“Hell yeah!” Alice cheered.

“Now that we got the guild back together, nothing can stand in our way!” Happy declared.
“We will bring him back home!” Carla added, determined.

“Hold on. Remember what master told him, this is an unbeatable enemy. We can’t act on impulse.” Erza halted all plans of action. “Erza!” Gray snapped.
“Come on! We all got so much stronger this last year, do you really think these jerks can beat us?” Natsu griped.

“Master risked his life and legacy to save ours. He sacrificed everything. We must honor his gift. And we’ll do that by rebuilding the guild hall, taking on jobs, and restoring Fairy Tail to its former glory. We’re finally reunited. We need to enjoy this moment of happiness together. As the new master, these are my top priorities.” Erza declared as master.

Alice frowned. “Everyone must look pretty stupid for voting her in. I would’ve gone in a heartbeat.”
“So we’re not going?” Wendy asked in a small cry.

“Come on, Erza!” Gray begged.

“However, my feelings as a fellow member of the guild are different. We have no other choice but to bring Makarov home, and quickly. Which means.... Only those in this room will join the mission. A small team works best. We’ll infiltrate Alvarez, rescue our master, and make our escape. This will not be an all out war. Hear me? We need focus. That means we won’t be starting any unnecessary fights. Am I clear?” She gave Natsu a pointed glare. He paled, unable to argue. “Yeah... Sure...”

Once she stepped away, he smirked, getting fired up. “All right, Fairy Tail! Let’s go!”


why does this make me a bit sad?
Like an end to an era?
I just have to keep writing, it's not the end!

Or perhaps, the more I write, the close I get to the end and it solidifies the fact Fairy Tail is over (not including the 100 year quest).
Though, the fact that there will be an anime adaptation of 100 year quest makes me feel better, I still get sad. Because that only brings us closer to an end.
And Hiro Mashima is a hardcore nalu shipper so it's gonna happen eventually and oof that's gonna hurt. But also, since I have an ending finalized for this series, I wonder how 100 year quest will effect it?

Chapter 117



(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Natsu’s stomach gurgled, he slapped a hand over his mouth before he blew chunks. “We had to take a boat?”

Alice rolled her eyes, sitting up at the rail feeling at ease with the rocking of the waves.

“How’d you think we were gonna cross the ocean?” Gray rolled his eyes as well, walking over with Lucy at his side to give herself an excuse to enter the conversation.
“I don’t know, Mest, maybe would zap us over?” Natsu pleaded.

“Oh you sweet summer child.” Alice sighed, exasperated.
“Too far for my direct line.” Mest shook his head.

“Alice? At least you, Happy and me. We’d wait for the others...” Natsu barely had the energy to turn his head up at her.
“Please stop talking. You make it a challenge to be attracted to you every time you speak. You know I wouldn’t be able to travel that far even by myself. If Mest couldn’t, why would you think I could?” Alice threw her head back, closing her eyes. Maybe the warmth of the sun would relax her tension that he didn’t help with.

Natsu weakly waved his arm out to Wendy. “You have that tummy spell, don’t ya, Wendy?”

And as if on cue, Wendy was bent over the side of the boat, throwing up.

“NO!” Natsu cried.

Wendy laid herself up against the side after she was done. “I’m sorry, but I’ve recently developed motion sickness just like you Natsu.”

“You poor thing...” Lucy cooed.

“Aww! Dragonbaby’s first motion sickness spell!” Alice squealed.

That’d be the last of them. Natsu, Laxus, Gajeel, Sting, Rogue, and now Wendy.

Honestly, it was one of Alice’s biggest deterrents to focus on her dragon magic. Why would she want to give herself a pretty big weakness? Open to attacks and capture? Also, she loved to travel! The train, by boat, by magic, she loved it all! Why would she want to ruin that?

“Unfortunately, Wendy can’t use her Troia magic when she’s in this state.” Carla declared as if it wasn’t already obvious.

“Okay, no use whining about it. Let me carry you two to your bunks.” Gray hauled Wendy and Natsu over his shoulders and carried them inside to the beds.

“Wow Gray! You’ve really bulked up!” Alice gasped in awe.
Gray returned in just his underwear. “Why are your clothes gone?!” Lucy screamed in surprise.

“I dunno...” Gray tried to walk past Lucy when she freaked out on him. “Get away from me you perv!”

“Oh come on, Lucy. At least help me find my shirt.”


“I’ll help you keep them lost.” Alice smiled cooly with a playful shrug. .

“You’re fiancé is currently in bed violently sick to his stomach!” Lucy scolded her. While Gray’s face burned red with embarrassment. “Now you want me?”

“You threw my bulked up fiancé over your shoulder like it was nothing. How is no one else turned on? Flamebrain is currently sick to his stomach for something he’s dealt with his whole life, which- like, I get it, but like, he’s shown the ability to get over it when he wants to.” Alice said while tossing what little hair grew over her shoulder, well, over her shoulder.

Gray bit the inside of his cheek and went back into the bunks to “find his clothes” while Alice laughed to herself. What was he supposed to do? She was wearing this small little bikini top and some short high-waisted shorts.

Even with her dark hair, demonic eyes, pale skin, and sharp teeth-- It was hot in a whole new way. She was like some sexy vampire.

Her black hair getting damp with ocean spray, started to curl. Her skin glowed in the bright sun and she wore some makeup so it wasn’t like her dark circles were too noticeable.

Honestly, if she wore some little vampire get-up with some blood dripping down the corners of her mouth, he would fold so quickly. Regardless of his progress with his old feelings for her, and his developing relationship with Juvia-- Who he did have feelings for now.

But he was prepared to see the very same Alice he knew. Not some hot gothic makeover-- And if anyone knew, Gray had a thing for the dark and macabre.

Lucy huffed, making some side comment to Carla. Alice bit the inside of her bottom lip. What was she thinking? Why would she hit on Gray? It was like she was trying to be rebellious.

She looked out to sea-- Some part of her looking to find two dragon horns skimming out of the water... No. Not even Umiko would be able to save her now.

“What’s on your mind, Erza? Oh, sorry, I suppose I should be calling you “master” now.” Mest asked, then quickly apologized, meeting up with Erza who stood by the forward.

“No, Erza is just fine. I’m just wondering... Makarov went so far as to disband the guild to keep us safe. And all this time he’s been hiding the Lumen Histoire from an outside force. But what’s perplexing is why he felt he had to go to such lengths. Perhaps if I knew what the Lumen Histoire was, I’d understand it better.” Erza replied, deep in thought still.

“Honestly, I’m in the dark just as you are. But I believe it to be some sort of weapon.” Mest said, not giving much help.

“If I’m not mistaken, there is one forsaken secret each master passes down to the next. I can only assume it was the Lumen Histoire. Considering the legend around our first master, Mavis Vermillion, and the three sacred Fairy Tail spells, all created by her... Fairy Law, Fairy Glitter, Fairy Sphere-- I can only assume as well that it’s some sort of spell or weapon using her body. Something so powerful that it’s been hidden since Fairy Tail’s founding. Something so powerful that every force in the world would go to war for it. I can only assume around the same time after our battle with Tartaros, The Alvarez Empire somehow found out about some secret we hold. And Gramps disbanded to scatter us and quiet and suspicion.” Alice added her own theory.

Everyone agreed. Because of course they did. Alice was always right.. Usually.

“You know, I heard a rumor that the Master debated using the Lumen Histoire to stop Face from activating.” Gray said.

“I heard the same thing, too and for whatever reason he ultimately decided not to use it.” Lucy nodded.

“That’s what the ghost of Hades had said for him to do. And I assume something so powerful must also have some devastating drawbacks-- Or maybe it’s a one shot and done kinda thing so he really had to wait to see if it was necessary. Luckily the dragons showed up and the other guilds teamed up to help destroy Face in time so he didn’t have to activate it.” Alice replied, remembering that day...

Seeing Acnogolia fly over their sky once more... Igneel coming out from hiding to fight him... Losing that fight, but ultimately gave them enough time to focus on Tataros instead of the Dragon King, then weakening him enough that Acnologia couldn’t take on all of Fairy Tail in such grave shape.

Him dying, watching Natsu go through such immense pain..

Alice forever would have nightmares over that war... Such tragedy and pain..

“So you’re telling me that the Lumen Histoire would be powerful enough to counteract all of the Faces?” Carla gasped in the legend of its greatness.

“And more, to be honest.” Alice shrugged.

“Maybe the biggest mystery is the first master’s body...” Erza pondered.

“Yeah, why is she in there, is she alive or is she dead?” Gray added a few points. “Especially since we’ve interacted with projections of her from time to time.” Carla said.

“No, she’s dead. But there’s more to it, I think.” Alice put her hand to her chin to think about it.
“That makes no sense!” Happy cried. “It’s Mavis Vermillion! Nothing about her makes sense, that’s what makes her so ethereal, so legendary! The magic she wielded, the tragedy she seen, the way her mind worked, the spells she made, the guild she founded! It’s Mavis Vermillion! She’s the world’s biggest mystery!” Alice threw her hands up in exasperation, so passionate about it. She could go on about Mavis’ history! If only she had the time to ask her!

Her connections with Zeref-- Alice’s only theories about their relationship.. Her childhood, how her magic worked, how her mind came up with strategies! How she died when she was once immortal!

“Hopefully, Master Makarov will shed more light on everything once he’s safe and sound.” Lucy anticipated.

“So how long will it be for us to reach the Alvarez Empire?” Erza asked Mest.

“Let me think.... Perhaps ten days sailing, several more on land.”

“I’m worried...” Erza said in honesty.

“I am too, but we can’t be hasty. We’ll need to make a stop on Caracol Island. Stop up on provisions, food, and other supplies.” Mest informed.

“A town not named after a plant or flower...” Lucy frowned.

“We do have a few of those in Fiore, you know.” Mizure scowled in her direction, arguing.

“Are you sure we have time to make a stop?” Erza asked.

“As I said, we can’t be hasty. This type of infiltration mission requires thorough preparation.” Mest assured. “What do you mean by that?” Erza questioned.
“Good intelligence. We’ll be meeting up with an agent while we’re there. They’ll tell us how we can sneak into the Empire.


“There it is, Caracol Island.” Mest pointed out to the land mass in the distance. Some island with a mountain formed in a unique twisting shape.”

“Well then, let’s get ready to make port.” Gray suggested. With a sickly Natsu moaning in agreement.

“Wait... Something’s not right. Look!” Erza pointed out to the two giant black ships with military crests.

“No...! That’s the Alvarez Military crest!” Mest gasped, breathless. “What are they doing all the way out here?” Happy wondered. “Good question, since Caracol Island isn’t in their territory.” Carla added.

Mest used the scope to look out in closer detail. “It looks like they are doing a harbor inspection.”

“How’re we supposed to get on that island, now?” Gray growled.

“...lookslikethey’retryingtocatchaspy....that’snotgood....” Natsu groaned. “..looksliketheyhaven’tcaughtthemyet....” Wendy added.

“Wait, you guys can hear them from this far away?” Lucy gasped as if Natsu hadn’t heard less from farther away.
“Yeah, but just barely...” Both slayers said together before heaving overboard.

“So what now?” Mest muttered. “Looks like we’ll have to make contact with our spy while we can.” Erza advised.

“Well, it’s a resort island and they’re trying to catch a spy... So we gotta look and act like tourists on vacation. How hard can that be?” Alice suggested.

Soldiers were thick all over the boarding and the island. They formed a blockade just before the resort entrance and were vetting everyone while shouting forcefully every minute.

The team were lined up together wearing beachwear. Girls in bikinis, boys in trunks. Their guildmarks transfigured with the old Cait Shelter mark Wendy and Carla used to bear before joining Fairy Tail.

Although, Alice suggested no wizard paraphernalia at all to guise any more suspicions they might harbor. Wizards were always going to be seen as offensive regardless of their renown or valor.

“Hi! We’re just a bunch of gals on a summer vaycay!” Lucy squealed.

“Yes, we just adore this island and so want to taste the famous mangoes!” Erza added.

“This trip is going to be so fun, right, sis?” “So fun, dear sister!” Wendy and Carla joined in, with Carla in her human girl form.

Alice thought being hot girls would be enough if they just shut their mouths and stayed polite, talking only when needed. Not speaking without cause. No one had even asked their purpose for traveling yet.

The overkill was going to blow the whole thing. Alice seethed, while waiting farther back with the boys. Her story was simple. Got engaged, went on a trip to celebrate. Simple, right? They were a group of friends who love the beach and decided to go all out to celebrate their friends’ engagement. Nothing special. Boring. No unnecessary details, no annoying the guards. Honestly, if anything, Lucy and Erza just needed to sway their hips and preen their chests and they’d get through. What was all this fanfare?

“Is that a guild mark?” One of the soldier’s pointed out Lucy’s pink mark on her hand.

“Yep, we’re wizards from the Cait Shelter guild!”

The group of soldiers looked over each of them, each of their Fairy Tail marks were replaced with these cat-esque marks. Same spot, same color even.

As the soldiers argued over it, because they were supposed to pull aside and thoroughly question wizards... But they didn’t know much about Ishgar guilds, and Cait Shelter was unheard of... But they were wizards...

“You’re wearing your new ring.” Natsu commented in a hushed voice. “Well, yeah. We are engaged after all.” Alice shrugged, giving him a slight nudge with her arm. As they brushed against each other, standing so close.

“Are we?”

“I-” Alice pursed her lips, at his petty reply. “I was just joking. You know that. I thought you wanted things like they used to be. And I used to be a big flirt, indiscriminate with all things... all’s fair in love and war and all that.” Alice tried to brush it off casually.

“I’m just asking for fairness.” Natsu didn’t want to argue with her. He just wanted her to know how he felt. He felt anger, betrayal, jealousy. If he wasn’t so nauseous in the moment, he would’ve blown that ship apart.

“You spent so long trying to convince him to get over you but then you go and give the guy a raging boner. He’s gotten better, I’ll give him that. He’s made progress. But come on. You’re the hottest woman in the world, you can’t go and flirt with someone with your boobs out and expect it to be taken lighthearted.” He continued, while staring and listening for something to go awry with the plan.

“Well I wasn’t all dolled up there, I didn’t think it’d have that effect. Look at me- Wait, don't do that, it’s not fair.” Alice wanted to avoid detection at all cost, transfiguring herself to the peek of her beauty. She forgot the sensation of her ends tickling against her lower back. She kept wanting to smack herself, scared it was a bug crawling on her.

“You’re beautiful without the red hair and blue eyes. Trust me, boners don’t care about your hair or the makeup you wear. It’s just how you’re built. Maybe the dark colors are a change, but it’s just a style deviation, not your entire face structure or your body.” Natsu huffed. She had to be playing cute and acting all naive.

“Really? I mean, I know I have my mom’s pretty face and all... But all the warmth is gone, my face is papery, my complexion is cold and watery.... I’ve gotten thinner, my curves are barely noticeable.. I’m not some beach babe like Lucy or Erza. Look at them.” Alice pouted, playing with a bundle of hair in her hands from her head. Oh how she really missed the length...

“Okay, yeah. You look like the type to sleep in a coffin and live in a cemetery. But what’s so wrong with that? I’ve slept on stone before, it’s not that hard for me. I can adapt.” Natsu shrugged, allowing himself to study the backsides of Erza and Lucy. Alice did give him permission. “And if you’re worried about your figure, then leave it to me. I’ll fatten you up so nice and juicy that I might wanna sink my teeth in you more than I already do.”

Alice scowled up at him. “I don’t want to get fat ! I want to get back to my healthy weight, back when I was about 8 stones. I’ve lost around 1 and a half, and I’m cold all the time and I bruise so easy anymore... And my bikini bottoms don’t sit on my hips as well as they used to..” She pouted, looking down.

“No, if you’re gaining weight, I’m talking like...Oh, I don’t know-- We weren’t together yet.. But you were complaining about all the weight you gained, oh yeah!- We started working out together because of it! Your thighs were so soft and squishy and the way your ass bounced when you walked-- That’s what I’m talking about. Those were the days.” Natsu started salivating at the thought of Alice years ago, struggling to do 10 push ups but her boobs also struggled to stay contained in her sports bra. The extra plushness to her hips stubbornly stayed until she got kidnapped in Edolas.

And while she gained back healthy weight-- Which was a challenge because she didn’t like to eat anymore for some reason, she never peaked over 110 pounds soaking wet.

And here she was, skin and bones. Her bone structure could never change, but the soft cushion of her body was barely there. Natsu didn’t want to lay his head on her anymore because it just wasn’t comfortable. On her shoulder, it was just bone. Her stomach, not as bad, organs weren’t too bad to lay on but Alice felt it less comfortable. And on her lap? Don’t make him laugh!

He supposed with her pop stardom, she was on some fad diet but now that he knew the heavy effects of her dark magic, it scared him to think thiscreatureinside her was draining away her life.

“You mooed at me and called me a fat*ss back then. You complained I was starting to feel like Lucy!” Alice whined up at him, remembering him agreeing with her when she called herself fat. “Come on, Lardy.”

“Like I said, we weren’t dating. I don’t even think we kissed yet. What was I supposed to say?” Natsu shrugged it away.
“I don’t know, words of encouragement or support? Or maybe said that I wasn’t fat?” Alice griped.
“And let you know I liked you? No way!- For the love of God, Lucy just show them your boobs so we can get through!” Natsu didn’t want to stay in line and continue this conversation any longer with Alice.

Erza and Lucy listened, walking up to the congregating soldiers, arms pushing boobs up and together, backs arched as they leaned forward. And just like that, they were ushered through to the resort.

“Wish I had that effect on guys still.” Alice pouted, while Natsu dragged her along as she almost wanted to give the soldiers a piece of her feminist mind and lay into them for giving these hussies special treatment, even though she proposed the plan in the first place.

“Don’t blow our cover!”

But even when they got inside, they couldn’t let their guard down.

“Man, this place is crawling with those Alvarez soldiers.” Gray sighed, not feeling any real accomplishment.

“We need to be on our best behaviors.” Mest advised.
“Yeah, so don’t do anything stupid, Natsu!” Lucy scolded him pointedly.

Natsu frowned. “Why does everybody keep picking on me?”

“Perhaps it’s because you don’t know the meaning of infiltration, obviously.” Erza crossed her arms and scowled.

Natsu matched her irritation and growled. “I know what it means! Like being sneaky! I think you’re forgetting something here, Erza. I am ninja!” Natsu pulled his scarf over his mouth and stood in a wide stance with some hand gesture akin from the Naruko anime.

Luckily for him, some child started to scream, before the group could start hurling insults at Natsu.

Some small child screamed and pleaded with some soldiers to “give him back his daddy.”
And it hit a soft spot in Natsu’s sore daddy issues.

“Stand down, Natsu.” Erza commanded stiffly. “It’s hard to watch, but we can’t interfere.” Mest agreed.

Alice just couldn’t stand the brat’s shrill whines. Though, she kept herself contained. Unlike some soldier who pulled his sword out. “Shut the hell up, you spoiled brat, before I make you!”

And in an instant, Gray, Erza, Natsu and Lucy ran over and started wailing on the soldiers. Alice pursed her lips as more soldiers came running over at the sound of the commotion. “I though we weren’t supposed to interfere~!” Alice nervously singsonged.

Wendy comforted the child as Mest stood with Alice, cowering with anxiety. “We are so screwed!”

“Secret Ninja Technique!” Natsu declared as he attracted the attention of every single tourist and soldier on the island.

“We are never getting off this island!” Mest cried.
“We just have to beat the guards first.” Carla shrugged. Alice was surprised to see Carla going with the flow of the chaos, what did Lamia Scale do to her?

“Here, I’ll find your dad. I can sniff him out!” Wendy assured the kid.

“Mest, go with her.” Gray suggested.

“Wait, hold on! You’re supposed to meet up with the spy!” Lucy shouted.

“Oh, yeah. Good idea. You guys keep the guards distracted while I go find them,” Mest nodded while blushing at Wendy.

Alice felt her stomach tense and she felt more passion to kick his ass more than these soldiers. Wendy was only 14! Mest had to be at least.... What? 30?

“Multi-Ninja Team Technique! Ninja!” Natsu grunted.

“All, right. Just remember we can’t go too crazy.” Erza advised.

“Yeah, I’ll try to keep my cool.” Gray said, uninterested in her precautions.

There were only twelve soldiers, Natsu easily took out six on his own, Erza took out three, Gray took out another two and Lucy whipped the last one down. They didn’t even have to use magic.

“That was almost too easy. I don’t see why Gramps thought these jokes were so scary.” Gray sighed, shoving his hands in his pockets.

“I don’t think he was talking about these low-level sentries.” Alice wondered. “Well, whatever the case may be. One thing is for certain: They will be sending out reinforcements.” Erza nodded.

“Do you think we should ask these clowns where gramps is?” Natsu asked.
“No, I wouldn’t waste my time. They probably don’t even know anything. And the last thing we need is for the enemy to know what our goal is.” Lucy grumbled.

“So you should probably shut your mouth before you spill any more beans.” Alice said, nudging a soldier with her foot. He wasn’t unconscious, just too sore to move.

“Yes, so we need to stay alert.” Erza said, joining Natsu at a mango gelato shack and started to eat a mango dessert.

“That was a good brawl, but please don’t cause another scene.” The shopkeeper said. He was some tall, bald guy with a strong goatee, wearing some green island shirt and shorts.

“So sorry about that.” Erza apologized meekly.

“You seem to be doing pretty good business regardless of a fight, though.” Gray replied, curiously.
“Not the first brawl to happen here. But I’m never gonna let go of my dream. Saving up, and Ishgar, here I come!” The guy smiled determinedly.

Alice raised her brow, eyeing Lucy and Gray sitting around the bar and talking to the guy and letting their defenses down.

“You guys are from there, aren’t you?” The guy asked.

“We are.” Erza nodded.

“Well, mark my words: The Star Mango is gonna be a smash hit in Ishgar! And my shop is gonna be the number one place to get it on the whole continent!”

“Nice! Sounds delish- I mean, delightful !” Erza applauded him.

“Right now, all I got is this shabby little shack. But I dream of a bunch of shops in Ishgar and I won’t let this little ruckus-” It was a split second change, but Alice felt the surge of immense magic power but it was too fast to charge up a shield and the entire shack exploded into millions of pieces.

Natsu, Erza, and Gray all got blasted down onto their backs. Lucy screamed, entirely taken by surprise.

“What happened to staying alert, Erza? You knew they were bringing reinforcements.” Alice griped, standing at the ready in the direction of the magic power in question.

“You are an a-plus!” Some tall, lanky guy in a leisure suit and bushy black hair walked over to them. The person with the power, though as he moved, he didn’t shift all of the magic energy. There was another lingering by.

“Who are you?! What do you want?!” Erza shouted, completely lit up with anger.

Though Alice didn’t understand the surprise in her voice. It was the reinforcements, obviously!

“Oh, that fire in your eyes is delicious! Yeah, A-plus- plus maybe!” The guy stopped quite a distance away but not too far to talk without shouting to be heard. He took an audacious bow as he introduced himself. “My name is Marin Hollow. I’m a member of the Alvarez Imperial Army’s Brandish Division.”

The shopguy sat on the ground, howling in despair. Lucy slowly lowered a bag of jewel to the ground. “Take that and run.”
“Sorry man. I know it’s not much, but it should help a little.” Gray added.

“I’ll avenge your star mangoes, I promise you!” Erza promised heroically. Which Alice didn’t understand. You just met the guy and you put a target on him by eating at his shack right after attacking Alvarez soldiers. What did they expect?

“Now that’s what I wanna hear! You should get a gold star!” Marin clapped slowly.

Erza powered up. “I’ve had enough of your foolishness. You’ll pay for ruining my sweets! Requip!-...!” But nothing happened. No requiping into armor. Nothing.

She showed fear in her eyes. This wasn’t supposed to happen.

Marin chuckled as Erza pulled her hands up and inspected herself.

Natsu growled, confused. “Smash him, now!”

“I can’t... I can’t requip...!”

“No, you can’t! Because I am the master of space!” Marin declared, joyously.

“What does that mean?” Gray spat.

“By requipping, it essentially means that you’re grabbing stuff from a different pocket of space. Too bad, because all “space” magic is ineffective against me.” Marin explained.

“In that case, take this! Open, gate of the archer!” Lucy tried to summon Sagittarius but nothing happened.. Alice sighed. “You stupid bitch...”

“Celestial magic? Sorry, that's space based magic as well. Oh, and there’s one teeny detail I should mention: Anyone who happens to try to break the “Law of Space” in my presence...”

White little bubbles started to form, millions of them forming from their feet-- Erza and Lucy... And it kept going up their bodies.

“Wait! What’s going on?!”

“This is really scary!” Both Erza and Lucy screamed.

And as the bubbles rose, the lower ones popped and a little bit more of Erza and Lucy disappeared.

“There’s no reason to get all fussy, ladies. I’m sending you to my chillout space!”

And then they were gone. “Lucy!” “Erza!”

“Where’d they go?!”


*Naruko=Naruto. I decided to do the funny thing anime and manga does when talking about brands and series and just changes it slightly. Like in The Devil is a Part-Timer! they change McDonald's to McRonald's. (I looked it up to confirm it and THERE'S A SECOND SEASON THAT JUST CAME OUT WHAT THE f*ck????)

Chapter 118

Chapter Text

Natsu growled at this new enemy who put Erza and Lucy into his “chillout space”.

“Where’d they go?!” Natsu demanded. “You better tell me what you did with them!”

Alice quickly thought over the magics she wielded. Requip was out of the question, but now she’d have to fight in a bikini?!
But besides that, she could use her lightning magic unrestrained. There was very little spacial magic that she used besides requip, but that was just out of convenience.

“Like I said, I sent those lovelies over to relax in my chillout space, ‘kay? Those girls are both a-plus honeys, so they should be someplace nice. But you two are f-minus losers! Dumbasses that just need to die!” Marin’s whole demeanor changed to a deadly grimace.

“What about me?!” Alice raised her hand, stupidly needed validation.
“B-plus.” Marin said after a moment of consideration.

Alice felt a pop in her chest. Was that her heart breaking? In what world was she not as attractive as Lucy?! Erza, that was understandable. Erza was the whole package and more, but Lucy?

“I’m gonna f*cking kill you. I’m gonna f*cking kill you...!” Alice felt her psyche start to crack and chip away.

“Hold on, what did we do to you?” Gray asked, asking why this guy was giving Lucy and Erza nicer treatment. Because apparently that was more important than Alice’s self-esteem.

She wasn’t as attractive as Lucy? Never in her life has that happened! Everyone always chose Alice over her! She was the hotter one!
She was the perfect one! The perfect hair, face, body! She was on the on covers of magazines, with charting music, with the best magic, the best body, EVERYTHING!

What did she have if she didn't have that?

Natsu was going to leave her for Lucy. Not that she didn’t already know that, it was bound to happen. But this solidified it.
All Lucy ever had on her was her humongous tit*, but now?...

K i l l t h e m a l l! M a k e t h e m r e g r e t e v e r p i c k i n g t h a t w h o r e o v e r y o u! K i l l t h e m b e f o r e t h e y c a n l e a v e y o u!

Marin snapped his fingers and Mest appeared in front of them. He was laying down, battered and badly beat. “This piece of crap tried to use space magic around me! Know what I think of that? F-minus! This loser makes me want to puke my guts out!”

Natsu flamed up with a shout and charged Marin, with a flame flst that engulfed several feet behind Marin in flames.
But Marin dodged, using teleportation magic, appearing right behind Natsu. “You’ll have a hard time touching a space magic master like me! I’m like the sheriff of space!”

Natsu spun around to catch him, Marin teleported again and punched him in the shoulder.

Alice wasn’t paying attention. She was too concerned at her blackening claws growing from her nails! She could feel the monster moving around inside her! As if something it lived inside her skin and tried to turn over to get more comfortable in this skin suit.
Go away, go away! She tried to command the beast inside herself, but her voice sounded as scared as she really was. Not even in her own mind could she pretend that she wasn’t completely frozen with fear.

This thing was going to take over soon! Sooner than she expected!

Or I’m gonna kill them for you !

“That’s enough playtime, Marin.” Some tall, voluptuous young woman strutted over, unimpressed with the mess before her. She had short lime green hair with these odd purple crucifix looking clips in her hair. She wore a brown and green bikini with a matching slip over it. Like every other girl in the world, she had massive tit*. She wore the Alvarez Army sigil in blue on her left thigh.
She had round cheeks and sparkly green eyes. But she was very beautiful.

That and she had immense magical power. The only thing that caught Alice’s attention, and she came out of her trance-- With no claws? Had she imagined it?

Now who was this girl? She had such intimidating magic power, it made Alice’s already quick-beating heart skip for a moment.

Marin teleported to her side, looking like an excited puppy. “Brandish, my lady! Oh, you are an A-plus-plus-plus- plus !”
That was warranted. She was gorgeous! She was taller than Marin, and she had such powerful curves!

“I’d appreciate it if you stopped with the bootlicking.” She said with such a commanding alto voice. Oh, Alice hadn’t been so fascinated by a woman in such a long time!

Natsu grabbed his bandaged arm and started to hiss in discomfort. What was this Brandish woman? And what was she doing to Natsu’s secret weapon?!

“I have a craving for Star Mango gelato.” Brandish said so cooly, only to turn and see the ruined shop. “It’s, like, totally in pieces! Who could’ve done this?!” She screeched in horror.
“It was these guys over here and their b-minus girl!” Marin pointed over to the three Fairy Tailers.
“That’s a lie!” Natsu screamed. “The whole thing was your fault!” Gray shouted at Marin.

“H-How... Did I get downgraded? I’ve just been standing here....!” Alice whimpered.

“Oh, and I really wanted some too...” Brandish pouted and walked away. “Let’s go...”
“Uh, Brandish, please wait! It happened because these oafs picked a fight with our soldiers! I think the only reason they’re here is to contact the spy!” Marin ran over to Brandish.

“I don’t care! Just give them back their A-plus girls, okay?” Brandish said, still dismayed.“What?! But they are one of the best in my collection! You even gave the whole idea your blessing, remember? Don’t you?” Marin argued, whining.

Brandish stomped her foot and the entire island started to quake. Natsu, Gray, and Alice looked around, expecting something to happen more than the ground shaking but they couldn’t see what was going on.

“Look at the sea! We’re moving!” Alice pointed towards the horizon, seeing their perspective move and shift. “She moved the entire island?!” Gray gasped.

“Marin, did you not just hear me?” Brandish asked in a threatening tone that even had Alice quivering.
“Right!” Marin snapped his fingers and Erza and Lucy reappeared, laying on the ground dazed.
“They’re all right. I sent them someplace comfy, like I said!”

“Lucy! Erza!” Natsu ran over to their side, Lucy sitting up slowly. “What just happened?” She asked, completely out of it.
“Where were we?” Erza asked, slowly. “That was absolutely horrible!”

“Uh, Miss. Brandish, don’t forget we were sent all the way out here on a mission to capture the spy and her associates! I don’t want to know what ol’ Wall will have to say if we come back empty-handed.” Marin said sweetly.
“Whatever we choose to do, I doubt Ishgar will be stupid enough to mess with Alvarez.” Brandish shrugged it off.
“That may be the case, if we say we couldn’t even find them, then we’ll get a big f-minus and who wants that?”
“I really don’t care.” And Brandish walked off again.

Alice breathed out a sigh of relief. She didn’t care about anything in this moment except getting off this island and away from this powerful goddess.

“Now, wait a minute!” Natsu shouted after her.
“Natsu, don’t be so stupid!” Lucy cried. Alice’s eyes widened in shock. “Don’t do this, Natsu!”

“You took out one of our friends! You think we’re just gonna let you walk away after that?!” Natsu demanded. “No, stand down, Natsu!” Erza pleaded.

Brandish stopped and looked back at Natsu boredly, then she raised her hand. Marin disappeared completely. Without a sound, a trace, anything.
“Now I’m down one too. Now we’re even. Does that make it better? I hate dealing with things like this. There’s so much better things I’d rather be doing.”

Natsu growled. “How could you?! He was one of your own!”

“Natsu, stop!” Alice snapped at him, hushed. She wanted to use spacial magic and throw him in his own space container. It’d save them all, what was he doing?! He had to sense her magic power! It surpassed Laxus, Master Makarov even! She would kill them all without breaking a sweat! And she was letting them go! She was giving them mercy!

“It’s way easier for all of us if I tell everyone back home I got rid of the spy and her little friends. So just stay away from Alakitasia, okay?” Brandish bargained.
So she saw through their poor disguise? And was going to leave them alone regardless? That was a deal made in heaven!

“Makarov’s alive, by the way. But if you guys don’t behave yourselves, that could easily change. So this is your warning. You’d better run along home, or else.” And within an instant the island sunk below sea level.

Every person and thing on the island was submerged into water, with no bottom in sight. Alice sputtered, as she resurfaced and took a moment for her instincts to kick and and wade in the water.

All the hundreds of innocent tourists screamed and panicked. How many of them couldn’t swim? How many were children? Babies? How many people were able to drown to death?

And underneath Brandish’s feet stood the island. Nothing bigger than a small footstool for her to stand on. “Alvarez has 11 other wizards just as powerful as I am. So don’t be stupid and start a fight you can’t win. Got that, Fairy Tail?

Alice felt her entire body go cold. So Alvarez already knew their plan? How many steps ahead were they? They had to have their own spy!

And then Brandish left, not returning the island back to normal or anything. Just leaving them all to perish for all she cared.

Thankfully the soldiers and the other boats around the island had the heart to come through with lifeboats and quickly saved everyone.

Alice emerged from the water in a hurry after saving one last sinker. She held the baby for dear life. And she used her momentum to shoot herself up onto the ship.

“What you got there, Alice?” Gray asked, seeing Alice land kneeling and panting with a small--- Was that a baby?!

Alice whimpered, laying the infant on the ground. It was just a small little infant, nowhere close to a child! This was just a baby! Who left their baby alone to drown?! A little baby girl wearing a pink and blue baby swimsuit!

“Alice! Oh my god, that’s a baby! Where’d you get a baby?! Is it breathing?!” Lucy panicked, running over. Alice threw her hand up, shoving her away. She got down to her hands, laying her ear against the chest of the still baby, hearing for a pulse. Anything.

“Got it.” She muttered sitting back up and putting two fingers on the baby’s chest, where it’s lungs were and she breathed in and out slowly, tracing her fingers up the baby’s body until it reached it’s mouth and then the baby coughed, water flying out. Alice grabbed the child, turning her to the side and patting her back to help it force the water out.

And then came the wonderful sound of the baby crying. “Thank f*cking god.” Alice sighed out, pulling the baby up into her arms and trying to soothe it as it screamed its lungs out. The baby girl shook as she wailed, terrified, in pain, coughing and breathing raggedly. Alice patted the baby’s back, as she bounced about to try and soothe the child.

“MY BABY! THAT’S MY BABY!” Some woman looking to be in her early 30’s, with brunette hair thrown back into a bun, matching the baby’s same hair color.She wore a blue bikini top with capri pants. “My Amelia! I lost her after the island disappeared!”

Alice didn’t question anything with this woman screaming and running at her and Alice handed the screaming baby over.

“Oh, my sweet girl! It’s okay, mommy’s got you. Mommy’s got you, everything’s going to be okay.” The woman took her baby, holding her for dear life, tears streaming down her face.

This baby, Amelia , started to calm down hearing her mother’s voice. The woman took in a deep calming breath. “Thank you so much! There’s nothing I could do to repay you! Thank you for saving my baby girl!” But she started to sob again.

Alice just smiled softly, feeling her own emotions well up inside. Saving someone’s baby always was a big enough reward. Seeing the love a mother had for her children was more than Alice could ask for, so she could go home and wonder if her mother loved her just the same.

You’ll be seeing your mommy soon. Yoko’s been waiting for you!

And the smile disappeared from Alice’s face and before she could say a word to the woman, she felt her stomach seize and force anything it could up. Alice ran over to the side of the boat and began to heave, only saliva and stomach acid dripping from her mouth.

What was going on with her?! Her biggest episode was months ago, the proof being the broken mirror set on the curb, waiting to be disposed of.
Now all of a sudden, Natsu comes back and she’s only spiraling. She was losing control of herself, and it was a quick regression. All the control she thought she had diminishing in days!

She had to leave. She didn’t know where, or how, or what but-- Once they saved Master, she’d have to go find a secluded cave or something, using some powerful magic warding to keep herself in place.

She was losing this battle, and this monster was sucking her life force away. Soon enough, within the coming weeks, she was going to lose herself completely. She was going to die and this demon was going to take her body as its vessel and kill everyone she loved if she didn’t stop it.

But for now, she had to help where she could. Save her great-grandfather, get him home, get things in order, and leave.

Once they got home, she’d leave. She’d have to.

“Alice, are you okay? What just happened?” Lucy came running over to her, still in a panic.
Well, perhaps she could let the demon kill Lucy first, then she could leave.

Lucy came over to rub Natsu’s back as he bent over the side of the ship, sick to death it looked.

“So what’s our next move?”

Erza kept her arms crossed, in constant thought. “Good question. We should start by finding out--” Erza disappeared. Completely materialized out of thin air, something akin to Mest’s teleportation magic.

And before anyone could panic, they all disappeared too. Only to reappear.... In some white stone castle... Underwater?

Lucy screamed, falling to her face.

“We’re fine. It’s my magic.” Mest said, as if he felt underappreciated for it.

“Would’ve loved to be told first.” Alice grumbled, requiping a long cardigan over her bikini. She was getting cold now that they weren’t under the pelting summer sun anymore.

Carla also griped at Mest for the lack of warning. But Wendy and Natsu were just happy to be off the boat.

“So then, where have you taken us?” Erza asked cautiously.

“Not far. It’s near Caracol Island. But underwater.” Mest said, giving as little information as possible.


“Look at all the fishies!” Happy gasped excitedly. They were indeed deep underwater. Just outside of this small castle, schools of fish and other sea life swam about. Coral of all types of color neighboring just close by.

“But why here?” Carla wondered.

“I was able to get into contact with our spy. She gave me a set of coordinates for a rendezvous.” Mest further gave very little information.

“What a strange place.” Erza hummed.

“Yeah, like an underwater temple.” Gray said, admiring it with his hands on his hips.

Lucy walked over to a “window” and stuck her hand out-- Only to find there was no window and her hand met the warm ocean water. Like there was some magic barrier that kept the water out. “How do they keep the water out?!” She gasped.

Natsu screamed with laughter, diving his head out the window. “This is so cool! I could dive right in! This is so crazy, I want a house like this!”

Then the entire building shook and felt like it was being lifted-- Then it started to move through the ocean.

“Mest?!” Erza asked, panicked. “I-I’m not sure what’s going on.” He answered truthfully.

Both Wendy and Natsu’s joy disappeared as they both became deathly ill once more. “No! Stay still!”

And as the building moved, it increased its speed, faster and faster. But it bounced up and down like something was carrying it, rather than it moving on its own.

“I’m glad you could come.” Called a voice from somewhere behind a pillar.

And then this person walked out and strutted, confidently to the single stone throne in the center of the room.


Everyone stood still.

Angel of Oracion Seis!

Alice had heard that the others had encountered her and the other members of Oracion Seis back during the Clock arc, but that was quite some time ago.

She looked nearly identical to herself from years prior in Alice’s memories. Just maybe longer hair? And... bigger boobs.... How did they get even bigger?!

And... She looked oddly familiar...

Like, yes. Alice had met Angel before, but no, she reminded Alice of someone else . But who?

“Welcome to the Mobile Temple Olympia. I’m your captain, Sorano.” She giggled and saluted cutely.

“I don’t understand...” Lucy said breathlessly.

“Yeah, why are you in a swimsuit?” Gray asked, as if that’s what was wrong with the whole ordeal. Then he started to strip out of his swimming shorts.

“Because we’re underwater- PUT YOUR CLOTHES BACK ON!” Carla shrieked in horror.


“I’m telling Juvia~!” Alice remarked.

“No, don’t!”

“Wait, hold on. Is she the spy?” Happy asked, getting them back on track.

“Uh-huh! That would be me!” Angel- Sorano nodded.

“As you know the former Oracion Seis are working with Jellal as a part of Crime Sorciere. So we asked for their help with this.” Mest explained.

“I mean, I heard about it but I didn’t believe it.” Alice commented.

“But is there a reason you didn’t call on Cobra instead?” Erza said with a frown.

“Yeah, he was really cute afterall!” Alice agreed.

Mest scowled. “We couldn’t risk him hearing things that were confidential.”

Sorano smiled. “I don’t believe our paths have crossed since that Infinity Clock ordeal. It’s so nice to see you all.”

“You realize your cover was blown-” “And your fled to Caracol Island-” “Which was promptly wiped out...” Lucy, Gray, and Carla said, together unsure why Sorano was acting so confidently and cool.

“It’s not my fault! I barely escaped alive, you know!” Sorano started to pout and throw a tantrum.

“That’s quite surprising coming from you.” Erza commented.

“Yes, well, turns out I owe Mest a little favor now. I’ll help you this time, but don’t be fooled into thinking we’re partners.” Sorano said pointedly at Lucy.
“Well, we appreciate it, Angel-! I mean, Sorano! ” Lucy replied nervously. Sorano scowled, leaning into her, and pulling her close by the strings of Lucy’s bikini. “Don’t forget. I’m the one who killed Karen. She got on my nerves too.” She warned.

“Calm down, Sorano.” Erza said, disgruntled by the tension rising in the room.

“Wait, I have a question: Does anyone know where this thing is taking us?” Wendy asked weakly.
“Straight to hell!” Natsu replied warbly.

“We’re going to your master Makarov.” Sorano replied with a knowing smirk.
“Wait, you know where they’re keeping him?” Erza gasped.

Sorano posed with a seductive grin. “Aren’t I the best?”

Chapter 119


I've always thought of fic-afying the movies, Phoenix Priestess and Dragoncry. I just don't like all the added nalu sh*t in it. It's like if it isn't Hiro Mashima's manga, the networks will just push nalu more than he does and for what? Do they think it'll bring in more viewers that way or what? Not that it isn't already inevitable that they'll end up together.

Also tbh I've been thinking of watching Eden Zero and ficifying it as well because let's be honest, Rave Master, Fairy Tail, and Eden Zero are basically they same things, just different names and little changes. Like that's very much Natsu and Lucy just different hair colors and names.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Alice sat against the trunk of a tree as soon as they made it to land.
Natsu and Wendy cheered about stable land once more and Mest left for the kingdom city of Alakitasia to find Master.

Alice requiped into something more modest, something that could hide her insecurities. A black Bucci sweater cropped top and a pair of light acid wash shorts and some coffee brown knee-high socks under her ankle boots. She was a bit cold even on this summer day. Which was fine. She could just cover up more. Couldn’t get upset that someone chose Lucy over her if she wasn’t trying to show off anyways.

She pulled her hands out to study her nails. She felt a phantom itch at her cuticles, where she swore her skin turned black with decay and thick dark claws forced their way through her nails. But there was nothing there to show the proof. Her nails were just the same as ever. Obsessively cut short.

She sighed. She wasn’t ready to leave.
She wasn’t ready to say goodbye to Natsu and Happy and all her other friends she cared deeply for. She got them all back and now she was going to have to leave.

Where would she even go? Tenrou Island perhaps? The only people who went there were dark guilds anymore who looked for signs of Zeref. She could take a few dark wizards out, maybe do some good in the world.

Like saving that baby.
For a moment there, she thought if she did some good, saved someone’s baby.... It would all even out.

But it didn’t.
It was evident now. There was nothing to save her.
She would die soon enough.

She had to write a letter. No, various letters. One to Natsu, Happy, Mirajane, maybe even Laxus. She had so much to say, so little time.

What would she even say to Natsu? How would she even do it?
She’d have to do it while they were apart. Perhaps he would be at the guild, she at home. Or vice versa.

Any chance alone, she’d have to take it and go. She couldn’t let him catch her, he’d be able to convince her to stay. Only he had the hope to convince her there was a chance to save her.
She’d have to do a pretty big teleportation jump because if he caught her scent, it’d be over. He’d find her in a heartbeat.

She didn’t want to leave.
She didn’t want to go! She had so many things she wanted to do... Though all those things didn’t have this demon involved.

She just got Natsu back and now she’d have to leave him.
She knew it would come. The moment he came back, time would only allow them so much time together. Something would happen. The other shoe would drop.

And here it was.
She always knew coming back home would do it. Even with Natsu there, it was too much. She was reminded too much of the monster she was becoming. There was no place to turn to distract herself in Magnolia.

She shouldn’t have come back home-

“Are you all right?”
Alice jumped at Natsu’s voice. She was so lost in thought that she didn’t hear him coming.

He stood over her, giving her a look of concern.

“I-..I’m fine.” She swallowed her feelings and nodded.
Natsu didn’t look like he bought that answer. “Did you overwork yourself saving all those drowning folk? You were a hero out there with your dragonslayer swimming, while I was a pathetic mess on the ship. I could barely move, I was so sick.”

“I said I’m fine.” Alice doubled down. She didn’t care if he was convinced or not. Maybe he’d understand she didn’t want to talk about it.

Natsu weighed his options. He had to be honest, Alice’s mood swings were erratic and too close together anymore. It was becoming waning on him as well more than just feeling upset because she was.
Every day it was something new, or it was something that was already mended and not an issue anymore?

So it wasn’t exhaustion from using her dragonslayer magic... Lucy was actually being nice, so it wasn’t her.
She saved that baby, only to have an adverse reaction-- But Natsu just thought that was just her using too much of her dragonslayer magic? And she said it wasn’t that.

Did he just leave her alone and hope for the best? Because what else was he supposed to do? There was so many things happening all at once, he couldn’t put it on pause for her all the time. Though, he had to admit for her emotions to be so dark and overwhelming that all the new information being thrown at them couldn’t distract her, it had to be bad.

But what could’ve happened? She flirted with Gray, got insecure about herself, and then saved lives! What else could be wrong?!

Mest was going to be back any time with Master and they’d probably have to make some tracks immediately after.
“Well, if you aren’t. Talk to me, okay? I mean, maybe not right now but later-” “Then what’s the point of asking? If my problems are too much of a burden, just stop asking.” Alice curtly cut him off.
“That’d be easier than trying to keep up with them.” Natsu frowned, getting frustrated.

Alice threw a dark glare up at him and she stood up to her feet. “Well that decided it. Thanks.” She muttered frigidly before walking away from him.

“That’s not what I meant, I-” “Save it.”

Kill him. It’d make it so much easier on us. Watch the fear in his eyes, make him beg for mercy, I bet he’ll double back on all of it. His last words would be his undying love for you. And he’d never disappoint us again.
Maybe later. Don’t hate him enough for that.
Do it out of love then.
Then, I don’t love him enough to do it either.

And moments later, Mest reappeared, out of breath. With Makarov Dreyar in his lap. Everyone surrounded them excitedly. “Welcome back, master!”

“Good to see you, Gramps!”


Alice only peered over the lump of fairies to get a quick look. She was far too nervous to let her great-grandfather see her this way. That would be the last thing she’d need.
He looked healthy and unharmed. His beard had grown out but it was neatly kept. But he was completely fine. That was good to hear. But what was their worry then?

“My children are here?” Makarov had yet to get his bearings about him, but to see the faces of the kids he watched grow up here to save him...?

“Guys, Zeref’s here! He was with Zeref!” Mest said in a fearful warning.

Alice gasped. Her blood turned cold. Zeref! Forget the fear of Brandish’s power. Zeref was here! ZEREF, the black wizard! The master of all the demons of Tartaros and more!
The Wizard of DEATH!

“Zeref’s here? Where?” Natsu stood up, growling with fire burning around his fists. “On this continent?”

Master sat up on his own. “I can hardly believe it myself. But this empire’s leader, who they call “Spriggan”, is actually the Black Wizard Zeref himself!”
“How is that even possible?” “He’s the Emperor?”
“This just got far more complicated than we thought.”

“Since you’ve come all this way, I assume Mest has filled you in on the whole situation and what I was trying to accomplish by traveling here?” Master asked, looking around at all of them. Of course his eyes paused on his true blood relation there.

He feared with opening her second container something like this would happen, but in such sort time? He always wondered about Zeref being her demon’s creator, it all made sense. The cult she was in, all the death coming from one single man, Alice the only one who survived, but with the same magic?

Although, perhaps she’d be the one to save them all. If she had his magic, seemingly immune to his death magic-- She could be the key. But that was all hypothetical and he’d rather not find out if he was right or not.

“He did.” Erza nodded.
“I’m just glad you’re okay!” Wendy teared up, smiling from ear to ear.

“I’ve been far too naive through this whole ordeal. I came here believing they’d be willing to negotiate, but that was just a fantasy. And before I made the journey west, I put the future of the guild in jeopardy.” Master started to cry as he retold his thoughts. “All that heartache and pain was for nothing! I’ve never felt such heartbreak and embarrassment before in my life!”

Alice teared up, no longer able to stay away and she knelt down, hugging her very small great-grandfather. Crying along with him. How she missed the smell of the tobacco and whiskey on his clothes, his aftershave and his cologne. It smelled of her early days in the guild.

The good old days. How she missed it, she missed it all. And she’d never get it back!
Savor it now. Before it all came to an end.

“This year was tough, but we all made our way through it. Stronger than ever.” Gray said encouragingly.
“It’s true. And the bond we share could never be broken. That’s how we found each other again.” Lucy added.

But Master only continued to cry.

“If concern for another is what pushes you to act, then it means something. Showing you care is important. Master, you taught us that lesson.” Erza said hopeful.

Natsu walked over, tapping Alice on the shoulder gently. She pulled away from her grandfather to look up at him. Natsu smiled warmly. “Come on, Dreyars. Let’s go home.”

She got up, as Natsu held his hand out to Master.

But as she tried to get out of the way, Natsu used his other hand to pull her back as he held Gramps up to his feet.

“Natsu, my boy. If there ever is a time to say it, thank you for taking care of her. When her family failed time and time again. I’ll never have enough thanks for you for being the stability she needed, and you continue to be.” Master said genuinely holding Natsu’s hand in both of his wrinkly rough ones.

“And Alice-... I’m sorry that I-”
“I’m getting tired of everyone apologizing to me, but always thanking him for putting up with me. He abandoned me just like you did. So he’s not all that special.” Alice paused for a moment after realizing how harsh she was being. “But I understand why you did what you did. And maybe someday I’ll appreciate it.”

It wasn’t time for them to make up and create better bonds. It was time to distant herself and fade off into the distance. If he didn’t have to thank Natsu for being some higher being, the only person who didn’t seem to give up on her-- Maybe she wouldn’t have switched but... She was tired of being treated like a burden. She already knew it. So everyone needed to stop throwing it in her face.

“We have a lot of catching up to do. But we should probably get out of here first.” Carla said, getting them back on track.
“You’re right.” Happy agreed.

“Well, I used too many direct lines in a row, so I’m running low on magic power. I only have enough to teleport us one more time. I think it would be best to teleport us back to Sorano’s ship but we’ll have to travel a bit on land until we get in range.” Mest said.

Alice gasped, seizing at the sudden surge of magic power coming their way. Not Brandish, different. But just as immense. She did say there were 11 more just like her in power.

“Makarov, leaving so soon?” Some guy walked into view. He was some tanned, tall muscular young man with chocolate brown bushy hair pushed back with a yellow hairband. He had some paler yellow ribbon tied around his chest, that also tied around his neck and then the long tail ends flowed behind him.
He wore no shirt, but wore brown baggy trousers with some white diamond print along his thighs.

“And after we were getting to know each other. I have a farewell gift for you. I’d like you to have it before you take a long nap in the ground.”

“Ajeel? No!” Master gasped, horrified. “How’d he find us?!” Mest said, nearly as terrified.

“Sand is nice. It tells me almost everything.” Ajeel said, pouring sand from one hand to another. But when he had no sand before. So he used some sort of sand magic.

Makarov saw Alice, Gray, and Natsu all get ready for an attack.
“Stop! You mustn’t fight him! He’s far too powerful! We should run!”

Alice only wanted to protect them from an offensive attack, she had no intentions to start the altercation. But this guy was talking like he was going to be to one to give Master the dirt nap.

“Are you for real?” Natsu asked, taken aback by Master’s order with such fear in his voice.
“Our master clearly gave us the order to retreat. Let’s go!” Erza doubled down.

“We already have the magic mobile waiting, let’s go!” Carla said, reminding them of the large van they drove in to the forest.

“Are you serious? Can’t we just walk?” Natsu groaned.

“Go! Get to the magic mobile!” Erza commanded, throwing three long swords towards Ajeel, hopefully distracting him as they made a break for it.

“SE plug connected, let’s go!” Erza said as she connected herself to it.

Erza punched it, wheels screeching as they went into gear and they were off. But soon enough some large massive creature appeared and followed after them.
Something larger than Acnologia even, a creature made of sand with Ajeel standing atop of its head.

“He’s coming!” Makarov could feel his power getting closer.

Alice, Gray, and Lucy poked their heads through the window to see the giant monster lunging for the vehicle and Erza swerved around to dodge.

“We need to slow it down! Come on, girls!” Gray said, taking the initiative out the window.

“No, get back in! He’s far too powerful!” Master protested but the three were already out on top of the mobile.

“We’ll see about that, Gramps.” Gray powered up, those black markings on his skin from Avatar reappeared on his skin.
“Star Dress: Sagittarius form!” Lucy requiped into a green green, and wielded a double arrow bow.

“Am I the only one who doesn’t have to go through a magic girl transformation to be my peak powerful?” Alice looked between them as she didn’t have a form to transform into.
“Try to go against me sometime, you don’t know how much more powerful I’ve gotten, Alice! Ice-Form Silver!” Gray conjured up a giant ice block around the sand beast, stopping it for some time.

Ajeel jumped, breaking himself free of the ice, leaving his monster behind. With a wave of his hand, dozens of sand-made pterodactyl looking creatures came out of thin air, targeting them.
“Don’t worry, I got this!” Lucy said, only shooting three.

“And don’t worry, I’ll get the rest.” Alice said, raising a hand up and several bolts of lightning came from her fingertips and shot at five creatures and as they disintegrated, lightning came from their place and shot at the other birds in a domino attack. All all the creatures taken out at once.

And then Ajeel disappeared.

“He’s gone! Where’d he go?!”

“He’s beneath us! He’s merged into the sand, get ready for an attack from below!” Makarov warned too late as Ajeel conjured up a large sand pit right underneath the magic mobile, displacing it and everyone inside and out.

“Man, that was pathetic. You guys should’ve stayed back in Ishgar ‘cause you’re really in over your heads here.” Ajeel laughed, standing just before the pit. The sand started to slide into the middle, weighing everyone down.

“I can’t move!”
“It’s pulling us down!”

“I can’t count how many people I’ve killed with this. Entire cities have been swallowed up whole inside it. My Antlion Trap is like a gateway to hell. Nobody has ever escaped from it. Before you go to your graves thinking you’re something special, you should know this: You’re just a bunch of losers like all the other wizards we’ve killed over the years! We’re on a different level than you maggots from Ishgar! The gods have abandoned your whole freaking continent! It’ll be so easy for Alvarez to take it over! Sucks to be you guys! The looks on your faces is priceless, I- What?!”

And suddenly the sand pit trap was gone. The sand evaporated in a quick moment, as if each grain of sand was obliterated.
While the others took a moment to wonder what happened, crawling out of the sand pit.

Alice stood at the edge of it, on Ajeel's level.

"The Gods aren't on your side either if you thought you stood a chance against a devil." And with a blink of her dead, bloodshot, glossed over eyes, Alice raised her hand and powerful bolt of dark magic shot from it, aimed at Ajeel.

He jumped back, but the impact blasted him back.

But he got right back up with a smile. “A devil, you say? I find that hard to believe, but it's been a long while since someone's got closer like that.” Ajeel threw a sand attack at her, while grinning like a maniac.

“Alice, watch out!”
“Alice, get out of the way!”
“Do something!”

“That-... That’s not Alice...” Wendy trembled.

The sand attack met an invisible barrier, mere inches from Alice. Ajeel’s smile dropped, curious and surprised. “What’s this?” He wondered, this girl didn’t-- She... She was different. Her magic aura was both void and too great to sense. Like a high frequency only dogs could pick up.

With a quake of the ground, black bolts of lightning struck the ground in succession, in a path leading to Ajeel.
But it was too slow, he easily dodged out of the way.
What was she doing? She wasn’t trying, she was...

“She’s just playing with him.” Gray observed, amazed and horrified, set off by Wendy’s fearful notion.

“You’re pathetic! You’re not a devil, you’re barely a threat! Well, I want to see you block this! I want to see your face when you’re drowning in my Sands of Death!” And from the horizon came a large wave of sand, kilometers long. “Anything in it’s path dries up and dies! You can’t block this one!”

“Now, Mest! Teleport us, now!”
“Where to?!”
“Alice, let’s go! Get out of the way!”

Alice only stood unyielding. She waited for that storm, she smiled wickedly awaiting this party trick of his. Anything that touches it, dies? There’d be no one to miss, to say goodbye to, to feel sorry for, to want to protect-- If they were all dead.

The wave of sand grew closer and closer. Until it stopped with a loud boom of lightning. Dragonslayer lightning.

“Laxus? Is that really him?” Makarov gaped.

Alice felt her skin crawling with sharp needles, her stomach panged with painful nausea, she was dizzy in her head. But she swore she could see the Magical Bomber Christina in the sky above them.

He really did join Blue Pegasus....

Wait, what was she thinking?


this is what I hate about posting works-- I already know I'm gonna rewrite this chapter eventually. It's not good enough, I'm not in the best state of mind.

Chapter 120


told yall I was gonna be slow updating this, but in the same year? That's progress, babbeee

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

On the Magic Bomber Christina, it was quite the reunion and a shocker for some. It seems some of the others like Mirajane, Juvia, Cana, Levy, Gajeel to name a few reached out to Blue Pegasus for help.

And who were among that Blue Pegasus alumni? No other than the Thunder Legion and their beloved Laxus.

“Gotta say, I’m surprised to see you here.” Gray said, unfazed by Juvia’s gushing over him.

“We knew the master was in trouble, so we came up with a rescue plan.” Lisanna replied.

“Luckily, we got Laxus to help!” Mirajane smiled.

“You got some nerve for leaving without us!” Gajeel griped at Erza. “Well, it was a covert operation.” Erza shrugged.

“Being on a ship is so awesome when you don’t gotta hurl the whole time! Laxus, whaddya say you and me fight to celebrate?” Natsu beamed, excited to be up in the air and not sick about it.

Laxus grumbled, looking for his daughter in the mass of chaos on the ship. Oh, there she was. Leaning against the side, looking back at her opponent that got left in the dust. What happened to her?

At least there was no mistaking her for her mother anymore. There wasn’t anything about her that resembled Yoko anymore. Not even him. Those red eyes and nauseating aura.

“Not that I care, but how are the other idiots?” Laxus asked in passing.

“The same as ever! More powerful and passionate about reuniting Fairy Tail, though.” Mirajane smiled brightly.

“And the brat?”

Mira’s smile faltered as she looked at her feet. “She... To be honest with you, Laxus. I’m worried about her. It’s worse than before. I barely recognize her, and she’s not herself. I’m afraid that we’re running out of time before it truly gets out of control.”

“How bad are we talking?”

“My takeover magic sees her more demon than human. It’s eating her alive and I... I haven’t been able to figure out anything to save her.”

“I’ll pass.”

Alice couldn’t find Ajeel anywhere on the ground. The aftermath of his grand spell left the land in ruin, covered in sand. But him? Nowhere to be seen. Probably on his way back to the city and reporting back to Zeref.

The less smart part of her wanted to go after him, tear him to tatters and the rest of his brigade. The Spriggan Twelve.

He’d be an easy win, as long as she leaned into her demonic power. It felt more natural than trying to fight it. And she had the confidence to think she could take them all on.

If they were anything like him or Marin, it’d be a piece of cake. Brandish, though. Her magic aura was overwhelming, but her magic was manipulating the size of... That was unknown. Was it only land, or could it be anything else? Did it have a limit, a cool-down? A lame side effect?

Either way, as long as Alice stopped worrying about herself and let the darkness do what it wanted, it’d be no sweat.

And then her last target would be Zeref.

Zeref. The Black Wizard, himself. It sounded impossible to even think she could take him on but what choice did she have? She needed to know if he was the one who destroyed her life and what it took to destroy E.N.D. Give Natsu peace, give him safety.

Yeah. Take down Zeref and E.N.D. and get some answers. The aftermath would be crazy to think about, but it’d be a well needed distraction. Write out some letters, leave some instructions to Natsu, the house, and a sizable amount of jewel-- Well why not all of it? What did she need it for when she was going to imprison herself? Well, what did she know of trapping demons? Maybe she’d find out when she confronted Zeref.

If not, maybe she’d keep enough money for travel and research. Either way, she’d be gone.

Yeah, make an excuse about recovering, Natsu would probably leave for the guildhall or whatever and she’d make her escape with a powerful wind gust that would have her scent going every which way. By the time the dragonslayers would track down each path, she’d be long gone.

She felt a dull pressure in her chest. She wondered if it was just simply her heart aching, but she had become numb to it.

She expected herself to cry, but the sting of moisture didn’t come to her eyes and she wasn’t going to force it.

It just wasn’t fair! All her life, she had to fight for her own happiness, for her own sanity, her own happy ending that her mother never got and for what? To lose the fight against a demonic presence inside of herself?

“Keep fighting Bean! Don’t you dare give up!” She imagined her mother cheering her on just to watch her succumb to it. Perhaps her mother watched her from wherever she was with disappointment, but she didn’t know how taxing it was, how much anguish it was to fight against a losing battle? When your adversary was just your inner darkness?

It was a losing fight the moment the darkness was put in her. She always knew it.

She remembered standing in the rain, looking at her own reflection from a puddle. She blocked out Natsu’s scared, trembling voice calling out to her, as he reached out to her for help as he laid there. His body stiff and twitching from the electricity coursing through him. Luckily he’d survive it. But at the moment, so many years ago, Alice wasn’t certain of the outcome. But she stared at herself, horrified at her reflection smiling viscously back at her.

She never spoke about it, and she rarely thought about it. Something that shook her to her very core, that she shoved it so far back into her subconscious that she’d forget about the image she saw.

An 11 year old prepubescent Alice stood there, shivering. Not from the cold of the rain but from the terror of seeing an image of herself staring back at her from the puddle. It wasn’t her replica. It was older, taller. At first she could only imagine it to be some sick joke her mind played on her, using her mother’s image. Because who else would look exactly like Alice but much older and mature?

This creature’ skin had paled to a sickly pale, its skin translucent and veins dark. The white space of the eyes were completely black and the center of the eyes was blood red. These weren’t human eyes. The face was pale and sunken in, lips were cracked and bloody, the hair was longer, thinner and matted-- Soaking with, what the hell was it? It was thick as blood, but it was muddied with grainy black. It dripped down the shoulders, leaving brownish, auburn streaks down to the clawed hands. The body was covered in clothes that Alice couldn’t depict as anything else but shred to pieces of fabric only kept in place, glued by the black substance that had caked over itself over and over again. The skin over the rest of the body was the same, sick complexion, just as frail, thin, and transparent. A skeleton with skin stretched over the bones, with how disgustingly skinny the figure was.

At the time, Alice didn’t understand what it was she saw. But now that she had seen it behind her eyes everytime she closed them, she now knew that she saw her future.

And now it all made perfect sense. Sense that had her stomach churning, and her skin breaking out in goosebumps.

This was always her fate.

But why?

If it was Zeref, who gave her this curse, why did he do it? Why did she not resemble his other demons? Beautiful, strong, and in control of themselves?

They never started out as human like her, with a whole life ahead of them. They were made with one specific goal in mind: Doing Zeref’s bidding.

That was the only error in her terrified theory. Because what made her so special?

And if it was Zeref, why did he not recognize her back on Tenrou Island nearly 10 years earlier?

She’d get her answers eventually.

Even if she didn’t want to face Zeref, something in the way events unfolded, it’d be inevitable.

What if she just got it done and over with right now? Climb over the railing and fall to her death?

It was a sickening thought. She rarely thought of suicide as a solution because all her life she never could think it. After Mizure’s death.. Alice could only see it as a cowardly, selfish act.

But now? It was a mercy for everyone involved. It’d be swift and easy.

Just as easy as falling asleep.

Just as easy as falling in love with Natsu.

She turned to find Natsu with her eyes. Seeing him would make her mind up.

As her eyes landed on him, he found hers as he was talking excitedly with Gajeel, Levy, and Lucy.

Neither of them smiled and Alice looked back to the swiftly moving ground beneath her. Not jumping was selfish, staying just a bit longer to continue to feel the light inside her spark to life every time she saw him.

Just look at how happy he was with his friends, when he wasn’t with her, burdened with her issues. It’s what he deserved. Happiness.

Perhaps after she was gone, Lucy would comfort him and they’d fall together like they always should’ve.

“That’s a lot of hard thinking you’re doing there.”

Alice didn’t turn to acknowledge him. “Go back to talking with the others. Don’t bother worrying about me.”

Natsu leaned his arms on the railing and took a deep breath, looking at the amazing view below him. To enjoy what everyone else had always had on moving objects, while he was too encumbered with nausea.

“I’m sorry I said it that way. It’s just that-”

“That you have too much going on to deal with my sh*t, right?” Alice flicked her eyes to him, depressingly knowledgeable about it.

“That’s not it” He tried to argue but that’s what it was. He didn’t know how to word it in a digestible way, though. Not that he wouldn’t happily give all his attention to her, but everything was falling in on them all at once it felt like.

They had a massive win to celebrate right now! They were reunited with even more of their family while successfully saving the master!

So why did he have to come leave the conversation to have a fight with her?

It was hard to admit this wasn’t the future he envisioned with her, but through thick and thin, sickness and in health, better or for worse, right?

“We’ll get through it, okay? We’ll get it figured out. If Zeref’s behind it, then that’s great because we already have reason to take him down! Two birds with one stone! And if he’s not, well, once he and his demon E.N.D. are dealt with, there’s nothing to get in the way of us finding out what’s going on!” Natsu smiled optimistically at her even if her dour frown didn’t budge at him.

“I’m afraid, my dear, that I don’t think we’ve been afforded the luxury of time for that. It’s nearly swallowed me entirely. I feel that the only thing stopping it is that I haven’t given it consent for full control but soon enough it won’t need it. By the time you have the ability to give me all your attention, it’ll be too late. I won’t be Alice anymore. I’ll be whatever this thing wants to be called.”

Natsu reached over to grab her hand. “Then you keep fighting it. You fight it with everything you got. If you have to step out of the game to do that, then do it! Do whatever it takes to stay my Alice. Even when it gets painful and it’d be easier to let it have what it wants, you don’t let it have you.” He leaned into her, giving her the determined stare. “You stay with me, you got it?”

Alice looked away. “You say that as if I haven’t been trying. Everything I’ve tried isn’t working. I keep changing, becoming the thing. It’s no longer black outs and memory loss. It’s me. I make the decision, I use the demon powers, I have the thoughts it has. It’s only until it’s over that I realize it isn’t me.- Who I used to be.” She looked at his hand, his grip too painfully tight over hers as her nails dug into the railing.

“Down there, with that sand guy, that wasn’t you, that’s the demon in you. It’s not you!” Natsu sounded desperate, as if he wasn’t trying to convince just her, but himself too. Why was she cold? It was like touching a dead body, how her hand was so cold, stiff, and thin.

“It was me. I was conscious the entire time, I made the choices, I used the powers I didn’t even know I had but to wield them is far too easy, like breathing. The thoughts that course through my head are my thoughts, even if afterwards I’m disgusted with myself. I was going to let him kill us, or all of you . I wasn’t too sure but I had a feeling the spell wasn’t going to have the same effect on me. But luckily Mest teleported us up here. And the ideas that I thought sickens me but at the same time, right now, talking about them... It feels like a dream, unreal, and without feeling. The voices still talk to me as if we’re not the same being, but then again, I know we are one in the same. Is it my own insanity personified by my subconscious? Or a demon taking over me? I don’t know. I’m so tired of not knowing.” She unwillingly looked up to see Natsu’s reaction and it was everything she expected. Horror, confusion, pain.

“But what I do know is my end. This... thing is going to consume me soon enough, within this year if I’m optimistic. I’m not sure what that will look like, will I become that creature that I know you see every time you look at me? Will I act the same? Will I even be conscious? Will it even be me or something else entirely? But that doesn’t matter because what does matter is that I’m going to be a dangerous threat. I already have the thoughts, the voices beg me to give in to the thoughts that go through my head, to kill, to cause total devastation to anyone who is in my path. There will be no more mercy. I’ll kill the guild, Lucy-... Happy.... You.” Her voice shook as the images of Happy’s poor mangled body instilled into the forefronts of her mind.

Her throat stung and tightened but no tears came even as she recoiled as she heard Natsu gasp, horrified that she’d even suggest she could do something like that.

“You wouldn’t! You couldn’t! You’ll fight it, I know it!” He started to raise his voice as he grew upset.

Alice was thankful that there was too much commotion for any attention to be on them-- Well, she did meet the gaze of three dragon slayers who picked up on the conversation.

The red eyes didn’t surprise her. Gajeel knew what was coming, he wouldn’t hesitate.

The brown eyes didn’t bother her anymore, as they teared up in fear as her cat companion asked her what was wrong.

And the teal ones? Well, he had to be stupid if he didn’t realize something was wrong.

She didn’t care too much that Gajeel, Wendy, and Laxus heard her. The combined dragonslayers’ powers were her best bet of the sweet respite of death.

She smiled with a deep exhale through her nose as she gazed sympathetically, or as much as she thought she could muster even if it wasn’t genuine, at her fiance.

Yes. Engaged to be wed.

A wedding that would never come.

At one point she had hope, she was just as optimistic as Natsu that she could keep control of herself and they’d have their happy ending. Like she deserved.

Sooner or later she’d have to get over it. That her life was stolen from her. She’d have to let it go. It’d make leaving so much easier.

“And when it happens, I don’t want you to hesitate. I will not surrender, this body will fight until it is in pieces. Even if I pretend to be fighting, begging you to help me, you must not fall for it and take the cha-”

“What are you even talking about?! Killing you? No! It isn’t going to come to that!” Natsu shouted, taking her shoulders into his hands, his fingers pressing bruises into her skin as he made her face him. “I won’t do it! How could you even ask me to do that?!”

“Because that’s the reality you’re facing! Honestly, to make it easier on all of us, I agree with Carla. While I’m still in control, when I still have the energy to keep the demonic power at bay, someone has to take me down or lock me up. But I know that’s not something you’re willing to let happen.” She paused to take a breath and she mustered up the emotion to make her eyes sparkle and she lowered her tone. “But if I’m to die, I want you to be the one who does it! I know that if you were the one to ask me the same, I’d argue to, I’d refuse to even imagine the idea but please understand that this very well could be my dying wish. And perhaps, I hope that in those last moments, as I die, I am myself just for a moment and I can die being myself-.. With you there.”

Natsu shook his head, as he glared tearfully at her. “No.” He choked out as he stepped away from her.

“Not up for discussion.” He said after swallowing back his emotions.

“Natsu, I know it’s a lot to put on you, and I hate that it’s something I have to do with how rapid events are unfolding but I’m afraid that I’ll just be part of this disaster that's to come. My life is unraveling faster than I imagined and to be honest, I think it has to do with my feelings for you-”

“So you’re blaming me for this happening to you?!”

“No, I’m just saying, while over this past year, as much as my demonic powers grew stronger, it was steady and slow. What you see now happened just after you left for your training but it hasn’t progressed much and I thought I had hope until you came back and I felt all these feelings again. Jealousy, regret, lots of anger-- Not because of you but because I love you so much, so that’s why I’m asking you to-”

“I’m done talking about it. You’re not going to let this thing take over you, and we’re not going to talk about you being put down like a stupid- f*cking animal!” Natsu stomped away from her, leaving the conversation as it was.

Alice pursed her lips as she turned back to look at the fast moving ground beneath her.

Well, did that make it easier, or harder?

Not that she expected him to accept it at face value and agree.

At least she could expect peace and quiet for the rest of the ride back home.


Oh, what have I been up to recently? I'm so glad you asked!

The long awaited teasers for Colin and Penelope's romance for Bridgerton's season 3 finally got it's grasp around me and I finally watched Bridgerton! Damn you brits, you got me again!
But no, when it first came out long time ago I thought it looked interesting but I didn't want to get into a new series, and then Penelope's "You miss me, but you would never court me?" Oofff! Let me tell you, as a big girl who is always the embarrassment, no one would ever been seen in public romancing me, I was always the secret, the hook up while they waiting for something better to come along, this really hit home and I was like, YES! The fat wallflower girl gets the Bridgerton boy!
What I wasn't expecting was for me to fall head over heels in love with Anthony during his season and creating a fic outline for an OC!

THEN I finally watched Charlotte, an anime I tried to get into years ago but didn't feel all too interested in when it first came out. I have like two episodes left but I'm the type that I LOOK for spoilers! I don't like mysteries or cliff hangers! And now that I know how it ends, I hate it! I don't want to know! And what else? I created an OC for that too! What a damn surprise to no one! Of course I would!
The Bridgerton fic will probably never make it out of the google drive, but the Charlotte one? It could happen. Probably no more than the 30 others, but!! Yuu Otosaka deserves better!

Chapter 121


Not me out here writing a chapter and posting it the same day, with no stops or breaks!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

With Master Makarov back in Fiore, and in the safety of the guild, celebration began. Beers were handed out and many cheered.

Alice stood at the frame of the big doors, as if waiting for her chance to escape. She felt more like a fly on the wall than a member of this illustrious guild she once called family.
Trying to force the sentiments to come up only had acid burning her throat.

She remembered the emotions that flooded her during the initial reunion. But that was all over now.


They came home, cleaned up a bit, then for a week they had started to rebuild the guild hall when Mest came and revealed the big truth bomb and Makarov’s location. It took roughly two days to get to the island and then being attacked by Ajeel and then being saved by the Magical Bomber Christina and then just half a day to get back to Magnolia.

What changed?

Was it really her jealousy of Lucy? No, nothing so superficial.

Maybe the glitz and glam of reuniting with her old guild mates wore off. They were no longer missing each other and were back to facing their last truths when they were last together over a year ago when the guild hall was diminished to ruin when Tartaros attacked.

Maybe she didn’t have the ability to feel love because all she knew anymore was cold and isolation.

She wondered about going back to Crocus.
A whole year of dissociation. Putting on a mask and being someone else. The only rough times were at night when she laid in bed all alone.

But she was unable to sleep much these days. Perhaps she could put use to those hours by brushing up on her magic? If she wanted to secure victory against the Spriggan Twelve and Zeref, himself, she needed to lean into the darkness.

It's not as hard as you think. The warbled collective of voices combined as one rang in her head. She envisioned a gross, decaying hand dripping with dark liquid reaching out to her.
I want to use your power, but I don't want you to take over. I want to be in full control.
Who said you wouldn't be? I am not a demonic entity of my own making. I am you. You are me. You're just fighting your natural instincts. She breathed out a slow and steady breath as she closed her eyes. Perhaps it was right.
You're right. I am the very thing I fight, that I despise with my entire being, something that has me terrified to my bones. She reached out to the hand in her mind, and she recoiled at the cold of it.

You and I are one of the same.

As the guild buzzed with laughter, shouts, and fights breaking out Alice went up to the upstairs loft. She passed by Cana, Levy, and Lucy laughing together as Lucy chugged a large stein of beer with the two girls cheering her on.

Mirajane and Lisanna were chatting with the newly arrived Thunder Legion.

The 1st generation dragon slayers, and Gray and Juvia talked and something Gray had said set off Gajeel and Natsu.

Erza and Master talked, Kinana ran the bar smoothly, Reedus painted the happy celebration.

Everyone had their place. As things should be. None of them minded Alice walking by. Their elated energy stood strong against the gloom and dreadful aura she had around her and it affected no one but her.

She felt like she was outside of her body, like this was all a dream. She felt lighter, more at ease. It took a massive weight of her shoulders to let the demon loose, letting it run off leash with supervision instead of using all her might to keep the door shut against a force that was out of her league.

As Gajeel wrapped Gray into a tight headlock with Juvia and Wendy protesting against a fight, Natsu couldn’t help but look away as he noticed the steady scent he kept present in his mind had started to move. No longer lingering by the doors but moving through the hundreds of different smells around him. Alcohol, greasy food, sweat, dirt, dust, the thousands of personal scents mixed with perfumes, heavy fragrances and magic, and her floral, contorting scent never got lost in it.

It didn’t take long to find her in the sea of people. She was a walking storm cloud, dark and ominous.
Her voidless black hair, eerie blood red eyes, the all black outfit she wore.
Wearing all black wasn’t out of her nature. She always had an affinity for dark styles.

She currently wore a black corset-esque tank-top that had deep plum purple accents, a black skirt with poofed out, asymmetrical mesh fabric overlaying the mini skirt, with some dark maroon tights underneath, and some black leather platform boots that went to her calf.

Alice really took to making her outside look how she felt inside to an extreme.

All she was missing was the excessive face piercings and white face paint, in Natsu’s opinion. It sickened him. This wasn’t the Alice he fell in love with. He was adverse to this demon that took over her. It changed her. She was quick to anger, jealous, depressed, and always looking for the easy way out.

Well, Alice had her moments before but all her negative personality traits were dominant now.

And he hated how he felt helpless. What was doing this to her? Was she cursed, what this truly a demon of Zeref?
How could he reverse it? It was so strong and both Wendy and Levy had guessed that this was something deeply embedded in Alice, that has grown with her, fed off her, only growing stronger.

Black Alice, they used to call her outbursts. But was it just the demon energy inside of her feeding off her worst moments?

And now it had nearly consumed her. All that stopped it from having her entirely was her lack of consent to let it do so. Or so she said.
But it sounded like she was losing that fight and soon enough it wouldn’t need it. It was no longer a fight for control, but the fight for her entire existence. It was becoming her, contorting her into its own image.

He watched her walk through the guild hall towards the steps up to the loft. He drowned out the sounds of Gajeel and Gray because he was thrown off by Alice looking serene? Her eyes were soft, her face relaxed, her mouth curling in peace.

Had saving the master and bringing the guild back to his time of excellence made her happy? Allowing her a moment of peace? Did it block out the darkness in her for a moment?



His stomach dropped and he felt all the plates of food he ate start to burn the back of his throat as he broke out into a cold sweat.
With each step, Alice had started to transform.
Her hair lengthened slowly but surely. Any undertone of red was gone. It was a dark void of black. It wasn't full and voluminous like it was in it's glory. It was flat and lifeless.

Her complexion had faded to a translucent paper white.
As she came to the top of the stairs and turned to face the people below her, Natsu could see her eyes seemed to glow now. She was quite a distance away from him.
But he could see the purple sunken in color around her eyes, her clothes looked like they were suddenly far too big on her.

She was a walking corpse. What did she do? Did she give in? Was the excitement too much?

He stared up at her and the worst of it all. Her heart beat slowed and hushed... And what was that? It sounded like the pops of embers over a fire but... cold?
He didn't want to direct attention to it.

It? Alice! He couldn't start referring to her like a creature!

But this wasn't the love of his life anymore. This was a demon that took Alice away from him.

A demon that frightened her, that had her exhausted and sick from fighting it, something she was sure was going to kill her, something that she asked Natsu to kill.

This creature had her face, but her skin was taught against bone. Her cheeks were hollow, her eyes were gaunt. It had stringy black hair and horrifying inhuman eyes as it stared at him with a cruel curl to her cracked, dry lips.

Who was in control? Was it Alice, or a demon pretending to be her? Would it truly kill the guild? When would it strike? When someone called it out? When Alice finally lost her humanity and everything that was her had died? Right now wasn't the time to ask, he didn't want to strike a chord and regret it.

Alice wrapped her hands over the top of the railing, she could feel the weight of the black, cracked, decaying talons of nails as they grew nearly half the length of her fingers. She trembled at the tickling sensation of her hair brushing over her thighs. She felt like ice, like a dead body buried under snow. But her skin didn’t burn, didn’t break into goosebumps, she didn’t chitter or shake with a chill. Each breath she took felt like it wasn’t enough but her lungs didn’t require the air at all.

She looked down at the guild mates below her. She could hear each individual conversation, the rasp of breath, the thump of hearts pumping with warm blood. She smelled the sour of bodies cramped together in a warm guild hall, the sweet of feminine perfumes, the nuttiness of the oil in the fryers, the dank woodiness that the very building was made of.

It overwhelmed her but she felt unable to express it.

This is the power you promised me?

This is just the beginning. Slowly your body will become adjusted to living off the power of your demon seed, no longer dependent on your heart. Your magic container will empty as you won’t need to filter etherion out of the air, you’ll use the demon power from your growing demon seed.

You talk of a demon seed, something I’m not familiar with.

Yes, you’ve read on demons, demons of Zeref. Nothing of those texts refer to seeds. Because those demons were created into existence by Zeref.
You have a human body, incapable of handling demon power. That demon power turned into a seed to implant itself into your body and grow with you. It is no longer dependent on your life to grow, it can sustain itself now. It is something you have unique to yourself. Have you ever heard of a demon originating from a human before? No. Demons and Demon Slayers, and of course the master of those demons, Zeref.

There you go mentioning Zeref. Is that where you come from? Did he curse me with you?

You forget, I am you. This consciousness you call me, separate from you is only your own way of coping with this. Me, you, we are the same. My ideas, my knowledge, it is you. You just refuse to believe you are capable of it, so you blame it on something else. But it has always been you. You believe Zeref cursed you, so that is what I’ll believe as well. I came into being the same day you did, you gave me a name and a separation when you first noticed me.

“Of course. So I don’t need to talk to you any longer. We are the same person, I just need to remove the wall I put in place to protect my peace.” She muttered to herself.

And now I am finally free.

Master Makarov pounded the end of his cane on the wooden stage he stood on, quieting the guild all at once.
“Children, let me apologize. I’m not going to make any excuses for myself. I took your home and your way of life away from you. That was a mistake on my part.”

“Don’t worry about it. Mest explained everything on the way back.” Bickslow replied over the silence.

“You did what you thought was needed to protect us.” Freed added.

“We understand your feelings.” Evergreen said.

“And anyways, the guild’s all back together so everything is fine.” Lisanna said.

“Yeah, so that’s why I think we should celebrate with some more booze and less boo-hoos.” Cana tried to lighten the mood.

Alice stared down without any feeling, watching her great-grandfather walk off the stage to the first table that had the partial map that had both Fiore and Alvarez on it with two different marker pieces. One was a stone empire and the other was the Fairy Tail emblem.

Master climbed to stand on the wooden bench and with his cane he swooped the handle around Alvarez’s piece and slid it towards Magnolia. “This is serious. Since I wasn’t able to negotiate for our safety, there’s no doubt Alvarez will invade. They are a true superpower, and they will throw everything they have at us.”

Natsu pushed his way through to the map. “So what?! I’m ready! Time and time again we put everything on the line for the sake of the guild, no matter how tough our enemies may be, we fight for what’s most important to us. That’s what makes us so strong. It’s not that I’m not scared, but no matter how I feel, I can’t let go of my responsibility. Plus, I know I can count on everybody else. What I’m scared of losing is my family, and what we all have together. So we can’t run away from this. We have to fight! For our family and the bond we share! We gotta make a stand! And this isn’t about winning! It’s about our way of living!” Natsu slammed his hand on the table and the heat sparked a fire, burning away the map of Alvarez and their marker, stopping just before the edge of Fiore.

Alice heard the railing under her grasp crack and the wood splintered and fell away. She didn’t realize how hard she was holding it.
She agreed with Natsu. She had a responsibility to him, their family, their guild. And if their one true opponent was Zeref and his militia, then she’d put everything on the line.

For so long she fought against the dark power, even though she envied the power that she couldn’t have. The risk of losing herself, losing the people she loved was too great.

But now that she had lost that fight and surrendered herself, she realized just how great this power was. This was going to be her last hurrah. Using the demon power until she lost herself entirely in the name of saving the things she held in the highest regard was worth it.

She felt the pressure in her chest that she guessed was her slowing heart squeezing. It was numb, it wasn’t painful but it was trying to fight for its life before the demon seed decayed it to ash.
She looked back to Natsu and the pressure grew stronger like her heart was trying to push itself through her rib cage, out of her flesh for him.

But that’s what it was all for. Saving him.
Ensuring his future.
She wished for so long that she would be in his future, they’d share a life together. Flashes of white, and the glimmer of jewels on a ring raced through her head. Nothing more than a hopeless wish.
The giggle of a baby’s cooing, a fat little hand gripping one of her fingers. Natsu’s warm smile as they both were gathered around a chubby baby with pink hair and teal draconian eyes.

A domestic life that was never hers to have.

But she wouldn’t let this threat steal that away from Natsu.

Fight the fight, stand on the ashes of their beaten foes, and she’d disappear if there was enough time. If using the dark magic didn’t corrupt her too much and she’d have the strength to leave.

The bottom of the ocean, locked away in a demon-proof chamber. Forever chambered in stone, frozen in enchanted ice, or falling off the highest mountain peak, anything that could stop herself!

“Sounds like everyone has made up their minds, old man.” Laxus spoke for the collective Fairy Tail.
“As have I.” Master stood tall and raised his cane up into the air and a bright light of magic energy came from it. “Listen up! We’re gonna make them rue the day they decided to mess with our family! Let’s take them down!”


Love the shift in my curated playlists I made for my fic.
My autism is showing from how I have specific playlists for EVERYTHING, folders and folders, and folders withIN folders!
Fairy Tail- 6 playlists and 1 folder
Revamped Fairy Tail- 7 playlists and one folder
Alice- 4 playlists. Alice's demons, Alice's depression, Alice's setlist, and Alice FTW
All about fairy tail vibes, Alitsu vibes, ideas I once had for the direction I wanted it to go, the way it's actually going, abandoning the series for a couple years and having different ideas and vibes and making new playlists.

But in this chapter we go from sad, depressing, soft songs from Alice's depression and losing grip on herself to Alice's demons which is when Alice lets go and accepts the anger and bloodlust.

When The Day Met the Night (Natsu Dragneel/Original Female Character) - Zellyjs (2024)


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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.